Rules Of Ontologism Part1

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Rules of Ontologism (Part 1) New edition,




Online View

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To read this book is very important for every person who is desirable of series of Qadri Hajweri Rehmatullah Alaih. Do fix some part of your time for reading the book rules of Ontologism. With the mercy of Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬this book will take your life in little time on the heights of ontologism. In sha Allah tala! Written by Sheikh-ul-wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai Damat Barka Tehm-ul-Aaliya PhD (America)





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Name of book: Rules of ontologism (New edition)


The copy rights are reserved for the Institute.


Written by: Sheikh-ul-wazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai ‫دامت برکا تہم العالیہ‬ PhD (America)

.u bq

Sequenced by: Maulana Syed Muhammad Adil Sheraz, Maulana Muhammad Waleed-ur-Rasheedi (Teacher of Jamia Madnia old Lahore) Published by: Office of monthly Ubqari


Universal point of spirituality and peace 78/3 Ubqari street near Qurtuba Masjid Mazang Chaurangi Lahore.

Price: 400 Rupees.


Important note:


Published on: August 2015




.u bq



We have tried our best that there may be no mistake in words, verses and ahadith. But still also we think ourselves worthy of correction. Wherever your critical sight may move towards any mistake or any aspect which is worthy of corrections so do inform necessarily, we will be thank full to you.


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Great reward on small acts ......................................................................................................................... 23 Condition of heart ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Course ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Chapter one ................................................................................................................................................ 25


Easy way to meet Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬.............................................................................................................. 25 Purification of internal self in the light of Quran .................................................................................... 25 The need of purification of internal self ................................................................................................. 26

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Important example of purification of internal self ................................................................................. 27 Successful driver of path of ontologism ................................................................................................. 27


Matchless tip of ontologism of lord ........................................................................................................ 28 The advice of one female ghost for gaining ontologism ......................................................................... 28 Specialty of journey of path of ontologism............................................................................................. 29


The importance of removing of internal diseases .................................................................................. 29


The worth of time is very important on ontologism............................................................................... 30 The reasons of wasting time ................................................................................................................... 31 For the level of ontologism the protection of time is necessary ............................................................ 31



The importance and worth of one minute ............................................................................................. 31 To waste the time…is loss and only loss ................................................................................................. 32


The example of world and Day of Judgment .......................................................................................... 33

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Some bitter talks with our closed ones................................................................................................... 33 The Muslim of today ............................................................................................................................... 34 12 people deprived from ontologism of lord.......................................................................................... 34

The need of purification for internal self in present era ............................................................................ 35 The effects of purification of internal self on life of human being ......................................................... 35 What is not Sufism? ................................................................................................................................ 36


What is Sufism‫ ?۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬.............................................................................................................................. 37 The name of accepted worship is only Sufism ........................................................................................ 38 The practical aspect of purification of internal self .................................................................................... 38


The physical aspect of Sufism ................................................................................................................. 38 Heart, one precious treasure .................................................................................................................. 39


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The heart being obedient is the reality of Sufism ................................................................................... 39


Make your heart clean and clear like a mirror........................................................................................ 40 The one sentence which comes out of heart changes the entire situation of human being ................. 40 The beatitudes of enlightened heart ...................................................................................................... 41

Internal self and its kinds, five ways of correction of internal self ............................................................. 41


“Internal self, the first great enemy of human being” ............................................................................... 42 The definition and kinds of internal self ................................................................................................. 42 The devil and deception of internal self ................................................................................................. 43

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Move your face away from enjoyments of internal self ......................................................................... 43 The effort of three hundred years is not enough ................................................................................... 43

Hazrat Fazeel Bin Ayyaz


The punishment of desires of internal self ............................................................................................. 44 ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and blaming to internal self ................................................................. 44

The reward of not listening to the internal self ...................................................................................... 44


Recreation of internal self of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬: ........................................................................... 45 “The devil” second big enemy of human being ...................................................................................... 46


The tricks of Satan and Devil ................................................................................................................... 46 4 enemies of human being ..................................................................................................................... 46



The auto bio graphy of the devil ............................................................................................................. 47 The 9 answers of the devil from your mouth ......................................................................................... 47 The friends and enemies of the devil… who are you? ............................................................................ 47

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The 15 enemies of the devil .................................................................................................................... 47 The ten friends of the devil ..................................................................................................................... 48 The consistency of the devil…point to worry! ........................................................................................ 48 The competition with internal self and the devil.................................................................................... 49 Four acts to make like the devil .............................................................................................................. 49 The meeting of Hazrat Esa

‫علیہ السالم‬

with the devil ..................................................................................... 49

The cursed devil in form of Jibrael ‫ علیہ السالم‬................................................................................................ 50


The trick of devil, deception and fraud ................................................................................................... 51 The devil with woman and young boy .................................................................................................... 51


The dialogue of Junaid Baghdadi with Iblees.......................................................................................... 51 The fight of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

with Iblees ...................................................................... 52


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The attacks of the devil at the time of death and the tip to get safe from them................................... 52


The way of robbery of devil .................................................................................................................... 52 The incident of death of Imam Abu Jafar Qurtubi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬...................................................................... 53 The incident of death of Imam Ahmed Bin Hamble ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................... 53 7 tricks to get safe from the deception of the devil at the time of death .............................................. 53


The first way of correction of internal self: ................................................................................................ 55 The first way of correction of internal self: (Sincerity of intentions).......................................................... 55 What should be the intention of a desirable person? ............................................................................ 55

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Quick success of sincere follower ........................................................................................................... 56 The story of sincerity of Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬.............................................................................................. 56


The reward of Qutbi, equal to Bukhari ................................................................................................... 56 The need of making intention correct .................................................................................................... 57 The effect of intention of human being on his life ................................................................................. 57


The level of sincerity of one friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬............................................................................... 57 The beatitudes of sincerity of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬............................................................................ 58


Very important thing............................................................................................................................... 58

(‫ )کونوا مع الصادقین‬.......................................................................................................................................... 58



The second way of correction of internal self: ........................................................................................... 59 The need of pious company: ....................................................................................................................... 59 The second way of correction of internal self ........................................................................................ 60

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The need of pious company: ................................................................................................................... 60 The need of company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for the companions .................................................................. 60 The proof of good company from Quran Pak ......................................................................................... 61 Pious company in eyes of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬................................................................................. 61 The company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in the eyes of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬.................................... 61

Pious company in the eyes of Peeran Peer............................................................................................. 62 Khuwaja Ubaid ullah Ehraar Rehm ullah and wish of pious company.................................................... 62


The beatitudes of company of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬........................................................................... 62 Pious company is better than the efforts of many years........................................................................ 62


The salateen of Islam and company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬............................................................. 63 The beatitudes of looking alike people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬........................................................................ 63


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Why pious company should be adopted…! ............................................................................................ 64


The example of pious company .............................................................................................................. 64 The company of gentlemen is the great elixir ........................................................................................ 65 Affiliation, one great blessing: .................................................................................................................... 65 Affiliation, one great reality .................................................................................................................... 65


The example of wonders......................................................................................................................... 66 Our religious affiliations .......................................................................................................................... 66 The respect of affiliation of companions‫ رضی ہللا عنھم‬.................................................................................... 66

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The effect of affiliation on roti ................................................................................................................ 67 The effect of affiliation on sand .............................................................................................................. 67


For the respect of affiliation, to cry for 40 years .................................................................................... 68 The effect of affiliation of Murshid ......................................................................................................... 68 7 disadvantages of bad company ........................................................................................................... 69


The result of company of 8 kinds of people ........................................................................................... 70 The need and importance of Murshid ........................................................................................................ 71


The detail of ayat e waseela ................................................................................................................... 71 Without murshid, success is very difficult .............................................................................................. 72



For every skill, need of master ................................................................................................................ 72 Only zikr is not enough ........................................................................................................................... 73 The need of bait in present era............................................................................................................... 73

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The second example ............................................................................................................................... 73 The third example ................................................................................................................................... 74

The choice of Sheikh ................................................................................................................................... 74 The importance of bait of correction...................................................................................................... 75 The bait of correction in according to Quran Pak ................................................................................... 75 The holy Ahadees on bait of correction .................................................................................................. 75 The quote of Hazrat Shah Waliullah ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬........................................................................................... 76


The kinds of bait...................................................................................................................................... 77 The bait of correction of researcher scholars ......................................................................................... 77


The need of complete murshid for the light of knowledge ........................................................................ 78 One worldly scholar and gentleman ....................................................................................................... 79


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The secret of success of our elders ......................................................................................................... 79


People of knowledge and deception of the devil ................................................................................... 80 The bait of people of knowledge with un scholar person ...................................................................... 80 The rules of bait .......................................................................................................................................... 81 The reason and procedure of bait .......................................................................................................... 84


The 8 advantages of bait ......................................................................................................................... 85 Common questions about death and their answers .................................................................................. 86 What is bait? ........................................................................................................................................... 86

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The correction of false thoughts ............................................................................................................. 86 Correct procedure ................................................................................................................................... 86


Objection and its answer ........................................................................................................................ 86 How benefit is gained from the bait ....................................................................................................... 87 Bait from one place and the correction from the other place ............................................................... 87


Is doing bait only is enough?................................................................................................................... 87 The compatibility of nature with murshid is necessary .......................................................................... 88


Do not do hurry in doing bait….!............................................................................................................. 88 The procedure of company of sheikh ..................................................................................................... 89



The azkar are not the real goal…! ........................................................................................................... 89 The azkar can also be harmful ................................................................................................................ 90

The need and importance of rules of sheikh .............................................................................................. 90

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The respect is the greatest part of Sufism .............................................................................................. 90 The accomplished respect in the eyes of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬......................................................... 91 The incidents of scholars filed with respect ........................................................................................... 92 The respect of murshid more than the parents...................................................................................... 92 The intensity of respect in the service of murshid ................................................................................. 92 The respect of Imam Abu Hanifa Rehmat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.................................................................................. 93 One special rule of going near the people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬................................................................... 93


The respect of Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................................... 93 Such a best respect and such a beautiful desire ..................................................................................... 94


The respect made the great Muhaddis................................................................................................... 94 Learn the respect of murshid, from Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................................................... 94


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Little bit of dis respect, became the reason of deprivation .................................................................... 95


The castigation to Hazrat Siri Saqti Rehm Allah on little bit of disrespect ............................................. 95 The carpenter got a great status through the respect ........................................................................... 95 Three signs of unluckiness ...................................................................................................................... 95 The exemplary incident of respect of hadis ............................................................................................ 95


The ways of gaining respect .................................................................................................................... 96 Sheikh Muhiuddin Rehm ullah and importance of respect of Sheikh ........................................................ 97 The strange way of respect and honor ................................................................................................... 97

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One special respect of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬...................................................................................... 97 (35) Respect of sheikh ................................................................................................................................. 98


The effects of company of Murshid ...................................................................................................... 100 The company of murshid is the source of being consistent ................................................................. 101

The effect of company of murshid ........................................................................................................ 102


My murshid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the company of murshid ............................................................................... 102

The effect of eye sight of great person on the villager ......................................................................... 102


In 18 days I got everything .................................................................................................................... 103 When do we get benefit from murshid? .............................................................................................. 104



Continuous company is important........................................................................................................ 104 With the beatitude of company of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬a secular person also remained safe........ 105

The result of going against the teachings of murshid........................................................................... 105

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The need of murshid for finishing the internal self .............................................................................. 106

The incidence of importance of love of sheikh ......................................................................................... 106 Unconditional love with murshid.......................................................................................................... 106 The wonder of affection with murshid ................................................................................................. 108 The meeting of murshid is the source of removing the darkness ........................................................ 108 The love of Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Lahori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬with his murshid ................................................ 108 Love with Sheikh of Allama Khalid Qardi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. ................................................................................. 109


The love of murshid of Hazrat sahal Bin Abdullah tastari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. ....................................................... 109 The exemplary condition of Fana Fil Sheikh ......................................................................................... 109


Got high status with the love of murshid ............................................................................................. 110 The respect of murshid by Sheikh Abu Ishaq ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................................... 110


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The service and respect in owner of Sheikh ......................................................................................... 110


The love of murshid of Maulana Saeed Gohanvi Sir ............................................................................. 111 The respect of murshid of Shah Abul Muaali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................................... 111 The affection of murshid of Makhdoom Jahania Jahan Gasht ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................. 111 The benefits of doing service of Sheikh .................................................................................................... 112


The service of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and recitation of Bukhari till millions of time ......................... 112 The service of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will make you worthy .............................................................. 113 The greatest Imam got the highest rank through the service .............................................................. 113

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The good news of being forgiven on the service of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬......................................... 113 Unconditional consistency on the service of thirty years ..................................................................... 114


Hazrat Khuwaja ghulam Fareed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the spirit of service ......................................................... 114 The warning to the king on the lack of service ..................................................................................... 114

The service made him teacher of hadis shareef ................................................................................... 114


Our elders who used to think the service as an honor ......................................................................... 115 A serving follower, exemplary personality ........................................................................................... 115


The sincerity of followers do not go in vain .......................................................................................... 115

The consistency of forty years of a true follower ................................................................................. 115



The walking of Peeraan peer till forty years in a consistent way ......................................................... 116

The best example of being consistent for the followers ...................................................................... 116 The saalikeen may learn the consistency from Imam Ghazali .............................................................. 116

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The followers may learn consistency from a person who uses to call for prayer ................................ 117

The strictness and scolding of Murshid .................................................................................................... 117 The happiness and resentment of Sheikh............................................................................................. 118 The beatitude use to happen with the happiness of teacher............................................................... 119 The torments and agony of school of Sufism ....................................................................................... 119 How should the followers move, do very much progress? ...................................................................... 120 Offering the nawafil .............................................................................................................................. 121


Do remember one very precious thing for always! .............................................................................. 121 Do get safe from opposition ................................................................................................................. 122


What is imagination and why it should be done? ................................................................................ 122 The precious pearls of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬........................................................................................ 123


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The court of Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.................................................................................. 123


The court of Mujahid Kabeer Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................ 123 The court of Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................................ 123 The court of Hazrat Shah Muhammad Yaqoob Mujaddiid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬....................................................... 123 The court of Sheik ul Islam Hazrat Maulana Madni ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................. 123


The court of Hazrat Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman Ganj Murad Abadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................... 123 Six things for the success in world and Day of Judgment ..................................................................... 124 Research of seven hundred scholars .................................................................................................... 124

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Some important things to the ones who do bait ...................................................................................... 125 The routines of every day ......................................................................................................................... 126


The respect of peer brothers .................................................................................................................... 128 The secrets of success and quick progress ............................................................................................... 130

Do not think yourself complete ever ........................................................................................................ 131


The incident of Khuwaja Muhammad Baqa which makes a person cries ............................................ 131 The crying of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi at the time of death................................................................ 132


The fear of ontologism being wasted ................................................................................................... 133 Special advice for the leaders ............................................................................................................... 133



The advice of Khuwaja Gesun daraz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................................................................... 134

The people who are in start should not get worried ................................................................................ 134 Easiness and strictness.......................................................................................................................... 134

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The example of bad thought ................................................................................................................. 135 Treatment of bad thoughts ................................................................................................................... 135 The harmful tasks for the one who is in start ....................................................................................... 136 The three advices of fuqha ................................................................................................................... 136

The rights and respectful things of the honorable scholars ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................................... 137 The friends of Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

in the light of ahadis shareef ................................................................... 137

The different dresses of saint hood .......................................................................................................... 140


The honorable scholars who used to have the royal dresses ............................................................... 140 Hazrat Khuwaja Hasan Basri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬..................................................................................................... 141


The great garment of Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................ 141 The nature of prince of Abu Hafs Haddad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................................ 141


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The wealth of sheikh Shahabud din Sahar wardi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬..................................................................... 141


Along with the honorable cloths the feet of poverty ........................................................................... 142 The nature of prince and the strong eye sight ..................................................................................... 142 The friend of the Almighty Allah hidden inside the kingdom ............................................................... 142 While living in the world remain separate from all people .................................................................. 143


Accomplished people….accomplished children .................................................................................... 143 The wonderful dress of Sheikh abul Hasan Shazli ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.................................................................... 144 Open heartedness along with the wealth............................................................................................. 144

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The wonderful dress of friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬and the punishment of derogation ............................ 145 The magnificent life of Mirza Marhar Jaan e Jaana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.................................................................. 146


The honorable friend of the Almighty Allah‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬and halaal income.................................................... 146 The professions of Prophets and great people of Islam ....................................................................... 147

Honesty of people of the Almighty Allah in trade ................................................................................ 147 ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

like a king!...................................................................................... 148


There is no friend of Allah

The full of wisdom incident of pure trade ............................................................................................ 148


Exemplary trade became the source of exemplary ontologism ........................................................... 149

The loyal trade ...................................................................................................................................... 149



The wonderful dress and sincerity of heart .......................................................................................... 149 To bear the loss of forty thousand rupees............................................................................................ 150

The honorable friends of the Almighty Allah who used to have the dress of poor people ..................... 150

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The level of poverty of Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬....................................................................... 150 The great man of time in the dress of the stall man............................................................................. 151 The friend of the Almighty Allah hidden in the desert ......................................................................... 152 Very much simplicity of the caliph of the time ..................................................................................... 152 The poverty of Maulana Ismail Dehlvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬...................................................................................... 152

The lost and bad conditioned friend of the Almighty Allah .................................................................. 153 Different interest of the friends of the Almighty Allah ......................................................................... 153


The nature and the mushrib of the people of the Almighty Allah ........................................................ 153 The condition of gathering of sermon .................................................................................................. 153


You may not think yourself equal to the people of the Almighty Allah ............................................... 154 The desirable people of kashaf should read it for sure…! .................................................................... 154


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Leadership of 7 generations ................................................................................................................. 154


The incident of one friend of Allah in the form of one crazy person.................................................... 154 Our weak status of mind and the level of friends of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬...................................................... 156 The people who use to do argue on the friendsof Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬may read it for sure..! ..................... 156

The majesty of the people of the Almighty Allah ..................................................................................... 157


The recognition of the people of the Almighty Allah ........................................................................... 157 The villager of Nadwa and the recognition of the people of the Almighty Allah ................................. 157 The interest of worship of honorable friend of the Almighty Allah.......................................................... 158

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The routine of Hazrat Seeri Sakhti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................ 158 The exemplary interest of worship of one great man .......................................................................... 158


The management of time of Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................ 158 The bad end of dishonor of honorable friends of the Almighty Allah .................................................. 159 The becoming of a person who dishonored of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬as the monkey ....................... 160


Becoming blind due to dishonor ........................................................................................................... 160 The dishonoring man becoming like a pig ............................................................................................ 160


The punishment of disrespect is death................................................................................................. 161 The quick punishment on doing the dishonor of the friend of the Almighty Allah .............................. 161



The punishment of doing humiliation on belief of people of Almighty Allah....................................... 162

The end of joking with great men ......................................................................................................... 162 The nafli fast and the resentment of friend of the Almighty Allah ....................................................... 162

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Going far from murshid is the result of misguidance ........................................................................... 162 The advice of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to the humiliated person ............................................ 163 The punishment of irritating the people of the Almighty Allah............................................................ 163 The bad and of bad duas of people of the Almighty Allah ................................................................... 163

The interest of honorable friends of Allah of oneness and shairiah......................................................... 164 Importance of tauheed and shariah ..................................................................................................... 164 Advice to follow the Sunnah and to be safe from Biddah .................................................................... 165


The arrangement of Sunnah of Hazrat Makhdood Jahania ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬...................................................... 165 The interest in shariah of Shah Muhammad Suleman ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................. 166


The interest of obedience of sunnah of Peer Golarvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................... 166 Hazrat sheikh Meer Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and punctuality of prayer .................................................... 166


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Awamir shariat is the need of every follower ....................................................................................... 166


The interest to follow the sunnah of Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Mohaari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.......................... 167

The respect of shariah and punishment to ethist ................................................................................. 167 The punctuality of prayer with a group ................................................................................................ 167 Warning on doing mistake in the call for prayer .................................................................................. 168


The nude sword in the spreading of good deeds ................................................................................. 168 The interest of Hafiz Muhammad Jamal Multani (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to follow the shariah .................................. 169 The interest of Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to follow the shariah ........................................... 169

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The following shariah of Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬..................................................... 169 The importance of fast .......................................................................................................................... 170


The importance of Hajj ......................................................................................................................... 170 The following of shariah of Hazrat Imam Rabbani................................................................................ 170 The following of the shariah of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬...................................................... 171


Sufism is the name of complete obedience only .................................................................................. 171 The following of shariah of Hazrat Hajweri (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................. 171


The level of god fearing of respectable friend of the Almighty Allah ....................................................... 172 The fear of God of sister of one friend of the Almighty Allah............................................................... 172



The fear of God of Imam Ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................ 172 The fear of God of Hazrat Lahori (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................. 173

The search of five things ....................................................................................................................... 174

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The way of training of the honorable friends of Allah‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.............................................................. 174 The wish of sin and best way of training .............................................................................................. 174 The need of training in childhood ......................................................................................................... 175 The wisdom of people of Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

and the failure of mind .......................................................... 175

The way of training of Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ali Sir (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................... 177 One rebuke incident… advice ....................................................................................................... 177 With wisdom, the immodest lady became modest .............................................................................. 177


Best way…repentance from four sins ................................................................................................... 178 The murshids do training like this also ................................................................................................. 178


Maulana Muzaffar Hussain (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the training of the wrestler................................................... 178 The way of training of Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ................................................................................ 179


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The honorable friends of Almighty Allah and love with the sinful people ............................................... 179


Enemy of life….the attitude of murshid ................................................................................................ 180

Good dua in place of bad dua…..unique way of love............................................................................ 181 One great man and the training of ghosts ............................................................................................ 181 Hazrat Siri Saqti (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the famous drunkard ............................................................................. 182


With the beatitude of Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the thief became the saint of god ........................... 182 The journey from the market of beauty till the point of saint hood .................................................... 182 The effect of good character on the old female thief........................................................................... 183

.u bq

The love of Syed Ishaq Gazardni (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................. 183 The meeting of famous thief with Junaid Baghdaadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................. 184


The taking of tests by the honorable friend of the Almighty Allah .......................................................... 184 The test of Hazrat Ganj Shakar (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................... 184 The test of Sheikh Shibli (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.......................................................................................................... 185


The service of convent is also the source of test .................................................................................. 185 The test is of the lover, not of the hypocrite ........................................................................................ 185


Why the old lady became the bride..! .................................................................................................. 187 The test through the bottle of wine ..................................................................................................... 187



The exams are also taken in this way ................................................................................................... 188 The taking of exam by one friend of the Almighty Allah of the other friend of the Almighty Allah .... 188

The wisdom of honorable friends of the Almighty Allah .......................................................................... 188

.u bq


The wisdom of Maulana Rome (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................... 188 The beatitude of dried piece ................................................................................................................. 189 The command of robbery or the suspicious wisdom ........................................................................... 189 The internal insight of Hazrat Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.............................................. 190 The marriage with the lady and then divorce to her ............................................................................ 190 The talent of knowledge and insight of religious person ..................................................................... 190

The third way of correction of internal self “Zikr of the Almighty Allah” ................................................. 191


The third way of correction of internal self .............................................................................................. 192 Without the zikr no any man can walk on the path of ontologism ...................................................... 192


The importance in ahadis...................................................................................................................... 192 The importance and benefits zikr of the Almighty Allah .......................................................................... 193


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The treatment of ignorance .................................................................................................................. 194


The correction of diseases of internal self ............................................................................................ 194 The zikr of the Almighty Allah is the spring of garden of heart ............................................................ 194 Alive but dead people ........................................................................................................................... 195 Ignorance from the zikr of the Almighty Allah…..The story full of sadness of the bird ........................ 195


The zikr of the almighty Allah is the food for birds ............................................................................... 196 The discussion of birds and our ignorance ........................................................................................... 196 How the devastated heart became populated? ................................................................................... 197

.u bq

Devastated and unpopulated hearts .................................................................................................... 197 The need of zikr along with the hobbies of knowledge ........................................................................ 198


The need of zikr to murshid .................................................................................................................. 198 The thought of doing zikr of the Almighty Allah at the time of eating food ........................................ 198 The tasbeeh of companions of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬........................................................................................... 199


Time for zikr of the Almighty Allah ....................................................................................................... 199

The way of Qadri Hajweri to do the zikr ................................................................................................... 199


Levels of sulook (Centre of consciousness) .......................................................................................... 199

Places of centers of consciousness in Qadriya...................................................................................... 199



Zikr in loud voice ................................................................................................................................... 200 The conditions of doing zikr in loud voice ............................................................................................ 200 The rationale of doing zikr with loud voice and doing zikr collectively ................................................ 200

.u bq


The wonders of series of Qadriya ......................................................................................................... 201 The series of Qadriya in the eyes of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................ 201

The discussion of the way of naqshbandia and qadria as becoming one............................................. 202 The special act of the hard working salikeen ........................................................................................ 202 The zikr of paas e infas .......................................................................................................................... 202 The importance and superiority of the zikr of negation and affirmation ............................................. 203 The problems of zikr ............................................................................................................................. 204


The results of zikr .................................................................................................................................. 204 The treatment of diseases of body with the zikr of the Almighty Allah ............................................... 205


How the zikr of the Almighty Allah should be done? ........................................................................... 205 The beatitude and superiority of the recitation of the Holy Quran ......................................................... 206


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The completion of the Holy Quran every day till 12 thousands time ................................................... 206


The respect of the Holy Quran became the source of forgiveness of the king .................................... 207 If you have love with the Holy Quran so it should be in this way......................................................... 207

The respect of the hoyl Quran and the reward of it ............................................................................. 207 Love and affection with the holy Quran ............................................................................................... 207


The quick punishment on the disrespect of the holy Quran ................................................................ 208 The business in which there is no loss .................................................................................................. 208 The reward of nine holy Quran and one thousand verses in 9 minutes .............................................. 208

.u bq

The supremacy of durood shareef ........................................................................................................ 209 The supremacy of durood shareef in abundance ................................................................................. 209


The amendment of doing mistake in durood shareef .......................................................................... 211 One special respect ............................................................................................................................... 211

The forth way of the correction of the internal self ................................................................................. 212


Computation and meditation ............................................................................................................... 212 The forth way of correction of internal self, computation and meditation ............................................. 212


The computation of Hazrat Tameem Dari ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬................................................................................ 212

The computation of life......................................................................................................................... 213



Meditation ................................................................................................................................................ 214 The meditation of murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................................................................... 214 Meditation and hard work .................................................................................................................... 215

.u bq


The way to do the meditation .............................................................................................................. 215 Wonders of the meditation .................................................................................................................. 215 Kinds of meditation ............................................................................................................................... 216 Meditation as the right of love ............................................................................................................. 216 Meditation of prayer............................................................................................................................. 216 Meditation of recitation........................................................................................................................ 217 Meditation of rizq ................................................................................................................................. 217


Meditation to remove the sins ............................................................................................................. 217 Meditation of the floor ......................................................................................................................... 217


Mediation to incline towards doing hard work .................................................................................... 217 Meditation of death .............................................................................................................................. 217


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The need of hard work for the correction of internal self ........................................................................ 218


Four tasks……correction easy................................................................................................................ 218

Eat less, sleep less, speak less, and meet less....................................................................................... 219 To eat less and to eat with embarrassment ......................................................................................... 219 The food of market ............................................................................................................................... 219


The family tree of Qadri Hajweri .............................................................................................................. 220 Chapter number 2 ..................................................................................................................................... 222 The reason of Sufism................................................................................................................................. 222

.u bq

It is to gain the character ...................................................................................................................... 222 It is to gain the good character ................................................................................................................. 223


The gaining of Sufism is the correction of character ............................................................................ 223 The good character in the light of ahadis shareef ................................................................................ 223

The goodness of the world and the Day of Judgment .......................................................................... 224


What are the good characters? ............................................................................................................ 224

The reward of doing forgiveness .......................................................................................................... 225


How it shall be known about the correctness of the character? .......................................................... 225 The contents of the character are nine ................................................................................................ 225



The duas of getting the good character................................................................................................ 226

The first kind of character is the oneness of the Almighty Allah .............................................................. 226 If you are my so, all is mine................................................................................................................... 226

.u bq


There no other door except the Almighty Allah ................................................................................... 227 The limitless mercy of the loving Almighty Allah .................................................................................. 228 The oneness of the lord is the most precious wealth ........................................................................... 228 The need of taking lord along with you ................................................................................................ 228 The need of the belief for the oneness of the Almighty Allah .............................................................. 228 The door of the Almighty Allah use to keep open all the time ............................................................. 229 One strange example of the power of the Lord ................................................................................... 229


(11) The secrets of place of ontologism and the wordings................................................................... 230 Seventeen rules of the oneness of the Almighty Allah ......................................................................... 230


The second kind of character is the “purity of the intention” .................................................................. 231 By changing of the intentions, the matter being changed ................................................................... 231


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The warning in dream to Muhammad Bin Wase ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬......................................................... 231


The sincerity of Imam Abu Daud ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.............................................................................................. 232

The third kind of character is “Trust” ....................................................................................................... 233 The definition of trust ........................................................................................................................... 233 Trust in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadis shareef ........................................................................ 233

Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar


The need of fate for the trust ............................................................................................................... 234 ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and the importance of trust ................................................. 234

The trust of Khwaja Moinuddin Chushti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬................................................................................... 234 ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and the level of his trust .............................................. 235

.u bq

Khawaja Qutub ud din Bakhtyar Kaki

One strange incident of trust ................................................................................................................ 235


The forth kind of character is “assignment” ............................................................................................. 236 To give the matter of yours in the hand of the Almighty Allah ............................................................ 236

The fate does not use to stop from the “scheme” ............................................................................... 236


The correct meaning of the fate ........................................................................................................... 236 One incident of Hazrat Farooq e Azam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬..................................................................................... 236


The sadness is not against to the “Raza bil Qaza” ................................................................................ 237 One best example ................................................................................................................................. 238



The importance of being happy on the fate ......................................................................................... 238 The level of completion of the assignment .......................................................................................... 238

The lady who got the special status through the fate .......................................................................... 239

.u bq


The great man who used to remain happy on fate .............................................................................. 239 The lesson of one female friend of the almighty Allah for our ladies .................................................. 239 Understood the fate with the melon .................................................................................................... 240 The intelligence of Esa Alai Salam is the matter of fate ....................................................................... 240 There is very much mercy of my Almighty Allah on me ....................................................................... 240 The way to gain the assignment ........................................................................................................... 240

The Sixth kind of character is fear and hope ............................................................................................ 240


The way of Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬at the time of wind storm .............................................................................. 242 The advice of Hazrat Anas

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

at the time of getting dark ............................................................. 242


The way of act of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in solar eclipse ........................................................................................ 242 The incidents of respectable friends of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬about the fear of lord ...................... 243


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The fear of the almighty Allah on Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضیاللہعنہ‬.................................................... 243


The fear of the lord of Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬......................................................................................... 244 The condition of Hazrat Ayesha‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬with the fear of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬............................ 245 Other companions‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬and the fear of lord ..................................................................................... 245 The fear of lord of Hazrat Fuzail ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬............................................................................................... 246

The crying of Hazrat Fuzail Bin Ayaz


The fear of the Day of Judgment of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.......................................... 246 ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

on the Day of Arfa ........................................................... 246

The way to gain the fear of lord............................................................................................................ 247

.u bq

The seventh kind of character is to remain happy in the consent of the almighty Allah ......................... 247 The luckiest person ............................................................................................................................... 247


Consent is the source of level of ontologism ........................................................................................ 247 The level of patience on unpleasant things .......................................................................................... 248 To complain is against the level of consent .......................................................................................... 248


The matter is very much sensitive…! .................................................................................................... 248 Do keep faith on the almighty Allah ..................................................................................................... 249


I wish this would not happen ................................................................................................................ 249 The planning of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is only known by the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬................... 249



The eighth kind of character is patience................................................................................................... 250 Three kinds of patience......................................................................................................................... 250

Patience on other times ........................................................................................................................ 250

.u bq


Patience in the light of ahadis shareef.................................................................................................. 251 To do patience on the death of children .............................................................................................. 251

At what time the patience should be done .......................................................................................... 252 The exemplary patience of one female companion on the death of her son ...................................... 252 The spirit of faith of Hazrat Asma ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬............................................................................................. 253 The first writing of the sacred book ...................................................................................................... 253 The patience of the Habshi lady ........................................................................................................... 253


The level of patience of friends of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬................................................................. 254 The bench mark of patience ................................................................................................................. 254


The conditions of Arfeen....................................................................................................................... 254 The advice of one Zoroastrian priest on patience ................................................................................ 254


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The mountains of difficulties on the beloved friends of the Almighty Allah ........................................ 254


Worthy of putting on fire ...................................................................................................................... 255 Conformity between quote and actions ............................................................................................... 255 The question of Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬from the Almighty Allah ............................................................. 255

Dua for the thief.................................................................................................................................... 255


Increase in the problem due to impatience.......................................................................................... 255 Six lines full of lessons........................................................................................................................... 256 The pain is also a blessing but when…..!............................................................................................... 256

.u bq

The elixir to change the problem with the mercy ................................................................................ 256 Eleven Islamic rules in pain and problem ............................................................................................. 257


The duas which are to be recited in the problems ............................................................................... 258 The way to do patience......................................................................................................................... 259 The ninth kind of character is gratefulness .............................................................................................. 259


The definition of gratefulness ............................................................................................................... 259 Gratefulness is one worship among the hundred worships ................................................................. 260


The basic attack of the devil is to produce the ungratefulness ............................................................ 260

The curse of ungratefulness.................................................................................................................. 260



Whether son or daughter, they are one blessing and the paranoids of the devil................................ 261

The level of gratefulness of the old great man ..................................................................................... 262 Four gifts on being grateful................................................................................................................... 262

.u bq


To be ungrateful is the reason of being deprived from the blessings .................................................. 262 The alarming situation for the ungrateful people ................................................................................ 263 The way to be grateful .......................................................................................................................... 263 The three ways to be grateful ............................................................................................................... 263 Gratefulness of heart ............................................................................................................................ 264 Gratefulness of tongue ......................................................................................................................... 264 Gratefulness through action ................................................................................................................. 264


The acceptance of dua on being grateful for the blessings .................................................................. 264 The tenth kind of character is humbleness............................................................................................... 265


Do adopt humbleness and get the high status of ontologism .............................................................. 265 Humbleness is the source of mercies and beatitudes .......................................................................... 265


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Humbleness is the source of getting the real secret ............................................................................ 266


Humbleness is the beloved act to the Almighty Allah .......................................................................... 266 The level of humbleness of the leader of Prophets ‫ علیہم السالم‬................................................................... 266 Humbleness is the special tip for the ontologism of the lord ............................................................... 267 Humbleness is the easiest way ............................................................................................................. 267


Heaven for the ones who are humble .................................................................................................. 268 Do not think any Muslim as unworthy…!.............................................................................................. 268 Humbleness is the key to success ......................................................................................................... 268

.u bq

Come let’s learn to forgive the people…! ................................................................................................. 268 Theforgiveness of people by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬........................................................................................ 269


Whatever the friends of the Almighty gained, they gained it from the humbleness ........................... 277 The most important dua for the salikeen ............................................................................................. 277

The eleventh kind of character is the “Preaching” ................................................................................... 278


The message of tasbeeh house…..peace and harmony in whole world ............................................... 278

The five levels of knowledge ................................................................................................................. 278


The message of tasbeeh house is peace and harmony in whole world ............................................... 278

The need of wisdom in the preaching of religion ................................................................................. 279



The way to do advice ............................................................................................................................ 279

The need of patience in sermon and lecture ........................................................................................ 281 The arrangement of dua along with the preaching .............................................................................. 281

.u bq


The things which use to come out from the heart do have some effect ............................................. 282 The pure young man became the source of guidance for nurse .......................................................... 283 The need of zikr for the preaching and teachings ................................................................................ 283 Advice for the ones who use to make the creation happy ................................................................... 284 Seven rules of the preaching ................................................................................................................ 285

The hard work of the people of the Almighty Allah for the prevalence of the religion ........................... 286 The message of love and ontologism in the whole world .................................................................... 286 ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬

during preaching ................................................................... 286


The wonder of the companions

Sultan Al Mashaikh Khawaja Nizam ud din ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.............................................................................. 286


Hazrat Syed Ali Bin Usman Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.......................................................................................... 287 Hazrat Sheikh Hindi Lahori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬....................................................................................................... 287


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Hazrat Syed Ahmed Tokhta Lahori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................................................... 287


Hazrat Shah Kaleem Allah Shah Jahan Abadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬........................................................................... 288

The acceptance of Islam of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬................................................................ 288


rg i.o



.u bq




.u bq


Sheikh Shibli and the respect of the ant ............................................................................................... 289


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Great reward on small acts




Condition of heart


.u bq



Hazrat Yahya Ibn e Abi Kaseer ‫رحمہ ہللا‬says that when Hoorain recites tasbeeh so on every tree of heaven flowers come out (Hadi ul Arwah). Hazrat Yahya Bin Maaz ‫رحمہ ہللا‬says that to leave the world is the haq mehr of Day of Judgment (Al Tazkira ul Qurtubi). To remove the painful thing from the path and to clean the masajids is the haq mehr of Hoorain (Tazkira ul Qurtubi). Dates equal to the fist and piece of roti (Charity) are the haq mehr of Hoorain. (Al Tazkira ul Qurtubi). The one who drinks his anger although he keeps the authority to take it out, Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will call him in front of all creatures on the Day of Judgment even this that he will give him the choice that among the Hoores whomever he wants he can take. (Masnad-e-Ahmed). There are three such words from which a person has any one of them even, he will get married with the hoorain. 1) The person to which guardianship of some important thing is kept secretly and he gave it back due to the fear of God. 2) A person who forgives his killer. 3) A person who did the recitation of ‫قل ھو ہللا‬ )‫( )احد‬whole Surah ul Ikhlas) after every (Farz) prayer. (Targheeb e Asfahai). When a momin give call of prayer so the doors of sky opened and the dua is accepted and Hoor do get ready.


It is the summary of Hadis e pak of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that how can I live with happiness and peace although the angel has to blow the soor has taken the soor in its mouth and he has put his air that when he will be given the command of blowing soor and he may blow the soor.



Just think! It has been more than fourteen hundreds years today in Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬going from this

.u bq


world and the condition is this that every coming morning is bringing one new pugnacity, new test and new difficult conditions. To make the faith safe is becoming difficult and hard. It is very much need in this time that we shall hold the hand of our big ones very strongly and we shall transfer the pure life to our generations. The present modern society is giving us what people and what generations, I and you know very well!


One crying and sobbing old mother came to me and told me her story while crying that my grown up children have hit me and made me weak and on my back there are the marks of their hitting! Just like this one old husband wife came and said that what I shall told you my story! I was having one very big house and I had much wealth, everything of life was available but as my children kept on growing with it we kept on moving towards deprivation. Today our condition is this that the place over where I used to tie my dogs over there my real children have kept me and my wife and two times as the dry roti is given to the dog, just like this they keep it in front of us husband and wife and go away!


Readers! This is only one reflection of society filed with pugnacities of present era otherwise today all the respectable relationships and the honorable connections are lost and these pugnacities are


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collecting the world and taking it on the door step of getting near to the Day of Judgment and are making the ground ready for Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬and Imam Mehdi ‫علیہ السالم‬. In this era only that person will be successful who will remain strong on acts and on faith along with consistency.

.u bq


From much time it was the demand of people who were connected with the man that there shall be some great book for the guidance of Saalekeen who walk on the path of sulook. According to which they could change their lives and safe their faith in this environment which is dangerous to faith. Only with the opportunity of merciful Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and with His blessings an effort is done to collect the summary of teachings of murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬and other great people. May Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ grant the honor of acceptance in his court and make it beneficial for as much as people and specially for the people who are connected to the man.




I will request with every person who is connected with the series of Qadri Hajweri whether he is a man or a woman that he may keep this book in his reading for sure and make it a source of his guidance. It is the dua from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that he may take easy accountability from us on the Day of Judgment meaning that just after looking at our acts he may forgive us and Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in the return of his great status of mercy may not do accountability with us because the one who will be asked he will be killed and make us enter in such heaven in which this call will be made that there is health for you now you will never become sick, there is life for you now death will never come to you, there is young age for you now old age will never come to you, and there is prosperity for you now there will be no worry for you. (Muslim)



‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

Desirable of sincerity and act

Man Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai ‫عفی ہللا عنہ‬.

.u bq



The following book is the search of that same peace, health and prosperity. May Allah give it to all of us.

The names of these sarkheel gentlemen of mashaikh tareeqat, in the light of whose teachings and through which the people who are exemplary in sins and false hood, not only came upon the heights of way of wilayat instead they became a source of guidance, direction and goodness. My meaning is…companions ‫رضوان ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬.


Hazrat Peeran Peer Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Khuwaja Bahauddin Naqsh Band Bukhari ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Khuwaja Shahab uddin Sahar wardi ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Khuwaja Moin ud din Chishti Ajmeeri ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Khuwaja Ali Bin Usman Hajweri ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Mujaddid Alf Saani Sheikh Ahmed Farooqi Sarhandi


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬



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Chapter one Reality of purification and its procedure


Easy way to meet Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


And the one who is more beloved than my life, Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬who taught me the respect of scholars and made it live in my every single vein.

Purification of internal self in the light of Quran




.u bq

The purification of heart is said to the cleanliness of heart. Meaning to clean the heart and mind with immodesty and worldly false hood, in it the love of Allah SWT and the worry of Day of Judgment gets produced. Commonly the focus of human being is towards those things which are against the shariah and in which the internal self feels good. The name of effort to change the direction of these focuses and to put the internal self on guidance and goodness is Sufism and sulook. Meaning to gain such feelings which could make a human being feel the presence of his creator on every place then this feeling may become hindrance for human being for sins and become helpful and supporter in the work of good deeds. This is said as level of Ehsan and sulook, purification of internal self, and tareeqat and sincerity. After this status a person lives in world, he eats and earns too and fulfills the other needs of life also and this purification is proved by Quran pak and hadis both.



The places on which there is done the discussion about the responsibilities of Prophet hood in Quran pak, the purification is surely discussed in it. Therefore it is said on one place (1. ‫کما ارسلنا‬ ‫( )فیکم رسوال منکم یتلوا علیکم ایاتنا و یزکیکم‬Al Baqarah: 151) (Translation: As we send among you one Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬who among you, in front of you, do the recitation of our verses and do your


.u bq


purification). 2. It is discussed in Dua e Ibrahimi ( ‫ربنا و ابعث فیھم رسوال منھم یتلوا علیھم ایاتک و یعلمھم‬ ‫( )الکتاب و الحکمتہ و یزکیھم انک انت العزیز الحکیم‬Al baqara: 129) (Translation: O our Lord! Send in them one Prophet from them who may do the recitation of your verses in front of them and give them knowledge of your Book and wisdom and do their purification. Indeed you are very powerful and wise. 3. (On one place in surah Al Imran it is said after doing courtesy over momins: Arabic text 9Al Imran: 164) (Translation: Indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬did much courtesy over momins when He ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ sent one Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬from middle of them who used to do the recitation of verses of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in front of them, do their purification and give them knowledge of book and wisdom although before this they were involved in open misguidance.) From all these verses it is proven that there are 4 reasons of sending Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.


1. Recitation of verses. 2. Knowledge of book 3. Knowledge of wisdom


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4. Purification of internal self.




The reason of book, rules of ontologism: Right now the following book “Rules of ontologism” is related to purification of internal self. O people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬Over here I may clear the meaning of purification only. Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has kept both kinds of skills in human being. ( ‫و نفس‬ ‫[ )وما سواھا فالھمھا فجورھا و تقواھا‬Al-Shams: 87] (Translation: It is the swear of self and as it has been made proper then the intelligence is given to it of evil and of walking with care.)


.u bq


Hazrat Shah Wali ullah Mohaddis Dehlwi ‫رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬says that the angelic skills of prevention and piousness makes a human being attentive towards goodness for e.g. to worship lord, decency of internal self, taqwa, courtesy, justice, patience and will, forgiveness and pardon, thanks, trust, kind heartedness, leniency, boldness, bounty and gives the lesson of ontologism of the creator and other behmi meaning animal skills are the one who takes a human being towards evil, drinking and eating, completion of physical desires and impiousness. And these skills brings towards evilness for e.g. towards lust, kufr and dis obedience, pride, luxuries, anger, cruelty, hastiness, impatience, greed, revenge, harshness, wickedness, jealousy, malignity, like bad habits. (Mul Khasan Hujjat ul llah Al Baligha)



In a human body all the time a war keeps on going between these two opposite powers. The internal self and devil wants to involve a person into evil and Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and His Prophet with his holy teachings wants to save him from bad character and make him the follower and obedient of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ .

The need of purification of internal self



Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬says ( ‫[ )قد افلح من زکاھا و قد خاب من دسھا‬Al-Shams: 9: 10] That man got success who purified his internal self and the one is said to bear loss who pressed it in sins.

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Try to understand the purification of internal self. One man do the recitation of Quran Kareem along with tajweed in very beautiful voice, but his reason is this that people may praise him after listening his recitation and he may get famous among people…it is possible that he may get this thing that as there is show off in his intention that is why near Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬he will not get any reward. Similarly any person gives the sermon of Quran pak and apparently it is known that he is fulfilling the responsibility of preaching the teachings of book of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but his goal is this that with this knowledge he may make his impression form on people of his knowledge and wisdom, he may earn money, he may get popularity, as it is in one hadis narrated by Hazrat Ka’ab


Bin Malik ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that the person who gains knowledge for this that through


this he will do competition with religious scholars and he may do fight with uneducated people or he may make people attentive towards himself. To such person Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will make him enter in hell. (Termizi, Ibn-e- Maja)


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O people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬just see that how much big benefit it is to gain the knowledge of religion. It comes in hadis that the angels spread their wings beneath the feet of student but if in the great work even the goal is not good so this same knowledge will take you to hell. For e.g. it is the recitation of Quran kareem or knowledge of wisdom, it is important for all these pure tasks that the intention of human being may be correct, the purification of his internal self is been done. Now you would have got to know that how much important it is to do the correction of internal self and which is given the name of “sincerity”.

Important example of purification of internal self




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As with the example the thing is understood easily. In this series I am telling one example in your service: One man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬says that if you get this news that on such day in office or in that house the king or prime minister has come. Now this is important that before the arrival of king the cleanliness should be done, the garbage should be removed, the paths should be made proper, precious carpets should be spread, and after cleanliness and purity, the flags, pan flex and other things for decoration are hanged. This all management will be done before the arrival of prime minister. This will never happen that the garbage is filled in office, the webs I hanged on the walls, from every corner smell is coming, the paint of walls is in bad condition and only some flags shall be hanged, one precious carpet is spread and the prime minister is brought in that room and made sit. Now think a little that how much maintenance we will do for prime minister of one country or for any great leader! And for bringing the love of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in heart how much management we should do…!!


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It is in the famous book “Ahya ul Uloom” of Imam Ghazali‫ رحمہ ہللا‬it is written that the heart of momin is the shade of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. The wonder of momin is this that he would make it the shade of great master in true terms so that the great master could come in it. For this it is important that first of all the purification of internal self should be done meaning kufr and shirk, sins and bad characters should be removed from the heart. When the heart becomes clean and pure from every kind of sin, it is called “Qalb e Muzakki” (pure heart). Now the need comes to decorate it and this act is done with the zikr of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and with it luminosity. Now I may tell this thing in your service with the other example.

Successful driver of path of ontologism



What is ontologism or purification? How can you complete this journey? Is this any impossible level or is this easier than eating halwa! How can you become a successful driver in this journey? Over here I will say one important request to my all connected people with series of hajweri that while walking on the great path of ontologism do special duas for me also that I think myself needier than you of this path. One intelligent person has explained this path with this example.


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We see many cars moving on the road. Some of them are going in one direction with normal speed which makes us impressive. This how by seeing the cars we make the judgment that how the drivers of car are?

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Just like this if we want to drive the car of our life with success so we should take control over the accelerator of our heart, we should keep the speed of our anger in control, we should keep the break of mind strong and we should attach the tires of our angios of high quality so that the tube of our thoughts, faith and acts could remain safe from getting punctured. Keep the luggage box of our nature broad, we would have to put the needle of decency in the speed o meter of our tongue and we would have to keep the light of sincerity in the head lights of our eyes.


Matchless tip of ontologism of lord


Along with all these things we should also have the license of good character so that we could drive the car of our life on every road of the world with success. This how we can become a successful driver of the car of life of ontologism. Come! We all should do this promise that just like one unknown person can become a successful driver by doing effort for sometime so why can not we become a successful driver by doing effort on the way of ontologism for some time!




Most of the times I am giving you medical tips, and incline. But today I am giving you the tip of getting ontologism of one intelligent wise man. One intelligent, wise man has made one tip ready for getting the level of ontologism which is really matchless for every internal patient. Whoever has used it has become clean from all internal diseases and reached to the highest place of ontologism. I will re quest from all the people connected with series of hajweri whether they are men or women for sure that you use this tip necessarily.


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Ingredients: The birds of truth, the flowers of honesty, the grapes of humbleness, the musk of love, the brain of unity, the leaves of simplicity, and the sweetness of character. Quantity: As it is needed. Procedure: Put all this things in the dish of heart and put it on the stove of asceticism and do the flame of love of Lord high, put the lid of sincerity over it and let it cook for long time. Do not forget to give the blow remembrance of lord. When it becomes ready after cooking, fill it in the clean bottles of shariat. The way of using: At morning and evening mix the sweet preserves of rose petals of mercy and eat with the spoon of justice. Prevention: The spices of anger, the sourness of greediness and desires, and the things of jealousy. Do complete prevention from these. Note: Keep the medicine in the freezer of hidden acts so that it could become safe from the reach of the devil.

The advice of one female ghost for gaining ontologism


The search and effort of ontologism of lord is not only important for human beings instead the ghosts are also seen very much doing effort in this path. I have many times seen in the service of my Sheikh Hazrat Murshid Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا‬that ghosts used to come in the service of him ‫رحمہ ہللا‬for


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correction and purification. I have written few incidents from them in “Hayat e murshid Hajweri” also. In the history also many incidents of such kind are written. One incident is written by Allama Ibn e Jozi ‫رحمہ ہللا‬that “Hazrat Sauleh Bin Abdul Kareem ‫رحمہ ہللا‬says: I had interest of this that I could meet any ghost and I may talk to him”. Therefore I saw one female ghost and I got along with her and I said to her that advice me to anything so she said: Right! Ghazala says that from all the things the best work is this that maintains the relationship with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and do not do ignorance in one moment also. If that moment goes away so it does not come back in hands. ( ‫صفۃ الصفوۃ ذکر‬ ‫ )المصنفین من عباد الجن‬In this advice she made me feel that “Relationship with Allah ‫ ”سبحانہ و تعالی‬is a very big thing. The relation with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬gets produced at that time when the act is done upon his commands and we could be safe from his disobedience and along with this she told this also that every single moment is precious in this small life of world. That is why the appreciation of these moments does and apart from wasting those in the stupid things spend them in making Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬happy. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give us his relation and give us his opportunity to appreciate his every single moment. Aameen!


Specialty of journey of path of ontologism


Just like purification is important for men similarly with all the preventions of shariah the women can also get their correction done by any person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬through the letters. We should also make our children habitual of going in functions of pious people that the memories of childhood are very deep.


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When a person goes on any journey of this world so if he reaches on the destiny so the journey is thought as successful. If he does not reach there, misguided traveler. For example one person starts moving towards Peshawar from Karachi but on his way he dies so it is thought that the journey is left incomplete. But ontologism of straight path is such a strange path that wherever a person gets death over there is his destiny. That is why the dua has been made learn in surah e Fatiha of straight path and the command is given to recite it in every Rakat of every prayer. "‫"بر صراط مستقیم اے دل کسے گمراہ نیست‬

The importance of removing of internal diseases



O people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬The meaning of purification is this that the correction of internal self is done like this that all the good qualities of character are produced and one could get safe from the bad character. It is also said in hadis sharif by highlighting the importance of this purification that there is the piece of meat in the body of human being. When it becomes bad so the whole body becomes bad and when the correction of it is done so the correction of whole body is done and it is heart. The Prophets ‫علیہ السالم‬also used to do effort on this heart and make the creature connect with Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Just like this when the base of worldly life is on heart similarly the base of religious condition is also on it at the heart of human being is the king and all the other organs are its followers.


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Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did the training of companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬, all the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬got rich with


the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and made the benefit of Prophet Hood ‫ ﷺ‬continue to generation


after generation till Day of Judgment. The mashaikh have written hat purification meaning your own correction is in the level of obligations whether they are common people or scholars or experts. Some explanation of purification is being written from the books of mashaikh so that we could know about its importance.




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1. Hazrat Ali Bin Usman Hajweri ‫(رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬465 H) says that keep your character and matters clean, to keep the purity and truth ness proper in every place is Sufism. 2. Qazi Sanaullah Pani Patti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes in the explanation of verse of surah tauba that the scholars says Sufism meaning correction of internal self as which knowledge, to gain it is obligatory just like prayer and fast because the result of it (from bad character) is cleanliness of heart. (Tafseer e Mazhari) 3. Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that (just like other knowledge is obligatory) similarly the knowledge of sulook (knowledge of internal self) is also obligatory. Which are the conditions of heart as trust in God, fear of God, Raza bil Qaza etc. (Taleem ul Mutalameen) 4. Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that the one who got Sufism without fiqah he became Hippocrates and the one who gain fiqah without Sufism he became sinful person and the one who collected both of them he became a researcher. (Al Lumaat Sharah Mishkaat) 5. Allama Shami has said the explanation of condition of heart and has taken out this result that it is necessary for momin that for removing the razail meaning bad character he may gain this much knowledge as much he thinks his internal self needy of it and to compensate is the obligation. (Fatawa Shami) 6. Hazrat Hakeem ul ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also said correction of internal self as obligation. (Al Kashaf An Muhmaat ul Tasawwuf)

The worth of time is very important on ontologism



The worth and importance of time is important for every person but for the desirable person of ontologism the need of it gets increased very much. The mashaikh used to do the safeguarding of their followers on every single step and used to do the protection of their every single moment. I saw my Sheikh ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for my whole life that he used to judge the every single moment of his followers. Now I shall tell the importance of it in front of you people. From which this will come in to knowledge that the worth of it is how much important for all of us. The time is such treasure with the human being which is the most precious one and this is a strange thing that this treasure is wasted for most of all. If it is used properly so it gives a human being such height that a human being reaches on his destiny easily and if it is used in wrong way so it pushes in the lower level which is much times more than this height and the most strange thing is this that if anything of world gets lost for e.g. if the wealth or material gets lost or if the knowledge gets lost or if any skill


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The reasons of wasting time


gets lost so human being can gain it after putting effort. But if the time gets lost, human being may hit thousands of hands and feet instead millions of hands and feet but he cannot gain this treasure again. The proper usage of this treasure makes a beggar king and the wrong use of it makes a king beggar. It makes a sinful person as a friend and companion of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. The proper use of it makes the nations successful and the wasting of time throws the nations in the deep well of destruction.




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If we see today so how many reasons are made for us to waste the time: For e.g. on every place the cinema houses are made, then TV, VCR and such instruments like this are made common so that we could not get the need of going out at all. Then internet, face book did a great job. If you get tired by watching these things so there is no need of getting worried instead the modern models of mobile phones are made common so that the immodesty which you want to see, to make it practical, you connect your relation through it and get the blessing of wasting the time…the remaining thing is tilled by parks that the one who do not have capacity to get the blessing of wasting time by the above mentioned things so he may go to any nearby park and after roaming over there and putting hands in his pocket he can get the blessing of wasting time. If we want the religious and worldly success so we would have to do the proper usage of time and would have to get a lot safe from all the sources of wasting time and we would have to produce the feeling of doing worth of time in the hearts of our new generation. By only reciting the tasbeeh of success and progress we cannot become successful. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give us the opportunity to do the proper worth of time Aameen!



For the level of ontologism the protection of time is necessary

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When we see at the back of every success so we see clearly the pearl of doing worth of time so will there may not be any importance or need of time for becoming the friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ and for the level of ontologism…why not! And still if you ask truth so as much maintenance the people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has done of doing the worth of time may be this much they would have not done of any other thing. The people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do protection of every single breath which comes out of their body the zikr of paas e infaas is one physical form of it. I have seen my Sheikh Rehm ullah many times while doing the advice of much protection of time. Alhamdulillah this is the effect of that that I myself do the effort of it and tells the people connected to me also this. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do easiness for all of us aameen!

The importance and worth of one minute



Now I am telling you through many examples the forms of getting the worth of time on level of ontologism from which you will get to know that how much there is worth and importance of every single minute in our life and really for the success and sulook (the way of love of Allah ‫)سبحانہ و تعالی‬ there is much need of proper usage of time.


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1. A person who comes out in the search of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬can gain the closeness of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ by doing a sajdah which is full of sincerity in one minute. (there are many examples of it present in history. The detail will come on its place.) 2. By doing the recitation of only one page of Quran pak in one minute only, millions of good deeds can be gained. 3. A person who do the zikr of merciful Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬can take the holy name of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ more than 60 times in one minute and can recite different tasbehaat. 4. Only in one minute at least ten religious problems can be learned. 5. Only in one minute the company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬can change the world of heart. 6. The tear which comes out with the fear of Lord can extinguish the fire of hell so in one minute by taking out how many tears we can get rid of hell and can gain the happiness of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. 7. The biggest sinful person cannot only do repentance in one minute instead he can make his resented lord happy and can reach to the peak of special ontologism. 8. The person who recite durood sharif can recite nearly 50 times brief durood e pak in one minute. 9. The much disobedient person of parents can bow himself in front of them in one minute and can involve himself in the obedient people. 10. The obedient person of parents can gain the reward of one accepted Hajj in one minute by watching his father or mother any one of them with love. 11. An old non-Muslim of hundred years can recite kamla tayyaba in one minute and enter in the circle of Islam. 12. May God pardon by saying the kalma of kufr before one minute a person gets out of the circle of Islam (may Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬keep in his protection). 13. In whole life every minute is a precious part of life. We do not know that which minute will make us transfer from this modern world towards the first destiny of Day of Judgment (grave). Do remember! Every minute of life is precious which is making us near from our death. That is why the best saalik is the one who to look after his single moment. This thing which is said that the people who do the accountability of their acts do progress very quickly, this is a completely true reality. If you want to know the reality of accountability so that is also the name of true worthiness of time. (The detail of accountability will come forward in sha Allah tala)

To waste the time…is loss and only loss


One king got this call made in his country that a person who will be found while saying lie, after asking from religious judge strict punishment will be given to him. It was just to listen the call that people started running from each other that we may not get caught in the blame of lie. The king and his minister both started roaming in the city by changing their form. When they passed near one trade man, they stopped and started doing gossip with him. The king asked the trade man: What is your age? The trade person gave answer that it is 20 years. How much wealth do you have? The king asked. The trade person said, 70 thousand. How many sons do you have? The king did the third question. The trade man said 1.


When the king and his minister came back and looked in the record after coming in the office so they got the answers of the trade man false and they called him. You have given the answers of all three things wrong therefore according to the call punishment will be given to you.


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Trade man: First proof my mistake. The king said: In the government office your age is written as 65 years. The trade man said: Sir! Only 20 years of my life has spent in the obedience and submission to Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that is why I think this as my age. Then the king said you have told the wealth also wrong. You have so much of wealth. Although it is said by you that you have only 70 thousand rupees. The trade man said that I have spent 70 thousand rupees in the construction of masjid and I think this is only as my wealth which will benefit me on the Day of Judgment.

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According to the children also you have said wrong…in the register of government the quantity of your children is 5 which you have got written by your own self. The trade man gave reply: Sir! My four children are dis obedient, bad mannered and licentious. Only one is with good character and good manners. I think him only as my children that according to the Day of Judgment only he will benefit me in sha Allah tala.

The example of world and Day of Judgment




The king got very happy after listening the answers of the trade man. He said to the trade man that indeed the age is only that worthy to count which is spent in the obedience of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, the wealth is only that worthy to be counted which is spent in the way of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and only that child is worthy of same children whose act and character are good. Just like this today our life is also completely devastated without the relation of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and ontologism of Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ . Today also we have time…and this time is remaining before the death but we have no knowledge about the time of our death…!


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Our live is getting melted like the example of ice. And then also we do not care about dying. The servings and maids of previous era used to be how much intelligent and smart and how they used to be in the worry of making their Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬happy. I am telling one incident in your service. The Caliph Haroon Rasheed called his one servant and gave him 3 darhams and said him that go…do not spend 1 darham here and there, the second darham not here neither there, spend the third one here.


The servant went after taking the darham. One masjid was getting construted. He gave 1 darham over there,when he went forward so one monkey man was showing the show. He gave 1 darham over there and brought the fruits from one darham. After coming back he told the Caliph Haroon Rasheed that he spent one darham on the construction of masjid which will help you here (world) and there (Day of Judgment). The second one I gave it to the monkey man which will not benefit you here neither over there. From the third darham I brought the fruit which will help you over here. The Caliph Haroon Rasheed became very happy with the intelligence of his servant and give him many gifts and rewards.

Some bitter talks with our closed ones


As the basic reason of this book is the training of people which are connected with the series of Qadri Hajweri. The strictness and scolding is part of the training. One intelligent man has expressed the reality of world in little bit of strict attitude. He says that there is one question that


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The Muslim of today


why a human being is made? The answer of it: If you do not know this so this is your weakness of your knowledge, do get to know this otherwise you will be stuck on the Day of Judgment because when you will not know about this your life will be a life of no goal. If you know this so look inside your acts that how is my act? Because knowledge and act are necessary for each other. If the practical life is opposite so this is your practical weakness. Do become right otherwise accountability will be done in grave and on the Day of Judgment.

12 people deprived from ontologism of lord



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Think little bit that the Muslim of today wants to get education from England, wants to do job in America, wants to live in Canada, wants to talk in English, wants to eat Chinese rice, Italian pizza and Russian Salad, wants to use the things of Japan, wants to spend the vacations in Europe, wants to see the movies of Hollywood, wants to listen the music of India, but in the end of life he wants to die in Makka, he wants to get buried in Madina and wants to spent the life after death in heaven. What a simplicity it is? Think over it. Do recognize it. Do worry about it…!!! One man of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ said that may Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬forgive, today our condition has become this that we want to spend the life of luxury and enjoyment just like pharaoh and we want the hereafter as Moosa ‫علیہ‬ ‫السالم‬ . If the luxuries and wealth are without the sins and dis obedient so they are very big blessing and a source of goodness and decency.




Ontologism of lord is said to the relation and friendship of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. That person is very lucky from whom Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do the friendship but there are some people who are very strictly disliked by Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. In holly Quran and ahadis e mubarika their discussion has come with detail. The indication of 12 people from Quran kareem I am presenting in the service of you friends. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do the protection of all of us in such a way as a mother do the protection of her small child in fact more than this. Those 12 people are these.



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1. (‫ )فان ہللا ال یحب الکفرین‬so indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do not love the non Muslims. (Surah Alimran: 32) 2. (‫ )وہللا ال یحب الظلمین‬And Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not love the cruel people. (Surah Al-Imran: 57) 3. ) ‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب من کان مختاال فخورا‬Indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the people who are proud and the one who brags. (Surah Nisa: 36) 4. (‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب من کان خوانا اثیما‬Indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the fraud and sinful person. (Surah nisa) 5. (‫ )ال یحب ہللا الجھر بالسوء‬Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like to raise the voice along with evil. (Surah Nisa: 148) 6. ( ‫ )وہللا ال یحب المفسدین‬Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the people who produce scuffle. (Surah Maida: 64) 7. ( ‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب المتعدین‬Indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the people who go out of the limits. (Surah Maida: 87)


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8. (‫ )انہ ال یحب المسرفین‬Indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like a person who does lavishness. (Surah Aeraf: 31) 9. (‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب الخائنین‬Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the people who do dishonesty. (Surah Anfal: 58) 10. (‫ )انہ ال یحب المستکبرین‬Indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the people who do proud. (Surah nahal: 23) 11. (‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب کل خوان کفور‬Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like a dishonest and ungrateful person. (Surah Hajj: 38) 12. (‫ )ان ہللا ال یحب الفرحین‬Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬does not like the person who is gloried. (Surah Qasas: 76)


The need of purification for internal self in present era


The effects of purification of internal self on life of human being


The conditions which are right now in world of unrest and uneasiness they are in front of everyone. The biggest reason of it is to be far away from religion and bad character. Scholars used to be

decorated with the character of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and this character only used to bring non-Muslims



and the people who are far away from religion, near to them and they used to become a source of their correction and purification on internal self. Every moment which is coming is making the

Day of Judgment near and in every era the need of teachings of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is increasing more

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and more.

As much as there is the need of real teachings of Sufism today maybe it was not before five hundred years from today and maybe as much as there will be the need of it after five hundred years from today it would be far more than today. The people who use to do worship, who use to pray tahajjud and the people who do all kinds of worship are mostly seen but the people with good character are hard to find in the era of today. If the definition of Sufism and purification of internal self is done in one word so it is best character. Now I am telling few things in your service from which you will get to know that how much need is there in present era of this effort.



1. The biggest benefit is this that if anyone is acting upon Sufism so he becomes clean from all bad habits because Sufism meaning love is the name of effort of removing all evils of human being. Sufism is the soul of religion meaning to produce a lively connection with lord and to observe it in the depth of your internal self is called as Sufism.


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2. By living in the service of scholars humbleness gets produced in attitudes because they are themselves a body of humbleness. Briefly one incident of goodness with creation and humbleness of one gentleman is being written. Some people came to Hazrat Haaji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said: Hazrat! One man says that I am a son-in-law of Haaji Sir. Due to this relation people do respect of him and give him gifts. Instead he is fulfilling his other needs also from people. Hazrat listened everything with silence and then said that brothers, I have no daughter. So how come that man is my son-in-law! If anybody is taking benefit of world from me so it’s okay. Anybody is getting benefit from me. Just see how much our scholars had the attitude of leniency and greatness. He forgiven that man also who is earning world on his name. 3. The third benefit of Sufism is this that a person starts loving non-Muslim and Momin, Hindu and Muslim, black and white, in fact to everyone. Because in his view are only his own bad qualities. He uses to hit the evil but he does not hit the one who do the evil. 4. From the heart and the mind of Sufi hatred, close mindedness, prejudice, difference, color and generation, contempt, opposition of ummah, cast difference, community difference, unnecessary favoritism or following evil becomes completely erased that is why he cannot give pain to anyone. Apart from human beings he does mercy on animals also.

What is not Sufism?



But this thing is very important that this all change is impossible without the company of complete murshid because every skill can be learned by being in the company of the master of that skill.


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Few unknown people get deceived in understanding the reality of Sufism and purification of internal self and the reason of bait and they add many unnecessary and inappropriate things in it. My murshid Hajweri‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to do much care in this matter and always used to do the advice of holding the pure hand of shariah. And in whomever he used to see mistake in this matter he used to do his complete correction. Now I am telling the summary of those teachings in front of you from which this thing will be known that this is the name of what holy effort…? And how much easy it is…? May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do the correction of all of us aameen! 1. Drinking and enjoyment, dancing and singing, carelessness of attitude and inappropriate

acts are not named as Sufism. Instead it is the name of complete following of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.



And neither is it the name of doing non Islamic actions on graves. Nor it is the responsibility of getting forgiven on the Day of Judgment. 2. Unveiling and miracles are not important for Sufism neither the suspicious spiritual meetings and nor to have done the journey of world of lahoot is the condition and it is not even the promise of meeting gentleman in dreams or true dreams. 3. The progress in business is not the name of Sufism neither to win the cases is known as it and not this is important that with one attention of peer without efforts and without following the Sunnah all levels will be completed.


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The savings are not even necessary that the matters of worship shall be done by themselves, the follower would not even have to do the intention or in the knowledge of religion and Quran pak the mind and memory gets increased or the promise of producing such internal feelings that all the time at least on the time of worship he may enjoy and feel pleasant with its taste. The dangers may not come in worship, a person may feel much like crying and such involvement would be made that he may not know anything about anyone. Neither to see the luminosity etc in zikr and its matter or to listen any voice is also not important.

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Blowing and durood e pak, amulets and charm, and jhaar phoonk is also not known as Sufism and purification of internal self. Today in our society these all things are understood as a part of Sufism and for the completion of these things we have started going to the scholars and great people. It is the big fraud of devil, there is much need of getting safe from it. We should come to the great people with the intention of our training and our correction with sincerity.


What is Sufism‫?۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬



The real reason from Sufism is to make Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬happy through which we have to walk completely on the commands of shariat. Some commands from them are related to the physical things for e.g. prayer, fast, Hajj and zakat etc. and as nikah, divorce and fulfillment of rights of people etc, and as trade, following, cases and testimony and legacy, distribution of property etc and as salam and discussion, food and feast, to sit in between two rakats and to stand in prayer, to serve the guest and to be a guest etc, all these problems are called knowledge and fiqah.


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And few are related to internal thing as keeping love with Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, getting afraid of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ , remembering Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, to love the world less, to remain content on the will of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ , to not do greediness, to make the heart present in worship, to do the tasks of religion with sincerity, to not think someone as disdained, to not be self obsessed, to control the anger etc, all these characters are called Sufism and just like physical commands to follow upon these internal commands is also obligatory. Plus mostly from these internal evils disturbance comes in physical acts also. As if with having less love with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬laziness happens in prayer or recites prayer like as just an obligation quickly or did zakat with shabbiness and did not get the courage of Hajj or with the overcoming of pride or anger un justice happen with someone or the rights got under controlled and there are many examples just like this and if the care is done in these physical acts also then also till when the correction of internal self is not done that prevention does not work more than few days.


And try for the correction of internal self and easiness in the way of their treatment and for producing the energy in the tricks, do give the teachings of some azkar and habits by walking on which a follower gets his destiny easily and this way is experienced by the lives of millions of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.


One very big friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬who was the leader of Sufism and was the mujaddid of his time, he is saying this that “a little thing which is available, of Sufism is this that when you feel


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laziness in doing any work of obedience so do the competition with that laziness and complete the task. And when your internal self feels lazy in getting safe from any sin so do fight with that laziness and get safe from the sin. Just from this the relationship with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬gets produced. For example, laziness is happening in offering prayer and the heart wants that do not go in masjid, offer prayer at home instead or leave the prayer. Now the treatment of this laziness is only freshness and nothing else. Therefore, for doing fight with the laziness, the energy which Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has given to you, do use it. When you will use the energy so, the laziness will get disappeared. If you will not use the energy so this laziness will keep on putting its rule over rule because the condition of this laziness is this that as much as you will put weapons in front of him so it will get rule over you that much. Today it got one obligation left from you; tomorrow it will make you leave the other obligation. Today it made you do one sin, tomorrow it will make you do other sin, and if you stand firmly in front of it and if you made yourself strong that I do not want to do this work so then this laziness will become weak and the name of this is correction and purification of internal self.

The name of accepted worship is only Sufism


Three efforts……with internal self…..with devil….with the environment……


Summary……fear of God……following Prophet ‫…صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬..opposition of desires of internal self




Prophet ‫ صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم‬said: ( ‫“ )ان تعبد ہللا کانک تراہ فان لم تکن تراہ فانہ یراک‬Courtesy is this that…..that worship of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is done in a way that as if you are watching him and if you cannot see him. Just indeed that He sees you always.” (Sahih Bukhari) This is to get attentive towards Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ which is the reality of Sufism and purification of internal self.

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The practical aspect of purification of internal self The physical aspect of Sufism

Importance of correction of internal self

God is witness that if the heart gets awaken in the chest


Your every sight goes out of the era and place Is you become ready for taking side of truth


Your eye sight may become arrow, and tongues would become sword


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Because the centre of our correction is heart,that is why now I am telling the detail of it in frot of you, friends. The name of this spiritual part in terms of Quran is “Qalb”. This is not the piece of meat that provides blood to whole body. This is the topic of our medical science. Instead my meaning from Qalb is this that in which the decisions are made, to where the revelation of thoughts and inspirations takes place, which is the house of knowledge, which is the centre of faith and ontologism of Lord. Which is the ground of love and admiration, where there are the towns of intelligence and cleverness, knowledge and wisdom, truthiness, sacrifice and consolation, patience and thanksgiving, obedience and contentment, clemency and mercy and the tribes of shirk and falsehood, show off, self obsession, jealousy and resentment, false thoughts, rebellion, selfishness and egotism stay. This is the battlefield of war between evil and goodness. The scientists of this universe are Prophets, martyrs, truth speaking people and pious people, which get to know about the hidden laws and powers in this material meaning heart and then gain that energy from them which are far more powerful and beneficial than the material of earth. The centre of this spiritual material is inside the heart of body of human being. Imam Ghazali Rehm Allah says that the place of it is that emptiness which is present inside the heart of body and in which there is black blood. The wonders of it are very much and surprising.


Heart, one precious treasure


There is no price of this big box in which the waste things of house are kept and old torn clothes are kept. Nobody puts a lock on this box for protection. But if in this big box one small box is kept and in it a pearl of ten million rupees is kept so it is kept all the time with a big lock. It is also seen by getting up at night also that if someone has not opened the lock.



O people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬The body of human being is one big box, in this big box there is a little heart. If in this heart Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬keeps the pearl of Prophethood so he becomes a Prophet. (Now after the last Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬no new Prophet will come) and if he keeps the pearl of his love so he

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becomes a friend of him. The price of this big box is with this small heart. In the line of chest of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the pain of love of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬which is present, the reason of this is this that in the big box of bodies of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬there is one small ballot box of heart. In this ballot box there is the precious pearl of love of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Hazrat Daood Tai ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ used to say that when I wash my clothes so quickly this thought gets produced me wish I could wash my heart like this also by rubbing.

The heart being obedient is the reality of Sufism


The famous book Umdatul Qari, in it is written that as the heart is the king of body, when the king will be alright so the organs which are its people and public they will also be proper. Therefore the correction and patrolling of heart is from the important tasks.


It is the observation of our life also that if anyone part of body of human being gets paralyzed, only that one part leaves working, the rest of all body keeps on working. For e.g. if the paralysis happened on tongue, the tongue left working. Similarly if the paralysis happened upon hand, feet,


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mind etc so that part leaves working. But rest of the body keeps on working and when this same paralysis happened upon the heart of human being and the heart of the human being leaves working so the person dies. It has got into knowledge that the real thing is heart according to the physical body also and spirituality also.

Make your heart clean and clear like a mirror




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Now I am telling one example for explaining the importance of cleanliness of heart in the service of all friends, to which Maulana Roomi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has quoted that once upon a time there happened a fight among Romans and Chinese people and the Romans said that we are good craftsmen, the Chinese said that we are good crafts men. This case was presented in front of the king. The king said: Both of you show your cleanliness. By comparing the art of both the decision will be made and the condition which was suggested was this that the king got the one house constructed and he made one wall of curtain stand between it. He said to the Chinese that in half house you show your craft and he said to the Romans that in other half you show the example of your artistic talent. The Chinese did plaster on the wall and made different kinds of bulls, plants, flowers, they made colorful leaves and made their area green with different patterns and colorful plants and bulls. Over here the Romans did not make even one flower and leaf on the wall by doing it plasters and neither had they applied one color instead they started rubbing the plaster of wall and made it so much clear and shinny that the reflection started coming in it like the mirror. When both of them finished their crafting so the news was given to the king.


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The king came and gave command that the wall should be removed from the center. As the wall got removed from the idle, all the patterns and flower makings of Chinese was being seen in the part of the Romans and all the bulls and plants were visible in the wall of Romans, to which the Romans cleaned and made it a mirror. The king was very surprised that he should give decision in favor of whom, because same kind of patterns was seen in both parts. At last he gave the decision in favor of Romans that their crafting is great because they showed their craft also and along with it they snatched the craft of Chinese also.


Maulana Rumi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has quoted this incident and in the last as the advice he has said that: O beloved! You make the craft of Romans done in your heart. Meaning that rub your heart with effort and hard work and make it so much clean, that you start seeing all the patterns and artwork of world in your heart. Meaning that you throw all kinds of the materialistic dirt and rubbish from your heart and make it enlightened with the knowledge of Lord. When this status is gained by the human being so such person is called as Arif and the effort which is of getting the heart cleaned, the name of it is Sufism.

The one sentence which comes out of heart changes the entire situation of human being


Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adhem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the king of his time. He used to keep the lavish attitude. The different incidents of his attention to Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬are written in books. One incident written


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in them is this also that one day he was sitting in his royal court , one beggar made call that this is whose guest house? Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adhem ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became very angry and said that do you see it as a guest house, this is the royal house. He asked that who was there in this castle before you. Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adhem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that my father. He said that who was there before him? He said, my grandfather. That beggar said that is why I am saying that it is the guest house. If it would be the royal castle so the first kings would never have gone by leaving him. Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adhem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said good bye to the kingdom at that same time and adopted the life of ontologism of Lord.

The beatitudes of enlightened heart




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Hafiz Bin Alqeem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says in his one book: The biggest benefit of obedience is this that the heart becomes enlightened and the light of it finishes all of the darkness. Until this one time comes that the condition of heart becomes like a mirror and whenever the devil tries that he becomes near to this shinning and bright heart so the warmth of it destroys him. At last the devil becomes so much frightened with that heart, as if one goat shivers just by watching the lion or wolf. When the devil returns from this heart by being unsuccessful and hopeless so all the devils get gathered and they do questions among themselves that what happened. Then they give answers themselves that the light of heart of human being has destroyed. (Al Jawab Al Kafi La Bin Al Qeem) The internal self and devil are the biggest enemies of human being. Due to them human being moves from goodness and gets inclined towards the evil. Our competition is with these both only for our whole life. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬grant us the opportunity to get safe from their tricks and frauds Aameen!




Internal self and its kinds, five ways of correction of internal self



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1. Sincerity 2. Need for pious company 3. Abundance of zikr 4. Accountability, meditation and effort 5. Following sunnah


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“Internal self, the first great enemy of human being” The definition and kinds of internal self


Murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to keep very detailed knowledge about the tricks and frauds of the internal self and most of the time he used to talk on this topic and used to do the dua of satisfied internal self in his duas with abundance. Now the internal self, its kinds and evilness is being told. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give all of us a satisfied internal self Aameen!




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When a human being does any work of goodness or any work of evilness, this is due to the internal self. The definition of internal self is this that there is one power inside the human being through which he do the desire of anything now that desire may be of good deed or of any evil, it is said as internal self. Internal self is our friend like enemy. A person who is obedient to his internal self he keeps on getting stuck in the evils. The internal self tries a lot to make a human being far from the goodness and to bring towards evil and wickedness because the internal self, according to its reality is “Ammarah Bis su” that it gives the knowledge of evil to human being, it inclines towards the sin, move away from good deeds but if its internal self is pressed and in front of its desires the dam of goodness and good deeds is made so its rebellion becomes somewhat less and it becomes “Lawwama”. Meaning that first it used to make agree on evil now it blames upon evil. Then if further the desires of it are killed and its every saying is ignored and no following on it is done at all so it becomes “Mutmainnah”. To which it is said that the shariah becomes according to nature meaning that for following upon the teachings of shariah the nature gets agreed itself but where the opposition of shariah is done, the sinful words are done so the nature becomes uncomfortable it runs from the sin in such way as if a flame of fire is thrown upon any person so runs away from it. May God pardon if ever the desire of evil gets produced also but neither there shall be inclination towards it and nor act so then also it will remain comfortable. Well in Quran e pak the discussion has come about all these three kinds of internal self. 1. Nafs e Ammara Bis su (Yusuf: 53) 2. Nafs e Lawwama (Qiyamah: 2) 3. Nafs e Mutmainnah (Fajr: 27)


For breaking the rebellion of internal self the company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is adopted and by living with them the effort is done to do progress and goodness and to get safe from evil which it is called as “correction of internal self”.


