Monthly Ubqari Magazine March 2016 in English

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Ubqari Magazine March 2016


Editor: Shaikh-ul-Wazaaif,

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Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi


Chughtai PhD, USA.



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Office of Monthly Ubqari Center of Peace and Spirituality, 78/3, Ubqari Street Near Qartaba Mosque, Mazang Chongi, Lahore Pakistan.


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Ubqari Magazine March 2016

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Table of Contents A Warning for Those Husbands Who Cheat Their Wives in The Name of Allah: .......................................... 4 THE REFLECTIONS OF THE HEART (BY THE EDITOR’S PEN) ........................................................ 4 EXTRACT FROM THE WEEKLY SERMON OF SPIRITUALITY AND PEACE .................................. 7 The Glory of Great Four Caliphs ‫ رضوان ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬............................................................................... 10


What ruins the child-rearing? ...................................................................................................................... 13 I recited just two words and the patient on verge of the death recovered ................................................... 15 Get rid of the silent killer that dominates your thoughts ............................................................................. 17

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March! The season of freshness, bloom and rebirth ................................................................................... 19 Sprinkles water all four corners of roof and to get rid of problems ............................................................ 21


AUTHENTIC SPIRITUAL WAZAIF (COMMENDATIONS) OF KHAWAJA KHUDA BAKHSH KHER PURI (‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................................................................................................... 24


BANANA, A MEDICINE, A FOOD AND AN AMAZING CURE.......................................................... 27


Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only ...................................................... 29 Effective treatment of physical Diseases: ................................................................................................... 32


Try family totem, salutations and prayer! Solve problems ......................................................................... 37

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Save your children from sexual abuse (J, Karachi)..................................................................................... 39


Silence is helping to spread this crime. Why isn’t the role of parents brought to discussion here? Isn’t it the duty of parents and relatives to ensure their child’s safety and take care of the fact that children don’t go to market or streets alone? .......................................................................................................... 39 Easy tips for Physical and Spiritual Beauty ................................................................................................ 42

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Guaranteed ways for becoming a successful wife ...................................................................................... 45


Recite one verse and gain ten incredible benefits ....................................................................................... 47 Your Queries---Allama Lahuti's reply ........................................................................................................ 49


Beautiful Scenes of Spiritual Gathering of Ubqari ..................................................................................... 52 Proven Secrets of my life ............................................................................................................................ 54


Must read: get rid of three ailments ............................................................................................................ 56 Domestic psychological problems and their ensuring and proven remedies .............................................. 59 End of every difficulty in 21 days ............................................................................................................... 62 Wicked woman, innocent child and wise prince......................................................................................... 66 The jinni that troubled the practitioners was powerless in Tasbeeh khana ................................................. 69 Late goldsmith’s spoiled children ............................................................................................................... 72

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The outstanding treasure of miraculous oil: ................................................................................................ 75 Your dreams and their interruptions ........................................................................................................... 77 Don’t consider ‘Thank you’ a mere word: .................................................................................................. 79 Women ask? ................................................................................................................................................ 82 The nutritive and delicious vegetables: ....................................................................................................... 84


TESTED AND PROVEN WRITINGS OF READERS ............................................................................. 86 Useful herbs founded in the village ............................................................................................................ 91 Honey bees in the battle field for the help of Pak-Army: ........................................................................... 93

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BORN FRIEND OF JINNAT ..................................................................................................................... 96 How I got rid of twenty years old evil ...................................................................................................... 101


When the sorceress bagged for pardon! .................................................................................................... 104 Preacher of Islam Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Kaleem Siddiqui............................................................ 106


Our Ignorance to the Quran Pak and Our Lame Excuses: ........................................................................ 106


It is possible to grow tall. Latest Medical Research Reveals .................................................................... 109 Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Tips: .......................................................................................... 111


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“How I Get Health”? Restored Health ...................................................................................................... 114 Have you passion for dining out? This article is for you!! ....................................................................... 117

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WAZIFA FOR FINDING LOST ITEM, PERSON AND WEALTH ...................................................... 119

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ُ ‫( اَی ُم ِق ْی‬charges the soul like a Food for the soul: Repeatedly reciting Ya Muqeetu (ُ‫ت‬ battery and Allah can make you meet the spirits and fulfils all your legitimate desires.

A Warning for Those Husbands Who Cheat Their Wives in The Name of Allah:


Waiting for acceptance of prayers: Hazrat Abdullah (‫ )رضی ہللا عنه‬reports that the beloved Messenger (‫ )صلی ہللا علیه وسلم‬said: ask Allah for His Bounty as He likes it very much to be asked for and the best worship is waiting for your prayers to be accepted (Tirmidhi: Chapter of Prayers)


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The lighter people: Hazrat Abu Huraira (‫ )رضی ہللا عنه‬reported that the beloved Messenger (‫ )صلی ہللا علیه وسلم‬said: the lighter people went successful and winning’. The companions asked who those were. They were replied that the lighter will be those who keep them occupied with the remembrance of Allah and this remembrance cleanses them from the sins so they will turn up as lighter on the Day of Judgment. (Tirmidhi)



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Counting remembrance on the phalanges(joints of fingers): Hazrat Yusaira(‫ )رضی ہللا عنه‬who was among the fortunate migrants to Madinah reported that the beloved Messenger (‫)صلی ہللا علیه وسلم‬ said, ’you should keep on reciting Tasbeeh and Tahleel and Taqdees(i.e Subhanal Malikul Quddoos) and count them on your phalanges as these(fingers) will be asked on the day of judgement and they will be held as witness, so you should never be ignorant as it may make you forgetful of the sources of blessings.(Tirmidhi)


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Settled a dower (on wife) without any intention to pay it: Hazrat Suhaib (‫ )رضی ہللا عنه‬reported that the beloved Messenger (‫ )صلی ہللا علیه وسلم‬said,’ whosoever settles a dower on his wife and though Allah Almighty knows that he did not have any intention to pay it out rather he is just attempting to cheat his wife then he will be resurrected on the day of judgements among the thieves (Musnad Ahmed Bin Hanbal)



My observations, contemplations and thoughts SEVERING THE RELATIONS RUINED EVERYTHING:


Dear readers! The crux of a hadith is that maintenance of ties lengthens the life, enhances the sustenance and leads to acceptance of prayers and there are so many other benefits are associated with mending your ties with others. What is meant by mending the ties with others? Forgiving the relatives despite of their mistakes, defects and betrayals and not to start quarrel with your relatives. Even if they keep on doing bad to you, you carry on doing good to them and keep on forgiving them is called as Tawasil bil Arhaam (reconcile the broken ties). If they do good to you, you reciprocate it is not maintenance of ties but doing good even if you have been hurt by

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them is actually required. That’s why it was said: whosoever hurts you, forgive him, if anyone deprives you, you should carry on giving to him’




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Not one but many families that I know about are such that when they married their son, the daughter in law came in and started producing rifts between the families. I am not sparing the same happened by the mothers in law as well. Arguing with everyone and speaking ill of everyone. Dear readers! The truth is that the more we have an extent of forgiveness in our nature and increased tolerance, the better our relation be with our Allah Almighty and not only the next world but also in this life you will start witnessing wonders. The incident of a happy family that I am sharing today is a true story. The mother in law passed away first followed by her partner. Two brothers living in one home, one of the brother’s wife started producing differences from the very first day and the other brother’s wife kept on tolerating all this on my advice. The patient and tolerant one has been blessed with sons and plenty of wealth but the one who was full of envy and enmity remained deprived of any blessings of parenthood and the sustenance was also quite limited. The peace and comfort of life just withered away and was replaced by numerous diseases in all parts of her body. This letter has been written by her own hand. Now consider that severing the ties snatches away the sustenance, health and tranquility of mind. Let us decide for ourselves that we will continue keeping good relations with our relatives despite their wrongs and keep on forgiving them. That pleases the Allah Almighty enormously and He would bestow the bounties of both the worlds on us.


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‘Respected Hakeem Sahib! Assalam-o-Alaikam you would be very angry with me as I should have seen you two weeks earlier but my finances were hitting so low that I did not have any money for fare and spent 10 days in just three hundred rupees. Even in the last week of March and first ten days of April, we had a meal only once a day. The children were just given boiled rice for seven days. I prayed a lot and recited a lot. I also sought forgiveness for ten days but nothing happened. I was mocked but I never requested any favour from anyone, neither asked for anything. Even my husband suggested that he could go and buy something on credit but I forbade him to ask anyone as it will be quite disgraceful. I bore all this with great deal of patience, this hard time left permanent impression on my memory, and it almost killed me. I would never forget these days till my last breath.


When all this was over and I was able to get some money then for each bite that my family or me would take was full of thankfulness. I have been trying from the same day to meet you and I have tears in my eyes while I am writing this letter. The circumstances that I was through were shocking indeed. Now I tend to belittle myself all the times and I try to take every breath full of thankfulness and forgiveness from the Almighty. These memories will always stay with me and whenever I feel little big headed, these ten days flash into my mind and I feel myself landed on the ground again. As you are my spiritual master (Murshid), so I am, sharing this with you only and I have never revealed this to anyone before. I had no idea of what a spiritual master is before joining the Tasbih Khana and my curiosity led me to see the Tasbih Khana. Now this thought

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always scares me if I would ever make you angry from me (Although this must be the Almighty, whose Pleasure should always be taken care of: By Editor). I feel like I have lost almost everything except my relationship with the Tasbih Khana’.

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Warning for the liar: The Beloved Messenger (‫ )صلی هللا عليه وسلم‬said “ Ruined is he who lies to make the people laugh”. (Tirmidhi 2405) (Saim Sunbal)



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By Shahykh ul Wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai (‫)دامت بركاتهم‬ The Beggar of Your Door Is the Rich of Both the Worlds




The means of blessings: The Halal has blessing in itself while the Haram has abundance but without any blessing. Always ask blessing for your generations and never be fooled by the glitter of this world. Make yourself worthy to be blessed and adopt the means to get it. If you have to choose then choose the means of blessings. The Allah Almighty always favours the seekers and even our forefathers and blessed companions have sacrificed enormously for seeking these blessings. The Allah Almighty reciprocated to them and blessed them so vehemently that in the whole city there was no one left to be given Zakat as all of them had become givers.



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Always consult the scholars to know about Zakat: Paying zakat is obligatory on the owners of Nisab (the minimum amount). Someone asked me about the Zakat while he shared about all his belongings. I suggested him to consult an expert scholar who has an in-depth knowledge about it. Which assets are the qualifying assets and who should be paid? All this has to be asked from an expert scholar.

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Avoid the loss making deal: O Allah Walo (Pious person)! Allah Almighty has given us an opportunity in the life. These few hours and moments should be used to instil Allah’s love in your hearts. A non-believer spends his life in worldly joys and if a Muslims spends it similarly then it will be a loss making deal. Be careful and do not give your zakat to anyone who is begging in the streets. Rather you should consult with the scholars. I met a person who said that despite paying Zakat he bore a loss every year. I asked him to watch out where he had given his Zakat as paying to non-qualifying persons invalidates the payment of Zakat. You should ask the scholars about who you are giving out your Zakat as well as, Sadqa-e-Fitr and the general charity. Ubqari trust and the Divine Maintenance: I have never asked for any Zakat or charity for the Ubqari Trust. I instead ask you to consult the scholars about where should this Zakat be spent. The Allah Almighty has saved me from asking and has taken the whole system into His Own Divine control. O Servants of Allah! Adopt halal in your lives and always strive for it. You should learn from the Godly persons how to beg from

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Allah. This begging would make you the beggar of Allah and how lucky is he who becomes the beggar of Allah and His Holy Prophet (‫!)صلي ہللا علیه وسلم‬ Indeed, the beggar of your door is no less than the rich of both the worlds

You will learn begging by begging continuously:




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During the old college days, I had to leave early in the morning. One day i could not get a seat in the bus but got a chance to sit on the engine box near the driving seat. It was freezing cold and even some students had to ride on the bus roof. As I had recited Surah Al-Quraish, I was lucky to find a rather warmer seat! The bus was going very fast and despite the unordered traffic, there was no decrease in the speed. I was watching the speedometer where the indicator was showing the same fast speed throughout. I asked the driver how he had learnt to drive so fast. He said that he learnt it while driving more and more. That kicked me in the mind that we should also carry on begging from the Allah Almighty again and again until one day we will learn who to beg. Extend your begging bowl as the generous Lord is seeking the beggars. Once I was listening the popular Na’at, which included the verse: Do not complain of smallness of your bowl, keep on asking, and keep on asking. That made me thinks if I was worried about my small begging bowl as He (Almighty) is ready to bless me. We should practice to beg and learn it devotedly. How easy is today’s lesson and this is not impossible as well.


Begging is neither impossible nor difficult:

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My friends! You do not need to wear Ahraam for it nor need you to get admission into a college or to memories the whole Quran or become a recitor and scholar. It requires neither any doctorate nor Master’s degree. It takes just a person and even an infidel can start conversing with the Lord Almighty and gets all his wishes granted. It is mentioned in one of the hadiths that the oppressed even the Allah Almighty helps the infidel. Wishing well for the whole world should be in your mind:



We must wish that even all the Non-Muslims and infidels of the world may start conversing with the Allah. May He make them like those who wish to meet Him and enkindle His Love and Passion in their hearts as well. May He Bless us with the intense love for His Holy Prophet (‫)صلي ہللا علیه وسلم‬. O Allah! Let their die no one among even the infidels without becoming a slave of His Prophet (‫)صلي ہللا علیه وسلم‬. Even we should desire the same thing for our rulers and armies and those who protect us. Why should we hate the Hindus, Jews, the fire worshippers and the Christians? They are also among the Ummati of our Beloved Messenger (‫)صلی ہللا علیه وسلم‬. (O Allah! Bless them with Your guidance and lead them to the way that pleases You). We must not have hate for anyone in our hearts. We must not swear against our rulers and should pray for them sincerely and have best wishes for them. O Allah! The ones that

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Those who benefitted from the Dars:


you have made our rulers and administrators who are controlling all of our systems with a wink of their eyes, their reign is just temporary. O Allah! give them a reign of eternity rather than the reign that may make them ruler of this world and the beggar of the next world. We must have the best wishes for everyone….(Continued…)

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Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib Assalam-o-Alaikam!




May Allah exalt your degrees and keep you and your future generation happy and properous. (Amen). I have been participating in the Thursday’s sermons for three years and if I could not turn up, I listen to them live on line. Through the blessings of your dars, I find a great deal of spiritual peace and even my son has changed a lot. He has started praying five times a day. Before now there was a great deal of fighting and a rifting environment at home but now it seems like tranquility has prevailed. My husband’s business is also booming and we are now financially stronger than before. (L.B, Lahore)


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[To know about the wonderful spiritual recitations and secrets of Closeness to Allah, study the complete set of Khutbat-e-Ubqari (The Sermons of Ubqari)

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How to kill the tooth pain: Gargling with decoction of black cumin extends pain relieve in the tooth, however such relieve is temporarily which runs for six to twelve hours.

The Glory of Great Four Caliphs ‫رضوان ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬


Miracle of Hazrat Ali ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫رضی ہللا‬: Connecting the severed hand ٰ Ameer ul Maumineen Hazrat Umar bin Al Khattab hits the earth during the quake saying “Calm down O earth! Don’t I do justice over you? And the earth was still.

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‫رضی ہللا‬ Miracle of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ




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Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫الی عنہ‬ ٰ ‫ رضی ہللا تع‬knew what was in the womb. Hazrat Urwah Bin Zubair ‫تعالی عنہما‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬narrates that Ameer ul Maumineen Hazrat Abu Bakar ٰ ‫ رضی ہللا‬talked to his beloved daughter Ummul Maumineen Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa Siddique ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ ‫تعالی عنہا‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬in his last moments. He addressed her that O my beloved daughter today my all assets ٰ are for my heirs. These are inclusive you, your brothers Abdul Rahman and Muhammad and your two ‫رضی ہللا‬ sisters. So that you divide it according to rules of Quran and get your part. Hazrat Aisha ‫تعالی‬ ٰ ‫ عنہا‬asked that father I have only one sister name Bibi Asma. Who is the other one? Father told that my wife Bint e Kharijah is pregnant and carries a girl in her womb so that she is your another sister. Afterward it had happened in a same way that a girl was born and known as Umm e Kulthom. (Tareekh ul Khulfa’a P57)


Hazrat Allama Taj ud din Subki ‫ رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬writes that this Hadith witnesses two miracles of Hazrat ‫رضی ہللا‬. First that he had known that he would depart from this world due Abu Bakar Siddique ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ that certain illness as he said “today my all assets are for my heirs”. Secondly, he had also known what was in the womb whether a boy or a girl. Surely, these two great predictions are the great miracles of

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Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬the successor of Prophet Hazrat Muhamad ‫( ﷺ‬Azalat ul ٰ Khafa Maqsad 2 P21 & Hajjat Ullah V2 P860)



‫رضی ہللا‬ Miracle of Hazrat Umar Bin Al Khattab ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ Making the Earth calms down by hitting it: Imam ul Harmain writes in his book Alshamil as once there was an earth quake in Medina Munawarah and the earth was shaking horribly. Then Ameer ul Maumineen Hazrat Umar Bin Al Khattab hit the earth with his whip angrily and said loudly “Calm down O land! Don’t I do justice over you?” The earth was still listening to his order. (Azalat ul Khafa Maqsad 2 P172 & Hajjat Ullah V2 P861) Miracle of Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫رضی ہللا‬ ٰ Sentence of Disparaging: Hazrat Abu Qalabah ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬narrates that he heard a man crying on the streets of Syria he was ٰ saying that “Alas! Hell has been written in my fate”. I was surprised when I got closer to him as I found

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that man lost his both hands and legs severed and has also lost his eyes. The man crying the same words over and over again lying on the ground face down. I could not stop myself and asked him why he was quite sure as that he would destined to the hell. He responded me in these words “ O man! Don’t ask about me. I was among those ill fated people who stormed into the house of Ameer ul Maoumineen Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan ‫ رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬to kill him. When I had got closed to him, his honorable wife scolded me. I had become impudent as I slapped her face. When Ameer ul Maumineen Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan ‫ رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬saw this he cursed me as he said “May Almighty Allah severe your hands and legs and make you blind and send to the hell”.


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“O man! I shocked while listening these hard words from Ameer ul Maumineen, I felt deep fear in myself and I left their house running out” The man added. “Now you can see that three of his curses have met and the forth one is left i.e. my dragging towards the hell and I am sure it must be happened”. He said “Now I am waiting for my death fearing of my destination. I feel so guilty recalling my sins. I have no doubt that I must be thrown into the hell”. (May Almighty Allah save all Muslims from disparaging of his loved ones and reward with the due respect of them to all of us. Amen)




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‫رضی ہللا‬ Miracle of Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ Connecting the severed hand: ‫رضی ہللا‬. He was among It is narrated that there was a Abyssinian slave in the time of Hazrat Ali ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ the most sincere people of the Ameer ul Maumineen. One day he was committed stealing. Soon, he was caught and brought into the court of Ameer ul Maumineen. Here he admitted his crime and therefore had been awarded sentence of hand severing by the Ameer ul Maumineen Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib ‫رضی‬ ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫ ہللا‬. While going back to his home the slave came across with Hazrat Salman Farsi ‫تعالی‬ ‫رضی ہللا‬ ٰ ٰ ‫ عنہ‬and Ibn Alkara. Ibn Alkara asked about the reason of his severed hand. He told that sentence was awarded by honorable Ameer ul Maumineen, Grand Son of Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and the husband of Butool ‫تعالی عنہا‬ ‫رضی ہللا‬. Ibn Alkara surprised listening to such great respect by that slave and asked him ٰ why do you talk about Ameer ul Maumineen with such a great respect despite the fact that he had severed your hand off? The slave replied “so what if he severed my hand as he granted justice but saved ‫ رضی ہللا‬who was listening to all this me from burning in fire of hell. Hazrat Salman Farsi ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ٰ conversation called on Ameer ul Maumineen Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib ‫تعالی عنہ‬ ‫ رضی ہللا‬and described the ٰ detail of this meeting. Ameer ul Maumineen summoned that slave and put the severed hand of slave on his wrist, covered it by a piece of cloth and recited some words even an unknown voice echoed directing to remove the cloth. When people removed the cloth they found the hand was joined with the wrist as if it was never severed off. (Tafseer Kabeer V5 P479)



Say bye to mental frailty: Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Alikum! Here are some valuable tips for the readers of Ubqari magazine: Mental Frailty in children: ‫ ھو الشافی‬: Get ablution and recite Surah Nashrah forty one times with eleven times Durud Sharif before and after of quarter kg almonds. Feed one spoon to the child at night while going to sleep. It will heal child from mental frailty, Insha’Allah.

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Hair loss no more: ‫ھو الشافی‬: Get ablution and recite Surah Al Lail forty one times over the muster oil or coconut oil. Massage gently with this oil every night before sleeping. It will stop the hair fall, Insha’Allah. Note: Dear readers we are getting benefits from above tips satisfactorily. We hope you will do so, Insha’Allah. (Farwah, Urwah, Sajid from Tala Gang)

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Fear of organ loss: Recite ‫ی‬ ُِْ ‫م‬ ُ ْ ُ‫ اَی‬seven times and blow up your organ. It is useful, Insha’Allah.

What ruins the child-rearing?


Some children don’t have interest in their homework. They start working when the parents make them to do so, but start getting around after a while. The solution is short breaks for relaxation. Short breaks are must for not only studying but all those jobs which require mental activities.




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The reason for lack of self confidence in the children: The children who are loved by their parents and receive appropriate attention from their parents respond to them in same manner and don’t want to give their parents an opportunity for complain. Contrary to that, the strict behavior of parents makes their kids rebel. Parents should become strict only to the extent that is necessary to bring reform in the kids. Unnecessary restrictions make the offspring stubborn and rude. As a result, mostly, when they grow up they reach to the point of no return. Most of the time the father starts shouting on minor mistakes or disregard them in front of other family members instead of reforming them in a soft way. This behave brings about strong sense of inferiority.


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Many times, the children forget their lesson in the school only because of fear. They fear that probably the teacher would behave in the same strict manner as their parents do in the home. And with a passage of time this fear grows up. These children often have exceptional abilities but lack of confidence badly impact on their personalities and abilities. When they grow up with the feeling of inferiority it occupies their personality and daily life badly. For instance, they can’t speak fluently or with confidence.


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These days the key reason of inferiority in the kids is conflicts between the parents. Clashes and exchange of hard words in front of kids fills the innocent hearts with fear and they become nervous. Their teachers also have complained about such children as they terms such students as rude and disobedient. Such kids have misconception about their teachers as they think that why their teachers may be sincere to them while stopping them with wrongdoings where their parents don’t bother to stop them. Regardless of difference between parents and teachers, one must admit that parents might ruin the character of their children whereas the teachers build their character. When kids know about this fact they accept their fault and beg for pardon. But this leaves a sense of guilt in them and they underestimate themselves.



I beg to all parents to don’t scold their innocent children particularly daughters and don’t isolate them, as these daughters are mercy from almighty Allah. Those parents who are going to part their ways should consider about the future of their kids. Because at that crucial stage their decisions can either develop or ruin the future of their children. (Zaiton Shehnaz, Chishtian) Children’s Homework and Special Provision for parents As per a western education expert, the purpose of giving homework to child is to let him realize that getting education is limited not only to school but also in the home. In other words it’s parent’s responsibility to look after the children whether they are paying attention on their homework or not. Some children don’t have interest in their homework. They start working when the parents make them to do so, but start getting around after a while. The solution is short breaks for relaxation. Short breaks are must for not only studying but all those jobs which require mental activities. It has proven that a

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short break for mere five minutes after the session of homework of thirty or more minutes gives amazing results. On other hand extension in this short break or frequent breaks may cause diversion in child’s attention from studies to other leisure activities. Sometimes, to get rid of the homework, some children tell lie as they didn’t receive homework. In that case, the parents should regularly check the homework diary to find the truth. Sometimes, children don’t pay attention to their homework only because they did not understand what they had been taught in school on that day.


Therefore, the completion of homework is the way to let the parents and teachers determine the ability of child over the syllabus. Parents should realize the importance of homework. When the child comes back from the school, he has to perform two duties. Firstly, he has to do homework and secondly, doing homework without help of teachers. As a result he learns self-regulation.

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Some Useful Tips: If being a parent, you realize that child need your assistance in his homework then do as per below:


Extend sufficient time to child for doing homework. Release him from other duties if you feel these will overburden him and let him focus on homework only when you see that he needs more time to finish it.



Let the child do his homework at the place of his choice. Some children like to work on table and chair while other prefer to sit on the carpet or on the floor.


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Dedicate a place in your home for study where there should be no noise of family members and entertainment appliances such as television or audio system etc. Parents should prefer to do their home based work or reading books in the study room with their kids. This environment will help your child to develop passion and emphasize on the work. Remember! Children always follow their parents. (Alia Begum, Lahore)

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Three Golden Principles: Always remember three principles in your life. 1. Always beg pardon with he who you love. 2. Don’t leave he, who loves you. 3. Don’t hide with him, who trusts on you.


I recited just two words and the patient on verge of the death recovered

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Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! I am fond of Ubqari Magazine. Here I would like to share one important incident. A lady doctor asked me ُ to give her a recitation as she faces everyday a new problem in the hospital. I told her to recite ‫ٰ ما‬ ُ ‫ل ُیُ ْن ا‬ ُ ‫َص ْو ا‬ ‫ن‬ ُ ُ‫ح‬. She called me after two or three days and told earlier whenever the patients brought into the




emergency ward they could not survive. However, ever since I have started this recitation I found amazing results. A lady patient was brought into the emergency ward in a very critical condition. She recovered surprisingly when I started her treatment and she was discharged only in three days, the doctor added. I achieve every aim whenever I recite it, Alhamdulillah. (Saleem Ullah Somro, Kand Yaro)



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An easy recitation for those parents who are worried with their spoiled children Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! May almighty Allah reward you with all success here and here After. We had a spoiled boy in our neighbor. His father was passed away and mother teaches holy Quran to the children of neighborhood. He was just sixteen but got quite distorted. He used to spend time with bed boys, one wheeling; addiction and excessive use of cell phone were common problems with him. He could not pass two or three papers in his grade ninth exams. His mother was very upset because of him. All family members ‫ا ا ُ ا اا ُ ُ ا‬ used to criticize her. Then she started ‫بُاِلی ُِہ‬ ‫ نستغ ُِفرکُونتو‬on each line of Quran Karim. And before reciting

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she begs to almighty Allah for pardon. Probably, she found this recitation from Ubqari Magazine or their office. Allah almighty helped her and that boy converted. Neighbors and teacher praise him.


Similarly, the other woman in our neighbor had same problem with her son. She also recited the Quran Karim in same way. She was told to recite Quran Karim for five times, however she felt the difference even she finished just two or three times. Now her son is an obedient person.



One of our neighbors had problem to obtain visa. He had already paid someone for visa but that party had put him on wait for a long time. This youth offered the same recitation. He just offered one or two times and he got his visa and he went abroad. Similarly, there was another guy in our neighbor. He was jobless. His mother offered the same recitation and almighty Allah extended his help to them. That guy obtained the visa and left the country. Now they are earning reasonably and are satisfied. (Sidra Sabir) Just recite Tasmiah and bring peace in your home: Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! May almighty Allah reward you with all success here and the here after. There were many conflicts in my maternal aunt’s home and the situation was going to be critical. Then she started reciting ﷽eight hundred times in a day. Amazingly the conflicts were no more even she recited for just a few days. (S.S)

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Islam & Tolerance The Behave of Messenger of Islam ‫ ﷺ‬with Non-Muslims Part 104


Kindness of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬with the animals: It is great reward from almighty Allah that He made the animals obeyed of human, as we can see that a little child is taking a tall camel. This is the kindness of Allah almighty that He made a bigger animal compliant of a little child; otherwise, human does not have enough power to control such giant animals without the kind support of almighty Allah. It is pertinent to mention here that Allah almighty has talked about various animals in Quran Karim.

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Golden Words of Great People Those who have good aims can’t be isolated. Those who are selfish can’t become a good friend. (Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬


Always smile as the world is with those who smile. Don’t trust on one who swears of his sincerity with you. (Hazrat Umar Bin Al Khattab ‫)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬



Love all but trust on a few people. Always speak the truth so that you are not made to swear. (Hazrat Uthman Bin Affan ‫)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬



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Useless arguments take away a good friend. Follow two things to keep the friendship longer. First, don’t talk to your friend when you get angry. Second, don’t feel the words from your friend when he is angry. Whenever you start developing hate for someone start recalling his good habits. (Hazrat Ali Ibn Abi Taleb ‫)رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬ (From: Farzana Sunbal, Kanwal, Tahera, Khowian)

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The Behave of Messenger of Islam ‫ ﷺ‬with Non-Muslims Now read all incidents in a book. Must read and gift to your loved ones.




Temples of Non-Muslims, Their Rights and Our Responsibilities Book is available in Urdu and English. Must read

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For those who have a weak stomach: Use SAGHODANA daily in the morning and evening. Cook one tola of saghodana in milk after washing it properly.

(Muhammad Akmal Farooq Advocate, Sargodha)


Get rid of the silent killer that dominates your thoughts





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While we live the day to day, there is always something on our minds that worries us. Most researchers claim that persistent stress can be truly damaging but that is not always true because a little amount of stress actually improves our performance. For instance, in sports a little pressure helps to improve the performance of the player. And many successful people owe their success to this very pressure too. However, continuous amount of stress can be a problem. 50 to 80 percent of the illnesses can be attributed to this mental stress which lowers our immunity against diseases. Higher stress levels lead to a wound not healing quickly and not only adults but children also feel stress too which makes them more prone to being injured. The most significant diseases caused by stress: Heart diseases, Cancer, pain in the joints, asthma, stomach related problems, jaundice, ulcer, high blood pressure, depression, headache, suspicion, seizures and hallucinations, sugar, backache, sleeplessness, gas, weight loss, some skin illnesses, increase in cholesterol, fear without reason before mensuration, allergy, exhaustion and muscle pain etc. Symptoms: People who are stressed are often absent minded. They may get in an accident while walking or driving. They may get lost and forget their route too. Under stress, a person's memory decreases and his concentration and focus is negatively affected too. Appetite lessens too, the person angers quickly, clenches fists and bites nails. The person under stress also suffers from indigestion and his metabolism decreases. Along with this headache, backaches and exhaustion continue to plague the person. Heartbeat quickens too and urine is passed a lot many times. Sex life is also affected. The person feels sad, bored and dejected. Life lacks purpose and suicide seems plausible. Nervousness becomes more pronounced and the complexion becomes yellowed too. Suspicion and fears are rampant too. Decision making power decreases too and smokers start to smoke more too. The most significant reason for mental stress: Failure, insecurities, irritation, mental distress, Failure in love, disrespectful behavior, dejection, feeling of guiltiness, death of a loved one, sadness, loneliness, sleeplessness, religious extremism, employment and financial pressures, fights in the family, academic pressures of children, dissatisfaction in sex life and pressure from in laws. Along with this natural disasters, uncomfortable weather conditions, decreased income and security threats etc. Solutions for mental stress: Some people look for solace to mental pressures in drugs, medicines and alcohol. But all of these are detrimental to health. The following should be considered to counter stress: ‫اْ ا ْ اْ ُ ُ ْ ُ ا ا ا‬ 1. "ُ‫سُالسَل ُم‬ ُ ‫کُالقدو‬ ُ ‫ "ُالم ِل‬should be recited for cure to stress. 2. Meditation should be done and one should imagine that Allah is sending down a rain of blessings and the heart is saying Allah Allah.

