September 6, 2010 issue

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Pure enough to clean surgical instruments since 1918

the best places to have coffee on campus, just what every student needs to know.

Will over 800 students buy a $45 Frosh kit? page 4

page 9

the ubyssey

SEPTEMBER 6, 2010 • volume 92, number ii • room 24, student union building • published monday and thursday •

Locked out Students left out of key discussions on campus land-use plan. read more on page 3

2 / u b y s s e y. c a / e v e n t s / 2 0 1 0 . 0 9 . 0 6 september 06, 2010 volume xcii, no ii editorial coordinating editor

Justin McElroy :

events tuesday, sepT. 7

news editor

Arshy Mann :

associate news editor

cass pancake breakfast

main event carnival

Looking for a way to kick off UBC Imagine? Still searching for friends in residence? The Centre for Arts Students Service (CASS) is glad to invite transfer and returning Arts students to a pancake breakfast to kick off the new academic year! Come and meet your fellow students, faculty, and staff, and have fun! Food and drinks will be provided. Students must register for the event in order to attend. • 9:30–10:30am, courtyard outside Buchanan A on Main Mall.

Even if you aren’t a first-year student, the Main Event Carnival is a great opportunity to find out about all the great clubs services available to students. Live entertainment, music and prizes are available throughout the afternoon on the Main Mall strip. Did we mention the free root beer float? • 2–5pm, Main Mall between University and Thunderbird Boulevard.

associate multimedia editor

ams firstweek — improv

No Sex Please, We’re British

video editor

UBC Improv brings their best as they return to the scene of their always hilarious crimes. Don’t miss this exciting performance by what is one of UBC’s funniest clubs every year. • 6:30–7:30pm, Walter Gage Towers, free with Firstweek Wristband or $5 without.

The Royal Canadian Theatre Company is pleased to present No Sex Please, We’re British! This hilarious play, directed by Ellie King, takes you on a roller-coaster ride as you follow the increasingly desperate efforts of a young married couple & their nerdy bankclerk friend to dispose of unsolicited pornography. • Waterfront Theatre, Granville Island, $28 adult, $25 student/senior, purchase info at


culture editors

Jonny Wakefield & Bryce Warnes :

associate culture editor

Anna Zoria :

sports editor

Ian Turner :

features editor

Trevor Record :

photo editor

Geoff Lister :

production manager

Virginie Ménard :

copy editor

Kai Green :

multimedia editor

Tara Martellaro : Stephanie Warren : Matt Wetzler :


Jeff Blake : Room 24, Student Union Building 6138 Student Union Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 tel: 604.822.2301 web: e-mail:

business Room 23, Student Union Building advertising: 604.822.1654 business office: 604.822.6681 fax: 604.822.1658 e-mail:

business manager

Fernie Pereira :

ad traffic

Kathy Yan Li :

ad design

Paul Bucci :

contributors Brendan Albano Jon Chiang David Elop Andrew Hood Kate Barbaria Flora Wu Eunice Hii Annie Ju Kate Bolangaro

Cynthia Chou Kristen Harris Danielle Zandbergen Micki Cowan Ngaio Hotte Yooji Cummings Drake Fenton Gitanjali Stevens

legal The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Monday and Thursday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organization, and all students are encouraged to participate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University of British Columbia. All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of The Ubyssey Publications Society. The Ubyssey is a founding member of Canadian University Press (CUP) and adheres to CUP’s guiding principles. Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. Please include your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication) as well as your year and faculty with all submissions. ID will be checked when submissions are dropped off at the editorial office of The Ubyssey; otherwise verification will be done by phone. “Perspectives” are opinion pieces over 300 words but under 750 words and are run according to space. “Freestyles” are opinion pieces written by Ubyssey staff members. Priority will be given to letters and perspectives over freestyles unless the latter is time sensitive. Opinion pieces will not be run until the identity of the writer has been verified. The Ubyssey reserves the right to edit submissions for length and clarity. All letters must be received by 12 noon the day before intended publication. Letters received after this point will be published in the following issue unless there is an urgent time restriction or other matter deemed relevant by the Ubyssey staff. It is agreed by all persons placing display or classified advertising that if the Ubyssey Publications Society fails to publish an advertisement or if an error in the ad occurs the liability of the UPS will not be greater than the price paid for the ad. The UPS shall not be responsible for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value or the impact of the ad.

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wednesday, sepT. 8 border zones: new art across cultures

Border Zones: New Art Across Cultures is an exhibition of international contemporary art that inaugurated MOA’s Audain Gallery on January 23, 2010. It brings together the work of twelve artists engaged in a dialogue about cultural boundaries —within and between communities, art practices, audiences, or institutions — and the possibility of translation across them. You’ll also find video interviews with the artists, regular updates on artist files, artwork exclusive to the webzine, provocative reviews of the exhibition, and a blog devoted to the idea of borders. • 10am– 5pm, Museum of Anthropology, $14 adult, $12 senior/student, free for UBC faculty, staff and students.

ams firstweek — Open Air Pit Night on Sub Rooftop Patio

Given that the Firstweek team is a group of seasoned professionals, we know The Pit is busy on the first Wednesday. How busy, you ask? Try line-ups at 5pm busy. So, being the considerate people that we are, the AMS opened up our rooftop patio to relax and enjoy a refreshing beverage. • All day, SUB rooftop patio, free admission.

citr open house

Stop by CiTR to discover your campus radio station. We’ll take you on a tour, throw you on the airwaves and give free DJ lessons! • 3pm–7pm, room 233, SUB.

thursday, sepT. 9 how to find a workstudy/work learn job on campus Interested in working part-time on campus this year in Work Study (for Canadian students) or Work Learn (for international undergraduate students)? • 10am– 4pm, Register at workshops/careers.cfm.

It’s September, and that’s when all the insane stuff happens around campus. Let us spread the news and e-mail us your events at events@ubyssey. ca.


UBC’s Big Night Out Party: Here Today, Gone Today: MFA Grad Art Expo at the Belkin Art Gallery It’s time to get classy, UBC. The Belkin Art Gallery is showcasing the mind-blowing work of its finest Masters of Fine Arts Students. Shine up those dress shoes, straighten that hair and come enjoy food, drinks, and music at the world-renowned Belkin Art Gallery, right across from the Rose Garden. The art this year includes cutting-edge sculpture, photography and mixed media. Enjoy a sober night of artistic introspection before a weekend of inevitable boozing • Belkin Art Gallery, 7pm-10pm, more info at

CORRECTION In our August 26th issue, we ran the story “Hysterically Innaccurate” without a byline. All credit for the article goes to Miranda Martini, Comics Columnist for the Culture section. The Ubyssey regrets this error. To read the article in full, visit hysterically-inaccurate.

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editor ARSHY MANN » associate VACANT

AMS to ask for $24 fee increase Referendum would also tie student fees to inflation ian turner “A toonie a month” is the Alma Mater Society executive’s fee levy pitch. At the last council meeting, VP Academic Ben Cappellacci and VP Finance Elin Tayyar presented councillors with a proposal to hold a referendum; it would have motions to tie the AMS’s current fees to inflation, raise the current student levy by $24 to $110, and change select by-laws. “The referendum is to make sure that our core function as a student government is not reliant on how well our businesses do, because [they] go up and down,” said AMS President Bijan Ahmadian. “We need to make sure our society is financially sustainable for the next hundred years.” The largest portion of the $24 increase would be for the general fee, which would be raised from $12.50 to $19.50. The $7 general fee increase would go to a variety of onetime and long-term projects, including the construction of a new computer system for the Human Resources department, funding the communications department and a general reserve to ensure the long-term

The AMS argues the $24 fee increase amounts to giving up a cup of coffee every month. Geoff Lister/The Ubyssey

viability of the AMS’s core services, such as AMS Tutoring and the resource groups. The next-largest increases would be $3 for the creation of a club benefit fund, and $3 for a legal department fund. Other AMS fees included increases for the ombuds office, resource groups, lobby budget, childcare and sustainability initiatives. $1 increases to the $3 CiTR fee and $5 Ubyssey fee were also in the levy proposal. The Ubyssey has since decided to withdraw from the fee levy.