Just like no one can become doctor by seeing the book of medical, just like that only by reading about the fraud and deception of internal self and by knowing their treatments no one can do the correction of their internal self.


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Just like if a work is assigned to an unskilled person without doing that tasks properly he makes it a complete disaster. Similarly the one who wants to control the internal self himself without any advisor and Sheikh so despite of controlling the internal self he himself becomes the victim of the tricks of internal self and starts walking on the path of misguidance. That is why do not control you to the first enemy “Internal self” of goodness or good deeds instead control over it with the advice of Sheikh kamil.


The devil and deception of internal self

Move your face away from enjoyments of internal self


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O people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬These both enemies of human being are very dangerous. The devil also gives deception to human being and internal self also. But there is the difference between the procedures of these both. The devil gives inclination of any sin like this that it makes him understand its detail that do this work in it there is that some benefit of world and that expedience. When any detailed expedience for any sin comes in heart so understand this that this is the deception of the devil and the internal self gives the sin on the basis of pleasure ness. It says that do this sin you will feel very good. When the thought of any sin comes for getting enjoyment so do understand this that it is the deception of internal self.



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It is said by one gentleman that in front of me the world and its lightings and decorations and desires were presented. I moved my face away from it. Then the streams of the Day of Judgment, castle and lightening were presented in front of me, I moved my face away from them also. After seeing this it was said to me that if you would have attracted towards the world so we would have hide the Day of Judgment from you. Meaning we would have made you deprived of the Day of Judgment and if you would have attracted towards the Day of Judgment so we would have hide our self from you. Meaning that you would have remained deprived of watching your lord. But as you ignored both of the things that is why we have allotted your heart in both the worlds. Abu Yazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that I saw my lord in my dream and said, O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬How can I get you? He said separate your soul from your body and come.

The effort of three hundred years is not enough



One gentleman from the gentlemen of Bastam got presented in the service of Hazrat Yazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. One day he said that from thirty years I keep fast in the day and offer prayer whole night. But it is said that no change came in my inside. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that not thirty years, if you do this work three hundred years also then also you will not get anything because between your successes your internal self is made as the big covering. On asking the treatment of it he told that I am telling but maybe you will not accept it he said that wear the old dress and take the basket of walnut and go and sit among the people who know you. Then collect the boys and say that the one who will slap me he will get one walnut. Roam around the whole city like this and where you will be dis respected the most sit over there this is your treatment.


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The punishment of desires of internal self



‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and blaming to internal self

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Hazrat Fazeel Bin Ayyaz



Abu Turab Bakhshi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that much time before never did the desire of anything got produced in my heart ever. Yes only one time this desire came in heart that if I would have got roti and egg so I would have eaten them. Once upon a time I was on a journey that I passed from one village. One man of village came with me and took me to the leader of the village and said that this person was also with the thieves. After listening this leader of village made 70 lashes hit to me. In some time one man recognized me and said to people that he is Abu Turab Bakhshi ( ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ ). After listening this people said sorry to me and one man took me to his house and present roti and eggs in front of me. I addressed my internal self and said that you have got to eat roti and eggs after eating 70 lashes.


The reward of not listening to the internal self


Hazrat Fazeel Bin Ayyaz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has passed as a famous friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. He says that the person who wants to see any show off person so he should watch me. After this he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to hold his beard in his hand and starts crying and used to address his internal self and said that O Fazeel! You were a sinful person in your youth; in your old age you became a show off person and swear by Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬I sinful person is very much better than a person who shows off.




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One gentleman used to live in any city. He was also having his family. He got to know with his internal light that one friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬majzoob kamil is lying hungry in forest which is one to two miles away from the city and he is getting fainted this thing came in his heart that what good it will be if someone could make that majzoob eat roti, as he was himself crippled from feet, he was not able to walk. He said to his wife, his wife was a pious lady and obedient, he said that if I have permission of this good work so I can fulfill this job. He said: You have permission, go and make him eat. Therefore she got ready for going along with roti. But in between that forest and city there was one big river that without the ship it was very difficult to pass from it. The woman said that what I may do. I would have taken the roti but at this time no ship is available because much time of night has passed and I do not know how to swim. After listening this that gentleman said that you go with the roti. When you reach at the corner of river so say my Salam to the river. After this say this that my husband has said to you that I have not done marital contact with my wife in my whole life. If this saying of him is truth so give me the way. The woman said that what a strange thing it is. We have four children. You are asking the way from the river by speaking lie. He said that you say this to the river, if it gives you the way so know this thing as truth and get passed otherwise come back again. Therefore she went and when she came on the corner of the river and said to that river so the river got torn quickly, half of it on one side and half of it went to the other side and in middle till the other corner a dry path came out. The woman went and kept the roti in front of that gentleman. He ate the roti very nicely without even asking. It was halal rizq, he got much comfort from it. The lady picked up the utensils and said at the time of going that first my husband said one thing to me, I said that and passed the river and came here. Therefore I said


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that and the river gave me the way. Although I have four children present with the sperm of my husband. You also say something so that I could get the way and reach to the house because when I came out of the river so the river got united at that very moment. That gentleman smiled and said that O pious woman! Go and say my salam to the river and say this that I have come after making which beggar eat the roti he says that I have never eaten roti in my whole life. If this thing is true so give me the way. The woman said that it is a strange wonder which has come inside to lies and the river also accepts it. The first one was the liar completely; this second lie that himself ate roti in front of me and then refused. The beggar gave answer that o pious woman it’s not a lie. In this matter we both are true and Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has accepted our truth. What your husband has said that I have never did the marital contact with my wife so he is true that he never did this work as the command of carnalism or for the desire and pleasure of inter self and with the thought of enjoyment but did this by thinking it as command of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that he has made her right obligatory upon me he fulfilled that command and did not do it for his own pleasure of internal self. When he did completion of command of lord so this thing was written as his worship and along with the abundance of sincerity that worship became the reason of appearance of wonders and happiness of lord. And that special relation became the personal observation and the very big act and height of bravery is this that the work is done by pressing the internal self and carnalism and made it obedient of command of lord. And what I have said that I have never eaten roti so actually I have never eaten for making my stomach full, for pleasure and happiness. Instead I only eat for the right of my body and my internal self which Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has made obligatory upon me, to fulfill that command I eat. There is no addition of pleasure and carnalism in it. We both are true. For the reason of test this was said that whether our this acts got accepted in the court of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬or not. When that woman came back so she said like that to the river again. Therefore just like before again the path was made and she came home by coming out of the river told the whole incident to his husband so he did the sajdah of thanks that Alhamdulillah that my act remained safe from show off and Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬accepted it.

Recreation of internal self of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬:


Ziad Bin Ziad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was one servant but apart from this Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ also used to do his respect and honor. About him only one gentleman used to say that Ziad is very pious and worship a lot. Muhammad Bin Manqadar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬narrated that one day I saw Ziad Bin Ziad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in masjid and he was saying by addressing to himself, O internal self! Sit where are you deciding to go? Will you get any good place more than this place and how much world you want and the rotis which you get are not they enough. Muhammad Bin Maqdar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that he was saying this thing continuously and his tears were flowing along with it.


Over here I am also writing the procedure of correction of internal self briefly. It is this that whenever someone says us bad so with it the correction of our internal self happens and the people who send by writing long praising words with much love, from them the internal self becomes big, by the one who say bad the compensation of it is done. By the grace of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬I am saying as the Tahdees e nemat that I have said to all my close friend that do tell me that only when people


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say about my bad qualities, do not tell me my praise and with the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬how much bad I feel with my protocol and my praise maybe it does not happen with anything else!! May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give us all the acts of sincerity Aameen!

“The devil” second big enemy of human being The tricks of Satan and Devil



.u bq


The second enemy of goodness and good deeds is “devil”. Who was the one who used to do much worship but when he refused to bow down his head in front of Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬and Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ so he became accursed from the court of Lord ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬so then he took the responsibility of spreading evil and false hood and adopted every possible way to misguide the creation of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ . The devil has many tricks and plans to misguide but Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has given the command of being aware of devil in different points of Quran pak and has stopped to do friendship with him. He said: Indeed the devil is your big enemy, you think him as enemy only (do not make him your friend) [Fatir: 6] The friendship of the devil do away from the goodness and good deeds and a human being forgets his creator and His commands for getting the temporary enjoyments. When if there is no mercy from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and he does not get the opportunity to ask forgiveness and while roaming in the valley of sins, the deaths come to him so then there is the danger of torment.




Well spend your life by being aware of 2 things which make you far from goodness and agree on evil, internal self and tricks and plans of the devil. If you do the sin so do not get worried. Quickly come on asking forgiveness and express your embarrassment in front of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Ask forgiveness for your sins by crying a lot and decide firmly to remain safe from sins in future so Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬forgives the sins then. Then do many good deeds. (Hood)

.u bq


Indeed doing good deeds finishes the sins. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give us opportunity to adopt good deeds and goodness. Aameen!

4 enemies of human being



Hazrat Abu Alees Samar Qandi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that do know this very well! There are 4 enemies of you and you need to do jihad with all of them. 1) The first enemy is the world which is very fraud and deceiver. “It is the saying of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that may not the life of this world put you in deception and nor the fraud devil puts you in deception with Allah ‫”سبحانہ و تعالی‬. (Luqmaan: 33). 2) The second enemy is your own internal self which is the worst enemy. 3) The third enemy is devil (ghost). 4) The forth enemy is the humanly devil be safe from it! That it is more dangerous from the ghost devil because the ghost devil gives pain by putting false thoughts inside you and the humanly devil is that bad partner whose pain is physical and open. He uses to be always in search of such tricks for you that through which he could make you far away from your goal. (Tambeeh ul Ghafileen)


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The auto bio graphy of the devil



.u bq



Name: Iblees… City: Hearts of ignorant people… Business: To preach the evil, to stop from good deeds…. Duration of business: Till the morning of Day of Judgment… Address: The places where there is no zikr of Allah ‫ …سبحانہ و تعالی‬The place where he sits: Market… Property: Desires, hopes, and wishes… Favorite food: Meat of dead person (to do back biting, listening)…. Place of hunting: Women…. Wishes: May all people become non-Muslim…. The worldly wife: “Kaasiyaat e Aariyaat” (the one who wears thin clothes)…. Beloved people: The people who are ignorant from Allah ‫…سبحانہ و تعالی‬. The thing to worry: Abundance of astaghfar….. Permanent place to live: The hell…. Thing which make him cry the most: Abundance of Sujood… Start of popularity: The day when he refused to bow down his head to Adam ‫ …علیہ السالم‬Place of business: Dirty and places of sins….. Identification: Reballion and misguidance….. Code number: Ego, the wordings of pride…. Partner: Hypocrite people.


The 9 answers of the devil from your mouth Some intelligent and smart person has done the discussion of the words of devil in our common life like in this way. Do worry! May Allah pardon if I am involve in this. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do protection of all of us from a fraud and deception of the devil, his tricks and traps aameen!

8. 9.


.u bq



6. 7.


When the thing about religion is said so he says that… the real thing is humanity. When the thing about prayer is said so he says that… my clothes are not proper. When the thing about fast is said so he says that… is the Islam only inside fasting? When something is said about charity so he says that… it has got cut in bank by itself. When the discussion about jihad is done so he says that… the real jihad is from internal self. When the discussion about complete veil so he says that… covering is of eye sight. When the discussion about proper beard is done so he says that… keeping the beard is sunnah, it is not an obligation. When something is said about scholars so he says that… all evils are produced by Molvis. When you suggest him to walk upon shariah so he says that… do not talk like Molvis, you make yourself correct this is the matter of me and my Lord ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The friends and enemies of the devil… who are you? Hazrat Wahab Bin Mamda

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

says that once upon a time one man came to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in

the form of a gentleman. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked him, who are you? He said I am the devil. Prophet


‫ ﷺ‬asked which people are your enemies and how many are they? He said, 15 kinds of people are my enemies:


The 15 enemies of the devil 1. First of all is Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.


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2. The leader who do justice and equality. 3. A rich man who is humble. 4. Truthful trade man. 5. A religious scholar who is afraid of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. 6. A momin who do goodness. 7. Kind hearted momin. 8. The one who do repentance and is consistence on it. 9. The one who becomes safe from haram. 10. A momin who always remain with ablution. 11. A momin who gives charity abundantly. 12. A momin who do good with people. 13. A momin who gives benefit to people. 14. The religious scholar and Hafiz who do recitation of Quran pak. 15. The one who offers tahajjud at such time of night in which all people use to sleep.

The ten friends of the devil

1. the cruel leader.


2. The rich man who is proud.


4. The person who drinks vine.


5. A person who complains.

.u bq

6. A person who commit adultery.


3. The trade man who do dis honest.


Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked the devil how many friends are yours? He said ten people are my friends:

7. A person who eats the wealth of orphan. 8. A person who is lazy in offering prayer. 9. A person who does not give zakaat.


10. A person who makes long big hopes meaning he do not do any act but puts expectation on Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will give me forgiveness. Then the devil said that these people are my brothers and friends.

The consistency of the devil…point to worry!


Once upon a time one gentleman said: The devil give proof of so much courage that he does not accepted Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬and he does not accepted him till the end. He accepted the forever curse but he did not do hypocrisy. If we would have given him suggestion that O cursed if you do


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not accept Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬from your heart so you may not do it. But apparently bow down in front of him why do you become the one to go in hell by opposing?

What he would say? He would have given this answer that hell is acceptable to me but I cannot do hypocrisy if he is giving the proof of so much skill and consistency for false hood so why he may not give it for the truth…!!

Hazrat Mujahid one work.

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


The 5 sons of the devil:

says that there are 5 sons of iblees. To each of them he has appointed on



The competition with internal self and the devil



.u bq

1. “Sabr” in his responsibility are worries and difficulties. He gives the commands to get killed, to tear the neck of their clothes, to hit upon his cheeks, to complain and to make the call of false hood to people. 2. “Oud” in his responsibility is adultery; he presents adultery in front of people in beautiful form. 3. “Masnoot” in his responsibility is to spread lie in different ways. 4. “Waasim” his task is to make the family members fight and to tell the bad qualities of one another in front of one another and to exasperate. 5. “Zalan Boor” in his responsibility is to make sins done in market.

.u bq



Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that kill your desires in heart only and do not kill your hearts in them because the one who pressed his desires under his feet, the devil runs away from his shadow also and the one who gives place to desires in his hearts, the devil overcomes on him and wherever he wants he takes him.

Four acts to make like the devil

One gentleman saw the devil and asked him that what is the reason that people becomes misguided easily by your misguidance? The devil said that before today no one asked this question from me. Those 4 things are this: 1. To swear on every little thing. 2. To speak lie. 3. To not offer prayer. 4. To do back biting.


After listening the gentleman said I swear by Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬Now I will try a lot to be safe from all these things. Devil became very embarrassed and said that really human being is greatest from all creations he has given me the deception today.

The meeting of Hazrat Esa

‫علیہ السالم‬

with the devil

‫علیہ السالم‬


Hazrat Esa met Iblees. He was hitting four donkeys and making them go…..the things were kept on those donkeys. Hazrat Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬asked Iblees about those things and making the donkeys


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The Iblees said…cruelty…Hazrat Esa

‫علیہ السالم‬


hit and run…The Iblees said in reply that the material of trade is kept upon these donkeys. And I am finding the ones to buy it. After listening to him, Hazrat Esa ‫ علیہ السالم‬asked him that what is kept over first donkey. said that who will buy it?


The Iblees said….The king……He asked about the second donkey that what is kept upon this donkey? The Iblees said….jealousy….Hazrat Esa

The devil said that scholars….Hazrat Esa

‫علیہ السالم‬

asked that who will buy this.

‫علیہ السالم‬

‫علیہ السالم‬

.u bq

The Iblees said…..dishonesty….Hazrat Esa

askedthat what is kept upon this third donkey? said that who will buy this.

The cursed devil in form of Jibrael

‫علیہ السالم‬

‫علیہ السالم‬

said that who will buy it? The devil


The Iblees said that “fraud and deception”. Hazrat Esa said “women”. (Al’Mustatarf)


The devil said that the trade person….Then he asked about the fourth donkey that what is kept on this?




Once upon a time Makhdoom Jahania ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that I came back to Bhakkar from Makkah over there the people said to me that near Aloor in cave of one mountain one gentleman lives. Who says this that Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has forgiven prayer for him. After listening this I went to him, rich people and other big people were having crowd over there. I went near to him. I did not do salam to him. Instead I went near him and sat down. Then I asked him that why not you offer prayer. Although it is the saying of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the difference between the Muslim and non-Muslim is prayer.

.u bq


The gentleman gave me answer that Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬used to come to me and bring food from heaven, gives me the salam of Lord and says that the prayer is forgiven for you and you are special beloved of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. I said to that gentleman that what foolish and stupid things you say. The prayer did not get forgiven for Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so how it can be forgiven for you stupid person. He is not



Jibrael but the devil that comes to you and given deception. Jibrael is the angel who brings revelation, who do not come to anyone accept the Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬. What is remaining is that food which comes to you, that is also completely dirty food. That gentleman said that that food used to be really delicious and I feel it much tasty. I said, now if that angel comes to you so you recite ( ‫ال‬ ‫)حول وال قوۃ اال باہلل العلی العظیم‬. I again went to that gentleman the next day. After watching me he fell in my feet. And he said to me that I acted upon your saying. When that angel came so I recited ( ‫ال‬ ‫)حول‬, he got disappeared immediately in front of me and the food which he gave me, it became dirty and fell from my hands. Till this my all cloth became dirty. After that I made that gentleman who did not use to do prayer do repentance and how many prayers he missed, I made him offer them. (Bazm e Sufia)


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The trick of devil, deception and fraud






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It is written in Ahya ul Uloom that there was one person in Bani Israel who used to do a lot of worship. He used to remain busy in worship all the time. One group came to him and said that here is one nation who used to worship one tree. He became angry after listening this and he keep axe on his shoulder and started walking to cut that tree. And on his way the devil met him in form of one peer man. He asked the worshiper that where are you going. He said that I am going to cut that some tree. The devil said that what connection you have with that tree? You keep on being busy in your worship. You have left your worship for one irrelevant thing. The worshiper said that this is also worship. The devil said that I will not let you cut it. The competition happened between them both. That worshiper got over his chest. After seeing his helplessness the devil did flattering and said the ok, listen one thing. The worshiper left him. The devil said that Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has not made it obligatory on you to cut that tree. You have no loss from it. You do not do worship of it. There are many prophets of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. If he wants it so he could have made it cut by any of his Prophet. The worshiper said that I will cut it for sure. Again the competition took place. That worshiper came over his chest again. The devil said that ok listen. I may say one thing for your benefit which is of decision. He said, say. The devil said that you are poor and are as a burden over the world. You do avoidance from this work. I will give you 3 denars (gold coins) everyday. Which you will get every day, kept on your side. Your needs will also get fulfilled. You will also be able to do favor over your relatives. You will be able to do help of poor people and would be able to do many acts of goodness. In this work there will be only one good reward and that also will be wasted that those people will make the other planted again. The worshiper understood this and accepted it. He got them till two days and from third day they were not there. The worshiper became very angry and he again went out along with the axe. On his way he met that old man. He asked where you are going. The worshiper said that I am going to cut that same tree. The old man said that you cannot cut that tree. The competition took place between them both and the old man over came him and got over the chest of worshiper. The worshiper got very surprised and asked that what is this thing that this time you came over me? The old man said that in the first time, your anger was purely for Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. That is why Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬made you overcome me. This time there was the addition of denars that is why I over come you. The right is this that the work which is done purely for Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, there is much power in it.

The devil with woman and young boy


Hazrat Sufyan Suri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said: With every non mehrum woman there is one and every young boy there are 18 devils which makes them present in front of people by making them attractive, we should be safe from them.

The dialogue of Junaid Baghdadi with Iblees


Once upon a time Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬wished to see the Iblees. As he came out of masjid so what he sees is this that one old man is coming, by just looking at him his heart became afraid. As he asked from him that who are you. He said no one but your wish. He quickly said that


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oh cursed, who gave you the advice that do not bow down in front of Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬. He gave the answer with humbleness that Junaid ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬just think that how could I bow down in front of any other apart from Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. I felt very embarrassed that I would get bow down in front of anyone else by leaving him. It was the logical thing, after listening this answer he thought that he is saying truth. At that same time a voice came from the sky that say him that o cursed, you are saying lie. If you would have been complete in your worship so you would never have done the courage of refusing the command of your real master. When the Iblees listened to this answer of him so he got confused, screamed and got disappeared after saying this that, I swear by Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ ! You have put fire in my body.

The fight of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

with Iblees







.u bq

His son Syed Moosa has told one incident of his father that once upon a time he said: “Once upon a time I was in one such forest where there was nothing available to eat or drink. I lift over there for few days, but I did not even have one drop of water to drink. My condition became very bad with thrust. Suddenly one cloud came and rain started. I comforted my thrust of water from it and said thanks to Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Then I saw one light in that cloud which got spread on sky on all four sides. The voice came from that light: O Abdul Qadir! We have become happy from your worship and struggle that is why we have made every haraam thing halaal for you. After listening this I asked Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for His ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬protection from the cursed devil and said: O cursed! Move away how rubbish does you say! On this the light disappeared and the smoke came over and the voice came: O Abdul Qadir! You have become safe with your knowledge and wisdom otherwise in this forest I have misguided countless people like you. I gave him reply: O cursed! I have not become safe with my knowledge but with the mercy of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Someone asked that how do you got to know that that voice was of the devil. He said: With this sentence that the haraam things are made halaal on you, because neither Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬gives the command of haraam things and nor he likes them.

.u bq

The attacks of the devil at the time of death and the tip to get safe from them Be careful! At the time of death the devil misguides Muslims according to Quran pak and Hadis. He is the forever enemy of human being. He attacks on faith in the last time also. Without the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬at that time a person cannot do his protection by himself.

The way of robbery of devil

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said the one (Muslim) who is near to the


It is narrated by Hazrat Wasla


death be close to him and give him the advice of kalma e tayyaba or (Arabic text) and give him the good news of heaven because in this time many big and great intelligent man and woman get surprised and the devil is the most near in this time among all the times. (Kanz ul Amal)


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It is in few narrations that when a human being is in the condition of getting his soul departed so the 2 devils come and sits on his right and left. The devil of right side comes near to the dying person in the form of his father and says that Son! I am very kind for you, please die after adopting the religions of Christian and it is better among all other religions and the devil of left side comes in the form of mother and says that Son! I have brought you up in my lap, I give you advice that do adopt the religion of Jew and then die because that is the best religion. (Tazkira tul Qurtubi)

The incident of death of Imam Abu Jafar Qurtubi


.u bq


Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written in his book (‫ )الدرہ الفاخرہ فی کشف علوم االخرۃ‬that when a human being is involved in the pain of getting his soul departed so the intelligence of big great intelligent and wise people becomes useless at that time so the biggest enemy of human being the devil comes along with his army and they all come in form of those people who have passed before and they are thought as the well wisher, pious and good character friends and relatives. Then the devils say to him that we have passed from this valley of death before you, we are giving you a good advice that you may adopt the religion of Jews as it is the best religion. If the person who is dying did not listen to them so the other group of devils come in the form of other relatives and say that adopt the religion of Christian. Concluding the work of devil is to misguide and to make go of track. ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬





When the time of death of Imam Qurtubi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬started, the people who were present beside him said recite (‫)ال الہ اال ہللا‬. He said: No. When he became better so asking he told that two devils were standing in front of me. One was saying this that die on the religion of Christian and the other was saying this that die on the religion of Jews. I was saying NO in the reply of them. (At Tazkira tul Qurtubi)

The incident of death of Imam Ahmed Bin Hamble

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq


The son Abdullah of Hazrat Imam Bin Hamble ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that at the time of death of father I was standing with the cloth in my hand to tie the jaw that he used to become full of sweat and said by coming back in conscious that (‫)ال بعد ال بعد‬. On my asking he said, the devil standing in front of me and was saying by chewing his fingers in his teeth that sadly O Ahmed! You went away from our hands. I was saying this (‫ )ال بعد ال بعد‬in his reply that right now I have not gone till when the death is not coming. Meaning till when the breath is remaining, I am not ignorant from your fraud and deception. (Sair Alaam Al Mabla)


Similarly at the time of death of Imam Raazi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the scenario of the devil is very popular. Only he comes in the deception of the devil whose faith is weak. As our faith is also weak that is why we would also have to remain alert and at the time of death we would have to adopt the tricks to remain safe from the deception of the devil.

7 tricks to get safe from the deception of the devil at the time of death


In the light of verses of Quran oak and the hadis, few tricks of getting safe from the fraud and the deception of the devil at the time of death are as following:


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1. The biggest trick is the strong ness of faith. 2. Adopt consistency. There are three levels of consistency. a) The lowest level of this that till the last remain in the condition of faith. B) The middle level of this that if the sin is committed by mistake so by fearing Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, do repentance quickly. C) The highest level is this that gets safe from all sins and adopts obedience. 3. In the condition of sexual intercourse do not remain without ablution for sometime even. 4. Keep your internal self, cloths and house clean from such things which are hindrance for the entrance of angels of mercy. For e.g. dog, a person who makes the time of prayer late (whether he is a man or woman) and the jewelry which makes noise. (Mashariq ul anwar) 5. Do complete obedience of parents because in condition of dis obedience there is much danger of bad death (instead of kufr). 6. The voice of (‫ )ال الہ اال ہللا‬should be done to the person who is dying. The procedure of it is this that the kalma should be recited in front of him with low voice and it should not be said to him that you recite kalma. 7. Some part of Quran pak shall be recited near to the person who is dying specially surah e Yaseen. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said when surah e yaseen is recited beside any dead body so Allah put easiness on him. (Masnad-e-Ahmed).


‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬




Imam Sheraani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says in his book “Mukhtasir tazkara e qurtubi” that there is unity among scholars on this thing that the end of that person is bad who is consistent upon internal sins from before meaning he does not care about big sins. The one who is pious from before we have not seen his end becoming bad. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬make the end of all of us on complete faith. Aameen Summa Aameen!

‫ہم خدا آمد ز ذاتش ہم رسول‬

‫دامن آں نفس کش محکم بگیر‬

‫چوں تو کر دی ذات مرشد را قبول‬

.u bq


The need of complete murshid is for becoming safe from the deceptions of the internal self and the devils. Maulana Room ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that (Persian)

‫نفس نتواں کشت االذات پیر‬

Translation: When you accepted the existence of Peer so now from it you also got Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

and you also got Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. No one else accept peer e kamil can kill this dis



obedient internal self. Do hold the hand of the peer who kills this internal self.


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The first way of correction of internal self:


Sincerity of intention: Sincerity, key of success:

What shall be the intention of a desirable person?

Quick success of sincere follower:


The story of sincerity of Hazrat Ali Razi Allahu anhu:

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬:

.u bq

The reward of Qurtbi equal to Bukhari The need of correction of intention:


The beatitude of sincere friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬:


Sincerity, key of success


The first way of correction of internal self: (Sincerity of intentions)

By gaining the benefit from Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the faith was the condition. Although


.u bq



the condition for gaining benefit from people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is sincerity. The matter is only this that for the company of Prophets Alaihim salam the condition is faith and for company of scholars the condition is sincerity. Now if anyone will come with sincerity so he will get the benefit of company. If he will not come with sincerity so he will not get benefit. How many scholars of religion are there in this era of us they say this that keep on going to the people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, how many opportunities you get in their company, keep on taking benefit from it because they see every one love. There is no hatred in their eyes and there is loss in their eyes. The benefit of sight of love is gained, if the love will be unusual so the effect also be unusual. One couple of Persian language is read very much that to sit in the company on gentlemen without any show off is better than the worship of one hundred years.

What should be the intention of a desirable person?



I true desirable person who desires for the path of ontologism his first intention should be this that he should keep his first step on this path sincerely for happiness of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for his correction. There should not be any other reason for him, no miracles and intuitions, no Caliphate and permission and neither any personal reason apart from this. Now on the importance of sincerity few incidents of great people are being told so you could know the importance of sincerity. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give this blessing to all of us aameen!


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Quick success of sincere follower



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Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Multani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gained the status of Caliphate by doing bait on the true hand of Sheikh ul Sheukh, Sheikh Shahabuddin Umar Bin Muhammad Sahar Wardi Sir “Awarif” in Baghdad. It is written in “Fawaed ul Fawad” in the language of Hazrat Sultan Al Mashaikh Khuwaja Nizamuddin Mehboob Ilaahi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that Hazrat Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya Multani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬only stayed for 17 days with his murshid that he got spiritual blessings and level of Caliphate. In the hearts of other followers of Khanqa the emulate got produced and they complained to Sheikhul Sheukh Hazrat Shahabuddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that we are engaged in efforts and struggle from so many years and we have not been blessed till now even with your Caliphate. But this Hindustani is blessed with your Caliphate in few days only. In the reply of them Hazrat Sheikh ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that you people came with wet sticks in which the fire is made in long time and Bahauddin Zakariya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬brought dry wooden sticks, which cached the fire quickly. (Khazeena tul Asfia Bahawala Fawaed ul Fawad) ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


The story of sincerity of Hazrat Ali



.u bq




Once upon a time Hazrat Ali Razi ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬did overcome one Jew person in the competition of death and he intended to sacrifice him. What he could do apart from dying, that cursed person spitted on his face. Now it was needed that Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬could sacrifice quickly but after getting spitted he immediately stood up from his chest and left him quickly. That Jew became very shocked that after my this action he should do this that he should not leave me alive anyhow but he did reaction against. At last he could not remain satisfied and asked Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬the reason of it that if you wished to kill me by thinking as a non Muslim so why you left me when I spitted? Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that really after this act my leaving is apparently very strange but the matter is this that firstly when I did attack over you so at that time apart from acceptance of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬I did not want anything and when you spit on me so anger and feeling of revenge produced inside me. I saw that now when I will kill you it will not be only for Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ instead there would be addition of my internal self also in it and I did not want that I would waste my act by doing work for my internal self that is why I let you go. After listening this that Jew person immediately became Muslim and understood that really only this religion is true in which so much hatred is caught from shirk that do not do any work for internal self instead it should only be done for the happiness of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.

The reward of Qutbi, equal to Bukhari



One man came to Hazrat Sheikh ul Hind ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for sending the reward to his any relative. At that time Hazrat Sheikh ul Hind ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was teaching the lesson of “Qutbi” (course book of logic). He said that after teaching this lesson of Qutbi we will send reward for your relative. He asked with shock that Hazrat! After reading Qutbi you will send reward? The reward is sent after reciting Quran kareem or Bukhari sharif etc. The Hazrat said in reply that near to us there is no difference between Qutbi and Bukhari. It is this because what is the goal of reciting Bukhari Shareef, by reciting Qutbi also that is the same goal. (Meaning happiness of Allah ‫)سبحانہ و تعالی‬. We have hope


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The need of making intention correct


with the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that the reward which we get by reciting Bukhari Sharif, he will give that reward on Qutbi also, if the intention is correct.


One man said to Hazrat Owais Qarni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that advice me something. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said: May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬keep your heart and intention correct because it is very difficult for these both to remain on proper condition and never look upon the sin being small instead look upon the greatness of that one of whom you are doing this obedience.

The effect of intention of human being on his life




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.u bq

Syedna Abdullah Bin Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬says that once upon a time one king came out of his castle for looking after his kingdom but he was feeling danger from the public. Therefore he stayed with one such person who was having one cow. When cow came back at evening, that man took out so much milk from that cow as much it comes out of thirty cows. The king became shocked after seeing the cow which was giving so much milk and he thought that I should take over this cow from him. When the other day came, the cow went towards the grass land for grassing. When it came back in evening, on that day half milk came out as compare to the first day. After seeing this matter the king called the owner of cow and said that you tell me that yesterday the cow gave much milk so why it has become less today? Did not the cow go to that same grass land today on which it went yesterday, what is the matter actually? He replied that why not? It went to same grass land but today it happened this that after seeing the condition of yesterday the king finished his decision of not doing bad attitude with his people. Therefore due to this the milk of it came out less today because when the king is cruel and is doing injustice with people so the beatitude is finished. After watching this surprising incident the king did promise that now he will not take this cow from him on the basis of injustice. Therefore then the next day this happened that the cow went for grassing. When it came back at evening, the milk man took out so much milk as much milk came out on the first day. After watching this condition the king got lesson and he started doing justice and said that really when the king is doing injustice or the public is doing injustice so the beatitude keeps on going away. Now I will do justice for sure and now I will think and ponder over good conditions only. (Rawahul Behiqi, Fishhab)

The level of sincerity of one friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


One gentleman says that I was standing on the Day of Arfah after Asr prayer with Abu Ubaid Tazkari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬farm. Abu Ubaid ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬was at that time ploughing in his farm. Suddenly one abdal came there and said him something slowly. Abu Ubaid said in reply that no. After listening this answer he flew like a cloud and dissolved in the air. I asked from Abu Ubaid ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that what this gentleman was saying to you.


Abu Ubaid ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that he was saying this that come along with me on Hajj. I refused him. I asked him that why you refused so he said that my intention was not of Hajj instead my intention was this that tonight I will plough in this ground and I will complete this work. I was afraid that if


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I will go on Hajj with him, I may not become the victim of anger of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and this question would not be done from me that why you did another intention on the act which you started for Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. The work in which I am busy right now, in it there is the reward of more than 70 Hajj near to me because in it my intention is purely for Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.

The beatitudes of sincerity of friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

.u bq


The recitation of Quran Pak of Hazrat Habib Ajmi ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬was not good. Once upon a time he was offering Tahajjud prayer that Hazrat Hasan Basri ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬came and joined him behind him. But due to his mistakes he broke his prayer and went home and over there he was sleeping after offering tahajjud that he saw Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in his dream and did question that: Which act is more beloved to you? It was said that: (‫ )الصلوۃ خلف الحبیب العجمی‬meaning to offer prayer at the back of Habib Ajmi.

Very important thing



The correction of intention is important for every person. That is why Imam Bukhari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬has told the importance of doing the intention correct in the start of his book. The meaning of which is this that before reading complete book, to make the intention correct is very important. Now you would have known the importance of intention…! Today I may also do my intention correct, you also look upon it. O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬We only want your happiness and the following of your


intention pure for yourself only. Aameen!

! Make my

.u bq


(‫)کونوا مع الصادقین‬

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬



beloved Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬with this book and way of ontologism. O Allah

It is the wish of heart so do the service of poor people This treasure is not found in the treasures of king The goal of my life is the support of my life

To live among your lovers, to die among your lovers I had no knowledge O lord what is your pain


I learn from your lovers to die on your door


I now know how to live and how to die


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The second way of correction of internal self: The need of pious company:

The company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in light of Ahadith


The proof of pious company from Quran Pak

Pious company according to people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

.u bq

Why a pious company should be adopted: Connection, one great blessing


The respect of connection of companions Razi Allahu Anhum 7 disadvantages of bad company


The need of bait in present era Choosing Sheikh



The importance of bait of correction


The need and importance of murshid

The bait of educated people from a non scholar person

.u bq


Rules of bait

Common difficulties related to the bait and their answers The need and importance of rules

The respect filled incidents of scholars

The second way of correction of internal self The need of pious company



The company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in the light of Ahadith


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The second way of correction of internal self


The need of pious company:




The importance of company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and the friends of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and to remain present in their service can be known from this thing that there is any Qaza of worship although there is no Qaza of company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Now I may make you understand this company to you with detail. There is so much importance of company that the one who offered the Fajr prayer with the ablution of Isha till 40 years he could not became a companion and the ones who come in the court of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for one minute only they become companion.

.u bq

The need of company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for the companions The feelings which companions ‫و تعالی‬

‫رضی ہللا عنھم‬

used to get in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah



they did not use to get after going home. Ghaseel Malaika (‫ )نافق حنظلہ نافق حنظلتہ‬Hazrat Hanzala has become hypocrite, while saying this he met Hazrat Abu Bakar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. He said O brother!

What are you saying? He said, the condition which used to be in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

it is not at home like that. Now how much strong proof is this that the condition



which was in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that used to be something else. That is why Hazrat ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

says that (‫ )لما کان الیوم الذی مات فیہ اظلم منھا کل شی‬and when beloved of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬



Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went away from this world so darkness came upon everything. And when Prophet



‫ ﷺ‬came to Madinah Munawwarah so there was a light over every single thing of Madina Tayyaba. Everything became enlightened and Hazrat Anas

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

says that right now we did not

even made our hands clean with the sand of burying Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that we started watching the

.u bq


clear difference in the conditions of our hearts. Meaning the effect which was before of company, that was something else and now the condition was something else. So companions ‫رضی ہللا عنھم‬also used to feel the difference. It is narrated by Abu Huraira ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and Abu Khaladar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


said that: whenever you see some person in this condition that Allah SWT has granted him zohd, meaning unattractiveness from the world and ignorance and less strictness (meaning the quality of keeping the tongue safe from stupid and useless things) so live with him and his company. Because a person whose condition is this he gets the wisdom from Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. (Sha’abul Emaan lil Behiqi)


By sitting in the company of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the strength of act of person becomes strong and the interest of good work gets produced. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give us the company of pious people. Aameen!


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The proof of good company from Quran Pak



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1. (‫[ )و اتبع سبیل من اناب الی‬Surah Luqman: 15]. Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬says that: “The people who are attentive towards me do follow them”. It is written in tafseer of Mawahib ur Rehman that the first one who are pointed towards in it are Prophets ‫انبیاء علیہم السالم‬. And on second number the pious people of nation are meant. 2. (‫[ )واصبر نفسک مع الذین یدعون ربھم بالغداۃ والعشی یریدون وجھہ‬Surah Kahaf: 28]. “And keep yourself imprisoned with those people who do the worship of their lord at morning and evening for only gaining his happiness”. 3. ( ‫[ )یا ایھا الذین امنوا تقوا ہللا و کونو مع الصادقین‬Surah Taubah: 119]. “O people of faith! Do adopt taqwa and remain with the people who speak truth”.

Pious company in eyes of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


The inclination of company of pious people in scholars




This rule of nature is continued from the start time till this time and till Day of Judgment also it will remain continued that for the correction of internal self and external self the benefit of company of pious people will keep on continue in every era. Islamic history tells that the great big people of knowledge and education who were very famous apart from it they thought the company of pious people as very important and sometimes such people who were not even scholars by definition also. But the great people and people of knowledge were seen while sitting in their sittings with love and admiration.

.u bq



The holy lives of Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Maulana Jalal uddin Roomi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Hazrat Khuwaja Moen uddin Chushti Ajmeri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Hazrat Mujaddad Alaf saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ and Hazrat Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬are the tower of light for us. By going through which it gives us only this message that along with the knowledge of books the company of pious people of ummah is very necessary. With the beatitude of company of pious people the benefit of these people got spread in the world of knowledge and action and much creation of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ gain benefit from them. In Hind o Pak where are elders and great people were loaded with Ilm e Nabuwwat, here they were honored with the light of Prophet Hood due to the company of pious people. Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went in the service of one hundred and thirteen scholars to gain their benefit and he used to do much hard efforts.



The company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in the eyes of friend of Allah

‫سبحانہ و‬


Hazrat Khuwaja Moen uddin Chishti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that it is a worship to see towards the scholars also. If any person looks towards the scholars so Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬produces one angel from his eye sight, he asks forgiveness from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for that person till the Day of Judgment and the person in whose heart is the love of scholars and mashaikh so Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬gives the command


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of writing the worship of thousand years in his reward book and if he dies in that same condition so Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬gives him the level of honor of scholars and its place is of Illiyeen.

Pious company in the eyes of Peeran Peer

.u bq


The famous gentleman of our series, Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that the pious people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬are the blessing of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for the people of world. The sittings of them burns the collection of sins and bad deeds and made them ash and they are a source of making the remembrance of lord and fields of goodness fresh. By giving attention towards this reality he says that: “Adopt the company of people of heart so that you may also become the one with heart. There is the need of such person who is intelligent and who use to act upon the commands of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ so that he may make you a decent person, he may make you learn knowledge and give you good advices”.

Khuwaja Ubaid ullah Ehraar Rehm ullah and wish of pious company



Few people were sitting near Khuwaja Ubaid ullah Ehraar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬when the discussion of this thing came that there is one moment in Friday which is such that the dua which is done in that time, it will get accepted. Everyone said his one wish that if that time is available to us so we would ask this. Listen to the answer of Khuwaja Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he says that if I would get that moment so I would ask pious company.


The beatitudes of company of friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


.u bq



One gentleman says that once upon a time I went inside one masjid. So I felt very much enlightment in masjid. I got cureous to search the reason of it. I saw on one side that one man is sitting whose internal side was very enlightened and his all lataif were zaakir. I met him and asked him that have you done effort and struggle? He give reply that no although I sit in the service of Syed Ahmed Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for some time. So that whole light was due to sitting in the company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.

Pious company is better than the efforts of many years



Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that pious company is that thing that great people have also wished for it. Although if pious company is not available, loneliness is better than the opposite company. Otherwise the pious company of one minute also becomes so effective sometimes that the struggle of many years do not do that work also. Aarif billah Hazrat Aarfi ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ said: to commit mistake is in the nature of human being if the mistake do not happen so the progress may also not happen but for getting safe from these mistakes and becoming aware from them all big great scholars and Sufis produced the relation of connection with people of Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ and left to connect any wonder to their own self.


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The salateen of Islam and company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


By going through the history of Hind this reality becomes clear that Altamash, Ghayas uddin Balban, Feroz Tughlaq, Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan got present on specific places of lovers of Lord. I am writing the names of those lovers of lord following.




.u bq


1. Altamash, he was the servant of Hazrat Aqdas Qutub ul Qatab Khuwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaaki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 2. Balban, he was the servant of Sheikh Shuookh Aalim Khuwaja Fareed ud din Ganj Shakar Joodni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 3. Feroz Tughlaq, he was the servant of Hazrat Aqdas Khuwaja Naseeruddin Chiragh ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ Dehlwi. 4. Akbar, he was the follower of Sheikh Saleem Chishti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 5. Jahangir, he was the follower of Hazrat Aqdas Sheihk Miyan Meer ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 6. Shah Jahan, he was the follower of Hazrat Aqdas Sheikh Miyan Meer ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and Hazrat Sheikh Fazal ullah Burhaan Poori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 7. Sultan Ahmed Khan Bahmani, he was the servant of Hazrat Banda Nawaz Syed Muhammad Geesu Daraz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 8. Hazrat Fateh JunaGarh o Chaanpa Neer Sultan Mehmood ul Muqallib Ba Bey Gharha (of two Qulood) was the servant of Hazrat Aqdas Syed Shah Aalim Rehm ullah (Nabeera Makhdoom Jahania). 9. The father of kingdom, Gujrat King of Gujrat, Sultan Ahmed Khan Awwal, was the servant of Hazrat Aqdas Sheikh Khanu ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.



The conditions of all these kings that they used to stand in front of these poor people by folding their hands and they used to feel it as their respect to do their service.


The beatitudes of looking alike people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

.u bq

One gentleman said that: yes when someone loves anyone so he loves his every action. The external side of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is also so much liked by Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ does not make people deprived to adopt their external qualities. It is in narration that when the Firoun gathered the magicians for doing competition with Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬so those people came in that same dress which was the dress of Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬. At last just after the competition all magicians became Muslim.


Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬said to Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬: o Lord! This thing was done to make Firoun accept the faith then what thing was made the reason that the mercy did not happen upon him and the magicians got opportunity of faith?


The reply came: O Moosa! They came by adopting your physical form. Our mercy did not like it that the people who adopted the physical form of our beloved they may go to hell. That is why they got the opportunity of faith and the Firoun did not had this much connection also that is why


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he did not get this treasure. We should adopt the form and the dress like Prophets and pious people so that the effect of it could happen upon our hearts.

Why pious company should be adopted…!

.u bq


Now I may tell this alikeness with the example. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬make it happen that we all could understand it. One idiom is common in our society that “melon catches color when melon see another melon”. Everything do its effect. If you sit for 2 4 hours every day on the river bank so ratoobat will get produced in the attitude because the company of water is adopted. If you will keep on sitting near the fire so anger will get produced in your attitude. If you sit on sand so dryness will get produced in your attitude. When all these things are called without intelligent and non living things, they do effect so when you will sit near any living being so why the effect of it will not get produced?




If one decent and good character person keeps on going continuously in the function of bad acts, keep contacts with them so one such time will come that he will become alike and same as the bad people in all matters and character and habits. A person who keeps strong values and decision making power if he becomes a partner of people who drink wine, drugs and other things of addiction so he will see that day also that his strong values will become tired and will give him answer and such confusion will get produced in his intention that he will move forward much more steps than the people who are habitual of taking drugs because a physical friendship and partnership was with bad character people, whose effect will also get dissolved in the internal personality. You may have listened one famous hadis many times ( ‫عن ابن عمر رضی ہللا عنہ قال قال‬ ‫[ )رسول ہللا صلی ہللا علیہ وسلم من تشبہ بقوم فھو منھم‬Rawahu Abu Daood]. It is narrated by Ibn e Umar



Razi Allahu Anhu that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that a person who will adopt the resemblance of any

.u bq


nation so he will be counted in them only. That is why do adopt the company of pious people and be safe from sitting even near to the bad partner.

The example of pious company

The example of this pious company is like this as if it is a shop of the one who sells the perfume that whether you will buy perfume from there otherwise from the fragrance the mind will get comfort at least. Similarly from the pious company any important thing is gained. (‫)یک زمانہ صحبتے با اولیاء بہتر از صد سالہ طاعت بے ریا‬


(To sit near friends of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for sometime is better than obedience of hundred years which is without showing off) (‫)صحبت صالح ترا صالح کند صحبت طالع ترا طالع کند‬


(The company of pious person will make you pious and the company of bad character person will make your character bad)


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(‫)صحبت نیکاں اگر یک ساعت است بہتر از صد سالہ زہد و طاعت است‬




(If the company of pious people is gained for one moment only so it is better than hundred years of obedience and prevention)

The company of gentlemen is the great elixir

.u bq


It is very important to sit in the sitting of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Without anything cannot happen. Whether you are being understood how much talented or whether people are thinking you as very skillful person, it is the status of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that sometimes they say only one thing and it gets pasted on heart for the whole life time, it gets down in the depths of heart. If we get the sweetness of company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬so, with the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬we keep on getting the taste of it till our whole life. This blessing is not gained by only reading books. Maulana Rumi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that


(‫)بے عنایات حق و خاصان حق گر ملک شد سیہ ہستش ورق‬

Without Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and mercy of special people of truth, if there is angel also so his book of reward will be black.





From these incidents and examples, we would have understood the need and importance of company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that is of how much importance. From the company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, we get one such connection from them with is called as affiliation and then this affiliation becomes a reason of affiliation with Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. What is this affiliation? How it should be understood? And what are the wonders of it? I am presenting it in your service in brief way. May the merciful Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, grant us all with his mercy. Ameen!

.u bq


Affiliation, one great blessing: What is the base of action of one self?

What is near apart from embarrassment? May your affiliation remain protected.. My hope is this only

Affiliation, one great reality



Affiliation is one great reality. With the great affiliations, the things which are priceless, they become precious. The affiliations have made us, the affiliations have embellished us. The centre of our society also is on the affiliations with these affiliations our relationships are established. Affiliation is one strong base. Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has also made us attentive towards the affiliations again and again.


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(1) The specialty of Ramadan ul Mubarak is been told this that the Quran got revealed in it. Meaning the affiliation of Ramadan is with the revelation of the Quran. (Surah e Baqrah)

(2) Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬did swear on the city of Makkah which keeps the affiliation with Prophet ‫صلی‬ ‫ہللا علیہ وسلم‬. (Surah e Balad; 1-3)

The example of wonders


(3) He ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬did swear on the horses which keep affiliation with the winning soldiers. (Surah e Adiyaat; 1-5)


.u bq

If we may see towards the world by raising our eyes, so you will see the wonders. You will see a broken old chair, on which there is no one to take care of it. When this is said that, this chair is of that some king or the sitting place of that some gentleman so this same priceless chair becomes precious and the decoration of museum. The decorated books in the show cases of museums of the world are made honorable only with the affiliation.

Our religious affiliations


.u bq





(1) There were many waters in the world but the affiliation of sprig of Zam Zam is with the feet of Hazrat Ismail ‫علیہ السالم‬. This affiliation made it so respectable that today every person is in search of it. (2) The pure wives of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬were also common women apparently but the affiliation of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬made them so honorable that it made them the mothers of all Muslims. (3) Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has also taught the respect of direction of house of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬with its affiliation that he stopped from even spitting towards the house of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. (Mishkat Sharif) (4) The shirt which touched the body, meaning which has affiliation with Hazrat Yusuf ‫علیہ السالم‬, its level is this that when it was put upon the face of Hazrat Yaqoob ‫علیہ السالم‬so the light came in the eyes which were deprived from light. (Surah e Yusuf) (5) The stone on which Hazrat Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬stood and constructed the house of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, that stone got so much honorable that it was kept in front of house of Allah ‫( سبحانہ و تعالی‬Surah e Baqrah) and Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬declared that point of Hazrat Ibrahim‫ علیہ السالم‬as his sign. (Surah e Al’Imran) (6) Hazrat Hajra ran between the mountains of Safa and Marwah, with the affiliation of her holy feet, the people who come to do the tawaf of House of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, got the command of doing saee over here. (Surah e Baqrah)

The respect of affiliation of companions‫رضی ہللا عنھم‬

How much do the Hazrat companions did respect of the things which are affiliated to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, to get the example of it is very difficult. Few incidents are being presented in the service. ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


(1) Hazrat Arwah Bin Masood Saqfi

says that to get the affiliation with the remaining water

of ablution of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, one group of companions came and they started rubbing that water


on their face and bodies. (Bukhari Sharif) (2) Hazrat Anas

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

says that one person was shaving

the head of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the companions were sitiing around on all the four sides, they did


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not want that any hair would fall down. (Muslim Sharif) (3) Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬touched the forehead of


Hazrat Abu Mehzoora ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬with his hand so he did not get the hairs of his forehead cut till his whole life and the hairs grew till here that when he used to open them so they used to touch the ground. (Kitab us Shifa) (4) In Mina, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬got his head shaved so the hairs of Him got


distributed among the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬. Few from them came in part of Hazrat Khalid ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ , which he kept inside his cap. With the beatitude of them, he used to get success on every battle field. (Hujjatullah Ala al Alameen Refrence from Mustadrik)

The effect of affiliation on roti


.u bq

Hazrat Abada ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, who is one great honorable companion, says that one day I got present in the feast at the place of Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. One female servant brought one towel for me. That towel was very dirty. Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that bring it after cleaning. That female servant went running and put that towel in the burning oven and brought again by picking it up. I saw that, that towel was in front of me completely cleaned. I got surprised. I asked Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that what the secret in it is. He told that once upon a time, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬came at my place. I made


Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬washed his hands and gave this towel to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for drying his hands, from which Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬dried his hands. From that day the fire has left burning this towel. When it

‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬


Hazrat Syedda Fatima Tuz Zohra

put rotis. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also gave one to two rotis after



becomes dirty, we put it inside the fire. The fire eats the dirt and we take out the clean towel from the fire.

making…after much time when all the rotis were attached spp she became surprised that they are not getting cooked, the flour is present as it is. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked, Daughter! What happened? He

.u bq


said Prophet ‫ !ﷺ‬There are two to three rotis such which are not getting cooked. He said: Yes they are those same rotis on which the hands of your father are touched. Now the fire cannot do the effect over this flour. This was the wonder of affiliation with Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

The effect of affiliation on sand



One tribe of British says that I brought some sand of Uhad Mountain to my house as a tabarruq and I gave advice to the people of my house that after my death keep this sand on my grave. After some days I opened that box in which that sand was kept so, I saw that the cloth in which it was kept has become wet and soggy (I got surprised that from where this water has come) I took it out from there and wrapped it in the other cloth and kept it in the other treasure box and when I saw it after some days so that cloth was also wet. Then this same condition happened in the third treasure box also. I went to Maulana Muhammad Ibrahim Sir (Miyan Chunnu). (He was the student of Ustazul Hadis Hazrat Maulana Mehmood Hasan ‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬I told him the whole story, Hazrat said


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quickly that, brother! From where you have brought this sand make it return there again. I said that Hazrat I brought it by thinking it as tabarruq that maybe Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬would make my grave a garden of heaven with the beatitude of it. So he said that you departed this sand from the city Madina Munawwarah of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and made it far from that mountain from which Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do love and the mountain which use to love Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. This sand cries in this


distance so from its tears every cloth becomes wet (these are the talks of love, not of intelligence) these things are not of rules and regulations, instead it is love. At last he made that sand return over there.

For the respect of affiliation, to cry for 40 years

The effect of affiliation of Murshid






.u bq

Allama Fakhar uddin Raazi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes in tafseer e kabeer that when Hazrat Yusuf ‫ علیہ السالم‬met his father Hazrat Yaqoob Alaih Salam in Egypt so Hazrat Yusuf ‫علیہ السالم‬said: Father! You have done your eyes white while crying in my absence and you kept on crying in my separation for 40 years. Till this that your eye sight also went away. If we would not have met in world so we would have met in the ground of accountability on the Day of Judgment. Then why you cried so much? The answer which Hazrat Yaqoob ‫علیہ السالم‬gave today also every father may write it in golden words and hang it on such place in house for his children therefore 24 hours every one could see it. Hazrat Yaqoob ‫علیہ السالم‬said: My beloved yusuf ( ‫ !)علیہ السالم‬I did not cry in your absence. Not even my one tear came out in your separation. I kept on crying for this reason instead that when you got away from me so it was your childhood time and I used to feel danger every time that you may not go in any such environment, you may not get stuck in the company of people who make the character bad, which could make you away from the family of Prophets.

.u bq


The effect of eyes does happen. This is known by all that this sight is evil, children do become victim of bad eye sight. (‫ )العین حق‬The happening of bad sight is reality. The sight of few people is so bad that if they see any healthy and fit person so he may become sick and they know this also that by watching also a connection is made and along with it the people who are pious people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, there is much talent in their eye sight. The religion is produced from the eye sight of gentlemen


The real thing is this that sometimes the sight is such that in one time only the work is done, the affiliation is gained and the meaning of affiliation is this that then a person does not get misguided here and there. Maulana Muhammad Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said this for making this understand that Affiliation is named as this, affiliation is named as this


Do not go by leaving there street


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.u bq



He makes this thing understood very easily. The meaning of affiliation is not this that a person does not want to run. He will wish for running but such reasons will get produced that he will not be able to run. The name of this is affiliation. When he lives near people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ does his protection. It comes in hadis that I become his ear from which he listens. I become his hands from which he holds, I become his feet from which he walks, if he asks so I give if he wants the protection so I give him protection. That is why the scholars say that the friends of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ remain protected and some people understand the meaning of protection wrong. The meaning of this is not this that the sins do not happen, they do not remain on sins, they do not show stubbornness, and they get the opportunity of asking forgiveness. The only ones who are innocent are only Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬and no one else. When a person will remain in the company of pious people so he will get that thing, now it may be gained at whatever time. Sometimes a person has to stay till many many years and he gains nothing and sometimes a person may come for few moments and his work gets done.


These were all the beatitudes of pious company which flowers do the bad company grows and what are the disadvantages of it get them present.

7 disadvantages of bad company ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

and his Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that people are those who are disobedient to


According to Allah




Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, who are ignorant from zikr of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and worry of Day of Judgment. Whose habit is to waste the precious thing like time and to get involved in such actions which will become the reason of embarrassment and awkwardness and torment. I am doing the discussion of 7 disadvantages of company of such people in front of you.

.u bq


1. The disadvantage is this that apart from stopping from mistakes a bad person will appreciate on them and this how the love of sins will keep on holding strong roots in heart. 2. The disadvantage is this that a person who adopts the company of rich people, the effect of their character and habits to comes upon his own personality also for sure. Therefore it is the hadis of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬: Human being is on the religion of his friend. Therefore you do



the decision after thinking very nicely that from which you are doing the friendship. (Tirmizi) 3. The disadvantage is this that if a person becomes ignorant from sin so by watching those bad people he remembers the sins and inclination towards disobedience happens. 4. The disadvantage is this that if you will do friendship from one bad person so he will make you meet ten more bad people like him which may be more misguided and fed up of religion than him. 5. The disadvantage is this that a bad person produces doubts and hesitation about religion and makes fun of signs of Islam due to which the greatness of religion keeps on getting finished and sometimes a person who sits with him becomes opposite from the true faith.


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6. The disadvantage is this that such people are very selfish and want their benefit only. When they will see their own benefit from you so they will keep friendship and as their benefit will get finished so they will become stranger from you. 7. The disadvantage is this that their sittings are not empty from back biting, blaming and

abusing language. About such sittings it is the saying of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬: The people who sit

.u bq


in any function and they stand from there without any zikr of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬so it is like this that as if they have got up from the donkey and this function will be the reason of embarrassment for those people on the Day of Judgment. (Rawahu Abu Daood ba Sanad Sahi). May Allah SWT make us all as his obedience and give us the company of the pious people in both world. Aameen!

The result of company of 8 kinds of people


Abu Lalees Samar Qandi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that a person who sits near 8 kinds of people Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ do increase in it of 8 things. Who sit near rich people, Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬increases the love of world and greediness in him. ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

increases the thankfulness


A person who sits with poor people and needy people, Allah and his distribution of happiness in him.


A person who sits near king and officers the proudness and hard heartedness increases in him.



A person who sits with women he become un educated, bad inclination and gets attracted towards the intelligence of women. A person who sits with immature boy’s ignorance and fun loving attitude increases in him.

.u bq


A person who sits near sinful people he gets courage and power over sins and he becomes lazy in asking forgiveness. A person who sits with pious people Allah prevention from prohibited things in him.

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

increases the inclination of good deeds and



A person who sits with scholars Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬increases his knowledge and taqwah.


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The need and importance of Murshid

that O (Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

) I swear by your respect that I will misguide them

.u bq

(‫)فبعزتک الغوینھم اجمعین‬ all for sure.



It is a living reality of life of human being that a person is unknown to which knowedge and talent so for learning it, he inclines towards any master of talent or teacher. So, that with the guidance of master of talent and with his support, he could get success in his goal and gain accomplishment. When it is not possible in worldly matters to get success without any guider so in religious and spiritual matters, how can success be achieved without any guider or teacher? Where on every single step, the devil and internal self is sitting for any chance to attack and the devil who has done this swore that:


That is why the scholars used to think the company of any gentleman as very necessary. Hazrat Khwaja Azeezan Ali Raamteeni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that the company of pious friend is better than doing a good deed. Because showing off can come in doing good deed but a pious friend will try to put you on the straight path.


The detail of ayat e waseela



(1) the creator of the universe has said in Quran, in Surah e Maida: ( ‫یا یھا الذین امنوا اتقوا ہللا و ابتغوا الیہ‬ ‫ )الوسیلتہ و جاھدوا فی سبیلہ لعلکم تفلحون‬O the people of faith, remain on the taqwa of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and search the source of going near to him and keep on doing struggle on his way so that you may become successful.

.u bq



In this holy verse the command has been given to the people of faith to search an acceptable source for getting near to Lord. Few scholars of way of ontologism has taken the meaning of source as the murshid kamil also. Sultan ul Arafeen Hazrat Sultan Bahu ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says in his book Qurb e Dedaar while doing the explanation of this above mentioned verse that (‫)ایی آیت در باب و سیلہ مرشداست‬



Hazrat Shah Waliullah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that in this verse the meaning of source is doing bait from the murshid. Shah Ismail Dehlwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes thatfor the path of reality of saalikaan, Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ has allotted this same rule that for gaining the real success and achievement, before struggle and effort, only the search of murshid is very necessary. The people, who do write the explanations of verses, write that: (‫ )الوسیلتہ فی االصل ما یتو صل بہ الی الشیء و یتقرب بہ الیہ‬meaning that through which thing we reach to something and its closeness is gained so it is called as source. Worship, to get safe from sins, these all are the source and way to reach to Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and to gain his closeness. The murshid e kamil wakes up his follower from deep slumber of ignorance with his spiritual attention and produces the sigh of remembrance of Lord and respect and love of teacher and reason of creation of this universe, Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Well, he is just the source of closeness to Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.


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Without murshid, success is very difficult





One gentleman says that it is very important to make scholars as your guide. Because the ones who are experienced they get to know it very well that success can never be gained for achieving skill and talent without the help of scholar and the people who have become successful without the help of scholars, they have also taken the help but they were helped in such a way that they did not even get to know that. The child may reach to other city by travelling from one city and he may say after reaching there that see, I have not taken help from anyone but what that child may know that he has reached here in the lap of his beloved mother. On whole way he kept on sleeping in the lap of his mother and he did not even get to know that.


.u bq

Similarly, the other example is this that if any other person may also make any sleeping person or sick person to Arfaat and this person remains sleeping in Arfaat also so, his Hajj gets accepted. The condition of it can be this that some person may get fainted before reaching to the ground of Arfaat and in that same condition he has been brought to the Arfaat through ambulance. Now this man thinks that I went to Arfaat by myself and I have reaches to Muzdalifa by myself after doing Hajj.


.u bq


(‫)گرا ہوائے ایی سفر داری دال دامن رہبر بگیر و پس بیا‬




Similarly, the misunderstanding which is about some gentlemen that they have become the ones who have connection with Allah‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬without any help , O people of Allah‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬Someone has helped them also. As Hazrat Mujadid Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got intuition about a person that his name is written in the people of sins and bad deeds. He got worried by seeing this and he kept on doing dua for him till many years. Till this point that his name got written in the people of pious people. That person would not have known this at all that me, who has become pious so it is from the beatitude of someone’s dua. He would have thought that my any deed might have got so much accepted that I have become a gentleman. Hazrat Fareed ud Din Atar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says tha:

Meaning that if you have intention to travel on this path so then walk by holding the hand of Sheikh. Nothing is gained without a Sheikh.

For every skill, need of master



As if in the books of medical, all kinds of prescriptions, ways of treatments weight of medicines and way to use are present. Them what is the need of going to any expert surgeon or doctor? Does this question arise in our minds? It is obvious that it is not like that. What is the reason of it then? The reason is only this that the life is precious and it is needed for safety that trust should not be done upon the books of medical and your own knowledge, instead by searching very nicely, any expert should be found. Just like that if the faith is beloved and the goal is to produce connection with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬so it is important that a person may search any spiritual doctor because without any spiritual doctor, it is impossible to produce spiritual health, purification of internal self and relationship from Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.


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This is the rule of the world that the field in which you want to become expert, sometime should be spend in the company of expert of that. For example, you want to become a complete expert of clocks so you will remain in the company of expert of clock repairing. Just like this are the other talents. Similarly, to become complete in religion you will have to live in the company of someone who is expert in any work of religion.

Only zikr is not enough


.u bq


One man said to Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Hazrat! There should be this quality in the zikr of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that it may have been enough. There may be no need of murshid at all? Hazrat Rehm Allah said that if the work will be done so it will be done with the zikr of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. But the habit of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is continued like this that without the company of Sheikh, only zikr is not enough to make the thing work. That is why the company of Sheikh is the condition. That is why when the thing will be cut so it will be done with the sword but the condition is this that it should be in the ownership of anyone. Otherwise alone sword cannot do anything.

The need of bait in present era


When the car does not gets start so the battery is recharged. Just like this when the car of religion meaning the heart becomes weak and do not gets started so its battery is get charged by any person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. That is why it is said as important to do bait from any person of Allah.


.u bq




Most of the signs of the Day of Judgment have been completed. Every morning that comes is bringing new pugnacities. The Day of Judgment cannot come till when on this Earth, even one person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is present. That is why if today also we want to make our faith to be safe so we should get connected with any person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Although there is not status of our own self but due to getting connected with these people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, we worthless will also become precious. I may make you understand this affiliation with few examples. Just like there are two bricks. Both of them get ready in one furnace. One of them is used in the floor of masjid while the other is used in the washroom. The status of the brick of masjid got so much raised that every single person thinks it as his luck to put his head over there. And the brick who got affiliated with the washroom, no one gets ready to go there with bare feet. O people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬This is the beatitude of affiliation that the good affiliation gave respect and the bad affiliation became the source of disrespect and humiliation. We should also do this that we shall stick our affiliation with any person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Otherwise this affiliation and connection will get misguided somewhere and anywhere.

The second example



A card board has no importance in our common life. But when this same card board becomes the cover of Holy Quran so apparently there may be no word written on that card board, apart from that also the scholars have written that it is not allowed to touch that cover even without ablution because now the affiliation of that card board has become with the book of greatness. Now this affiliation has made this worthless card board also very respectable. Subhan Allah.


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Just like this if any most sinful person also gets connected with any person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. His importance and level also becomes respectable and he gets honor.

The third example

.u bq


One train comprised of so many compartments. If one more weak and worthless compartment is attached with it so, the destiny on which this rest of the train will reach, over there this worthless compartment will also reach which is attached to them. This how we are also completely worthless. Neither we have energy to walk ourselves nor do we have such courage. If we will also attach ourselves with any strong engine or compartment so with the mercy and help of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, we will also reach on our destiny.

The choice of Sheikh






When this thing is clear that purification of internal self meaning correction of internal self, which is from the goals of Prophet Hood, for it there is the need of any guider and leader, which can be called with any name of murshid, teacher or Sheikh. As a human being do his decisions in other important matters of world with much thinking and searching, at the time of choice of sheikh do much more decision than this because this is the matter of your world and here after both. After much satisfaction, give your hand in the hands because the example of doing bait on the hand of sheikh is like this that as if (‫ )مردہ بدست زندہ‬meaning just like a dead person is in need of help of others, in the condition of helplessness, similarly, a true desirable person is limited to fulfilling the command of his Sheikh. Few conditions are being written for the easiness of desirable people which are very important to be present in the complete Sheikh.


.u bq


1. Such person should be made murshid, which is capable of unknown secrets and destiny of ontologism and he should be expert in the talent of leadership. 2. Who is filled with following shariah, taqwah and purification and beauty of relationship because a person who himself is not the one who acts or he is blind that he cannot guide others also. Therefore, Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬says that: ( ‫ال تطع من اغفلنا قلبہ من ذکرنا و اتبع ھواہ و کان امرہ‬ ‫( )فرطا‬Surah e Kahaf: 28) “Do not follow such person, from whose heart Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has made his remembrance forget. And he followed his desires and his work is more than the limits.” 3. Care is also needed on the time of bait because there are many thieves in the path of sulook and very less leaders are there on it. it may not happen that a person could understand the mirage as a river and useless effort of filling the thirst he may kill himself or he may make himself full of blood by thinking the thorns as garden of flowers and on the Day of Judgment he may get nothing in his hands apart from loss and damage.


Hazrat Ibn e Arbi Rehmatullah Alaih has told the 3 qualities of complete Sheikh. 1. The religion should be of Prophets. 2. The trick should be like itbaa and the politics should be like kings.


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The importance of bait of correction


Hazrat haji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that the cleanliness of heart is also gained by non- Muslims and kuffars. The example of heart is like a mirror. If the mirror is full of dirt so it gets clean from urine also and from rose water also, but the difference is of purity and nastiness. To recognize the friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, the judgment is of following Sunnah. (Rujoom ul Muznabeen)


When this thing is known that the company of complete Sheikh and to be present in his sitting is very important, otherwise without it to get involved in the misguidance of world and tricks of devil is not only very possible but it is very sure. So from it the importance of death also becomes clear.

.u bq

The act of bait is not a formal thing but this is the Sunnah of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, companions

‫رضوان ہللا اجمعین‬

The bait of correction in according to Quran Pak The bait of correction is proved from Quran Pak and the Sunnah of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.


and of all great scholars, may Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do mercy on them. Whose proof is found in the Holy Quran a hadith e mubarika and in stories of millions of respectable scholars.


1. ( ‫یا ایھا النبی اذا جاءک المومنات یبایعنک علی ان ال یشرکن باہلل شیاء و ال یسرقن و ال یزنین و ال یقتلن اوالدھن و ال یاتین‬

‫ببھتان یفترینہ بین ایدیھن و ارجلھن و ال یعصینک فی معروف فبایعھن و استغفرلھن ہللا ان ہللا غفور رحیم " سورۃ الممتحنہ‬


12) O Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

! When the Muslim woman come to you for doing



bait on this thing that they will not make anyone equal to Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, they will not do stealing and neither they will do adultery and nor they will kill their children and they will not bring storm by teeing their hands and feet and they will not do your dis obedience in any good work so you may do bait to them and seek forgiveness for them from Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ , indeed Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is all forgiving and merciful.

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2. (‫[ )ان الذین یبایعونک انما یبایعون ہللا ید ہللا فوق ایدیھم‬O beloved ‫ ]ﷺ‬Indeed the people who do your bait, in reality they do bait of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. The hand of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is on their hands.

The holy Ahadees on bait of correction

(1) The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to one group of companions ‫ رضوان ہللا علیہم‬which was gathered around him ‫ ﷺ‬that you people may do bait from me on this thing that you will not put someone with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and you will not do stealing and you will not do adultery. (Bukhari and Muslim mukhlisan) (2) It is narrated by Auf Bin Malik Ashjai ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that few people were present in the


service of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that do not you do bait from me? We spread our hands and said that O Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

! We may do the bait from you on which thing?


Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that do the worship of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, do not make anyone equal to him, offer prayers of five times, and listen the commands and follow them. (Muslim, Abu Daood, Nisai,


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Mukhlisan) (3) It is narrated by Hazrat Abada Bin Samit

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬



that one day we were present in


the service of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked them that “Is there any unknown person (follower of other divine book) present in you? We said No! O Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


then he gave the command of closing the door and said that raise your hands and say ( ‫)ال الہ اال ہللا‬ (We raised our hands and said (‫ ))ال الہ اال ہللا‬Then Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said Alhamdulillah! O my Allah

, you sent me with this kalma, gave me the command of it and you have promised me of heaven


‫و تعالی‬


on reciting this kalma only and you do not break your promise. Then Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said people! Become happy, Allah

has forgiven you. (Al Targheeb wal Tarheeb) (4) Hazrat Basheer

came in service of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the intention of doing bait on his

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

.u bq

Bin Al Khasasia

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

hand and said that O Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬you take bait on which thing? Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said “On this thing ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

, He is alone and one and


that you give testimony that there is no Lord except Allah

Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is his slave and his Prophet (‫)ﷺ‬, you will offer five times prayer on their fixed times, you will fulfill the obligation of charity, you will keep the fasts of Ramadan, you will do the Hajj of house of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and you will do Jihad in the way of Allah ‫……سبحانہ و تعالی‬after ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬spread his hand and did bait to Hazrat Basheer

. (Masnad e Ahmed,


Behqahi, Majma uz zawaid, mulkhasan) (5) It is narrated by Hazrat Juraireen Abdullah

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


I said that, O Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, you may put conditions over me because you keep more (knowledge



of conditions of faith and bait) than me. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that, I take bait from you on this thing

.u bq


that you will do the worship of only one Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and you will not make anyone equal to Him. You will offer prayer, you will give charity and you will do good with every Muslim. (Masnad e Ahmed, Sanun Nisai)

The quote of Hazrat Shah Waliullah

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

Hujjat ul Baligha Shah Waliullah MMuhaddis Dehlwi ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬has taken out this result in his book “Al qoul ul Jameel” under the verse of Surah e Fatah (‫)ان الذین یبایعونک انما یبایعون ہللا ید ہللا فوق ایدیھم‬related to the bait of correction of scholars, that is this that the way of bait of correction which is implemented among the scholars, this is not bidat. Instead the taking of bait is also proven of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

Apart from these verses and ahadees, in many more verses and ahadeesthere is very clear to take


the bait of correction of companions ‫ رضوان ہللا علیہم‬and Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The thing to think is this that such pure people like companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم‬would take bait from Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for their


correction and training and today we may have no need of it so what is the loss of anyone in it. Say it your own unluckiness or something else…!! This way of bait of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was not


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specified with anyone procedure. Sometimes he used to take bait from alone man, sometimes he used to take bait from one group of people, sometimes he used to take bait from woman and sometimes he has also taken bait from immature boys also.

The kinds of bait

Commonly there are 3 kinds of bait: 1. Bait of Islam. 2. Bait of Jihad. 3. Bait of repentance.


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The routine which is of scholars is the bait of repentance which is also called bait of correction and bait of Sufism. The real goal of bait is the purification of internal self and your own correction. A salik meaning a person who do bait establishes his relation on this thing and his affiliation with any person of affiliation that I do the repentance of my sins on his hands and in future for my own correction and for improving my here after I will do questions from him and I will work upon his commands. This act of bait is not any formal thing but its proof is found in Holy quran, Ahadis e mubarika and in stories of millions of scholars. The summary is this that this bait is for this that the things from which the shariah has stopped, be safe from them and the things which the shariah has allowed do the promise and deal to bring it in your life. In holy Quran and ahadis e mubarika the bait of correction of woman from Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is proved. That is why for the reason of


The bait of correction of researcher scholars


correction of internal self by keeping in front the limitations of shariah woman can do bait from complete Sheikh and they should also do it.


.u bq



Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said by addressing the scholars that just after getting free from the religious education before becoming beauty of the mimbar and mehrab, do adopt the company of any person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. The knowledge of Prophet Hood is gained from the books so, from the company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the light of Prophet Hood is gained. This is the reason that in the history of Islam the great people of every era, whose benefits are continued up till now, if the conditions of their lives are gone through so only this, is seen that they sat in the company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for purification and made their lives as bright.



As much researcher scholars are found in history, most of them were related to any of the person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. I am presenting many such references in the following in your service. For example: (1) The bait and caliphate of Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was with Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and his bait of Sufism was with his own father Imam ul Hind Hazrat Maulana Shah Waliullah Muhaddis Dehlwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who became the reason of becoming the reason of publishing Hadis and the bait of correction of Shah Sir was with his father Respected Shah Abdur Raheem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ who was majaz is in all the four series and his bait of correction was with Hazrat Khwaja Syed Abdullah Wasti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and he had bait with Syed Adam Banori ‫(رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Caliph of Majaz Mujaddad Alf Saani ‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and he had caliphate also. (Al Intiba Fi Salasil Auliya Allah) (2) The bait of repentance of Imam Razi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was with Hazrat Sheikh Najam ud din Kubra ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. (3) Sheikh Abdul Haq Dehlwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was bait with Hazrat Khwaja Baqi Billah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. (4) Just like that the famous personality like Maulana Jami, whose book is necessary for all worlds to read


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today, his bait of correction, was with Khwaja Ubaidullah Ehrar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. (5) The Sheikh of Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was Hazrat Khawaja Abu Ali Farmadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The bait of Allama Syed Muhammad Sharif Jarjani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was with Khwaja Alaouddin Itar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. (7) The bait of person of tafseer e mazhari, Maulana Qazi Sanaullah Pani Patti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Hazrat Sheikh Mirza Mazhar Jan Jana. (8) The bait of correction of the famous and basic personality gentleman of scholars of Ehl e Hadis, Hazrat Maulana Abdullah Ghaznavi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was with Sheikh Habibullah Qandhari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ and his series of bait was with the famous gentleman of Naqshbandiya Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ and just like that Sheikh ul Kul Hazrat Maulana Nazir Hussain Dehlwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also used to do bait to people. (Dabistan e Hadis, Maulana Ishaq Bhatti) Hazrat Syed Muhammad Sharif Gharyalvi, Maulana Abu Bakar Ghaznavi, Maulana Daood Ghaznavi, and the great people of Lakhvi family also used to do bait. (9) Hazrat Shah Rafee ud din Sir Rehm Allahwas bait with Hazrat Maulana Shah Abdul Ghani Dehlwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and he himself was a conitnous Sheikh, but apart from this when Shah Abdul Ghani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬passed away so Shah Rafee ud din ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did not do any care that my completion is done, now what do I have need to be attentive to any other gentleman? Instead after Shah Abdul Ghani he became bait with Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ . When few people asked that Hazrat! You yourself are complete Sheikh! Now what need you have of it? So, Shah Rafeeuddin Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬told its reason that brother, till when a person is alive he should keep any elder person on his head. First my Sheikh was present, that is why I had no need of it. Now when he has passed away so, I became focused towards Haji sir. Then Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that if you do not have any elder available so you should involve any younger person even in the discussion. Whether after taking the suggestion, you may give importance to your advice only and do the act on your suggestion but do the discussion at least. The thing which is required is this that does not keep your self independent.

.u bq


The need of complete murshid for the light of knowledge



One gentleman said that one person asked that what has happened to the Maulvis that they do focus towards Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki‫ ?رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬These people are educated by themselves. What is the thing over there! For which they go over there? What is that such thing which is not present in the books? So that gentleman said that: I may tell one example. Just imagine that there is one that person who has the list of all the sweetmeats. But he has not taste any one of them and there is one such that person also that he do not remember name of any of the sweetmeat but he is eating it with enjoyment. Do tell that whether a person who knows the names of sweet meat is needy to know its reality for gaining the benefits of sweet meat or that person who knows the reality of it, remember its names, it is obvious that the first person is needy of other not wise versa. Just like that we are “people of words” and Hazrat Haaji Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is the “person of meaning” so a person of meaning is not needy of people of words instead the people of words are


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needy of a person of meaning. Really the reality has become much clear from which the difference is understood between the scholars and Arfa. From the eyes of complete Murshid we gained the love of Mustufa ‫ﷺ‬, The love of place of peer gives closeness of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

.u bq


One man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬used to say that by only learning Arabic a person becomes scholar but it is not necessary that the act would also come in their life. For act it is important that the company of any person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬should be adopted and the company should also be with the intention of gaining of getting trained.

One worldly scholar and gentleman




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It is the phrase of one gentleman that he went to any worldly scholar who had much great and big castle and material of the world. He said that Hazrat! I do not know how to do ablution, please make me do ablution. Therefore that scholar started making him do ablution. The gentleman put four times water on any part so the Maulvi Sir said that this is extravagance, put three times. The gentleman said that these big and many castles and so much kind of materials which I see at your place, there is no extravagance in it and the extravagance happened in only one water. His saying hit on the heart of that Maulvi Sir and he got busy in the remembrance of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬by giving all the savings in the charity. Look! What did that company of one moment did and with this story this also got to know that the only knowledge of religion which is beneficial is that from which the religion becomes correct and makes you unattractive from the world. You may not think with this incident that many people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬have passed such who used to have many luxuries of the world… so the answer of it is this that a snake is caught by that person only who knows the wordings of getting safe from snake. The people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to make their heart so much worthy after getting crushed in the furnace of struggles that when the world comes to them so it comes in their pocket but it does not come in their hearts. (The scholars who keep luxuries attitude there details are coming forward)

The secret of success of our elders

The company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is important for all scholars and desirable people to adopt it. One big secret of success of our elders was this only that they were connected with any tareeqat of mashaikh.



One gentleman said after swearing on Allah’s ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬name that if people of knowledge do focus towards the company of complete mashaikh so the Muslim may get safe from all the destructions. At least live in the service of any gentleman till 6 months, in a way that you present all your conditions in front of them and just like they say do act according to it completely. If they suggest zikr and shughal so get busy in zikr and shughal and if they stop from it and put you on any other thing so go towards that thing and increase love with them and keep on watching their condition that how they react at the time of taking anything and at the time of giving anything how they


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behave. This is the opportunity of learning character and practice of practical life. Today there is much lacking of practical life.

People of knowledge and deception of the devil

The bait of people of knowledge with un scholar person


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Few people who think themselves as out of responsibility from the company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ on the basis of learning little education and say that we are ourself educated. We do not need anyone we will see in books our self. For such people my murshid Hazrat Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ used to say that the reality of Sufism can never be undetstood from the books. One gentleman said have you ever given the medicine to your wife after looking in the books of medical, why do you come running to the wise people for it and if someone says at that time that you may have done treatment your self after watching in book so you would have said it quickly that brother God knows what lacking will remain. Due to which the mistake can happen in the treatment. I am surprised that in every skill you follow the ones who know it but inside the religion every person becomes the struggling person. Do remember! Whatever anyone have gained, he has gained it due to the company and following.





