September 19, 2013

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Behind the

Business School

Stereotypes Twelve days after the controversy came to light, UBC reveals the results of its fact-finding mission

Inside Theatre at UBC’s uniquE, FRENETIC production of The Caucasian Chalk Circle

PROCRASTINATION STATION: GTA V P5 Ex-Thunderbirds make BC Hall of Fame P4

Thursday, sepTember 19, 2013 |


What’s on


our campus




10 A.M. - 3 P.M. @ SUB

Get involved like you always said you would and pick up some free swag, too. Sign up now before you’re too buried in homework. Free




3:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. @ GLOBAL LOUNGE

Meet other animal and vegetable lovers at this mixer. There will also be a raffle for $500-worth of prizes. Free.




Jeff Li, right, talks to a club representative in a sea of clubs. Not a sea of blunt weapons, of course — that would be painful.

Jeff Li is looking for a club to call his very own


Ming Wong managing editor, print

Pick up some local produce, eggs, herbs and flowers at the UBC Farm. Don’t worry if you miss it this weekend; the market happens every Saturday morning. Free farm tours start at 11 a.m. Free

Membership fee. How knowledgeable the reps are. The presentation of their booths. All of these things are factors that Jeff Li, second-year Sauder student, is looking for when searching for a club to join during Clubs Days. “[And] the ones with [large enough] signs so I don’t have to strain to see what they are,” adds Li. The allure of free stuff may be appealing at first, but Li sees past that, and knows the his membership fees will pay for that later on.

9 A.M. - 11 A.M. @ UBC FARM

ON THE COVER “Drawing comics takes a really long time. I don’t understand how comic book artists survive.” Illustration by Indiana Joel.

Video content

Make sure to check out our coverage of the press conference addressing the Sauder rape cheer, airing now at



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Although Li tends more toward exercise clubs and business clubs, he always wants to “find one club that is new.” For him, that is Pre-Law, but their booth is nowhere to be found today. In between looking at clubs, friends come up to Li and ask if he will be attending various icebreakers. Li says he picks and chooses. “The thing I found out after first year is you definitely sign up for the mailing list before you commit to the club,” he said. He makes sure the club is worth his time and money first.

This year, he’s considering renewing his membership for the Hong Kong Students Association, Newman Club and Cooking Club, among others. The AMS boasts hundreds of clubs, but with so many that are variations of another, Li has had to weed out the ones that aren’t compatible with him. “Like-minded individuals do congregate in the same place but it’s really on the person,” he said. And before you start making those connections that come from joining a club you like? “You have to show up.” U

Thursday, September 19, 2013 |

EDITORS WILL Mcdonald + Sarah Bigam


sauder rape cheer >>

Toope: we will address systemic issues

“We’re treating this as if it is not a problem limited to Sauder and as if we must address these concerns from the perspective of the whole university.”

Arno Rosenfeld Features Editor

“I am embarrassed.” Sauder School of Business Dean Robert Helsley wore a dejected look as he addressed the media at a press conference Wednesday morning. “This has been deeply, deeply troubling for me as the dean of the school.” The results of UBC’s fact-finding team regarding the Sauder rape cheer were announced at the morning press conference. UBC’s report confirmed that the cheer had a long history at Sauder FROSH and had been deliberately concealed by student leaders. Due to the systemic and long-running nature of the offensive cheer, UBC President Stephen Toope said no formal disciplinary action would be taken against Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) leaders. However, it was announced that the group has pledged $250,000 toward funding a new professional position with the university aimed at combating sexual violence and misogyny. “I am extremely sorry that our first-year students at the Sauder school were subjected to completely inappropriate FROSH activity,” Toope said of the Y-O-U-N-G cheer. “I am not sorry, however, that this has come to light. I think we are given an opportunity to seize this moment to strike at the casual indifference to sexual violence and intolerance.” Toope was joined by Helsley and Louise Cowin, UBC’s VP students, who oversaw the fact-finding mission. It was announced that Cowin has been charged with creating a task force that will report at the start of the next academic year on best practices to improve campus culture regarding sexual violence. Helsley said three distinct steps would be taken as a result of the report: holding student leaders personally accountable

UBCO gets new fitness centre A new gym has opened at UBCO. The Hangar Fitness and Wellness Centre was donated by the Lapointe family in honour of employees at their company Kelowna Flightcraft. It is designed to resemble an airport hanger, and is built mostly from local lumber. The 850-square-metre facility cost $4.1 million to build. It has spaces for cardio, strength training, yoga, pilates, dancing, combat sports and spin bikes. “Kelowna has been very good to me and my family, and after 43 years of developing a corporation it’s time to give some part of it back,” said Barry Lapointe. UBC creative writing partners with Penguin Random House Canada The $75,000 three-year partnership with Canada’s largest trade book publisher starts this year. It will include the creation of a new non-fiction course, production assistance in publishing the creative writing department’s 50th anniversary anthology, and scholarships sponsored by Penguin Random House Canada in coordination with the online magazine Hazlitt. “Hazlitt is a terrific vehicle for our creative non-fiction students, and we are extremely pleased to be able to work more closely with everyone at Penguin Random House Canada,” said Steven Galloway, acting chair of the creative writing program. U

Blunt report lays findings plain The fact-finding report laid out in blunt bullet points the investigators’ findings: the cheer had a long history at CUS FROSH, it was intended to break students out of their comfort zones, CUS leaders were aware of it and while not encouraging volunteers to lead first-years in it, did not take action to stop it. “I think these things happen in strange ways,” Toope said of how the cheer came to be embedded in FROSH culture. “Attempts are made to develop a sense of camaraderie, however misplaced.”

