Monthly Ubqari Magazine June 2016 in English

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Ubqari Magazine


June 2016 Editor: Shaikh-ul-Wazaaif,

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Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi

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Office of Monthly Ubqari Center of Peace and Spirituality, 78/3, Ubqari Street Near Qartaba Mosque, Mazang Chongi, Lahore Pakistan.




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Chughtai PhD, USA.




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Ubqari Magazine June 2016

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Table of Contents The Aggrieved Voices, Burnt Homes and Ruined Lives ................................................................................. 4 A magnificent secret of the Universe ........................................................................................................... 7


Immediate Reward for Being Munificent While Fasting............................................................................. 10 SUMMER VACATION, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR THE FUN & ENJOYMENT OR AN EFFECTIVE TRAINING ...... 13 An Enlightened Grave of an Old Shepherd Witnessed by Everyone: ......................................................... 16

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Fasting helps you let go of tension ............................................................................................................. 19 Some rules to gain comfort in the hot month of June................................................................................ 21 The importance of the day and night of Ramadan ..................................................................................... 23 Authentic & Soul Nurturing Wazaif of Abdul Karim Subhani...................................................................... 26


5 Heat Breaking Things in Ramadan: .......................................................................................................... 29 Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only:....................................................... 32


Effective treatment of physical ................................................................................................................... 35

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How my life changed? ................................................................................................................................. 38 You can also be most successful person of this world! .............................................................................. 40


Memorable Ramadan and wonderful Eid! Let us tell you how! ................................................................. 48

For those who want to see Hazrat Khizar ‫ علیہ السالم‬.................................................................................... 51


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Your questions ………answer of Hazrat Allamah Lahoti............................................................................... 54 Daily problems of formers and easy tips of Ubqari .................................................................................... 57


Try Ramadan energy drink! No tiredness, no hotness and no thirst .......................................................... 60 The summer’s Heat ends by a Single Drought! ........................................................................................... 62 Domestic psychological problems and their ensuring and proven remedies............................................. 65


Poor people become rich with one amal of Ramdhan ............................................................................... 68 Ubqari Gives a Unique Task to Children during the Holy Ramadan ........................................................... 71


When the Jinn Created Chaos in the Girls School, a True Seen Incident .................................................... 74 An Eye Opening Revelations by Gravedigger of Miani Sahib Graveyard!................................................... 77


Do you know the benefits and prosperity of pre Eid night? ....................................................................... 79 Little worship and rewards of thousand months! SubhanAllah ................................................................. 84


Women ask ................................................................................................................................................. 87 How to eat pre-fast meal and pro-fast meal? Know................................................................................... 89 TESTED AND PROVEN WRITINGS OF READERS: .......................................................................................... 92

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After Iftar half cup of Mint Kehwah and it its marvels: (Muhammad Ali, Multan) .................................... 97 Letter from a soldier of Pak Army for readers: ........................................................................................... 99 BORN FRIEND OF JINNAT .......................................................................................................................... 101


A letter and anxiety, poverty, disease is over ........................................................................................... 106 The need of awakening the understanding of preaching: ........................................................................ 108 Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Prescriptions ............................................................................ 111

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Swift Marriage: A Simple Practice............................................................................................................. 117







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Whatever College you want gets admitted .............................................................................................. 120

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For the best matches of girls: Reciting Surah Al-Ahzaab 40 times in one sitting with odd number of participants will open the fate of the girlss and they will soon get a suitable match. (Muhammed Faran Arshad (Muzaffar Garh)

Be hasty in doing good deeds before the seven things happen:


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Hazrat Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: be hasty in doing virtuous deeds before seven things happen. Don’t you wait for such a misery that would make you forgetful of everything or such affluence which makes you rebellious (against Allah) or such ailment which makes you lifeless or the old age which makes you insane or such death which comes suddenly (without leaving any chances for repentance) or the Antichrist (Dajjal) which is one the worst hidden evil or the Day of Judgement which is the harshest and bitterest of all. (Tirmidhi).


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Six rights of a Muslim over the other Muslims: Hazrat Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah(Peace be upon him) said: A Muslim has six rights over the other Muslims: Invoke peace when meeting, accept invitation when invited, utter YarhamukAllah in replying to someone’s sneezing(while the other has said AlhamduliLLah), should do iyadah when he falls ill, and should go in his funeral if he dies and likes for him whatever he likes for himself.(Ibn-e-Majah)


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Whispers of the Heart (By Editor’s Pen)


My observations, contemplations and thoughts

The Aggrieved Voices, Burnt Homes and Ruined Lives



Dear readers! My grief is bitter and deep, my tale is not worthy to be told but i feel helpless against my heart which is not letting me hide this deep sorrow in it. I will need your attention for the a few coming months for the problems which have arisen mainly due to abuse of mobile phones, internet and free mixing. You are requested to share my grief and suggest me the corrective way forward to encounter these issues.



Letter 4: Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! Assalamu Alaikam! My first marriage took place 11 years ago but we soon separated as he was an evil natured person. I have a ten years old son from him. My second marriage was with my paternal cousin but he left me due to my child two years ago. Now i want to marry for the third time but i am scared if it would be successful or not. I am living with my three brothers who have their families to support as well and they are not that well up. My parents have died and i do not earn anything for myself. I do not know what to do. I am extremely worried.

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Letter 5: The old age ailments in the youthful years: Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, I have a pale face full of pimples with pus in them and loads of wrinkles, week teeth, a chronic strain in my shoulders and back, a permanent ache in my hip bone which does not let me move after a little distance and it also becomes intolerable pain while i sit; I have bad digestion, obesity, leucorrhoea, melancholy, thin hair, bad ear, nose and throat and my mouth is always full of saliva. The tip of my tongue is always paining and it is very hard to speak out. I experience twisting moods, a constant anger, depression, arrogance, and very often i mutter to myself. I do not have any goal in the life. I am always surrounded by the regrets and have an ill feeling towards my younger family members as well as for my parents. I do not mingle in gatherings and remain quiet most of the times. Due to constant arguments between my parents, i do not have any zeal to do anything at all. I always think of leaving my home, and my gestures are always rude. I have a bad appearance and nervous weakness. I never offer prayers and have mixed attitude towards listening music. I have no control over my mind as it is always possessed by stressful thoughts. This condition of uncertainty and lack of confidence has affected my trust into others. Sometimes, i think about goodness but i am never able to act upon it. I have nightmares quite often and they haunt me throughout the day. Please pray for me.







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Letter 6: A deviant husband: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamu Alaikam! It was in the last Ramadan that my husband would bring few of his friends daily into our house after the Iftaar who would spend the whole night in playing cards, listening to music, smoking shisha and having long gossips and then would depart after having the Sahri meal. When i reminded him that it was all disliked and against the Will of Allah, he would start shouting loudly and had fierce arguments with me. He said that i should not have any problem with it as he was himself arranging for all that. When i complained about all this to my mother in law to remind her son regarding Ramadan and she asked him, he became furious and attacked me physically with the worst abuses while beating me on my head. He had been doing this before as well. His actions which do not appeal me are so bad that when i stop him, he becomes infuriated and look like he is under the influence of any demonic effect and he is not shy of disgracing me in front of all my neighbours. I feel so pissed that i have asked my mother in-law to bring a second wife for him but after knowing about his bad habits and harsh temper, no one bothers about him. His expenditure is lavish. He sold the brand new car and invested into his business and that all went down the drains. He sold his second car on the same day without asking anyone. Now he is pursuing me to sell my property so that he could invest into his business. He would spend away all what he had earned in lavish activities and favoured his friends and became poorer and poorer by every passing day. He has immoral relations with the other women as well. Please pray for him.

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Letter 7: the destruction by internet: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamu Alaikam! May the Millions of Allah’s Blessings be upon you. I am quite worried about my son who never delves into his studies and always remains busy in texting and calling on his phone. He used to pray before but since he has a bought the latest mobile, he is completely heedless about praying or recitation of Quran. He has friended six seven girls and they exchange filthy texts and pictures among themselves. He posts filthy pictures on the Facebook which i have seen while he is asleep. He has disgraced me before the whole of my family. Please pray for the correction of my child. Dear readers, i have presented a handful of the aggrieved writings to you. What is their remedy and what needs to be done is what you need to suggest. I will wait for your response.







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One who prays from the heart: never lose a person who prays you from the heart as (after you have lost him) though you may get some prayers but they may not be from the heart. (Sayyadena Ali KarramAllahu Wajhu) by Farzana –Tala Gang)


An extract from the weekly sermon of spirituality and peace

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By Sheykh-ul-Wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Tariq Mahmoud Majzoobi Chughtai (Damat Barakatuhum Aliya)

A magnificent secret of the Universe


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Protection from every calamity: Friends! I was telling you the benefits of reciting Surah AlFatiha. It is mentioned in a tradition that whoever lies with an intention to sleep and then blow upon himself after reciting Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlas would be protected from everything except the death. I met a person who said: we had to travel through the jungle at night. We remembered the beloved messenger (‫’)ﷺ‬s saying that whoever recites Surah AlFatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlas will be protected from every calamity. Therefore, we did so and laid for rest. When we woke up next morning we were stunned to see the marks of big and small snakes around us although no one came near us. O the Friends of Allah! Whenever you act, act with full trust and then witness its fruit from your own eyes. The reward equal to hundred martyrs: act on one Sunnah of the beloved messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬with


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sincerity and with the intention to please Allah and His Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬only. The crux of a



Hadith is that the beloved messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said that: when acting on my Sunnah will be abolished near the day of judgement then the one who revives one of my Sunnah will get the reward of a hundred martyrs. The same thing has been mentioned in some other books with the reward as that of his companions. Therefore whoever would have trust and sincerity will get the maximum benefit of the deed. The Blessings from the Treasures of Arsh (Allah’s Throne): it is mentioned in another tradition




that the beloved messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said: i have been bestowed four things from the Bounties of Allah’s Arsh (Throne) and no one ever had anything from there before or afterwards. First Surah Al-Fatiha, secondly Ayatul Kursi, thirdly the last verse of Surah Al-Baqarah and fourthly Surah Al-Kauthar. Thanks to the finality of prophethood, whatever we have got was through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬and whatever was blessed upon him was just for him no one else. The above four things were bestowed from Allah’s special Treasures of Arsh and the special things will have their special benefits as well due to their nature and the same will not be present in any other deed. These benefits will turn the impossible to possible and these benefits will resolve the problems and bring successes.

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Saying of Hazrat Hassan Al-Basri (‫)رحمتہ ہللا علیہ وسلم‬: it is mentioned in a tradition which has been narrated through Hazrat Hassan Al-Basri (May Allah be pleased with him) that whoever recites Surah Fatiha is likened to one who have recited the whole of the Heavenly books (Tora, Injeel, Gospels and Quran). In another tradition it is mentioned that whoever recites Surah AlFatiha once is like having recited two third of Quran.


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The hue and cry of Iblees (The Devil): In a tradition, the beloved messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬said that there were four occasions when Iblees had to cry and put dust into his hair in disgrace. It is a phrase like when a man becomes so pissed off that he pulls his hair and strikes his skull against the wall on knowing about some great misfortunes. The same happened with Iblees at four occasions. Behold and think about who is saying, the most truthful person in the whole universe. The first occasion was when Ibless was cursed and expelled from the paradise; second when the beloved messenger (Peace be upon him) was born; third when he was bestowed with the prophethood and fourth when Surah Al-Fatiha was revealed. The devil did so as he knew the hidden power of Surah Al-Fatiha.

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An obligatory part of every prayer: O friends of Allah! Surah Al-Fatiha is the integral part of every prayer be it voluntary prayers (Nafal) or obligatory (Fardh WA Sunan). It is obligatory to recite it for any prayer that you may offer.


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Foundation of Quran: in another tradition it is mentioned that once a man came to the beloved messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬and complained for the kidney pain. He (‫ )ﷺ‬instructed the person to recite the Asaasul Quran (the foundation of Quran) and blow on the aching place. The beloved companions enquired what Asaasul Quran was? Upon this the beloved messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬replied: Asaasul Quran is Surah Al-Fatiha.




Surah Fatiha as Ism-e-Azam: it is in the practices of the Godly persons that Surah Al-Fatiha is Ism-e-Azam. God is Gracious! We yearn in the whole world to seek it but this Ism-e-Azam is present in Surah Al-Fatiha. I came across a Godly person who said: i would recite Surah AlFatiha abundantly for years but the effectiveness that i was looking for was still beyond reach. I went to a saint and asked him how I could get my wish fulfilled as it was my strongest desire to recite this surah and get the effectiveness of Ism-e-Azam. The saint replied that it would be possible if he would spend at least forty days in his discipleship.



The words of wise people: in fact the act performed without the hard effort may becomes a worthless action or ends up in creating doubts in the mind of the doer. In Europe, once a book was sold for millions of pounds. Someone said the author has written just one book which has the greatest secret of the whole universe in it. The book was put to auction. Its writer was a great thinker. The book was sealed and when it was out to auction, it won the bid of millions of pounds. The buyer took the book with trembling hands and brought it to his house. Then he started opening its seals and opened it. The first page was completely blank, the second one blank and the same was the case with all the hundred pages except the last page which had just

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one quote mentioned in it, ‘he who would keep his head, cool and his feet, warm will be one of the most successful person in the world’. This is one of the greatest secret that keeping cool at head and warm at the feet and is one of the greatest sign of the successful persons.


Continued.... Those who benefitted from the weekly sermon:



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Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alaikam! I am a lecturer of English in Government College, Lahore. Last year, one of my friends introduced me to the Ubqari’s website and i listened to all your Ramadan lectures and still listen to them regularly. Due to listening to your lectures, i have developed hatred against the sins and feeling enormous peace at my heart. Indeed the Godly people are those whose glimpse reminds one of Allah and the peace that is blessed cannot be described. Since i have started listening to your lectures, my worries have faded away. I had numerous worries and miseries at home but AlhamduliLLah with the Grace of Almighty, your sermons have brouught significant tranquillity at home.







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To know the wonderful spiritual recitations and acquire the secrets of closeness to Allah, read the complete set of Khutbat-e-Ubqari.

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Cure of Blood Pressure: Take turmeric, glucose and aniseed in equal quantity and grind them. Take one spoon early in the morning and get cured of high blood pressure. (Haji Mohammad Bilal Yaroo Khosa, Dera Ghazi Khan)

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Immediate Reward for Being Munificent While Fasting He was very generous and munificent person so much so that he never said No to anyone who asked for something. By chance three beggars came to him in one day. He gave one Ashrafi to each and went to sleep. A Few Pennies through Divinatory Help


The First Rich to Enter the Paradise




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According to the maid servant of Hazrat Abu Imama Bahimi, he was one of the most generous and munificent persons. He never said No to any of the needy and beggars. One day he had only three Ashrafees. By chance three beggars came to him. He was fasting on the day. He gave one to each and went to sleep. Her maid narrated that after a while she awoke him for the prayers. He went to mosque to offer the prayers. She was worried that neither he had a single penny nor a single grain to eat, how he would break his fast then. She further added that she owed some money from someone and cooked dinner and lit the lantern. When she went to make his bed, she stood in a stunned silence to see the amount of 300 Ashrafees on his bed. When he returned to home he had a smile on his face to see the lighting lantern and the food. He thankfully appreciated the bounty of Allah by saying that today I see bounties and blessings at my home. The maid further added that she served him the dinner and said to him that he left the money on his bed and didn’t even bother to tell her to keep it safely. Hazrat asked her out of surprise, “What are you talking about! Which money!” The maid said that on this she removed the corner of the bed sheet and showed him the money. He was astounded to see it and after a deep sigh he said it was nothing but a divinatory help by Allah. (Huliyatul Oliya Volume 10, pg 129, Shwadidun Naboowat 218)


According to the prophet Muhammad ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬, “The first richest to enter into the paradise among the all the richest people of my Ummah will be Abdur Rehman Bin Oaf. (Kanzul Aamal volume 12 pg 293)


Piety from the Womb of Mother

Narrated by Hazrat Ibrahim bin Addur Rehman (‫)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬, “Once Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Oaf got fainted for a while. When he regained his composure, he told us that two horrible angles had come to him and told him to go with them to the durbar of the Lord of the Worlds

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Who is Self Sufficient and Exalted. Mean time another angel emerged and told them to leave this person as he was overwhelmed with piety when he was still in the womb of his mother. (Kanzul Aamaal, volume 15, pg 203)

An Unfortunate Old Man


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Narrated by Haazrat Jabir (‫ )رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬that once a few people of Kufa went to the durbar of Ameer-ul Momineen, Hazrat Farooq-e-Azam (‫ )رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬in Madina, with a complaint against Hazrat Saad bins Abi Waqas (‫)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬. Hazrat Ameer-ul-Momineen sent some of his trust worthy companions (Sahabas) with those people to Kufa and instructed them to go to every mosque of Kufa after every prayer and ask the people about the character of Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas. Who so ever they asked about Hazrat Saad bin Abi waqas, he appreciated him and talked about his qualities except one person in one of the mosques, named, Abu Saada, who had three complaints against Hazrat Saad bin Abi waqas. Firstly, he doesn’t divide booty of war equally; secondly, he himself doesn’t go to war with his army; thirdly, he doesn’t take just decisions of the disputes. On hearing this Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas raised his hands to his Lord to curse the man that if the person is a liar then increase him in indigence and afflict him with trials and tribulations.



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According to Abdul Mulk bin Umair ‫ رحمت ہللا علیہ‬Tabaee what impact of this curse he saw was that when Abu Saada was extremely old his both the eyebrows grew so much so that they were covering his eyes and he used to beg door to door to fulfill his needs. Thus, he had an extremely pathetic and indigent life. At such old age he used to molest the passer by girls. When someone asked him the reason he replied,” I don’t know what to say, I am an unfortunate old man, I am afflicted with trials and tribulations and bad conduct due to the curse of Hazrat Saad bin Abi waqas.‫( ” رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬Hujjatullah-ul-Alameen, referenced in Bukhari, Muslim and Bahaqi) A Matchless Fish





Hazrat Abu Ubaida bin Jarah‫ رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬went on religious war (Jihaad) to Saif-ul-Baher along with 300 arm forces (Mujahideen).There they had run out of food. To such extent that each had only one date to eat in 24 hours. In a few days those dates got also finished. Now they did not have any other option except to remain hungry. In this critical condition, suddenly the violent waves of the sea threw a huge fish on the sea shore. These 300 arm forces ate their fill for 18 days and applied its fat on their bodies. Consequently they became more active and healthy. When going back to home, they cut off a piece of that fish and took with them to Madina for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. When they served it to the Prophet ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬, he ate it and said, “Allah has made this fish your destined food.” The fish was extremely huge. Hazrat Abu Ubaida bin Jarah (‫ )رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬ordered to install the two ribs of the fish into the land to tell the size

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of the fish to the people. The ribs were so mush huge that they formed such an enormous arch that a camel could go through it easily. (Bukhari Volume 2, pg 626) Turn your Gray Hair into Black; A Tasted Formula







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Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam u Alaikum, I come to Tasbeeh Khana regularly on every Thursday night to listen to your Dars. One of the girls asked me there about my gray hairs. Then she told me that when she was learning the Holy Quran by heart (hifz) her hair turned gray. She ate 3 bottles of gooseberry, taking in mornings and evenings with a glass of lukewarm milk. She had it for 5 to 6 months. Consequently her hairs turned black and still she doesn’t have a single gray hair. Still she eats it sometimes. It’s also beneficial for memory as well. (Rabia Qamar, Lahore)

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Acceptance of the Proposal (of Nikah): Write the Ayat No 73 and 74 of Surah Al-Ale Imran and tie it on your arm after ablution. Inshaa’Allah your proposal will be accepted wherever you are sending.



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The first part of the summer vacation will be the month of Ramadhan. Earn the prayers of your mother by helping her in doing Sehri O Aftari. Try to do as many acts of worship as you can. Recite the Holy Quran as much as possible.





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After an untiring schedule of studies the children passed their exams and promoted to new classes. After a few days of beginning of the new classes they have got their summer vacation break and willing to have some fun and enjoyment. Definitely the parents must have been willing to have some fruitful activities for their children during summer vacation to save themselves from the mischiefs of the children and to save them from wasting time on cell phone and computers so that they may develop a practical approach to life. We are here to give some suggestion in this regard, hope the mothers will act upon them. We want to suggest you that one way of utilization of this vacation is to visit some of the social welfare institutes to help the poor and disabled ones and to send your children to charity schools to offer their services. We believe it will be a great way to train your children and inculcate the moral values in them. Secondly, you have to tell them that there is always a way and manner to perform every task for example, when they get up early in the morning, they go to washroom first, secondly they brush their teeth and perform ablution for the prayers then they have their breakfast and afterwards they get ready for school. They do not put on their uniform immediately after getting up from their beds and get into van. Teach them that even during this summer break they can change their routine to some extent but not their good habits. These two to three months are really important for them. They can overcome their lacking in their studies to improve their grades. Tell them not to waste this valuable time on cell phones, computers or playing cricket in the streets. Obviously they cannot study all the time and need some entertainment but they should remember that spending time on cell phones and computers is not the only entertainment instead unnecessary use of these gadgets is extremely harmful for health especially for their ears, eyes and brain. Also it increases their tiredness. Most of them dislike drinking milk but they should remember that eating chips, junk food and drinking fizzy drinks will not add to their health.



Eat something light and immediately digest able in this hot weather. Play outdoor games for physical health and exercise like; hockey, tennis, football, and throw ball etc. Also forbid them from watching television as it will make them lazy and less active. They should do their summer vacation homework under someone’s supervision and set their timetable. Computers should be used only to get required information regarding their studies not for chatting with their friends on face book. It should never be happened that mothers are calling them for meals and they are

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sitting stand still in front of the computer screens. It’s a golden opportunity for growing girls to learn some domestic chores to please their parents. As the first half of the summer vacation is Ramadhan so they should help their mothers in Sehri O Aftari to earnn their prayers and love. Do as many acts of worship as you can and recite as much Quran Pak as you can in the holy month of Ramadhan. Also study Islamic literature to increase your knowledge.

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Children’s Training During Vacation: Saying of the Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, “Take advantage of your free time before you become occupied.” (Al Mustadrikalhakim 7846)


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So according to the saying of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬one should take advantage of free time taking it as a blessing by utilizing it in the best possible way. Especially an integrated plan should be made for individual improvement, betterment of home environment, training of the children and their character building. Actually we never value our free time. Every year a long summer or winter vacation break is given to the students according to the climate throughout the country. On the one hand it’s pleasing for the students and teachers on the other hand it increases responsibilities of mothers consequently they can never utilize it and take any advantage of this opportunity. Particularly mothers of small children and parents of boys remain under pressure. In this regard I want to suggest some following practical tips:



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The first step is to choose right time for different activities. According to the saying of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬morning time is full of blessings. Start all of your activities immediately after Fajr prayers. Do not waste this golden time in sleeping. Fix the time for their sleeping according to their age, education and routine activities after discussing with your children. Never mention in front of relatives and friends that your children have got a long vacation now you have to bear them 24/7. This will create a distance between you and your children and the opportunity to give warm welcome to your children will be missed.





Plan a week’s program together with your children every week. Give them some responsibilities according to their interests and intelligence. Being busy on phone for hours is waste of time and also confiscation of your children’s rights. When your most valuable treasure is in front of you, and your hereafter’s success depends upon their nurture and training so why do you waste your this treasure? One can be given reward on waking up at Fajr time. Give the responsibility of waking up for Fajr time to one of the siblings and exchange it with others so that everyone may develop a sense of responsibility and a passion for piety and cooperation. They should listen to each other’s Hifz-e-Quran even if these are two ayaat only. You can also keep a session of collective study to explain a hadith, a brief annotation of some ayaat or some other Islamic literature. For their practical guidance teach them invocation for morning and evening, the way of offering prayers (Namaz) along with its translation and the way of offering funeral prayers and memorization of brief Surahs. Teach them to do their work with mutual discussion. Fix a

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time for their summer vacation home work and make them work under your supervision. Plant some trees in flower pot and parterre and teach your children how to take care of them. Invite your children’s friends to your home. This will make your relationship with your children strong and also will increase their and their friend’s trust on you. Which will be a lot helpful for you in future? Don’t take this two to three months summer break as a burden but it’s a golden opportunity and a right of your children on you to train them and give them time. It’s not only your moral duty but you will be accountable for this in front of Allah. According to the saying of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬you can give the best gift to your children in the form of a good training and education.

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Conviction of Belief: A person having a firm belief and good moral values is beloved of people as well as Allah at the same time.

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An Enlightened Grave of an Old Shepherd Witnessed by Everyone: (Mohammad Suleman, Jehlum) Today we witnessed something very strange. I and my wife were walking on the road outside the college we saw a white light coming out from the graveyard near the road. The light was extremely gleaming.



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Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam o Alaikum! May Allah bless you with long life and more righteousness, and may we always get benefitted by you. Ameen. As per your instruction I am first time writing to you my experience in shattered words. As the holy month of Ramadhan has been sighted and in this month the Holy Quran was revealed to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so I am sharing one of the occurrences about the greatness of the Holy Quran. It was in the evening of 1998 0r 1999, the clock struck 8, when my land line was ringing. Until I approached the phone it had got disconnected. In the next morning when I went to college my Urdu professor told me that he had phoned me the night before but I did not attend. I excused him and told that it had stopped ringing till I approached.( At that time there wasn’t CLI to call back) I asked him the reason he called for. He told me that he saw something strange the previous night. He began saying, “ I and my wife were walking outside the college on the road when we saw an extremely gleaming white light like a search light coming out from one of the graves in the graveyard near the road.We were shocked to see such a bright light. I phoned you when you did not attend I called to Islamiat professor and narrated him the whole story. He also came to see himself but none of us gathered courage to go to the grave.”




Later on when I confirmed from Professor Abdul Karim Sahib he said that he had himself gone along with Professor Niazi Sahib and had watched the light.I was curious to know about the inhabitant of the grave. I enquired the pump operator of my college, Molvi Khalilur Rehman, who belonged to a nearby village, who had passed away that night and how he was. On my investigation he told me that a person had passed away the previous day in the village, named, Kalli.


The person was 70 years old. He learnt to recite the Quran Pak in his childhood but when he grew adult he had forgotten. Again when he grew older he had a strong desire to learn the Quran Pak. He was a shepherd by profession. He always kept the Quran Pak with himself. While the goats grazed in the fields he used to recite the Quran Pak. Whatever time he got he remained busy in the recitation of the Quran Pak even before and after Nmaz he recited the Quran Pak. Allah SWT liked his that deed to the extent that after his death He enlightened his grave with a

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bright, luminous light with the blessing of the Quran Pak so much so that its brightness illuminated the world outside his grave and many people witnessed it. I can never forget this miracle. In order to describe the greatness of the Quran Pak I often narrate this to the people to refresh my own belief as well and that the people realize the greatness of the Quran Pak and act upon its teachings along with the recitation to get success in this world as well as in the hereafter. May Allah SWT guide all the Muslims including me to recite, listen, understand and act upon the teachings of the Quran Pak and may He keep benefitted the people from the blessings of Tasbeeh Khana till the Day of Judgment. Ameen Suma Ameen. I Was Not the Deserving One:

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Respected Hakeem Sahib Assalam O Alaikum! I read about the Ayat 114 of Surah Al Maidah in the special edition of the Ubqari Magazine 2014. I started reciting the ayat in mornings and evenings daily. Due to this I started praying heartily, and I found increment in my earning. And the most amazing was that I offered forty times Salatul Tasbeeh in this Ramadhan before that I offered rarely one to two times in a year. I believe it’s only because of this Ayat that Allah has chosen me for His worship. Really I don’t deserve it.


Islam and Tolerance (Ibne Zaib Bhikari)



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The Prophet of Islam, Mohammad‫ ﷺ‬Generosity with the NonMuslims: (Episode 110)

Generosity with a Non- Muslim Guest:





Syedna Naeem bin Masood Ashjee says two ambassadors of Musaillima bin Kazzab brought his letter to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. After reading his letter the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked the ambassadors what they had thought about the prophet hood of Musailima bin Kazzab. They replied that they had believed in his prophet hood. On hearing this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “According to the law ambassadors cannot be killed. If it were not the law I would put to you to the sword.” (Abu Dawood 2761). It shows to whatever religion the guest belongs, he would be treated according to the law. Like when the Christians of Najiran came to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, he made them stay in the Masjid-e-Nabvi. It was the time of after Asr prayers. When the time came to worship they indulged in their prayers. Some of the companions of the prophet‫ ﷺ‬wanted to stop them from worshipping there but the prophet forbad them to do so and the Christians started worshipping in the Masjid-e-Nabvi directing towards east. (Dalaile Naboowat Lil Behqi 4825)

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“The Prophet of Islam, Mohammad ‫ﷺ‬Generosity with the Non-Muslims” All the incidents are available in the form of book. Must read and gift to others. Also don’t forget to read the books, “Non-Muslims Places of Worship, Their Rights and Our Responsibilities” in Urdu as well as in English.

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A Precious Formula; Black Plaster: Only for the Readers of Ubqari Magazine: Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalam O Alaikum, I have one formula for making an effective plaster which is my heartily secret and I don’t share it with others but I share it today with the readers of Ubqari Magazine as a gift.


Ingredients: Take 50 grams of vermillion, 3 grams of vitriol 3, 10 grams of Musbir and mustard oil ¼ liters.


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Recipe: Now, take an iron frying pan, first, heat the oil then grind vermillion, vitriol and Musbir and cook it on low stove. Keep mixing it with an iron knife till the matter becomes black. Switch off the stove when the matter is black. It’s ready now. It can be used for massage as well as a plaster. Before using warm it a bit and spread it on a piece of a cloth. It will stick like a plaster.







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(Dr.Liaqat Ali Sultani, Rahim Yaar Khan)

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To help strengthen your intestines, adding some drops of olive oil in a glass of milk everyday would be beneficial.


Fasting helps you let go of tension

Azam Gillani


Obedience to Allah's commandments: Obedience comes after the feeling of connection with Allah and so within the month of Ramadan, those with a stronger connection tend to more welcoming towards the commandments of Allah. The spirit of Ramadan is exactly that, to remind ourselves of our dependence on Allah and to rekindle the remembrance of Allah and not just stay thirsty or hungry only. Putting a restriction only on our desires and doing nothin else would render us unproductive in the least.


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From the first day of Ramadan till the last, one goes through a disciplined training and rigorous routine.  The feeling of being connected to Allah: Perhaps the first thing that comes to light when one thinks of Ramadan is that the purpose behind it is to tame the sense of recklessness that we come across throughout the remaining year. Meaning that Ramadan is intended to help us acknowledge the presence of Allah in a more practical manner or in a manner that effects our lifestyle more than ever. Kuffar is nothing more than thinking that we are in control of everything instead of thinking that we are a khalifa of Allah. Just like namaz is for the purpose of connecting us with Allah, similarly, Ramadan is a time of reflection and discipline that helps us carry the remembrance of Allah throughout the remaining months.


Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said that:

“Those who did not left speak lie and practice on lie then Allah doesnot need such person to leave his eating and drinking”


“There are people who did not get anything except hunger and thirst” Both these Hadith relay the message that fasting is more than just staying hungry or thirsty.




Character Building: The third aspect of Ramadan is to help us be attentive to the flaws in our character and that is only possible when Taqwa is there. Taqwa is not an attire that one can put on, instead Quran describes Taqwa in the meaning of responsibilty and the connection to Allah. The opposite of Taqwa is Fajoor and this refers to the instinct of promoting evil deeds. Ramadan like other pillars of Islam aims at trying to build Taqwa within a person in opposition to Fajoor. If a person is asked to stay hungry and thirsty from dawn till dusk and to stay this way whether he is alone or in company, then his staying like those brings some points to light: 1. He is fully aware of the fact that Allah has knowledge of everything in this universe which is what prompted that person to maintain his state of fasting even when alone.

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Restraint over your natural instincts: The instinct to eat and drink, have sex are the two basic restraints that one follows. Another restraint is our sleep too which gets affected by Taraweeh and Sehri timings. Since humans are basically animals only of a higher kind, we too are susceptible to the desires of sex and hunger. These two basic instincts if given too much rein can have a negative impact but if one keeps them in check then these instincts can be tamed. Ramadan is intended to help us tame these very instincts and through the rigorous routine of 30 days, it allows us to be the victor in our fight against our animal nature. The person who blindly follows his desires and has forgotten how to control his inclinations cannot achieve much in life which is why it is necessary that he takes full benefit of the month of Ramadan and regain that control.







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2. He has full belief on the Akhira or day of judgement since without this belief; he would not be able to stay in a state of fasting for 14 or more hours. 3. He has self restraint since he imposed restrictions on himself rather than someone else forcing him to. 4. By fasting, he chooses the hereafter over the present world or rather chose spirituality over the material world. 5. He doesn't give himself the freedom of choosing a time of convenience to fast but instead follows the guidelines of fasting on the time already appointed. 6. He has enough patience, concentration, and motivation to choose the unseen rewards of the hereafter instead of just following his instincts to go for profit in this world.

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‫ُ ُہ‬ Protection from Shirk: Recite ‫ْش ُک بّہٖ ش ریئا‬ ّ ‫ للَا للَا ر ِّب َل ا‬everyday 100 times. This will increase your Halal Rizk and would grant you protection from the momentous sin of shirk. Also recite Durud thrice before and after this practice.


Some rules to gain comfort in the hot month of June

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(Misbah Rameez, Lahore)


June! It is the month of extreme heat and hot winds. At home and at a shaded area life feels good however once you step outside phrases like 'Judgement day's heat' or 'Hell like weather' comes out of one's mouth. Still, one is forced to go out to do work or take care of some important matter. This time Ramadan Mubarak came in the month of June hence the survival tips for this sort of weather must be known to everyone. Our body has been constructed in such a way as to keep our temperature at a normal level. The maintenance of our body temperature through the homeostasis is not as developed in plants as it is in animals and humans.


The ways to remain strong in the hot weather:



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Stay away from direct sunlight: In summers going outside in direct sunlight can be extremely harmful especially while one is fasting. In the strong heat the air may become hot as well. The sunlight while being hot itself also heats up anything it falls on that is even the earth becomes hot. In this weather to go out with an uncovered head or chest might cause the inner heat of the body to be trapped inside with the additional heat from outside. When direct sunlight falls on one's exposed head it results in a problem in the brain which hinders the homeostasis occuring in the body and hence the body temperature rises according to its surroundings. That is why the head must be covered, you must try to avoid walking under the sun as much as possible, if you are not fasting then you should carry a bottle of water with you to avoid dehydration etc. Moving from a air conditioned room to outside and vice versa must be avoided.





Use of water and other liquids: In summers to keep our body temperature normal our skin constantly remains damp. Due to this perspiration our body loses sufficient amount of heat and it helps in cooling down. Thus our body temperature remains normal however we start lacking in water and mineral salts. We may quench our thirst with water and fulfill its requirement but we forget about the necessary salts needed by our body. If Ramadan is not in this month then we should drink as much water as we can in the day but if Ramadan does occur in this month then after breaking the fast (Iftari) we must keep drinking water in intervals to keep hydrated before going to bed. Instead of using plain water it is better to use drinks like lasi, lemonade etc which include some salt and sugar. By doing this our body is restored with its necessary salts and we are not aware of any weakness which is often complain of those people who do not follow these instructions. Sugar helps in the dissolving of salt in our body but people suffering from diabetes and blood pressure must first take permission from their caretaker or doctor while assessing the severity of their disease.

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Eat more fruit and vegetables: Fruit and vegetables should be eaten in large amounts in every season however this rule should be followed strictly in summers. Our body requires water most of all and these fruits and vegetables contain sufficient amount of water and salts to fulfill our needs hence even if we do drink enough water we are not deprived of it either. In this weather we should eat vegetables like cucumber, apple gourd (tinday) etc and fruits like peaches, grapes etc to keep our body hydrated. During iftari it is best to use such fruits by making fruits and cream mixes etc. Meat and eggs and eatables of the sort should not be eaten in this weather. Also keep your food away from flies, wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly, do not buy things from outside; these type of precautions must also be taken. There is a common misconception that Yarkan is a summer disease because our body becomes too hot. That is not true. Yarkan is actually a disease caused by viral infection. That is why this disease is often seen in winters as well as in summers.


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Cure of hands and feet irritation in Ramadan Mubarak: Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahab, Aslam-o-alaikum! Ramadan Mubarak is approaching. Because this time it will occur in such a hot weather hence along with the thirst and hunger that makes one extremely tired and weak, the irritation in hands and feet is also becoming common. I have a way to relieve you from this irritation that I am sharing with the readers. Ingredients: Dry amla without seed 125 gram, Desi Ajwain 50 gram, Noshadar 50 gram, Kalwanji 50 gram, Kasni seed 50 gram and dry ginger 50 gram. Wash all the ingredients thoroughly and cut them in very small pieces then after mixing them store them in a bottle. After one hour of iftari add half teaspoon of the mixture to a small amount of water and drink it. This method can be used for curing the low amount of blood in the body, hands and feet irritation and weakness of liver. Note: Pregnant and milk feeding mothers should use this method without Ajwain.



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Cure for someone without child: Ingredients: Tabasheer, lodh pathani, chohra, small elaichi, anjabar. Cut all ingredients into small pieces and separate them into 10 whole pieces. Daily soak some anjabar in water and in the morning before eating anything else eat this.





Cure for fever: Ingredients: Mashed desi chicken 1 quarter, butter oil 1 quarter, sugar 1 quarter, desi chickpea flour 1 quarter. Mix the mashed chicken in the butter oil thoroughly. Add the chickpea flour and sugar and mix yet more thoroughly. It will become like a halwa. Eat one spoon with lukewarm milk day and night. Note: Use this method only in winters.

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Being Lonely is quite a test for a person since one does what he wouldn’t do in front of someone else (Muhammad Syed Alvi, Chakwal)

(Banda Khuda, Wah


The importance of the day and night of Ramadan: Cantt.)

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The intention behind this article is to bring to light the importance of the month of Ramadan along with some commandments that people are often unaware of. Our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said that,

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"Ramadan has come to you. (It is) a month of blessing, in which Allah covers you with blessing, for He sends down Mercy, decreases sins and answers prayers. In it, Allah looks at your competition (in good deeds), and boasts about you to His angels. So show Allah goodness from yourselves, for the unfortunate one is he who is deprived in (this month) of the mercy of Allah, the Mighty, the Exalted." [Imam Tabarani]

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Narrated Abu Huraira (‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬: The Messenger of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬said:"... whoever fasts during Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven." (Imam Bukhari).




From these ahadith, it can be seen that Hazrat Muhammad‫ ﷺ‬often gave Muslims the good news of the month of Ramadan. The Messenger of Allah (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬used to say that, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of the heaven are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained." (Imam Bukhari).


An announcement will also be made and it will be said that he who craves for good deeds, proceed ahead and he who only cares about bad deeds, stay back.


Allah lets people out of the fire of Hell and this process takes place on each night of Ramadan.


Hazrat Muhammad‫ ﷺ‬also said that,

“Every action of the son of Adam is given manifold reward, each good deed receiving then times its like, up to seven hundred times. Allah the Most High said, 'Except for fasting, for it is for Me and I will give recompense for it, he leaves off his desires and his food for Me.' for the

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fasting person there are two times of joy; a time when he breaks his fast and a time of joy when he meets his Lord, and the smell coming from the mouth of the fasting person is better with Allah than the smell of musk." [Imam Bukhari]

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There are many ahadith related to the month of Ramadan so each muslim should consider it to be blessing that the month of Ramadan has come in his lifetime once more. Hence, each Muslim should become more careful about staying away from bad deeds and should invest time in activities that will help him in the hereafter. Especially the five daily prayers should be established with dedication and good effort. Salat is one of the prayers of Islam and every Muslim man or woman should be careful in offering all Salah at the appointed time. For Muslim men, offering prayer in congregation is a necessity too.


“Establish prayer and bow down with those who bow down”. (Surah Baqarah)

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Most certainly those Believers have attained true success who perform their Salat with humility…these are the ones who will inherit Paradise and dwell therein for ever.

Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬also said that


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“What stand between a man and disbelief is the abandonment of Salah”.


(Surah Muminun)

“And they were ordered no more than that they should worship Allah (alone) being sincere to


Him in obedience, upright, to keep up prayer, and pay zakat (poor-rate) and that is the religion right and straight.” (Surah Bayyinah)


And establish prayer and give zakah and obey the Messenger - that you may receive mercy. (Surah Noor)




It is seen from the ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and the book of Allah that he who does not pay Zakat when he is eligible to do so would have terrible consequences on the day of Judgement. It is imperative for a Muslim to protect his days and nights from such activities that are against the commandment of Allah. Because the spirit of Ramadan is to practice self-restraint and to curb the urges to deviate or rebel and become more disciplined and dedicated towards our efforts to establish a connection with Allah. Most importantly this month is a vital training to practice exercising patience.

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And the Prophet (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said: “If any one of you is fasting, let him not utter obscenities or act in an ignorant manner, and if anyone insults him or wants to fight him, let him say, I am fasting.” Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1894; Muslim 1151.

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It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, Allah has no need of him giving up his food and drink.” [Al-Bukhari]

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It is truly important for a person that he fasts with the intention to gain good deeds. He must also avoid showing off. A Muslim must also guard himself from obscene language or viewership since these two are to be curbed especially while fasting. It is better to stay silent instead which is why there is a saying by the wise ones that if speaking is silver then staying silent is gold. One must exercise control on our tongue and should keep a check on what we say even after Ramadan ends because 75 percent issues spring up only when our tongues are ungoverned. One must use their tongue on spreading the word of Allah or to perform Zikr. Staying in a state of ablution, we should make an effort to offer as much Istighfar as possible. One Istighfar could be,

Due to the blessings of this verse, Allah would grant us forgiveness.


“‫”استغفر للَا رِب نم لک ذنب و اوتب الیہ‬







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Another very important Zikr that we can perform is that of reciting Durud. This must be carried on even after Ramadan because offering Durud would make our beloved Messenger of Allah more agreeable to us and would bring us closer to Allah. Also this very Zikr would take us to Jannah too.

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Cure of Six Diseases: for curing of dropping of metal, ahtalam, dakawat his, jaryanur reham, suzak etc, use kushta qalia 2 ratti with butter daily in the morning with empty stomach and take breakfast after an hour.

Authentic & Soul Nurturing Wazaif of Abdul Karim Subhani:

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If someone is in debt and unable to pay it back in any way, he should recite the Ayat no 26 of Surah Al- Imran with Durood Sharif three times before and after. For Offspring

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If someone is deprived of offspring he should recite the following dua 100 times with Durood Sharif before and after. This can be done either by the husband or the wife. But during menstrual cycle when she is unable to continue, the husband should carry it on continuously. In case of skipping it for one or two days he should double its number on the second day and triple it on the third day. If it is missed for three consecutive days, then it should be begun again afresh. Through this dua Allah SWT blessed Hazrat Zakariya A.S with a pious son, Hazrat Yehya A.S. ً ‫ہ ی ہ ر ر ر یہ ُ ر ہ ُ یہ‬ ٓ ٓ ُ‫ی‬ ‫ً یہ ہ ہ‬ ّ ‫ر ّب ہب ِّل‬ Following is the Dua, “ ﴾۸۳‫َس ری ُع الد ہعا ّء﴿ال معران‬ ّ ‫نم لدنک ذ ی ّریۃ ہط ّیی ہبۃ اّنک‬


(Surah Al- Imran, Ayat 38) For Getting Rid of Debt



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If someone is drowning in the debt, and is unable to pay it back, he should recite 7 times the Ayat no 26 of Surah Al-Imran with Durood Shareef three times before and after. The recitation should be done twice a day, that’s after Fajr and Meghrib prayers. Inshaa’Allah soon he will find a way to pay his debt. For The Cancellation of the Transfer


If a person is being transferred from one city to another, and he doesn’t want to shift to that place rather wants to stop or cancel the order, he should recite Sura Al-Lahb 19 times for 19 days after ‫ّ یہ ر ٰ یہ‬ Isha prayers, ablution is mandatory for the practice.‫الر ّح ری ّم‬ ‫ بّ رس ّم للَا الرْح ّن‬should be recited only


Constantly Fluctuating Fever


once before starting without reciting Durood before and after.


If someone’s fever is constantly fluctuating over a long period of time, he should perform ablution and write the following ayat on the wood of Chinese Date Tree (Beri) and wear it on neck of the patient but he should put it off while being in washroom or when taking bath (Ghusl) is mandatory as a Quranic Ayat is written over there and it’s not permissible to touch it when it’s

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compulsory to take bath. One must be extremely cautious regarding this, but one can make it ‫ہ ر ر ہ ہ ُ ر ٰ ہ یہ ہ ی ر ہ ہ ُ ہ‬ ‫ر‬ laminated. The Ayat is as follows: “ ﴾۱۴‫ِب لغف رو ٌر یر ّح ری ٌم ﴿ھود‬ ّ ‫بّس ّم للَاّ َم ٖرىھا ومرسىھا اّن ر‬


(Surah Al-Hud, Ayat 41)

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For the Disobedient Offspring

If one is worried and disheartened due to the disobedience of his/her children, should recite the following Ayat 100 times after every prayer, with Durood shareef 11 times before and 11 times ُ ‫)ذ ی ّر یہی ّ ر‬ after. While uttering the word (‫ت‬ should reckon about his/her children. The Dua is as follows: ‫ی‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ت اّل ری ہ‬ ‫ہا رص ّل رح ّ رِل ّ ر‬ ُ ‫ّ​ّن ُت رب‬ ‫ّ​ّن ّ ہ‬ ‫نم ال ُم رس ّل ّم ر ہ‬ ‫ت ا ّی ر‬ ‫ک ہو ا ّ ر‬ ‫ِف ُذ ی ّر یہی ّ ر‬ “ ﴾۴۱‫ْی ﴿اَلحقاف‬


“(Surah Al-Ahqaaf, Ayat 15)


For Getting Rid of Poverty



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If one is destitute and finds hard even to make both ends meet, also is borrowing money over money which has made its life extremely miserable, he should go for the following practice of recitation in order to get out of the situation. Furthermore, by keeping it continue he will never face economic crises. The practice is as follows: After offering Isha prayers he should recite Durood Shareef 11 times and the following names of Allah 500 times, again 11 times Durood shareef,afterwards he should make a Dua to Allah to provide him Rizq fom His hidden treasures. Inshaa’Allah he will have the bounties of Allah from the unknown resources and find increase (blessing) in apparently little food. This practice should be carried on with consistency to have increase in food (Rizq). ‫ہ ہ ر ُ ہ ہ یہ ُ ہ ہ یہ‬ Following are the names of Allah ‫الط رو ّل‬ ‫َیک ّریم۔ َیوھاب۔ َیذ‬


Swelling of Tongue


Fatir 41)



If one’s tongue is swelled and is unable to speak, another should perform ablution and recite ‫العلی‬ 300 times, with Dorood Shareef, 11 times before and after and expel it out (dum) to the patient’s tongue. Inshaa’Allah it will be cured after a few days. If the problem is with a lady, who is stranger, the person should use a piece of pipe to expel it out to her tongue. Other than the swelling can be cured to recite the following ayat for 41 days after performing ablution. The ‫یہ ہ ُ ر ُ ہ‬ ُ ‫الس ٰم ٰوت ہو راَلہ رر ہض ہا رن ہ‬ ‫َت رو ہَل ہولہ ّ ر‬ ‫نم ہا ہح ٍد ی ّ ر‬ ‫ِئ ہز ہال ہتا ا رّن ہا رم ہس ہک ُھ ہما ّ ر‬ Ayat is as follows: “14‫نم ہب رع ّد ٖہ (فاطر‬ ‫( “ )اّن للَا‬Surah Alّ ‫ُی ّسک ی‬

Cure For Facial Palsy

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If one’s face is paralyzed and his face has turned clumsy, after performing ablution he should write the following Ayat on the piece of a paper and wear it on its neck after folding it. Also the same Ayat should be recited 101 times along with Durood Shareef 11 time before and after and expel his breath out to the water (dum) and make it drink the patient. After dinking it for a few days the disease will be cured Insaa’Allah. ُ ‫یہ ہ ٓ ہ ہ ُ ہ ی ہ یہ ہ ر ہ ً ہ ر ٰ ہ ہ ی‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ہ ہ‬ ‫ب ہو رجھ ہ‬ ‫) ہق رد ہ َٰنی ہت ہق یل ہ‬ 411 ‫ا۔۔(البقرہ‬ ‫ک ِّف السما ّء فلنو لّینک قّبلۃ َتض‬ ّ ‫ىھا ف ہو ّل ہو رج ہھک ش رط ہر ال ہم رس ّج ّد ال ہ ہر‬ ّ

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For Being Closer Allah in Ramadhan and Earn the Mystical Intuitive


Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam U Alaikum, Ramadhan Mubarak to you and all the readers. I know a practice to nurture the soul. I hope this sharing will be worth doing for the readers. A person who wants to get closer to Allah SWT, earns his pleasure and love , and wants his heart get filled with mystical intuitive, and make his chest enlightened with the illumination of faith, he should recite Surah Al-Noor 7 times on every Friday night along with 7 times Durood shareef ُ ‫ہ‬ for 3000 times .This should be before and after. Afterwards he should recite Allah’s name (‫)َی رُن ُر‬







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done for 7 Friday nights . Try to begin it on the first Friday night of Ramadhan and keep on continue for 7 Friday nights. After Ramadhan, it will be continued by the month of Shawal. It will open your insight and heart for the intimation of Allah SWT. (Muhammad Akmal Farooq Rehan, Sargodha)

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Protection from all evil: At the start of the day, read the beginning three verses of Ayat ul Kursi & Chapter Momin, that day you will remain protected from every atrocity and trouble. InshaAllah (Muaraf al Quran).

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Daughter of Arif, Faisalabad

5 Heat Breaking Things in Ramadan:

One day before the last Ramadan, I ordered its one box, and started eating 8-10 pieces of cherry in Sehar & Aftar. In one week, I used its two boxes.


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Mango: King of fruits plays an important role in maintaining the human health in the summer season. Raw mango removes the problems created by heat stroke. By cooking halfcooked mango in ash, by adding its pulp to water and sugar, make its beverage and if used periodically after iftar, its protects from the effects of heat stroke in extreme hotness. After iftar, if raw mango is eaten by applying salt on it, then thirst is reduced. By its use, the exhaustion created from loss of sweat is ended. After Taraweeh Prayer, and after eating sweetened mango, if drink one glass of milk, then entire day’s weakness and exhaustion is removed and human body gets completely ready for the next fast. Due to intercourse of the mango season with Ramadan, many people send mango boxes as iftari equipment to relatives and friends.


Lemon: Its medical benefits are many. In it is the hidden treasure of Vitamin C. Since centuries, it’s being used domestically and medically. By drinking the lemon’s skunch been at iftar time, the toughness of stomach, excessive perspiration and exhaustion type problems are not generated and the first sip generates the relaxation wave in the body. This Ramadan, do establish friendship with lemon.




Milk, Curd: By drinking the thin buttermilk of milk and curd in sehar and aftar, protection from heat is granted. If chaati’s buttermilk is drank at the time of sehri and in iftar, its effects are exhilarant. By drinking the thin buttermilk, the working of kidneys and urinary bladder is improved and much sweat isn’t flown and entire day, even in extreme hotness, strange feeling of coldness remains.


Eat Cherry and make Ramadan Pleasant:

It’s the talk of almost few time ago, one of our relatives came to our house to meet us. Those were the summer days. In summers habitually laziness is increased over the body and every other person is seen complaining about dizziness, heart panic, leg pain and laziness in work. While talking, when these summer diseases came under discussion, then my that relative told me about

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a very healthy, terrific and useful fruit for these diseases. The name of that fruit is ‘cherry’. Last Ramadan, I used this fruit and really found it useful. This fruit is packed in boxes and isn’t that common to get easily from every fruit seller. In size, this fruit is like glue berry and its stone is also like glue berry’s stone but is smaller. The cooked fruit’s color is deep red like cooked plum and taste is sweet whereas half uncooked fruit’s color is light read and a bit sourness in taste. One day before the last Ramadan, I ordered its one box, and started eating 8-10 pieces of cherry in Sehar & Aftar. In one week, I used its two boxes. After that, I didn’t found it in market, probably; this fruit comes for a short period. By eating cherry, my fast went very easily, physical strength remained and during fast, hunger and thirst never disturbed. Keeping fast, household work also went smoothly. One more important thing which I felt about cherry’s utility that during Ramadhan, weakness and laziness prevailed in Isha & Taraweeh Prayers and without drinking strong tea, I wasn’t able to offer Isha & Taraweeh Prayer. During Prayer, head & legs felt heavy but by eating cherry, weakness and laziness just dismissed. I didn’t feel any need of tea and I remained very active and alert. Undoubtedly, cherry is an extremely beneficial and tasty fruit which actually have great healing effects on the disease caused during summer season. By eating cherry, blood deficiency is removed from the body and there is an increase in physical strength. Readers, you also use it in Ramadan and attain safety from the diseases of summer and from the extremeness of thirst. Quickly recover the lost energy and spend happy Ramadan.

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Spiritual Meditation of this Month:


Treatment via Meditation:



When the perfection of meditation will open, then unique world of amaze and 100% solutions to problems will itself make you shocked. Where meditation is doing treatment of problems and development of spirituality from the beginning, there modern science has declared it to be the trusted treatment of diseases. After thousands of experiments, here comes the treatment by meditation for Ubqari readers. If sleep with ablution and clean at sleep time, so that’s the best ‫ہ‬ ‫ہ ٰی ہ ہ‬ otherwise in any condition, sit on bed just for 10 minutes, do the repetition of [‫]الل ُھ یم ہر یب ہنا ہمالّک ہنا‬




countless times with Durood in the start and at the end and then lie. Keep in mind the problem which you want to remove or the confusion whose solution you want and imagine that “Golden colored light is entering my body via my head and solving the problem or resolving the confusion and with the blessing of this practice, I have come out of this problem.” Till here that you sleep while repeating this act. You will face difficulty in creating imagination at the beginning but then; when the perfection of meditation will open, then unique world of amaze and 100% solutions to problems will itself make you shocked. Don’t forget to write us your feelings, benefits and unique experiences after meditation.

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The Beneficiaries of Meditation







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Respected Sir Hakeem, Assalam o Alaikum! I have been reading Ubqari since last 3 years. I was interested in meditation since child hood and I am doing meditation since last 5 years but when I started reading Ubqari then I came to know the real benefit of meditation. When I first performed the meditation written in Ubqari, that was Sunday. I felt that a needle like thing is circulating inside me and my inside is being cleaned. Believe me Hakeem Sir, I felt it myself and my entire illness came outside. Some voices came out of my throat and I felt that someone put hand on my mouth and made me silent and after that I felt myself light. After that I started doing the meditation of Ubqari every month. If I face any problem or difficulty, I do meditation, Allah finds out some solution of it. Meditation has filled my life with peace.

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Showing generosity: show generosity at every morning of life but when there is issue of belief than keep generosity and expediency aside and show enduringness.

Hernia Problem:

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Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only:


Readers! I am having pain on hernia side for last 2 years due to which I am much worried and I can’t share it with anyone. Besides this, doctors suggested me that I will have to go for a surgery and due to pain I am not willing for surgery. Hopefully, you will understand my disease; suggest any good prescription for me. (J, Haripur)


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Answer: Respected brother! My cousin had same issue 3 years ago and we asked this from monthly Ubqari office and they suggested us to use Johar Shifa e Madina and Thandi Murad. We took Johar Shifa e Madina and Thandi Murad from monthly Ubqari office and use them for 1 year. Alhamdulilah, he got relief within few months and now he is completely fine. (Ashiq Hussain, Sialkot) Skinny body, dull face and Marriage:



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I am 20 years of age and my family is asking me for marriage which will be held in a year. I have the ability to face marriage but I get confused and worried on it. I have complaint of dreamlessness and spermatohorrea. There is much weakness and body is skinny and according to age my face is also small, my cheeks are inside like and face is dull. There are frackles on face with dark circles under the eyes and complexion is also dark. Readers! Kindly suggest me any cheap medicine or Amal that can give me best marital life and natural beauty. (S, Sheikhupura)





Answer: You take digestible foods. Soup, stock, milk, sagudana, butter, oat water, pumpkin, round gourd, spinach and ridge gourd and in fruits, take pomegranate, grapes, apple, guava, mango and melons. Use Hareera Maqvi Dimagh in breakfast. Hareera Maqvi Dimagh: Almonds 7 pieces, pumpkin seeds 3 grams, Maghaz Khayareen seed 3 grams, cardamoms pieces, poppy seeds 3 pieces and 7 black pepper pieces. Method: grind the above mentioned ingredients and add in one pao of milk and add sugar according to taste and use. InshAllah will give benefit soon.

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Readers! I am 18 years of age and my issue is that I have much fatness on my hip and thighs and due to fatness my hips are expanded outside and when I walk they look bad, kindly suggest me any solution to this issue. (M, U, Sahiwal)

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Answer: start any running game for 2 hours daily, after food take Jawarish Kamooni 1 tea spoon, InshAllah will get benefit. (Shehryar Janjua, Karachi)


Extremely worried: Respected Readers! My daughter is one years of age, by birth, her brain water or something of brain is outside. Neurosurgeon suggested surgery but there is no guarantee of being alright. I am extremely worried, suggest me any prescription or Wazifa. (Zulfiqar, Mansehra)


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Answer: you should recite Ishraq Nawafil faily in morning and without talking to anyone, recite Surah Rehman 7 times on water and massage her head with that water after some times and also put few drops in her mouth, her mother should also drink that water. InshAllah, Allah Almighty will bless you. (Umme Abdul Rehman, Quetta)


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Thalassemia: Respected readers! My 2 daughters are suffering from thalassemia, one is 5 years of age and other is 3 years of age. Both of them get blood with some breaks, kindly suggest any spiritual or if possible than than physical treatment for them. (Yar Muhammad, Kohat)



Answer: Yar Muhammad Sahab, you and all of your family members should recite ‫حم ال ینصرون‬ all day. The more you will recite this wazifa, the maximum benefit you will get with the blessings of Allah Almighty. Besides this, bring Hepatitis NIjaat Syrup, Thandi Murad and Johar Shifa e Madina from monthly Ubqari office and use according to the given instructions. (Abdul Rashid, Lahore)


Get rid of Bed Bugs: Readers! If anyone has any prescription for getting rid of bed bugs from the beds than please share. I am worried. (Tafseer, Kohat)



Answer: Brother! You keep the bed and Charpoi in sunlight once in a day and give it Ajwain (carom seeds) smoke and if you add some neela thotha in it than it will kill the bed bugs. Precaution: the smoke of Neela Thotha should be given in open place and you should avoid this smoke and also keep others safe from it. (Alia Faraz, Rawalpindi)

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Acne on Face: Readers! I get red acne on my face which never like and they give me much pain. (Asma Ashraf)

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Answer: Sister! The solution to this acne is that you take homeopathic medicine number WS23 and take 15 drops three times a day and use 2 to 3 bottles of it, InshAllah you ll get relief soon. The Precaution is that you should avoid warm, fried stuff like samosa and pakora as blood makes issue in this. (Farooq, Rahim yar Khan)


Worried with the attitude of son in law: Readers! I am suffering from an issue and I am remembering the brothers and sisters of Ubqari at this time. Readers! My son in law is doing second marriage and due to which my daughter and all family is in pain. I am begging you to pray for my daughter and suggest me any wazifa to recite to end this pain of my daughter. (Sad mother)


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Answer: You and your daughter and your entire house mates recite Surah Quraish all day in ablution and pray sincerely to Allah Almighty, InshAllah, your trouble will go away. (Maria, Multan)


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Birds’ Issues: Respected Readers Assalamoalikum! My issue is that I have birds farming at my house which include cocktail, fisher, dove, java, and finch but they are not breeding due to which I am worried, kindly guide me. Like which medicines should be given to the birds to keep them safe from seasonal effects, diseases and breeding, kindly tell with reference to summer and winter. (Muhammad Khalid)



Answer: Khalid Bhai! The water you give to the birds, add few drops of olive oil to it, InshAllah, they will not become ill in summer and winter and besides this, give them yogurt water in summer which can easily be available at yogurt shop. InshAllah, birds will never be ill. (Ashraf Pasha, Lahore)




“Readers Queries and Readers Answers” series has been liked so much and we get lots of letters. It is decided through advice that the previous record will reached to the readers and till the series is continuing, the previous arrangement will be pending till then.

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Effective treatment of physical

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Diseases: Physical Advice


Tested and free remedy of lack of blood: to get rid from lack of blood, a tested and free remedy is here, make an iron piece very hot and put it in water and drink that water.

For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address and the address should be prominent. If there is no reply back envelop than the query will not be answer. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples, privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of the page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.


Deafness due to High fever:

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Respected Hakeem Sahab, Assalamoalikum! I am 22 years of age, at age of 6 years in Monsoon season due to high fever, I got deafness and can’t listen to any voice now, I did so many remedies and treatments but all in vein. Doctors suggest surgery and I don’t have much resources kindly tell me easy and fast recovery prescription. (Farhad Ali, Kot Abdul malik)


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Advice: the real reason for your disease is weak brain and much tension. Due to this the brain has become weak and due to the weak brain all this issue happened. So you take Khameera Abraisham Hakeem Arshad wala and use one tea spoon 3 times a day. Beware to use Khameera of any honest physician and with this use 1 tea spoon of Itreefal astahookhodos and black seed powder 1 fourth spoon. Avoid sour things and pickles in food. For using in ear, get Kaan Shifa drops from monthly Ubqari office and use for some time.