.u bq




1. Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to have much love with the soul of Hazrat Bashar Haafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he used to be present in his service most of the time. The students of him said to Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one day that you yourself a so big struggler of Imam and you come to one crazy and un scholar person and waste your time. This act is contrary to your status. Hazrat Imam ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said to the students that indeed I know knowledge better than him but he knows lord better than me and say that (Arabic text) the base of intelligence is the fear of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and I get this intelligence in the sitting of Hazrat Bashar Haafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬only. When Hazrat Imam Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to come in his company so say that do talk me about lord. 2. Syyed ul Lataifa Hazrat Haaji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is seen while sitting in the company of his Sheikh Miyan G Hafiz Noor Muhammad Chunjhanwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Maulana Shah Ismail Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was a very big scholar he got bait with Hazrat Syyed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was not a proper scholar. Just like that Hazrat Adam Banori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was the Caliph of Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and was completely **, many big and great people of knowledge gained benefit from him. 3. Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and a person so bright in knowledge and talent, peer of tareeqat Sheikh ul Hadis Ustad ul Ulama Maulana Rasheed Ahmed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬are seen in the company of Hazrat Haaji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬while increasing their knowledge and talent. 4. Murshid ul Ulma Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to tell his all wonders of knowledge and act as the courtesy of Hazrat Haji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and Hazrat Haji Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was not a complete scholar according to the definition. Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ made Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat as Mujaddid of time and gathered the pious souls from different professions around him and took this great work of history from him.


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Think! How many big and great people of knowledge are seen while sitting in the company of one such person respectfully instead they write their conditions and wonders in their books with much respect and honor. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬give us also the opportunity to make our world and here after enlightened by walking on the foot prints of our elders. Aameen!


The rules of bait

Be silent O heart, it is not good to shout in a crowded place Respect is the first rule in the rules of love


.u bq

Hazrat Abu Hafs Nesha Poori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that Sufism is completely respect, the respect of every time every place and every condition. The one who followed these rules he reach to the level of talented scholars and the one who waste the rules he remained deprived, whether he is thinking himself as complete.



The meaning of bait is this that give your desires under the control of Sheikh. Only that person get success in path of sulook and only that person can get progress who finishes his ego and suggestion and do act upon those things which his Sheikh use to say to him and it is obvious that the Sheikh who is appoint of shariat cannot give any command which is opposite to shariat. The summary of respect Sheikh is in four things: 1. Faith. 2. Trust. 3. Knowledge 4. Following


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Faith: About the faith and love with his Sheikh my murshid Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that do not do love with your murshid instead do intense love and the love should also be crazy and true. Anything which comes in between the love and respect of murshid, sacrifice it. Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that: ( ‫من لم یعتقد فی شیخہ الکمال‬ ‫[ )ال یفلح علی یدہ ابدا‬meaning a person who will not keep faith about the talents of his Sheikh he will never be successful]

As much there will be strongness and the respect in love with your murshid, the follower will be benefited that much with the wonder of his Sheikh. That is why without the respect and good expectations with your leader and well wisher it is not only difficult to accept his saying instead it is impossible. Without the relation of heart with murshid neither the ontologism will be gained and nor the completion of sulook.


Hazrat Shibli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that (‫ )سمیت المحبتہ النھا متحو من القلب ما سوی المحبوب‬meaning love is said as love for this reason that it erases everything from the heart except the beloved person. The love of murshid should be of this level


Oh what days they were when the heart was filled with love In the wine place of body the breath which was there who used to drink wine


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If the eyes would rise on thorn even so we used to get the flower




Whatever was the scene of person of function it was completely green

Hazrat Haji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that with the beatitude of bait many people who are desirable of lord has reached to such level due to their good expectations where their murshid also did not reach.


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The self flight of Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in sulook was very much high. He saw his murshid being stopped on one place that the progress of Sheikh is not happening so he said this whole incident to his Sheikh. The Sheikh said to his true follower to pay attention. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave attention to his Sheikh due to which the Sheikh came out from the level where he was stopped. Hazrat Mujaddid Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬kept on giving attention till five, six days but apart from that there was no difference in love and respect and honor and dignity of his Sheikh. The people who are really sincere in reality they are just like this, they may reach themselves on the highest level but they never let decrease come in the work and the status of mashaikh.



In start at the time of bait a person feels love with his murshid but slowly and gradually decrease start coming in it and this decrease and distance becomes the reason of producing doubts and confusion. Whether the sheikh is how much big he is not innocent, therefore some such things can happen from him who may not come in understanding of follower so apart from thinking such things in your mind and cooking them say it to your murshid on the appropriate time.


.u bq



By adopting the sitting of sheikh with respect by doing continuous dua from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in sha Allah tala the mercy of lord happens and do keep this imagination also all the time along with it that there is nothing greater for me than the relation with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and I have to get this so much big treasure through my murshid only. Keep on saying thanks to Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬on it; keep on doing dua for your Sheikh also. Trust: Meaning of trust is this that to do complete trust upon the murshid. A person wants to travel on air plane so when he buys the tickets he sits in the airplane but trusting the pilot completely so the pilot makes the traveler reach to his destiny. Just like this a follower gives himself to his sheikh by completely trusting upon his sheikh for the internal journey so the sheikh makes his follower walk upon the path and makes him meet to Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.



My murshid Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that there should be so much trust on the murshid as much there is on the parents that you never do research on their documents of nikah from them. You just got to know that this is my father and this is my mother. You never did investigation from them, you accepted it quickly that yes this is true. There should be much more than this trust on your murshid because he is the course of Day of Judgment and making you meet to Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and said that there should be belief about your murshid that the benefit which I can get from my murshid I can never get it from any other gentleman. On the path of suloook without completion to pay attention towards some other gentleman is a big


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deception of the devil and a bright and spiritual trap. But along with this remember this also that it is not permissible to do dis honor and dis respect in the level of friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬.


.u bq


Knowledge: As it is important to keep the physical system proper that keep your doctor aware from all your conditions similarly it is more necessary from this that for the correction of your spiritual system and system of soul keep on giving knowledge to your spiritual doctor meaning murshid. The saalik who give the knowledge of their conditions on continuous basis they get access to their destiny very quickly. A person should keep on giving the news of his good and bad both kinds of conditions to his sheikh. Especially the bad and weak conditions should be written for sure. A person should not remain in this thinking and feeling that my sheikh will get the news of my conditions, what is the need that I may gave the news and conditions. Such person gets involved in the fraud and the deception of devil slowly and gradually. The devil shows such saalik sometimes very bright dream in the form of light and says that you are yourself becoming talented your feelings are getting increased. Keep remember that these all are the deceptions of experienced devil.



Hazrat Khuwaja Alao uddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the company of peer is obligatory sunnah for the follower if this cannot happen every day so it should happen 2 to 3 times in every month and if it also cannot happen so keep the series of letters continued so that he may not get involved in the complete absent people.


.u bq



Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was from the talented gentlemen of his time. Once upon a time he ate some doubtful thing so his all spiritual feeling got finished. He came to his sheikh Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jaana ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and told his real condition. The sheikh give attention till many days after that his feelings got fine again. See! Apart from being so much big talented gentleman Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is needy of giving information to his sheikh and to get present in his service. For gaining the attention this thing is very important that the follower should bring the true desire.


Following: The meaning of following on the path of sulook is this that salik may finish his suggestion completely. Just like this that when we go to any doctor of physical treatment so the doctor do not suggest according to our wish instead he suggest the treatment according to our disease. Whether he may say operation also we become ready to make our body cut on this suggestion of doctor by giving the huge amount of fees. Because we know that he is the expert of this skill and is our well wisher. But for the treatment of our soul we go to which doctor for getting our treatment, we think hundred kinds of logic in their teachings.


The real spirit of bait is this following and the way of gaining complete benefit from sheikh is this that the completion of his small command even should be done thinking should be done upon every word of his sermon and speech that this all is for me. This may not be thinking that whether I got benefit or not? In sha Allah tala the work will be done by the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬for sure.


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Many people think this that we did bait and that is enough only and we will get riddance on this only. In the worst era of today when to walk on religion is like this that as if you take a burning ball of fire in your hand. There is no doubt in this that the bait from people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and affiliation from them is very high thing. But this is also one deception that if you think deception as enough only and you may not have any intention of changing your life.


The famous scholars ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of their own time did not do the formal bait on the hands of mashaikh of their era instead they bow their head down on their teachings for producing the connection in knowledge and action.


.u bq

If the sheikh do any strictness on any physical mistake or carelessness so do not feel bad on it instead think it as mercy for yourself and think this that this is a courtesy on me that I got pointed out. If I would not have been stopped so do not know how much destruction of mine will happen which would not be able to be corrected.


The reason and procedure of bait


There are two kinds of followers. One that which are the ones who act upon the commands and the other those who are the ones who act upon the will of sheikh. These are the people who are actually required. If there is no act upon the teachings of sheikh and satisfaction on his saying so if for your whole life also you may grind the flour but you will not get any benefit.


The meaning of bait is the promise of your sheikh and this zest that after today I do repentance from my this life. In the life in which I remained far away from the merciful lord who created me and I kept on forgetting him and apart from doing his dis obedience, that loving lord kept on giving


me chances and I kept on being far from the pure sunnah of my kind and well wisher Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

.u bq


after forgetting his favors on me. Today I do ask forgiveness from this life. The reason of bait is this that a person may become the servant of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in reality, he may become a strong and true Muslim by doing repentance from the physical and internal dis obedience and such relationship may be produced from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that not any relationship of world, not any love, and not any fear could produced flexibility in it. This is the true goal of bait.


The procedure of taking bait of my sheikh Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Qadri Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was this that whichever salik used to come, if the crowd used to be big so he sued to spread the cloth or sheets etc and say that hold this and keep on repeating these words in your heart: (‫ )اشھد ان ال الہ اال ہللا و اشھد ان محمدا عبدہ و رسولہ‬O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬I did repentance from making anyone equal to you, from exaggeration in religion, from small and big sins and from your every dis obedience and I took promise that after today I will lead my life in accordance with you and your Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬way and I have taken bait in the series of (Khuwaja Syed) Muhammad


Abdullah (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬O Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do accept my bait.


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Then used to tell the importance of bait and used to do advice of acts and give instructions for getting safe from sins. And after that used to do the dua for consistency and say that if may God pardon, sometimes your this done promise meaning bait gets broken meaning the sin may happen so a true follower and saalik is the one who do the repentance again and becomes embarrasse on his done thing with his true heart and could make his resented friend meaning Lord happy.

.u bq


All saalikeen should understand the goal of bait of sulook is to get safe from sins. Neither to see the color is the goal nor the reason is to get respect in people and not even to fly and make fly, not to cry and make cry, we just have to make our friend happy. Always remember this that neither it is the goal that good dreams may come and nor the wonders and intuitions are the aim. Instead the true goal is only to get safe from sins and to lead a life according to shariah.

The 8 advantages of bait






.u bq




1. When a person do bait on the hand of any complete friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬so first of all the sheikh make his follower do repentance and ask forgiveness. The first benefit which a follower gets from bait is this that he makes the friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬as witness on repentance and forgiveness. The mashaikh has said that a person who recites the wordings of bait with true heart, whether he is a non Muslim from 100 years Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬forgives his sins. 2. The murshid makes to repentance from previous sins and they make more strong for the good deeds in remaining life. 3. The enemy of rule and love meaning internal self and devil, for doing competition with them now the follower does not remain alone. Instead he is in the protection of Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ with the source of his murshid. 4. Before bait there was the overcoming of ignorance on a person. Now the era of sins and ignorance has finished now the taste of remembrance of lord pulls him towards itself in every moment. 5. After coming in the circle of bait now the follower has got included in the army of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ . 6. The levels of true love which were first difficult now in the support of complete guider those paths have become easier. A person who travels alone remains deprived of the pleasure of this journey. (‫ )بے رفیقے ہر کہ شددر راہ عشق عمر بگذشت اوعنہ آگاہ عشق‬meaning in the valley of love if someone puts step without any journey whether he may remains walking on this interesting path for his whole life he will not be able to get the recognition from secrets and covert of love. 7. Before going bait from murshid a person was in the obedience of forever enemies meaning wealth of world, the devil and the internal self and this how his place was hell. Now he has started working towards the great destiny by getting rid of their following which is the goal of people who are in search of truth. 8. With the mercy and blessing of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬this big benefit will be gained that at the time of death when every relationship of world becomes weak, the conditions of Day of


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Judgment will start opening, in that condition of confusion this affiliation will help whether this person is a sinful person and in sha Allah tala the death comes upon faith and Islam.


Common questions about death and their answers What is bait?

.u bq

Apparently a person who has to do bait, do the bait from sheikh but actually this promise is from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that is why the bait should be done after thinking much and nicely. Although baith is not itself the reason instead correction is the aim.


The correction of false thoughts

Correct procedure





These days in many people false goals related bait are kept under consideration. The summary of all of them is the desire of world. For e.g. with the intercession of peer sir the difficulties of world will get solved, or from it the introduction from the people of high status will be done or the contacts will gets produced. So there will be easiness for taking out every sort of work or with the beatitude of peer sir the riddance will be got from ghost, phantom and specter etc. Few people earn the world in the cover of religion. Few people think this that only by becoming the follower they will become successful in the end, there is no need of getting safe from the sins, few people keep the desire of becoming peer or they are the desirables of Caliphate and due to such other more things of this kind there will be no complete benefit of bait.

.u bq


After doing bait the correct way is this that one should get safe from every kind of dis obedience of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and try to safe others as well from every kind of sins. Without leaving the dis obedience of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, it is completely impossible to make him happy. Most of the people do many meditations and accountabilities and azkaar and ashghaal but they are watching the dis obedience of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬openly. To stop from them is a far away thing; they do not even show any effect of dislike from their face. They just give attention on wazaif and meditations. Although these things are not required mainly instead they are a source of gaining the goal. The true goal is to get safe from external and internal sins for which the basic thing is courage. With meditation and azkaar etc also the spirit becomes high.


Objection and its answer


To few people, instead to scholars also this things comes in mind that when the goal is to leave sin only so a person can do this thing by himself also. What is the benefit of being bait from someone? The answer is this that after getting bait done, the worry of the Day of Judgment starts producing in the heart. When the worry gets produced so get to know that the work is done. This worry is the base of correction. The correction of careless person can never happen. After being bait, the


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.u bq



courage gets produced. A person will search about everything after production of worry that whether this is allowed or not allowed? Few people know about the rules of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬but apart from this the ignorance keeps on coming over. By being bait this thing gets produced. Some people try to become very religious on their own but they are not able to leave the sins. The Sheikh suggests the separate and different tips to every follower by looking at his personal nature. Apart from this the internal sins that there is no knowledge about them at all. The Sheikh does the diagnosis of such diseases and tells that there is that some disease inside you. The internal diseases are present in their hearts but the patient do not even feels that he is the victim of which disease for getting the diagnosis of such kinds of dangerous diseases done and to get safe from them, it is very important to get the bait done on the hands f any pious person. (Complete sheikh). Instead say this that it is important to develop the relationship of correction. Bait is not the goal but the relationship of correction is the aim.


How benefit is gained from the bait


The person who will have done the bait will have this thing in mind that he has done promise to become a strong and true Muslim by giving his hand in the hands of Sheikh. This thing will keep him awake and careful. The dua and kind sight of sheikh will remain his support. From the company of sheikh, worry of the Day of Judgment will get produced and apart from this many other benefits will be gained.


Bait from one place and the correction from the other place


.u bq



Sometimes the murshid is in the other city or country and the salik do not get his company directly. Or sometimes it happens like this that the connection of bait is from some other place but the suitability of nature is with any other person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Do remember that the one and only reason of bait is the relationship with Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and correction of your own self. Not only to do the bait. If this is so, so then the permission should be taken from your sheikh and the place from where you are getting benefit and correction is being done, the company of that place shall be adopted. But the decrease should not let come in the love and respect with your sheikh. Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Alaeh was in India and his one follower was in America. He wrote a letter to his sheikh that after Asr there use to happen one sitting of any gentleman inside the Haram Sharif, may I do tawaf at that time or adopt the company of him? So the sheikh wrote that if your eyes are paining so first you will get the treatment of them or will you do the recitation of Quran first? Therefore, he makes your tawaf delay and do adopt his company.

Is doing bait only is enough?



Many people think this that, we have done bait and just that is enough and we will get riddance on this thing only. Never do they care about their correction nor do they ever give the news about themselves to their sheikh. The goal of bait is not only to give hand in hand. Indeed in this worst era of today, when the walking upon religion is like holding a ball of fire in hands, there is no doubt that the bait and affiliation from people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is very great thing. But this is also


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one deception that you may think bait alone as enough and you have no intention of changing your life.


If the sheikh becomes strict on any physical mistake or carelessness so do not feel bad on that. Instead think it as blessing for you and think this that it is a favor upon me that I am told about it. If I would not have been stopped, so do not know how much big and not curable loss could happen of mine.

.u bq

There are two kinds of followers, one those who are the ones who follow every command and the other are those who are the ones who follow upon the will of sheikh. These are the only people who are required. If there is no satisfaction upon the saying of sheikh and no action upon his teachings so whether you grid the flour for your whole life, you will not get benefit.

The compatibility of nature with murshid is necessary




Do not do hurry in doing bait….!



Compatibility is very important on this path. Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬say that the base of benefit is upon the compatibility. Just like, it is important to match the blood group. If any king has need of blood and the blood group of any person who sells the vegetables, match with him so, the doctor will say this only that do get the blood of this person who sells the vegetables. If the king says that I am the king, it will be my disrespect that the blood of seller of vegetables is mixed in my blood. Call Muhammad Ali Kullay for me. So the doctor will say this that sir, your blood group is not matching with him. As you will get the blood of Muhammad Alai Kullay you will get involved in restlessness. Therefore, do not see the fame of sheikh but your own compatibility.


.u bq


One should never do hurry in doing bait. Instead after thinking much careful, the hands should be given in the hands of any person of affiliation and centre of Sunnah. Actually, it is not to give hands in hands but to give your faith in the hands of murshid. Therefore, thinking should be done very carefully and nicely, his company should be adopted for some time and this should be seen that that how much inclination of Day of Judgment is increasing in the people who are connected to him. When, the nature becomes compatible so, the istekhara should be done with the most appropriate way. When, the heart gets completely satisfied so, your affiliation should be established with him. But after the establishment of nature then again you should not look into the matter of his research and neither should you remain curious about his bad qualities and weaknesses. Most of the people do this that when they listen anything about any person of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ so, they do the bait quickly. But if after this they do not understand his things so they get bad thoughts about him. The devil makes him misguided from this very quickly. That is why it is not appropriate to do hurry in doing bait and after bait, to get involved in false thinking is more inappropriate than this.


The deception of the devil:


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Where are the people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in this era…! We have seen a lot, now that time has not remained. These kinds of sentences which are the false thoughts from the devil otherwise in the full of pugnacities era of today also the pious souls are living the phrase worthy life duet o the company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬That is why to get safe from internal self and devil also the company of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is necessary, due to which the correct understanding of religion gets produced and a person can fill the demands of religion easily. In the busy life of today for comfort and satisfaction we do efforts to some extent that we may get this blessing. Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ has kept this blessing only and only in his relationship and his ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬zikr, which can only be gained from the company of people of Allah ‫!سبحانہ و تعالی‬

The procedure of company of sheikh






.u bq

When this thing is understood that on the path of ontologism, to get safe from the dangers and frauds and deceptions of the devil there is the need of any expert of knowledge and talent and experienced leader. So the presence in their service is said to be necessary, this company of sheikh is also called contact. My Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that as it is true and correct that the evil eye happens and this evil eye makes the life of human being completely destroyed. Just like this the good eye of some person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬also happens. Meaning with the beatitude of attention and sincerity of sheikh the heart gets clean with ignorance, on the basis of which saalik starts feeling the enlightens of observations of lord in his heart. Hazrat Mujaddad Alif Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that the effort and struggle in equal to one penny and the company of sheikh is equal to 16 penny. Hazrat Mumshaad Dinori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Madoofi (197H) use to say that when I got present in the service of any person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬so I went like this that I made my heart empty from all affiliations and knowledge and wisdom and I kept on waiting for this that which beatitudes come upon me by watching and talking to him.

.u bq


The procedure to gain benefit from sheikh is this that in the presence of murshid a person may sit with very much respect and the greedy of knowledge in front of him and do the imagination of knowledge coming to his heart from the heart of sheikh. In the presence of murshid keep on being attentive completely towards him even this that do not read nawafil, zikr and azkaar etc without the permission of sheikh even. (The incidence of love of murshid is coming forward with detail)

The azkar are not the real goal…!



It should not only be the reason of going to sheikh that I will ask him azkar and wazaif that how much zikr should I do? How much tasbeeh should I recite? What routines should I adopt? Because these zikr and azkar, wazaif and tasbeeh are specified for this path only, they are not themselves the real goal. The procedure of the real goal is this that keep on looking after your life of morning and evening and see this that the work which I did, whether the showing off has not been added in it? In that some task whether the anger is involved which was not appropriate? Whether I did that some work for greed and voracity? Or whether inside me there is the place for love of material and love of status? Keep on looking after all thses things and keep on informing the sheikh and keep on asking the treatment of them and the treatment which sheikh tells, keep on acting upon it and if


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The azkar can also be harmful


mistake or error is done while acting upon that treatment so do tell that also to sheikh. Well this that for the correction of yourself, keep on informing your well wisher and sheikh with your every feeling.



.u bq


Today we have made the Sufism and tareeqat as a formality that we are bait from that some person and nothing more forward than this. The most we do is this that some of the routines and tasbeehat which sheikh has told that do recite them after Fajr prayer or in any other specified time so we do them only, nothing more than that. Although one person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬used to say this that without the correction of bad deed, the example of zikr is this that tills one a person is sick, he is not given the tonic meaning the medicines of energy in the condition of sickness. For example, if intense cold and fever is happening to him so the doctors use to say this that first gets his treatment done of cold and fever. No any medicine of energy should be given in this condition, because it is the rule of medical that when a fals thing comes in a person so in this condition whatever food a person will eat, that food goes towards that false thing. For example, if the mucus is much over come so in this condition, a person will eat whatever food and drinks, that all will go towards the mucus. Therefore first the treatment of this sickness and false thing should be getting done, and then those medicines of energy shall be given. So then they will become beneficial.


.u bq




Just like this, if the idol of ego and pride is living inside the heart and a person is doing zikr in this condition so, some times, as a result of this act of yours, the disease of pride increases more. Therefore, now he will think this that see, I have become how much greatly, a person of Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ that I am doing zikr like this and the big and great tasks which the sufis did, I am also doing that same tasks. Therefore, apart from getting benefit to him from this zikr, more strength will be gained by his sickness of pride. That is why commonly. The need is of this thing that a person may remove his internal evil first.

The need and importance of rules of sheikh The respect is the greatest part of Sufism


As much the follower will do respect of his sheikh that much the love will get increased and as the love will keep on increasing, that much quickly he will get the skill. Shariat, tareeqat, ontologism all are the collection of rules. Till when the rules will not be followed nothing can be gained. The person who do not do respect, do not reach to any status and level instead he remains deprived from the mercy of lord even. Maulana Room ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that: ‫از خدا خواہیم توفیق ادب بے ادب محروم ماند از لطف رب‬


‫بے ادب خود رانہ تنہا خوار کرد بلکہ آتش در ہمہ آفاق نرد‬


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Translation: We ask the opportunity of respect from lord. A person who do not do respect remains deprived from the mercy of lord. A person who do not do respect not only make himself tired instead he makes the whole world bad.

The accomplished respect in the eyes of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬






.u bq




.u bq


1)Hazrat Ali Daqaaq ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that (‫ )العبد یصل بطاعتہ الی الجنتہ و بادبہ الی ربہ‬meaning (due to worship a person gets reached to the heaven and with the respect he reaches to the lord) 2) Sheikh Jalal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that: (‫ ال شریعت‬، ‫ )من ال ادبہ لہ‬the one who do not have respect, he do not have any knowledge about shariah. 3) Abu Bakar Kitabi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that: (‫)من لم یتادب باستاذ ھو بطال‬ A person who do not learn the respect from any peer of tareeqat, he is a liar and a fraud person. 4) It is a quote of Abdullah Bin Mubarik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that: (‫ )ادب الخدمتہ اعز من الخدمتہ‬The respect of service should be kept under the consideration, it is more than the service itself. The same gentleman says one more place that as compare to the abundance of act we all need the respect very much. 5) It is the quote of one gentleman that (‫ )من ال ادب لہ ال ایمان لہ و ال توحید لہ‬The one who do not have respect, his faith and agreement of Lord as one is nothing. 6) Khuwaja Ibn e Ata ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that the one who remain deprived from the respect he is deprived of all the accomplishments. He says that Hakeem Tirmizi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to have so much respect that his family never use to clean their nose even in front of him. 7) Muhammad bin Fazeel ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the sign of unluckiness is this that a person may get the company of pious people and then he remains deprived of their respect and honor. If a person has knowledge and not the act, he use to do act but he do not have sincerity. 8) Abu Bakar Wasti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that if I would not have done the service of king so I would not be able to do the service of mashaikh. 9) Abu Umar Zakhali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I kept on doing the cleanliness of washroom of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬with my own hands till 30 years and I used to be proud on that. 10) Till when there not be two qualities in the follower till then the spending of wilayat of sheikh will not happen completely on the follower. Firstly this that a follower should be like this in respects as if the son with the father. Meaning just like a son cannot even think of doing dis obedience just like that the follower is also with his peer. Secondly this that he should be so respectable as if there are the servants in service of kings. Because it is the mutual consensus of mashaikh of tareeqat that (‫ )من دخل باالدب وصل‬the one who entered with respect he will be given. 11) It is the quote of Hazrat Ali Saqfi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the one who will not keep the company of respect and honor and dignity with gentleman the benefit of gentlemen and the beatitude of their sight becomes prohibited on him and not any effect of them becomes obvious on him. 12) Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that on the path of sulook to keep the conditions and rules of company of sheikh under consideration is very important and with this the paths of ontologism gets open. Without the respect no result will be gained and only by attending the sitting no advantage will be gained. 13) Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that a person who will keep the step on this path without any leader he will himself also be misguided and he will also mislead others. The one who will leave the respect and honor of mashikh, Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ will make him an unliked person in the eyes of his people.


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The incidents of scholars filed with respect




It is the mutual consensus of mashaikh of tareeqat that (‫ )من دخل باالدب وصل‬the one who entered with respect, he will be the real one.

.u bq


In the lights of lives of all scholars and great people of religion, the thing which is seen very prominently that is the respect of your murshid. The whole Islamic history is witness of this thing that any people who do not do respect and honor could not been able to reach the level of wilayat and ontologism. In following the incidents of lives of some people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬are being written. Who used to respect their elders apart from being great by themselves. May the merciful Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬gives us all the opportunity to do much respect of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬because (‫ )الطریق کلہ ادب‬this path is completely the path of respect.

The respect of murshid more than the parents






1)My sheikh Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the respect of murshid should be done like parent. The favor of this thing is also done by the court of Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He says that: The right of teacher is more than parents because a father is only the source of physical existence and temporary life and the teacher is to guide towards the goodness and the Day of Judgment and is the source of permanent life. If there is no teacher the physical body which is gained through the father may fall in to the destruction of forever. So a teacher is accountable for permanent and forever life. (Ahya ul Uloom). Sheikh Abdul Fattah ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ use to say that the father who teaches the knowledge (teacher) is very better than the father who gives birth. The student of Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Imam Abu Yusuf ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I do dua for Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬before I do it for my parents and then I listen from Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he used to do dua for Hazrat hammad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬along with his parents. (Manaqib ul Imam Abi Hanifa)


The intensity of respect in the service of murshid

.u bq

2)Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was present in the service of Hazrat Jafar Sadiq ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Alaih. Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said “O Bayazeed! Bring that some book from the shelf” He said in reply that “which one shelf?” “You are here from one big time” Hazrat Imam Sir said. “Have you not seen a shelf up till now?” He said “What work do I have from this that I may raise my head in your presence” He said “When this is the matter so you go to Bastam”. Hazrat Jafir Sadiq ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said “your work has reached to its end”



Once upon a time I was sitting in the service of Hazrat murshid Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬by crossing my legs that suddenly I listened a voice of door being opened at my back. Very unconsciously my eyes started going there so Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬quickly pointed me out that in the sitting of murshid a person should sit by being completely attentive. Whether anyone is coming or going you should not have any relation with it. Today while writing this incident of Hazrat Bayazeed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬I am feeling like this that the previous people use to do the respect of their murshid in how many ways.


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The respect of Imam Abu Hanifa Rehmat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬




(3) Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that: I never made my legs face towards the house of my teacher Hammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬due to his respect. Although this the distance of seven streets between his house and my house. From when Hazrat Hammad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has passed away, I do the dua of his forgiveness after every prayer along with my father and I do the dua of forgiveness for every such person from whom I learned and gained knowledge.


One special rule of going near the people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬






.u bq

(4) The decorum of meeting and greeting with people also is gained by the company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. But few people do such care in going to the place of gentlemen by themselves for example, at the time of going they do take care about their being free but they do not think this that whether this time is of there also of not being busy or not. Whether that time is of them is of taking rest only but they are given pain by going at that time and not only this but they sit for so much time that the whole time of them for taking rest gets finished. No loss of the person who goes happens, but the pain which the person in front got, in which aspect it comes? So it is very bad habit and atrocity. If you have to go on that time coincidentally so one should go for some time only, sit for less time. One man used to come to Hazrat Haji Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬exact at the time of afternoon and the sleep of Hazrat used to get waste but he do not used to say anything due to his good manners. On one day Hazrat Hafiz Zami Sir Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬could bear it anymore and he scolded that person so strictly and said that, the innocent gentleman used to be awake for whole night, a little bit of time of afternoon is of sleeping, you do that destroy. How much injustice is this? At last there is some regard needed and this strictness of Hazrat Sir was due to the need. Sometimes the correction do not happen without strictness and do keep this in your knowledge that do go while going to meet someone that you go after informing.

The respect of Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



.u bq


(5)Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had much love and attachment with the being of Hazrat Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and he used to do his respect of him very much always. Imam Shafi Rehm Allah used to sit on the vehicle so he used to walk behind him bare foot and keep on doing questions from him. It is the saying of him by himself that I have not offered any such prayer from thirty years in which I have not done dua for Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal Rehmat Allah use to say that: I am doing dua and astaghfar for Imam Shafi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in every night from thirty years…The son of Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Abdullah says that: I said to my father: Who is Shafi that for whom you do so much dua? So he started saying: Son! Shhafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is the sun for the world and peace for the people. Now see! Can you get rid of these both things? Or something else can come in work apart from these things? (Tazkira-tul-Muhaddiseen, History of Baghdad)


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Such a best respect and such a beautiful desire




(6) Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this: Do learn knowledge and for knowledge learns comfort and prestige and from which (teacher) you learn knowledge, do adopt humbleness in front of him. (Jamey Sagheer, Imam Sayoti)

The respect made the great Muhaddis



.u bq


Allama Manawi does the explaintaion of this quote of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and say that: The knowledge cannot be gained without the humbleness and without listening from attention. The humbleness of the student infront his teacher becomes the reason of his greatness for him and the disrespect and humbleness in front of him is his respect and pride. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, apart from the great level of him and being near to Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, hold the rope of the horse of Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and said: We have the command that we should behave like this with our scholars. Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit kissed his hands and said that it is the command to us that we shall behave like the people of family of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬like this with respect and love Sulaimi says that: No one used to have courage to ask anything from Ibn Ul Musaib ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, until when the permission has been taken like kings from him, Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that I used to flip the page very softly in front of Hazrat Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he may not b able to listen the sound of it. The student of Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Baii, says that: I do not used to have the courage of drinking water while Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to watch.


.u bq




(7) Allama Dameri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that: One group of people was present in the service of Hazrat Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬which was busy in getting the knowledge from him. Apart from the sermon, some person of saying said that an elephant has come into the city. All the students went to see the elephant. Apart from Yahya Lesi Undlusi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, that he did not go. Hazrat Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ Anhu asked hum that Yahya, why you did not go to see this strange creature? This is not even found in your country? Yahya said that “Hazrat I have come from my country (Undlus) to be present in your service, to adopt your personality and character and for gaining your knowledge. I have not come to watch the elephant. Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became very happy with this answer of Yahya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and gave him the title of (‫)عاقل اھل اندلس‬. After gaining the knowledge, Yahya came back to Undlus and over there the country of knowledge finished on him. in that area, through him only, the religion of Hazrat Imam Malik got established. The most famous of all and the most nice narration of “Mota Imam Malik” is said to be as the narration of Sheikh Yahya. He was Mustajab ul Dawat. He passed away in 234 H. outside the tomb of Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬in the city of Qartaba, there is his grave. These were those respectable people. (Hayat ul Haywan) ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


Learn the respect of murshid, from Imam Shafi


(8) Hazrat Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that, I used to fli the page of book even very slowly so that my teacher Imam Malik Bin Anas ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬could not be able to listen it. Just like this, the student of Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Rabi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I never got courage to drink water in front of Imam Shafi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬even. This feeling was due to the respect and greatness of the teacher. (Tazkirat ul Samay Wal Mutakallam)


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Little bit of dis respect, became the reason of deprivation



(9) The condition of our elder people was this that they used to feel even little bit of disrespect as very big sin and they used to get safe from it in such a way as if a person gets safe from any big sin. On page number fifty seven of ( ‫)مجالس سنیہ شرح اربعین نوویہ‬, this quotation is narrated by few intelligent people that they were once upon a time lying or sitting in Haram Sharif and he was spreading his legs. One very little girl who was having a curious heart, said him while scolding that (‫ )ال تجالسہ اال باالدب و اال فیمحوک من دیوان المقربین‬Meaning, do sit in front of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬with respect. Otherwise, in the condition of disrespect, Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will erase your name from the list and register of scholars who are near to him.

The castigation to Hazrat Siri Saqti Rehm Allah on little bit of disrespect

The carpenter got a great status through the respect


.u bq

(10) The famous friend of Alllah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, Siri Saqti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬never used to spread his legs while lying down or while sitting. Once upon a time, he spread his legs so he was done castigation very strictly. He says that: On one night, after offering prayer I spread my legs so a voice came from Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that do you sit like this way in the court of kings? I said: No O Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. I swear by your respect, now forever I will not spread my legs again till my whole life.





(11) One carpenter used to live in front of the house of Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hmabal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ ……due to the abundance of children and family member, he used to reamin engage in work for the whole day. This was his habit that he used to have the hammer raised in hhis hand that he may cut the steel and during that the voice of call of prayer used to come so apart from hitting the hammer on the steel he used to keep it on the ground and say that now a call has come from my Lord. I will now first offer my prayer and then I will work. When he passed away, someone saw him in his dream. He asked that what happened with you.

.u bq


He said that I got the level which was just below Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal. He asked that your act and knowledge was not so much? He gave the answer that I used to do much respect of the name of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and I used to stop the work as I used to listen the voice of call of prayer so that I may offer the prayer…..Due to this respect Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬did mercy over me.

Three signs of unluckiness


(12) It the quote of Hazrat Abu Abdullah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬there are three signs of unluckiness. (1) The person who is given the knowledge but he is deprived of action. (2) If the act is given so he is deprived of sincerity. (3) And the one who has the company of pious people and still he do not do the respect of them.

The exemplary incident of respect of hadis


(13) One incident of Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬comes that once upon a time he was teaching so one snake stung him 17 times on his back. During this also he showed the show of patience and consistency and did not leave the lesson of Hadis of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and he kept on bearing that


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noxious pain. Hazrat said with talmiza after the lesson that see what is the thing at my back? The students remained shocked after seeing that scene and said that Hazrat, why you did not tell that there is something so we would have killed this snake at that very time. So in the reply of them,

he said that O brothers! What shall I do, the lesson of hadis of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was going on, I was not feeling like that I may start doing stupid conversation while leaving it in between. This is the

The ways of gaining respect


great example of respect and honor of hadis of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and of patience and consistency.


.u bq

(14) The question was done from Hazrat Imam Shafi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that how did you gained the respect. He said that, just like a mother searches for his lost and only son in the condition of restlessness and impatience, I gained respect just like that manner and kept on being in the curiosity. It was asked from Hazrat Luqman Hakeem‫ علیہ السالم‬that how did you gain the respect? He said: From disrespectful people.


Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, apart from his great status, used to walk while holding the rope of horse of Hazrat Abi Bin Kaab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, in front of him. It was said to him that yor are the son of uncle of Prophet SAW and you are holding the rope of one Ansari companion?



So Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said in the reply that: (‫ )انہ ینبغی للجران یعظم و یشرف‬The respect and honor of big scholar should be done. He said further that: I adopted disrespect while becoming a student, so I was given the respect by being a desirable person. Now there is this way only for the person who wants respect that do adopt the humbleness and service of his teacher.



.u bq



Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to go to Hazrat Abi Bin Kaab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬for learning the Holy Quran. Therefore, he used to stand on his door but did not use to knock it. Hazrat Abi Bin Kaab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ felt this thing very bad that the son of uncle of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬would stand on my door and get so much pain. So Hazrat Abi Bin Kaab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said this to Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that why you did not knock the door? So he gave reply that a scholar person is just like this in his nation as if there is the Prophet in his ummah. And it is the saying of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬about the Prophets that: ( ‫ولو انھم‬ ‫ )صبروا حتی تخرج الیھم لکان خیر الھم‬and if these people would have taken work with little bit of patience till this that you may have come to them by yourself so, this would have been better for them. Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is very forgiving and very merciful. Hazrat Allama Aloosi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Sir “Rooh ul Maani” said that I listened this incident in my childhood. I acted upon this after becoming adult and did this same thing with my teachers.


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Sheikh Muhiuddin Rehm ullah and importance of respect of Sheikh

The strange way of respect and honor



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(15) Sheikh Muhiuddin Ibn e Arabi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that a follower should adopt the company and bait of such person whose respect is present in his heart and should not do bait forcefully and do not involve your internal self in any other work apart from the respect of sheikh. And do not put the feet on the prayer mat of the sheikh. And do not wear the cloth of him but for whom he orders to wear them. And do not do such question from him which requires answer. But whatever is going inside the heart, tell that. If the sheikh gives the reply so it is better. Otherwise do not ask for the reply as it is disrespect. And whatever danger comes in heart, say it to the sheikh otherwise, the pain of it will reach to the follower and he will get killed. Because if the patient do not expose his disease in front of the doctor so, what medicine will he give. Keep the heart populated with the zikr which is said by the sheikh. When you are being ignorant or the bad danger comes in heart so get attentive towards the zikr because if there would not have been the ignorance so the bad danger would not have come in the heart and when it shakes from the bad act so whatever the sheikh gives command of, do accept it because a person who is truth speaking and he use to neglect the attractions due to Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬removes the attractions far away from his heart.




(16) Allama Burhan Uddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes one incident of one scholar of Bukhara that once upon a time he was giving sermon while sitting in Masjid. Suddenly, he used to stand up while giving the sermon. People were very surprised and started asking that Hazrat, is everything fine? What are you watching by standing again and again? He said that the son of my teacher (murshid) is playing in the street. He comes in front of the door of the masjid sometimes; I stand up in honor of him. This is actually not the respect of the child, but the respect of the teacher.

.u bq


One special respect of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

(17) What you and I can understand the secrets and personal matters which the people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ have made with their Allah ‫…سبحانہ و تعالی‬..! Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that whenever Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to give amulet to anyone, so he used to give it by writing this only that: (‫)خداوند گر منور داری حاجتش رابراری‬


It is the high level of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬that he used to give the amulet for whichever work to whomever, that work used to get accomplished. One man said to Hazrat Haji Sir Imdad Allah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that Hazrat if this sentence is corrected in this way and then written so the balance of couplet will get equal.


(‫)خداوند اگر منظور داری! بفضلت حاجت اور ابراری‬


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(35) Respect of sheikh


Haji Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that we think it as against the respect to do the changes in the writings of gentlemen.


A person who postulates of Tareeqat without any sheikh or murshid, the sheikh of him would be Iblees. If strange and weird incidents happen from his hand so they would be istedraj.






.u bq




.u bq

(1) Sit in the company of sheikh with much respect and humbleness and keep on listening to his words with very much attention. Do not talk without the permission. At the time of need, talk as much it is required. Do talk slowly and softly. Plus do not raise your voice from the voice of murshid. (2) Be present in the sitting of murshid at that time when the sheikh has given you time, whether it is common or special. In the remaining times when there is even a ittle bit of danger that the sheikh will get pain while meeting so do not get present at that time. (3) Do not make yourself out class in any kind in the sitting of murshid and think yourself as very unworthy, desirable person and full of wish. (4) Do not do any such talk in the presence of murshid from which your education greatness becomes obvious on the audience and do not even make any worldly talent obvious. (5) Do not sit towards the sitting place of murshid and neither make your feet face towards it and nor while walking together, walk in front of murshid. (6) Without the permission and without any need, do not eat food in front of the murshid and do not even use the utensils of murshid. (7) Do not put step on the shadow of the murshid and till very possible way do not stand on such place where your shadow falls upon the shadow of your murshid. When the Sheikh stands so, you may also stand. (8) The condition of argument and dispute with sheikh should not be made. Do not reject the saying of sheikh. (9) Do not do immodest conversation in front of the sheikh and do not even say about any bad qualities of some person. (10) Keep love and relation with the relatives and closed ones of murshid. (11) Whatever you see in the dream, tell that to the murshid by writing. Do not do anything less nor even do anything more. (12) The follower should not become a betrayer. Meaning, that do not be attentive towards anybody else, apart from your won murshid, for gaining the benefit. (13) Remain obedient and submissive to the murshid in all kinds because without the love and admiration of peer, the door of benefit do not gets open. And the demand of love is following and service. (14) Do the service of sheikh as much as you can with your wealth and self and so do not show courtesy on sheikh. Instead of this think it as the favor of sheikh that he has accepted the service. Do not keep any sort of greed and voracity from sheikh. How much service you do, do it with sincerity and honesty so that you may be benefited from complete faith. Once upon a timeAbu Hafs Hadad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was going on Hajj. When he reached to Baghdad so, Hazrat Junaid Baghdai ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬welcomed him. Abu Hafs Hadad ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ was a peer. His followers used to stand on feet in front of him and used to do his service very much. Hazrat Junaid Baghdad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that you have made your followers learned so much of royal rules. He said that, to keep in eyes the obvious rules of friend of truth is the sign of keeping the internal rules of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬in eyes. It is written that Hazrat Junaid Bghdadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked


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after watching one follower very obedient in the service of Abu Hafs Hadad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that from how much time this young man is in your service? He said from ten years. He said that he has spent millions of darhams on my needs. Infact he has taken eighteen thousand darham on loan and sacrificed on me and not till yet he has the courage that he may do question from me.






.u bq




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(15) In the presence of murshid, remain attentive towards him with your whole self. Even this that, do not do any nafil prayer, or some else wazifa also, apart from obligatory prayer, without the permission of him. Because a person can do nafil prayer and azkar afterwards also. At this time only the benefit should be taken from the company of murshid. Just like the progress is done from the zikr, similarly, it happens from the attentions of the murshid also. Instead the path which is covered in many years by the zikr, that path is covered in few moments due to the attentions. (16) Remain same in front and at the back of the murshid. Meaning, keep your internal self and external self on one way. Do not let any kind of difference come in between your heart and tongue. (17) Think all the wordings and actions of sheikh as truth. Do not do any argument and neither even bring any doubt in heart. If you do not understand anything so, remember the incident of Hazrat Khizar ‫علیہ السالم‬and Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬. (18) Do not make your heart small from the scold and strictness of sheikh and do not let false thoughts come even near because the strictness of sheikh works as cleanser meaning as a cleaning agent for the desirable person. Sheikh Abul Hassan Shazli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ says that if the murshid do strictness on his follower without any obvious reason so, a follower should be patient on it, if there would be humbleness in the nature and strength in the intention so this follower will become successful. (19) If any false thought about murshid comes in your heart so quickly say it in an appropriate way. If that doubt does not get solved so think it as the mistake of his own understanding level. If the murshid do not gives any reply so, get to know this that I was not worthy of reply. And neither even try to gain success without the murshid. (20) Keep on sending the rewards to all the mashaikh of your own series from the contact of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. (21) whatever internal benefit you get think it as the reason of murshid. Even though, if you see in the dream or meditation that he is getting the benefit from someone else, then also think this that no, this is the benefit of my murshid only. (22) Tell the wordings of murshid to others so much that as much people can understand. About the thing which you feel that it is above the understanding level of common people. So do not tell it at all because few things are only for the special people only. (23) If you get any level or status so accept it for the will of Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ . Do not bring any worldly thought in heart. (24) Without the permission of your sheikh, do not get attentive towards any other sheikh for the intention of bait. So that he may become rich with the treasure of obedience. (25) When the murshid gets passed away from this temporary world so keep on doing the dua of forgiveness for him and keep on sending the reward. (26) A follower should not look upon the external self of his sheikh, instead look upon the external blessing of him which is in his heart. (27) A follower should not imagine his obvious conditions on the condition of sheikh. Instead keep this belief that near Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, one day of murshid is better than thousand days of the follower. (28) Hazrat Ali Bin Wafa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that a sheikh is like a mirror for the follower. Once upon a time, any follower said to Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ that, O my Master! Today night I saw your face as in the form of pig. He said that son, I am your


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The effects of company of Murshid



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mirror. You make your internal self clean from the quality of evil. Then see towards me, you will get to see your real face. (29) Sheikh Syed Ali Bin wafa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that a follower should not be deceived by the softness of his sheikh. Instead keep on being scared and do not get sad on the strictness of your sheikh, be happy that my correction is being done. A heart of follower should not get depressed with the resentment of sheikh. If the sheikh pushes back then also his heart may not be sorrow. Get to know this thing that the scholars of religion do not unlike any Muslim equal to even breathe which they take. Whatever they do, they do it for the reason of teaching the followers. (30) This thing also does not suit the follower that he keeps on being worried for knowing the level of his sheikh. Just keep attentive towards his work only. Because the goal is to eat the fruits not to count the trees. (31) If the murshid is resented on follower so a follower should try to make him happy even though he has no realization of his mistake. A follower should think the sleep of murshid more important than his own worship. A follower should also give the level of mother to the wife of sheikh. (32) A follower should not even look at the face of the sheikh constantly. Till when it is possible keep on keeping your eyes low. In fact keep on taking the enjoyment of watching the face sometimes. (34) After when the sheikh is passed away it is better that does maintain the contact with any gentleman of your own series. Otherwise maintain the relation with any other sheikh. (35) The easy summary of rights of sheikh is this that the sheikh should not be hurt either from tongue or from action and neither from wordings nor from act.


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From the company only we became companions. Those people can also not get those status who use to spend their whole of the life while in the situation of Sajdah which the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬ ‫اجمعین‬ companions got from the few minutes of company of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Just like from the prayer a person becomes namazi, from this zikr a person becomes zaakir just like that with the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the companions ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to become. Understand the example of this how that as the magnetic power do comes in this piece of metal also so the one which remains under the effect of magnet then also it starts pulling the steal so when the companions ‫رضی ہللا علیہم اجمعین‬used to sit in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so their chest also used to become clean.


One example: Hazrat Shah WaliuAllah Muhaddas Dehlvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that if the dirt is up on the floor so there are 2 ways to make it clean: (1) One way is this that there may be rain and so much of rain that the mark and stain of dirt may get erased. Now when the ground will become dry, it will be said as pure. (2) The second way is this that the light of sun may fall up on it so much that it may burn that dirt and erase it that the stain and mark of it may get erased. When the mark and stain got finished so now that ground will be called as pure! So he said that the example of land of heart of human being is also like the ground and the example of sin is like the dirt. There are two ways of making it clean also.


(1)First way: A human being may do the zikr of lord so much that the rain of blessings may fall so much that it may make the dirt of hearts clean by washing. (2) Second way: is this that remains in the company of any man of heart. The heart of people of heart is like a sun. just like the rays of


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sun fell and he get heat from it just like that from the heart of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the rays of noor comes out and there used to be effect of them on the hearts of people. So therefore by living in the company of pious people also the dirt of heart gets finished.

The company of murshid is the source of being consistent

For drinking I have drank a lot.


Jigar Murad Abaadi was a very much famous poet and he used to drink wine very much. He used to drink wine so much that people used to pick him from the poet festival instead he used to say by himself that:

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Now I have the fear of accountability every day

It is a very weird thing that before doing repentance he edit this couplet in his book:


Let’s come and see the pastime of Jigar



We have listened that non-Muslim has become Muslim. When the fear of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬fall up on him so he discussed it with Hazrat Khuwaja Azeez ul Hasan Majzoob ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that how may I ask forgiveness? Khuwaja sir said that lets go in the service of Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and remain in the company of him. Therefore he got present and did forgiveness and he requested the Hazrat for doing 4 duas. (1) I may leave wine. (2) I may keep beard. (3) I may do Hajj. (4) May Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ forgive me.


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Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did dua for him. The Almighty Allah accepted three duas of him in the world and about the forth one the Jigar used to say with himself that the almighty Allah must have accepted that also. Therefore he kept the beard, the almighty Allah gave him the opportunity of hajj also and he left the wine too. When he left the wine so he became sick, the doctors gave the advice that you may keep on drinking it otherwise you will die. He asked this that if I may remain drinking it so for how many years a may live alive. The doctors said you can live till 2 to 4 years. He said that from living with the anger of the almighty Allah till 2 to 4 years it is better this that I may die right now in the shade of mercy of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Still the almighty Allah kept him healthy and he remained alive till many years. Once up on a time he was sitting in the cart of meerath and the owner of cart was reciting this couplet. Let’s go and see the past time of Jigar


We have listened that non Muslim has become Muslim


And he did not even know this that this man with beard and cap and the one wearing the dress of Sunnah is the Jigar sir. After listening the couplet the Jigar sir started crying and did thanks to the almighty Allah that O Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬you made me say this couplet before asking for forgiveness.


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The effect of company of murshid



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With the company of great people if the complete correction may also not happen so at least we start looking at our own faults, this is also enough. The man who does not looks upon his own faults. There is no one who deprived than him. Hazrat Hajji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ was when small, nearly of 4 years so he went to the area of Hazrat Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ . At that time he was given in the lap pf Hazrat Syed Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and syed sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ also did bait from him as an honor. Look at its result that, that 2 hajji sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬his sheikh miyan Noor Hamd Sir Jhinjhanvi and the sheikh of him Shah Abdul Raheem wilayati who was the Caliph of Syed sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. When hajji sir adopted the company of him so the almighty Allah grant him that talent that someone asked from the murshid ul uluma Maulana Hakeem ul Ummat Qudus Sarah that Hazrat Hajji ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is less than you in the knowledge but you want to go to him all of the time? So he said that yes other people do tell the address of the destiny and Hajji sir makes you reach over there. This is the difference, that is why we use to go with him.


My murshid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the company of murshid



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I do try most of the time that I may get some opportunity and I may get present in the company of my sheikh Qutub ul Iqtaab Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Once upon a time I got presented in the service of him and I got the opportunity of living in the company of Hazrat for few days. Over here I should make one clerity that my sheikh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to keep very much inspiring nature. Once upon a time on my any thing in which I was not able to see my mistake apparently, Hazrat ‫ ) رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬scolded me very much and he did training of me in correct way. At that time with the mercy of the almighty Allah this was inside my heart that there might be any mistake done by me only on which hazrat is doing the reaction of him. After some time one close relative of hazrat ask from hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that on that some day hazrat you scolded Tariq although apparently there was no mistake seen in it of him. He said that when a gardner do cutting and nourishment of the plant so he does not use to ask it that may I do your cuttings and trimmings or not? Or if I may do so from where I shall do? That is why I am also doing cutting and trimming of him so that the correction of him shall be done. My hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that we also get benefit from the heart and he told me one thing in the start that look tariq, if you will bear the dislikes so you will be able to remain in the company and if you did not bear the dislikes so you will go out from the company and the dislikes are the part of this path and is cannot happen that one man would be walking on this path and he could not have to face the dislikes….!


The effect of eye sight of great person on the villager


The American president likes the one owner of camel of haiderabad because he stood on the camel and did salute to the president. He was a man who use to wear a dirty and stingy cloth, owner of camel, all the commissioners and dipte commissioners were coming on the door of him that quickly make your passport ready, the president of America has remembered you. in the point of you in the world the respectable personalities which are not even worthy of respect, when there condition


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is like this so when the eye sight of pious people of the Almighty Allah which is filled with love falls upon anyone so with the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in his life also the surprising change starts coming.


In 18 days I got everything



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Hazrat Peer Tareeqat Maulana Rasheed Ahmed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came to his masjid so one villager man was doing ablution. When Maulana saw him so he stood up and said to his few followers that when he will be done with ablution so make him meet to me. The prayer was done, after the prayer he was called and asked that what do you do? He said that nothing I only do farming, do remember the Almighty Allah. He said no tell something else! I understand the effects of remembering the Almighty Allah that how they fall upon? I also know the effects of offering the prayer but there is something else inside you. Did any accident happen to you? He said that one time hazrat Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came in our area, I was very young, I ran from the middle of people and stood in front of him. He was looking at me. Hazrat Maulana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said: I have understood the matter, this is the effect of it that one noor is coming out of you which is going till the sky so how much powerful a person would be that much more the effects of him falls. Now he was a villager but he was so consistent on the Sunnah that he does not use to leave any Sunnah. In the effects of Hazrat Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬there was one special effect this that whoever used to give his hand in the hands of him his faith used to get changed completely, the condition of heart of that man used to get changed, this is the effect of company.


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Hazrat Maulana Karamat Ali Joon poori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the one from whom the Almighty Allah has taken the unusual work in Bangal, the people who use to say, say this that on his hand one billion of people accepted faith. At first the Muslims were in minority in Bangaladesh, now they are in majority, this was only the wonder of Maulana Karamat Ali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. His name was Ali but so many wonders came out of him that the word karamat got joined along the name of him. That is why he uses to write in the end of letter himself: Ali Mulqab Ba-Karamat Ali. He did bait with Hazrat Syed Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬on the place where he was living. Syed Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said after 18 days: the work of Maulana has been done, now look that in 18 days the work has been done, if you want to stay so you can stay but you have no need of staying now.



The beatitudes which were of the company, they were gained in the 18 days and he became so much complete that Syed sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said in 18 days that Maulana now you may go and do work in Bengal. Then Maulana stayed over there with his own interest for few days. After that he went back to Bengal. He returned to his house after 18 years. He was not a citizen of Bengal neither he used to know the language of Bengal then after 18 years he met with his father ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and then again he took all of them and went there. He remained over there till fifty four years and he changed the whole of Bengal. Now this is the effect of strong company that in few days only the work was done.


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When do we get benefit from murshid?






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For living in the company of any person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬manners are needed. This should not be done that one is eating haram so where will be the effect of company…and if you are doing back biting so what will be the effect of company? If a person remains with love, along with sincerity, along with greatness so the benefit use to happen otherwise if he may remain till one thousand years too so then also there will be no benefit. When did the companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم اجمعین‬also got benefit from the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬when? When they accepted the Islam otherwise Abu Jahal also used to meet him every day but does he go changed? Instead he was stubborn on the opposition. Just like this if someone will come along with the criticism and he will come by taking the gossips of here and there in his mind and heart so then it is obvious that how can he get the benefit? Maulana Muhammad Ahmed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that when you go on such places so go after becoming humble because those are the hills of hazraat, if you will go after becoming humble so something will do come and if you will yourself go by becoming a rock or pole so it will go from here and there. The person will go by becoming humble he will get it and if he will not go by becoming humble so he will not get anything at all. After living for months and years with the people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬some moment comes but every moment of Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ was full of beatitude and every second was holy that whoever used to come to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for one moment only so he used to come with the faith. At that very moment his work used to be done it is due to this that the condition of company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is completely different. The status which the companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم اجمعین‬have, nobody else have has it. Syed Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got some particle only from the Almighty Allah.

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Continuous company is important




The choice and connection with murshid is on the appropriateness and not on the wonders. Mufti Muhammad Shafi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said: Till when a person do not remains in the company of sheikh, he do not bear the strictness of him (instead in this era people do not even bear the kindness) benefit do not happens.



By coming continuously in the company suddenly one such moment comes that the current use to run inside the heart and it feels like this that one new soul has been produced, this is gained by remaining in the company of pious people of the Almighty Allah. Now it is obvious that whoever remained in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬along with the manners, his status got rise that much more. The status of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬is the highest from all, Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬adopted the complete manners of company also. As compare to Hazrat Ali ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ the importance of Hazrat Abu Bakar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬is also the effect of it. Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬also used to remain in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was a child. There is a difference between the company of children and the company of adults. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬was matured and he was nearly of the same age of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, there was only a slight difference. When Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told about the Prophet Hood so he accepted Islam at that very moment although there was similarity in attitudes, joke between them and sitting with each other before that event. He accepted Islam quickly and remained with him always. The status which he


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got that was not gained by any other person. He remained in the company of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the manners, he remained with the love, he remained with humbleness and much more than that he remained with similar nature and by doing jokes with each other. Well we cannot refused with the effect of company and then with the Almighty Allah gave the command to his Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the people who use to call us at morning and evening, you ‫ ﷺ‬may sit and roam along with them. now when it has been commanded to the messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that remain along with the people who are low in status from you so in reality it is said to us people that any greater to greatest man should not think this that we have become worthy of it that people may come and sit with us. We do not know that from them who is having the qualities of high status and the wonders of high status. So you also sit along with them so that those effects can get transfer in you. You may take from them and they may take from you. Prophet ‫ آ‬was told to do this so that we can understand it, for this that the status of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the greatest from all. The followers of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬who reached to this status with the source of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so it is obvious that how much great they may become apart from this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did not have any need to sit with them but this is being said that (Arabic text) Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬may stop himself with those people who use to call their lord.


With the beatitude of company of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬a secular person also remained safe



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May god forbid if the follower is involved in the habit of any sin so then also he should not leave coming to his murshid. With the mercy of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬with the beatitude of pious company happens for sure. One incident has been written in the books that one debate of Malik bin Denar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ happened with one secular man. When no any condition of debate was getting settled, it was decided that the hands of both of them shall be tied and through them in the fire. The fire will burn whom he is a liar. Both were thrown in the burning flames of fire but all of the people got surprised by looking this that the fire got extinguished by itself and no one from both of them got burned. The people did the decision that both of them are on truth but he got very much worried and at that very moment he fell in sajdah and he did dua that O lord I do believe on you from 70 years but today I got to know that now I have come equal to a secular person. But only Allah ‫سبحانہ‬ ‫و تعالی‬ knows what his secrets are. Haatif gives the hidden call that Malik this was only the beatitude of your hand that the hand of secular person remained safe from getting burned in the fire. If he would put his hand alone in the fire so for sure he would get burned in the fire. Look with the beatitude of company of one man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬one secular person also remained safe. It is the research of few complete people that without the complete murshid there is no life. If the importance and need of murshid may become clear on a person so any single person would not live without the murshid and every single person may make the company of murshid who is the man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬as necessary.

The result of going against the teachings of murshid


A follower should do this that how and in which way the murshid tells, he should act upon it like that. Otherwise instead of benefit the damage use to happen. It is the incident of one maulvi sir


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that he started doing the zikr on the teaching of Hazrat Imam Rabbani Qudus tarah‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and with the teachings of Hazrat he increased it very much. Even this that, he did not even fear about his eating and drinking. With it he felt this that I do undetstand the language of birds. He became very happy and told to Hazrat by writing that I have become aware with one great knowledge that I have started understand the language of birds. Hazrat said that it is known that you have done abundance of zikr, quickly leave the zikr and adopt the peace and comfort and with the advice of any doctor do the correction of your mind. This is not the knowledge instead it is the damage of mind and false material. Maulvi sir wrote that you have not done keen observation, this diagnosis of yours is not correct, I have been granted with one big knowledge and I want to make it more increased! He said you will do regret on it. Maulvi sir did not listen to him at all in his own interest and did abundance of it, even this that he became insane.

The need of murshid for finishing the internal self




Hazrat hajji sir Muhajir Makki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬face this that a zaakir should do the abundance of milk and ghee so that the brain may not become dry with zikr because zikr has to be done for the whole life that is why the safety of brain is very much important and do remember one thing that the meaning of finishing the internal self is this that do kill it with the hit by entertaining it. Do produce the humiliation inside it, break the proudness and this thing gets produce that by making the shoes of anybody straight, by taqleel of food this thing is not gained instead the proudness do get increased with it. This man starts thinking him as a struggling person.

It gets drop from eyes and fall from the actions

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Who says that the love is not able to recognize



The incidence of importance of love of sheikh

Without the unconditional love with murshid neither anyone has reached to his destiny and nor he can reach over there ever. I do not postulate for any good deed. Yes one thing which I will say with you as the tehdees bil nemat and it is this that I did not have love with my murshid but I had intense love with him and intense love was also unconditional! Today whatever you are able to see is the result of mercy of the almighty Allah and of unconditional and true love of murshid.

Unconditional love with murshid



As these friends of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to do love with the Almighty Allah so the Almighty Allah also do love them and he put the love of them inside the hearts of his pious people also. it is said by Allah: (‫( )ان الذین امنوا و عملوا الصالحات سیجعل لھم الرحمن ودا‬Marium 96) Translation: indeed the people who have accepted faith and they did good deed the Almighty Allah will produce (in the heart of creation) love for them. hazrat Shah Abdul Qadir Muhaddis Dehlvi Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬do write in the explanation of this verse that the meaning of this verse is that the almighty Allah will do


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love with them or he will produce his love inside the hearts of them or he will put the love of them inside the heart of creation. (Maoza ul Quran Paak)

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Once upon a time Hazrat Murshidi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that do not love to murshid instead do intense love with him and do the intense love also which is unconditional and true. Really this is a true reality that a follower gets the benefit equal to the love of murshid. This thing is very much prominent in the life of all of our insisters and great people. Further more I will do tell many incidents of this kind in your service. Over here do understand one more thing that sometimes the mashaikh do take revenge from the people who say bad words to them and this thing can become a reason of covering for people who judge on obvious things. They also think that these people also get angry with their feelings just like the common people. Although some time it is based on very much big wisdom. Hazrat Mirza Jaan e Jaana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬written in his books that:




One time some lady humiliated the status of Sheikh Abdul Ahad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was the father of Hazrat Mujaddid Sir. He remained patience and comforted. While he saw that prudency of lord is in the feeling of taking revenge. The Sheikh quickly said to one man who was present at that time that gives a slap to this lady. He became hesitant and in some time that lady fell down and died. The Sheikh said this for this reason that his wife’s eye sight was watching that the entity of the merciful Lord is in anger. If the follower would did the slap that was told to hit her so the issue would be resolved equally and that lady would not get so much punishment.


Such kinds of incidents are found in abundance in the conditions of mashaikh. The pain of murshid became a reason of my pain.



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(1)The love of murshid would get increased till how much intensity, the wonders of that much intensity will keep on opening because the love and affection of murshid is the key of all of the wonders. Countless incidents which are spread in the history are approving of it. Most of the time I use to say one thing to my friends that I do not have very much weight of good deeds with me and neither have I had very big and long meditations and religious rounds of myself. In fact I may say one thing in your service that with the mercy of Almighty Allah and with the favor of him I tried to do love and intense love with my murshid. In it I may tell you one incident that once up on a time I got presented in the service of my murshid ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was not present over there. I got very much worried that where is Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Well I kept on being busy in the service of convent and according to the nature of Hazrat I kept everything with manners. After sometime he also came. I saw this that Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is having pain in sitting and getting up and Hazrat is feeling some problem at the time of sitting and getting up. Now I was not getting confidence to ask from Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in fact I asked to one servant of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that is everything alright, Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is felt to be in some pain. So he said that; I feel like this that Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has piles. That’s it! I listened this thing from that man and from that very moment I also got that same pain and after spending the duration of more than twenty six years even that pain is still here.


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The wonder of affection with murshid





(2)It is the quotation of Hazrat Murshid ul ummat, Hazrat hakeem ul ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the love of Sheikh is kaleed e saadat (key of goodness). Hazrat murshidi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that I follower may have so much trust on his murshid that as if he has on his parents. He never did research from them about their document of nikah. Just this got to know that he is my father and she is my mother. He never did research on it, he just accepted it quickly that yes it is true. Much more than this trust should be on your murshid because he becomes the source of the Day of Judgment and of the meeting with the almighty Allah.



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Hazrat Mirza Jaan e jaana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who is from our insisters he got the degree of knowledge of hadis shareef from Hazrat Hajji Muhammad Afzal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. It is said by Mirza Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that after getting free from getting the knowledge, Hazrat Hajji Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave me his cap which kept under his turban till 15 years. I soaked that cap in the hot water at the time of night. At the time of morning that water became much blacker than the juice of amaltas even. I drank it. With the beatitude of that water my brain became so much bright and my mind became like this that any hard book did not remain hard (Maqamaat e Mazhari Page number: 29). These all beatitudes were gained due to the love of Sheikh only. May the merciful Allah give us opportunity to work on the foot step of our great people. Aameen.

The meeting of murshid is the source of removing the darkness


.u bq




(3)Murshidi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that by looking at mother and father we get Kaba and by looking at murshid we do get the owner of Kaba. There was one student of Hazrat Bayazeed Bastaami ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ . He use to say that whenever the darkness used to come upon my heart so I used to go and look upon on the faith of my murshid and the knot of my heart used to get open. This is the effect of looking at the people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that due to which the heart gets inclined towards the good deeds. After living in their company one forgets the world because the world is now out of their heart and the love of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has now making its place in the hearts of them.

The love of Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Lahori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬with his murshid (4)Sheikh Muhammad Tahir Lahori (‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to have uncommon love and affection with his peer Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. In “Tazkira e aadmiya” one letter of him has been found with the name of Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬which is the reflection of relation of his heart with his Sheikh. After coming to Lahore he writes by becoming discomforted in the departure of his Sheikh tha which is the reflection of relation of his heart with his Sheikh. After coming to Lahore he write by becoming discomforted in the departure of his Sheikh that



‫ در ہر قدمے می گفتم‬،‫حضرت سالمت! احقر الخدمت محمد طایر بعرض می رساند کوچوں از آستانہ علیہ متوجہ الہور شدم‬ ‫ اما از غیب نداشتہ کہ راہی شو توقف مکن‬،‫کہ اے نادان مقصود رادر سر ہند گزاشتہ کجا میروی‬


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Love with Sheikh of Allama Khalid Qardi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.





(5)My Sheikh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that do not adopt departure with your murshid. The effect of it falls upon like this that as if in any ship a small hole or crack happens and slowly and gradually the water starts coming in the ship and one time comes that the boat gets ruined. Many big and great scholars used to know this thing. Allama Khaliq Qardi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is included of great scholars of the country of Egypt and he is also from the insisters of our elders of our series. He came to Delhi for the love of Sheikh from the country of Egypt to the convent of Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for doing religious rounds. Shah Ghulam Ali Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the caliph of Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jana ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. For meeting with him a famous great scholar Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Sir Muhaddis Dehlvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has come who is the son of Hazrat Shah Wali ullah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.



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Allama Khardi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬wrote a letter and sent it to him that right now I am doing religious rounds in the service of my Sheikh, at this time I cannot do attention towards anyone apart of my Sheikh. I may do completion of my religious rounds then I will myself be present in your servant. This is the post of correction that whatever the Sheikh may say does act upon it. Whether any other thing may keep on happening till when you will not sacrifice the whole creation, your relative, your business places, your wishes on the happiness of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬till than you will not get the Almighty Allah. Do make yourself obedience to the command of lord then watch that what you get.


The love of murshid of Hazrat sahal Bin Abdullah tastari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.



(6)Hazrat Sahal Bin Abdulah Tastari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a scholar of very much big talent and has a post of ontologism. He had so much love and respect of murshid that till when his murshid Hazrat Zulmoon Misri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬remained arrive, he never spread his legs and neither he ever stood on the place of sermon. He used to say that in the life of teachers a student should remain obedient.


The exemplary condition of Fana Fil Sheikh



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(7)Ustad ul Hadis shareef Sheikh ul Islam Hazrat Maulana Husain Ahmed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬on whom there was very much effect of feelings of series of Chishtia, he had very much love with his murshid Peeer Tareeqat Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He himself give the explanation of this love in these words that one day I was sitting in the masjid Nabwi Ali Sahiba Assalatu Wassalam while waiting for the prayer of zohar or Asar. Suddenly I felt like this that the whole of my body has become the body of my murshid. This feeling became so much strong that I was not feeling my body as my own body and I was biting my hand with my teeth with surprise that I may check whether it is my body or not. If it will not be mine so I will not feel pain. This condition remained till some time, till one or two hours then its went away. I wrote this condition to my murshid ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ so Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said in reply that this condition is of being Fana Fil Sheikh. Subhan Allah! Such effects and beatitudes of zikr and the opportunity of Fana Fil Sheikh is not the fate of every person. This is the speciality of him only and the fruit of love of Sheikh and gift of truthfulness.


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Got high status with the love of murshid






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(8)Sheikh Naseer ud deen Shiraagh Dehlvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬when came to Delhi and became the follower of Hazrat Sultan ul Mashaikh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so as if the thirsty man got the water. Hazrat used to live in the Kelo Khari at that time. Till when he used to remain outside, he used to remain standing respectfully in the service of him. Otherwise he used to go one floor above him and get busy in the worship. The condition of respect of Sheikh was this that some darwesh were taking bath on the Jamna River that the cloths of one of them got lost. He quickly went down and give his cloths that where these, do not make noise that the interruption will happen in the act of Sheikh. When the matter got appeared in front of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so on the next day he called him and made him wear his own cloths. It was the rule that some times he used to go to Oodh. One day he told this to Ameer Khusro ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that let me have the permission from Sheikh to do the worship in the forest that the act does not become complete in the city. He said that say to him that you will have to remain in the city only between the crawd of people and what pains you will get from them you will have to bear them and in the return of every pain you will also have to do favor. Then he called him and said that: at last tell me that what is in your heart, what do you want, what is your point of view, what you will do by living in the forest, what was the habit of your father? He said: my father used to do the trade of wool, my goal is nothing else than doing the service of darwaish and doing dua for your long life. On this he gave him advice with love and made him understand that the task in which you are busy, keep busy in that. Therefore he got busy in worships and effort.

The respect of murshid by Sheikh Abu Ishaq ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


.u bq



(9) It is in Nuzhat ul Khuwatir that Sheikh Abu /ishaq Qadri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a very big scholar and he was an expert of explanation of the holy Quran. He had so much popularity in the explanation of Holy Quran that big and great scholars used to contact him in difficult problems. He was on the highest status of poverty and peace. Apart from this that he was having the Caliphate and worthy of it, he never bait from anybody during the life of his Sheikh. (Nuzhat ul Khuwatir)

The service and respect in owner of Sheikh



Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the condition of Hazrat Maulana Syed Muhammad Ismail Shaheed Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was this that he use to think this as against the manners to be present in the sitting of Hazrat Syed Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and to sit in his sitting. Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to keep on sitting at the end of sitting while taking the shoes of Hazrat Syed Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. If he used to be tired while sitting continuously so he used to keep the shoes over there and lay down on them. The time at which the cart of Hazrat Syed Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to get start so Hazrat Maulana Saheed sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to run along with the cart and used to think it as a pride for himself. The cart is going in Chandni chauk and he is running along with it. although there were thousands of salami of that family in Delhi but Hazrat Shah Sir (‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did not use to care about it even a little bit that what will anybody say. Were these people dry! They are said to be as dry! The correction happens like this only. Today on little things only people become dishearted. Well every


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‫تادمے آخر دمے فارغ مباش‬


person should remain worried for the correction of himself. Till the time of death this condition may remain. Aarif roomi says that ‫انرریں رہ می تراش و می خراش‬

‫کہ عنایت باتو صاحب سر بود‬

‫تادم آخر دمے آخر بود‬


(Al Afa zaatul Youmia)

The love of murshid of Maulana Saeed Gohanvi Sir


The respect of murshid of Shah Abul Muaali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



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(11) Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Saeed Quraishi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was from the great people of the series of naqsh bandi. He went one time along with his two caliphs Hazrat Maulana Syed Zawar Husain Shah Sir and Maulana Muhammad Saeed Gohanvi Sir to the Sarhand Shareef. Over there he remained doing meditation till very long time at the very Holy place of Hazrat Mujaddid Sir. When he came back so the caliph said that Hazrat today you have came back after very much long time which is against your routine. So he said that I met the Mujaddid Sir in the condition of meditation and he said that you may leave both of your caliphs to me for few days. Now you may do decision that what you have to do. Maulana Saeed Gohanwi Sir asked that Hazrat is it your command? He said no, it is your own choice. Gohanwi Sir said that Hazrat we will go along with you, only you are our Mujaddid.



(12) after doing the completion of knowledge of obvious things Hazrat Shah Abul Muaali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ did bait on the true hand of the brother of his father, Sheikh Daood Sher Gharhi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in the series of Qadriya and remained in the service of Sheikh of him till nearly 30 years and remained busy in efforts and struggles. His love of Sheikh was also unconditional.


The affection of murshid of Makhdoom Jahania Jahan Gasht ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



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(13) Makhdoom Jahania Jahan Gasht ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was born in Uch in 707 hijri. When he was 7 years old so his father took him to the service of Sheikh Jamal Khandan ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. At that time in front of Sheikh Jamal Khanda ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one bunch of dates was kept. He gave the command that do distribute these dates among the people who are present. When Makhdoom Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got his part so he ate the dates of his part along with the seeds. When Sheikh Jamal Khandah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw this so he said after smiling that O child why have you eaten these dates along with the seeds of it? Makhdood Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the answer that the dates which are granted to me with your holy hand, I did not find it good that I may through those seeds. After listening this Sheikh Jamal Khandan (‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that you will make the name of fuqrah and your family both bright. (Khazeena tul Asfia)


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The benefits of doing service of Sheikh


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The meaning of service of Sheikh is not this that with bones and gifts the service of Sheikh should be only done financially instead the complete person of murshid is that person only who is ignorant from all of these things and the apparent condition of him also should not be right up to a person in front of his followers. The condition of few people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬was this that they used to keep the big note in the front pocket of their cloth so that the followers may not be able to do any kind of question. The meaning of service of sheikh is this that the work in which the murshid makes you involve whether it is to do the moping, doing cleanliness, washing dishes, cleaning washroom, making the shoes of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬straight, whether they make you busy in any kind of service so think it as an honor for yourself and think it as a source of correction of your internal self. The secret of progress of service of follower: (1) I remember one very old thing of murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that whoever man used to do service of Hazrat, he used to scold him for doing the training. Once upon a time he made one man sit and said that you think this that he makes me work like a cow cart, but look! Listen! I gave you that some service although that some person can do much better service than you. He said that yes Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬he was able to do it.





Then said on some that day, I made you do that some service although that some man was able to do much better than you? He said again that yes he was able to do. Just like this he made him count many times. Then said look! You want the progress of spirituality and your this progress cannot happen without the service that is why we did all of this for your benefit only. One more thing which ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was this that we have listened from all of our mashaikh that do so much service of great people that the duas may come out by themselves from the heart. And the duas which come out from the heart they shakes the court of Lord.


The service of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬and recitation of Bukhari till millions of time

.u bq

(2) About Sheikh ul Hadis Hazrat Maulana Anwar Shah (‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, the famous scholar of Islam of Arab countries Allama Zahid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that I did not find any scholar in past 5 centuries like Sheikh ul Hadis Maulana Anwar Shah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. About Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Allama Shabbir Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ if the knowledge of past 5 centuries may be gathered so the zakat of knowledge of allama Anwar Shah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬will not even be given.



This same Sheikh ul hadis Mulana Anwar Shah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said one time while giving the last lesson of sermon of Bukhari Shareef that if you may read the Bukhari Shareef for a million times but you may not have done the shoes of any person of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬straight so you will not get the knowledge. Abu Ubaidah Misri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that whoever will move away from the service of friends and companions he gets such humiliation and damage from which he can never get rid of. Abu Ubaidah Misri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that the company of pious people and following the acts and character of them and going at the graves of friends of truth and service of friends and poor people is very much beneficial for the followers.


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The service of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will make you worthy

.u bq



(3) About the friends of Allah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬it has come inside the hadis shareef that those people are like the beloved lovers of Allah SWT and they are such that the beloved of them do not get misguided and neither the lover of them has any damage and this has also come regarding them that due to them the water is given for people and due to them the rizq is being given to people. In tafseer e Azeezi” Maulana Shah Abdul Azeez Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that in the service of Hazrat Khuwaja Baqi Billa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one baker use to remain. He became happy with the service of him one day and said that you may say something to I may do dua for you and he said that just to such dua that make me like you! so according to his promise he took him inside the room and do dua and attention and in some time only that baker became like him in height and length, color, dress and closeness to wilayat. How well some one has said that (‫( )خدمت ترا بکنگرہ کبریا رسد‬the service of special people of truth will make you reach to the great heights) related to it someone has said very well ‫دل بدست آور کہ حج اکبر ست‬


‫ازضد ہزاراں کعبہ یک دل بیتر ست‬

And in this same meaning Maulana Roomi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said that:


‫گر تو سنگ خاہ مر مر شوی چوں بصاحبدل رسی گوہر شوی‬


‫گر منی گندہ بود ہمچوں منی چوں بجاں پیوست گردد روشنی‬ (sperm and like a sperm impure itself)



(Whether if you are as a hard stone but when you will reach in the company of any special person of lord so you will become a pearl)

.u bq


When they get connected with the living being so bright meaning they become pure and on angles the Momin take excel. Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that the one who wants to have his service been done so he may do the service of murshid.

The greatest Imam got the highest rank through the service

(4) The sister of Hammad Bin Abi Sulemaan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬aatika says this that Imma Abu hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ used to do cotton work of our house. He used to buy the milk and vegetables of us and just like this he used to do many other works. By narrating this incident Allama Kausari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that in the duration of being a student the insisters used to do service in this way and from this only they got the beatitude of knowledge. (Muqadma)


The good news of being forgiven on the service of friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


(5) Allama Ibn e Khalqaan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written that someone saw Yahya Barmaqi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in his dream and asked that what behavior the Almighty Allah has done with you? He said that the lord has forgiven me due to the dua of Hazrat Safiyan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬because I used to give one thoudans


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darham on monthly basis to Safiyan ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He used to do dua for me. Meaning this that he used to do the help of people who are needy by hiding. (Rich companions)

Unconditional consistency on the service of thirty years


(6) Qazi Fakhar uddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the Raees ul Aama in Arsa bandi Maru. The king of that time also used to do very much respect of him. He used to say this that I have got this status only in the return of service of teacher. Apart from other services I used to cook food for my teacher Qazi Abu Sayd Daboosi and I never used to eat from it.

Hazrat Khuwaja ghulam Fareed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the spirit of service




The warning to the king on the lack of service



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(7) Hazrat Khuwaja Ghulam Fareed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been gone in the wonderful scholars. At the back this wonder of him, the spirit of service is seen very much clearly. I may tell you one incident in your service. It was the routine of that every day at night he used to do the service of washroom in convent of him and he used to pick up the dirt on his head and through it in the forest. One night he got up and according to his routine he was going to through the garbage that he got hit by something and fell down very badly and he got injured very much one person who was present over there was watching all of this scene but due to being far away and darkness he was not able to recognize him. At the morning time he told the whole incident in the service of Hazrat Khuwaja Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬lifted the trouser of him slightly up and shows that the wound of injury is very much deep. Therefore this that he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to do the service by himself only. And after very much long time he removed the covering from this secret that Hazrat e wala used to do this service by himself.

.u bq


(8) Khalifa Haroon Rasheed gave his son for the knowledge of education and respect to the Imam Asmaee ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. One day coincidently Haroon reached over there, he saw this that Asmaee ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ is washing his feet and the prince is putting water on his feet. Haroon said with very much anger that I sent him to you for this reason that you may teach him respect. Why you did not give the command to the prince that he may put water with one hand the other hand he may wash your foot.