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3. Drinks like coffee, cola and tea should be used to an extent and salt should be reduced too. More Use of the following: 4. Juice of Oranges and tangerines, tomatoes, peas, peanuts, eggs, fresh vegetables, liver meat, kidney and fish meat etc. 5. Exercise, jogging, walk and playing a favourite sport. 6. A good friend with whom you can discuss everything. 7. Making an effort to change conditions but if they are beyond control then accepting them as Allah's will. “If there is something that you like, make an effort to achieve it but if that’s not possible then like what you have instead ". 8. Get the anger out of your system: shout in a closed room or open space, discuss it with a friend, write about your anger, or instead play squash, football or try jogging or boxing or any other sport that gets the anger out of your system. 9. Get away from the place that angers you. 10. Try and laugh more. 11. Discuss your feelings with a friend. 12. Helping others get over their distress. 13. Avoid yellow and red and go for blue since blue is a soothing colour. 14. Do not procrastinate by delaying today's work to tomorrow. 15. Divide your workload amongst others and do not take the entire burden yourself. 16. Try to decide the course of actions for each routine problem at the same time but sometimes try something new too. 17. Predict problem areas and try to solve them beforehand for instance leave early if getting late is an issue. 18. Allah's decisions are always for the best. Believe in that. 19. Peace of the heart and soul can only be attained if we are attuned to the spirituality of our soul which again is only possible if we pay attention in salat and Dua. 20. Catch up on your sleep. 21. Forgive yourself and others. 22. Getting rid of suspicions. 23. Stretch your body and inhale exhale deeply to get rid of any tension. 24. Sit in your chair in a way that your legs and back are parallel. 25. Challenge yourself with difficult tasks first. 26. Exercise daily to get rid of mental stress.

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For solution to every problem: whenever you across some problem recite 41 times and your problem will be solved.

March! The season of freshness, bloom and rebirth ( khuda khayat Lahore)





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Out of all 12 months, the status of March in terms of bringing about a season of bloom and rebirth is distinct. This month not only triggers spring into action but it also sets an atmosphere of beauty for everyone irrespective of their being rich or poor. The menu for winter suddenly gets a makeover and many people who are relatively stronger, start shifting towards a diet that is less for winters and more for summers. The same goes for clothes too. The chilly winds of winter come to an end and all plants rejoice this season since it allows a breath of fresh air to spread all around. Gardens in full bloom look all the more enticing. In its unique way, nature sends a message of rebirth and bloom all around. Just as plants begin to bloom, in the same manner, our bodies too get reenergized once more. Those of you who look forward to making your bodies healthy should make an effort and do the following as soon as March arrives: Many people especially children fall sick too in this season of spring. Children are susceptible to illnesses like measles, chicken pox, black cough, flu and other contagious diseases. To counter this: 1. Try to cut down on dry fruit that generates warmth. 2. Try to make an effort and wake up and sleep early. 3. Cut down on sugary sweet foods since they may bring about the illness of sugar. 4. Make a routine of exercise and walk daily. Try to leave early before sun rise and walk for some time for 1 to 5 miles according to your strength. Walking in the fresh air would help increase your immunity levels and would lessen the risk of viruses etc. Walking barefoot on grass or some smooth surface is also beneficial and if such a chance presents itself then avail it.



Medicinal Cure: In the morning and evening, take one tola of khameera gao zabaan along with five tola aarq gao zabaan. This will help keep you healthy. Take ayraani aanab one tola and soak it overnight in quarter of litre water. This is effective against chest infections and skin related diseases.


The most frequent diseases of spring season: Fever: For fever, opt for powder of magz kar najwa along with warm sugar water 4 times a day. Measles: this is a contagious disease and carelessness can lead to a lack of hearing and pneumonia or a lack of sight too. Mums: Also a contagious disease, this causes pain in the ears followed by a fever. Swelling also comes up and makes swallowing difficult. Fever goes up to 101 to 104. In these conditions, experienced doctors should be consulted plus the powder of magz kar najwa from 4 rati to 1

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masha. Along with this 6 masha gal banafsha joshanda with sugar in warm water should be used 4 times a day.

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The arrival of dedicated people in Tasbih Khana: Qazi Nisar Ahmed Sahab Khateeb Marqazi Jamae Masjid Gilgit Baltistan. Raess Jamaeh Islamia Nusrat Al Aloom on 20, 21, and 22 Nov 2015 came to the Ubqari Rohani Ijtma. Maulana Abdul Razzaq Sikander Sahab came to Tasbih Khana Lahore on 2nd Feb 2016. Maulana Sahib is an avid reader and is interested in amliyaat too. He is a superb resource of wisdom. Maulana Abdul Raheem Sahab Fazal Dar al Uloom Jamae Banoria Site Karachi came especially from Dadu Sindh for Spiritual blessings to Tasbih Khana on 27 Dec 2015 on Sunday.

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You will be answered: if you are having relationship with tyranic then on the day of the judgment you will be answered.

Sprinkles water all four corners of roof and to get rid of problems


Following are the tested aamal (practice) of pious Saints and the reason to publish is to save people from innovates and to connect with nawafil and tasbeehat.

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Advantages of Jamadi-ul-Achra: The sixth month of Islam is the Jamadi-ul-Achra. In this month the application of different prayers and nowafl is:


‫ا ا اْ ُ ُ ا ا ا ا ا‬ ٰ ْ ‫ہّٰلل اَُی ار‬ ُ ‫ اَیاا‬o ‫ی‬ ُ‫ْح ُن‬ ُ ُ ْ ‫کُن ْست ِع‬ ‫اَِیکُنع ُبدوُاَِی‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا اَِی ا‬ ‫کُن ا ْع ُب ُد اوُا اَِی ا‬ ُ ‫ اَیا‬o ‫ی‬ ُ ُ ‫ہّٰلل اَُی ار ِح ْی‬ ‫م‬ ُ ُ ْ ‫کُن ْست ِع‬



For every wish you may have: If anyone has a financial, household, or any other problem they should recite the following verses daily. Allah Almighty will grant their every wish if they do so.


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To rid oneself of a problem: Recite the following verses daily with great concentration and belief. Allah Almighty will free ْ ُ ْ ‫ اف ِا ان اُم اع ُْال ُع ْ​ْسُی ُ ْ ً ا ا ا‬you of all worries. ً ْ ُ ‫ْسُی‬ o (30th para, Surah Alam Nashrah, ayat 5, 6)‫ْسا‬ ِ ِ ‫اِنُمعُالع‬o ‫ْسا‬


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For blessing in one's home and workplace: ‫ا ْٰ ا‬ ‫ ِب ْس ِمُہّٰللاُِالر‬786 times and blow on your hands, blow three times on a glass of water. Recite ‫م‬ ُ ِ ‫ْح ِنُالر ِح ْی‬ In whichever house you live, blow three times for its blessing and also do the same for your workplace. Take some water which you blew on and spill it on all four corners of your house to keep away evil sky spirits. Spray the water on your house walls to finish the effect of any taweez, nahoosat or black magic. Drink the rest of the water yourself. Insha’Allah, it will grant you physical gratification and spiritual cure. Follow this method with the utmost belief and all your problems will be solved.



Prayers will be answered: On the first night of the sixth month, after Maghrib prayer, recite surah Ikhlas 15 times, recite ‫کُنا ْع ُب ُد اوُا اَِی ا‬ ‫ ا اَِی ا‬30 times. Then pray profusely, ُ ْ ‫کُن ا ْس ات ِع‬ once Maozteen and in prostration recite ُ‫ی‬ Inshallah Allah Almighty will grant your wish. Besides this, after Isha prayer, pray two rakat nafl and recite the Quran as much as you can. After doing all this, recite the Istagfar and darood pak as much as possible. To be near to Allah: Nawafl: On the first night of Jamadi-ul-Achra pray 12 rakat as two each. Also, after namaz Isha pray four rakat nafl in this way that in each rakat recite surah Ikhlas 13 times. You will feel near to Allah.

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To escape from poverty: 10th night: In this month, on the tenth night, pray 12 rakat namaz in this way that in each rakat after reciting surah Fatiha recite surah Quraish. After praying recite surah Yusuf once. Inshallah Allah will free you from poverty. You will remain protected against all problems and worries.


To attain rewards: From the 21st night of this month to the end of the month without fail pray 20 rakat nafl as two rakat each after namaz Isha in this way that in each rakat after reciting surah Fatiha recite surah Ikhlas once. Inshallah Allah will give you immense rewards.


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The nature of Allah Almighty: Allah is the one who gives 33 ton meat to a wahi (fish) even though in one ton there is 29 mon and in 33 ton there is 924 mon. In one mon there is 40 kilos. Hence ask Allah for what you want and do not be worried. Only ask him and he will give it to you without question. One who does not ask him asks everyone else. Oh Allah! Those who sent this message and received this message please do not let be dependent on anyone.




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Relief from Bawaseer and constipation: Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahab, Aslam-o-alaikum! I read your monthly Ubqari magazine and listen to your dars with the utmost interest. You once mentioned in your lecture that if you have Bawaseer then recite the washroom's prayer. When I had this disease I applied this method. I was relieved of both Bawaseer and constipation completely.

Monthly spiritual class:

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The monthly spiritual class of this month would take place on 9th March, on Wednesday from Asr to Maghrib, 19th March on Saturday from 12:07 to 1:17; 28th March on Monday from 10 to ‫ُ ُ ا‬ ‫ا ا ام‬ 11:25 in the morning; and ‫ب‬ ُ ِ ٰ ‫ ف ِبا ِی ُ​ُا ُل ِئ اُر ِبک اماتک ِذ‬would be recited. These verses should be recited with



utmost feeling of humbleness, concentration, heartache, and the belief that Allah is listening to my prayers and would fulfill my needs. Keep a glass of water in front of you and imagine that a light is falling upon you like gentle rain and this light upon entering your heart is easing your pain and sorrow. After the allotted time comes to an end, pray for the whole Muslim community, on-muslims and for peace in the world and for your relatives and yourself. Pray with full belief since Allah has the power to fulfill all our needs. After that blow on the water three times and drink it. Your family can drink it too. After every spiritual class give 11 rupees in charity. 1. If during the spiritual class, the time of namaz comes up, then offer the namaz first and the rest of the time is to be completed after the namaz.

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2. If you want to continue this wazifa in the future then you can do it on the same time every day for each month. 3. The verses for each month are different and the allotted time according to it is unique too. 4. Many people have gained a lot from this spiritual exercise; impossible has become possible 5. If you attain benefit from this exercise then do write to us.


Those who received advantages from the spiritual gathering:



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Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahab, Aslam-o-alaikum! I have been reading the Ubqari magazine for the last 7 years. This magazine gave me a new life. More importantly, I managed to save my broken home due to the spiritual gathering. I will tell you my story briefly. When I got married I was under a lot of pressure. My husband used to hate me and told me he hated it whenever he saw me. The situation had reached to the point of getting a divorce. He thought I was mentally unstable due to one misunderstanding which led him to get away from me. He told me that I was a problem that had come into his life. destiny sinks, and he don’t talk, I keep quiet and keep listening to them. Then I found Ubqari Magazine. I have started Spiritual class by looking at the magazine after continually practicing the spiritual class for eight months, behavior of my in-laws started improving. Now it has been five years since I am practicing spiritual class. ALHAMDULILLAH ‫ الحمدہلل‬my husband behavior is totally changed, he loves me a lot and take proper care of me, he gives respect to me. My mother-in-law now calls me her beloved daughter and I call her my beloved mother. In Sha Allah ‫انشاءہللا‬I will keep doing spiritual class till my last breath. (‫ش‬،‫)ش‬

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Eyesight is maintained forever: for maintaining the eyesight use decoction of Badyan Green or grind kohl in its water. Using it once in both eyes at night is beneficial.



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Deficiency or pain during periods:




Some women have the problem of leucorrhoea, there is also bleeding besides menses due to which the health of the woman is destroyed. Following procedure is beneficial and useful in this case. Take 1 kg olive oil and recite “Surah Wat-teen” 11 times along with Darood Sharif 11, 11 times at the beginning and at the end of procedure respectively and blow on the oil. While taking breakfast apply this oil on loaf or on bread or on toast and eat it. In sha Allah diseases of leucorrhoea will be finished.



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If a woman is suffering from shortage in periods, or she has menses with pain or she has the problem of hair fall or she suffers from backache or she feels burning in hands and feet, then this procedure is beneficial for her. Take 1 kg dry coconut. First recite Darood Sahrif 11 times then recite “Surah Mulk” 130 times and after this recite Darood Sharif 11 times and blow on the coconut. Then cut the coconut into small pieces. Daily dip one piece in 250 ml cow’s milk at night and in the morning after washing face and before eating or drinking anything eat that piece of coconut and drink the milk. Don’t eat the meat of cow and other hot things. Hot things are; Cow’s meat, fish, egg, chicken, brinjal and mango pickle etc. Use this coconut till three months and during periods don’t use the coconut. Coconut should be eaten in sacred condition; if woman is not sacred then she should take bath (Ghusal) first then eat the coconut. In sha Allah all the problems will be finished soon. Terminating the effectiveness of poison of dog’s biting:


If a mad dog bites a person and he doesn’t get proper treatment then he starts barking like a dog and if he bites any person then the person also gets mad, therefore he should be got treatment instantly. This procedure should also be performed along with treatment so that the poison of dog doesn’t affect. By the blessing of this procedure the effectiveness of dog’s poison will be terminated. The procedure is as follows; dip the saffron in rose extract and write the following words in a new pot after having ablution and then wash the pot with olive oil and get the patient drunk. Insha’Allah the poison of dog will be finished the words are;

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[‫]ا ب ج ا ع ہ د باب ہللا‬ Diseases of forgetfulness and amnesia finishes: If someone is suffering from the disease of forgetfulness or amnesia then he should recite the and after that recite the ‫ ربُزدینُعلما‬following verse 13 times after every obligatory prayer


following verse 11 times and blow on his both hands and should rub hands on his head after ‫ا ا ا ْ ا ْ ْ ا ْ ْ ا ا ْ اْ ْ ا ْ ُْ ُْ ا ً ْ ا ْ ْ ا ا‬ )52،52،52،52ُ‫اینُیافق ُہ ْواُق ْو ِ ِْل ُٰ(ط ٰہ‬ ِ ‫ قالُر ِبُاْشح ُِِلُصد ِریُوُی ِْس ُِِلُام ِریُواحللُعقدۃ ُِّمُلِس‬putting off the cap To finish the effectiveness of exorcism, magic and malefic:





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If a man, woman, boy or girl has been exorcised and they remain ill due to this exorcism or they have been made due to magic, then write the following verses on a ceramic plate (which has no flowers printed on it) after having ablution and take a pitcher filled with rain water. The rain water should be taken from a mountain it means that he should keep the pitcher on the mountain during rain and should pick it up when it is filled with the rain water and should bring the pitcher at home in such a way that nobody could see it. Similarly he should bring one pitcher from such a well which is useless and uninhabited. On Friday he should bring 7 green leafs from 7 different such trees whose fruit hasn’t been eaten so far. Mix the water of both pitchers and put 7 leafs in the mixed water and should take this water on the bank of sea or canal or pond or lake and should sit there in such a manner that his both feet should be suspended. Then he should wash the plate with the pitcher water and should start putting the pitcher water on his head with mugs. When the water is finished then he should change the clothes and should return home. In sha Allah by the blessing of this procedure exorcism, magic and malefic will be finished. The verses are as follows; ‫ا ا ا ا م ا ا ا ُ ا ا ا ُ ْ ُ ْ ٰ اْ ُ ْ ا ۤ ا ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ ا ا ا ا اْ ا ا ا‬ ‫ْ ُ ا ا ا ُْ ُٗ ا اا ُ ْ ُ ااا‬ ُ ْ ُ‫َُعل‬ ‫ُالسحرُاِنُہّٰللاُسیب ِطلہُاِنُہّٰللاُلُیص ِلح‬ ُ ‫فلماُجا اءُالسحرۃُقالُلہمُموٰسُالقواُماُانتمُملقو‬ ِ ُۙ‫ فلماُالق ْواُقال ُ​ُم ْو ٰ​ٰس اُماُ ِجئت ْمُ ِب ِہ‬o ‫ن‬ ‫ْال ُم ْفسد ْ ا‬ ﴾28،28،‫ْیُ﴿وینس‬ ِ ِ Protection from envious people:



If a person is worried about his atmosphere, neighbor, coworkers, friends and relatives or they tease him and disturb him then daily after Maghrib prayer or Eisha prayer he should recite the following verse 100 times after having ablution. In sha Allah he will get rid of all the cruel people. The verse is; ‫ااا اْ ْ ا ْ ٰ ْا ا ا‬ ‫اْ ُا ا ْ اْ اا ْ اُ ْ ا ا ً ا ْ اْ اا ْ اُ ْ ا ا‬ ًْ‫ص‬ ِ ‫اِلُاہلہاُُۚواجعلُلنا ُِّمُلدنکُولِیاُُۚواجعل ُ​ُلنا‬ ِ ‫ربناُاخ ِرجنا‬ ﴾۵۷‫ْیاُ﴿النساء‬ ِ ِ ‫ُّمُہ ِذ ِہُالق ْریۃُِالظ‬ ِ ‫ُّمُلدنکُن‬ For blessing and enhancement in studies: The person who wishes that he should get progress in the field of education and he should be a well reputed religious scholar, he should recite the following words 100 times along with Darood

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sharif 11, 11 times in the beginning and at the end after any obligatory prayer along with respecting and serving his teachers. Insha’Allah he will be included in the academics, intellectuals and reputed religious scholars. This prayer can also be recited for worldly education. The pray is; [‫]ربُزدینُعلما‬ Experienced black Ointment:



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‫ھو الشافی‬: Take Sindhoor 45 g, sesame oil 115 g, copper sulphate 1 g. put the sesame oil in a pot and keep the pot on stove and burn the coals when it gets very hot then add sindhoor, at the time of full boil the medicine would tend to throw out from the pot. Take the pot off from the stove. Heat it again and repeat the same process again and again. When the medicine color changes into black then add copper sulphate by converting it into powder form, and take the pot off from the stove. Keep on stirring the medicine with a rod until it cools down. Black ointment is prepared. Now prepare round swabs of thick clothes. Put the ointment on the swabs as per need and keep swabs on sore. The swab will tear the sore after fusing it and dirty contentwill be released out. By using it for two or three times every kind of sore will be cured. (Nasrullah Khan, Kaloor Kot)

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Cureless patient should recite himself: If someone is suffering from a cureless disease, he should recite the verse # 83 of Surah Al Anmbiya innumerable whole day. Insha’Allah he will be blessed with cure.






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Banana is available for the whole year in Pakistan. On the stem of banana tree there are layers of husk. The leaf grow from these layers. In this tree there are no branches except leafs. Banana is full of nutrients; it has calcium, magnesium, phosphors, Sulphur, iron and iodine in large quantity. It has Vitamin A, vitamin B and Vitamin C in abundance. Due to presence of Vitamin C it is beneficial for the diseases of teeth. Banana has less protein and fats but it has starches in large quantity due to which it provides energy to the body. There are many types of bananas, some bananas don’t have seed at all and some have seeds in large quantity. Some types of bananas are very large in size but there taste isn’t pleasant instead they are less sweet whereas some bananas are very tasty and fragrant. Medically banana has very good qualities. It is beneficial for many diseases. The powder of dry banana means its flour is a best medicine for diarrhea. Use of banana with yogurt is beneficial for diarrhea and linter. If a little saffron is added in the yogurt then it benefits rapidly. Some people are physically very much weak and their body is thin. If such people mash banana in milk and drink it twice a day consistently till some time period then their body starts getting fatty gradually. The benefit of this prescription is that the body doesn’t get fatty leisurely because there is less fat in banana. For weak children banana is a best diet as well as a best medicine. The children who are fed banana since beginning possess good health and are fatty and handsome. If weak children are given two bananas along with two glasses of milk daily then their feebleness is finished. Along with children banana is also beneficial for the persons who have less digestive power. All parts of the banana tree are used as medicines. For example, banana’s root, beans, leafs and fruit etc. For dry cough and phlegmatic cough burn the dry leafs of banana and add a little salt and get the patient licked, it is beneficial. By eating engrained beans of banana the leucorrhea in women is finished. Sniffing the extract of banana stem is beneficial for epitasis. By drinking this extract the problem of burning in urine is finished. For terminating pimples and tints on the face the grinded seeds of melon are mixed with banana pulp and applied on face. By using this compound for few days the color of face is flourished and pimples are finished. According to old medicinal books snake doesn’t come near the banana tree except one type of snake which is of green color and is found in some specific areas. Whether how long is the cluster of banana trees the snake does not go there. Probably its reason is that there is an element found in banana tree which is used to kill snakes. If snake bites a person then instantly extract the fresh juice from the stem of banana tree and get the patient drink two cups. It is an experienced treatment for the bite of snake. Although this juice is not tasty but after drinking it the effect of snake poison starts eliminating instantly. This juice also finishes the burning of urine. The children whose growth is slow or they are feeble, fry banana like corn on fire and get the children eaten. The children become healthy and fatty. By

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using banana after mixing it in milk or frying it in ghee creates energy in the body and weakness is finished.


Attention for the Trout fish persons: Respected Readers! The Ubqari Organization is in search of the fish bones of trout fish. The people who have the fish bones of trout fish should instantly send it to the Ubqari office. These fish bones are often available in the hotels of Northern Areas. Sincere persons do pay attention. For giving information just SMS on this number 03438710009. Note: If someone knows its benefits, must write to us. Organization will be thankful to them.

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While meditation has remained a source of spiritual enhancement and absolution of worldly problems since ever, modern science has also endorsed it’s a cure for illnesses and diseases. After thousands of experiences “healing with meditation” is offered for the readers of Ubqari. While going to sleep, it is much better to perform ablution and to be clean and pure, otherwise ‫اْ ا ْ اْ ُ ُ ُ ا ا ا‬ ‫ ] ُالم ِل‬innumerable in any situation, sit on the bed for ten minutes and recite [‫م‬ ُ ُ ‫کُالقد ْوسُالسَل‬



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times. Recite Darood Sharif 3 times before beginning and end and lie down on the bed. By keeping in mind the problem or illness that affects you, and you want it to end, imagine that from the sky a golden light is entering into my whole body through my head and is terminating my illness or solving my problem. And by the blessing of this commendation I have been redeemed of this problem completely. So much so that by persistent repetition of this imagination you go to sleep. In the beginning you will find it difficult to stretch this imagination. But after a while when the wonders of meditation will be revealed to you, the unique world of wonders and 100% cure of the problems will astonish you. Do not forget to write to us about your feelings, benefits and unique experiences after meditation.


Beneficiaries of Meditation:Respected Hakim Sahb, Assalam u alaikum! I have been



practicing meditation for last eight years. It is the story of few days back when I started meditation, I felt that an electric wave has passed and I felt very much happiness. I was sitting with the emotions of happiness and saw that I am sitting in front of Khana Ka’abaa and beam of Noor (light) of blessing is showering on me and I am taking bath with this Noor, sometimes I move my face upwards and sometimes downwards. A sheet of Noor is stretched coming from the sky. My heart was already feared, suddenly I saw a saint he pointed me to go again, I ran happily and came in front of Khana Ka’baa and again took bath in the showering of Allah’s blessing and I was crying in front of Allah. Then my eyes got opened. On the next day when I started meditation after Eisha prayer, I saw that I am in front of Hajr-e-Aswad from Mataaf. I am taking too much kisses of Hajr-e-Aswad and at the place of Maqam-e-Ibrahim I am begging pray by giving the reference of Hazrat Ibrahim (‫)علیہ السالم‬. (F, R)

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Ability to do work: movement and ability to move, to do work and ability to do work, is grant from Allah only.


Spiritual and Physical Queries of Readers, Answers by Readers Only


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Believe in Allah: Respected Readers Assalamoalikum! I am feeling ashamed while saying this but I am narrating the fact here that I get such thoughts like (Nauzubillah) Allah is not God of all of us and after getting such weird thoughts I am suffering from depression, there is no peace and for getting rid of such thoughts, suggest me any Amal. I will be thankful for whole my life. (J, SH)




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Answer: Respected Brother! Your disease will be fine with your belief in Allah Almighty. 1. You should start recitation for some time till you are doing it by heart and do it with complete belief. Pray 5 times and do all this because Allah wants you to do this, do it in a way that the energy you need for the struggles in whole life, it the fuel of your energy and the breath of peace from the recitation and the prayer will come in your life. This is belief in your imagination. With the exercise of 2 days, you will get belief. Than perform prayer and recitation in a way that you are getting the strength practically. You will have to do hard work. You should call Allah with His names in a begging way and also read the translation with it as it will be more effective. Your inner person will be alive and the life will become easier. (J, R)

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Get Rid of Sins:Respected Readers! I am the only son of my parents and I have 2 younger sisters. MY father has a shop and three years ago, I used to sit on the shop. At that time I used to get money from the shop and spend them on useless things but the amount was not that much. Due to this reason, my parents do not trust on me now and if my father is sitting with his money infront of my at the house and I am there than he counts the money again while keeping them in his pocket. I also come towards the sins very easily, Readers! Suggest me some solution that I could gain the confidence of my parents once again and all of my issues get resolve. (M, A, R)


Answer: You should recite Do Anmol Khazana after every prayer and also recite Anmol Khazana all day without counting. InshAllah all of your issues will get resolved. (You will get Do Anmol Khazana from every book stall or Ubqari’s office), (Shakir Lahore). Suffering from Mental Disturbance: I am suffering from mental disturbance and restlessness for last 10 years. There is plenty of disbelief and worrisome thoughts. It has become my habit to think anything all the time. In the state of ablution, there is disbelief all time, while praying there is also disbelief and annoying thoughts. All face and ears are full of freckles. I see black spots and months around my eyes. There are also physical and feminine diseases. I want to get rid of mental disturbance and freckles and want to stay happy all the time. (Z, Chakwal)

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Answer: Respected Sister! You should recite Ayat Number 24 of Surah Qasas in ablution with abundance all day. Pray 5 times a day. Do morning walk in your house courtyard of roof with veil after Fajar prayer and breathe deeply. Give space to fresh vegetables and fruits on your dining place. Drink plenty of water. InshAllah in some times, your issues will start getting resolved. (Adnan Shah, Karachi)

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Weakness and Infertility: Readers! My issue is that I am married for last 6 years but I have infertility, I was in bad company in my childhood due to which I am very weak. I am unable to give rights of my wife and due to which I am much worried. There are issues, fights and angriness in house for this reason. Readers! My house has become a hell and I am much worried, kindly suggest me any treatment of my disease as soon as possible. Thanks! (J, Kh, Lahore)




Answer: The exact and final solution to this issue is that your self determination is very weak and you should awake it which is a natural way. Controlling your thoughts and diverting attention is also beneficial. Try to avoid unnecessary meat and eat balanced diet. Try to make habit of any constructive hobby besides exercise and physical hard work. Try this remedy: take roasted chickpeas 1 kg, grind them and preserve in a jar. Take 3 table spoons at night with a glass of warm milk after one hour of meal with 2 spoons of honey in it. (Muhammad Azam Mughal, Laore)



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Bad odor of feet: Respected Readers! I have an issue that I cannot wear closed shoes as when I open them and take my feet out of them than there is too bad odor from my feet and every one on room leaves the room. I wash my feet again and again but smell remains there. I am much worried due to this, kindly suggest me any effective remedy for this worry. (Aurangzeb, Multan)

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Answer: Aurangzeb Bhai! Buy Maju of 20 Rs from any Pinsari. Maju is like round berries, grind them and make a mixture and fill them in medium sized capsules. Take a capsule in morning and one in evening with water. InshAllah, the smell from your feet will go away after 20 days. For instant solution, take a pinch of that mixture and sprinkle it in your shoes at morning time and use black socks to avoid marks on the socks. On getting benefit, pray for my parents. (Tariq Mehmood, Sahiwal)



Weak Eye Sight: Readers Assalamoalikum! I am 25 years of age and My issue is that my eye sight of looking far has become weak to 9 number and I am much worried due to this, kindly suggest me any remedy for getting rid of glasses or any Wazifa, it will benefit many others. (Akbar Ayaz, Gujranwala) Answer: Huwalshafi: there is a special Halwa whose purpose is only to cure the weak eye sight. Kids and old ones every one can eat it as it is very delicious and good for brain too. Ingredients: Carrots 1 kilos, Buffalos’ milk pure 1 litres, Desi ghee 150 grams, Misri according to taste, almonds 150 grams (sweet), Pistachios 150 grams, Kishmish 150 grams, Saffron ¼ tea spoon. Method: Cook carrots well in milk and dry them, then put Ghee and roast it and add all

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the nuts and dry fruits and divide it in small parts and eat 3 times in a day daily, it will make you free from glasses, will clear the complexion and also extend height. Sunnat Nabvi (‫ )صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬and Modern Science

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Preparation of 5th edition and Attention of Readers: “Sunnat Nabvi (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬and Modern Science” is the first book of Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, D.B, it is very popular in the worlds over and it changed hundreds of thousands of lives. For preparing its 5th edition, send related stuff from internet, books, and magazines or from any news paper, send though post or email. It will become a Sadqa Jaria for the hereafter in the form of book. We hope you will become attentive on it as first priority.

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Get rid of vomit due to fever: take mixture of Sonf with cold water as it stops the vomit due to fever and also normalizes the swelling of stomach.

Effective treatment of physical Diseases:

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Physical Advice For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address and the address should be prominent. If there is no reply back envelop than the query will not be answer. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples, privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of the page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.


Enlarged belly: My issue is that after delivery my abdomen has become enlarged, I took medicines but it was not treated, kindly suggest any prescription to normalize the enlarged belly. (Bareera, Nowshero feroz)



Advice: walk in speed in morning and evening for one hour and also do brisk walk during this, take Jawarish Kamooni Kabir 10 grams after food at day and night.



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Fast Heart Beat: I am 65 years of age, my health is good and I am retired from army, morning and evening walk is part of my life but now for few days I am suffering from fast heart beat and I become nervous due to this. I went for medical checkup but there was no issue diagnosed. Doctors said I am normal, they are impressed by my life routine and say that I cannot suffer from heart disease but I feel that it is now. They are unable to understand me and their machines also do not diagnose anything so I am writing to you. (Nakhuda, Karachi)

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Advice: Take an apple of blood red color and fresh like blood color and search it on any good super store and I hope you will get it. Take this fresh apple, wash it with clean water and scramble it along with its peels and squeeze it in a fabric and take out its juice, You can also take out its juice through juicer machine. Continue this practice for a month daily, InshAllah, it will benefit.



Shivering of Hands: I am around 44 years of age, whenever I hold anything than my hands shiver and I do writing with difficulty. I hold cup of tea in my both hands as I cannot hold it in my one hand due to weakness. I am suffering from this issue for 20 years. I feel less hunger, (Abrar Ahmed, Multan) Advice: Take Majoon Rah al Mominees 6 grams in morning and evening. Write after 3 weaks. Worms in Nose: Allah Almighty has given treatment of every disease. Use the following things, Camphor, Kameela, Elwazard 3, 3 mashas, juice of apricot leaves or Sharifa leaves juice , I and a half tolas. Take all of these and mix them in 1 and a half tolas of Turpentine oil and put 4 drops

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in nose in morning and evening and turn the face down. InshAllah, the worms from nose will go away in 2 days. My Infected Throat:When I perform prayer guiding others than my voice becomes down, suggest me any constant solution. (J, R)

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Advice: take the following Gond and mix them and make tablets of chickpea size and suck 3,3 tablets in morning and evening. Maghaz Almonds, Pinus gerardiana, (Chilghoza), 10, 10 grams, Anison, Sonf, Mulathi Kast, GOnd Keekar 5, 5 grams, Misri 5 tolas (60 grams). The tablets of these not only open the throat but also make the voice melodious. It is very beneficial for Qaris and Naat Khawans. Motions Issue: I have old disease of motions; suggest any easy remedy for stopping them. (Kashif, Lahore)




Answer: Take yogurt Lassi and make an iron peace hot and put it in Lassi 3 times to make it cool, then give the yogurt and Lassi to the patient, taking it 3 times a day will stop motions in 3 days.


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Spermatohorea with Urine: I am 26 years of age and I am suffering from spermatohorea with urine. I went for treatment but nothing benefited me, suggest me any effected remedy. (Zaman, Multan)

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Leukodarma (Bars) Marks:


Answer: It is very common disease and often the youngsters are suffering from it. Many remedies and prescriptions are used for it but nothing is much effective, in my view, the treatment is expensive but it is very effective. Jawarish Zarooni 100 grams, Jawarish jalinoos 100 grams, Majoon Falasfa 100 grams, Kushta Zamurd 5 grams, Kushta Baiza Murgh 5 grams, mix all of the ingredients and use half spoon in morning and evening on empty stomach for one month. With the blessings of Allah Almighty, you will get good health and relief.

