November 4, 2013

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NOVEMBER 4, 2013 | VoLuME XcV| IssuE XXI Like the night since 1918

begin with the end in mind

light from below for dramatic effect

grip with right hand

place left foot here


CAUGHT A mix of climbing and parkour, buildering is a sport that will change the way you see the campus


CUS REFERENDUM FAILS Sauder students refuse to pay $200,000 to fund sexual assault education in response to FROSH rape cheer P3

don’t look down

FOOTBALL FREEZES UBC’s season comes to a close after playoff P9 loss to top-ranked Calgary


Monday, November 4, 2013 |



this week, may we suggest...





Stop by the SUB to see a lifesized 3D drawing of what a UBC station might look like. Runs until Wednesday.




Thrive Week is a week-long initiative focused on building positive mental health in the UBC community. Tuesday’s events include $2 yoga in the SUB partyroom and $1 oatmeal at the Agora Café. Go to for complete event listings. PHOTO COURTESY JENN LIN

Ashley Welsh’s talk was titled “Navigating Your Learning: How We Can Learn From/ With One Another.”



The LFSUS is raising money for BC Children’s Hospital as part of Lace Up for Kids. The menu includes burgers with avocado ranch, pumpkin ice cream squares and more. Bring your own container. $5

It takes serious wrist strength to hold this pose for the amount of time our photographer took to get the shot he wanted. Photo by Geoff Lister.

Video content Make sure to check out our snazzy October Month in Review video, airing now at

U The Ubyssey


Coordinating Editor Geoff Lister Managing Editor, Print Ming Wong Managing Editor, Web CJ Pentland News Editors Will McDonald + Sarah Bigam Senior News Writer Brandon Chow Culture Editor Rhys Edwards Senior Culture Writer Aurora Tejeida Sports + Rec Editor Natalie Scadden Senior Lifestyle Writer Reyhana Heatherington Features Editor Arno Rosenfeld

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NOVEMBER 4, 2013 | Volume XCV| Issue XXI



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Taking in the TEDx Terry Talks Matisse Emanuele Contributor

The sixth annual TEDx Terry Talks conference began with a room full of people roaring like Chewbacca. Despite the downpour of rain on a grey Saturday morning about 400 people, mostly UBC students, filed into the Life Sciences Institute to listen to students present ideas and stories ranging from helping deaf children in Uganda to cutting-edge astrophysics. With the Chewbacca roar as an unconventional icebreaker, firsttime TEDx attendees realized there is nothing conventional about a TEDx conference. The talks are short — usually around 15 to 18 minutes — and potent. A speaker can have the audience giggling at marketing, while the next moment the room falls silent as another speaker recalls the power of words in sexual violence. The topics were timely and relevant to the mostly student crowd. Shannon Hoekstra, a mechanical engineering major in her seventh year presented “How to Complete Your Degree in Seven Years,” a topic that had every undergraduate in the audience moving a little bit forward in their seat. The one thing she wanted the audience to take away from her talk about how her fouryear degree in physics turned into a seven year degree in mechanical engineering was that the four is just a number.

“Five, six, seven years it doesn’t matter,” she said. “Own your degree.” The day-long event has been about two months in the making. When the Terry Talks first started, there were limited applications because the event was not well-known. In their sixth year, though, Terry co-founder Allen Sens said they received dozens of applications from which they then had to select eight to 10 speakers “able to deliver a fantastic talk.” Applications are due in early September, and the presenters selected reflect the wide range of students at UBC. It was an even split between Arts and Science students presenting; second-year undergraduates present alongside third-year doctoral candidates. Preparing to speak at the Terry Talks is a time-consuming endeavour. The presenters are mentored and advised by the UBC Terry Talks team for about a month before they spoke at the Nov. 2nd conference. Sens spent about three hours with his team the night before setting up. “Nervous, but...” seems to be a common sentiment among the speakers. Ashley Welsh, a thirdyear PhD candidate specializing in undergraduate science education was nervous but excited to present “Overcoming Our Hurdles to Learning,” an inspiring talk about recognizing your limits and believing that you can accomplish anything. After her speech, she was visibly

relieved, and eager to hear the other talks. “[I’m] nervous, but in the best way,” said Eric Schofield, a teaching candidate. He presented “Food Literacy: It’s About More Than Just Reading Labels.” He was encouraged to apply to speak at Terry Talks and hoped that he would leave the audience hungry, but also “with a better understanding of the relationship between food and our education system.” One of the standout talks was by Dylan Stirewalt, a UBC undergrad who spoke about compassion and the stigma attached to mental illness and homelessness. Her story caused the audience to leap to their feet in applause, and there were even a few watery eyes. Stirewalt was hesitant about telling her story in such a public forum at first. “I’ve learned that our struggling moments are our most beautiful moments,” she said. “Even if I came up here today and I cried for 15 minutes, that would be OK ... just to be able to share that experience.” Which is of course, what the Terry Talks are all about: affecting people. By the time the conference rolls around, co-organizer Sens has already heard the speeches two or three times and so hearing them again is “almost anti-climatic.” “I usually stand in the back and just watch the audience engaged and [listen] to these speakers give a kickass talk,” he said. U

LEGAL The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Monday and Thursday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organization, and all students are encouraged to participate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University of British Columbia. All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. Please include your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication) as well as

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From left to right, Dylan Stirewalt, Shannon Hoekstra and Eric Schofield.

Monday, November 4, 2013 |

EDITORS WILL Mcdonald + Sarah Bigam

sauder >>


online learning >>

Connect problems continue to plague students



In response to the FROSH rape cheer the dean of Sauder pledge $250,000 to fund a sexual assault counseling position. $200,000 of that money had to be approved by referendum.

Sauder students reject $200,000 referendum Money would have funded sexual assault education and counseling Brandon Chow Senior News Writer

A Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) referendum on whether to spend $200,000 over the next two years on sexual assault education and counselling services in response to the Sauder FROSH rape cheer has failed. During a press conference in mid-September, Sauder School of Business dean Robert Helsley pledged $250,000, of which $50,000 — the maximum amount that can be allocated for a single unbudgeted project — would be provided by the CUS board. The additional $200,000 had to go to a vote by Sauder students before it could be given. On Friday, Helsley issued a statement addressing the rejection of the referendum.

NEWS BRIEFS Tagging animals can be a drag: UBC study A UBC study suggests that the tagging of aquatic animals for tracking purposes may be more harmful than previously thought. The study led by a UBC doctoral fellow, T. Todd Jones, found tags used to identify marine animals can interfere with their natural behaviour. “Many marine animals make yearlong breeding migrations crossing entire oceans, while others may rely on high speeds and acceleration, enabling them to catch prey or to escape predators,” said Jones. The study found the tags can slow down animals due to increased drag in the water. “If the drag costs from carrying tags disrupts their natural behaviour, they may miss out on breeding and foraging seasons, be unable to catch enough food, or even end up becoming someone else’s meal.” Selfless parents are happier: UBC study A study co-authored by a UBC associate professor found parents who put their kids’ well-being before their own are happier. “From this perspective, the more invested parents are in their children’s well-being — that is, the more ‘child centric’ parents are — the more happiness and meaning they will derive from parenting,” said the study’s authors. U

“I was deeply disappointed to learn that the referendum ... was unsuccessful. I know that the wider community will be disappointed as well,” the statement said. According to CUS president Sean Fleming, the CUS board of directors thought the programs would have been “a positive step forward” for their student society. “But we are ultimately democratically elected by our students and run under democratic processes that allow students to have their voice heard on these issues, and we are going to respect their decision,” said Fleming. Fleming said the original $50,000 pledged by the CUS will still be used to support initiatives to promote awareness of sexual abuse.

“We’re still working with our different campus partners, including the AMS, to see how to best develop that money, and to make the most positive impact here on campus,” Fleming said. In his statement, Helsley listed a number of other measures that will be introduced, including a new orientation program to replace the CUS-led FROSH, training with the AMS Sexual Assault Support Center for CUS leaders and curriculum changes that will promote ethics, gender and cultural sensitivity understanding. Approximately 26 per cent of Sauder undergrads voted in the referendum, and nearly 70 per cent voted against spending $200,000 on the proposed programs. Had the referendum been passed, $52 of CUS students’ tuition fees would have gone toward sexual abuse services.