The service made him teacher of hadis shareef



(9)Hazrat Ibrahim Nakhee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one day sent Hammad Bin Abi Sulemaan ‫( رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for bringing the meat from the market. On the way with coincidence he met his father who was coming on a vehicle. After looking the shopper in the hands of Hammad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ he scolded him very much and snatched the shopper and threw it. But when after the death of Nakhee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬when the students of hadis shareef got present on the door of Hammad ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ and they knocked it so the father of Hammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came by taking a lamp in his hand. The student said that we have not come to you instead we have got presented in the service of your son. He came back again inside and said to Hammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that son! You may go to those people,


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I have got understood, only the shopper has made you reach over here. (Muqaddima Nasb ul Raaya)

Our elders who used to think the service as an honor

.u bq


(10) It is said by Imam Shaabe ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that when Hazrat Zaid Bin Sabit ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to sit upon the horse so Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to hold the stirrup and used to say that we should do like this only with the scholars. Just like this Hazrat Ibn e Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬held the stirrup of Mujahid ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ (Taabaee). Imam Lees Bin Saad used to hold the stirrup of Imam Zahri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Mugherah says this that the rage of Ibrahim Nakhaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was such upon us as if it is of a king and the same condition was of the students of Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬along with the Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Rabee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that in front of the eyes of Imaam Shaafaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬due to his greatness I never got the confidence of drinking water even. (Aadab ul Sharia)

A serving follower, exemplary personality




The sincerity of followers do not go in vain



(11) All the followers of Abu Hafz Haddad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬were very much obedient and dutiful. But one follower turned out to be very much serving and very much dutiful. Hazrat Junaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬liked the respect of him very much and he kept on looking towards him again and again with the look of love. When he could not remain so Hazrat Junaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that from how much duration this man is present in your service. He said only ten years have been passed. He said in reality he is very much obedient, he is very much kind and there is one greatness hidden inside him. He said: Up till now in this duration he has spent seventeen thousand denaar for me but apart from this he did not get the confidence that he could say something to me.

.u bq


(12) Someone did the question from Hazrat Saree Sakhti ‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that has there any follower passed in the world like this also whose status has been increased from his peer? So he said: Look up on my follower Hazrat Junaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the status of him has been raised more than me. He has done the service of two hundred complete murshids in which the status of it was very much high.

The consistency of forty years of a true follower



(13) One follower of Hazrat Zalnoon Misri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much worshiping and devotee. The condition of him was this that till complete forty years he remained awake for the whole night. He performed forty hajj and he kept on being busy on the day of night in worship and efforts. After being present it was said that god knows what is the matter that up till now the eyes of the Almighty Allah has not turned towards me and nothing has happened inside me. I do not have any complain but my interests are burning fire inside my heart. For god sake help me. These are the examples of our insisters. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬also give us the opportunity to walk upon the foot steps of them. Over here on the second day only the followers start saying this that all of the destiny of our spirituality may get complete.


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The walking of Peeraan peer till forty years in a consistent way



(14) Hazrat Syed Abdul Qadir Jilaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬spent the duration from four hundred and eighty eight hijri till five hundred and twenty eight hijri, the duration of complete forty years for gaining the expertise in apparent education and talents and in getting expertise in spirituality and personality and he spent it in continuous effort and hard work and in tourism and journeys. For the important work of knowledge of teaching and training and educating this was the era of practice of him, which he spent in the condition of being very much un known. During this the trailing also came but with the mercy and blessing of lord in this valley he remains safe from every stumble and tripping.

The best example of being consistent for the followers



.u bq

(15) Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Fazal Ali Quraishi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the best example of sincerity and being consistent. He did the renewal of his bait on the true hand of Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Usmaani Damaani ‫{ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Moosa Zai Shareef, Daira Ismail Khan}. In thirteen hundred and fourteen hijri which was eighteen hundred and forty nine according to the Gregorian calendar Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Usmaan Damaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬died so he did his renewal of his bait on the hand of Hazrat Khuwaja Siraj uddin ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was the great son of Hazrat Khuwaja ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and till seventeen years he remained included in the darwesh of him.




In thirteen hundred and thirty three hijri which was nineteen hundred and fifteen year according to the Gregorian calendar, Hazrat Khuwaja Siraj uddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬died and so that his great son and successor Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Ibrahim sat on the chair of him so Hazrat Quraishi Sir ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ did the renewal of his bait on the hand of him. When Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Ibrahim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ got the caliph so he got busy in the progress and development of series of naqsh bandia. In the state of Bahawal poor, Sindh and Punjab thousands of people took benefit from him.

.u bq


The saalikeen may learn the consistency from Imam Ghazali



(16) This traveler was going towards his house after gaining the knowledge in the duration of sixteen years. During the journey one man saw the traveler while crying so he asked the reason of crying. The traveler said that the knowledge which he has gained in the duration of nearly 16 years, he wrote it but today all the knowledge which he had written has been stolen, on the basis of which he is crying. So that man did the advice to that traveler who was crying that brother look! Knowledge is never ever stolen, what kind of knowledge is this which has been stolen? The knowledge is that which is memorized by a person. This traveler got very much inspired with the advice of that man and that same point he refused the decision to go more forward and came back again for gaining the education. After very much long time, when again he was going back towards his home after gaining the knowledge so between his this journey and the journey which was before this there was a difference being seen which was equal to the earth and sky. As in the first journey the traveler was a common man and instead in the second journey he was going back by becoming Imam Ghazali.


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The followers may learn consistency from a person who uses to call for prayer






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(17) The management of time and the management of system are very much important for the followers. The salikeen should do this that they may learn the consistency from a person who uses to call for the prayer! Qudrat ullah Shahaab who was a confident bureaucrat in the era of government of field Marshal Muhammad Ayyub Khan, he writes in the book of Shahab Naama” which was the auto bio graphy of his own life: The people who use to sit in the air conditioners in the afternoons which are very hot and burned with hot air they forgot this that in the masjid of their society the call of prayer of Zohr keeps on being how on exactly its own time? The bodies who are laying down in soft ware blankets in the intense winter season never got surprised on this thing that who use to give the call for prayer of Fajr so much early in the morning after waking up in dark with so much regularity. Whether it is day or night, whether it is storm or strong wind, whether it is peace or pugnacity, whether it is a far distance or near, in every era, in every city, in every street on every place, small and big, strong and under construction masjids were populated due to only this one man. Who used to sit in the madaaris with the poverty and starvation, there was no any party at the back of him, there was no fun, there was no organization, ignorance of closed once, amatagonize of un known people, neglection of environment, and apart from the ignorance of society he neither changed his appearance and form and not he left the special robe of his dress. According to his status and help of other people he made the flame of religion bright somewhere. It was only the benefit of this man that somewhere the practicing Muslims and somewhere only the Muslims of half name remained consistent and uphold. The Muslims of sub continent are not able to go away and refuse in any way with this great favor of this person, who maintained the days of their identity in any way in every era and in every period.

.u bq


The salikeen who used to be quick in this incident there is one lesson for them who start saying this just after when the little bit of time passes that why the incidents of peer sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬are not happening with us? May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬grant all of us with the understanding. Aameen!

The strictness and scolding of Murshid


When even the Prophets ‫انبیاء علیہم السالم‬of Islam cannot be excluded from the needs of life and human being so how can the scholars of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬be excluded from the conditions which are important. Therefore the wonders which are gained by the service of them and on making them happy are true and their happiness and dua and service solves the big and great issues of religion and world and it makes a servant as the one whose service is been done. Someone has said so well:


‫ہر کہ خدمت کرو او مخدوم شد ہر کہ خود را دید او محروم شد‬ (the one who did the service he became the one whose service was done and the one who thought himself something he remained deprived of the goodness)


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‫تادل صاحبد لے ناید بد رد‬



And just like this the sadness and making them hurt is very much damaging and it is the one to destruct and damage the issues of world and religion. Therefore Hazrat Mujaddin Alaf Saani ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ says this that: (‫ )اعوذ باہلل من غضبہ و غضب اولیاءہ‬I refuge the safety from lord from the anger of him and with the anger of friends of him. The almighty Allah has kept the matter of damage and betterment of the world on the hearts of special people of truth. The Holy Quran is the proof of this that with the duas of Prophets, the creation has got safe from the torments and with their pain and bad dua the complete area and countries were made upside down and they had been destructed and damaged. In this meaning Maulana Roomi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that: ‫ہیچ قوم را خدا رسوانہ کرد‬

.u bq

The lord has not made any nation destructed till that time, till when this nation has not hurt the heart of any special person of lord.

‫آزار یا بد آنکہ بود در شکست ما‬


And hazrat Khuwaja Khaajgaan Khuwaja Naqsh band ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that: ‫ما آبگین ایم شویم از شکست تیز‬


One more poet says that:

‫پاس کبوتران حرم راہ نگاہ دار‬

‫مشکن بحرف سخت دل اولیاء حق‬


We are like a mirror that we become strong after breaking, the one who is trying to break us, he gets the pain by himself.



Do not hurt the heart of friends of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬with a hard thing, do care about the pigeons of Harm e Kaba meaning special people of truth.

The happiness and resentment of Sheikh



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1. Murshidi Hazrat Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that a follower should do this that he may make himself so much worthy that the murshid of him would be able to do interference to him. Because to bear the resentment and strictness of murshid is also not possible for every follower. 2. If sometime murshid do strictness so a follower should do this that he may recognize the right of murshid and never ever he should forget the favor of him. It is the saying of Imam Shaaba ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that when I listen one hadis shareef even from anyone so I become the servant of him for my whole life. This is also included in the respect of murshid that if someone do back biting of him so you should refuse it and take the side of your murshid and if you are not able to do that so you should get up from that sitting. 3. If sheikh scolds sometimes on some work so at that time also look at your murshid with the eyes of very much greatness and keep strong faith on the wonder of him. In the insisters few people used to do this dua that O Lord! The flow of my murshid may not the obvious


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on me that may be disbelieving may produced inside me for him and with this the beatitude of knowledge of him may go away from me. 4. If the strict attitude or disrespect also happens from the murshid so be patient and due to this he should not bring a change in coming and going to him or doing affection with him. It is necessary that he may do some great construed of the act of him and on the point of strictness and bad attitude of him he may say himself as the one who did mistake and be the first one in saying sorry and he may show tauba and astaghfar with his actions, in this only there is the benefit of world and Day of Judgment of the follower. Imam Maani Bin Imran ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the one who becomes resented from the scholar, the example of that man is like that who becomes resented on the pillars of grand masjid. I would have got few moments only while living in the company of murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that when he would have praised me or he has given me any good remarks otherwise he used to remain silent sometimes after looking, sometimes he used to ignore completely, sometimes he used to do the correction of it and sometimes he used to scold. Today I get to know this that these all were the steps of training, otherwise only the praise of follower shall be kept on doing so, with this the effects of pride of devotion and loyalty starts getting strong. After this the purification and correction becomes difficult. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do the protection of every Muslim. Aameen! 5. Someone said to Ibn e Aaenia ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that these students use to come to you from so much far places and you become angry on them, it may not happen that they may go after leaving you. Ibn e Aaenia ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that they will only be a fool like you if due to my bad attitude they will leave the thing of their benefit. Imam Abu Yusuf ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the honor of scholar is necessary on a human being meaning to ignore the strictness of him with his own kindness.

The beatitude use to happen with the happiness of teacher


.u bq


The hakeem ul ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that I have seen the quotation of one very much big scholar written on one place that when the teacher of him came towards the country of him so he got present in the service of students for doing salam and this scholar was not able to be present due to this issue that he was busy in doing the service of his mother. As the engagement of act was not like this that some damage would have happened in the necessary service after being present. He acted with a little bit of laziness too, the teacher felt this low construction as bad and he said this that his age will be long due to the service of mother but there will be no beatitude in the knowledge of him due to doing lack in the rights of me. Therefore he got a long life but his whole life passed away and the sources of spreading knowledge were not gathered for him meaning this that with the dishonor of teacher or murshid the beatitude of knowledge keeps on going away and with the happiness of him beatitude use to happen.


The torments and agony of school of Sufism Sheikh Nizam uddin ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that the torments and agony of school of Sufism is on seven kinds.


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Ignorance Hijaab Tafaseel Salb e mazeed Salb e qadeem Consolation Hatred


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.








.u bq

If anything is said or any such work is done by the follower which is disliked by the beloved person meaning murshid and after that the sheikh moves away his face from the follower so this is ignorance. If the follower do get rid of this work and do ask forgiveness and act in a way of doing sorry so that ignorance get changed with elevation. And the relation of love gets maintained and if the follower will keep on insisting on the act of him just like this so there will be a hijab in between and he will be in the hijab from sheikh and if the follower may not be embarrassed with this also and did not give explanation of his act so the point of departure will also come. Meaning the sheikh will be departed from the follower. If the follower do not gets warn on this also so salab e mazeed happens meaning the interference happens in the nawafil and azkar and wazaif and if he do not get stopped with this also so salab e qadeem do gets obvious meaning on missing the obligation and wajibaat also he do not feel any sadness and pain instead the heart of him do feel comfort and peace on getting departed with the sheikh. If just like this he remain involved in the ignorance and laziness so hatred use to get produced and the relation of friendship do gets changed in to being an enemy. May Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬seek us refuge from it. May the Almighty Allah make all of us friends safe from these torments. Aameen!

.u bq


How should the followers move, do very much progress?



Very much precious points for the followers! Many such things happen in the lives of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, after acting up on which a human being reach to a destiny of him very quickly. I may tell the collection of few things said by people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in your service which will be proved as very much beneficial for all of us. (1) The bait do not gets finished with the great sin, till when he may not finish the intention. (2) If there is some mistake in act so apart from doing astaghfar some penalty should also be fixed, for example offer nafils of 20 rakats. One should not follow many numbers of people in getting education. (3) The love of sheikh is indirectly the love of Lord. (4) The correction of thoughts cannot be gained without the company of complete sheikh. (5) If the imagination of sheikh do gets fixed unconsciously so it is the key of blessings. (6) Leave two colors and is of one color only; the meaning of this is this that a person may give all of his matters to one sheikh. To present the every single matter in front of sheikh, the meaning of it is this that does tell all of your flows in a complete way. (7) If a person do not gets the opportunity


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of tahajjud during the journey so after doing tayammum only doing zikr also is the source of beatitude. With the absence of any warid the completion of abdiyat happens and the root of ajab gets cut. (9) The enthusiasm in conversation is not appropriate; a person should take work with consciousness all the time. (10) The way to gain knowledge from sheikh is this that presents all of the conditions and flows of yourself do give resignation and whatever tip the sheikh may advice, use it without any hesitation. (11) It is also from the respect of sheikh that in the knowledge which is not important one should not be directed towards him. (12) To feel one self inferior from his coulegues is the proof of progress. (13) The abundance of durood shareef is the treatment of irritation and frustration. (14) If any person do praise on the face so to stop him is the way according to the Sunnah. (15) The one who is in start it is not appropriate for him to do guide towards good deeds before his completion. Due to this the revelation of verse of qitaal became late. (16) To go in masjid and do the shoes straight and to fill the water in water vessel and if there is the opportunity so moping the floor, in this there is the treatment of pride. (17) To love the children and play with them is the proof of not having proudness. (18) Sometimes while doing asnaa e zikr the heart feels like to kiss on forehead which is not ridiculous. (19) To do pride and elegancy on the wardaat e qalbi is killing. (20) To read the news paper is harmful for the person who is in start. (21) With zikr softness do comes inside the hearts, for example a person starts feeling kind to animals and weak people and these effects are worthy of praising but they are not the wonder. (22) If with the collection of diseases mistake happen in auraad so there is no need of doing of correction of it. (23) To leave the sin is much better than thousands of zikr and hobbies. (24) By chewing the black pepper abundance of sleep goes away. (25) It is harmful for the person who is in start to meet with the scholars who are not from his series. (26) There is no bad thins to read couplets in doing zikr but it should not ne in abundance. (27) On some people there is so much of abundance of observation of the almighty Allah that they are not able to sleep on their bed by spreading their legs. (28) While doing the zikr to feel heaviness on the shoulders and joy in heart is the indication of getting involved in zikr. (29) As the completion of prayer happens with the attention of heart just like that on the mistake of it, it also happens from embarrassment. (30) On every mistake performing the prayer of repentance is the treatment of it.

Offering the nawafil


Although according to the fiqah there is no qaza of nawafil but when one follower gets the opportunity as the correction on such points so he should offer the nawafils for sure according to his routine. Whether the real time of them has been passed. It has come in the hadis that if any person may forget to recite (‫ )بسم ہللا‬in the start of eating food so whenever he remembers so he should recites (‫)بسم ہللا اولہ و آخر‬. Just on the basis of this other nawafil other nawafil should also be performed.

Do remember one very precious thing for always!


My murshid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the friendship of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has been gained very less by doing spiritual rounds while standing on one leg. Most of the time and the people who mostly got the friendship of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬, they have got it by bearing meaning by doing abide. Now


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doing this abide can be in many ways. If something bad comes so bearing it, if someone said some bad thing so to bear it, meaning to bear all of the things which are said and saying nothing at all. This act will make you meet to the almighty Allah very quickly.

Do get safe from opposition


Fiqya Abu Lalees ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes this that: It is the quotation of few intelligent people that four kinds of people are very much deprived. (1) The one who do feel pride on the people who are under him (And the one who thinks them as humiliated and unworthy). (2) A person who is disobedient to parents. (3) A person who do humiliation of a traveler. (4) A person who makes the poor people feels bad on the poverty and deprivation of them and the one who do taunts on them.



.u bq

One man asked from Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that if someone has the opposition with some other person so whether the prayer at the back of him is correct or not? On this he said that: People ask from Hazrat Usman ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that how many people have done opposition from you, they do offer prayers, we should offer prayer at the back of them or not? He said: “Prayer is a good thing, remain involved in a good thing, do not get involved in the bad thing. How much good proof he told.” Then when the one who use to say bad things to Hazrat Usman ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, a prayer is correct at the back of them with the fatwa of Hazrat Usman ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, then why it will not be correct at the back of other people.


.u bq




One simple example of moving forward with the source of spirit: you have seen a child that how he learns to walk? When he wants to walk for the first time so he takes one step then falls down. Now if the child may sit by being sad after falling down that it is not in my control to walk so he will never learn to walk but if he will walk again, again he will fall and if he will walk again after falling then he will fall again and then he will walk again. Till here that while falling down and walking at last he will learn to walk. Therefore make your self move forward with the spirit, move your tap forward, when you fall down so do not do care about it, start walking again by getting up again. And if you fall again so get up again and start walking. Today if you have fallen two times, tomorrow you will fall one time. Today if you have fallen completely so you will fall a little bit tomorrow and slowly and gradually you will learn to walk. Well with the spirit a human being moves forward and without the spirit no any work of world can be done. Whatever will happen, it will happen with the spirit of human being.

What is imagination and why it should be done?



The imagination of sheikh is the first destiny of Sufism. In regards to the imagination of sheikh, keep one thing very nicely in your mind that the discussion of imagination of sheikh is found in very much incidents of our insisters. The imagination of sheikh makes a person safe from bad thoughts and thoughts which make worry. With the imagination of sheikh weird and strange feelings do get produced and sheikh do not even gets to know about it. A person should not become worried with bad thought and contemplate and neither should he leave the zikr by being worried with it. this imagination of sheikh is not for every follower instead it is for those followers only


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who are the ones to keep the limitation of shariah in front of them and who do not moves beyond the limitation of balance.

The precious pearls of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


The court of Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

The sleeping of after noon which is with the intention of following the Sunnah is much greater than being awake till billions of nights. That is why learn the life of Sunnah with very much care. The chapter of Sunnah will in sha Allah tala come forward.

.u bq

The court of Mujahid Kabeer Syed Ahmed Shaheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


With the mercy of the Almighty Allah whatever I have got from the obvious blessings and levels of internal self, brightness of heart and cleanliness of heart, I have got all of that with the blessing of beatitude of following the shariah and following the Sunnah. To act up on the shariah is the need of every follower.


The court of Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬




To gain the knowledge is the real wealth. This is the property of all Prophets. Those people are very much lucky whose life is spent in gaining and spreading the knowledge. Hazrat Hajji Imdad ullah Muhaajir Makki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that: If the intention is also not correct in gaining the knowledge then also one should not leave the knowledge because the result of knowledge happens this that the intention becomes also not correct. The followers who have the knowledge of purity and impurity, and of prohibited and permissible things, they become successful very quickly.

The court of Hazrat Shah Muhammad Yaqoob Mujaddiid ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq


To keep the intentions in the control and to use them on their own place is the humanity. An animal is under the control of intentions who cannot keep the feelings of itself in control.

The court of Sheik ul Islam Hazrat Maulana Madni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ The base of getting riddance is not on reference instead on actions. If in the regards of reference someone is of very great reference but his actions are bad so he is a humiliated man by the court of lord and if he is a person who picks up garbage or the one who cleans the gutter but he is a pious Muslim so he will do get the riddance.


The court of Hazrat Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman Ganj Murad Abadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


The joy which is inside the love of the almighty Allah it is not inside the things of heaven even. We get to feel this joy in the recitation of Holy Quran. When the hoors will comes to us in Jannah so we will say to them that come let’s listen little bit of Holy Quran. The court of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas Kaandhlawi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


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The era of today is such that a human being do becomes embarrassed after doing a good deed and he use to hide his face that as if he has committed a very heavy crime and on the other side a criminal lifts his head upwards with pride after doing bad acts that as if he has committed any respectable work in the world. We have to produced such relation with the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ and we have to produce such environment by offering prayer that a person may lift his head after doing good deed and the criminal and unlawful person may hide his face by doing the acts which are against the shariah and he may feel the evilness of himself.

Six things for the success in world and Day of Judgment


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One very big man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to say while doing advice to the follower of him that you may act up on six things in competition with six things: (1) The common people are busy in the correction of their internal self, you do worry about your internal self. (2) The common people are busy in making their world; you do try to make your Day of Judgment better. (3) People are involved in indicating flows of others; you may search the flows of yourself. (4)People are in search of making the creation happy, you may search the happiness of the one who created you. (5) People are trying for greater number of acts; you put your strength in beauty of acts. (6) People are going at the back of fazail; you do your attention towards completing the obligations.

Research of seven hundred scholars



These six points are such that if one do acts so we will get much goodness of world and Day of Judgment. All of us should do this intention that I also have to act up on all of these points and you also have to. In sha Allah tala!




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Shafeeq Bin Ibrahim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much interested for the company of people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ . He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got presented in the company of very much number of scholars and great people. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that I have done five questions from seven hundred scholars and great people, the answer of which was given only one by all of them. (1) I ask that who is an intelligent person. I got the answer that the one that dislike the world. (2) Who is mature and intellectual person? I got the answer that the one that do not get deception from the world. (3) I asked that who is the wealthiest person. I got the answer that the one that is happy on the devision of the Almighty Allah. (4) I ask that who is the faqiyah? I got the answer that the one who do not demands for more. (5) I did the question that who is the miser person? I got the answer that the one who does not gives the right of the almighty Allah from his property.


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Some important things to the ones who do bait


These things are very much important for the ones who have done bait from the series of Qadri Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Without these the progress is a very far thing, the riddance will also be very difficult. May the mercy Allah does make it easy. Aameen!






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(1) Gain the knowledge of religion according to the need. Whether with the advice of murshid by reading any book or by asking from the different scholars…. Do take care about the shariah all the time. (2) Do not abide by the right of anyone, do not give pain to any person with your tongue or hand, and do not say bad things about anyone. (3) Do not keep the love of wealth and desire of popularity. Neither remains in the worry of eating very much good and of cloths. (4) If someone scolds you on the mistake of yours so do not give excuses, quickly accept it and do forgiveness. (5) Without the intense need do not do travelling. During the journey there are vary things which happens carelessly, very much good deeds get missed, interruption happens in wazaif, no task happens on time. (6) Neither laughs a lot nor talks a lot. Specially do not talk in informal way with the naa mehrum. (7) Do not fight or do debate with anyone. (8) Fix the time for all of the tasks and do complete them with management. (9) All the time in heart does not keep the counting of world and neither the discussion of tasks of world instead do give attention towards the zikr of heart also. (10) Do not do laziness in doing worship. (11) If you would have to meet other person so remain over there by being forced. Do the service of all and do not show your pride of yourself. (12) Do look up on the people who are low in status from you in the world and do not look up on the people who are above you. (13) Remain very much far from the company of such people from which the interference happens in the religion and faith of yours. (14) Do not find the flows of other people; do not think badly about someone. Look up on the flows of your own self and try to remove them away. (15) In every condition do the thanks of the Almighty Allah, if you have got the opportunity of taking the name of the Almighty Allah so to very much thanks of the Almighty Allah on it. (16) If you do talk with someone so do it very much politely. (17) If you have got any sorrow or pain or damage so think it as it is from the Almighty ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ Allah , do not be worried and think like this that I will get the reward of it.


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(18) Till where it is possible give benefit to other people, whether it is of the world or of the religion. For going through this book do fix some part of your time for sure. With the mercy of the almighty Allah this book will take life of yours in very much little time to the heights of knowing ontologism. In sha Allah tala!


The routines of every day

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If the following mentioned routines are done every day with regularity so in sha Allah tala only in very little time we may start feeling surprising change in our life, we may do hatred from sins and get the ontologism of Lord, we may get the beatitude of series and in the acts of external and internal self the condition of level of favor may start getting produced.






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1. Do perform the obligations; those people who do not perform prayer and other obligations the acts of them remain useless. Do offer the prayer along with the group of people. 2. Do maintain the giving and taking with the people, buying and selling and specially take care about the rights of children and wife and mother and father. The people whose relations are not clear they will not get to reach to their destiny, even the riddance of them will become very much difficult. 3. Do try to earn halaal rizq, the prohibited food makes the beatitudes and wonders of acts as unaffective. 4. The acts which are suggested by the sheikh for whichever follower, do act up on them along with the faith. The doubt wastes the effect of act. My mrushid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the student who has been given which zikr or which act, that is the great name for him only. If he may have the great belief so the great effect starts happening. 5. How much attention you can produce in the acts, by your own self do try for it for sure and sometime before doing every act think this that “O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬My goal is only this that you may give me the opportunity of such worship which may get accepted in your court”. And one time recite his dua with very much deepness of heart. ( ‫اللھم اجعلنی احبک بقلبی‬ ‫{ )کلہ و ارضیک بجھدی کلہ‬O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬Make me like this that I may love you with my whole heart and I may involve my all efforts in making you happy}. 6. Do perform the correct pronunciation of words in zikr and prayer. By reciting the words in wrong way the meanings of those words gets changed and while offering the prayer do think this for few moments that today I have to offer that prayer which will have to be accepted in the court of the Almighty Allah. 7. Be safe from the prohibited things, those things to which the shariah has labeled as prohibited, doing those gives very much harm to spirituality meaning to the relation with the Almighty Allah. At that time not any single act becomes useful for example evil eye, speaking lie, deception, jealousy, back biting, complaining (the discussion about all of these things is coming forward in detail). These things become a very much big hindrance in the progress of followers. The example of it is like a stainer from which the unsuccessful


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effort is done of filling the water that on one side the effort of follower is done and on the other side one performs those sins so nothing is gained from it. 8. Do recite the recommended duas of morning and evening and do the recommended acts that all the destinies of being friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬are covered with this pure life. The easy solution of it is this that every day starts learning the Sunnah of one single condition. For example learn the sunnahs of taking bath today so tomorrow start learning the sunnahs of washroom. Just like this slowly and gradually in the life of yours in very much little time only very much Holy sunnahs will be gathered. 9. Do the recitation of the Holy Quran by looking at it whether less or more. If it is easy so recite one parah every day and the one who has memorized the Holy Quran may do the recitation of 3 parahs. 10. Keep these three tasbeehaat in your routines with regularity at morning and evening. In ahadis shareef also very much importance of them have come. My murshid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that in my series whoever person will offer the prayer of Fajr and do the regularity of these three tasbehat, the death will not come to him till that time when he will not see the place of himself in the heaven.


Astaghfar: A person may feel very much embarrass on all of the sins of past and may have strong spirit of not doing it in future.


(‫ )استغفر ہللا ربی من کل ذنب و اتوب الیہ‬One hundred times at morning and evening



Durood sharif: While doing the imagination of favors of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that how much favors of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬are on us sinful people. How much duas have Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬dome for sinful people like us. While keeping all of these things in front recite this with very much love, focus and attention. ( ‫اللھم‬ ‫ )صل علی محمد کما تحب و ترضی لہ‬hundred times at morning and evening.

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Third kalma: recite the third kalma along with the strong imagination of greatness and enormousness of the Almighty Allah. ( ‫سبحان ہللا و الحمد ہلل وال الہ اال ہللا و ہللا اکبر وال حول وال قوۃ اال باہلل‬ ‫ )العلی العظیم‬hundred times at morning and evening.

Do keep two books in your reading for sure. (1) The following Book meaning the rules of ontologism. (2) The Choosen Ahadis shareef.


The meditation and the way of zikr naïf asbaat which the sheikh has advice, do act up on it with regularity and slowly and gradually keep on increasing the time with the discussion. In the starting time with the permission of murshid do the regularity of these four tasbehaat. ( ‫ )ال الہ اال ہللا‬One tasbeeh, (‫ )اال ہللا‬one tasbeeh, (‫ )ہللا‬one tasbeeh, (‫ )اہللا ھو‬one tasbeeh


Contact with sheikh: The real benefit and advantage do happen with the contact with sheikh. Whether this contact is through the letter or writing or through the phone call, it is very much important. Keep on being present in the service of sheikh time to time.


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The easy package of correction:




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If god forbid you are not able to do the regularity of these routine so do not get worried. I may give you one short package of famous great man of series of Chushtia who is the murshid of scholars and who is Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat. He use to say that offer two rakat nafil with the intention of repentance and then do this dua that O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬I am a very much intense disobedient man of yours, I do the intention of obeying you but nothing happens with my intention and everything can happen with the intention of yours. I want this that my correction shall be done but I do not get that spirit, my correction is only in your hand. O Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬I am very much unworthy, I am very much evil, I am very much sinful, I am becoming fed up, you may do my help. My heart is very much weak, I do not have energy to get safe from the sins, you give me the strength. I do not have anything get rid from, you may produce the ways of my riddance from your sources. O Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the sins which I have done up till now, you may forgive them with the mercy of yours. Well I do not say like this that I will not do these sins again, I know this that in future I will do them again but again I will get them forgiven.




Well just like this every day do the forgiveness of your sins and accept the healplessness of yourself and do the dua of correction of yourself and say your unworthiness very much with your own tongue. Do these works every day for only few minutes. Take brother do not drink the medicine also, do not leave the abnegation only do the usage of this little bit of salt at the time of sleeping. You will see this that after few days only there will be such organizing from the unseen that your strength will also become strong, the difficulties will also not come and such ways will be produced from the unseen that which is not even in the mind of yours.

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Have you seen people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬These people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬are how much big nabaaz, they give one small act to you and the benefits are of it very much countless.

The respect of peer brothers

To discuss these rules, the meaning is not this that a person should act with respect with the peer brothers only. Instead every single Muslim is worthy of respect. After being bait with one sheikh the connection with the peer brothers of the series becomes more, that is why they are mentioned specially.


The devil usually do not makes the follower do the obvious and clear sin instead he puts many such things in the hearts of peer brothers which use to live with him, towards which the eye sight goes very less of being bad. Briefly the summary of few things of great people is being present.


(1) A person should not make it obvious with his many acts of his peer brothers that I am his secret keeper and secretary of sheikh and neither he should make it a source of pride that murshid is very much kind towards me. All of these things make the internal self proud and they are the proof of ego.


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(2) Hazrat Sheikh Ali Mirzaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬uses to say this that the one who did not hide the flows of his peer brothers; in reality he opened the curtains of his own mistakes. (3) The summary of all of the rights of each other is this that whatever a person may like for himself, he should like that same thing for his brothers also. (4) If any follower remains awake for the whole night and do the worship even then he should not think himself better than any other person. (5) A follower should do this that he may give priority to his peer brothers and be patient on the pains of them. (6) A follower should do this that he may make the peer brothers of him learn the rules with love and kindness, while thinking himself as the most needy of all. (7) Hazrat Hasan ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that it is from the rules of brother that a person may do service of his brothers then he may say sorry to them that the right which was of them I was not able to fulfill it. (8) If sheikh makes any follower go out of his sitting or express resentment from him so the peer brothers should do this that they may not to back biting of him and neither they should make fun of him. It may happen that these people who are doing back biting will be worse in condition in the eyes of the Almighty Allah more than that man who is taking out. (9) A follower should do this that if any peer brother moved forward than him in worship, obedience and closeness of sheikh so he may not do jealousy from him at any cost that from it there will be no damage of that man instead he himself will go down in the eyes of the Almighty Allah. When any follower do jealousy with his peer brother so his feet starts to slip and this follower start falling down from his level also. (10) Sheikh Abdul Rehman ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that a person who make found his internal self being ignorant with the love of his peer brothers, he may understand this that now that man is being pushed out of the court of the almighty Allah. (11) Hazrat Yusuf Ajmii ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that a follower who remains back in any sitting without any proper excuse so he should do this that he may say bad thing to his own self in front of the peer brothers and makes his own internal self humiliated. A follower should do this that he may do the service of weak people, old people, handy cap people and aged people which are of his series. Hazrat Syed Ali Khuwaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that a person who want the falling of mercy of Lord up on him, he may do help of weak people and think this that this is an honor for me. (12) If a follower becomes resented on anything of his peer brothers so he may not remain resented more than three days. If one did Salam first with the reason of doing conversation so it is very good. Now if he gives the answer so okay and if he does not give the answer so there is no blame up on you. The sin of not talking and being resented will now be on the other person. (13) The rights which are of people of each other, he should try to fulfill them or it is very important to get them forgiven by the person whose right are those with request and begging. Otherwise on the day of Judgment he would have to give the accountability.


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(14) A person should do duas for all of the Muslims and specially for the weak, the one in need peer brothers in their absence while crying very much. (15) A follower should do this that he may not think himself greater than the group of any other sheikh because they are also the brothers of him in the school of Sufism. (16) Hazrat Sulemaan Daraani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that those people are worthy of having very much progress who think it as an honor if they have to clean the washroom also of their peer brothers.

The secrets of success and quick progress





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1. The proper direction of faith and halal rizq has very much important level in the progress of sulook. When they will be correct so a follower will fly like a bird and while covering the stages very much quickly he will gain the special relationship of the almighty Allah. 2. The contact with sheikh plays one very much important role in the progress of the followers. The sufi people use to say that the Sufism is ninety five percent contact with sheikh and five percent of it is azkaar and ashghaal and meditations and efforts. 3. A follower should do this that the goal of bait of him should only and only be the closeness of lord and obedience of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The kashaf and wonders, a full of light and the gain of wealth and property of world, nothing from all of these shall be the goal of him. Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that (‫ )یا نفس کن طالبا لال ستقامتہ وال تکن طالبا للکرامتہ‬meaning O my internal self! (‫ )استقات علی الشریعت‬be the desirable person of being consistent on the religion and note of the wonders. It is because this that your lord want consistency from you and not the wonders. 4. Hazrat mujaddid Alaf saani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that a follower should do this that whether the external or internal whichever wealth he gets from anywhere so he may take it by his peer. 5. Hazrat sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the ways of Sufism is on eight things: 1. Bounty of Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬ 2. Acceptance of Ismail ‫علیہ السالم‬ 3. Patience of Ayyub ‫علیہ السالم‬ 4. Prayers of Zakariya ‫علیہ السالم‬ 5. Poverty of Yahya ‫علیہ السالم‬ 6. Poverty of Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬ 7. Travelling and experiences of Esa ‫علیہ السالم‬ 8. Poverty of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬


For the training of the followers I may say one point as the advice that which will play very much important role in the progress of them. It is said that there are two B on which there is the base of progress of the follower: 1. Patience that standing in the convent. Meaning while living over there


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if you get any kind of pain whether it is regarding eating or drinking or whether it is regarding attitude of any person, you have to bear it. 2. The second B for success is to sit down whether it is for doing the zikr or whether it is to sit in the sitting of sheikh so sit with very much attention and carefully. A person who do these two things, he use to get two Y. First Y is of trust meaning that person who gets the complete trust on the Almighty Allah. And the second Y is for the remembrance of Lord that this person gets busy in the remembrance of his lord all the time.

Do not think yourself complete ever

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“One very much important secret of getting progress quickly and for success and for the ontologism of desirable people is this that do not ever think yourself as complete.”






Over here I want to say one thing and specially from my own entity first of all and after that I want to say it to the friends which are connected with the series of Qadri Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of murshidhi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that never ever think yourself as the complete person and in every moment keep on thinking yourself as the needy person. Murshidhi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that till when a follower keeps on thinking Y and Y for himself, till that time his correction keeps on happening. The meaning is this that till when a follower keeps on thinking this that why I have done this work, why I went over there, why I did bad some sins, till that time his progress keeps on happening and when he starts doing Y and Y for the other people meaning the argument gets started so his damage and down fall gets started. This path is how much full of joy that much more it is sensitive also. few incidents which are mentioned following of murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬will help you very much in understanding this logic. May Allah SWT grant us all sincerity and take out every single disease from our internal self aameen!

The incident of Khuwaja Muhammad Baqa which makes a person cries



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1. One old man got presented in the service of Hazrat Khuwaja Nizam uddin Auliya ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ . Khuwaja ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that with which mashaikh you met and you have travel to how many cities? He took the names of very much mashaikh and said that I have also seen Khuwaja Muhammad Baqa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Khuwaja Nizam uddin ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that do you even know why and how he got the title of Baqa? The old man said that I know. Khuwaja Said that tell to me also. The old man said that Khuwaja Muhammad was the son of one business man. The amighty Allah granted him the forgiveness and anabat and he came out from the world completely and got busy in the remembrance of lord in a complete way and he started living in the service of one darwaish. After some days that darwaish decided to go back to his city so Khuwaja Muhhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also went with him. The darwaish came out from the population and hug him and said that close your eyes. Then when he opened his eyes so he found himself in one another big cities and saw that the people of that city are fighting and falling for holding the feet of that darwaish sir. All of the mashaikh, scholars and great people of city are coming to meet him. That darwaish is sitting in the convent of


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him on his feet with very much honor and respect. The convent was constructed very much huge and wonderful. There were separate rooms for all of the followers where those people used to remain busy in the remembrance of the almighty Allah. In those followers there was on sister also of that darwaish who used to remain busy in worship and effort in one separate room. All of the followers of this convent were very much god fearing like this that to fly in air and to walk on water was a very ordinary thing for them. Khuwaja Muhammad Baqa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also got one room and he started living in it. Suddenly one disease happened to that darwaish and no hope of like of him got remained so the sister of him came to the room of him. Khuwaja Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬thoughts this that may be this is his last time. He would have been asking about any legacy or about the one who will be his successor. When very much time passed away so the curiosity of him got increased so he stood near the door of the room. Suddenly he listen the sister of him while saying this that “Do not take out such thing with your mouth” then the voice of sister of him started coming loudly that I say to you that do not take out such thing with your tongue…. Do not take it out….. Then there was strictness and resentment in the voice of her. O the one who worship the fire! O Jewish! Do not take out such evil thing from your mouth. After listening this Khuwaja Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got very much surprised and he knocked the door so the sister of that darwaish opened the door and while pulling her hair and hitting on her face and screaming and shouting she came out and said call the Jewish people and those people who do worship of fire and say to them to burry and do funeral of him. This man has not died on faith, while at the time of dying he refused with lord, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and book of the almighty Allah and he got away from Islam. I kept on stopping him but he kept on saying kufr and he died in this same condition. After looking at this condition the condition of shock came up on Khuwaja Muhammad Baqa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬suddenly and he cried so much that the marks were made on his cheeks and he remained crying forever. In any of the condition his crying did not use to become less. Till this that in the same condition while crying the soul of him got departed due to this crying people attached the word Baqa with the name of him and started saying him Khuwaja Muhammad Baqa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Hazrat Khuwaja Nizam uddil Aulia ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and all of the people who were present in the sitting started crying loudly after listening to this incident. And the effect of this incident remained on them till many days. So the danger is on this thing that when such god fearing people are not safe with the tricks of the devil and their internal self and with the torment which happen at the time of death so then in what counting do the other people come. (Jawam e Al Qalam)


The crying of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi at the time of death


2. At the time of death of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, people saw this that he is crying. When people asked the reason so he said: I am watching the worship and struggle of mine which was of 80 years getting tied with a fine wire which is more thin than a hair in covering of wahiyat, which is hanging in the air of a desert which is aloof. I do not know


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The fear of ontologism being wasted


that it is of being accepted or of being rejected. After the death people saw him in the dream so they asked that how the almighty Allah has resolved the matter with you. so he gave the answer that all of the worships, rights and knowledge, secrets and undisclosed things, nothing was useful infect those few rakats which are used to offer at the time of early in the morning they worked only.





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3. Hazrat Makhdoom Sheikh Yahya Muneeri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬do writes while making his one follower aware with this danger that “O brother! The path is very much dangerous, the destiny is very much far and there is no limit of the place of lover”. The body of human being is weak, heart is helpless and he has got to face such great and full of rage entity that whatever he wants he may do there is no one to question him. There is no heart present which has not become like water with the fear of him. Keep on being afraid and scared that it may not happen that from the covering of unseen the call of being rejected may not come. To how many collection of obedience we have given the reward of acts of them at the time of death before also. (‫ )وقد منا الی ما عملوا‬the aloof entity made it fly and damaged it and to how many populated chests at the time of death (‫ )و بدالھم من ہللا ما لم یکونوا یحتسون‬they got that much obvious from the lord about which they did not even thought, they said and made it bad and devastated. The faces of how many people were moved away from the qibla in their graves and to how many knowing people only in the first night we made aloofness. It was said to one (‫ )نم کنومتہ ا لعروس‬sleep sweetly like a bride. It was said to the other ( ‫نم کنومتہ‬ ‫ )المنحوس‬from the lap of Azar Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬came and from the generation of Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬ Kun’aan came (‫ )یخرج الحی من المیت و یخرج المیت من الحی‬do think upon it and try to understand it nicely just like (‫ )سیماھم فی وجوھم من اثر السجود‬on the foreheads of them there are the marks of sajdah so like this (‫ )یعرف المجرمون بسیماھم‬the sinful people will be recognized with their foreheads, it will said like this and then called. Friends! There is one such fear which has broken my back, has made the faces pale and has made the hearts in small pieces and that is the fear of taking away the ontologism and the limit of fear of people who are afraid is this only. One great man use to say that there are three kinds of sorrows. The fear of worship and obedience that god knows whether it will be accepted or not? The sorrow of sins that whether they will be forgiven or not? And the fear of ontologism that it may not happen that it will be taken back. But it is said by the special people that the sorrow is only one and that is the fear of taking backfaith and ontologism. Apart from this all of the other fears are easy. Well, the dua of all of the people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬has remained this that O Lord! And do whatever you want but do not give us death by taking away our faith and your ontologism. (Maktoob Sadi)

Special advice for the leaders


4. Hazrat sheikh Muhiuddin Syed Abdul Qadir Jilaani Sarah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬uses to say in one sermon that “Son does not become proud on your obedience and neither do agony on it”. Do the request to the Almighty Allah for it to get accepted and do get afraid so that he may


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not push you towards the sins and disobedience. Well what is the reason for you of becoming comforted and bold that if it has been said to your worship that does become a sin and it has been said to your cleanliness that becomes the dirt? A person who gets the ontologism of the Almighty Allah, neither he becomes comforted and nor he feels proud on anything and till when he may not go from this world by keeping the religion of him faith and by protecting and making that matter clear which is between him and the Almighty Allah, he cannot become bold and brave. (Al Fatah Ar Rabbani)

The advice of Khuwaja Gesun daraz

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬




.u bq




.u bq

Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Husaini Gesu Daraz Gudas Sharah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that “May Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ keep us safe if the bad danger do comes in the last time of a person in the basic belief of the religion so at that time there do not remains even the opportunity of correcting it that a person may even try! That time is of being on death bed, signs of death and of the soul being departed from the body. About which all of the Prophets, scholars and even this that our own messenger ‫ﷺ‬ has also warned us that, the time is one among the most difficult times and the most biggest and hardest time of the time of death is that. A person who goes from that destiny only can know it. On one side the body is in pain and discomfort and the heart is in distress and uneasiness. On the other side people of world, wives, children, relatives and friends do make them attentive towards their own self that you do not die right now. That innocent man does become attentive towards those people and his own house according to his nature and personality. The angels of death are stubborn that we will only move after taking the soul away, the devil is waiting separately that I may get some opportunity and I may push him towards the hell. May god forbid! If this that danger do not goes away in such time and at this time he has got his end even so do think what will be the end of him? People are surrounded in so much big danger and great calamity but they do not have the worry of it even a little bit. May the Almighty Allah make us safe from this danger and do our end on faith. (Jawame al Qalam)

The people who are in start should not get worried The one who has the desire of destiny when they get worried with the happenings around The one whose desire is limited only they remain on the shore


Easiness and strictness


On the times of easiness a person may act up on it for sure. Strictness is the right of the greatness of the almighty Allah so the easiness is the right of the love of the Almighty Allah that is why while acting up on the easiness the heart should not become small at all. It is also present in hadis shareef that (‫( )ان ہللا یحب ان تؤتی عزائمتہ‬Just like the Almighty Allah likes to act up on the strictness of himself, just like that he also likes to act upon the easiness.)


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.u bq



For few followers not having the exposure of some wonders etc it is the right thing. After commiting a sin a person should not become hopeless and after doing tauba and astaghfar he should start doing his work again. To eat dinner early at night and after offering a prayer of Isha and sleeping quickly makes it easy to get up in tahajjud. Do not leave the prohibited job till when there is no arrangement of permissible one. If in the last part of night you are not able to get tahajjud so after the prayer of Isha do complete the wazaif of yours. The coming of thoughts and bad intentions is not bad instead to bring them and to fix them is the sin. Meaning that if the thoughts are coming by themselves so they are not the sin whether they are of what kind. But if the thoughts are brought in the heart intentionally by making a decision so this is a sin. The collection of bad thoughts is mercy from which the root of love and self love gets cut. Whether the bad thoughts are how much bad they are not harmful till when a person may not have intention regarding them. The starting level of derogation starts from the bad thoughts. The treatment of bad thoughts is not this that a human being may keep on trying with regularity for making them go away.


The example of bad thought

Treatment of bad thoughts



The example of bad thoughts is like a wire of electricity. If you will touch it so then also it will give you current and if you will move it away so then also it will give you current. Therefore do not give it importance at all. Just like when a dog is barking and if you get involved in it and if you will try to make it silent so it will bark more. Just do this that do not pay attention towards it. just like a dog keeps on barking, and you keep on walking on the path just this same thing is the treatment of bad thoughts.


.u bq



Murshid ul Ulama Hakeem ul Ummat Mujaddid ul Millat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said after doing swear that I swear by Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the treatment of bad thoughts is nothing else apart from this that do not give importance to these thoughts at all and neither get involved in it now do effort to make them run away in fact at that time become busy in any permissible work, they will get finished by themselves. One great man said that the treatment of it is that much only that a human being may seek refuge from the almighty Allah and after that he may get busy in any other work or start doing the zikr of lord and do not let the degrees happens in the love of murshid. The one who starts walking on the path of faith,


The destinies gave them refuge

And the ones to whom bad thoughts made scared


They became misguided on every step


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The harmful tasks for the one who is in start



The three advices of fuqha



1. While having the weight of loan and then living in the company of sheikh makes the benefit less. 2. The wonders and kashaf are the guider for a person who is in start. 3. By eating the things which are doubtful the abundance of lust happens. 4. The kashaf of grave is harmful for the one who is in start. 5. To grant someone with one look only is not an intentional act of sheikh. It also has one specific time that is why if a person only remains worrying about this and if he does not gets worried about the correction, it gives very much harm to the follower.


.u bq

It has been narrated by Hazrat Aun ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that, that it was said that the fuqha use to give legacy about three things among themselves and sometimes they also used to write and send it to each other.





.u bq




1. The one who acts for his Day of Judgment, the Almighty Allah becomes enough for the world of him 2. A person who does the correction of his hidden conditions, the Almighty Allah does the correction of his external conditions. 3. A person who do the correction of relation between him and the almighty Allah, the almighty Allah do the correction of the relationships of him with the people.


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Chapter number 1



The rights and respectful things of the honorable scholars


‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

Many Muslims are apparently seen as needy, weak and poor but they are very close to the Almighty Allah. We should remain safe in doing their humiliation and dishonor. One pain of them can make the crown and seat of very much big things as upside down. who use to have the royal dress:

The honorable scholars

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

who use to have the dress of poor people ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

The interest of worship of the honorable scholars

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

The bad end of doing dishonor of the honorable scholars ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

The wisdom of the honorable scholars

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


The test taken by the honorable scholars

The honorable scholars

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and shariah of honorable scholars

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and love with sinful people

The way of training of the honorable scholars

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq


‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



The interest of oneness of Allah

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


Different interests of the scholars


‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq

The honorable scholars

The level of fearing of God of the honorable scholars

The friends of Allah

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

in the light of ahadis shareef



1. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that: the Almighty Allah says that: The one who gives pain to any of my friend indeed for him there is the fall of war from my side and no any person can get my closeness more than this thing from any other thing which I have made it obligatory on him. A person keeps on getting closeness of me with the nawafils in regularity. Even this that I start loving him. When I do love with him so I do become the ear of him from which he use to listen and I become the eye of him from which he use to see and I become the hand of him from which he use to hold and I become the foot of him from which he use to walk. Just this that if that person do question with me so I gives him and if he seeks refuge from me so I give him refuge and I do not becomes so much delay to do any work as much I become in this that while taking away


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the soul of who is Momin. He use to dislike it and I do not think it good that he dislike it. (Sahih Bukhari, Sanan Behiqi. Reference from: Huriat ul aulia) It has been narrated by Hazrat Umar Bin Khatab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that: Amont the people of the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬some people are such that who are neither the Prophets nor the martyrs but from the Almighty Allah the state of which they will get on the Day of Judgment on it the Prophets and martyrs will also do emulate. One man said that O Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬who are those people and what are the acts of them? So that we could also love them. He said that they are such nation who will keep love with each other for the sake of Almighty Allah only. Without any relation with each other and without any selling or buying of property. I swear by the Almighty Allah that the faces of them will be full of light and they would be sitting on the seats of light and when other people will be involved in the fear so then they will not have any fear. The other people will be involved in sorrow so they will not have any kind of sorrow. After this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬recited this ( ‫اال ان‬ ‫( )اولیاء ہللا ال خوف علیھم و ال ھم یحزنون‬Yunus: 62) (Translation: Be aware! There will be no fear on the friends of the almighty Allah and neither they will be in grief.) (Sanan Nisai and Sanan Abi Daod) Reference from huliat ul Aulia. One companion ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that I have listened the honorable Prophet (peace be upon him) while saying this that it is the court of the almighty Allah that among my people, among my friends and my creation my beloved people are those that who keeps on doing the zikr of me and I keep on doing the zikr of them. (Masnad ul Imam Ahmed Bin Humbal) Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has said that: Some people of the Almighty Allah are special to whom he gives the wealth with his mercy and when he gives them death so after the death he use to keep them alive in the shade of protection of him. Those are that people on whom the pugnacities come like a dark night but apart from this they remain safe from them. (Al Muajjim Al Kabeer Tibrani. Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia) The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has said that: Some people of the almighty Allah used to be how much weak, old and in bad condition. If they do swear on the almighty Allah so the almighty Allah use to complete the swear of them. from these people one is Hazrat Bara Bin Malik ‫(رضی ہللا عنہ‬Al Mustadrik ul Hakim, Dalael un Nabuwwa Behiqi. Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia) It has been narrated from Qadama Bin Hamaza ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he says that I have listened from Saham Bin Manjaab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬he says this that we got presented in a Jihad along with Hazrat ul Aula ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬Bin Al Hazrami. While walking and going on we reached to one such area that before that between us there was an ocean. Hazrat Al Aula ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬did dua in the court of the Almighty Allah: ( ‫یا علیم یا حلیم یا علی یا عظیم انا عبیدک وفی سبیلک نقاتل عدوک‬ ‫( )اللھم فاجعل لنا الیھم سبیال‬O the all knowing! O the kind one! O the greatest one! O the one with pride! We are your servants and people and we have come out for fighting with the enemy of yours on the path shown by you. O the Almighty Allah makes the way to make us reach till them.








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The narrator says that: With this dua the ocean gave the way to us and we went inside the ocean and the water was not getting reached to the seat of horses of ours. Even this that we came out of the ocean and reached till the enemies. (Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia) 7. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬he says that I have seen three such things in Hazrat Al Aula Bin Al Hazrami ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that everything was more stranger than the other. Once up on a time we kept on going somewhere that at last we reached to the Behrain and while walking and going on we reached to the shore of the ocean. Hazrat al Aula ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said: Keep on walking. When he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬reached to the ocean so he put his mode of traveling inside it and started moving forward, we also went at the back of him. The ocean was not getting reached till the knees of our animals. Ibn e Mukabbir (nonMuslim) saw us in this condition. He was the Governor of Iran in this area. He said that: No! I swear by the Almighty Allah! We cannot do fight with them and then he sat in the boat and went to the Paris. (Huliat ul Aulia) 8. The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has said: In every era inside the Ummah of mine, the saabiqeen will remain. The meaning of saabeqeen is this that the ones who keep on moving forward in good deeds, the specific group of friends of the Almighty Allah. (Kanzul amal and Al Hawi Siyopi. Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia) 9. O Moosa Alai Salam! Do remember, one who made my any friend scared he has done the call of being enemy with me and I will take the revenge of friends of mine tomorrow on the Day of Judgment. (Huliat ul Aulia) 10. Hazrat Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬narrated from Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬said in the court of the Almighty Allah that O Lord! Do tell me that who is the most honorable of all near to you from your creation? It was said: that man who runs like this towards my wishes just like an egal runs towards his desires and that man who use to love my pious people so much just like the love is done with a child and that person who becomes angry just like a tiger when my prohibited limits are broken because when a tiger comes in anger so it does not use to care about people being less or more instead it use to just attack. (Aphaas Al Sada Al Muttaqeen and Majma Al Zawaid. Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia) 11. It has been narrated by Abdullah Bin Umar Bin Khatab ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that once upon a time Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬passed near to Hazrat Maaz Bin Jabal ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬so he saw that Hazrat Maaz ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬is crying. He asked: O Maaz ‫ ! رضی ہللا عنہ‬Which thing is making you cry? He said: I have listened Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬saying this that the most beloved to the almighty Allah are those people who are hidden Ubqiya that if they may become invisible so no one may feel the desire for searching about them and if they may be present so they could not be recognized. (And they will not be worthy of questioning.) Just those people are the Imam of guidance and lamp of knowledge. (Aphaas Al Sada Al Muttaqeen Al Zubaidi, Mezaan Al Aetidaal Al Zahbi. Reference from: Huliat ul Aulia) 12. Sobaan ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬says that once up on a time I was present in the sitting of the Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: There is good news for the ones who are sincere. These people are bright lamps of guidance due to them all the dark pugnacities are left. (huliat ul Aulia)


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.u bq



13. It has been narrated from Ayaaz Bin Ghanam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that he has listened Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬while saying this that in the high statuses the one with high status has told me that the best people of my nation are those who on getting the mercy of their lord very much broadly and they silently laugh (and openly becomes happy), they use to do the zikr of their lord at morning and evening, they call him in the condition of hope and fear along with their tongues, they spread the hands of them in front of him and do the question from him along with low and loud voice, along with their hearts they are interested from their start till their end to meet with the Almighty Allah. The weight of them is light on people but very much more on their own selves. Those people walk on the floor with bear feet just like an ant along with humbleness and modesty. They get the closeness of lord along with source, they do wear the cloths with bad condition, and they do follow the truth. They do the recitation of Furqaan; they do present the sacrifices of them in the place of sacrificing. Upon them from the Almighty Allah the witness angels and protecting angels are fixed. On them the blessings of lord are obvious. Those people get to know the other people with the light of wisdom and they do ponder and thinking on the world. The bodies of them are on the ground but the eyes of them are on the sky. The feet of them are on the ground and the hearts in sky. The pure internal self of them use to be in the ground and heart above the sky and the souls of them use to be in the world and the minds are in the thoughts of the Day of Judgment. Just that will be for them what will they wish for. The graves of them are in the world but the status of them is with the Almighty Allah. Then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did the recitation of the following mentioned Holy verse. ( ‫ )ذالک لمن خاف مقامی و خاف و عید‬this is for that person who became afraid of standing in front of me and with my warning. Sheikh ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that: Those people do not become late while waiting for today and tomorrow to fulfill the rights and they fulfill the obedience without any lacking completely. (Huliat ul Aulia)

The different dresses of saint hood

The honorable scholars who used to have the royal dresses



The life of people of the Almighty Allah is not like mine and yours. Today we have made one level of saint hood by our own selves in our minds of the saint hood. Few people say the starvation as saint hood and little face the poverty as saint hood and few think a lonely man as the friend of the Almighty Allah. These all thoughts are worthy of being corrected. The dresses of the saint hood use to be different. There is no connection of saint hood from having or not having the wealth. Some honorable Prophets have also came such that who had the exemplary kingdom just like Hazrat Daud ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat sulemaan ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Yusuf ‫علیہ السالم‬and there are many companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم اجمعین‬ also like this who had very much abundance of wealth and property with them. Just like Hazrat Abdul Rehman Bin Auf ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Hazrat hakeem Bin Hazzam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Hazrat Usman Ghani ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬. There are many worships like this that which have connection with money only


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‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


Hazrat Khuwaja Hasan Basri


as if zakat, charities, sacrifice, hajj, fitra, helping needy etc. That is why as much property the almighty Allah has given with the permissible sources, you can reach to the heights of level of saint hood by living with this property also. I may tell few incidents mentioned below in the service of you friends who were the friends of the almighty Allah along with the attitude of princess. The difference was only this that the world was inside the pocket of them but it was not inside their hearts. May Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬grant the understanding to all of us. Aameen!

.u bq

1. In the mashaheer sufiya the entity of Hazrat Khuwaja Hasan Basri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is not needy of getting introduced. From the personality of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the wealth and property and magnification and opulent was also obvious like the sun. He used to remain in the nature of prince always. He used to do the trade of pearls that is why he is also called with the name of Hasan Luluvi. (The rich companions) ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


The great garment of Imam Malik

The nature of prince of Abu Hafs Haddad

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



2. One great man has written in the service of Imam Malik ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that we have listened that you use to wear very much nice cloths. Is this the indecation of great people? He had a hadis shareef present with him, if he would have desired so he was able to proof but he said: (‫ )نعم نفعل و نستغفر‬meaning we use to do and then we do astaghfar after thinking ourselves as the sinful people. There is no excuse.


.u bq



3. There was very much fear of Abu Hafs Haddad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬on his followers and he used to keep the dread and horror himself also. there was no energy and power in anyone that to talk with him is on one side, he could not even look towards him with his eyes. The limit is this that all of the people used to remain standing in front of him in a raw and there was no energy of anyone that he may sit in the sitting of him without the permission of him. The time in which he used to sit in the followers so it uses to feel like this completely that as if any king is sitting. Hazrat Junaid ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say himself that he used to sit among the followers like a king and like kings only he used to make them learn respect and honor.

The wealth of sheikh Shahabud din Sahar wardi

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



4. With the name of Syed ul Aqiya Hazrat Sheikh Shahabud Din Sahar Wardi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬which Muslim is not aware? He is the leader of series of Sahar Wardi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. By going through the actions of life of him it gets to know that the wealth and magnification of him was increased more than the limits. The horses of him used to get tied with the hocks of gold and silver and they used to be the necklaces of gold in the necks of horses. (The rich companion)


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Along with the honorable cloths the feet of poverty



5. It is the incident of king of ehl e bait Hazrat Jafar Sadiq ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that people saw him while wearing very much wonderful and expensive dress. One man asked him that O son of Prophet of Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬So much expensive dress do not suits upon the honorable ehl e bait. After listening this question he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬hold the hand of him and showed him after pulling it inside the sleeves that look what is this. He saw him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬while wearing the rough dress like the cloth of jute inside. So he said that the one which is inside is for the creator and the upper one wonderful dress is for the creation (Tazkira ul Aulia)

The nature of prince and the strong eye sight





.u bq

6. Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jaana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got very much sophisticated in nature and the owner of sensitive nature of prince. One day Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jaana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was sitting that one old man came and just after coming he said to him in very much disrespectful words that do you know that why have I come? He said: What could I know, only the Almighty Allah knows it or you would know about the intention and desire of yourself. He said that I have come for this that I may see that the magnification of yours is of Rehman or of Satan. He felt the seekiness of him very much bad and he should have felt it bad. He came in anger, one strong eye sight which he put on him so he fell on the ground very much loudly, started shivering and shouted that sigh the fire is burning my body, make me safe for the sake of the Almighty Allah, look on mewith the eye sight of mercy, I do ask forgiveness. He felt merciful and got up from his place and only kept the hand of him on the head of him, at that very moment he became fine.


The friend of the Almighty Allah hidden inside the kingdom



.u bq


7. One crowd used to live in the gathering of Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Multani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ also in which every day many people used to come and become the followers and the followers and admirer used to be present every day for the gaining of honor. Hindu and Muslims both were the followers of him. The lunger food house used to remain continued from which the stomachs of thousands of human beings used to get filled and the abundance of money used to get spent on it. For living the palace and parlor was very much wonderful and very much decorated. The big room in which he used to live, the decoration and arrangement of it was worthy of watching. It used to seen like the room of king completely. The very much precious curtains of zarbaft (the cloth which is made with the wires of gold ans silk) used to hang in it. in one corner one bed used to be kept which was filled with precious stones and on which the pillow of silk was kept on it he used to take rest. For sitting also the precious carpets of Iran were spread. The dress of him also used to be wonderful and fragrant. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to keep on wearing the white clean cloths. The one who used to come for the first time, used to come very much surprised and think this that this is not poverty but royal thing. In the reality the court of him used to look as the court of prince. The scenes of poverty and need were deficient over here, he had large


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While living in the world remain separate from all people


.u bq



property, millions of rupees were the income of one month, he was the owner of treasures, apart from personal property and wealth there was the success not less than ten to twelve thousand ruppes every day. Thousands of rupees used to come to him the rich people used to gift him thousands and millions of rupees in one time only. (Marat ul Saalikeen). Once up on a time Sheikh Fakhar uddin Gilaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬presented seven million gold coins from the business men, one more follower presented him one time seventy million gold coins. There was abundance of wealth and fortune and he was famous in whole area. Along with it the condition of open heartedness and helping poor people was this that whatever he used to find in the bones even he used to give it in the path of the almighty Allah before the arrival of evening and he used to distribute in poor people and needy people. No any poor person used to go from the door of him by being deprived. There was one river of open heartedness which used to keep on rushing strongly all the time. The food was also only for the poor people and the needy people. Well nobody refused with this that the character of him was very much great. Along with the nature of wealth the condition of humbleness was this that when even the poorest person used to come so he used to meet him with complete love and with the smiling face. Every person used to think this that he loves me more than all other people.


.u bq




8. From the great convent of Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Multani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬without exaggeration thousands of great people came out by becoming the complete friend of the Almighty Allah and they did very much big and prominent works regarding the promotion of Islam and for the correction of faith. The quality of this spiritual Seher Wardi University was this that the followers and students were not given the knowledge of leaving and tajreed and of leaving alaiq. Instead the command were this that remain like the common people of the world, eat and drink, do marriage, do earn but do not become ignorant with the obedience of Lord and zikr of Lord for even a single moment and remain safe from sin and disobedience.

Accomplished people….accomplished children



9. The time at which Hazrat Sheikh Bahauddin Zakariya Multani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬died so he left four billion rupees in his property. He had four sons. After the death of Hazrat Sheikh ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ the eldest son of him Hazrat Sadar uddin sat on his seat so he gave the command that distribute one billion rupees which are of my part among the poor people. People said that: The father of your has collected four billion rupees instead of the remembrance of the Almighty Allah and you are finishing so much big amount of money in this way? He said my father ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much of high capacity, he had four billion rupees present with him then also he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to remember the almighty Allah but my condition is this that from when I have listened that one billion rupees have come in my part so different kinds of thoughts are coming to me. I have the fear that due to these rupees I may not become


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ignorant from the Lord that is why it is better to make them distribute meaning if my father was having a snake so he was also having the wordings of being safe from it.

The wonderful dress of Sheikh abul Hasan Shazli

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬





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10. Once up on a time Hazrat Abul Hasan Ali Shazli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was wearing a very much wonderful dress. Some sufi who was in very much bad condition they argue up on this luxury of him that when what is the need to the people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬to wear such wonderful and luxurious dress? Hazrat Shazli ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the answer, brother this is the expression of praise and thanks to the lord who is having greatness and magnification, high status and glory and this very much poor condition of yours is a question, and you are doing the question with the people with your tongue. In reality the base of being religious is neither on the torn, old, bad and cloths which have stitches on it and nor on wearing the wonderful dress. Instead if the intention of a person is on correct path. The correct thing is this that a person may adopt the path of balance and equality while keeping the level and status of himself under consideration in every matter. Neither he should make the poor face and give the opportunity to his internal self of getting increased and nor he may show pride and agony after wearing the luxurious and colorful dress. The father of Hazrat Abu Al Ahwas ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬does tell one incident of him that once upon a time I got presented in the service of Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. At that time there were very much bad and ordinary cloth on the body of me. The Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬asked that do you have money and wealth with you? I said yes offcourse. He asked that it is the property of what kind? I said that the lord has given me the wealth of every kind. I also have camels, I have cows also, I have goats also, I have horses also, and I have the servants also. the Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said that when the lord ahs granted you with wealth and money so the effect of mercy and favor of him should be expressed on the body of yours. (Mishkaat) The meaning is this that when the lord has given you every thing so then why have you made your appearance like the poor people and needy people? This is ungreatfulness of the lord. I also have remembered one incident which is just like this of my Sheikh Hazrat Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ that one Chaudhri Sir used to come to him most of the time. He used to wear the dress of very much high status, he used to apply very much great fragrance which was of thousands of rupees in that old era also, he used to use the best mode of traveling. Once upon a time Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was saying to me that Tariq! Do you even know that who is this man? I said that Hazrat he would be some Chaudhri Sir etc. So Hazrat sir said that he is from the rejaal ul gheib, he is from the very many great and accomplished scholars who are of technical system. He has hidden the saint hood of himself inside the wonderful dress.

Open heartedness along with the wealth


11. Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say that Hazrat Abu Talha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬had the most and the biggest gardens in Madina Munawwarah. He had one garden whose name was Berha. It was beloved to him very much. It was near the masjid of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The water inside it was


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also very much sweet and abundant. Propher of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬also used to go in that garden most of the time and he used to drink the water of it. When this voice of the Holy Quran got revealed (‫ )لن تنالوا البر حتی تنفقوا مما تحبون‬Translation: You cannot reach to the level of good deeds till when you may not spend such things which are beloved to you (Surah Al Imran Verse Number 92). So Abu Talha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬got present in the service of Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬ and said to him that I like my garden Berha most of all and it is the saying of Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ that do send the beloved things of yours in the path of the Almighty Allah, that is why I am giving that in the path of the Almighty Allah. How you ‫ ﷺ‬may think it appropriate, according to that do spend it. Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬expressed very much happiness and said that it is very much wonderful thing, I thing it’s appropriate that you may distribute it among the people who are close to you. Abu Talha ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬distributed it among the relatives of himself.


The wonderful dress of friend of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬and the punishment of derogation





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12. Hazrat Sheikh ul Hadis Maulana Moosa Khan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as a very much big man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬of the series of naqsh bandia. He was a person with sophisticated nature and he used to wear very much nice cloths. The name of him was very big in the world of knowledge. Once upon a time he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to the masjid of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Over there one man who was aware of the name of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and his wonders of knowledge, he went in the service of him for the reason of meeting with him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was busy in doing nawafil in the masjid of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. That man reach to him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬while asking about him so the people who were with him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that Hazrat is busy in offering nawafil on that some place. That man came while imagining one appearance of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he would have been wearing the dress of poor people, he would be wearing gadri and he would be in very much old cloth. While having this appearance in his mind when he came so after looking at him he got very much sad and started thinking that how can he be the friend of Allah ‫ ? سبحانہ و تعالی‬He sees like a man of world and he went back without meeting with him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. When he slept at night so he got to see Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in his dream and Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to him with very much resented attitude, the meaning of which is this that you have done derogation about the friend of mine. As the eye of that man got opened he went in the service of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬while crying and asked for forgiveness with very much request that Hazrat please forgive me. Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked that what mistake has been committed by you? He said Hazrat till when you will not forgive me I will not get up from here. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬forgiven him and that man told him the whole story of himself with very much embarrassment. That is why never ever one should do the decision about any man of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬after looking at his physical appearance.


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The magnificent life of Mirza Marhar Jaan e Jaana ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬




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13. Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jaana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is from very much famous and great scholars but the status of kings use to be not that, what was the status of him. He had a separate bunk, the cleanliness was wonderful, the servants use to stand separately, the guards on the door are separately present and the condition of cleanliness used to be this that if one straw also used to be lying in front so the pain used to get started inside the heart of him. He used to say that you people have filled the garbage and rubbish in the house. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had very much sophisticated. The king of that time requested very much to meet him and wanted so much that I may get the permission but he did not has the permission. At last he called the special servant of Hazrat Mirza Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to himself and said that you have made the place of yours inside the heart of him, your relation is very much close, please you may take the appointment of only five minutes for me to meet him. The special servant when said to Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬after doing some exaggeration so he got the permission of five minutes. The king came and sat on one side with very much respect and honor. Hazrat Mirza ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave him some advices. During this when Hazrat Mirza Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬felt thirsty so he did the indication to his servants for making him drink the water. The king understood that he wants to drink the water so, he stood up and said after joining his hands with respect that if I have the permission? He got the permission that okay you may make us drink water. When the king went to take water so the cap which was upon the cooler of water, he took the water in it and kept it in front of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so it was kept while being a little bit tilted. With it just in the nature of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬anger got produced and he said: If you do not know how to make someone drink water so how would you run your kingdom? Move away from here. He gave the command to the special servant of him that only you may make us drink the water. He is a great person who has passed with this status, there is no lack in the saint hood of him, he is a complete friend of the almighty Allah. With the training, connection and nourishment of him thousands of people became friends of Allah ‫سبحان و تعالی‬. May the almighty Allah do the correction of all of us and he may get the true love and affection of people of the almighty Allah produced inside us. Aameen.

The honorable friend of the Almighty Allah and halaal income


‫سبحانہ و‬

He remained in the activities of world by god


While living along with everyone we remained separate from all of them


Today that man is being understood as the friend of the almighty Allah who used to be away from the business of the world, who is away from the activities of the world. Although the honorable Prophets and the lives of people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬used to give us some other lesson. Lets come and read the incidents of the people of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬who gained the ontologism by searching the


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lord of them in the pure and halal business. May the Almighty Allah give us the opportunity of correct understanding. Aameen!

The professions of Prophets and great people of Islam

Sabaaghi (painting)

Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Ibrahim

‫علیہ السالم‬

, Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


Bazaazi (trade of cloths)


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1. Parcha baani (to make the cloth): Hazrat Adam ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Hawwa ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Idrees ‫علیہ السالم‬ , Hazrat Sheesh ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Sauleh ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansaari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Sheikh Abdullah Bin Abi Ayub Ansari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Ismail Al Haiq scholar of Egypt, Mohaddis Jarsooma Tabaee, Farqad Sanji Tabaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Sheikh Khair Lisaaj ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, famous pious man Hazrat Majma ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Sheikh Muhammad Bukhari Naqsh Band, Khuwaja Bahauddin Naqsh Band ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Sheikh Abu Bakar Nisaaj, Sheikh Ahmed Neher Waani, Sheikh Ali Rameetni, Momin Arif Muneri, Hazrat Ata Salmi, Sheikh Abdul Quddus Gangohi, Sikandar Zulqarnain, Jamshed King, Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ , Sheikh Ibn e Zalnoon ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, it was the profession of all of these.


Hazrat Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬, Siddiqu e Akbar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Usman Ghani ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Abdul Rehman Bin Auf ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ , Talha ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Zubair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Ibn e Seerain ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Junaid Baghdaadi‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.



Nijaari (work of wood)

Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Zakariya ‫علیہ السالم‬, Khaaqaani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

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Hazrat Hood ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Sualeh Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬

Grazing of goats:

‫علیہ السالم‬

, Hazrat Haroon

‫علیہ السالم‬

, Haashim, Khuwaja Abu Talib,

Hazrat Ishaq ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Yaqoob ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬, Hazrat Luqman ‫علیہ السالم‬, Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬.

Honesty of people of the Almighty Allah in trade



2. Hazrat Siri Sakti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to do the trade in start and he did not use to like to take profit more than five percent. Once upon a time he brought the peanuts for the reason of doing trade and after few days only the cost of peanuts got increased very much. One business man came to the service of him and said that you may sell the peanuts of yours to me so; he said that will you buy them in sixty three gold coins? That business man said that


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‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬

like a king!


There is no friend of Allah


right now the cost of these peanuts is on ninety gold coins. On this he said this that I have decided this only that I will not take the profit more than five percent and I do not even like to change this decision of mine. So the business man said that I do not like to sell your thing less than the cost which is going on in present time. Therefore that thing kept on lying just like that and neither the business man got ready to buy it on low cost and nor he got ready on more cost. (Masalik ul Salikeen J, Khazeenat ul Asfia and Tazkirat ul Aulia)

The full of wisdom incident of pure trade




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3. Shah Hind Shamsuddin Altamash has been passed as a very big man (duration of government six hundred and seven hijri/ one thousand two hundred and eleven AD till six hundred and thirty three hijri/ one thousand two hundred and thirty six AD) about which one can thought with this incident that when Hazrat Qutub uddin Bakhtiyaar Kaaki ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ died (Matoofi Twenty four Rabi ul Awwal Six hundred and thirty three hijri/ November one thousand two hundred and thirty six AD) so his relatives gave the call according to his legacy that according to the legacy of Kaaki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the prayer of funeral shall be lead by that man who has never ever left the four sunnah of prayer of Asar and Isha and never ever he has seen any naa mehrum, never he has touched any naa mehrum and neither his takbeer e Aula has been missed ever. Just after the call there was complete silence in the crowd and eveyr single man started looking at the face of other. After some time Sultan Altamash ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ lead the prayer while saying this that it is very sad that Khuwaja Kaaki ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ made my secret obvious. (Mawaizz Fiqya Al Ummat).




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4. Hafiz Abul Qasim Tibrani‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has narrated one incident full of wisdom of one companion Hazrat Jurair Bin Abdullah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬with the narration of him that once upon a time Hazrat Jurair ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬gave the command to his servant to buy and bring one horse. He brought the horse after buying it for three hundred gold coins and he brought the owner of horse along with him to get him take the money. The cost which was decided was told to Hazrat Jurair ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and the horse was also presented. He got to know this that the cost of horse is much more than three hundred gold coins. Therefore he said to the owner of horse that this horse of yours is of much more cost than three hundred gold coins. Will you sell it to us in four hundred gold coins? He gave the answer that as you are happy. Then said that the cost of horse of yours is also much more than four hundred gold coins, will you sell it to us in five hundred gold coins? He said that I am satisfied on it. This how Hazrat Jurair ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬kept on increasing hundred gold coins in the cost of horse. At last the horse was bought in eight hundred gold coins and the money was given to the owner. When the question was done with him that when the owner was ready on three hundred gold coins so why have you done the loss of yourself after giving him eight hundred gold coins? So he gave the answer that the owner of horse did not know about the correct cost. While thinking good about him I have given him the complete cost because I did the


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promise to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that I will always do good with every Muslim, I have fulfilled that promise of mine. (Moovi Sharah Muslim)

Exemplary trade became the source of exemplary ontologism


The loyal trade



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5. The religious aspects of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬are not needy of getting any introduction because he is a well known personality in fear of God and level of ontologism. Following one reflection has been shown about the business relations of him, his meetings and his ignorance and world. Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a very big business man of cloth. In very much far cities he has appointed his people. He had trade of millions of rupees, he used to do dealings with big and great business men and due to his loyalty he was famous everywhere. Once upon a time he said to his secratery Habs Bin Abdul Rehman ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that look this pile of cloths of silk has some stains. When you will sell it so make the buyer aware of them and make the cost of it also some less so that the buyer may not get the loss but Habs ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ forgot it and the pile went in complete cost. After few days when he took the calculations so he got to know that by mistake the employee has taken the complete cost of it. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said ok now all of the cost of it (which is thorty thousands gold coins) make it distribute among the poor people and needy people. I cannot include this doubtful money inside my money which is pure.




6. Once upon a time one lady came to him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬by taking one piece of cloth of silk. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ asked the cost, she said that hundred gold coins. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that no, this is of five hundred gold coins, if you want to take so do take five hundred gold coins. She thoughts that he is just joking but he took out five hundred gold coins and gave them to her and said that I do not want to take the benefit which is not permissible with your mistake.

.u bq

The wonderful dress and sincerity of heart



7. He used to wear very much precious dress, most of the time he used to wear very nice dress, he used to use the turbans of expensive cloth, his cap used to be very much precious. Other rich people used to have only one or two caps but he had twelve caps with him which had the cost of thousands of rupees. Abu Mutee Balkhi use to say that one day I saw him in the simple dress but on that day also he was wearing one such shirt and long cloth from which the cost of each of it was four hundred gold coins. Just like this Abdullah Sehmi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was the friend of him, was along with him one time in hajj that one man who gave the loan came and met with Abdullah. Abdullah said that right now I do not have anything with me, when I will have I will give it to you. He said bad things to him. When Imam Sir got to know so he gave all of the loan of him and said that we are not able to bear the humiliation of our friends.


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He used to do the service of scholars, Shuyuks and Muhaddiseen very much and the students who used to come to him for getting the education, he used to fix the salaries of them so that they would be able to gain the knowledge with comfort. The understanding of his respect of people of knowledge can be done with this incident that the scholar to whom he sent his son Hammad to get the education, when he made Hammad complete the Alhamd Shareef so he gave five hundred gold coins to him. On one plave when the Almighty Allah gave him knowledge and wisdom and wealth and property over there he gave him prosperity also more than the limits. Once upon a time hira, who was the wife of Shah Mansoor sent him a shopper of fifty thousand as a gift. He returned it after saying this that I have no need of it, the almighty Allah has already given me very much things. May the almighty Allah grant us success and victory of this world and of the Day of Judgment, Aameen, Summa aameen!

To bear the loss of forty thousand rupees







8. Imam Muhammad Bin Seeran ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as a very much big Muhaddis who use to earn the money while doing the trade along with the knowledge and wisdom. Once upon a time he bought the oil of olives with forty thousand rupees. Coincidently a dead mouse came out from the oil so he wasted the whole of oil, although while taking the mouse from the oil the eye of any human being did not see him. If he would have wanted so he could have sold the oil. Then that oil was also as a loan. So therefore when he was not able to give the money the owner sent him to the prison. The guards of prison were aware with the greatness of him. When they presented him with the luxuries of prison, he said that this thing is against the loyalty. Therefore he spent his prison time just like the ordinary prisoners but he did not let any blame come upon the taqwa and Spartan and on good character.

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The honorable friends of the Almighty Allah who used to have the dress of poor people The level of poverty of Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



1. Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who is the caliph of Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jaan e Jaana ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ he has a very much big name. The condition of him was this that he had no house, no cloth and no stuff. He had Spartan and content, poor and needy and on it the abundance of guests was this that all the time three hundred, four hundred guests used to be present on the mat of food of him but aparantly he had no source of income. The Nawab Meer Khan os the state of Tonk who was the follower of Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he saw this that at the place of Sheikh three hundred to four hundred guests use to be present, at last the food etc of them would come from where? He would face very much poverty, he would be having


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very much problem so the Nawab sent one district of state of Tonk the income of which of one year was many millions of rupees, in the service of Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ completely by writing on the stone of brass that I do this gift to you so that the expenditure of guests and members of house may get complete, you may accept it for the almighty Allah. Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬wrote the answer on that same stone and wrote one couplet on it and sent it back ‫ما آبروئے فقر و قناعت نمی بریم بامیر خاں بگوئے کہ روزی مقرر است‬ We do not want to lose the respect of our poverty and starvation. From my side say this to him that the income is in fate, we have no need of the district of yours.