CUS leaders were pressured to resign: Helsley, Toope PHOTO LU ZHANG/THE UBYSSEY

From left: Sauder School of Business Dean Robert Helsley, UBC VP students Louise Cowin, UBC President Stephen Toope and UBC spokeswoman Lucie McNeil at a press confernece Wednesday morning held the announce the results of UBC’s fact-finding mission into the Sauder rape cheer.

for allowing the cheer, working to restore “community trust” and changing Sauder culture to foster a safe environment for all students. In practice, this means CUS leaders will participate in Sexual Assault Support Centre training and do community service relevant to the incident. The community service — the details of which still have to be finalized by UBC, Sauder and the CUS — will fall outside the realm of non-academic misconduct discipline.

Future of FROSH remains unclear Helsley said the Sauder administration will work closely with the CUS to create future orientation events. Helsley had previously said Sauder was pulling their logistical support for CUS FROSH and the CUS announced last week that they were canceling future FROSH events. In the student society’s first public comments in nearly a week,

CUS board member Sean Fleming told The Ubyssey that administration support was essential for CUS-organized orientation events. “If we didn’t have their approval and their support, it would be a much different event,” Fleming said. “We do look forward to working with them going forward to figure out whatever event it’s going to be like in the future.”

CUS $250K contribution mostly unfunded CUS leadership have already committed $50,000 toward the $250,000 contribution to Sauder meant to pay for support services, but that is the maximum amount that the society’s board can allocate annually for any single unbudgeted project. Sauder students will vote on whether to follow through on the rest of the contribution in an October referendum, Fleming said. “[Students] will be able to decide whether they think this is

a good use of their student fees,” Fleming said. Fleming was adamant that the contribution was a good use of the student fees the CUS collects from its members. “We felt that given what’s happened and given the obvious issues with the Sauder culture, it would be appropriate to financially support some changes to bring this assistance to students within Sauder,” Fleming said. “That fulfills our mandate to help Sauder students.”

Problems go beyond FROSH During the press conference, Toope made it clear that the university viewed the offensive cheer as a systemic problem and was approaching it as such. “We all believe the university has an obligation to address the more pernicious systematic aspects of the casual acceptance of violence and sexualization seems to pop up in society,” Toope said.

bog >>

From UBCO: Board of Governors Update Andrew Bates Senior Okanagan Correspondent

UBC floats policy on sharing course material UBC has posted a draft policy to determine how material made for UBC courses ought to be shared. The point of the initiative is to make it clear to professors how they can use or modify other professors’ course materials like lesson plans, quizzes, instructional models or a course’s syllabus. Under the policy, professors retain ownership of their course materials, but UBC keeps the right to use them and share them with other instructors. “There’s an awful lot of people who are keenly aware for the need for us to provide our materials,” UBC VP Academic David Farrar said. “I think the policy is balanced [and] I’m hoping it will be well-received.” Farrar said the university wants to move towards an open-access

UBC expects to break even with this year’s budget.

environment. The policy recommended that professors use the cIRcle database, which is public. But it also provides an exception for professors that don’t want to share their work: anyone who makes course material without a contribution from UBC beyond regular salary, facilities or teaching assistant support may fill out a form to prevent their material from being shared. While there are no current plans to create a school-wide repository for materials, $150,000 to $200,000 has been set aside to develop


technology that can help work with existing systems like Connect and databases currently managed by faculties and departments. The university is seeking comment on the draft policy before it is adopted, starting from Sept. 17 to the end of October.

Increase in international students steadies first-quarter financial results Higher revenue from international students balanced out a bite from faculty and staff wage increases

It was revealed at the press conference that the resignations of both CUS President Enzo Woo and CUS VP engagement Gillian Ong, announced last week, were prompted by pressure from Helsley. “I did articulate to them what I thought they could do to begin the process of restoring their credibility in the community,” Helsley said of his suggestion that Woo and Ong resign. “It may very well be that people feel that they are frustrated by having to [resign], but I think that’s very much a part of what we feel was necessary in addressing the very, very serious allegations,” Toope said. In a moment of emotional candour, Toope said he had been heartened by the response of students on campus following the exposure of the cheer, adding that the cheer did not represent students’ true character. “In their hearts, I don’t believe this is what most of our students think or believe,” the president said. U A longer version of this article is available online at in the university’s first-quarter financial results. UBC ran a deficit of $62.1 million in the first three months of its financial year, slightly up from last year’s deficit of $61 million in the same period. Revenue and expenses both increased in the first quarter. Hurting the university was a $6-million increase in faculty and staff wages due to new agreements in the last year, but helping was a $3-million increase in student fees due to higher international student enrolment and a $14 million boost in return from the performance of the university’s investments. The endowment had a rate of return of -2.2 per cent this time last year, and -0.9 per cent this year. The university finished with a surplus of $25 million last year, and expects to break even this year. In its quarterly forecast, released alongside the financial results at a Board of Governors meeting Tuesday, it predicts an increase of $91 million in tuition revenue and a $35-million increase in federal and provincial funding by the 2016-17 year. It also expects a $129-million spike in salary expenses and a $37.7 million jump in operating costs by the same year. U

Thursday, sepTember 19, 2013 |



accoLades >>

4 ex-Thunderbirds to be inducted into BC Hall of Fame Class of 2013 includes swimming’s Brent Hayden, basketball’s Ken and Kathy Shields and rugby’s Robert Hindson Mehryar Maalem Contributor