The executive opted to lump multiple proposed fee increases together, fearing students would vote down too many of the desired fee increases if they were listed separately. Concerns have already been raised about the wisdom of this decision. “I t h in k it’s a rea l ly bad idea to lump them all together,” said UBC Insiders editor Andrew Carne. “People might vote no because they don’t like one thing in there. Also, it’s like trying to push t hrough things that you aren’t so sure

are going to pass without lumping them together.” For any proposals in the referendum to pass, eight per cent of UBC students must vote yes and there must be more yes votes than no votes. The majority of AMS councillors have voiced support for tying student levies to CPI. “Tying [the fee] to inflation is really a very sensible thing to do. In future we shouldn’t have to have a specific fee increase because the fee will always remain at the same value,” said Carne. The executive also proposed a question that would change the time that AMS executives assume office. Under the proposal, the outgoing and incoming executive team transitions would take place on May 1st, which would lengthen the current executives’ terms by three months. Right now, the transition occurs in mid-February. According to Ahmadian, all other Canadian university student societies transition in May. Council did not yet vote on whether or not to hold the referendum at the last council meeting. This is because, as per AMS by-laws, once council votes to hold a referendum, the referendum must be held within 10-30 days. Instead, councillors granted the executive the power to hire a referendum promoter. U

NEWS BRIEFS AUS operating without budget On September 2, AMS VP Finance Elin Tayyar froze the accounts of the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) after it was discovered that the AUS was spending money without a budget. Tayyar unfroze their accounts with the expectation that a September budget will be submitted as soon as possible. The AUS Executive has called a meeting for Thursday, September 9 at 5:30 in MASS so that the September budget can be debated by AUS Council. AMS installs water purifying machines in SUB Two new water filtration devices were installed in the SUB—one on the main floor, and the other in the basement—on September 3. The water, purported to be clean enough to use on medical equipment, is free to all students. Purchase and installation of these machines cost a total of $20,000. Record enrolment at UBC Okanagan There will be 1882 new undergraduates at UBC Okanagan this year, 22 per cent increase. Overall, student numbers at UBC Okanagan have doubled since its inception six years ago, to 7004 currently. The number of graduate students is also at a record high, increasing by 20 per cent to 531 this year. Enrolment rates at the Vancouver campus have experienced a minimal decline.

BC leaves students out of the loop on land use Province grants UNA—but not AMS—a seat on oversight committee Arshy mann The province has ordered the creation of a committee that will help guide the long-term future of UBC—and students don’t have a seat at the table. Ben Stewart, the Minister of Community and Rural Development who was granted jurisdiction over land use policy at UBC after the passage of Bill 20 this summer, has issued an order that outlines which groups must be consulted with regards to upcoming amendments to the land use plan. These include the University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA), the University Endowment Lands, and the Musqueam First Nation. Neither the Alma Mater Society (AMS) nor students are explicitly mentioned. Stewart also called for a public hearing to be held before any land use amendments can be proposed to the province. In the order, he specified that the UBC Board of Governors will need to create a committee to oversee this hearing, which will include two members appointed by the board, the Chair of the UNA,

two senior UBC officials, and two external professional planners. AMS President Bijan Ahmadian was not worried that the AMS was not explicitly asked to sit on this committee. “We are not losing influence by not being on this committee because this is not an administrative committee,” said Ahmadian. “[It] is responsible for making sure the university practices best practices when it comes to consultation. “The AMS is constantly consulted with. Would it have been nice to have more students? Yes, it’s always nicer—but I feel confident that we are not losing any influence,” he said. UBC VP External Stephen Owen was similarly untroubled by the lack of student representation. He argued that since students sit on the Board of Governors, their interests are being represented by the board. “[The students] probably pull more weight than any group [on the board] other than faculty,” he said. Owen also claimed that there is a possibility that one of the two board-appointed members will be a student.

“The committee that is created to conduct the public hearing will be a board-appointed committee and I would look to see at least one student appointed on that.” When asked why the Chair of the UNA was guaranteed a place on the committee, Owen speculated it was because they did not have any members that sat on the Board of Governors, which Ahmadian also echoed. In addition, Owen said t hat many are full-time residents who have unique concerns that need to be addressed. “Many of them are owners as well with private property interests, so they’re a group that is immensely important to the university and I think the government is just reflecting that,” he said. Mike Feeley, the Chair of the UNA Board, believed that it is integral that the UNA be a part of the decision making process. “I think it’s very important that the neighbourhood association be on [the committee],” said Feeley. “The role we need to play here is the role of municipal government in what would happen for a land-use plan.”

He also argued that students were part ia l ly represented through the UNA itself. “I would say that the UNA board represents students,” he said. “Students are represented on the board and 15 per cent of households have a student in them. “Our communit y was designed to include students.” AMS Interests Despite the fact that it is not one of the groups required to be consulted, Ben Cappellacci, AMS VP Academic and University Affairs, said the AMS intends to fully participate in the discussions around amending the land use plan. According to Cappellacci, the AMS has five priorities for the upcoming stages: maintaining the UBC Farm, keeping Gage South—the area where the bus loop now sits—and University Boulevard student-oriented, higher density building and ensuring that sufficient land is allocated to house 50 per cent of UBC students on campus. O n S e p t e m b e r 15, t h e AMS executive will present a

finalized document based upon these five principles to Council. This document will guide all future lobbying efforts towards the land use plan. “It reflects a different stance on lobbying,” said Cappellacci of the prospective document. “It’s more open-ended in the sense that we’re willing to work to figure things out as opposed to pushing directions down people’s throats.” Concerns Electoral Area A Director Maria Harris, who represents UBC on the Metro Van board, expressed some concern over the way the changes in the land use plan are being made. “I really have a concern that the same group that is the developer, is running the consultation process and is reporting on it,” she said. “And that’s would be the university. “I think there’s an awful lot of concentration there where the university both runs the consultation and reports on it and I don’t feel very comfortable with that kind of a format.” U

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14-storey tower to be built next to Fairview Crescent

Can fish reveal the secrets of climate change?

The stickleback fish adapts only to the cold. courtesy of rowan barrett

ngaio Hotte Contributor

Fairview residents will be welcoming a new, very tall neighbour this winter. David Elop/The Ubyssey

Arshy Mann Over the summer, UBC rushed through plans to build a 14-storey market housing tower on the corner of Wesbrook and Agronomy Rd, in front of Fairview Crescent student residence. UBC’s elected student representatives claim they were not aware of the proposed tower until it was too late. “We’re not happy, to be honest with you,” said Ben Cappellacci, the AMS’s VP Academic. “There was no consultation period that we were aware of that we could have gone to.” Although an open house was held for the East Campus development on July 21, neither the AMS or any major campus media outlets, including The Ubyssey, were made aware of this event. Cappellacci said that he found out about this project well after the open house had passed, despite the fact that land use issues fall under his portfolio. The AMS has expressed their concerns about the process to the university. “Considering that a lot of good consultation has happened in the past, the fact that [they] slipped up was a bit confusing to me,” Cappellacci said. “I’m not sure why that happened.” However, UBC Campus and Community Planning (C+CP),

which is in charge of development, believed that adequate consultation was undertaken. “The development permit application came in a few months ago and has been going through the normal process of being vetted by our advisory bodies,” said Karen Russell, the Manager of Development at C+CP. “We have a regular [email] circulation list which goes through the campus community,” she said. “Also, current projects are always listed on our website when we have the full set of plans and the actual application.” Russell further emphasized that for C+CP, “public consultation is a really critical part of the process.” She did, however, concede that holding the open house in the summer made it difficult for many people, especially students, to attend. “Since it’s the summertime, a lot of people are away,” she said. According to Russell, consultations were held then in order to speed up the building process. “We respond to applications as they come in,” she said. “The developer in this case was Polygon and they were interested in moving the development as quickly as possible.” When asked about the turnout for the public house, Russell replied that “it was very good, actually.”