The great man of time in the dress of the stall man






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2. Hazrat Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a very much great scholar. Once upon a time any student asked him that Hazrat! This year the system of city of Delhi is not correct, there use to be mismanagement keep on happening. Hazrat Shah Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that for this reason that the manager of it is such that who is appointed by the almighty Allah for the arrangement of city of Qutub. If he will be the best manager so the management of city will be correct, otherwise not. The student asked him that Hazrat! Where he will be found? He said that he used to sell the melons and pieces of Mellon on the door of grant mosque of Qutub Delhi. Go and see the mismanagement of him. The student went over there and saw that one malang (a man who is ignorant to the world) is sitting and he is selling one single piece of one rupees. Friends! This was the Qutub and manager of Delhi. The student gave one rupee and took one piece then he broke it and said O man of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬this is rotten, give me another. He gave another piece. The student broke it again and while throwing it he said that this is also rotten, give me more. Just like this he wasted the many pieces of that unblessed malang in return of one rupee. The student got to understand this that in reality he is not managed because it should have been like this that when the student asked the other piece so that manager should have taken the other rupee from the student. Then in the other year the student said to Hazrat Shah Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that this year the system of city is good. Shah Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that this year the manager is good. Go and watch on the door of grand mosque of Delhi that manager would be giving every single glass of juice in return of one rupee on that same place. The student went quickly, he took one glass of juice after giving one rupee and after tasting it he returned it and said that O man of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ , this is not good. Give me one more glass of juice which should be sweet and cold. The seller of juice gave the answer that go away, if you want to take the second glass of juice so you will have to give one rupee also more. I am not the one of passed year that I may give many pieces in return of one rupee. Friends! The pious people of the lord are hidden and invisible like this. Who would have thought this that this malang is a great man and a friend of the Almighty Allah and the manager of whole city of Delhi.


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Neither in the kingdom and crown nor in the military and forces The thing which is in the court of Sufi darwaish

The friend of the Almighty Allah hidden in the desert


Very much simplicity of the caliph of the time


.u bq


3. One poor man was sitting in the part of one desert lonely. One king went from near him. The poor man did not pay attention towards him with this reason that not caring is the kingdom of contentment and the king became sad with this reason that in government there use to be anger and rage. He said that this group of people who wear the Kafni is like animals, they do not have talent and humanity. The minister said after coming to that poor man that O young man! The king of this land came to you, you did not do honor of him and you did nor complete the conditions of respect. The poor man said: Say to the king that keep the hope of honor with that man who keeps the hope of blessing with the king and do remember this also the king is for looking after the public and not the public is for service of the kings. The king thought the points of poor man as correct. He said: Ask something from me. He said: I also want this that you may not give me pain after coming over here again. The king said that give me some advice. He said: “The good deeds of the world and the religion”.


.u bq




4. Hazrat Abdul Malik Bin Shaddaad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I saw Hazrat Usman Bin Affan ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ on the member on the Day of Friday that it was a thick cloth which was made of adan, the cost of which was four or five gold coins and it was one kufi sheet of the color of gervy. Hazrat Hasan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was asked about the people who used to do Qelola in the masjid so he said that I have seen Hazrat Usman Bin Affan ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that he was doing qelola in masjid on one day in the era of the caliphate of him and when he woke up after sleeping so there were the marks of stones on the body of him (the stones were spread in the masjid) and the people were saying this that (by becoming surprised on the simple and informal life of him) he is the leader of momineen, he is the leader of momineen. (Akhraja Abu Naem Fil Hulya)

The poverty of Maulana Ismail Dehlvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



5. When Hazrat |Shah Syed Ahmed Sir Barelvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬along with whom Maulana Ismail Saheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was also present reached to Peshawar so the scholar of that place came for the reason of testing after listening the popularity of Maulana Saheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. At that time Maulana was wearing one bad conditioned lower cloth and was making the horse stand. It was asked from him that where is the Maulana? Maulana said that what work do you have? They said that this is not your business. Tell us the address of Maulana. Maualan said that you tell me that what is the problem? They said that we want to ask him something. Maulana said that ask that from me. They got to know that he is the one then whatever they asked in whichever aspect he solves it while making the horse stand. All of them became surprised that apart from this that we are less in


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education we are wearing such turbans and cloths and caps and Maulana is so much big scholar and he use to live in this condition.

The lost and bad conditioned friend of the Almighty Allah



.u bq


6. In our area Ahmed Poor there used to be one Baba G who was very much poor neither he had anything to eat, and nor to wear even. He just used to give the heads of hens to the cats of whole area. There was one piece of wood. Whole of the life he lived on it. One very much wise man said about him that he is from Rijal ul Ghaib that is why O people of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ ! Do remember one thing forever that the Almighty Allah has made his saint hood hidden inside the human beings. That is why do not humiliate any of the human being ever. We do not know that which man has what level in the eyes of the Almighty Allah. Just like this I remember one more incident that once upon a time murshid Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ told me about one town that over there, there is one cobbler who is right now posted on the place of Abdaal. Go and do meeting with him. When I reached over there after doing the journey of long distance, he was sitting while taking a small wooded piece. People were coming to him for getting their broken shoes and slippers to be mended. Just after looking at me he said that is Murshid Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬fine? After that he said that he has not done correct after making my secret obvious. Go back to him so say my Salam to him.

Different interest of the friends of the Almighty Allah




The honorable friends of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬keep different interests and natures. Sometimes there wrong things also use to become correct that is why if you do not even understand anything of those great people so then also any good meaning should be taken. Even the wrong of the people of the almighty Allah is also correct.

.u bq


1. One servant ask the amulet from peer of school of Sufism Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ in regards to the marriage. Hazrat said that I do not know the amulet of it. on the very much insisting of him he wrote so he quickly got his nikah done. When the amulet was opened and seen so it was written in it that “O Lord I do not know and he do not accept it. he is your man and your servant you know and your work”.

The nature and the mushrib of the people of the Almighty Allah


2. It is the saying of Hazrat Hajji Imdad ullah Muhajir Makki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that every person thinks me on the color of him and I am different from every color. On this he told one weird example that; my example is like this that as if the water that there is no color in it but if you fill it in the bottle of whichever color so the color of it seems to be like that.

The condition of gathering of sermon


3. Hazrat Bahauddin Zakariya Multaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to give sermon on every Friday in the grand mosque. Do listen it thousands of people used to come from very much far places. The sermon and speech of him had so much effect, pain and grief that the hearts of people


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who used to listen used to shake, people used to cry while shouting loudly and few used to get even fainted over there.

You may not think yourself equal to the people of the Almighty Allah


4. One man used to refuse the greatness of Hazrat Bayazeed Bastaami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. One day he said to him that whatever you do, I also use to do that. I use to remain busy in effort and struggle but you say some things like that which are beyond the understanding of me. When he looked upon him one time so the trouser of him became dirty and he got fainted. When he got present in the service again after taking bath so he said that, now you would have understood that the weight of elephants cannot be kept on the donkeys.

.u bq

The desirable people of kashaf should read it for sure…!



Leadership of 7 generations


5. One day one man who used to refuse the greatness came in the service of Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ and said that do the expression of that some problem on me. He said that you may go inside the cave of that some mountain and get this problem solved by our friend. When he went and saw in the cave so one dangerous snake was seen. After looking at which his urine passed out and he ran from there with bear feet and after coming to him he fell in his feet so he said that your condition has become this with fear of one creation only, how would you be able to bear the fear of the creator that you are the desirable of kashaf.


.u bq



6. When Bahawal Khan was coming towards this area with the intention of first success so on his way he met one great man. Bahawal Khan said that do the dua. The great man was wearing a shirt which was like a waistcoat. He took it off and spread it on the ground and said to Bahawal Khan that sit on it because it was the command of the great man so Bahawal Khan kept his knees only on that waistcoat and got up. The great man said that you have only kept the knees that are why the 7 generations of your will do leadership meaning you will remain a leader till 7 generations. If you would have sit on it in complete way so the generations of your would have remained leaders forever.

The incident of one friend of Allah in the form of one crazy person



7. Fiqya Abu Lalees ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes in “Bistan ul Aarfeen” on page number two hundred and twenty that one man from Bani Israel did the swear that before getting married I will do the discussion with hundred people. Therefore he did the discussion with ninety nine people and one got remained. He makes the decision that at tomorrow morning first of all which man will meet me; I will do discussion with him. As the morning came he went out from the house the person from whom he met first of all, he was a crazy and insane man. He was sitting upon the horse of wood of children and he was making it run here and there in the streets. That man became very much worried and said that what discussion I will do with this crazy and insane man but he has decided very


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.u bq






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much strongly that I will do the discussion only with the one who will meet me first of all. Therefore he started trying to go near to that crazy and insane man. The crazy man said to him that moves away from front of the horse of mine. It may not happen that the horse may hit you the leg. That man said that I have to discuss one thing from you stop your horse for some time. So he stopped it. then he told the whole incident of the swear of him and also told the decision of him and asked that what is the advice of yours regarding it? That crazy man said that the ladies are of two kinds. One are those which are completely yours only. Secondly are those who are completely harmful and damaging for you. The third one is that which can be harmful and beneficial both. Then that crazy man said that be safe from the horse it may not hit you the leg and he went away. That man got very much surprised that what matter is this? He did not tell me the detail of it. Therefore he again ran after him and said stop make me understand the reason of your saying and then go. That man said that the lady which is completely yours is the unmarried girl. The heart of her and the love of her is for you only because apart from you she does not know anyone else and the one who is harmful for you, she is married and a lady who is having children also. she will eat the property of yours and she will cry for her first husband and the lady who is capable of being beneficial and harmful both for you that is a married lady who do not have any children. If just you will be proved to be better for her than her first husband so she is beneficial for you otherwise she is harmful. Then that crazy man went away. That man said that your words are like the intelligent people and your act is like the crazy people. He gave the answer that Bani Israel wanted to make me the judge, I refused them but when they insisted so I made myself as a crazy person for getting rid from this matter. You just think that how much big scholar was he but with the physical appearance he seemed to be a crazy and insane man so that he would not be made a judge. Many great people have adopted simplicity by refusing tip top life style and physical decoration and luxuries, they do not want the wealth of the world, they are the desirable people of the wealth of the Day of Judgment. They do not want the kingdom and the money of this world instead their aim and goal is only the entity of the Almighty Allah. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said so well: After loosing the whole wealth of world in your way I thought that there is something also for me apart from this I may get death on the path of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬only Only this medicine is elixir for me What is the fear if whole humanity is against? If only one lord is enough for me The oneness is this that lord may say on the Day of Judgment This man is resented from the world for me


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Our weak status of mind and the level of friends of Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬






.u bq



8. One lady came to Imam Auzaee ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. When she touched the sheet of house so it was wet. The lady said that may be the child has passed out urine over here. Although they were the tears of Imam Auzaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and it got to know that he use to do worship just like this at every morning. The lady thought which reason of sheet being wet, that was only the production of her own mind. This reason had no presence in the real world. She just made one suggestion on the basis of her personal thought although the correct suggestion is that which should be made after looking at all the truths which are related to it. In most of the conditions a person used to give a suggestion according to his own mental level. The mental level of that lady was that only. The expression of which came inside the question of her. She did not do her question with any bad intention and neither she said lie apart from this she was completely on the mistake. The simple reason of the mistake of her was this that she was not able to think by going beyond. She was doing the experience of which thing in the routine life of her, she judged the matter of other also on it. the thing which was being faced by her, she connected it towards the other person also. This example tells us that a person should be very much careful in making a judgment about another person. It is very much possible that he may think the “The tears of Imam Auzaee‫ ”رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬as “The urine of child”. The incident which has a story of fear of the almighty Allah in one man, on the basis of foolishness he thought it as a result of being interested in world. The incident which is the one which makes us remember the Day of Judgment, it may become the one in the mind of him who only give the remembrance of this world. O people of the almighty Allah! It is the reason of very much damage to make a decision about any person of the almighty Allah with your own mental level.

.u bq


The people who use to do argue on the friendsof Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬may read it for sure..!



9. Once upon a time Hazrat Bayazeed Bastaami ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to hajj so he kept all of his and his followers things on one camel. One man said you have kept so much weight on the poor camel. This is completely injustice. He said that look carefully that is it now in reality on the back of camel. When he looked upwards again so he saw the things one foot above the camel. He said that you people are also weird. If I may not make the condition obvious on you so you do arguments and if I make it obvious so you could not see the power of your sustained. Over here I am remembering one thing of my sheikh Hazrat Khuwaja Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the flows which a follower sees inside the murshid of him those are actually the flows which are inside the follower himself because one Muslim use to be the mirror of the other Muslim and the mirror use to be how much clear, according to that the reflection is seen inside it and said that if anything becomes a hindrance between the love of murshid and himself so do sacrifice it. The reason of it is this that you do not know the reconciled


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wisdom behind it, this level is very much sensitive. If there is the lack of trust with the complete sheikh if such person may remain walking for many years also so you may not get the success instead this weakness of trust takes him very much far away.


The majesty of the people of the Almighty Allah The recognition of the people of the Almighty Allah




.u bq

1. On the knowledge and wisdom, open heartedness and prosperity, forgiveness and kindness and purification and magnification of Hazrat Abu Ali Moosa Bin Jafar Al Qaazim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ the era is witness. He use to do very much honor and respect of Hazrat Imam e Azam ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ . How much there was the honor and respect of Imam Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬on the hands of Imam Qaazim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, the judgdment of it can be made with this narration. One Fiqa Imam has written in his book “Manaqib Abi Hanifa” that when Syedina Moosa Bin Jafar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬for the first time so he said that are you Abu Hanifa ‫ ?رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬He said: How did you recognize me? Hazrat Moosa Qaazim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that I have recited the Holy Quran (‫ )سیماھم فی و جوھھم من اثر السجود‬that there will be the marks of Sajdah on the foreheads of them.



The villager of Nadwa and the recognition of the people of the Almighty Allah



.u bq


2. Once upon a time one big gathering happened in Nadwa. Very much big scholars and mashaeik of Hindustan came there. In that time one man of village came and he asked: Do you want to meet Maulana Ali Miyan Sir? People said that do you know him? So he said that I do not recognize him. People took test of him. Maulana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was sitting in front, on four sides of him many big and great mashaikh and ulama were sitting in their own respective dresses and Hazrat Maulana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was sitting in that same simple way. People said: he is one of these, recognize him. He went straight to Maulana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and came back after shaking hand with him. People asked that how did you recognize? So he said that his face was telling it. So these are the Sunnahs of inside on following which the spiritual light burst and comes out. Hazrat Maulana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did so many efforts throughout his whole life to hide himself but when he died so it felt like this that it was one lid which got opened and the fragrance has been spread outside. After taking bath, after wearing Sherwani, after applying perfume, in the month of Ramadan ul Mubarak, on the day of Friday he got present in the court of Lord and he went from this world while reciting Surah Yaseen. After the death the fragrance kept on coming from his grave till six months. It used to come out from the grave and spread in whole masjid and surrounding. Today also in the books of Hazrat Maulana ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬there is effect but after looking at such people a person do not gets


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.u bq



affected at once. When he will go slowly and gradually in the service so the love will keep on increasing. To get inspired at once, this is the indication of it being false. So in the reality this should happen that the human being should remain in the company of such human being who is the collection of sunnahs and he should remain trying to find him most of the people use to stuck in the web of false and wrong people and afterwards they come and cry. Brother why do you even do such work that afterwards you have to do the sajda? That is why you may check at least that who is the collection of Sunnah? You may sit in the company of them, how is their language, how is their dressing and way of life? How is their attitude with their close people? A great man use to say that a person should see one more thing which is also proved by the hadis shareef that how does he behave with the relatives of him. It is because of this that to behave nicely with the relatives is a thing which demands a tstrong heart.


The routine of Hazrat Seeri Sakhti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


The interest of worship of honorable friend of the Almighty Allah




1. It was the routine of Hazrat Siri Sakhti (‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that every day he used to offer nafil prayer of one thousand Rakats. Therefore Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I have not seen anyone more complete, worshiping and pure than him and I have not seen this thing apart from him in any other person that the age of him became ninety eight years but never ever I saw him lying down apart from the time which was of his death. (Tazkira tul Aulia Shajrat ul Kamileen)

.u bq


The exemplary interest of worship of one great man

2. Hazrat Abu Zamra Anas Bin Ayaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that “I have seen Safwan Bin Saleem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ if it would had been said to him that tomorrow it is the Day of Judgment then also he was able to do more worship which he already used to do.

The management of time of Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



3. Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much punctual of his time. It was the routine of him that after the prayer of Maghrib he used to become busy in zikr and remembrance of the almighty Allah and then he used to eat food and then offer the prayer if Isha with the group of people. After the prayer of Isha the routine of giving knowledge and training to followers used to get started which kept being continued till the half of night. After offering the prayer of tahajjud he used to do zikr with loud voice and he used to do the recitation of the Holy Quran and he used to teach students at evening. (Manaqib FareedI).


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The bad end of dishonor of honorable friends of the Almighty Allah


The need of love of people of Allah



.u bq

The bad end of dishonor of people of Allah





.u bq


1. The good and cute titles which the Almighty Allah has given to his Prophets, he has given all of those titles to the last messenger Muhammad Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and he more give him the special title of Habib Ullah. This special title does the translation of love. At last the love was the basic thing so the Almighty Allah gave him this title and each and every act of whole of life of Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬use to remain decorated with the love of the Almighty Allah. This is the reason that in the last part of night alone Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to stand on the prayer mat. He used to recite nearly six and a half juz of Holy Quran in the prayer of tahajjud. He used to do the recitation in first Rakat of Surah Baqarah, in second rakat of surah Al Imran, in third rakat Surah Nisa and in fourth Rakat Surah Maidah. Even this that the Holy feet of him used to become swells. At last what was this thing? It was only the love of the Almighty Allah of which he also gifts the knowledge to him Ummah also. Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to have the love of the Almighty Allah most of all. In the whole universe nobody could no more love than him but the condition of him was this that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do dua in this way ( ‫اللھم انی اسئلک حبک و حب من یحبک و حب عمل یقربنی الی‬ ‫ )حبک‬that O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬I ask from you the love of yours and the love of those people who have love with you and the love of such work which may make me near to the love of yours, I ask you such love. Although Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the real example of love. The deeds of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬were of love, the heart of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was Habib Ullah, with every act of him the proof of love is received then also Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to remain asking for love in different ways from the Almighty Allah by picking up his hands. What was this thing? This was the goal of doing progress in the limitless levels of love and to give the teaching to the Ummah. We should remain very much sensitive and careful in this matter we may not dishonor any friend of the Almighty Allah in any way.

2. With the dishonor and disrespect of the people of the Almighty Allah the world and the Day of Judgment gets destructed. First of all the people of the Almighty Allah do not take revenge from anyone but if they take revenge from anyone for some time so only for the betterment of cruel person, as it has been passed. But if they will say anything by getting restrained against anyone so quickly the revenge of Lord becomes active. In following few incidents of this kind are being mentioned.


The dishonoring man became blind


3. One lady went in the court of Marwan Bin hakam by taking this argument against Hazrat saeed Bin Zaid ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that he has taken over my land. Hazrat Saeed Bin Zaid ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that how can I do the courage of it after listening the hadis shareef of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that I would take over the land of her. Marwan asked: What hadis shareef have you listened from the Prophet ‫ ?ﷺ‬He said: I have listened from Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬while saying this that: ( ‫من‬


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‫ )اخذ شبرا من االرض طوقہ الی سبع ارضین‬the man who will take only one hand of land also of anyone in prohibited way, he will be made to wear the necklace of fire till seven lands. Marwan said that after this I do not ask any witness from you. Hazrat Saeed ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said: O Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬if this lady is a lier so make her blind and kill her in the land of her. After some days she became blind and died after falling in one ditch of the land of her. Muhammad Bin Zaid ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say I have seen that lady in this condition that she became blind and she was walking by holding things and was saying this that: I have got the bad dua of Saeed ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. I day she died after falling in the well of the land of her.

The becoming of a person who dishonored of friend of Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬as the monkey




.u bq




.u bq

4. Imam Mustaghfir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written one incident in the “Dalael un nubuwwa” that we three people were going to Yaman. One man along with us was of Koofa. He used to say bad words (May god forbid to Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and Hazrat Umar Farooq ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ . We used to make him understand that may be he may get guidance but he did not use to stay away from it. At last we became fed up of him and we left talking to him. When we reached near to the Yaman so we stayed in one guest house on one place and we went in the valley of sleep. At morning when the time came to go form here so all of us got up and did ablution. During this he got up and said while looking at us: It is said that I will remain on this destiny after becoming separate from you people. Right now I have seen Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in my dream that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is saying while standing beside me that O sinful man you will get damaged on this destiny. After saying this he started crying. Then he did his feet closer so we saw that the body of him has started being rotten from the side of fingers and both of his feet has become like a monkey. After that till knees, then till back, then till chest, then head and then mouth also got rotten and he became a monkey completely. We tied him on the camel while reciting astaghfar and we went from there. At the time of sun set we reached to one forest so we saw that over there some monkeys are gathered. When he saw them so he broke his rope and got mixed in them.

Becoming blind due to dishonor


5. Imam Bin Asaakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬do narrates from one man that he says that one of my neighbors got died. I saw him in the dream that his one eye is not there. I asked him that o someone!Where your eye has gone? He gave the answer that I said abusive words to the companions of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, I disrespected and humiliated them. that is why I am caught in this tormant. The condition which you are watching of me. (Sharah Al sudoor Seuti)

The dishonoring man becoming like a pig


6. Allama Barzi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬narrates from Hazrat Mansoor that he saw one man in Egypt that the body of him is like a human being but the face of him is in the form of pig. When the reason of it was asked so it got to know that this man used to say abusive words (may god forbid to Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. Someone saw Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in the dream and did the complain of this


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humiliated man. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬spitted towards him due to which the face of him became like the face of pig.

The punishment of disrespect is death







.u bq


7. One husband and wife were going that with the foot of any great man some splashes came upon the lady. The husband of that lady hit the slap to that great man in anger that cannot you walk by looking, you have made all the cloths of my wife dirty. That great man remained silent and kept on walking. The city came forward, in the start of city there was the shop of one sweet maker. The sweet maker had already thought this that today early in the morning the one who will enter in the city first of all I will make him drink the hot bowl of milk. Therefore that bowl came in the luck of that great man and the sweet maker made him drink it. this great man said that O the almighty allah wow your magesty is very much strange that sometime before you made me hit by someone and then now you are making me drink the bowl of hot milk. Therefore he went some more forward so that husband and wife reached to the house of them. They climbed the stairs, the foot of husband got slipped from the stair which was up and he fell down hardly and passed away. The wife started crying and started shouting. People got gathered so she said that because of walking of one old man I got the splashes, my husband hit one slap to that great man, it seems like this that he has got the bad dua of old man. While this that old man also reached there. He said that I did not do any bad dua for him, he had love with the wife if himself, he took the revenge of her from me and my Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has love with me that is why from my side the almighty Allah has taken the revenge from him. And it do comes in hadis shareef also that the one who irritates the friend of the ‫آ‬lmighty Allah, the ‫آ‬lmighty Allah do the call of doing war with him. That is why a person should never irritate any man of ‫آ‬lmighty Allah (pious man) and it is not written on the forehead of anyone that he is pious that is why a person should not irritate any person also.

.u bq

The quick punishment on doing the dishonor of the friend of the Almighty Allah



8. There was one rival man of Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He got to know that the father of him has been passed away and the mother is old, she has the age near to ninety years. One day he came to him and said that it is in the command of Sharah that you may do the nikah of widows. As your mother has become a widow and I have listened that she is very much beautiful and attractive so I want this that I may do nikah with her. When Hazrat listened him so he quickly recognized him and he said that: Oh! My mother is intelligent and mature and the lady of that age has the power of taking the decision according to the shariah. I may say this proposal by going in front of her. He said that ok well. When Hazrat took two steps for going towards his home so what he saw was this that some pain got started in the stomach of that man. Due to this pain he fell down and over there death came to him. Imam


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Abu Yusuf ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the patience of Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬took the life of that man.

The punishment of doing humiliation on belief of people of Almighty Allah

The end of joking with great men




.u bq


9. Once upon a time two desirable man got present in the service of Hazrat Abdullah Hanif ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ for getting the benefit of spirituality who were of the series of spirituality. He ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ was not present in the convent. People told this that he has gone for meeting the king. With this thing in the hearts of both of them doubt and distrust started coming and they thought that what is the work of one poor man in the court of king? They both went back from there. On their way they sat on the shop of one tailor for getting their sleeve stitched. During this some precious thing got lost from the shop of that tailor. He caught both of those young man and took to the leader of the fort. The leader of the fort presented both of them in front of the king and he told the whole incident to the king. The king gave the order to cut the hands of both of them. near to him Hazrat Abdullah Hanif ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was sitting, he said: let both of them go, they are innocent. The king was aware of truthfulness and greatness of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he left both of them without any investigation. He ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said to both of them that now the thought of yours must have become correct, for people like you I have to go to the king. Both of those young man asked forgiveness and got included in the students of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.




10. One great man of series of Noshahi, Khuwaja Muhammad Fazeel Qadri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, in front of him one alive man was brought by putting him on a bunk bed and making him dead and it was said while joking that make the prayer of funeral offer. Just after he said the takbeer, the soul of that man got departed and in reality that man became dead.

.u bq

The nafli fast and the resentment of friend of the Almighty Allah


11. One day hazrat abu Tarab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and Shafiq Balkhi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬both were sitting. Abu Turab ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ started eating the food. Abu turab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said to one follower you may also eat. He said I have nafli fast. Abu Turab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that eat it and get the reward of one whole month. He said no I cannot break my fast. Shafiq Balkhi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that open it and get the reward of one year. He did not accepted it even then. It came out from his mouth that, let him go he is totally destructed and damaged. Therefore after some days he got arrested and in the blame of stealing the hands of him got cut.

Going far from murshid is the result of misguidance


12. One follower of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬after thinking that that now I have become complete, adopted separation from the murshid. Every night he used to see angels in his dream that they used to take him in one open garden where ladies with the beauty of fairies and all the blessings are presents. He use to stay over there. He started saying to


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people also that I have got this talent that every day at night I get to go and enjoy the heavens. When Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬listened it so at that time he went to him. He saw that he is sitting with very many arrangements. He said to him that today at night when you will reach to the heaven so only recite (‫)ال حول وال قوۃ‬. The reality of the wonder of yours will get open. Well now he did not have the recognition of the wonder of his sheikh also but still he recited (‫)ال حول‬. So what he sees is this that all of them have ran away after shouting and in front only some bones of dead people and dirt was seen. After looking this he became very much embarrassed, asked forgiveness, did repentance and got to understand this that the separation from murshid is very much danger for the follower.

The advice of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to the humiliated person



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13. Once upon a time any follower of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did the dishonor of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and went away. After few days when he passed from there so just after looking he fell down with fear, his head got burst but which drop of blood used to fall on ground, it used to take the form of Kalma Shareef. He said ok you are making me look at your wonder that this is your status. O unlucky man small and young children are also more than you in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah. A man should reach to the one whose zikr is done meaning reach till the Almighty Allah. After listening this thing he became so much inspired that he gives away his life over there after writhing.


The punishment of irritating the people of the Almighty Allah


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14. One man took off the precious sheet of Sheikh Abu Bakar Al Kitaani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in the condition of prayer from the body of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. As the heart of him was focused towards the almighty Allah that is why he did not even feel it. That man sold that sheet and when he decided to give it to the one who bought that sheet so the hand of him got dried and it did not move. Just he got understood that this is the punishment of irritating the man of Almighty Allah. Quickly he got present in the service of Sheikh by running and after returning the sheet of him ‫ ﷺ‬he asked for forgiveness. The Sheikh did dua “O Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ Your man has returned me my sheet, you also return him that blessing which you have snatched from him”. Right now he was doing this dua that the energy of hand of him came back and he became completely fine.

The bad and of bad duas of people of the Almighty Allah



15. One thing from the things which makes a person decrease the importance of himself and to lose the worth of himself is to do injustice with the people of the Almighty Allah, to take away the rights of them and to irritate the weak people. It is the quote of one intelligent man that be scared from that person who has no any other helper apart from the Almighty Allah. Aamir Bin Tufail who used to do deception and sham about Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, therefore the glands in throat of him got swell and while shouting and screaming he died over there.


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Arbad Bin Qais used to give pains to Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. He used to remain trying to murder the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬all the time. Therefore the almighty Allah made the sky power fall upon him and on the camel of him and this how he got killed. When Hajjaj Bin Yusuf decided to kill Hazrat Saeed Bin Jubair ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬so sometime before the martyre Hazrat Saeed Bin Jubair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said like this while doing the bad dua against the Hajjaj Bin Yusuf: O Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬After me do not make him rule over anyone. Therefore one abcess came out on the hand of Hajjaj Bin Yusuf which got spread on whole of the body. Due to the pain of that absess he used to shout like this just like a buffalo use to take out voices and in this same disease Hajjaj Bin Yusuf passed away from this world. Sufyaan Suri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to be very much afraid from Abu Jafar Mansoor. When Abu Jafar decided to go to Makka and Sufyaan Soori ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was present in haram from before. Therefore he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬stood up and got attached to the cover of Kaba and kept on doing dua with the almighty Allah. Therefore Abu Jafar Mansoor away before entering in the Makkah near the “Baer e mamnoon”. Qazi Ahmed Bin abi Daud Motazli was involved in giving pains to Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The almighty Allah involved him in the disease of paralysis and he do say like this that the condition of half of my body has become that if the bee also sit so I feel like this as if the day of Judgment has came, although the condition of other half body is this that if it would be cut with knife also so I may not feel it even. Famous minister Ibn e Ziyarat used to irritate Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬very much. The Almighty Allah gave one man power over him who caught him and threw him in the Collin of fire.

.u bq


The interest of honorable friends of Allah of oneness and shairiah


In the life of my murshid Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also I saw the very much arrangements of shariah. He did not use to bear the little bit of mistake even. When he used to see any lacking in someone so he used to do the correction of him quickly and say this that without the shariah there is neither ontologism and nor the school of Sufism. Now over here I am telling you the few incidents of life of people of the almighty Allah related to this topic so that the friends who use to follow the series of Qadri Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬may face easiness in understanding this thing that Sufism is only the name of following the shariah with heart and soul and after reading these incidents our walking will also become easy.

Importance of tauheed and shariah


1. Yahya Maaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that darweshi is this that a human being may become ignorant from all of the things apart from the lord and said: when a person starts getting afraid from the almighty Allah so all of the organs get ready for the worship. He said: there


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is one decoration for every thing and the decoration of worship is fear and the decoration of fear is to decrease the wishes and desires. One day the lamp which was burning in front of Hazrat Yahya Maaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬it became extinguished. He started crying. The servant said that you do not be worried, we may make it shine right now. He said: the reason of my crying is this that it may not happen that with the wind of ignorance those lamps of oneness of the Almighty Allah and faith may not also extinguishe just like this which are shining inside the chests of us.

Advice to follow the Sunnah and to be safe from Biddah




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2. One time some darvish came from Arab. Hazrat Makhdood Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked them that you people are from which family. They gave the answer that from the family of Syed Ahmed Qabeer ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He said that I have worn the furqa from syedi Ahmed qabeer ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and he has given the permission to me to make others wear kharqa. He was a sufi and he used to wear the cloths according to the sunnah. Then he gave advice to those darvesh that you may gain the knowledge of shariah, do follow the Sunnah and be safe from Biddah. Then he adviced them to do forgiveness and made them wear khurqa. (Al Dar Al Manzoom). He used to do special attention towards the training and the correction of followers. Once upon a time after listening the discussion of act of cheechak and he said, to connect the effect of it towards your self is the shirk. The real healer is the almighty Allah.

The arrangement of Sunnah of Hazrat Makhdood Jahania ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


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3. The common routines of the everyday life of Hazrat Makhdoom Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬were this. He used to offer apart from prayer of five times, tahajjud, ishraq, chasht, salat ul awwabeen, taraveeh and other nafils so much that how much Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬used to recite. Most of the time he used to recite those wazaif and tasbehaat, the discussion of which have come in ahadis shareef. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did not use to remain awake for the whole night in worship instead he used to sleep for some time. He used to say that the person who kept on being awake in worship for the whole night he left the Sunnah because the court of Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬is this that (‫ )انا اصلی و انام‬I offer prayer also and I do sleep also. he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did not use to eat food alone instead he used to eat after distributing and say that say. After eating the things which were cooked on fire, he used to wash his face and do gargle. When he used to drink water so he used to drink it in three sips and say that this same was the way of Prophet of Allah ‫ﷺ‬. In Ramadan Shareef he used to do sehri for sure that this is Sunnah. One day in the service of Hazrat Makhdoom Jahania ‫ ﷺ‬thirty four pieces of cloths were sent. He said after looking at them that if they will be according to the shariah so then I will wear them. then said that silk and gold is prohibited on the men of Ummah of Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬and it is permissible for women.


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The interest in shariah of Shah Muhammad Suleman ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

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4. The important aspect of teachings of Shah Sir was the following of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. He used to say that the base of success in the world and religion is on the following of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. It was the thought of him that the government went away from the Muslims with this reason only that they have left the obedience of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. At one time he said ‫ حق سبحانہ و تعالی‬،‫دریں زماں چوں مسلماناں متابعت نبی صاحب صلی ہللا علیہ و آلہ وسلم گزاشتہ اندر‬ ‫کفار رابرایشاں مسلط کردہ ست‬ In this era when then Muslims have left the obedience of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that is why the Almighty Allah has made the known Muslims rule over them. (Tareekh Mashaikh chusht, reference from Nafee Al Salikeen)

The interest of obedience of sunnah of Peer Golarvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


5. Peer Golarvi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to give special attention on the obedience of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in his teachings. He used to say that there can be no other pride for one Muslim more than the obedience of shariah of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

Hazrat sheikh Meer Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and punctuality of prayer






6. Hazrat Sheikh Meer Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to remain busy in the remembrance of truth and the followers and people who use to be along with him them also used to get busy in the remembrance of lord under one free separately. When the time of prayer used to come so all of them used to offer prayer in one group. Hazrat Miyan Meer ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ used to follow the Sunnah very much. In the worships he used to take care of faraiz, sanan mokida, tahajjud and of those prayers with regularity which Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ has offered. Just like this he also used to do the punctuality of fast also. (‫ولیکن می افزائے بر مصطفے‬ ‫)بزہد و ورع کوش صدق و صفا‬

.u bq

Awamir shariat is the need of every follower



7. Sheikh Meer Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬famous as Miyan Meer ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say to the followers that for a saalik in sulook the first level is of shariah. It is important for a desirable man that he may try to learn the levels of it. when he will start fulfilling the rights of the shariah in complete way so with the beatitude of the fulfilling of the rights of shariah, in the heart of him the desire of school of Sufism will get produced by itself and when he will also fulfill the rights of school of Sufism nicely so the Almighty Allah will remove the cover of humanity from the eyes of the heart of him and the meaning of reality will get open on him who is related to the soul and the reality of school os sifims, purity of internal self and level of reality and the meaning of reality is to make the entity as mortal and do make the heart empty from every other thing except the almighty Allah which makes a person reach to the level of closeness. A human being is a collection of internal self, heart and soul. From them the correction of each of them


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is necessary. The correction of internal self from shariah, of heart with school of Sufism and of soul with the reality. (Taken from Sakeenat ul Aulia)

The interest to follow the sunnah of Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Mohaari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq


8. He used to give special emphasize on the following of shariah and good character in his teachings. In the ethics these three things were the base of the education of character of him. 1. (‫)یکے آں کے غصہ بر کسے نکندکہ جوہرے است در باطن و اظہار آں نور معرفت رامی راند‬ 2. (‫ آں مادل بالخیر باید نمود‬،‫)دویم آنکہ اگر کسے در حق احدے شکیات کند‬. 3. ( ‫محاسبہ در امور دنیا نبا‬ ‫)ید‬. (Takmila Seer ul aulia). He himself was also a follower of shariah and he also used to give the special education of following the shariah to the followers. He used to say (‫( )قالب راموافق شریعت کردن و انظمام قلب باتباع شریعت ست‬Manaqib ul Mahbuween)


.u bq



9. After coming back to India Hazrat Makhdoom Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬lived in his country Uch and got busy in guidance and leadership. He used to give people the knowledge of sulook and ontologism according to the shariah. He was very much punctual of giving advice of good deeds and stopping from bad deeds. He used to worn very much strictly on the things which were against the shariah. Once upon a time one man came in uch who used to say himself as the friend of Almighty Allah. People became very much inspired from him. Hazrat Makhdoom Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬also went to meet him. When he sat with him after going to him so he said with very much pride, O Syed! Right now the Almighty Allah has gone after getting up from here. When he listened this so he scolded him with very much anger and said O unlucky person what are you saying, you have become a Non Muslim. Recite the kalma of shahadah again and become Muslim and then he said to the judge of city after going to him that call give man to him, if he do ask forgiveness so forgive him otherwise make him get killed after taking the decision of shariah on him. In the city as there were very much followers of that man so the judge became a little hesitated in this matter. He felt the hesitation of the judge. Then he sends a message to the Governor of city that one man is spreading false hood in the city. If you will not give punishment to him so then I will do the complain to the king by becoming restrain. Therefore that man was taken out from the city. (Al dar Al Manzoom).




The respect of shariah and punishment to ethist


The punctuality of prayer with a group


10. Hazrat Makhdood Jahania ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to do very much obedience of shariah and follow the Sunnah. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہرحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say this that the reality is shariah and till when a person will not hold the shariah of the Almighty Allah, he will not be able to reach till the reality. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to do strict advice to his followers of prayer with the group and he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say the person as biddah who used to leave the truth


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of prayer. At one more time he said that the one who is empty from shariah he cannot be aware of reality and school of Sufism. At one more time he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the Sheikh who knows the reality and school of Sufism but he is not aware with shariah of the Almighty Allah he is not a Sheikh but an uneducated man. Any pious man cannot be the friend of the Almighty Allah till that time, till when he may not have the knowledge of shariah, reality and school of Sufism. In the regards of following the Sunnah once upon a time he said that a saalik should do this that he may do the obedience of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. With this source he will get the closeness of the Almighty Allah. Few people of biddah thinks the biddah as a source of closeness of the Almighty Allah and they use to wear steal and copper, they get their beard cut, with this closeness is not gained instead this is biddah and misguidance. The Almighty Allah use to say that (‫( )قل ان کنتم تحبون ہللا فاتبعونی یحببکم ہللا‬Malfoozaat Al Dar Al Manzoom).

Warning on doing mistake in the call for prayer





11. Once upon a time Makhdoom Jahania (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to the grand masjid for offering prayer. The moazzin said Akbaar in the place of Akbar while calling for prayer. He said this is kufar and he made Qazi Al Qaza Sadar Jahan attentive towards it. When Sultan Feroz got to know about this so he called to the moazzin. He became very much worried and got present in the service of Makhdoom Jahania (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. He gave consolation to him and said I will say to the king that he may not stop your income but do not say Akbaar in the takbeer and neither say (‫ )حی علی الصلوۃ‬in place of ( ‫حیا علی‬ ‫)الصلوۃ‬. With this the meanings get changed. (Bazm e Sufia, Reference from Al Dar Al Manzoom)

.u bq

12. All of the people who are under the supervision of Hazrat Sheikh Daud Kirmani Sher Garh (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬are united on this thing that he was like a nude sword in preaching good deeds and establishing truth and all of his time used to get spend in advice and sermons. He was very much intensely fed up from those bad scholars and false sufis who had made the desire of world and love of status as their goal behind the curtain of Sufism and knowledge. He used to say that the scholars who have made kings and rich people as their Kibla that bee is thousand levels better than them which use to keep sitting on the dirt. Then he used to recite this poetry.



The nude sword in the spreading of good deeds

‫آں کت کہ زگونر ہد وائے برار بر خلق جہاں دل بد ہدوائےبراو‬


‫در دست فقیر نیست نقدے جزوقت آں نیز گراز دست دہد وائے براو‬


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The interest of Hafiz Muhammad Jamal Multani (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to follow the shariah


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13. Hafiz Muhammad Jamal Multani (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much follower of shariah, he used to dislike the functions which were against the shariah. One day he called one of his follower Zahid Shah (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he reached to Multan after coming from Maoza Hathati. Hafiz Sir said to him that have you done marriage somewhere? He gave the answer no, and the reason of it is this that I have not found any appropriate proposal up till now. On one place one proposal was appropriate also but the people of my family use to say that the relationship of Sadaat is not appropriate with someone who is not sadaat. That is why I am not able to get married up till now. Hafiz sir said : ( ‫نکاح سادات با غیر سادات‬ ‫ تو گفتہ جاہالں راچہ اعتبار کنی‬،‫( )در شرع جائز ست‬Manaqib Al Mehboobin, Page number 127). The marriage of sadaat is permissible with the ones who are not sadaat, why do you believe on the saying of the ones who are uneducated. ( ‫احسن طریق وصول الی الحق طریقہ‬ ‫مشائخ ست کہ رسیدہ است باسناد صحیح برسول علیہ السالم وآں آراستگی ظاہر شریعت است و مستقیم ہودن‬ )‫ ازاوصاف ذمیمہ (ایضا‬،‫ و پاک کردن باطن ست‬،‫)ہرآں‬. The best way to reach to the truth is the way of mashaikh which makes a person reach to the Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬along with the


correct references and it is to decorate the external self with shariah and to be consistent on it and to make the internal self pure from bad habits.


The interest of Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to follow the shariah


14. Khuwaja Muhammad Aaqil (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to follow the shariah very much and used to follow the sunnah. He was posted on the status of Fana Fil Rasool Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. (Tareekh


Mashaikh Chusht). Some days before his death he saw Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in his dream that he

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says that you have made us very much happy by making our all of the sunnahs revived. (Manaqib Al Mehboobin)

The following shariah of Hazrat Baba Fareed Ganj Shakar (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



15. Hazrat Baba Fareed uddin (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a very much follower of shariah himself also and he used to think it very much important for the progress of spirituality to be punctual of commands of shariah. His condition was this that if he used to be in the condition of unconsciousness or faintness so at the time of prayer he used to become conscious and offer the prayer on the time. He used to do very much intense punctuality of prayer along with the group and he used to do advice to his followers that if there are two people also so they should offer prayer in one group. About the prayer he said that a person should offer the prayer along with the focus of the Almighty Allah and said that the Almighty Allah has produced the blessing of religion and world in eighteen thousands galaxies that is in reality the prayer. (Bazm e Sufia, reference from Rahat Al Quloob, Majlis Panz Daham)


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The importance of fast




For the beatitude of fast he kept fast throughout his whole life. Once upon a time he said to his followers that by keeping the fast of Ramadan ul Mubarak a person gets the reward of doing the worship for thousand years and with the acts of a fasting person countless bad qualities are taken out. (Bazm e sufia, referemce from Rahat ul Quloob)

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At one more time he said while giving the reference of quote of one great man that when a person becomes safe with three things so the Almighty Allah takes away three things from him. Firstly a person who does not give zakat, the Almighty Allah takes away beatitude from the wealth of him. People who do not do sacrifice the Almighty Allah takes away the protection from him. A person who does not offers prayer; the Almighty Allah moves away the faith from him at the time of his death. (Bazm e Sufia, Rahat ul Quloob)

The importance of Hajj


The following of shariah of Hazrat Imam Rabbani


Hazrat Baba Fareed (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did Hajj many times also. he said about the recitation of the Holy Quran that there is no better and important worship than this, with the recitation of the Holy Quran a person is in conversation with the Almighty Allah and there can be no good deed more than this. (Bazm e Sufia Rahat ul Quloob)




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16. I am presenting in your service a summary of one holy book of Hazrat Imam Rabbani Mujjaddid Alaf Saani (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the life of my murshid Hajweri (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the reflection of this same book. There are three parts of the shariah, knowledge, act and sincerity. Till when there may not be all of these ingredients present, the shariah cannot be present at all. When the completion of shariah happens so a person gets the happiness of the almighty Allah which is very mych greater than all of the owners of world and here after. The school of Sufism and reality from which the sufis are awarded, both of them are the servants of shriah in the completion of the third part (sincerity). These both are just gained for the completion of shariah. The conditions and levels and knowledge and information which is gained in this path are not from the goals, instead these are those things through which the nourishment of children of school of Sufism is being done. A person should pass from all of these and reach to the level of happiness which is the last destiny of sulook because the goal of covering the destinies of school of Sufism and reality is nothing else apart from gaining the sincerity that with this only the level of happiness is able to be gained. By passing from the observations full of knowledge and wonders, from thousands of people only one person gets the owner of reaching to the level of happiness. The people who are on mistake just think these conditions and observations as the goal and they only find these experiences and wonders as the aim. Indeed these people are agreed with the prisoners and conservative minds and are deprived of the wonders of shariah. (Maktobaat, Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.


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The following of the shariah of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

Sufism is the name of complete obedience only



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17. The son of Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Sanai (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬whose name is Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Masoom Sir (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬writes about Maulana Abdul Hakeem (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in one of his book that: Syed ul Taifa Junaid Baghdadi Qudus Sarah use to say that all of the ways of success are closed. Instead of the path of that person who do the following of foot steps of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. It is the Quote of Syed ul Taifa also that the path of true people and close people is in reality connected with the book and the sunnah and those scholars who are following the shariah and the school of Sufism and are worthy of calling as the heritor of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, they are the followers of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in their words, character and actions. I may write again that the people who do not care about the respect of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬and the people who leave the Sunnah of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬do not ever think them as the one who knows. Do not be inspired by the external condition of him, habits and personality, purification and trust and verbal knowledge of oneness of the Almighty Allah. The base is on the following of shariah and the matter of getting riddance is connected with the following of fot steps of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The thing which produces the friends between truth and false hood Is only the following the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Without following Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the argument is not valid. The base and support of food and habits is on effort and hunger, what is the relation of it with ontologism? (Book of Khuwaja Muhammad Masoom (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Mulkhasan)


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18. Sufism is the name of doing the heart completely empty from the creations, to over comes the desires of internal self, to do effort for getting the wonders of spirituality and through following the shariah gaining the closeness of the almighty Allah. Hazrat abu al Hussain Al Muzayyen ( ‫رحمہ‬ ‫)ہللا علیہ‬ has told the definiion of Sufism. (‫ االنقیاد للحق‬: ‫( )التصوف‬Al Rasala Al Qasheriay 138) Translation: Sufism is the name of the complete obedience of the Almighty Allah. Hazrat Ruveem (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ has said: (‫( )ھوا استر سال النفس مع ہللا تعالی علی ما یرید‬Nishat Al tasawwuf Al Islami Awarif Al Muaarif). Translation: Sufism is said as making your internal self under the obedience of intention of lord.

The following of shariah of Hazrat Hajweri (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


19. Hazrat Ali Bin Usman Hajweri (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said: with the uneducated sufis those people are meant, who did not get the company of oeer e kamil, neither have they gained the education from any murshid who has a heart and keep this desire that people may think them as wonderful. They neither have the experience of problems of the society nor are they aware with the ups and downs of knowledge. They use to talk foolish and stupid while sitting in the crowd of their blind and uneducated followers, they produce new and weird biddats and they make the school of Sufism as the deception. The Almighty Allah hides the path of him form such people and they use to keep on lying in the same darkness and blindness for whole of their lives. From the company of such uneducated sufis the prevention os necessary.


Look people of Allah ‫ !سبحانہ و تعالی‬In the lives of the people of the Almighty Allah how much importance used to be given to the shariah. It is the dua from the Almighty Allah that, that merciful


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lord may also give us the opportunity to follow the shariah in complete way till the time of our death and he may make the status of my murshid (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬very much high who went after giving me this lesson that Sufism is in reality one part of shariah only. Without the shariah the school of Sufism is misguided and deception.


The level of god fearing of respectable friend of the Almighty Allah The fear of God of sister of one friend of the Almighty Allah


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1. The sister of Hazrat Bashar Haafi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came to Imam Ahmed Bin hambal (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one day and asked that I have done knitting under the light of lamp of caliph, is it permissible or not? He said that you are the sister of Bashar Haafi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. After getting the answer in yes he cried very much and said that it is not permissible for you. This fear of god is only for the members of family of Bashar (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬.

The fear of God of Imam Ahmed (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬





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2. It is a saga that in the house of Imam Ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬at the time of kneading the flour, the knead of yeast full flour happened so from the house of son of him Hazrat Abdullah ( ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫)علیہ‬ the flour of yeast was brought. When the flat bread was cooked so Imam Ahmed ( ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫)علیہ‬ got to know throught the kashaf that the flat bread is doubtful so therefore when he asked from the members of his family so the members of family told him the whole of the incident. Imam Ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬refused to eat the flat bread and he told this reason of not eating it that my son is a judge who use to get the salary from bait ul maal in the suggestion of Imam ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the money of treasure of government was doubtful meaning it was not sure that it is halal and to eat such thing and to use it is although permissible for common people but the mohaddis like Imam Ahmed (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was on very much great status used to do prevention from such thing. Although the son of him Hazrat Abdullah (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a very much pious and god fearing human being. The condition of his fear of God was tis that instead of sleeping in his house at night he used to lie down near the door of house of his respectable father that may be my honorable father need me at any time. Well, when Imam Ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬expressed the doubt in this flat bread so the people of house asked that shall we give this flat bread to the poor people, he said yes you may give but while giving it do tell this flaw of it for sure. Therefore when the members of house tried to give that flat bread to the poor people, they also refused to eat it. The members of house became worried; they threw the flat bread in the river without doing discussion with Imam Ahmed (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. When Imam Ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got to know about this thing, ( ‫فامتنع‬


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‫ )من اکل الحوت مدۃ حیاتہ‬meaning then Imam Ahmed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬left eating the fish for his whole life (that the fishes must have eaten that doubtful flat bread) (Marqaat, Sharah Mishkaat). Someone presented a milk once upon a time in the service of Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. He drank it. Then he asked form that man that from where you have got this milk? He said: I went to one spring over there the water was being made drink to the female camels of charity. Just the owners of them took out the milk of them and from it they gave some milk to me also and so I presented it in the service of yours. Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬quickly put his finger inside his throat and did vomit of that milk because Hazrat Umar‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to think it haram for himself to drink the milk of female camels of bait ul maal like this while filling his stomach completely. Our insisters were how much careful in the matter of eating and drinking. They used to do how much prevention even from the little bit of doubtful thing. Just like we do the care of the cleanliness of our external body and cloths, just like that we should also do the care of our religion and faith. If the number of small and little stains and marks may get increased on the cloths so the cloths are seen how much bad and ugly. Any respectable, honorable human being would not like to wear such dress. Just like this the dress of faith also use to become ugly and bad with small and little sin. No any intelligent person accepts to go in big gatherings, in the courts of kings, and to go for meeting of big people after wearing the ugly and full of stained dress, but it is a matter of very much sadness that, that Muslims do not feel embarrassed to go in the court of the almighty Allah after wearing the cloths of faith which are full of marks of sins. In the gathering of Hazrat Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the conversation related to zakat got started. He said: there are 3 kinds of zakat. Zakat of shariah, zakat of school of Sufism and zakat of reality. The zakat of shariah is this that when a person has two hundred gold coins so he may take out zakat of five gold coins. The zakat of shool of Sufism is this that from these two hundred gold coins a person may keep five gold coins for him and give rest all of them in the way of the Almighty Allah. The zakat of reality is this that a person may give two hundred gold coins completely in the way of lord till this point that apart from the name of the Almighty Allah and Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬he may not have anything else remaining for him. (Sair Al Aqsaab)

The fear of God of Hazrat Lahori (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



3. The governor of Punjab said to the Maulana Ahmed Ali Lahori (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that Hazrat you may live in my village for one week so that the people may get benefit from the great company of yours. Hazrat said: Ok but on this condition that the responsibility of my food etc will not be the responsibility of yours. The governor thought: may be the Hazrat is doing refuse due to my income which is doubtful.


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The search of five things



Therefore he said that: Hazrat! The arrangement of your food will be done in nay house which has a fear of God. Hazrat Lahori (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said: My meaning is not that which you have understood. My meaning is this that with the arrangements of my food etc you will not have any link. If you will accept the condition then I will go with you. Helplessly he had to accept it then Hazrat went over there and he used to say that I took some roasted chick peas along with me. When all of the people used to get a seat so I used to take out those hand full of chick peas and eat them. This was the routine thgouout the week.



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4. Hazrat Shaqeeq Balqi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that we searched for five things and we found them on five places: 1) We found the beatitude of income in the prayer of chasht. 2) We found the light of grave in the prayer of tahajjud. 3) We found the answers of the questions of munkar nakeer in the recitation of tha Holy Quran. 4) We found going away easily from the bridge of siraat in fast and charity. 5) We found the shade of lord in the loneliness. The fear of God is actually said to the life which is clean from the sins. This life is the need of all of us and it is the basic stair of ontologism. (The detail of fear of God is coming forward)

The way of training of the honorable friends of Allah‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


The manners and decorum of life can come from the practical life of honorable friends of the Almighty Allah.

.u bq


The wish of sin and best way of training



Hazrat Khuwaja Ali Rameetni (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the Sheikh of school of Sufism used to do the training and nourishment of the followers of him in such a way just like a person who keeps the birds do the nourishment and training of the pet animals of him.



1. One young man got present in the service of Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬slowly while being afraid and scared and said that give me the permission to do unlawful sexual relation. The companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬who were sitting around the Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬by making a circle, they started expressing the resentment and started blaming him. Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said to that young man to be closer to him. In this condition also the mercy and kindness was dripping from the face of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Therefore the young man sat by being close to him. Now Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did a question by becoming a guider as the one who use to teach the manners that do you like this bad act to be done with your mother? The young man refused it for sure. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that people also do not like it that this thing shall be done with the mothers of them. Then Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked that will you be able to accept this bad act being done with your daughter? He said not at all. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that people also do not want that such thing shall be done with the daughters of them. Then Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this same thing about the sister also that will you be able to bear this act being done with the


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The need of training in childhood


sister of yours. The young man refused it again. Just like this while giving the examples Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬made it more strong the hatred of doing this worst crime in the heart of that young man and said: After this he kept his Holy Hand on the chest of that young man and gave the dua: O the Almighty Allah, forgive the sins of him and make the heart of him pure and make the genitals of him safe from sin. The Almighty Allah accepted the dua of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.

‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬



The wisdom of people of Allah

and the failure of mind



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2. One man of the Almighty Allah did the training of his son. When he started becoming mature so he said to his wife that you may not give anything of him with your own hand instead fix one place and say to him that ask from the Almighty Allah, the Almighty Allah will give you and will send it to that some place. Therefore whenever he used to ask anything so they used to say this that asks from the Almighty Allah and he used to ask. Well it got strong in the mind of him that whatever is being given, the Almighty Allah gives it. Mothers and father are not the one to give. One day this coincidence happens that over there, there was nothing and according to the routine the child asks something. Mother and father gave the answer that asks from the Almighty Allah. He asked it and when he went over there so he found that thing being kept on that place. On that day the great man became very much happy that now his trust has become correct. My meaning is not this that all of the boys can become like this instead my meaning is this that the scholars of religion used to do the training of children from start.



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3. How much wisdom and how much understanding of matter is given to the people of the Almighty Allah by the merciful Allah, we cannot even think about it. Doctor Winkston was sitting on the seat of him in the boing place of Indian airline and he was watching the pictures of his tour in India on the laptop of him. Doctor Wingston came to India as the chief guest in one conference which was about the disease of aids and now he was watching the pictures of his tour while sitting in the place for going back and was making the memories fresh. Just beside the seat of doctor one old man with white beard came and sat down. The doctor and old man got introduced with each other with a smile. The plane started running on the runway for flying. The doctor switched off the laptop and started looking outside the window. The plane move upwards in the air. The doctor suddenly looks on the old man who was sitting beside him and who was holding a tabeeh and was moving each and every bead of it. He kept on looking at this act of the old man. The old man was busy in his act. The curiosity of the doctor got increased, he felt like this that the old man is the victim of any psychological disorder and so he is rotating the beads of this tabeeh. He said to the old man excuse me, can I know it from you that what are you doing this all? The old man looked once at the face of that English doctor and said in his heart that the thing which I wanted to make you understand, you have asked it yourself. He said in very much polite way: I am doing the zikr of my Almighty Allah. The doctor laughed loudly


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and said where the God to whom you are calling is? Make me also see one reflection of it. I want to see the god of yours. The doctor became completely sure that this old man is the victim of psychological problem. Over there on the face of that old man the spiritual light started shining that he had to give the message of the Almighty Allah after giving the preaching to that white man, and so he has requested himself to know it for which he had given his life. That great preacher of the Almighty Allah said to the doctor: Sir I may make you look to the Almighty Allah right now! Firstly you may tell me that what work you may do? I am one professional doctor, the white man said by expending his chest. The old man said that the medical science of yours say that in the body of one normal human being there is seventy to one hundred and ten milli grams per pessimeter of sugar, the iron is present from two and a half till four grams, this is hundred percent reality. This is reality so can you show me after taking out one particle of sugar or one male of iron from the three hundred passengers of the plane? If no so then how will you prove this that the thing which you are saying it is the hundred percent realities? After listening the question of the old man the doctor remained surprised and said that I can prove this from the test of laboratory but I am not able to take out the particle of sugar or the male of iron. The old man said that how much believe do you have on the truthfulness of test of laboratory? The doctor said: I have hundred percent beliefs. The old man said just like that completely I am not able to show you the entity of the Almighty Allah but I can proof the power of the Almighty Allah in each and every thing of this universe with the complete belief of mine, you do look carefully on yourself. How a human being has got produced? Eyes for watching, tongue for speaking, ears for listening, and then for keeping this all safe the heart disc named as mind and oxygen for living, pump called as heart for keeping the organs alive through which the circulations happens which is the great talent of engineering. To eat food, to digest it and after taking energy from it, to pass it out in the form of waste material, the involuntary machine mechanical system, to keep the pressure as fourteen point seven in the air and to make the earth as the safest place to live so that the external pressure can keep the blood pressure which is inside the body of human being in under control, the entrance of soul in the stomach of mother by itself and on the fixed time to get departed after giving death, these are the examples of body of human being. Then the involuntary system of universe if you may look on the drop till the ocean, from a single particle till the mountains, from the earth till the sky, from the ant till the elephant, from the jackal till the sun, if you do look upon the creation of each and every thing and the reason of it so you will be able to see the Almighty Allah. Such great Allah that who produced at that time when there was not even the presence of one drop of water, made the oceans, when there was not even the presence of particle of sand, he laid down the deserts, when there was no existence of human being so he produced billions of such human beings the faces of whom, the prints of fingers of whom were completely different from each other, he produced billion kinds of living creations. You people do present the thought of


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The way of training of Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ali Sir (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


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big bang, the planets which got splashed, who produced them, who produced so much energy in them? According to the Darwin the life came out from the water but who has produced this water? If you will look carefully so you will get to see the Almighty Allah in each and every thing. Just like you get the belief the presence of sugar and iron in the human being with your laboratory, without the presence of it you cannot imagine the presence of human being as alive, just like this completely we have hundred percent believe on the Almighty Allah by looking at each and everything of the universe, without the Almighty Allah this system is impossible to run. The doctor was listening to the conversation of an old man by being curious. He was feeling it for the first time like this that he is sitting near to any person who has knowledge. This man who has knowledge, who is the preacher of the message of faith and peace was Maulana Umar (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, who present it the proof of presence of the Almighty Allah in such beautiful way to one non Muslim doctor with the logical proves that he became unanswerable.



One rebuke incident… advice



4. Hazrat Maulana Hussain Ali Sir (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was from the great people of series of naqshband. His way of training was also strange. When any person used to come to meet him so after doing salam he used to say after asking the health, today you would also have to do practice for the Day of Judgment and I also have to do the practice. Ok, then in sha Allah we will meet on the Day of Judgment, after saying this he used to make him go.

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5. One constable did injustice with one great man. He did bad dua: O Allah! Make him inspector. The Almighty Allah accepted his dua and he became inspector. Then he became very much inspired from that great man. He made his mistake forgiven by him and said that ask something from me. That great man said that I need such big and black snakes. He made them search. He did not find that kind of snakes. At last he said with the great man that Hazrat! Such snakes are not available. That great man said that you will find them in such grave. That was the grave of any inspector. Therefore, that grave was made dig so it was seen that very much dangerous and poisonous snakes were wrapped to the body of him. He got shivered after watching it and got to understand it that the great man did not do good dua but the bad dua that O Allah! Make him inspector.

With wisdom, the immodest lady became modest



6. Hazrat Abu Imam (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬says that one lady used to do talks of immodesty with the men and she was very much bold and ill mannered. Once upon a time she went beside Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was sitting on a high place and eating sareed. On it this lady said that look to him, he is sitting in a way as the servant use to sit. He is eating like this just like a servant use to eat. After listening this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that which man will be the one who would have adopted humbleness more than me. Then that lady said that he is eating himself and


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Best way…repentance from four sins


not making me eat. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that, you may also eat. She said that give me by your own hands. When Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave him so she said that the one which is in your mouth, give me from it. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave her from it and from it she ate it. (With the beatitude of that food) the modesty and embarrassment overwhelmed on her and after that till her death she never said anything immodest to anyone. (Hayatul sahaba)




The murshids do training like this also



.u bq

7. One man came to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and started saying that O Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬there are four bad habits inside me. One is this that I am profligate, second is this that I am a thief, third is this that I drink wine and forth is this that I do speak lie. From all of these, the one which you will say, I will leave it for your sake. It was said that do not speak lie. Therefore he did promise. Now when the night came so he wished for drinking the wine and then he got ready for adultery so this thought came to him that at morning when Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬will ask this that did you drink wine atnight and did adultery so what answer I will give. If I will say “yes” so the punishment of wine and adultery will be given and if I will say “no” so it will be against my promise. After thinking this he remained away with both of these things. When the night spend much and darkness came upon so he wanted to go out of the house for doing robbery. Then again this thought stopped him that is question answer will be done from me so what I will say. If I will say “yes” so my hands will be made cut and if I will say “no” so it will be against my promise. Just after having this thought, he remained away from this also. When morning came so he ran and got present in the service of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and said that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬by not speaking lie, all of my four bad habits got away from me. After listening this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬became very much happy.


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8. Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says this that over here there was Maulvi Muhammad Umer Sir. He used to remain sick most of the times. One man did feast of me and him. Mualvi sir had the disease of liver. That man cooked the rice and they were also not worthy of eating. I asked from the host that is there anything else to eat. He said, no. I said that they are not worth of eating, now what shall we eat. When you did not know how to cook the rice so why you have cooked them, why you did not cook simple pulses and flat bread. Now make us eat the flat bread from somewhere. He said that I do not have flat bread. I said that we do not know anything, when you have done our feast so make us eat, we will not go back hungry and we will eat the flat bread only. If it is not present in the house so go and ask it from your neighbors. That man who was in trouble, brought pulses and flat bread, I ate it and made my stomach completely full. I said to Maulvi Umer also so he said that his heart will be broken. I said that and what about the humiliation which is done of our stomach? I have done this all for the training and nourishment of him.

Maulana Muzaffar Hussain (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the training of the wrestler


9. Hazrat Maulana Muzaffar Hussain Sir (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw that one wrestler has come to masjid and he wanted to take a bath. The muezzin scolded him and said that “not of prayer and


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neither of keeping fast and just use to come for taking a bath” Maulana (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬stopped the muezzin and himself started filling the water for him to take a bath and said to him “Ma sha Allah, you seem like a big wrestler. You do put power in other areas; do put some power in the matter of internal self also. Do press the internal self and do offer praying by doing some effort, the real wrestling is this. It was just by this listening that, that man became embarrassed with discomfort and there was so much effect of this soft conversation that he became punctual of prayer from that very time.


The way of training of Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat




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10. A very much obedient follower, Qari Muhammad Tayyab Sir (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of Hazrat Hakeem Ul Ummat (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said in front of his murshid that from when he has been passed out from his madarsa, one greatness of knowledge has been produced inside him. His murshid gave him the command that you may keep on doing the shoes straight in masjid of the people who use to come to offer prayer till two months. This was the way of training ofhim from which the correction of the obedient follower happened. Just like this there was one follower Maulana Abdul Majeed Sir of Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was a very much big researcher and scholar. Once upon a time, when in any gathering the discussion of someone was going on so he said that what do that man use to know that we may ask him about the Holy Quran and Sunnah. When the murshid got to know this thing so, he gave him command as the punishment that he may get his introduction being done in every gathering with his profession. Meaning that I am Abdul Majeed carpenter. Nearly till 3 months he kept on doing his introduction in this way in every gathering and his correction was done with this same way.




Benefit: On few people there is very much effect of kindness and with strictness they use to become fed up from the religion. That is why one should talk by keeping the natures of people under consideration.

.u bq

The honorable friends of Almighty Allah and love with the sinful people The message of tasbeeh house… and leniency



1. The great people have said one thing which is worthy of keeping remembered till always. It is this that hatred and grudge is not with the non Muslim but from the bad habit of him. The grudge is not from the sinful man but from the sin of him. The hatred and grudge is not from the corrupt man but from the corruption of him. The person who is involved in the sins and corruption and evil, the entity of him is not worthy of anger but instead the act of him is worthy of getting anger. It is because the entity is worthy of doing kindness, that unblessed man is sick that he is involved in the disease of denying the Almighty Allah, he is involved in the disease of sin and hatred is not done with the sick man instead it is with the disease. It is this because if you will do hatred with the sick man so who will look after


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to him? Therefore, hatred should be done with evil and corruption and with the denying of Almighty Allah, not with the entity of him. Just if after this the entity of him may become away from the evil and corruption so that entity is worthy of getting a hug, it is because regarding to the entity there is no stubbornness and enmity with him and Alhamdulillah, the tasbeeh house Qadri Hajweri is running while taking this same thought of people of Almighty Allah which is without any grudges of color or cast and group or party.

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The catch phrase of Hazrat Murshidi Hajweri (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was “people of Almighty Allah.” He used to call every single person as “the man of Almighty Allah” who used to come to him whether he is how much sinful. Once upon a time he told the reason of it also that I use to say “man of Almighty Allah” due to this that may be there is any moment of acceptance, any second in which the duas use to get accepted so, these words which use to come out of my mouth may get accepted from it and the Almighty may make him the man of Allah in reality.


Enemy of life….the attitude of murshid



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Near to the Hazrat one postilion meaning the man who uses to run a horse. He had very much problem of cough and that innocent man used to remain cough for the whole night. Hazrat said to him that brother you have so much pain; you may get the treatment of it done. I get very much pain by looking at you in this pain. That owner of horse took it in negative and after that for the reason of giving more pain to Hazrat, he started coughing more. Then this condition of him got changed in the hatred. This foolishness took him to the magician who used to do black magic. That magician asked him the money of his wish; he gave it and tried to do very much intense act with the Hazrat. After some time that magician himself came under his act because the man who tries to give pain to the friend of the Almighty Allah so on the competition, the Almighty Allah do comes by himself and give the call of war to him and the one against whom, there is the Almighty Allah, he becomes damaged.Well that man, who got this act done, he himself got involved in the intense kind of disease. The puss used to keep on flowing from his body, the body him started being rotten and decayed. All the people of the society started doing hatred with him after getting fed up from his disease. And he used to keep on screaming for the whole day that o sir, forgive me, and forgive me. Once upon a time, Hazrat said to me that Tariq! My heart use to say that he is asking forgiveness from me. You may get to know from him that what is the reason that he uses to keep on saying these words. I went to him and said to him that what is the reason, with whom do you keep on asking the forgiveness? So after this he told the whole of the story and said: I used to think the murshid of yours as a common man. One that some man, came to me for getting the act done on the murshid of yours. I took money from him and then did magic on your murshid. But the act which I did, it came all over on me. Now I am not able to see any other condition rather than asking forgiveness from him. I came to Hazrat and then told him this whole of the story. Hazrat quickly said, Tariq! Spread the mat for prayer. I spread it. Hazrat offered prayer of two




2. The connection of Hazrat Murshidi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was with Hazrat Ali Bin Usman Hjaweri ( ‫رحمہ‬ ‫)ہللا علیہ‬ who is famous as Data Sir. Hazrat used to say that the effects of relation happen on the life. As my relation is with Peer Ali Hajweri (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that is why with the mercy of Almighty Allah on the man of this relation, the black magic do not happens.


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rakats, of salat ut Tawba and said, O lord! I have forgiven him, you may also forgive him. After this, with the mercy and favor of the Almighty Allah, the end of that man happened on good condition after three days. It is the result of duas and training of Hazrat Hajweri (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ that with the mercy and blessing of Allah, one whole year, on the occasion of Hajj, I did not do dua for the members of my house or for my relatives instead throughout the whole Hajj, I kept on asking the blessings of the world and of the Day of Judgment for the enemies of me and the ones who want bad for me.


Good dua in place of bad dua…..unique way of love




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3. Once upon a time Hazrat Maroof Karkhi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was going somewhere and some people were also along with him. On one place they saw that there are some young men which have drank wine and they are making lots of noise. Some are fighting and some are beating the drums and all of them have made one chaos of ill mannerism. While walking he went near to them and they people did not do care at all, they were being drowsy in the addiction of wine. When he passed near to them and reached to the corner of Dajla so the partners of him said that you may do dua from the Almighty Allah that he may drown and damage all of them. He said: Ok, if you people want this that they may get destructed and the effect of the bad deeds of them do not get spread to the other people so you may also raise your hands and I may also raise my hands. On the command of him everyone raised their hands so he did dua that o the Almighty Allah! The luxury and fun which you have given them in this world do give them luxury and fun just like this on the Day of Judgment also.


He looked towards the partners of himself and said that without being drown all of them have come on the right path, the pugnacity got finished and the egoism of them got end. The goal of yours also got completed and all of these young men have also got the wishes of them. In reality the greatness and nobleness is this that no matter how is the person who is in front, whether pious or bad, in every condition the betterment of creation of the Almighty Allah shall be kept under consideration because the merciful lord becomes very much happy from the one who wants the betterment of his people.

.u bq



The partners of him became very much surprised after listening the dua from the tongue of him rather than the bad dua and said that Hazrat, we are not able to understand the reason of this dua. He said, do not do hurry, in sha Allah the Almighty Allah will do the better. After few moments only those young men looked towards him. They broke the bottles of wines and instruments if music and after getting present in the service of him, they did repentance and asked for forgiveness with the true heart.


One great man and the training of ghosts


4. One great man wrote one letter to one ghost that from the side of Ashraf Ali: I start from the name of the Almighty Allah, who is the most beneficial and the most merciful, after the praise and honor, the ghost which is on this girl, if he is a momin so with this reason that all the momins are brothers and sisters which each other. With the relation of being a brother, it is my request to him that do get afraid from the Almighty Allah and leave her


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because to give her pain and especially to the momin Muslim is intense sin and is the reason of torment on the Day of Judgment. If this girl do not has pain so the other relatives of her do have intense pain and if you are not momin so firstly to him also, I have the request of reconciliation and if it is not accepted so the treatment will be done with the names of Lord. With the result of this advice, with the mercy of the Almighty Allah, the ghost of that girl went away.


Hazrat Siri Saqti (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the famous drunkard






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5. Once upon a time, Hazrat Siri Saqti (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw one drunkard who was fallen on the ground in the condition of having used the drugs while being unconscious and he was saying Allah, Allah in this condition of addiction. He cleaned the face of him with the water and said that what this unknown man would have knowledge that with the impure mouth he is taking the name of which pure entity? When the drunkard became conscious after he went so the people told to him that while you were in the condition of being unconscious, Hazrat Siri Saqi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came to you and he has gone after washing your face. The drunkard became very much embarrassed after listening this and due to the embarrassment and shame, he started crying and said while blaming his internal self that! O shameless! Now Hazrat Siri Saqti (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has also gone after looking at you being in this condition, be afraid from the lord and do ask forgiveness for the next time. At night, Hazrat Siri Saqti (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ listened one voice from the unseen that O Siri Saqti! You have washed the face of drunkard due to me; I have washed the heart of him due to you. When Hazrat went to the masjid for the prayer of tahajjud so, he found that drunkard while offering the prayer of tahajjud. He asked from him that how this change has came inside you? So he gave the answer that why are you asking this from me although when the Almighty Allah has made you, yourself aware on it. (Roz ul Faiq)

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With the beatitude of Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the thief became the saint of god 6. Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was busy in the tahajjud that one man came and started looking for the things but when he did not find anything so the thief became sad and was about to go back that just in that moment, Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi hold the hand of the thief and said that do not go with empty hands from here, take something and then go. After saying this he made the hand of the thief hold by the man who was present near and said that the saint of God who has died, on the place of him make him as the saint of God. This how the thief became the saint of God.

The journey from the market of beauty till the point of saint hood



7. There was one famous caliph Hajji Muhammad Ameen (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of Hajji Sir Tarang Zai. Most of the time he used to go in the gatherings of prostitutes for the advice and sermons. Once upon a time one intense kind and strict man had the colorful gathering at his place. He said to his friends that if Hajji Muhammad Ameen would come to my house so then he will not go back with betterment. Hajji Sir (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was strong on his own zeal. He said


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that I have to give one pious advice to my brother. If he do accepts it so it is better and if he do not do it so let it not be, my responsibility will get fulfilled at least. He went to the gathering but after finding all of the doors closed he said to the followers of him that you may do recite the Kalma e Tayyaba outside. At last the owner of the house opened the door. When he went inside so he did not talk to anyone, he took of his that Holy sheet in which he used to do zikr, azkaar and meditations and said after putting it on the head of the prostitute in place of her dupatta, look now this is my daughter, I take her in my guardian ship. This thing got struck on the heart of that prostitute. She said that Hajji Sir: Now I will also maintain the respect of this sheet. From today I do forgiveness with this profession of sin. This holy and full of light sheet will also remain the covering and veil for me.

.u bq

The effect of good character on the old female thief

The love of Syed Ishaq Gazardni (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬




8. Hazrat Maroof Tarkhi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬started taking the bath at the bank of river of Dajla after keeping the holy Quran and cloths etc. at that time one old lady came and she started running after taking the things of him. He chased her and said after stopping her on one place that: There is no harm, I am your brother Maroof Karkhi, do you have any son or brother or husband of yours who may recite the Holy Quran? She said that no. so he said that give me the Holy Quran and you may take the cloths. I have forgiven you in every place of the world and of the Day of Judgment. After listening this the old lady became so much embarrassed that she did repentance from it and with the beatitude of him she became the friend of the almighty Allah. (Tazkira tul Aulia)




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9. In the mirror of character of Syed Ishaq Gazardni (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the thing which is seen very much prominently is the uncommon kindness of him. One rich man from Lahore came to the service of him but the sheikh does not get attentive towards him. He became very much angry and started saying abusive words to him but he remained silent till this limit that there was no effect of any kind of resentment appeared on the face of him. When that man kept on saying bad word to him till very much long time so someone from the audience of the function said to him that this ill mannered man is doing dishonor In your status from so much long time, you may do bad dua for him so that he may reach to the result of him. He raised his hands for the dua and till some time he kept on doing dua slowly and silently. Right now he did not even was able to finish the dua that, that ill mannered man fell on the floor by becoming unconscious and after nearly two hours as he became conscious he fell in the feet of Sheikh, asked for forgiveness and became the follower of Sheikh. Then he said by becoming attentive towards the audience of the function: I did the dua of betterment for this man, the Almighty Allah gave this man the opportunity of piousness and the secrets of internal self got expressed on him. Is this better or that thing better that I would have done bad dua for him and he would have reached to the punishment of him.


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The meeting of famous thief with Junaid Baghdaadi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

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10. The famous thief Ibn e Sabaat of the era of Hazrat Junaid Baghdaadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got included in the followers of him due to the love and kindness of him. The famous thief of the era of Baghdad, Ibn e Sabat entered in the convent of him at night to do the robbery. He himself picked up the things along with him and helps him to take it away from the city. On every single he bears the humiliated, abusive words of him. On returning he went back from him after being very much sorry. He said next time whenever you will have any need come to me. Afterwards that thief got to know this that the one which help you was himself the owner of the house with such kind attitude of him the thief became restrain on thinking this that rather than making me arrest and giving me punishment how much good behavior he did with me.




Whole of the day was spent in this thought and tension. At last at evening he reached to that same place where he went last night for doing robbery. Near to the house he asked someone that which business man use to live in this house. It was told to him that over here Sheikh Junaid Baghdaadi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to live. Ibn e sabat entered inside and saw that in front that some owner of the house is sitting and thirty to forty people are sitting in front of him. On the call of prayer of Isha all of those people stood up, Sheikh also got up, as he kept his seat outside the door so the famous thief of the era Ibn e Sabaat started crying loudly and helplessly after falling in the feet of him by being curious. After some time of this incident Sheikh Ahmed Bin Sabaat started being included in the followers of him and it has been written in the books that in few days only Ibn e Sabaat went over there where people could not even reach in many years.



Hazrat Abdullah Mugharbi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the person who do not sees the sinful man with the look of mercy, he is out of the path of saint hood and ontologism.

.u bq


The taking of tests by the honorable friend of the Almighty Allah Yes! The people of the Almighty Allah used to take exam of the salikeen which use to come in the service of great people, they used to see very much strictly and critically that whether this desirable man is strong or weak, how much is the ability of him and the efforts of which degree shall be made done by him.


The test of Hazrat Ganj Shakar (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


1. It is the quote of Sultan Nizam uddin aulia (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that the tip of “Awarif ul Marif” (the famous book of Sufism) which was with our peer Hazrat Fareed Ganj Shakar (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, the letter of it was very much fine and very much wrong also. when the sheikh use to tell it by keeping it in front so he used to stop on many places and had to look carefully. I got remembered that the brother of sheikh Najeeb uddin Mutawakkil had very much perfect


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The test of Sheikh Shibli (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


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and correct tip of “Awarif” with him. Therefore I discussed about him with the sheikh. The sheikh did not like this thing, few times he said that yes this unworthy man do not have the worth of correcting this false copy. At first I did not understand it but when I understood this that he is doing indication towards me so I stood up and took of the cap from my head and kept it in the feet of sheikh and said that may God forbid my intention was not this instead I saw that copy, I got to remember it and so I discussed it with you but my sorry did not became very effective. The effect of unhappiness used to get expressed from the face of sheikh just like before, I came out of the sitting in the condition of very much surprised and tension, that day the sadness which I had, it is out of my explanation. I felt like this that I may jump in the well and give my life away. The news of my discomfort went to the son of Sheikh, Maulana Shahaab uddin (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, he used to do very much love with me. He told the condition of my to the sheikh in very much good way. At that time sheikh (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became very much happy and after calling me he did the expression of very much kindness and sympathy and said that: I did all of this for the wonder of your condition that the peer is mushaata of the follower. (The one who use to do nourishment and training of the follower). After that the sheikh (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave me the special sheet for him. (Akhbar ul Akhyaar)




2. Sheikh Shibli (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was kept in the prison of Maristan, one group came for meeting him. Sheikh asked that who are you people? He said that we are the lovers of you and we have got present for meeting with you. Just after listening this he started througing the stones those people started running. On this the sheikh (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that if in reality you would have love with me so you would have been patient on the pain which is given by me.


The service of convent is also the source of test


.u bq

3. Hazrat Murshid ul Ulama Hakeem ul Ummat (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that after being death done, the stopping and restricting on the diseases of external and internal system is very much important. The mashaikh of first era used to have very much implementation of it. for example if they would see anyone involved in the love of external decoration so they used to tell them to do the sprinkling on the roads and in the convent and to mop the floor and if they would see pride in anyone so they used to say him to make the shoes straight of the people who used to come to offer the prayer and they used to give the teaching of wazaif and other wording after many years.