Third-year Sauder student Aaron Yeung thought the services could have been well used. “This is a very difficult topic to talk about,” he said. “As a male, I don’t have to worry about [sexual assault] on a day-to-day basis, but considering all the sexual assaults that have been occurring, I do think that some sort of program would help with that as well.” “It’s very difficult to put a price on these things,” said Amanda Jones, a second-year Sauder student. “For example, if one case of sexual abuse was prevented by this program, can we say it’s worth it? As a member of the Commerce Undergraduate Society, though, I have full support for the appropriate committees to make the right choices with our budget.” U

Medicine >>

UBC med school to change curiculum next year

Matisse Emanuele Contributor

Students entering the UBC Faculty of Medicine in September 2014 will be guinea pigs for a new curriculum. The curriculum changes will primarily focus on adapting the program to be more comprehensive and flexible for student learning, according to Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, the faculty’s director of curriculum. The specific changes are still under discussion and must be put before faculty and the UBC senate before they can be implemented. The largest changes will be seen in course structure. Currently, many courses are taught in subject-specific blocks ranging from one to nine weeks in length. Jarvis-Selinger said the faculty is looking to adopt semester-long integrative courses for the new curriculum. “This will help with being more flexible and will provide bigger building blocks that students can draw from,” said Jarvis-Selinger. “The content will be the same for the most part.” With the changes in structure, redundancies in the curriculum will be taken out, but the basic framework of knowledge students are given will not be fundamentally changed.

The new curuculum will take effect in September 2014.

“For instance, if we taught hypertension in second year in the old curriculum and now we are teaching it in first year, we will be changing things around it to make sure that the curriculum still is fluid and flexible,” said Jarvis-Selinger. Assessment processes will remain the same, too. The Faculty of Medicine updates its curriculum regularly, according to Jarvis-Selinger. “We want to continue to be an outstanding medical education program. We need to look [at] constant improvements and as the needs of the [healthcare] system change, the curriculum has to change too.” Gurinder Grewal, president of the Medical Undergraduate Society (MUS), was involved in the process of updating the curriculum. “In many ways, the current curriculum in the MD program is stellar, but it can also be improved,” Grewal said. “The goal is to update

File Photo COlin CHia/THE UBYSSEY

and enhance the program to ensure that it provides the best training possible for us as medical students. As healthcare continues to evolve, medical education must also adapt so that students are well prepared for what we will encounter as future physicians.” The MUS worked closely with the Faculty of Medicine on the changes. “The role of the MUS is to make sure that the needs of students are considered throughout the entire curriculum renewal process — not only in an academic sense, but also in terms of student health, finances, opportunities and wellness,” said Grewal. “The collaboration with the medical students and everyone with us has been great,” Jarvis-Selinger said. “As a curriculum designer, seeing the design pieces come together and constant quality improvement and seeing this happen is exciting.” U

At least two Connect outages have occured this year.

Jovana Vranic Contributor

Since the beginning of the term, the UBC Connect website has encountered multiple major service disruptions. On Oct. 20, there was an hour-long outage. Jennifer Woo, communications manager for UBC IT, said this was caused by a combination of problems within the application which caused Connect to run slower than usual. On Oct. 28, there was another 45-minute service disruption. This was most likely caused by a network issue, according to Woo.

It’s a very complicated application, and there is not just one root cause. Claudio Pini UBC’s director of IT application management services

The outages have been disruptive to students. “[Connect] is just slow in general,” said Rachelle Graham, a first-year psychology student. “I also find it very confusing to navigate.... It’s really only like a last resort for me.” “One day, I couldn’t log in [to Connect] at all,” said Katarina Trifkovic, a first-year Arts student. “It was an inconvenience, but not really a surprise. This kind of thing seems to happen all the time.” The Connect website is a platform created by Blackboard Inc., a global education software company. According to Woo, Connect relies heavily on its vendor, so the hiccups in the program’s performance are not unique to UBC. “We are working with Blackboard, [but] we first have to identify the problems,” said Claudio Pini, director of application management services for UBC IT. “It’s a very complicated application, and there is not just one root cause,” Pini said. Many of the disruptions are caused by outside network issues at Blackboard Inc. According to Woo, this makes it difficult for the technical team at UBC IT to pinpoint the specifics of many of the issues with Connect, and try to solve them independent from Blackboard Inc. Woo said that over the past month, many changes have been made to improve the operation of Connect, including moving to a new server, implementing a caching tool for better responsiveness, introducing application patches and adding supplementary servers. U

4 | NEWS |

Monday, November 4, 2013

activism >>

‘We’re not going to stop until we are heard’

UBC students lead Take Back the Night march on Wednesday Joshua Gabert-Doyon Contributor

Around 200 demonstrators met at the Museum of Anthropology Wednesday night for a Take Back the Night (TBTN) rally. The event came in light of the recent sexual assaults on campus, but aimed to address systemic issues. Although the march was planned to make a long loop around campus, it disbanded early due to disputes during the march. Take Back the Night organizers Emily Monaghan and R. Rain said the rally’s goals included raising awareness of inequality and victim-blaming. “[The goal of TBTN is] to reclaim voices in unsafe spaces. These voices include female and women-identified people who are silenced within classrooms, who are held responsible for their ‘vulnerability’ rather than the male perpetrators,” said the organizers in an email interview. The event began at around 5 p.m. under light rain. March organizers and representatives from outside groups, including the Vancouver Rape Relief and Woman’s Shelter, addressed the crowd, criticizing UBC and stressing the importance of reclaiming safe space on campus. Advancing along West Mall, the demonstration headed to Place Vanier residence. The chanting demonstrators moved through the Vanier commonsblock and stopped on the main field of the residence. At each location the march visited, demonstrators invited the crowd to speak. Outside Place Vanier, two older male demonstrators attempted to speak to the crowd, but were stopped when they began talking about shifting the blame from police to courtroom judges. Hecklers from the crowd shouted anti-police statements and demanded the chance for women to speak, causing the two men to step down. The march continued up University Boulevard and through the Henry Angus Building, which houses the Sauder School of Busi-

Wednesdays, Sundays onwards from 3pm

The student-organized march disbanded early after a dispute about the inclusion of transgender people.

ness. Next, demonstrators walked to the UBC Engineering cairn, where they spray-painted phrases such as “smash the binary” and “fuck rape culture.” There, the protest dissolved following a dispute over the inclusion of transgender people. At the Engineering cairn, two speakers, including one who identified as transgender, condemned the Vancouver Rape Relief and Woman’s Shelter for not offering their support services to transgender individuals. Members of the organization, who had walked with banners throughout the evening, did not reply when asked if they would start offering their services to transgender victims. Several demonstrators, including the two speakers, did not continue with the march after this point. Commenting on this dispute, Monaghan maintained that she did not believe the march, with its focus on solidarity, was the appropriate venue to voice these concerns.

The final stop of the march was on the lawn of the RCMP’s campus headquarters near the fraternity village. Originally, the march had been scheduled to continue to Allard Hall. Since the event’s creation on Oct. 20, a number of arguments developed, many concerning language used by organizers, which some viewed as exclusionary. Monaghan and Rain stated that while they tried to make their language as encompassing as possible, upholding the message of the event required using “generalizations” to describe power dynamics. “There is major discomfort with people acknowledging that there are specific groups of people who are most vulnerable to sexual assault based on their personal histories and how colonialism intersects, and there are specific groups of people who have the most voice and power and remain most responsible for existing rape culture.”

Pride UBC, an AMS resource group, issued a statement about the march on Wednesday afternoon. Pride endorsed some aspects of the march, but were critical of what the group saw as TBTN’s discrimination against transgender people. A meeting for “female and woman-identified people” was also scheduled after the march. However, organizers asserted that men can play an active role in the dismantling of rape culture, especially by supporting women and by recognizing the privilege they hold in society as males. Organizers described the march as a “student-run, grassroots initiative.” No clubs or resource groups were involved in planning the march. Organizers said the AMS and campus security have been supportive of the march. However, the students behind TBTN are critical of the university and the RCMP.

photo carter brundage/the ubyssey

“The advice of UBC and RCMP has been completely centered on the survivors and on prevention against assault. But no mention of the existence of rape culture rampant on campus or the majority of sexual assaults [on campus] that are unreported.” The march also focused on colonialism, with many speakers discussing the issue in relation to sexual violence. Summer-Rain, a collective member from the Vancouver Rape Relief and Woman’s Shelter, spoke passionately about sexual assault against aboriginal women, and urged individuals to remember the history of violent oppression of aboriginal people in Canada. Like Summer-Rain, the organizers of TBTN view decolonization as essential to the dismantling of rape culture. Monaghan and Rain are ardent about the future of these sorts of dialogues and events. “We’re not going to stop until we are heard and acknowledged.” U

Engineers >>

UBC engineers compete in annual competition

Challenges include bean bags, floods, zombies, cups and Batman debates

Lawrence Neal Garcia Contributor

Over 150 UBC engineering students competed in the annual UBC Engineering Competition on Saturday, Nov. 2. Run by the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS), the competition featured seven categories: junior design, senior design, consulting engineering, engineering communication, impromptu debate, innovative design and re-engineering. These categories included challenges such as re-engineering a better umbrella and debating whether or not Batman could take Superman.