According to the public open house summary put together by C+CP, 25 people signed in at the event. Five were staff, two were emeritus, two were from the University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA), three were alumni, six were facult y and seven had no association. Three feedback forms were filled out and submitted by attendees. UNA Chair Mike Feeley said that his residents weren’t expressing concern about t he consultation process for this project. “It’s not something that I received complaints or concerns about,” he said. “I think there’s general awareness that there’s going to be more development, and I’m generally in support of UBC using the land for highdensity buildings.” The UNA first heard about the development on July 8, two weeks before the open house. In response to an editorial on the The Ubyssey’s website about the proposed tower, former AMS President Blake Frederick expressed his concern that average UBC students weren’t given adequate notice of this plan. “When the people who are in the know such as the media and student government types don’t know about your consultation process, you can be sure that no one else will either,” he said. U

Prof. Profile: Caron, Canada’s man in Asia Yooji Cummings Contributor An olive-drab Huey roars over the thick jungles of Vietnam, following the course of the Perfume River. Machine guns chatter below. Onboard the helicopter, Joseph Caron, fresh out of university, holds on for dear life. Days like these made Caron, UBC’s newest faculty member, fall in love with a career in Canada’s Foreign Service. Caron joined UBC’s Institute of Asian Research this July as an Honorary Research Associate. A native of a small francophone town in Ontario, he was raised on a farm but left for a life of international adventure, joining the Department of Foreign Affairs in 1972. Caron has been posted in nations all across Asia, from Turkey to Vietnam, and has served as Canada’s ambassador to Japan, China, and India. Caron’s

breadth of experiences makes him arguably one of Canada’s foremost experts on CanadaAsia relations. “[It was] a tremendous thrill being the representative of Canada,” said Caron, adding that being an ambassador offered a front row seat to a country’s society and the true face of a nation. As ambassador, Caron had rare opportunities to meet with kings, emperors and presidents of many Asian nations. Upon entering service, Caron would present his official credentials to a head of state in a grandiose presentation ceremony. He is especially proud of his meeting with the Emperor of Japan, with whom he was able to converse in Japanese. Mr. Caron recalled the excitement of becoming Canada’s ambassador to China. “I’ll never forget presenting to President Jiang Zemin of China,” said Caron. “They pick

you up at the embassy, police stop all the cars and you drive up Chang-an to the Great Hall of the People.” Caron said however that the job was not all pomp and splendour. The day-to-day activities of an ambassador include interacting with the host country, representing Canadian views and ensuring the interests of Canada are being managed and moved forward. Regardless, Caron said that he was always proud to represent his country. “You’re the Canada guy, and that’s really fulfilling.” Caron retired from government earlier this summer and is pursuing his interests in public speaking, consulting and teaching. In this new role, he can share his wisdom with new and old students alike. “Be conscious. Be aware of what a great institution, and city, and country you live in.” U

Climate change may prove to be a big deal for even the tiniest of fish. UBC researchers have discovered that the petite stickleback fish can evolve rapidly to deal with a changing climate, but that adaptation carries a serious cost to the population. The study, which took place at UBC’s experimental ponds, showed that although these fish evolved to survive colder temperatures, the overall populations shrank because only the hardiest of fish from each generation survived. “While previous studies have examined the speed of evolution of fruit flies and bacteria in a laboratory, this study is the first of its kind to examine the evolution of fish in a natural environment,” explained Rowan Barrett, a Ph.D. student in Zoology. Barrett and his colleagues from Calgary, Switzerland and Sweden captured a number of stickleback fish from their home in the ocean, which has a consistent year-round temperature, and moved them to the freshwater research ponds, where temperature varies by season. Three generations of the fish that were studied were allowed

to reproduce and their young were tested the following year. While none of the fish were able to survive in warmer waters, the third generation was active in a colder climate than their great-grandparents. The results are troubling for climate change research: not only did the fish show no sign of adapting to a warmer climate, the fourth generation completely died off. Barrett said that the collapse could have been caused by an especially cold spell or by genetic complications that happen when a population shrinks suddenly. “When a group of individuals is exposed to a new, colder extreme, t he individuals that possess the genes that create cold tolerance survive and the ones that don’t die off,” explained Barrett. Barrett said that even though one species can survive a cooling climate, others may not fare as well. And in nature, each species depends on others to survive. If the fishes’ prey can’t adapt as quickly and are killed off or become scarce, the fish will starve. Presently it’s impossible to predict how climate change will affect other species upon which the fish depend. U

AMS hopes FirstWeek frosh kits will be a hit Trevor Record The AMS is taking a new approach to Firstweek, with events they claim are aimed at all students rather than incoming firstyears and an expanded Frosh kit which costs over double last year’s price. The AMS VIP Frosh Kit is priced at $45, in contrast to $20 last year. AMS Firstweek Coordinator Eric Wallace-Deering explained the increase as being due to an expanded kit. Last year, the Frosh Kit only came with a wrist band to give students free entry into select events. “An advantage this year is that, unlike last year, the package doesn’t just get you into your events. It also comes with products.” The AMS-branded package comes in a reusable cloth grocery bag, and, in addition to the wrist band, includes a reusable water bottle, a blanket, neon sunglasses, download cards from HMV, the AMS Insider booklet, a pen and sticky notes. The AMS had sold 400 of the packages as of Friday-half of their goal of 800, compared to

the 600 Frosh packages sold by the end of last year. “We’re confident that we’ll meet our sales goal,” said Wallace-Deering last Friday. “Even though the Frosh kits are more expensive [than they were last year], we’ve actually sold more than we had [by this point last year].” Wallace-Deering said that t he AMS believes sales will remain steady this year due to a slower drop-off in sales as the week progresses and a more aggressive advertising campaign begins. In order to get more exposure for the kit, AMS promotional materials have gone out to UBC Gala and UBC Jumpstart, in addition to undergraduate societies. There are eight events which are free and one which is discounted wit h t he Frosh Kit wristband, in addition to several events which are free to all students. This year, more events will be aimed at older students. “By having UBC Storms the Farmer’s Market and the UBC Big Night Out at the Belkin Art Gallery…what we’re doing is trying to make Firstweek about the first week at UBC, not just for first years,” said Wallace-Deering. U

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editor ARSHY MANN » associate VACANT

McGill University bans all bicycling on campus Lendon Ebbels The McGill Daily (CUP)—McGill graduate student Chuk Plante is less than thrilled with the university’s new protocol requiring cyclists to dismount while they travel across campus. Implemented on May 28, the rule was devised to prioritize pedestrian use of the campus and their safety. “It’s not an anti-bike policy, so much as an overly-reactive safety policy,” said Plante. “It assumes pedestrians are pretty dumb, and cyclists are pretty careless.” The change is part of McGill’s plan to update infrastructure and make the campus a greener and safer space for pedestrians. The administration says there have been numerous accidents involving cyclists over the years. “The reason for ma k i n g the lower campus a walk-bike zone should be readily apparent: thousands of pedestrians cross McGill’s downtown campus every day, sometimes—especially when classes change— in substantial numbers,” a preliminary document about the new transportation protocol explained. “Mounted bicycles are incompatible with pedestrian safety.” “We want to bring people off of the sidewalks,” said Jim Nicell, a

If you’re visiting McGill, be careful where you park your bike. Courtesy of the McGill Daily

university vice-president. “The idea is to give them more social space.” Nicell says the university doesn’t think it’s a big deal for cyclists to dismount and walk. “I think a lot of us feel that it’s not a huge compromise,” Nicell said. “To the cyclists, we’re offering them as many parking spots as we can physically fit

on the campus. We try to make sure they’re as safe and secure locations as possible. And we’re asking them, as well, to walk the reasonable distance to wherever they’re going.” Plante believes the university is unnecessarily antagonizing students. “The policy makes it seem like the administration is very

out of touch,” said Plante. “As long as it’s in place, [students will] interact with the administration every day in a negative way.” In addition to the ban on cycling, deliveries are now restricted to the hours between 7am and 11am, parking permits for about 150 vehicles have been transferred elsewhere and one of the