This Thursday, the BC Sports Hall of Fame is set to induct nine individuals and one team as part of its 2013 class. The list includes four UBC alumni: Brent Hayden (swimming), Ken and Kathy Shields (basketball) and Robert “Ro” Hindson (rugby). Every year, the organization receives around 100 nominations, submitted by the public, and also keep a running list of potential nominees of their own. The nominations are distributed to an independent selection committee consisting of 13 members. “Usually [the committee] members are of the [BC Sports Hall of Fame] board of trustees, members of the sports community and members of B.C. media,” said Jason Beck, curator of the BC Sports Hall of Fame. “They review all the nominations and meet in November of every year and they have a discussion and a vote, and by the end of the day we have a class of inductees.”

brent Hayden From Mission, B.C., Brent Hayden is arguably one of the most iconic swimmers in Canadian sports. A sprint freestyle specialist, he was a fixture on the Canadian national team from 2002 to 2012. During this time, he collected one gold, three silver and one bronze medal at the World Championships, along with eight Commonwealth Games medals, including a double gold medal performance in Delhi in 2010. He retired from competitive swimming following his Olympic bronze medal performance in the 100-metre freestyle in 2012. But before all that, Hayden was a UBC student, and he swam for the Thunderbirds from 2001-2003

while training under national team head coach Tom Johnson. “The really interesting thing about him is that he was just an average kid growing up,” said Beck. “He wasn’t a very focused kid. He told me how he failed his swimming lessons. [At] one of his first races he was more interested in looking at the fish paints at the bottom of the pool than the race that was going on around him, so he was a bit of a late bloomer. I got a sense that he was a tremendously hard worker.” Along with his work ethic, Hayden also had unparalleled will and determination. “When he won his world championship, it was just days after his grandfather had died, and he’d actually made a promise at the hospital that he was going to win a medal at the world’s,” Beck said. “He told me that when he hit the wall and he was swimming for home he just dug deep and there was nothing that could stop him from hitting that wall first. “He said something like, No one wanted to get to that finish line more than me, and that little extra bit of determination was enough to win the race.’” Hayden still holds the Canadian record in the 50-, 100- and 200-metre freestyle events. While he no longer trains himself, he continues to spend time at the UBC Aquatic Centre, where he teaches swim camps and private lessons throughout the summer.

Ken and KatHy SHieldS Ken and Kathy Shields are one of the most dynamic coaching duos in Canadian basketball. While there are other couples in the BC Sports Hall, Beck couldn’t think of

another couple that has ever been inducted in the same year. However, he made sure to note that the two were chosen separately. “Ken and Kathy were inducted individually, and they were inducted based on their individual merit,” Beck said. A graduate of the UBC School of Kinesiology, Ken Shields played varsity basketball for the Thunderbirds, and continued on to co-coach the UBC women’s basketball team for the 1969-70 season. That team, which had Kathy on its roster, became one of the most successful UBC basketball teams of all time. Being the first of a series in the “golden age” of women’s basketball at the university, the team managed to become the number one team in Western Canada and the nation’s Senior A champions. The most remarkable aspect of their run was their dominance, boasting a 32-6 season and beating Winnipeg by 29 points in the final game of the championship. Ken Shields moved on to coach the men’s basketball team at Laurentian University and later went on to UVic in 1978, where he coached the men’s team to seven straight championships, a CIS record. He was also honoured with four CIAU (now CIS) Coach of the Year awards. He then coached the Canadian junior national team and later served as the head coach of the senior men’s national team from 1990-1994. Ken has also coached national teams in countries such as Australia, Great Britain, Japan and Georgia, and has been to two Olympics. Like her husband, Kathy Shields also played varsity basketball at UBC, and then went on to become one of the best basketball coaches in Canada. She coached UVic’s women’s basketball team to eight


Former UBC swimmer Brent Hayden won an Olympic bronze medal for Canada in 2012.

CIS titles and 14 Canada West titles. She was also named Canada West Coach of the Year eight times and CIS Coach of the Year on three occasions. Kathy went on to coach at the international level, first as an assistant with the women’s national team from 1981-84, and then as the head coach of the junior women’s national team in 1986. She was named the head coach of the women’s national team in 1993. She led that team to a seventh-place finish at the FIBA world championships. Beck remarked that despite the couple being known as iconic coaches, they were also excellent players. “She jumped straight from UBC to [playing on] the national team. There were four or five girls on that team that jumped straight to the national team, which was unheard of. Ken didn’t make the national team, but he was on the radar.”

robert ‘ro’ HindSon Rounding out the list of UBC alumni being inducted this year is Robert “Ro” Hindson, one of the best rugby players Canada has ever produced. Originally from Naramata, B.C., Hindson was Canada’s most capped player for many years, even though Canada only played two or three international test matches a year at that time. Standing 6-foot-5, he was a multi-skilled player whose speed,


size and agility were a constant threat for his competition. He could beat his opponents with power, excellent ball skills and surprising speed. “[Hindson] was so well-rounded,” said Beck. “He wasn’t just a big strong powerful player, he was also quite fast. He played sevens, [which is] usually for fast agile players, and he was an excellent ball handler. He even kicked penalties. That was really rare for a guy his size.” Hindson was a strong force in both the 15-a-side and 7-a-side versions of the game. After retiring in 1990, he had accumulated 31 international caps. He was selected twice for international matches alongside players from some of the strongest rugby nations on the planet. He was also the only Canadian selected to the Southern Hemisphere Barbarian Tour of South Africa in 1987. Additionally, Hindson was a remarkable all-round athlete. After finishing high school, he was offered a full-ride rowing scholarship to the Pennsylvania State University, which he declined. “He was very likely to go on to a career as an Olympic rower. The only reason he didn’t stick with the rowing was because he didn’t like downtown Philadelphia,” said Beck. U The 2013 inductees will be officially honoured on Thursday, Sept. 19 at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