I have marks of Leukodarma on my body which is increasing day by day. (Zoya Khan)



Answer: for Leukodarma and other skin diseases, a professor suggested me a remedy and he has experienced it on many patients but so far I never tested it on any patient, take chakso and babchi 10, 10 tolas of equal weight and grind them and take 1 tea spoon after food in morning and evening for 3 months, Insha’Allah, it will benefit. Complain of Uric Acid:

I have complaint of Uric Acid, there is pain my feet, I have been for medical treatments. (Bilal Ahmed, Abbotabad)

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Advice: Bilal Sahab, You take only 2 things, one is Garlic 20 tolas and other is Musabbar 10 tolas, mix these 2 ingredients and make tables of chickpea size and take 2 tablets with warm milk while sleeping at night, one month of its usage is enough. Treatment of Tumours:


I have 5 to 6 tumours in my body at different places, some were melted but then more were formed and people make me afraid saying that these are cancer tumours, kindly tell any possible treatment. (J, Sh)

Joints Pain:


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Advice: Take Dhamansa, Majaith, Salt and Turmeric of equal weight and print them and take after food in morning and evening 1, 1 gram with milk. If you are sure of cancer than also add Kahrsak and Kandiari Beej Dur Karda of equal weight and take 1 and half gram of this medicine.



I am suffering from Arthritis and there is much pain in joints, suggest me any solution which could give me relief.


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Advice: Take wax and Nashadar of equal weight and make tablets of chickpea size and take 1, 1 tablet after food in morning and evening for 3 weeks. While sleeping at night take Aak leave and apply mustard oil on them and bandage the leg joints with them and open in morning. Can Height be increased?


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Can Height be increased?

Readers! I always value your experiences and practices, if you have any remedy or tips please do write to us. This is your charity and goodwill for us, editor is waiting for you. You always respect my application, if you have your own experience or you have listen from reliable sources then please write to us.




Readers! I always value your experiences and practices, if you have any remedy or tips please do write to us. This is your charity and goodwill for us, editor is waiting for you. You always respect my application, if you have your own experience or you have listen from reliable sources then please write to us.

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Problems Resolved: For any difficulty but legitimate, recite verse no 51 of surah Hajj for 113 times and pray like beggars. Read darood 7 times in the start and end.

Episode # 6

How my life changed?

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Dear readers, by listening the lectures of Hazrat sb DB on mobile, internet etc hundreds of thousands of lives are being changed. Because ism-i-Azam (name of almighty) is read after lectures, wherever they are played, domestic problems are resolved, in a surprising way. You too listen it even if for a short time. Do it daily, in your car or at home.





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Honourable hakeem sahib, Asalam-o-Alaikum! Prayers are for you, your family, and your generations till the Day of Judgment, your efforts and companions. May God help you and bestow upon His blessing. Hakeem sahib I am 21, daughter of Hawaa, who was caught in ulterior emotions. Teachings of Holy Prophet PBUH did tell how to safeguard against it but you taught how to practice it. I always logged to whom I could share this problem. I was 7 when got sick and recovered after medical treatment but another problem initiated. A wart was developed under the skin on my right leg, causing pain from time to time, but I could not tell anybody because of shyness. Time passed and my menstrual cycles started but they were not normal. I shared it with my elder sister but ignored it. I have been slim and beautiful from very beginning. I do not know why I internalize this feeling that nobody cares for me. When my family did not help me in my problem, my psyche started being affected. I started talking with myself for hours and became psychological patient. My father asked me many times with whom you talk in front of mirror. Then I started fearing this habit and further suffocated. My age bracket required attention but had none. Then I moved from school to college and carefree environment of college coupled with un-attentive attitude of family pushed me on wrong ways. And I accustomed to it. This led me to a big problem once. Because of this problem, I was walking on roof, when rain started. I was soaking in rain water and weeping at the same time, and felt at heart to prostrate. I prostrated, I have no idea why but I wept a lot and a lot and kept asking forgiveness form Almighty Allah. With rainwater and tears my stress was also gone away, and when I stood up, I was perfectly normal. After a few days Allah resolved my problem. In this way college days passed. Then I got a book that had first kalmia’s zikar in it. I started it and with the passage of a few days’ members of family stated objections as what are you reciting all the time and wazifas are not done in this way without any reason. I was distracted again, stopped zikar and inclined towards evils of solitary, because these deeds were done in private and didn’t get ridiculed on them. I got a job in a school and spent time out of home and thought that now I shall b relaxed. But I did not know that there’s no satisfaction and relaxation in evil ways. My leg problem was still there with increased wart size causing a sudden severe pain for a few days and then stopped. In 2008 I got government job and came

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back to parents home. In five months time I was engaged and was informed only and was told that I would be married in two months. In 2009 I was married and started new life with a view that my problems are over now. But now in the first night of married life, my husband told me that he is not capable of marriage and if I want to leave you can leave. I tolerated for the sake of my family’s happiness. After three months my leg pain started, I told my husband about it and he got an excuse and sent me to my parents just because of wart saying it originated there, they will get it treated. After tests, doctor said that it was not serious and would be treated by small surgery but my husband added some allegations and divorced me.


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Mean while I started using face book and SMS started coming from a boy but I did not want to get involved into vice again. He was determined and did not stop and I started talking with him. I was deprived of attention and needed some, hence became attentive. I told him that we cannot be married but he insisted and claimed that he will get everybody on board. My family did not approve of it and he suggested that we should get married in court. I was annoyed by attitude of my family but not in a mood to hurt them this way.




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Once I was at my grandmother’s place. At night I woke up at 1 AM and held my cellular phone to check time and checked face book additionally. There was a wazifa with the name of ubqari that I liked. I opened its link and was surprised that lost objective of my life. I was missing and searching it. I started wazifa for marriage of choice having a caption to regularly offer obligatory prayers and to abstain from vices. I downloaded a lot on mobile and after that came back to my home. It was a 90 days wazifa that I started and additionally I listened your lectures. By that wazifa I could not get marriage of choice but did get path of choice. I was talking to the same boy and he was insisting on court marriage. When I talked to my parents they were irritated and replied, as come what may they would not let it happen and I was silent. My heart was broken again and Allah called me towards Him and my inner self told me that path will be through hakeem sahib’s lectures I take “BAIT” pledge on internet from you, now I trusted that I will reach to my Destiney. I have received a “BAIT” card and it gives me intense pleasure. Every time I listened to your lectures. Now my life has changed, all the depression has gone. I do he practice everytime. Now there is peace in the life. Now I have leaved the bad routes of life. I have changed my mobile SIM and my Facebook Id. I always tried to practice the legal practicing “AMAL” ‫ الحمدہلل‬now I do proper veil. Now I do my duty as well as my house chores. Now I have leaved the issue of my marriage on ALLAH. Kindly does one pray for me that may ALLAH will not keep me away from him. And I will not get the life of sins again. Ameen! (Mendicant of Allah)


How my life changed?

READERS! If there is any man/women deviated from straight path around you have changed his/her orientation, do write complete story of his/her opting for the right path to editor Ubqari. Your story will be published with changed identities. Ubqari magazine is being read in all schools of thought. There is a strong possibility that your writing may induce somebody to get relived from un-celebrated behaviour patterns to attain spiritual enlightenment. This would be a perpetual charity for you and your generations.

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Holy Prophet ( ‫ )صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬said, “Best obligation to Allah, is to remain bona fide in expectations from Allah (‫)سبحانہ تعالی‬. (termizi, an abi harara )

Try family totem, salutations and prayer! Solve problems


I prayed from heart, Allah! Cure sickness of hazarat sb. Believe it, within a day or two pain in my own feet was cured and do not even feel that I had any.

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Last year on Eid Ul Fitar, I started having pain in my left heel. It was so intense that I could not easily sit at the end of prayers. Walking was also difficult. I started praying for it realizing that it would not be cured by medicine. Once hakeem sahib ‫ دامت برکاتہم‬told about times of acceptance of prayer. One of which was the time in-between glorification before congregational prayer, ُ ‫ا‬ ‫ا ٰ ُ ا‬ ‫ اق ْد اُق ا‬.He said, “When caller says these words anything you ‫۔ق ْد اُق ا‬ ‫تُالصلوۃ‬ when caller says ‫تُالص ٰلو ُۃ‬ ِ ‫ام‬ ِ ‫ام‬





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pray in your heart is accepted readily”. This is true. Similarly once hakeem sahib ‫ دامت برکاتہم‬in majlas-i-majzoobi told that when he did not sleep well and remained awake for long time, pain in his heels started. Then I realized how much he would have suffered. Hence, I ignored my pain and stated praying for hakeem sahib exactly as glorification teller reached above said words I prayed from heart, “Allah! Cure the pain in heels of Hazarat Hakeem sahib”. Believe it, within a day or two my own pain was cured and have never occurred again to me. I learned two things from it. Firstly, a Hades saying that anyone who prays in absence of anyone, an angel sitting on the right shoulder of that person prays yes, please, Allah give this person first. Secondly, whatever is prayed during these words of glorification is accepted readily. All praise to God Almighty, mine was accepted exactly and immediately. May Allah Almighty grant hakeem sahib all type of protection and health and safeguard his generations from every instigation. Ameen. (Muhammad Usman bashir, sharqpur)


Every problem solved with tested totem, salutation and prayer



Respectable hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-Alaikum! I am a reader of ubqari magazine from last eight years. I have tried many recipes and readings. I normally tell others around me and it benefits them. I have a family salutation, totem and prayer. This totem has been very effective for many others. Whenever somebody comes to me asking for a totem as children are weeping or somebody is ill or there is some task, I write following totem for them and all praise to Almighty that task is completed. It is written as ‫ام‬ ‫اا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ ُ ْٰ ُ ْ ْ‫ا‬ ٰ ‫ِ ا ْٰ ا‬ ْ ْ ‫ا ٰ ا‬ ُ ﴾۳﴿‫ت‬ ‫﷽ُ ِب ْس ِمُہّٰللاُالر‬ ِ ‫ُالشتا ِء اُوُالص ْی‬ ِ ‫﴾ُ ِ ِلیل‬۱﴿ُ‫ْح ِنُالر ِح ْی ِم‬ ِ ‫﴾ُ​ُفل ایع ُبد ْوا اُربُہذاُال ابی‬۲﴿‫ف‬ ِ ‫﴾ُ​ُاٖ ل ِف ِہ ْمُ ِر ْحلۃ‬۱﴿ُۙ‫فُق اری ٍش‬ ‫ا ٰ ُ ا ا اٰ ُاا ا ا ٰ م ُ ا‬ ‫ا ْ اْ ا ا ُ ْ ِ ْ ُ ْ ٍ اٰ ا ا ُ ْ ِ ْ ا‬ ‫ال ِذیُاطعمہمُّمُجوعُوُامَنم‬ ‫لَعُا ِلُمام ٍد۔‬ ‫﴾ُاللہمُص ِلُلَعُمم ٍدُو‬۴﴿ُ‫ُّمُخ ْو ٍف‬ Allah! Protect them from effects of my evils and solve their problems, Oh, my Allah. (Note: totem will be written without punctuations)

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Remedy for sheep rash

(By Molana waheed ud din khan)

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Hurdles are ladders


Many people keep sheep that have problem of rashes causing hair loss. Flies can cause infections there and here it is the best remedial measure for it. Cure is from Allah. Take one used cell of radio or three used cells of clock. Break it; there is a black colour pencil shaped carbon exactly in the centre of it. There is a black matter around that pencil take it out. Mix it with sesame oil and paste on the place of rashes. Rash will be cured by doing it once or twice and hair will also re grow. Try it and remember in your prayers. (Muhammad Moasib Yaseen, Jahanian)


Excess resources create carelessness in humans where as limited resources create anxiety which pushes forward.



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Senior secondary school certificate examination news was one of the many pieces of news published mainly on 26th may 1987 with in district. Most of the high achievers in this exam were girls. Reporters reached out to the toppers and interviewed them and published this information with pictures. It was common that many of the high achievers were not from rich families. In reality, some of the students faced serious problems as they were from poor families; they lacked proper study area, books and distractions through noise. They dealt with it and secured high marks in their subjects of interest.

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Abundant resources create carelessness in people whereas limited resources instigate feeling of anxiety. Excess resources lead towards lethargy, whereas scarcity causes more coherent efforts towards realization of goals. Hurdles are your ladder steps if used like ones.


My late mothers’ shining and fragrant recipe

Respectable hakeem sb Asalam-o-Alaikum! I am writing two tested recipes of my late mother.



For cleanliness of teeth, use scalp of lemon after squeezing it with added salt inside it. It creates sparkling teeth. For sweat smell use pathkari (which is easily available from herbal stores) place it in bathtub or bucket. Otherwise rub it under the arms after bath. You will not have sweat smell. I have tested them. God willing you will also be benefited. ( shahid Bilal, haripur)

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Relief for weakness of children: To remove weakness of children who are weak, adding one beaten desi egg to luke warm milk with one tola honey for the child to drink is very beneficial.

Save your children from sexual abuse (J, Karachi)


Silence is helping to spread this crime. Why isn’t the role of parents brought to discussion here? Isn’t it the duty of parents and relatives to ensure their child’s safety and take care of the fact that children don’t go to market or streets alone?


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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, I listen to your talks on the internet day and night. My heart wishes I could be there too. Hazrat Hakeem Sahab this urge to be in your company arose after listening to the Halqa Kashful Mahjoob lessons. I have listened to all of its lessons from start till the end, once and then twice and noted down important points in my diary. These lessons have opened upon me doors related to the oneness of Allah and prophet hood of Muhammad (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬like never before.




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The purpose of writing this letter is to draw the attention of our society towards an important yet shameful and painful topic. Many people might dislike this article but this has spread in our community like gangrene which everyone tries to avoid. Before writing on this topic I want to explain how this topic came to my mind. Actually I read an international magazine that divulges social evils, in which there was an article on ‘child sexual abuse’. According to a research 53% of sexual abuse incidents affect children. This is my story too when in my innocent childhood couldn’t even think of this sin let alone do it. I fell prey to it back then, I can recall maybe I was only six or seven years old when an acquaintance from our village came to stay for a few days at our house in the city to find employment. So that ‘beast’ did this ‘act’ with me for the first time. He played with my innocence. Then a boy from the neighborhood did the same thing with me. When I grew up a little I couldn’t even tell my parents. My innocence and fear that I didn’t even tell my cousins because I’d be disgraced. Then another close dignified person forcefully did the same act with me. Then I got addicted to horrible act. This is when I didn’t even know what I was doing. When I became mature I realized this is wrong. Respected readers! This is my story, whose innocent childhood got ruined but who knows how many unknown stories like mine exist in every neighborhood. My story is a clamor of the 90s when some sense of shame and decency still prevailed in society. Now internet and mobile is in everyone’s access, and filth is so common. Readers! I don’t watch or read news that much but when I hear of such a news I wish either the earth bursts open and I bury myself in it or I kill the person who commits this sin! Readers, our innocent children both girls and boys are victims of this heinous act in society. Dear readers, we will have to protect our beloved children. When our kids turn five or six, they go to play outdoors or go to school, either they go to live at some relatives house or someone comes to stay at your house, or a tutor comes to teach at home; in all these circumstances when

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the parents are away and someone is trusted too much, how can the innocent children protect themselves on their own? Because they are innocent, even if someone touches them in the wrong places they will not understand that something wrong is happening. Precautionary advice for parents:





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According to one research one in every five children before reaching age of 18 fall prey to sexual abuse. Parents deprive their children of its awareness. Silence is helping to spread this crime. Why isn’t the role of parents brought to discussion here? Isn’t it the duty of parents and relatives to ensure their child’s safety and take care of the fact that children don’t go to market or streets alone? Most incidents happen when kids go out of the house alone or they are home alone with maids/helpers or some relatives and their parents or siblings are not nearby. If children are victimized by physical harassment or abuse, are showed material based on obscenity or their bodies are touched in a wrong way; all fall in the category of exploitation. To protect them from this sexual exploitation, the role of parents, elder siblings and teachers is noteworthy. If all of them give full awareness to children about their own physical safety, many such incidents will not die out even before happening. Kids don’t fall prey to sexual harassment only outside homes but also inside their homes. It is important to tell them to avoid going to any helpers/maids or relatives room, especially alone. Parents should not let other people unnecessarily hold their kids in their laps or unduly love them. Kids should be taught that if someone touches, frightens or threatens them, they should not get scared but inform their parents immediately. If any unknown person, even if it is a relative, touches the front of the chest, between the legs or the back, ask the child to scream loudly and to run away to a safer place. Apart from this, if someone caresses the face or kisses the child excessively be sure that it is something wrong and the child should inform his/her trustworthy parents or elder siblings immediately. Parents and teachers should very kindly win the trust of children between three to eight years of age. They should be taught with love not to eat anything given by a stranger because most incidents like this begin with a helper/maid, relative or child molester giving something to win their trust over and then eventually hurt them. Hence kids should be taught not to take anything from anyone except from household members. Kids of this age group should be kept at a distance from maids/helpers at home and picked and dropped to school under your own supervision. For Quran class or tuition, they should be made to sit in a room where you can keep a check on them and in no way leave kids of this age alone in the room. If the parents are themselves busy, then paternal or maternal grandparents could help with this. Children between 9 to 12 years of age can to some extent take care of their own selves; so they should be given material to read, written in very simple language, in order to ensure their own safety. Parents should have a friendly relation with their children and ask them to tell their parents immediately if anyone touches them with a bad intention or secretly touches them or scares them. Teachers happen to be great friends for children; they should keep in mind what problems the kids could face, whether anyone is teasing them, while talking to kid’s teachers should discuss their problems and solutions of problems. Take care of their mental and physical health as much as possible, and disallow them to walk in

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streets without any reason.Most of the parents show carelessness they watch Television and for their own sake they send them in the street. Do not do so many hawkers, drug addicts and crime professional keep on watching for this time that the child go to some quiet place and they could let them bring to their own place after using oily tongue. Physical violence is not only the problem of poor people the child of middle class can also be the victim of physical violence due to the carelessness of parents. this not only the duty of mother but parents and other members of family can collectively do this task, and make security of children possible. In our society the age of maturity Physical change and sex are made such prohibited things that to discuss that to discuss about them is a sin. Pakistani children are victims of exploitation due to this silence. Awareness is the power that can save them in present time period.

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Simple Method for Istakhara: After Isha prayer, perform two rakats Nafal with intention of Istakhara, then recite Ayat number 13-14 of Surah Mulk 101 times and go to sleep without talking to anyone.

Easy tips for Physical and Spiritual Beauty (Fauzia Mughal, Bahawalpur)


Every face has Allah’s Noor on it; thats a separate thing that by virtue of one’s deed either one adds to the Noor or decreases it. We find a newborn so beautiful because his/her face is free from every sin, every impurity and even the thought/intention of sin.





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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, AssalamoAlaikum! Today the topic I am talking about is not one thing, in fact each component is a universe of its own, has its own place and its own work. And they are the very important parts of our body i.e the eye, ear, nose and teeth; combining them makes our beautiful face altogether. Every face represents my Dearest Allah’s creation. Every face has Allah’s Noor on it; that’s a separate thing that by virtue of one’s deeds either one adds to the Noor or decreases it. We find a newborn so beautiful because his/her face is free from every sin, every impurity and even the thought/intention of sin. The same innocence filled eyes, when upon maturing get busy in Allah’s disobedience and cross the limits set by Him, are then filled with horror. One’s own eyes seem conscious, those of a drunkard being red and intoxicated show they’ve transgressed the set limits for them. Similarly, an eye drenched in the remembrance and love of Allah is also intoxicated, but it’s that eye whose curtains i.e. lashes rise and fall in accordance to the commands of Allah. The Hellfire won’t even touch the eye that tears out of Allah’s fear. No part of the human body has a curtain/veil but by giving a curtain in front of the eyes Allah has protected us from the filth and pollution. Looking at a non mahram with the eye and fall for him/her, using the eyes to watch movies and other stuff that directly affects other parts of the body and this way the whole body is involved in a sin; hence removing this curtain/veil of the eyes costs the Hereafter too. Protect your beautiful eyes, save them from physical and spiritual filth, save them from the eyes of non mahrams; believe me Allah will give you pleasure and joy in His worship and remembrance. If you are unable to do it and the environment is such, do try your best, ask Allah for help, Insha’Allah He will help him for sure. Nine angels are appointed for the protection of each eye, these angels protect the eye and in return they would wish that you drape them with decency and shame. Adorn your beautiful eyes in accordance with the Sunnah. Every night apply Surma to your eyes before sleeping according to the Sunnah. Mix castor oil in honey and apply to your lashes every night; this will make them longer and dense Insha’Allah. Washing eyes with salt mixed water at night before sleeping gives they shine. Take two cotton balls, soak them in rose water and cool them; lie down peacefully and place one each on your eye and remove after fifteen minutes, your eyes will feel fresh. Cut slices of potato or cucumber and cool them and keep over the eyes to reduce swelling. After using tea bags, chill them and place over the eyes for 20 minutes and keep reciting any Salutation

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on the Prophet pbuh (Darood Shareef) from the tongue, this will reduce dark circles and swelling. Ears:







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Ears, which people think are used for listening only or women use to wear tops or earrings, have forgotten their real purpose. In the human body, the worst pain is that of the ears and if the disease of the ear is not treated it can even progress to forming brain cancers. Similarly there is also a spiritual cancer. At times looking at some people makes you think their ears were only made to listen to music and then some others who only find joy in hearing about people’s shortcomings. And then some of Allah’s pious people have ears who only listen to recitation of the Holy Quran and the beautiful talks about our beloved Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. Their ears are mesmerized by the remembrance of Allah and recitation of the Quran and the Adhaan (call to prayer). The ear, having been thought of as a insignificant organ, hasn’t been researched upon much. However, some French scientists have done research on each part of the ear in detail and revealed that gently massaging the upper part of the ear for some time controls our hunger. So if people who want to lose weight, do this a number of times every day it will lessen their hunger and help lose weight. Holding both ears with the hands, one can even repent in front of Allah with sincerity. Our ears are directly related to our brains, the heart thinks and the tongue says replies after that. If you use the tongue to abuse then the ears immediately convey signals to the brain which then reacts to it. If you plug in and listen to Surah Ar Rahman in the ears, it instantly provides energy to both the diseased body and diseased soul. Hence, the ears are our power energy machines. These same ears when sin and transgress the limits set by Allah to feed on satanic food i.e music then on the Day of Judgment molten iron shall be poured into them. Protect your ears, don’t hand them over to the devil and don’t give him a chance to attack via the ear. Guard your ears along with the eyes; Allah will then protect your whole body.



It is a very important organ for human life. We breathe through it and life is sustained because of that. If we can’t breathe, life ends! It is one highly significant component of the five senses of the body. It senses smell and let the brain interpret it and give pleasure and a sense of freshness to the body. And when it senses bad odor or filth, we say we want to vomit or we feel nauseous. Hence, the nose is closely related to our feelings and emotions. Diseases of the nose impair our sense of good and bad odor, in fact if they worsen it starts affecting the eyes and ears too. Flu affects the nose but at times the pain is felt in the eyes or ears, hence these are all related to each other. For the sake of prestige at times, people transgress the limits set by Allah and when they are disgraced you can find them complaining about it. The very first surgery related to cosmetic beautification was that of the nose. In order to make a fat nose slender and long, people usually start molding a newborn’s nose from birth. A child whose eyes constantly dribbled kept getting his eyes checked but later it was revealed that his mother used to mould his nose so much since his birth to make it thinner that the draining vessels in the upper part of the nose got blocked and

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now fluid instead of draining downwards used to discharge from the eyes. If flu or common cold persists for long, then it can lead to weakness of the brain too. But may my life be sacrificed for the Glory of Prophet (‫ )صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬who taught us to clean the nose five times a day during wuzu (ablution). Rinsing the inside of nose clears it of dirt, dust and microbes and allows breathing in fresh air again. When we sleep at night the devil spends the night inside our nose and when we wake up for Fajar and rinse our nose for wuzu ablution it cleanses us from the filth it has left behind. love our every part and nose is also the part of our beautiful face we must take care of it according to Sun'nah, we must protect it through the ablution and do not let it be the home for Satan .


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Teeth: teeth are the most important part of our beautiful face, white and shiny teeth add to the beauty of our smile and laughter. Good and clean man is when his teeth ate clean. If everything is clean and the teeth are dirty then whole personality dashes to ground. One cannot laugh openly. And if there are no teeth in mouth then one looks old. We come to know the importance of teeth through many Hadiths of Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬where we are told about the importance of




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your body capable of Jannah.





Miswak, miswak is not only a way to clean our teeth but it is also a mean to end our physical and spiritual ailments. So it is so important to clean the teeth that it makes our soul pious and holy. Miswak lets us recite the Kalima at the time before dying. It cleans the throat, it also sharpens our eyesight. It is Sunnah, Barakah and health. At the last moment of life our beloved Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did Miswak, love yourself and do not use your limbs in disobeying the Allah, make

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Hardships of Ignorance: The one who does not endure difficulties in the face of acquiring knowledge has to face hardships of ignorance for all his life.

Guaranteed ways for becoming a successful wife (Prof. Majid Ali Kamali) Almighty Allah has not created woman in vain, she has been vested with an important responsibility


instead; raising and educating children. Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Every one of you is a guardian and is responsible for his/ her charges.” Woman, too, is answerable owing to her important place in society. She is answerable in every capacity; being mother, sister, wife and daughter. Being wife,




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she is responsible for the following affairs. Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬once said, “Woman is guardian of her husband’s household and his children and she will be held accountable in this regard.” Wife negligent to her duties disobeys Allah’s commandments. Wife must respect her husband, raise children and protect her husband’s wealth. Almighty Allah says, “Man rules in a household and is superior to woman for he spends his wealth.” Pious and obedient woman guards the household in the absence of her husband and shoulders the responsibilities Almighty Allah has vested her with.” A woman must respect her husband and must not disobey him. Hazrat Abu Hurraira ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates that Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “If I were to allow you to prostrate other than Allah Almighty, I would have allowed women to prostrate their husbands.” Husband is implied as an allegorical god. Best wife is the one who proves herself to her husband a source of pleasure, happiness and delight and does not render him any discomfort with her speech or behavior. Wife must obey her husband and must disobey when he commands her to do things against Allah’s and His Prophet’s teachings. She must politely correct her husband and guide him about Islamic teachings and commandments. She must


attract her husband with service and obedience. Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “May Allah bless the lady who herself wakes up for Tahajjud prayer and wakes her husband too; and if husband does not wake up, sprinkles water to wake him up.” A good wife takes care of her husband, respects him, loves his family, wins husband’s love, takes into account his likes and dislikes and presents herself in the

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manner her husband likes. Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “It is not permissible for a woman to keep supererogatory fast prior her husband’s permission and let anybody enter home while her


husband is away.” Hazrat Um e Salma ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates that once Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ said, “The woman who dies in a state her husband was happy to her will enter paradise.” It means that a woman whose husband is angry to her will have tormenting hereafter. Woman must never think herself a salve of her husband but the best, sincere, loyal and respectful friend. She must teach children to


respect their father. Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabl ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates that Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “When a woman renders pain to her husband, that man’s wife among Houris curses that woman saying, “Soon this man will leave you and come to us.”” It is binding upon woman to obey her husband. Wives


of Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬sacrificed a lot for their husband. Hazrat Khadija ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬sacrificed all her wealth for Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and remained obedient to him all her life. She remained with Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬through every thick and thin. She always encouraged her husband. Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬remained obedient to Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬all her life and spent her life teaching and serving religion. Wives of Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬preferred leading simple life with Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬Biographies of female companions of Holy Prophet

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Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬are marked with greatness. Our women need to follow such pious women. A woman is required to cover her husband’s shortcomings. Holy Quran states, “You are clothes to each other.” Like clothes hide one’s body, a wife must cover her husband’s shortcomings and must not tell others. She must observe patience, for sure; Allah will do well to her. Pious woman always covers her husband’s shortcomings telling others that her husband is the best husband, like a dress which beautifies one’s personality. A wife must not be obdurate for it will affect upbringing of children making them not learn polite manners. Bad habits of wife spoil the environment of house and incur loss. Once Holy Prophet


Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬asked his beloved daughter Fatima ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬, “My beloved daughter, what are the traits of a Muslim lady?” She replied, “Respected father! She must obey Allah and His Prophet, be kind to her children, lower her gaze, keep herself hidden from the eyes of marriage-able (Ghair-Mehram),





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she must not look at others, and must not let others look at her.” Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was pleased over her answer. Wife must also protect her husband’s wealth and must not spend his money on useless things. She must not maintain relationship with the person her husband dislikes and must not let him/ her come home. An incident of Salaf al Salifeen is famous in which two wives of son of Holy Prophet Abraham ‫ علیہ السالم‬are mentioned. Once Holy Prophet Abraham ‫علیہ السالم‬went to see his son and found him not at home. Upon asking his daughter-in-law about the household situation, she started complaining about her husband and of the limited financial resources. Prophet Abraham ‫علیہ السالم‬left the following message for his son, “Dear Son, threshold of your house is weak, and you better demolish it.” Upon receiving and comprehending the message Hazrat Ismail ‫علیہ السالم‬divorced his wife. Holy Prophet Abraham ‫علیہ السالم‬met his new daughter-in-law next year. Upon inquiring the same she started praising her husband and expressed love for him. Holy Prophet Abraham ‫علیہ السالم‬left the following message for his son, Son, threshold of your house is strong. When Hazrat Ismail ‫ علیہ السالم‬came back to home his wife told the entire story, Hazrat Ismail ‫ علیہ السالم‬understood the thing and happy and told that He was my father. The woman who hides her husbands everything then his doorsteps will be strong and that woman is sincere and trustful. Now we know that those woman who doesnot hide his husband bad attitude he is not able to live with husband and good wife is that who has patience and grateful and respect his husband and caregiving in front of others. Prophet Muhammad ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said that “when a man called his wife for his need then she should come to him; even she is busy in cooking roti”. Woman is not carabine, subdue and oppressed rather than respectful and she should increase her value, killing her ego and selfness she can get her values, make her home peaceful and environment happier. Don’t fight and away bitter because this make life vapid and unwieldy. I pray to Allah that makes every sister do these practice, that they will be obedient for themselves and for their relatives.

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For easy development of children’s teeth: Applying roasted ground petals of flower mixed in honey on children’s gums alleviates the pain children undergo while developing new teeth.