The competition was open to engineers in all years and departments. “It’s just one of those events that’s so broad but so professional and technical,” said Veronica Knott, a third-year materials engineering student and the EUS vice president of external affairs. “It shows all the different aspects that you can do from engineering.” Rory Smith, Sophie Ramsden, Zack Eberwein and Chris Lund took first place in the junior design competition, in which they constructed a device that launches bean bags, representing students, to safety from a hypothetical flash flood at UBC using string, cups, cardboard and popsicle sticks.

Bryan Luu, a second-year engineering physics student, participated in this year’s competition for the second time. “I did [junior design] last year, and it was really fun ... because we got to break stuff apart,” said Luu. “Also, I just enjoy working as a team towards a common objective.” Alex Jew, Devin Luu, Steven Stewart and Kelvin Tam won in the senior design category, where teams were given about five hours to design and construct a robot that collects and sorts garbage. In the re-engineering category, where teams are tasked with improving an existing product or design, Johnson Lu and

Remy Savard came out on top for their design of a safer bus seat. After discussing topics such as lowering the drinking age, the legality of unpaid internships and zombie apocalypse preparedness, Max Buchner and Thomas Willes won the debate category. Alex Lush, Hans Seidemann, Ian Campbell and Sean Anderson of Team HISA earned first place in the consulting category for proposing the best consulting solution to a hypothetical oil pipeline problem. Winning teams in each category will go on to represent UBC in the Western Engineering Competition, an inter-university engineering competition to be held at the University of Alberta in January 2014.

Last year, a team of four UBC students, which included current EUS president Andrea Palmer, advanced past the Western and Canadian competitions to win the International Engineering Competition. “My favourite part about the competition is the ability to apply what you learn in the classroom to design problems,” said Palmer, who judged the consulting category this year. “That’s not something you get to do in the classroom every day.” A full list of winners for the 2013 University of British Columbia Engineering Competition can be found online on the Engineering Undergraduate Society website. U

Monday, noveMber 4, 2013 |





The ethics of tea Italian flair, student fare Why isn’t tea sourcing scrutinized in the same way as coffee? Aurora Tejeida Senior Culture Writer

Anyone who walks by the SUB’s Starbucks between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. can attest to the power of coffee. Vancouver has a long tradition of coffee consumption, which is one of the reasons why many local consumers worry about buying fair trade and organic coffee. This makes it easy to forget about another popular drink: tea. Why don’t more people wonder where it comes from? Lauren Searle is a UBC Land and Food Systems alumna. She usually drinks coffee, but every now and then she’ll have a cup of tea — usually chai or Earl Grey. “There’s more hype around coffee, and people talk about fair trade and organic or proceeds going to farmers, I rarely hear or see that advertised for tea ... but tea shops are popping up everywhere, so that might be changing,” said Searle. In her opinion, the main issue is that companies don’t advertise where their tea comes from. But there is a logical explanation to this. Paul Bain is a UBC alumni and the co-founder of JusTea, a Vancouver-based non-profit organization that aims to sell fair-trade tea from Kenya. “A lot of tea sold in tea bags is usually a blend, so unlike coffee — [which] is usually from one coffee plantation — tea is often blended from a couple different regions in the world. It’s rare to get unblended tea,” Bain said. It helps to know where certain types of tea come from. Most green tea leaves come from China, and, according to Bain, Kenya is the largest exporter of black tea in the world. “Nintey-nine per cent of the tea produced in Kenya is ground up for tea bags, and then it’s shipped in bulk and blended with other teas from around the world,” Bain said. “When it finally gets to the shelves, it doesn’t say that it’s from Kenya. It will say English Breakfast or something like that.” When it comes to tea on campus, there are two names that immediately come to mind: Starbucks and Zhena’s Tea, a company that provides the tea for most cafeterias,

PhOtO stEPhaNIE Xu/thE uByssEy

although Vancouverites are concerned about where their coffee comes from, the same can’t be said for its caffeine cousin.

including MOA and Buchanan. Neither company is very clear on where their tea comes from. The Starbucks Tazo website simply explains that their black tea is purchased primarily from Southeast Asia. Although they have been working with the Ethical Tea Partnership — a number of large tea companies that work together to monitor and assure their own supply chains since 2005 — all of their teas appear to be blends. “We import our tea from a variety of countries and their fair trade farms,” read a statement The Ubyssey received from Zhena. “The majority of our tea comes from Sri Lanka and India.” Even though Bain thinks awareness has been growing, blends aren’t the only issue. “It’s hard to get tea from one farmer because once the leaves get plucked, they need to process it within those first 24 hours,” he explained. “But coffee — once you pluck the cherry, it’s easier to process because it can last longer and the farmer has more control.” The other issue is that there’s no demand for it, especially in coffee-driven Vancouver. But some people do care. “I think tea enthusiasts do think about it,” said Bain. “They are aware of where their tea comes from.” Beatriz Ramos is one of these enthusiasts. Also a Land and Food Systems graduate, she drinks at least two cups of tea a day, usually rooibos or rooibos chai. “I take my tea very seriously, and I buy my tea from a place called Gathering Place,” said Ramos. “It’s a fair trade company in B.C. I order it directly from them. “[Of my main concerns when buying tea], one is for it to be fair trade. Another is if it’s organic or not — I’m pretty sure tea can carry a lot of pesticides — and the flavour.” Pesticides are a genuine concern. Last year, Greenpeace collected random samples of Lipton teabags, focusing on green tea, jasmine tea, Iron Buddha tea and black tea from two supermarkets in Beijing. The four samples were sent to an accredited independent third party laboratory that found 17 different kinds of pesticides on all four samples. “I think people don’t really think where their food is coming from,” Ramos said. “They don’t want to spend money and time, but I have become more aware of things. Now I care and I look up the companies that I’m buying products from.” With more people drinking tea and thinking about these issues, it seems only natural that companies will have more interest in making this information available — even though attempting to source the origins of specific teas on a massive would be highly complex. “Tea drinkers are starting to ask those questions, and it’s only going to grow,” said Bain. “That’s how it started with coffee: the consumer started asking questions.” U <em>


CULTURE VULTURE Going medieval In mid-October, the uBc Library acquired a medieval manuscript dating from the 14th century. Entitled Compendium Theologicae Veritatis (“the compendium of theological truth”) the educational textbook features parables on christian doctrine as well as excerpts from the work of thomas aquinas. It was acquired upon the recommendation of Richard Pollard, a post-doctoral fellow in the department of history. It is now the oldest book in the library’s collection. U

PhOtO caRtER BRuNDagE/thE uByssEy

Il Mercante, the newest restaurant to open at uBc, features an Italian gourmet menu prepared by a chef who worked at Michelin-star restaurants.

FOOD with Jessica-christin hametner Upon sauntering through the sleek glass door of the Ponderosa Commons into a vast open space, I am greeted by an aroma of Mediterranean food: a whiff of pizza, pasta and pesto. The contemporary design of the space, a fusion of cool concrete, planks of wood and bold reds, certainly catches the eye; there’s a bright red Italian Vespa and, as one would expect in an Italian restaurant, an equally bright red oven where chefs busily prepare, cook and serve crisp pizzas and pastas to their waiting hungry habitués. Lively, bustling and vibrant, a friendly gentleman shouts out name after name for students to collect their order. Courteously lined-up one by one, they emerge from the swarming crowd only to disappear again, devouring many an Italian delicacy. Il Mercante, UBC’s newest residence eatery, certainly satisfies the Italian stereotype with its loud yet vibrant atmosphere, but it is not just its ambiance that I liked. Il Mercante offers fine Italian food, and is anything but another humdrum eatery at UBC, as retail manager Jody Ropas explained. “Mercante means ‘merchant’ in Italian,” he said. “So, this is the idea of a merchant kind of area where people meet — a nice open place with the concept that we get fresh sustainable food. Everything here is made from scratch. We really wanted to have somewhere unique with great food and a great atmosphere in a new building.” Il Mercante offers plates that are as extensive as they are indulgent, with a menu that reinvents itself according to the season. It includes curious fusions of North America meets Italy: poached egg topped with fontina fondue sauce served on an English muffin, the latter of which I certainly did not expect to find at an Italian restaurant. But there are the obligatory favourite Italianisms, too: tiramisu, lasagne Bolognese and the popular pizza prosciutto. “We make about 100 kilograms of pizza dough every day and sell about 260 to 300 pizzas a day right now, and we’re not even full capacity yet,” Ropas said. Nonetheless, Ropas says Mercante’s chef, Duke Mocchi, is “the superstar.” Influenced

by his father’s cooking from the Ferrara region of Northern Italy, the Michelin-starred Mocchi was inspired to recreate the Emilia-Romagna cuisine typical of the region here at UBC. Moving to Europe in his early 20s and gradually advancing from a prep cook to a chef de partie at high-