Jack Williams, a second-year on the cross-country team, placed second overall at the University of Washington’s Sundodger Invitational last weekend. His time of 24:46 was the fastest ever by a UBC athlete on this course, beating out Sane Carlos’ record set in 2006. Ally Williamson had two impressive performances in goal for the women’s soccer team in their homecoming games. On the Friday night, she allowed just one goal in a 1-1 draw against Fraser Valley. She then shutout the Victoria Vikes, helping UBC to a 1-0 victory, their first this season.





t isn’t unusual for business schools to have a particular reputation on a university campus. After all, its students probably go to classes in a different building, are admitted under different standards and end up following a different career path than the rest of the university population. Their student bodies can thus appear to be a distinct class of people, leaving them susceptible to stereotyping. The Sauder School of Business at UBC is no exception.


hile there’s no definitive guide to business school stereotypes, bits and pieces of anecdotal evidence can be pulled together in order to understand the broad, negative picture of commerce faculties. In an academic dishonesty survey, a higher share of North American MBA students admitted to cheating than their

non-business peers (56 per cent versus 47 per cent). At the height of the 2008-09 economic crisis, articles by leading pundits asked if the high ratio of MBAs in the corporate big leagues had something to do with the collapse. Despite stagnating wages for most professions, MBA median starting salaries remain at a healthy $90,000. The idea of business students putting money over ethics or a fulfilling career is deeply embedded in parts of our society. As such, Sauder students are sometimes typecast as greedy, self-centered, unethical and obnoxious. Ben Chen, VP marketing for the Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS), is fully aware of that perception. “Other faculties assume we think of ourselves as higher than everyone else, that we only care about ourselves and money, we’re obnoxious and we’re not here to help out others,” Chen said. Chen thinks Sauderites unintentionally call attention to themselves by being an active on-campus presence, participating in clubs and other activities, which invariably means students from other faculties will form opinions about the Commerce students. “Sauder students like making themselves visible, which can be interpreted as being obnoxious,” Chen said. “We have a lot of people who have that Sauder pride, for better or worse.”

Having gotten to know business students from other universities, though, Chen said the stereotypes about commerce faculties aren’t limited to UBC. “Every single business school has the same stereotypes that we have.” Patrick Fic, a Beedie School of Business student at Simon Fraser University, confirmed as much. “I think that [people] have the perception that the business students are snobby, stuck up, self-righteous, and generally tend to think that they are better than the other faculties,” said Fic. “There’s also the stereotype that most students that are in business are only in it for the money.” Jeff Kroeker, an accounting instructor at Sauder, is familiar with the stereotypes surrounding “greedy” Commerce students. Many of those who go into Sauder are thinking about numbers, and specifically, how to make them bigger. “A common stereotype of business students is that they’re just focused on the bottom line and what the income statement says,” said Kroeker. “In Sauder, you do find a lot of new students who are quite interested in profitability, but aren’t so sure as to how it relates to the bigger picture.” Ellerly Lee, who graduated from the Science faculty last year, said there’s an association with money and business students, and it’s not positive. “There’s a perception that Sauder and its students are rich, since they have a new

building and has lots of expensive labs,” said Lee. “I think it’s true, but not to the extent people believe. “When people say they have lots of money, it’s in a sarcastic or jealous tone.” The recent scandal that saw Sauder making national headlines due to an offensive cheer at the CUS-organized orientation for first-years has not helped with the stereotypes, either. “I’ve heard some harsh words from non-Sauder students regarding what happened,” Lee said. “It had to do with the perception that business students look out for themselves and try to pass on responsibility instead of owning up.” But it isn’t just perceived attitude from students and faculty that create stereotypes. According to Neil Guppy, a UBC sociology professor, there are other forces setting Sauder — and business schools in general — up for criticism: isolation. “Increasingly, business schools are being more isolated, an island on a campus, and don’t want to be tied down by the rules that other faculties have to go through,” Gunny said. “They are becoming autonomous bodies within campuses.” The result, Guppy says, is that Sauderites simply don’t hang out with non-business students. With lower rates of cross-faculty interaction, its easier for the campus as a whole to make generalizations about Commerce students. “Business students and faculty don’t mingle with the rest of the campus as they used to,” Guppy said. “From my experience, I would always have a handful of Commerce students in my classes. Now, they are hard to come by.” Differences might also be reinforced by the political profile of those who join business schools versus those who go elsewhere. “I’d say most students who join the Arts faculty tend to lean towards a left-wing world view, while those in the business faculty tend to be closer to the center,” Guppy said. “The Arts faculty is more closely associated with the traditional liberal education while business schools are becoming more [like] professional training institutions.” Arts students aren’t quite asked to do the same thing as business students, either. “The challenge in business school is more


to find ways to improve productivity and innovate the workplace, as opposed to making thorough dissertations regarding history and world issues as in the liberal arts,” Guppy said. “A different culture is being cultivated, and so stereotypes strengthen.”


here are clearly driving forces behind the negative stereotypes weighing down the reputation of Sauder and its students. But do these generalizations tell the full story? Fic, the SFU student, admits that while often the stereotyping goes overboard, it is, to a certain extent, unavoidable. “On the greed point, I totally have to agree,” he confessed. “I have had countless classes where students have not shown great interest at all in business, regardless of concentration.” Chen said that Sauder’s often in-your-face attitude can cause resentment, but that such an attitude is not necessarily a bad thing. “There’s a strong emphasis in building school pride, which as I mentioned can make some of us come off as obnoxious,” Chen said, qualifying that state-