The test is of the lover, not of the hypocrite


4. Hafiz Ibn e Asaakar (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬have said the incident of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Huzaifa Sehmi companion ( ‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the non Muslims of Room made him prisoner and sent him to the king of them. The king said to him that you may become a Cristian, I may make you my partner in the kingdom and I will make my princess marry with you. the companion ( ‫رضی ہللا‬


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gave the answer that what is this in fact if you may give the whole of your kingdom also to me and if you may give the government of whole of Arab to me also and you want this that I may become against the religion of Muhammad (peace be upon him) for even the time of blinking one eye so this is impossible. The king said then I will kill you. Hazrat Abdullah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬gave the answer that: you have this authority. Therefore he gave the command at that same time and he was hanged on a robe and the archers started making holes on the hands, feet and body of him with the command of the king by standing near to him. It was said to him again and again that right now also accept the Christianity but he used to keep on saying with complete patience and tolerance that not at all. At last the king said that took him off from the rope. Then he gave the command that the big dish of brass should be brought after making it very much hot like the fire. Therefore it was brought. The king gave command about one more Muslim prisoner that put him in this. At that same time, in the presence of Hazrat Abdullah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬while making him look, that Muslim prisoner was thrown in that dish; the bone of him even got burnt in it. Then the king said to Hazrat Abdullah (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬that look! Now also accept what we are saying and do accept the religion of us otherwise in this dish of wire, you will also be thrown and made burn. He then also took help with the spirit of his faith and said that it is impossible that I may leave the religion of the Almighty Allah. The king gave the command at that very moment that, make him climb on the stair and throw him in this dish. When he was brought on the stair to be thrown in the dish of fire so, the king saw that the tears are flowing from the eyes of him. At that same moment he gave the command that do stop. He called him to himself for this reason that he got a hope again that may be after looking at this torment, the thoughts of him have been changed. Now he will accept my proposal and after accepting my religion, after becoming my son in law, he will become the partner of my kingdom. But this wish and thought of the king turned out to be useless. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Huzaifa (‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬ said that I used to cry for this reason only that oh! Today I only have one life to which I am sacrificing in the way of the Almighty Allah; I wish my every single hair would have one life so that I would sacrifice just life this, one by one all of the lives today in the path of the Almighty Allah. It is in few narrations that he was kept in prison, his food and drinks were closed, after many days wine and the meat of pork was sent but apart from being very much hungry, he did not do attention towards it. The king called him and asked him the reason of not eating so he (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬gave the answer that in this condition it has become permissible for me indeed but I do not want to give the opportunity of being happy on me to the enemy like you. Now the king said that ok, if you kiss on my head so I may let you free and all of the Muslim prisoners which are along with you. He accepted it, kissed on the forehead of him and the king also fulfilled his promise and he made him and all of the partners of him free. When Hazrat Abdullah Bin Huzaifa (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬reached to Hazrat Umer Farooq (‫)رضی ہللا عنہ‬after


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Why the old lady became the bride..!


getting free from here so he said that, it is the obligation on every single Muslim that he may kiss the forehead of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Huzaifa (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬and I may start it. After saying this, he did the kiss on the forehead of him at first. (Tafseer ibn e kaseer) The reason to write this incident over here is this that the follower needs such kind of consistency in the case of shariah. It is the dua from the Almighty Allah that the Almighty Allah may grant all of us with such consistency. Ameen!


The test through the bottle of wine





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5. The wife of one great man had one big wish that she may watch Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. She did the expression of her this wish by her husband many times. Once upon a time, her husband who was from the wise people, said to her that you will get to see the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬but you will have to accept my one thing. She said that whatever you will say I will accept it. So he said that on that some night, you may sit after becoming the bride like the first night and get decorated and ready very much and just keep on sitting very much silently. So she said that ok. The day, on which she got ready after becoming a bride so the husband of her went to the house of her parents and said to the brothers and other family members of the house of her that go and look and see to your old sister, what has happened to her? In this age also she is thinking about becoming a bride. When the members of family went and saw so in reality she was sitting after doing make up and being very much ready. She became embarrassed and hesitant also with the sudden arrival of the members of her family and became worried also. Well her whole of this night was spent in dua and request. The Almighty Allah liked this request and crying and the merciful Allah made her look to His beloved ‫ﷺ‬.



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6. One scholar came to one great man and said that Hazrat I do the dua but it does not get accepted. The great man said that there would be your own mistake in this. The man gave reply that no sir, I do complete effort on my behalf. The great man said ok fine, I may tell you the reason of it but before this you may bring one bottle of wine to me. That man became hesitant and tentative but the great man said that if you are not able to do this work so I will not even tell you the tip of dua getting accepted. Helplessly and forcefully that man went to take the wine. When he was bringing it by hiding so, someone saw him as he was thought to be a very respectable person. People started talking certain things. That man reached to one masjid after being safe and hiding and did dua from the Almighty Allah while crying a lot that “O the Almighty Allah, maintain my honor, you know that I am innocent.” When that man came outside after crying and praying till the long time so, the people did not take any specific notice. Neither anyone came to hit him nor did anyone blame or charge to him. That man went to that great man and said that sir you have not made me left to go anywhere. The great man said after listening the whole incident you ran after getting the stones and abusive words of the people and when you did dua from the Almighty Allah for keeping the respect of yours so the Almighty Allah changed the hearts of all people. Now you may see yourself that the Almighty Allah has accepted the dua of


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The exams are also taken in this way


yours. Add this humbleness and kindness focus and request in the every dua of yours and so the Almighty Allah will accept every dua of yours.


.u bq


7. One day one great man was going somewhere that he saw one palace near the bank of river. He saw that on the upper floor of it one beautiful lady was standing with her complete beauty and attraction. He moved forward and asked her that who are you? she said in a quick manner that you do ask me but say about your own self, when I saw you from the far distance so I thought that he is some crazy man. When you came near so it felt like this that you are the scholar and when you have came completely near so I thought you as the knowledgeable person but when I did focus so you neither seemed to me as the scholar, not the crazy person and not even the knowledgeable person. He asked that do give the explanation of it. She gave the answer that if you would be a crazy man so you would not have adopted the purity. If you would be the scholar so you would not have looked upon a strange lady and if you would be the knowledgeable person so you would not have looked upon other things apart from your destiny or path. She said this and that lady became invisible by her own self. This indication of unseen made one fire extinguish in the heart of him.



The taking of exam by one friend of the Almighty Allah of the other friend of the Almighty Allah


.u bq



8. Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said: One darvaish came to the service of Maulana Muhammad Aasim Sir (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬with very many arrangements for taking the exam of saint hood. He also brought very much horses and servants and sweepers and scavengers etc along with him. Maulana did the feast of all of them and for the service of Shah Sir and special people of him, Maulana arranged the servants of him and himself he got busy in doing the service of servants of Shah Sir. He made the servants and sweepers of Shah Sir eat in the utensils of that same status with his own hands, in the utensils in which he used to eat himself. Darvaish became inspired by the wonder of Maulana (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬by looking at this service and humbleness of Maulana ((‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. (Shoq Alla Liqa)

The wisdom of honorable friends of the Almighty Allah


The wisdom of Maulana Rome (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


1. Hafiz Sherazi came after one hundred and fifty years of Sheikh saathi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and Sheikh Saadi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was of the same era of Hazrat Maulana Rome (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Therefore this incident is famous that Sheikh Saadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬presented the book of him “Gulistan and Bowistan” in the service of Maulana Rome (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Maulana Rome (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did not have


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The beatitude of dried piece


time for reading them due to the busy schedule of him. He asked that what is this. It was said that reward. He said: Make it used by the children. Therefore the effect of his advice happened that they are being taught in the syllabus of education till today.

The command of robbery or the suspicious wisdom


.u bq


2. Once upon a time Hazrat Daud Tai (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was sitting in the door of him and was eating the flat bread. While this one man who used to do the worship of fire passed from that place. He broke one piece from that same dried flat bread and gave it to that man who used to do the worship of fire. As he was the man of one another religion but he used to think him as a great man and complete scholar. Over here the Almighty Allah was planning something else that when he took that informal piece from him and ate it after chewing quickly. Now look on the power of lord that on that same night he became curious with his desire and he did intercourse with his wife. His wife was got pregnant. After nine months the complete knowledgeable person like Hazrat Maroof Karkhi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got birth in his family. This was the beatitude of that same piece.





.u bq




3. In the service of Hazrat Ahmed Khuzroya (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one man came and said that I am involved in very much pain and problem. I am getting irritated very much badly by the hands of financial crisis. Tell me any such solution that I may get rid from this problem and torment. He said that ok; you may write the names of all of the professions and put them in one bowl. He did like this. He recited in the name of the Almighty Allah the most beneficial and the most merciful and put his hand in it and took out one chit so on it the word “Robbery” was written. He said that you just should do the robbery. He said: Sir you are the friend of the Almighty Allah, Sheikh of this time and then you are giving me the advice of doing robbery. Well, after doing effort he met to the leader of thieves on one place that you may add me also in the group of yours. He said that I will make you enter on one condition that whatever command I will give, you may keep on acting on it without any argument and dispute. After accepting this condition he got included in the group of thieves. After some days they robbed one caravan and caught one man from it and brought him to the leader of themselves. The leader said to him that kills this man of the caravan. He thought in his heart that I do not know that this thief would have taken the life of how much people of lord like this up till now. If I may accept the command of him without any argument and I may become a sinful person so why not I may accept the command of the Almighty Allah. The leader said if you want to kill so do it otherwise get busy in some other work and go out from here. He picked up the sword quickly which was in front of the leader and he killed him and then ran towards the other thieves. They were without any weapon, they ran. The man who was caught and then brought, he was a very big business man. The business man got all the wealth which was robbed and the life of him also got safe. He gave so much money to him that he became ignorant for whole of his life. Look, the goal of that great man was not this that he may get the robbery done by that man instead


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he did like this as wisdom due to the light of wisdom which was inside. A person becomes the friend of the Almighty Allah truly at that time when there is complete punctuality and obedience of the shariah. The Almighty Allah makes all of us the obedient of complete shariah. Amen!

The internal insight of Hazrat Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

The marriage with the lady and then divorce to her


.u bq


4. One man used to come to Hazrat Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬most of the time. The governor of that area became resented and got ready to give him pain. He did the request of commend of him, he did the commend but the governor did not get stopped. The man got present again and did the complaint of governor. He saw the steel hot and so he said: You would also not have done any permissible thing of someone. That is why the governor do not accepts the commend. That man accepted it that in reality I do become lazy in doing the permissible tasks of people, I will never ever do like this again. He said: then the commend will also not get refused. When he came back to his home so he get to know that the governor has sent one letter in which he has also said sorry.





5. One lady came to one great man who has got done the non permissible sexual intercourse. That man married that lady just for giving the punishment to his internal self. On this people gave many taunts and blames to him, said very much bad things to him but this great man kept on bearing it. At last when the child got born to that lady so he was dead. That great man gave the divorce to that lady on the very next day.

The talent of knowledge and insight of religious person



.u bq


6. Hazrat Baba Fareed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had the talent on interpreting the religious law on different subjects. But the greatness of knowledge which doesget produced in the scholars in a common way, it did not even come near to him. Instead the humbleness and kindness covered the status and knowledge of him so much that the scholars of that era used to be hesitant in accepting the knowledgeable status of him. Maulana Badar uddin Ishaq used to give sermon in Delhi after getting the complete talent in the subjects of intellectual and physics. He used to think the darvaish people as unworthy, he used to think the system of convent as the drama and he used to think the people who used to come to the places of love after passing from the places of knowledge as empty from the mind and intelligence and as the uneducated man of time. Coincidently he got stuck in few problems and he got stuck in such way that no any path of coming out was seen. The people of his time also expressed the unrelatedness to solve these problems and issues. He looked several books but he did not get the peace of heart. He went from his house by doing the decision of meeting with the scholars of Bukhara. On the way he met with some friends who were the Bada Khuwar of convent of Fareed. They gave him the advice that make these problems get discussed in front of Baba Fareed (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬because


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he not only knows about the knowledge instead he is also aware with the ontologism and sulook but Maulana Badar uddin did not use to become agreed on this. It was said by him that these unworthy people have what connection with knowledge and that knowledge is also of philosophy and logic? On the insist of his friends he got present to the Baba Fareed (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ . After the introduction he presented those problems which were the reasons of discomfort of heart for him. He presented the comforting and acceptable solution of them in a simple way without making any long and detail introduction. Maulana Badar udin ( ‫رحمہ‬ ‫)ہللا علیہ‬ was not aware with this way so he became inspired by it and instead of going back he adopted being a darvaish in his convent.

.u bq

(‫( )اال بذکر ہللا تطمئن القلوب‬Ar- Rad: 28)

Be aware that only with the zikr of the almighty Allah, the hearts do get comfort.


When it was asked from the Prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that what act it the most beloved to the Almighty Allah? So Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: Till the moment of death, your tongue being full with the zikr of the


Almighty Allah (Sahih Ibn e Haban)


The third way of correction of internal self “Zikr of the Almighty Allah”



The importance and need of zikr of the Almighty Allah

The benefits and importance of zikr of the Almighty Allah

Alive but dead people

.u bq


The zikr is the spring of garden of heart

The zikr of birds and our ignorance

Devastated heart and how it became populated? The need of zikr to murshid


The tasbeeh of companion of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ The way to do zikr in Qadri Hajweri


The wonders of series of Qadriya

The importance and superiority of zikr naïf asbaat


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The treatment of diseases of body with the zikr of the Almighty Allah

Finish twelve thousands holy Qurans every day


The beatitude and superiority and recitation of the holy Quran


The third way of correction of internal self The importance and need of zikr of the Almighty Allah

Without the zikr no any man can walk on the path of ontologism


The importance in ahadis






.u bq

Every single human being of the worried world of today wants to spend the life of comfort and satisfaction and for this comfort only the modern world of today is making us aware with new and modern facilities every day. Although the reason of producing the human being is this that ( ‫اال بذکر‬ ‫ )ہللا تطمئن القلوب‬get to know! The peace of heart is in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah. (1) The rule of humanity is this that whenever he has the control over any enemy so first of all he does snatch the weapon which is uses to kill. When the devil gets the control over any human being, he makes that man ignorant from the remembrance of lord. (2) The holy Quran has told this sign of intelligent people that (‫ )الذین یذکرون ہللا قیاما و قعودا و علی جنوبھم‬meaning those people do remember the Almighty Allah while standing, sitting and lying down. (3) The shariah has made the limit of every act but there is no limit of remembrance of lord. It has been said: ( ‫یا یھا الذین امنوا اذکروا ہللا ذکرا‬ ‫ )کثیرا‬O people who believe! Do the zikr of the Almighty Allah with abundance. (4) The human being which do remembers the Almighty Allah with being sorry, the Almighty Allah do remembers that human being with the forgiveness. It has been said that you may remember me and I will remember you.



.u bq

1) The man who wants this that he may roam in the gardens of heaven; he should do this that he may do the zikr of the Almighty Allah in abundance. (Author: Ibn e Abi Sheba) 2) The man who will be in heaven will not be sad on anything apart from only those moments that which have been spend without doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah (Majma Al Zawaid) 3) Among the ignorant people, the person who uses to do the zikr of the Almighty Allah is like the green branch in the tree which has been dried and he is like the bright lamp in the dark house. The person who do the zikr of the Almighty Allah among the ignorant people, the Almighty Allah will show him the place of him in heaven in the life of him and the person who do the zikr of the Almighty Allah among the ignorant people, the almighty Allah give him forgiveness according to the number of all of the human beings and animals. (Jama Al Fawaid)


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.u bq



4) The house in which the zikr of the Almighty Allah is done and the house in which the zikr of the Almighty Allah is not done, the example of them is like alive and dead. (Jama ul Fawaid) 5) The part of the ground on which a zikr of the Almighty Allah is being done, that part of ground do feels proud on the other parts of the ground. (Majma uz Zawaid) 6) It is the hadis e qudsi that “I use to be with my people when they do remember me and when my remembrance the lips of him do move.” (Bukhari) 7) When it was asked from the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that which act is most beloved to the Almighty Allah? So the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: till the time of death your tongue being full of the zikr of the Almighty Allah. (Sahih Ibn e Habaan) 8) It is in one hadis shareef that more than the zikr of the Almighty Allah there is no other thing for human being to make him get rid from the torment of the Almighty Allah (Masnad e Ahmed) 9) At one time Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said Mafardoon has taken the highest status? It was asked that Oh prophet of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬Mafardoon are which people? He said: The men and women who use to do the zikr of the Almighty Allah in abundance. It is the quote of any knowledgeable person that if the human being do stop by doing the zikr only for one moment while doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah till thousands years so understand this that he not get that much how much it got lost. (Al Wabil Al Seeb, Talkhees Ahadis Shareef). Mullah Ali Qari (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say that zikr is not dependent upon the tehleel, tasbeeh and takbeer instead the one who do the obedience of the Almighty Allah through any act is the zaakir. (Marqaat Sharah Mishqaat).


By doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah the mercy of him does comes. The love of the Almighty Allah, who is the greatest do, gets produced. The happiness of the Almighty Allah received. The body and heart do get the energy. The face and heart becomes bright and shiny. The closeness of the Almighty Allah is recived. With the beatitude of zikr, to do good deeds become easy. The zikr of the Almighty Allah are the plants of heaven. The person who does the zikr, the example of him is like alive man and the one who do not do the zikr, the example of him is like the dead man. (10) There is no such act more than the zikr of the Almighty Allah which is more to give the riddance from the torment of grave. (11) The zakireen will enter in the heaven while laughing.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

.u bq


The importance and benefits zikr of the Almighty Allah


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(12) For zakireen there will be a specific door to enter in the heaven. (13) After going in the heaven the people of heaven will not be sad and depressed on anything apart from those moments which would have spent without doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah that is why the great people and mashaikh do not use to let any moment go in ignorance. In sha Allah tala by doing the arrangement of zikr of the Almighty Allah, the relation with the Almighty Allah will also get strong and the whole of life will spend with peace and comfort. Till today the worried world is ignorant with this holy tip. The people who use to do zikr also get countless other benefits apart from these. Therefore the zikr of lord is that from which in the garden of heart of yours the spring will come and pains and problems will go away, each and every branch of that heart will become green, every single flower will bloom, every single bud will do smile, each and every corner of the heart will become fragrant with the fresh and soothing smells and in last in the garden of heart there will be the welcome of spring.


The treatment of ignorance




The biggest reason of us being involved in the sins is the ignorance. By not trusting upon the greatness of the Almighty Allah, the human being do gets involved in the disobedience of the Almighty Allah. With the source of zikr of the Almighty Allah, the treatment of this ignorance do happens. The mashaikh have written this that the hardness of heart is harder than the stone. If the heart will be soft so the thing will be effective. By taking the name of the Almighty Allah, the heart will get soft and the ignorance will go away. After listening the things related to the religion, the talent of doing act upon it does get produced.


The correction of diseases of internal self

.u bq


There are different diseases of spirituality and internal self also inside the human being. The mashaikh use to tell the followers of them different tips and treatments for the correction of them which are according to the need of everyone. In those tips, the most beneficial and the most effective tip is also told as the zikr of the Almighty Allah. By organizing the zikr of the Almighty Allah the tension of correction gets produced. After this the complete sheikh uses to do the correction of diseases of internal self.

The zikr of the Almighty Allah is the spring of garden of heart



There is the treatment of every pain, there is the ointment of every wound, there is the diagnosis of every disease and there is the treatment for it also. Just like this the silence which stings the devastated lands and damaged houses can take the form of full of light palaces and populated areas just like this completely, the world of heart can also come on the right path. The property of heart (wealth of heart) can come back after being robbed. Just like this that it is never too late to mend. O people of the Almighty Allah! Neither this heart gets comfort with the wealth nor with the money, this heart do dance neither with the music nor with the rhythm, this heart do gets peace neither with the consolations and nor with the solace and calmness. The eyes of this heart do not


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get bright with the money or the woman, the ears of this heart do not listen the voice of the coins, the voice of anklets or movements of bells cannot become the sweetness of the corners of this heart. That is why there is only one treatment of the heart. If the world of this heart is maintained, so only from the zikr of the Almighty Allah. (‫( )اال بذکر ہللا تطمئن القلوب‬Al Raad 28) Be aware! Only with the zikr of the Almighty Allah, the hearts do get the peace.


Alive but dead people


.u bq

Maulana Rome (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said one story in the masnavi of him that the father of one boy got died so he started doing deplore after crying loudly and very much that father, where are you being taken. They will make you burry in the small and dark grave under the ground where there is neither the bed nor the sheet, not the carpet, no lamp, no light, no food, no drink, neither the door of that congested store is good, nor the roof is of anypattern, neither there is the capacity of welcoming any guest, nor any supporter or neighbor, over there, there is darkness, what will happen of yours over there.


Maulana (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says more that the map of the grave which the son of that dead father has told, that is in reality the condition of heart which has no spiritual light. Such people are apparently seen as alive, while walking and roaming but they are dead according to the status of spirituality. And there are the congested and dark graves of the hearts of them. These people are picking up their dead bodies and taking it to the internal graves of them.



Ignorance from the zikr of the Almighty Allah…..The story full of sadness of the bird


Some man sent a bird in the service of Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬as a gift, to which he accepted. Till very much long time that bird remained closed in one cage with him.


.u bq


One day Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬openend the window of that cage and made that bord go freely. When the people saw this so they asked from Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that sir! You made this bird remained closed in this cage till so much long time and then kept on taking care of it this how. Today you suddenly opened the cage and made him free? After listening this Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬started saying that today this bird said to me that O Junaid! You may do the enjoyment with the talks of the friends and colleges of yours and you keep me alone this how, involved in grief, closed in one cage. I let him go free after listeneing the story of it which was full of sorrow. But when that bird flew away so it said that O Junaid! Till when the birds do remain busy in doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah, till then they do not get stuck in any of the net but as they become ignorant with the zikr of the Almighty Allah so at that same time they get involved in the prison.


Then that bird said that “I became ignorant with the zikr of the Almighty Allah only for one time that I remained in prison as a punihment of it till many years. So sad! Oh Junaid! How much long will be the duration of prison of those people who use to remain ignorant with the zikr of the Almighty Allah till the time of the death. O Juniad! I do the prois in front of you that now never ever I will remain ignorant with the zikr of the Almighty Allah. After saying this that bird flew


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away. After this that bird used to come to Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ((‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬sometimes and used to sit on the food mat of him and eat something with its beak and then go away. When Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬died so along with him, that bird also fell down by writhing and died. When people saw this strange thing so they burried that bird also along with him. after some das, any follower saw Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in the dream so he asked that what has happened with you? He said that the Almighty Allah has forgived me and he hasdone mercy on me and said that “you had done mercy on onne bird due to this that he used to do the zikr of the Almighty Allah, so I shall do the mercy on you.”


.u bq

With this incident we can indicate towards all of the animals, birds, wild animals and sea animals also because in one authorized book it has also came about the fish that when it remains busy in the zikr of the Almighty Allah, it do not gets stuck in the net and as it becomes ignorant to the zikr of the Almighty Allah, it gets stuck in the net. In this incident, there is the thing to take lesson for those people who keep on busy in taking out useless words from their tonngues by being ignorant to the zikr of the Almighty Allah and the do not have this worry at all that they are wasting how much precious property. (Bistan e Auliya)

The zikr of the almighty Allah is the food for birds





Sheikh Saadi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that: I do remember this that I kept on walking for the whole night along with one caravan and at morning I slept at the corner of one forest. One crazy man who was along with us on our journey made this call at the time of morning and took the path of the forest and did not even had rest for a moment even. When the sun came out so I asked him that what was that condition? He said: I saw do the birds that they were making noise on the trees and the chakors on the mountains and frogs in the water and other wild animals in the forest. I thought this that this is not the good thing that they all may keep on reciting the tasbeeh and I may keep on sleeping in ignorance. How can this be permissible?

The discussion of birds and our ignorance



.u bq


O people of the almighty Allah! Every single thing is doing the tasbeeh and zikr of the almighty Allah. If you and I may become ignorant from the almighty Allah so how much big embarrassing thing it is and how much embarrassing place it is! If after today I may do the intention of making the remembrance of the almighty Allah alive in my heart also and you also may get invovlved with me in this intention. Now I may tell the languages of few birds in the service of yours who are telling the tasbeeh of the almighty Allah in different ways or they say the thing of advice or sermon to each other. (1) “Grey Francolin” (‫ )الرحمن علی العرش استوی‬meaning the almighty Allah is the owner of the whole universe, it keeps on reciting this. (2) “Hawk” (‫ )فی البعد من الناس انس‬there is peace in living far away from people, it keeps on reciting this. (3) “Vulture” It gives us the sermon of warning in this way (‫ )یا ابن آدم عش ما عشت فان اخرک الموت‬meaning O the son of Adam! How much you want to live you may live at last one day you have to die. (4) “Dove” says this that ( ‫یلیت الخلق‬ ‫ )لم یخلق‬O I wish that the creatures would not have got produced ever. (5) “Peacock” Do gives the advice in these words (‫ )کما تدین تدان‬how you will do to others you will yourself get like that. (6) “Frog” keeps on reciting this tasbeeh ‫ سبحان ربی القدوس‬pure is the entity of my lord. (7) “Parrot” Do


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gives the guidance in this way from the world to the Day of Judgment (‫ )ویل لمن الدنیا ھمہ‬meaning that man got destructed who did the planning for the world. (8) “Sung Khora” Do the advice in these words to the people who do the use of the tongue very much uselessly (‫ )من سکت سلم‬meaning the one who remained silent got the riddance. (Rooh ul Maani)

How the devastated heart became populated?



.u bq


To make the Almighty Allah happy, to sacrifice the animals of yours for the Almighty Allah, to follow upon the commands of the Almighty Allah, to adopt the ways of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬is the summary and conclusion of the life of ours which is for few days only. The luxuries, decorations and lightings and colors of the world have got increased so much that our eyes use to become shiny but the hearts are blind. The presence of humanity has been finished from the world, the hatred and hypocrisy is dancing, on the entity of the world the human beings of the world are walking and roaming but the empty human beings who are empty from the character. The houses are apparently bright but there is the control of hate in them, the bodies are decorated with beautiful cloths but the world of heart has become rotten after dying. Today the ground is apparently green and lush and is blooming, till the last limit of eye there is greenery and greenery but the ground of heart is unfertile and devastated and has been changed in the form of old broken places.


Devastated and unpopulated hearts



The heart in which there is not the love of the Almighty Allah, the heart which does not cries in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah, the heart which is empty from the rhythm, the heart which do not goes down on the ground of foreheads, that heart is not a heart but instead it is a hard stone.

.u bq


Today the wife has enjoyed the love of her husband, mother and fathers have tasted the love of children and all of us have tasted the love of money and wealth but if we have not tasted something so it is the love of our Almighty Allah. To cry in the love of the Almighty Allah, to bear the pain, to bear the sorrow, all of this has gone out from the hearts.



The hearts are like this that they are lying down by being devastated and they are empty from the remembrance of lord. The hatred is coming and the devil is doing the dance. If this is the condition and then we may get lied by the Almighty Allah, how is this possible? Till when the remembrance of the Almighty Allah will not come in the heart, till when the hearts will not be filled with the love of him, till then the world of heart can never ever be populated. There is only one way to make the heart populated that get busy in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah, do remember the Almighty Allah with so much abundance that the remembrance of him may get fully absorbed in the heart, then the devastation of heart will go away and the heart will become populated, happy, peaceful and joyful. When the heart will get changed so the world will get changed, then the heart will beat only in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah and not in the remembrance of the devil and the sins and there is the success for such heart only which will beat in the remembrance of the


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Almighty Allah. May the Almighty Allah make us walk up on the path of good deeds and may He grant our hearts the remembrance of Himself. Aameen, Summa Aaameen!

The need of zikr along with the hobbies of knowledge


If today we do look carefully so the religious books are getting increased how much, we find many people who are having the knowledge of religion but the reality is this that till when there is no arrangement of zikr along with the knowledge till that time the talent of changing the knowledge in the actions cannot get produced. The knowledge which we get by reading books it is only information.

The need of zikr to murshid






.u bq

All of our mashaikh used to do the advice of doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah also along with the busy schedule of services of knowledge, editing and writing. Whether they may have how much busy schedule of gaining the knowledge but they have also taken out the time for zikr and recitation apart from the intense hobbies of knowledge because without the arrangement of zikr of the Almighty Allah the knowledge do gets lemmatize till the curiosity and interest only. With the addition of zikr one new honor get produced in the knowledge. With the arrangement of zikr of the Almighty Allah a person do gets the wealth of relation with the Almighty Allah. From such people of knowledge the work of doing effort for religion is taken, in the speech and sermon of them there comes a spirit and the effect do gets produced in what they use to say. The advice and sermon is for others but with the zikr and recitation the training of your own self happens and a person do gets the progress of spirituality. What is this that a person may have the tension of training of other people and it is very much inappropriate to be ignorant from your own training with the zikr and recitation? The people who are busy in the hard work of religion they have much more need to do the zikr and recitation as compare to the other people.

.u bq


One great man use to say that there is the need of spiritual light for education and for the spiritual light there is the need of zikr and for the zikr there is the need of loneliness that is why sometime of being alone should be fixed for sure. Just like by taking out water all the time from the well, the water use to get finished that is why it is important that for some time the water should be stopped to take out so that the water may get filled again. Just like this there is the need to the sheikh that after getting free from education and teaching, he may do zikr for some time by sitting in loneliness.

The thought of doing zikr of the Almighty Allah at the time of eating food



Hazrat Daud Tai (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to never eat the flat bread while chewing it instead he used to dissolve the pieces of flat bread in the water and drink it. Some one asked the reason of it so he said: in chewing it the time gets wasted, so much time that in it fifty verses of the Holy Quran may get recited. Once upon a time people saw this that in his hand there is one piece of dry flat bread and he is crying while standing. It was asked that why are you crying? He said: I do not know that whether it is permissible or prohibited?


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The tasbeeh of companions of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬





Ibn e Rajab (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that there was one long thread with Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ in which there were thousand knots. Hazrat Abu Huraira ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to recite thousand tasbeeh everyday before going to sleep. Ibn e Rajab (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬says that Hazrat Khalid Bin Madaan ( ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫)علیہ‬ used to recite forty thousand tasbeeh apart from the recitation of the Holy Quran. When he got died and he was kept on the bunk bed for giving him the bath so the people saw this that the fingers of him were moving in the way of reciting the tasbeeh. (Nazrat ul Naem)

Time for zikr of the Almighty Allah


Levels of sulook (Centre of consciousness)


The way of Qadri Hajweri to do the zikr


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The life of human being is surrounded in different tasks. Plus the absence of beatitude in the time is also prominent. In these conditions to take out the time is also very much difficult but if the human being may fix the time so to take out the time becomes easy. How much time of the human being do gets wasted in the unimportant debates, useless conversations in which most of the times, there is back biting, hurting someone’s heart and gossips? If a person does care so for the zikr of the Almighty Allah also the time can be taken out.


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In the body of human being there are few such places which are the centre of love of the Almighty Allah and the point of the spiritual light of the lord. Those places are called as centre of consciousness. The honorable scholars (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬make a person do the zikr of the Almighty Allah in these places. With the beatitude of zikr of the Almighty Allah the dirt of sins go away from these places and with the love of the Almighty Allah these places do become the centre of consciousness. With the beatitude of luminous light of centre of consciousness the human being uses to get safe from the sins and the inner faculties of these centres of consciousness use to remain pull towards the Almighty Allah.

According to all of our mashaikhs the proof of zikr in the places of centre of consciousness is very much told. Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has told the detail of it in his books and Shah Wali (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has told it in the “Tafheemaat e Ilaahi” and Hakeem ul Ummat (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has told it in the “Al Qataif Minal Lataif”.

Places of centers of consciousness in Qadriya


The point of light of heart: Two fingers below the left breast.

The point of light of spirit: Two fingers below from the right breast.


The point of light of secret: Between the heart and spirit.


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The point of light of internal self: Four fingers below the belly button.


The point of light of hidden place: In the middle of the forehead.

The point of light of the most hidden place: Umm e Dimagh meaning on the jaw;

Zikr in loud voice


In our series of Qadri as there is the zikr in loud voice that is why in short way some benefits, conditions and arguments are being written. The benefit of doing zikr in loud voice happens on the people who are listening also, the heart of the one who is doing the zikr remains awake, the sleep goes away and the activeness remains maintain. (Umdat ul Fiqah)


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By doing the zikr in loud voice the ignorance and not being interested goes away very much quickly and with the sword of interest and joy the person finishes the laziness of heart and gets succeeded in giving him the new life.

The conditions of doing zikr in loud voice



1. There may not be disturbance in any person who is offering the prayer, patient or the one who is doing the rest. 2. The zikr should not be done in a way to shout or scream and neither it should be done under the spirit of showing off. Just the summary of it is this that it may not be the reason of pain and problem for anyone.


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Murshide Hajweri (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had the permission in all four series with the mercy of the Almighty Allah but he used to give education in the series of Qadriya Hajweriya most of the times. Once up on a time Murshidi Hajweri (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬looked to one man who had relation with him that he is doing the zikr of naïf asbaat in very much loud voice. Hazrat (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked him that why are you doing it in so much loud voice? So he gave the answer that Hazrat I am doing it with this reason that the Almighty Allah may become happy. Hazrat repeated this question three times. That man gave this same answer that Hazrat the true thing is this same that I was doing it with this same intention. Hazrat hugged that man and said that next time do the zikr with more loud voice so that in the every single part of every single particle the zikr may get embedded and the internal self of a person may get aware with this zikr. Khuwaja Mehmood Injeer faghnawi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that doing the zikr with loud voice is permissible for this reason that the person whose tongue is cleaned with the lie and back biting, the person whose throat is pure from haram and doubtful things and the heart is cleaned with the show off.


The rationale of doing zikr with loud voice and doing zikr collectively


On the basis of doing zikr in loud voice in “Sabahat ul Fikr” Maulana Abdul Hai Lakhnawi ( ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫)علیہ‬ has written forty eight Holy Ahadis shareef. Few of them are being presented in your service: 1. In one hadis e Qudsi the Almighty Allah use to say that, I do the decision with the person of mine according to the expectation of him. When he do remembers me so I use to be with


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The wonders of series of Qadriya


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him. If he remembers me in his heart so I also use to remember him in my heart and if he remembers me in a group so I also use to remember him in a group which is better than his group. (Bukhari and Muslim Mulkhasan) Explanation: In this hadis e Qudsi the Almighty Allah has told the importance and superiority of doing zikr in loud voice, doing zikr in a hidden way, doing zikr collectively and doing zikr individually. Mulla Ali Qari (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say in his book with the reference of any great man that this holy Hadis shareef gives the reason of doing zikr in the loud voice instead it gives the rationale on the Istehbaab (Marqah Sharah Mishqat) 2. Hazrat Imam Abdul Wahab Sherani (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to write that in the era of Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ people used to do the zikr in loud voice at the time when the sun used to set and whenever they used to do the zikr in slow voice so Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to come and say that do the zikr in loud voice as the sun is just about to set. (Kashaf ul Ghumma) 3. Once upon a time at the time of night the companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬were going along with the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that they listened one man doing zikr in the loud voice in masjid. One companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that he seems like a show off person. On this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that he is not a show off person instead he is involved in the love of the Almighty Allah. (Sabahat ul Fikr Page number 56, reference from Behiqi Malkhasan)


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With the mashaikh of series of Qadriya due to the reason of abundance of zikr the happening of kashaf and wonders becomes very much although they do not think it as the goal. This series is Safa and Lamaan meaning it is the clean stream of honey with shines like a light. Sheikh Aman ullah (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬did one question from the father of Hazrat Shah Wali ullah (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was Hazrat Shah Abdur Raheem (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬regarding to the all four series. So he said that the connection of every series is separate and the signs are also separate. Most of the times he used to say that the connection which we got from the series of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬meaning Qadri that is more clean and very much fine. After that he told the wonders of other series.

The series of Qadriya in the eyes of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


There are abundance of people who are Qadri with the name but the “all knowing” Qadri are very much less and rare. The Qadri is the one who is filled with the ontologism of lord and oneness of the almighty Allah. Qadri is the one who is the killer of internal self, he is prosperous in true meanings and he is the one who likes the truth. Qadri are fed up from the biddats and he is against the liking of beauty and music. On Qadri there is very much mercy of the lord who is almighty. He does not have sorrow of any kind. He uses to have such prosperity that he do not look towards the kingdom of Sulemani not even ones by picking up the eye lashes.


The limit of any other way cannot never ever do the equality with the start of the way of Qadri. All the other ways are like the lamp but the way of Qadri is like a sun instead it is very much more bright and shiny than it also.


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The followers of Qadri who are the students without any effort, they are drown in the eternal prayers, the bodies of them are in the world and the hearts of them are in the here after. They offer the eternal prayer in their hearts, by looking at their status the Ghos and Qutub also do get worried because they are the pure poor people. (Secrets of Qadriya)

The discussion of the way of naqshbandia and qadria as becoming one


The special act of the hard working salikeen



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The way of qadria and naqshbandia are both as one. The proof of it is this that Maulana Badar ud din Sarhandi (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬caliph, Hazrat Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf sani Qudus Sarah writes himself in the “Hazrat e Qudus” in the language of Imam Rabbani (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that one day Hazrat Imam Rabbani (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was sitting in the circle of morning along with the friends in the meditation that Hazrat Shah Sikander Nabeera and Hazrat Shah Kamal Kaethli Qudus Sarhama came and put one khurqa on the back of him. when Hazrat opened his eyes and saw that there is Shah Sikander so he got up quickly and for welcoming he did hugging. Hazrat shah Sikander (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that my Jadde Amjad gave this turban in my property near to his death which has been coming from the series of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬generation by generation and said that keep it with you as a mandate, to whom I will say, give it to him. Now few times Hazrat Jadde Amjad said to me regarding to giving it to you but it was very much difficult for me to separate this holy thing from me. But now as it was the command that is why whether I like or do not like, I have brought it. Therefore, imam Rabbani (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬wore that turban and went in the loneliness.



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Habs blowing is a very much beneficial act. In that time when the stomach is not full and neither one has so much hunger which would make discomfort, on the balanced place, where there is neither very much cold nor very much hot, sit after doing ablution, while facing to the qibla in crossing legs position and slowly take the breath from the belly button and stop it on the heart. The tongue should be at this time stick with the jaw and should not move and in your imagination take out the word (‫ )ال الہ‬from the left leg and while passing it over from the right leg finish it on the right shoulder and then put the hit of (‫ )اال ہللا‬on your heart. In all of these activities, keep on moving your head. In each and every breath there should be zikr three times. After this take out the breath slowly. Then do like this same in the next breath. In this same manner, on the first day do ten breaths. On the next day increase ten more till this limit that the counting may reach to the hundred breaths. After this in every breath keep on increasing one name every day till this limit that in every breath you may keep on doing the zikr till one hundred and twenty one times. If you have difficulty in increasing ten breaths every day so do increase one single breath every day but in every breath at least start doing zikr three times. And every day do one zikr more every day. In it the warmth will get more produced. After doing the zikr, till one or one and a half hour, do not use cold water or cold food. With this habs blowing you will get very much benefits but the madawmat is the condition. This zikr is very much beneficial for the treatment of big bad thoughts.


The zikr of paas e infas

In paas e infas there should not be the movement of the tongue and the lips. Neither there should be loudness produced in the voice. The breath which is going inside the word “Allah” should be


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produced in it and in the breath which comes outside, the word (‫ )ھو‬should be produced and the imagination of (‫ )ھو الظاھر و الباطن‬should be made. Apart from this it should be kept continued while walkingand roaming, sitting and standing even this that while passing out urine or other waste material also so that this zikr may become the nature or sania and it may start happening without any plan and intention.


Hazrat Murshidi (‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ()رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had very much talent in this zikr. The zikr was made as the nature of him. Even this that when he used to go to washroom also so he used to stop his tongue with his hand that the tongue used to get busy, in an unconscious way in the remembrance of the Almighty lord.

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This zikr is not for all but the murshid thinks whomever appropriate for it, they advice thi to him. Therefore, never ever start the zikr with your own wish.


The importance and superiority of the zikr of negation and affirmation




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1. It is the quote of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that once upon a time Hazrat Moosa ‫ علی نبینا و علیہ الصلوۃ و السالم‬said in the quote of the Almighty Allah that tell me any other wazifa. From which I would remember you from which I would call you. It was said by the lord that do say (‫)ال الہ اال ہللا‬ There is no lord accept the Almighty Allah. He said that: O lord whole of the world use to say this. It was said that if all of the seven skies and all the seven universes may be kept on one side of weighing machine and on the other side “there is no God accept the Almighty Allah” shall be kept so the side of “There is no God accept the Almighty Allah” will get down. (Rawah ul Nisai and Ibn e Habaan Wal Haakim) 2. Once upon a time Hazrat Abu Huraira ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬asked the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that who will be the one to gain most of the benefit of recommendation of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬on the Day of Judgment? Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that I thought this same thing by looking at your interest in the ahadis shareef that no other person will ask this thing before you. (Then Prophet ‫ﷺ‬said the answer of the question) that the one who will be the most obedient and will get the most benefit from my recommendation will be that man who will say “There is no god except the Almighty Allah” with the sincerity of heart. (Rawah ul Bukhari) 3. Hazrat Zaid Bin Arqam ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬narrates from Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the person who will say “ ‫ال‬ ‫ ”الہ اال ہللا‬with sincerity he will enter in the paradise. Someone asked that what the indication of words of sincerity is. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that to stop it from the prohibited tasks. (Rawah ul Tibrani Fil Ausat wal Kabeer) 4. It is the quote of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that there is no such man who would say “‫ ”ال الہ اال ہللا‬and the doors of skies may not get opened for him, even this that these words get reach to the sky straight, but the condition is this that he may keep on getting safe from the sins. (Rawahu Al Tirmizi).


Note: The way of doing zikr of negation and affirmation has been passed in the schedule of every day it should be seen over there.


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The problems of zikr



The results of zikr






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1. O people of the Almighty Allah! Do not leave any wazifa on the basis of bad thoughts and thoughts which are full of worry. The coming of bad thoughts is necessary for every person sometimes these bad thoughts and fears do become the news and reason of good results. 2. The goal of paas e infaas is this that no any breath should be empty from the zikr of the Almighty Allah and along with it there should be the connection of zikr of heart also. 3. The matter is this that when the zikr is left while doing it so such contraction of heart do gets produce that after it in doing the zikr the first condition do aud in many days. Yes if the human being are completely colored with the internal ingredients of zikr so then to leave it is not harmful. 4. To continue the centers of consciousness is not the real goal, if it is the will of the Almighty Allah so this thing will also be gained. 5. To continue the centers of consciousness is not the real goal, if it is the will of the Almighty Allah so this thing will also be gained. 6. To recite the last verse of surah e kahaf (‫ )ان الذین آمنوا و عملوا الصلحت‬till the end of Surah and then sleep is very much helpful for waking up at tahajjud after doing dua. 7. If any time you feel tired so do the zikr less. 8. The massage of oil of pumpkin and to drink the peanuts and seeds of pumpkin after making them sweet with sweet rock candy it is beneficial for the brain. 9. Do not talk while doing the zikr without any intense need. 10. If coincidently under intense need, for any guest if the change may come in the routine so there is no harm. 11. For health it is important to sleep for six hours. Whether it is in one pattern or in different patterns.



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In regards of the results of zikr people do have difference. In this regard I may tell the summary of quotes of Murshid Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and other great peoples in the service of you friends. The condition of someone use to become very much crying, someone starts having good dreams, someone use to be in the condition of interest and fear, on someone the condition of trance use to happen on someone, from the centers of sub consciousness of someone the zikr use to happen and just like this many other more conditions use to appear but do remember that nothing from all of these is the goal. If you do not get any of the level of these conditions so it is not a thing to worry. One man came to Hazrat Hajji Imdad ullah Mahajir Makki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said that my tongue use to do zikr but my heart do not use to do it. He‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said do the thanks to the almighty Allah that the almighty Allah has made one organ of the body get involved in the remembrance of him. Keep on doing the zikr in sha Allah tala your heart will also be present. On one more place he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that if in one presence the king may become resented so will he let you enter in the second time in his time? Not at all. Just when you came to the masjid for one prayer and after that if you get the opportunity again so get to know this that the first prayer of yours has got accepted and you have become the one who is beloved.


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The treatment of diseases of body with the zikr of the Almighty Allah





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The expert of psychology of Holland has expressed this that the zikr of the word “Allah” is very much useful treatment for the patients who are the victim of sadness, depression and mental frustration instead it is also beneficial for the people who are involved in the other diseases of psychology like this. The ditch expert of psychology Wender Harwen has said in his new research that to recite the holy Quran and to repeat the word “‫ ”ہللا‬again and again do effects on every one whether he is a patient or a common man. The ditch professor is doing the experiments on patients from past three years for his research and education. Most of the patients in them were non Muslims which were not able to speak the Arabic language. The training was giving to them to say the word “‫ ”ہللا‬in clear way, the result of which came out very much surprising. Specially on those patients who were the victim of frustration and sadness. The every day news paper of Saudi Arab “‫ ”الوطن‬has written that the Muslims who are able to read Arabic language and they do the recitation of the Holy Quran without any gap, they can keep themselves safe from the psychological diseases. According to the experts of the psychology every single letter of the word “Allah” is effective for resolving the diseases of the psychology. While giving more explanation of his research Wender Harwen has told that the first letter of the word “Allah” which is “A” do comes out from the system of breathing and its keep the breath in control. For saying the letter “‫”ل‬ one has to make his tongue touch slightly with the jaw and after giving a little gap the act to perform this act properly and repeating and then to take breath the peace will come to the frustration by keeping it continued after some gaps. He more said that the last letter of the word “‫ ”ہللا‬which is “‫”ہ‬, by saying it the connection of lungs and heart happens and in return this connection do controls the beating of heart.


How the zikr of the Almighty Allah should be done?

There are 3 kinds of zikr:

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When there are so many benefits of doing the zikr of the Almighty Allah so now this question gets produce that how should be the zikr done? Now I may present the explanation of it in front of you friends.



1. The routines and tasbehaat which are advice to you by the sheikh of yours. 2. The recommended duas: The second kidn of zikr of the Almighty Allah is the recommended duas. Today the culture of reciting the recommended duas is getting finished although the recommended duas have seen the paths of acceptance. The recommended duas are also the source of getting close to the lord due to being the part of Sunnah as well. It has been said by many mashaikh that they got the saint hood by doing the management of recommended duas; they did not have to make themselves tired in doing efforts and other hard work. Therefore the recommended duas which are very much small and short, on which not more than one minute of time use to spend, if they shall be memorized one time so the person will keep on reciting them for the whole life on their respected times and places. Every person should memorize these duas with very much concern and he shall


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The beatitude and superiority of the recitation of the Holy Quran




make his children and other members of house memorized it from the start. It becomes difficult to make them memorized afterwards. The description of recommended duas and recommended acts is present in this same book in detail, it should be seen over there. 3. Recitation: The third kind of zikr is to do the management of recitation of the Holy Quran. Now with the detail, the importance and superiority of doing the recitation of the Holy Quran is being told so that it may become easy for every single person to act upon it. may the almighty Allah give us the opportunity to get our hearts connected with the Holy Quran more and more and may he give un the honor of changing the schedule of our lives according to the Holy Quran. Aameen!



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Today when I think to tell the knowledge of the holy Quran which are told by my murshid Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ so I feel like this that the Holy Quran is such light that the brightness of it do not become less. It is such lamp, the flame of which does not get dim. It is such ocean about the depth of which nobody can ever know. It is such road on which if the person walks with sincerity so he never gets misguided with his destiny. It is such level to do the discrimination between the truths and false that the rationale of it do not becomes weak. It is such speech that the rules of it cannot be made confused. It is such cure that after it the fear of getting disease again does not remains. It is such honor and respect that the ones who agree with it never get failure. It is such truth that the supporters of it do not get humiliation. The recitation of the Holy Quran will be the source of making your heart joyful in the form of a beautiful friend in the grave. The human being will leave every single thing in the world, only the Holy Quran will help him in the grave and on the Day of Judgment. Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Humble ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got the honor of talking to the Almighty Allah for hundred times in his dreams. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked this same question every time from the Almighty Allah that O the Almighty Allah! Which is the closest path to get the closeness of yours? Every single time he got the same answer that it is my Holy speech. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that “It should be after understanding or without understanding”. He got the answer that it is the source of connecting with me in every condition.

The completion of the Holy Quran every day till 12 thousands time



One incident has been written in the book which is named as Tazkira Qariyaan e Hind that one man of the era of Balabni who was very much rich, his name was Fakhar uddin, 12 thousand people were posted at his place for the recitation of the Holy Quran. They used to complete 12 the Holy Quran every day 12 thousands time. Apart from this the weird and strange incidents of them of being interested with the Holy Quran are found in the books.


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The respect of the Holy Quran became the source of forgiveness of the king

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Once upon a time one king went for hunting. Due to some reason he became the guest of one man of village. The man of village did the arrangement of hosting the honorable king in the poor house of him. When the king lay down on the bed for sleeping at night so he saw that over there in one shelf the holy Quran is kept. On the heart of the king the greatness of Holy Quran got over come. He spend the whole of the night while sitting in one corner that it may not happen that may God forbid I may do the disrespect of the Holy Quran. Hazrat Khuwaja Nizamuddin Aulia ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw that king in his dream and asked that what treatment the almighty Allah did with you. so the king said that to do the respect of the Holy Quran on that night was liked by that merciful Allah so much and on this one act he has forgiven me.

If you have love with the Holy Quran so it should be in this way





When Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went for the first Hajj from Karachi on the ship so the journey of him got started in the month of Shaban. During the journey the month of Ramadan ul Mubarak came, and in the whole ship there was no person who has memorized the holy Quran. The ten surahs of the end were started being recited in the prayer of taraveeh. Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ became very much embarrassed with this thing that there are three hundred people present in the ship and the Holy Quran may not be recited completely. From that same day he sat to memorize the holy Quran and he usaed to memorized one parah at morning and at night he used to recite that same para in taraveeh prayer. May the Almighty Allah give us also such interest and curiosity of the holy Quran. The entire spirituality and saint hood is only gained by the Holy Quran.


The respect of the hoyl Quran and the reward of it

.u bq


It is the narration of Hazrat Khuwaja Moin uddin Chushti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that one great man saw Sultan Mehmood Ghaznawi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in his dream after the death of him. He asked that what treatment the Almighty Allah has done with you. the answer was given this that one night I was the guest in any village, the house in which I stayed over there on a shelf one page of the holy Quran was kept. I thought this that over here one page of the holy Quran is kept, I should not sleep. Then this thought came in heart that I may say someone to keep this page of the holy Quran at some other place and I may do rest over here. Then I thought this that this would be very much big disrespect that for my own rest I may change the place of this holy page. I did not change the page of this holy page and I kept on being awake for the whole night. The respect which I did with the holy Quran in returns of it the Almighty Allah has forgiven me.


Love and affection with the holy Quran


Hazrat Maulana Fazal ur Rehman Sir (May the almighty Allah do mercy on him) has been passed as a great man as a series of naqsh bandi. Once upon a time he (May the almighty Allah do mercy on him) said that when I will go to the heaven and the women of heaven will come to me so I will say them in a clear way that if you want to recite the holy Quran or listen to it so sit near to me


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otherwise go back. He (May the almighty Allah do mercy on him) used to say that the joy which is in the prayer it is not in any other thing. When I do the sajdah in prayer so I feel like this that the almighty Allah has loved me.

The quick punishment on the disrespect of the holy Quran


The business in which there is no loss


.u bq


The Almighty Allah use to say in the holy Quran that (‫)قل ارءیتم ان اصبح مآؤکم غورا فمن یاتیکم بماء معین‬ you may say this that ok do tell me this that if the water of yours may get disappeared below so who is he who may bring the clean water to you. This proverb is mentioned in few of the descriptions of the holy Quran which are related to this verse that some respectable men said that after listening this verse that if they shall be such coincidence we will bring the water out from the land with the power of the spade and phawry. Just as these words came out of the mouth of him, the Almighty Allah made the water of the eyes of him dry and both of the eyes of him got blind and the spark of them kept on going away and one voice came from some unseen place that first of all do bring this water in the eyes of yours than do take out the water from the land while digging the well or the spring. May the Almighty Allah make all of us safe from every kind of disrespect and humiliation. Some of the times the immediate punishment use to come on it from the Almighty Allah.


.u bq




The holy Quran is one such rule of the lord which is the guardian of the correction of the people in the world and religion and he is responsible for the success of them in the world and on the Day of Judgment. Every single verse of it is the point of guidance and the treasure of the mercy. It is the obligation of every single Muslim that he shall make the relation of him with this holy book stronger day by day. The recitation of the holy Quran is very much important for every single Muslim and specially for the salikeen. It is the right to complete the holy Quran two times in a year. The one who has memorized the holy Quran should recite three chapters (parah) every day and the one who has not memorized should recite one para every day. If this shall not be possible so how much it is possible, one should keep something at least in the routine of him.

The reward of nine holy Quran and one thousand verses in 9 minutes



How much love the almighty Allah use to do with the people of him and on small and little acts he use to give how many good rewards like the mountains. I am presenting few examples of it in the service of yours under the light of Ahadis e paak so that the importance of it shall be known. 1. Surah Al Ikhlas: to recite it 3 times, the reward of it is equal to reciting one holy Quran. (Bukhari). 2. Ayat ul Kurci: The reward of reciting it 4 times is equal to the reward of reciting the holy Quran 1 time. (Masnad e Ahmed). 3. Surah Al Zilzaal: to recite it 2 times the reward of it is equal to the reward of reciting the holy Quran 1 time. (Tirmizi). 4. Surah Al Kafiroon: to recite it 4 times, the reward of it is equal to the reward of reciting 1 holy Quran. (Tirmizi) 5. Surah Al Takasur: the reward of reciting it one time is equal to the reward of reciting one thousand verses. (Mishkat). 6. Surah Al Qadar: the reward of reciting it 4 times is equal to the reward of reciting of 1 holy Quran. (Mawahib). 7. Surah All Nasar: the reward of reciting it 4 times is equal to the


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reward of reciting one holy Quran (Tirmizi). 8. Surah Al Fatiha: The reward of reciting it 3 times is equal to the reward of reciting the holy Quran 2 times. (Tafseer Al Mazhari). The conclusion of the discussion is this that the recitation of all of these is equal to the reward of reciting 9 holy Quran and one thousand verses and as the reward of every single good deed is 70 times more in the Ramadan ul Mubarak that is why in Ramadan 1 will get the reward of reciting six hundred and thirty holy Quran and 70 thousand verses.

.u bq


Note: The meaning of writing these few surahs is not this that one shall start doing the wazaif from his own wish in fact the meaning of this is this that how many more benefits are gained on few verses only and we were how much ignorant up till now. Do the arrangement of recitation of the Holy Quran every day whether it is a little bit from the start till the end.

The supremacy of durood shareef






Our beloved prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the most beneficient personality after Allah almighty by the favour of whom we recognized Allah almighty and believed in last prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬prophecy. Our beloved prophet has that much favoured us that neither we can count them nor we can pay his rights. That’s why however much we recite drood shareef then it’s un sufficient. On the other hand Allah almighty has promised the great reward on durood shareef’s recitation out of His bounty and mercy. Drood shareef is one of the auspicious form of worship. Its recitation is not only a source of getting all sorts of good but also there is a promise of one’s safety from all sorrows of here and hereafter. While reciting drood shareef, this is to intend that our beloved prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is our great benefactor so this demands to recite drood shareef on him in abundance. InshaAllah its good and blessings will be increased drastically by reciting it with this intention because in our succession, it is to recite 100 times drood shareef in the morning and evening. Now I am writing a few blessings of drood shareef and if it is recited seeing these, would be anormously beneficial.

.u bq


Nothing works more than drood shareef for acquiring blessings, prosperity, mystic knowledge and nearness to prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Reciting drood shareef is a worship for sure and Allah almighty’s blessings descend on such a person, angels ask for blessings for him and drood shareef itself ask for repentence as well. Reciting drood shareef with sincerity, affection and utmost faith is a source of getting eternal success, all good, infinite benefits and superiority here and hereafter.

The supremacy of durood shareef in abundance



1. It has been narrated by Hazrat Ayesha ‫ رضی ہللا عنھا‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the person who would like this thing that when he may be present in the court of lord on the Day of Judgment so the Almighty Allah must be happy with him so he should do this that he may recite the durood shareef on me in abundance. (Delmi, Al Qaul Al Badi) 2. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masood ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that, that person from all of the people will be close to me on the Day of Judgment who would have recited the durood sharef on me in abundance (in the world). (Tirmizi Shareef)


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3. It has been narrated by Hazrat Anus ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the person who will recite the durood sharef on me in abundance so on the Day of Judgment he will be under the shade of dominion crown throne. (Delmi, Zaad ul Saeed) 4. It has been narrated by Hazrat Kaab Bin Ahbaar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Almighty Allah sent the revelation on Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬that O Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬do you want this that on the Day of Judgment you may not feel thirsty. He said that yes. So it was said that then recite durood sharef on Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in abundance. (Zaad ul Saeed) 5. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that to send the durood on me is the light for the bridge of siraat on the Day of Judgment. And the one who would want this that the acts of him may get weighed on the big weighing machine so he sould do this that he may send durood shareef on me in abundance. (Fazail e durood shareef) 6. It has been said by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that: Do recite durood shareef on me in abundance because the abundance of durood shareef will be the reason of purity and cleanliness for you meaning that due to the recitation of duroor shareef you will get the purity from sins whether they are obvious, internal, financial or physical. (Abu Yala, Zaad ul Saeed) 7. It has been said by Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that do the abundance of Durood shareef on me for this reason that the recitation of durood shareef by you is the expiation for you for your sins and for me do the dua for the Almighty Allah for the resource because in the court of the Almighty Allah my source is the source of recommendation for you. (Jame Sagheer) 8. To recite the durood shsreef on Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with abundance, do removes the starvation, dearth and poverty. (Al Qaul ul Badee) 9. All of the scholars of the world and all of the mashaikh are united on this thing that the person who will recite the durood shareef in abundance he will remain safe from the hardness of the death. (Qalmi Bayaaz Buzurgaan e Deen). 10. Delmi has narrated from Hazrat Anus ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that, that man will get rid from the dangers and devastation of the Day of Judgment who will be sending more and more durood shareef on me in the world. (Saya, Zaad ul Saeed) 11. It has been narrated by Hazrat Anus ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that it has been said by Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the person who will recite the durood shareef every day till one thousand times, he will not die till that time till when he will not see the place of him in the heaven. (Zaad ul Saeed, Al Qaul ul Badee) 12. To recite the durood shareef every day one thousand times is the source of getting rid from the hell. (Nijaat ul Muslimeen) 13. It has been narrated by few mashaikh that the one who recites the durood shareef after the prayer of Isha till one thousand times, all of his wishes do get fulfilled. (Biyaaz ul Aulia)


Now this question is remained that what is the least amount of the durood shareef in abundance. So in this regard Allama Sakhaavi‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has narrated from the “Quwwat ul Quloob” that the least amount of the durood shareef in abundance is three hundred times, meaning to recite three hundred times at night and in day do gets included in the abundance of the durood shareef, there is no limit of most. To recite the durood e paak with abundance is the sign of love.


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The amendment of doing mistake in durood shareef



Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has said: To send the durood shareef on the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the duty towards the mankind and the duties owing to the Almighty Allah both. Therefore the sin of doing mistake in it will not only be forgiven by the repentance because this is also the duty towards the mankind instead the amendment of it will be done by making the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬happy along with doing the repentance. The way of which is this that after the mistake being happened a person should do the repentance from the Almighty Allah (it is the duty owing to the Almighty Allah) and now he should do very much abundance of durood shareef till this point that the heart of him may be a witness that now Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬would have become happy.

One special respect


.u bq

While writing somewhere do write ‫ ﷺ‬completely and do recite it as well. If while writing the holy name of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬may come again and again so do write durood shareef again and again, do not do contentment on writing only “‫ ”صلعم‬etc along with the words of indication but write complete durood shareef. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the man who will send the durood shareef on me in any book so the angles will keep on sending the durood shareef on him forever till when my name will remain written in that book. (Al Qaul ul Badee)



‫حاسبوا انفسکم قبل ان تحاسبوا‬

.u bq




It is necessary for every single follower who has been done bait with the series of Qadriya Hajweria to recite durood shareef hundred times at morning and hundred times at evening with very much love and affection. If you want to read more so you can increase the amount with the permission of sheikh. With the mercy of the Almighty Allah there are few such friends also in the series who do the recitation of the durood e paak every day till 70 to 80 thousand times and much more than this also. May the Almighty Allah make it easy for us also and may he accept it. Aameen!

Meaning that take the accountability of your internal self before this that the accountability of yours shall be taken (after your death) When we saw the people of the world with the look of finding faults

So we saw someone as non Muslim, someone as sinful person and someone as a great hypocrite But when the look of accountability fell up on the internal self



So we found that every son of Adam was better than us


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Computation and meditation


The computation of Hazrat Tameem Daari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


The forth way of the correction of the internal self

The meditation of Murshidi Hajqeri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

.u bq

The wonders of meditation

The need of doing hard work for the correction of internal self


The eat less and to eat with embarrassment Shajra e tayyaba and Qadri Hajweri


Good character in the light of ahadis shareef The gift of doing forgive



The first kind of character is the oneness of the Almighty Allah


(Chapter number 2) To gain the character

The oneness of the Almighty Allah is the most precious wealth

.u bq


One strange example of power of lord

The forth way of correction of internal self, computation and meditation


The desirable people who do the computation of their life and the salikeen who use to do the checking of their each and every step, they do get to reach to their destiny very much quickly. This has been the sequence of all of the great people of ours. Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say ( ‫حاسبوا‬ ‫ )انفسکم قبل ان تحاسبوا‬meaning that do take the accountability of your internal self before this that the accountability of yours shall be taken (after your death).

The computation of Hazrat Tameem Dari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


Hazrat Tameem Dari ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬is a famous companion. At one night his prayer of tahajjud got missed due to the over coming of sleep. He got very much sad. For this mistake and for comiting this


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ignorance he gave this punishment to the internal self of him that he did not sleep till one whole year. He used to remain busy in doing the worship for the whole night.

The computation of life


Imam ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written on page number thirty of “Minhaj ul Aabedeen”: Once upon a time Hassan Ibn e Abi sanaan when passed from one upper floor so he asked that when has this been made? Then he said to his internal self after becoming embarrassed that oh the internal self of deception! You do question about the useless thing. Then he gives the punishment to the internal self of him to keep the fast till one whole year.






.u bq

One good analyst has done very good analysis of life and in reality it is based on the reality till very much limit. It is in the narration of mishkaat shareef that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the ages of my nation are between seventy to eighty years and there are very much few people in the nation who will move forward than this. Just imagine that the complete age of a human being is sixty three years and the international law is this that a person should keep on giving the duty for eight hours every day. According to this thing in sixty three years, he uses to spend the duration of twenty one years in doing the service. According to the rules of doctor, for keeping the health maintain if a human being may sleep for eight hours every day so in sixty three years, he uses to spend duration of twenty one years while sleeping. We use to spend twenty one plus twenty one year’s which are equal to forty two years from the sixty three years only for the nourishment of our internal self in service and in sleeping. From our this life which is of sixty three years, forty two have been passed in sleeping and doing work and after that only twenty one years of life have been remained with me and with you. The starting years of life which are twelve or thirteen years meaning in the childhood we have not been made as the responsible of shariah so, this period of ours use to get wasted in the playing and fun.

.u bq


When in the forty two years, thirteen years of the childhood are being added so they may become fifty five years in total. So just in the life of human being which is of sixty three years, these fifty five years, he has spent in serving to his own self only and in those fifty five years, he has not done any worship of his lord at all, although he was made born for doing the worship. Instead in these fifty five years of his life, he remained busy in serving his own self. Now how much age has got remained and in it also how much opportunity he got of doing the worship for that which the human being was made.



The need of computation for the followers: So at the time of sleeping every person should do this that he must do the computation of himself. Meaning the acts which he has done from morning till evening, do remember them in detail. The good deeds which he has done, do thanks to the Almighty Allah for them and the good deeds in which some lacking has been left so do blame the internal self of yours on it and may scold it very much and it is better this that along with it do put any penalty etc also on your own self and the penalty should be of this kind that which should be very much strict on the internal self. The followers should do this that at night, at the time of sleeping do think about the acts of whole of your day that what bad deeds happened from me today or what good deeds happened. By doing this act till few days the life will get changed.


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The age is becoming less like an ice


Slowly, slowly, silently, silently, gradually, gradually‫؛‬





The crazy people of love do play the wrong tricks only They use to close their eyes for looking


.u bq

The Almighty Allah use to say in His Holy Book: (‫ )الم یعلم بان ہللا یری‬Do he not know that that the Almighty Allah is watching. (‫ )کل من علیھا فان و یبقی وجہ ربک ذوالجالل و االکرام‬Whatever things are on the earth it is mortal and only the entity of your lord will remain forever who is the one to give the reward and the one who is great.


The meditation of murshidi Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


Before doing the meditation one should this thing that the entity of the Almighty Allah is from always and it will remain till always. He is aware from every single thing, from my internal self and my external self. No anything is hidden from him. In this way a person should think the greatness, power and honor of the Almighty Allah and he should start doing the meditation after it.




.u bq



O people of the Almighty Allah! Do write one thing that no one ever has got the saint hood without doing the meditation. There is no such man who has got reached to this destiny without doing the meditation. My Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had the permission in all four series. Hazrat Sheikh used to say the meditation is very much important for the success in the path of sulook. He used to do very much hard work on the meditation. The condition of meditation of Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to be this that most of the times he used to sit in the meditation after the prayer of Isha and the whole of the night used to spent in it. He used to get up for tahajjud and say that my night got spent in meeting with my lord and I did not even got to know about it. If someone would like to adopt the company of him in the meditation so he was not able to do it because he used to do very much long meditation. Once upon a time he said in the gathering of special people that the Almighty Allah has kept very much wonders in the meditation. It is only the gift of the Almighty Allah on which this blessing may get open, with the continuous hard work and exercise this blessing is able to be gained. Most of the people use to think this as the meditation that just after sitting the surprising scene will start coming to them, they will start eating with the creation which is not visible and the zikr will start coming out from all of the points of consciousness. And the meditation is the name of doing the journey of world of lahoot. He used to say that no O people of the Almighty Allah! This all is not the meditation instead to keep on sitting while waiting to meet with your friend, it is a name of this meaning meditation is not the name of observation instead it is the name of doing effort.


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Hazrat Khuwaja Moin uddin Muhammad Baqi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the reality of meditation is to do wait. Hazrat Maroof Esha ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the meditation is the collection of all of the qualities and it is clean from all of the harms. Hazrat Khuwaja Abul Hasan ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that learn the wonder of meditation from a cat who use to sit silently and still for catching one mouse till many hours.

Meditation and hard work


.u bq


Hazrat Maulana Syed Zawar Husain Shah ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was form the great people of the series of naqsh bandia, he has told the incident of him that he went to one great man; over there it was the time of meditation. He made us do the meditation till 3 hours. One man just thought about to stand up from the meditation that on that the great man the condition of him got expressed. He made the dua done and then said brother, now when you will come so come after taking the interest of doing meditation. Just think that how much interest and curiosity our elder people used to have for doing the meditation. May the Almighty Allah grant all of us also that;

The way to do the meditation



.u bq




The way to do meditation is this that do try to fix your time at morning and evening and till when this could not be done so in the time of yours being free with very much punctuality every day, along with very much attention sit while facing towards the qibla how it is ease for you if in the posture of Attahiyaat so it is more better. Do close your eyes, touch your tongue with your jaw so that it may do not move and empty your heart from all of the thoughts which make you worry and do your brain with full attention towards the heart and do the attention of heart towards the Almighty Allah that he is only entity which is pure from all of the flows and he is the one who have the complete qualities. From his side the spiritual light of superiority is coming inside my heart in form of the golden color and the darkness, hatred and blackness of my heart is being washed with the beatitude of thsat light of spirituality and my heart is saying that O almighty Allah O Almighty Allah. Do try to get so much involved in this thought that you may not have any care about your own self also. Every day at least start doing the meditation for ten minutes. In the beginning the thoughts etc do irritate the one who is in start but slowly and gradually by doing the exercise the mercy of the Almighty Allah do gets attentive and the person gets such joy which has no any substitute in this world.

Wonders of the meditation


Because the connection of the meditation is with the entity of the Almighty Allah and with the great names and the meditation is the name of effort of making this great name living in heart. The heart in which this name may come, that heart is called as the heart which has saint hood and the peaceful internal self.


1. One benefit of meditation do happens this that the power of imagination of human being do gets very much strong.


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2. The hearts of the one who do the meditation do become the zaakir due to which he uses to get the reward of doing zikr while sleeping also. 3. The one who do the meditation do get the love of the Almighty Allah. 4. The meditation do becomes one big curtain between the sins. 5. The one who use to do the meditation comes out from the sorrows of the world because he uses to make the sorrow of the Day of Judgment as his sorrow.

.u bq


Apart from this how much wonders do the meditation has, you cannot even think about it. Thediseases of body, tension, depression and anxiety go away from it in such way that you will become surprise. Some times it use to come in my heart that I may call all of such patient and make them do the exercise of meditation.

Kinds of meditation


Meditation as the right of love


Because the meditation is the name of thinking, pondering and nourishment, so in this regard few people of the almighty Allah has written these few meditations also. The meaning of which is this that do very much nourishment of your actions. Some people of the Almighty Allah has also written other meditations also. I may tell the summary of them in the service of you friends.

Meditation of prayer




Do this meditation that the Almighty Allah has love with me and the Almighty Allah use to have affection with me. The benefit of it will happen this that in few days only you will feel that the love of the Almighty Allah has got produced in the heart of yours and when the imagination of love will get strong so do think this that when the Almighty Allah has love with me so in my disease, problem and worry there would be for sure any wisdom and there would be any of my benefit only. Otherwise in love who gives the pain to the lover.

.u bq


The person who will do these five tasks in the prayer, the prayer of him will become as the prayer of complete friends of the Almighty Allah.



1. Before offering the prayer does think this that today I have to offer that prayer which may get accepted in the court of the Almighty Allah. 2. Do use to think this that I am watching the Almighty Allah or at least the Almighty Allah is watching me. 3. Do take care about the meanings of prayer and say each and every word with your tongue carefully and by thinking. 4. Do make your eyes safe while offering the prayer. 5. And make this imagination strong that this is the last prayer of my life, may be now it will be the end of my live.


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Meditation of recitation




Whenever you may do the decision of doing recitation of the Holy Quran so some time before it do think this that I am sitting just in front of the Almighty Allah just like a student use to be in front of the teacher and I am telling this as my lesson to the Almighty Allah.

Meditation of rizq


If the Almighty Allah has given very much pure wealth to any person and he has given him the rizq without any tension so this is also one blessing of the Almighty Allah but the harm of it is this that it may become the reason of producing pride of yourself, to do hate with poor people or to do injustice with weak people.

.u bq

Meditation to remove the sins


Meditation of the floor


The treatment of sins is nothing else apart from intention and strong spirit. If you have very much inclination towards the sins so do think about the torments of hell and quality of wisdom of the Almighty Allah, due to it the spirit will become strong and to do like this few times, the inclination towards the sins will become very much weak.



A person may think this thing that our real thing is the sand. One day my body will get rot and decay and it will become the sand after it when my reality is this so after being the sand, to think you as very much big are very much impossible.


Mediation to incline towards doing hard work

.u bq


One should think himself like this that I am going to my real house. I am going to my destiny. While going to the real house, the pet animals also use to walk fast. It is very much surprising that I am taking steps in very much slow speed after even being a human being.

Meditation of death



(‫ )اکثروا اذکر ھاذم اللذات‬Do remember very much the thing which do erases the joy meaning the death. Every single person should think after sitting for some time that I have to die one day and after dying I have to go in grave, over there whether there are snakes or the gardens of heaven. If I have good deeds so the grave is garden and if they are bad so, there are snakes and scorpions. Then I have to get up from the grave and I have to be present for the accountability and walk on the bridge of serat. Just like this do remember all of these incidents of the Day of Judgment. When this meditation will become right so, by mistake also the sin will not commit. In sha Allah Tala.


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The need of hard work for the correction of internal self Observation is equal to the hard work


(‫)المشاھاۃ بقدر المجاھدۃ‬

Four tasks……correction easy

.u bq

Imam Ghazali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has told one weird and strange way of correction. If we people do act upon this way so it is very much beneficial for the correction. He said that do four things every day.




.u bq




1. “Musharta” meaning that when you wake up at morning so do one promise with yourself that on the day of today I will not do any sin from the morning till the time of sleeping at night and this that I will complete all of the obligations, wajibaat, sunnaahs, rights of the Almighty Allah, rights of the people which are in my responsibility and if by mistake some act may happen which is against this promise so o internal self, I will give you punishment. (The Almighty Allah use to say that: (‫)ولتنظر نفس ما قدمت لغد‬. Every person should do this that he may look that what he has sent forward for tomorrow which is the Day of Judgment.) 2. “Meditation” after doing the promise now walks towards doing your task. Now do this that before starting any work does think this that whether this work is not against my promise, these words which I am taking out from my tongue are they against to my promise. If you feel it against so try to be safe from it. This is called as meditation. (The detail of meditation has been passed before). 3. “Computation” Do the third work before sleeping at night meaning that computation that do say to your internal self that you did this promise at morning that you will not do any work of sin and you will do every work according to the shariah. Now tell this that you have done which work according to this promise and you have done which work against to this promise and do look after all of the matters of the whole day. This is computation. (the computation has also been passed before) 4. “Muaqiba” meaning that after doing the computation if this thing may come in front that at that some point I broke this promise and I was not able to remain on my that promise so at that time do ask forgiveness quickly and say this that o the Almighty Allah! I did this promise but after coming in the deception of the devil and my internal self I was not able to remain consistent on this promise.



O the Almighty Allah! I do ask forgiveness from you, you may please forgive me and along with doing the repentence do give any punishment to your internal self and say this while addressing your own internal self that you had made me to break the promise just for your own rest and comfort. Now you should get a little bit of punishment. Therefore the punishment is this that now before sleeping does offer nafils of 8 rakats, before this there is no sleep for you.


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After doing these four acts some times you will get the control and some times the devil will get the control but when the devil comes in control so do not be worried on it, in sha Allah tala just like this while falling and getting up, one day you will reach to the destiny of yours which is the goal

Note: If your nature do not becomes agreed on the nawafil so along with it one should put the penalty of some money also on himself.


Eat less, sleep less, speak less, and meet less


To eat less and to eat with embarrassment



.u bq

As Sahal Bin Abdullah Tastari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very much big scholar and a knowledgeable man also that is why he did not use to leave the sermon and advices also and he used to show people the straight path always. From which the people of that era took very much benefit, the teaching and advices of him are in very much abundance but we are presenting one short summary in the following of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The people asked him that from which tasks the people may become the worthy of joy and happiness. He said: The one who do patience in hunger, sickness and problem and the one who use to say Allah ma sha Allah tala. He said: By doing patience in the disease and problem the expression of mercy of the powerful lord happens. He said: Without remaining hungry in the worship and act the sincerity do not gets produced. He said: The one who remains hungry the devil runs away from him. All of the problems do get produced by eating fully.


.u bq



It uses to be my (Hakeem Tariq) effort that I may do very much service of my murshid. The service which my Hazrat would give me, I may keep on doing it with very much interest and along with very much spirit. Once upon a time I was doing the massage of my Hazrat, Hazrat like that massage very much. Hazrat said this after becoming happy that Tariq whatever you want to ask, do ask it, we will say it to the Almighty Allah. I remained silent. Then again Hazrat gave the command so I said that Hazrat I want the highest condition of kashaf. Hazrat said that o man of the Almighty Allah! The highest condition of kashaf is gained with two things. One is to eat less and the other is to eat with embarrassment.

The food of market



May the Almighty Allah forgive us! The culture of foods of the market is getting increased very much in our societies. Most of the people who use to cook food do not use to offer the prayer. Even this that, they do not even use to know the rules of purity and impurity. One man of the Almighty Allah used to say this that in our condition of being aware with the religion there is very much part of the foods of the market also that there was one time when all of the people used to like to eat the food of house. The mothers or wives used to make the butter milk along with the zikr of the Almighty Allah after offering the prayer of Fajar and they were punctual of prayers and fast. They used to cook the simple foods but the people who used to cook this food, they were punctual of prayers.


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‫کلمتہ طیبتہ کشجرۃ طیبتہ‬


‫اصلھا ثابت و فرعھا فی السماء‬


O people of the Almighty Allah do remember! The taste of the tongue is not only desirable instead to look this is very much important that whichever thing is eaten, whether the ingredients of it are prohibited or permissible? Not only this instead according to the modern research, with most of the foods of market, very much disease also does get produced. For example jaundice, ulcer and very much noxious diseases just like this etc. that is why it should only be eaten till some fixed amount. To make it a habit without any reason is not a good thing.

The family tree of Qadri Hajweri


.u bq

Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that by doing the dua from the Almighty Allah with the source of series of great people, the progress of internal and external do gets produced and the acceptance of lord gets included in it. Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali Dehlvi (‫[ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Book number 135]





.u bq




1. Illahi Bahurmat most superior to all the Prophets, the last of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, 8 or 12 Rabi ul Awwal, 11 Hijri 632 AD, Madina Munawwarah. 2. Ilaahi Bahurmat Caliph of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ , 21 Jamadi ul akhra 13 Hijri, 634 AD, Madina Munawwarah. 3. Ilaahi Bahurmat companion of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah, Hazrat Salman Farsi ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ , 10th Rajab 33 Hijri, 654 AD, Madain, Iraq. 4. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Qasim Bin Muhammad Bin Abu Bakar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, 108 Hijri, 726 AD, Mishal, Saudi Arab. 5. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Jafar Sadiq ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 15th Rajab, 148 Hijri, 765 AD, Jannat ul Baqi, Madina Munawwarah. 6. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 14 Shaban 261 Hijri, 875 AD, Damishq, Iraq. 7. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Abul Hasan Kharkani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 10 Moharram, 425 Hijri, 1033 AD, Kharkaan Iran. 8. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Abul Qasim Gargani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 450 Hijri, 1058 AD, Gargaan. 9. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Syed Ali Bin Usman Al Jalaabi Al Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 465 hijri, 1072 AD, Lahore Pakistan. 10. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Ali Farmidi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 4 Rabi ul Awwal 477 Hijri, 1084 AD, Tous Iran. 11. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Abu Yaqoob Yusuf Hamdani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 27 Rajab, 535 Hijri, 1141 AD, Maru, Turkamanistan. 12. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Peeran peer Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilaani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Rabi ul Aakhir 561 Hijri, 1166 AD. 13. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Abdul Khaliq Gajdawani ‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 12 Rabi ul Awwal 575 Hijri, 1179 AD, Ghajdawan Bukhara. 14. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Arif Reo Gari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 1t Shawal 616 Hijri, 1219 AD, Reo Garh Bukhara.