We make about 100 kilograms of pizza dough every day and sell about 260 to 300 pizzas a day right now Jody Ropas retail manager of Il Mercante

end restaurants throughout Italy, Spain and England, Mocchi spoke about his culinary adventures abroad. “My parents always owned restaurants but I never actually physically worked in there — I just came by to help out,” he said. “Once I moved to Europe, I stayed

there for 6 years just working at high-end restaurants. And then when I came back here I went through a phase where I kind of wanted to get out of this line of work, but then I was drawn back when I found this. I guess this is where my experience will hopefully kick in.” And it certainly has. For me, it was the pizza prosciutto, nostalgically reminding me of my summer holidays in Italy as a young child, that came out on top. I felt a frisson of excitement as I took the first bite of my perfectly crisp and rustic pizza: a flavoursome fusion of basil and tomato, topped with arugula and delicate slices of revered prosciutto ham. This is not a greasy takeout monstrosity, but an authentic, oven-baked and appetizing pizza. As a lifelong glutton for pizza prosciutto, Il Mercante’s modern twist on an old-school recipe left me well-fed and happy, and gave me the experience of enjoying Italian hospitality and culinary talent at our very own campus. Buon appetito! U


Monday, November 4, 2013

Review Roundup books >>

The Everything College Survival Book

more money for beer and textbook

Susan Gerald and J. Lee Peters

Kyle Prevost and Justin Bouchard

One of Amazon’s most popular books in the student self-help genre is The Everything College Survival Book by Susan Fitzgerald and J. Lee Peters, two American state university vice-presidents. The book itself is colourfully illustrated and not particularly thick, presumably designed to appeal to first-years with even the shortest of attention spans. However, its content fails to truly distinguish the book from the innumerable other college prep books on the market today. Instead of advice, the authors prefer to examine the college experience itself without offering much insight. As enjoyable as it might be to read a detailed description of a frat party, the book offers surprisingly few tips to its audience on how to acquit oneself in such a social setting. Most notable in Everything College is the lack of first-person anecdotes from real university students, a must for any good book about adjusting to college life; real life accounts are eschewed in favour of inane top-10 lists about spring break destinations and the like. Its sections relating to the academic side of university are somewhat more informative, but sound a bit like the FAQ web page on any university library site in the world, and fail to offer the tips for exam success that the book’s cover claims. That said, The Everything College Survival Guide shouldn’t be dismissed completely. If nothing else, it does prove to its readers that style alone cannot trump substance. –Linda Zhu

Who knew that brewing your own beer can save you over $300 a year? According to a new financial guide for Canadian students, if a student who consumes 10 alcoholic beverages per week switches to home brew, this is the hefty sum that would be left in their bank account at the end of the year. Though this isn’t the kind of information one would expect to stumble across in the financial section of a bookstore, this thrifty idea is one of many that can be found in the one-of-a-kind financial guide More Money for Beer and Textbooks. With the recent hike in tuition rates, continually rising housing fees and the cost of having a social life, it is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate the financial challenges that come with being a university student. Having graduated university debt free, financial bloggers Kyle Prevost and Justin Bouchard wrote More Money for Beer and Textbooks, catering to the needs of Canadian students pursuing post-secondary education in today’s fast-paced economy. Written from the personal perspectives of the authors, with a touch of sarcasm and humour, this read is as entertaining as it is practical. Everything students need to know about applying for and repaying student loans, avoiding on-campus money traps, and getting great summer jobs is easy to find in the chapters of the book. With up to date information and statistics, this guide offers concrete solutions to living well on a budget, while securing a healthy financial future. While book sales are rising on Amazon, the More Money for Beer and Textbooks is also popular on iTunes. –Carly Sotas

The Ubyssey student self-help guide to student self-help guides In addition to the encyclopedia’s worth of textbooks required for courses, many a first-year student has found him or herself burdened with the weight of so-called self-help guides. More often than not the gift of a doting relative, the authors of these books are decorated with all sorts of suffixes (PhD, EdD, LLD), while their covers are decorated in similarly trite stock photos of graduation caps and pieces of burnt toast. Whether they’re actually useful, however, is something only students themselves can evaluate. With this truism in mind, a review roundup of some of the most popular student lifestyle guides — both recent and classic — is in order. We’ve also included a salt rating, to give you a sense of the amount of everyone’s favourite mineral with which you’ll need to take advice from these texts. –Rhys Edwards, Culture Editor

What I Wish I Knew When I was 20

The Ethical Slut Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy

Tina Seelig What is the key to success? In her international bestseller, What I Wish I Knew When I was 20, Stanford professor Tina Seelig offers her perspective on “making your place in the world.” Seelig delivers a succinct and bold message to her readers. She asks them to challenge their assumptions, to be willing to fail and to see different life opportunities by embracing uncertainty instead of muddling through a life of anxiety. While Seelig’s book succeeds in delivering its overall theme by using numerous case studies and Seelig’s personal anecdotes, the jargon used throughout the book is sometimes confusing to understand. Furthermore, the book also tries hard in pushing Seelig’s entrepreneurial ideology onto its readers. While it is important to see the value of entrepreneurship and to take certain values from it, Seelig may have ignored other types of vocations with alternative perspectives. Other than these two concerns, the book is still well worth a read. On the surface, the book may seem as though it is a typical self-help book. However, What I Wish I Knew provides ways of thinking which can become guiding principles in the reader’s life, if they choose to adopt them. Seelig has done a succinct job in summarizing this growth mindset in her book, which will benefit students who would like to further their education or who are about to start their careers. –Adrian She

Originally published in 1997, the “groundbreaking book that gave sluts a good name” may appear to be a guide to polyamory, but you’ll be surprised. Many of the chapters, some of which discuss past and modern preconceptions about sex and love, apply to anyone, regardless of relationship status. One of the main concepts of The Ethical Slut centers on the idea of abundance, or a never-ending supply of love, that everyone possesses. Like most concepts in the book, this one can be applied to sex or relationships — including friendships, as well as the relationship you have with yourself. The authors also suggest the following: “One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you’re feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.” Granted, this sounds much like practically any self help book — the difference being that this particular book might be a little more embarrassing to read on public transit — but keep in mind that the main point of the book is to make the reader feel comfortable with their own sexuality and everything that surrounds that. Some chapters may feel inapplicable to the average twenty-something, like the one on balancing children with a polyamorous lifestyle, but the majority of the chapters apply to anyone regardless of their age (provided you’re old enough to give consent), sexual preference, sexual identity or gender. Even if you’re not into dating more than one person at the same time, this book is handy for anyone who wants a healthier approach to love, friendship and sex. –Aurora Tejeida

the seven habits of highly effective people Stephen R. Covey Leadership is important to many students. It is something that scholarships and jobs are centred on. But that doesn’t mean you should read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. No, let me phrase that differently: only read this book if you are a middle-class, heterosexual, Christian American who is married with children. Stephen R. Covey’s multi-million copy selling work on effective leadership has become hugely popular since its release in 1990. However, the book assumes a frame of reference that many students cannot relate to. Covey tries to teach the reader how to better interact with their (heterosexual) spouse, and their children. He encourages the reader to write a personal mission statement comparable to the United States constitution, and presents a sample version containing phrases such as “the love of Christ is visible through my actions.” How can a student even use this book in a diverse community? It is difficult, but the seven habits that Covey tries to teach its readers are still worth looking into. The book explains how to make the most of your social interactions. Covey focuses on listening rather than speaking, on the importance of understanding and being emphatic. At the same time, he explains how important it is to live according to your most important values, instead of pretending. Covey shows how people are often blinded by the assumption that others see the world in the same way that they themselves do. A very valid point — and an ironic one, too. U –Kanta Dihal

Salt Rating:

Salt Rating:

Salt Rating:

Salt Rating:

Salt Rating:

Soy Sauce (Delicious in very small doses).