ment by saying that the resources Sauder puts into student engagement is indicative of the desire every faculty has to build closer bonds with its students. Kroeker believes the Commerce faculty is becoming increasingly aware of issues outside of resumé-padding and profit optimization. He pointed to Sauder’s charity-focused programs that involve students, such as the Commerce Community Program (CCP) and the Arc Initiative, as examples. The CCP hosts events like 5 Days for the Homeless, which raises awareness about homelessness in Vancouver, and the Upcycling Clothing Drive. The Arc Initiative sends undergraduates from Sauder to countries like Ethiopia and South Africa to teach small business owners tools the students have learned in Canada. Kroeker noted that the program is competitive and applications to participate have steadily increased within Sauder, despite the fact that students must pay for their overseas trip and accommodations themselves. “Every year we get more and more applicants, even though it’s not good for [students’] own bottom line,” Kroeker said. The program also gets much-needed expertise from Sauder alumni. “They aren’t resumé-building — they’re doing it because they believe by sharing business tools with people there can be economic betterment around the world,” Kroeker said. “That’s a strong testament to what makes a Sauder student.” Kroeker also noted that not all Sauder graduates go off into the cold, ruthless world of corporate business. Tom Dobrzanski, one half of the Vancouver-based band The Zolas, holds a bachelor of commerce degree from Sauder. “Tom was a finance student, did some consult-


ing, but he was primarily a musician,” Kroeker said. “Aided by his business skills, he opened and currently manages a recording and production studio [Vertical Studios/Monarch Studios], which I think has helped him stay on top of a fluid music industry.” Kroeker also mentioned another student, Janice Cheam, who started a company called Energy Aware that lets people gauge how much power their appliances consume — another project not geared around getting rich. “[Sauder students] are using their skills and mindset to apply themselves to all kinds of different areas.” Lee knows many Sauder students and alumni, and he doesn’t think the stereotype of greed and selfishness holds up. “People tend to think they’re egoistic and rude, but I don’t think it’s true,” he said. “Most people I’ve met are really nice.” Guppy is well aware that isolation and self-propagation isn’t a concern exclusive to business schools, and that it hurts any faculty subjected to it. “Those in faculties like engineering also tend to have fundamental classes that are taught in the perspective of their own faculty, and they see being taught from a different view as a bad thing because it means they don’t get their accreditation, or students wouldn’t learn as much job-related content, and so on,” he said. “But they may end up working outside their industry, or living in other parts of the world, or even become politicians, so it would be nice for them to know from other perspectives.” It’s also a significant problem within his own faculty, sociology, where classes are more subjective in nature. “You have many willing to make eloquent speeches about poverty, but few to argue against taxing individuals who’ve earned their salary,” Guppy said. “I think that kind of diversity would enhance learning, not only in sociology but in all other faculties, including professional schools.” Editor’s note: this article was commissioned as part of a series of features on academic issues at UBC. Part of this series includes articles about various faculties (Sept. 12, Is your Arts degree worth it? ). The writer had picked up the story and begun research well before The Ubyssey reported on the Sauder rape cheer (Sept. 6). He continued to conduct interviews following that event, but the article was conceived of prior to the controversy surrounding the cheer. While the rape cheer story may make the content of this article more timely, readers should understand that the rape cheer was not the impetus for the publication of this article. Arno Rosenfeld, Features Editor

Thursday, September 19, 2013 |

EDITOR Rhys Edwards

theatre >>

Performing in the round


The Caucasian Chalk Circle opens Theatre at UBC’s fall season also what makes the play so engaging. Unlike more conventional productions, “the story’s being told in front of [the audience’s] eyes,” Canero said. “It’s not a secret.... This is our story being told to you right here and now.” These unconventional techniques have all been implemented in accordance with Brecht’s “epic theatre,” a dramatic style developed by the German playwright during the mid20th century. Rather than allowing his audience to passively accept the action on stage, Brecht wanted them to be active and critical participants in his plays — to acknowledge, to question and to engage with the stories. “He wasn’t interested in verisimilitude,” Heatley explained. Instead, Brecht’s goal was to create a “theatre in which the audience participates imaginatively with what’s going on, [where viewers] can’t help but be engaged.” Following this idea, The Caucasian Chalk Circle will evoke what Heatley called a “campfire kind of feeling”. Audience members will be seated on all sides of the stage, drawing them right into the action. With this intimate campfire-like set up, he said, the audience becomes part of the play. Canero agrees. “Everyone is integral to this story,” she said. “[The audience] is included in the show.” Simultaneously dramatic, hilarious and provocative, The Caucasian Chalk Circle promises to intrigue, amuse and above all, surprise its audience members. The play raises questions about social justice and transition; it interweaves themes of love, ownership, and adventure with an original musical score composed by Richard Link. Many of the actors will play musical instruments for the first time in years, and as Fukumoto said, “everybody sings at some point.” Trombones and trumpets, trial and sacrifice, decapitation and transformation; as Canero puts it, The Caucasian Chalk Circle will be like “nothing UBC has ever seen before.” U <em>


Photo Kosta Prodanovic/THE UBYSSEY

UBC Theatre’s version of the play will feature some challenging on-stage costume changes.