Throat Issue:




Respected Hakeem Sahab! I am suffering from throat issue Hypothyroid for 2 years. I am taking thyroxin tablets with the physician’s advice according to the instructions and if I stop them than my health goes worsen but when I take them than due to its side effects I get anxiety, restlessness and fast heartbeat. According to doctors, I will have to take medicine throughout my life or else my bones will start breaking in a week with unbearable pain. I also take depression and heart disease medicines as a patient for last 5 years. After angiography, doctors suggested me for bypass surgery as 3 veins are 70 percent blocked. I am sick of allopathic treatment; kindly suggest any herbal treatment for me. (Jehangir Alam, Peshawar)


Advice: You should use Monthly Ubqari medicine “Sattar Shifayain” few bottles with consistency. Do not eat fried or sour foods.

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Sperms issue: I am suffering from sperms after passing urine due to which I am not regular at prayers and when I offer prayer, I get strange thoughts due to which I am worried. (N, A, Bahalnagar)

Muscle Weakness:

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Advice: Take chaar maghaz one tea spoon in morning with water. In evening, take Sharbat Banafshan 2 ounce by mixing it in water and drink and avoid spices. Sagudana, porridge, Samolina Halwa, carrot halwa, Pumpkin, round gouds, turnips, carrots, cook these without spices and chilies and eat with roti or khichri. InshAllah, you will get relief. Write your condition after 3 weeks again.


It is stated that I read Ubqari magazine every month, I am 65 years of age and I am a driver in a private firm. My issue is that I have much weakness of muscles; there is pain from spinal chord to back. Stomach is also in pain and there is much pain in my back. There is also pain in shoulder muscles. Suggest me any treatment. (Jaleel Ahmed, Attock)


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Advice: You should get benefit from Maghaz Pamba Dana (banola) which is a very good medicine. Take Banola seeds 9 grams crush them and soak in hot boiling water at night and mix them well. In morning take the water from over the mixture and mix a spoon of honey in it and drink, it will take away back pain. If you want and there is not much benefit than in evening take Ma alzahab folad siyal one tea spoon by mixing it in hot water for a week or two. You will get relief.



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Knee pain: One and a half year ago, I got little pain in left leg which got increased slowly, I went for its treatment to doctors and hakeems but there was no relief. Now there is no pain while sitting, standing or lying on bed but when I walk, there is noise from the knee and due to which I cannot walk. According to doctors, the sticky material from inside the knee has become dried due to which the bones get rubbed. (Umar Hayat, Gujrat)


Small Height:


Advice: take honey and fresh oil of sesame seeds and mix some calcium in it and apply on the painful part for 5 to 7 minutes in sunlight. Do this daily, InshAllah, the pain will go away on 5 to 7 days. For using as medicine, take Kamar Joron Ka Dard Course from monthly Ubqari office and use for few months with consistency.



I am student of MSC and my issue is that I have small height, kindly tell me any prescription for tall height, Allah almighty give you success of this world and the hereafter. (Faisal Shehzad, Abbotabad) Advice: Trout fish is available in northern areas easily; if not available than take the ordinary fish bones with Kanghi booti (easily available at Pinsaar store) in equal weight and mix in it and use 4 ratis in morning and evening. With the blessings of Allah Almighty, one inch height will be increased in a month.

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Worried due to stammering speech:


I am searching for treatment of stammering speech for long time. I am 32 years of age and I am working in a company. I went for surgery but there was no benefit. Suggest me any tested prescription in this regard. (Mohsin Ali, Sadiqabad)

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Advice: This prescription is very beneficial for you, Khameera Abresham Hakeem Arshad wala ½ spoons 3 times a day before meals and Jawarish Shahi 1 spoon in morning and evening with water before meals, use this prescription for 40 days than write. Mother in law told Diabetes Control unique prescription







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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, Assalamoalikum! I have a unique prescription to control diabetes which my mother in law told me. She gave that to her daughter who had 2 kids and they were still willing for more children and due to diabetes, her pregnancy was being terminated again and again. Then she used this medicine and for 9 months, her diabetes was in control and she still used it and Allah Almighty blessed them with health daughter. Huwalshafi: 1 pao roasted chick peas with peels, 1 pao almonds, 1 pao bitter oats or Afghani oats these are available at ordinary Pinsar stores. Grind all of them and mix in equal weight and take a tea spoon in morning and evening with water. Diabetes and the weakness due to this will go away InshAllah. (Fatima, Rawalpindi)

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Masnoon Dua to get rid of sorrow: to get rid of sorrow and worries recite 4th Kalma countless times, it will lighten your heart.

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How my life changed?

How I escaped from trap of call girl?







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Readers! I sinful and characterless girl got attached to Tasbeeh Khana from January 2013. May ALLAH keep me connected till my life. Before this connection view of my life was so horrible that I feel scare even remembering it. I am from a rich family but all that money was not HALAL. My late grandfather and father were Patwari. I was sent to Rawalpindi to complete my masters, it was first time I was away from home and atmosphere was really very wrong. In 2007 I was in hostel and there were few girls in my hostel who were “call girls”. It was bad luck that one of them was my roommate. Before that I didn’t know that what is a call girls, she deceived me and took me to meet her friends. Her reality reviled in front of me when she tried to set me on same path. Her father used to came to pimp to collect his daughter’s money. I got blind don’t know what happened may be there was no one to teach me I started moving on her path and one policeman raped me on her saying. But I didn’t accept this path. After her deceive I ended my relationship with her, one night in hostel which was private was only me, one lady worker, and one roommate call girl who came late at that night. I was so scared that I spent night in lady worker’s room, that night such things happened in hostel which I cannot write I cannot even think about it. In morning I decided to leave everything and go back to home and same day same moment I packed my bags and took a bus to home. Study or my protection? Till now no one knows about this story. My family members insist on results but how can I tell them that where they sent me there they sell dignity. I didn’t have any friendship or relation which was beyond limits. When after finishing everything I came back home I realized that what a blessing own home is after leaving my home I came to know that how people hunt alone girl. I beg to state to all parents via Ubqari that never ever send your daughters alone to other city. Don’t know what kind of atmosphere she will get? Then Ubqari came to our home, in start I used to read it and leave. Then in 2013 I downloaded your Dars and started to listen them. I was feeling my existence very filthy; this disrespect gives me a great lesson, and is giving till today. After listening to Dars I started doing hijab, to complete the feel of protection started covering me, since I have connected to Tasbeeh Khana my life has changed so much that I am always thanking to ALLAH for his countless blessings. After listening Dars ALLAH picked me out of garbage and showed me path of ALLAH and HIS Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬love, taught me how to ask, how to repent, and thanks to ALLAH now I remember to protect my sight when I leave home. Hazrat Hakeem Sahib said this in Dars. I try my best to choose path of love of ALLAH. Love of

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Murshid is dissolving bitterness of my life and it wills INSHAALLAH. I am on path told by Hazrat Hakeem Sahibb in Dars but my opponents are becoming my enemy due to this. I also listen abuses but I don’t want to live my life to be superior in world. That was not life that was shame. When I tried to be with the world, world used to run ahead, but now when I try to make journey to the end with simplicity I have to listen satire and taunt my own family members are turning against me. In the name of modernism I am forced to go in front of males who came to marry me and males who are searching for my better half. Promise of searching proposal after watching product, all this is not Sunnah of Hazrat ‫ﷺ‬, then how can I be happy with wealth of this world and without veil. As Hakeem Sahib said in Dars I want to do Nikah similarly and spend my life similarly but my own family is against all this and I am alone girl. Who want to live life avoiding sins? One thing is confirm that money coming to my home is not clean. In result on one cares about Namaz, whole day music and dance, nearest relative are sincere to each other. Sister’s pictures are on their friend’s whatsapp. There is no arrangement of veil. They laugh on my life that I have become a mental patient? What has happened to her? Now listen when my life changed what injustice I am facing:. My wish is that they marry me with simplicity with some pious man without looking his money and property, i will leave my stubbornness, I will listen to them if they do not neglect anyone by looking their money. If they allowed me to obey my husband by following religion of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, and spreading message of Tasbeeh Khana I would never ever fight with anyone. I am enemy of 7 siblings and parents! They don’t even talk to me. I am dying due to starving since August. They gave me meal only 6 days in whole month, at night the cut off electricity of my room and I slept in extreme heat and suffocation. After listening taunts and blames of my mother no one will say that these taunts are by a mother for her daughter. My only mistake is that I have complaint that your way of living is against Sunnah of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. She wants me to leave everything and turn back to life full of sins, but how can I obey them I don’t want to leave this Sunnah, sayings, and orders. Take everything from me, leave everything, I will die on this connection but will never deviate from it. I don’t want to die Haram death?

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Is this life? We are not happy on what we are getting and we remain sad whole life on what we didn’t get.


You can also be most successful person of this world! Respected readers!

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(Najma Amir, Gujranwala)







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Everyone is facing troubles and difficulties in this mechanical age, among these difficulties everyone complains about shortage of time but might be there is no once who take cares of times, person who understand importance and value of time only those become rich of fate and king of destiny. Only those human succeeded in life and hereafter who understood the importance of time. Those who do not understand the value can’t get anything. Therefore it is essential for person to value time and complete all the matters of his life according to the time. Only then he will be called alexander of time. Every passed moment of our life will not every return again. If you did not utilize it properly it will leave you and pass away and will not ever turn back even after many tries. Life after is eternal and this life is cheque of bank of life after, you can torn and waste this cheque or you can cash it, we have paper of life after in our hand and we have given time in the name of this life to solve this paper. We have been taught method to solve this paper thorough life of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, Quran and Hadith. While filling paper of this world we are worried of time that time might finish and our paper will remain incomplete. We don’t care about paper of life after. Time is passing by, we have become careless and have forgotten reason of our life in eating, drinking, sleeping and luxuries of life. If we calculate year is very long. Within a year system of nature completes its circle everything of this universe moon, sun, stars, satellites, weather does it work with the support of time, weather taking care of time, changing moon and sun on time, coming and going of day and night is notifying us that similarly people are also coming and going from this world. One year which we says pass quickly has 365 days in it, every day 3600 moments pas, and in every 24 hours 86,400 moments pass, which will be questioned in the end, long moments of whole life are wasted on eating, sleeping, tourism, entertainment, useless customs, useless talks, TV and useless use of telephone, which is a huge deficit of our life which cannot be fulfilled. We find difficulties in Namaz, Quran, good deeds, prayers, morality, thoughts of betterment, nurturing yourself, nurturing generations, thought of nurturing Ummah, we will go in front of ALLAH and we will be answerable, we will get our result of success or failure which part of life we are allocating for that personality. What part of our expensive life are we giving to ALLAH, Namaz which is essential on every Muslims it takes maximum time of, Fajar 10min, Zuhar 20min, Asar 20min, Magrib 15min and Isha 20min total time 1 hour and 20 min. if we recite Quran and other Tasbeehat in 24 hours we are not giving even 2-3 hours to ALLAH if did not calculate time,

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didn’t take care of time and we passed away without any reason and without any Aamal this deficit will never be recovered. We have to prepare list of our sins and good deeds we will have to get rid of sins daily from the list, and will have to add more good deeds, we will be able to get rid of sins slowly by continuous handwork and continuity, every time thought of doing good deed will help us in progressing towards good deeds this is how we can make time of our life precious. We think ways to progress in business of this world but at the day of judgment where we will be needing even a single good deed and it will be important for us, we will be repenting upon every moment we spent without Zikar then we will think that why didn’t we take care of time? But without sorrow there will be nothing, we should be thinking all the time that where our life is going towards heaven or hell. I am presenting an act to get rid of this negligence:


To get rid of negligence: doing Astagfar is beneficial and tested act to get rid of negligence, daily person should do Astagfar, this rightly guided act shows strange symptoms of success.


Resilience is also necessary: (Molana Waheed Ud Din Khan)







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A person came to shopkeeper. We wanted to buy cloth. He selected cloth but did bargain till half hour. Shopkeeper wasn’t reducing price and buyer wasn’t increasing at last shopkeeper gave that cloth on buyer’s price. An old man was sitting at shop at that time, he said when buyer went: if you already intended to sell at buyer’s price why didn’t you give it initially. Why you wasted yours and his time. Hazrat you didn’t understand, shopkeeper said: I was calling him; if I immediately gave him on price he quoted he might got doubted and might haven’t bought it at all. Apart from this I was judging that how far he can go. When I saw he is not moving ahead I gave him cloth. When there is a situation among two people each one of them wants to solve the situation according to his own interests. At this moment intelligence is that one should insist on his own demand and similarly intelligence require that one should judge his own limits and get ready for it that at what point he should agree. This rule can be called adjustment in one word. This adjustment is one secret of life. This is most important rule of success in this world. Importance of this rule is for personal matters and as well as national matters. Summary of this rule is that one should know himself and as well as know others. In this world only a person can be successful who can understand needs of both parties. A person who runs behind his own desires in this world has a destiny of failure and destruction nothing else.

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Cure of Bad Dreams: If young people are suffering from bad dreams take 2 grams of gonde kateera and mix it in one glass of water. Mix some sugar in it and drink it early in the morning.

Tested Diets of my Master (‫ )ﷺ‬and the Ramadhan of JuneAhmad

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Khan Ghar

Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہا‬says that Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “The person who eats 7 Ajwa dates early in the morning, that day poison or magic will not affect him. Following the teachings of the last prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬is a source of redemption and dignity for



Muslims. The teachings of hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬are so complete and comprehensive that that from these knowledge of even healthy and delicious diets can be gained. And by using them apart from gaining apparent and material benefits, rewards for acting on the Sunnah of hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬can be earned. That Muslim is extremely fortunate who likes something just


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because Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬liked it. Like this using such a thing becomes a source of worship and rewards. Honey:



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The honey bee is called Nahal in Arabic. A Surah of the Holy Quran is called Surah An-Nahal. In this Allah Almighty has mentioned a few from among many of his blessings. He has also mentioned honey and honey bee. Allah Almighty says: Translation: Make houses in mountains and in trees and on roofs, then eat from all sorts of fruits and walk the paths of your Lord that are soft and easy for you. From its stomach a colorful thing emanates in which there is health for people. Undoubtedly there is a sign in this for those people who think.” (An-Nahal: 68-69)





There is something noteworthy in this verse that how a bee sucks the pulp of fruits and flowers and when it comes out of it after staying in its belly so its sweet and delicious and health rendering as well. The benefit, importance and taste of this blessing of Allah can be learned from this saying of Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬: “Gain health from two things, honey and the holy Quran.” (Sunan ibn-e-Maaja, 3452). In this Hadith, along with the health benefits of honey, the Holy Quran is also mentioned as a source of health. Because honey is a source of health against physical illnesses, whereas the Holy Quran is a source of health against spiritual illnesses and strengthens spirituality. Just as Allah Almighty says that: “We reveal in the Holy Quran that thing that is completely a source of health and mercy for the believers.” (Al-Israa, 82) Syedina Abu Saeed Khadri () has mentioned that one person said to Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬that my brother is suffering from diarrhea. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “Give him honey to drink.” That peron went away and then came back and said that I gave him honey to drink, but he did

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not get well. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬ordered again to give honey. It happened like this 2 or 3 times. When he came for the fourth time to him, you (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “Allah said the truth and the stomach of your brother is lying.” (Al-Bukhari: 5657) After listening to this that person went and gave honey again and his brother healed.


It appears from this incident that how much Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬trusted on the benefits of


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honey according to the saying of almighty Allah. The patient became upset but you (‫)ﷺ‬ always gave him honey to drink. And at last the saying of Allah turned out to be true and the illness vanished. This effect of honey remains even today. The conditions are that the honey should be pure and the Muslim should also be pure. Honey is a permanent source of health. This reality has been proven according to the medical research and the medical practitioners have also proven it that honey is a medicine for many illnesses. For example it is beneficial for the body and especially for the lungs. This is good for the heart. It is beneficial for cold, flue, asthma and illnesses that occur due to cold weather. It is also beneficial for paralysis. It cleans the blood. If it is applied in the eyes, it saves eyes from illnesses and protects the eyesight. Meaning that this is a cure for many illnesses.


Date is a wonderful dry fruit and a diet. It is mentioned on various occasions in the holy Quran. It is discussed in Surah Rahman, “There are fruits in it and covered dates. (Rahman: 10) After the mention of fruits, the special mention of Nakhal (date) highlights its benefits and importance that is further explained by the following sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (1 :)‫ﷺ‬. Hazrat Saad





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bin Abi Waqas (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہا‬says that Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “The person who eats 7 Ajwa dates early in the morning, that day poison or magic will not affect him. (Sahih Al-Bukhari: 5445) There are many types of dates. One amongst them is Ajwa, which is of a middle size and its blackish. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬has liked every date. But he has especially explained the benefits of Ajwa dates. And he mentioned it as a cure of many illnesses such as that is reported in the aforementioned Hadith that whoever shall eat 7 Ajwa dates every morning, he shall remain safe from the effects of poison and magic for the whole day. Please note! How much tormenting are poison and magic, and their cure is very simple. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬said about this Ajwa, “Ajwa is the fruit of heaven, it has the effect of restoring health from poison.” (Sunan ibne-Maaja: 3455) Syedina Abdullah bin Jaafar () says that I saw Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬that



you (‫ )ﷺ‬are eating fresh dates and cucumber together. (Sahih al-Bukhari: 5447) The use of dates and cucumber was not merely a coincidence. Rather with this action of his, hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬showed a way to cancel the hot effect of dates and the cold effects of cucumber. Or for this purpose, the other thing you (‫ )ﷺ‬did was that you (‫ )ﷺ‬would eat water melon with fresh dates and would say, “We break the warmth of dates with the coldness of water melon, and its coldness with the former’s warmth.” (Sunan Ibn-e-Maaja: 3836) This deed

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of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬is enough to understand that how much you (‫ )ﷺ‬used to take care of his (‫ )ﷺ‬health and how he would preach the usage of beneficial diets. The son Basar reports that Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬came to our place so we gave you (‫ )ﷺ‬butter and fresh


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dates and you (‫ )ﷺ‬used to like butter and dates. (Sunan ibn-e-Maaja: 3837) Tamar is a name for dry dates which sounds very delicious with butter. And it also nullifies the warm and dry effect of butter. Thus, date was one of the favorite diets of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Now its use by the Ummah is a source of spiritual rewards due to following the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬.


Meat is an extremely beneficial diet for health and strength. The animals whose meat was declared halal, they not only use it as a diet, rather they use it with keen interest. And if this is also taken into account that what is the saying and deed of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬for this







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delicious diet, then its use would be akin to acting on the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. This must be made clear here that meat of all parts is not equivalent in terms of taste. Rather, the head, feet, chest, leg etc. each one of them has a different taste. What one likes is what one eats.

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Lost Thing is Found At Once: One the weight of pressure cooker was not being found. I tried many times, but I could not find it. I started reciting the last verse of Surah Taubah, and I found the weight at once.

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Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬liked the meat of a few parts especially which is apparent from a few of the following Hadith. Hazrat Abu Huraira (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬has reported that one day meat was brought to Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. From this the meat of one forelimb was given to you

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(‫ )ﷺ‬which you (‫ )ﷺ‬used to like. Thus, you (‫ )ﷺ‬ate it with his teeth (Sahih al-Bukhari: 4712 and Muslim: 194) hazrat Ayesha (‫ )رضی ہللا عنھا‬reports that we used to keep the feet of cow or goat. Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬used to eat it after 15 days of the sacrifice. (Sunan Ibn-eMaajah: 3313) Hazrat Abdullah bin Jaafar (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬has reported that Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬used to say, “The best piece of meat is the meat of the back.” (Sunan ibn-e-Maajah: 3308) Hazrat Syedah Umme Salma (‫ )رضی ہللا عنھا‬reported that she took the meat of the shoulder of a goat to Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬and he ate from that. (Sunan Ibn-e-Maajah: 491) Syedina Abdullah bin Haaris (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reported that we ate fried meat with Hazrat Muhammad (‫( )ﷺ‬Sunan Ibn-e-Maajah: 3311) Syedina Mugheera bin Shaba (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reported that one night I went with Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬as a guest to a person, the person slaughtered a goat


and you (‫ )ﷺ‬requested to fry the forlimb. That was brought in front of you (‫)ﷺ‬. The you

(‫ )ﷺ‬took a knife and started cutting for me from the forelimb. (Majam Al-Kabir Al-Tibraani:




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433/15) It is clear from these Ahaadith that Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬very much liked meat. And especially the meat of shoulder, forelimb, feet and of the the back, and that too fried. It can be learned from this elegant interest of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬that if Allah gives enough sustenance then wonderful and best diets and delicious foods can be eaten. But to obtain delicious foods, it is absolutely forbidden to use haraam and forbidden means. Meaning that the dignity of a Muslim is that if he finds ordinary diet, he should eat it with thankfulness to Allah and be happy. And if he finds wonderful diets, even then he should thank Allah by using them, such as was the deed of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬that you (‫ )ﷺ‬used to remain hungry for many days. Even when you (‫ )ﷺ‬would find ordinary food, you (‫ )ﷺ‬would eat it happily.


And when wonderful diets were available to you (‫)ﷺ‬, you (‫ )ﷺ‬would eat them happily too.



It is also evident about you (‫ )ﷺ‬that you (‫ )ﷺ‬consumed the meat of hens and hares. Hazrat Zaid Al-Jarri (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reports that Syedina Abu Musa (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that I saw Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬eating the meat of chicken. (Muslim: 1649) Syedina Hazrat Anas ( ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫ )عنہ‬has reported that we followed a hare in Miral Zuhran. People got tired while running after it, but I caught him and brought it to Hazrat Abu Talha (‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬. You () slaughtered it and sent its legs to Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬and you (‫ )ﷺ‬accepted them. (Sahih al-Bukhari: 5535 and Sahih Muslim: 1953)

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Aubergine: Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬liked aubergine the most in vegetables. Syedina Hazrat Anas ( ‫رضی ہللا‬


‫ )عنہ‬said that a tailor made feast for Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬. In food there was the bread of barley and curry. The curry was made of aubergine and meat. I saw that the prophet of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬would find pieces of aubergine from the sides of the bowl and eat them. I like aubergine very much since that day. (Sahih al-Bukhari: 2092 and Sahih Muslim: 201)

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Sureed Curry and Halwa (Sweet):

Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬liked Sureed and Halwa very much as well. Sureed is a name for that meal which is prepared by dipping bread in curry or dilutes lentils. This is a soft and quick to digest food. The prophet of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬used to like it (Sahih al-Bukhari: 5431).


Bread and Curry:

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Syedina Hazrat Jaabir (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬has reported that once Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬asked his family that if there is a curry available? It was replied that in the home there is nothing available except vinegar. So you (‫ )ﷺ‬asked to bring that and ate food with that. You (‫ )ﷺ‬would keep on eating it and say, “What a nice curry is vinegar, what a nice curry is vinegar.” (Sahih Muslim:


2052) Syedina Yousaf bin Abdullah (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reported, “I saw Hazrat Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬ that you took a piece of a bread of barley and put a date on it and said, this is its curry.” (Sunan


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Abi Dawood: 3803) Syedina Hazrat Anas (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reported, “You (‫ )ﷺ‬liked the food stuck with the cooking utensil.” (Sahih al-Bukhari: 4979) It is apparent from these Ahaadith that where Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬liked delicate diets such as fried meat, aubergine, honey and


halwa, at the same time your (‫ )ﷺ‬dignity was that when you (‫ )ﷺ‬only had available vinegar




instead of curry, dates, barley bread and food stuck in the utensil instead of halwa, you (‫)ﷺ‬ would like it and and be thankful to the real provider of sustenance and show happiness over it. In reality, by acting like this Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬provided support to both sector of the society, rich and the poor that if meat lovers get the reward of Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬then who spend their lives by eating vinegar, sauces, and bread should think and satisfy their hearts that these ordinary foods are not only destined for them but the Prophet of Allah (‫ )ﷺ‬liked them and used them happily. Rather, if you want to know more about them, then it is written in a few books, reference of one of which is being provided, that, “Hazrat Muhammad


(‫ )ﷺ‬never ate bread or meat too much excpet in a congregation.” (Mukhtasir Ashamaail Almuhammadiya: 109) Meaning that whenever there was a gathering or a party then prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬would eat food fully. Otherwise the state was that Syedina Hazrat Masrooq (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reports that after Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬left the world once upon a time I went to um-ul-momineen Syeda Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہا‬so you (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬brought

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food for me and said, “Whenever I eat food fully, I start crying.” Syedina Hazrat Masrooq ( ‫رضی‬ ‫ )ہللا عنہ‬asked, why does this happen? So she said, “I remember those times that by Allah! Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬never ate bread and meat twice a day on any day fully.” (Jaama Tirmidhi: 2356)



Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬liked milk very much as well. You (‫ )ﷺ‬often used milk of goat and

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of cow as well. There is a saying of your’s (‫ )ﷺ‬about the milk of cow that was reported by Syedina Hazrat Sohaib (‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬. You (‫ )ﷺ‬said, “You should use the milk of cow as it is a medicine and do use grease, there's heal in it and avoid meat of it that it contains diseases. (Sahi Aljama Al Saghir: 373/1) means cow's milk and butter are very beneficial and rich in energy but Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬didn't like its meat. Be clear that there's no prohibition of meat in Hadees Mubarak


but disliking of it is proven, furthermore a reference of Hadees of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is that, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did slaughter cow for his companions ‫ رضوان ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬and in another Hadees Mubarak is that on the behalf of his wives ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم‬Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬on the eve of pilgrimage did slaughter







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cow. Above quoted Hadees Mubarka whereas gave us an idea about Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬favorite foods at the same time teaching us different walk through of life so that we can understand Islam how gives us permission to have legitimate food either if it is a kind of a precious meat of goat or chicken or nominal food like date and barley bread, hence it is must for everyone to thank Allah and should not proud on anything if we are having precious food and not to be unthankful to Allah on having nominal food, we should always thankful to Allah in all circumstances, because on thanking of blessing of Allah blessings would continue and thanking on nominal blessings would turn them in to superior.

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The fun is: Everyone guides in bright day, the fun is to guide in darkness and utter despair.


Memorable Ramadan and wonderful Eid! Let us tell you how! (Kainat Raza, Islamabad)

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Offer obligatory prayers with congregation, also plan for Sunnah and Nafil prayers. Don’t miss Taraweeh Prayers. Get closer to Allah with Tahajjud prayers.


It is a month superior to all other months. Holy Quran was revealed in this month. Allah showers His mercy and announces general forgiveness in this month. Allah Himself rewards the one who fasts. Doors of Jannah are opened and of hell closed. Satan is shackled. Spiritual reward of virtues increases from 10 times to 700 times. One night is better than thousand months. Planning areas for this month:

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Family, invitations, health, habits, prayers, recitation of Holy Quran, Dhikr, Umrah, Aitkaf (seclusion in last ten days of Ramadan), finance


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Remember: Death is approaching you very fast. Life is too short to spend in useless things. Satan will not let you plan for this holy month. When Satan fails to stop a Muslim from doing virtuous things, then he tries utmost that a Muslim performs less pieces of virtues. Satan makes him so busy that he does not find time to plan and excel.


Holy Quran: Learn recitation with Tajweed and recite complete Holy Quran at least once in this month. Translation: Do read translation of Holy Quran at least once.


Tafsir (explanation): Plan reading tafsir of Holy Quran in this month.

Thinking Over: Do think over the verses of Holy Quran and learn some chapters of Holy Quran by heart.




Prayer: Offer obligatory prayers with congregation. Also plan for Sunnah and Nafil prayers. Don’t miss Taraweeh Prayers. Get closer to Allah with Tahajjud prayers. Concentrate on your worship. Supplications are a form of worship. In Ramadan, everyone’s supplication gets answered. Supplication of three persons gets answered: the one, who fasts, of oppressed and of passenger.

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Learn supplications from Holy Quran and pray for all Ummah. Supplicate at Tahajjud and at the time of Iftar. Dhikr: Keep yourself busy in dhikr all the time. (Tirmzi)

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When people gather to remember Allah: When people gather to remember Allah Almighty, angels spread their wings over them. Allah’s mercy engulfs them. Allah brings them amongst those who are closer to Him. Remember Allah Almighty in morning, evening, before every prayer, Adhan (call for prayer) and before sleeping. Iftar Invitation: Invite your friends, relatives and family members to Iftar. Family: Increase cordial relationship with your family, children and relatives. Resolve strained relationships with friends, family members and relatives in this holy month.

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Abstain these habits: Stop watching TV, dramas and Iftar transmission. Usually in Ramadan, quiz shows are on-aired before and after Iftar. Please don’t watch such programmes rather pray Almighty Allah earnestly before Iftar. And after Iftar and offering Maghrib prayer, take meal and start preparing for Taraweeh prayer. Besides avoid, films, cartoons, matches, internet surfing and gossiping with friends.


Backbiting: Do not backbite anybody.

Health: Eat healthy, nutritious and simple food.


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Zakat: 2.5 % charity purifies wealth. Besides Zakat, give alms in the name of Allah Almighty.


Aitkaaf and Umrah: Do perform Umrah in Ramadan Kareem if you can afford it. Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said that Umrah performed in the month of Ramadan is equal to pilgrimage. (Bukhari, Muslim)


Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬would sit in seclusion in last ten days of Ramadan, you too must spare time to sit in Aitkaaf this Ramadan.

Readers! Now come the beauty tips



Summer season is at its peak and Ramadan has also set in. Summer brings many difficulties with it. Faces withered by sun not only look dull but sometimes onlookers get irritated seeing such faces. To look afresh, learn making some facial masks.


Regardless of age one may always look fresh provided appropriate skin care is in place. Being fresh positively affects mood. In summer, sun is the toughest enemy to skin so these masks be used according to skin type and complexion to remain protected from sunshine and have skin cleansed. Most of the things used in masks can be found in kitchen.

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Egg mask: Blend egg white, some lemon drops and half spoon of honey thoroughly and apply on face for twenty minutes. Wipe with cotton soaked in lukewarm water. This will make skin softer.


Dry Skin: Blend almond, olive oil and egg yolk thoroughly and apply on face for twenty minutes. Wipe with cotton soaked in lukewarm water.

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Honey Mask: Add some lemon drops in one table spoon of honey. Apply this mask and cleanse only with cotton and lukewarm water. Honey mask makes skin brighter and softer. In case of oily skin mix flour and honey to a paste. Water or milk can also be added to this mask to increase its efficacy.


Radish mask: Seeds of radish can easily be found from dry-salter. Take one table spoon of these seeds and grind to powder. Mix in yogurt and apply this paste on face. It freshens and glows the skin.

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Cucumber mask: Peel off cucumber and fine grind to paste. Apply on face to get rid of wrinkles.


Grape fruit mask: Peel off grape fruit. Fine grind yellow peel to powder. Add one table spoon of malt flour and yogurt. Apply on face. After half an hour wipe face with cotton soaked in lukewarm water, now splash cold water on face. It will make your skin glow like a lamp.