White Bread (A starchy staple of the student diet).

Instant Noodles (Nourishing though lethal).

Pretzel (Fun at parties, but easy to gorge on).

Tears (Pain infused with the possibility of growth).

Monday, November 4, 2013 |

EDITOR Natalie Scadden


Climbing >>

UBC a playground for urban climbers Builderers look for creative ways to scale campus structures by night

Left: gaps like these serve as handholds for experienced climbers. Right: climbers ascend this wall by manuevering from the overhang to these strange building decorations.

Reyhana Heatherington Senior Lifestyle Writer

What do you see when you look at a building? A classroom? A place of refuge on a violently rainy day? An affront to nature, perhaps? Urban climbers, or builderers, see a playground teeming with possibilities. “The best buildings were the ones with granite surfaces, because it felt like rock,” Bill Thompson remembered. Thompson, who used to practice buildering at UBC in the 1970s, is the climbing “guru” and a mainstay at the Birdcoop, where he maintains the climbing cave. Buildering, also known as stegophily, is the practice of climbing the exterior of buildings. This activity, which derives its name from the practice of bouldering, or rock climbing without ropes, has a long history at universities — including UBC. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young became the first person to document his buildering escapades at Cambridge University in a 74-page book when he published The Roof-Climber’s Guide to Trinity in 1900. Similar texts followed, including the highly venerated 1937 book, The Night Climbers of Cambridge. These days, Thompson said the student recreation centre climbing cave has made buildering less relevant at UBC. “There is no need for it now with the indoor gym,” he said. New trends in architecture leave fewer options for new buildering routes today. “It’s all glass now,” lamented Henrik*, a veteran builderer who acts as a guide for climbing outings. “They don’t make buildings out of concrete anymore.” Whether climbers tackle monolithic outdoor structures or indoor routes comprised of brightly coloured holds, there is plenty of variety in the athletic feats they achieve. Along with scaling to towering heights, climbers also traverse walls horizontally in ways that seem simple — until you give it a try.

On climbing excursions, firsttime builderers are cheered on and given words of encouragement. When a novice climber reaches the top of a route, the group applauds. The sense of community is apparent when climbers share “beta” or insight into specific climbing techniques. This dangerous and illegal activity does not come without controversy, though, and the excitement can add to the allure of the climb. Henrik recalled being reported to the police by residents with markedly misplaced worries. “They said, ‘There’s people climbing the buildings and they’re stealing chesterfields!’” he said, laughing. These “chesterfields” were actually crash pads the climbers often bring to ensure safe landings in case of a misstep. While the term “night climber” may conjure up ideas of rebellious miscreants, safeguards and practical concerns often trump adrenaline-fueled ascents. Finding a freshly planted spiky plant below one buildering route, Henrik hesitated before attempting the climb. “It would be bad to take it out,” he said. “It wouldn’t be so bad to get a shovel and replant it a few feet over.” Some students prefer the exhilaration and achievement of outdoor buildering to indoor bouldering, despite the risks. “Climbing plastic is boring,” Eric* said. He has been buildering for several years and believes the indoor gym serves as a practice ground. “Most of the serious climbers in the climbing gym are just there for training anyway,” he said. Whatever the motivation, maneuvering indoor caves can be a grueling workout. Many climbers forego traditional weightlifting regimes, finding that climbing is enough on its own. Tim Smith is a fifth-year kinesiology student and former varsity cross-country runner who recently made the leap to climbing at the Birdcoop. His friends,

The sexiest sport?

In 2010, a study from the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom set out to determine the “sexiest sport”. After polling more than 6,000 people, rock climbing was ranked number one with 57 per cent of the responses. Will Nettke, a fifth-year astronomy and math student and beginner climber at the Birdcoop, doesn’t find this hard to believe. He described watching rock climbers recently at Sombrio Beach on Vancouver Island. “One of the dudes looked like a fucking Spartan,” Nettke said. “To be good at the sport, you have to be in peak physical condition.”

Above: climbers shimmy up this corner of the General Services Administration Building. Below: this low dyno requires climbers to jump from the underhang to the top.

more experienced night climbers, enjoy the cerebral complexity of buildering. “[They say] it’s like looking at a puzzle and trying to figure it out,” Smith said. Climbing appeals to Smith because he can develop strength in different ways, and he has found “the mentality translates” from his years of competitive running. Like many students across time zones and generations, Smith said he has found a “pure” and basic connection to climbing. “It feels very fundamental,” he said. “In here, it’s me and the wall.” U *These names have been changed to protect the identities of our sources. Editor’s Note: The Ubyssey does not endorse buildering in any way. Climbing on university structures is extremely dangerous and is not permitted. Any person found doing so could face university discipline or legal proceedings. The Ubyssey accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss caused by such activity, nor any effect caused by the reading of an article about such activity.

Photos Carter Brundage/The Ubyssey

8 | SPORTS + REC |



Men’s soccer headed to nationals Nick Adams Staff Writer

The UBC Thunderbirds are once again Canada West champions. They defeated the University of Saskatchewan Huskies 6-1 this Sunday to reclaim their title in a match that showed their true potential. Stepping up his game and solidifying the win for the ’Birds was Niall Cousens, who scored four goals in the first half of the match, setting a conference record. Pit that against the four goals he scored all regular season and his performance becomes even more outstanding. Before the game, the coaches asked to see more from Cousens, and he certainly didn’t disappoint. “Guess we should have really pushed that button a bit earlier,” UBC head coach Mike Mosher laughed after the game. “Good coaches can always get more out of players,” said Cousens. “To be honest, I don’t know what it was today. The team played fantastic, the service was there, and the ball was going in.” Perhaps more important than his four goals was his humbling attitude. Cousens credited his team for their performance rather than highlighting his own creative abilities. Right off the first whistle, the ‘Birds were pushing. Canada West MVP Reynold Stewart saw a chance to put left midfielder Milad Mehrabi through to the corner, but so did the Huskies right defender. Stepping up and deflecting the pass, the ball went out for a corner. The ball was swung in and, although the chance off the corner didn’t result in a goal, the mental pressure it created put the Huskies on their heels. Minutes later, the strong offensive mindset would pay off for the ‘Birds.

BIRD DROPPINGS Women’s soccer trailing 1-0 deep into the second half of the canada west semifinal game, uBc women’s soccer captain taryn Lim made a diving header that sent the ball past university of alberta goalkeeper kelti Biggs to keep her team in the game. sadly, it wasn’t enough, as alberta’s Jessie candlish scored the lone goal in overtime, sending the Pandas on to the gold medal game, and more importantly, to cIs nationals next week in toronto. In the bronze medal game on saturday night, neither uBc or uVic could find the back of the net in regulation time. under the canada west playoff format, the consolation match went straight to penalty kicks rather than an overtime period first, and Victoria struck three times to uBc’s one.

PhOtO wILL McDONaLD/thE uByssEy

uBc celebrates their 17th canada west championship title after a 6-1 victory over the saskatchewan huskies.

Cousens, running across the field to a bouncing ball, drew a foul on the 30-yard line. Leaving the ball for Milad Mehrabi, he ran into the box and, as Mehrabi’s driven shot bounced off the keeper, Cousens opened the floodgates by hammering the rebound home, giving UBC their first goal. Not even 10 minutes later, Navid Mashinchi took the ball into the corner and, after undressing the defender, chipped the ball onto the head of Cousens who, at 6’4”, easily put away his second. Down but not out, the Huskies replied with a similar goal to UBC’s first. Luigi Bekwayo headed home a rebound off a free kick that put his trailing team back within reach of the title.

The lead didn’t last long, though. In the 28th minute, Navid Mashinchi drove across the middle and passed to Cousens who, on the top of the box, flicked the ball right, turned left around the defender, nearly broke the poor kid’s ankles, and slotted his third (and nicest) goal into the bottom left corner. “I’ve been in some big games, and with age and experience you can handle them better, and you can hopefully be calm on the field and the guys can see that and feed off it,” said Cousens. “I was happy with the performance today, both in myself and the team.” Two minutes later, he put the final nail in the coffin. Tyler Mertens chipped a quick through ball into the box and Cousens finished his fourth and final goal with ease.