UVic hops into more rabbit drama Be vewy, vewy quiet...the university is hunting wabbits Danielle pope Western Bureau Chief (The Martlet)—UVic is gearing up for another rabbit capture after efforts earlier this year reduced the population by only a few hundred. The university now has two more trappings scheduled for the coming weeks, in an effort to reduce the population of rabbits by about 500. The long-term management plan aims to lower the numbers from 1600 to 200, with the remaining 200 sanctioned for living in restricted zones within Ring Road. “Our plan right now is to create rabbit-free zones,” said Tom Smith, executive director of UVic Facilities Management. “While we were able to reduce the population over the summer, there were many more bunnies born this season, so it’s hard to tell where we’re sitting now.” At the end of August, the university trapped 69 rabbits that were sent to different sanctuaries on and around Vancouver Island, and another 40 that were sent to a Texas facility. Currently, there is space for close to 400 more rabbits on the Island, and nearly 1000 in Texas. Back in May, UVic euthanized 104 rabbits in the sports field areas—a particularly contentious zone. The cull ended via an injunction in July, however, after animal rights activist Roslyn Cassells and others took the

It’s bunny hunting season at the University of Victoria. Look out UBC squirrels. Courtesy of the Martlet

university to court, where UVic was ordered to cease fire against the four-legged creatures. UVic appealed the decision and one month later the injunction was lifted, allowing facilities management to humanely trap the critters. Smith says that until a further plan is developed, facilities management intends on following court orders, and will release all captured rabbits to sanctuaries so long as there is room. Meanwhile, the university only just disposed of the original 104 carcasses in the first week of September, as the poison injected into the bodies would be harmful for other creatures that could consume the remnants,

and officials were unsure of the best method for clearance. The carcasses were taken to the Capital Regional District landfill, where a deep hole was dug and the bodies were covered under a few feet of debris. Cassells says she has not been pleased with the university’s actions overall, but hopes UVic will stay true to its word when it comes to finding homes for the evicted rabbits. “When it comes to marginalized communities, and this includes animals, people need to stand up for those who don’t have voices for themselves,” she says. “This has been an ethical issue from the beginning.” Currently, all trapped rabbits have been placed in permitted

sanctuaries approved by the BC Ministry of Environment. The rabbits must be spayed or neutered, and be supplied with a large outdoor pen. The ministry keeps surveillance over the creatures for up to 10 years. Smith says the university plans on taking a break from the rabbit issue while school is in session, and will resume the captures come November. “We might revise our plan of action if new and better ideas spring up,” said Smith, who adds that many wouldn’t mind seeing all the rabbits find new homes. “As long as there are rabbits at UVic, people will just continue to drop more [unwanted pets] off here, and we’ll be faced with this ongoing problem.” U

university’s main streets is now completely car-free. While Plante intends to obey the dismount request, he says others often speed past security guards. On Aug. 27, he witnessed two cyclists on campus attempt to steal a “Dismount Your Bike” sign before the guard was able to retrieve it. Nicell concedes the change can seem harsh at late hours when there are virtually no pedestrians. As the semester begins, the university may look to reduce the hours during which cyclists must dismount to peak times, he says. “From a long-term sustainability viewpoint, we need to figure out how we’re going to work with cyclists and put them into the mix with pedestrians,” he said. “We’re trying to find that middle ground...and in this case, compromise on the ability of cyclists to pass through the campus.” Further concerns have been raised about lack of consultation before the protocol’s implementation. Nicell says that this was not the case, citing weekly planning sessions and presentations made last year. The administration is holding a forum for cyclists and other interested parties on Sept. 23, but some think it’s coming too late. “They probably should have involved people before it was implemented,” Plante said. U

National BRIEFS SFU CRIMINOLOGIST ALLEGES THREATS From RCMP SFU’s Criminology Director Robert Gordon alleged that RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass tried to silence him by threatening to cut funding for the department, which is partly funded by the RCMP. According to Gordon, Bass’ threat was a response to Gordon’s open criticism of the way the force handled the investigation of serial killer Robert Pickton’s casett. Several people have come forward deeming Bass’ statements “inappropriate” and “unethical.” Bass has since spoken to media, stating that his comments concerning Gordon’s criticism were in no way intended to be a threat and that the RCMP will not be pulling financial support from SFU. student beats bus in race to langley The Kwantlen Student Association proved that it is faster to run or bike than take the bus between the university’s two campuses. Distance runner David Palermo raced against the bus on Wednesday and completed the 19-kilometer distance with a 13-minute lead. This staged competition was set up in order to showcase the need for an express bus between Kwantlen’s Surrey and Langley locations. TransLink has since stated that due to lack of funds it will not be adding an express shuttle. “The best solution available right now is to adjust the timing of the buses,” said TransLink’s spokesperson, Ken Hardie.


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U-Pass price tag to rise In June, the provincial government announced that the UPass would become available to all publicly funded schools in BC beginning in 2011–2012, reaching a total of 439,000 students. The provincial U-Pass will initially cost $30 per month for everyone attending post-secondary institutions in Metro

Vancouver, and will increase to $35 per month on April 1, 2013. At UBC, an AMS referendum will be held this winter to accept the higher fee, which would be implemented in September 2011 if passed. Langara College and Capilano University students, who had previously paid $35 for their U-Pass, will be paying the reduced $30 fee starting this month.

The program has already met with some resistance in areas with reduced transit coverage. Kwantlen University students staged a race between a cyclist, runner, and transit user moving between their Surrey and Langley campuses this month. The transit user arrived last after missing a transfer, following the runner by 13 minutes.

New & Old faces at UBC Toope Reappointed Following a consultation process, the Board of Governors reappointed Stephen Toope to another five-year as president of UBC. Toope originally took office in 2006, and becomes the third straight president to be reappointed for a second term. His rehiring was not peculiar in the slightest. Bill 20 clarifies land use The province announced that it will clarify the land-use rights of the UBC endowment lands with Bill 20, which is currently in its first reading. The legislation came in response to a proposal by Metro Vancouver which would regulate use of academic land on campus. It follows Bill 13, which gave UBC the right to hold additional jurisdiction over campus, such as issuing parking fines.

UBC Okanagan doubles in size This June, UBC purchased 256 acres of farm land adjacent to the UBC-Okanangan campus, doubling the size of the Kelowna campus. The land was bought from the City of Kelowna for $8.78 million. The announcement came just t wo weeks before the five-year anniversary of UBC-O, which was formerly known as Okanagan University College.

The faculties of Forestry and Arts choose UBC professor John Innes and ethnomusicologist Gage Averill to lead their respective faculties. Bill Levine replaced Brad Bennett as the chair of the UBC Board of Governors last June. Formerly serving on the dean’s advisory committee as a member for Sauder and chair for Arts, one of his first acts was to reappoint UBC President Stephen Toope.

Where: The SUB Food Court. You: the guy who buys lo mein and a spring roll for lunch EVERY DAY. Me: the girl with the stack of histology textbooks. Come over to my place, and we’ll cook something they don’t serve under a heat lamp.

jonny wakefield & bryce warnes


SUB Architec t selec tion

After two years of negotiation, the AMS and UBC administration came to an agreement on the new Student Union Building. The project will cost $103 million, $25 million of which will be paid by the university. The remainder will be paid by the AMS, which will take out a $65.9 million loan from the university to pay for the project. The new SUB is scheduled to be completed September 30, 2014.