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Potato mask: Boil and grind potatoes to fine paste. Add some milk in this paste to make a facial mask.



Gram flour mask: Take one table spoon of gram flour and add radish juice in it. Apply it on face. When mask gets dried wipe with cotton soaked in lukewarm water, splash water on face for glowing skin.




God willing, using these masks for whole month will add freshness to your skin and happiness to your Eid.

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Mix two tea spoons of honey in one quarter buffalo milk, grind 4 cloves of black pepper and sprinkle over milk. This is potent for male sexual power. A hint is enough for a wise person.


For those who want to see Hazrat Khizar ‫علیہ السالم‬

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Reciting 3rd Kalima after Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan carries much benevolence as first recitation gets sins forgiven, 2nd recitation ensures freedom from hell and 3rd recitation guarantees Jannah. Offering two rakah Nafil prayer in every night of Ramadan with reciting three times surah Ikhlas in each rakah procures spiritual reward 70 times more and Almighty Allah’s merciful eye.


Reciting 10 rakah Nafil prayer on every Friday night of Ramadan by reciting 11 times Surah Ikhlas in every rakah procures spiritual reward equal to that of 10 martyrdoms, liberating ten thousand slaves and worship for seventy years.

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Supplications made after reciting Dua e Jamila at Iftar of 15th of Ramadan do get answered.


Spiritual reward of Friday prayer of Ramadan

One who recites three times Surah Qadar before Friday prayer in Ramadan gets spiritual reward equal to number of Muslims who offered Friday Prayer that day.


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Nafil prayer of last Friday of Ramadan


Offer two rakah Nafil prayer on last Friday of Ramadan by reciting three times Surah Al Kafiron, one time Surah Al Takathur, ten times Surah Ikhlas in first rakah; one time Ayat ul Kursi and twenty-five times Surah Ikhlas in second rakah. Recite Darood Sharif for three hundred times after prayer.


Have all worship of Ramadan accepted


Offer ten rakah Nafil prayers on last night of Ramadan. Recite ten times Surah Ikhlas after Surah Fatiha in every rakah. Allah Almighty will accept worship of Ramadan and will award spiritual reward equal to that of worship of thirty thousand years. (Muhammad Naeem Iqbal, Multan)


Stressed sustenance cured in one day


Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! May Allah Almighty bless you and may you live long! Person badly suffering with stressed sustenance must do this spiritual practice after Asr prayer in a room. He must imagine the business (source of income), neither talks to anybody nor get frightened. It is a simple practice. He has to have good intention. Recite 3 times, 7 or ‫ہ ٰ ہ یہ ُ ہ ر ُ ُ ہ ر یہ ہ‬ ‫اء ب ہغ ر ّ ہ‬ eleven times Darood Sharif and recite ‫اب‬ ‫ َل اّلہ اَّل للَا َیزق‬for 313 times. This is a ّ ُ ‫نم یش‬ ٍ ‫ْی ّحس‬

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practice of one week but it starts showing results in day 1. God willing, problems will be resolved in 7 or 21 days. Potent practice for peaceful sleep


Person finding it difficult to fall asleep must recite ‫یُ ہ‬ ‫ی ہ‬ ٰ ‫یہ ہ ہ ہ ٰ ہ ہ ٗ ُ ہ ی ُ ر ہ ہ ہ یہ ی ٰ ہ ی ُ ہ یہ ر ہ‬ ﴾۱۵‫ْی ا ہم ُن روا ہصل روا ہعل ری ّہ ہو ہس ّل ُم روا ت رس ّل ر ًمْی ﴿اَلحزاب‬ ‫ب َیّیا ال ّذ‬ ّ ّ ‫اّن للَا ومل ٓ ّئکتہ یصلون لَع الن‬when in bed. He will soon fall

Whip for Satan

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asleep. The one who finds it difficult to wake up at required time mustz recite Surah Zilzal and think of the time he wants to get up at. He will get up at the required time. ‫ہ ہ‬ ‫ہ‬ ‫رہ ر‬ ‫ ہَل ہح رول ہو ہَل ُق یہوۃ ا یَّل ِّبہّٰلل ّالع ّ ی‬71 times Recite 11 times Darood Sharif in beginning and at end. Recite ‫ل ال ہع ّظ ری ّم‬ ّ


and blow everywhere. It may be recited any time. It serves as a whip for Satan.

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To meet Hazrat Khizar ‫علیہ السالم‬ Scholars of Islam say that person reciting ُ ‫ہ ہ ً ہ ہر‬ ُ ‫ر ہ‬ ُ ٰ ‫ہ ہ ر یہ‬ ‫رہ‬ ﴾۴۱‫ ہولقد ہمک ینک رم ِّف اَل رر ّض ہو ہج ہعل ہنا لک رم ّف رْیہا ہم ٰع ّیش ق ّل ریًل یما تشک ُر رو ہن ﴿اَلعراف‬21 thousand times and then praying


while prostrating surely meets with Hazrat Khizar ‫علیہ السالم‬. (Hafiz Ghulam Muhammad, Sargodha)



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Hazrat Hakeem Sahib visited Haripur (Nilur Pain village), Kohat, Hassan Abdal, Karak (Bannu) on 29th and 30th of May and 1st of June. He travelled 1530 kilometers. He met there some people and called on the persons who had shared their contact details with Ubqari.

Monthly Spiritual Gathering


Spiritual gathering does not take place in Center for Peace and Spirituality. You may participate from your own place.



Spiritual Gathering for this month will take place on: June 11th Saturday, 02:10 pm to 03:25 pm, June 19th Sunday, 10:00 am to 11:17 am and June 28th Tuesday, Asr prayer to Maghrib prayer. ‫ہ‬ ُ ‫ہ‬ Recite ‫ ہَیقا ّد ُر ہَیق ّو یی‬during this time.


Recite these names of Allah Almighty with utmost humbleness, sincerity, concentration and faith that Allah Almighty is listening and answering your prayers. Place a glass of water in front of you and recite with the imagination that pale yellow light from sky is being showered at your heart like light rain; your heart is receiving peace and your problems are getting solved. After the time for this spiritual gathering is over, pray fervently for Muslim Ummah; for entire Muslim world and for non-Muslims to convert to Islam. Pray for peace in the world, for yourself and for

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your relatives. Pray with utter confidence. Allah Almighty answers justified prayers. After making prayer, blow water thrice and drink the water. Blown water can also be offered to family members.


After every gathering, give eleven rupees as alms.

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Note: If time for obligatory prayer comes during the spiritual gathering, do offer obligatory prayer and after having offered prayer, recite names of Allah Almighty compensating for the time which was consumed in offering prayer. It is permitted if someone wants to do this practice same time, everyday. This practice can be made part of routine worship. Recitation for every month is different and performed at different times. Impossible wishes of many people have come true. People whom dreams were realized and problems solved wrote us letters. Do write letter after you get your desire materialized.


Editor: Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood. (May Allah bless him.) People benifitting from Spiritual Gathering







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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! I have been reading monthly Ubqari for last six years. This magazine has helped me getting rid of many difficulties. I want to share with readers of Ubqari the benefits I reaped from this magazine in the month of Ramadan. I am a diabetic and doctors had forbidden me from keeping fast. In Ramadan I would weep being unable to keep fast and collect the countless blessings. One day while reading Ubqari I came across Monthly Spiritual Gathering section. I started reading reviews of those who had benefitted from this Spiritual Gathering. I started participating in this Spiritual Gathering and prayed Allah Almighty to resolve my problems. That was 11th of Ramadan. I observed fast on 12th day of Ramadan with many apprehensions in mind. But thank God, I neither felt hunger nor thirst and nor diabetes came in my way. I remained calm whole day. At Iftar, I thanked Almighty Allah with tears in eyes. I fasted for the rest of Ramadan and observed compensatory fasts in the month of Shawal. Alhamdu Lillah! (Sawera Ilyas, Jhang)

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The amal is small but the rewarding good deeds are in lacks: Recite the 4th kalima while going to Market in Sha Allah you will get 20 lacks good deeds and it is the month of Ramadhan the reward is 70 times more. ( Mohammad Ikram Sadiqi , Mian Wali)

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Your questions ………answer of Hazrat Allamah Lahoti


1. Have firm believe on the wazifa which is given to you do not change the wazifa according to your own choice. 2. If the situation gets worse while reciting the wazifa then do not stop reciting it by feeling scary. But keep reciting it with more concentration, devotion, dedication and believe. Boredom and restlessness while reciting is the sign that the wazifa is doing its work properly. 3. Recite the given wazifa with firm trust regularly the doubt will end the essence of the wazifa.


4. Recite constantly, do not haste.

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5. Whole family must recite or maximum people recite who can recite.


6. Some magical and problems of jin problems and tensions are genetic they take time to be resolved.


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7. After the 40 or 90 days of starting the amal, write your feeling along with coupon.


8. If Allamah Sahib has given you any wazifa, and you gets 2nd wazia through 2nd letter and if the first wazifa is benefiting you, then you can start the second wazifa also after getting the permission from Allama sahib.





Mariya Hussain, RWP. Sidra Saheen, Multan. M Faaiz, Karachi. M Kaleem, Karachi. M Umar Iqbal, ISB. Nazia Kiran, Hango. Jameela Bibi, Gown Pipplan Baandi. M Shafeeq, RWP. Kiran Nissa, RWP. Mushtaq Aehmad, Tala Gang. Ghulaam Yaseen, Miyan Waali..Habiba Abid, Rawalpindi. Farukh Naaz, Karachi. Farhat Jahan, Karachi. Nargis Began, Karachi. Niyyar Sultana, Chackwal. Mussarat bibi, MiyanWalli. Dr Fazal Malik Adil, Islamabad. Ayesha, Haidarabad. Sadia, Haidarabad. Samar Abas, Chackwal. Mr's Shahida Aehmad, Rawalacoat. Muhammad Umar Farooq, Gagu Mandi. Fareeba Aeman, Saray AlamGeer. Saira, Multan. Haji Muhammad Munir Bhati, GujranWala. Shakara, Attock. Shams Ul Haq. Lahore cant. Uzma Layqat, Apatabad. Sajda Naeem, Faislabad. Rukhsana, Sangla Hill. Kalsoom Dildar, Islamabad. Naheeda Akhtar, Phool Nagar. Amanullah, Aala Abad. Hafiz Nadeem Rasool, Bahawalpur. Akbar Ali, Muzafar Ghar. Zakiya Sultana, Khoshab. Mateh Ullah khan, Lahore. Sehzada Khalid, Lahore. Naseema Ashraf, Islamabad. Aymen Ashraf, Islamabad. Faraukh Ashraf, Muzafar Ghar. Sameena khan, Islamabad. Shameem Akhtar, Lahore. Sadia Fiyaz Tara? Lahore. Rukhshanda Andleep, Bahawalpur. Asia Sahzadi, Gujarat. Zulifqaar Ali, Dina. Muhammad Irfan,

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Rawalpindi. Muhammad Rafiq, Jehlam. Abdul Waheed, Karachi. Raheem Baksh, Peshawar. Ali Hamza, Gujarat. Ayesha Muqadas, Waah cant. Muhammad Shoaib, Harripur. Bibi Fatima, Rawalpindi. Iftakhar Aehmad Faridi, Sadaqabad. IQRA Akram, Toba Teak Singh. Ruksana Parvaiz, Rawalakot. Maria Muneer, GujranWala. IQRA Hussain, Rawalpindi. Khalid Hussain, Gujranwala. Nasreen Bibi, Mansehra. Noorul Saba, Lahore. Noon bay, Bannu. Shaista Nosheen, Aesa Kheal. Liaqat Ali, Harripur. Dr Muhammad Arshad Qazi, Lahore. Asia, Sahiwaal. Ghulam Isma, Sargodha. Rabia Akhtar, Sahiwaal. Shabana Kosar, Haidrabad. Shameem Bibi, Jaampur. Razia, Gogra. Muhammad Ayub Akhtar, Matthan Koat. Khuda Baksh, Bahawalpur. Khalid Masood, Dera Ghazi Khan. Umar draz Ali, BahawalNagar. Ayesha, Lahore. Rahat, Lahore. Amir Shear, Lahore. Ishaq Aehmad Noori Qadri, Fateh Pur. Rizwan Ullah, Haidrabad.


Shagufta Parveen, Muzafargar . Farha daughter of Ikram husain, Karachi. Mara Shafiq, RWP. Bi Bi Shgufta, Jand. Maneeza BiBi Haripur Hazara. Umar Faroq, Deepalpur. Deeba Kousar, Multan. Amana Smeena , Bawabshah. Naseem bibi , RWP. Amina Sahzeeb, RWP. Tariq Aziz, Kohat.Asad Iqbal, Lahore. Abdul Rehman, RWP. Sajid Mehmood, RWP. Saima Kosar, Attok.

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Sadiqa Khatoon, Karachi. Naseem Akhtar, Karachi. Iam Raza, Bannu. Nuveen Afridi, Karachi. Ashbeeran Hakeem, Karachi. Hafiz Abdul Rehman , Mirpur Khas. Khalida Parveen, Gujrat.







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Rukhshanda aqeel, Lahore. Hajra bibi, Mityal. Sadia Msoud, Lahore. Saeyda kahnam, Sialkot. Aziza,Lahore. Rukan o Deen , Khaniwal. Rubab Safdar jaffari, Dudyal . M.Azam, Gujjra Wala. Shbana Bibi, Wahari. Maha, Kohat. Mohmmad Sajjdad, Abotabad. Mohammad Yasir, Kohat. Naseem Akhtar, Karachi. Momal Zia Gujra wala. Rabia Nasir Khan, DG khan. Khursheed Begam, MandiBahodeen. Gulam Haider, sawabi. Rabis Hashmi, Peshawar sadder.Mr&MRs Mohammad Zia, Peshwar. BiBi Jameela Rawalpindi. Shamshad perveen ,Karachi. Mohammad jameel, Chakwal. Rubeena , Village Panwan. Shahida Parveen. Zakia gaffer, Attok. Qurat u lain , Karachi.Mohammad Irfan raza, Mureedwala. Noshana Zeshan, Khor. Sabiha Mushtaq, Lahore. Sajid Mehmood, Rawalpindi. Sharmeen Fatima, Ismalabad. Mohammad jameel, Abotabad. Safia ,Kandyaro. Faiz Mohammad, Tandojam. Tariq kahn , Sargodha. Jahanzaib,Lahore. Shahid Hameed , RWP. Asma, Karachi. Yasmeen Razzaq, Multan. Farhen Naiyer, Karachi. Mohammad Usman, Jahang. Shezad jameel, Lahore. Ishtiyaq Ahmed, Deena Jehlam. Mohammad Haroon, RWP. Sana Ullah Khan, Bannu. Samia Hasan, Kogral. Kalsom saeed, Kot Kaisrani. Mohammad Shehbaz, Tandlianwala. Mohammad Shafeeq, Hawail Lakha. Iram Muneer ahmed, Nawabshah. Saira Hafeez, Gujar Kahn. Noor alSabah, Township Lahore. Tasleem Akhtar , Kharian. Abdul shakoor, Multan. Shameem, Kohat. Mohammad Ameer Umar, Shah Nakadar. Razia Urooj, Haiderabad. Khadim Hussain , Haider Abad. Gulam Mustafa, Hairderabad. Shamah Akhtar, Haiderabad. Ahmed Hassan, Lahore. Mohammad Raheem Yar kahn. Amir Ali, Attok. Salman, Malakand. Afia Tabasum, Nankana Sahib. Sadia Tabasum Nankan sahib. Mohammad Atiq ur Rehman, Hadali. Israr jan, Karak. Shezad Mohamamd ali, Lahore. Fozia , Multan. Mohammad Arshad Fani, Lahore. Aysha Iraan Kaachi. Asma, Karachi. Mehnaz Parveen, Sakhar. Fariha Kashif,

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Gujjrawala. Kosar Hussain ,Kaachi. Zahira Nasir, Lahore. Sadia Anwar Kahn, Multan. Aniqa, Multan. Nasarullah, Multan. Usama Azhar, Raheemyar Khan. Azhar Mehmood Rahimyar Kahn. Mohammad Asgar, Islamabad. Salman , Noshehra. Sarwat Sultana, Karachi. Azra Parveen, Haripor. Riffat Yasmeen, Okara. Zubaidha Shareef, Multan. Ali Hamza, Multan. Fakhar u Deen, Shab Qadar. Taaj Mohammad Karachi. Kiran, Sialkot. Mehar Afshan javead, Karachi. Mohammad Shafaqat Ali, Multan. Binish, Abottababd. Sidra, Shaikhopora. Misbah Bibi , GujarKhan. Naseem Bano, Karachi. Shabeena Anwar, Karachi. Sajid Latif, Lahore. Monazza Rashid, Lahore. Mohammad Maqbol, Chak number 254 G, B). Mohammad Aslam, Lahore. Zahida Quraishi, RWP. Zuleakha Bibi, Jhana. Mehmona Shaheen, Phalia. Munnawar, Phalia. Sabiha Unmar Hayat, Lahore. Mohammad Yasir, Lahore. Ambreen Neelofar , Muzaffargar. Mohammad Zahid Ikram, Jahng. Mohammad Shafeeh, Kalorkot. Ayesha, Karachi. Farhat Jahan, Karachi. Jaan Mohammad, Khadian Khas. Mohammad Arif, Attok.Babar Nadeem , Haripur. Sayyed Mohammad Mubashar, FaisalAbad. Habib Ul Rehman, Palandri. Sadia Bano, Lahore. Iqra Parveez , Khaniwal. Shehzad Tanveer, Islamgadh Gar. Mohammad Nadeem, Islamgdh. Mohammad Ashraf, Mian Chanu. Naheed Akhtar, Gujjar Khan. Gulam Mustafa, Haripur. Shahid Ahmed, Rawalpindi. Mugaiza Tal'lat, Rawalpindi. Shaista Mobeen, Rawalpindi. Bilal Hasan Bahti, Boorywala. Mohammad Zulfiqar Ansari, Multan. Shagufta, Rohri. Kashor Naeem, Bheara. Adnan Ahmed, Hasan Abdhal. Muneera Ahmed , Lala Mosa Sayyeda Behram. Mohammad Imran Khan, TandhliaWala. Khalida Parveen, Khevra. Sayyed Akbar, Abbotabad. Reema Rehman, Rawalpindi. Asif raza , Donga Bonga. You all must recite this Wazifa


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From the first morning to the last evening of Ramadan recite 41 times this verse of Holy Quran, ‫ہ ہ ر ہ ر ُ یہ ہ ہ ٰ ُ ی‬ ‫لک ہ ر‬ ٌ ‫َش ٍء ہق ّد ر‬ (‫َی‬ ّ ‫) ّبی ّدک اْلْی ط اّنک لَع‬........ must recite one time Drood e Pak at the start and at the end. You






must recite it except Ramadhan for some days, weeks, and months.

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Haste in breaking the fast: Holy prophet said that people will be right until they keep breaking the fast hurriedly, means just after the sunset. (Urooj Taha , Pind Dadhan Kahn)


Episode: 2

Daily problems of formers and easy tips of Ubqari

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Kept the goat (chatra) with love and life taking disease?

Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O alikum: I am constantly reading the ubqari digest from last five years. I like and felt happy about your new episode about the formers in ubqari, I also have a proven tip which will surely help the formers and those who have kept animals at home.







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My father has the interest in keeping the chatra goat as pet animal at home from the very start. We buy every year after the Eid-ul-Zuha a goat and we serve him all the year and then we sacrifice it on the Eid. We repeat the same every year. We got the kajla goat from Sargodha last year. We served him a lot. There was severe summer. One day our goat did not eat anything and I was become curious. I took him to the animal doctors and they injected him and gave medicines. The dear goat did not eat anything and it only drank water, even after taking medicine. I took the goat again to the doctor next day he injected the goat and gave more medicines. Four days spent like this and the goat became so exhausted that it could not stand anymore and he used to sit all the day. I went to another doctor on the fifth day, and brought him to my home along with me. When he saw the condition of the goat he said that do not waste more money on it and slaughter it by calling the slaughtering man. I felt so sad and I thought that this goat will not live long now. I left the doctor at the door. Then he went and uncle Rafeeq, who lives in our village he is almost 75 years old called me and asked that what the problem is. I told him all the matter in detail and he said that there is nothing to be worry about, by pointing in front and said that bring the water of yogurt from the shop which is separated from the yogurt and put in other pot by the shop men and give 259 ML bottle after every hour to goat. I went to the yogurt shop and they gave me the water of yogurt free. I gave the goat the water of yogurt three time a day the next day I saw that the goat was trying eat the grass. I felt so happy and then I went to market and gathered a lot of water from two to three shops. And I fed goat with water after every one hour. Next day when I gave grass to eat then it eat it a lot, so after 5 days goat was fully fine. I kept giving once a day that water to goat after this. Once I was getting the water from the shop and the shopkeeper told me that if give this water to pigeons, parrots, buffalo and hens all the summer then they all will not suffer any disease. Animals will not suffer Moh khor ever, and the birds will not suffer the fatal disease Rani Kheat. This tip is very easy, cheap and rapid effective. ( Mohammad Waseem ,Lahore)

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Eggs will not be rotten

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Be a part of Former's Friend Ubqari


Respected Hakeem Sahib AsslamO Alaikum! To help the Former's Friend episode when I ask any tip from my grandfather told that whenever you make hen to sit on eggs do it in dark , put the eggs on the place where it will sit, turn them one the place by the strainer of flour slowly. Then let the hen to sit on eggs they will never e rotten.

Readers! If you have experienced or heard any of the tips about the disease of animals either it is spiritual or medical, if you have pet birds or animals at home and planted the plants . Then send your proven tips. Write the name of disease and medicines clearly to make easily read for others. Your small top will help the millions and it will be everlasting charity from you, do not be ignore it.


Episode: 2


Yes I am alive

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Hakeem Zia Ul alRehman, Maultan


“I am live in a way that I don't have the pain of life I am a dying clay lamp which has no light”







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Our society is in a condition that everyone either he is a professor, handwork, or carpenter or worker it’s same in every profession that all are just pushing the time to spend the life safely and hurriedly. How can the soul be happy if the family and the profession are not stable? How can the peace and the smile be together on the face? We can’t help speaking this word that the inflation has ruined the Spiritual and physical health. There were get to gather places in front of houses, general gatherings where every not even every native but strangers also heard completely and answered fully that his thirst was satisfied. The decision was taken at the right time and he gets his destination at right time. But from the time when we have involved in "I" attitude now if someone helps other in hard time then it’s a really big thing. This was an aspect of " Yes I am alive" . It has another aspect also, you will find the low wages and poor people having free time and praying in mosques, at bank of rivers for fishing, village gathering places of sports men, in the sports field in morning and in gathering of writers and poets. Usually at the night of holiday or in the day, I had a chance to see the fishing persons of Multan from very close. they go mostly by foot or on bicycle or on bike( very rare) for fishing to a near or at any far river or fishing places, there as friendship , eating together and a lot fun was grabbed in less money . But when the hardness of time makes us its prey then what? Give life to the traditions and customs of gatherings, sitting places of your forefathers by repeating them. Have again the habit of talking to Allah and asking from him by sitting in the mosque. Call tour Allah and think that He is Allah

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Who makes the mountains of hailstones to move and turn where He wants. And save whoever He wants and he can make blind whoever He wants and destroy by them. Allah is One who created us by a restless drop of water make is walk by two feet, make us go here and there, He can make us a worm which crawls on its abdomen or a 4 leg animal (Sora Alnoor 41-45) finally if we do not have anything to do then why don't we start the gathering to prove Allah's Presence? Why we do not prove us as to be the creation of Allah and be alive.

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Ease in peeling the garlic: if you want to peel the garlic hurriedly then sock it in hot water for 10 minutes and peel after that, the peeling will get off easily.


Try Ramadan energy drink! No tiredness, no hotness and no thirst

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Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam o alikum! May Allah shower blessings and peace and Baraka'h on you, your family, and generation until the last day and on Hazrat Allamah Lahooti and the helpers of ubqari and their generations until the last day. Ameen



You wrote in ubqari to write about the tested tips of ramzan, so I am writing my used tips of last ramzan, for that I am thankful to you, the last Ramadan was remember able ramzan for me, I read ubqari in May after taking from a student. I got if in June by myself. I first time attend the dars and blessed dham at 5 June and I also did Bai’t. On 24 page of ubqari of last June you wrote the remedy of many diseases by taking the socked Tukahm Balangu and browm sugar in one liter water after pauses. In the start of same digest there was a tip of Gul-Qandh, rose water, and date in ‘Haal e dil’.

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Direction for sehri:


Sock the Pieces of 3 dates in rose water at night, in morning take out the seed and chew the rest and swallow and drink the rose water in sips. Take 2 spoons of Gul qandh and one glass of water.


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For afatari:




Desi brown sugar 3 teaspoons and one teaspoon tukhan Balango sock in the afternoon and drink in the aftaar. Get rid of every type of hotness, old typhoid, fever, everlasting constipation, dryness of intestine, stomach burn, gas, old ulcer, you will get rid of all these diseases. I had the fresh contact with Ubqari I enthusiastically get all these things from market and used these tips. I was the kidney patient, and every year i suffer kidney problem due to water deficiency and I had to leave 2 to 3 fasts because of severe pain. This was my first ramazan that I did not suffer the kidney problem, water deficiency and not any pain. I kept all fasts as that they were the fasts of November and December. I gave these tips in black and white to my villagers, friends, and colleagues, relatives and my brothers and sisters to let them spend the Ramadan peaceful.



I used to take bath 7 to 8 times in ramazan but I took bath only once this time. I did not feel any hotness or disturb mood. Hakeem sahib! May Allah give Bara’kah in your life and bless you with the reward which is the highest in Allah’s treasures; because I do not know that how many sisters, mothers and daughters you benefited who try the tips playfully. I follow this routine the whole ramazan I neither felt hunger or thirst. Before that used to place full jugs of milkshake, lustfully, either we drink it whole or not. But this time I only used this domestic tip and I got rid of kidney problem. Because of these domestic tips of sehri and aftaar, I was able to recite 3

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tasbehatt and 129 times sora kousar with tasmia and Drood e pak at start and end after Trawi prayer. After this I used to drink ubqari Afza in one or two glasses of milk and I get from ubqari office and eat the ‘Mahjoon e Shafayabi’ and because of rohani gusal and last six soars I did all religious practices heartedly and healthfully and still doing. My back bone was injected because I had 4 cesarean operations and I had back pain and I used to offer prayers while sitting. This is one of the biggest mercies of Allah and with the thankfulness to Allah I am thankful to you that with the baraka’h of Rohain six Soras, rohani gusal and especially your medicine ‘Mahjoon e Shifayabi’ in the ramdan Allah gave me strength to offer prayer while standing. Back problem is finished, I used to do household tasks with a lot pain and now I do all works without any pain, it is just because of your prayers and medicines. 8 months old fever cured with two things:


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Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O alikum! I am reading the Ubqari from 2013 your struggle and the prayers of readers, the betterment of Ummah and with the tries to end the problems many people are getting benefits. May Allah give the success by leaps and bounds. I tried some of your tips and they are matchless. There are some incidents, there is an old man 90 years of age in my village, he was suffering from fever from last 8 months, he got treatment form many doctors and quacks but fever was not ending. One day I visited t him and told your proven tip and he recovered in three days. I told him that take Tukham Rehan, means Niyasbo in glass warm milk of glass and take sip by sip after stirring, by doing this not only fever gone away but it also ended physical weakness and on the third day he started offering prayer with Jamat, despite the old man who suffers fever 8 months cannot get up from the bed for many months.




One of my friend who is working at doctor’s clinic since 26 years, he is suffering from diabetes, one day one of my neighbors was passing by me and she told me that your friend is seriously ill and admitted in hospital he got a lot wound on his legs, i gave her two prescriptions after writing to the same lady for him. Almost after 20 days, I was walking in village and I saw that man and he came running towards me and hugged me, I astonishingly looked at him. I asked him that how are you? He said that he has recovered almost by the prescriptions which I sent him and I am on duty at clinic. I told him about karmati Chatni , which is prepared with Mint , ginger , dasi garlic and sour Anar dana, in equal quantity I asked him to take one spoon in morning, in evening and at night and to use on wounds I told him 50 grams wheat and 50 grams coconut after burning them in ¼ Dasi gai after crushing it, Allah Almighty healed Him by the Sadaqa



of His Beloved‫ﷺ‬. (Muhammad Aslam shopkeeper, Lahore)

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Divine Help in everything: while exiting from the home, recite ‫ہ ہ ہ ُ ہ ہ ہی‬ ‫ہ ہی ر ہ‬ ‫ ب ّ رس ّم للَاّ ہوتّک ُت ہلَع للَا ّ ہوَل ہح رول ہوَل ق یوۃ اَّل ِّبہّٰلل‬and find the Divine Help in everything that


you do by the Allah’s Will.

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The summer’s Heat ends by a Single Drought!

I suggested these two seeds three times a day in the liquid sip by sip. In three weeks, the patient had seventy per cent recovery and his body felt much better. The direct effect was on the vision, heartbeat, complexion and the overall body which amazed me.


[Dear readers! I always bring forward precious pearls of knowledge & wisdom for you and never tend to hide them. You should also be generous and share yours too. (Editor Hakeem Muhammed Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai]







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Both summer and winter are intolerable. In summer we tend to cool ourselves with the help of air conditioners, cold drinks and so many other similar things. Then in winter, we wear warm jackets and scarfs and turn on the heaters. I remembered something about one of my friends. His grandfather would immensely love his grandmother. In summer, he would prepare cold drinks from the fresh fruits, different electuary and soothing medicines for the heart and all this was done out of sincere love. He used to love his wife so immensely that it seemed boundless. (I reckon this must happen to avoid the betrayal of both eyes as well as the heart). When the wife would catch cold, then he would prepare different types of sweets for her, full of dry fruit and all the body warming foods. This caring continued till his last breathe and they left a message that the life spent in permanent quarrelling and arguments is just a shame. My readers! The tip that i am sharing today is apparently quite petty and inexpensive but i know thousands of such examples where this has worked wonders. This tip is centuries’ old and i cannot count the number of success stories that i have witnessed throughout my life so far. You can mark my words that this is not a simple tip but is a wonderful gift. The ailments which it heals are as following: chronic diarrhoea, intestinal ulcers and internal wounds, those who have ruined their digestive tract by eating junk food and restaurant meals, the incurable hepatitis, chronic piles (with or without blood), the post urinal drops, chronic leucorrhoea in women and gonorrhoea in males, heart burn after the meal and the after-effects of typhoid. It does not matter however sweltering the summer’s heat be and if you had to fast in summer but due to this tip, you will not bother if you had to do something in the sweltering heat while fasting. Just use the tip. Take fifty grams of tukhm-e-rehan (Basil Seeds) and fifty grams of tukhm balangah (Chia Seeds). Put both of them in the jar. And that’s it. Is it expensive or hard to make? Now you have to use them in milk or any milky drink or glass of water with honey by mixing a table spoon or two of these two seeds. Use it once or a few times during the day. And you cannot imagine what an energetic

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tonic you have grabbed in as now you have acquired a great deal of fighting against acidity and weakness.