Off a corner, Cousens nearly headed home another, but the keeper swatted it away just in time. Unfortunately for Saskatchewan, he cleared it onto the foot of Milad Mehrabi, who cranked it into the back of the net to make it 6-1. Second to Cousens’ outstanding game was Mitchell Popadynetz who, after coming on late in the second half, scored the final goal for UBC. Both teams fought hard until the final whistle but at the end of the day it was the ’Birds who chanted “Olé, Olé, Olé” as they lifted the Canada West champions trophy. The Huskies may have a shot at revenge as both teams fly out tomorrow for Fredericton to compete in the CIS finals, seeding for which will take place later this week. U

this is the third straight year uBc will miss out on nationals. For Lim and four other senior leaders, christina Donnelly, Janine Frazao, Jordan kitigawa and Rachael sawer, it was an unfitting end to an otherwise successful season, and in Frazao’s case, a record-setting career. In 12 regular season games this year, the thunderbirds lost just one contest, another heartbreaker to alberta two weeks ago, which cost them the chance to host playoffs here at uBc. their defensive shutdown regime had let in two goals in the 11 games prior to that 3-2 loss, one of them being an own goal that deflected off of Donnelly’s head.


Men’s hockey ’Birds storm back Jack Hauen Staff Writer

Joe Antilla’s hat trick lead the UBC Thunderbirds men’s hockey team to a 7-4 victory over the University of Lethbridge Pronghorns Saturday night, ending their four game losing streak and splitting the weekend series with the ’Horns after Friday night’s double overtime loss. Compared to the rest of the game, the first period was fairly uneventful, and left the score tied 1-1 after 20 minutes. UBC opened the scoring with a goal at 4:29 as Scott MacDonald put in the rebound off a point shot from Kevin Smith. Lethbridge’s Mike Forsyth responded at 11:15 with a high one-timer just after the puck was dropped. This seemed to give Lethbridge some momentum, but even a UBC interference penalty at 15:35 couldn’t give them what they needed to take the lead in the first frame. The period ended with the shots favouring the Pronghorns 13-11. The second period began with a Lethbridge powerplay, which was handily killed off by the T-Birds. The game started to break open in this frame, beginning with a UBC tip that sailed just high over the shoulder of Lethbridge goalie Damien Ketlo, with chances in tight coming soon after. Ketlo held his ground, however, and the game remained 1-1.

The fast pace continued after a careening puck sailed across Hewitt’s crease, rebounding into a UBC rush to Lethbridge’s end and some sustained pressure from the ’Birds. The ’Horns took their first lead at 13:53, when Ryon Moser snapped one in from the bottom of the faceoff circle. UBC immediately came storming back to tie it at two 28 seconds later with Antilla’s first of the night — a wicked shot he carried into the slot that beat Ketlo up high. The game broke clean open at this point, and started to get a bit chippy. At 15:13, Pronghorn Mason Conway took his second minor of the game, this time a charging call deep in the Thunderbird zone. UBC’s Ben Schmidt steamrolled a Lethbridge player just as the call was being made, drawing some cheers from the crowd. Lethbridge responded to take a 3-2 lead at 15:50 as Cass Mappin tapped in a hard pass from David McMullen just to the side of Hewitt’s crease. Only 12 seconds later, however, the T-Birds tied it at three on the powerplay as Brad Hoban pounced on a juicy rebound sitting right in the crease and ripped one top shelf, beating Ketlo cleanly. In the third period, Antilla began to work his magic. A minute in, he jumped up on a two-on-one and came ever so close to his second of the night, but a flash of Ketlo’s leather denied him. The crowd was still

buzzing as Antilla capitalized on his momentum by going down on one knee, Brett Hull-style, to rip home a one-timer in the slot, making it 4-3 ’Birds 1:36 into the frame. UBC didn’t let up for a moment as they continued to pressure the Pronghorns’ zone. A wide-open Lethbridge net with the puck dribbling just wide, Brendon Wall’s dangles ending in a razor-thin miss, captain Schmidt’s Bertuzzi-esque one-handed drive to the net, MacDonald’s ringer off the post after shaking three Pronghorns in the slot — the scoring opportunities were the pinnacle of quantity and quality, but none found the back of the net. Matt Hewitt was not to be outshone, however, as he made the best save of the game, and perhaps the season, to keep the game from becoming tied. On his back, down and out, he reached behind his back to steal from Mappin what should have been a sure goal. Lethbridge celebrated and the crowd sighed, but the referee behind the net waved his arms “no goal”. After some confusion, everyone realized that Hewitt belongs in Cirque de Soleil, and Mappin should sue for robbery. The highlight reel save ignited the ’Birds further, as Luke Lockhart waltzed into the slot and got the game-winner by snapping a mean shot over Damien Ketlo’s shoulder to put the ‘Birds up 5-3.

PhOtO JOsh cuRRaN/thE uByssEy

Joe antilla (27) had a hat trick to lead uBc to a 7-4 victory on saturday.

After a huge glove save by Hewitt, UBC’s Nate Fleming took a high-sticking penalty, putting UBC shorthanded with 4:12 to go in the game. Joe Antilla didn’t seem to notice, though, as he blazed down the right wing and sent a wicked snapshot between Ketlo’s legs with 3:04 remaining to give his team a 6-3 lead. Some chippy play ensued in the Thunderbird zone, as some frustration came to the surface. At 18:20, UBC’s Nate Fleming took a retaliatory cross-checking penalty, which led to Lethbridge’s fourth goal of the game at 19:04 from David McMullen, after a scramble in the slot. The T-Birds got it back in the final seconds with Luke Lockhart’s second of the game an empty-netter to make the final score 7-4. U

Women’s Field Hockey Last week, UBC was unable to capture their 11th straight Canada West title when they lost 2-0 to the University of Victoria Vikes. However, they had no trouble winning their fhree round robin games at CIS nationals, hosted by the Vikes, and wound up with a rematch in the gold medal game. With goals by Canada West MVP Rachel Donohoe, Hannah Haughn and Sara McManus, UBC took a 4-1 victory to claim their 15th CIS national championship title, third straight. UBC midfielder Abigail Raye was named tournament MVP.


| SPORTS + REC | 9


Football T-Birds left out in the cold Close loss to the undefeated University of Calgary Dinos ends promising season CJ Pentland Managing editor, Web

Heading to the playoffs for the first time in two years, the UBC Thunderbirds had the odds stacked against them. Not only were the University of Calgary Dinos — a team coming off an 8-0 regular season and looking for their sixth straight conference title — standing in their path, but so was a heavy snowfall that never let up throughout the contest. Yes, UBC’s motto this year was “All Weather,” but it’s kind of hard to prepare for blizzard conditions when your team is based in Vancouver. The game didn’t start too badly for the ’Birds. A two-and-out on Calgary’s first drive gave UBC the ball right away, and they promptly went 56 yards on five plays to take a 7-0 lead. Another stop saw the ball back in the T-Birds’ possession, and they took advantage with a Quinn Van Gylswyk field goal to push the lead to 10. The momentum kept snowballing as Calgary quarterback Andrew Buckley threw an errant pass right into the hands of UBC’s Jordan Bosa for the interception. On the ensuing play, Carson Williams found Josh Kronstrom in the end zone for a 35yard touchdown, and all of a sudden it was a 17-0 lead for the blue and gold just over 10 minutes into the game. It was a dream start. But then the Dinos remembered that they were one of the best teams in the country, pinched the ’Birds and woke them from their bliss. A 17-point deficit for the Dinos and their offence was next to nothing for them to overcome — especially considering they were playing a

team that blew a 17-point lead with under eight minutes to play earlier in the year. UBC knew the blowback would come, and it did. However, the Thunderbirds did a good job of limiting the damage. Despite not scoring for the rest of the half, they held the Dinos to just one touchdown, forcing Calgary to settle for three field goals and a forced safety and seeing them down by just one at halftime, 18-17. In the third, it appeared that UBC found their momentum again. Brandon Deschamps needed just two plays to rush 55 yards to the house to give his team the lead back, but that was the last time the ‘Birds would hold the advantage. The defence once again did their part by limiting the Calgary offence, as UBC carried a 24-21 lead into the final 15 minutes of play. But when another one of the top running backs in the nation, Mercer Timmis, kept running into defenders slipping in the snow, they got worn down quickly. It didn’t help that the UBC offence was giving their defensive corps only a couple minutes of rest due to short possessions. Timmis erased the small deficit at the start of the fourth quarter, leaping over the goal line to give Calgary the lead. UBC’s Van Gylswyk kicked a field goal to trim the margin, but Timmis scored again to make it an eight-point game. Howver, the game was still in reach, especially when the Dinos conceded a single to make it a seven-point game. All UBC needed was a stop on Calgary’s next drive. With their season on the line, they got that stop. After the Calgary punt, this gave the ’Birds just under three minutes and about 90 yards to tie it up and extend their season.