HBBH + BH, a partnership between Vancouver-based Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden and B + H A rchitect s, were chosen by the AMS to design the new Student Union Building. They will be engaging with students through design cha ret tes, a “desig n cube‚“ w h ic h i s u n de r c on s t r uc tion in the current SUB and through their web site,

New Deans, Chair Selected


Visit for the online I Saw UBC submission form. Select submissions will run Thursdays on the front page of the Culture section. Additional I saw you submissions will run at

SUB Agreement

Want to volunteer? Come to our staff meeting at 2pm on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 in SUB 24.

AMS Budget stalled The $15 million AMS Budget was stalled for a month before finally being passed, largely unchanged, in August. The budget had been criticized due to concerns over a lack of budget for Block Party, the year-end concert which lost over $100,000 last year. Councillors also took issue with increases in discretionary funds to council and executives.

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editorS BRYCE WARNES & JONNY WAKEFIELD » associate anna Zoria »

Wool, cotton, polyester, suede—coats! It’s like a purse, but you’re wearing it!

Kristen Harris & D a n i ella Z a n d b e rgen Contributors

Fashion Files Fall is almost upon us, and soon everybody will be walking to their first classes. If only for one day, we will live in a world of crisp paper, squeaky new shoes and witt y professors. We will laugh with friends (lounging in t rendy shor t s a nd tank tops) on the sunny grassy knoll, just like that picture in the glossy UBC admissions brochure. In our absence, w e’v e forg ot t e n that reality and brochures are like oil and water: this is Vancouver, and the winter semester is fraught with rain, sleet, and other forms of liquid more varied than you could ever imagine. Thus, our first article of the 2010 school year focuses on an under-appreciated item on the back-to-school list: the winter coat. Here are some reasons why a winter coat is necessary: 1. Having a hood on your coat liberates you from being part of an umbrella-toting mass constantly swiping each other in the face with rusty umbrella prongs. Save your eyeballs for squinting at textbooks in the dank Koerner dungeon.

Military Coats M i l it a r y s t yle c oat s a r e bu l k y but a re excel lent for s t ora g e, a n d p e o pl e h a v e been using t hem in miserable weather for decades without much change in the design. Eit her t hese people are really stubborn, or they are on to something. Plus, they are cheap and easy to find in practically every price range, as they are kind of trendy right now. Pea Coat These are also technically military coats, but designed particularly for sailors, who know best how to brave t he elements. If you go for a pea coat, make sure it is made of good heavy All your coats are belong to us. david elop photo illustration /the ubyssey wool—not only does it wick away water, but you will almost never feel the wind. One way to go about shop2. Big pockets=storage space. Maybe all this talk of rain ping for a winter coat is to err It’s like a purse, but you’re wearand military apparel sounds on the side of practicality. Few ing it! dangerously practical. But we will care about fashion in the 3. A hoodie will not suffice. The assure you that you can still pouring rain, and it’s good to bus loop is cleverly designed spend piles of money on frivhave one super-coat that can to be far from everything, and olous accessories t hat w i l l get you through anything, and without enough cover. make you look like your goal these are two coats that will do 4. When it’s not raining, it’s when getting dressed is not the job. freaking cold. warmth. U

A master DJ, and a diploma to prove it

UBC alumnus Timothy Wisdom combines hip hop and computer science Flora wu Contributor Timothy Wisdom, also known as DJ Wisdom, received his Masters in Computer Science with a thesis that “merged [his] love of DJ-ing with [his] love of computer science.” But he didn’t expect to go pro after graduating—at least not as a DJ. For Wisdom, the story began at age eleven, when he chanced upon a tourist’s tape of DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince. Growing up in the remote backwoods of Newfoundland, such encounters with rap music were unlikely. But that tape sparked a passion within Wisdom. After three years of research and saving money he purchased his first set of turntables and began channelling a passion to create rap music. Using recorded videos of w and an old Supremes record, Wisdom first learned the art of scratching. When he progressed to mixing in his own lyrics over looped beats, he first created his own “homemade hip hop”. Nearing the end of high school, Wisdom fell out of producing music, only to pursue it once more throughout his undergraduate years at Acadia University. Upon graduation, Wisdom wound up at UBC’s Department of Computer Science, where he was inspired to explore the possibility of scratching digital music, as opposed to records.

Through studying computer science and electrical engineering, Wisdom delved into the science of haptics and tactile feedback which in turn led him to invent `D’Groove.’ The “D” stands for Digital, as in the world’s first digital force-feedback turntable. Unfortunately, a number of companies experimenting with similar digital possibilities meant a race against time for Wisdom, as he delayed graduation attempting to market his idea. Wisdom eventually decided to focus on graduating instead, and after completing his degree in 2003, chose to pursue professional DJ-ing. Sharing homemade hip hop with the world, Wisdom is constantly inspired by the “phenomwenal talent” found amongst the West Coast underground music scene and driven by the magic of live interaction with audiences. Spending his winters producing, Wisdom continually seeks to amplify the entertainment value of his performances by mixing in multiple musical genres and theatrical elements. Just as Wisdom was inspired by DJ Jazzy Jeff & the Fresh Prince, he shares a little of his own wisdom for aspiring DJs: keep moving forward. The formula for success is infinite. U For more information on DJ Wisdom, visit

Recipe with Eunice Hii I’m in this’s purely for pleasure. When I’m feeling emotional or just in need of nourishment, I turn to it. Sometimes it’s to satisfy a deep hunger and other times I’m in it because there is nothing better to do. I have a passionate relationship with food. When was the last time you had a meal that sent you over the moon? When was the last time that you made a meal from scratch? If you a nswered “I ca n’t remember,” to eit her of the above, join me. Once a month, I will be sharing a recipe that I’ve tried and stamped with the sexy gold star of approval. I’ve set some ground rules for these recipes. This column will only include recipes that are: 1. To-die-for-good. You’re the judge...which means you may actually have to step into the kitchen. 2. Healthy. 3. Easy to cook in a cramped Gage kitchen. This recipe is modified from one found in The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone.

Crunchy Peanut Butter Cups Better than Hershey makes them and better for you. Makes 12 muffin-sized cups, but I prefer to make 24 mini ones. INGREDIENTS

1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup crunchy peanut butter 3 /4 cup graham cracker crumbs 1/4 cup sugar 1 c u p c h o c o l a te c h i p s (semi-sweetened) 1/4 cup milk (try soy milk if you want a nuttier taste) 1/4 cup chopped pecans/almonds/walnuts (optional) INSTRUCTIONS 1. Line muffin tin with paper liners. 2. Melt butter in small saucepan over medium heat. 3. Stir in peanut butter, graham crumbs, sugar, and mix well. Remove from heat. 4. Divide mixture: 2 tbsp for muffin size and 1 tbsp for mini. 5. Combine chocolate chips and milk in another pan. Stir over medium heat ‘til chocolate melts (tip: use a small whisk to make sure there are no clumps) 6. Spoon chocolate over peanut butter mixture. Top with chopped nuts. 7. Place in fridge for at least two hours prior to serving.

Photo courtesy of dj wisdom

You’ll be in and out of the kitchen within half an hour. It’s that easy. U

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The quest for UBC’s finest cappuccino Food with Kait bolongaro UBC is home to more than ten cafes, including at least three Starbucks. Multinational corporations facing ethical issues aside, there are three coffee establishments unique to campus: the Boulevard, Blue Chip Cookies and the Beanery. Which produces t he best brew? In particular, the perfect cappuccinos for that required AM jolt? This is a challenge I put forward to three unsuspecting targets. To maintain an even playing field, each cappuccino ordered was small size, made with skim milk, and evaluated on taste, foam quality, price and the promptness of delivery. A short history of the cappuccino: This mixture of espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam was first developed in Italy in 1901, and has grown in popularity in North America since the introduction of designer coffee joints twenty years ago. While enjoyed throughout the day on this continent, cappuccino is traditionally sipped before 11am in its homeland. There are also two distinct types: cappuccino chiaro (light), featuring more milk, and cappuccino scuro (dark), calling for more espresso. Now that we have some background, let’s continue on our quest. The Boulevard Located at 5970 University Boulevard, The Boulevard is a UBC attempt at a Parisian sidewalk cafe. The barista was friendly,

slightly watery, and dissolved into the liquid component quickly. As expected with a cappuccino chiaro, the aftertaste was milder, though this did not redeem the drink. The Beanery The Beanery can be found at 2707 Tennis Crescent, and is home to the most traditional coffee house atmosphere and my favourite for ambience. The Beanery was the most time-conscious, coming in at just under three minutes, as well as the most affordable, at $2.99. The cappuccino was well balanced; an excellent mix of espresso and hot milk, meaning it had a smoother taste than the previous subjects. The foam was light, but too watery, diffusing quickly. The aftertaste was subtle, especially when followed with the complimentary chocolate-covered almonds served with each purchase. They were definitely a nice touch.