Recite one verse and gain ten incredible benefits


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Whoever will recite this verse thousand times a day will earn sustenance from unknown sources. Whoever will recite and blow this verse on butter and chili will gain sexual power. Whoever will recite this verse daily for forty times after Fajar prayer will be blessed with the things he desire. The person who offers two rakah Nafil prayers and recites this verse three times while sitting on prayer mat, blows on his hands and then wipes the hands on his face will get the desired favour from an officer or a rich person. The person occupied by jinn or any evil thing will show improvement when blown this verse in ear. The person stung by scorpion will show improvement when blown this verse in his right ear. The person reciting this verse for thirteen or fifteen times for an important task will have that task successfully accomplished. If a person recites this verse for four times and blows on homes of those who are jealous of him will fail their conspiracies against him. The person who wants to subdue the one who is jealous of him/ her must recite this verse for twelve times. The person who recites this verse for seven times before attending a gathering will earn respect from attendees of the gathering. (Muhammad Ahmad)

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For a sound marriage proposal In case marriage proposals do not get settled and get rejected, do the following spiritual practice for ninety days. And if during these ninety days you get betrothed or married, you must complete the course of ninety days. Women must complete the ninety days course compensating for the days when they must not recite Holy Quran. ْ ٗ‫ا ا اُج اَللُ ُہ‬ Recite ‫اسعِ ُجل‬ ِ ‫ بِ ْس ِمُہّٰللاُِال او‬101 times daily with reciting Darood Sharif eleven times before and after it. ‫ا ا اْ ُ​ُ ا ا ا ا ا‬ Blow it on hands and wipe on face. Recite Surah Fatiha and repeat ‫ی‬ ُ ُ ْ ‫کُن ْست ِع‬ ‫اَِیکُنعبدُوُاَِی‬for eleven times and blow on water. Recite Surah Fatiha for eleven times in the same manner and blow on water. Drink this water in three gulps. At night, before going to bed, recite Surah Ikhlas for 41 times with Darood Sharif recited 11 times before and after Surah Ikhlas and pray only for marriage. Divorced, widow or widower who want to marry and is facing difficulty must recite Surah Yasin two ُ times after Fajar Prayer and recite ‫ اَی ُم ِع ْی ُد‬eleven hundred times for forty days. Parents or relatives of the divorced and widow or widower, too, can do this for him/ her. God willing, soon a sound marriage proposal will be received and the lady will get married. (Farooq Azam, Hasil Pur)

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Recite and get rid of all worries narrates that once a man complained Holy Prophet ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬Hazrat Abu Saeed Khadri , “I am occupied by worries and indebted to too many people.” Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬Muhammad said, “Would you like to know words which will take your worries away and your ‫ﷺ‬Muhammad

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‫ﷺ‬debt will be paid off too.” That man happily replied in affirmation. Holy Prophet Muhammad ُ ُ‫اُ ا ْا‬ ‫ُّمُ ْاْل ُ ْ​ْب اُو ْال ُب ْخلُوُ اُا ُع ْ ُو ُذُب ا‬ ‫سلُوُ اُا ُع ْ ُو ُذُب ا‬ ‫ُّمُ ْال اہم اُو ْاْل ُ ْزن اُوُ اُا ُع ْ ُو ُذُب ا‬ ‫وذُب ا‬ ‫ُّم اُغلا اب ِۃُال ا ُد ْ​ْیُو اُ​ُق ْ ُہرُ ا‬ ْ ‫ُّم ُْال اع ْجز اُو ْال اك‬ ْ ِ‫ك‬ ‫كِ ا‬ ْ ِ‫ك‬ ‫كِ ا‬ "‫ال‬ ُ ‫اللہمُ ِا ِینُ ُا ُع‬ ُ recited, “ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ‫الرج‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ That person acknowledged that reciting this prayer rescued him from all worries and he paid off the debt too. (Abu Dawood) (R-B)


Haste in Decision Making




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Haste always makes waste. Try most to avoid haste. Weigh all possible outcomes of every decision before taking any decision. Also consider pros and cons and the future impacts your decisions could impart to your life. Jotting down all positive and negative outcomes, making a table is no bad thing but winding it up as early as possibly you could would be better, otherwise thinking all the time over issues would negatively affect your mental and physical capabilities and you never will be strong enough to realize your aspirations. Psychologists say that till a man not decides and realizes his dreams and aspirations, speculations occupy his minds affecting his health. Psychologists believe that the mental agony and tension one undergoes through when he has not accomplished his plans is far more dangerous for mental and physical health than the failure he comes across while fulfilling plans, aspirations and dreams. Zeil Carneigi says that he acts like an advocate who professionally prepares his case and collects information from all resources whenever he is to take decision over an important issue to seal success. You must also try Zeil Carneigi’s trick. Doing so you may well analyse the pros and cons of any decision beforehand.




Request for special spiritual practice for matrimonial love Readers! After disputes between husband and wife, our daughters spend years at their parents’ place due to caustic husband-wife relationship. Please write us tested tricks; any charm or talisman that could increase the love between husband and wife manifold. Please write us only tested tricks not those copied from books. This would be a perpetual donation to your credit for hundreds of thousands of daughters. Allah will keep the person always happy and his life peaceful that would care for happy matrimonial life of his fellow men and women. Do write us. You may also email and message us at the following phone number, 03438710009. (A request from Editor)

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Protection from jealous: if anyone’s jealousy follows you and you want protection from him then recite ayat 38 of Surah Hajj 11 times and braise the jealous person in conception.

Your Queries---Allama Lahuti's reply


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1. The wazifa which has been given to you ,should be believed and not be changed 2. If the issues are emerging during the wazifa, then it means that it is working. You should concentrate more into this. 3. The stress, uncomfort and distress is the sign of the efficacy of the wazifa 4. The wazifa should be observed in time 5. All the family members should participate in it maximum 6. The issues related to family and magical problems are complex, thus take some time to be solved 7. Write to us after the 40 or 90 days of wazifa startup 8. If the wazifa is giving you a benefit, then carry on it.




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Farhat Tanveer, Warda Yaseen Quetta- Rizwan Rasheed Malik, Kasoor- Munir Ahmed- NAwab Shah, Samina khan Islamabad, Wasay Hanif- Rawalpindi- Muhammad Hashmat- Tiba Sultan, Ahmed Solangi-Daddu, Laiba Faisal- Lahore, Muhammad Asif- Karachi, Khola Tariq- Lahore, Fizza Iftikhaar-Okara, Tayyaba Naz-Lahore, Mona Amena-Sialkot, Nazeefa Gul- Wah cant, Asifa Noor-Karachi, Javed Akhter-Karachi, Zulfiqar Ahmed-Multan, Mohamad Awais-Taxila, Saeeda-Haripur, Farwa Ziafat- Haripur, Najma Nigar-Kohat, Shazia Noreen-Kohat, Rahat RiazKarachi, Imran Islam-Karachi,Mohammad Safi ullah Hamdani-Attock, Natasha AmeerKhariaan, Ashfaq Qadir-Rawalpindi, Naima Marium-Lahore, Rabia-Lahore, Binte Shafiq Ahmed-Donga Bonga, Muhammad Shakeel-Khanewal, Sarwat Arsheen- Karachi, Nasira HayatFaisalabad, Malik Taj Mohammad-Mianwali, Ruqayya-Sargodha, Abdul Khaliq-Jaranwala, Abdul Razzaq-Sargodha, Manna Ahmed-Mandi Ahmed Bahauddin, Sofia Anam-Gujranwala, Faisal bin Aziz-Mianwali, Saira hussain Malik- Karachi, Tahira Hussain Malik-Karachi, Usman Ali-Multan, Ishrat-Rahim Yar Khan, Mohammad Irfan, Rizwan Ahmed, Faizan Yaseen –Dheera Kot Kashmir, Mahwish Rahman Pindi Khaip, Rehana Khanum-Rawala Kot, KAshif NadeemToba Tak Singh, Shahid Riaz- Abbotabad, Kiran-Karachi, Saima Main-Multan, Ghazala Yasmeen-Peshawar, Tanweer Ahmed-Rawalpindi, Aisha Shahid- Rawalpindi, Rabia begum, Noshehra Peshawar, Ijaz Ahmed Khan-Bagh, Zulfiqar Aziz-Rawala Kot, Muhammad NaeemAttock, Rehan Altaf-Lahore, DArakhshan Jabeen-Karachi, Khadija Adnan- Karachi, Asma Basheer-Aqsa Basheer-Burewala, Anam Rauf-Faisalabad, Luqman Saeed-Abbotabad, Mohammad Yaqoob-Multan, Mohammad Irshad-Vehrai, Parveen Huma-Peshawar, Faiza Almas-Gujranwala, Maha- Kohat, Sana Bibi- Renala Khurd, Shahwaiz Hussain-Tanduu Allah Yar Ghulam Hussain-Gugu Mandi, Tariq Ahmed Mansehra, Rabia Pervez-Doltana, Raja Zuqernain Lateef-Barhang, Zahida Parveen-Islamabad, Ghazala Toheed-Sialkot, Muhammad Anwer-Quetta, Sajida Parveen-Manshera, Yasmeen-D.G Khan, Mohammad Shafaat-Karachi,

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Mohammad Shoaib-Mianwali, Jameela NAheed-Rawalpindi, Mohammad Arsalan-Meer Pur, Abdul Hanan Saeed-Islamabad, Laiba Muslim- Kot Momin, Mohammad Junaid ul IslamKarachi,Fayyaz Ahmed-Lahore, Mohsin Ali-KApro, Abdul jabbar- Khanqah Sharif, Afshan Kanwal-Karachi, Sameena Saleem-Haiderabad, Sughra Nasir-Mailsi, Noman Saeed-Abbotabad, Mehmood Iqbal-Islamabad, Muhammad Ziaulhaq-Islamabad, Hadeed Ahmed-Murree, Salman Zaheer-Multan, Muhammad Fawaid Masood-Lahore, Manoor Majeed-Lahore, Saima Tanveer Lahore, Saima Bibi-Jand, Kanwal-Rawalpindi, Zahid Iqbal-Wah cant, Fizza Chodhay-Meerpur Azad Kashmir,Zareen Taj-Bannu, Firdous Naseem-Multan, Masood Hasan-Khanewal, MaznaKarachi, Naghma Imitiaz-Sargodha, Yasmeen Tahira-Islamabad, Maria Pervez-Rawala Kot, Abdul Muqeet Khan-Karachi, Azra Nadeem-Rawalpindi, Mumtaz Bibi-Lahore, Sa adaat Ali Awan-Lahore, Muhammad Ramzan-Sialkot, Riffat Shahbaz-Faisalabad, Hajra Bibi- Mianwali, Walida Hadiya Nasir-Haripur, Ansa Gujranwala, Kamran Liaquat- Tandu Allah Yar, Gushan Tahira-Phalia, Muzamal Shah-Tarrar Khal, Shafiq Ahmed-Donga Bonga, Bilqees Bibi- Multan, Faiza-NawabShah, Kamal Nasir-Sawabi, Parveen-Sargodha, Allah Ditta-Sheikhupura, Naseem Bano-Karachi, Rukhsana Bibi-Wah cant, Abdul Rahim-Shahdara, Musnaf Rehman-Lahore , Farhat Tanveer-Quetta, Abdul Basit-Gaon Dittorwala, Hamsheera Abdul Rehman-Daska, Shazia-Lahore, Gulnaz Azhar-Faisalabad, Abida Nasreen-Lahore. You all to observe above ُ ‫ا‬ ُ ُ Wazeefa.“‫ ” ا َُیل ِط ْیف اَُی اود ْو ُد‬to be recited throughout the day, in every condition. It will help as more as



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you much you recite.Sultan Mehmood-Rawalpindi, Nazima Jahan Khan-Joru, Mussarat KareemWah cant, Muhammad Yaqoob-Chakwal, Munazza Kareem-Wah cantt, Matee ur rehmanChakwal, Muhammad Ali Taimoor-Mureed kay, Abrar Ahmed-Maansehra, Muhammad UmerKarachi, Saeed ul hasan-Faisalabad, Aneela Razzaq-Karachi,Sadaf Maqsood-Patoki, Mudasir Waheed Afridi-Farhat Jahan-Karachi, Bushra-Karachi, S Qanbar Ali-Karachi, Tahir Aziz ZafarRawalpindi, Nadia Faisal-Faisalabad, Zoja Subah Sadiq-Lahore, Muhammad Aslam Naz Khokhar-Lahore, Razia Mumtaz-Kahror Pakka, Saira Shaheen-Hari Pur, Muhammad FarooqGaon KAlo Khan Sawabi, Sadia Maqbool-Khanpur, Dr.Naheed Anjum-Lahore, Summera BibiManchanabad, Arifa Majeed-Bhakar, Ali Mohammad-Khoshab, Syeda Fatima HashmiPeshawar, Muhammad Shoaib Tahir-Lahore, Syeda Rabia Hashmi-Peshawar, Shazia ParveenAzad Kashmir, Muhammad Iqbal-Mandi Sadiq Ganj, Muhammad Shoaib-Rawalpindi, Surraya Jamal-Lahore, Muhammad Sadeeq-Lahore, Naseem Akhter-Pindi Khep, Qurat u lain HumeraJahanian, Saira Mahwish-Gujjrat, Muhammad Haris Iftikhar, Islamabad, Meem noon ain IrumRawalpindi, Farzana-Nowshehra Feroz, Syeda Nabeela Jaffery-Lahore, Muhammad Mehfooz Alam-Sadiqabad, Khalid Mehmood Abbassi-Dheer Kot, Ali Akhter-Gojar Khan, Zahid NaseemBanu,Shameem Akhter-Mangowal, Syed Faiz ul Haq-Karachi, Laiba Hanif-Lahore, Surraya Begum-Peshwar, Muhammad Yasir-Lahore, Noreen –Lahore, Tasnem Kosar-Karachi, Surraya Marium- Layya, Nor ul Alam Aneesi-Karachi, Summera Usman-Karachi, Syeda Umber Kalsoom,Karachi, Sadia Jabeen, Danda Shah Bilawal, Muhammad Anwar-Faisalabad, Safdar Abbasd- Bahawlpur, Abida Younus-Rawalpindi, Chodhary Masood Abid-Wah cant, Amjad Hussain-Gojar Khan, Hussain-Shuja Abad, Nazia Jamshed-Mian Channu, Farah DebaGujarnwala, Shahbaz Ahmed-Gujrat, Saima Shehzad- Lahore, Muhammad Nasir

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Multan, Shagufta –Haiderababd, Shamshad-Faisalabad, Aqsa Farooqi-Islamabad, Fazeelat Bannu, Noorulislam-Tila gang, Muhammad Safdar-Multan, Uzma Zeeshan-Lahore, NasiraShahdara, Muhammad Sadeeq- Shahdara, Aisha Ilmad-Jampur, Muhammad Ilyas-Jambar Khurd gaon, Hakeem Muhammad Naeem ul hasan-Manga mandi, Afsar Ali-Mardan, Tahira NomanRawalpindi, Ahmed Ibrahim, Yousuf-Wah cant, Saima Tabbassum-Sargodha,Fareeda BanoPeshwar, Rabia Parveen-Attock, Naeem Akhter-Lahore, Noon R Rawalpindi.


You all read the above wazeefa


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‫ا‬ “ُ‫ اَیقا ِد ُر اَُی اَن ِف ُع‬to be read throughout the day, in every condition. It will help as more as you much you

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Search others defect: every new thing looking good but how old a friendship is then they are strong and don’t search person defect other will search yours. Episode # 3

Beautiful Scenes of Spiritual Gathering of Ubqari

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Dear Hakeem sahib, I hope that you will be fine and will be striving for the betterment of ummah as you do always. Almighty Allah may accept your passion and strive. You and your generations may meet with the lot of blessings, health and wellness. May Allah protect you and you be blessed.




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Alhamdulillah, ever since I have attended the spiritual gathering of ubqari alongwith my friends, it has given a great impact to me and my friends. There was laziness in practicing the Islamic commandments, but after this I have been very regular in observing the prayers five times a day and other tasbeeh of the day. I am reading one chapter of Quran daily, reading Sura kosar 129 times in morning and evening, reading masnoon prayers of morning and evening. I now read Sura Kosar 1000 times or more on daily basis. Allah has given me very good source of income due to this ubqari. (Noman Shehzad)


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Realization of the Sins and Repentance:Respected Hakeem sahib, I hope that you will be fine. I have participated in the ubqari gatherings with full zeal and interest. I have got a lot of benefit by getting your view and deeds you referred. I am contented and calm in heart with all this, as I am practicing the deeds you given. I have begged repentance of my sins from Allah. May Allah give you a lot of blessings and your to your generations. I was lazy in the prayers and other good deeds, but I have improved a lot. With all this, the lack left will be filled soon. ( Mohammad Ashfaq)


Calmness if received, received through Tasbeeh khana.


Respected Hakeem sahib AoA: I am a reader of Ubqari for six months. I bought Ubqari for first time in November 2015. I am a peon in the government hospital in my city. I am already praying five times a day. But since I have attended the spiritual gatherings of yours, I am now more inclined and interested and has refreshed my faith line. I was very keen to see you and now I have seen you, pay gratitude for this. I read two rakkas of gratitude nawafil daily. After attending the gathering, I am very calm that cannot be described in words. Now I am very concerned about getting halal income and pray that every muslim may refrain from haram and get halal income. ( Rana Mehmood ul hasan-Khoshab)

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Blessing in the business:

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Eye of blessing on sinner:


I was very worried and concerned about my family financial problems. The business of my husband and kids was also not going well. Once my friend in Lahore asked me to come to her. I was confused as my husband would allow me to go to Lahore or not. But surprisingly, I got the permission. I went to Lahore and attended the spiritual gathering of yours. And when I came back, it was quite pleasing that my financial conditions went improving since then. ( Zoja Abdul Hameed)



Comfort and end of Troubles:



Respected Hakeem Sahab! AoA! May Allah risen your standards. I participated in your Ubqari gathering by the blessing of Allah and you took a favour to me as I took a Bayt on your hands alongwith others. I am thankful to Allah for this. After attending the Ubqari, I got the realization that I wasted 60 years of my life. I am trying to act upon the deeds and wazaifs which have been prescribed to me and I pray I get consistent to it. Ameen. I beg that you bless me your attention. ( G-CH)


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Respected Hakeem sahib AoA! I and my wife participated in the spiritual gathering of Ubqari in November last year. We got bayt from you. After that participation, we got so relaxed and contented that cannot be described. My conditions were very bad for last 20 years. One night before the participation of the spiritual gathering, I and my wife saw the dream before namaz fajr that we have killed many snakes in our home. ( Nisaar Ahmed)


Solution for asthma, cough and internal injuries:



Assalamo Alikum, Respected Hakeem sahib! I read the monthly Ubqari regularly and the content in it are very useful. I was also very eager to present some solutions and wazaif in the Ubqari. Now I am presenting one thing for the magazine.

Cough and Asthma: Take two kilo Chaal of pipala tree and put one kilo in the pail of four liter water. Remaining one kilo to be boiled in the four kilo water, When water remains two kilo then take it off and put it in the pail of four litre water and one kilo chaal. The next day drink that mixed water in morning and evening in the quantity of 10 tola. Insha Allah patient will be well.

www. Ubqari Magazine March 2016put a Page 53 of Mixture for internal Injury: If someone suffers an internal injury, then cream of120 salt

and whiteness of egg on the spot and you will be relieved. Please remember all the patients of the world in your world. ( Masood ul hasan-Pakpattan Shareef)

For un-festered meat: if meat remains under cooked, add a small piece of jaggary then it festers hurriedly.

Proven Secrets of my life

(Dr. Zafar Hameed malik Attok City)

Some pearls for readers:

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I always try to tell the readers of ubqari those secrets and things which I know, or I have experienced or I got them from some authentic resource. First of all I am really thankful to my spiritual teacher Hazrat Hakeem ‫ دامت برکاتہم‬from the core of my heart, it is only due to his encouragement and guidance that I am eager to write and search about new topics.

askandh 50 grams, mosli white 50




Today’s first tip is for those sisters who are morbid to tell the lady doctors about their problem of Likoria , and this increases their weakness day by day, it is a disease which eats you from inside like the termite eats the wooden things, slowly and gradually makes you weak, gives back pain, and you feels uneasy, and unending weakness.


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gram, sund 10 gram, misri grind them all and eat 2 times, morning and evening, with milk for 2 weeks at least, and also use Pak sapari with it, then the health will be your luck, Insha'Allah ,


Mostly people complain about the mouth swelling, mouth blister and pain while eating, following is very effective and tested tip for this.

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Take one tomato and cut it into four equal pieces. And chew one piece at night before going to sleep same like a buffalo eats and chews something. After one time when water gets accumulated in the mouth and its taste becomes bitter then spit this out and take the other piece and repeat the same process and then repeat it for other two pieces as well. do it for two to three times I can say this with guarantee that you get the positive result in two days, Insha’Allah , this was a secret which I have open to the readers of ubqari. Those brothers who are irritated of.... ehtalaam (wet dream), either it’s with dream or without dream, and they are not getting health from anywhere then they should get "thojakio" from any homeopathic store, mix five drops in half of the cup 3 times a day. INSHA'ALLAH they will recover before the end of the medicine.


Mostly, people have the problem of burning of hand palms and the sole of feet in the extreme winter and summer. They cannot feel peaceful by any medicine. I am going to tell you something which seems nothings but after the use you will be bound to say that Allah did not created anything without a purpose( hikmat) these type of patients are helpless they cannot sleep peacefully at night, they need to sleep by keeping the feet out of their quilt in winter.

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the tip: take "Thapia" ( patia) made of buffalo’s waste , burn them and take the ash of them, then take 5 kg water and mix thoroughly 200 grams ash, and dip the feet for half an hour before an hour to sleep, do it for ten days regularly, Insha’Allah burning of feet and hands will come to end.

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It is tested and proven tip, especially for those who are getting health from anywhere. The intensity of teeth pain can be known only from the person who has suffered from it. it is really very severe pain, the sufferer want the immediate relief from it , you must have seen that if you go to dentist and he puts a cotton on the teeth and in no time pain vanishes, you must have thought that there will be any anesthesia used in it. Today I am going to tell secret for ubqari readers.


Mix homeopathic mother tinkchar plantigo, and mother tinkchar karyazotam in same quantity. Use on the teeth where pain is leave for some time, and open the mouth after some time. Then dirty water will come out, INSHA'ALLAH you will be fine in 3 minutes. Make, use it and remember me in prayers.




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If the children are annoying, and stubborn , they ask for different things and get angry when you do not give them, but they are calm and gentle by nature, those children who are still in the lap, if you give them homeopathic medicine, "kemeola 30" 3 times a day then you will feel the change on some days. there is a top for typhoid which was lime a top secret in the heart, now I am going to give it to the readers o ubqari, take desi Ajwain( carmon) and sock in one glass of water and leave for the whole night, in morning separate the peeling and seeds and throw the water and the peeling, now take the piece of the old pitcher and make it hot on fire until the smoke comes out of it, take this piece and put in one glass of cool water, now take two times that remaining seeds ( a little quantity) with this water, Insha’Allah typhoid will never be again. Readers now I can face Allah Almighty with satisfaction due to ubqari, slowly and steadily I am disclosing the secrets of my heart, I will keep telling in coming time and the personality who make me do so is Respected Hakeem ‫ دامت برکاتہم‬, he laid the foundation on the base which this plant is taking the shape of a tree, and in coming days this will be a complete tree Insha’Allah, in ubqari secrets of are disclose that is why this magazine has reached to the skies of fame in such a less duration, everyone waits for its arrival, it reaches to us in the shape of a complete digest but there is a lot of tireless hard work of one month is behind it, selection of writings, and according to my knowledge despite being very busy respected Hazrat Hakeem not only read each and every writing but he investigate also that to what extent the writing is true. and a whole institute seems busy for ubqari, composing, checking the proof reading, checking the headings, and process of order and decoration but behind all that the supporting one's team is a big thing, acknowledge the strength of the captain who bring "monthly ubqari "with new topics which not only help and correct us physically but also spiritually.

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Toothache pain vanished: googles with black papper xylobalsamum it will relief toothache pain but this is temporary for 6 to 12 hours.

Must read: get rid of three ailments


One thing I would like to ask here and want you to ponder for at least seven times that why we eat the simple diets soon after recovering from the illness. Therefore, my request is not only to act but also to contemplate about it. All the grains must be ground but it should not be that fine.





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Dear readers! I bring forward the pearls of wisdom and share them with you. You should also be generous enough and share yours too. (Editor Hakeem Muhammed Tariq Mahmood Majzoobi Chughtai) Where did this obesity, arthritis, indigestion, gastric troubles, acidity, high cholesterol, creatinine and hypertension originated? Change your diets to change your medicines. You would be wondering how? Just imagine that the diets in the past were simpler than today and if someone fell ill then he was easily cured from the simple herbs and brief useful tips. The fast food, the bakery’s confectionary, fizzy drinks, the roasted and fried spicy barbeques have caused our lives to suffer from obesity, nervous and muscle strains, physical weakness, mental stress, joint pains, cholesterol, constipation, the bulging tummies and gastric troubles. These diets have also affected our household severely. Wondering how? Just a hint that these artificial diets have deprived the men from all their necessary powers and abilities. That has generated domestic violence, quarrels, and ends up often in divorce or the daily disturbance at home and height of confrontation, which paves way for hundreds of rifts between the couples. One may start thinking as someone has done magic unto him or became a psychological patient and most commonly all the people have turned against him. Although I believe in the ill effects of magic and demons but the question is if all the domestic abuse and hatred are due to the evil magic practices. No, they are not. These are actually the diets, which are affecting our lives and invoke intolerance, protests, fighting, leading to even murders etc. The society facing these menaces should also focus on their diets along with improving law and justice regulations. A research scholar from Europe who has spent almost all of his life on researching about the diets, has said that if you want tranquility and peace in the society and if you want your youth to be loyal to their wives only and not cast a gaze on others and their mind and soul remain pure then you should consider their diets rather than taking vitamins or different tonics and doing long jogs. Shall I bring your attention to the simple Prophetic diets that led to conquering of the whole world and after consuming them, our ancestor’s rules over the whole world? You should consider the diets of that society which dominated the whole world. Their diets were based on Barley, Millet and similar simple diets. One thing I would like to point out and you should also contemplate upon it for at least seven times that why we use simple diets soon after recovering from illness. Therefore, I would like to invite you to action as well as contemplation and get these grains be ground for you but not that fine. Then make a dessert of them like kheer or make porridge of them. You can also make a loaf of it and roast it in a bit of butter or you can cook the

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loaves along with soup of meet and drink it. The meat should not be in plenty. You can add mild spices as well. Do this and then see how your body steps forward towards fitness and your brain rushes towards higher and better memory. You vision would start a journey of light and your boredom and stress would become outdated. You will have better joints and will enjoy a youthful vigor and vitality. Your stomach will be powerful like those who lived here thousands of years ago and forget about the cholesterol. The creatinine will fade away and the acidic burps and obesity will all be gone. Your life would be joyful, your breathes would be fragrant, your intentions would be solid and your each step would bring spring in your life.





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Let us befriend this flour. These six grains will keep you away not from three but three hundred ailments and will make your life harmonious and peaceful. What are you thinking now? Shouldn’t I tell you those grains? Hold a pen, write them down, and make sure to write it legible as otherwise, incorrectly written word may create confusion and then you would be complaining to the editor. Last but not the least is never to be hasty. The problems that you have emerged from the prolonged use of bad diets so to replace them with your good diets may also take some time so bear with patience and use them for a while. Also share these diets with your children but here one thing is confusing me. You have made them habitual of eating chocolates, biscuits, bakery foods and burgers so how will they be convinced to eat these. They will be unwilling and will resist these diets and actually they would be complaining to their parents who have not done anything to make them habitual of nature but if they show a different attitude then you should know that their mother has done her best to keep close to the nature. Should I mention them now? What if I don’t? No I love you all and here you go: Take a paper, grab a pen, and check it if it has ink and can write. Check that the paper is also clean and nothing has already been written on it to avoid any confusion. Okay so I begin with; Millet 1kg, Barley 1 kg, Black Chickpeas 1 kg, Green Lentils whole 1 kg, Kidney Beans whole 1 kg, Wheat 5 kg. Combine all these inexpensive grains. You might be wondering that after such a long preamble, I would ask you to buy something expensive but that was not the case. Now you should go and buy these grains without any delay. Buy them in the pure form or you will need some effort to pick out any stones and straws. Then get them ground in your own supervision and that is it! Get the joy of life like 1500 years ago. Enjoy the taste of nature!

The Travellers of the Hereafter

The earnest and intimate friend of the father of Hazrat Hakeem Sahib and his neighbour, Saeed Ahmed passed away on 20 January after long illness. He was respected immensely by Hazrat Hakeem Sahib due to closeness to his father. The readers are kindly requested to pray for the forgiveness for all those who have passed away.Another sincere worker of Tasbih Khana the respected Baba Muhammaed Sharif Bhatti who had dedicated the rest of his life for Tasbih

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Khana also passed away. He was also cared by his son Advocate Tauqir Bhatti very well. May Allah place him in His Special Mercy. The son of Tauqir Ahmed Bhatti Advocate also passed away. May he get a best reward in both the worlds and a substitute. Haji Muhammed Saeed (Gujrat) passed away after spending a noble and honest life. He was associated with the Tasbih Khana and was a devoted doer and propagator of the message of Tasbih Khana. The caretaker of Masjid Dhayan Shah, Litton Road Lahore Qari Sana Ullah passed away in his youth. May Allah exalt his degrees and place him in His Mercy. The father of another worker of Tasbih Khana Muhammed Asif met his Lord after spending an honest, sincere and gentle life. His son Muhammed Asif is one of the sincere helpers of Durood Mehal. The readers are kindly requested to pray for him.

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Acquire eternal spiritual wealth: one must acquire the riches which has no downfall, the life which has no changeless, and the possession without downfall and the eternity which has no worries.

Domestic psychological problems and their ensuring and proven remedies The letters of distorted families and their comprehensive answers


Send an extra envelop to reply. Write the complete address on it and do not haste for reply. Do something other job:



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I m learning the reporting he takes me with him with difficulty, because he is very busy. Anyhow whenever I get the chance I take camera and go with him on my motorbike, if there is fire, bullets and people are injured he remains fearless, and does not feel worried but keeps taking the pictures. He is successful in his profession, but I feel fearful at such places, I cannot look at injured people then how can I take their pictures and make news about them, he says me to do something else. (Asad Ali, Lahore))



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Suggestion: careless attitude about one's life for the success professional life is not good, human life is more is important than profession. Either it is your own life or someone life of some other the first obligation is to save the life; the time which is consumed to take their pictures can be use in finding the ways to save their lives. This will be the bigger thing than that, there are a lot of people who cannot look at injured and blood but these are the realities of life. Those who are brave enough to face these things can help other people. Whatever the work is but one should give the preference to humanism.

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Stupidity of the girl:I went to the engagement ceremony of my friend, there I saw a girl who was looking very pretty, she has used the makeup in such a quantity that a married girl would not used. in the end of the ceremony everybody was going and I saw her also going with her parents, they seemed very oppressed, she was talking to them very rudely, and my all dreams of having her as mine dashed to ground when I saw this. Later according to the situation I asked my friend about her, he told that she is psycho patient; people of her area called her mad; then again I thought about her and felt soft corner for her in heart. Can this type of girls be fine and if they also use to hit others? (Arif Raheem' Jahng)


Suggestion: one of hundreds patients face a time when they became senseless so, of you have not any relation with her then only sympathy is enough, for you it is good to forget her. When it is known that she is psychological patient then she needs his parent’s care. Some psychological problems which are genetic along with intensity, attacks again and again, to live life with such people are very difficult and it needs patience.

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I do forget: I do forget after placing my many important things, I use to think a lot but cannot remember. I forgot the place jewelry and then could not sleep at nights. Then I found it in the shoe box. Then I put somewhere important documents and later they are found in the cupboard of children, I do not know how. When I was tiding that cupboard and saw them, I cannot tell that how much I am worried about it and I also have listen things from others, ( Sheeza Karachi)

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Suggestion: If man uses his brain in good way then he does not need to think and he does not forget. Make a proper place for documents, jewelry, and for other important things and place these things at that place. Especially, when you are putting anything at a place, then stay active and fully in senses. And do check the important things after some time. One forgets when one does not remain active mentally and mentally present there at the time of keeping the things in safety. He thinks something else and does something else.




Be a doctor: From my childhood I always saw a dream that I am checking the patient being a doctor. I did matriculation in science and when I got admission in college meanwhile my father died, I need to take care of home. And after one year I got married, my daughter has done metric in science, but she has the intention of study journalism in coming years. he likes the journalist but I make her understand that you will be h


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good after being a doctor but she does not care for my feelings, she is very strong in her will from very start, I do not know that how parents make their children to follow the path they want, here the situation is that children are not giving any importance to their mother's desire, actually their father has given them a lot of freedom.



value to parents.

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Suggestion: every child has his own personality so children cannot be made a mean to attain personal desires and wishes, because they have not the ability to accomplish them. the mentioned desire in letter is telling that you have not accepted your daughter existence and personality as different from your personality . but the desire of being journalist is telling that she is having different mental abilities. there is another reality that your time period there would be a trend of being doctor while in daughter's age there are many other fields for girls, where they can be successful, the selection of one's own favorite profession is not the disobeying or not giving the


lock is opened by the recitation of Ayat-ul-kursi Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O alikum, I am working in a bank and my key is used first to open the locker before the key if customer, one day when I went to operate the locker with customer but lock did not open despite the customer was a quite tall man, he could not open the lock, then I recited the Ayat-Ul-kursi and tried slowly and it opened really there is a amazing power in Ayat- ul kursi. ( Rabia , Lahore)

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This sora argues for the one who recites Recitation of Holy Quran is very significant, swab of one good deed is given on the recitation of one word of Holy Quran, and that one good deed is equal to ten good deeds , I pray that may Allah give us chances to recite and understand the Holy Quran. Hazrat Abu Huraira ‫رضى ہللا عنه‬ narrated from Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that there is a sora of 30 verses in Holy Quran and that argues for Its reader until he is forgiven and this is "sora Mulk " ‫تبا رك الذى‬. (Soban Ali, Lahore)

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End of the poisonous sting of the insect: To end the poison of the insects the drinking of the lemon juice and rubbing the juice at the place of sting is very fruitful. The bad effects of sting come to an end.