Alice Fleerackers Contributor

“We want to be choreographed chaos.” So says Stephen Heatley, director of the UBC Department of Theatre’s first production of the season, Bertolt Brecht’s The Caucasian Chalk Circle. Originally written for a Broadway audience, the play combines elements of song, fable, mime and monologue to create a unique and, as Heatley hopes, pleasantly chaotic experience. Costume designer Laura Fukumoto agrees. “There’s a lot of logistics in play right now,” she said. “It’s kind of a gong show, but it’s getting worked out.” Indeed, The Caucasian Chalk Circle promises to be a performance like no <em>



other. For the UBC production of the famous play, about a peasant woman who adopts a child, each actor plays multiple roles, often crossing gender boundaries. To complicate things further, each of these multiple costume changes is performed on stage, often mid-scene, in full view of the audience. “Everyone is on stage the entire time,” said theatre student Sarah Canero, one of the leading actresses in the production. “[The play]’s about three hours [long], and ... until the intermission, everyone is on stage at every moment.” Though this might be an exhausting experience as an actor (and potentially as an audience member), this “choreographed chaos,” the cast believes, is



The Caucasian Chalk Circle runs from Sept. 19 to Oct. 5 at the Telus Studio in the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts. <em>


Documentary >>

Celebrating the world of weird festivals Alexandra Meisner Contributor

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s — a giant papier mâché sardine? More precisely, it’s a giant sardine in a coffin, parading around the streets of Benidorm, Spain, before dramatically exploding into a shower of fireworks. An exploding sardine is one of the many sights described by UBC alumna Cat Mills, who graduated with a BFA in film production in 2007, in her self-produced web series Wicked and Weird Around the World . Since graduation, Mills has been a self-employed festival junkie who, after working in film sales with production company Summit Entertainment in 2008, made the bold decision to step out of corporate life and into documentary bliss. Having always been interested in subcultures, Mills set out on a global pursuit to find festivities to help launch the new web series. From the sound of breaking bones at Ashbourne’s Toe Wrestling World Championships to the smell of victory at the World Water Bombing Championships, Mills has been there and done that. According to Mills, the Blackawton International Festival of Worm Charming has “maybe been the weirdest” festival she ever attended. The festival was conceived in 1983, when the <em>


bladder relief of a drunken Englishman outside a pub resulted in worms rising to the surface of the moist soil; now, individuals compete to raise up as many of the slinky creatures as possible. Squeamishness aside, Mills’ future travel and festival attendance plans are committed to the unusual. Right now, she’s keen to attend the Air Sex World Championships — think air guitar, but with sex. This American competition allows individuals or partners to pick a theme song, and then act out a choreographed sex scene. The finals are held in Texas in December (at the same time as UBC finals, unfortunately). Whether she’s in Sydney cheering on the Crab Race or taking in the brilliant colours of the Maltese Carnival, Mills said the most rewarding experience in pursuing her passion has been meeting people along the way. While editing her videos, Mills can’t stop “smiling at the memories of the events of how friendly and cheeky everyone was.” Mills’ web series consists of two- to ten-minute documentary episodes of festivals. The short clips shine light on what goes down at the unique festivals, how to get there, and what a once-in-alifetime experience will cost you. Just be warned: according to Mills, festival hopping is addictive. She said that after attending the festivals, the “weird” aspect of the events now


Welcome to Procrastination Station, a new, semi-regular column featuring thoughtful dispatches on all the media, pop-cultural and technological phenomena that conspire to prevent you from studying. For our inaugural article, we poach one of this year’s biggest entertainment releases. </em>

Grand Theft Auto V is big. Really, really big. Not just in terms of the size of the game world, but in the context of just about every barometer one might care to think of. Earlier this month, The Scotsman — a newspaper based in Edinburgh, where GTA developers Rockstar Games are based — revealed that the game’s budget was approximately $250 million. That’s higher than any movie ever released, with the exception of Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End — and it’s expected to achieve over $1.6 billion in sales in a single year. That’s billion with a “b.” For some context, consider that the UBC Board of Governors approved a paltry budget of $167 million for the newly built Ponderosa Commons — where many a student will undoubtedly retire to their room to play the game — and they expect to recoup that in, oh, about 25 years. It’s also big on controversy. In August, an eight-year-old boy in Slaughter, La. shot his 87-year-old babysitter moments after playing GTA IV , flaring up the interminable debate about the relationship between video games and violence. This came before the announcement that the voice talent of the newest iteration in the series includes real-life gang members, stoking the ire of conservative publicists. And for good measure, liberal voices have joined in as well, with a variety of Twitter users and bloggers lambasting Rockstar for not including a female protagonist (which, they believe, is incumbent to Rockstar’s dominant position in the industry). Most of the discussion about GTA — this article included — tends to focus on these issues. But such discussion is somewhat non-reflexive, because it reinforces a feedback loop that has a life far beyond the game itself — and it’s this feedback loop to which we can attribute the success of GTA. Much like appeal of a cult movie, the qualities that attract people to the series lie only partly in its gameplay. Sustained sensationalism, as well as some careful marketing on Rockstar’s part, has produced a cultural juggernaut paralleled by few other commercial endeavours. And that’s what the most remarkable thing about the series is: GTA is one of relatively few trademarked properties today that has managed to transcend the discursive boundaries of its own medium. It’s not because the game is especially innovative, or that it is exceptionally successful in a world where real-life mass murders in the U.S. are becoming absurdly frequent, but because it’s become the universal degree-zero in conversations about video games. The phrase “grand theft auto” no longer connotes a specific crime, but an endless array of articles and anecdotes. Like the blimp players can pilot if they pre-ordered GTA V early, the discourse surrounding the game is horribly inflated — much to the benefit of Rockstar’s shareholders. U </em>



almost seems expected, and that she’s “gotten really used to it, actually.” Rather than dedicating her life to the pursuit of happiness, Mills is in pursuit of weirdness. She’s been enriched by her experiences, but she’s also been grossed out by critters and covered head to toe with La Tomatina. And according to her, that’s half the fun. U










photo illustration courtesy cat mills

From pole jumping to crab walking, Cat Mills has seen everything.



–Rhys Edwards, Culture Editor Join the conversation — comment on this article and more, at


10 | CULTURE |


Food >>

Hungry Nomad serves mobile menu

Stationary food truck offers seasonal fare at the heart of campus

Although a mobile kitchen, the Hungry Nomad was designed specifically for UBC students.