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15. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Mehmood Al Khair Faghnawi ‫)رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 17 Rabi ul Awwal 717 Hijri, 1317 AD, Faghna (Amkana Bukhara) 16. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Azeezan Ali Rameetni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 28 Zil Qad 715 Hijri, 1316 AD, Khuwarzam, Turkimanistan. 17. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Baba Samasi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 10 Jamadi ul Ukhra 755 Hijri, 1354 AD, Samaas, Bukhara. 18. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Syed Shamsuddin Ameer Kalaal ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 11 Jamadi ul Ukhra 772 Hijri, 1370 AD, Sokhaar Iran. 19. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Syed Bahauddin Muhammad Naqsh Band Bukhari ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 3 Rabi ul Awwal, 791 Hijri, 1389 AD, Bukhara Uzbikistan. 20. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Alaoddin Muhammad Bin Ataar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 20 Rajab, 802 Hijri, 1400 AD, Chughania, Turkamanistan 21. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Yaqoob Charkhi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 8 Safar, 851 Hijri, 1447 AD, Do shamba, Tajikistan. 22. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Obaid ullah Ehraar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 795 Hijri, 1489 AD, Samarqand Uzbikistan. 23. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Zahid ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 1st Rabi ul Awwal, 936 Hijri, 1529 AD, Wakhash Turkimanistan. 24. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Darvaish ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 19 Muharram, 970 hijri, 1526 AD, Askaraar, Sabz. 25. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Amkani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 22 Shaban, 1008 Hijri, 1600 AD, Amkana, Bukhara. 26. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Baqi Allah Dehlvi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 25 Jamadi ul Ukhra 1012 Hijri, 1603 AD, Delhi. 27. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Mujaddid Alaf Saani Sheikh Ahmed Sarhandi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 28 Safar, 1034 Hijri, 1624 AD, Sarhand. 28. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Masoom ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 9 Rabi ul Awwal, 1079 Hijri, 1668 AD, Sarhand. 29. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Saif uddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 1096 Hijri, 1684 AD, Sarhand. 30. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Muhammad Mohsin ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬1147 Hijri, 1734 AD, Delhi. 31. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Syed Noor Muhammad Badayuni ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 11 Dil Qad, 1135 Hijri, 1723 AD. 32. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Mirza Mazhar Jaane Jaana ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 9 Muharram, 1195 Hijri, 1780 AD, Delhi. 33. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Shah Abdullah Shah Ghulam Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 22 Safar 1240 Hijri, 1823 AD, Delhi. 34. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Allama Khalid Kardi Shaami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 1242 Hijri, 1827 AD, Delhi. 35. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Yaqoob Baghdaadi May ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. 36. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Muhammad Iraaqi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Idrees ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ 37. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Owais Qarni Saani ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ 38. Illahi Bahurmat Hazrat Khuwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Majzoob Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, 1991 AD, Jannat ul Baqi Madina tul Munawwarah. 39. Ilaahi Bahurmat Hazrat Murshid Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mehmood Majzoobi Chughtai ‫دامت برکاتہم‬ .


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The most weighed thing in the balancing machine is the good character. (Tirmizi) The good character is this that: The one who use to break from you, you may join from him. The one who use to make you deprived, you may give it to him. The one who use to do injustice with you, you may forgive him.


Chapter number 2 The reason of Sufism

.u bq

It is to gain the character


The good character in the light of the ahadees

The goodness of the world and the Day of Judgment


The first kind of character is the oneness of the Almighty Allah There no other door else than the Almighty Allah



One strange example of the power of the Almighty Allah


The reward of doing forgive

The second kind of character is the “purity of intention.”

.u bq


The third kind of character is the “trust.”

The trust, in the light of the Holy Quran and the ahadees The forth kind of character is the “resignation.” One incident of Hazrat Farooq e Azam

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬



The lesson of one female friend of the Almighty Allah for our women


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(Chapter no 2)



It is to gain the good character


There are two kinds of character.

1. Good character meaning the good qualities of personalities. 2. Bad character meaning the bad qualities of personilities.

.u bq

The gaining of Sufism is the correction of character






Without making the character correct, not any effort can become successful whether it is individual or collective. Do remember that the nations which use to be away from the good character, they do not get the success ever; they are like that body which has no life. According to Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the big reason and result of zikr and effort, company of mashaikh and hard work and struggles is to do the correction of character and to move away the bad character and this same thing is the purification of internal self, only zikr and azkaar is also not enough. One should have the treatment of his done for his bad habits from the people of the Almighty Allah. For this reason only the relation is use to be established with the living mashaikh that they use to do the correction of each and every habit. The example is the anger. This is a very much big disease. In ahadis shareef very much disapproving of it has been done. Do remember this thing that the treatment of these internal diseases can be only done by the company of any expert doctor of spirituality meaning complete murshid. Now I may tell the importance of character and the need of it in detail. May the almighty Allah do the correction of internal and external self of all of us. Aameen.

.u bq


The good character in the light of ahadis shareef

Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬brought that spiritual light of ethics which made the hearts of humanity bright with the light of love among themselves and it kept the base of such people, the specific status of whom is only pure character.



1. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said: (‫ )انما بعث التمم مکارم االخالق‬I have been sent for completing the best of the character and habits. (Behiqi FIl shaab) 2. When this verse of the Holy Quran got revealed (‫ )خذا العفو و امربالعرف و اعرض عن الجاھلین‬so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬asked the meaning of it from Hazrat Jibrail ‫علیہ السالم‬. Hazrat Jibrail ‫ علیہ السالم‬said: The one who use to break from you, you may join from him. The one who use to make you deprived, you may give him, the one who use to do injustice with you, you may forgive him. (Sharah Al Sunnah) 3. The question was done from Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that which thing will make most of the people enter in Jannah. He said: The fear of the Almighty Allah and good character. 4. The good character use to melt the sins in such way just like the sun use to melt the mercury. (Targheeb)


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5. Most of the heavy weight thing in the balancing machine is the good character. (Tirmizi) 6. Religion is the name of good character. (Targheeb) 7. That person among you is complete in regards of faith, who is best regarding to the character. (Behiqi) 8. On the Day of Judgment that person will be the most close to me, who will be the best in regards with the character. (Tirmizi) 9. The characters of yours are distributed in this way just like your rizq. (Adab Mufrid)


The goodness of the world and the Day of Judgment




.u bq

One day Syeda Umm e Salma ‫رضی ہللا عنھا‬was sitting along with the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬ and was doing the discussion of blessings which are prepared by the Almighty Allah for the heaven and the Day of Judgment. Ummul Momineen ‫ رضی ہللا عنھا رضی ہللا عنھا‬did the question: O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ !ﷺ‬If one lady has two husbands in the world and that lady and both of them may go in the heaven so that lady will be with which man from both of them? he said: She will be with that husband, the character of whom will be more good. On this Syeda Umm e Salma ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنھا‬ got very much surprised. When Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saw the surprise of her so he said: Umm e Salma! The goodness of the world and the Day of Judgment is with the good character. (Majma Al Zawaid). The goodness of the world is this that due to the good character of a person all of the people will start loving him and the meaning of goodness of the Day of Judgment is the great reward. Whether a human being is how much acting upon the good deeds but if he has bad character so all of the acts use to be get wasted.

.u bq

What are the good characters?




By sending the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, the Almighty Allah has presented that example of good character in front of human beings that whole of the humanity is not able to present the example of it. Prophet‫ﷺ‬ did the expression of forgiveness and mercy, patience and bearing, kindness and love that the creator of humanity has also done the praise of him ‫ﷺ‬. (‫ )انک لعلی خلق عظیم‬Indeed he ‫ ﷺ‬has the best of character. Just think that this saying of the creator of the universe about the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is how much strong rationale and strong certificate.



1. Islam is the name of best speech and to make people eat the food and the faith is the name of doing patience and pardon. From the best of the acts this act is good that from the hands and tongue of human being people may remain safe and the best of the faith is the good character and the best prayer is that in which there are long rakats and the best migration is to leave the bad deeds. (Majma Al Zawaid) 2. The one who finished the quarrel and he was on true side, for him a palace will be made in the heaven. (Majma Al Zawaid) 3. The person who has the complete faith is that who is good in regards with the character and who is merciful on his children and family. (Behiqi Fil Shab) 4. Hazrat Jabir ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say: Whenever the question of anything used to be done from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬never refused from it.


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.u bq



It is the quote of any intelligent man: The one who sow the mercy and kindness, he gets the love and affection. The one who cultivates the leniency and gentleness he gets the crop of protection. That person has the modest internal self who use to bear the bad deeds also in such a way just like he use to bear the good deeds. There is no such thing more than forgiveness and pardon which use to make the honor safe. Ali Ibn e Abi Talib ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that: the good tempered man gets the first reward of his good temperedness this that the people do take the side of him meaning they use to become protagonists of him. Ibn ul Mubarak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that: No anything use to be feel as so much beautiful with anything, how much the gentleness use to be feel beautiful along with the knowledge “OR” no anything cannot beautify any other thing so much, how much the kindness do beautifies the knowledge. (The meaning of kindness being along with the knowledge is this that the person may know this that on which points he has to do the expression of kindness and patience. It may not happen that the limits of the Almighty Allah are being crossed and he may keep on ignoring it.)


The reward of doing forgiveness


It is the quote of Hazrat Abu Bakar ‫ رضی ہللا علیہ‬that on the Day of Judgment one entity who use to do call, will do a call from the Almighty Allah that the mandate of whom will be safe with the Almighty Allah, that people will stand up. Therefore, one group of people who used to forgive the people and used to pardon from the mistakes of them will stand up, to all of them the Almighty Allah will give them special gift and reward and then he will make all of them enter in the heaven.


How it shall be known about the correctness of the character?



Keep on taking the survey of yourself, how is the worship of ours, how is the matter of ours, how is the character of ours. If you want to take the survey of the character so go and look in the gatherings in hot and muggy weather or else do get into the full bus, you will get to know everything.

.u bq


If you want to know about the character so do ask it from the wife of yours and from the neighbor, what a friend would know about the character.

The contents of the character are nine (1) To be truthful in your speech.

(2) The true fear in the obedience of the Almighty Allah.


(3) To forgive the beggar.

(4) To give the return of favor.


(5) To do the act of good behavior with the relatives. (6) To give the mandate back.


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(7) To not bear the evilness for the neighbor of yours and for the friend of yours.


(8) To do the respect of your guest. (9) And the reality of it is modesty. (Bheqi Fil Shaab)

(1) ‫اللھم حسنت خلقی فحسن خلقی‬


The duas of getting the good character

.u bq

(2) ‫اللھم اھدنی الحسن االخالق ال یھدی الحسنھا اال انت و اصرف عنی سیئھا ال یصرف عنی سیئھا اال انت‬



The first kind of character is the oneness of the Almighty Allah


In reality, the oneness of the Almighty Allah is said to have the complete faith and trust on the Almighty Allah and how much trust, the people of the Almighty Allah has on the Almighty Allah, you and I cannot even think that. And the wonders which use to get expressed with it, the reason of it use to be also this same trust. How good the Akbar Ala Abadi has said:



The holy Quran should remain under the consideration, this is the shariah

The Almighty Allah should remain under the consideration; this is the school of Sufism

.u bq


The biggest quality of the hard work of the people of the Almighty Allah, which makes the hard work of them different from all of the other knowledge and talents of the world, is this that due to this the human being does becomes beloved to the Lord. And after this one feeling do gets produced in the follower that if I may become ignorant for one moment even so the penalty of that ignorance cannot be able to be fulfilled not in weeks and even not in months also. Therefore, the Sufism is the name of doing the acceptance of the oneness of the Almighty Allah with the heart and the soul. If the mind say there is no God then also what is the benefit


If the heart and look is not Muslim so there is nothing

If you are my so, all is mine


The arrangement of one very big celebration was done at the place of Caliph Haroon Ar Rasheed, in which different kinds of things were kept. Haroon Ar Rasheed said to the audience of the


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gathering that whoever will keep his hand on whichever thing that thing will make of him. Therefore, everyone kept the hands of them on the things liked by them. One woman was standing at the back of Haroon rasheed. She kept the hand at the back of Haroon Rasheed. Haroon Rasheed said in anger that what kind of act is this? That lady said that you have said that whoever will put on whichever thing, it will become his. So I have liked you only. For this that when you have become mine so all of these things have become mine. (Ashraful Hikayat)

.u bq


Just like this it has been said this that (‫ )من کان ہلل کان ہللا لہ‬the man who becomes of the Almighty Allah (meaning that he do the complete obedience of all of the commands of him) the Almighty Allah do becomes of him. (Meaning that he becomes enough for him in all of the needs of him, he do not use to remain needy of any of the other door) that is why we should also try to make the Almighty Allah happy.

There no other door except the Almighty Allah



Hafiz Ibn e Qaim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw that one mother was standing on the door and hitting his son. He was the child of seven to eight years. While hitting, suddenly the mother pushed the child away and made him go out of the house. He was crying in very much bad way. On that side the mother was saying that you have become disobedient, you do not accept anything of mine. You may go out of my house; I do not even want to see the face of yours even.


.u bq




Just after saying this, the mother closed the door quickly. The child kept on crying till some time while looking at the door being closed. Then he started walking slowly and slowly. While walking when he reached to the corner of the street so he stopped suddenly and started thinking something. Then he turned back and came back on the door of his house and sat over there. He was tired and so, he felt like sleepy and then he slept. After very much long time, the mother of that child opened the door due to some need so she saw that the child of her is sleeping while keeping his head on the door step. The anger of her was right now not cooled down. She woke up the child after holding him from the hairs and said that: Why do not you go away from my eye sight? Why are you laying over here?


After listening to the scold of the mother, the tears came again in the eyes of the child. He said! O beloved mother, when you made me go out of the house after pushing me so I started thinking that I may go somewhere, I will spend my living by begging or else I will do eat the food after doing hard work and labor. After thinking this I started walking. Right now I just reached till the corner of the street that this thought came that o man! You will get to eat and drink in the world but you will not get the mother. If you will find the mother and the love of her so, only from this house. After thinking this I have come back. I want the mother. I want the love of the mother. I have come back. If now you will make me go out after pushing me so then also I will not go.


When the mother listen this thing from the son so, the heart of her melts down like the wax. The motherhood came over the intentions of her. She said that: Son! There is the feeling in the heart of yours that the love and kindness of the mother you cannot get it from some other place so, it is fine. You can live in this house. I will not let you go anywhere else.


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Hafiz ibn e Qaim ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬started smiling after listening this whole incident. That child was not ready to go to some other place after leaving her mother. So how can we go on the door of some other person by becoming a beggar after leaving our very own, the Almighty Allah….!!

The limitless mercy of the loving Almighty Allah


Hazrat Abu Ali Muhammad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw that one funeral is going to which three men and four women are holding. That leg of the bed of dead man, to which the lady was holding, he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ hold it. After burying it he (May the Almighty Allah do mercy on him) asked that: Were there not the neighbors available to you? She said that we do have the neighbors but this funeral was of one


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transgender person and the people thought it as the vile. I am the mother of himand I have brought these four labors on the salary. Hazrat Sheikh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬led the prayer of funeral of him and buried him. At night, he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw one man with light of spirituality in his dream. He said that I am that same transgender person to whom the people thought as vile but the Almighty Allah has done mercy and favor on me just due to the humiliation of the people and said whole of your life, people kept on thinking you as vile, now if I will give you torment so it is against to my status of kindness. After this the Almighty Allah did forgive him. Till when we will remain ignorant after leaving our so much merciful lord….!


The oneness of the lord is the most precious wealth


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When the time of the death of Hazrat Sufyan Soori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came near so he started crying. He was very much afraid at that time. The people said that you do not be afraid, do keep hope, the mercy and forgiveness of the Almighty Allah is more than the sins of yours. He said: I do not cry for the sins. If I do have the trust that my end will be on the oneness of the Almighty Allah so, I do not care about the sins even a little bit, whether they may be equal to the mountains even. ( ‫اللھم الخیر‬ ‫ و ال طیر اال طیرک وال الہ غیرک‬،‫( )اال خیرک‬O the Almighty Allah! The benefit is also from your side and the loss also and I do not have any support or lord except than the entity of yours.)

The need of taking lord along with you

Once upon a time Hazrat Umer Bin Abdul Aziz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬wrote to one great man that do advice me something so that I may make it as the most important thing of my life, and do remember it. The answer was given that if the lord is with you so then with whom are you afraid of? And if the lord is not with you so then with whom you do keep the hope with? He wrote again: Do remember that day when the death will come and stand on the head of yours.


The need of the belief for the oneness of the Almighty Allah


One great man ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I went on Hajj along with the Khwaja Hasan Basri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. I felt thirsty. He got busy in the prayer. After getting free when he went to the well so the water came up. All of the people drank from it. In this all situation, one man filled some of the water just for the care. So the water came down suddenly. After getting free he said you did not have trust on the lord so that is why the water went down.


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The door of the Almighty Allah use to keep open all the time



Ahmed Bin Abi Ghalib ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as the great man of the sixth century. People used to get present to him mostly for the dua. Once upon a time some man came to the service of him and said related to something that you may ask thatsomething from the some man for me. Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that my brother! Do stand with me. Why both of us, may not offer prayer of two rakat and ask from the Almighty Allah. Why we may do our direction towards the closed door after leaving the open door. (Tabqaat ul Hinabla) for sure the door of the Almighty Allah use to remain open all the time. This use to be the weakness of the trust and faith that humiliation shall be bear, while standing on the closed door of the creation by leaning him. Do have the habit of the paying attention towards that opened door and do look after trying it…!

.u bq

One strange example of the power of the Lord



The Almighty Allah is the one with how much power and how much greatness, I and you cannot even think about that….it is only in the control of the power of that same Almighty Allah to take out the humiliation from the maps of the honor and life from the maps of the death. Just do read this incident and think this that by being away from that prosperous entity and after leaving the door of Him, we are doing the loss of whom….!




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In one same time, the training which is more than the habit of two people, then one of them became the Prophet and the other misguided. One is Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬, who was the Prophet of the Almighty Allah. And the second is Moosa Bin Zafar who was the relative of Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬ and from the same era of him. Just like the training of Hazrat Moosa ‫ علیہ السالم‬is one special example of the complete power and wisdom of the Almighty Allah that in the house of enemies, in the lap of the enemies, the nourishment of him was being done. Just like this the nourishment of Moosa Bin Zafar (Samri) was also done in a way which was above the habits in such way that when this child got born and under the law of Pharoh it was necessary to do the sacrifice of him so the mother of him hid him in one cave with this thought that I may not look him being sacrificed in front of me and she kept the stone on the cave. Now this helpless child to whom, the kind mother of him had kept in the mouth of death by her own hands by becoming hopeless, the one who is the guardian of the helpless people, the one who is the support of the ones who have no support, the Almighty Allah, took him in the special training of him. The command was given to Hazrat Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬ that do send the food to this child. He used to apply milk on one finger, honey on the other finger and the ghee on the third finger every day and used to make that child lick it. Even till this that in this congested and dark cave, this unclaimed man got the nourishment and he started walking and roaming. Now look at the wonder of the power of the Almighty Allah that in one time only two Moosa were born and the training and nourishment of both of them was done in a way which was done greater than the habits. One got the nourishment in the house of the non Muslim like the pharaoh and the second one got the nourishment in the hands of the holy entity of Hazrat Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬but the one who got nourished in the house of pharaoh became the great and honorable Prophet ‫علیہ السالم‬of the Almighty Allah and the one who got the training with the hands of the Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬came out as the hypocrite and non Muslim. This is called as the wonder of the nature.


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(11) The secrets of place of ontologism and the wordings


When Ameer ul Momineen, Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬chose few wordings from the book of the Almighty Allah (Holy Tawrah) and every day he used to do ponder on them till three times. Now I may give the summary of those words as a gift in the service of your friends. Do think a little!




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(1) The Almighty Allah use to say that, O human being! You may not be afraid from every devil and the leader till when the kingdom of mine is remaining. (2) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! You do not do the worry of eating and drinking till when you are finding the treasure of mine filled completely and the treasure of mine will never ever get finished and empty. (3) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! When you may become fed up in any matter so do call me, you will find me near to yourself. It is because I am the one who is the giver of all of the things and rewards. (4) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! Indeed I keep you as the friend of mine. Just you also may become mine and keep me as your friend only. (5) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! I have made you with sand, piece of meat, clot of blood and piece of bone, and I do not become fed up by making you with the wonder of my power. So then how I am fed up in giving two flat breads. So just why do you ask from anyone else? (6) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! I have made all of the things for you and I have made you for the worship of me but you got stuck in that thing only which had been made only for you and you chose going far from me due to some strange thing. (7) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! All of the things and every person use to like something for him but I use to love you for you only and you use to run away from me. (8) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! You do use to become resented with me due to the wishes of the internal self of yours and never have you used to become resented with the internal self of yours due to me. (9) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! My worship is necessary on you and on me it is to give you rizq. But most of the times you do mistake in the responsibility of yours and I never ever use to do lacking in giving you the rizq. (10) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! You use to ask the rizq of future also on today and I do not want the worship of future from you. (11) The Almighty Allah use to say this that O human being! Whatever I have given you, if you may become happy on it so, you will remain in rest and comfort for always and if you use to be not happy on it so I will make the greed of the world get over come on you that then it will make you roam here and there helplessly, it will make you humiliated like a dog on the doors and then also, the thing which is in the fate, you will not be able to get any other thing apart from it.

Seventeen rules of the oneness of the Almighty Allah


Today we use to have the information of the whole world but not being aware with the basic knowledge of the religion and problems of everyday life is very much common. Having faith on the oneness of the Almighty Allah is the basic faith of ours. For understanding it do read the things which are being mentioned as following with very much attention and focus….!!


(1) The Almighty Allah is one. (2) Only the Almighty Allah is worthy that his worship and obedience shall be done and there is no one else who is worthy of being obedient to, apart from him. (3) There is no partner of him. (4) He use to know every single thing, nothing use to be hidden


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from him. (5) He is the one having very much power and very much control. (6) Only he had made the Earth, sky, sun, moon, stars, angels, human beings, ghosts, well to the entire universe and he is the only owner of the world. (7) Only he use to kill and he use to make alive. Meaning that the life and death of the creation use to be happen only will the agreement of him. (8) Only he uses to give the rizq to all of the creation. (9) He neither use to eat, nor he use to drink and he not even use to sleep. (10) He is from always and he will remain till always. (11) No one has made him. (12) Neither there is the father of him, nor the son, nor the daughter, nor the wife and he also not have any relation or connection with anyone, he is pure from all of these relations. (13) All of the things are needy of him and he is not needy of anyone and he does not use to have desire of anything, (14) He is unique, there is nothing which is like him meaning that which is similar to him. (15) He is pure from all of the flaws. (16) He is clean from the hands, feet, nose, ears and face and form like the creation. He has made the angels for the systems of the world and has posted them on the special and unique tasks. (17) For the guidance to the creation of him, he has sent the Prophets ‫ علیہم السالم‬so that they may show the true religion to the people, they may tell them good things and they may make them safe from the bad things.


The second kind of character is the “purity of the intention”



Intention is the name of decision of heart. The meaning of it is this that only the entity of the Almighty Allah shall be the goal. It is the quote of Prophet ‫ )انما االعمال بالنیات( ﷺ‬the base of the acts is on the intentions.


By changing of the intentions, the matter being changed

.u bq


Once upon a time, one great man was passing from one street. He saw one man while constructing the house. There were the windows and chimneys also in the house. The great man asked that man that why have you made the windows and the chimneys in this house? He gave this answer that, so that the clean air may come inside and the bad air may go out. He said that: It is so sad if you would have done this intention that the voice of call for prayer may come from the windows and the chimneys so, till when this house might have remained, the good deeds shall be kept on being written in the book of reward of yours. The air must keep on keep on coming and going, no one was able to stop it.

The warning in dream to Muhammad Bin Wase

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



Muhammad Bin Wasee ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that once upon a time this wish got produced in my heart to eat the roasted liver and till 40 years I kept on resisting this desire. At last one day this desire of mine got very much increased and I did this decision that I will go on Jihad, it Is possible that in the things of war I may get one goat and so then I may can eat the liver of it after roasting it. Therefore I went on the jihad along with the soldiers. We did jihad with the non Muslims and we gained the things of them. From my part in the things of war I took one goat and I said to my


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partners that roast the liver of it and give it to me. As I was very much tired so after saying this I lay down very quickly and I fell asleep. In my dream I saw that the angels are coming down from the sky and they are writing the acts of the soldiers. Therefore they wrote the condition of one soldier in this way that this man came to do jihad for this reason that the people may say him as courageous and there shall be the popularity of the braveness of him. And they wrote the condition of one more soldier like this that this man got included in the jihad only for gaining the booty. They wrote about one more soldier that this man got included in the jihad only for gaining the pride. After that those angles came near to me and said that he came after taking the desire of eating the liver which is roasted by being an innocent and in the pressure of his internal desire. After listening this I said to the angels that I swear by lord! Do not write this, I do the repentance on my mistake in front of the Almighty Allah. After this I said these words till three times that o my lord! Now I will not do like this ever. I do repentance from all of my desires and bad wishes in front of you. ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


The sincerity of Imam Abu Daud





Imam Abu Daod ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as one very much big muhaddis. Once upon a time he was doing the journey in a ship. One more ship was coming in front of him. He sneezed once during that journey at that time when the ship which was coming from front was very much near. Therefore he said, all the praise is for the Almighty Allah when he sneezed. When a man listened the words of, all the praise is for the Almighty Allah from the tongue of him who was in the ship which was next to him so he said in reply that may the Almighty Allah do mercy on you. When Hazrat Imam Daud ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬as to give the answer so the ship was gone away and the voice was not able to reach till over there.

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Therefore when they reached to the shore so after going over there he took one more ship on rent and gave one gold coin to the owner of that ship. Then he sat in the ship and the person who said, may the Almighty Allah do mercy on him to him, he said to him in the reply as May the Almighty Allah show you the right path and he came back.



When he slept at night so some man said to him in the dream, give the congratulation to Imam Abu Daud ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he has brought the heaven in return of only one gold coin. The Almighty Allah is the most greatest. The insisters of us used to do the acts of how much different kinds just to get the happiness of the Almighty Allah, due to this the benefit of them is being continued till today even. Today the world is reading the books of them and is spending the life of it according to the shariah. Those people are getting the reward and gift of it inside their graves. Do remember this that the hard work of the person which do the act for the happiness of the Almighty Allah is very much less but he use to get the reward from the Almighty Allah which is equal to the mountains. That is why we should also do this that we may get present to the people of the Almighty Allah purely for the love of the Almighty Allah and his happiness and to gain the following of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬of him with the true spirit. Apart from this there shall be no any other reason. May the Almighty Allah give sincerity in the intentions of all of us.


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The third kind of character is “Trust” The definition of trust



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When a human being is not able to do any work or else if he use to not have trust on his own self so he use to give the responsibility of him to any other person. This is called as making the lawyer. In the case is, along with the complications of laws when a human being is not able to solve the problem of him so he uses to take the support of the lawyer. This same condition should be of one complete man along with the real owner of him that he should use to remain do the expression of his humbleness and innocence in front of him in every situation and the Almighty Allah use to like very much the humbleness of men. That is why because to be the humble and helpless is only the reality of human being. He is the needy of power and will of the almighty Allah in every work of him. Therefore when a man who is Momin use to do complete trust up on the entity of his creator and owner and he use to be the needy of support of him along with the belief so then the lord of whole universe use to become the lawyer of his needy man. He does not use to leave him without any support and help not even in any single moment. (‫[ )ومن یتوکل علی ہللا فھو حسبہ‬Al- Talaq: 3] And the one who did complete trust on the Almighty Allah so the Almighty Allah is enough for him, then there is no fear and no sadness, there is no tension and no worry.

Trust in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadis shareef




The command of adopting the trust is present in the holy Quran and Ahadis shareef both. ( ‫و علی‬ ‫ )ہللا فلیتوکل المؤمنون‬and the people who have accepted faith should do this that they may do trust up on the Almighty Allah. (‫ )و اذا سالت فاسئال ہللا و اذا استعنت فاستعن باہلل‬Whenever you may ask something ask it from the Almighty Allah and when you want the help so want it from the Almighty Allah. (Tirmizi)



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The teaching which the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has given to Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ about the trust on the Almighty Allah, only that is the spirit and greatness of trust. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that one day I was walking at the back of Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that he ‫ ﷺ‬said that O child! You may do the safety of the rights of the Almighty Allah; the Almighty Allah will do the safety of yours. (Meaning that he will make you safe from the pains of the world and the Day of Judgment) If you will do the guarding of the rights of the Almighty Allah so you will find the almighty Allah in front of you. (Meaning the Almighty Allah will do the safety and help of yours in all of the places). When you may do the question so do the questions only from the Almighty Allah, when you may want the help so only ask the help from him and listen! If the whole of the nation may become agree on giving you the benefit, then also they are able to give you that much benefit only how much the Almighty Allah has kept it in the fate of yours and if all of the people may get involved in giving the loss to you so then also they can give it that much only how much the Almighty Allah has written. The pens have been taking up and the pages have become dry. (Meaning the decision of fate and luck has been done there can be no change in it) (Mishkat)


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The need of fate for the trust



Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


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I may tell one more important thing in the service of yours that the meaning of trust is this that a person may adopt the resources and supply according to the status of him but the complete trust shall be kept on the entity of the Almighty Allah. Just like the Almighty Allah gave the command to the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬to do the jihad and war with the enemies of Islam but he did not say this that go out only on the name of the Almighty Allah. Instead he gave this command that do the discussion with the honorable companions also in the situations which are being faced and when after doing the discussion if you do the strong decision about any work meaning that you may use all of the apparent sources and do the strong decision in your heart then while doing the trust on the entity of the Almighty Allah do that work whether it is of jihad or any other work. Just like this Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to the companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنھم‬that do not remove the dish from the stove and he kept the Holy finger of him in it and then that food became enough for whole of the army. The apparent resources were being made as the cover otherwise as the miracle that food could get increased also.

and the importance of trust

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



Baba Fareed uddin Ganj Shakar use to say about the trust that, that man is only intelligent who use to do trust upon the Almighty Allah in all of the matters of the world. He has done the explanation of trust in this way that in the faith of the trusting person there shall be fright and fear and love. He may leave the sin from the fear, he may do the obedience of the Almighty Allah with the dread and he may remain away from all of the prohibited things just for the happiness of the Almgithy Allah with love. (Bazm e Sufia)



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He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has spent all of his life along with the privation like poor people and humbleness of darvaish people. Most of the time there used to be starvation in the house, one day there was no salt in the house. Hazrat Khuwaja Nizam uddin Aulia ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬took the salt of one gold coin just for his follower as a loan from the shop and he cooked the vela (it was the fruit of one kind which was cooked with the salt and vinegar and the pickle used to be made of it) and took it to the follower. When Hazrat Ganj Shakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬put his hand in the bowl for eating so he felt heaviness in the hand. He was not able to pick up the bite. He said: (‫( )ازیی بوئے اسراف می آید‬The smell of extra vagance from it) he asked that the salt has been brought from which place and added in it? Hazrat Nizam uddin Aulia ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said while being afraid that it is of loan. Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that if the death may come from the starvation to the darvaish people so it is better than this that there may become the person who took loan for only the joy of tongue. There is the distance of east and west (‫ )بعد المشرقین‬between the loan and trust.

The trust of Khwaja Moinuddin Chushti

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chushti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got the training in the poverty and neediness and in starvation and dearth. The shade of respectable father was gone, the mother of him was pious and a true friend of the Almighty Allah. The trust on the almighty Allah was the capital of life. Hazrat


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Khawaja use to say that it used to be the routine of my mother that the day when there used to be nothing at our home to cook so she used to say that today we all are the guest of the Almighty Allah. After listening to this thing I used to feel very much excited. One day, any man of the Almighty Allah gave very much amount of grain at our home. For few days continuously we kept on getting the flat bread from it. I became fed up and remained in this desire that when mu respectable mother will say that today all of us are the guest of the Almighty Allah. At last, those grains became finished. The mother said that today all of us are the guests of the Almighty Allah. After listening this I got such interest and joy that I am not even able to describe that. (Tareekh Dawat o Azeemat)

Khawaja Qutub ud din Bakhtyar Kaki

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

and the level of his trust

One strange incident of trust




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The life of house of Khawaja Qutub ud Din Bakhtyar Kaki ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬had been passed in the poverty and starvation. The wife of him used to take one tinka or behlool (It was the coin of that time) as a loan from one usurer who used to live in neighbor and she used to run the expenditure. When the arrangement used to be done so, she used to return the loan. Once upon a time, the wife of usurer said in a taunting way that if I may not give loan to you so, the children of yours may die in starvation. When khawaja sir got to know this thing so, he stopped his wife from taking the loan and said that after reciting “in the name of the Almighty Allah who is the most beneficial and the most merciful” do take the karkak (piece of roghani) from the shelf. Therefore, at the time of need, she used to do act upon this thing and she used to rub the kaak in the shelf which she used to take and make her children eat it. That is why he got popular as Bakhtyar Kaki. (Bazam e Sofia)


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Abu Vail Shafeeq Bin Salma ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that once upon a time, we went on the journey in one very much dangerous and dark night. Suddenly in the heavy bushes of the trees we saw that one man is sleeping very much peacefully and near to him, the horse of him is tied and is grazing the grass. We woke him up and asked that o man of the Almighty Allah, you are taking so much fearless rest on so much dangerous place, and do not you feel afraid? He rose up his head and said that I do trust upon the Almighty Allah. I do feel embarrassed from the merciful lord of vast universe that I may feel scared from someone else apart from him and so I may become afraid. (Ahya ul Uloom)


We use to find many incidents of such kind in the biographies of the honorable friends of the Almighty Allah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the trust and content use to be the only property of those great people with pure qualities. There are how many such incidents on which we do not use to get belief apparently but the pages of history use to repeat them with the strong evidences. When the faith reaches to this level and a person do not have even a little bit of trust on anyone else apart from the entity of the Almighty Allah so this is the level of ontologism. And so after this the incidents which are beyond the mind do happen.


The way to gain: The way to gain this trust is this that a person may understand the power and wisdom of the Almighty Allah and do think a lot about the unworthiness and uselessness of the


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creation. (‫ )ومن یتوکل علی ہللا فھو حسبہ‬The person who will do trust on the Almighty Allah so, the Almighty Allah will become enough for him.

The forth kind of character is “assignment”


To give the matter of yours in the hand of the Almighty Allah

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Meaning that to give the matters of yours in the hands of the Almighty Allah that whatever he wants to do, he may do. Do adopt the way but give the result of that way in the hands of the Almighty Allah and the matters which have no connection with the scheme, do give them in the hands of the Almighty Allah from the start even.


The fate does not use to stop from the “scheme”


.u bq


The correct meaning of the fate




The “fate” is the weird and strange belief. Due to not being able to understand this phenomenon in a correct way, the people use to get involved in the different kinds of the mistakes. The first thing is this that before the happening of any incident the phenomena of fate may not insist any of the human being on not acting. For example, one human being may sit by keeping his hand on hand after doing the excuse of the fate and he use to say this that whatever is written in the fate, that will happen for sure, I shall not do anything. This act is against to the teachings of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬instead this is the command that the scheme which is present to gain which thing, do adopt that only, do not do any lacking in adopting it. The second thing is this that to act on the phenomenon of the fate does starts to happen after any incident happens. For example that any incident got happened so the work of one true Muslim is this that he may think this that the schemes which I had to adopt, I have done them and now the incident which has happened which is against the scheme of ours, that is the will of the Almighty Allah, we are happy on it….!

The correct meaning of the fate is this that the scheme shall be done completely from your own side but after doing the scheme, the matter shall be given in the hands of the Almighty Allah and it shall be said that O the Almighty Allah! The scheme which was in the hands of ours, we hadadopted that, now the situation is in the hands of yours. The decision which will be of yours, we will remain happy on it. We will not have any argument on it.

One incident of Hazrat Farooq e Azam ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬



Hazrat Farooq e Azam was once upon a time going on the strolling of country Syria. On his way he got the news that in the area of Syria, the disease of plague has been spread. It was so much intense plague that in few hours only the man used to be finished while sitting. In this plague, thousands of the companions of Prophet ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬has been died. Today also in Syria there is one whole graveyard filled with the graves of those companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬who got martyr in that plague, near the tomb of Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarah ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬Well Hazrat Farooq e Azam ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬did


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the discussion with the other companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that whether we may go over there or not or else we may go back. At that time, Hazrat Abdur Rehman Bin Auf ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬told one hadis that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that if in any area, the disease of plague may get started so the people who are outside from that area, they may not get enter in that area and the people who are present in that area, they may not run away from there. After listening to this hadis, Hazrat Farooq e Azam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that in this hadis there is very much clear and obvios saying by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that one should not enter in such area. Therefore, he delayed the plan of going over there. At that time, there was one companion who was most likely, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarah ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬he said to Hazrat Farooq e Azam ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that: (‫)انفر من قدر ہللا‬


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Are you running away from the fate of the Almighty Allah? Meaning that if the Almighty Allah has written the arrival of death with this plague so that death will come for sure and if the death is not written in the fate so, it is equal to go or to not go. In the answer, Hazrat Farooq e Azam ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہ‬ said that (‫ )لو غیرک قالھا یا ابا عبیدۃ‬O Abu Ubaida! ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬if someone else apart from you would have said this thing so I would think him as crippled but you are aware from whole of the reality. How can you say that I am running from the fate? Then he said that: (‫ )نعم نفر من قدر ہللا الی قدر ہللا‬yes we are running from the fate of the Almighty Allah towards the fate of the Almighty Allah.




The meaning was this that till when the incident do not happens, till then we have the command of adopting the tips of precaution and to adopt the tips of precautions is not against to the phenomenon of fate. Instead it is included in the phenomena of fate because the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has given this command that do adopt the tips of precaution. Therefore, by acting upon the command of this, we are going back. But apart from this if it is written in fate that we will get involved in the disease of plague so we are not able to remove it away. But we have to do the complete planning from our own side.


The sadness is not against to the “Raza bil Qaza”



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O people of the Almighty Allah! We should understand this thing secondly that, if we get to face any sadness and grieves so to cry on that pain and sorrow is not against and contrary to the patience and it is not the sin. Now this question do arises that on one side you are saying this that to do sorrow and grief and to do the expression of it is permissible. To cry is also allowed and on one side you are saying this that we should remain happy on the decision of the Almighty Allah. How we shall gather this two things that on one side we may remain happy on the decision of the Almighty Allah and on the other side it shall also be allowed to do the expression of sorrow and grief. It shall be understood very much that the expression of the sorrow and grief is a separate thing and the decision of the Almighty Allah is based upon the complete wisdom and we do not know the wisdom of it and due to the reason of not knowing the wisdom, the heart is getting the pain. That is why there is the pain and grief also and due to this pain and grief, we are crying also and the tears are also flowing from the eyes but along with it we know this that the decision which has been done by the Almighty Allah, it is reality, it is based upon the wisdom. Therefore the meaning of Raza is the raza e Aqli. Meaning that inn a way of mind, the human being may think this that this decision is correct.


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One best example




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For example, one patient use to go to the hospital for getting the operation done by the doctor and he use to do the request from the doctor and he use to do the flattering of the doctor that do my operation. When the doctor started doing the operation so now he is crying, he is shouting, he is taking out painful voices and due to this pain he is also having sorrow and grief. But along with it he also uses to give the fee of operation to the doctor and he also does the thanks of him. Why? That is why because he knows in the intellectual way that whatever the doctor is doing, he is doing it correct and he is doing it for the benefit of me. Just like this completely, how many grieves and how many pains a true Muslim gets in the world, he do gets all of them from the Almighty Allah. As if the Almighty Allah is doing the operation of yours. Now if you are being attentive towards the Almighty Allah after all of these pains so the end of it is going to be good for you. Therefore, in an intellectual way if this way is being stuck in the heart of yours and then the human being do the expression of grief on this sadness and on this pain, if he may cry, shout so there is nothing bad in this.

The importance of being happy on the fate



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(1) Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that on the Day of Judgment those people will be called first who used to do the praise of the Almighty Allah in every condition. (Ahya ul Uloom) (2) Hazrat Memoon Bin Mehran ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the one who use to be not happy on the decision of the Almighty Allah, there is no treatment of the foolishness of him. (Ahya ul Uloom) (3) Hazrat Fuzail ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that if you are not able to remain happy on thefate given by the Almighty Allah so you also not be able to remain happy on the fate of yours. (Ahya ul Uloom) (4) It is the quote of Hazrat Abdul Aziz Bin Abi Rawad ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that it is not the wonder to the vinegar and barley and to wear the dress of Sufism, the wonder is this that the human being may remain happy with the Almighty Allah in all of the conditions. (Ahya ul Uloom) (5) It has been written in the incidents of Hazrat Muhammad Bin Wasey ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that one man used the words of pity after looking at the wounds on the feet of him. On it Hazrat Muhammad Bin Wasey ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that from when this wound has been come out, I am doing the thanks of the Almighty Allah regularly that this wound has happened on the foot of mine and not in the eyes. (Ahya ul Uloom) (6) Hazrat Fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that when the refusal and gaing comes on one level to a person so do understand that he is happy from the Almighty Allah. (Athaf Al Sadah) (7) Hazrat Sahal Al Tastari ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that actually how much their will be the strength of faith in the human being, equal to that he will get part from the status of happiness of the Almighty Allah. (Al Hulya Tul Auliya, Athaf Al Sadah Al muttaqeen)

The level of completion of the assignment



It is in the “Akhbar ul Akhyar” that once upon a time, the wife of Hazrat Baba Fareed ud Din Masood Ganj Shakar ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that some boy is dying due to the hunger. He said that what will the Masood man do if the fate planned by the Almighty Allah is this so who is able to stop him. (Akhbar ul Akhyar)


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The lady who got the special status through the fate


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When a human being use to do the decision of remaining happy on the decision of the Almighty Allah in all of the conditions so he use to get the secret of every act of the Almighty Allah and on the point of patience also he do takes out the point of thanks. It is in one Israel proverb that one worshiping man did the worship of the Almighty Allah till very much long time so this was shown to him in the dream that the lady who uses to graze the goats will be the partner of yours in the heaven. That worshiping man searched for that lady and did the wish for being the guest of her till three days so that he could put his eye on the acts of him. He looked the routine of that lady like this that she uses to do the worship on one night and uses to sleep on one night. Just like this she uses to keep fast with the gap of one day. That worshiping man said to that lady apart from these acts is there any other act of yours which may be hidden from me. The lady said that no, there is only this much act of mine. The worshiping man said that do remember, maybe you would be able to recall some other act. At last she got remembered and she said that yes, I have one more habit and it is this that if I am going through very much intense situations so, I do not use to do the wish of good times. If I use to remain sick so I do not use to do the wish of being healthy and if I use to remain in the sun light so I do not use to be desirable of the shade. The worshiping man said that ok, ok! This is that quality which is not in the control of human beings. (Ahya ul Uloom)


The great man who used to remain happy on fate


Allama Zubaiadi has written that the “Sahib ul Quwwat” has discussed this incident, plus Sheikh Abu Naeem ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has narrated this incident in “Hukyat ul Aulya” (Athaf Al sadah)



If the quote of few big people is being written down that when the Almighty Allah use to do any discussion on the sky so he wants this that the people of earth may accept that decision with happiness. (Ahya ul Uloom).

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The eye sight of Sheikh Abdul Azeez ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went away but till twenty years he did not do the discussion of it even from the members of his house. One day the son of him looked carefully so he asked that oh Father! Has your eye sight become finished? So Hazrat Abdul Azeez ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that yes son! Much time has been passed, the will of the Almighty Allah has taken away the eye sight of your father. (Athaaf Al Sada Al Muttaqeen Al Allama Syed Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al Husaini Al Zubaidi).

The lesson of one female friend of the almighty Allah for our ladies



From the tongue of famous muhaddis and faqeeh Hazrat Sufyan Suri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one day this dua came out when he was with Hazrat Rabia Basri (‫ )اللھم ارض عنی‬O the Almighty Allah! Do become happy with me. On this Hazrat Rabia Basri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that do you not feel embarrassed from the Almighty Allah you your self are the desirable for the happiness of the Almighty Allah but you are not happy from the almighty Allah. Hazrat Sufyan Suri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬tell this thing very much and recited astaghfar. On this Hazrat Jafar Bin Suleman Al Zabaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that when a person is said to be happy from the Almighty Allah? So Hazrat Rabia‫ رحمتہ ہللا علیہ‬said: When a person use to be


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Understood the fate with the melon


so much happy on the problem also how much he use to be happy on that blessing so then do understand this that, that man is happy from the Almighty Allah. (Ahyaa ul Uloom)


Hazrat Muhammad Bin Shaqeeq ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬one day brought the melon for the honorable mother of him but she did not like it and she became resented. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that o my mother! You use to be resented on which thing? On the seller or on the buyer, or else on the creator? I swear by the Almighty Allah! The creator is the one who is the most best in making and the seller and the buyer use to give that same thing which has been written for us from the start. After listening this mother did repentance and astaghfar.

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The intelligence of Esa Alai Salam is the matter of fate



It has been said about Hazrat Esa ‫ علیہ السالم‬that once upon a time the devil met him so he said that it is the belief of your self only that things used to happen with you which the lord has written for you. he said: Indeed. The devil said that ok show me by making you fall from this mountain. If the lord might have made the protection as your fate so you will remain safe. He said: O the first one, the Almighty Allah has this right that he may take the exam of his people. The man do not has this right that he may take the test of the Almighty Allah.

There is very much mercy of my Almighty Allah on me


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One man of Syria saw one man while wearing the sack while doing his journey in the desert and saw him while he was doing the praise and appreciation of the Almighty Allah. He asked that you are doing the thanks of which blessing because I do not see any blessing on you? He said that the Almighty Allah has given me all of the blessings, listen! I am a Muslim, I am from the nation of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, I am healthy and my tongue has the power of doing zikr of the Almighty Allah. I am away from the false world; I do not have any wish of it. Now this man started crying with the embarrassment and he started being busy in the remembrance of the Almighty Allah after giving the money of him in the path of the Almighty Allah.

The way to gain the assignment

Whenever you have any incident which use to give pain so at that time does think this thing that this has happened with the will of the Almighty Allah who is very much wise and provident. In start you will have some difficulty but slowly and gradually this thing will become the part of your nature.


The Sixth kind of character is fear and hope


There are two kinds of fear, one is natural and the other is logical. The meaning of natural is this that there may be fear in the nature of human being and the other which is logical, it is this that there may be the fear of the torment of the Lord, the fear of torment of the grave and the fear of the Day of Judgment and the fear of standing in front of the Almighty Allah inside the heart of a


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person. (‫[ )ان الذین یخشون ربھم بالغیب لھم مغفرۃ و اجر کبیر‬The people who use to fear from the lord without seeing him, for them there is forgiveness and great reward.]

Someone asked from one great man Yahya Bin Moaaz‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that on the Day of Judgment who will be the safest from the fear? He gave the answer that the one that use to keep fear the most in the world. (Ahya ul Uloom)


Three levels of fear of Lord:Imam Ghazali (‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written three levels of fear:






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1. The fear of punishment on sins It is said as the fear of general public (common people). The fear of general public use to be like the fear of a child. Just like if something of class may get broken by a child (meaning any kind of loss or mistake might happen) so mentally he use to keep on having the fear of getting punishment from his mother so, the fear of general public is also of this same level because they have broken the command of the Almighty Allah, they have done the sins, they have completed the wished of their internal selves, that is why such people use to keep on having the fear of getting punishment n their sins from the Almighty Allah. 2. The fear of not fulfilling the right of worship: This level is little bit higher than the level which was before. This is said to be as the fear of Abrar meaning the fear of pious people and it is this that people do not use to do the sins and they have done the good deeds but they use to think this that the act which was to be done, we were not able to do it in that way. Now we do not know that whether our deeds will get accepted in the court of the Almighty Allah or not? Meaning that they use to keep on having the fear of their acts not getting accepted. Just like when Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa ( ‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to the journey of Harmain Sharefain so he ( ‫ )رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬recited the whole of the Holy Quran in two rakats at maqam e Ibrahim Alai Salam and then he did dua: O the Almighty Allah! As we should have been gained the ontologism of yours, we were not able to gain it like that. He used to keep on having the fear of not being able to fulfill the right of worship. 3. The fear of bad end: This is the fear of Aarifeen, the people who are of great status. It is this that they use to do the acts from their side in very much good way but they use to keep on being afraid that whether we will be able to take them safely till our death or not? It may not happen that we fell inside the pugnacity, may not become deprived of them. meaning they use to keep on getting afraid in regard to their end that it may not happen that our end may not be bad. Aarifeen use to think that when the eye sight of ignorance of the Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to get active so then the man like “Balam Baoor” (one very much big man of Bani Isrial who use to do worship), the worship of four hundred years of him also used to get rejected (meaning that it use to be labeled as false) and when the eye sight of mercy of him use to get active so Fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to be taken out from the leader ship of thieves and made as the leader of pious people.


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The incidents of fear of lord of Prophets ( ‫)علیہم السالم‬


The way of Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬at the time of wind storm





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Hazrat Ayesha (‫ )رضی ہللا عنہا‬use to say that when the clouds, strong wind etc used to come so on the holy face of the Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬the effect of it used to get prominent and the color of His face used to get pale and due to the fear He used to go inside sometimes and go outside sometimes and He used to keep on reciting this dua ( ‫اللھم انی اسئلک خیرھا و خیر ما فیھا و خیر ما ارسلت بہ و اعوذبک من شرھا و شر ما‬ ‫ )فیھا و شر ما ارسلت بہ‬O the Almighty Allah‫ ! سبحانہ و تعالی‬I want the good from this wind and whatever is inside this wind, rain etc I want the good of it also and the reason for which it has been sent, I want the good of it. O the Almighty Allah‫ ! سبحانہ و تعالی‬I seek refuge from the evil of this wind and the thing which is inside it and the reason for which it has been sent, I seek refuge from the evil of it. And when the rain used to happen so on his face the glow used to start come. I said that O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬when all of the people use to see the cloud so they use to become happy that the sings of rain are coming prominent but one sort of tension (meaning worry) use to feel on you ‫ﷺ‬. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that Ayesha ‫ !رضی ہللا عنھا‬What satisfaction do I have of it that in it there is not the torment. The nation of Aad was given the torment along with the wind only and they became happy after looking at the clouds that in these clouds the water will be given for us. Although there was torment inside it. (Dar e manshoor) It is a quote of the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و‬ ‫تعالی‬ ( ‫ فلما راوہ عارضا مستقبل اودیتھم‬Surat ul Ahqaaf Verse number 24). Translation: Those people (meaning the nation of Aad) when saw that cloud coming in front of their valleys so they said that this cloud is going to give rain on us (is was the command of Lord that) no, it is not of giving rain instead it is that same (torment) about which you people used to do hurry (and used to say to your Prophet that if you are true so bring torment for us). It is one storm of wind which has intense torment inside it, which will destroy every single thing with the command of its Lord. Therefore those people got destroyed in such way due to that strong wind that apart from their houses nothing was able to be seen and we use to give the punishment to the criminals in this way.

The advice of Hazrat Anas

at the time of getting dark

Nazar Bin Abdullah use to say that in the life of Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬once upon a time the darkness came in the day time. I went in the service of Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and said that at the time of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬also such kind of things used to happen. He said that I seek refuge of lord, in the era of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬when the wind used to become little bit fast even so we used to ran towards the masjids with the fear of happening of the Day of Judgment. One another companion Abu Darda ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬ use to say that it was the routine of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that when the wind used to blow fast so Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to go to the masjid by becoming worried. (Jama ul Fawaid)


‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬

The way of act of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in solar eclipse


Once upon a time in the holy era of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬solar eclipse happened. few companions ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہم‬ were busy in their work and the young people who were doing the practice of bow and arrow, they left it and got present in the service so that they may see this that what act Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬may do


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at this time. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬offer two rakats of prayer of kasoof very much long even this much that the people started falling down by becoming fainted. In the prayer, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬kept on crying and used to say that O lord! Have you not done promise with me that you will not give torment to these people until I am present and you will not even give them torment in such condition when these people will be doing astaghfar. In surat ul Anfaal the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has done the promise of it. (‫ )وما کان ہللا لیعذبھم و انت فیھم وما کان ہللا معذبھم وھم یستغفرون‬Then the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬gave advice to such people that whenever such time may come and destruction or loner eclipse may happen so after becoming worried get attentive towards the prayer. The conditions of the Day of Judgment which I use to see, if you may get aware of them so you may laugh less and you may do the abundance of crying. Whenever such condition may happen so do offer prayer, do dua and give charity.






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Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to cry for the creation whole nights. Once upon a time ( ‫ان تعذبھم فانھم عبادک وان‬ ‫[ )تغفرلھم فانک انت العزیز الحکیم‬O The Almighty Allah‫ ]! سبحانہ و تعالی‬if you may give torment to them so they are your servants and if you may forgive them so you are only the one who has power and the one who has wisdom and he sent whole night while reciting this same verse. Hazrat Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ use to say that once upon a time when Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬came to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so he saw that he is shivering very much with the fear of the Almighty Allah. It is said that when the devil was taken out of the court so Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬and Mikael ‫علیہ السالم‬started crying. The Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬said that why are you crying? They said that lord, we do not think ourselves safe from your anger so the lord said: yes you may not think yourselves safe form my anger meaning my entity is ignorant from each and every one. It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Dardah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that when Hazrat Ibrahim ‫علیہ السالم‬used to stand up for prayer so the voice of spirit which used to get produced inside the chest of him due to the fear of lord, it was able to be listened from the distance of one mile.

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The incidents of respectable friends of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬about the fear of lord

The fear of the almighty Allah on Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضیاللہعنہ‬



The importance which is gained by Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضیاللہعنہ‬every single person know about it. To be the leader of one group of people of heaven, calling of doors of the heaven to him and the entrance of him in the heaven first of all: apart from this also many more significance of him have been mentioned in the ahadis shareef but apart from all of this the condition of fear of lord of him was this that sometimes he used to say that I wish I may be a grass so that the animals would have eaten it. Sometimes he used to wish this that I may be the hair of body of any pious person. Once upon a time he went in one garden and saw one animal sitting and so he said after looking at it with a cold breath that you are in how much enjoyment that you eat and you drink, you roam around in the shade of the trees and there is no accountability on you on the Day of Judgment, I wish Abu Bakar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬would have been like you also.


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The Rabiya Aslami ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that once upon a time on some matter the argument got raised between I and Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬and he ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said some words to me from which I felt very bad. Quickly he understood this thing and said to me that you may also say to me so that it would be the revenge. I said sorry for saying it so he said that do say otherwise I will go and tell it to Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. On this also I refused to say the word in answer. He ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬went after getting up but some people of Banu Aslam came and said that is it a good thing that he himself did wrong and he himself went to Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬for doing complain. I said that whether you even know who is he? (It was the fear of lord of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and over here give praise to the simplicity and faith of him that apart from getting angry on such sentences of other people he started doing the praise of him ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. He is Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬, if he might become unhappy so the beloved messenger of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬will become unhappy with me and with the unhappiness of him ‫ ﷺ‬the almighty Allah will become unhappy so after it what is the doubt in my destruction. This companion ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that I got present in the service of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and told whole of the incident. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that it is fine that you should not say such thing in the revenge, although in place of it you may say like this that O Abu Bakar ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہ‬ may the almighty Allah forgive you.

The fear of the lord of Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬



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Hazrat Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say sometimes that I wish my mother would not have delivered me. Sometimes ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to take one straw in his hand and used to expressed this wish that I would have been any straw. Once upon a time he was busy in any work that one man came and said that some man has done injustice with me, you ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬may come along and help me in taking the revenge. He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬hit one belt to him that when I use to sit for this thing then you do not use to come at that time. When I used to get busy in other task so you people use to come and say that help us in taking the revenge. That man went back. He ‫ )رضی ہللا عنہ‬became worried and sent one man to call him and then gave the belt to him and said that take your revenge. He said that I have forgiven you for the sake of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬came back home, offered two rakat prayer and said after it while addressing his own self that Oh Umar ‫ !رضی ہللا عنہ‬The Almighty Allah gave you high status, gave you guidance and respect and then made you the leader of people. Now if one man use to come and say that make me take the revenge of injustice so you use to hit him. What answer will you give tomorrow on the Day of Judgment? Till very long time he kept on blaming himself like this. (Asad ul Ghabaa)



In the prayer of fajr most of time he used to recite surah Kahaf, Tuaha etc, long surahs and used to cry that the voice used to go till many suffs. Once upon a time in the prayer of morning he ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہ‬ was reciting surat ul Yusuf. When he reached on (‫ )انما اشکوا بثی و حزنی الی ہللا‬so while crying his voice did not come out. In the prayer of tahajjud sometimes he used to fell down while crying and become sick.


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The condition of Hazrat Ayesha‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬with the fear of the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬


.u bq



Ummul Momineen Hazrat Ayesha ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬was so much aware with the problems of religion that great big companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم‬used to be present in the service of her ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬for research. Hazrat Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬used to greet her. When some people put blame on her ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬so the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ himself described in Holy Quran about her being pure. She ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬use to say herself that there are ten such qualities inside me that no other wife is present in them. many other more significance has been told in the praise of her ‫رضی ہللا عناہ‬. Apart from all of these things the condition of fear of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬on her ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬was this that sometimes she used to say that I wish I would have not been born. Sometimes she used to say that I wish I would have been a tree that I would use to keep on doing the tasbeeh (it is mentioned in the holy Quran that every single thing use to do praise of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬but you do not understand the praise of them, the indication is towards this) and there would not have any question from me about the Day of Judgment. Sometimes she used to wish this that I would be a stone or the piece of sand and sometimes she used to say that I wish I would be a leave of tree or any straw!


Other companions‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬and the fear of lord


I and you should also think a little bit that the people about whom it is hundred percent sure that they will go in heaven, the condition of fear of lord of them is this and the one who has nothing they are spending the life of no tension…!




.u bq



1. Hazrat Ibn e Umar‫رضی ہللا عنہما‬used to cry a lot even this that while crying his eyes also became useless. Once upon a time any person saw him so he said that you become surprised on my crying, with the fear of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the sun use to cry. Once upon a time one such incident came so he said that with the fear of the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬the moon use to cry. 2. The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬went near from one young companion ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. He was reciting the Holy Quran. When he reached on the verse (‫ )فاذا انشقت السماء فکانت وردۃ کالدھان‬when the Day of Judgment will come, in which the sky will get torn and will become so much red just like the red lather so the hair of his body stood up, while crying his breath choked and he was saying that yes the day when the sky will get torn (meaning on the Day of Judgment) what will be my condition, oh my destruction. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that due to your crying of this time the angels also started crying. 3. One Ansaari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬offer the prayer of tahajjud and then sat down and while crying he ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہ‬ started doing the dua of getting safe form the fire of the almighty Allah. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that today you have made the angels. 4. Abdullah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬Bin Rawaha is one companion. He ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬was crying. His wife also started crying after looking at this condition of him. He asked that why are you crying. She said that the reason for which you are crying. Abdullah Bin Rawaha ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that I am crying due to this reason that we have to pass from the bridge of Siraat I do not know that whether I will get rid of it or I will remain over there.


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The fear of lord of Hazrat Fuzail


5. Hazrat Khaleed ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬was offering prayer one time. When he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہرضی ہللا عنہ‬reached on (‫[ )کل نفس ذایقتہ الموت‬every living being has to get the taste of death] so he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬started reciting it again and again. After sometime one voice came from one corner of his house that how many times you will recite it due to your recitation of again and again four ghosts have been died. ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


.u bq


Hazrat Fuzail ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is a famous great man. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that, the fear of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to guide towards every good thing. Whenever I have become a fate from the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, due to it such door of wisdom and lesson has been opened on me which has not been opened before it. yahya Bin Maaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that if the unblessed person may start getting afraid from the hell so much, how much he use to get afraid form the poverty so he may go straight to the heaven. Abu Suleman Darani ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the heart from which the fear of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬keeps on going away it use to become destroy.

The fear of the Day of Judgment of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

The crying of Hazrat Fuzail Bin Ayaz





It was said to Hazrat Fatima Bint e Abdul Malik who was the wife of Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Azeez ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that do tell the condition of worship and struggle of your husband. She said that I swear by the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was not the one who used to offer nawafil most of all and neither he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the one to fast always but yes I have never seen someone who use to get afraid from the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬more than him. when he used to remember the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬on his bed so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to shiver like a bird till this that we people used to think that the morning of people will be in this condition that they will be deprived form their caliph (Seerat e Umar Bin Abdul Azeez) ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

on the Day of Arfa

.u bq


One great man use to say that I saw Hazrat Fuzail Bin Ayaz ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬while crying very much loudly on the day of Arfa. He kept on crying till morning in this way as if some mother uses to cry in the separation of his child. At the time of sun set he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬hold his beard and said while looking at the sky that if you have forgiven me then also I will be embarrassed from my own self then he came back along with the people.



1. It use to come regarding Hazrat Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa ‫وامتازوا الیوم ایھاا ( رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ ‫ )المجرمون‬be separate o the group of criminals today. He kept on reciting this verse for the whole night and kept on crying with fear. 2. Zarara Bin Abi Aufa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was leading the prayer of fajr in one masjid when he reached on this verse ‫ )فاذا نقرفی الناقور‬the day on which the soor will be blown so he fell down and he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬died. People picked him up and brought him home. 3. It is the incident of one more great man that while reciting the holy Quran when he reached on (‫ )وردو الی ہللا مولھم الحق‬and these people will be brought back towards the torment of the


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Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬who is the real master of them so he screamed once and died while shivering.


Many more such kind of incidents is also found in abundance. I and you shall also think little bit that these people used to be afraid so much after doing everything also and we do not do any worry after doing nothing even…! After today I also may do the intention of changing the sequence of my life and you may also be with me.

The way to gain the fear of lord


.u bq

These incidents which have been told in your service about the fear of lord, do read them again and again and do the second work this that every day at night sit alone and do think this that it is the Day of Judgment and I am standing in front of the Almighty Allah ‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, on one side there are all of my deeds and on the other side the weighing machine has been kept. The sun is just above my head, the ground is of metal which is burning very much badly due to the heat, the hell is in front of me and my accountability is going on. After doing this act for few days only much of the benefit will be gained.

The luckiest person



The seventh kind of character is to remain happy in the consent of the almighty Allah


.u bq



It is important for getting the consent of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that first of all one should make himself happy on the decision of the lord. This is the middle level of patience. Till when the human being will not complete this middle level, he will not even be able to get to the last level. That is why the human being should pay attention most of all on his own acts and conditions of his heart rather than looking at the acts of the lord and he should make them agree to remain happy on the plans of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬. Now few ahadith are being written which are related to this topic. It has been said in one hadisth shareef that, that man is very much lucky who has been given the opportunity of Islam, the one who has been given the rizq according to his need and he remained happy on it. (Tirmizi Ba Sanad Sahi)


At one more time Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that: The one who may become happy on the little bit rizq which has been given by the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬will become happy with little bit act of him even. (Rawah u Abu Mansoor Al Delmi Fi Masnad Al Firdaus)


Consent is the source of level of ontologism It is in the incidents of Hazrat Moosa ‫ علیہ السالم‬that Bani Israel said to him that you may ask some such thing from your master for us on which we shall act so he may become happy with us. Hazrat


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Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬started saying in the court of the lord that: You have listened the request of Bani Israel, what is your command? The lord gave he answer that O Moosa, say to them that if they may remain happy with me and with my decisions so I will also remain happy with them. (Ahya ul Uloom)

.u bq


The support of this incident has been done with the narration of Hazrat Jabir ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬to which “Hakim” has written along with the proper reference. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said, the one who is desirable of knowing his status in the eyes of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, he should see this that what is the level of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬in his own eyes and in his life. For sure the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ will keep every person on that level on which level the person has kept the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ . (Al Mughni An Hamal Al Asfaar)

The level of patience on unpleasant things



To complain is against the level of consent


Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬said to the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, Lord! Do guide me towards such thing from which I may get your consent. The Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬sent the revelation that my consent is hidden inside the unpleasant things and you will not be able to be patient on those unpleasant things. Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬repeated his request that O Lord! At least tell me that unpleasant thing so, the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬said my consent is hidden inside this that you may remain happy on my decisions. (Ahya ul Uloom)



Tibrani has written in “Mojam Kabeer” related to Hazrat Abu Hamd Daari ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to say that I am Allah, there is no lord except me, the one who do not be patient on my problems and difficulties, the one who may not thank on my blessings and the one who may not became happy on my decisions, he should do this that he may find some other lord except me. (Al Mughni)

.u bq


It has been narrated by Hazrat Abu Amama Ansari ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to say that I have created the goodness. So just there is luckiness for that person to whom I have created for good reason and on his hand I have given the goodness and there shall be destruction for that person to whom I have created for the evil and on his hand I have given the evil and there shall be destruction and devastation for such person who may ask that why did this happen and how did this happen? (Sharah Al Sunnah)

The matter is very much sensitive…!



It has been present in the news of past era that one Prophet ‫علیہ السالم‬did request in the court of lord continuously till ten years related to the pain of poverty and starvation but it did not get accepted. After ten years the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬sent revelation on him that till when will you keep on doing the complain? I have written this decision about you in the biggest book even before the creation of skies and the earth. For you this decision of mine has been done before the creation of the world. Do you want this that just because of you I shall create this world again? Or you want that I may change my decision for you? So that your desire and intention may remain prominent


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in front of my desire and intention. I swear on my status and level that after today if such thought will ever get produced inside your heart so I will erase your name from the register of Prophets. (Ahya ul Uloom) Allama Zubaidi has written in Athaaf Al Saada only this that this incident has been written by Sahib ul Quwwat. (athaaf Al Saada)


Do keep faith on the almighty Allah


.u bq

One man said in the service of Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that Hazrat so much of difficulties and problems have come upon me that if the suicide would have been made permissible so for sure I would have committed it. he said if the problems and difficulties would be a bad thing so the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬would not have chosen them for the Prophets Alaihim Salam. One should ask for protection but if any problem may come so one should remain happy on the decision of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, he should keep faith on the almighty Allah as the master and as the most wise and he may keep his eye on him only.

I wish this would not happen





Hazrat Anas Bin Malik ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to narrate that I have done the service of Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬till ten years. During this time he has never done question regarding to any of my act that why have you done this? And if I did not use to do any work so he did not use to ask that why have you not done it? Neither he said regarding to anything which was to be happen that I wish it would not happen like this and nor he said regarding to anything which was not present that I wish this could happen. If someone from his family used to do argument on any act of mine so he used to say that leave him, the decision of the lord was this otherwise he would not have done like this. (Al Mughni)

.u bq


The planning of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬is only known by the Almighty Allah‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬



In one public van one lady made the noise that there is something inside my cloths the van should be stopped. The bus was made stopped, the passengers made a covering around her along with the cloths. From the cloths of that lady the snake came out which had wings. During this one man passed from there which was on the motor cycle. When he saw the crowd so he stopped. It is the power of the lord that, that snake flew and stung on the forehead of the one who was on the motor cycle and that man died over there. Now look on the power of lord that it did not say anything to that lady and neither to any person of that crowd but why! It is because of this that only the command of lord use to happen; there is no power of the snake. Well when the pocket of that person with motor cycle was checked so that the identity card shall be find and the dead body shall be taken to his destiny so nothing came out from the pocket of him. When it was checked on the motor cycle so there was one shopper of cloth. When it was opened so there was the arm of a lady inside it in which there were the bangles of gold which was seen by the whole crowd and the ones who had to take lesson took lesson from it. Whatever the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬do he do it for


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better, there is good and betterment inside it only. That is why how much it is possible, one should try to produce love with the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬because how much here will be love with him that much one will get the opportunity to remain happy on the decisions of the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ .


The eighth kind of character is patience

(‫ )یا ایھا الذین آمنوا اصبروا و صابروا و رابطوا‬O the people of faith! Be patient and make other do patience and do keep contact.


.u bq

Whenever a human being gets any blessing so he use to feel happy. And whenever he use to have any pain or any problem so he should remain satisfied on it even this that if he gets pain with one thorn even so that is also a source of goodness for him. The great people have said that to do patience on problem and thanks on blessings is the sign of complete faith.

Three kinds of patience





To keep your internal self in limits of the religion and to not let it do anything against to the religion, there are many opportunities of it. one opportunity is this that the person may be in the condition of peace and comfort, the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has given him health, has given him wealth and property, luxuries and material so the patience of that time is this that the mind of human being shall not become false and he may not forget the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬, he may not think the poor people as unworthy, he shall keep on doing kindness and favor with them. if the internal self use to do laziness in worship, prayer etc or if the internal self use to do misery in giving the charity etc in such times there use to be three kinds of patience.

.u bq


1. Before doing the worship makes your intention correct that I have to do this work only for the sake of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬. 2. At the time of worship there shall not be low morale, do complete it as it is the right of the worship of him. 3. After doing the worship do not mention that worship in front of any other person.

Patience on other times



1. At the time of sin the way of doing the patience is this that one may stop the internal self from the sin. 2. One more point to do the patience is this that whether any person may give you pain, say bad words, the patience of that time is this that he should not take revenge and remain silent. 3. The way to be patient at the time of death of any close person is this that any word against to the religion shall not be taken out from the tongue.


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Patience in the light of ahadis shareef






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1. At the time of difficulty on doing patience the promise has been done for great reward. It has been said by Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to say that when I use to get attentive towards any of my man along with the problem and I make his body, property or children involved in any pain then he use to do patience on this thing so at the Day of Judgment I will feel embarrass that I may arrange the weighing machine for him or for him I may present dewaan. (Rawah u Ibn e Adi Al Mughni) 2. Hazrat Ibn e Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to narrate that Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said: If the Momin person shall recite (‫ )انا ہلل و انا الیہ راجعون‬according to the instructions of the Holy Quran at the time of difficulty and he may do this dua that O the Almighty Allah‫ ! سبحانہ و تعالی‬Do give me rid of this difficulty and grant me the best substitute of it so the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to do that same kind of matter with him. (Rawah u Muslim) 3. Hazrat Anas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said to me that the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬said to Hazrat Jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬: O Jibrael Alaih Salam! If I may take both eyes of one person so what is the reward of it? jibrael ‫علیہ السالم‬said: O the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬the entity of yours is pure. We only know how much you have told us. The Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬said that the reward of this is this that he will remain in my house forever and he will get the opportunity to see me. (Rawah u Al Tibrani Fil Asat) 4. At one more time Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has said that the Almighty Allah ‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬use to say that whenever I use to involve any person in any difficulty and he use to do patience on it and he do not use to do complain about me with the people who come to ask about hi health so I use to change the meat and blood of him and grant him more good blood and meat. Then if he use to become healthy after that disease so he use to be in such condition that as if he has never done any sin and if he could not become healthy and he may die so he use to reach in the shade of my mercy. (Rawah u Malik Fil AMuta) 5. Hazrat Daod ‫علیہ السالم‬asked from the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬that O my Lord! What is the reward of that sad person who shall do patience on the difficulties only for the consent of yours? The Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬said that the reward of it is this that I will make him wear such dress of faith which will never be taken off from him. (Ahya ul Uloom Al Ghazali)

To do patience on the death of children


Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to quote the saying of Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that the person whose three children has been died he will go towards the hell only for fulfilling only this saying off the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬which is inside this verse ( ‫[ )ان منکم االواردھا‬Maryum: 71]. Translation: And there is no one among you who will not pass from it, meaning only to pass over it.


It has been mentioned about Hazrat Usman ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that whenever any child use to get born to him so he ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to call him on the seventh day. When he was asked so he said that I want this


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that some love of him may get produced in my heart so that if he dies so I shall get more reward of it.

At what time the patience should be done


The patience is to be done on its own time. After the passing of time every single person do becomes patience and that is not the source of reward. Only that patience is the reason of reward which shall be done with intention and consciousness to press the difficulty.


.u bq

It is in the hadis shareef that the young son of one old lady died. When Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬passed from that place so that old lady was crying while making noise and mentioning his good qualities. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said be patient. She did not recognize Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and gave the answer that yes if your young son would have died so then you would have known. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬walked away. Someone said that he was the Prophet of the almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬. She went while running and said that now I will be patient. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said ( ‫ )الصبر عند الصدمتہ االولی‬if a person may do patience just after getting the pain and sadness so then it use to be the reason of reward.





The death of daughter of Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬It is the incident of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that at the time of his journey he got the news of death of his daughter. After listening it he ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬recited (‫ )انا ہلل و انا الیہ راجعون‬then he ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that it was one thing to be covered to which the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬has given the covering. She was responsibility to which the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬made light then he came down from his animal, offered prayer of two rakat and said that we have done that same thing about which the almighty Allah has given us the command. It has been said by the Almighty Allah‫ )واستعینوا بالصبر و الصلوۃ( سبحانہ و تعالی‬and do take support from patience and prayer. It is the quote of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that if the strap of your shoe may get broken so do recite (‫)انا ہلل و انا الیہ راجعون‬because this is also one difficulty.

.u bq


The exemplary patience of one female companion on the death of her son



The son of Hazrat Abu Talha ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬was sick. He left the child in that same condition and went on his work. After he went away that child died. The wife of Abu Talha ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said to the people that this news shall not be given to Abu Talha ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. When he came back home at evening from his work he asked his wife that what is the condition of the child? She said that he is in much more peace than before. After saying this she brought food for Abu Talha ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬. he ate food with very much comfort and lay down. When morning came so the pious wife asked in very much wise way that if someone may give something to anyone just for a short time and then he may ask it back so do he has this right that he may stop that thing? Abu Talha said: How will he get this right? So then that patient wife said that do patience on your son also. meaning that the son of yours has gone to the Almighty Allah. (Muslim)


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The spirit of faith of Hazrat Asma ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬




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The respectable mother Hazrat Asma ‫رضی ہللا عنہا‬of Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬became very much sick. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Zubair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬came to ask about her health. The mother said to him that son! First of all I do this wish that from the two things till when I may not see one thing the lord may keep me alive. Whether you may get martyred in the field of battle and I may gain the opportunity of being patient after listening the news of your martyred or else you may get the victory and then I may make my eyes happy after looking you as successful. The planning of the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬happened like this that Hazrat Abdullan Bin Zubair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬got the status of martyred in the life of her. After the martyred the hajjaaj made him hanged on the gibbon. Hazrat Asma ‫ رضی ہللا عنہا‬was very much old but apart from intense weakness also she came to look this heart rending scene and after looking at the dead body of her beloved son rather than crying and yelling she said while addressing the hajjaj that do the time has not come yet for this travelor that he may come down from the back of the horse? This was the spirit of faith of female companions to which we cannot even think today.

The first writing of the sacred book

The patience of the Habshi lady





It has been narrated by Hazrat Ibne Abbas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the first thing which was advised by the Almighty Allah‫ سبحانہ و تعالی‬to be written in the sacred book was this that “I am Allah there is no real God except me and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is my messenger. The person who will adopt consent and happiness on my planning, the one who will do patience on my problems, the one who will do thanks on my blessings, I will write him as Siddique and on the Day of Judgment I will make him get up along with the Siddiqeen. The one who is not happy on my planning, the one who do not use to do patience on my problem, the one who do not use to do thanks on my blessings so he may make any other lord except me.”



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Hazrat Ata Bin Abi Rabah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to tell one incident of him that once upon a time Harat Abbas ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said to me near to the Kaba that shall I make you see one lady of heaven? I said show me for sure. He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said: Look this lady which is very much black she got present one time in the service of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and said O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬I sue to get such episode of epilepsy that I do not use to have any sense of my body and cloths and in that condition I use to become completely nude. O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬do the dua for me from the lord. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that if you may keep on bearing this paina long with the patience so the lord will grant you with the heaven and if you want so I may do the dua that the lord may make you healthy. After listening this that lady said O the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬that I will keep on bearing this pain along with the patience just do this dua that I may not become nude in this condition so the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬did dua for her. Hazrat Ata ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that I saw that lady with great height at the stairs of Kaaba.


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The level of patience of friends of the Almighty Allah‫سبحانہ و تعالی‬ The bench mark of patience

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The conditions of Arfeen


The question was done from Hazrat Fuzail ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬about the patience so he said that: Patience is the name of remaining content on the decision of the lord. It was asked that how? He said: The one who is happy on the fate do not use to do desire more that his status. (Ahya ul Uloom)



The advice of one Zoroastrian priest on patience


It is in the conditions of few of the Arfeeen that they used to keep one chit of paper in their pockets all the time and they used to look at it by taking it out time to time. This blissful verse was written on it. (‫( )واصبر لحکم ربک فانک باعیننا‬Al Toor; 48) Meaning that be patience on the command of your lord, it is because you are in front of our eyes. Hazrat Da’ood Alaeh Salam gave advice to his son Hazrat Suleman Alaeh Salam that there are three signs of a true believer. (1) Trust upon thing which has not been gained. (2) Contentment on the thing which has been gained. (3) and patience upon the thing which has been taken away.


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One Zoroastrian priest came at the place of Hazrat Abdulllah Bin Mubarak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬on the death of anyone for sharing grief and said that the intelligent should today do that thing which the fool person will do after some days. Meaning that whether one wants or do not wants, he is forced to do patience. If you will not do today so, you will do after some days, why not it shall be done today. Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that this man has said a very nice thing. Do write this sentence of him.

The mountains of difficulties on the beloved friends of the Almighty Allah



It is the quote of Hazrat Sultan ul Mashaikh Mehboob Elahi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬in the “Sair ul Auliya” that Shiekh ul Shuyookh ul Alim Fareed ul Haq Waldeen ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became unemployed in the last years of his life. Especially in that era when the time of his death was near. Even this that in the month of Ramadan also it was same. At the time of Aftaar, so much less food used to come that it did not use to be enough for the people present. In those days, I never ate by filling my stomach completely. In all those conditions, that friend of the Almighty Allah did not leave the support of the patience from his hand.


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Worthy of putting on fire




Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was going on a journey along with his followers that someone threw the garbage from above. He said that, all the praise is for the Almighty Allah! The peole said that what is this time of saying that all the praise is for the Almighty Allah? He said


that the head which was worthy of this that the fire should be put on it due to reason of sins, if the garbage has been thrown over it so is it not a time of being grateful?

Conformity between quote and actions


The question of Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬from the Almighty Allah


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Hazrat Siri Saqti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the expression of his respectable Mashaikh and was on the vestige of them in the quotes and actions. Therefore, in the court of him once upon a time, one beloved follower of him got present and asked for the explanation of the problem of patience from him. He started doing the speech on the topic of the patience. During the speech one snake started hitting his tongue on the foot of him. So the people said that Sir! Kill it and move it away. On it he said that I feel embarrassed that the topic on which I am giving the speech, I may do act opposite to it. Meaning that I may express impatience on the snake hitting its tongue to me (Tazkirat ul Auliya)

Dua for the thief


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One scholar use to say that my father (May his soul rest in peace) has narrated this quote of Hasan Basri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬along with his reference that Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬did question from the Almighty Allah that what reward do the person gets who use to ask about the health of the sick? It was said that this act use to make him so much clean and pure from sins just as he was clean and pure from the sins at the time of birth. It was said, O the Almighty Allah! What reward does that person gets that use to walk along with the dead body? It was said that I will send the angels at the time of the death of that person who will walk till the grave by taking the shade and then till the ground of the Day of Judgment they will remain along with him. It was said that O the Almighty Allah! What is the reward doing console and sharing grief of the sad person? It was said that I will keep it under the shade of my mercy on the day when there will be no shade apart from the shade of my mercy.


Hazrat Rabee Bin Khaseem ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is the famous scholar of hadis and the friend of the Almighty Allah. In the worship and purification he was his own example. Once upon a time on horse of him got lost. The people said that do the bad dua for the thief. Hazrat Rabee said that: No! I am doing this dua for him that if he is rich so the Almighty Allah nay does the correction of his heart and if he is poor so do give good wealth to him. (Hulya tul Auliya)

Increase in the problem due to impatience


Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that there use to be one problem. When a person does argument and complains on it so it uses to become two. One is the coming of problem and


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the other is that the reward and gift of it kept on going away and this is much more than the actual problem even.