End of every difficulty in 21 days


ُ ُ ‫ا ا‬ Respected Hakeem sahib Asslam O alikum, I recite 11 times ‫ث اَُی ُْن ُ ُر‬ ‫ َیِب ِع‬I am having good dreams and in dream there comes indication.

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To accomplish every lawful task:

Every kind of tension ends in 21 days


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Recite this wazifa after fajjar 11 times



‫اْ ا ا ُ ْ ٰ ا ا ا ْا ا ُ ا‬ ْ ﴾۴۱‫ّبُلغف ْورُر ِح ْیمُ﴿ھود‬ ِ ‫ِبس ِمُہّٰللاَُِم ٖرىہاُومرسىہاُاِنُر‬


if a person starts any work and the result does not come according to desires ad there comes only destruction in everything, then he should keep reciting this verse , Insha’Allah lawful task will come to and good end, and there will be no ruin. For every legal thing like, livelihood, Halal, marriage, education, there will r no obstacle.


Insha’Allah every type of obstacles, bandhish and hurdles will come to an end and the doors of prosperous will be widened. for every kind of bandish and hindrances in business, marriage and livelihood recite this wazifa for 21, 41 or 90 days, you al also blow on water and sprinkle that water in house and at business place.

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11 times Drood e Ibahimi at start and at end , start reciting the Sora Muzzamil and when you reach at this verse then recite it for seven times. ‫ام ٰ ا‬ ً ْ ْ ُ ْ ‫ا ا‬ ْ ‫ا ُ ْا‬ ﴾۹‫ْش ِق اُوُال امغ ِر ِبُلُاِل اہُ ُِال ُ​ُہ اوُفاّتِذہ اُوکِ ْیَلُ﴿مزمل‬ ِ ‫ربُالم‬



Then recite seven times this wazifa ‫ا ْٰ ا ْ ُْ ُ ا ُ ا ا ا ا ا ُ ا ُ ا ا ُ ا ا ا ُا ْ ا ْ ا ا ْ ُْ اْ ا ا ْ ُ ا ا ْ ُ ا ُ ُ ا‬ ُ‫ُِلُیاک ْنُل ٗہُکف ًواُا احد‬ ‫﷽ بِ ْس ِمُہّٰللاُِالرْح ِنُالر ُِحی ِمُقلُہوُہّٰللاُاحدُ۔َُیمنانُہّٰللاُالصمدُ۔َُیحنانلمُی ِلدُ ُوُِلُویلدُ۔َُیر ِحیمُو‬ After this recite and complete the sora Muzzamil.

Treatment of Paralysis and facial paralysis Boil three times the milk of cow and remove from stove after adding the piece of cinnamon, then blow of it after reciting the Sora Yaseen, ten crush 7 cloves and put in mouth and drink the milk

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after it. Do it for seven days at the time of sleeping. Insha’Allah patient will be recovered,, Laboob Kabeera, and Dhawa Almask sada use as medicine, and as directed for at least one whole month.

End of magic, jinns and Aasaib :

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if there is magic, and jinns and Aasaib in any house , shop and office then write Sora Feel in a new pot of mud and bury it at the holy place in soil in the boundaries of that place . Then fix a time and place and recite the following and blow on water and then sprinkle it on the place and walls, this amal is for 21 days. Drood Shreef 1011 times blow on water


Sora Feel 49 times blow on water


Drood Shreef 1011 Times Blow on water


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(You will have to recite sora Falak and Naas together)


Sora Falak and Naas 69 times blow on water


Successful amal from an old pious Jinn

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Few friends of mine recite this amal for the success of worldly matters and hereafter and for livelihood and for the remedies of diseases, and they keep on reciting for 15 minute, and then they blow it in water. They say that they have got this amal from an old pious Jinn, especially every Thursday they start at 1:00 am at night and stop after 15 minutes then they pray together, they say that by doing so there comes Brakah in their wealth and family remains away from illness and tensions stay away for the whole of the weak. ْ‫ُْ ُا ا ْٰ ُٰ ا ا ا ااْ اا ا‬ ‫َُتک انا‬ ‫قلُہوُالرْحنُامناُ ِبہٖ ُوُعلی ِہ‬ ُ ‫ام ٰا ا ُ ُ ا ا‬ .ِ‫ُہّٰللاُمامدُر ُس ْولُہّٰللا‬ ‫لُاِلہُاِل‬


‫ا ٰ​ٰ ا ْا‬ ‫ا ٰ ُ ا ا اٰ ُاا ا اٰ م ُاا اا ْ ا ا ْ ا ا ا ا ْ ْ ا ا ا ا‬ ْ ‫َُی ُز ُق ا ْ ا ا م ا‬ ْ ‫ال ْر ِض اُخ از مائ اِنُر ْزقُ ُ​ُمب‬ ْ ْ ‫ی۔ ا‬ ِ ‫اللہمُص ِلُلَعُمم ٍدُوُلَعُا ِلُمم ٍدُوِب ِرکُوس ِلم۔قالُر ِبُھب ُِِلَُیُع‬ ُ‫ْی‬ ُ ‫م‬ ‫ُو‬ ‫ت‬ ‫و‬ ُ ‫ُالس‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ی‬ ‫ُغ‬ ِ ِ ‫ُّمُیشا ُءُ ِبغ‬ ِ ٍ ٍ ِ ِ ‫اِل‬ ً ‫ا ا ا ا ْ ْ ام ا‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ُِلُ ُِشفا ًءاُو ار ْ​ْحاۃ ُ​ُم ِب ْی ًنا۔‬ ِ ‫اب۔ُقالُر ِبُھب‬ ٍ ‫ِحس‬ Then you and your mother’s name

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Domestic encyclopedia Endowed with the Blessed sight of Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬Hazrat Allama Imam Yousaf-Bin-Ismail ‫ رحمته ہللا علیہ‬writes that it is narrated from Hazrat Allama Sakhawi ‫ رحمته ہللا علیہ‬that one man came to Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and said that my father is very old and he has the thirst of Your ‫ﷺ‬

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blessed sight. He ‫ ﷺ‬said that ask for father to recite this Drood Shreef and then he will see ME ْ‫ا ا ُ اٰ ُ ا‬ ‫ ﷺ‬in sleep. His father did the same and he saw Hazor ‫ﷺ‬. this is the drood e Pak: ‫ُلَعُمام ُد‬ ‫صَیُہّٰللا‬


Abdominal pain, loose motions,(maror) hotness and the heartburn

Remedy of Likoria

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Half of the quarter dry coriander, white zeera grind them and add 20 grams of salt and add sugar two parts of it, and take one big spoon of it with cold water then after the pause of ten minutes take half of the spoon you will be fine in half an hour .this is the proven tip of our family and it did not happen until today that we have given this medicine this anybody and he did not recovered.


The flowers of Acacia (Keekar ), gondh kateera, small cardamom , moosali white

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, white Surma, Almonds seeds, Khopra one quarter, take misri one KG grind all these things and take in the morning while empty stomach and if the diseases severe then take at night as well, this I the proven medicine of my mother. My mother is making it and giving it to many people and Allah is giving them health. For impurity of night and the burning of urine and hotness



Taalmakhana, Tukham Lajoanti, Tukham kharfa , phal keekar take one tola each and add four tola misri in it and take in morning and evening.

Wondrous tip for oldest flue

This is the proven tip and I trued many times and every person I told got benefited from it. While coming out from the toilet wash your feet and then come out and after some time the flue will vanish. (Monthly Ubqari File 6)

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Collect pearls from the previous files of Ubqari for taking benefit against domestic clashes, decrease in livelihood , and to get rid of problems , and to get the benefit from the old files of ubqari digests in the form of book are available, these digests will prove the as spiritual, physical, and psychological doctor for your generation, (price of each book is 500 except the postage price)

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Avoiding evil deeds: If someone falls into evil deeds and wants to get rid of, ٔ he should recite ayah 19 of Surah Al’Naaziat [‫ ] سورہُالزنعت‬101 times daily.

Wicked woman, innocent child and wise prince





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The wise prince



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Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! I’m a reader of Ubqari since 2008. Today I am writing an interesting story for the young readers of Ubqari. It surely contains a good lesson for them. There lived a farmer in a village. He had a large family and his financial condition was not good. He used to keep on praying to Allah to be blessed with ease. By the time his children grew up, they took up the responsibility of work. They asked their father not to do any work, except watering the fields from one bed to another while the water mill moves. One day the farmer slept when the water mill was moving. When he woke up, he rushed to the fields for watering the next bed. He found a grey-bearded man watering his fields. Astonishingly, the farmer asked, “Who are you? It was my duty but I fell asleep”. It replied, “I am your fortune, I awake when a person sleeps but don’t tell this to anybody”. The time passed on, once he met his fortune again. It said, “Now I am parting away from you. Just collect one heap and the rest will be taken away”. The farmer asked to give him some time so that he could take his children’s suggestion. He went home in the evening and told his sons that “fortune” was leaving them and that it offered to keep any one heap and the rest will go. Everyone shared their opinion, some suggested keeping the livestock, others proposed for choosing lands. Each person gave different opinion. Farmer’s daughter-in-law was listening quietly to all discussion. He asked her to say something. She said, “Tell “fortune” to take everything but leave “unity” among us.” Everyone started laughing upon listening to this, saying what you will do with unity when everything would be lost. But the farmer liked her thought. The next day he again met his “fortune”. It asked what he decided. The farmer said, “Take everything but leave unity among us.” Now the time passed on, even after so many years his family had everything. Once the farmer met his “fortune” again and asked, “You said that everything will be taken away but nothing has happened?” Fortune replied, “You chose something that does not let anything go anywhere”. So if there is unity in a home, a society, a school, a city or a country, everything is there!!! May Allah give us strength to live with unity, ameen. (G. A. C)

Dear kids! It’s been long ago that a kind hearted king ruled a country. His people were very happy with him. He was very kind and fair. The king also had a charming and wise son. Once there was a trial in the king’s court. Two women were claiming over a child and both were adamant that the child belonged to her. After enquiring the matter, king gave his decision in favor of one mother. She happily left the palace with the baby but the other woman was full of grief and she was crying bitterly. The young prince was sitting outside the palace with his

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friends. He turned to the women and asked what the matter was. The wise prince realized that something went wrong with the decision. He called both the women and their companions and asked them about what happened. The convoy said, “Respected prince! We have been traveling from far away and reached the riverside at night so we all slept there. Both of these women had their babies with them. The wolf came in the night and ate one baby. There was only one child in the morning, now both of them are claiming that the child belongs to her.” The prince asked the women whom did the child belong to? Each one claimed that it was her child and that the wolf ate the other woman’s baby. Prince asked them to take the oath, and both of them did so. Prince thought for a while and then said to both of the women, “Both of you claim that the child belongs to you. Now the solution is that both of you should be given half of the baby. The prince ordered to bring a wooden plank. Laid the baby on it and drew his sword. He said that he would divide the baby into two and give both the women. The prince observed that one woman remained calm but the other one said anxiously, “Respected prince! I am a liar, the child belongs to the other woman, give the boy to him, I withdraw my claim”. The wise prince understood that who was right. He handed over the baby to the real mother. She left the palace praying for the prince and the wicked woman was disappointed. Dear kids! The kind hearted king was Allah’s glorious prophet Harat Daud (‫ )علیہ السالم‬and the wise prince was his son Hazrat Salman (‫ )علیہ السالم‬who even surpassed his father in wisdom. (Mohammad Faran Arshed Bhtti, Khan Gerh)

O God, thou hast said the truth!


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There used to be a great saint in India who was called Munshi sahib. Once while passing by a village, he came across a funeral. People asked Munshi sahib to lead the funeral prayer but he refused. The deceased’s family insisted Munshi sahib to lead the funeral prayer. People asked the deceased person’s wife that why she was asking Munshi sahib. She said that her husband said before his death that he wanted Munshi sahib to lead his funeral prayer. People requested him saying, “As you’re here by chance so our wish will be fulfilled”. Munshi sahib led the funeral prayer, laid the deceased in the grave with his own hands, buried him and went. When he reached his office, he found that his service card was missing. He realized that his service card fell in the grave while he was laying the deceased. It was a matter of his job, so he immediately returned, called the villagers and said, “He has been recently buried and it’s a matter of my job, remove a little mud so that I can pick my service card”. Everyone gathered and they all said that Munshi sahib was a pious person so there was no harm. He removed the mud and while he reached near the shroud, what saw was that the grave was full of rose flowers. Munshi sahib forgot all about his job and went straight to the deceased’s home. He asked his wife, “Amman! tell me what practices he used to perform.” The old lady told something very strange, “He was illiterate and had learnt a few surhas by heart but he could not read or write. It’s been forty five years that we got married. He used to do one thing daily that after offering Fajar prayer, he used

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to open the Quran and put his finger on each verse saying, “O God, thou hast said the truth, O God, thou hast said the truth, O God, thou hast said the truth”.

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(Selection: Sanwal Chughtai, Bhural Chughtai, Ranjhu Chughtai, Amman Zebu, Ahmed Pur Sherqia)

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Beware of envy: One must avoid envy except such that leads to self-improvement.

The jinni that troubled the practitioners was powerless in Tasbeeh khana

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In the morning, I didn’t tell anyone about what happened in the night. After this incident, I suffered from fever for three to four days. And then, after a few days, my brother died without any reason.





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Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! May Allah endow you with countless blessings, may He sanctify you with the life of Khizr (‫)علیہ السالم‬, amen. We are the readers of your Ubqari magazine for last two years. This incident took place thirty years ago. Before getting married, we all brothers and sisters lived together in our parents’ home. Once in winters, while I was sleeping, I saw that a witch came from the side of a wall. Her nails and hair was terribly long. But I didn’t get afraid. She stood beside my head. That night, my younger brother, who was almost five to six years old, was also sleeping with me. My brother was very cute. The witch said to me, “Give me your brother, he is so charming”. I said, “I will never give my brother to you”. She said, “I will take your brother”, and she pulled me with my hair. During this, I suddenly said, “O Allah” and she ran away immediately. While going she said that she would take away my brother. In the morning, I didn’t tell anyone about what happened in the night. After this incident, I suffered from fever for three to four days. And then, after a few days, my brother died without any reason. He screamed mildly in the morning when he was sleeping with my father and died in the evening. I was deeply grieved because of my brother’s death. I wish I would have told my parents about that incident, perhaps he could be saved. This incident happened truly. Later, a spiritual person told us that the witch was after my father and she killed my brother because of him. (M. I. Jahanina Mandi) Got rid of tyrant jinni “Bajrang Bali”



Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! Today I am sharing with Ubqari, the biggest problem in my life. My problem was very old. Someone was there who used to abuse me every night. I went to many spiritual persons, they gave me amulets to wear but I didn’t recover. Treatment was going on for years but there was no improvement. Many spiritual persons tried to treat me but there came a time when they got tired because the jinni was very powerful. Now I had severe pain in my eyes, head, joints and chest. I felt like my heart was sinking. A maulana sahib lives in our street. I started getting spiritual treatment from him. He used to blow upon me. After a few days, while he was blowing upon me, there were common pins falling from between my head and shoulders which were twisted from centre. He told me that somebody made my

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effigy and the spell had got into my blood in form of slave-jinni. I used to feel better if I had regular spiritual blows but the day I discontinued, I suffered the same condition. Three to four days later, he called upon the slave-jinni and asked him if he came by his own will or was he sent by someone? He replied that a lady had imposed him upon me. Maulana sahib asked him to go away. He said that he could not leave because if he did, she would kill him. She imposed him upon me to kill me and it was his duty. He told that his name was “Bajrang Bali”. He was attempting to beat me again and again. Maulana sahib asked him to clear me. He pressed his hand upon my head and just like the other day, quite many twisted common pins revealed from my head. Maulana sahib asked him to leave; he said that he would go on one condition that I should take thirty one spines of porcupine, rub them with my body on ascending nights of every moon and bury in Baradari. Repeat this practice for twenty one times. Then we came to you with ُ ‫ا ُ ْ ُ ا‬ ‫]َیُم ِی‬. We are our problem. You gave us the practice of “Ya Mumeetu Ya Qabizu” [ُ‫ت اَُیقا ِبض‬

The Expanse of Hell




reciting it continuously. Initially when I started reciting this practice I had pain in my eyes, head and joints. Sometimes I felt that I was about to die. But gradually I have started getting better. That jinni seldom comes and begs me not to recite this practice. Alhamdulillah, I have got


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“It was a stone that was thrown into Hell seventy years ago and it was falling through Hell until now.”


According to a tradition by Hazrat Abu Hurairah (‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬, “Once we were sitting in the

congregation of the Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬and he heard the sound of something falling. The

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Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said, "Do you know what that was?" We said, "Allah and His Messenger know




best". He said, "That was a stone that was thrown into Hell seventy years ago and it was falling through Hell until now". Previously, people believed that it was exaggeration that the stone reached the depth of hell after seventy years. But now according to scientific progress it says that there are many stars whose light is travelling towards earth since their creation but it has not reached the earth until now. Allah’s creations are so expanded that it’s not far from reason if a stone reached the depth of hell after seventy years. However, the purpose of this Hadith is to describe the expanse of hell. [Reference: Spiritual purification]

Trust of an ant: Hazrat Imam Nasfi (‫ )رحمت ہللا علیہ‬told that once Hazrat Salman (‫ )علیہ السالم‬asked an ant, “How much is your livelihood for throughout the year”? “One grain” it replied. He locked the ant in a vial and put one grain in it. When he saw her after one year, it had eaten only half of the grain. He asked the reason. The ant said, “Previously, I had trust in Allah but now I was

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afraid that you may not forget. That’s why I ate half of the grain and kept half of it for the next year”. (Tareeqa-e-Hajj, S289)

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A simple home remedy for flu: Respected Hakim Sahib, As Salam Alaikum! To treat flu, I make a small packet of celery, dip it in warm water and foment my forehead and face with it. I helps recover quickly. This tip is used in our home for quite a long time. (Shamim Akhter)

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Treatment of skin diseases with balsam: Balsam is effective in the treatment of many skin diseases, especially scabies, leprosy, syphilis and even in jaundice. Decoction of balsam leaves is very useful for patients.

Late goldsmith’s spoiled children


All the time she is lost in her mobile, listens to music or watches movies on the TV. No prayer, no zikr or Quran because ever since the childhood they never saw their parents doing any of these or asking them to do so.




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Respected Hakim Sahib, Assalam Alaikum! Today I am sharing such an anguishing account with the Ubqari readers that will surely be a lesson for everyone. The incident follows a goldsmith who lived in our street. His business was going well but he never offered prayers, nor did he keep fasts neither he remembered Allah. He used to show off all the time and robbed people with both hands. MashaAllah, he was married and had five children including four daughters and one son. Neither he himself ever tried to learn about religion nor did he bring up his children on these lines. Rather he awarded his children with up to date fashions, mobiles, laptops and internet connection. He died three years ago. He was my close relative. Now I will tell you the circumstances of his real assets, I mean his children. Following is the condition of his children after his death:



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His eldest daughter is married. Her domestic issues are so critical that it trembles my hand to write it. Many times her in-laws drove her out of their house. She got married in the upper class with all pomp and show. She spends eight months of the year with her parents and barely four months with her husband. The second daughter is twenty two years old, she has done masters. For past few years, she has an affair with a boy four years younger to her, who is still studying. There are many marriage proposals but she refuses all in her fantasy. This is the reason that her mother is extremely distressed. If someone comes with proposal, she herself rejects them.




Third daughter is just nineteen years old. She discontinued her education after metric and remains free. All the time she is lost in her mobile, listens to music or watches movies on the TV. No prayer, no zikr or Quran because ever since the childhood they never saw their parents doing any of these or asking them to do so. She has friendship with many boys on mobile and now days she is fully “enjoying” without any restraints. Fourth daughter is just seventeen years old and she is very pretty. She always keeps two mobiles and has quit studies after eighth grade. She is very arrogant and stubborn and always gets things her way. She is in love with a neighborhood boy and announces her love before everyone. The boy is the eldest in his family and has four sisters. However, the proposal was sent but his family said that first they will marry his sisters and then it will be his turn. Now I come to the goldsmith’s son, the apple of his parents’ eye. He runs his jeweler shop, shows off like his father and pretends to be very wealthy. He spends almost ten thousand rupees

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daily in pleasures. His mother is extremely worried as he is very rebellious and extravagant. He is often after girls, few days back he himself told his mother that he spends nights with prostitutes. All the children are lost in their world. Their mother often comes to me and regrets that had she given religious education to them as well, it could have avoided the hopeless situation. (Shazia Kulsoom, Karachi) He should die with dignity





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It’s the nature’s law, an inevitable reality that ever soul has to meet its end. All those who are alive at the moment will eventually die to be buried deep under. But human being is not ready to accept this reality and if he realizes, it’s too late! Man cannot overcome his instinct of pride, arrogance and superiority over others throughout his life. He becomes so oblivious that he wants pride even while dying. People don’t even let off death to show their wealth. Hashmi sahib narrated that his father was admitted in CMH, there was some influential person admitted over there. According to doctors’ diagnoses, his cancer was at the last stage. The doctors declared that he would last for few days only so take him home. But his family was insisting that he should die in the hospital. While it was going on, the patient’s son-in-law who was a high-ranked officer came there. He was also informed of the situation. A little while later, he was talking to the doctor in very loud tone, he was arguing and insisting to open the VIP room that was authorized for only one very important person and shift the patient to that room. So that when relatives would attend him in the last moments, may get impressed. Above all, even if the patient is dying, “he should die with dignity”. One is left to ponder that they are not worried for the hereafter that what would happen of the test in the grave. Instead, they are more worried of a dignified death. I wish we also become equally concerned for the hereafter. (Sayyed Wajid Hussain Bukhari, Ahmedpur Sherqia)

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My compilations and their descriptions


Following is an attempt to reach out to the readers with the references, reasons content and contexts of all my compilations till date. I will give reference of each book that how it formed into a book. Kindly inform me if you find any mistake in any of my books, I will be thankful.


Book number 25: Peaceful Sleep, Prophet’s Sunnah and Modern Science


Materialistic life yielded alike, wealth replaced spirituality and peace is lost. This dissatisfaction from life increased the suicidal tendencies. Why it happened? In actual we don’t give the required time to Allah. This book describes the priceless scientific remedies for sleeplessness and anxiety and for good whole night sleep. You will certainly be satisfied. The following books, magazines and honorable authors’ writings have been consulted for the compilation of this book: Shumail Kubra (first edition), Khalil-ullah Qaiser, Zubair Hussain, Masood Farabi, Haider Jafri Sayyed, Muhammad Ashref Chishti, Hakim Rahat Naseem Suhderwi, Ubaid-ullah Hashmi,

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Hakim Zahur Multani, Dr. Muhammad Tahir, Dr. Khalid Gheznawi, Hakim Riaz Ahmed Qershi, Muhammad Yunas, Hakim Iftekhar Yusafzai, Bushre Khalid, Sabir Kalorwi, Bushra AbdurRehman, Latif Chuhdry, Zia Shahid, Abdullah Khawer. Magazinnes: Urde Digest, Sayyarah Digest, Hikayat, Zia-ul-Hikmat, Rah-numai-Sehat, Humderd Sehat, Qaumi Sehat.

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Note: If I miss any reference by mistake, please inform as I always look forward for help.

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Fear of respect: If someone’s has fear of respect that someone might impose false implications then recite in morning and evening 41 times verse no 24 of Surah Yaseen and ask for Allah’s blessings.

The outstanding treasure of miraculous oil: Zakia Iqtadar, bahawalnagar


Especially woman have the following diseases such as cough, flu, indigestion, nervous diseases, sour burps, headache. In the house these diseases might not feel like much but on occasions of different sadness and happiness participating there, is a very painful process.


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The miraculous research is being continued. Before this one more writing was done on miraculous oil which has been published in Ubqari. . Today I will tell you more benefits of miraculous oil. As you shall use miraculous oil you will feel that you have arrived in a magical world where there is peace everywhere. Even the greatest doctor in the world will not give you prescription for these. This peace and happiness you will never get, the way which has been explained after the research. You could do the massage of miraculous oil, drink it after putting into milk which is the most important way.



Especially woman have the following diseases such as cough, flu, indigestion, nervous diseases, sour burps, headache. In the house these diseases might not feel like much but on occasions of sadness and happiness participating there is a very painful process.



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Most of the women are looking here and there so that on which side they should cough. Even the women with flu and sneezing are miserable. When someone has to knead then it is very painful situation. All the list of works is the responsibilities of women. In pain and happiness they cannot get rid of these. Today I am telling you the way of getting rid of these collectively.

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After saying your Isha prayer you should have a dripper fill with miraculous oil. Now come to bed, put your head towards Kaaba . Make your feet straight. Put weight on your heels but don’t place a pillow under you head and try to look towards Kaaba with straight head. Recite Drood Shifa and with dropper put three drops of miraculous oil in your nose hole on right side and straight away put three drops in left nose hole. Now make your hands straight and palm of your hand should be on the bed and pull the breath with full power and exhale as less as you can. Do it for three minutes straight. Keep on lying down for at least fifteen to twenty minutes. Obviously you will have a lot of burning in nose, throat will be bitter but after a week of practice, you will not feel a thing and you will get used to it.



After its usage at night you will have such a sound sleep you will wake up at time of Azaan. Your veins of throats, juglor veins and pallet which are as thin as a thin covering would have gotten wet. All kinds of blockages in veins such as dust and mucus it will get sucked into your stomach other than that when you will put drops in your nose and breath with all power and after getting into stomach it will get out of your body. You will feel a lot of power in your leg muscles and you will feel that you are walking on the ground with full power. You will do all the work of getting up and sitting very quickly. All kinds of avoiding food will finish. All the diseases attack when the thin veins of throat and chest which are like thin coverings get blocked due to our negligence then we start coughing, then fever and God knows what kinds of diseases take birth. Veins get dry and get you itch. If you use weeds then blood and veins will remain wet. In winter for making ourselves warm we use such things which benefit us temporarily for a few hours as heater,

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coals, hot tea. Season is of winter or summer, the veins towards our nostrils get jammed if these veins are opened for ever then dirt and dust will never clot. The body systems would have become so warm that even if it’s snowing and cold winds are blowing or it’s a heat wave. You can move around in a common dress, especially women should act upon it. After doing the following process you will stay happy yourself and also serve your husband and parents intensely and get loads of their prayers.

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In morning and evening after using dripper on your left and right nostril three drops of miraculous oil then keep on lying around for fifteen minutes. Along with that sometimes use olive oil, almond oil or coconut oil drops in same order in morning and evening. This gimmick will assure your happiness and peace. Recite Drood Shareef in excess, focus especially upon prayers, the doors of blessings will open upon you. Nose will remain clear and dry; you will feel happiness after going in every party. All those people who benefit then those readers should write for Ubqari.

Selection by Kami Ahmed Puri


Grades of respected Ahl e Bait Athaar

Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬has narrated that when Hazrat Hassan ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was born to Hazrat Fatima ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬then Prophet Muhammad ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬came and said show me my son, what have you




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named him? I replied respectfully I have named him Herb. The respected prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said no his name is Hassan. Then when Hussain ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was born then Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬came and asked show me my son and what have you named him I replied respectfully I have named him Herb. The respected prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said no his name is Hussain. Then when third son was born then Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬came and asked show me my son and what have you named him I replied respectfully I have named him Herb. The respected prophet ‫صلی ہللا‬ ‫ علیہ وسلم‬said no his name is Muhsin. Then HE ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said I have named them after the names of sons of Prophet Haroon (‫ )علیہ الصلوۃ و السالم‬Shabr, Shabeer and Mubashar . (Ahmed hakim, Ibne Huban) Imam Hakim says this Hadith is valued to be correct


Prayer of respected mother saint Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani


Respected Hazrat hakeem Sahib Asslamo Alikum! May God escalate the levels of your parents and house folks and organizers of Ubqari office My husband’s attitude was not right as if some mentally challenged ُ person. I recited as much as I could (‫ )یَا اما ِنعُ اَی اص ُب ْو ُ ُر‬throughout the day. One lesson has been finished. My


husband has recovered a lot. Before that he was so much in pain that he used to think all the time about suicides. I real like a prayer of respected mother (‫ )رحمتہ ہللا علیہا‬of Hazrat saint Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, I always ask for it in my prayers. Due to the blessings of this prayer, God gave me peace in very worse circumstances and gave me success. Prayer is as such, God almighty there is no roof over my head other than you and me being worthless and powerless, I don’t have the power to thank you enough for your continuous favors . Without any doubt you are the best guardian and without your protection, no person can surpass this life of thrones with peace. )Kausar Firdous(

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Eradicate evil with peace: eradicate evil with evil is all right but eradicating evil with peace is even better and a thing which you don’t know then do not be shy to express it.

Your dreams and their interruptions

supplication after each prayer.




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Husband with other woman I have been seeing this dream for the last ten years that either I get this news or I watch it that my husband is with some other woman and he has done second marriage. I just saw that I have a son who is very fair colored and has blue eyes and his age is three to four months. While I am washing his face in wash room he started talking to me. For instance when he is asked what is his name he tells me the name which is actually the name of my younger son. Then I got surprised that what kind of things is he talking about and is he some kind of alien. Then I see as if I am in some house of down town and it is the house of my mother. I am sitting in it all tensed that my husband has gone somewhere as he is angry so when I call that place, a woman picks it up and talks to me as if I already know that she is the second wife of my husband. She tells me that he does not want to talk to you. I plead to her but she puts down on the cradle. After the phone is off I start cursing myself that if I would not have created a scene and would have kept quite then this would not have happened today. (Ghain, Sheen) Interpretation: According to your dream it is an intimation that some problems will come and the ُ ُ ‫ ) اَی اح ِف ْی‬and make whole family will be disturb do some charity and after each salah recite 19 times (‫ظ‬



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The reward of show off I saw that my grandmother came to my house with my maternal uncle, then uncle dropped granny at our place and left. I saw that my granny is wearing a very thick and black colored shawl. My mother took my grandmother in the room and made her sit on the bed. She (granny) then took off her black shawl which she had worn very tightly. The granny lied on the bed in such a way that her foot was facing kabbah and she laid on her left side. At that time I thought in my heart that granny has been dead, then how did granny come in our house. . Then grandmother started to cry, and showed her back which had marks of beating on them and then told the names of her daughters who have behaved badly to me. (Maira Islamabad) Interpretation: According to the dream it has been signaled that whatever worshipping we do either they are Faraiz or Nawafil they should be done with true intentions and there should not be a sign of show off. And no one should be told that I sent the blessings of some nawafil worshipping to any particular person. The second advise in dream is that all the worshipping should be done according to sunnah then even a minute act will be very beneficial. Rather than worshipping big acts without way of sunnah. Prayer is that Allah Almighty would allow us to follow Prophet’s ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬way and honesty for it. ‫وہللا اعلم‬ Problems and hurdles I often see a dream in which I see a school or some other building where there is water everywhere as if a flood is coming and as if we are sitting in water and reading. It is water everywhere. (Noon. jeem)

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Interpretation According to your dream there is a signal that there are a lot of tensions and hurdles in some very important works. You should do charity according to your level and recite



ُ ‫ ) اح ْس ُت انا‬meanwhile sitting and standing or walking. (‫)وہللا اعلم‬ (‫ل‬ ُ ‫ُہّٰللا اُو ِن ْع امُال اوکِ ْی‬


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Out of country travelling is dangerous I often see an old friend of me (who is married and who is out of country) I see her as if I am going to her house and don’t find her house. I am going through strange streets and sometimes I cross a bridge but I can’t meet her. When I see her she is very sad. I saw her once and she says look this is my daughter and my folks have married me forcefully and I am very sad to hear that. (Sheen, karachi) Interpretation: According to your dream there is a signal that travelling abroad can be dangerous for you a lot. So try your level best to avoid it for one year at least. But if there is a lot of issue then recite Suraah Quresh 313 times and blow upon yourself and do charity according to your position by the grace of God there will be protection from above . (‫)وہللا اعلم‬



Marriage of my cousin I saw a dream that it is the marriage of my cousin me and my mother are coming back from ceremony of nikah and going to our house then in the way a person follows us. We keeps on walking and there is too much dark ahead in the street we hide there , then that man leaves so me and my mother are saved.