What a waste of caffeine. Brendan albano Photo Illustration/The Ubyssey

but procrastinated during production, resulting in a seven minute waiting period—only to have it remade when another customer, who ordered decaf, walked off with mine. The barista clocked in at three minutes the second time. A strange phenomenon indeed. The beverage itself was on the darker side, with a strong espresso taste. The

pinnacle of this concoction was the foam, which had the exact melt-in-your mouth texture essential to any exceptional cappuccino. My only criticism was the lingering, bitter aftertaste. All in all, worth the $3.75. Blue Chip Cookies Located in the SUB, Blue Chip’s target customer base is more

hurried. The staff was efficient— keeping production time at three minutes­— and the coffee was well-priced at $3.25. However, the product was lacking. A patron, Monique, commented that her cappuccino was slightly burnt. The blend was light and milky, perhaps intentionally in order to dilute the overdone espresso. The froth was

What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment? For one thing, a cappuccino on campus should not take more than three minutes for production. Also, if you’re in a rush, Blue Chip Cookie is your best option, especially if you appreciate a well done brew. The Beanery is an excellent choice for its atmosphere and price, and those new to cappuccinos might appreciate its milder blend. However, due to its exceptional foam and rich taste, the Boulevard is home to the best cappuccino at UBC. U

Artistic sustainable sustenance in the heart of Vancouver Cynthia Chou Contributor As a member of the Farm Folk City Folk Society, photojournalist Brian Harris documents the social impact that food production has on Vancouver. So while his Home Grown exhibition at the Museum of Vancouver focuses on our local urbanfarming movement, this show is about much more than growing veggies. “People living in t he cit y are in a very artificial environment,” he explains. “They are isolated from one another. Farming connects you with your neig hbors a nd bui lds community.” One of his works serves as an example: a photograph of a farming community performing a contra dance to celebrate a harvest. The dancers look joyous and stress-free—a contrast to the busy steel-and-glass city dwellers of downtown.

Yet this photograph was taken only miles away in the city of Abbotsford. The exhibit reveals image after image of ordinary men, women and children raising their own food. Backyard farms, grocery stores selling local produce and community gardens are just some of the scenes demonstrating changes taking place within our communities. One of Harris’ photos depicts the harvest of a chicken in a Vancouver Island slaughterhouse. While some may be shocked by the image, Harris notes that “people need to see t his. They don’t understand that in order to enjoy meat, the animal has to first be killed.” Another piece shows a local senior working in the greenhouse he built in his backyard, reusing discarded materials. “This just proves that it is possible for anyone to grow their own garden,” says Harris, “as long as you’re passionate about it.” U

A sample of works on display at the museum. Brian Harris photos/courtesy of Museum of Vancouver

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editor IAN TURNER »

T-Birds crash to reality in homeopener Alberta defeats UBC with 21 unanswered points in the third DRAKE FENTON CONTRIBUTOR On Saturday the Thunderbirds football team hosted the Alberta Golden Bears to kick off the beginning of their CIS seasons. UBC lost 36–28, but their performance inspired hope for the 940 faithful fans at Thunderbird Stadium. “We need to improve in a couple of areas. We left some plays on the field. We left things too late in the game. Like in the first and third quarter, we weren’t really doing what we should have been offensively and taking advantage of what they weren’t taking care of,” UBC head coach Shawn Olson said. Olson was probably referring to the fact that Alberta managed to scribble eight points on the scoreboard before UBC quarterback Billy Greene could connect with a receiver. Yet at the quarterback position, UBC did show some flashes of brilliancy. On one drive in the third quarter, Greene connected with high school teammate wide-reciever Spencer Betts for a 31– yard completion. On the next play, Greene was chased out of

UBC quarterback Billy Greene completed 19 of 37 passes in a losing effort Saturday. John Chiang/The Ubyssey

the pocket. On the run, Greene connected with Victor Marshall for a 44-yard completion. Marshall’s run placed UBC on the 2-yard line, but the Golden Bears kept UBC from converting. UBC did not kick for points, instead trying three times to crash into end zone. Even with only two big catches during the game, there were hints of a future strong on-field duo in Greene and Marshall. Marshall ran for 87 yards.

“He’s sick. When coach told me that he was coming, I was like, ‘Yeah, that helps a lot.’ You can kinda throw the call anywhere and then he’ll go up and get it,” Greene said. With all-star running back David Boyd out with a hamstring injury, Greene routinely had to rely on his feet, rather than his arm, to move the chains up the field. Proving to be a multi-threat quarterback, Greene ran the ball for 94 yards.

As the game continued the Bird’s offense proved to fans that the offense is made out of different feathers this year. Greene got the passing game in sync and started throwing the ball with ease and better consistency. “He’s exactly what you saw out there. He can make plays with his feet, with his arm. He’s smart. He works hard. He’s every t hing you’re looking for in a quarterback. He’s young, though, and young guys are

Women’s soccer: New coach has big shoes to fill IAN TURNER

Thunderbird Janine Frazao fights for the ball. Geoff Lister/The Ubyssey

When Dick Mosher ret ired as UBC women’s head coach, he left a legacy. In his fifteen years as the women’s coach, he’d won three national championships. Five times his team was crowned Canada’s western champions. Mark Rogers, who took over from Mosher, is aware of the legacy; Rogers played at UBC while Mosher coached here. But he’s not feeling the heat. “You only feel pressure if you don’t know what you’re doing. His son coached me here before I went and played in Europe. I’ve known Dick for a long time. I have tons of respect for him, but at the same time, I have to be confident in what I’m doing here,” Rogers said. His confidence is derived from his playing days. “I’m falling back on my experience here, with the national team, and in Europe,” he said. Rogers coached women at the provincial and national level. His time coaching women seems to make him attentive to his new players in practice. “I think he’s doing great. He’s really good at gauging how the players are doing. Like, he’ll ask for hard work, but maybe a shorter practice. We put the work in, and then get time off. Or if he’s seeing our legs—we need a break—then he’ll give

us a day off. But we know when it’s time to train, we come to train,” incoming transfer Megan Mavety said. Mavety is also pleased with her new digs: “The practices are intense. Everybody is competitive, which is really good. And all the players [are] really good— it’s a high level.” That competitive level will help the team reach their goal: a national championship. “Ultimately, we want to win nationals, but first of all, we want to win our first league game and our first road trip to Calgary. And then get to Can West and go from there,” veteran Natalie Hirayama said. Hirayama’s next-game mentality may be steeped in last year’s slow start. After winning only one of t heir first four games, they scraped into the playoffs by winning their final six matches, eventually qualified for national championships and finishing with a bronze medal. This year, they’ve had a lot of success in the preseason. On Thursday night, the women won their match against the Surrey United, 2-0. “I thought the game went really well cause Surrey is a really good team. They’re lots of older, more experienced players. So I think we just came out hard and worked well,” a panting Hirayama said, who scored both goals. U

going to make mistakes sometimes,” Olson said. The defence was a somewhat similar story. A remarkedly poor third quarter lead the blue and gold to give up 21 points, who were down one point entering the second half. “I got to digest it a little bit and I got to watch some film to see exactly where we were missing. We had a couple big plays on defence we would like to have back,” Olson said. Others were more blunt. “We were very disappointed... Frankly, our defense cost us the game. Our offence put up 28 points and that should be enough,” defensive back Chris Mark said. Next week, UBC has a tough match in the Praires. “Saskatchewan is a very good team, and we have to play them at their home opener,” defensive line Serge Kaminsky said. Still, in their first regular season game of the 2010, Olson was satisfied. “But I think our guys battled, and you know, that’s a start for us. They showed a lot of heart and they didn’t quit on all sides of the football. Not a disaster, let’s say,” he said. U



holes played to complete men’s and women’s golf tryouts.


million to buy naming rights for UBC’s track & field oval.