Rowing squads 2nd overall at nationals Colin Chia Senior Quebec Correspondent

MONTREAL — UBC Thunderbird rowers fought through rough water and tough competition at the Canadian University Rowing Championships in Montreal this weekend to finish second overall in both the men’s and women’s competitions. With all 12 T-Bird crews advancing to the A finals from the time trials — a first for the rowing program — UBC were set up in a tight battle for the overall title at the Olympic Basin, built for the 1976 Summer Olympics. UBC won gold in the women’s open pairs, men’s fours and the women’s eights. T-Birds also took second place in the men’s eights, and another silver went to Max Lattimer in the men’s lightweight singles. In both genders, Canadian university rowing is a highly competitive field where rowers need to reach an international standard to win, and competitors often include Olympians. “The top four schools were basically trading wins all day long,” said women’s head coach Craig Pond. “On the women’s side, the calibre of the competition is at an all-time high. “Our goal was to win, so we’re feeling a bit disappointed, but [we’re] happy we won the eights,” said Pond, calling UBC’s victory

in that event a “huge accomplishment”. The aftermath of a windstorm sweeping through Montreal made for challenging conditions, especially in the morning. The day started with UBC’s Alex Janzen tipping his boat over in rough water and failing to finish the men’s singles. “It was a bit of a heartbreaker, really. They battled very hard, and faced with some different circumstances, they might have been able to win the day,” said men’s head coach Mike Pearce, who praised the University of Western Ontario team that took home the men’s and women’s overall championships. One key point in the regatta came when Western pipped UBC for first place in the men’s eights by a narrow four-second margin. “They had a stronger, heavier crew that really helped them with the headwind in the eights,” said Pearce. “The worst conditions for a light crew versus a heavy crew is a strong headwind, and that’s what we had today.” All of UBC’s crews demonstrated that they were competitive over the regatta and in the time trials, however, and Pearce considers this a sign that the program has a good base of athletic talent going forward. “We’ll be back next year with even more intention to win a banner.” U

They couldn’t even get 10. Having to cover that much ground in that short amount of time, UBC simply couldn’t rely just on Deschamps, meaning that Williams would have to step up. I said last week that the running game and defence would do their part in helping take down Calgary in the playoffs, and they did, as Deschamps ran for 186 yards on 22 carries and the defence never caved. I also said that the quarterbacking corps, be it Williams or Greg Bowcott behind centre, would have to step up. Overall, Williams played a strong game, completing 13 of 22 passes for 256 yards while throwing a touchdown and no interceptions. But in the end, he didn’t get the help he needed. With second-and-three, the ’Birds opted to throw it, going the direction of Patrick Bull, who had six catches for 134 yards on the afternoon. But the throw bounced off his numbers, falling to the frozen turf below him. Then, on third-andthree, they handed it off to Deschamps, who stormed into the pile in front of him. He got close first down marker, but the spot wasn’t favourable and he was just short of the line, and the ball went back to Calgary. (I must briefly mention the refs, who missed Rashaun Simonise stepping out of bounds on a punt return before he gained 30 more yards, and called a catch on another throw that clearly hit the turf. Not to say that they changed the outcome of the game, but they were noteworthy events). The Dinos then capped off the game with another touchdown, making the final score 42-28 and sending them to the Hardy Cup final. The unofficial motto for this year’s T-Birds team could be “the

uBc football finished with an overall record of 4-5 in 2013.

game was a lot closer than the score indicated.” Despite the 14-point margin, this game truly went down to the wire, as did their opening game against Calgary and their losses this year to Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The average person may look at UBC’s results this year and see a final record on 4-5 and think they didn’t play well, but that definitely isn’t the case. This team played well beyond expectations, and showed they could compete with the big boys. They just didn’t have that killer instinct. The team now heads into an offseason that might even be their last. With UBC undergoing their sport targeting review process that will most likely remove some teams from varsity status, the future of football beyond 2014 remains up in the air.


How that affects next year’s team is yet to be determined, but this year, it perhaps even motivated them to show that they are a team worth the school’s time and attention. It would be easy to end an article like this by saying that while UBC didn’t get it done this year, the strides this season bode well for the future. Deschamps solidified his status as one of the best running backs in the country, the defence played better than they have in years, the quarterback and receiving corps gelled quickly and Van Gylswyk led the country in punting as a first year. But when there’s no definite future, that can’t really be said. Right now, UBC football just has to wait and see, but hopefully for them, these gains aren’t cut short after just one year. U

Monday, noveMber 4, 2013 |

stuDENt VOIcE. cOMMuNIty REach.



PhOtO caRtER BRuNDagE/thE uByssEy

the take Back the Night rally at uBc quickly became a parody of everything wrong with the left, and failed as campus advocacy.

A sorry excuse for campus activism ARNO LAND By arno Rosenfeld

The Ubyssey, for those of you who don’t know, is pretty right-wing by Canadian student newspaper standards. Now, mind you, Canadian student newspapers (including The Ubyssey in its earlier days) have a proud history of leftism veering toward Marxism. The point is, while we’re hardly conservative (we have a poster of Mao Zedong in our office), we’re a cynical bunch, and we often cast a disparaging eye toward those on our left. But despite this cynicism, I really want, and I think the newspaper staff really wants, something good to come from the recent spate of feminist activism on campus. First came the Sauder rape cheer, then the sexual assaults, and helping cover both for The Ubyssey , I’ve been reminded of the still-precarious position of women in society. Institutionalized misogyny, illustrated by naked photo competitions and sexist cheers at Sauder FROSH, and unchecked violence, made plain by the recent attacks on campus, both still plague society. Thankfully, gender equality in the West has made great strides over the past several decades. But on the whole, there is still a long way we can go as a society, and as students at a top institute of higher education, we can contribute to that happening. Unfortunately, those putting themselves forward as the face of feminist activism at UBC are doing a God-awful job when it comes to increasing equality — and they’re seemingly proud of this shameful fact. The first problem is that the recent sexual assaults and the resulting media attention shined on our campus has been co-opted by a slew of groups looking to promote an often militant leftist agenda. It seems these groups, or individual activists, view the series of violent sexual attacks on students at UBC as the perfect excuse to raise their litany of complaints about society: the RCMP, Campus Security, our university, remnants of colonialism, the Museum of Anthropology, fraternities and white people are all to blame for rape culture. Perhaps those targets do deserve <em>


some blame. As a white American male, am I complicit in some pretty terrible things that white people, Americans and men have done over the past several hundred years, ot over the past several days? Hours? Undoubtedly I am. But here’s what the activists decrying the RCMP and colonialism are missing: these assaults aren’t about rape culture or colonialism, nor are the RCMP or the university doing anything wrong. The RCMP aren't victim-blaming by telling students not to walk alone. They are offering sound advice about how to stay safe at night. Scott Anderson, a UBC philosophy professor who has spoken out forcefully against the causes of rape culture, explained the disconnect between the recent assaults and larger issues of consent and rape culture. “Most men have very little sympathy for the guy who hides in the bushes and jumps out,” Anderson told the Canadian University Press. “But they have a lot of sympathy for other men who take it too far or resort to non-consensual means against women who are drunk or incapacitated.” The research on rapists who knowingly and intentionally attack women suggests they are driven by anger and a desire for power, not a misunderstanding over the meaning of consent. Putting out a message of “no means no” will not deter the man or men lurking in the bushes of Point Grey. Historically, Take Back the Night rallies have been held to protest unsafe conditions in cities around the world, where many women are being attacked by many men and the police are refusing to take action. In contrast, the UBC rally was essentially held in opposition to one man whose abhorrent crimes have generated a massive law enforcement and university response. That makes the march, and those behind it, hard to take seriously — especially when they bring up off-topic issues like transgender inequality and the theft of aboriginal artifacts. Just what are these activists out to achieve? Rape culture and victim-blaming are serious issues. Misogyny generally is a serious issue. The hangover of colonialism is a serious issue. Racism is a serious issue. But none of those issues are to blame for the recent attacks, and

none of the activists behind Take Back the Night drew any convincing parallels between the attacks and their complaints about Canadian society. These activists are turning the assaults of students in our community into an opportunity to air opinions that would otherwise have no place in the discourse at hand. They are so off-base when it comes to this issue that it makes it easy to write off their message altogether. When men are told they are to blame for the recent attacks because they don’t lecture their male friends on the importance of consent, or that their opinions on how to fight rape culture are moot because of their gender, they are likely to tune out the entire message. And there’s been no shortage of women who have said they are loath to lend their support to UBC’s Take Back the Night and related activism because they don’t want to be branded as radicals — a legitimate fear, unfortunately. As UBC president Stephen Toope said at a recent press conference, the attacks on campus are a chance for our community to come together. It would not have been hard to organize a march across campus where students could show that nighttime safety on campus should be a university priority, and that the community stands together in the face of a genuinely scary series of attacks. But instead, desperate for an indicator that rape culture was rearing its ugly head at their university, a handful of activists, joined by various Vancouver community groups with similar agendas, insisted on holding a poorly organized march which did nothing to solve any of the problems they claim to be fighting, and actually divided our community at a time when we should be banding together. The organizers of Take Back the Night, Women Against Violence Against Women and others can be proud that they held to their ideological lines in putting on the march and attempting to enforce absurd parameters over what language can be used and whose voices can be heard in the debate over how to respond to the assaults. But they should be ashamed at everything else. Here’s to hoping courageous and pragmatic advocates for women’s rights emerge at UBC and start agitating effectively for change. U

ILLustRatION JEthRO au/thE uByssEy

toronto mayor Rob Ford, who was allegedly caught on video smokng from a crack pipe, isn’t the only canadian leader in trouble. The Ubyssey has obtained exclusive footage, seen above, of uBc president stephen J. toope indulging in his secret honey addiction with an area bear.