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Interpretation: According to your dream there is risk of your getting sick or getting some tensions. However if proper arrangements precautions are taken then this disease will go away. )‫(وہللا اعلم‬


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Unexpected tensions I saw that I and my two elder sisters are coming to their house via train form someone’s house. All the stations that we pass are full of ruins and very vacant. The station which we get off, it’s written there the name sirsyaam that station is also vacant and is of very bad type. From station we take the road to our house by walking. A van comes near to us and there is Negros inside it, they load off the luggage and give us the baggage and leave. (saba multan)


According to you dream there is a hint that for a few days you will have unexpected tensions however there is a sign that very soon circumstances will get better You should do some charity according to your level according to your position and on the behalf of the house folks and recite in excess. )‫(و ہللا اعلم‬


Spiritual powder is not a box it’s a bottle of blood Respected hakeem sahib Asslam o Alaikum! One of our acquaintances is a poor woman, she was told by a doctor to get three drips of blood then she could be treated. That women used three spiritual powder one after the other by solely trusting upon God. By the usage of three spiritual powders her blood deficiency was removed. She told the doctor she didn’t get blood bottlespages and used Missing 32 spiritual powders in its place. Even the doctor was amazed to hear the benefits of spiritual powder. This incidence was unbelievable for him. (principle R ghulam Qadir hiraj jhang) Phlegm Expunged, Cough Eliminated: By placing a small amount of rock salt (Lahori namak) in your mouth helps in expunging phlegm and soothes cough. (Patients with a high blood pressure should not follow this tip)

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Don’t consider ‘Thank you’ a mere word: The subordinate may thank the officer on every matter but the officer considers it an offense to thank him. Similarly, it is as if we are doing a favour on the shopkeeper by purchasing something from him, and the thought of thanking him seems unimportant or even wrong to us.





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We should not hesitate to accept the fact that instead of developing, the human species has declined culturally and morally. Scientific knowledge has advanced significantly, scientific inventions have stormed our lives, and accessories pertaining to the modern lifestyle have entered most homes, but the politeness of language and clarity in speech and behavior, which were an essential part of our traditional society, has been lost. Most good habits of Muslims have been acquired by non-Muslims, and expressing gratitude is one such good habit. You may agree with the opinion that this habit is very rare in our society because we do not often teach our children to say ‘thank you’. On the contrary, you may have heard western nationals saying thanks on little things. In our society, people not just from the upper class but also the middle class say thanks based on rank and position. Such as the subordinate may thank the officer on every matter but the officer considers it an insult to thank him. Similarly, it is as if we are doing a favour on the shopkeeper by purchasing something from him, and the thought of thanking him seems unimportant or even wrong to us. Thanking the waiter at a restaurant or the porter at the railway station may be seen with contempt by some people, but the matter is opposite to this. Many people whom we look down upon in our hearts are more deserving of our gratitude, and to them a word of thanks is more meaningful. You may not even be able to imagine how a word of thanks can bloom the flowers of happiness in their hearts. Salesmen at shop, vegetable vendors, and other street vendors, employees at petrol pump; your esteem will absolutely not fall by thanking such people. Trust me, it will rise instead. If you make thankfulness a habit, you will feel that you also get to hear this word more often. Geniality, like a viral disease, is also contagious. If you treat others with kindness, then the same habits would also develop in them, which are highly needed in today’s age. We are losing politeness in our conversations particularly. The parlance of the new generation is alarmingly declining from moral standards. If you by any chance happen to stand at a place or travel in a bus in which four to five youngsters are also present, then perhaps your heart would fill up with grief and disappointment. You will think is this the generation which we call the masons of the future. Is it more them most parents are wearing themselves out to provide them with luxuries from all over the world? It is not difficult to acquire good habits. We will mention some as a reminder. Continue sending over gifts and other snacks to your neighbors on appropriate occasions. Be the first one to greet the passersby on the street with a Salaam. Be there for others around you in times of happiness and grief, assist others in little ways irrespective of your social rank. Hold the door for someone. These little acts will gradually make our atmosphere beautiful and pleasant. You will not only become a source of happiness for others by adopting these habits but you will also be able to face

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life in a better way. At least adopt one habit among these, if not more. Make it a routine to say thanks and also cultivate this habit in your children. And if you are unable to express thanks to someone in person then convey your gratitude to them through phone or email. Believe it! This single word cannot just play a vital role in your life but also in others’. Every day is a good day, thanks to Ubqari

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Respected Hakim Sahb, Assalam o Alaikum! May Allah (‫ )سبحانہ تعالی‬keep you and your family happy forever, with perfect well-being and auspiciousness We are gaining benefits from your monthly Ubqari and may Allah (‫ )سبحانہ تعالی‬reward you for your sincerity. Ameen, Summa Aameen.


Each one of our days passes by well because of Ubqari. We are fortunate enough to perform better actions, prayers and the recitation of the Holy Quran than before. Auspiciousness has ْ ْ ُ ‫ا ْ ُا‬ ُ ‫ُ ا‬ ُْ‫ص‬ entered our home. The effects of one good deed (ُ‫ْی اَُی اع ِز ْ ُی‬ ‫ ) حستنا‬have started ِ ‫ُہّٰللا اُو ِنع امُال اوک ِ ْیلُ اَُی اوا ِرث اَُین‬



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becoming evident. My younger sister received a marriage proposal from an honourable family, which we have accepted. The wedding is possibly going to be in five to six months time, and Insha’Allah will be performed according to the Sunnah. Whenever I have health issues I frequently utilize the 70 cures, then I feel at ease. (S-M, Lahore)

Read Ubqari, all worries went away


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All needs fulfilled: Respected Hakim Sahb, Assalam o Alaikum! I’ve been regularly reading the Ubqari magazine since the past few months. This is the only magazine which solves all kinds of problems. I also find solutions to all my problems from this magazine. Some years ago in one of your most respected spiritual articles, a supplication ْ ‫ا ٰ ُ ا ْ ْ ْ ا ا ا ا ا ْ ُ ْٔ ْ ا ا ْ ُ ْٔ ا ا ْ ُ ْ ْ ا‬ ‫ْا‬ ‫ْا‬ ُ ِ ‫ات اُوال ْح ایا ُِئ اُوال ْم او‬ ‫ات‬ ‫اتُوالمس ِل ِم‬ ِ ‫ی اُوال ُم ْسلِ ام‬ ِ ‫اللہمُاغ ِفر ِ​ِلُولِوالِدیُولِلمو ِم ِنیُوالمو ِمن‬



Was enlightened to us, to be read at all times. I recite this supplication in countless terms. I manage to recite it between three thousand to thirty five hundred times; I also recite it after each prayer. Allah (‫ )سبحانہ تعالی‬has showered on me His numerous blessings. I have achieved much. I don’t remember an instance when something crossed my heart and Allah (‫ )سبحانہ تعالی‬did not fulfill it for me. After this supplication, one doesn’t need any other supplication. It is a very brief yet comprehensive prayer. May Allah (‫ )سبحانہ تعالی‬increase your age. Aameen (F-D)

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Stay Always in Check

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Respected Hakim Sahb, Assalam o Alaikum! I read the Uqbari magazine with much keenness. The spiritual and medicinal tips in it are marvelous. I also have a medical tip which I would like to present to all the readers:

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(‫)ھو الشافی‬: Easy cure for Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, Drink one tablespoon pure rosewater in one glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Diabetes and high blood pressure will return to normal after a few weeks of utilizing this tip. (Aalia Asad)

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To get every blessing: if someone wants to be blessed with every blessing of this world and hereafter then he must recite the verse number 15, Of Surah Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬three times in morning and evening.

Women ask? (Umme Auraq)

Black spots on face:

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This page is dedicated to the personal and family problems of ladies.Ladies must write their experiences and observations of daily life, additionally write on the one side of page clearly and complete either it’s disconnected.


last days pimples appeared on my mother's face, pimple finished but there are black spots now. They look very bad, tell something for that. I am 16 and pimples do appear on my faces mostly. (Samiyya, Lahore)




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Suggestion: Samiyya! pimples do appear in this age do not disturb them, start taking any blood cleaning syrup, drink Safi of humdard 3 to 4 bottles , on pimples use the nigella seeds powder after mixing them in water. At night use the pulp of aloe Vera on face and sleep after it. Get Gul mandi and Ahnnab from market and sock the 5 pieces of Ahnaab and 10 to 11 pieces of gul mandi, and drink in morning after mixing and straining it. Do use some times the paste of banana after mixing it with yogurt, and wash face with basen, those girls who offer prayers and do ablution 5 times, and the whole dirt of their face is washed, pimples appear the most if the face is dirty.

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Fast heart palpitation: I am 30 years old from last few months my heart beat becomes fast especially in morning palpitation becomes fast. I am taking the medicines of doctor but they are fruitless, if you have any tip then tell me. (Alia Begum, Multan)



Suggestion: there are many good Hakeem in Multan show them your pulse and get the medicine, there are medicines in Tib (herbal) which give strength to heart. The easy tip is that, take 21 pieces of raisins and half dip them into the rose water. Take one piece with fork in morning and eat it and drink the rose water. In earlier days it was suggested to take and eat the raisins pieces with long and fat needle which is used to stitch quilts. With this practice, after some days the heart palpitation used to be normal. The (jam) of Indian Gooseberry and apple were used in empty stomach in morning to have heart strength. These tips are experienced from last many years. Bulk of diseases: I am 35 and married. first started abdominal problem then indigestion problem, less urine , joints pain , then flu came and by cough it feels that cheat is swelled , blood pressure remain uneven , if I take one medicine then another disease appears. And now the throat gland are creating problem. I am the older reader of ubqari, For Allah's sake suggest me

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something but do not suggest to go to any doctor or Hakeem I am tired of taking medicine. (Razzaq Ashraf)




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Benefits of Milk


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Suggestion: you mentioned a lot of diseases but did not tell about your diet. The throat gland increases due to the deficiency of iodine salt, if iodine is proper then this problem comes to an end. Whenever I went for pilgrimage or Ummrah I felt a specific thing that the ladies of Malaysia and Turkey were keeping the packets of pineapple, and it was their breakfast. It may be the reason that they did not feel tired after the Tawaf of whole day, and there was no pain in their legs despite the fatness. I also purchased the packet of pineapple after watching them, after eating it my heart was very fresh, and I did not feel tired. I was amazed when I read about the pineapple after coming home. Pineapple is the combination of many traits, by eating it throat glands remains fine and it ends the deficiency of iodine. It helps in digestion and it let you feel hungry and wastage system also becomes good. Furthermore the flue also comes to an end; it is helpful for the joints pain and controls the blood pressure. Add pineapple in your diet it is usually available in packets. In some days you will come to know its benefits. Your digestive system will be fine and you feel hunger to a good extent. When food will be digested then the joint pain will be finished. Additionally the hotness of body will be ended and it is helpful for heat palpitation. By eating it the stones in Urinary finish and the patients of hepatitis can also eat. Eat for some weeks and the bulk of diseased decreases.


I live in Jeddah, I read monthly Ubqari with interest, my eyesight is weak, and dark circle are appearing below the eyes, can I drink milk before sleeping. Must write about milk. (M. A Jeddah)

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Suggestion: Son you are less than 20, why the dark circles are appearing do you use Vaseline? There is no harm in it. Wash you face in morning and sock the cotton in milk and then rub it slowly under your eyes. It will be very effective. Cow milk digest soon, it gives strength to brain and sharpens your eyesight. In the same way it increases the height. To keep the health stable it must be included in daily diet. You should drink two glasses of milk daily. Our Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬liked the milk very much. Whenever He ‫ ﷺ‬drinks the milk Says, O Allah put Barakah in it


and gives us more, He ‫ ﷺ‬liked the milk of female camel, goat and cow. There is health in cow's


milk because it eats every type of plants. There is mentioning of the lakes of milk in Holy Quran. If you drink milk after mixing one teaspoon of honey in it, it gives strength in abundance; it becomes a type of power giving, nutritious drink, if you add the powder of cinnamon then the strength will be increased limitlessly.

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Wealthy Ireful: ireful person get vileness if he has wealth, exigence person is poor but people respect him. This is also exigency do not do wrong to people and do not try to find others defect.

The nutritive and delicious vegetables:


(Humera Kamran, Rawalpindi) It’s better to go to savor markets or vegetable carts rather than super stores and big shops becau se the vegetables are found fresher here in one-day bazaar (market).

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A the life style is changing, our eating habits are also changed; so now women’s are not intereste d in cooking vegetables that grow under grounds (roots) but once you should observe their benefi ts of underground vegetables have, indeed you will include them in your menu immediately.




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Nutritional Benefits: Most of the women ignore these vegetables due to the cheapness and they prefer spinach and bro ccoli. While the latest researched has revealed the fact that the root vegetables are enriched with antioxidants, so if you are not includes potatoes in your weekly menu by considering them less n utritional, you will be surprised to know that 180 gm packed potatoes which is also called jacked potatoes have 31% of our daily needs (RDA), similarly one baked carrot have 5gm fiber which is equal to many high fiber servings. Many roots which are used as vegetable can be called nutritional power house without any hesita tion. So try to include these easily available and cheap vegetables in your menu.


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How to look: in most of the families children do not like to eat turnip and reddish (white carrot) but if you cook them with new style and recipe rather than traditional bhujya (dry fried curry) sty le then everybody like to eat them. For example turnips are usually found in winter so you can make creamy soup of turnip garnishe d with turnip leaves puree. This soup will be filled with calcium, folic and potassium except from it for making quick and easy pasta dish, stir fry turnip with garlic, turnip leaves and fish or chick en’s (small pieces) and add them to pasta. Eat radish as a salad or cook with meat rather than making a traditional bhujya (fry curry) and ad d mustard leaves as well, this curry garnished with coriander is very delicious along with nutritio nal other than this beetroot, sweet potatoes, carrot, arrowroot (yam), ginger turmeric can be used to make delicious and nutritional dishes.



Buy: to buy root vegetables must go to savor markets on vegetable venders rather than super stores or big shops; because at these places the vegetable are more fresh, comparatively or if you have farms nearby your vicinity so you will have fresh vegetable on the shops of and you can also cultivate these vegetable by your own because the vegetables needs less attention (heed) To “why to return towards roots” (four reasons) The root vegetable reduces cholesterol level; for this purpose sweet potatoes, yam and purple sweet potatoes are best. Root prevent many deserves e.g. sweet potatoes, carrots are enriched with carotenide for which the British researchers said that they prevent heart diseases and cancer. These vegetables helps iron to get absorb in human body most of the vegetable like carrot, radish , turnip, beetroot, sweet potatoes etc are the best source of vitamins ‘C’ which helps iron to be a

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part of your body. Other than these root vegetable are not only healthy they also keep you young because turnip, be etroot, sweet potatoes and carrots are not only antioxidant they also play role in increase immunit y and prevent your skin from the effects of pollution.

Spiritual conditions:


1 rosary (bead roll) of third kalma, 1 rosary of Darood shareef and 1 rosary of Istaghfar I recited daily morning and evening.

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Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! I am have been reading Ubqari for four years. This magazine made me to do good deeds. My daily routines are as follows:




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1. After Fajar prayer i recite Surah Yaseen along with some portion of Quran and recite Surah Waqia, Surah Tabarakal lizzi and Surah Muzammil at any time of the day. 2. The vocation (religious dua wazifa) which you have given me along with 3 times Darood, 1 times Surah Fatiha, 3 times Surah Ikhlas and in the end 3 times Darood, means these all things I recite for 40 times. 3. 129 times Suarh Kausar with before and after Darood. 4. 1 rosary Surah Ikhlas, 1 rosary 2 priceless treasure second part, first part I used to recite at them after recitation of Quran in the morning. 5. 1 rosary of Surah Inaam Ayat # 45 and 1 rosary Surah Tauba’s last ayat. ‫اا‬ 6. 1100 time ‫ار‬ ُ ُ ‫ اَیقہ‬with Darood in the end and beginning.


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Effective remedy for lecohreia:

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! Take unripe coconut, saligot flour equal weight, qamar kas half of the weight grind all ingredients and mix well.



7. 1000 times ‫لالہُالُہّٰللا‬ ‫ا ا ُ اا ُ ا‬ ‫ صَی‬and beside all these time left recite this Darood. 8. 1 rosary ‘‫ُہّٰللاُلَعُمام ٍُد‬


Dosage: in the morning empty stomach take one tea spoon with milk or water. This is very effective remedy. Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! Since when I joined Tasbeeh Khana I found affection in Zakir especially during Istaghfar melody continuous during third kalma Allah’s love prevails and I recall my oldest sins getting an opportunity to repent. (Maqbool Ahmad)

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For clean and glossy glass:-If glass is cleaned by adding water in liquid blue (NEEL), it makes glass more bright or glossy in short time.



Dear readers, be generous. If you have tried any spiritual or physical recipe or seen a wonderful event, Ubqari offers its pages. Don't think your experience a waste but it can be useful for someone and a continuous blessing for you. It doesn't matter if you write in disarranged way, we will compile it. Write on one side of the page.

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Recitation of Darood( ‫ (صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬and seeing Holy Prophet (‫) صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬:





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Honorable Hakeem sahib Assalam o Alaikum, It is an incident of seven years ago that I, a sinful person, saw the Holy Prophet (‫ )صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬in dream. I have been in the habit for a long time to recite darood,surah Fateha and surah Ikhlas before going to bed and after rising from sleep and present this gift in the honour of Holy prophet (‫)صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬.A few days ago, a friend advised me to recite Darood Khizri for at least forty days. In the beginning of this CHILLA, differnt kind of incidents was seen but I could not remember those incidents strangely. I contacted that person who advised to recite with great concentration. I did so with full concentration. One day, it happened me to see Holy prophet (‫)صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬.The incidents during recitation darood seemed a film which one is watching. As soon as I closed my eyes for recitation with full concentration, a new scene started to appear. In those days once again I saw holy prophet. I have seen holy prophet ‫ صلی هللا عليہ وسلم‬three times in my life till now. It is all due to blessings of Darood Khizari.One of the great blessings of this Darood I have seen till now is that I used to offer prayer as well as Juma and Eid for a bit of time but now I offer prayer regularly. I wait for prayer after prayer. It is all due to blessing of This Darood.


Prescription to get first position: -



Dear Hakeem sahib, I am going to bestow a tried gift to get first position in exames.It is of those days when I was a student of class 10 i.e. 1994.There were composite papers of 9th & 10th.Neither I studied in 9th class with attention and whole heartedly nor I studied in 10th but spent my time in playing, joking and teasing teachers. I paid attention neither to English subject nor maths.When exams were near, I was in a fix what to prepare and what to leave. Members of family opine that I cannot pass and even they started betting that I would not get 250 marks only and not even up to 300.I too was worried for being jeerd at in family. My brother said that he would reward me 1000 rupees if I got more than 250 marks. Even my maternal uncle said that he would reward me whatever I would demand. I was in habit of offering prayer from the beginning. On day on returning from school, I felt hunger and bought Samosas from canteen. The envelop was of paper. I am in habit to read any piece of paper and care if there is written Allah's name or any other Islamic writing so it may not be disrespected. I tore envelop after

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eating samosas and read it. There was mention of people's problems and worries with their replies in the form of recitals. One of the problems was same as that of mine i.e. I cannot remember anything in exames,tell such kind of recital as can help to pass getting good marks. On seeing recital, I was very much pleased. I started recital by considering myself zero whole heartedly and continued to pray Allah that papers might be easy. Believe me that it appeared as question paper had been made by asking me. I said that Allah's verses would help me to pass .Whatever I learnt,that was same in paper on next morning.Thus,with this priceless recital, I got first division and now my daughter and son passed in class 5 by getting first position. My friend's daughter always failed in a subject. She started this recital and passed all subjects. If it is started to recite three months before exames, one can easily get first position. Recital is as under:-After Fajr prayer, on First Monday of new lunar month recite verse#137 ‫ا ا‬ ْ ‫ا‬ ْ ‫افا ْن ُٰا ام ُن ْواُِب ْثل اُما ُٰا ام ْن ُت ْمُبہٖ اُف اقد‬ ُ ‫ُِف ُِش اقاق اُف اس ای ْک ِف ْی اک ُہ ُم‬ ْ ِ ‫ُ​ُہ‬ ْ ُ ‫َُتل ْواُ اف ِا اّناا‬ ‫ُاہ ات اد ْوا اُوُا ِْن ا‬ ﴾۱۳۵﴿‫ُہّٰللا اُو ُہ اوُالس ِم ْی ُعُال اع ِل ْی ُم‬ ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ ِ​ِ


100 times with ﷽When papers or any tests start, on that day after reciting this verse without talking anyone, recite following unexplained letters in scripture (Haroof e Muqat'at)



‫م‬ ‫ٰ م‬ ُ‫ ح مُع مس مقُک ٰہ ٰی مع مص‬with the following method. Close index finger of right hand and recite ‫ح‬, then



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middle by reciting ‫ م‬After that recite ،‫ ق‬،‫ س‬،‫ ع‬and close all fingers of hand. Then on left hands finger recite ‫ ص‬،‫ ع‬،‫ ی‬،‫ ہ‬،‫ ک‬and close them. Go to bed by reciting the verse. Blow on question paper and answer sheet as well as pen next day in college. Repeat it daily till papers end. (A, R)

"SEVENTY CURES" A Precious Treasure. (Medicine):-

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Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalam o Alaikum, Members of my family are very fond of your monthly magazine Ubqari and we have also used your medicines. Seventy Cures is one of the precious gifts among them. There was a problem of plaque which caused of pain in teeth and took tablets for cure but on using seventy cures medicine, all medicines have now been set aside. Now whenever there is pain in teeth, a tablet of wheat grain sized of seventy cures is used and it cures within two minutes.

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To prevent from accidents recite ‫م‬ ُ ُ ‫ اَی اح ِف ْیظ اَُی اسَل‬11 times whenever go out of home. It will cause of Allah's security and protection for you. It has been tried by me (Javed Iqbal).




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Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I have been reading Ubqari since March 2012. I presented Ubqari magazine to my spiritual leader who belongs to Syed family and he is 75 years old. He studied it and said that Ubqari is a true and good magzine.You have presented secrets of heart in Ubqari with great devoution.After permission from my spiritual leader, I am going to present medical and spiritual recitals for the welfare of Ubqari readers.



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NECTAR for life: Peppermint one tola, dill seed one tola,camphor one tola, cardamom oil two tola, nutmeg oil one masha,clove oil one masha. After pouring all these things in a refund bottle, close its lid tightly. After three days, there would be essence of all these things. It is laxative for all belly problems. Use only a drop of it by mixing it with water or in raw sugar. It should be used indigestion, cholera etc. Water should be cool. In case of constipation, add two drops of a bit hot water. Easy Cure to Piles:


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There are a number of cures of piles. This method may not be found in spiritual or medical books. It was a secret which is going to be presented in Ubqari. In summer, mangoes are eaten. Keep its stone for a year. After one year break it and get its marrow and grind it. Mix it with powder of equal weighted kakarah, sangi and sanamaki. Use its half small spoon with water three times before breakfast, one hour after lunch and before going to bed...


Oblivion treatment: If someone suffers from the habit of forgetting, he should use Kalvanji powder by mixing it with one tola of honey for 21 days.


For Migraine: Recite Surah Ikhlas three, seven or eleven times and puff. By Allah's willing, the patient will be cured. It is tried and proven. For Successful Returning from journey: For successful returning from journey of a relative or friend, recite Surah Fateha 41 times after Sunnats of Fajr prayer. By Allah's willing, there will be successful returning. ‫ا‬ For abundance: Recite ‫ اَی اوھاب‬300 times with darood three times before and after it. Give 111 rupees to the needy on every thursday.It causes of abundance. (Amjad Hussain Qadri Islamabad).

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‫ھوالشافی‬: barhami boti 100g, wirch 20g, gul mandi 20g, misri 50g,filfil daraz 5g, black pepper 5g, sweet almond 20g. After grinding, sifting and mixing pure honey, prepare pea sized tablets. By using these, memoray and mental health enhance. It sharpens memory so much that one memorises on reading only once. It is beneficent for students and scholars. In winter, use with hot milk and in summer uses it with cold milk. Two tablets empty bellied in morning and two at night while going to bed.


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Six laxative prescriptions for chronic flu and mental weakness:-





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1. Rabsos 8 masha, tukham gaozuban 7 masha, saffron 2 masha, soranjan sheeren 2 masha, nibat white 2 tolla grind each and make powder of it. Take 1g morning and evening with milk. 2. White cardamom 2 tolla, mustagi roomi 2 tolla, misri 2 tolla grind and make powder, take 3 masha with milk morning and evening. 3. Barhami boti 20g, tabashir 20g, cardamom khorad 20g, salab misri 20g, kozi misri 80g grind and make powder. Take 2g morning and evening with milk. 4. Gul banafsha 2 tolla, gul red 2 tolla, gaozuban 2 tolla, astakhdos 2 tolla, chilka hareer zard 2 tolla, sanamaki 2 tolla, maghaz coriander 2 tolla, maghaz almond 2 tolla, white sugar 14 tolla make fine powder of it and take 9 masha morning and evening with 250g cow’s milk. 5. Almond seed 7 piece, pumpkin seed, watermelon seed, melon seed, cucumber seed each 3 masha, poppy seed 3 masha, nishasta 3 masha grind with less water than cooked with 250g milk. Cow butter 2.5 tolla, sugar 2.5 tolla adds it. Use in the morning with empty stomach with warm milk. Benefit for brain dryness, insomnia, continuous flu, week brain. 6. Kushta silver 3 masha, kushta marjan 3 masha, kushta faulad 1 tolla mix all and preserve it, give 1-2 ratti with khamira gaozuban. (Hakeem Farooq, Charhaywala)



Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I work in a private firm. I committed a mistake during working hours and I faced a great trial. I did following to avoid this trial. 1. I recited Ayat e Karima 500times whole heartedly. ‫ا‬ ُ 2. I recited Ayat e Karima 40 times in Nawafil. I recited ‫م‬ ُ ُ ‫ اَی اح ِفیظ اَُی اسَل‬every time and listened Dars of spirituality and peace with the same omen. 3. I recited surah Lahab 19times after Isha prayer to stop transfer.

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‫ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ اَِن ُِہّٰلل ِ اُواَِناِل ْی ِہ اُرا ِج ُع ْو ا‬a rosary only once after clipping nails on Friday. 4. I recited ‫ن‬ 5. I recited last six Surahs in sunnan prayer. 6. I talked to Allah and slept at night while talking. I used to say"O Allah, I am helpless but not you" and did a lot which I have forgotten now. Allah took pity on me and by settling the matter saved my job. (F.Lahore)


A packet of cure not treatment for Leucorrhea:


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Honourable Hakeem sahib Assalamo Alaikum!I have unprecedented prescription for leucorhea.The sisters who suffer from leucorrhea and are hardly able to keep their clothes pure and they have tired from treatment, it is no less than a nectar for them. The sisters who suffer from pain every time and they cannot sit due to it, it is treatment for them which is cheap and praiseworthy. I too suffered from it so much that my clothes could not remain pure. My sister phoned me from Karachi and told this treatment. The very first dose caused of relief as I had spent a lot before this treatment. Now I am satisfied. Prescription is as under:-


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"Bake two spoons of flea wort seed husk in 1/4 kg milk and drink early in the morning empty bellied."(A sister).

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Valuable Habits: Silence is the easiest and valuable habit. And one should be selfPracticing because without practice it has no influence on others.

Useful herbs founded in the village Kosar, Khair-pur meeras





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Completely cover oak leave with sesame oil, heat it and tie it on the joints. After repeating several times swelling and pain will be gone. 4. Oak leaves give energy to the stomach; it provokes the hunger and cure the mucus. It is used in many CHORAN Oak: Oak is being grown in every part of Pakistan. In the month of June and July when all other tress fainted because of hot air the oak tree remains fresh and green. When any bark or leave of oak leave is being halted a white fluid comes out. It’s leafs, roots, flowers are being as medicine. 1. Oaks milk is a very good medicine for ringworm. The ringworm which gets old and cannot be cured by any medicine, then scratch this ringworm with a piece of cloth and apply the oaks’ milk. There will be pain by applying it, but the ringworm will be cured. 2. The oaks’ leaf which is dry and pale, roast it on the fire, crush it and drip one drop of its extract in the ear. Earache will be gone. Completely cover oak leave with sesame oil, heat it and tie it on the joints. After repeating several times swelling and pain will be gone. 4. Oak leaves give energy to the stomach, it provokes the hunger and cure the mucus. It is used in many CHORAN. Take equal amount of un-bloomed flowers, Sonth (Dry-Ginger), Ajwain (Parsely), black salt, finely knead it and make small tablets like gram. Take one-two pills when needed. 5. Roots of oak are beneficial in diarrhea, take equal amount of black paper and peal of oaks’ root grind it well dip it in the ginger extract for two hours and make pills. Get hold of one-two pills when needed. Flax: Stem and leaves of flex are thin and delicate. Flowers of flex are in cyan shade and has grain like Clasps. Which is full of red-blackish flat pointed seeds. Oil is being extracted from these seeds which is known as flex oil. 1. Flex seeds and oil are used as medicine. 2. Flex seeds are useful for asthma and coughing. It takes out the mucus easily. To get the benefits, it is used by making decoctions and get it intake in the form of powder. Slightly grinded flex seeds one TOLA, Grinded MALATHI one TOLA, boil them in 0.25 liter of water. When half of the water is left then add two TOLA of pure honey. It is beneficial for coughing and asthma. It takes out the mucus and cause relief in the pain. 4 Flex is nourishing for the body; it gives relief in the back ace. People eat Agglomeration of flex in the winters. 5. Flex cure the infection and pain. However, Poultice is being used to wraped up on the pimples and acne. If infection can be synthesis, then it wills elsewise it will burst-up. 6. Ointment is being made by adding flex oil and lime water. This stretches coolness on applying it on burn skin and helps in drying the wound.



For the readers! Few of my tested home-made tips Respected Hakeem Sahab, Aasalam-o-alikum, I have been continually reading Ubqari magazine from last few years. I have few tips which I wanted to share with the Ubqari readers. I am sure readers will be benefited from these tips which will be the charity for me. Colors of Fruits: By boiling vegetables their color faded out; to prevent it, add few lemon zests in the water before boiling the vegetables. The color of vegetables will remain the same after boiling. Preserve the peas: If you want to preserve the peas for a long time then take out the peas and wash them from boiling water and preserve them in the freezer by making packets, they will remain preserved for long time. Tomato: if you want to quickly reap the tomato’s then wrap them in the newspaper; they will be quickly reaping and will be able to use. If you want to preserve the tomato, then boil them in hot water, take them out and peel off, grind the tomato and add vinegar in it, preserve this in the freezer. (Aasma, Rawalpindi)

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Books under the supervision of Hazrat Hakeem Sahab DB: 1 “Training incidence of Hazrat Majzobi” picks topics related to it from monthly Ubqari, Lectures and website and send them, so that you can be a part of this great research. 2 Hazat Hakeem Saha barkatham is writing a book on “Molana Saeed Ahmad Khan” (Burried in Jannat-ul-Baki). I f you know anything about it or if have heard anything so kindly send it to Ubqari Office so that you can be the part of this great research. 3 Hazrat Hakeem Sahab, is writing a book on Tahir Wali’s (TARANDA MUHAMMAD PANAH) famous elderly “MOLANA HABEEB ULLAH GUMANVI ‫رحمتہ ہللا‬. Readers kindly send your observations and incidents on this topic.

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Get rid of itching: To get rid of itching take five tola turmeric (haldi) boil it in almost four liter of water, when one liter is left then let it cool down n preserve it in a bottle. At night, apply this mixture on effected parts of body and wash it off in the morning.

Honey bees in the battle field for the help of Pak-Army:


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There were Indian army on the one side of rail-way line and on the side we were there, we received the orders to occupy the enemy place within that time. Our Artillery was continuously bombarded on the enemies. Enemies’ position was very strong; we were unable to see the victory.



This incident was written in the newspaper before 1970 by the group caption he was O.C in Chaklala Base.