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If the weather is cold, then you can use the same thing in warm milk twice a day or few times a day depending on your situation. Whenever i shared anything through Ubqari, i have received thousands of feedbacks and i have shared the wonderful secrets with all my readers. If you want more of them then keep on reading the Ubqari pages. Once a person came to see me with his son who was in his twenties but seemed quite week with his eyes sank in to their orbitals, he seemed quite tired in his body, had paleness on his face and the veins of his hands were protruding out. He looked like a living skeleton or merely a living dead. I asked him about the profession of his son. He said that his son lived in the hostel and is studying. I immediately understood that his present condition was due to spicy restaurant foods with full of all sorts of spices. His vigour had disappeared and the last nail in the coffin was the abuse of internet and mobile phones. I suggested just this tip for him. It was winter then with the freezing cold at its peak. I suggested pouring both of these two seeds in the warm milk three times a day and drink it in small sips. In just three weeks, the patient had recovered by more than two third and his body showed very healthy signs. His vision, pulse, complexion and overall health immensely improved. It even stunned me too. Readers! Why should we bring ourselves towards the natural tips and turn towards natural seeds instead of expensive medicines. These are medicines, foods as well as healers at the same time.







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Rest assured that if you start making these two seeds consumed by your children, they would not have weak vision, mental weakness, short memory, reduced growth and will improve their studying skills by removing all these weaknesses. Healthy generations with healthy minds, healthy vision, healthy stomach &liver and healthy kidneys depict an overall healthy society. These two seeds will make the males stronger, females healthier and removes the ailments of both of them that a person could not stop himself from using them. Do not keep them soaked as they will stick then though you can still use it but if you take sooner after you have poured them in honey water or skimmed milk, cold or warm then it will be more beneficial and no trouble in taking it. Today, I have shared this natural tip with all my readers. These two black colour seeds remove all dark ailments and bring a healthy face, healthy life and a healthy world to you. You can try these in the blessed period of Ramadan for a full experience of coolness in sweltering summer. What are you then waiting for?

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Turn the blind eyes into a hawk’s eye:


Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikam! I recite the second priceless treasure abundantly throughout the day and I feel enormous spiritual changes within myself. I know a recitation which I would like to share with the readers. I have a friend who is an IT engineer, and once he lost his vision suddenly due to brain tumour. The doctors were disappointed. I suggested the recitation that resulted in bringing back his vision. The recitation is as follows:

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ُ ُ ‫ّ یہ ر ٰ یہ‬ ‫الر ّح ری ّم رُن ُر رُن ُر‬ ‫ بّ رس ّم للَا الرْح ّن‬Write it nine times on a clay plate such that the ‘Wow’ and ‘Meem’ remain ُ open ended. Then rinse it with the rain water or Zamzam water and blow after reciting )‫( ہَی رُن ُر‬Ya Nooru 256 times with the following durood shareef ُ ‫ہ ٰ ی ُ یہ ہ ُ ر ُ ی‬ ‫ک رال ُمن ر‬ ‫لَع ُ رُنر ہ‬ ٰ ‫الن رو ُر ہص یل ہ‬ ‫ْی ہو ٰا ّلہٖ ہو ہِبر رک ہو ہس ّیلمر‬ ‫اللھم َیُنر‬three times before and afterwards on this water. Then put ّ ّ ّ ّ ّ







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a bit of the water on your eyes and drink the rest. Repeat it for 11, 21 or 41 days. (Muhammed Irfan, Layyah)

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Break the fast with date: Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: when you break your fast break it with date because the dare is full of blessings( Baraka'h) and if it’s not available then break it with water it cleans ( inward and outward)

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Domestic psychological problems and their ensuring and proven remedies The letters of distorted families and their comprehensive answers


Must send the envelope to reply with complete address written on it and do not make hast to have reply of latter. My inner thoughts:



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There are too many things in my personality which are a stain for the human beings. For example there is no consistency; if I start anything I cannot be consistent about it for long. I leave it incomplete; I have the habit of having breaks which reduces the Blessing (Barak’ah). The second problem is that if I do something good, like reading the informative book or having respect for any personality. I meet many people and some make so much fun that I doubt that I may be doing wrong. And then that thing despite being good goes away from me. Someone praise in such a way that I feel embraced and I start leaving that thing. Third thing is that whatever I listen good things I cannot act upon them because of laziness and fear of hard work. And desire to do some big service to humanity but I do not bother use the abilities given by Allah, and I want that my abilities should be increasing. Suggest me about these three problems separately. (Muhammad Tofail)


Shyness and fear:




Suggestion: You are at that point in your age that by hard work and consistency you can achieve important rank. If Heartbreaking, pessimistic and negative thoughts start prevailing your brain then suggest good things to yourself. In this way there will come strengthening and lighted thoughts. Surely you are intelligent and the owner of many abilities. To prove this it is important that you take interest in your profession. Laziness and hopelessness are the things which make even the beat of the best person useless. Bring confidence in yourself. Talk to many people in good and happy environment.

I am suffering from a disease and worried about it. I feel very much fearful before going in front of any high rank personality on in any office. My heart shakes and beats and sometimes perspiration do appear. I cannot speak in front of anybody and if I go for interview then I cannot speak and my voice does not come out. If I speak a bit loud or I call for prayer, I feel fear of

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cough. When I study nothing remains in my brain. Whenever I take book the water comes from eyes, laziness and headache starts, not even a single word I can remember. 4 years have passed and I cannot clear the first and second year papers yet because supplies come again and again.


(Muhammad Irfan)

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Suggestion: you considered yourself fail due to the failure in exams. The supply in exams is not the matter of death and life. Make a routine of morning walk and take deep breath sin open air. Prepare for exams with new courage. Discuss with your friends about your subject and think positive. Meet the friends who are doing the job anywhere ask them that how the interview should be handled. Insha’Allah your problems will be ended. The behavior of my husband:


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I saw Ubqari somewhere I read it and liked it very much. From then I read it every month consistently. My problem is that 5 years have passed after my marriage. My husband was very good in the start but from last 2 years he shows anger to me and children. He does not show anger or quarrel to anybody else.He offers five times prayers with the Jammat, and also advice others as well. He gives advices to do, good and he stops from bad doings. But I do not know that why he shows anger to me on petty matters now. He never wants to listen to me. He did not even like to sit with me. If someone complains about me then he quarrels so much without asking to me anything. I prepare three times food for him and I love him so much. I am mad for him, without him I do not like anything not even food. It gives me tension, it is unable to bear, severe headache starts and anger is my enemy. I feel dizzy. What should I do? Where should I go? Kindly tell me something I may go mad. (S, c)




Suggestion: your circumstances are really painful firstly try to have good relations with your husband and if he again shows anger then tell to his family if they do not care then your family. Listen their suggestion and think deeply but never ever try to leave him. Wed lock is not so weak that I should be broken by anger, doubt and misconception. You will have to correct all things by proving yourself intelligent and witty. Take good care of your husband’s likeness. Take as much care of him as you can. Do not reply to his ill words there will come a time when he will realize himself. Stress about son make the ball in throat:



Your magazine is praise able. My young son has died and the world has ended for me. I try my best to see him in dream but he do not come. My son was unmarried but he was engaged and his wed lock (nik'ka) was tied. After that I arranged the marriage of my elder son to that girl. She is very regular in religious activities is she the continuous charity from my dead son? ‫ المدہّٰلل‬I am well to do tell me to do something which will give my son

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.good deeds until the day judgment by weeping in the separation of my there has appear a ball in my throat. Suggestion:


You will have to bear this pain all the life but you can reduce it. Do as much charity for your son as you can.


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You said that you are well to do, help a lot poor and needy people. Send some money to near mosque with the intention of having good deeds, every month, this will fulfill the needs of mosque. Spend time in orphan house with orphans; take gifts and good cloths for them with you. If any relative is poor help him fully as well. In this way your heart will be peaceful, and it will be charity from your son.







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Traveler of hereafter. 22-3-2016 on Wednesday, the wife of Hakeem Azaad Sherazi Sahb died. She was the mother of Saleem Anwar sherazi, Naeem Anwar Sherazi and Kaleem Anwar Sheerazi. Hakeem Azaad Sherazi was the personality who introduced the Hazrat Hakeem sahib ‫ دامت بركا تھم‬with His Sheikh Hazrat Say’yad Muhammad Abullah Hajveiri ‫رحمته ہللا تعالى علیه‬. It is request to readers to recite and send something for Her as Gift.

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Make best pakoray in this Ramazan: if you put a little crushed garlic in basen then it will give good taste and they will not be heavy also.


Poor people become rich with one amal of Ramdhan


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Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam o alikum! There was a time when we were in bad condition we could not cook meat for months. Children have become thing by eating unbalanced diet, relatives stopped coming in our home. The special amal of Ramdhan ul-Mubarak which you published in 2011, I started reciting; Allah opened the gates of mercy, blessings, compassion with the Baraka’a of that amal. However I had the government job which was different from the private job and it was peaceful. But the income comes and finishes at once we, husbands and wife remain thinking that where the income has gone. Now ‫ !الحمدہلل‬There is barkah in our livelihood and it is in abundance. There is AC, mobiles, internet, UPS, motorcycle, computer, splendid bed to sleep and many electronics in our home, we were deprived of these things before and were suffering inferiority complex. Children are getting education in good schools. All loans are paid. There remains, chicken, mutton and vegetables all the month. Which, we use to ask from others before. We spend in the way of Allah more now and the income remains in the pouch of Brakah which used to end until the 5 date before the amal of Sora Kosar.


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Direction: make the pocket size pouch of cloth or get the pouch from the office of Ubqari by post. Put all the money in it and then recite and below on it Sora Kousar 129 times in morning and evening with 7 times Drood e pak at start and after it. All members of family must recite collectively and whenever you take out money or put the money in the pouch then recite the sora one time and blow on it.






Special amal of Ramadhan: at the night when ramazan’s moon appears recite sora kosar 313 times with tasmia. At the night between the 10the and 11the fast recite 313 times. Also recite at the night between 20th and 21st fast recite 313 times. (7 times Drood e pak must be recited at the start and at the end of amal). At the 27th night of Ramadhan recite 1100 times with 11 times drood before and after it. (this can be recited by some people together) after the prayer of Eid recite 313 times along with tasmia and 7 times drood e pak before and after. If you could not do this amal at night due to any reason then you can do in the day as well except the night of 27th amal that will only be done at night time. Readers! Recite waziaf all the year but the splendor of ramaz’s wazifa and worship can never be attained anywhere else. (Abdullah)

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Get rid from the loose motion, acidity and cramps Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O alikum! The blessed month of ramadhan has arrived, the eating timings change in ramzan so most of the people suffer from the abdominal diseases like loose motion cramps they spend whole Ramadan with difficulty. There is good news for such people. I have a tip and by using this there will be no such diseases of abdominal in ramazan. It is proven and tested tip. I hope that the readers of ubqari will get a lot of benefit of it. Allah is the best healer: Peeling of dry pomegranate, seed of dry mango, bail giri (seed), take in same quantity and grind them. Take half teaspoon after half an hour sehri and aftaari with the brown sugar drink. InshaAllah every type of abdominal diseases will come to an end. First dose will be useful, except ramazan use 3 times in day. Even if the loose motions are full of blood they come to an end with the first dose. ( Nazeer Ahmed Rawalpindi)


Encyclopedia of domestic problems


How to spend the month of Ramdhan

ُ ‫ ہَی ہمال‬and blow on the chest. After making the intention of fast recite the‫ّک‬


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ُ ‫ ہَی ہغ یہف‬21 times before starting your work. Recite ‫ار‬


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Recite 3 times drood pak when you open eye in morning blow on palms are put the palms of face and drag.

ُ ‫ہَی ہخب ر‬ When you sleep after the zohar recite 21 times ‫ْی‬ ّ

ُ When you feel angry anytime recite 21 times.‫ہَی ہح ّف ریظ‬


ُ ‫ ہَی ہق یہھ‬21 times and blow on the place of heartbeat. In afternoon after zohar recite ‫ار‬


ُ ‫َی ُم ّق ری‬.‫ ہ‬And blow on the fingers. You will feel If you feel weakness in fasting then recite 21 times ‫ت‬


peace from the head to feet.

Sit on the eating place before breaking the fast and recite 21 times ‫اس ُع‬ ّ ‫ہَی ہو‬


ُ ‫ہ‬ Recite 21 times ‫ ہَیق ّو یی‬after isha prayer and Trawi


ُ ‫ ہَی ہِبع‬after placing the hand on the heart, before sleeping and sleep after reciting Recite 100 times ُ ّ the drood e pak 21 times ‫ہ ٰ ی ُ یہ ر ہ ہ ُ ر ُ ہ‬ Recite ‫ت ہوا رح ٰی‬ ‫َسک امو‬ ّ ‫ اللھم ِّب‬19 times before sleeping.

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You will feel yourself a new person after ramadhan by keeping this routine. Try to recite sora fatiha one time and 3 times sora Ikhlas and send as the gift to all dead human beings. You will feel the peaceful at heart. It’s tested.


For the disease of stomach and liver

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One tip for the diseases of stomach and liver which is the remedy of constipation; I am giving it to the readers of Ubqari. Magnesia, one quarter, folaad patri 2 tola, noshadar 2 tola, tatri 1 tola, 2 and a half quarter water, add water in a bottle, break the noshadar in to pieces and add everything in water. Shake it one to two times in a day, when they dissolve in water then take one table spoon after eating meal. If the constipation is too much, take 2 teaspoons at the night time. (Reference: Ubqari book 4)







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Collect the pearls from last files of ubqari: for taking benefit against domestic clashes, decrease in livelihood , and to get rid of problems , and to get the benefit from the old files of ubqari digests in the form of book are available, these digests will prove the as spiritual, physical, and psychological doctor for your generation, (price of each book is 500 except the postage price)

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Recite the Superior Benediction during Ramadan: Recite the superior benediction of ‫ َل الہ اَل للَا‬and get rewarded with uncountable blessings almighty


Allah. This is also a key for accepting the prays by almighty Allah.

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Children Page:

Ubqari Gives a Unique Task to Children during the Holy Ramadan



Dear Kids! Find the deserving people in your surrounding with the help of your father. It is not necessary that always beggars deserve though the deserving are those who don’t beg for financial help. Let’s make it a humble cause for us during the holy month of Ramadan that we will help the deserving, poor and needy people throughout the month of Ramadan and earn blessing from almighty Allah.


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As soon as the month of holy Ramadan was passing away and the Eid Fest was getting closer the anxiety of Ramzan was also going higher. He would find eternal peace during the month of holy Ramadan. He was not so needy even a few years ago. He would hardly manage to make bread and butter for his family but the ever hiking expenses were going out of his reach. It became quite hard to manage the expenses in such a lowest income but he never thought to beg anyone except for Allah. The earning opportunities were not quite better on other hand the inflation had almost ruined his life.



The circumstances were quite hard for a labor like him. He had an older mother, wife and three kids. Thus the needs of six persons were not less than hiking a mount for him. The bitter reality of life could be accepted by the adults but what to do with children. They were eagerly waiting for Eid so that they can get new cloths and eat Siwayyan and earn Eidi (Eid Gift) from their elders.



Ramzan was feeling quite relaxed at the beginning of Ramadan Kareem as he was free to arrange the meal for one time. Her sick mother also started fasting to help her son. His wife persuaded the children even those who were far behind the age when the fasting becomes obligatory on a Muslim. Moreover, the support from neighbors was also there when they send foods and fruits etc to his home being Iftari.


But as the time was passing the anxiety of Ramzan was going high as he has to face the challenge of Eid. How to make arrangements for Eid? How to make cloths for children? How to arrange for preparing the Siwayyan on Eid day and then after arrangement of two times meal were the main concerns. “May the month of Holy Ramadan remain throughout the life”, he wished.

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Dear kids! This is not a single story as there a lot of families in our society who can’t afford to eat for two times in a day. You people will also preparing for Ramadan. The preparations for Sahri and Iftari would be on and sufficient food would be stored to spend during the Ramadan. And then Eid, certainly the preparation for Eid would also on. Despite all these needs try to help out the people like Ramzan so that these people can also arrange cloths and sweets for their kids for Eid.

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Dear Kids! Find the deserving people in your surrounding with the help of your father. It is not necessary that always beggars are deserving though the deserving are those who don’t beg for financial help. Let’s make it a humble cause for us during the holy month of Ramadan that we will help the deserving, poor and needy people throughout the month of Ramadan and earn blessing from almighty Allah. (Selection: Sanwal Chughtai, Ranjhu Chughtai, Amman Zebo Chughtai, Bhoral Chughtai, Ahmedpur Sharqiya)


The Greedy Doorman and Laughter of the King


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Once upon a time, there was a joker named Ibn al Maghazil in Arab. It was known that no one can control on laughing while talking to him. The king of Syria was Al Mutazid. Once, one of a doorman spoke to Ibn al Maghazil and offered him that he would allow him to visit the king so that he could make the king laughing and happy by speaking jokes etc and get rewarded by the king. But the condition of this permission is that Al Maghazil has to share half of the reward with this doorman. After hearing this offer, Ibn Al Maghazil requested the doorman to reduce his share to sixth part of the reward as he was so needy. But doorman did not agree. Even he did not agree to accept the forth part of the reward. Eventually Ibn Al Maghazil agreed to pay him half of the reward as there was no other way for him to approach the king. The doorman went inside the palace and briefed the king about Ibn Al Maghazil and then allowed him to get in after getting permission from the king.






The king was reading a book. He closed the book, kept it aside stared at Ibn Al Maghazil and asked “Are you Ibn al Maghazil?” He replied, “Yes, I am”. Kind asked “Do you make people laughing by speaking jokes etc?”. He replied “Yes, the honorable king, as they reward me for this act of joking and this is my only source of income”. King said “if you make me laughing then I will pay you five hundred dirhams. But what do if you could not make me laugh?”. “ I will accept whatever punishment will be given by my lord” replied Ibn al Maghazil. “Let’s request me to award me with punishment of ten lashes if I could not make you laughing” Ibn al Mahgazil added. The king agreed on it. Ibn Al Maghazil started telling jokes so that all the attendants couldn’t control their laughter. But the clone was surprised as he saw there was not even a single simile on the king’s face. Ibn Al Maghazil sweetened and gave up. The king asked him to tell him more jokes if he has left in his basket. Ibn Al Maghazil accepted his defeat and asked permission to submit another request before the punishment starts. The king granted the permission. Ibn Al Maghazil said “As you promised me that you would award me with ten lashes in case I could not make laughing you, I request your majesty to double this punishment”. The king laughed while listening to this new request, but accepted it.

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The course of lashes started. The king ordered to conduct the course of punishment quite gently as he did not mean to cause trouble to Ibn Al Maghazil. When the ten lashes were whipped, Ibn Al Maghazil shouted and requested to complete the rest of punishment to another man to whom he has promised to share the half of his “reward”. The man is the doorman standing at the door. The king laughed again while hearing this new demand and ordered to bring the doorkeeper in the palace. Ibn Al Maghazil asked the doorman to remove the cloth from his back so that the rest of “reward” could be granted to him. “I requested you so much to accept sixth part and then fourth part of the reward but you did not listen to me, now share the half part of my “reward” said Ibn Al Maghazil. The king loses control over his laugh. Eventually, the king rewarded Ibn Al Maghazil with five hundred Dirhams out of which he paid half of this reward to the doorman. (Nifkhat ul Arab) Salim Ullah Somro, Kand Yaro

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The Drawback of Whisper: The whisper causes split and chaos in the society while swelling social ills.

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When the Jinn Created Chaos in the Girls School, a True Seen Incident When we reached to school we found a pool of blood on the floor of same grade 7th. The window was opened while the door was locked. The blood line getting out below the door to the room of water pump situated around three hundred yards away.


Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! I am fond of Ubqari Magazine. I got many benefits both physical and spiritual through this magazine. I regularly read the article regarding Jinn in that magazine. I am an eyewitness of one of the incident relating to Jinn.


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I was six years old when I got admission in the school of my village in Chakwal. By the time I reached to grade 4th, there were some suspicious incidents frightened the villagers. The school was located outside the village premises. It is located in secluded place surrounded by tiny hills. There is a drain running among these hills. The Phalai trees are also found there. People call this place as Kolmarian. The girls parents strictly recommend their daughters to not to head to Kolmarian as at that time the school had no boundary wall so the girls inadvertently enter in the area covered by trees.



Once, the student of grade 7th name (S) snatched the baton from her teacher and started beating her. Then she started frightening fellow girls, rushed to principle’s room and slapped on her face. She threw out the fruits from the room. In short she created panic throughout the school. Then her parents were called who brought her back to home forcefully. After bringing her to home, they brought the prayer leader (Imam) of the local mosque who recited some Quranic verses and glow to her, then she became conscious. When asked her about the incidents, as she joined the school almost after two weeks, she replied that she knew nothing as she loose her conscious.




After a few days, when we reached to school we found a pool of blood on the floor of same grade 7th. The window was opened while the door was locked. The blood line getting out below the door to the room of water pump situated around three hundred yards away. Surprisingly the water pump room was also locked inside. Then the teachers notified local police and some religious schoolers who inspected the sight and opined that this was not human blood or in other words the blood was of a kind of jinn. I fell under severe fever after this incident for a few days. I frighten even today when I recall this scary incident. May almighty Allah protect all humans from evils, Amen. (Memoona Yasmeen, Rawalpindi)

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My Mother Speak To Jinn!

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Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! May almighty Allah keep you in his kind protection so that you can keep continue serving the humanity. This incident is about a few years ago, as my mother and brother had traveled from Multan to Gujrat. My mother got sick as soon as she reached over there. Her body was paralyzed, however she was physically fit when she left Karachi. The important thing to describe here is that she started talking to unseen in a strange language, which was not recognized by us. Anyway, we brought her back to Multan and started her treatment from a spiritual schooler. She recovered in a few months. After her recovery, we asked her about the person whom she would talk to. She told that she could not see them rather she could only listen to them. These unseen powers accompanied her to the way back to home and then pay regular visits to her. Then we brought her to a pious elder who treated her spiritually. After finishing that treatment these neither those strange things visit our home nor my mother got ill again. (Irfan Khan)


The Virtues of Holy Ramadan


By: Kaleem Ullah Sheikh, Paharpur


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Hazrat Abu Huraira ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬narrates as Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said that his ummah has ٰ rewarded with five blessings referring to Ramadan Kareem which were never rewarded to their predecessors.




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1. The mouth smell of fasting person is liked by Allah more than of musk. 2. The fishes pray for fasting person until he breaks his fast at sunset. 3. The paradise is renovated for the fasting persons as almighty Allah address the paradise that time is very close that His pious men would enter into it after performing hard tasks in their worldly life. 4. The devils are fastened in this month as they can’t persuade the people towards the ills as they do in other months. 5. At the last evening of this holy month, the fasting persons are pardoned. The Prophet Companions asked whether it is Lailatul Qadar? Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬replied as “No, as there is a rule to pay the wage to labor when he finishes his work”. (Ref: Masnad Bazar, Behqi, Ahmed)



Hazrat Abu Saeed Khadri ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬narrates as Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said that ٰ almighty Allah releases prisoners from hell during the day and night of this holy month and at least one pray is accepted of every Muslim during this month. (Masnad Bazar)


‫ رضی ہللا‬narrates as Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said that “Here is the month Hazrat Ibadah ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ of Ramadan having vast blessing in it. Allah almighty draws to you and rewards with His superior blessings, forgives your sins, approves your prays, looks into your hearts and talks about you with the angels proudly. Therefore, show your right deeds to Allah. He is really unfortunate who be deprived from Allah’s blessing in this holy month”.(Tibrani)

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Make Your Face Resplendent, Attractive and Charming at Eid ul Fitr!

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Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! May almighty Allah keep your blessing shadow over us for a long time. I am the regular reader of Ubqari Magazine for last six years, Alhamdulillah. It is a useful magazine. Every girl dreams being looked resplendent, attractive and charming at the eve of Eid ul Fitr. I would like to share a valuable spiritual amal. I never used any kind of cream on my face during my whole life. When I was a college student, my class fellows would ask me as to which cream I would use? Today, I am the mother of four, but did not use any cream yet.







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ُ I recite after every salat, ‫ ہَی رُن ُر‬for eleven times, then the whole verse No. 24 of Surah An Noor ‫ہ ُ ُ ر ُ یہ‬ ‫الس ٰم ٰو ّت‬ ‫للَا ُنر‬for one time, then the whole verse No. 107 of Surah Ale Imran ‫ہ‬ ٓ ُ ٰ ‫ ہو ہا یہما یہالذ ر ہ‬for seven times and ‫ ہَی ہخال ُّق ہَی ُم ہص یو ُر ہَی ہَج رّی ُل‬for one ‫ِف ہر رْحہ ّۃ للَاّ ُ ر‬ ‫ْی راب ہی یہض ر‬ ‫ت ُو ُج رو ُہ ُھ رم ف ّ ر‬ ﴾۴۱۱‫ُہ ّف رْیہا خ ّلد رو ہن﴿ال معران‬ ّ ّ hundred times and glow to my own face. Alhamdulillah, my face is still resplendent and clean. I did not need any kind of cream yet. (Umm Abdul Jaleel, Gujrat)

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Reduce the Cracks from Porcelain: Insert the milk in a pot and put the cracked porcelain in that pot so that it’s cracked part wet in the milk and boil the milk for half an hour. It will reduce the cracks from porcelain.


An Eye Opening Revelations by Gravedigger of Miani Sahib Graveyard! By: Habeeb Ashraf Sabohi, Lahore.

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One day I decided to parallel it again to make it ready for another body to be buried in it. When I dug it I found the body of woman. Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! I am reading the Ubqari Magzine since a long time. I find its articles and material very interesting, full of spirituality and admonitory. The writing style is so interesting that attracts people towards the religion.


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I regularly pay visits to Miani Sb Graveyard in Lahore to offer Fateha as many of my relatives and friends are buried there. I find opportunity to sit with one of its gravediggers named Shoukat. He told me that by generation he was in this profession as he even sleeps in that graveyard. Upon my question whether he does not feel fear while living there, he replied in no. Then I asked him to tell me some important incident that he experienced. He told me that he feels and his forefather would tell him that they have to face no difficulty to dig the grave of a pious man as if the soil is helping him by itself. The soil of grave releases fragrance. Contrary to that, they have to face very difficulty while digging the grave of a worldly sinner. There are some graves that we feel fear while passing through them even the in the daylight. Then he shared one of unforgettable incident of his life.




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He told that a few years ago, a few people brought a body during the night of holy month of Ramadan. We buried the body. Then we did see nobody visiting that grave. Since the grave was raw, the hard weather made it more crumbling. One day I decided to parallel it again to make it ready for another body to be buried in it. When I dug it I found the body of woman. The grave released the fresh glow of a pleasant fragrance. The body was fresh as if it was just buried. I covered the grave rapidly and repaired it. The grave still persists. I mostly pay visits to that grave, pour the water and offer Fateha. He told that when they dig the older graves they receive unbearable stench but this was not case for her grave rather I smelled a pleasant fragrance which I couldn’t forget for a long time.




He further added that one day he found a well-dressed man offering Fateha on that grave and there was a wrath of flowers on the grave. When he finished, I greeted him and asked about the dead of that grave. I was surprised that I saw somebody after a very long time. The man told me that he was husband of that lady. Since he lives abroad therefore can’t visit the grave. These days he was on visit of Pakistan so he also visited the grave. Then I shared my experience about that grave with that man and asked about the possible amal of that pious lady. The man while listening to my experience about this grave started crying. Then he told the real story behind it. He told me that he headed to Europe to get the education. After getting education he started employment there. When he would pay visit to his parents in Pakistan they would push him to marry with his maternal cuisine, as they engaged me with her since my childhood. But I would decline to do so. Eventually, during one of my visit to Pakistan his parents pushed him and

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threatened him to disconnect with him if he did not marry. He tried to convey his parents that due to some “certain reasons” he could not marry but they were not agree to listen to him and conducted his marriage with that girl. He shared this startling truth to his newly wed bridal that he is not capable to offer her conjugal rights and that she might get free by him had she like to marry any other man. He was her guilty. The kind lady had replied her that she was agreed on what had been written in her fate as she was ready to spend her whole life with him.

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The lady obeyed the concept of virtual God of husband as given in Islam. Neither she talked about his weakness to anyone nor she black mailed him. We would get the fabricated report from doctors showing that both of us were perfect to satisfy our parents when they talk about absence of child in our lives. She had cooperated with him very much. She was always ahead in pious deeds, prayers and human services etc. These were her qualities which were rewarded by almighty Allah in that way as she was successful in this world and hereafter. May almighty Allah reward her with paradise.


The gravedigger added that life in this world is like a farm as you will find the fruit in hereafter of what you would have seeded here. He added that they can guess the life of body by the apparent circumstances.

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Two Valuable Gifts for Residents of the Forests!


Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! We live in the upper flat terrain of Deira Ismail Khan. It is a small village. We have studied in the forests where there is no facility like road or electricity etc. I buy the Ubqari Magazine from the city every month to read and also let read my friends. I would like to share two tips with Ubqari Magazine readers:



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Injury Treatment: If you have fallen from a tall place and got injured or have injury on bone then we use Reel Coal in Saraiki language. It is extracted from mines and also used to produce the cement. Grind this coal like a powder. Insert two teaspoons pure ghee and one teaspoon of this coal powder and mix it. Apply this paste to injured place in the evening before going to sleep. It will relieve you from the pain within one week time, Insha Allah.





When A Poisonous Insect Bites: Get a small bottle and insert the mustard oil in it and insert a live Scorpio in it. Massage through this oil if you have been bitten a poisonous insect e.g. fly, honey bee or even scorpio etc. It will remove the pain and won’t let it swelled, Insha Allah. (Khizar Hayat, Deira Ismail Khan)

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Getting rid of illness: if someone has been sick for a long time then his relative ُ‫ہ‬ should recite the name (‫ ہ)َیغف رو ُر‬5044 times for 21 days. By the will of Allah there will


be some way of healing.

Do you know the benefits and prosperity of pre Eid night?

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Chaudhry Muhammad Ghulam Muhammad Yaseen Qadri Farooqi

As soon as the news of moon is sighted all the barriers and boundaries are broken which were being followed to a certain extent in the month of Ramadan. Meaning to say this blessed night becomes a start of disobedience of God.



Most of us people spend the last night of Ramadan which is called pre Eid night in abhorrence due to ignorance from Quran and Sunnah and do not take advantage of its real significance. Today’s article has been written in the light of Quran and Sunnah on this topic. So that we can have an idea about it and we can assess ourselves how we can spend it.

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Prophet Hazoor (‫ )ﷺ‬said


That in the last night of Ramadan Kareem the whole Ummah of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is forgiven.