Jessica-Christin Hametner Contributor

For many students, affordable, tasty food venues at UBC that offer variety and quick service can be challenging to chance upon. Most of us have paid countless visits to Blue Chip, or the many cafés and restaurants dotted around campus, hoping to discover something new and exciting. But just as we thought UBC had no more to offer, students have been taken by surprise with the Hungry Nomad: Canada’s first stationed on-campus food truck. The Hungry Nomad was the brainchild of UBC Food Services,

but menu planning is the responsibility of John Butt, the manager of the truck. Butt doesn’t just support the university financially via the profits of the truck — he has a personal culinary vision inspired by the West Coast and the popularity of the food truck movement, which he and Food Services hope to recreate at UBC. “The food truck movement is growing in popularity and is one of the biggest inspirations right now for food and the industry, so we thought we had a great opportunity to provide something for students they couldn’t get,” Butt said. “It is still [too] early to say how successful the truck is among


students, [but] so far, we’re calling it a very good success.” With students in mind, it is hardly surprising that the truck has proven to be a success at UBC. The menu ranges from Mediterranean Greek salad to pulled pork, fish and the highly popular hot pork and beef brisket sandwiches, all ranging between $5-8 — a budget that would certainly suit most students. However, Butt and his team are aiming to deliver food that isn’t just accessible, but delicious and flavoursome — with the changing seasons in mind, too. “We’re just going to move our flavours around — it’s based on a sandwich culture. As we go into

winter we will be changing our menu around a little bit more, bringing on some vegetarian or comfort foods — for example, chili,” Butt said. Students who come from religious backgrounds, or follow stricter dietary requirements due to health reasons, may be pleased to know that there are choices for them too. “Some of the foods that we offer are catered for a variety of students who may come from religious backgrounds, but we are also looking to offer gluten free options in the future. Nonetheless, regardless of what we do we will always be using local ingredients and sustainable products as much as possible — that’s one of our biggest emphasis,” Butt said. Although the menu remains fixed in order to serve food to as many people as quickly as possible, Butt hinted at possible truck expansions at UBC, with the caveat that menus would go in “an entirely different direction.” While the Hungry Nomad may not offer exotic dishes from afar just yet, it does offer simple and honest-to-goodness food at reasonable prices and portion sizes. And if Butt had a favourite sandwich to recommend for students, it would be the brisket. “It’s a darn good brisket, which is done well and for the price of it, it’s probably one of the best deals in the city,” he said. While I would like to see more variety for gluten-intolerant or vegan students on offer in the

future, I loved the Greek salad. I was pleasantly surprised at its delightful and rather authentic flavour, abundant in ripe tomatoes and creamy feta, topped off with a dash of olive oil. Salad is not what I’d normally opt for on a cool autumn day — nonetheless, the Hungry Nomad’s Greek salad was mild, lavish and gloriously summery, perfect for lifting one’s mood on a dreary day. Left daydreaming about my very own culinary voyage to Greece, I sat devouring my salad, thinking that perhaps this is exactly what the Hungry Nomad’s food philosophy is: encouraging one to travel from place to place, discovering new worlds and savoury foods. U

Find the truck at the northwest corner of East Mall and University Boulevard from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. <em>



Thursday, sepTember 19, 2013 |



Impressive progress at UBCO since 2005 takeover


The Board of Governors met at UBC’s Okanagan campus on Tuesday.


The Sauder rape cheer press conference was held at the start of a day on which UBC had cancelled classes for TRC events.

Last Words


cuS ‘contribution’ iS retaliatory, unFair Fine As one of a series of measures taken to address the Sauder rape cheer, Sauder dean Robert Helsley announced today that the Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) would be making a voluntary contribution of $250,000 to the Sauder School of Business. This is intended to fund the hire of a person who will provide student counselling regarding issues of sexual violence. A worthy mission, but UBC already runs a well-staffed counselling services program. So does the AMS-funded Sexual Assault Support Centre. On one hand, more help for students isn’t a bad thing. And maybe this will provide a cathartic setting for first-year students disturbed by this year’s chant to get some help. On the other hand, it’s not like that’s something students weren’t able to do with the services already available. UBC isn’t filling a void by hiring a new counsellor. From all indications, this “contribution” is really a fine Sauder students are paying as restitution for their actions. That the school wants to punish the CUS for the cheer is obvious. Look no further than UBC President Stephen Toope’s Freudian slip during Wednesday’s press conference announcing the results of a fact-finding report. Speaking about what the university thought would be appropriate for the CUS, Toope said “some retribution — uh, some remediation” would be necessary. Given the seriousness of this issue and the enormous attention it has received, it’s obvious that some amends must be made. But this “contribution” comes out of the student fees of all Sauder students, regardless of whether they were involved in the cheer or are outraged by it. Is it really fair to ask those who weren’t involved to pay?

amS needS to SteP uP on wHiStler conSult The Alma Mater Society is zero for two on its latest Whistler Lodge consultations. On Tuesday night, the AMS was supposed to hold a livestream and Twitter town hall to consult students about the Lodge. It lasted all of about 20 minutes before it shut down due to technical difficulties. While it was going, six people watched and no one provided any feedback or asked any questions. At least three of its viewers were from The Ubyssey. The week before, the AMS was supposed to host a town hall at the Norm Theatre, but it was cancelled without notice. The AMS has another online town hall planned for Thursday and an in-person town hall scheduled for Friday. Council was supposed to make a decision on the Lodge a few meetings ago, but it was put off until Sept. 25 to allow for more consultation. So far, we haven’t seen any of it.