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He wrote down that in the battle of 1965 Pak-Army was in front of enemies for the dispute of Occupied-Kashmir. There grocery was finished. Commandant informed the senior commandant about his need because the place was terrible that a car couldn’t reach that place so that’s why commandant put this responsibility towards the air-force. The air craft C130 was loaded from the air head-quarter of Chaklala. Mission was very dangerous because enemies’ army was sitting infront. In this situation the air marshal Late Noor Khan (who was the leader of air force at that time) demonstrated his extreme bravery and courage and was ready to go along on this mission, by sighting this companion get more motivated. The air craft was on the way and when the air craft reached near the target then all of sudden immense fog has started prevailing that the aircraft was totally out of sight from the enemies’ vision. When the baggage was thrown down from the air craft, then late Noor Khan put his handkerchief on the indicators light. The brave Pakarmy completed their mission straightforwardly and in front of enemies they came back to their base certainly. This was the special and sudden help from Allah Almighty, although there were no symptoms of fog before and when the mission gets over the fog immediately disappeared. If the fog doesn’t prevail than enemy can easily attack the air-craft and can cause the great lose for Pak-Army. Arrival of Honey Bees on time for the help of Pak-Army: It was the occurrence of 1970, when we shifted from the village to Chakwal city and I came home on leave. It was summers and it was Friday, when I went for offering Juma prayer, the Molve sahab was telling the occurrence of 1965 battle in his sermon. He continued: I have asked a Subedar sahab to tell any incident of the battle field. Then Subedar Shab stared saying (without

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mentioning the place). There were Indian army on the one side of rail-way line and on the side we were there, we received the orders to occupy the enemy place within that time. Our Artillery was continuously bombarded on the enemies. Enemies’ position was very strong; we were unable to see the victory and time was tumbling. By seeing this situation, I was crying and pleading to Allah Almighty, Oh Lord, the enemies are very strong, kindly help-us and give us the victory. My tears were continually rolling down. I complete my prayer, and get up with new enthusiasm, all of sudden by the grace of Allah the bomb falls near the tree which was in the area of enemies site and there was a honey bee hive. Because of the bomb, bees scattered in the area and start stinging the enemies. As soon as the bees attack, enemies’ soldiers came out of their positions. There we were ready and started firing on them, enemies stated dyeing and falling because of wounds. We saw that now they were unable to fight then we wave the Pakistani flag in that area. ( Gulam Ahmad, Chakwal)


Distinctive Happenings of Support from Allah with Pakistan’s Army:



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Readers! if you are a solider or if you heard, or read any wonderful incident of help of Allah with martyrs' or living soldier’s or dead bodies are saved, or any help during war or fight with enemy either of Cargill or other then write to us because if army is saved then country is saved. If you heard such experiences write to us. This writing will be printed every month. –



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caught. (Khateja Amir, Gujranwala)


To find the lost things: If anything is being lost or stolen then recite Darood Shareef and ‫ا‬ ْ ُ ُْ ‫ا ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ ار اب اناُاِنا ا‬you will find the lost thing or the thief has been ‫اسُل اِی ْو ٍمُل ار ْی ا‬ ِ ‫ک اُجا ِم ُعُالن‬ ُ ‫بُ ِف ْی ِہُاِنُہّٰللاُلُی ِلفُال ِم ْی اع‬ ‫اد‬


Hazrat Hakim Sahib (‫ )دامت برکاتہم‬teach the renowned book, adorned with Divine and Prophetic pearls “Halqa Kashf-ul-Mahjoob” every month as a lesson and also conduct meditation. A large number of readers attend this forum. Following is the summary of almost two hours’ lecture. –


As we are reading in this chapter that Peer Ali Hajweri ‫ رحمتہ هللا عليہ‬explained about help. What is help? That we need help in every moment, and with every breath, for further explanation I present you some examples: Khuwaja Qutab-udin Bakhtiyar ‫ رحمتہ هللا عليہ‬explains further if there is someone else except Allah in the heart then you may even offer hundred nafal, they may cause no benefit. Why? No one has better self-esteem than ALLAH. Is there is anyone who has better esteem than Allah? Allah is the most merciful from whom treasures modesty and honor came from so think that how much modest and honor HE is. If a Cloth Maker cut and give a piece of a cloth than imagine how much cloth does he have? This cloth and cloth maker is an example. All

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the sea water in this universe is like a drop of water and million times of this drop Allah have. I am using this drop as an example to get understand elsewise My LORD have sea as huge as this universe. All the mountains of this universe is like a pebble and I am using it as an example to understand. My Allah have great ranges of mountains, the one who have such a lot thing. then we cannot survive without his protection, without asking or taking anything from him.


The one who saved us from good and bad: I often use to say this, O ALLAH, I cannot survive without you. There is no one except Allah to help human being, the one who helps and encourage in doing Good deeds. The Good deeds are ‫ لحولُالُقوۃُالُِبُہّٰللُالعَیُالعظیم‬that Oh Allah, the

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strength to do good work is only your help and Oh ALLAH to save and protect us from bad deeds is none other than yours help. Are you getting my point? The good deed is from the help of?? ALLAH. And who protect us from bad deeds? One and only ALLAH. This is what taught by Peer Ali Hajweri ‫رحمتہ هللا عليہ‬

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Easy Solution for more and more difficult work: Every work is done easily if one offers 2 Rakat Nafal and send the reward of it as a gift to the spirit of Hazrat Bibi Fatima-tuz-Zahra (‫)رضی ہللا عنہا‬. It is my tried out of many times (Iram Akhtar).



Serial of Biography Episode No. 78

Allama Lahuti Pur Asarari


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True biography of such a person who since birth till today is under the guidance of saint Jinnat. His days and nights are spent with Jinnat. On insistence of readers, strange and interesting revelations are being published in episodes but to understand this mysterious world, lot of patience and courage is required.




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Got unforgettable Lessons from the Carpenter: The carpenter gave me such lessons of life which perhaps I can never forget and told me about that system and way of life which is unforgettable for me. He was merely a carpenter but his eyes were opened up after reaching the spiritual world whereas ours are still closed. This opened up eye opened my eye too, and I desire that your eyes should also open up. I questioned the spirit of carpenter that would you like to narrate some happening, rather I insisted upon it, he took a cold breathe and then started sobbing. Silence of night, quietness all around and there was only my voice and I was hearing only his voice in the spiritual world of mine, the spirit said yes! I have seen two ladies suffering a lot in their graves.

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End of the mother in law performing the character of a lioness and fox: A mother in law who is soft as silk for her daughter and courteous but acts like a lioness and a fox for her daughter in law. Hearing this word from the spirit of the carpenter, I realized that it seems that this story is a very hard one for which such harsh words are being used. The spirit said that I have seen such mother in law suffer a lot who was harsh and would deny day to day affairs boldly. The words of this carpenter were simple and accent that of a villager, however the conclusion was very dangerous, the spirit was talking continuously and was saying that whoever cruel mother in law comes over here and I get to know that an old lady has come to this graveyard, I get scared , this is a fact that end of every old lady is not bad , ALLAH treats older people with lot of affection, mercy and kindness but I have seen mother in laws who are cruel vindictive and interfering, very sorrowful. Affair of punishments with cruel mother in law: the eighth grave from mine is of such mother in law, who is punished in the morning and evening, this we see with our own eyes, humans cannot see it but we see it with our own eyes. After morning Fajar prayer a scorpion visits her, when the scorpion bites her, her body dis anti grades into small particles, this scorpion keeps on

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sitting with his venom, after a little while all her body particles come together and with shouts and cries again her body is formed. Again it bites and again her body is torn into pieces with her shouts, this continuous from morning till Zuhar (Afternoon prayer). After Zuhar an animal which is big in size and resembles a morsel visits her. It tears and the pieces from her body, she cannot die nor can get away from it and it continuously scratches and tears her body apart. Again her body becomes alright and this animal starts again and like this tortures her continuously till Asar then from Asar to Maghreb a snake appears which breaks her body by encircling her, when her bones break, all the graveyard habitants here it and her body becomes like powder and bones fine, then from Maghreb to Isha, she is punished with fire. It so happens that small sparks hit her body and while shouting she removes hem one by one but the sparks hit on other part of the body and like this after Isha (night prayer) she is given the torture of smoke, her grave is filled with smoke and she suffocate coughs and rolls here and there while coughing, her eyes and intestines comes out and her body become s bundle of pain and all the night passes by in this pain.



Which thing can give relief from the torture of the grave? Yes this pain of hers is suspended from the Thursday night till the magrib evening of Friday or it is suspended when somebody does charity for her or does some good deed on behalf of her.



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Month of spring for spirits: The spirit of the carpenter was crying rather was sobbing. Readers! I have seen many painful scenes and have heard about them but the spirit of the carpenter made my cry, for many days I could not sleep, peace left me, then I myself found a solution that I should recite Darood sharif continuously and should gift its reward to the spirits who are undergoing the torture. The spirit of carpenter further said: There is a continuous spring in the Holy month of Ramazan for every blessed spirit and condemned spirit, they are tremendously peaceful in Ramazan rather it is a desire of every spirit that Holy Ramazan should stay round the year.

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Bright grave of good mother in law: Suddenly the spirit of carpenter got serious, crying ended and sobbing stopped so as breathing was stopped and said that far away from me, that particular grave (pointed towards an old and fragile grave and said) even this is a grave of a mother in law but it has always remained filled with light and has stayed fresh, the reason for this light and freshness was forgiveness, quality of being soft spoken, moderation in ways and forgiveness on mistakes, she was a poor lady, did not have money, was not generous, this lady was a patient, could not fast and did not do elaborated prayers nor was very generous, due to poverty could not go for Hajj or Umrah, just wished to do so, she died. Today, it has been 82 years to my grave, but this grave is older than me over here, since I have come over here, I have seen this grave filled with Noor (light), perfume, light, peace, happiness and success, I have seen hoors, bouquets, gifts of paradise all the time in this grave rather all the forgiven spirits go to this lady. I said, is it possible that I meet the spirit of this lady? He said! Yes, we will go right now. Walking, we went to this grave and I sat towards the right side of the grave, there was silence for some time, afterwards an old voice echoed in form of Salam (greetings), after Salam I addressed the old voice by calling her mother.

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Story of forgiven mother in law narrated by herself: I asked, mother: Dear mother! This carpenter has told me many of your blessings and has talked sincerely about you, tell me something about your life spent in the living world: The old pious mother in law said that I spent my life in poverty, my forefathers were also very poor, my mother married me to an old person who was 57 years old at the time whereas my age was 18 years.

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Life of Peace and Harmony: With courteous behavior life is spent in peace and harmony and everybody should give it a priority and the biggest success in life is to succeed over one’s inner self (desires) etc. and if inner self wins over the heart then it means that heart is dead.


He did not have any kids, this person gave a piece of land to my parents and my parents married me to him. Poverty was over there also and over here also. Allah SWT gave me 3 sons and one daughter and merely in 9 years 3 months and 8 days my husband died.




Spent all life as a widower: I spent rest of my life as a widower, time gave me many sorrows, people would look towards me, fingers were also pointed, many nights were such, which I spent wide awake which would tease me in the memory of my old husband, I would feel that he was old but at least was there, but I never crossed the boundary of my home and did not go out.


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Son got married and: This sorrow within me made my temperament rude and I became harsh, then my elder son got married in close relatives. Daughter in law was young but naughty, had a tough temperament, had anger, whom would I tell about the agony within me that how did I spent my young age all alone, still I had hopes and feelings and emotions in me, that my husband left me but I don’t know from where but I became patient.

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Got wazifa from an old lady: I took all the harshness of my daughter in law politely, this struggle continued for few months and then change started coming in the temperament of my daughter in law, perhaps it was due to my prays and a wazifa which I got from an old lady, this old lady use to work in different houses of our neighborhood, once she said to me that your relationship of mother in law and daughter in law has been established only few months back, I can see boredom on your face and in your action, by making sit both of them recite all day with ٰ‫ا ا ْا‬ ً ُ ‫اا‬ or without ablution ‫ُہّٰلل‬ ُ ِ ‫ْیُا ام ُن ْواُاشد ُ​ُحبا‬ ‫ وال ِذ‬in every condition, recite hundreds, thousands of time and


you will see the result within few days.

The house which was like hell now became heaven: The old lady said: I have 4 daughters in law, 3 sons in law, son in law has his own temperament and daughter in law has her own. I got this Ayat from somewhere and since I started reciting it, my house which was like hell before now became heaven. I told all my daughters in law, sons in law and sons to recite it, all of them are not recited it but few did and I myself recited it many times.

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Ayat which adds sugar and butter in hearts: What to say of this Ayat as it adds sugar and butter into hearts, creates a bond of love and affection between people, creates sincerity and feeling of well being and greatness in eyes and such a relationship is established that hearts start getting closer, the old forgiven mother in law said: This worker old lady told me and my daughter in law this wazifa, daughter in law did not pay attention but I took it seriously and started reciting continuously. I was not a literate but I memorized it and since I started reciting it, my heart became clean from hatred and I became patient and soft, don’t know what is this Ayat that where there is fire of household quarrels, hatred between husband and wife, wife and husband do not like to see each other with love, sons have become like fire in house, son in law has become Izrail (Angel of death), even the hatred and quarrels amongst children are finished with this Ayat.




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Treasures filled with experience: The old forgiven mother in law took a cold breath and said: Thus! If you also desire it, then make this Ayat a routine in your life. I was listening to the sweet talk; treasures filled with experience of this old forgiven mother in law and were admiring it again and again. I was thanking the old carpenter that he made me meet a heavenly soul, which heavenly soul got a glorious grave and heaven due to its courteous behavior, even though there were not many Hajj, Umrahs, charity of big amounts in her deeds but this old forgiven mother in law had patience, courteous behavior, forgiveness and was soft spoken and behind all this there was strange blessing of this Ayat of Holy Quran.


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Tried out Ayat of 46 years: I further inquired from the old mother in law that how many times you must have recited this Ayat? The old mother in law said, I don’t remember but I recited this Ayat for 46 years of my life, if there was some negligence or due to some misunderstanding somebody was not happy with me, I started reciting it with this person’s imagination, I saw that if there is harshness in the temperament of my son or the way of talking of my daughter is unpleasant, I started reciting it and this recitation has always being of benefit to me and so beneficial that I got its result within few days.


This old lady gave strength to my will-power: Initially, for some time I did not get its result, I lost some hope too but the worker old lady gave me strength that by reciting it for some time ultimately you will get its benefit and result and then when you will read it to end hatred for someone, you will see its result immediately with your own eyes.


I did not desire to get separated from this spirit: I did not want to get separated from this old forgiven mother in law and I desired that this night would not end and it becomes so long that this lady keeps on talking and I keep on listening, this heavenly spirit, whenever spoke, a scent came out and to tell the truth I have never smelled such a pleasant smell in this world, nor seen nor saw. A treasure of experiences of the old heavenly mother in law: The way, the carpenter was a package of experiences and results, meaning final outcome, similarly this old heavenly mother in

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law was also a huge treasure of experiences. The experiences of carpenter have their own place but the blessings of this Ayat which the old heavenly mother in law told me about was astonishing for me and astonishment was due to this reason also that spirits do not lie, spirits tell the truth and if someone happens to meet spirits then this truth and fact opens up before him. After reciting this Ayat what a great grave this old heavenly mother in law got, what an alleviated level and place she obtained. This great place, this great level and its greatness, I will tell you about afterwards. I wish that I tell more of the blessings of this Ayat which I got to know from the experiences of the old heavenly mother in law and the old carpenter. Why? I do not know about my life myself that at what moment it ends so I desire that I deliver more and more of my observations and experiences to you people (continued)





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Misleading and fraud in Moti Mosque Hazrat Allama Lahuti, introduced Moti mosque for worship and good deeds and not for deceiving and fraud. Men and women go there and portray themselves as the legitimate representatives of Hazrat Allama and Hazrat Hakeem Sahib and are deceiving people and are looting their money with both hands. Kindly! Do not fall in their trap. If you find any such person, immediately inform the institution rather spread this announcement to other people also so that no one is deceived. Further don’t violate the Rules of Historical Heritage. 03438710009 Further: Some ladies portray themselves as representatives of Hazrat Hakeem Sahib (D.B) during dars (sermon) in Tasbih Khana Lahore whereas factually it is not so. Allama Sahib tells the solution of domestic problems Write down your domestic problems on the coupon given on page No. 56 of the magazine and send this coupon with your letters. Answer will not be given of the letters without coupon. Reply will not be given through returnable envelope, rather will be given through magazine. For much more mysterious instances and excellent wazaif and to read previous episodes, read the book “Born friend of Jinnat”

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Relief from backache: for backache problem take heeng 2 ratti with egg yolk will give benefit.

How I got rid of twenty years old evil

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Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! It has taken twenty years since I got married. I felt that I had under influence of the evil force since then. I used to be ill and could feel the same things on my children. I used to feel that some spirit got into my body and used to say that I am a jin and have been sent by someone. This evil force used to occupy my heart and sometime get control of my head. I tried many cure including the taveez etc but all efforts went for no avail.



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How rapidly the sorcery ran away!



Eventually my cousin told me that she has a magazine named Ubqari. She recommended me to offer a recitation of Ya Qahhar ‫ یا قهار‬as published in that magazine. I started offering this recitation of Ya Qahhar one thousand one hundred times each in morning and in the evening. Initially, these evil spirits resisted very strongly and forced me to stop offering this recitation but I did not give up and kept offering this recitation and even it’s going still today. Now it has taken four months and I can’t tell you my feeling in words. Respectable Hakeem Sb, believe me I am so thankful to you and can find words to pray for you for what I got from this recitation because of your reference, though there are feelings which don’t need to be pained down. (M, Sargodha)


Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! Ever since, I came across with Ubqari Magazine over internet last year I keep eagerly waiting for it every month and I regularly listen to hear your speeches (dars) by downloading from Ubqari website.

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A few months ago, I noticed some unusual wrongdoings with me, as I had witnessed the cuts on my fingers automatically, apparently without any source or reason. The nature of such cuts was sometime very severe and sometime comparatively light. I phoned at Ubqari office and discussed with them. They advised me to offer recitation of Ya Qahhar ‫ یا قهار‬for one thousand one hundred time each in the morning and evening. I offered it for two months and notice a notable difference but could not get rid of completely. One day, as I was visiting of Ubqari site I found about two priceless Treasures ‫دو انمول خزانہ‬.



Then I started to offer Two Valuable Treasures unlimited along with the ‫یا قهار‬. I offered it only for a few weeks that I noticed complete freedom from such painful attacks. The other useful advantages I availed by Two Valuable Treasures No. Two are inclusive that I have started offering the recitations. Now, I offer Salat for five times. Sometime, the Salat Fajar is missed but I offered Qada Salat. Moreover, I offer Qada Salats of previous life after offering daily Salats. The recitations I offer are inclusive; Two Valuable Treasures # One after every Obligatory Salat, Allah o Akbar ‫ ہللا اكبر‬three times, seeking forgiveness ‫استغفار‬, Ya Qahhar ‫ یاقهار‬for elven times after completing the Salat putting the finger over the naval, sending blessings ‫ صلوۃ سالم‬to

‫ا ا‬

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‫ا ٰ ا ا‬

ْ ‫ الل ُہم‬,for eleven times. I also recite ْ ‫ِبُب ِعلمک اُو‬ ْ ِ ‫است ْع ِمل اُبد‬ Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ک ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُﷺ‬ ُ ‫ینُ ِب اطاع ِت‬ ِ ِ ْ ِ ‫ُ​ُنرُقل‬ ِ

Surah Mulk and Surah Sajdah after the Salat Isha. I offer the recitation that is mandatory for me since I am under biah ‫ بیعت‬with honorable Hakeem Sahib. These recitations are ‫ صلوۃ سالم‬to Holy Prophet

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Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, the Third Word of Glorification ‫ كلمة تمجید‬, and seeking forgiveness ‫ استغفرہللا‬one hundred times each in the morning and evening. The useful recitations as I regularly offer are inclusive ‫ا‬

‫ام ا م‬ ْ ‫ْا‬ ‫ا‬ ْ ‫ا ا ُ​ُ ا‬ ْ ‫ُاْس ِہ ا‬ ‫َُء ُِِفُال ْر ِض اُول ُِِفُالس اما ِء اُو ُھ اوالس ِم ْی ُعُال اع ِل ْیمواِلُ۔‬ ِ ‫ِب ْس ِمُہّٰللاُِال ِذيُلُیض اُمع‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ٰ ‫ ب ْسمُہّٰللاِ ا‬and I offer Ya Hafeez Ya Salaam ‫م‬ ْ ِ ‫ِن اُوُنا ْف‬ ْ ِ ‫ُلَعُ ِد ْی‬ ْ ِ ‫ِس اُو اُول ِد ْی اُواا ْھ‬ ‫اِل‬ ُْ ِ ‫َی اُو ام‬ ُ ُ ‫ اَی اح ِف ْیظ اَُی اسَل‬eleven times. Moreover, ِ ِ


I offer prayers for getting out and getting in to the home, prayers for going to travel, prayers for washroom. I take the Spiritual Bath and I also offer the act of Bed Tea as recommended by the honorable Hakeem Sahib. I find a lot of peace in my life due to above valuable recitations. The black magic is no more in my home. (Name requested to be hidden)

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Engagement of Hazrat Hakeem Sahib (Part 1)


On Wednesday, 30th December 2015, Hazrat Hakeem Sahib had travelled to perform Umrah with his family, elder sister and mother in law and his three sons and daughter.




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Engagement in Makkah Mukarramah: Had sitting with Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Makki Hijazi Khateeb of Haram Makkah. The religious scholars and muftis from India also visited him. These were inclusive; Mufti Muhammad Roshan Shah Qasmi from Dar ul Uloom Sonori Division Murtazapur, District Akula Maharashtra, Mufti Abdul Majeed Qasmi from Tahir Nagar, Nagpur Road, Evat Mahal, Maharashtra, Mr. Anas Ahmed from Madarsah Kifayat ul Uloom Bhasawal, District Jilgaon Khandesh, Maharashtra, Hafiz Naveed Khan from Roshni Dar ul Uloom Sonori, Akola, Maharashtra, Maulana Abbas Khan Ashrafi, Master Ishtiaq Ahmed Daee, haji Syed Ibraheem alias Mir Sb, Qari Mujahid, Haji Muhammad Sabir Imraouti. Apart from this, people from different parts life visited Hakeem Sahib in Makaram Ajiad Hotel in Makkah Mukarramah. However, Hakeem Sahib try to avert spending time in meetings during this holy journey and try to spend maximum time in Haram. After performing Umrah, he went to Medan Arafat, Mina, Muzdalfa, Cave of Hira and Cave of Thur with his children. While returning he went to Makkah Museum and the place of Hudaibiya Treaty, then walkd up to get to the Zubaidah Canal, then prayed with almighty Allah for generosity for him, his children, his associates and the whole ummah by saking the generosity of Zubaidah. Mr. Mansoor Rafique, who is benefitted by Tasbeeh Khana and runs a taxi in Makkah Mukarramah brought Hakeem Sahib to these places. Mr. Imran, who is sincere with Hakeem Sb and has been benefited and hailed by Tasbeeh Khana had presented a large piece of cover of Bait Ullah.



In Medina Munawwarah, Hakeem Sahib visited famous elderly Mr. Abdul Mannan and Mr. Muhammad Zaki along with Mr. Saleem Shahzada and requested them for pray. Hakeem Sahib also visited Maulana Abdul Qadir. Maulana Abdul Qadir is the successor and fellow of various senior scholars and he has also granted his special permission and his successor ship to Hakeem Sahib. Hakeem Sahib went to Uhad Mountain and then visited a personally managed museum.

In Medina, There is a library named Syed Habib Library. It is situated in a graceful building. This contains a huge volume of as many as twenty five thousand written and printed books. Syed Habib was the son of Syed Mehmood Ahmed who was the real brother of Syed Hussain Ahmed Madani ‫رحمتہ ہللا ءلیہ‬. Syed Habib was fond of reading books and library. He was died at 85 in 1423 hijri. Syed Habib owned various properties in Medina. He had three sons Muhammad, Ahmed and Adnan. Syed Ahmed Habib is keen of library.

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After that went to visit the castle of Kaab bin Ashraf. The children of Hakeem Sahib started to speak out the story of this cursed man Kaab bib Ashraf, as they already studied in their school. During this whole journey, they were accompanied by another benefitted from Ubqari Mr. Muazzam Baig.



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Hakeem Sahib had a short stay in Jeddah. He had brief stay with Mr. Khalid Thanvi and Hafiz Abdul Aziz. Mr. Jamal Siddiqui offered his services for returning back to airport. Then Hakeem Sb ‫ دامت برکاتہم‬put all associates together and described the characteristics of Arabs in detail. Some of the qualities described were inclusive as: 1. Arab prefer three things i.e. fragrance, ablution and white dress which are sunnah. 2. Offices and shops are closed during salat times. 3. Recently, the whole world witnessed that Shah Suleman left the meeting with President Obama during his visit of USA for offering salat. This shows their love with Salat Fardh. 4. We can see the miswak in the pocket of Shaha Suleman which is also a sunnah. 5. The people pay respect and show solidarity with their king. 6. Many people visit Saudi Arabia from different parts of the world and buy at least Abaya and promote the veil and cover as mandatory for Muslim women. 7. The great act of education since the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is still carried out in Harmain Sharifain. (To be continued)

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Desire fulfill by Darood Tunajjina: for any sorts of problem recite 313 times darood tunajjina on Friday and Sunday and ask from Allah, Insha’Allah your problem will be solved.


When the sorceress bagged for pardon!

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Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Alikum! I would like to congratulate you to issue the successful issuance of a valuable magazine like Ubqari. I am the reader of Ubqari for last three years. Hundreds of thousands people are getting benefit of it and are praying for you. May Almighty Allah reward you with His blessing and good health and protect you from evil forces. I am also thankful to Allama Lahoti Purasrari Sb that he advised us the valuable recitation of Ya Qahar ُ.‫َیُقہار‬


I am offering this recitation of Ya Qahar ُ‫ َیُقہار‬since last two years and I got many benefits through it,




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mainly the symptoms of the sorcery. One day, I saw in my dream a sorceress bagging for forgiveness from me, revealing that her bones were getting breaking and that she was losing her sight. She admitted that she made a mistake while applying sorcery on me. Her daughter who was standing next to her told that she would bag for pardon with me in reality. After three or four days, I saw in the dream that I, my mother and sister in law were standing near to the stove. Suddenly a snake gets out of my body. All of us tried to run away with fear. That it got closer to me and speaks to me as he was not a snake and rather Jinn. He also told me that someone had appointed him to occupy me. Then he ran and stopped for two times and turned to me and that got vanished. Then after, a woman came and told me that she was a witch and she had occupied me. I got frightened as she was too scary. Then I woke up.

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After a few days, I saw in the dream that the daughters of the sorceress came and told me that they were under severe pain requesting me to stop reciting and forgive them. They confessed that they applied a severe sorcery to me and they want forgiveness from me. They also told their grandmother was also under severe because of my recitation. After a few days, I saw more Jinn in the dream threatening me to stop reciting otherwise they would kill me. They told that they were getting burn because of this recitation. But I did not bow down and denied to stop the recitation, and then they vanished while threatening me.


It was fifteenth or sixteenth of the Ramadan, I just got to the bad after offering the Salat Isha and was still awakening that suddenly three Jinn appeared. One sat over my abdomen and another on my shoulder. One urged me to stop offering Ya Qahar ُ‫ َیُقہار‬otherwise they would kill me. I got frightened


and started crying. They started getting off and getting on my abdomen, which caused severe pain to me and I felt as if my entire body was burning and became heavier. They kept repeat their demand to stop offer this recitation and I kept denying. Then I started to offer Ya Qahar ُ‫ َیُقہار‬loudly. They kept me torturing and then vanished.Then I saw in the dream that the sorceress and her sister were walking behind our home and held my hand while I was passing through them. They again asked whether I was still offering the recitation and I confirmed it. They requested me to stop to do so as per them they and their daughters were in severe trouble because of this recitation. I again denied them and then woke up.

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After a few days, I saw more Jinn in the dream asking me why I don’t stop reciting Ya Qahar ‫ َیُقہار‬as they were in trouble and they would kill me. I resisted them again and told them I would never stop reciting it even if they would kill me. Then I started recitation of Ya Qahar ‫ َیُقہار‬and those Jinn disappear while crying. It is important to mention here that I got a special approval from honorable Hakeem Sahib to offer this recitation of Ya Qahar ‫َیُقہار‬.


After a few days, I saw an elderly man in my dream asking me why I do circled the security barrier to my home only as I should get spiritual circle of my entire neighborhood. Then I woke up. After this dream, I started to make spiritual circle of my entire neighborhood. These Jinn still causing trouble to me but too less. I offer Ya Qahar ُ‫ َیُقہار‬four or five thousand in a day and get unlimited advantages. Before starting this



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recitation I used to feel many pains in my body. I used to feel my body as if it was burning and severe pain. I used to face severe headache after every two or three days. This headache was too severe as I could not leave my bad. I used to face pains in my eyes and stomach and itching in stomach and hands. Ever since I started this recitation I got rid of these pains. (Honorable Hakeem Sahib Please don’t print my name)

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More Thorns less Fragrance: Physical beauty without inner beauty is just like a flower with more thorns less fragrance.

Preacher of Islam Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Kaleem Siddiqui:


Hazrat Maulana is one of the renowned preachers of Islam. More than 5 lac people have converted Islam inspired by his preaching. His renowned book, ‘Naseem-e-Hidayat kay Jhonkay’ is really a worth reading book.

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Our Ignorance to the Quran Pak and Our Lame Excuses:





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In a village of the Punjab, I had to stop my journey in waiting for one of my friends. An old laborer and a builder were working at some distance; all of a sudden a postman came and asked who was Abdul Rehman there? On hearing this, the old laborer of more than 65 years age jumped down from the tree. Although there was a stare case beside him but he jumped down from the tree regardless of his age and being hurt, he tried to seize the letter from the postman’s hand, saying that the letter was from his son; both the parents couldn’t sleep for three days due to not receiving any letter from their son. The postman asked his father’s name, instead he said, “Brother the letter is for us, I am the son of Jamma”. He quickly turned to go after seizing the letter. The mason called him behind asking where he was going. The old man replied, “To make this letter read”. The mason said, “At least keep some blocks and material.” The old man replied furiously, “You are worried about the material! It’s my child’s letter; we haven’t sleep for three day.” The mason said that the owner would be angry. The old man replied, “Let him be angry.” The mason argued that he would not pay for our labour, he would deduct our ten days dues. This worthless person( I) just because of the excuse that how can I understand the Quran as according to the meaning of a Persian verse ‘my beloved’s language is Turkey and I don’t understand a single word of it’ the Quran is in Arabic language and we don’t know Arabic, how much valid is this excuse, had been in search for a close and unread letter since many years , which might not be opened because the sender was illiterate or he didn’t know that language but I haven’t got any letter to this day which is not opened just because the sender doesn’t know the language the letter is written in. This worthless and shabby person (I) came out of my car and started chasing that old laborer. That laborer went to the Imam Sahib in the mosque. The Imam Sahib was teaching the children at that time. The laborer started flattering the Imam Sahib curiously to read his son’s letter, The Imam Sahib said to him that it was the time to teach the children he could come afterwards. On hearing this, the laborer started crying and imploring in front of him to read that letter for the sake of God as he and his wife couldn’t sleep for three days as their son hadn’t written any letter since he had gone. The Imam Sahib felt pity on his cries and started reading the letter to him. The old laborer were asking him to read the letter repeatedly. When the Imam Sahib read it completely the old man pointed to the address written on the envelop to read it. The

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Imam Sahib told him that it was his postal address. The old man requested the Imam Sahib to turn over the page if something was written on the back side. The Imam Sahib replied furiously that he had read each and every letter of it 10 times, and he scolded him to go away out of fury. The old man again pleaded the Imam Sahib to look at the letter if his son had asked to send him sugar. The Imam Sahib threw the letter out of rage. The old man came to me with the letter and now he started flattering me to read the letter if his son had asked for sugar. I made him understand with love and sympathy, “The Imam Sahib has read every letter of it if your son likes sugar, you send it to him otherwise he will buy from there.” I was thoughtful to see the curiosity of the man that this illiterate old man left his labour of ten days without delaying a moment he made this letter read repeatedly after pleading and imploring, just out of love of his son, he listened to each and every word of it carefully, when he did not satisfy with reading of one person he had tried to understand the letter by asking the other person to read.