SFU transfer players played on Saturday for UBC football against Alberta.


margin by which UBC basketball lost to Minnesota on September 3.


current and former T-Birds who went to South America as part of Canada’s national women’s volleyball team.


athletics and recreation fee, which funds UBC’s varsity teams.


Firstweek is a great time to get involved on campus. Room 24 in the SUB basement is the best place to get involved in the student newspaper and wave bottles of Coke at disgruntled co-workers. justin mcelroy |


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UBC’s student-athlete council hopes to score points off the field Alice Hou Contributor A lt hou g h Em i ly Gra i n ger, Shawn Hetherington, Hanna Pierse and Cary Brett come from different sporting backgrounds, the four have one common goal: to represent varsity athletes as the executives of Thunderbird Athletic Council (TAC). The TAC is a committee which addresses the concerns of UBC’s varsity athletes. It’s no easy task for the four busy athletes. Take Pierse, for example. This year, she’ll captain the women’s swim team, coach younger swimmers, work for UBC Athletics and somehow manages to go to class, study and manage a social life. Incom i n g TAC President Grainger will face a similar grind: she’s an active volunteer in the community and a leader on the women’s ice hockey team, where she plays defense. For Grainger, sport is life. When she’s not on the ice, you can often find her teaching skating at the Thunderbird Arena, ziplining, skimboarding at Wreck Beach or cycling. As president, Grainger hopes to build upon last year’s foundation, which included fundraisers, social events and presented a scholarship to a deserving athlete. This year, Grainger has loftier goals in mind, however, because three of the four executives are returning. For one, she wants to get students in residences out to the home games. “The number one concern I see is the lack of fan support at all T-Bird home games,” she said. “Being a school of 40,000 plus students, I don’t see why

we’re not packing War Gym and our other venues for big games.” “Being an athlete, especially from such an unknown sport, I understand the importance of having support, whether wit is having sold out stands or financial support,” Pierce added. TAC Vice-President Hetherington agrees. Because the baseball season begins in the spring, his team is often overlooked by fans and media as exams and summer loom precariously ahead. “I really want to improve the relationship between the varsity community and the students at UBC,” he said. “I personally want to help this through events and organized evenings to bring people together.” The council will be working with the AMS and a UBC Athletics initiative, Blue Crew, to increase the sports presence on campus. In addition, the new Big Block Games program will allow each varsity team to choose their most important home game. TAC will then undertake special promotions to draw people to the game. “We are also looking into creating an official post-game headquarters, a place where student fans can meet after Thunderbird home games to share a few beers with friends,” said Grainger. The Thunderbird Athletics Council meets for an hour at a yet-to-be specified time each Monday in room 100 of War Gym, and each varsity team sends at least one or two representatives to every meeting. “That being said, the more the merrier—we love having extra people come to our meetings to see what we are all about,” Grainger added. U Those interested in attending should email Grainger at

Meet your Thunderbird Council executives. stephanie warren Photo Illustration/The Ubyssey

SFU transfers learning the Thunderbird Way Ian Turner When Simon Fraser University announced they would join the NCAA, an American athletic association, effective September 2010, their football players were in a bind: should they stay on Burnaby’s mountain and play in the NCAA, or would they play for a different Canadian university and stay in the CIS, Canada’s athletic association? In the end, four SFU players opted to go a little further west and join their cross-town rivals, UBC. Two of the four — defensive back Farhad Abi and linebacker Mark Bailey— were entering their fifth and final year of eligibility in the CIS, and thus were barred from playing in the NCAA, which only allows people to play for four years. Their decision was an easy one. “I wanted to stay in BC so it was UBC or nothing, and what was going to make my decision was if Coach Olson got the job. Originally, I don’t think he had any intentions for me to come to UBC. But he told me to come to Spring training camp anyway. I guess I impressed him,” Abi said. Like Bailey, Abi is a peculiar case: he represents UBC this

fall as a varsity athlete, but he’s a “visiting student” who will be back at SFU in January. “I prolonged my graduation to play my last year of eligibility. Just knowing Coach Olson’s character, and believing what he stands for—he’s really genuine. You know what, if he says he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it...And slowly but surely they happened,” he said, citing the turf field as an example. “He’s a man of his word. He believes in hard work. He doesn’t play favorites. And I believe in the same things he does.” If given t he opportunit y, would either Bailey or Abi have jumped at the chance to play NCAA ball? “The young guys were excited for the NCAA opportunity, and the older guys, I think, wanted to finish off their time in the CIS,” Abi said. Even t houg h he’s one of the veterans, Abi still thought “it would have been a really unique opportunity to play in the NCAA.” Following the veterans are two younger players, Victor Marshall and Nico Jacobs. They both came to a UBC, which only once outscored their opponents last year, because of their faith in Olson’s coaching ability.

“He just understands the game, as a player, as a coach. And I just felt he was really smart offensively. I’m a receiver. He likes to throw the ball, too,” Victor Marshall said, who came fourth in Canada West last year in receiving yards. “He’s a quarterback coach as well as the offensive coordinator. I spent a lot of time with him and got to know him well. I think we have a good relationship,” quarterback Nico Jacobs said, who red-shirted last year as a freshman. But Olson was hesitant to open the “flood gates” to SFU players: “I was also very sensitive to not bringing in, you know, 15 guys here. This is UBC football, and it shouldn’t be Simon Fraser football,” Olson said. And the former SFU offensive coordinator was mindful

of potential turf wars between his old boys and the T-Birds who are battling for starting positions on the field. “I really tried to just tried to address a few needs and talked to guys I knew at Simon Fraser and said, ‘Hey, you know, if you’re looking for a place to play, let’s sit down and figure out if this is a good situation for you.’ That was the other side of the equation. You know, I care about those players a lot, and I don’t want them coming over here just to sit on the bench. They all have aspirations,” Olson said. As for the initiation, these four are all lumped together by UBC’s returning players. As previous leaders at SFU, you could expect that Bailey or Abi may have a tough time “meshing” with the UBC boys, but according to Bailey, that’s not the case at all.