Six lines full of lessons


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In few books, six lines are written: (1) it is inside the first line that the person who use to become sad due to the world, he use to become resented from the Almighty Allah. (2) It is inside the second line that the person who uses to do complain of his problem, he uses to do complain of his lord. (3) It is in the third that a person who does not use to do worry about this thing that the rizq of him comes from which way so it is as if he does not use to worry for this thing that the Almighty Allah will make him enter in the hell from which door. (4) It is inside the fourth that the person who uses to do sin and he uses to laugh on it as well so, he will go in the hell while crying. (5) It is in the fifth that the person ehose important tensions are of his desires, the Almighty Allah use to snatch the tension of the Day of Judgment from his heart. (6) It is inside the sixth that a person who uses to do serving of any wealthy person due to his world so he will do morning in this condition that the poverty will be present in front of him.

The pain is also a blessing but when‌..!





Hazrat Qibla Haji Imdad Allah sir Noor Allah Marqada was sitting and was saying that just like the relaxation and comfort is a blessing, just like that difficulty (problem) is also a blessing. At that same time one man came and the hand of him was not fine due to the wound and he was involved in intense pain. He said that do dua for me. At that time this danger went inside my heart that what dua Hazrat will do for him? If he will do the dua of his health then with his research attention comes as compulsory and if he may not do the dua so, there is no excuse of joke of this man and this is important for the complete sheikh. He said that all people may do dua that o the Almighty Allah! Although we know that this pain is also a blessing but we people cannot be worthy of this blessing due to our weakness. Meaning that change this blessing with the blessing of health.

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The elixir to change the problem with the mercy



The pains and problems which do come in the world, there are three kinds of it. The first kind is the torment. The second kind is the atonement of the sin and the third kind is the reason of increase in status. Now it is this that the pain which has been come is in which kind? There is no need to ask it from any person. The one on whom the pain is going on, he himself use to tell that which kind of pain it is. If during the pain and problem also he does not use to remain away from the disobedience, the habit of sins which was before, after the pain also it is the same so, it is the evidence of this that this pain is the torment for him and if after the pain he use to remain away from the sins, starts doing the repentance and forgiveness and do gets attentive towards the Almighty Allah so, this pain I the atonement of sins for him. Two benefits happened, one is this that all of the sins up till now got forgiven. The second is this that after this pain he left sins for the future. The third kind of people are those who do not use to do the sins even and if they do also so, then they use to do repentance and ask for forgiveness. For them this pain is the source of increase in the status.


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Whatever condition may come upon us, make it a mercy only from the Almighty Allah and to make it a mercy is in our hands. There are two conditions of a Muslim. Either he is in pain or in the mercy. The Almighty Allah has given it in our hands that we may make the comfort also as the mercy and the pain too. How these both conditions do are made? In this way that in every condition to keep the relation oflove with the Almighty Allah, keep the relation of obedience, keep on being safe from the disobedience, the sins whose habit is going on, whether they are external sins or the internal sins, do try to be safe from them, keep on doing the repentance and forgiveness, just after this it will become a mercy in every condition. If a person is involved in physical or financial problems or if one is facing the problem due to any other person but he himself is away from the sins so these problems are made as mercy for him. And that is how? The sins are being forgiven and if there are no sins so, the increase is coming in the status and if there is comfort and easiness so do think that this is the blessing from the Almighty Allah. Now he shall be grateful for the blessing. Only the verbal thank is not enough till when he may not do the correction of his act. He may do correction also and along with it does keep on being grateful. Then what is to be said. All the glory is of the Almighty Allah, The holy light upon the holy light.





To make the pain as the mercy, this is not a surprising thing. Do understand the example of this in such way that one person is sit now the doctor will make him drink the bitter medicine, whether he may put him injection or do his operation but he is satisfied for this reason that he thinks him as the source of comfort for himself. He use to give the fees also to the doctor, he use to give the money of medicine also and he use to be greatfull to him also. the complete knowledge of the Almighty Allah, the complete love of him with his people, the complete mercy of him, the pain which will come upon a person from his side, it will be the mercy but the condition is this that this person also shall become a human being. He may leave the disobedience of him; if he does not remain away from the disobedience do then this pain is torment and difficulty.

Eleven Islamic rules in pain and problem



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Do bear the problems along with the patience and comfort. Never lose the spirit and never let the pain and sadness gets increased from the limit of balance. In the life of this world no human being can remain safe and protected from the pain and grief, problem and difficulty, failure and destruction and lose. In fact there use to be this difference for sure between the personality of a true believer and a non Muslim that a non Muslim use to become worried in the crowd of problems and pain and then loses the senses and consciousness, he use to lose all the hopes after becoming the victim of hopelessness and some time he use to do suicide by not bearing the pain and the true believer never use to leave the support of patience from his hand on the most big accidents also and he use to remain straight like a mountain by becoming the entity of patience and consistency. He use to think like this that whatever this has happened, it has happened according to the consent of the Lord and no any command of the Lord is empty from the wisdom and insight and he use to think this that whatever the ‍آ‏lmighty use to do he do it for the betterment of his man and here shall be the aspect of goodness in it for sure. True believers use to get such peace and comfort of spirituality that in the wound of pain he uses to get enjoyment.


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1. It is the quote of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬: The Muslim who use to get any pain to his heart, physical pain and sickness, any grief, sadness and problem, even this that if he use to get pain from one thorn even (and he use to be patient on it) so the Lord use to forgive the sins of him. (Bukhari, Muslim) 2. In the intensity of pain, do not do any such act from which the smell of ungreatfullness and complain may come. 3. Never say the sickness bad in the pain and sadness be with each other. In the pain and sadness of friends do support them. it is the quote of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬: together all the muslims are like the body of one man that if the eye also gets in pain of him so the whole body use to feel the pain of it and if there is pain in the head so the whole body use to be involve in the pain. (Muslim) 4. It is the description of Hazrat Abu Hurairah ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: the person who did the praise of any such woman the child of which has been dead so he will be made to be entered in the heaven and the sheet of the heaven will be given to him for wearing. (Tirmizi) 5. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: the person who shared the problem of any person who is involve in the problem so he will also get that much reward how much that person will get who is involve in the problem. (Tirmizi) 6. In the crowd of sadness and happenings of difficulties, be focused towards the Lord and after offering the prayer do the dua from the Lord with very much humbleness. 7. In the condition of pain, the flowing of tears from the eyes, to become depressed is a natural thing. Although do prevent to cry very loudly and while screaming a lot.


The duas which are to be recited in the problems



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1. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: when the child of any person us to get died so the Lord use to ask from the angles of him that have you taken the soul away of the child of my man? They use to say yes! Then he use to ask from them that have you taken out the soul of the beloved child of him? They use to say yes! Then he use to ask from them that what did my man say? They use to say that in that problem he did praise of yours and recited (‫ )انا ہلل و انا الیہ راجعون‬so the Lord use to say to them that for this man of mine do make one house in the heaven and do keep the name of it as the house of greatfulness. (Tirmizi) 2. When Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬use to become worried so he use to look towards the sky by lifting his head up and say that (‫[ )سبحان ہللا العظیم‬the Lord which is the most great is pure and super] and when the situation of dua and crying used to become much more so he would say ( ‫یا‬ ‫[ )حی یا قیوم‬Tirmizi] 3. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: The person who use to get any of the pain or problem and he may do this dua so the almighty Allah will change the pain and problem of him in happiness and comfort for sure. ( ‫ عدل فی قضاءک‬،‫ ماض فی حکمک‬،‫اللھم انی عبدک و ابن عبدک و ابن امتک ناصیتی بیدک‬ ‫اسئلک بکل اسم ھو لک سمیت بہ نفسک او انزلتہ فی کتابک او علمتہ احدا من خلقک اواستاثرت بہ فی علم الغیب‬


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"‫ و نور بصری و جالء حزنی و ذھاب ھمی‬،‫[ )عندک ان تجعل القرام العظیم ربیع قلبی‬Ahmed, Ibn e Habaan, Haakim with reference of Hasan and Husain] 4. Any person who would do this dua after looking any of the person who is involved in any problem so he will remain safe from that problem (in sha Allah tala) [ ‫الحمد ہلل الذی عافانی مما‬ ‫]ابتالک بہ و فضلنی علی کثیر ممن خلق تفضیال‬

The way to do patience


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To gain the patience of all the kinds, the way is this that do remember the reward of all of these times and do think this that all of these things are of my own benefit and a person may think this that by being in patient the faith does not get change so why shall I waste the reward also.

The definition of gratefulness


The ninth kind of character is gratefulness


The gratefulness is the name of this act that a person may use the blessing of the lord properly in correct way of it. Meaning that the Almighty Allah has created the human being so he may get to know the reason of birth, that his eyes, nose etc has been created for which reason.




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The benefit of gratefulness is this that on it a person use to get the reward also and the correction of the internal self also use to get happens. It has been narrated that the Prophet of the Almighty Allah (peace be upon him) said that a person who use to get the opportunity of being grateful so he will never gets deprived of the beatitude and abundance (meaning from the increase of blessings) [Tafseer e Mazhari]. It is said by the Almighty Allah: ( ‫لئن شکرتم الزیدنکم و لئن کفرتم ان‬ ‫[ )عذابی لشدید‬Ibrahim: 7]. If you will be grateful to me so I will give you very much and if you will be ungrateful to me so my torment is very much intense. The people who use to keep little bit of knowledge about the Arabic language also know that the Almighty Allah has done this promise along with how much strength that on being grateful to me I will give you more and on ungratefulness he has told the bad news and the correct thing is this that our ungratefulness is the reason of our deprivation. For getting safe from the ungratefulness of the blessings we should look towards the people who are of below level than ours in this world. This act will for sure take us towards the gratefulness and doing favors and in the matters of religion we should look towards the people who are on above level than us so that the abundance and consistency may come in our religion and the other benefit is this that along with the person who use to be grateful the Almighty Allah use to come just like he said that (‫ )وسیجزی ہللا الشاکرین‬and very nearly the Almighty Allah is along with the ones who use to be grateful.


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Gratefulness is one worship among the hundred worships

The basic attack of the devil is to produce the ungratefulness


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(‫ )واشکر والی وال تکفرون‬And be grateful to me and do not refuse from my blessings. Gratefulness is one worship of hundred worships. One great man of series of Chushtia used to say that where will you do those struggles and hard work and where will you bear those pains which the people of the Almighty Allah bear! But do adopt this one habit that be habitual of being grateful on every single thing. When you eat the food so be grateful, when you drink water so be grateful, when the wind blows so be grateful, when a child may come in front and he looks good so be grateful, when you look towards the members of your family and after looking them if you may feel peace so be grateful. Do adopt the habit of being grateful and keep on saying (‫ اللھم لک الحمد و لک الشکر‬،‫)الحمد ہلل‬. Do remember! That this habit of being grateful is such thing that this use to cut the root of very much diseases of internal self. This use to cut the roots of pride, jealousy in fact all of these. A person who use to be grateful very much in a common way he does not use to be involved in pride. This is the experience of the people of the Almighty Allah.





When the Almighty Allah took out the devil from the court of him and when he made him go away so that unlucky one said while going that does give me the time of the whole of my life. The Almighty Allah gave the time to him. he said that now I will make your people misguided and for making them misguided I will come from the right side, I will come from the left side, I will come from the front, I will come from the back, I will attack on them from all four sides and I will make them misguided from your path and in the last he said that (‫[ )وال تجد اکثرھم شاکرین‬Surah Al Aeraf: 17] meaning that as a result of my misguidance you will find most of the people of yours as being ungrateful.

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Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat Kudus Sarah use to say that from this what we get to know is this that the basic attack of devil is to produce the ungratefulness. If the ungratefulness may get produce so we do not know that a person will be involved in how much diseases and the remedy of this attack is to be grateful. How much you will be grateful to the Almighty Allah that much you will remain safe from the attacks of the devil. That is why to remain safe form the diseases of spirituality the most best way is this that all the time while sitting and getting up, walking and roaming, night and day, morning and night, keep on saying (‫ )اللھم لک الحمد و لک الشکر‬from this in sha Allah tala the remedy of the attacks of the devil will be done.

The curse of ungratefulness



One big rich man of Karachi said that we do not know about prayer and fast. We have so much money that our seven generations will keep on eating. Just after this only the anger of the Almighty Allah came due to which the cancer got produced inside his stomach and one tola of water of barley used to be given through the pipe. In his throat also the sign of cancer came, he was not able to eat anything. Just like this he got finished by becoming weak.


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Whether son or daughter, they are one blessing and the paranoids of the devil One interesting incident has been found in the history that is being written in the following:

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There were only daughters of one man. Every time he used to have hoped that now the son will get born but every time the daughter used to get born. This how, one after the other six daughters was born to him. Then again his wife was expecting. He was getting afraid that again the daughter may not get born. The devil made him misguided. Therefore he took the decision that if now also the girl will be born so I will give divorce to my wife. What is the mistake of the wife in this! At night when he slept so he saw one weird and strange dream. He saw that the Day of Judgment has been arrived; there are many sins of him. Due to which the hell has been made obligatory on him. Therefore, the angels held him and took him towards the hell.






When they went on the first door so he saw that one daughter of him is standing over there which stopped him from going over there. The angels took him towards the second door. Over there the second daughter of him was standing which became hindrance for him. They took him towards the third door. Over there one more daughter of him uses to be standing; which use to defend to him and stop him from going to the hell. So, the angels took him to all of the six doors of the hell but on every door any of his daughters use to become hindrance for him. Now the seventh door was remaining. The angels took him and started going towards that door. Then tension came over on him that on this door that will become the hindrance for me. He got to know that the intention which he made that was not correct. He came in the paranoids of the devil. His eye got open in very much intense worried and fear and danger condition and he raised his hands in front of the Almighty lord and did dua that (‫ )اللھم ارزقنا السابعتہ‬Translation: O the Almighty Allah, grant me the seventh daughter.



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That is why the people who have belief on the fate, rather then they may become sad and depressed on the birth of daughters they shall become happy. Due to the weakness of their faith, the people who are away from the religion, they have got this perception made that the reason of birth of their daughters is their wives. This is completely wrong. In it there is no input of their wives or of their own selves instead husband and wife are only one source of it. Theentity which uses to give birth that is only one Allah who has no partner. To whom he wish he use to give son, to whom he wish he use to give daughter, to whom he wish he use to mix the sons and daughters and to whom he wish he makes him sterile. In such condition it is obligatory on every single Muslim that he may become happy on the decision of the Almighty Allah. The Almighty Allah has said in Surah Shuura that ( ‫ اویزوجھم ذکرانا و اناثا و یجعل‬،‫ہلل ملک السموات و االرض یخلق ما یشاء یھب لمن یشاء اناثا و یھب لمن یشآء الذکور‬ ‫[ )من یشآء عقیما انہ علیم قدیر‬Surah e Shura Verse number 49-50] Translation: The kingdom of the skies and the earth is for the Almighty Allah only and whatever he wants he use to create that, to whom he wants he use to give him daughters, to whom he wants he use to give him sons or else he use to give the sons and the daughters together to someone and to whom he wants he use to make him sterile. He is the all knowing and has all power.


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The level of gratefulness of the old great man



‫والذی بی اصابنی من طبیبی‬

‫کیف اشکو الی طبیبی مابی‬


One great man became sick and he became very much weak. When his color became pale so the people said that Hazrat do call any doctor. He will advice you any medicine. He said: the doctor himself has made me sick and he recited this couplet

Four gifts on being grateful


How may I complain to my doctor about my pain although this whole thing which is happening to me is from my doctor himself?




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1. To become happy on the blessings and mercy of the Almighty Allah and to be grateful on them is the reason of getting more blessings. 2. To become happy on the mercy and blessings of the Almighty Allah is the sign of faith. 3. To become happy on the favors of the Almighty Allah is the source of mutual love. 4. To become happy on any test or any kind of problem which is from the Almighty Allah and to be happy on it is the proof of being close to the Almighty Allah. When the Almighty Allah use to become happy from any of man so he use to grant him the opportunity to ask forgiveness of his sins again and again then this how after again and again doing repantence and forgiveness he use to become clean and pure from his sins (Nuzrat un Naeem)

To be ungrateful is the reason of being deprived from the blessings


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The jackal use to forget the light of him after looking at the twinkling of the stars. The stars use to forget the dim light of them after looking at the bright moon and when the moon use to become embarrassed after coming in front of the bright sun so in the heart of it the feeling of its low light use to get produced. This is one reflection of the distribution of the nature otherwise in whole universe every single creature has been made in different level (High, middle, low) and this system is having the countless pearls of wisdoms inside it. Just like this the Almighty Allah made the human being involved in poverty and wealth and sent him to this examination hall (world) and he started doing the supervision of him by being on this blue sky.


In the part of someone if the thirst came so patience was thought to be as the key of a success. In the luck of anyone if the drinks of blessings came so the gratefulness was thought to be as the reason of success (achievement) of him. If the starvation became fate of someone so in the fate of someone so much rizq has been written that he himself became deprived of counting it. Some poet has given this meaning a beautiful covering of the words. The sultani kingdom to someone, the pieces of doors to someone


My Lord it is your wish that you may make things as you want Someone use to get the silky and royal dresses that it is difficult to chose for what to wear and someone became tired while putting botch to their torn and old cloths. Someone is sitting while


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decorating the functions of singing and dancing in the situation of luxury and comfort while someone is flowing the tears of sadness and depression in the deplore (meaning he is crying) someone is changing his posture while getting the enjoyment of sweet dreams on the bed of flowers (deep sleep) so while someone use to lay down on the cold floor along with the pain and hurt and use to be near to the death.

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Well, in whatever condition the human being is (wealth or poverty) if he is taking the breath on this earth so it is itself the enjoyment of countless blessings and the gratefulness of it is obligatory on the human being but it is sad that he use to through the stones of ungratefulness upon the commands of the Almighty Allah and say that what the Almighty Allah has given me that for it I shall offer the prayer? Why this poverty is for me only? At last why this pain, hurt and problems are in my fate only? And apart from these we use to say many countless sentences while writing to whom our pen may also shake and after listening to which our heart may tremble


The alarming situation for the ungrateful people





I wish! That this man who uses to be ungrateful might have the knowledge about the hidden feelings which are inside the heart of a blind person for the eye sight. Oh I wish! Such ungrateful human being might have peeked inside the corner of heart of that person who is deprived from the hearing power and would have seen that how much hope he has of the hearing power. I wish! Before being ungrateful he would have ask the worth of feet from the human being who use to walk with the support of crutch stick. I wish! This person who uses to speak a lot for this ungratefulness would have seen the human being who is deprived with the speaking power who is even deprived of changing the feelings of his heart in the words.

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I wish! The man who use to be ungrateful would have used his mind and while doing it he might have ponder upon the bad condition of any insane and crazy person so never the words of ungratefulness would have came upon the tongue of him but such opportunity is gained by those people only who use to roam around while taking the feeling of their correction in their hearts. Just like Sheikh Saadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was traveling with bear feet that suddenly a thought came in his heart that the Almighty Allah has kept me deprived with the shoes also. Then when he got entered in the Masjid of Damishq and when he saw such man who was even deprived with the feet so quickly he became grateful to the Almighty Allah. May the almighty Allah give all of us the opportunity to do feel the worth of blessings and make us safe from being ungrateful. (Ameen. Summa Ameen)

The way to be grateful



The way to be grateful is this that do remember the blessings of the Almighty Allah very much and be obedient of him and do prevent to be disobedient to him and along with it on every single blessing do say the words of gratefulness from the tongue also that O the Almighty Allah! Thanks to you. At least at morning or evening do recite one tasbeeh of it.

The three ways to be grateful 1. Gratefulness of heart


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2. Gratefulness of tongue 3. Gratefulness through action



Gratefulness of heart

Gratefulness of tongue


The meaning of this is that inside the heart of human being the feelings of praise and appreciation for his friend must be present. There are two levels of it.

Inside the heart the feelings of love and thankfulness must be present for the friend so the discussion of it is also important from the tongue.

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Gratefulness through action






The gratefulness through actions is this that the blessings which are given by the Almighty Allah, they shall be use on the path of him and only for the happiness of him according to his guidance. For example eyes are the blessing given by the Almighty Allah. Being grateful on them is this that one should prevent watching the females who are not mehram and other thing which are not allowed and are against to the guidance of him instead according to the consent of the Almighty Allah they shall be used in the path of good deeds. The enjoyment may not be gained by listening the music and other bad and non permissible terms from the ears and the voice of such women who are not menram whether they are on radio or on television and from other false programs. One should not do back biting on anyone or mention the bad qualities with his tongue instead with it he should say the things of goodness. The conditions of other organs and blessings should also be this that if the Almighty Allah have given anyone the wealth, children or any status or has granted him the beauty or intelligence or if he has given other favors so to use all of them according to the guidance of the Almighty Allah is the gratefulness through actions of those blessings.

The acceptance of dua on being grateful for the blessings



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Hazrat Murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to say that make the Almighty Allah count the favors of him that o the Almighty Allah! You did so much favor upon Hazrat Yunus ‫علیہ السالم‬that you make him come out from the stomach of the fish. O the Almighty Allah! There was no hope for Ayub ‫علیہ السالم‬ to become healthy again from his disease, O Lord! You grant him the health with your mercy. O the Almighty Allah! You made Hazrat Nooh ‫علیہ السالم‬safe from the storm, O the Almighty Allah! You made Hazrat Moosa ‫علیہ السالم‬safe from the army of fellow O lord! You were the one who gave command to the spider to make web on the cave, O my Almighty Allah! You were the one only who gave the command to that female pigion to make the nest and then lay the eggs, O the Almighty Allah! Just like you did love with them so O the Almighty Allah I am not that but I am the unworthy man of the nation of your beloved Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. O the Almighty Allah! Today help me, today make me come out from this difficulty he used to say that for the acceptance of the duas to the way to be grateful on the blessings is very much recommended and with this act the duas use to get accepted very quickly.


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Erase the entity of yours if you want any level


The tenth kind of character is humbleness Because the seed gets mixed in the sand and then become nourished and flower

Do adopt humbleness and get the high status of ontologism


The human being do try to become big and adopts the proudness so the Almighty Allah makes him unworthy and humiliated but when the man use to walk on the path of humbleness and submissiveness so he use to get the high status and increased rank. To make the world of heart populated some important things are being presented in the service.

.u bq

Humbleness is the source of mercies and beatitudes



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Whoever adopted the humbleness




The human being use to look his humbleness and submissiveness at that time when he use to go on his bed while becoming sick, he use to become how much helpless and incapable and powerless this human being who use to feel proud on which body he is now not able to be picked up without the support of other people, those same arms who felt proud on their power now they are not able to be picked up by themselves, that same neck which used to be straight with pride now it is not even able to be picked up from the bed, those same feet which used to be hit on the ground hardly and loudly with pride now they are not even able to be walked with. The human being is completely helpless. Humbleness is that quality which makes a person as a true believer in real meaning. The human being is dependant upon the merciful lord for his every single work. If the lord wishes so he uses to give, if he may not give so no one can take forcefully from the lord. All of the talent, all of the favor is of that one Allah only. When the human being use to adopt the humbleness and submissiveness so the merciful lord use to shower the blessings and mercies of him on them just like the rain.

He spent the life with complete comfort

When the lord use to give any level or post to his pious people so he use to give the humbleness and submissiveness place in his heart as being grateful to it. How much the lord makes him go high that much he uses to become humble? When the rain of blessings use to get showered so he use to wear the dress of humbleness.


To whoever lord gives status in the world

He use to give place to humbleness in heart


The one who are empty with mind to their own praise The angios which is empty use to give a call


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Humbleness is the source of getting the real secret



The true believer gets to know this real secret that this success and status is just given my lord, there is no any part of mine in it and whenever he wants, he can take it back from me because no human being do keep faith on this thing that the treasures which are present with him will remain with him forever, the respect will remain maintained forever, the status will remain high always. When the lord will wish, he can take it back. That is why a true believer uses to become humble and submissive and the lord use to like this humbleness and submissiveness so much that he use to make that blessing mortal, he use to give high status in his court also and he also use to give him in the world.

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Humbleness is the beloved act to the Almighty Allah


“Humbleness is from the habits of pious people and the merciful character of Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬. The Almighty, powerful and all praising Allah use to like the humbleness so much that the one who use to adopt how much of humbleness and submissiveness, the Almighty Allah use to grant him that much of high status.


The height which is in the humbleness


It is not in the moon or stars or in the mountains


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It use to come in the holy hadees that it is the quote of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬: The person who use to adopt the humbleness for the Almighty Allah so, the Almighty Allah use to grant him the high status. Over here the meaning of high status is to grant respect in the world and to increase the ranks on the Day of Judgment. Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that the one who use to bend down with thr humbleness, the Almighty Allah will give him high rank on the Day of Judgment and the one who use to become big and feel pride, the Almighty Allah will make him humiliated and dishonorable n the Day of Judgment. (Tambeeh ul Ghafileen) become high with becoming low and be low by becoming disobedient, there are strange ups and downs of this path.

The level of humbleness of the leader of Prophets

‫علیہم السالم‬



The countless incidents are being found in the holy ahadees about the humbleness of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The summary of those incidents is this that the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to always be the first one to greet Salam. If he used to get to meet with the companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬many times in a day, then also he used to be the first one to greet Salam. (1) While meeting he used to meet informally and with simplicity. If someone used to do some work badly so he never used to become resented. (2) He used to give grass, food etc to his horse by himself. (3) He used to do mop in his house and he used to light the lamp himself. (4) He used to sew the clothes with his own holy hands and he used to botch them also. (5) In the chores of house, he used to get along with the servants at the time of need. (6) He did not use to call the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬with their names due to their respect and honor. Instead he used to call them with their titles etc and if someone did not use to have the title so he ‫ ﷺ‬used to keep it by himself. (7) If the companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬or anyother person used to call him ‫ ﷺ‬so he used to say that I am present. (8) If he used to pass from the children so he used to


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greet them with Salam and he used to kiss them. (9) If any servant used to become sick so Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to take the responsibility of him on himself whether it used to be one sip of milk or few dates only. (10) If someone used to come to meet Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so he used to do respect of him and sometimes he even used to take out his pillow and give it to him and if he used to refuse due to manners or respect so Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do insist and gave it to him. (11) Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to spread his sheet for the ones who used to come to meet him. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to sit on the floor and then eat the food. (12) Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to sit with the servant and eat food with him.

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Once upon a time the strap of the holy shoe of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬got broken. One companion ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that O Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬give me the opportunity so that I may join it. On this point, what Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, the translation of it has been done by Shiekh Abdul Haq Muhaddis Dehelwi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ in these words that ( ‫( )من نمی خواہم لہ ممتاز باشم و بکسے خدمت فرمایم‬Madarij un Nabvi)

Humbleness is the special tip for the ontologism of the lord


I do not like this thing that someone may do service of mine and I may remain while becoming honorable. Just like this when Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do travelling along with his companions ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہ‬ so just like others he also used to take part in the work and he did not use to be different from his partners.

Humbleness is the easiest way





The Almighty Allah use to say that: I am with those people, the heart of whose use to adopt the humbleness and submissiveness for me. After telling this hadees e qudsi Hazrat Rafai ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said that O people! Do listen very much carefully. I am telling you one tip of being close to the lord. That way is this that to adopt the humbleness and submissiveness in front of the creation but the reason of it shall not be any goal of the world but it shall only and only for the Almighty Allah. (Bunyan ul Masheed)



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Humbleness is that quality which makes a true believer so close to the Almighty Allah that it makes him the beloved of the creator of the universe. Hazrat Syed Ahmed Kabeer Rafaii use to say that friends! I gave my whole life and I have not left any way on which I have not travelled and with pure intention and with the beatitude of the struggle I have not known about this path being correct. But to act upon the Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and to walk upon the character of the humble and submissive people and to become completely astonished and defensive, I did not find any waymore than these so much closely and bright and beloved in the eyes of the Almighty Allah. Siddiq e Akbar Syedna Abu Bakar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say this that I am grateful to the Almighty Allah that he did not make any other way to reach to Him apart from the humbleness because every single person can gain the humbleness with very much ease as the human being is only humble from the head till the toe. If there would have been any other way to reach to the Almighty Allah apart from this so it would have been very much difficult. To understand your humbleness and weakness is toget the Almighty Allah and he use to say this that the one who use to love the Almighty Allah he use to make his internal self learn humbleness. (Submissiveness)


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Heaven for the ones who are humble





Hazrat Mualana Ilyas ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say this that the heaven is only for the ones who are humble. If there is any part of pride in the human being so, first he will be throw in the hell and then made roasted when only the pure humbleness will remain so then he will be sent to the heaven. Well, along with the pride no human being will go to the heaven. (Malfoozat Maulvi Ilyas May the Almighty Allah do mercy on him)

Do not think any Muslim as unworthy…!


.u bq

Imam Ghazali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that the Almighty Allah has kept the saint hood and his closeness hidden inside his people. Therefore do not think any person whether he is how much sinful as unworthy. We do not know that this same man may be the friend of the Almighty Allah in the eyes of him and the saint hood of him may get expressed in form of pure repentance and following of Sunnah at any time. Sheikh Bahau ddin Zakariya Naqsh Bandi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that the most nearest way to reach to the almighty Allah meaning the way of level of ontologism is humbleness and submissiveness.

Humbleness is the key to success



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The Almighty Allah intensily dislike the pride and arrogance and the one who Is arrogant and feels proud the lord makes him humiliated and dishonored and the one in whose heart there will be even a little bit of pride and arrogance the lord has restricted the entry of him in the heaven and in the hell one prison has been made ready for the ones who are arrogant. In contrast to it the merciful lord do likes the humbleness and submissiveness very much and he use to make his such people who use to adopt the humbleness and submissiveness successful. He use to keep the humbleness of them so much beloved to him that in every single moment he use to keep on showering the rain of his mercy and blessings on them and he always use to support those people who are submissive to him and he use to also complete the big tasks of them. The destroyed tasks are made only with humbleness It is true that the lord likes the humbleness

Come let’s learn to forgive the people…!


It is important for the desirable people that they may learn to forgive other people. This is a very much big secret of success and progress. Ghalib do not feel bad if the world says you bad


There is no one that everyone may say him good


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If the knowledge is only called as the abundance of reading and the strength of struggling and collecting very much information so today also this quality is not such lacking but this was the quality of our insisters that apart from making the ocean of knowledge and wisdom safe in their hearts, the humbleness and submissiveness, sincerity and honesty of them had been reached to its height and this same level is the height of ontologism that the human being may understand himself as nothing apart from having all of the things. This idiom is very common on every tongue that the branches that use to be filled with the flowers always use to remain bending. Do have few examples of the practical of this idiom.

Theforgiveness of people by the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬






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1. The one who was mercy for the whole world ‫ ﷺ‬had forgiven how much cruel enemies and intense criminals, which were worthy of being killed and Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was also having complete power to take the revenge even. But apart from this for his own self the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬never took the revenge but yes if any limit of the almighty Allah was ever broken so for the almighty Allah he used to take the revenge (Mishkaat Shareef) 2. The call of forgiveness by Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: The few jealous people hit Imam Malik ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ very much. The Caliph of that time wanted to give them the punishment. He got on his vehicle and then gave a call in the city that I have forgiven all of them, no one has the right to give them punishment. 3. The call of forgiveness by Imam Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: The Caliph used to hit Imam Ahmed Ibn e Humble ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬the lashes every day. Imam Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to forgive him every day. It was asked that why do you forgive him? He said due to me if any person from the nation of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬may get torment on the Day of Judgment so what is my benefit in it. 4. The forgiveness of Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adham ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: The soldier hit shoes to Hazrat Ibrahim Bin Adham ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Afterwards he got to know that he is a very much big scholar. When he asked forgiveness from him so he said that I used to forgive you before you even hit me the shoe. 5. For the happiness of the Almighty Allah do leave your rights: There was a quarrel between two brothers due to some piece of land. One among them was very much religious man. He did the case on the other brother of him after becoming very much worried and on the basis of advices of people and gave the witness after going to the lawyer. The lawyer wrote very much exaggerated essay (just like it is their common habit) after listening to this essay he went back without giving witness to him that I did not make you write such things, this is against to the incident. After sometime when he went to the lawyer again after becoming worried so he made the case on the basis of previous essay. Now this brother got up from the lawyer and went straight to the other brother and said to him that without my consent the lawyer has written an exaggerated essay therefore you may higher some good lawyer in this case. From this incident the helplessness of situation and fear of lord is prominent. Till where it is possible do leave your rights for remaining safe from the


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fights and quarrels because only the almighty Allah is the one who can give. When he use to start giving so he gives so much that it cannot even fix inside the paunch of a man. That is why only keep your eye on the Almighty Allah. Knowledge is the name of doing forgive: Someone asked from Hazrat Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬that what is knowledge? He ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that knowledge is said that if someone may do injustice with you so you may forgive him. If someone may break the relation with you so you must join it. If you have the power of taking revenge so work with forgiveness and ignorance. If the person who has done the mistake may comes in front so think this that whether the mistake of him is greater or the mercy of yours. In anger do not say any one such thing even with which you may get regret afterwards. The exemplary incident of forgiveness in the case: Sheikhul Hadis Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Qudus Sarah‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to write that, the discussion of it is not about insisters and Khair ul Quroon. I have listened the incidents of the great people of my family with abundance in the era which was very near to me that among them there are cases going on related to the properties but in the district of keraana which is at the distance of five to six miles from Kandhla most of the times both of the parties used to sit in one vehicle and go over there. Whether which party used to bring his vehicle the other also used to go in that. In regards of these incidents I listened one strange thing that among two relatives there was a long case going on. Till a long period of time the case kept on going, during this the one who did the case died. The one on whom the case was done said to the wife of one who died that my fight was with the brother, just like you were younger than him so you are my younger sister, I have no fight with you. I am sending you the papers whatever you will decide and suggest I am agreed to that. This is the incident of the same century and it is a incident of the worldly people that do think whether the people who are being called religious today also use to do like this or can even do like this? The humbleness of Sheikh Jamal uddin ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Sheikh Jamal Uchi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was completely the one with beautiful character. He use to meet with the Muslims and non Muslims his relatives and strangers with the smiling face apart from being busy with the zikr in his heart, may be on the basis of this he became famous with the title of Jamal Khanda. He used to wear thick cloths always and he used to say that Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬has also wore this kind of dress. If he used to go in any function so he used to avoid sitting on the place of chief guest instead wherever he used to get place he sat over there whether it was near the shoes even but wherever he used to sit so the example of (‫ )صدر آنجا کہ نشیند صدر ست‬used to be perfect on him. He was very much god fearing and pious person. Whether the dog is superior or the human being…! It is the incident of one great man that one man said to him that you are worst than my dog even. That great man said in the reply of him that actually the matter is this that right now nothing is known about me that whether I am worst than the dog or not. When I will be in front of the Almighty Allah and if I may complete the level of accountability and checking over there so I may say after






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taking the swear that I am superior than the dog and if I will not be able to complete the level of accountability and checking over there and be worthy of the torment of the Almighty Allah so then you are saying correct that I am worst than the dog even. It is because this dog will not have to give the check and accountability at least and he will not have to face the torment of the Almighty Allah. 10. The clemency won the heart of the dis obedient person: One day Hazrat Imam Zain ul Aabidien ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was going out from his house that on his way one dis obedient man started saying him bad words. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said to him that brother! Whatever you have said to me if I am in reality like this so the lord may forgive me and if I am like this so the lord may forgive you. that man became very much embarrassed after listening this and came forward while kissing the forehead of him that sir! Whatever I have said you are not like this at all instead I and the one who is liar, you may do the dua for my forgiveness. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said okay go may the Almighty Allah forgive you. Just like this there is one more incident that when one man said bad things to Hazrat Shaabi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ so he said in the reply of him that if you are true so the Almighty Allah may forgive me and if you are a liar so the Almighty Allah may forgive you. (Yuoon ul Akhbar) 11. The humbleness of Hazrat Rafaai ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Hazrat Syed Ahmed Rafaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is from the descendants of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. There was very much love in the heart of him for the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Once upon a time he came to Madina Tayyaba. He got present respectfully to the Rozah Mubarak of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and said that: ‫السالم علیکم یا رسول ہللا‬so the answer came: ‫وعلیکم‬ ‫السالم یا ابنی‬. He said after becoming worried and curious that: Oh the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬ I have got present today after taking my curious heart with me. My desire of many years has got completed. Only with the answer of my greeting I will not become comforted and satisfied. After being kind to me make your kind hand long so that I may be able to shake hand and make the heart of mine comforted. It is the narration of Allama Jalaal uddin Sayuti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ who has written Jalaalen Sharif that on that curious applicant the holy hand of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬got expressed. What was that hand but it was felt that as if the sun has came upon the earth. It was so much bright and clean and pure that the light of the sun was getting dim. Allama Rafaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬shook hand with him and nine thousand Muslims saw it. This was a very much big honor and dignity for Hazrat Rafaaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬but quickly this thought came that the pride may not come inside the internal self and the respect of people who are watching may not make me arrogant. The people of the Almighty Allah use to be like this that they do not let the internal self of them get misguided even a little bit. Hazrat Rafaae ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said quickly after addressing his internal self that: may be you are thinking yourself as very much big thing. The treatment of it is this that you may lay down on the door of the masjid and people may pass over you by beating you in their feet so that even the doubt of pride which can be inside you so it may become dead with the feet of people. Therefore Hazrat Rafaee ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬lay down on the door and said to the people that pass from here while beating me with your feet. People kept on passing from there while beating him with


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him with their feet without taking care of him due to the crowd but there was one great man he asked over him by being safe and from the corner. The people asked that why did you do like this, why you passed from the corner? He gave the answer that my brother if I would have beaten him from my feet so I would have get involved in the torment of lord, I am aware from the level of him. He has only made himself lay down on the path for the correction and treatment of his internal self otherwise the status of him is very much high. 12. Every person used to think the other person as a great man: once upon a time few salikeen were going bearfoot for getting present in the convent of their Sheikh. When one man saw them so he thought that the one who will be the big great man among them, I will make him do dua for me. Therefore he shook hand from the first man and said that you are the great man do dua for me. He said that I am a common servant; the great people are those who are coming behind me. While doing this all of them passed by. When the last person was passing by so that man did request to him for doing the dua that you are a great man do dua for me. He said that oh I am a common servant; the great people were those who have gone before me. The Almighty Allah is the greatest of all. Well all of them used to think each other more superior and bigger than them. It has been told by one great man that Imam Ahmed ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came to me for listening the hadis shareef. I tried very much that I may make him sit on a high place but he said that I will only sit in front of you (on the place of student). We have been given the command that we should be humble to the one from which we may get the knowledge. Hazrat Ibn e Abbas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to say that when I used to get to know about any companion having any hadis shareef so I used to be present myself on the door of him. if he used to be sleeping at that time so I used to keep my sheet under my head and lay down outside and when he used to come out and asked that how have you come, why have you not sent a man and made me come so I used to say that I am worthy of this thing that I may get present. 13. Do learn the humbleness: One night one guest came to Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ . After he offered the prayer of Isha so according to his routine he said to write something. The guest was also sitting near to him. Whem the lamp started getting extinguished so the guest said that O the leader of true believers may I do it correct. He said: To take work from the guest is against the rules. So he said that then may I make the servant wake up. He said no he has slept just right now. He himself got up and made the lamp correct. The guest said that o the leader of true believer, why did you bear the pain by yourself? He said: When I went so at that time also I was Umar. And when havecome back so then also I am Umar. The best human being near to the Almighty Allah is the one who is humble. (Tambeeh ul ghafileen) 14. The exemplary humbleness of Hazrat Farooq A Azam ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬: Qais Bin Azam ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ use to say that when Hazrat Umar Ibn ul Khattab ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬came to Syria so the scholars and big great people of that area did welcome of him and said that you ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬may sit on this horse so that the eyes of people must be on you. He said that what you think! Do the matters are decided over here no instead the decisions are taken over there and he indicated


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towards the sky. Just leave me on my condition. There is one more narration that he ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہ‬ fixed the turn along with his servant during the journey. Sometimes he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to get upon the female camel and servant used to keep on walking till four miles. Then he used to sit and he ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬used to hold the rope of female camel and walk till that same amount of distance. When he went near to the Syria so it was the turn of his servant to sit on the camel so the servant sat on it and Hazrat Umar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬held the rope of female camel. On the way when the water came so just like that he went in the water and pressed his shoes inside his left arm. Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarah ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬who was the governor of Syria those days, came out to welcome them. he said o the leader of true believers big great people of Syria are coming for the welcome of yours. This is not appropriate that they may see you in this condition. He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that the almighty Allah has given us an honor and dignity due to Islam. People may keep on saying whatever they want, we do not care at all. (Subhan Allah all the praise is for the Almighty Allah) (Tambeeh ul ghafileen) Sheikh Saadi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has written that one beggar was sitting in the street of Madina Munawwara. When the leader of true believers, Syedna Umar Farooq ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬passed from that place so coincidently the foot of him ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬touched to the beggar. The beggar said in anger at that same time that O! Are you not able to see? So at that time Umar ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬gave the answer with wonderful humbleness that brother I am not blind but the mistake has been committed by me, kindly forgive me. 15. The humbleness of murshid ul Ulama: This thing has been written in the conditions of life of murshid ul ulama Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat Chushti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that he had done this call that no person should walk behind me. When I am going alone to some place so let me go alone. Hazrat use to say that this is to make the honor of a person that when he use to walk so two people may walk towards right side and two towards left. I do not like this thing at all. Just like one common human being use to walk, one should walk in that way. Once upon a time he gave this call that if I am walking while picking up something in my hand so no any person shall come and take the things from my hands. Let me go in the same manner so that there may not be any unique status of a person and just like one common human being use to live, one should live in that way. 16. Forgiveness to the enemy and pardon: The letter of one man who used to have the problem and his enemy came to the service of Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. it was written that Hazrat I have done many disobedience I have said you very much bad words, now I am seeing the destruction of it. The comfort of heart has gone away. I have become destroyed. Hazrat I do the repentence, do forgive me for the sake of the Almighty Allah and do give me bait. Hazrat told the reply in the sitting and wrote it. If the meaning of forgiveness is this that I may not do bad dua for you, I may not take revenge in this world or on the Day of Judgment so I forgive everything and if the meaning is this that I may produce a special relation so it is not forgiven so that you may not give pain to any other person again and he said verbally that: When any person use to say me bad words, I use to forgive him at that same time and I use to do this dua that Oh the


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Almighty Allah! Do not give punishment to any person just because of me, I have forgiven all of them and if I may not forgive also so, what is the benefit. Well if we accept this that the punishment has been given to him so what thing I will get and in forgiving him there is the hope of reward and the hope of forgiveness of my mistakes. 17. The humbleness of Hazrat Zul noon Misri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: It use to come in the hikayaat of Saadi that one year there was no rain in Egypt and the trout came in the country. People cried a lot but not even a drop of water came from the sky. One man came to the service of Hazrat Zul Noon Misri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and he did request to him that do the dua for rain. The Almighty Allah does not use to refuse the duas of his beloved people. When Hazrat Zul Noon Misri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬listened this thing so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬packed all of his things and went towards the Madyan. After he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went so Hazrat Zul Non ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got the news in Madyan that at last the black clouds felt merciful on people and it cried upon the problem of them. After getting this news he came back to Egypt. One man of the Almighty Allah asked him that what the wisdom that you went from the Egypt was. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬gave the answer that I have listened this thing that some times the rizq of good people use to get close due to the bad people. When I thought carefully about the reasons of this dangerous trout and so I did not get to see any person more sinful than me in this country. Therefore I ran from this place so that due to me the door of goodness may not get close on the people. 18. The humbleness of Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Once upon a time Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came out from the washroom after taking the bath on the day of Eid that some one threw the ash which was very much on the head of him in the condition of not knowing from any house. The dress of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, his face, his beard and hair of head became dirty with the ash but not even one line came upon the forehead of him instead he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ rubbed both of his hands on his face and kept on being thankful to the lord again and again that o my internal self I am the worthy of hell, why should I make bad face on little bit of ash. 19. The humbleness of Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬: Hazrat Ammar Bin Yasir ‫رضی ہللا‬ ‫عنہ‬ who was the governor of Koofa went to the shop of grain seller. He bought the grains, the shop keeper tight it and so he started pulling it from one side of the knot. Even this that than Hazrat Ammar ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬kept it on his shoulder in that way and brought it to his home. (‫ ( )سبحان ہللا‬Tambeeh ul ghafileen) The one who did humbleness and submissiveness like the earth The mercy of Lord covered him by being the sky 20. Limit of mouth: Once upon a time some one said bad words to Hazrat Umar Bin Abdull Aziz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The people said that why are you quite? He said that I have made my mouth remain in limits. Just like this once upon a time he went to the mashjid at night so one man was sleeping over there. In the darkness the foot of him touched that man so that man said with anger that is you crazy? He said no, the servant tried to give the punishment to him on this dishonor but Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬stopped him and said that he only asked me this that are you crazy so I gave the answer that no.


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Intense patience and tolerance: Some unlucky man hit the slap to Hazrat Imam e Azam Abu Hanifa ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬after coming in anger and wrath and in intensity of hatred and jealousy. So Hazrat said with very much intense humbleness and kindness that brother I can also hit you the slap but I will not hit. I can complain about you to the Caliph but I am not doing it. At the time of night I can do request in front of the Almighty Allah about your cruelty but I am not doing that and on the Day of Judgment I can gain justice by doing the case with you but I will not do this also instead if on the Day of Judgment I will get this opportunity and my request may get accepted so without you I will not keep a step in heaven. 21. The humbleness of Hujjat ullah Fil Arz‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Hujjat ullah Fil Arz Sheikh ul Hadis Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Chushti ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was the forever flowing river of knowledge. There are some books of him in such way that big great respectable scholars even are not able to understand them. this can be understood with this thing that the sentence of Maulana Muhammad Yaqoob ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was very famous who was of his time that I have read one book of him six times but now I get to understand it a little bit. Now on the other side the condition of sincerity of that writer ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬is this that Maulana Muhammad Hasan Umroohi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that: In which student Maulana Muhammad Qasim Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to see the pride so he used to make him pick up the shoes some times and the one in whom he used to see the humbleness so, he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬used to pick up the shoes of him by himself. 22. The humbleness of Hazrat Malik Bin Denaar ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Hazrat Malik Bin Denaar ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ use to say that if some person may come on the door of the masjid and give this call that who is the most worst among you, he may come out so I swear by the almighty Allah that no one will be able to move forward than me. When this sentence reached to Hazrat Abdullah Bin Mubarak ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬so he ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that just this thing has made Malik ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ as Malik. 23. The humbleness of Abu Usman Habri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was a very famous man of the almighty Allah in his area. One man gave the invitation to him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬just to test him. When he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬reached to the house of him so he started making excuses that right now I am not able to do any arrangement in the house. He met with very much kindness and came back and when he went far away so that man came while running and said that Hazrat whatever is present in the house, do eat that. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came back to the house of him along with him just for keeping his heart. When they reached to the door so this man started making excuses again and started doing sorry. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went back. Third time that man held the feet of him and said that I wanted to test you only. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that what the big thing in this thing is. This habit is the habit of one dog that when it is cold so it use to come and when you make it go away so it use to go away. 24. The Almighty Allah use to like humbleness very much: Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ has been passed as a very much big friend of the almighty Allah. Once upon a time ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ he got to see the Almighty Allah in his dream. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that Oh the almighty Allah! What such act I may take and get present in front of you who must be liked by you?


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the merciful Lord said that bring that thing which is not also with me. Bayazeed Bastami ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ said in the court of merciful lord by becoming surprised that Oh the Almighty Allah! You are the master of all the worlds, which thing is not with you? TheAlmighty Allah said that Oh Bayazeed, humbleness! 25. The humbleness of Abu Hanifa ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬of the time: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ gave the title of Abu Hanifa of the time to Ustadul Ullama Maulana Rasheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ . he was famous with this title. The researcher of his time Hazrat Maulana Ahmed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ Anwar used to call him with the title of Faqeeh un Nafs about him only the peer of tareeqat Maulana Hakeem ul Ummat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that once upon a time Ustad ul Ullama Hazrat Mualana Rasheed ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was teaching the lesson of Hadis shareef that it started raining. All of the students took their books and ran inside but Maulana Sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was collecting the shoes of all of the students that he may pick them and take them. When people saw this condition so they felt very embarrassed. 26. The humbleness of Sheikh ul Hind ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: It has been narrated by Hazrat Hakeem u Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that once upon a time Hazrat Sheikh ull Hind ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬went to Muradabad so the people of that area insisted him to do the sermon. Hazrat gave the excuse that I have no habit of it but the people did not accept it. therefore on getting insisted he stood up for doing the sermon and recited the hadis shareef (‫ )فقیہ واحد اشد علی الشیطان من الف عابد‬and he did the translation of it like this that one scholar is more heavy upon the devil than thousands of worshiping people. One famous scholar was present in the crowd. He stood up and said that this translation is not correct and the one who do not even know how to do the translation in correct way, it is not permissible for him to give the sermon before knowing the reaction of Hazrat Sheikh ul Hind ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬we should do this that for a little bit of time he may look inside our own selves that if we would have been in the place of him so what would we have done? Hazrat did the translation correct. The way of that man was not only humiliating but it was also full of anger. Maulana Sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬sat down quickly and said that I was already saying this that there is no quality inside me to do the sermon but these people did not accept it. Well now I have got the witness of yours as the proof of my excuse. After this Hazrat ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked to that scholar just for getting benefit that what is the mistake so that I may get safe from it again? He said that the translation of (‫ )اشد‬is not (‫[ )اثقل‬heavy] instead it use to come as (‫[ )اضر‬more harmful]. Hazrat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said quickly that it is in hadis shareef that ( ‫یا تینی مثل صلصلتہ الجرس‬ ‫ )وھو اشدہ علی‬will here also it will be the meaning of (‫)اضر‬. On it he became surprised and shocked. 27. The advice of Khuwaja Fazal Ali Quraishi ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬: Hazrat Khuwaja Fazal Ali ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ used to say to his followers that O beggars! Look that the head is high. When any mistake is committed so the shoes are hit to the head. The feet are down therefore whenever we use to get the respect so people use to hold the feet and do the request and wish. So you just be safe from pride and arrogance. Asaalik should do this that if some person may pass by keeping the foot on chest so then also he may not feel bad. One great man used to say like


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this on the importance of humbleness that: The human being use to put the forehead of him on the ground in the condition of Sajdah. This bending down (and doing humbleness) was liked by the almighty Allah so much that how much near the human being is in the condition of Sajdah, he is not near that much in any other condition. It is the sign of humbleness to think other people as better and superior than your own self. Salik should do the respect of the ones who are elder than him in age because the good deeds of them are greater than mine and he should be kind on the young people than him because the sins of them are less than mine. The one who are of great paunch always use to meet by bending down The cooler use to fill the bowl by bending down

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Whatever the friends of the Almighty gained, they gained it from the humbleness


O people of the Almighty Allah! The reason of reading the life stories of the respectable scholars is this only that we may go through the way of their life that how they used to spend their lives. We may take lesson from the qualities of them, from the character of them, from the ways of them and from other patterns and actions.



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(1) One man of the Almighty Allah use to say this that the one who use to think himself greater than any other person so it is like this that as if his internal self is filled with hatreds and he is away from the ontologism of Lord. (Bunyan ul Masheed) (2) Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that you cannot be a complete man till that time, till when you may not think this that I am even worse than the Nasrani dog. (3) Faqeeh ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that pride is the habit of non Muslims and the kind of people like pharaohs and the humbleness is from the habits of the scholars and merciful character of the Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬. (4) Hazrat Ibne Zubair ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that the humbleness is one reason from the reasons of simplicity and the jealousy can be done on every blessing except on the humbleness. (5) It is the quote of some intelligent man that the fruit of content is comfort and the fruit of humbleness is the love. Hazrat Umer ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬use to say that the highest level of the humbleness is this that one may meet whoever person, he should say him Salam and he may like the lowest place in the function and he may dislike the discussion of his praise.

The most important dua for the salikeen



O the master of whole world, creator of the universe, lord of the sky and the earth, you alone are the creator and master. Everything is only yours, whatever it is inside the sky or in the earth or between both of these. O lord, only you are pure, you are great and superior, you are the most excellent and the one who has the most great status and we are your humble and unworthy people. O the Almighty Allah! We are the sand upon which the people use to put their feet and pass over. We are the bundle of the garbage. Whatever you have given, how much you have given, you gave it only from the mercy and blessing of yours. We were, we are and we can never be the worthy of it at all. O the Almighty Allah who is the most greatest and has all the heights! On which thing we shall be proud on. Which thing do we have that is our own? Everything is given by you only.


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The eleventh kind of character is the “Preaching”


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Whenever you want you can take it back. We are humble and dust. If we would have anything of our own so we could have been proud of it. O the lord of both worlds, we would have thought the blessings of yours as the talent and wonder of ours. If we would have made the hands ourselves, if we would have made the mind which use to think ourselves, if we would have made the eyes which are to see by ourselves, if we would have made the intelligence which is used to understand by ourselves but lord we are only yours from the head till the feet, we are your creation, everything is given by you. Then why we shall walk with pride in front of you. Our walking along with pride cannot tear the ground; our arrogance do not makes us higher than the mountains. O the Almighty Allah we are like the ant which use to walk on the ground. We are dust and we have to go back in sand. O the lord of the skies and the earth, make us obedient and humble to you. If we are nothing so make us learn the humbleness, make the heart of us as humble. Change us and our hearts in humbleness so that we unworthy, dusty and useless may get high at least in the court of yours. So that we may get high status in the court of yours because over there only the humbleness and submissiveness and obedience can make us get the high status and prestige. ( ‫آمین یا رب السموات و‬ ‫)االرض و ما بینھما و ما توفیقی اال باہلل‬

The message of tasbeeh house…..peace and harmony in whole world


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When Sheikh ul Ulima Hazrat Hakeem ul Ummat ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬saw one preacher while doing preaching so he said that do you know the rules of the preaching? Then he said that the most important rule of preaching is this that a person may think himself as the most unworthy and while doing that he may do preaching and advice to other people. Today we do adopt the way to stop and prevent any bad deed after looking at it or to express it in such way in which he use to become away from the religion more.

The five levels of knowledge

Hazrat Asmai ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬use to say that (1) the first level of knowledge is to be silent (Meaning to remain away from the useless and stupid task) and to speak only when it is the need. (2) The second level is to listen. (3) The third level is to remember. (4) The fourth level is to act. (5) The fifth level is to spread it.


The message of tasbeeh house is peace and harmony in whole world


On every step f life the human being gets the need of discussion, advice and training of his elder people. Whether the human being is in which age of his life he has to fulfill the responsibility of training of his family, relatives and close people. Whether it is the family life or the business, on every place one Muslim man use to praise the good act and so after looking at bad acts he also use to fulfill the responsibility of advice and preaching according to his power.


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The need of wisdom in the preaching of religion



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Murshidi Hazrat Khwaja Syed Muhammad Abdullah Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬who was the prominent figure of his time, the qualities which the Almighty Allah blessed him with, one quality from them was this also that he used to keep the kind heart for the humanity. Whether it used to be which time, whether he used to have how much busy schedule, apart from all of this he used to make people understand the reason of life with love, affection, wisdom and insight. Even this that if he used to get to know that on that some place, that some man has been passed from the world without the faith so he used to become very much sad on this and till long time the series of tears of him did not use to get stopped. Today, with the blessing of the Almighty Allah I am trying to carry on this struugle of my Murshid ‫(رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬which is in reality the sadness of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬with the name of tasbeeh house and I do advice about it to my closed ones also that “What is mine is yours and what is yours is of whole world and it is obvious that the base of mine and yours are the pure and holy teachings of the shariah. We have to act upon them ourselves also and we have to bring the whole of humanity also on this. O the people of Almighty Allah! It is very much important to take care about few things to spread this message till the other people. If we do keep on focusing on these things so we may get very much benefits. Now I may present the summary of teachings of Murshidi Hajweri ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and of other people of the Almighty Allah in this regard in the service of yours and I am doing dua from the Almighty Allah that whoever from us is doing even kittle bit of struggle in this good work, the Almighty Allah will give the sincerity in this also and only with the mercy of Him he will also accept it in his court. Ameen!


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There is very much need of insight and wisdom for the preaching of religion. This quote of Syedna Ali ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬is worthy of remembering. He said that (‫)کلموا الناس بما یعرفون اتحبون ان یکذب ہللا و رسولہ‬ Meaning that when you may say anything about the religion in front of the people so do say it in such way from which the uprising may not get produced in the people. Do you like this thing that the humiliation of the Almighty Allah and his messenger ‫ ﷺ‬would be done? For example that anything about religion is said without the right time as the result of which the point of humiliation (refusal) may come. At such time it is not correct to say anything about the religion. To which the thing is being said, one should take care about the nature of that person, it is very important.

The way to do advice



1. It is the quote of Hazrat Ibn e Rajab ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that it was the routine of great people that when they used to tell the message of religion to any person so they used to take him in alone place and make him understand in very much nice way and in wise method. Therefore, this thing got famous that the person who may make his Muslim brother understand in good way and with good will so this is the advice and if he may stop and refuse him in front of the people and do not take care about the self respect of his Muslim brother so this is not the advice but it is the scolding which is not beneficial. (Jamay ul Uloom wal Hakam)


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Today which Muslim would be not aware from the entity of Hazrat Maulana Ilyas sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. The Almighty Allah filled the spirit of preaching and message of religion like the fire inside the chest of him. Wherever he used to sit, he used to start talking about the religion and he used to spread the message of religion. Someone told the incident of him that one man used to keep on coming in the service of him. He kept on coming till many days. That man did not have the beard. When many days passed away and he kept on coming so Hazrat Maulana Ilyas ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬thought this that now he has become accustomed. Therefore, one day Hazrat said to him that O my brother, my heart also feels like this that you may also act upon this Sunnah of the beard. That man became somewhat embarrassed after he listened this thing of him and from the next day he left coming. When many days passed away so Hazrat Maulana Ilyas sir ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬asked about him from the people. So the people told him that he has left coming. Hazrat Maulana Ilyas sir ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became very much sad and said to the people that a very much big mistake has been done from me that I kept the flat bread on the cold pan. Meaning that right now the pan did not even become hot and was not worthy of this that the flat bread may be kept on it. I kept the flat bread on it before the time. The result of it came this that this man left coming at all. If he would have kept on coming so at least the things about religion would have been kept on coming in the ears and the benefit of it would have happened. Now one man who uses to look on the reality would have said that if one man is involved in the bad work so do say him at least with the tongue. But you saw that to say from the tongue instead became harmful and destructive because up till now the mind was not ready and prepared for it. These things are of wisdom that at what time which thing shall be said and it has to be said in which way and how much thing has to be said. The thing of religion is not any stone that it shall be picked up and thrown or it is not such responsibility that it shall be taken off from the head. Instead look to this that after saying this thing what result will be obtained? The result of it may not be bad? If by saying the thing, there is the doubt of obtaining bad and harmful result so at that time one should stop from saying the thing about the religion. At that time nothing should be said. This is also included in not having the capability.



Well this thing that on which time what kind of way of acting shall be adopted? At what time a person shall do strictness? And what time a person shall do kindness? This thing cannot be gained only from the books without the company. Till when a human being may not have lived with any pious great man of the Almighty Allah and get rubbed hardly. Therefore when the other person has done any mistake so he should be stopped and prevented for sure but it is important to know this and take care of this thing that it is obligatory to stop at which time and at what time it is not obligatory. And at what time, one should talk in which way. This all is the summary of all of the rules of preaching and giving sermon. May the Almighty Allah grant us the correct understanding of it and through it he may do our correction and of all of the Muslims. Ameen. ( ‫ادع سبیل ربک‬ ‫ )بالحکمتہ و الموعظتہ الحسنتہ و جادلھم بالتی ھی احسن‬O Prophet! ‫ ﷺ‬call the people towards your lord with wisdom and good deeds and do the discussion with them just as it is better.


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I do one this advice to my close people that do give prosperity to leniency, love and brother hood among you because the lord is ours, we are of the lord, and the lord is of all people, all of the people are of the lord. That is why all of the people are of us and we are of all of the people.

The need of patience in sermon and lecture


The arrangement of dua along with the preaching



.u bq


2. The people who use to tell the message of religion to other people, they should complete this opportunity along with wonderful patience and strength to bear it because this hard work has the connection with the respectable Prophets ‫علیہم السالم‬, respectable companions ‫رضی‬ ‫ہللا عنہم‬ and scholars and pious people ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and the habit of all of those people has remained as patience and tolerance only. One should be patient on the pains of the people by thinking this that the trees which use to have the fruits, the stones are also hit to that only. One man said abusive word to Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari. ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬He ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬said that there is ony intensely difficult valley between me and the heaven. If I may have been able to pass over it so I swear by the Almighty Allah that I do not care about this act of yours at all and if the Almighty Allah stopped be in front of it so I am more worthy of this which you said to me. Not only doing patience but to do respect of them, to meet them with humbleness also use to be very much beneficial. I am remembering one sentence of Hazrat Khawaja Fazal Ali Quraishi Miskeen Poori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that do the respect of the follower and the respect of the caliph more than this…!

3. To which man, the name of the Almighty Allah or the quote of his beloved Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is


.u bq

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you cannot even think about that….! One poet has told this story of Taif which is full of sadness and pain in these words:

That beloved cloud for whose shade the gardens used to remain waiting for, Here in Taif the stones used to fall on his body That arms which used to give support to the poor people Now in Taif they used to bear the injury of stones, That heart in which the true light used to remain hidden, That use to get burst and the blood used to flow from it. The angels of the Almighty Allah started saying by getting present in the court of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that the master of the universe has given you ‫ ﷺ‬this power that if you want so




being told so only by telling him that our responsibility do not gets completed. Instead after that we should do very much arrangement of dua for him from the merciful Allah while crying a lot. Just like Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was given pain in the Taif and he was made irritated, I and


we shall join these mountains and crush these people between them. But Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said this instead of doing bad dua for their destruction that: (‫ )اللھم اھد قومی فانھم ال یعلمون‬that o the


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    

Almighty Allah! Give guidance to my nation. They do not know me. (Meaning that they are not aware with my status and level) After listening to this, the one who is mercy for the whole world, Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬smiled,




        

He asked for the mercy of the lord, he asked the submissiveness and his consent He did the dua that o lord; give this nation the eyesight of wisdom O lord, do mercy on them, give them the light of guidance The darkness only has kept them against to the truth These innocent people are not aware, they are insensible, do forgive them Give them the abundance of strengths and the light to the hearts of them Make them get to shore, the ones who are drowning O lord! Do the mercy on the people of the mountains of the Taif O lord! Shower your flowers on the ground of stones!






.u bq


  

That I have not come to this world by becoming the anger or the torment Although these people have not made their faith on Islam, They have not come in the shade of the mercy of the Almighty Allah, But the generations of them will for sure be able to recognize it, They will one day for sure bow their heads on the door of the oneness of the Almighty Allah Why I shall do the dua for them for the rage of the lord They are human beings, they are not aware, why shall I do dua of destruction After saying this, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬raised his hands and did one dua

.u bq


The summary of the quote of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is this that I have come while taking the message of preaching. The guidance of no any person is in my hand and the devil has also got born to decorate the bad deeds and to give the deception (fraud) to make any person away from the guidance is not in the control of him. Meaning that he use to put the thoughts inside the heart and so show the bad deed by portraying them as attractive, there is nothing more than this in the hands of him. Therefore, it is obligatory for a person that he may try his best to make the false thoughts stay away from him and do recognize the enemy of him, do accept the suggestion of the friend and do not follow the enemy. That is why along with spreading the message of the Almighty Allah to the other people, we should do the arrangements of doing dua also very much.

The things which use to come out from the heart do have some effect


4. To make other people listen the message of the Almighty Allah, it is also very much important that one should have the pain of the nation because: The things which use to come out from the heart do have some effect


It does not have any wings but do have the strength to fly


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The pure young man became the source of guidance for nurse


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Hazrat Siri Saqti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬was once upon a time doing the speech in the Baghdad Sharif that a man of the Caliph of Baghdad, Ahmed Bin Yazeed got present along with a very big army and sat to listen the speech of him. At that time he was saying this thing that among all of the creatures there is no any creation more weak than the human being but apart from so much of the weakness he uses to become how much courageous and brave in doing the sins. Sad, very much sad. of these sentences of him there was very much effect on the heart of Ahmed bin Yazeed and when the speech got finished he went back to his house and he did not even eat the dinner at night and in this same condition of hunger he spent the whole night while crying and sobbing and weeping. The next day he got present in the service of Hazrat Siri Saqti ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬and said that yesterday the sermon of yours has made its place inside the heart of mine. That is why now you may tell me the way to be close to the lord. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬said that there are two ways of it. One is this that do offer the prayers of all five times along with the group of people in the mosque, if you have property so do give charity of it and do take care about all of the teachings of the Shariah. And the second way is this that, do take out the love of this world from the heart of yours and do the worship of the Almighty Allah.



.u bq




One great man started saying that one friend of mine used to live in Glasco. He became sick. He got admitted in the hospital and kept on being admitted over there till three days. On the fourth day, the nurse started saying to him that you marry to me. He said that why? I am a Muslim, you and I cannot be together. She said that I will become a Muslim. He asked that what the reason is. She said that how much it has been my service in the hospital, till now I have not seen any man to lower his gaze in front of any woman, except you. You are the first man in my life who uses to lower his gaze after looking at the woman. When I uses to come, so you uses to close your eyes. So much big modesty cannot be taught except than the true religion. The protection of the eyes made the Islam enter inside her. She became a Muslim and both of them got married. That girl has up till now become a source to bring how many girls accept the Islam. How many British women of that place have been accepting Islam, with the praise of the Almighty Allah. This is the effect of the silent preaching of the practical life which uses to come out from the heart and uses to effect after going to the heart.

The need of zikr for the preaching and teachings



5. For the one who use to give the preaching of the religion, knowledge and zikr is capable of having very much importance. From the meditation, checking of internal self, company of friends of the Almighty Allah and by doing zikr in abundance, there use to be increase in the knowledge and ontologism. From which the purification, sincerity and relation with the Almighty Allah use to get produced and then the condition of this use to be this that when the verses of holy Quran are being recited in front of them so the hearts of them use to get shaken and after listening to the verses of their beloved suddenly the heart use to become soft. The result came out this that the light of knowledge is based upon the zikr, meditation, checking of internal self and company of the friends of the Almighty Allah.


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The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was also granted with knowledge and status after making him do meditation


and staying alone till many days. For getting the reality of knowledge open on a person there is the need of pain of love. Due to this pain such knowledge uses to get open that the mind remains astonished.


It has been coming as the routine of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬till the scholars of the nation that they used to pass a large amount of their time in nafil worships and zikr and thinking along with the important services of the religion because the preaching to others, the struggle to do correction of their acts is the farz e kafaya but the correction of one ownself if the farz e aen.


.u bq

Secondly, you people are only the protector and preacher of the knowledge of religion only. On the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and khulfa e rashideen there were the responsibiltes of the government too. Then also Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to do so much of qayam that his feet used to get swell. Plus the spirit of preaching and feeling of responsibility in respectable companions ‫رضی ہللا عنہم اجمعین‬was till how much limits, it is even out of the limits of our thinking and perception.




Imam Abu Hanifa ‫ﷺ‬offered the prayer of Fajar in regular will with the ablution of Isha till forty years. He used to complete one holy Quran every day. Sahib hidaya kept on fasting in regular way till thirteen years and never let it expressed on any other person. Why this thought did not came to these great people that in place of abundance of nawafil we shall spend our time also in preaching of knowledge of religion. The reality is this that till when a person may not get the relation with the Almighty Allah till that time the responsibility of spreading and preaching is not able to be fulfilled.


.u bq



The people who are not aware of this pain of joy, what do they know about the reality of the knowledge. Although with the zikr and understanding the strength of heart do gets to increase. There use to increase in the love and sincerity and till how much limit there will be progress in the love and sincerity, in that much amount there will be increase in the reward of the acts and in the effect of preaching to the other people and there will be holy light in the knowledge and the beatitude in the writing and editing. This is the reason that those scholars who use to have the maintenance of zikr and understanding and meditation, the beatitude which is inside the work and preaching of them, that is not inside the ones who use to become lazy for the nawafil worships and zikr and understanding. Therefore, at least that level of zikr, checking of internal self, meditation and the company of any complete man is obligatory from which the protection of the internal and external sins may happen. May the Almighty Allah grant all of us with the treasure of the real knowledge. Amen!

Advice for the ones who use to make the creation happy 6. Murshidi Hajweri ‫ﷺ‬used to say that for spreading he message of the religion to the other


people, one should not care about the taunting of any person. The only work of the world is to taunt and do gossips. The people did not even leave the prophets (‫ )علیہم السالم‬and the big,


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great and respectable scholars. Refuge of the Almighty Allah! The people even put blame upon Hazrat Maryam ‫علیہا السالم‬so, what is the level of mine and yours? I am remembering one sentence of Hazrat Shah Abdul Quddoos Gangohi ‫ ﷺ‬that how much there will be opposition of a great man; there will be that much profit from him.


Seven rules of the preaching



.u bq


Once upon a time, one family of a village (husband, wife and two to three kids) was going while taking a donkey. Some people did argue that how much crazy are these people that the donkey is going alone and no one from them is sitting on it. Therefore all of them sat upon it. When they move forward so again some people did argue that how much cruel are these people, the whole family is sitting on the donkey, therefore the husband made all of them get down and kept on sitting himself. Then when they move more forward so some man did argue that how much cruel he is that the wife and children are walking on their feet and he is himself sitting. Then he made his wife sit and rest of them kept on walking bare feet. Then some man did argue that how much he is uxorious that he has made his wife sit on the donkey and he is walking bare feet by himself. Well the people do not use to be happy in any of the situation. That is why the better decision is this that one should on make the the master and creator of all happy and keep on being busy in this aim only along with the sincerity so, everything will be gained and may the Almighty Allah protect us….with making the Almighty Allah unhappy, neither we will remain for the world nor for the Day of Judgment.


.u bq

respectable companions that (‫ )بشر اوال تنفرا اتعسر اوتطاعا وال تختلفا‬meaning that do give the good news and do not make them feel hatred, do make easiness and do not do strictness, remain united and agreed on one and do not do opposition. (4) Sincerity is the basic step for the preaching that the reason of the preaching should be happiness of the lord and that one should not give advice for making his own internal self happy and the standard of it is this that while giving the advice this man should think the people to whom he is giving the advice, superior than him. (5) The one who is doing the advice should not have the voracity and greed of the gift at all. (6) The correction of any person should not be done in the common crowd because with it, most of the times embarrassment use to happen and the effect of this embarrassment use to get exposed in form of jealousy and hatred. (7) The one who is doing the correction should do this that he may put whole of the hard work upon himself and should provide the easy way to the one to whom he is addressing.





1. The conversation shall be done according to the mental level and nature of attitude of the one who is being addressed. (2) The one who is preaching should adopt the style of talking of him as soft. (3) It is important for the preacher (The one who use to give preaching) that the speech of him should not be based upon the sentences which are full with hatred, they shall not be attacking upon any of the party or group because the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said to the


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The hard work of the people of the Almighty Allah for the prevalence of the religion The message of love and ontologism in the whole world


Islam is the religion of message, love, leniency, brotherhood and affection. Today, in spite of the weak acts of ours, this message is being spread with very much fast speed. Is we may start acting upon these things in true meanings, on the things which are being asked to us by this book, “rules of ontologism” so we cannot even think about those beatitudes which may be gained by us…!

The wonder of the companions

‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬




.u bq

1. The French engineer accepted Islam while doing job in Yemen. His new Islamic name was suggested as “Muhammad”. It has been said by him that he has got very much inspired by the greatness of Islam and the best qualities, love, forgiveness, kindness and easiness of it. He has more told that the best character of few Muslims and their attitude has also become the source for making him inspired. He has told that not only he has become a Muslim but in few days only eighty foreigners of Yemen have also accepted the Islam, who are from the different nations. Today we should think on our own that do we have those characters which are found in our books or from our elder people. But today, with the mercy and blessing of the Almighty Allah, the effect of these weak characters is also happening even on the people. (‫)فللہ الحمد‬

during preaching

‫رضی ہللا عنہم‬


.u bq



2. Hazrat Uqba Bin Nafey got entered in Africa while doing a very much intense difficult and hard journey and got martyred while coming back from there. Today also in Al jazair, the grave of the friend of the Almighty Allah is telling that where is the Makkah, where is the Madinah, where is the Hijaz, after coming out from there he got his grave made on this place. He made a cantonment in Teunis for making the people of the Almighty Allah get entered in the religion. When he was busy in the work of the Almighty Allah so, the Almighty Allah was along with him. When he made a cantonment in Teunis so in the twelve thousand partners of him there were nineteen respectable companions ‫ رضی ہللا عنہم‬also. He took them and gave the call while standing on a high place. O the animals of the forest! We are the servants of the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ ﷺ‬you have time of three days,


get out from here. After this time, which ever animal will be found, we will kill it. In three days, whole of the Africa saw that whole of the forest got empty. Many thousands of the people became Muslims after watching this scene.

Sultan Al Mashaikh Khawaja Nizam ud din

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬


His good name was Syed Muhammad and the title was Mehboob ilahi. He got born on ninth of October 1238 at the place of Budayoo. He was the caliph of Sheikh Fareed ud din Ganj Shakar ‫رحمہ‬ ‫ہللا علیہ‬ . It has been known from going through the Fawaid ul fawaid that there was Great Spirit of


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prevalence of the religion in the heart of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. Where ever he used to see that there is the opportunity of preaching, he never used to let that opportunity go empty from his hands. He ‫رحمہ ہللا‬ ‫علیہ‬ did not see the day and did not see the night even while preaching to the Hindu people. He kept on being inn this tension all the time that how the people may come towards the religion of the Almighty Allah and may become obedient to Him. He had to pass through very much difficult level in this hard work. He had to bear very much jobs and he had to bear the hitting even but in spite of this he did not leave his aim and today it is the fruit of it that the name of him is present in very much gold ink in the history.

Hazrat Syed Ali Bin Usman Hajweri

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



Hazrat Sheikh Hindi Lahori ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬



.u bq

3. The holy birth of him ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬happened in 400 hijri. He came to Lahore in 431 hijri. It is famous that many of the people, accepted Islam on the hand of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬. It has been written about the preaching of him ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬that when he started doing the preaching of the religion after coming to Lahore so, at the day time the teaching of students used to happen and at night time, the advice to the desirable people of truth used to happen. Thousands of misguided people became the one who got the path, thousands of crazy people became the people having intelligence and senses, thousands of useless people became the one as the complete ones and thousands of sinful people became as the pious ones. In regards to the prevalence of the religion he had to also bear very much of difficulties too, he had to bear the far distances too and he gave those sacrifices which you and I cannot even think of today.

.u bq



4. He became enlightened with the Islam with the preaching of Hazrat Ali Bin Usman Hajweri ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ and he became the caliph of him also. He kept the mission of his murshid continued after his death. He showed the path of guidance to many of the non Muslims and he kept on giving the advice of bending down the head in front of only one real lord in spite of many kinds of different gods. For this great work he did not even see the day nor the night….He kept on doing good for the people along with the feelings of unconditional love.

Hazrat Syed Ahmed Tokhta Lahori 5. He

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

was from the descendants of Syedna Ali Al Murtaza Karam Allah Wajh, He came to India after covering a long journey and from there he adopted the residence in Lahore in regards to the preaching. While living in Lahore, he thought the responsibility of the prevalence of the religion as the most important all the time and many countless people got benefit from him. He sent his niece Syed Zaid Shah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to India for doing the preaching of religion. In this same journey, Syed Zaid Shah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬got martyred at the place of Sawana with the hands of Barhaman non Muslims. Syed Ahmed Tokhta ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ passed away in 602 Hijri.



‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


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Hazrat Shah Kaleem Allah Shah Jahan Abadi



‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬

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6. He was a great man of series of chushtiya. He did struggle for the revival of Islam in very much important and in very intensely sensitive era of the history of the Islamic India. He ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬ sent his closest follower Shah Nizam ud din ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬to Deccan for the work of preaching and correction. He wanted to make the message of Islam reach to every single ear. Therefore, he used to say to his followers again and again that ( ‫کوشید کہ صورت اسالم‬ ‫“ )وسیع گردو و ذاکرین کثیر‬Do try this that the Islam should do progress and there may be increase in the amount of the ones who use to do zikr.” He used to repeat this thing again and again in the letters. ( ‫بھر حال دراعالئے کلمتہ الحق کو شیدواز مشرق تا مغرب ھمہ اسالم حقیقی بر‬ ‫“ )کنید‬Keep on trying for the superiority of the true kalma in every condition and (the aim which should be in front of eyes shall be this that) from east to west, the real Islam shall be spread. He writes to his follower Muhammad Ali that: ( ‫ھمیشہ دراعالئے کلمتہ ہللا کہ پیران من و‬ ‫)عن رسیدہ کوشش نمایند‬



The result of hard work of preaching of the follower of Sham Kaleem Allah ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬, Shah Nizam ud din ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬came out this that many of the Hindus became the followers of Islam. Few did not use to do the expression of their Islam due to the fear of their relatives but they became Muslims from the heart.

The acceptance of Islam of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari

‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬


7. When Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari (May the Almighty Allah be happy with him) got the news of the prophet hood of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬so he sent his brother to Makkah for the research of


.u bq



the situations that he may go and see that the person who use to claim this that the news of the sky use to come to me do search the conditions of him in correct way. His brother came to Makkah Mukarrima and after doing complete research and investigation he went back and said to his brother that I have seen him doing the command of best habits and superb character and I have listen such speech from him which is neither the poetry nor it is the speech of a magician. He did not feel satisfaction with this speech of his brother so he himself went to the Makkah and went straight to the Masjid e Haram because he did not use to recognize the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Till three days Hazrat Ali ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬kept him as his guest.

After this he got to meet with the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬and in first sitting only he became Muslim. At that time, there was the opposition f the Muslims on all four sides. In spite of this even he said to the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that o the Prophet of the Almighty Allah ‫ﷺ‬, swear by that entity who



have my life in his control that I will recite this kalma of Tawheed with loud voice in the middle of these dishonest people. Therefore, he went to masjid e Haram at that same time and recited (‫ )اشھد ان ال الہ اال ہللا و اشھد ان محمد رسول ہللا‬with loud voice. People got up from all four sides and made him injured while hitting him. Hazrat Abbas ‫ رضی ہللا عنہ‬save him with very much difficulty. On the next day, in that same manner he again recited the kalma with loud voice. Then again the people of opposition attacked on him. This is not only the one


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but in the lives of the companion ‫رضی ہللا عنہ‬and people of the Almighty Allah such incidents are found in very much abundance.

Sheikh Shibli and the respect of the ant


.u bq


Hazrat Sheikh Shibli ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬has been passed as the famous friend of the Almighty Allah. Once upon a time, he ‫رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬bought some crops and while taking the sack he reached to his village. Just as he opened the sack, he saw one ant which ws moving here and there with very much discomfort. He ‫ رحمہ ہللا علیہ‬became very much sad after looking the ant as becoming worried and he was not able to sleep for the whole night and as the morning came he went to the place from where he bought the crops and left that ant over there and then he said that even this thing is not suitable for a human being that he may make an ant even away from the house of it. How well a firdosi poet has said: (‫“ )میازار مورے کہ دانہ کشست کہ جان دارد و جاں شریں خوشت‬Do not irritate that ant who is about to pull a grain. It is because it also has a life and the life is beloved to every single thing.” ( ‫سیاہ اندروں باشد‬ ‫کہ خواہد کہ مورے شود تنگ دل‬ ‫“ )و سنگ دل‬That man is very much cruel and has a black internal self from the hands of whom the pain may reach to an ant even.”





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You think about these incidents slightly that how many people got the sainthood and the ontologism on doing good and kindness with the animals. This is the result of doing good with the animals so when the good and kindness shall be done with the depressed humanity and the worried people who are the most superior than all the creation, what will be given on doing good and kindness with it…! You and I will not be able to think about it even…! After today we all shall become the ones who may spread the goodness and kindness with the depressed humanity and worried people in the society. Amen!


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