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In spite of the claim of faith and love of Allah how can our this lame excuse be accepted for the Quran Pak, for the love letter of Allah to us, that we are illiterate or we are Indians and the language of the Holy Quran is Arabic so we are unable to understand it while our all the success in this world and in the hereafter depends upon the Quran, it’s reading, understanding and conveying its message to the world, we responsible to enlighten this world with the light of the Holy Quran. I wish we had at least that much attachment and love with the Quran as that old, illiterate person had with his son’s letter. This comes again and again in my mind, and I feel embarrassed and ashamed on our attitude towards the Quran Pak. Alas we could realize!!!

For Leucorrhoea, Spermatorrhea and Kidneys:

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Alum 1 quarter, after doing “Gul Hikmat” heat up with 15 kg dried dung, collates the powder. Take 4 gm powder with four spoons with pomegranate syrup in the morning and evening, beneficial for Leucorrhoea, pus, sperms deficiency, kidney failure. (Haji Khalid Mehmood, Lodhran)


Shower of tips:



Allah is the Healer: Fresh ladyfinger 1/3 kg, alum ¼ kg

Too much knowledge instills cunningness and garrulousness on the other hand ignorance or lack of knowledge instills absurdity and foolishness. Fear of being terrified: If someone has fear of being terrified and threatened by some of the ْ‫ا‬ relatives or friends he should recite [‫ب‬ ُ ُ ‫ ]ا ُْلا ِس ْی‬20 times for 7 days before the sunset.

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Power of Knowledge: Excessive power of knowledge instills cunningness and garrulousness and lack of knowledge or ignorance instills foolishness and absurdity. Weakness of Liver: Take 5.8319019 grams of mango leaves, keep them under some shade till they are dried, now take ¼ kg water boil it and simmer till it reduces to half, then add some sugar or any sweet and drink it in morning and evening.


‫ا‬ ُ ‫]ا ْل امل‬ For Seeking Respect: Reciting [ُ‫ک‬ is worthwhile for becoming rich or self-sufficient, for the ِ illumination of heart, for dominating enemies and earning respect in the world.

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Pleasure of Allah: Remain satisfied and be patient and thankful to Allah in all the circumstances. Remember! Even the severe pain and anguish has its impact before we sleep.


Acceptance of mistakes saves us from committing more mistakes. Trials and tribulation do not cause as much pain as a friend’s ignorance and strange behavior.



For Toothache: For toothache mix a pinch of white salt and a pinch of baking soda and apply it on your teeth, pain will be healed.


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A Wazifa (recitation) for getting rid of every trouble and problem: It is proven by a hadith that it was in the routine of the Holy Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬to prostate Allah in every trouble ‫ُِب ْ​ْحات ا‬ ُ ‫ک اُا ْس اتغ ْی‬ ُ ُ‫اُ ا‬ and problem. While prostrating he used to recite [ُ​ُ‫ث‬ ِ ِ ‫] اَیح اَُیقیوم ِ ا‬.


The World and the Hereafter: No doubt the world has been created for you and you have been created for the hereafter. “Do not drink wine, it’s key to every sin and evil doing.” Save yourself from grudge and fury. Save yourself from all types of intoxications.

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Heat Stroke Fever: In summer a person can catch a fever due to walking in the sun. The temperature will be normal if one eats water melon two to three times a day. (Ubqari has brought precious tips and ideas for every type of problems, volume 1, page 99)



To get more tips for the solutions of physical and emotional problems buy the book, volume 1 and 2 immediately, “Ubqari brought to you surprising and exemplary tips” and get the treasure of tested tips.

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For weak people: for making body fat take 10 fig daily with water chew it properly, after few days of use you will feel the difference.

It is possible to grow tall. Latest Medical Research Reveals (Faryal


Kashif) Every human carries a gland under the lower part of his neck, called the Gland Sheet. The nature has rewarded this tinny clot with the strength to control the growth of human body.


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One of my cousins used to be thin boy until he got his fourteenth year. Surprisingly, he started growing tall rapidly even he become taller as high as six and half feet. His teachers and friends were looking like dwarfs standing with him. He got attention of people and became an eye-catching because of his unusual height for a long time. The mystery become stranger when we knew that his parents were had not had extra ordinary height. Nobody could find out the mystery behind this fact.



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Contrary to that there are many people having too small height even sometime lesser than the young child. These dwarfs have to face very serious social and psychological challenges in the daily life. Sometimes, life becomes hell for them. The giants on other hand also don’t look happy as they too have to undergo complications in their life. Unfortunately our society has lack of education due to which the people don’t try to understand the real cause of such problems and approach so called palmists or shamans. Certainly, these ways are not proven useful. As a result the child remains dwarf and then they accept it will of Allah. However, in the light of latest researches such diseases are no more irrecoverable. Now, both diseases are traced well before time and the cure is also not impossible.


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Every human carries a gland under the lower part of his neck, called the Gland Sheet. The nature has rewarded this tinny clot with the strength to control the growth of human body. It develops specific hormones which absolve into the human blood causing order and flaw in the activities of many organs. A healthy gland sheet releases hormones only to that extent which is required to let the body offer its activities in routine. During that course, the heart beats with proper pace, the pulse becomes normal, intestines perform very well and physical energy remains at an appropriate level. Sometimes, due to some unknown reasons gland sheet does not work well causing the hormones to be developed either too much or get very lesser. This variation brings disorder in the activities of human organs affecting on human growth. The excessive development of hormones by the gland sheet makes the physical growth faster. In contrast to that the lesser rate of hormones production make the organs activities slower make the physical growth either very slow or even stopped or let the human to become a dwarf.


The question arises here how we would know whether the gland sheet is working in order or not. Luckily the medics have found the answer. Now the root cause can be found on time as well as its prevention is also possible. There are many symptoms which alarm that gland sheet activity is getting faster. The key examples are inclusive muscular stress, hands tremor, fastness in heartbeat, fluent sweating, diarrhea, weight loss, insomnia, anxiety and sore eyes etc. though it is wisely recommended to consult with the medic rather decide you, as such symptoms may occur due to some other kind of illness. Most of the time, the disease is diagnosed by conducting medical checkup. Fast running gland sheet usually get swells and become clearly visible, known as goiter.

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Generally, there are three types of cure are implemented. 1. Anti-gland medicines, 2- Radioactive Iodine and 3- surgery. Which way is good? The answer depends on nature of the illness, age of the patient and his own preference as to which he likes to undergo. Moreover, the experience of medic is also not ignorable, as an experienced medic can suggest the most appropriate way that can help to heal in least possible time.


There are two disadvantages of anti-gland medicines. Firstly these are required to be taken for a longer period continuously such as two years. Secondly, the patient has to get his blood test during his treatment through anti-gland medicines as these medicines affect badly on bone marrow.

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The notable advantage for getting healed through radioactive iodine is that only one or two doses are enough. The patient is given a liquid substance that carries radioactive iodine. This radioactive iodine makes a part of gland sheet paralyze by absolving in it deterring the production of gland sheet. However, this way of treatment is also not completely safe. Doctors don’t use it on the young patients under their twenties.




In surgery, a piece of gland sheet is cutoff. Reducing the size of gland sheet hinders the development of sheet hormones. This way of treatment is ideal in a sense that it is applied only at once and the chances of bringing order in the activities of gland sheet are stronger than other ways.



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Let’s talk about the patients who get their gland sheet slower causing the production of gland hormones lesser. The key symptoms of this slow rate of heart beat, dry skin, hair fall, fall in the menstrual cycle of women, excessive sleep, weight gain, constipation, swelling in the hands, and memory loss etc. The gland sheet also gets swells in this type of disease. Right diagnose is possible only through blood test. If the goiter becomes swells to such extent that the patient looks ugly or cause hinder in breathing then the treatment is very simple. The simple treatment is to use the sheet hormones regardless of their shape. The people who are affected in their gland sheet by losing iodine are treated using iodine. Sometimes, due to excess of gland sheet one or many tumors are appeared. In fact, these are thickets of gland sheet cells which grow exceptionally due to any known reason. These are left as these are, though are cutoff if are declared as deadly tumors by doctors.

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The Tested Spiritual Tip for Happiness of the Heart: If the heart is upset then recite innumerable times. In a short while the heart will become glad. I have tested this many times (B, A)

Readers Brought Wonderful and Tested Tips:

Deeds Saved the Life of the Son


Readers tested it many times and then disclosed the secrets of their hearts for the readers of Ubqari. And this presented to you for the service of millions of people.

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Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! A few benefits of deed are presented. ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ ا‬and aayat-ul-kursi and with the blessing of the prayer of leaving the house, the life [ُ‫]َی اح ِف ْیظ اَُی اسَل ُم‬


of my son was saved. I recite these deeds everyday while leaving the house. My son was playing on the roof. And while playing he fell off the roof and by the blessings of the name of Allah, he was safe.



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Wife was Healed: My wife and children were with me while traveling. My wife vomits a lot while traveling, due to which she was having a severe head ache. So I recited azaan for seven times and the last four verses of surah mominoon seven times and made dum to her in both of her ears and due to the blessings of this deed her headache was healed. My wife, who was asking about getting medicines and injections a while ago, was now sitting absolutely satisfied.

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Stomach Ache Healed: My cousin who had a pain in his stomach at 3:00 am in the morning, he was sent to the hospital. Injections were given but to no avail. He kept on trembling for the whole night. I gave him spiritual phakki to eat in the morning. After some time he got better. After that he only used spiritual phakki and never used any tablet, syrup or injections. By the grace of Allah, to whom ever I gave spiritual phakki, Allah Almighty bestowed His benevolence.



The Wonder of the Verse of Surah Al-Maaidah: For whatever reason I recited the verse number 114 of surah Al-Maaidah, Allah Almighty fulfilled that need. Whenever I like to eat something, I recite the verse number 114 of surah Al-Maaidah, and Allah Almighty bestowes me with that thing. And whenever I need something, I keep on reciting this. Allah Almighty fulfills my need. (Abid Abbasi, Maansehra)


My Tested Prescriptions

Akseer-e-Bai-Misal: Hoo-al-Shaafi: Kooza misri, 16 (12x16 grams) tola, Tabaasheer assal, 8 (96 grams) tola, peeple, 48 grams, ilaaichi khurd, 2 tolas, cinnammon 12 grams. Grind them to make a powder. Dosage: Take 2 to 4 grams with water. Benefits: This is beneficial and tested in the case of cough and fever.

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Habb-e-Azraaqi: Hoo-al-Shaafi: Falfal black, 25 grams. Kachla mudabbir, 25 grams, make a powder of them and make tablets the size of black pepper seeds. Take one tablet twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, after the meals. This is beneficial in case of all ailments. Especially for the pains of the joints, foliage etc. It is exemplary.


Tested Deed for Definite Redemption From The Oppositions of the Envious:

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Respected hakeem sahib! I was a speaker in a government institution. I had to face much opposition. I asked a pious person, and he told me to recite the following ْ ْ ‫ا ْ اْ ا ُ ا ْ ا ا ْ ا ا مُ ا ُ ُ ْ ا‬ ُ ‫ُّمُی ا اش ما ُء اُو‬ ْ ‫ُویت ِْی ِہ ا‬ ْٔ ُ ِ‫ ُق ْلُا اِن ُْال اف ْا الُ ِب ای ِدُہّٰللا‬I recited one tasbih of ُ ِ ‫ہّٰللاُذوُالفا ِلُال اع ِظ ْی‬ ‫م‬ ‫ہّٰللا ُ ُٰو ِسعُع ِلیم۔ُیتص ُِِبْح ِتہٖ ُّمُیشاءُو‬


these verses after the Fajar and Maghrib prayers. By the grace of Allah all of my opposition was finished. Once upon a time a difficulty fell upon me. I was quite troubled and a man of Allah told ‫ ا‬for 15,000 times. I recited this for 15,000 times in one day. Only ten days had me to recite [ُ​ُ‫]َی اِب ِق‬

A Few Medical Prescriptions of Mine...!



passed, that my that problem was solved in such a way as if it never existed. (Ahqar Muhammad Ashraf, Rawalpindi)


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Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I have a few medical tips that I want to present to the readers of Ubqari.


Bloody Piles Healed: Gonde kateera, 500 grams. Grind it and make 6 packets. Take one packet and 6 bananas. Eat 6 bananas with one packet and eat them. Use a total of six packets and 36 bananas in 6 days.

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Lekueria: In this ailment an extremely white or a light yellow fluid comes out of the body of the woman. The patient of lekueria slowly becomes weak and Lang. When the illness become old and chronic, pain develops in the head, back and legs. The body suffers from lack of blood and the patient suffers from dizziness. The patient becomes irritable. If the illness of Lekuria becomes old, the fluid smells bad. The prescription is presented.


‫ھو الشافی‬: Kalonji, 6 gram, tukham jaaman, 6 gram, tukham kikker, 6 grams, bilgari, 6 grams. Usage: Make a powder of all of these and take ½ spoon after the evening's meal for 20 days. Many patients used this and they found it very useful. Any patient who uses it once, asks for it again. The lady health worker had many women use it. All of them found it very beneficial and effective. They asked for it again many times. (M, M)

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My Personal Hundred Percent True Observations Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! May Allah bless you a lot. May He guard your, faith, deeds, life and esteem. I am writing about my personal and hundred percent true observations as follows. Certainly readers will benefit from them.

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1. By reciting Tasbeehat-e-Fatima (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہا‬while sleeping makes it very easy to wake up for the Fajar prayers. 2. Whenever there is a severe problem, then by reciting 2 nafal prayers with the intention of salaat-ul-haajaat, and in every prostration reciting aayat-e-kareema 40 times, the most difficult things become easy. 3. My cousin, son of my mother's sister, started the wazifa of Haa-Meem-Laa-Yunsaroon ‫ٰ م‬ ُ ‫]ح اُلیُ ْن ا‬ [ُ‫َص ْو ان‬ and his very old land dispute is being solved. Rather it has been solved 90


percent. ٰ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ْا ا ُ ا‬ ‫ِینُاا ُع ْو ُذب ا‬ ‫کِ ْ ْا‬ ْ ِ ‫]االل ُ​ُہ امُا‬. By reciting this early ‫ان‬ 4. ‫الحمد ہلل‬, This Prayer: [‫ُہّٰللاُخال ُِقُالن ْو ُِر‬ ِ ‫ُّمُ ِفتنۃُِال ِن اسا ِء اُو ِح ابال ِۃ‬ ِ ِ ‫ُالشیط‬



in the morning 7 times, it becomes very easy to guard the eyes. ‫ٰ م‬ ُ ‫]ح اُلیُ ْن ا‬ 5. By reciting [ُ‫َص ْو ان‬ 11 times by stopping the breathe I am saved from the scolding of

higher officials. ‫ا‬ ُ ‫ ا‬after reciting the morning prayer of leaving the house, I am saved 6. By reciting [ُ‫]َی اح ِف ْیظ اَُی اسَل ُم‬


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even in extreme crowded and disorganized traffic. ْ ْ ُ ْ‫ا ْ ا ُ ا م ٰ ا ا ُا ااْ اا ا‬ ُ ‫ک‬ 7. ‫ !الحمد ہلل‬After reciting [‫م‬ ُ ِ ‫ت اُو ُہ او اُربُال اع ْر ِشُال اع ِظ ْی‬ ‫ ]حس ِ​ِبُہّٰللا ُلُاِلہُاِلہوُعلی ِہَُت‬7 times after every prayer


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regularly I have peace of heart even due to the presence huge and gigantic problems. 8. Reciting two priceless treasures after every obligatory prayer regularly and with full attention, I am saved by Allah from many evils of the present times. May Allah Almighty bestow blessings in your age and life and may He keep your generations always affluent.

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Facing of Makroohaat: A person who is capable of earning enough sustenance that is enough for his livelihood, then he should not yearn for more because it does not have a limit but the seeker of it has to face many makroohaat.

“How I Get Health”? Restored Health

My Spiritual Tested Prescriptions for the Readers




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Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! My problem was that I would have severe burns in my stomach after eating food due to which I was quite anxious. One day I read from the Ubqari magazine an introduction to your renowned book, how I restored health? I got this book from the office of the monthly Ubqari magazine. When I read this book, I kept on reading it. This is not a book but a medical and spiritual treasure. From this I prepared a prescription, safoof malathi. When I used it I got rid of a chronic illness. The prescription is as follows: Safoof Malathi: Malathi, aamla, dry dhanniya, misri. Take 100 grams of each one of them and prepare a powder. (Hafeez-ud-deen, Peshawar)



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Respected hakeem sahib, assalam-o-alaikum! I was acquainted to Ubqari in 2013. And after seeing your ambition to serve humanity I admitted you as my guide with the depths of my heart. I pray to Allah Almighty that may He bestow you with sound health. Aameen! I was keen of deeds right from the beginning. I have a few deeds due to which I have had a lot of benefits. I shall present those deeds for the readers of Ubqari.




Wonders of Surah Falaq and Naas: First of all I got the deed of surah Falaq and Naas. Take something made of iron and keep on whirling that over the head of the patient and recite surah Falaq and Naas 11 times and make dum. When I started making this dum, the people who are affected by spiritual things, magic and jinns, then while making dum I start yawning and I get to know about them. When I make this dum on patients with problems of eyesight, they get cured. Often in our family some families are such that no matter how sick their children are, and no matter how much medicine they take, their children do not feel well till the time I make this dum on them. I make this dum for the patients of head ache or any pain in the body, and Allah Almighty restores health.

A Strange Deed for Employment: Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I read in a booklet about the deed of surah Duha. I told about this for employment to many people. Whoever did this, found employment by the grace of Allah. A boy was expelled from a mill by

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the owners. I told about this deed to his father-in-law. They did this deed. On the fourth day the mill owners called him back to work. I told about this deed to my uncle, he did this for six days that he found employment in a school. My father did this deed for seven days and he got employed. I myself tested this deed. I did this for five days and by the grace of Allah I found employment. The deed is as follows:


Surah Duha has to be recited once with Tasmiyya. Recite durood sharif thrice before the ‫ا ا‬ ٔ ٰ of the Surah [ُ‫ُوالاح‬ ‫ ﷽ ]سورہ‬has to be beginning and at the end. At every “‫]َیک ِر ْیم[ ”ک‬

Do Not Get Operated, Open the Closed Veins of the Heart




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recited 9 times. This deed has to be done after every prayer once or in the morning or in the evening once. If it is done before Fajar then it will be more useful. Otherwise this can be done at any time, no matter how much you do it, it will be equally beneficial. The whole house should do it. Otherwise as many people can do it, it will be beneficial. While performing the deed think about the purpose. You can think about 9 purposes together as well. The deed has to be done for 9 days. If the purpose is not fulfilled then it has to be done again for 9 days. Like this keep on doing this deed for 9 days.



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Respected Hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I recite Ubqari with a lot of keen interest. Your magazine goes to every house. That is why I have brought my familial prescriptions, which provide health and life to people who come to my clinic and earn a lot of prayers of people, as gift for the readers of Ubqari. Do Not Get Operated, Open the Closed Veins of the Heart

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This prescription is for cholesterol level, high blood pressure, skin, illnesses of hair, obesity, pneumonia, asthma, dense blood. It removes them from their cores. And the patient feels better. Specially for the closed arteries of the heart. Squeezing veins, and for every illness related to the heart. It is the best cure for angina. It is requested to kindly not buy this medicine that is sold in the market. Make it yourself. Use pure cure with less price. Prescription: Take extract of domestic garlic, 3 cups. Extract of domestic ginger, 3 cups. Lemon extract, 3 cups Apple cider vinegar, 3 cups. Put them in a clay utensil or a non-stick or glass utensil and cook it on a low flame. When one fourth of it vanishes and three fourths are left, then take it off and mix an equal amount of honey in it. If you find pure honey, it is wonderful. Otherwise buy honey of a good company. Usage: For Heart: Take three spoons table spoons early in the morning and at night to the patient. For Obesity: In one glass of warm water mix 3 spoons and give it 4 times. For cholesterol and various illnesses give 3 sppons thrice daily.

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Hepatitis A, B, and C: ‫ ھوالشافی‬: Take gul-qand and petals of red roses and eat 10 tolas of them daily. Pure lassi (from chaati) that is sore, give its water daily, 1 glass. Grind the bone of khachoi and eat 3 grams of it twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, with honey or water.


Lekueria: Take leaves of amrood and burn them in a cooking pot. Give that ash, 5 grams, in the morning and in the evening. 2. Singhaaray, Isgandh Naagori, with 3 grams of of milk. 3. By using the Kaazmen safoof cure oldest lekueria.


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Recurrent Urination on Bed of Adults and Children: Hoo-al-Shaafi: Kooza misri, Tukham mooli, Mustalgi Roomi, Isgandh Naagori, White till. Take equal amounts of them and make a powder. And give 4 grams daily in the morning, afternoon and in the evening. 2. Take small wild bair. Dry them. Grind their seed. Make small packets of the powder, 3 grams each. Give it for 13 days daily in the morning, afternoon and the evening. Get redeemed from this evil ailment.

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Come and Test Prescriptions and Spread Them!



Asthma, Lungs and Pneuonia: 1. Take baby fish powder. Isgandh Naagori, lahsan shifaa. Make their soup. Prepare their capsules. And get redeemed from this illness. 2. Take soup of sugdaana and get redeemed from the schemes of doctors. (Mrs. Doctor Kaazmi, Rawalpindi)


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Respected hakeem sahib, Assalam-o-alaikum! I really like the Ubqari magazine. The spiritual and medical prescriptions present in this are unanswerable, Because they have been tested by many people many times. That is why we prepare them without any concerns and use them. And we achieve unanswerable benefits. A medical prescription is available for Come and TestPrescriptions and Spread Them!For Redemption from Heavy Breathing and Dizziness: In this scenario take a piece of paper or a packet of polythene and insert your mouth in it and breathe in it for a few times. By doing so the amount of carbon dioxide is going to increase in the blood. And by correcting the breathing, dizziness will also finish. (Abdullah, Wah Cantt)


Establishment of Prescription Section in Ubqari


Become a partner in this good deed.

Readers! Sometimes where in incurable diseases expensive medicines and and costly treatments fail, there small prescriptions are useful that are apparently given no such importance. So readers, you should continuously write about the prescriptions of elders and old people that you have heard about or tested. Ubqari has established a prescription section so that the creation of Allah may be served and humanity may benefit from it. Note: Send such prescriptions that are made without medicines. And also refrain from sending prescriptions by copying them off from a book. Please do not do this. Only send tested and prescriptions that are secrets of hearts.

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A unique tonic for brain: almond seed, watermelon seed, pumpkin seed, caradamom khodar, nishasta 7 masha each grind with milk add 2 masha sugar and 2 masha ghee cook well give power to brain after drinking.

Have you passion for dining out? This article is for you!!


Being a nation we are destroying our health. Soft drinks, spicy and fat food, over eating particularly in marriage functions and dining out are overwhelming affecting our life.

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I had wanted to writing my observations about health related topic but could not do so due my official activities. Neither I am a professional writer nor have control on medical science. However, I have interest in reading the articles and material relating to medical science. I have read several articles in my student life, but could not pay enough attention due lack of knowledge and sense. Before coming to the topic, I would like to talk about some experiments and observations.




Health is one of the valuable rewards from almighty Allah. Being a nation, we are pretty careless about the health. We pay attention to our health only when we get sick and then turn to the doctors and hakeems. The situation becomes worst as most of the so called medics recommend the medicines, produced by the companies from which they have to get incentives and privileges. These companies loot the innocent patients very brutally. Some of the medics recommend even steroid to multiple their wealth.



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Electronic media in playing a vital role to uncover the dirty game of these cruel and greedy people, who are playing with the lives of the people. We can see on the TV channels that how people are making cooking oil from the bones of animal regardless they are halal or haram. This poisoned and hazardous oil is packed in the containers showing famous brands. Another report reveals how textile colors are using in sweats to make them more attractive for the customers.

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Health Disaster: Being a nation we are destroying our health. Soft drinks, spicy and fat food, over eating particularly in marriage functions and dining out are overwhelming affecting our life. Let’s come to the topic. Here I am sharing some personal experience about my health so that readers can get benefit.



Flue, cough and mucus: Mostly in the winters I am attacked by the flue and cough and then chest infection or mucus. Although get recover after using medicines but I realize that certain foods also cause raising such diseases. For example, whenever I take cold milk or cream then my chest gets occupied by mucus. Cough starts and mucus extracts in the morning. However, when I take hot milk following by cardamom it does not harm me. Secondly, if I take banana when I am under flue then mucus occupies my chest and as a result my treatment became longer. Last year in the month of August, when I conducted an allergy test in Allergy Center Islamabad, it was found that my treatment was going to wrong direction. This led me to consult with the doctor and thanks to almighty Allah that proper treatment put me on the right track. Constipation: Certain meals cause constipation to me. These are inclusive mixed flour, liver rice and mint etc. I prefer to prevent with these meals but if I have to take them forcefully, for example when I am a guest

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somewhere then I always take the digestive tablet after having these food. All of our family members have noticed them away since we have started eating fate flour. This is a kind of flour that is obtained by grinding wheat in mill. In accordance with the golden rules of Islam, I eat the meal by chewing them thoroughly. Moreover, I also control constipation by eating less bread (roti) when I eat fruits. I have observed that our nation ignores the golden rules and guidelines for eating as described in Islam.


Asthma: My wife is the patient of asthma since her childhood. She feels growth and intensity in her asthma when she eats certain foods such as guava, apple, grapes, rice, strawberry, green leaves and lassi (the yogurt milk) etc. in the light of my wife’s experience I would strongly recommend the asthma patients to strictly prevent strawberry.

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Above examples require us to prevent certain foods while having cure, as such foods have side effects. In my view, these foods are harmful because of the pesticides drugs as are sprayed on their trees.




Lack of exercise: We find many people who rarely exercise or sometimes don’t do it ever. Revolutionary changes in the ways of entertainment such as TV, internet, mobile phones have left no more time for exercise. In addition to that modern ways of rooming have also negative impact on the daily life. I believe a mere walk for two kilometers makes difference.



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Recite Surah Yaseen and get your problems solved: Honorable Hakeem Sahib, Assalam Aleykum! One of my friends told me that she recites Surah Yaseen with a specific way after Isha prayer and get her many problems solved. The way of recitation is as under: Specific conditions: First get clean, pay some donation before starting this recitation. Choose a peaceful and leisure time in your day so that you can concentrate on it. How to recite: Recite Darood Ibrahimi at least eleven times then recite Surah Yaseen. When you reach at Mubeen ‫ مبین‬then recite Surah Muzammil three times. Then pray with almighty Allah. Pray in way saying that for example if the recitation has started on Monday then say oh Allah! Please fix my said problem before the next Monday. Don’t talk to anyone after recitation and go to sleep. Offer this recitation for seven days. This valued recitation really works and every obstacle removes and every problem is fixed, Insha’Allah. (R.F)

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Blessing in sustenance and for the increase in power of brain: recite Surah Qaddar with before and after Darood Shareef gives a lot of benefit and good for memory also. (Zobia Ahmad) Episode 22


From editor’s pen

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Readers! Every month read Hazrat Hakim Sahib’s unique account filled with Spiritual secrets.




Found the lost gold bangle:


“Once we changed our home we lost a mobile, we thought the boys who carry our luggage may be they have hide it. My brother seen an article in Ubqari and we ‫ا‬ ‫ِ ا ْٰ ا‬ ٰ ‫اَی ارب‬ ‫ُموٰس اَُی اُر ِبُک ِْیمُبِ ْس ِمُہّٰللاُالر‬ recitedُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ‫ْح ِنُالر ِح ْی ِم‬ ِ



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Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! We love to read your monthly Ubqari magazine. From this magazine our and to whom we told them everyone’s problem has been solved. My cousin has dates problem I read in Ubqari magazine about a book “Adveyat ki shifayabi” and brought that book at home. From that book I told my cousin to use harmone shifa and women shifa medicine. She bought and used and her problem solved, also she has problem of facial hair that is also cure. Now my that cousin got married in a very good family. One day she called me and said I am in problem, I asked what problem? My husband’s brother daughter came last night from foreign country and gave me a bag having 4 gold bangles which I put into the safe. When in the morning she asked me the bag it had only 3 bangles, I am worried what she think about me, I am new in this home, she think that I am a thief taken one gold bangle. I did charity and reciting also. Respected Hakeem sahib, I told to leave everything only recite


‫ا‬ ‫ِ ا ْٰ ا‬ ٰ ‫اَی ارب‬ ‫ُموٰس اَُی اُر ِبُک ِْیمُ ِب ْس ِمُہّٰللاُالر‬ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ‫ْح ِنُالر ِح ْی ِم‬ ِ


And taught this 6-7 times that she learned it.i told her to recite this dua only. She asked me to make wudu and sit and recite? I said no recite continuously and when you get it please let me know. After half an hour she called me that they found the bangle. I asked how? When my husband asked her she said 4 bangles, my husband said check the other bags and in the other bag they found it. Respected Hakeem sahib this is all due to the blessing of aamal.


Wazifa make impossible possible: Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! May Allah increase your age and double your respect, Ubqari also thriving, Allah give from them to everyone. Ameen. The wazifa of Ubqari ‫ا‬ ‫ِ ا ْٰ ا‬ ٰ ‫ُ ُ اَی ارب‬is on my tongue every time when I lost anything and from this ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ‫ْح ِنُالر ِح ْی ِم‬ ‫ُموٰس اَُی اُر ِبُک ِْیمُ ِب ْس ِمُہّٰللاُالر‬ ِ wazifa I found the things. I am telling you an incident me and my sister was coming back from shopping one woman sit with us in the wagon and she was looking upset. When we asked she told that she was back from Lahore on the Deena stop she left the bus and her purse was in that in which Rs 1000 and a mobile there. Her husband is also with her she ask driver to ask other wagon driver because they have

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ٰ ‫ُموٰس اَُی اُربُک ِْیمُب ْسمُہّٰللاُِالر‬ ٰ ‫ اَی ارب‬she link with each other. I told her that woman to recite this dua ُ ُ ُ ُ ُ ‫ْح ِنُالر ِح ْی ِم‬ ِ ِ ِ ِ


started reciting and we also reciting with her. Driver took her husband’s mobile number and call to other drivers but nothing happened. Then he called his cousin who lives in Deena and sends him to Deena stop and he told that the wagon you are looking still not arrived. We have only past half way a call came to driver from the mobile of that woman purse that who’s mobile and purse they will collect it from them which is fidelity for us. Do believe Allah witness this is only from this wazifa the woman got her things. I told that woman pray nafil gratitude. How much I tell you the benefits of this wazifa is less. I request every reader to pray for my success. Found the lost mobile:

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Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! Once we changed our home we lost a mobile, we thought the boys who carry our luggage may be they have hide it. My brother seen an article in ‫ا‬ ‫ِ ا ْٰ ا‬ ٰ ‫ ُ ُ ُ اَی ارب‬now some days past those boys and Ubqari and we recited ُ ُ ُ ‫ْحُ ِنُالر ِح ْی ِم‬ ‫ُموٰس اَُی اُر ِبُک ِْیمُ ِب ْس ِمُہّٰللاُالر‬ ِ


return our mobile and ashamed.


Unique tips for Love read and amazed:


Readers! I am giving you your belonging which was in my guardianship. If you attain any benefit from this Wazifa, please share with me as well. I will be waiting. Editor




‫م‬ "‫"اڑیُھبمْییُساونُآۓ‬

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Those husband and wife having no love with other: once a woman came to my mother and crying a lot that I got married two years and serving all my in-laws they all respect me, they are happy with me and Allah blessed me a beautiful son but my husband do not do good for me. He beats me and sent me to my mother home. I went to many people some gives me carving but no use. Once my husband saw carving now he is not allow me to pray he said I am doing some magic. My mother asked her if she gave her some ayat or dua can she recite it she said I am uneducated. My mother asked if she had studied some schooling she said yes. My mother gave him a line to read numerous for the love of his husband, the lines are



She recited this uncountable after some day she came and I was surprised to see her she was changed when she was crying a lot. My mother hugged her she kisses my mother hands and said now my husband take care of me like a crystal that do not break and we are going for Ummrah also. Allah solves everyone’s problem. Allah makes every home happy. Ameen. (Mrs. Syedda Hina Gilani, Lahore)

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