I was also very sensitive to not bringing in, you know, 15 guys here. This is UBC football, and it shouldn’t be Simon Fraser football. Shawn Olson UBC football head coach

“I’m coming from a program where I was actually the captain. And it’s like you’re one of the older guys and a starter. You’re the guy high on the ladder and you’re looking down. But now, you’re at the bottom of the ladder. It is what it is. And this is their program. And you have to respect what traditions they carry here. And I have no problem with singing a song or doing a dance or whatever it is. It’s not too humiliating. Everyone has to go through it. I think it’s just better. It creates more unity to let them know you’re willing to do the things that are going to help you mesh in,” Bailey said. And UBC players have been welcoming. “It’s been rea l ly ea s y t o come over. They understand that we’re Thunderbirds and not Clansmen anymore,” Jacobs said. But did the SFU transfers— or, in the case of Bailey and Abi, “loans”—have a problem with the notion that they’re now rookies? “It’s just getting over the pride and your ego,” said Bailey. “I’m just happy to be able to play football. You can only do this for so long. You just have to be happy with the situation you have. You know what, I picked this scenario.” U

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do you care? WRITE US A LETTER »

editorial Students need seats; AMS asleep at wheel Friends, romans, countrymen (and women), welcome back to UBC. You may have been gone enjoying the summer, but this campus‚ like rust‚ never sleeps. Decisions are always being made. Often they affect students. Often they marginalize students. And last month, two were made that stand out to us. First, UBC approved the immediate construction of a new 14-storey apartment at University Boulevard and Agronomy, right on the doorstep of the Fairview residences. You would think students would be consulted about this. They weren’t. The AMS said they only found out about the final meeting to approve construction the day it was happening. Second, the university began the long and arduous process of changing the land-use plan for the university. Since this is a massive change to zoning on campus, and a precursor for a larger battle over UBC’s long-term governance, it is critical that students be on the ground floor of these discussions. Again, they aren’t. On the board that will provide oversight to the consultation, there’s no seat for students. There’s a specific seat for the University Neighbourhoods Association, which represents permanent residents on campus. But students aren’t afforded that privilege. As far back as July, your student union didn’t even have a position on the process, with the executive lamely arguing that it was impossible to get people together to devise a strategy during the summer. Apparently they’ve never heard of Skype. Now, they have no excuses. AMS President Bijan Ahmadian has said that because the student union has such a “strong active relationship” with Campus and Community Planning, these slights aren’t a problem. We disagree. When the AMS isn’t consulted about giant construction projects, or given a seat on an important committee, they should speak out respectfully, but strongly. Isn’t that what a student union is for? U Debauch while there’s still time You may have noticed a piece in our last issue called “92 things you should do before you graduate,” drawn by the beautiful and talented Kathy Yan Li and compiled by the entire Ubyssey staff. We feel we left out an important point however, and that is: Get started now. While campus in early September is exploding with joie de vivre, that excitement and energy begins to taper off as the month winds down. Before you know it, you’ll be trudging to class on a rainy Tuesday morning in November muttering about your lost umbrella and asking yourself where the carefree days of early September went. Thus is the slog of university life. There will not be any people getting wet. There will be no storming of anything, except the weather kind. People will have retreated into rooms, books and laptops. Drinking in the morning will be stigmatized. The free BBQs will be a thing of the past, people will generally be wearing more clothing and campus will be mostly deserted after 8pm. Huzzah. In the next few days, you will see UBC at its liveliest. Immerse yourself in all the excitement that new beginnings bring to this campus, or risk missing out on so much of what the university experience has to offer. Most importantly, meet your best friends, whether you bond over a book, badminton or a bottle. On a side note, while the university has made strides in the last few years to improve the firstweek experience, it still doesn’t live up to what most large universities have. Out east, an entire week is devoted to frosh activities where partying and drinking are heavily promoted. Whereas here, we get one day, centred around over caffeinated student leaders giving you a tour around campus. Our point is, live it up while the livin’s good. And start checking things off your own list. It’s just five weeks until midterms. U

geoff lister photo/the ubyssey


In Arts? Consider helping your society out Justin McElroy There are a few rites of passage at UBC, but by far the most amusing to me is the Imagine Day rally. Students convene in a gym, listen to the president talk, shout inane chants and start their university careers with what is fundamentally a glorified high school assembly. It is, at the same time, one of the biggest lies and most accurate representations that UBC will foist upon you in your 4 (or 5, or...never mind) years at this school. A lie, because I can safely assure you that at no other time will over 5,000 students join in one place on campus and scream their guts out. If you want mass campus culture, go to Queen’s, Western, or any number of campuses where the majority of students aren’t stuck on a bus for 90 minutes a day. But it’s true because, in many ways, faculties define the “UBC experience”

more than any other factor. On such a massive campus, where and with whom you take classes matters a great deal. Clubs you join will largely be based on your faculty. Heck, the way you think about the world—I’m looking at you, Commerce—are influenced by what comes after the “B.” on your degree. And it’s the undergraduate societies, run by students, that drive faculty community on campus. Commerce and Engineering put on a few large events and perpetuate their ethos year round. And many smaller faculties have a few events or groups that punch (or axethrow) above their weight. And then there’s the Arts Undergraduate Society. Last week, it was announced that the AUS’s accounts were frozen because they didn’t have a budget prepared, and were issuing cheques ad hoc. This was not seen as particularly noteworth, because at this point, everyone expects the AUS to be incompetent.

They couldn’t organize an Arts Week last year. To rectify this, they spent over $35,000 on an election where only five per cent of Arts students voted and most seats were uncontested. They put on parties attended only by their friends. The AUS website is considered well-maintained if it’s updated four times a year. Their satirical newspaper receives no funding or support and still managed to embarrass them twice in 2009 when they made light of rape and “tramp stamps.” Did I mention they took $270,000 from Arts students in fees last year? And apparently that wasn’t enough, because they wanted to raise AUS fees further. What I’m saying is, they suck. You may be loud, proud, and take up half the crowd, but when it comes to pulling weight in on-campus events, Arts does not kick ass. So if you enjoyed the Imagine rally, consider getting involved with the AUS. They need all the help they can get. U

Regrets, I’ve had a few–and so can you! Paul Bucci I’d like to believe that my UBC experience can be characterized by the Sid Vicious version of the Anka/Sinatra classic “My Way.” There were moments of achievement, respectability and even ingenuity, but mostly it was me forgetting the words and improvising with expletives. So here I am, 22 years old and no closer to declaring a major than when I was 18. That being said, my biggest regret so far has been taking so many goddamn classes. That’s right. What are you here for? Really? Ask yourself that question. This is coming from a man who has engaged in some serious soul-searching himself. Is it to get an education? Is it to get a good job after graduating? Are you trying to become a better person? Or is it all about proving something to your parents? Does it really all come down to money?

If cash matters to you, heed my words closely. I have spent thousands of dollars on taking classes I hate and failing them, rather than going slowly and spending wisely. So, the fiscally prudent thing to do is to not force yourself into some rigorous academic schedule that you don’t want. The way I see it, going to university has very little to do with classroom learning. You are here to become a better person, expand your horizons, develop a network, get some mad skillz. And, of course, get a little piece of paper that says that you’ve read a whole lot of books four to seven years later. Despite my horrific academic standing, I’m in a much better position to get a job than most Arts undergrads who have just gone to class. I can actually expect to leave UBC to an above-minimum wage job. How? I joined every club that I could and took classes outside of my possible major. I’ve learned how to run a projector at the FilmSoc, fix bikes at the Bike Kitchen, made friends in Commerce, <ital>




learned how to budget for grants, learned basic curatorial techniques at the AMS Art Gallery, watched Council to understand how bad government functions and ran a newspaper. That’s just naming a few. And frankly, now is the time to start experimenting. And I mean right now. Tuesday. The first week of classes are meaningless. Here are the best protips you will receive: 1. Go to more classes than you are registered for. If there’s a class you really want to take, but can’t get into, ask the prof if you can get in. 2. Drop the classes with the bad professors. This is the point of going to the other classes. 3. Go to every possible social event that you can, and join all of the clubs. Yes, they’re lame. Yes, they’re expensive. Yes, you’re tired. Yes, you’re an awkward geek. So is everybody else here. If you don’t start doing social things now, you’ll get bogged down in classes and never do anything interesting. U


16/ campus/2010.09.06

our campus å Micki Cowan Contributor Renovations at the Gallery will ensure pub-goers enjoy a lunchtime bevera ge for t he new school year, and create some serious competition for Koerner’s Pub and its new operating mandate. “It’s a perfect example of how to just use a bit of intelligence to rework a space to open it up a little bit more and make it seem new without spending tons of cash,” said AMS councillor Brian Platt. AMS President Bijan Ahmadian said that this is an ideal time for the Gallery’s facelift. “With the changes happening to Koerner’s, it is likely going to increase our business,” said Ahmadian. Koerner’s recently revamped service and raised prices with the aim of attracting a more mature clientele. The Gallery will reopen for full service on Tuesday, September 7. U

geoff lister photo/the ubyssey

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