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The Companions (‫ )رضوان ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬asked is it the night of Shab e Qadar? Prophet replied no. The reward of a worker is given when he completes his work and that is fulfilled in last night hence he is forgiven. (Ahmed Un Abu Huraira)


A person who stands in the nights of Eid then his heart will not die on that day when everyone else‘s heart will become dead (ibn e maja)



We should cry before God this night and should ask for our reward with a lot of passion. We should say as much nawafil of forgiveness so that God accepts our prayers and fasting. But the bad thing with Pre Eid night is that all the blessings and enlightenment that are received by us the Muslims, those are all wasted in bad deeds. All those bad things which Muslims are usually safe from in month of Ramadan seems to appear once again.


As soon as the news of moon is sighted all the barriers and boundaries are broken which were being followed to a certain extent in the month of Ramadan. Meaning to say this blessed night becomes a start of disobedience of God.


The blessing of last night should not be ignored like that. It is just a tradition that we should have new clothes and shoes on day of Eid otherwise to celebrate the Eid these arrangements are not necessary. God has made the day of Eid ul Fitr and without any doubt it is a day of happiness of Muslims. This thing is proven from the Sharia that a person should wear his best attire which he

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owns. But these days for this reason the unlimited money is wasted and lavish spending which have been considered compulsory, these things have no place in religion and Shariah. This thing has been accepted that even if a person cannot afford still he must buy for every person in the house things of latest fashions such as from shoes, cap till everything. He should arrange new stuff to redecorate the house and should not refrain from performing all these things. The end result of this is the preparation of Eid has become a headache for an average earning person. In this process when he sees that he has inadequate resources for full filling the wishes through legal money then he adopts inadequate ways of stealing from pockets of other people which can satisfy the never ending wishes of his folks. The minimum loss of this kind of perpetration of Eid that the month of Ramadan, exclusively the nights of last ten days which are supposed to be spend in isolation for obtaining the will of God through prayers are wasted in markets. It is the prayer to God that he should give us the power to refrain ourselves from all the disobediences Amin.


Scorching heat and feeling of coolness throughout the day

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Respected Hakeem Sahib Asslam o Alaikum! I have two tested gimmicks which I am sending especially for the edition of month of Ramadan which will definitely benefit the readers fully. If something gets lost then recite once drood e Ibrahimi and you will instantly find it.


I am sending a remedy tested by me for month of Ramadan. A person who recites Surah fatiha before sunrise and blows it on his hand then moves them over his face then he will not feel thirst for the rest of day. I have tried it myself. (Seen)


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Grades of Ahl e Bait Athaar (‫)رضی ہللا عنہم‬

Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬says that I complained to my Prophet Owner and Master ‫ ﷺ‬that people


are jealous of me. So Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied that are you not satisfied on this thing that out of first

4 persons who shall enter Heaven, fourth one shall be you? Those four people are ME ‫ﷺ‬, you and Hassan and Hussain ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. (Masnad Ahmed)





Hazrat Brah Bin Azab ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and hazrat Ziad bin Arqam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrated that when Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬climbed down at KHAM E Ghadeer then He ‫ ﷺ‬grabbed the hand of Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and said that do you not know that I am nearer than the soul of every person who owns faith. ? People answered why not? Then said do you not know that I am the owner of more than every Muslims’ life? People replied why not. Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said O Allah Whoever’s friend I am, Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬is also. O Allah becomes a friend of those who are friend of them and become an enemy of those who are enemy of them. After that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬met Hazart Umer Farooq ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and said O ibne abi talab, blessed are you that you are the friend of ever men and women who owns the faith (Masnad Ahmed, Mushkat)

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A tested remedy for Black jaundice


(Abdul kareem Qadri)

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Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib Asslam o Alaikum! I am reading your magazine monthly Ubqari since year 2011. I read it and found it praise able. I don’t feel like reading anything else. I am telling you a remedy for black jaundice. A simple weed by the name of Rawanda from India you should take it and powder it then on an empty stomach in the morning one tea spoon full should be taken and put it in a cup of water by making a Qahwa. Then have breakfast after an hour. Use it for 40 days don’t need a thing to avoid in food. The patients who were incurable by the doctor they got health. It is guaranteed remedy. There are 14 people that I experienced myself who were ready to die were cured due to this cure.

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Who is the most greatest near God: The greatest near God are those who serve other people.


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The moon of 14th: I saw that the moon of 14th is shining very near to me and is very much illuminated. And close to it is an artificial moon. In and out of it are circulating stars of Zodiac such as Sagittarius etc. (Sheen Lahore)


Interpretation: this dream is very much blessed. You will get a lot of respect and prosperity but the enemy is also there along with you. By the order of God, the enemy will be unsuccessful. So do not be tense.



The marriage hall: I saw a dream that I am in a marriage hall where I am being married with a girl whom I really love a lot. When I look at her I start to cry but when I look away I get very happy however when I look at her gain I start crying again. This is something which I don’t understand. Sheryar butt Rawalpindi.



Interpretation: According to the dream you should forget that girl otherwise there will be a lot of defaming. You should be cautious of your house folks respect.

Do not accept this proposal: My mother did Istikhara for my marriage and she saw a dream that my mother and I are wearing white clothes with starch and we are sitting outside a shop. She feels that this is a shop of a friend of my father and he is a gold smith. Meanwhile the corner of

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my mother’s cloth worn on chest called duppata spreads on the way which is leading to us but she does not realize it. One of our female relative comes and points towards it by mentioning to my mother and says that look your cloth is ruined due to shoes of people who stepped on it and this is very wrong. My mother dusts off her duppatta which was ruined due to people stepping on it. (Shakeela Multan)

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Interpretation: the istikhara which you did signals that you will not get success. Do not forward the proposal. The circumstances do not seem to be in your favor. However you guys might want to make decision according to your consent.


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A forest of some valley: I saw a dream according to your istikhara that I am walking on a bridge in a jungle in a valley. Some people come there in a wagon and try to grab me. I cannot see the faces of people due to emission of smoke out of wagon. It’s also drizzling, I scream a lot. One of person is laughing inside the wagon. Then I see that sky is totally clear. It’s a time of Isha but there are no stars or moon. I go into a room to hide. Over there friend of mine is lying down on a woven bed with a white cloth on her face. I am about to lift the cloth from over his face when a gust of wind causes the cloth to fall on my face where as he gets naked. (Muhammad shakir, Karachi)


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Interpretation: according to the dream you will not be successful in your goal and your struggle will be useless. You should be patient and hurrying up the things will just things make worse. Your friend situation is not good.




Very graceful staircase: I often see this dream that I am in some amazing hall. And next to its door is a staircase which is amazing. I and some other lady are climbing this graceful stairs but during the way the girl disappears. I am bowing while climbing up as the roof is over my head. The stairs are circular. I climb almost three to four thousand steps and then get exhausted and sit on the steps side. Then I see that the stairs are not over my head nr below me. I am sitting on a step which is very much high from where nobody can hear my yelling. Very thing looks like a wilderness. (B Gujarat)



Interpretation: according to the dream there seems to be some severe restraints and due to that there are hurdles in your way. You should do charity etc. according to your stance. Also recite surah rehman after the prayer of maghrib every day and then pray for peace.

Black fat snake: I saw that I and all my folks are sitting in the courtyard and suddenly I saw a snake which is black and turmeric color on the stairs of the house. Only I see it and no one else does. First I get scared and where ever I go it follow me suddenly the scene changes and it is a

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night of summer. I and my father and my elder sister who is married in real life are lying on the roof of the house and suddenly the same snake stands in front of my woven bed. I get really scared after looking at it. I am about to beat it with a shoe and then (like a man walks) and walks like that it and slides under my father’s bed. (Sheen, Islamabad)

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Interpretation: the dream is not good. There is a hint of an enemy who tries to harm you every time but every time it fails. You should recite Surah Yaseen after fajar prayer and then pray for peace and prosperity.

The black stone of hajre Aswad: I saw that I am touching The black stone of Hajre Aswad and there is so much crowd around me but I am having no difficulty in reaching the black stone of Hajre Aswad. (Umer hyat Quetta)


Interpretation: the dream is blessed. You will get wealthy prosperity and there will be a lot of increase in legal wealth. You should pray for peace and bliss after every prayer.



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A foreign port: I saw a foreign port where there are a lot of boats and ships anchored. I and my sister are sitting on a small island and we are siting something. Over there is water of mild vegetable bluish colored water. Then I saw that I am performing a hajj. For following all the tasks I have to cross over the mountains and on one of the mountain is the shrine of Hazrat Khadija. It is time of Assar and as I am in a hurry so I am saying the prayer while walking. Meanwhile the Azaan starts for Maghreb prayer to which I listen attentively and reply accordingly. Meanwhile I am walking through the mountains and I am reciting Drood Sharif. There are some bushes full of thrones in the way which my paternal uncle clears instantly. Then I think it would be easy to get through. I am supposed to reach Kabba and shrine of prophet on allocated time. I don’t remember clearly where I am supposed to go. Anyway it was one of these two holy places. (Shaguffta Nousheen, Qasoor)





Interpretation: the dream is very beneficial in your favor. All the solution to the problems is in pious deeds. Stay away from a life of wrong hood. You will benefit from your uncle. You should give him respect and serve him accordingly.

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Treatment of forgetfulness (nasyan) : in diseases of forgetfulness drinking one big spoon of psyllium seed husks with sandal’s juice empty stomach in the morning is very beneficial and at night while sleeping use 5 seeds of rounds, almonds and fennel 11.6 grams and cane sugar according to need with milk.

Little worship and rewards of thousand months! SubhanAllah

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(Ghulam Mustafa, Rawalpindi)

About shab-e-qadar it is said in hadiths that search in nights of last 10 days, so ramzan’s 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th stay awake at night and do special plans for worship; specially stay awake at 27th night. Hazrat Ayesha said that I said, oh prophet ‫ ¬ﷺ‬tell me that if I get to know that it’s shab-e-



qadar on this night so what should I pray for? Prophet ‫ ¬ﷺ‬said recite this dua: ‫ّب رال ہع رف ہو ہف ر‬ ُ‫ک ہع ُف یٌو ُ​ُت ی‬ ‫ہا ٰ یلل ُھ یہم اّنیہ ہ‬ ‫اع ُف ہع ّی ر‬ ، ‫ن۔‬

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Shab-e-qadar’s supremacy:







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Where Ramzan’s whole month is for earning wealth for akhirat then this month’s last days are for more hard work and trying harder doing worship. In these ten days there is shab-e-qadar that is very much filled with auspiciousness night. It is stated in Quran, translation: “shab-e-qadar is better than 100 0 months”. That means shab-e-qadar is not said to be equal to 1000 months instead better than 1000 months, Allah knows about it. For momins shab-e-qadar is very auspicious thing. Do worship one night and get sawab of more than 1000 months of worship what else do you want more than this? It is in hadith: “whoever person did not got shab-e-qadar, means missed all the good and only that person misses shab-e-qadar’s blessings is completely in loss”. This ramzan (the blessed) is in the month of June, in this month sunset to sunrise times is almost 9 hours30 minutes or even less than that. It is a night of few hours and by worshiping in it gets sawab of more than 1000 nights, staying awake for few hours, convincing your heart and worshiping is not as such a noteworthy pain which is unbearable. Little pain and sawab very big. If some person put one paisa in business and gets profit of 20 crore rupees, how much he will be happy. And a person who got a chance of such big profit but he didn’t pay attention about it, it is completely okay to say about him that he is overall in loss. Allah’s fazal and gift is that gave the most to this ummat. Now see human being’s how much dufferness will be there that Allah’s so many blessings are happening and he is in unawareness sleeping. Don’t let any second of ramzan wasted specially in the last ashra do special arrangements of worship and in this too be concerned about staying awake in shab-e-qadar and motivate children also. If some luck person in this 60-70 year life gets this golden chance 12 times so gets sawab of better than 1000 years. Above mentioned dua, that prophet ‫ ¬ﷺ‬told about reciting in shab-e-qadar, see in this dua

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Shab-e-qadar’s dates:


Allah (SWT) not told about asking for wealth, nor land, nor business, nor money, what to ask for? Forgiveness! Actually the thing is akhirat’s matter is the toughest, there it will work with Allah’s forgiveness, if there won’t be forgiveness and God forbid got arrested in punishment so world’s every gift and luxury and wealth and power will be in vain. Actual thin is sorry and forgiveness. It is said in one Hadith: the people who in shab-e-qadar with firm believe and intension of sawab stands for worship his all previous sins will be forgiven. (Bukhari and Muslim).

About shab-e-qadar it is stated in hadiths that last 10 days search for it, so ramzan’s 21st,23rd, 25th, 27th, 29th night stay awake and do special arrangements for worship, specially on 27th night must stay awake because there is most hope of shab-e-qadar on this night. Hazrat Ibad ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬

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Says that prophet ‫ ¬ﷺ‬one day came out to inform us about shab-e-qadar but fight was going on between two muslims, prophet ‫ ¬ﷺ‬said I came to inform you about shab-e-qadar but that and that person were having a fight because of which its allocation was taken off from my brain, what secret is it that its taking off is better in Allah’s knowledge. (Bukhari shareef).


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Effect of fight: from this Mubarak hadith got to know that your fight is such a bad thing that due to it Allah took off shab-e-qadar’s allocation from Prophet’s pure heart, means which night is especially for shab-e-qadar its knowledge was given that was taken off from heart. Although due to some reasons this also became beneficial for ummat but the reason became the fight from which we know the condemnation of fight. Ghulam Mustafa, Rawalpindi.


Without saying got complete dua:

Ameen! In this era getting cheap medicine, gaining precious wazaif and without saying getting complete dua is not just difficult but seems impossible.





Respected hazrat Hakeem sir, assalamualaikum! I am just from 5 months a reader of this amazing ubqari. So much effective writings are there that the reader’s heart and mind at once get affected (like ubqari’s wazqaif and medicines effect). In every writing your sincerity and love and people’s well wishing feelings are there. In dua’s, in wazaif, and in medicines cure and success is visible. Allah Kareem gives you good result (gift). (Aameen). In this era getting cheap medicine, gaining precious wazaif and without saying getting complete dua is not just difficult but seems impossible but your sincerity made this impossibility in the face of ubqari completely possible. Unique prescriptions and best precious suggestions and Sir Allama Lahoti purisrar sahab’s unmatchable writings are got to be read. Respected sir! Ubqari gave ill people who were fed up of life, gain the hope of life. Magic and from jin’s cruelty fed up people were given strength to fight them by Allama Lahoti sahab’s writings, now people are getting free of magic

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by wazaif. It is my dua may Allah give you long life so that you keep creating ease for people. Aameen. Sir! I was a patient of high blood pressure since 10 years, and my age is 55 year. Because of tension couldn’t sleep all night, in ubqari magazine, ubqari’s dispensary’s one medicine ‘Peace giving’ read its introduction and got it and started using it, now Alhamdulillah sleep in peace and now Blood pressure rise very occasionally, although previously had to take one medicine daily. J-S

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Children’s tonsil’s easy and applied prescription:







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Respected hazrat Hakeem sir, assalamualaikum! My aunt’s son is the great Islamic scholar (Hakeem), our children used to have tonsils a lot, he told one prescription, it is very effective and veterinary. I also apply to kids of the area, one time application benefits. The prescription is: ‫ هھوالشافى‬: glycerin 200 grams, amrit dhara 10 grams, tincture iodine 20 grams, uric acid 15 grams, mix all these together, medicine is ready. Naseem zareen, Jundanwala

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Fever or headache: if someone has fever or headache then that person write 3 ُ‫ہ‬ times ‫ ہَیغف رو ُر‬on a piece of paper then put flour dough to soak the ink and eat it. Insha Allah problem solved.

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Women ask


Umme Auraq

Lizards and the web at home: Web in our home become very quickly, if off one evening, then so much of the web appears again, please guides its solution. Another problem is that in our rooms, corridors and kitchens everywhere lizards frenzied. I'm very afraid of them. Kindly tell an easy way to get rid of them that they leave our house. (Farzana, khuiyan).


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Suggestion: Miss Farzana In room or in the kitchen put some feathers of peacock or you can also put some feathers in beautiful bottle or vase, lizard will not come. In addition, if the empty egg shells means if you can thread up with empty egg shells and hang somewhere in kitchen, then lizards also run away and InshaAllah will never appear again. If more webs are appearing at home then clean up house daily also recite SURA E MAUN in morning and evening and spray its tail water.


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With modesty and apology: My husband been out for 15 years and return after every year. He has his right on me, but I am unable to perform them, I'm absolutely dead, although have no sugar and no problem, especially in morning time there pain in the lower back. Please tell me an easy treatment, food etc. I am very upset and disappointed. (R, Multan)





Suggestion: Miss, I am very glad that you realize your husband's rights. Many women will have an answer because of your letter. This issue has often been miserable life of many women because of its domestic problems faced by women. Miss R please pays your full attention on your food; it is very good that you have no disease so you do not need any dieting. With vegetables you should eat meat at least twice a week, especially with goat meat and indigenous poultry, eat fish in winter. Put at least 3 dry palm dates into 375ml of milk, boil the milk until it will remain 250ml, drink Luke warm milk and also eat the palm dates. Your hidden problems and back aches will be cured. In Morning time you must do some exercise in your house courtyard or at roof. Insha’Allah this time when your husband will return he will not disappoint by you.


Friendship with boy: My problem is recently while going to school I had a friendship with a boy. Two years, we both were remain good friends, but a few months ago some (jealous people) starts talking with him against me due to which he does not talk to me I tried to talk to him but he don’t talk. Please tell me, I cry all day and night to remember him.

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Suggestion: Daughter! Reading your letter, I very much regret the reckless happening by those parents to their children after sending them to school. An immature girl I can only suggest you to prayer five times a day, this is not the age that you embroiled in such things, give careful attention to your studies, leave this decision to your parents, When the time comes, your parents will decide better in your favor.


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Examination pressure: My problem is that I am a first year student, my parents, sister and brother all adds up to make merit in studies. At the beginning I adhere to the hard work but afterward I am unable to do work in time and consistently also I’m not able to do test and daily work daily. I am getting off the books; and trying to concentrate on the studies but strange ideas starts originated and practically I cannot do anything. I cannot focus due to which i am unable to memories one subject, how can I complete my other subjects. Kindly! Give some tips for punctuality, goal of complement and for the trust. I pray for you (J,N zahir peer).


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Suggestion: Daughter! It seems that you do not offer prayers; prayers have so many benefits if you start explain the whole magazine will not be enough. First of all start offering your prayers and do exercise for ten minutes after fajar prayer. After ten minutes of workout read your difficult subject, repeat this routine daily after a week you will feel that you have memories your subject. Ask your mother to take 1 full spoon of raisin with 7 almonds and dip in half cup of water in night, eat the peel almonds and raisins with a single pixel in the morning also drink its left water, and do the breakfast after its 15 min. Eat much grapes also nothing like banana if to be take 2 or 3 banana daily your health will improve. Offering prayer will make you punctual, by eating almonds and exercise will increase your mental strength.



Head Hair: My hairs are very thin and small, and now are starting to fall out of the roots. Kindly tell any tip by using stop hair fall and hair become tall and dense. The second problem is that I am 42 years old and my weighed is 74 kilos, after three or four months my period runs out I have to take allopathic medicines for the periods out. Hence my weight has increased. Please guide any easy tip. (z, chakkrian)


II. Menstrual problems: I have a problem of period from three years, LIKORIA (leucorrhea) drains very much 'period is also closed.(S, nawshera)



Suggestion: For hair fall apply a little yogurt mixed with mustard oil twice a week for an hour then wash the hair with a good shampoo properly. When your health will be better your hair will be automatically good. Take fish, cheese, nuts, vegetables, cereals in your diet. Must apply oil in hair and if feels the dryness of head do oil massage. Use ginger for the proper period of time. Boil one and half teaspoon of fresh ground ginger for five to seven minutes in a cup, mix a little sugar in it and take 3 times a day after meal. Use a month or more, when your period will be in proper time your other problems will be solved.

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Smell of trust: Seeking pleasure for heart with anything other than Allah is strictly prohibited. Such a person will not receive even the smell of trust. (Hazrat Sehal Timistri ‫)رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬.


Ahmad Khan, Rawalpindi.

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How to eat pre-fast meal and pro-fast meal? Know Since, the stomach remains empty the entire day; soon after pro-fast meal don’t drink too cold, avoid eating things with hot efficacy and fried items like samosas. Instead have curd vada and sufficient quantity of fruits. Don’t sweeten the fruits with sugar at all.



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Respected Mr. Hazrat Hakeem Assalam-o-Alaikum! I am a new reader of Ubqari since a few months. Coincidently after seeing one paper, I became a permanent lover of it. As per the order, writing for Ramadan series for the very first time. If encouragement is received, then I will continue this in future InshaAllah. In Ramadan, where a Muslim gets an amazing opportunity to earn the unprecedented blessings of Allah Almighty, there, especially with the greatness of this auspicious month they also grab the promising night of Lailat-ul-Qadar and in the same night we were granted with the free, superb and divine land of Pakistan. Well, the actual task is to write about the bounties of Ramadan which is to arrive in the extreme hotness of June. Allah has given Muslims, the time to offer thankfulness after Fajar and Asar Prayers due to paucity in time as these include relatively fewer number of Rakaats. There how much patience has been provided to Muslims during fast. In the severe hotness of June, how much cold water do we drink. In such hot weather, from pre-fast meal to pro-fast meal it’s only the blessing of Allah. We have also fasted in such conditions without even having pre-fast meal and that also for 38 hours. Ramadan arrives with changes in every summer and winter season, English and indigenous months do not change, in normal months we will have to answer for eating much. There is no such restriction during Ramadan.


Fasts of Summer Season:




Eat pre-fast meal with one loaf with limited amount of curry, curd etc., properly clean your teeth with a Miswaak or a tooth brush, on need must use dental floss to clean the teeth, then do Miswaak or tooth brush; so that teeth are cleaned completely. Then drink cold water as adequate and then drink hot sweetened big cup of tea 10 minutes before pre-fast meal so that due to control of tea over water recurrent urines won’t occur. Rest for some time after getting free from Salah, recitation and practice. Don’t march here and there except for the specified duty time, in free time rest along with praying Salah, reciting Quran, doing zikr and practice. For the solutions to your problems, do practices suggested in Ramadan edition of Ubqari.

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Eating & Drinking in Aftaar:


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Since, the stomach remains empty the entire day; soon after pro-fast meal don’t drink too cold, avoid eating things with hot efficacy and fried items like samosas. Instead eat curd vada and sufficient quantity of fruits. Don’t sweeten the fruits with sugar at all. After Isha Prayer eat one loaf, don’t eat much due to short span of night. If possible then sit in Aitikaaf, gather the plentiful blessings of Allah. Must pray for the unity of Muslims in the Islamic world, establishment of love and prosperity in the divine state of Pakistan on the road towards progress, peace, freedom from terror and for the rain of blessings and bounties of Allah upon all the Muslims. During fasts, do everything with patience but do continue zikr and practice in mind. Fast is only for the happiness of Allah, He will give the reward Himself. If possible so do keep 6 fasts of Shawaal too. Try continuing the patience attained during Ramadan. Allah is the Guardian and Defender of all. Ameen.


Special Chaat Masala of Ramadan Mubarak:


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Respected Mr. Hakeem Sir, Assalam o Alaikum! I am the permanent reader of your monthly ubqari since 2010. MashaAllah many of the soul issues have been resolved. For the month of Ramadan, for the readers of Ubqari, I am sending a recipe of Chaat Masala, give me the chance to pay thanks by publishing it.



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Ingredients & their quantities: Red Chilies-250 grams, white cumin-250 grams, dry whole coriander-250 grams, whole garam masala-1 pinch, dried mango powder-100 grams, black salt100 grams, lemon salt-100 grams, ammonium chloride-80 grams, bay leaves-4/5, white saltaccording to taste.

Recipe: Light brown the red chilies, white cumin and dry whole coriander separately on flat drip pan. Mix all the things and let it grind from a mill. Delicious Chaat Masala is ready.



Note: After the red chilies, white cumin and whole coriander are turned light brown, spread them in a tray and let them cool. They get wet if kept hot in a shopper bag. Due to this, grinding is not done properly and also the taste gets changed. (Ahmad Jabbar Gul, Lahore)


Coterie Kashaf ul Ma’ajoob:


Every month, Mr. Hakeem teaches Kashaf ul Ma’ajoob that is enriched with Monotheism and Prophethood and also makes us do meditation. Huge quantity of listeners takes part in this event. The summary of this almost 2 hours long lecture is serviced here: Spiritual subsistence is also composite. Saint Ali Hijveri ‫ رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬says that few people are created for religious path. Those who are specified for this purpose only, if you are moving on this path then understand that Allah has created you for this and listen to the next thing. Always

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remember this clause: “The way physical subsistence is composite, similarly spiritual subsistence is also composite”. I am explaining its summary too: The way physical subsistence is composite, livelihood is written in fate and this is unknown if livelihood is to be attained from here or not but Allah does provide. It’s composite, right! Like we say that livelihood of his/her destiny was written, don’t know from how many places it came but he had to eat so it went into his/her mouth. The way physical subsistence is composite, written by fate and is to go there, similar is this spiritual subsistence, this spiritual livelihood they are receiving from the saints right? This is also subsistence.

Important Point of Prayer of Zam Zam Water:


Whenever I drink zam zam, there is one prayer for it: ‫ہ ٰ ی ُ یہ ی ہ ر ہ ُ ہ ر ً ہ ً ہ ر ً ہ ً ہ ہ ً ی ّ ر ُ ی ہ‬ [‫لک دا ٍء‬ ّ ‫]اللھم ا ّ​ّ​ّن اسئلک ّعلما ن ّفعا و ّرزقا و‬. I accomplish two intentions. Point to be noted, just ّ ‫اسعاو ّشفا ء نم‬







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came in mind incidentally. (1) Intend for physical livelihood that Oh Allah increase my livelihood, knowledge must be of advantage, it shouldn’t be like this that I have done PHD of whole world and hasn’t get the recognition of Allah. Is such knowledge of any advantage? If dog didn’t get the recognition of master, it can’t be a dog. Similarly, such knowledge which didn’t made us recognize Allah and His Prophet SAW, what knowledge is that! Whether world calls him/her intellectual or else a scholar, but is this knowledge advantageous for him/her which didn’t make him/her recognize Allah, that knowledge isn’t beneficial. (2) Intend for spiritual livelihood. For example: when a person reaches a saint after marching through all the ways, his/her heart also stays there. Then says that I have to come here only. Now if 70 people stop him/her, he/she doesn’t stop. Got to know that his/her spiritual subsistence is here. (Continued)

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Hair care in summer:-To soften and enlargen hair, by rubbing and applying in rose water and washing after two hours gives benefit.This is cure for summer.


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Dear readers, be generous. If you have tried any spiritual or physical recepi or seen a wonderful event, Ubqari offers its pages.Don't think your experience a waste but it can beop useful for someone and a continuous blessing for you. It doesn't matter if you write in disarranged way, we will compile it.Write on one side of the page.


Recite Allah's name and eat with right hand:- Thr Holy Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬has ‫ّ یہ ر ٰ یہ‬ advised to eat by reciting ‫الر ّح ری ّم‬ ‫ ّب رس ّم للَا الرْح ّن‬and eating with right hand as well as eating before oneself.It is narrated by Omer bin Abi Salmah,"I was a child and under training of Holy Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬.Once while eating my hand was moving here and there.The Holy Prophet


‫ ﷺ‬said,"O boy, recite Allah's name, eat in front of you and with the right hand."Hadrat Anas


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(‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates that when Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬ate meal, he used to kick his fingers and used to say if someone's bite drops,if it contains any dirt, it should be cleaned and eaten.There shouldn't be left anything for Satan.Abu Omama(‫ ) رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates:whenever holy prophet ‫ ﷺ‬freed from eating,he used to say,"All praises are to Allah.O our Lord,there is neither



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frugality nor selflessness in it."Muaz (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates that holy prophet (‫ ) ﷺ‬said," one who recites after finishing meal ‫( الحمد ہلل الذی اطعمنی هذا الطعام و رزقنیہ من غیر حول منی و ال قوۃ‬All praises are to Allah who made me eat and granted meal despite I don't have power and strength for it.) All previous sins of him will be forgiven (book misali musalman, page 489) (K A Sheen D.I.Khan)





Blessings of Ramadan:-May Allah shower utmost blessings upon you and all your offspring upto doom's day and May you succeed not only in this world but also in hereafter.(Aamen) Since the time I got in touch with you,a downtrodden like me has also become able to sing praises of Allah.Befor meeting to you,we were not introduced with Allah in this way as we are now.We didn't know to pray and get results as you taught and got us understood.May Allah bestowe upon you His utmost blessings and happiness.It is only because of you that last Ramadan passed in soothing and refreshing way.Use of Raw sugar syrup and thukmblonga seed ( mixing of thukmmlanga seed in one glass of raw sugar syrup ) kept me and my family fresh and active in fasting condition.I thank Allah at sehri and iftar times and pray for you a lot.(Azra Jamal).

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Supererogatory prayers of five odd number nights:


21st night:-Offer Raka'ats with two salams.After surah Fateha,recite surah Qadar and surah Ikhlas only once.After Raka'ats recite darood 70times.By Allah's willing,angels will pray for his forgiveness.On the same night reciting of surah Qadar 21 times has great reward.

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23rd night:- At this night,reciting of surah Yaseen and surah Rehman once after isha and trawih prayer causes of great blessing and excellence.Offer four Raka'ats in two's.Every time recite surah Qadar once and surah Ikhlas 3 times.By the Allah's grace, sins would be forgiven. Offer eight Raka'ats in two's and in every Raka'at recite surah Qadar and surah Ikhlas after surah fatiha.After that recite Kalma Tamjeed 70 times and ask for sin's forgiveness.

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25th night:-Offer four Raka'at with two salaams by reciting surah Qadar and Ikhlas three times after surah Fateha.After that recite Astighfar 70 times.This prayer is a great source of forgiveness.Offer Two Raka'ats by reciting surah Qadar once and surah Ikhlas 15 times each and after that recite kalma Shahadat 70 times.This recital saves from grave's torment.Recite surah Dakhn at this night as it saves punishment in grave.Reciting surah Fatah 7times is a great recital of this night.

Intensity of heat, Ramadan and strange syrup:



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29th night:-Offer 4 Raka'ats with two salaams in this night.Recite surah Qadar once and surah Ikhlas 3times in each Raka'at.After that recite surah Alm-Nashrah 70 times.One who offer this prayer will be lifted upward with complete faith.Offer four Raka'ats with two salaams and in every Raka'at recite surah Qadar once and surah Ikhlas 5times.After salaam recite Darood 100 times.By Allah's willing,forgiveness will be granted.Reciting of surah Waqia 7 times is a way To increase in livelihood.It is a great blessing to recite surah Qadar seven times after Isha prayer.A refuge from every tormentation will be granted one who recites it.(Sunbal Taha Pind Dadan Khan).





Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalamo Alikum! It is a prayed for you and those who are attached with you that Allah might bless all of you with complete health.Honourable Hakeem sb, It was july 2013,when I got in touch with Ubqari Magazine which is still continuing.In magazine of July 2013,I read about procedure of preparing a syrup of which I needed badly at that time.There were number of problems with me like stomach problem, restlessness,Acidity etc.I prepared this syrup once and after use of it for a week,I felt such change in my body that all those medicines which I was using due to stomach problems,lessened gradually.Since then I have been using this syrup regularly and also got it used to my family.

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‫ ہَی ّ ی‬in abundance when one goes to see a match for one's daughter or Recite ‫لَع‬


son.If the match suits and obedient, the marriage will occur otherwise it will not. occur.

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I also gifted it to my friends,all of them praised it very much and they are also using it.Since I got this prescription in Ramadan,I spent that Ramadan and two Ramadans after that very well and peacefully by Allah's grace.Since this Ramadan is in June and summer season will be at its peak.I was about to go to bazaar to buy this prescription when I thought God knows how many people would be there in need of it.With the same idea, I am going to rewrite this prescription by copying from previous magazine for readers.

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‫هو الشافی‬:-lotus flower, rose flower, myrobalan, Hareer, primula, tamarind, plum.Take 50 gram each except tamarind and plum which should be 250 grams.pour all these things in 8 kg half boil water to wet after light pounding.Boil it on light heat in the morning.stop boiling when thtee kilo water is left and sift it on cooling.add 5kg sugar and put it on fire.When it becomes thick,save them in dry bottles.Syrup is prepared.Any fragrance can be added as desired.


How to use it:-Four tablespoons for older and three for children four times a day.Its quantity can be increased or decreased as per nature.There is neither bad nor side effects but health and fitness.(Naqash, Sahiwal)


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Age 32 and Look like 26:-






Honourable Hakeem sb Assalam o Alaikum.I have an old friendship with ubqari.I have been reading it since 2007.I always found its prescriptions unprecedent.Today I am telling some medical and spiritual prescriptions from which I got a lot.Last year in December, educators vacancies were advertised.Hadrat Hakeem sb told the benefits of prayer which is recited while leaving who wants to get benefit in any matter of life, recite it regularly in abundance.I did it and scored 73% marks in papers.It is all due to Allah's verses and spiritual leader's love.I got wonderful results on reciting Alam NaShra surah in traffic jam.I remain safe on doing the recitals which hakeem sb has told by Allah's grace.Whenever I recited surah Quresh to get a vehicle, I got it.I take thtee draughts after ablution and use fourth on eyes with will that Allah may remove circles around eyes.I do this regularly after every ablution. Despite I also apply "desi cream"made by ubqari on every night.I am unmarried and 32 years old but one who looks at me, calls me of 26.(saman Liaqatpur).

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SPECIAL GIFT FOR HEPATITIS PATIENTS:Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I have a special gift for the patients who are suffering from fatal disease like hepatitis which is as followed:-

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‫هو الشافی‬:-Vinegar pure 10 tola, rose water 20tola,sugar candy 750gram.prepare syrup as usual.Take it in the evening and morning by adding in lilac and aniseed essence.It is highly valueable for hepatitis. 2- Marmot is a weed found on hills.If its six masha powder is used with lilac essence,it ends hepatitis.If someone's spleen enlarges,he should take five figs and wet them in five tola pure vinegar at night.They should be eaten in the morning.By Allah's willing, he will recover within 21days.(Dr.Nisar Ahmad mengal barohi Shikarpur)


(Dear readers, if someone knows more names of MARMOOT herb, kindly inform us-Editor). Prescription for kidney pain and stone:-


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Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalam O Alaikum!There is a friend of me who gives medicine for kidney pain and stone in the name of Allah.He told that 18 years ago,he suffered intense pain in kidney.He was injected for a week but as soon as its effect ended,it started again.Doctors diagnosed stone in kidney.One day he had to go to relative where some people were to come for fixing date of his daughter marriage.He sat there by bearing pain.There happened an old man there.He asked him what the pain was.He told him that he had suffered kidney pain.The old man withdrew a bottle from his pocket and gave a dose of medicine (powder) and advised him to take with tea instantly.The old also said that he did not have money otherwise he made him take tea.My friend took dose of medicine.The old said to get pencil and paper.He got him to write:-


‫هو الشافی‬:-dry ginger, raiwind chini,baking soda.Take in equal quantity and grind them to powder.Give this medicine to people free of cost.By Allah's willing,it will cure.




Dosage:- take half teaspoon of it in morning,noon and evening times.After taking The first dose of it,it cure within 15 minutes.The stone emits after two or three days without pain.My friend cured with very first dose and now he gives medicine in the name of Allah.He is getting useful result of this medicine.I got this prescription from him so that millions of people may get benefits from it.Dear readers,try it and write its benefits to Ubqari so that a number of people may get benefit from it.(Shafat Hussain Lahore). A RARE RECITAL FOR THIRST AND HEAT INTENSITY:-


Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalam o Alaikum! you invited to send spiritual and physical experiences to end intensity of heat and thirst.In this regard,I am sending two recitals which are valuable and tried.I have told number of people to recite and by Allah's grace,they have benefited a great.

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ٰ ‫ّن ہ رَب ًدا یہو ہسلٰ ًما ہ‬ ُ ‫ ٰی ہن‬Recite this holy verse 40times after sehri, 20times at noon ‫ار کُ رو ّ ر‬ 1:- ﴾۵۶‫لَع ا ر َّٰب ّہ ری ہم ﴿اَلنبیاء‬ and 15times after Asar prayer with drood in the beginning and after it.Thirst and heat intensity will end with it.







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2:-To end intensity of heat and thirst,the following darood is very much experimented especially to those people who suffer very much with heat and thirst.Whenever they feel thirst,they should recite it,within five minutes,the thirst will go down.A rosary of it can be recited in the morning and evening times I.e after Fajr and Asar prayers.One can save from intensity of heat and thirst the whole day by reciting it.Darood is as follows:‫ی‬ ُ ‫یہ ی ر‬ ‫ہ ٰ ی ُ یہ ہ ی ہ ٰ ُ ہ یہ‬ ٰ ‫م ہو ہ‬ ‫لَع ٓا ّلہٖ ہو ہ ر‬ ‫اَل ّی ی‬ ‫َص ّبہٖ ہو ہِب ّر رک ہو ہس ّل رم‬ ّ​ّ ‫( اللھم ص ّل لَع ُمم ّد ّن الن‬Jamshed Hayat Attock.) ّ ‫ب‬

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Roots of enmity: root of enmity among each other is three things, greed of money, greed of respect from others and greed of being favorite among others. (Hazrat Usman Al Hari ‫)رحمت ہللا علیہ‬


After Iftar half cup of Mint Kehwah and it its marvels: (Muhammad

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Ali, Multan)

Tea of Mint: tea prepared form mint is very refreshing, digestive and fragrant. It corrects digestive system if you drink half cup after Iftar.


Mint and digestion: according to Hakeems nature of mint is hot and dry and mint is especially beneficial diseases related to digestion. It digests food easily and helps in excretion of flatulence. Therefore it is helpful for the patients of loss of appetite, inflation of stomach, acidity and vomiting. It contains and oil which attacks germs of cholera therefore during cholera it is advices to use more mint.


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Skin itching from cholera: one big quality of mint is its effectiveness against allergy. Especially during one extreme type of allergy Urticaria (‫ )چھپاکی‬tea of mint leaves is given to drink. That cures skin burning and itching. For this purpose take 10 grams of mint leaves extract its juice and mix it in half cup of rose water, and given to patient to drink. Mint also contains enzymes capable of killing insects. Especially for those insects which are born in nose and shop, pour fresh juice of mint on them to kill them instantly. Note: don’t exercise this tip during fasting.


Mint for acne and pimples: mint is also guard of your beauty. To get rid of face’s marks, acne and mole grinded mint with original vinegar is often applied on the affected area of face. Use this tip whole Ramazan and get spotless and glowing skin on Eid. To make skin complexion fairer it is often advised to take bath with water in which mint leaves are boiled.


Remedy for insect bites: mint is also antidote of different kind of poisons. Especially apply grinded mint on place where Scorpio, honey bee, cat or rat has bitten to get rid of its poison.


Mint for periods: to continue periods mint is very beneficial. Those women who are facing trouble in periods should use more and more mint tea or fresh juice.



Mint for jaundice: one different specialty of mint is that it excretes wastes of body through sweating that’s why one must use mint during jaundice. Mint and different disease: wash mint leaves with water, separate them and let them dry under shade, after drying meshes them with hands. While eating meal pour this on your meal, it is beneficial for acidity (caused at time of hunger or after meal) inflation of stomach, indigestion and for initial wounds of stomach. Especially in Ramadan one must use this prescription for

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stomach disease. Mint, JAWASHEREN ANAREEN, Juice from mint and QARS PODEENA are marvelous that are being used for stomach diseases especially in vomiting, diahheria, indigestion, acidity, loss of appetite, bitter mouth taste, stomach diseases during Ramadan, jaundice and wounds in stomach. Use this prescription for vomiting specially vomiting of women, old constipation, PATTI UCHLEN, high blood pressure due to upset digestive system. One table spoonn Funnel (‫ )سونف‬same amount of mint without seeds, two Plums (‫ )آلوبخارا‬add this entire in one and half cup of water, during winter season one can also drink it after heating. Keep one thing in mind that doesn’t use this if you are suffering from flu or cold or throat infection. It is also beneficial for headache of half head in which you are also feeling to vomit. Further studies have revealed that in mint there are enzymes which give comfort to muscles and gives pleasant sleep.

Make-up with wife who was sulk since 20 years


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Respected Hakeem Sahib AsSalam O Alikum! After five years of our marriage my wife got sulk with me left my home and went to her home. This is how 20 years passed; I tried many times to bring her home but all in vein. Then in Ubqari magazine (I don’t remember month of issue I think it was in moth of January) I saw a verse which was for love between husband and wife, it was to recite 165 a day. While writing I am still astonished that I recited it only one day and ALLAH made my work. My wife called me and agreed on coming back to home. Thanks to ALLAH! Six months have passed and we are living happy life and we have marvelous love. ٰ ‫ہ یہ ر ہ‬ ً ُ‫ہ ہ ی‬ Verse is: {461‫ْی ا ہم ُن روا اشد ُح یبا یّہّٰلل ّ(البقرہ‬ ‫) وال ّذ‬







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Get rid of diabetes: I have one prescription for sugar thanks to ALLAH 600 diabetes will be reduced to 200. One bottle rose water, one bottle funnel water, mixes them and drinks this water 2 sips three times a day. (Aziz Raza, Islamabad)

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Get rid of cough: make the powder of kalan carademom and take 1 masha with water morning and evening.


Letter from a soldier of Pak Army for readers:

No thirst during whole day of Ramadan:




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Respected Hakeem Sahib AsSalam O Alikum! I am reader of your Monthly “Ubqari” from last three months. Your magazine is different from others. No long essays, no decorated talks, no high claims and nor even your own talks infect talks of readers. Meaning given by Hazrat to “Ubqari” which I understood is that something delicate is known as Ubqari. Your Magazine is same as name “BISMA”. Really Ubqari is tremendous. You have written Verses, Names of ALLAH, Darood Shareef, Astaghfar and others in such a way that reader can’t remain unimpressed. The way you which you have adopted of own experiences and people’s experience drags reader’s heart to your door and that person never goes empty, he goes with some blessings. Who ever read it once searches for it again. Respected Hakeem Sahib! I am writing these words by sitting on cold ice of high rise mountain covered with snow of Siah Chin. People cannot even imagine how lion hearted soldiers of Pak Army spent their day and night with bravery on mountains, snow covered mountains and endless derserts. Here I am telling you just about Siah Chin and Cargil that our body cracks due to cold when we came here, blood freezes, upset stomach, sleeplessness due to lack of sleep, we became patient of asthma and high blood pressure. Headache is ordinary. Tooth ache leaves us of no use and sometime our body became sense less. We don’t go home till five months, far away from our children, far away from our parents but! One thing that keep us active is proud feeling of protection of this country. There is no need to tell this to anyone but this is our debt on us of this country and this is our duty, which we are fulfilling by the order of ALLAH, and we will fulfill it until last drop of blood in our body. Now I am addressing to readers of Ubqari, when new people come to Siah Chin for the first time the face above mentioned problems, if anyone has any tips or wazifa regarding to these problems then kindly do write it we will definitely try it. Respected Hakeem Sahib! Please do not mention my name.




Respected Hakeem Sahib AsSalam O Alikum! May ALLAH give you more promotions. I am reader of Ubqari from last two years and I don’t have words to praise it. Tips of no thirst which if got from previous Ubqari, at the time of Sehri chew a date and take a sip of water, repeat it three times. Be in comfort whole day, it is very tremendous tip.

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How small height of my cousin increased? Read it now


I have one special act to increase height which I read from one magazine. My cousin whose height was very small tired it, due to blessing of this act her height increased. Act is: after Namaz of Fajar recite Sura Tqriq and recite 5 times Darood Shareef before and at the end. Time for this act is only 90 days. (Umme Hamza, Tangwali)

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Spiritual feeling:


(hidden) Respected Hakeem Sahib AsSalam O Alikum! I started Nisab (125,000 times) Of First Qalma to gift you, may ALLAH accept it. You Hazart said in dars that gift your daily recitation of Quran to your parents. Thanks to ALLAH! ALLAH made me able whenever I recite I gift it to my parents. I gift Sura Rehman to you and all those who are helping system of Ubqari. Now I feel that Quran likes my presence. It doesn’t feel annoyed from me.


In dars you said that pray for you worst enemy, at that time I had started Nisab of { ‫ }ربنا اتنا ِف الدنیا حسنہ و ِف اَلخرۃ حسنہ و قنا عذاب النار‬for my self, I gifted it to one of my relative who







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hates me and continued reading by thinking of her, she prays against my fate so I gave him pray for her good fate. When I started meditation I saw my heart dead in imagination. Such as piece of meat. And after that I did mediation for recovery of my mother and imagined that NOOR from sky is coming on my mother’s heart and her wounds are healing, then I diverted imagination towards my heart and saw that my heart exploded like a balloon and there was ALLAH written shining inside it, I tried to concentrated but really couldn’t see my heart was unable to imagine my heart. Thanks to ALLAH one more feeling, I was tensed due to atmosphere of my home, after namaz of Zuhar I laid of there on MUSSALA and asked ALLAH to cove me in your motherhood and cover me with shawl of blessing. I am very scared of hot breeze of this world save me, and I believed that ALLAH covered me with his shawl of blessings and I am laying in laps of ALLAH’s blessings. Then in imagination I saw that I have huge flower in my hand and I am eating honey from it with spoon. At NO CHANDI OF MONTH OF SHABAN during ZIKR E KAHS I was telling all my problems to ALLAH and I felt that someone cut throat of a dwarf on mine and mother’s picture, and blood started dipping on our pictures. In real I felt drops of that blood. After it I felt very much light.

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Everybody Obedient: If anybody desires that everybody should be respectful towards him ‫ہ‬ then he should recite “‫ ” ہَیک ّب ر ُْی‬one tasbeeh daily and make it a routine. Inshallah everybody will be obedient to him.

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Serial of Biography Episode No. 81


Allama Lahuti Pur Asarari


True biography of such a person who since birth till today is under the guidance of saint Jinnat. His days and nights are spent with Jinnat. On insistence of readers, strange and interesting revelations are being published in episodes but to understand this mysterious world, lot of patience and courage is required.




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Mention of a cruel lady: During conversation I asked the carpenter to mention about the cruel ladies, he narrated one instance of the cruel mother in law, which has already been stated for the readers during the last episodes and he mentioned a story of another cruel lady which shocked me and my mind, comprehension my eyelashes and in my feelings such restlessness started which is beyond comprehension. Gathering strength I asked and he said, that the story is like this that she was such a lady who use to offer Salah would fast would do tasbeeh (recitation), but no person was safe from her tongue. Her harsh conversation had put many homes at fire, many families were ruined and many homes were broken due to this bad habit. Doing backbiting, imitating others, at times she would praise a person too much in his presence but after he would go away she would say bad and insulting things about him to other people. She would tell about the faults of the people, reveal their secrets and would disturb them from time to time, the mean she had of doing bad to the people was only her tongue, lie, backbiting and harsh way of talking was nothing before her, she would take it normally and her heart never felt embarrassed. If somebody would tell her that what you are doing, she would say that I am stating facts.




Strange alienation at the grave of cruel lady: The old carpenter saying this suddenly stopped and a strange silence spread out, what was this silence, it was an astonishing scene, everywhere in the graveyard there were Jinnat and more Jinnat, strange system of spirits in which there were heavenly spirits and may Allah (sustainer) forgive, spirits of hell too, on one side there was the sketch of cruel lady drawn by the old carpenter and telling the truth about her condition, and now I was waiting for him to resume conversation that after all why is he not talking anymore? After some time the old carpenter got up and asked me to come with him. He said, I will take to the grave of this cruel lady, when I reached her grave, I saw a nice expensive gravestone and grave also made of expensive stones and there were flowers on the grave which had dried out. The old

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carpenter made me stand beside this grave and then said in a sorrowful voice that this is the grave of the cruel lady which use to fast, offer salah and would do recitations too, at times, but her tongue had ripped apart the hearts of people and had burnt them. In her nature, there was hatred of people and malice for people all the time and this lady use to think that everybody is her enemy, she would enjoy telling about people’s faults and in her nature there was hatred restlessness for everybody, no one knows how such feelings came in her heart.



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Astonishing torture upon the backbiter: We were engaged in these talks that such sound came as if cloth has been torn apart and I was surprised, on my surprise the old carpenter said that this is a special sound which comes when the dead body is under torture and this sound is within every dead body of a person who was cause of some difficulty to people. This torture is perpetually inflicted on the dead body and sparks touch the whole body, with which there is feeling of being burnt and with this feeling hot sweat comes out of the body, so much so, that the sand of the grave becomes wet and still that sweat is so hot that steam starts coming out of earth and due to this, more pain is inflicted upon the body and the dead body starts burning into fire. When this torture occurs, too much pain and worry is caused and with this pain such sound is produced that apparently it seems as if cloth is being torn apart.


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Strange occupations, left of nowhere in this world and hereafter: Old carpenter continued his conversation and said that she had made it an occupation and this habit was to talk about weaknesses of people and if somebody had any fault when to reveal it before other people and if somebody was in some pain then instead of trying to do something about it, telling people again and again about it, to insult people, defame them. This lady use to make another trouble and that is that if there was some disagreement or quarrel between a husband and wife then she would try to make it worse in the society.





Suffering from strange torture before dying: Old carpenter took a deep breath and said that she suffered from a strange torture before dying also, there was poverty in her home and still this stone lidden grave, this was not made by her immediate family but one of her grandson was rich but now even he has become poor due to her sins and has fallen into a well of poverty. Her home was ruined in such a way, as her tongue had ruined somebody else’s home and her household was burnt in such a way that it was ridden with illnesses, problems, worries, irritants and failures and such failure that each and every child of her family was drowned in it. There is hurdle in their every work, in every part of their life, there is obstruction, they take 4 steps ahead but fall back by 40 steps, they complain to other people being not faithful to them whereas they have ruined so many homes.


Oh I wish that this lady had not done so: While hearing the old carpenter I was thinking that I wish that this lady would not have done so but then a saying of elders cross my mind suddenly that acts somebody and pays somebody else. This lady spent her whole life inflicting wounds on other people with her tongue and today the result is that perhaps all the humanity and all the

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people might be in peace but her household is surrounded by worries, problems, sorrows and these pains, sorrows and problems and worries have become her destiny.

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Suspended for 37 days between life and death: The old carpenter said, that moment of her death was extremely painful and dangerous. This lady met her fate in a very painful and dangerous way. She was suspended between life and death for 37 days, so much so that her family decided to give her a poison injection but then they could not do so, she would not just die. Her death was suspended, she was urinating and passing stool involuntarily but after sometime nothing would come out as she would not eat anything. Her eyes were wide open, mouth was open and bad smell was coming from her mouth, strange sounds were coming with her breaths and it was a horrible sight. Her family was also upset, they would bathe her but then bad smell would start coming from her cloths, body and breath, all her family was fed up with her. In 37 days, she just became conscious for a while and she asked for water, the family was happy that perhaps she had become alright, she took some sips of water and said that there are some people who are putting big needles in my body, safe me from them. At this time, innumerous Needles are in my tongue and this is because I had caused a lot of pain through other people in my life and then crying, she became unconscious. After 37 days she died.


People avoiding reward of hereafter: The one who preferred this world on the hereafter he lost and the one, who left his desires, gets reward (Hazrat Ibn-e-Jozi (‫) رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬






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Grave would be made but would collapse: She was buried hurriedly and few people were there who read the Janaza prayer and buried her in the grave. But when she was buried, grave collapsed, these people started scolding the person who had dug the grave that you have not made the grave properly, they dug the grave again and pulled out the dead body and another grave was made but when she was being put in another grave, suddenly this grave also collapsed from the side where her head was to be placed, now the people understood that this is some other system, therefore, they just put the sand on the side where the grave had collapsed and close the grave. Old carpenter was carrying on his conversation continuously and there was a strange feeling of sensation, restlessness, pain and sorrow within me. I was continuously drinking water sip by sip, my throat had become dry.


Silence of the graveyard, dark night and sound of torture: There was complete silence in the graveyard, it was a dark night and the sound of cloth being torn due to the torture in the grave was carrying on and then these events being mentioned continuously, readers! You cannot even think what this event is and what it is to mention about it, I cannot just tell you, it was in my heart that now the old carpenter should stop saying more and I desired not to listen to it anymore, but I was forced to hear him.

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Be careful using your tongue: He was continuously forcing me to listen to his conversation. I could not get up. There was some force which had stopped me, I don’t know how the earth had held me and as if the earth was also saying that listen to this and be careful of using your tongue, that perhaps people might say that you are spontaneous to reply and perhaps many people might be scared of your spontaneous replies also, but the truth is and the fact is that the sayings of bad tongue and such words who could wound in the hearts of people and such words with which the families break, hearts break, people become angry and minds are shattered, good treatment between people and doors of keeping good relations with the family and such words with which cutting of ties come into practice, and hatred fills the temperaments, events and circumstances.



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Thus, this is the end of the world! I was deep in my thoughts that the voice of old carpenter made me alert. He said that after coming into the graveyard, all people of the living world are forgotten and the time comes that they are not even mentioned. But the fact is that graveyard is an actual world, way of life and system of reward and punishment is on the final judgment day and it starts right from the graveyard rather the Day of Judgment starts from the time when the breath is taken out of the person whether it is burnt or buried or eaten by the fish of ocean, for this person the Day of Judgment starts right away. The old carpenter was continuing his conversation, full of concern, I was listening and my mind started getting disturbed, my condition became restless and was inclined towards worry. He said that the first night of grave was very difficult, her relatives have forgotten her as she had not forgiven anybody even though that she was a lady and when she was alive, her mother was also alive but she always use to insult her mother with her tongue and would defame her, her mother use to take cold breaths, she was cursed a lot by her mother, she would always mention the faults of her mother of her passed life and would remind her of the past instances and her faults again and again, would create an atmosphere of hatred. Oh! I wish, she would not have done so.





Isolation of grave, parting away from friends and loneliness: I wish! There was some realization in her heart, isolation of grave, parting away from friends, springs of time, all these things she has lost. Today, she is absolutely alone in her restlessness and isolation. Nobody comes to ask about her, nobody is there to listen to what is in her heart, nobody comes to share her sorrow or to get relief for her from pain. Oh, I wish‌!!! I wish!!! She had tolerated and forgiven people and would have kept the secrets and honour of the people, would have consoled people rather than disturbing them, she would have been affectionate to Muslims instead of hating them, she would have thought of everybody as a friend and not enemy, she would have kept her thoughts positive, not negative, there are shortcomings in everybody and she would have accepted people with all their shortcomings and would have said that after all, even this person is from the Ummah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, why should I hate the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and spread fire in the society? Why should I not put a

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curtain on the shortcomings of the Ummah of Prophet PBUH instead of revealing them in front of people? I wish, she would have become a mother and a true mother is who keeps secret of the faults of her kids and by giving true love to generations inclines them towards the true life instead of mentioning them of their shortcomings and making them ashamed. I was listening the talk of carpenter and was looking regretfully towards this grave which was made of a nice stone and there was dried out flowers on it. Apparently it was nicely made up grave and every passerby would stop and would put a silent glance towards it but what would the person looking towards it will know what is happening to the body inside it. I deliberately asked the permission from the old carpenter for today, he stopped me, he had realized the pressure which I was feeling, he said I know that you will not keep this conversation by yourself and you would bring it into common knowledge, please deliver my message to the people that come to the world of grave by being a victim and not by being a cruel person, it is not necessary to give 100% answer to all the questions of everybody, just forgive, tolerate, give and forego and keep secrets of people’s faults, give to people and do not keep a hope for taking, still anybody talks bad of you insults and defames you, then leave all these matters to Allah SWT (sustainer), keep on doing good and maintain good behavior with them, I left the heavenly spirit of carpenter and with heavy heart came back from the graveyard. I was unable to lift my feet, my body was not supporting me and I sat down in the courtyard of the graveyard on the way, along with a wall, it was my desire and my feeling that I should just keep on sitting here and do not go anywhere, why? My body was not supporting me but then what would have I done? What would have I done! After all I had to come back. My readers! Pray for me and pray for yourself. I am writing this column of today with pen of desperation and with broken words (continued).







Misleading and fraud in Moti Mosque Hazrat Allama Lahuti, introduced Moti mosque for worship and good deeds and not for deceiving and fraud. Men and women go there and portray themselves as the legitimate representatives of Hazrat Allama and Hazrat Hakeem Sahib and are deceiving people and are looting their money with both hands. Kindly! Do not fall in their trap. If you find any such person, immediately inform the institution rather spread this announcement to other people also so that no one is deceived. Further don’t violate the Rules of Historical Heritage. 03438710009 Further: Some ladies portray themselves as representatives of Hazrat Hakeem Sahib (D.B) during dars (sermon) in Tasbeeh Khana Lahore whereas factually it is not so. Allama Sahib tells the solution of domestic problems Write down your domestic problems on the coupon given on page No. 56 of the magazine and send this coupon with your letters. Answer will not be given of the letters without coupon. Reply will not be given through returnable envelope, rather will be given through magazine. For much more mysterious instances and excellent wazaif and to read previous episodes, read the book “Born friend of Jinnat”

Safe from heat stroke: for the heat stoke of any patient take tamarind 5 tolla, unab 5 piece, melon seed 1 tolla boil in 1 litre of water and give it sip by sip, get instant relief.

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A letter and anxiety, poverty, disease is over


I am very grateful for your guidance that you gave me in my hard time. I recite openly all day the wazifa and 2 anmol khana no.2 that you gave me. I have a (barkat) bag and taking full advantage from it.


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Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam u Allaikum! I am a reader of Monthly ubqari from about 2010. I found ubqari the best magazine in every way. My younger son was very ill; he was suffered from typhoid in his childhood, we got treatment from everywhere but not recovered. He also admitted in a hospital of Lahore for two weeks, we also went there for 2 months regularly; the baby was in too much trouble, could not walk and could not even sit, we also get him checked spiritually, some says he has evil spirits some says he has a very bad eye of spirit and some says magic. I normally listen to your lessons from internet. I heard about process of Sura Al-Rahman and Al Taghabun. It was to recite out 41 times Sura Al-Rahman and Al Taghabun with 7 times darood ibrahimi in start and in the end and blow into some glass of water after that also recite the same process 1 time daily and blow into the water. I began this process and due to which all medications has stopped from last month. I only give the same water to my baby, due to which he is much better due to this water. My child could not walk so far but MashaAllah now he rides a little bicycle and also takes some steps without running cycle. (s,r)

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Spiritual perfumes and bag of Barkat accomplishment:







Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam u Allaikum! I often see same kind of dreams and see buffaloes in a dream, I see buffaloe is after me and I feel sick when I see such dreams. While deep sleep in night it feels that roof or any heavy object falling on me and suddenly also feels that I am somewhere at unknown place, somewhere there is only dark. I think a while where am I? When I sit up on bed and discover that I am on the bed. There remains pain in my head all the time which was very annoying. There are also problems, diseases, violence in the home which has made my life as living in hell. I wrote a letter to solve a problem to monthly ubqari and I am very grateful for your guidance that you gave me in a hard time. I recite wazifa anmol khazana 2 all the day which you have given me. I am also blessed with a bag of barkat and taking full advantage of it, there is no match of spiritual perfume, when headaches starts I just smell it which releases the pain at once. Now my suffocation, anxiety is gradually ending. I am also getting rid of unknown worries; I am also getting rid of the house strife. (Unknown).

To know about the closure’s authentic process:

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Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam u Allaikum! There was an easy way to find closure in August 2012 magazine of Ubqari. I have three brothers that whatever they do work; hope develops in employment or business or for a shop, finally loose all work and nothing happened, they also get shop but they lose heart for work. Everyone is very upset in the family so I did the procedure given in ubqari magazine to check for the closure of income. The procedure was.

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Istakhara way: After Zuhr prayer in ablution and facing toward qibla cut same 6 size ballots and mix them. Write 'closure' on three papers and three 'anorexia', say 2 nafal prayer ‫ْی ًۃ ّ ر‬ ‫ْیللَا ّ ہَب رْحہ ّتہٖ ہخ ر ہ‬ ُ ‫ ) ہا رس ہت ّخ ر‬recite 21 times and blow out on hands and pick four papers, if 4 papers (‫ِف ہعا ّف ہی ٍۃ‬ were found of closure then definitely there will be closure and if you have written anorexia your destiny is open. If 2 papers found with closure and 2 with anorexia then pick 1 more from paper and act accordingly. (S, Nowshera).


Month of spirit of compassion:







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Find opportunities for the social welfare work whether job is big or small. It increases in the good deeds of a person. Work for others is to sympathies but the main feature is work should be done without any return. Some great examples of passion sympathy: Once a hungry man came to the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. Incidentally, there was nothing but water the Prophet SAW said: Whoever made this man his guest tonight God will have mercy on him. Finally an Ansari sahabi ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬received this honor. He took him to his house; incidentally, there was also nothing at home so he made his kids sleep hungry and also both husband and wife slept hungry but they fed to the passenger who was short of food. In the morning when companion came to the Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬he gave him the good news of Allah happiness. . In first era of islam has set an example of sacrifice that Muslims are surprised to understand that how Prophet trained them and reverse transformation. They suffer but give ease to others; they remain hungry but feed the hungry visitors and travelers. It is relatively easy to sympathize with the Strait of sex in limited resource spent on others and trust in Allah, sincerely do these things with happiness and without mentioning others are a true example of sacrifice. After the battle of Badr, the Meccans were made prisoners when they were handed over to the companions of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW, they set examples of selflessness, generosity and compassion, that we can say the high level of humanity. Ponder! Enemy and they also non muslims, when they came under protection, some companions whose economy condition was very serve, they eat less meals and feed good to the prisoners and they had the good care of prisoners as they were their special guests . In the twentieth century no one treated like prisoners of war. Compassion and willingness to sacrifice of the Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬sparked such good training of their companions (‫ )رضی ہللا تعالی عنہم اجمعین‬for the behavior that appears in shape of good example of Badar, that today's developed world is amazed for such examples. It's automatically clear that Muslims were brothers of Muslims, but the humanitarian relation was also ends the distinction between Islam and non Muslims, otherwise sacrifice, sympathy and comforter within Muslims had become symbols of faith.