99erS: get on or get out oF tHe way Dear 99 commuters: You need to learn that if you’re willing to pass up getting on the first bus that comes in order to wait for a bus

where you can get a seat — you need to stand aside. On numerous occasions, we’ve seen 99s leave with only about six or seven people in the available standing room because people refuse to get on a bus with no seats left. Meanwhile, the rest of us in the back of the line who would gladly take a standing space are left thinking the bus is full. It’s selfish, and it needs to stop. Don’t get us started on people who take the bus from the bus loop to Allison Road.

don’t let Food trucK Fool you While the Hungry Nomad appears to be a step in the right direction in terms of varying the types of food available on campus, students be warned: the shiny new food truck is really run by UBC Food Services. Your Greek salad from the truck will most likely be the same salad as the one at Ike’s. We applaud their marketing schtick: the truck looks Eat St.worthy and the menu is decent. But keep in mind that this isn’t an independent business’s livelihood, this is UBC Food Services looking to capitalize on a trend.

Sauder’S not all bad, guyS The feature about the Sauder School of Business in this issue should show that despite the faculty’s negative publicity surrounding the rape cheer controversy, we should avoid making rash generalizations about all Commerce students at UBC. While it’s easy to rag on Sauder for various reasons — the article mentions many of the genuine problems with business schools — that’s not a productive way to build our campus community. While Sauder may be isolated from the rest of campus, other faculties ostracizing them only conflates this problem. We should all make an effort to branch out and form inter-faculty friendships, which will not only help breakdown stereotypes, but will expose us to cool people doing things different than ourselves at UBC. U


Welcome to the first Drawing Board column. In an effort to better inform students on what exactly UBC’s Board of Governors is, does and is deliberating on, I’ve chosen to write a few reflections after every board meeting to be published in The Ubyssey . These opinions are my own and are not the official views of the Board, but hopefully some students will find these posts interesting and informative, and choose to take a more active stance within their own university as a result. Firstly, what does the board do? Legally speaking, the University Act sets out the responsibility of the Board of Governors for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the university. A good rule of thumb is if a decision has large financial implications, it is under the purview of the board. On Sept. 17, the Board of Governors met in Kelowna on the UBC Okanagan campus. Beyond just providing the backdrop for our meeting, the Okanagan was also a major area of discussion for the day. It was my first time visiting UBC’s second campus, and I was astonished by what had been accomplished in just eight years. Since 2005, UBCO has seen incredible amounts of growth. Student numbers have jumped from 3,500 to 8,300, student beds are up from 300 to 1,700, and the amount of university floor space has tripled from 500,000 square feet to 1.5 million square feet. This year also saw two landmark achievements, as the university hit its provincial enrollment targets and had the number of alumni surpass the number of enrolled students. It seems like not long ago, the students of UBC Vancouver lamented the addition of a new campus under the UBC banner for fear of “less qualified” students somehow delegitimizing the value of their degree. Although these apprehensions have not been entirely dispelled — evidenced through the relationship between Sauder and the Faculty of Management — UBC Vancouver students largely don’t care as much <em>


anymore. This could be a result of time playing its part, or it could be that UBC as a community is becoming more welcoming to its younger campus as it begins to accumulate accomplishments befitting the name it bears. Looking forward requires us to look back to the original reasons why UBC even chose to take over the Okanagan University College at all. Basically, UBC wanted to expand its brand, particularly across B.C. From its modest beginnings as a rebranded university college, a necessary phase of growth had to occur. In 2011-12, the campus hit the government-funded target for the first time, with 6,616 full timed enrolled students. Looking forward, growth no longer needs to be the primary strategic direction for UBC Okanagan, so the question now is: what next? What I find concerning about UBCO’s next strategic planning phase is that the governance of it is unclear. Through the maturation stages, UBCO will ideally begin to identify its areas of competitive advantage and leverage them to the greatest extent possible. This has occurred thus far with areas of excellence naturally emerging, like criminological, psychology and engineering analysis of repurposed building materials. What remains unclear is how UBC Okanagan’s successes will be strategically aligned with the overarching institutions interests as the oversight of the campus increasingly becomes more autonomous. UBCO possesses many advantages, but the one that UBC as an institution I hope begins to utilize is the fact that it is younger and smaller, and therefore a more agile university. Our interior campus could be a testing ground for more innovative programs. We have already begun to reap the benefits of this type of arrangement as we reached out to the Okanagan to learn how they implemented their collegia system long before we did. The best step forward for UBC — both the institution and the two campuses individually — is to better understand how the two campuses should interface with each other; essentially, how can they strategically plan to ensure the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. U Matt Parson is one of three student representative on the UBC Board of Governors.


Thursday, sepTember 19, 2013 |


WHICH CLUB SHOULD YOU JOIN? An arbitrary look at Clubs Days

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR: ARTS? music CiTR movies Film Society food Food Society animation Anime Club handiwork Pottery Club theatre Gilbert and Sullivan Society

ALCOHOL?? parties Ski and Board Club Wine-Tasting Club beer brUBC

VOLUNTEERISM/ SOCIAL CHANGE? special skills Engineers Without Borders large organization Amnesty International


SIMILAR INTERESTS/ BACKGROUND? politics from Campus Conservatives to Green Party Club religion from InterVarsity Christian Fellowship to Muslim Student Association culture from Pakistan Students Association to German Club

music Blank Vinyl Club voice Toastmasters dance Dance Club acting Players Club

IMPROVING YOUR CAREER PROSPECTS? business International Business Club health Pre-Medical Society law Pre-Law Society faculty


GAMES? video Sports tabletop Poker Club

ATHLETICS? paddle Table Tennis Club clubs Golf Club magical Quidditch

SPORTS? nautical Dragon Boat nettical Tennis Club spectacle Blue Crew


For a full list of clubs, see GRAPHIC NENA NGUYEN/THE UBYSSEY

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