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Whether how much less is the sin, don’t think it’s small: Although the sin is less, don’t think it small. The one who thought the sin small thought (May God forbid) Allah small. (Hazrat Owais Qarni ‫)رحمت ہللا علیہ‬

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The Preacher of Islam, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Kaleem Siddique Mudzila (Phalat) Hazrat Maulana Damat Barka Tehm-ul-Alia is a great preacher of Islamic world. On whose hand almost more than 5 lac people have accepted Islam. His famous book ‘Naseem hidayat k jhonkay’ is worth-reading.

The need of awakening the understanding of preaching:



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The Muazzan, who lived in Bahar, took one young man on the door of the house to make him recite the Kalma, and ring the bell. A small child, Hasan, whose age is 4 years, opened the door and the Muazzan sir said to him: Tell your dad that he has to make one man read the Kalma. The little boy went running to his father. The one who lives in this house with Allah’s mercy, between everyday’s zikr o tazkeer, had an idea that this work is to be done quickly. The father was busy in his work of writing and studying. Eagerly the child addressed and said to his father: Baba, Baba come fast, Mullah G has brought someone to recite kalma. The work which father was doing was to be given to someone after completing, in Isha prayer that’s why he didn’t pay attention towards the child. He kept on asking continuously, Baba, someone has to be made the kalma recited. When he felt being neglected in his struggle so he eagerly went on the door and said: Father is writing something. I will make you recite the kalma. Read. Father will also make you recite the same. Read: Laa Ilaaha illallah. Muezzin Sir smiled and said to that young man, the child is saying truth, he will also make you recite in same manner, and you may read. The child said: Read, I will make you read. The one who reads this kalma from true heart becomes a Muslim. Read, Mullah G you also read. All read It together: La ilaha illallah, read forward Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah ‫ﷺ‬. All completed the kalma together. The child said: You have





become Muslim. Will you keep your name also? Muazzan Sir said: Yes, name will also be kept but he will take your name from you and keep this name. The child said, yes my name is Hasan. You also keep your name Hasan, your name is Hasan from today. What is your name before? He said my name is Rameesh Chandar, see that is not a Muslim name. Hasan is a very good name, now your name is Hasan. After making him recite the kalma the child came happily to his father and said: Father, I also made him recite the kalma, his name was Rameesh, I have kept him the name Hasan. Now you don’t need to go. The father became very happy, he closed his work, kissed the child and met them after going out. On their forcing, renew their Imaan and suggested the name Hasan. The creator of universe had made the work of preaching, after deciding the end of Prophet Hood as the obligatory duty of Muslim nation and its business and profession. It was its right that every child would have the understanding of preaching that the child of one carpenter and one blacksmith, in his house learns the things of his business and profession while

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drinking milk of his mother, which the other professional people learn when they grow adult. This is the same situation with every professional. Luckily, Allah SWT has born this child in a house where the discussion of preaching is done. But everyday’s experience is that few responsible Ulema and Aema, travel from far away, bring people that kalma has to be made recited to this man. The phone call of one big scholar of Islam, who is a Khalifa o majaz of one big saint also, is the merciful of this unmentionable, that some people former M. L. A, want to become Muslim. I want to bring him to Phalat. This unmentionable said that you make him recite, he said: I make the common people recite the kalma, this unmentionable said that the same kalma is made recited to the VIP’s as well. Actually, he becomes VIP after reading that ordinary kalma. You are so big scholar; tell that is there any VIP kalma in Islam? The same kalma which common man is been made recited, is to be made recited to the VIP. We both laughed informally and he also felt, for a year or 6 months, people become off-track and fine no one to make them recite kalma and few responsible one even don’t make them recite kalma, from where people are made to travel for reciting kalma to special people. Although the right of preaching nation, and good nation, is that every child of nation should be explained the points of basic preaching, with mother’s milk from birth. He would know that there should be done hurry in reciting kalma, there is no space for delaying it. This opportunity of making them read kalma should be mine, this is my family work and business and professional preaching and taking out the people of Allah from kufr in Islam. The 90% people of nation which are away from their business and profession are in misunderstanding that the work of making people recite kalma is of only some special people. Few days before, one lower-class population’s almost 150 people which maybe were Muslims before but are from many generations, became interested in forwards Islam, the people of town called the scholars of Islam, he explained them about Islam, they were already ready, got ready for kalma so Maulana said to make them recite the kalma. The people of town said: How will you make them recite kalma? Kalma is been recited by that someone, this is his work. Maulana sir who was himself a big Islamic scholar, he came back silently, apart from explaining that it may be late that O yes brother, this work is done by him. I wish! Nation could keep some respect of its reason of life and profession and the understanding of preaching in its children at home. The spiritual and body tip of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak:



Safety from poor condition, and peace throughout the year: This is very experienced and mujrib act. The people of Allah say that: The man who recites surah-e-Fatiha on the first night of Ramadan, he becomes safe and lives in peace throughout the year. With the beatitude of this act, he doesn’t face poor condition whole year. Subhan Allah!


To leave the sin in Ramadan Mubarak: If you want to leave any sin, for it, Ramadan is the best time and best reason. Like if you want to leave the music so imagine that Allah, I have left listening to the music in Ramadan, now you make me safe from listening it whole year.

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From royal solution the Ramadan of June as same as December: The healing: Flower of nelofir, dry flowers of rose, material of nuts 250 grams (Irani), coriander (dry), 4 of the materials 250 grams aniseed, big cardamom, small cardamom, oil 50 gram, take them, clean their mote and grind them finely. Take 1 kg Gulqand Apple jelly ½ kg, Amla jelly ½ kg, silver paper 10 registers. Procedure to make: Materials and other things grind them finely, grind the solutions and remove the seeds, mix the silver paper and mix few drops of spiritual kewra, keep it in fridge or on any cold place. Procedure to use: Drink 2 spoons of less cold water by mixing well in 250 grams of milk, otherwise, you can eat it apart from milk and drink water from above but if taken from milk, then energy will more. Cold juice: If you feel much hot then use cold. The body builders use cold for exercise. The procedure of cold is given following: the healing: Material of nuts 7, material of tukham khayareen 3 gram, khushkhash 3 gram, material of tukhum plum 3 grams, of milk, grind and stain it and use it by doing it sweet with sugar. Do use it in Ramadan in sehri and aftari.







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To know more medical and spiritual tips of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak, do go through the following book “The body and spiritual tips of Ramadan-ul-Mubarak” and make every second of Ramadan treasure-able.

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Tremendous Respect and Sustenance: If someone keeps on reciting the name ُ ‫ہ‬ ‫ ہَیشک رو ُر‬3000 times daily for the whole life, he will attain tremendous respect and wealth.


Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Prescriptions

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Readers tested many times and then disclosed their secrets for Ubqari. These are presented for the benefit of millions of people.

A Wonderful Tip for Increasing the Height

Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! You asked for prescriptions and recipes for increasing the height. I had heard from my elders that sleeping while spreading the legs straight increases the height. (T, Bahawalpur)


Some Experiences of Life for Ubqari


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Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! We read the Ubqari magazine with a lot of keen interest. We benefit a lot with the wazaaif and recipes present in it. My brother has some medical knowledge. He allows the family to use only the medicines of Ubqari. He praises every prescription a lot. He has a small library of your writings.


A Very Healthy Prescription for Ramadhan:


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I want to share a few experiences of life for Ubqari magazine. Readers! When the dates become old, then its upper peel is taken off. And a few old dates develop ghunn in them. It has been observed the a few people put the whole date in the mouth and eat it. Like this there is a chance of the ghunn going in the stomach. Cut the date and take out its kernel and wash it. Like this the upper hard peel gets off and the ghunn is also cleaned.



I read in the Ubqari magazine about mixing kalonji, honey, and satt ispaghol and using them. I am using this recipe for the past 3 months myself as well as my kids are also using it. I found this prescription very helpful for the creation of blood. This is an extremely well tested and healthy prescription. This has the benefit of both nutrition and medicine. I told about this prescription to many people and all praise be to Allah, everyone is praiseworthy. During the Ramadhan if this is used at the time of sehri and iftaar, it can be a very strong tonic. (M, Sara-i-Saleh, Haripur)


Homeopathic Medicines for Increasing the Height


Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I read the Ubqari magazine with a lot of keem interest. For the past some time Ubqari is soliciting prescriptions for increasing height. I have a tested homeopathic prescription and I am writing about it. I have tested this prescription many times. By using the following medicines for 3–6 months one definitely gets a result. In my own experience this prescription is very successful. The prescription is as follows:

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Homeopathic Medicines for Increasing the Height Calcium Phos 6X Bacillinum 200


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Usage: 4 tablets of calcium phos 6x have to be chewed 4 times in a day. Meaning that 4 tablets in a single time slot. And a total of 16 tablets in the whole day. And the rest are drops. 5 drops each of both the medicines have to mixed in one spoon of water and given in the morning and in the evening. Respected hakeem sahib! If the history of the patient has a major illness then he is given 9 dozes. Other than that, a few patent medicines from companies are also available. But this recipe is very useful. InshaAllah (Dr. Ayesha Imran, Lahore)


Ramadhan Mubarak! Special Wazifa for Attaining Every Blessing





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This deed is well known as the deed of surah Qadar. Start this deed by seeing the moon of ramadhan-ulmubarak. This is a very precious deed of surah al-Qadar which is present in the 30th para. Between Maghrib and Isha offer 2 rakat slaat-ul-haajaat like this that in the first rakat after surah Fateha recite surah Quraish 13 times. In the second rakat after surah Fateha recite surah Nasar 13 times. After this recite surah Qadar 286 times. Recite durood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times before and after. Perform the same deed after Fajar prayers as well. Perform this deed for 28 days without a gap. On the 28th day after the Asar prayers mix Zaafraan and arq-e-Gulab and make an ink write this surah with punctuation on a white paper. And after the wazifa of Maghrib prayers make dum and keep them in a safe place. Then see the blessings and mercy of Allah Almighty. After this deed keep this surah in wird. InshaAllah the desired purposes will be addressed. From Allah Almighty a hidden hand will be opened that the world will see. It should be kept in mind that there should not be any misses in doing this deed. The place should not be changed. And at the time of wazifa use fragrance. Permission for this wazifa is for everyone. This can be done for every purpose of life. Whoever did this wazifa with the sincerity of heart, and addressed all the conditions for this wazifa. Allah Almighty fulfilled their needs due to His friend. The people who benefited from this should remember me, my parents, siblings and my teachers in prayers. (Ch, Z) Benefits of Spending the Ramadhan



Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I am a reader of Ubqari for the past three years. I benefited a lot with your wazaaif. The first deed I did was of surah Kausar that was the special deed of Ramadhan shareef. Our family benefited a lot with this deed. Then in the sermon you told us about the deed of surah Baqarah. I did that. I had 3 children. 2 daughters and a son. With the blessings of surah Baqarah Allah gave me a son. We named him Muhammad. I told about this deed to two of my friends. A son was born for one. Pray for the second one to have a son as

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well. She is also performing this deed. The deed is that when the woman becomes pregnant then in the first 7 days of the Islamic month surah Bqarah has to be recited once every day. In 2014 I sent my husband to tasbeeh khana. He spent the whole month in tasbeeh khana. During the ramadhan you gave him the deed of ‫ہ یہ ہ ہ ر ر ہ ہ ر ہ ہ ٓ ہ ً ی ہ یہ ہ ٓ ہ ُ ر ُ ہ ہ ر ً ی ہ‬ ‫َل یہول ہّنا ہو ٰاخّر ہن ہو ٰایہ ًۃ یم رن ہ‬ ‫ک ۚ ہو رار ُز رق ہنا ہو ہا رن ہ‬ ُ ‫ت ہخ ر‬ ‫ْی ٰ ی‬ ‫الر ّز ّق ر ہ‬ [۴۴۱‫ْی (مائدہ‬ ّ ‫)ربنا ا ّْنل علینا مائّدۃ ّنم السما ّء تکون لنا ّعیدا‬. My husband ّ ّ







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told me about this on the phone. We did this and we had a lot of benefits due to it. After coming back from the tasbeeh khana a lot of changes occurred in our house. We had to pay a loan of 20 years. We were paying that in installments. By the grace of Allah on the 16th January, 2015 the whole loan was paid. The deed is to recite the verse number 114 of surah Al-Maaida 11 times. Recite durood sharif once before and once after. This deed can be done many times in a day as well. During Ramadhan recite it before iftaar 11 times and pray to Allah. With this Allah Almighty blessed a lot, and He is still bestowing. (Mrs. Umar Farooq)

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To be blessed with The Beauty of Allah: A person who sees a pious man for pleasing Allah, on the Day of Judgment Allah Almighty will bless him with his immense beauty. (Hazrat Abu Ishaque Ibrahim Al-Khawaas ‫) رحمت ہللا علیہ‬.

Familial Disputes of Spouses and Its Solution

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ُ ُ Recite ‫ ہَی ہود رود‬2 times and make dum on hands. Then rub the hands on your face. When you go in front, even a stone hearted person will become soft. This is a very strong deed. This is very easy. ُ Do it again and again. 2. Recite ‫ ہَی ُر ُء روف‬continuously and make dum on eatables and drinks. Make ُ dum in front and in imagination. It will have a lot of benefits. ‫ ہَی ُر ُء روف‬is for a newly married


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couple. Meaning that on the day of wedding when the bride is sitting in her room and the husband comes in the room. Then recite 7 times and make dum on the husband. The husband shall be kind for the rest of his life. If sometimes he becomes angry then recite Taauz seven times and make dum. He will become cool immediately. Whenever I go to any wedding I definitely tell about this deed to the bride. This is a very valuable thing. And please remember in prayers. (Naila Javed) Husband is Your Friend Forever! Tested Deed



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Respected hakeem sahib, assalam-o-alaikum! Plenty of prayers for you. All of you deserve greetings that you are spreading the message of peace to the whole world. Creation who is perplexed due to lack of knowledge. The ones who want to reach the shore, but due to lack of guidance they are stuck and are further drowning. Ubqari is doing its full effort to get them across.



Respected hazrat hakeem sahib! I have a very easy deed for the love and affection of spouses that is fully effective. It is not necessary that only those women do this deed whose husbands are upset with them or who does not get along. Rather the women who are spending their lives happily can also do this deed. Then see how Allah Almighty will fill their lives with further happiness.



The deed is that the woman should recite any durood sharif before and after 3 times. Then recite surah Fateha 3 times with tasmiyya and make dum at the end of the spinal chord of the husband. If making dum is not possible then make dum by imagining. With the help of this deed the husband will become your true friend. The deed is tested.

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Tested Cream for the Burnt Skin: There is an additional deed for the burnt skin. The deed is extremely effective and easy. If any part of the body has burnt in any way, or due to accident the skin has torn and the meat has come out then two medicines.


1) Neomycin spin ointment (in yellow packet). 2) Benzyll pencilin sodium for ing. (1000 lac units)

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mix them and apply immediately on the burnt skin. It is instantaneously ameliorating. By applying continuously there will remain no sign on the skin. By applying this ointment there will be no strains or itch on the wound. Rather the patient will feel relieved as soon as it is applied. I keep this ointment with me always. And I apply this on any any wound at once. The person who gave this recipe has passed away. The people who have benefited from this medicine, certainly from their prayers Allah Almighty will raise his ranks in the afterlife. (Farheen Tariq, Lahore)


Some of My Tested Recipes for Perplexed Creation


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Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! May Allah almighty bless you and your generations, till the Day of Judgment, with blessings, mercy, safety all kinds of goodness, rewards in this world and in the hereafter. And may He increase your ranks and knowledge according to His glory. Aameen, sum aameen! I have achieved a lot with the Ubqari magazine. I make the prescriptions present in it and give them to very poor and who cannot afford any cure, I give them free of cost and earn the prayers of the sincere. I am sending you some prescriptions that my father gathered many years ago from fro an old thick book. My father also wanted these recipes to be common. I have tested these prescriptions many times. Every time I have achieved unanswerable results. InshaAllah who ever shall test these prescriptions shall achieve best results.




For Jiryaan: ‫هو الشافی‬: beej band Gujrati, taalmakhaana, sataawar, sirwaali, tukham koonch, bahu phalli, todarri, baihman white, everything 12 grams. Salab misri, shaqaaqal misri, kushta qalai, all 24 grams each. Mastalgi roomi, daana ilaaichi khurd, everything 3 grams. Tukham tamar Hindi, 24 grams. Take all of these medicines. Grind them, sieve them and make a powder. Mix misri 22 tolas. Give 6 grams in the morning and 6 grams in the evening, with Gaozabaan extract or with milk. It will remove the severest Jiryaan. InshaAllah.



Prescription for Riqqat: Take one baiza, meaning an egg of hen. Mix 6 grams qalai tajj. Grind them well and make three tablets. Take one tablet before the noon. And then see the mamsak. 2. Tukham Rehan, 8 grams, qand siah, 9 grams. Grind them well and make tablets the size of wild berries. Take one tablet 2 hours before meal. And on that day try to eat less. Jiryaan (all types): ‫هو الشافی‬: Beej band, taalmakhaana, sataawar sirwaali, maghaz tukham koonch, todari white, samandar sookh. Moosli white, moosli siah, Otangan, andar jo sheerein, tabaasheer white, tukham todarri, bahman white, each one of them 6 grams, salab misri,

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shaqaaqul, kushta qalai. Take 12 grams each. Roomi mastalgi, daana ilaichi, 4 grams each. Maghaz tukham tamar Hindi, Maqshar, 12 grams. Make a powder of all of them. Mix misri 6 tolas. Take 12 grams every morning with Gaaozaban extract.


Medicine for Naasoor: Take the skin of kan khajoora and snake. Burn them to ashes and damp them in the milk of bargad and apply them on naasoor. Chronic naasoor will heal.

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Best Surma for Ailments of Eyes: ‫هو الشافی‬: Namak Lahori, 12 grams. Kailool 6 grams, Chaaksoo, 4 grams, Tajj qalmi 6 grams, kushta jast 60 grams, zaafraan, 12 grams, maghaz saras (meaning sheerein, 36 grams) qalmi shora, 12 grams, totiya biryaan 1 gram. Kaafoor 1 gram, surma siah, 20 tolas. Grind all the medicines and make a surma with them and save them in a small bottle. They are useful in all ailments of eyes ex. Foggy, vision, jaala, ghubaar, dhund, rohay kuhna, meaning that by using them everyday no illness will occur. InshaAllah (Muhammad Shoaib Mailsey)


Come Test the Totka Section and Spread it!


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Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! These days most of the children have this problem that when they are born, their urination stops. So for this there is no need to run to the doctors. Take a mango kernel. Break it and there is a smaller seed in it. Grind it. Dip them in water and apply it on the lower portion of the stomach of the child. In a short while the urine of the child will start. This has been tested many times. (Kaleem ullah Sheikh, Pahaar pur)


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Setting of Totka Section in Ubqari






You Should Also Become a Part in this Great Cause:Readers! Sometimes in curing incurable diseases where precious and classified medicines and costly treatments fail, at the same time small prescriptions are useful. Apparently they are given no weight-age. So readers you should continuously write about the prescriptions of elders that they tested or heard about. Ubqari has formed a totka section so that the creation could be served and the humanity could benefit. Note: - Send such totkas that do not have any use of medicines in them. And also do not pick a book of totkas and write all the totkas from there. Send only the tested totkas and secrets of your heart.

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Fever vanishes: Sucking lemon, sprinkling on it salt and black paper reduces the fever intensity.

Swift Marriage: A Simple Practice

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A Superb Supplication for Wedding Proposals



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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! May Allah Taal’a honor you amid both the worlds. May He grant you Jaza-e-Khair for serving the humanity through Ubqari Magazine. There are no words to praise you for your commendable services. I can only pray that Allah Taal’a keeps you associated with this cardinal cause till the end of times. Aameen! Ever since I have started reading Ubqari Magazine, all my family members wait anxiously for it. Ubqari is definitely doing a remarkable job. I am writing some of my experiences that I came across while reading Ubqari and I hope that the readers will benefit through them. The first invocation that my daughters practiced after reading about it in Ubqari, bore incredible results. Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of Allah Taal’a, they got wonderful proposals that were beyond my expectations. The supplication involves reciting [‫ﷺ‬ ] 100 times after each Salah. Hakeem Sahib had also mentioned it during one of his dars which has facilitated many people so far. Alhamdulillah! Whoever practiced this supplication of Bismillah, their daughters have been blessed with desirable proposals. Another supplication for wedding proposals was printed in the special number of last Ramzan’s Ubqari Magazine. One has to offer 12 rakaat nafil on the 11th and 12th night of Ramzan with the intention of Namaz-e-Haajat. This has to be done in a way that in every rakat Surah Ikhlaas is recited once after Surah Fatiha. After offering 12 rakaat, recite durood sharif 100 times. Bestow the blessings of your nawafil and durood sharif to Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. Then pray to Allah Subhanawo Taal’a with true heartedness for at least fifteen




minutes for yourself or your daughter or sister’s marriage. This supplication is so reliable that soon Allah Taal’a will make way for a fine proposal followed by a swift wedding. I have practiced this on my own and one of my neighbors has also done it. Alhamdulillah, three out of her four daughters are now married. One of my acquaintances has two divorced daughters. I told her regarding the above mentioned Bismillah Supplication as well as the Ramzan nawafil practice. She adopted both and Alhamdulillah, one of her daughter got married after Eid-ul-Fitr and the other daughter’s wedding took place one and a half months later. Both got married into good families and are living a happy life now. (G.R.)


My Tried and Tested Practice for Wedding Proposals: Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! I am going to pen down some proven supplications for the readers especially for those girls who are still unmarried and waiting for good proposals. This practice has to be done on the day of 11th Ramzan and the night of 12th

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Ramzan. I personally did it for myself and before the upcoming Ramzan I got married. I am now living a comfortable life with the blessings of Allah Taal’a. I was engaged for 6 years and there were no chances of my marriage any time soon. My parents said that my fiancé did not have a house of his own and they did not have ample means to prepare for my wedding. I did this practice in Ramzan 2013 and got married in February 2014. My entire cast and I was amazed as to how it all happened so quickly. I still do not believe it but I am sure it is nothing other than the blessings of this miraculous supplication. Hakeem Sahib, initially I did not know the importance of masnoon duas in our everyday life but now I try to memorize them by heart. (Erum Zehra)

A Special Practice for Seeking Wedding Proposals


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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! Some time back, a supplication method was printed in the Ubqari Magazine regarding the proposals for marriages. Then, I also received the same through Ubqari sms (40404) in my cellphone. It was written that this practice will help in seeking good proposals followed by a wedding within a year’s time span. I have discovered that it is absolutely true. I did it for my sister in Ramzan and before the next Ramzan arrived, we had gotten a good proposal for her and she was duly married. In this way it was proven word to word that the wedding will take place in less than a year. Earlier, we had been very worried regarding her wedding as she was getting older while waiting for a suitable proposal even though she was educated and worked at a good post. May Allah Taal’a grant Jaza-e-Khair to Hakeem Sahib, the Ubqari team and the people who published this much needed supplication? It is because of them that our domestic problem was resolved. The practice is as follows; on the night between 11th and 12th Ramzan , after Isha Salah, offer 12 nawafil with 6 salaams, in a way that Surah Ikhlaas is recited once after Surah Fatiha in each rakat. After the nawafil, recite durood shareef 100 times then bestow the blessings to Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. Then pray through his intercession to


All Three Tried and Got Lucky:



Allah Taal’a regarding you or your daughter or sister’s wedding. It is certainly due to this practice that we were able to find an appropriate match for my sister. I urge every parent, whose daughter is aging at home waiting for a proposal, to perform this practice at their earliest. I also request that this supplication should be published once again in the Ramzan Special Issue of the Ubqari Magazine so that most families could get the benefit. (S.M. Rawalpindi)



Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalamoalaikum! I am a regular reader of Ubqari Magazine. I have always tried to make efforts to bring comfort and delight to humanity and Ubqari Magazine has guided me a lot in achieving this mission. I have found an excellent friend and helper in shape of Ubqari. These days a growing issue has been faced by most people in our country and it is undoubtedly the problem faced by families to find suitable proposals for their girls. This has increased so much that most women have aged tremendously in hopes of getting married. A supplication practice was published on page number 13 of the July 2013 issue of Ubqari Magazine. It was especially emphasized that this practice would help in speeding up the wedding

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(Muhammad Shahid Hussain – Karachi)


process before the next Ramzan arrives. I was extremely happy to read about it as many people around me were facing this common problem. I instantly started spreading the word about this practice. It was difficult to explain it verbally as this practice demanded attention and held significance in accordance with the dates in Ramzan and also because I just had one magazine with me. None the less, I found it just as it was promised. Three families performed this practice and their homes prospered with good news before the upcoming Ramzan. May Allah Taal’a make Ubqari a way to spread awareness and virtue till the Day of Judgment. Aameen!

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Treatment for bloody Hemorrhoids: Bloody hemorrhoid's patient should recite ‫ ہَی ہ ّ ُ ی‬one thousand times and blow on water and drink it and do this practice name ‫لَع‬

Tip to recover lost Item, person or treasures

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for consecutive seven days would stop bleeding from piles InShaAllah.

Whatever College you want gets admitted I started to recite same Wazifa. Only half an hour I recited this Wazifa and rechecked my pocket and was surprised to see my money was there in it. Whenever I come across a problem I recite the same Wazifa and Allah fulfill my needs.


Readers! Do read every month Hazrat Hakeem Sahab's full of spiritual secrets in different style.


Got admission in well known college!



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Respected Hakeem Sahab DB Asalam O Alikum! I bought Ubqari Magazine from one of book stall, but now I do buy Ubqari Magazine regularly and read it. Most of time I do read different published Wazaif also. I was worried since two years for my daughter to get admitted in medical college. She passed her FSc with good marks but in entry test her performance was not good. My daughter was getting upset due to tension. Private college was just making money and my heart was not getting agree for them. Was unable to understand what to do? Meanwhile one of famous medical college of Islamabad advertised and my daughter was becoming psychic due to tension. She refused to write an entry test. Anyhow we both husband and wife did efforts to get her agree for the test, coincidently I visited a book stall and found there Ubqari Magazine of July 2015 which I bought immediately. Was reading all articles in state of distress and there I found a ‫ہ‬ ‫ّ یہ ر ٰ یہ‬ ٰ ‫ ہَی ہر یب‬Suddenly Wazifa ‫الر ّح ری ّم‬ ‫موس ہَی ہر ّیب ّک ّ ریم ّب رس ّم للَا الرْح ّن‬ my mind stroked and I decided not to recite ّ ‫ﷺ‬



any other Wazifa except this only. I started recitation of it. My daughter passed her entry test and as well as her interview also. I did continue my Wazifa and my daughter got admission a well known medical college of Islamabad and from last four months she is been studding in that college.


Lost Child dropped by unknown People at our home!


Dear respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab DB Asalam O Alikum! I am reading Ubqari Magazine since last nine years on regular basis. I got much benefit out of this Magazine. Now I come to my real intention, last days my niece whose age is three years old, was lost all of sudden at noon time, my all family were searching for her till late night but I did not find any mark of her. I came back home and addressed to all family members that now you all recite this Wazifa Ya Rab

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E Musa Ya Rab E Kaleem Bismillah Irrahman Nirrahim Inshaa Allah child would recover. All family started to recite this Wazifa. It took only one hour of recitation this Wazifa, that two strangers on a motor bike came to our street and started to ask from neighbourhood who’s this child belong to? When kids saw this they brought them to our home and they handed over child to us. We thanked them a lot and then they left. Due to this Wazifa strangers dropped a lost niece at our home. Beside this once I came back from my shop and checked my pocket there were no money in it. I got much upset and started to recite same Wazifa. Only after half hour later I did recheck my pocket and money was there in it which made me really surprised. Whenever I come across any indecent I do read only this Wazifa and Allah solves my problem.

Whatever lost item found immediately!



Dear Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab DB Asalam O Alikum! I am reading Ubqari Magazine since last three years on regular basis. Every Wazifa, tip or formulas are very effective and unmatched. We do recite Wazifas and use formulas bluntly. Since Wazifa ‫ہ‬ ‫ّ یہ ر ٰ یہ‬ ٰ ‫ﷺ ہَی ہر یب‬ ‫الر ّح ری ّم‬ ‫موس ہَی ہر ّیب ّک ّ ریم بّ رس ّم للَا الرْح ّن‬ ّ has published have solved our problems, whatever we lost my


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family start to recite this Wazifa and that lost item we recovered immediately. Few days ago I lost my memory card which was having my family pictures and movies, which made me so ‫ہ‬ ‫ّ یہ ر ٰ یہ‬ ٰ ‫ ہَی ہر یب‬. The thing which worried. Then we all family started to recite ‫الر ّح ری ّم‬ ‫موس ہَی ہر ّیب ّک ّ ریم ّب رس ّم للَا الرْح ّن‬ ّ


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we were unable to recover for hours got recovered within recitation of few minutes and memory card was on the table in front of me.






Readers! I am sharing with you secrets of my heart, whatever you get benefit out of this wazifa do write me back to consider it as safekeeping.

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Say No to Constipation This Ramadan!


Dear Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab DB Assalam O Alikum! Month of Ramadan is coming, and we do consume less water in this month which causes often constipation in public. I have a prescription for it which would not let constipated anyone. This prescription is unmatched for the patients of constipation.

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All healing from Allah SWT: Atarfil Zamani one Tola add one quarter of milk and drink it once in a week after Trawhi prayer at bed time. Rest all of the week do consume Almond oil one Tola with half letter milk after Salat Ul Trawihi all of the month. It would not let you constipated and on the other hand its very powerful tonic too. Must use it. In order to get rid of constipation for whole of their life constipated patients can use it even after Ramadan for three to four months.







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Prescription for Piles: Root of Aak one kilogram, wheat grain half kilogram. Put both things together in a cloth and put in water to boil it in to a tin for two hours. Then separate wheat from the roots and let it dry in a shade and then grind it well to turn it into powder then add blacka nd green cardamom two Tolas, liquorice two tolas, Halila one Tola, zedoary one piece and half kilogram sugar and use one tola daily, In shaa Allah will heal you up. (Muhammad Faran Arshad Bhati, Khan Garh)

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