LAST WORDS don’T proTeST on halloWeen If you didn’t spend your Halloween night absolutely hammered and running on a sugar high, you might have noticed that protesters from the Take Back the Night walk graffitied the infamous engineering cairn with the phrase “fuck rape culture,” conveniently over a new Happy Halloween sign. Or perhaps you noticed the AMS’ zombie mob entitled the “Walking Debt,” (lol) a Halloween-themed protest over tuition fees. If that wasn’t enough, you may have even noticed the Acadia Park trick-or-treat event, using their last trick-or-treat to protest the residence’s impending closure. Now, all of these are great causes, and everyone certainly has the right to have their voice heard. But it’s really too bad that so many groups have taken what’s supposed to be a fun, lighthearted day and turned it into a stage for political rallies. So please, UBC, can we not have one day where we dress up, eat too much candy and pretend to be people who can let politics go just this once?

referendum failure iS adminiSTraTion’S faulT Many media outlets are going to report that Sauder School of Business students are the scum of the earth for voting against


a $200,000 referendum to fund sexual assault counselling and education. To be fair, it looks bad. And it looks particularly bad for Sauder dean Robert Helsley, the one who made the funding commitment publicly. The pledge was Helsley’s all along, and it turns out that students don’t like to be bullied into decisions by the administration. The terms of the agreement were loose and students did not know exactly how this money would be spent. If you want student cooperation, make sure you have real support behind an initiative, instead of making empty promises to a room full of cameras. Spending decisions should be more than just a PR stunt.

Time To fix ConneCT Students have been experiencing problems with Connect since the beginning of the year. UBC IT doesn’t know why this is, except that it might have to do with some problems at the vendor. While a lot of students seem to be dealing with this by just using Connect as little as possible, some classes require students to use connect to complete quizzes and hand in assignments. The whole point of the platform is to make things easier for professors and students, not harder. UBC needs to figure out what is wrong with Connect and fix it. In the meantime, we’re wondering why they phased out Vista for a program that’s essentially the same, but worse. U







by kiana thorley

ILLustRatION LuELLa suN/thE uByssEy

Vancouver sports media stir rumor mill, force UBC to defend itself

Personal attacks and sexism mar columns in The Province, Sun


By Brian Platt

OTTAWA — “Have you heard UBC’s football program is ending? Are you furious about it? You should be!” If you pay attention to the sports pages of Vancouver’s newspapers, this is the kind of thing you’ve been reading lately. The Province’s Tony Gallagher and The Vancouver Sun’s Iain MacIntyre have been writing columns filled with anonymous rumours and suggestions that a nefarious scheme is under way to terminate UBC’s football and hockey programs under the guise of a varsity sports review. The funding, they tell us, will be redirected to more inclusive “health and wellness” activities. A remarkable response came on Thursday, when UBC’s president, in a broadcast email, and VP Students Louise Cowin, in a Sun op-ed, fired back at the two columnists and called them liars. They weren’t quite that direct, of course — Stephen Toope referred to “misinformation that is being circulated,” while Louise Cowin described “loud voices raising completely false fears.” But given the usual jargon-laden safety of UBC’s executive communications, they may as well have said: “You want to take this outside? Let’s go.” Now, I have no inside information on whether UBC will have football five years from now. What I do know a bit about is media culture, and I have a pretty good idea of what set off UBC’s top brass. Having once been an editor at this very paper, it puts me in the unfamiliar position of defending university officials against a feisty press. Nobody questions whether Gallagher and MacIntyre have good connections to UBC’s sports alumni community. Heck, Gallagher has been writing about Vancouver sports for nearly half a <em>


century. But good sources don’t always make for accurate reporting — especially when those sources are kept secret. Gallagher first wrote about this subject on Oct. 18. Though he had nobody saying this on the record, he assured us the sports “rumoured to be on the hit list include football and hockey.” A week later, Gallagher walked back his claim and told us hockey was safe — but football was in even more danger! When columnists do this sort of thing, waffling back and forth and asking us to trust them without knowing who’s whispering in their ear, it’s impossible to know what’s true. But there’s a second problem, and I suspect it’s the reason you can detect real anger in the statements from Toope and Cowin. The tone of the columns has been this: now that Cowin and UBC’s athletics director Ashley Howard are in charge, we’ve got a couple of Frisbee-playing women who only care about womanly things like “wellness,” and are incapable of appreciating the virtues of competition and excellence in sport. If you think I’m exaggerating in the slightest, I encourage you to go read the columns. A charitable interpretation here is that Gallagher and MacIntyre are simply passing on the contempt their sources have toward Cowin and Howard, who have both clearly ruffled some feathers among alumni. There are, however, many uncharitable interpretations. The columns were sprinkled with a handful of other anonymous rumours, including that wealthy developers will build condos where the football stadium is, and that the expensive new aquatic centre was built to squeeze out sports the university doesn’t want. So the mushy feminists are in league with the millionaire real estate moguls? It’s easy to lose track here. One can see why Toope and Cowin felt they had to issue mass media corrections of “misinformation.” It’s not about cost-cutting or wellness, they said. They want to

channel the same resources into fewer areas and achieve a better rate of excellence. That’s it. That Gallagher and MacIntyre completely missed the point of the review is pretty embarrassing. But they weren’t interested in understanding the deeper context behind UBC’s athletics review; they were interested in making snarky, mean-spirited attacks on the two women against whom their sources have axes to grind, and riling up a base of university jocks who are infuriated that football and hockey weren’t given protection in the review. Football and hockey could be candidates for retraction, or they might not be. It could be other sports. It could be no sports. We don’t know yet. That’s the whole point of a review. Here’s why all this matters: there are big issues that need examining in this area. UBC has always had trouble marketing its varsity sports, for one. Many students pay a hefty $200 athletics fee they see little return on, for another. Then there’s the ever-increasing pressure UBC puts on its so-called “ancillary operations” to generate revenue, which includes departments like athletics, the bookstore and parking. That’s because the province provides ever-decreasing funding to universities, telling them to “cut the fat” to make up for it. It’s why the shiny athletics facilities are heavily promoted to deeper-pocketed non-student groups, and why the bookstore is a sprawling, aggressive retail outlet, among other examples. If the biggest voices in Vancouver’s sports press took up some of these problems in well-informed columns, then that would add real value to the debate over UBC’s varsity sports program. Instead, they’ve turned the debate into an old-boys network spreading gossip and rumours. What a shame. U Brian Platt is a former Ubyssey features editor, and is now a journalism graduate student at Carleton University.





12 | GAMES |



PuZZLE cOuRtEsy BEstcROsswORDs.cOM. usED wIth PERMIssION.

aCroSS 1- tiny bed 7- Believer’s suffix 10- assignment 14- Imaginary 15- ___ Dawn chong 16- suffix with exist 17- tropical fruit 18- ___ town 19- Ollie’s partner 20- given to denunciation 23- Bottomless pit 26- Maiden name indicator 27- the brainy bunch 28- turn tail and run 29- Blazed a trail 30- Not for a scot 31- city in w central Israel 33- Dispenser candy 34- Begley and Bradley 37- Moray

38- “___ had it!” 39- gI mail drop 40- Boy king 41- Map lines: abbr. 42- 100 yrs. 43- Ben cartwright, for one 45- uFO pilots 46- “Runaway” singer shannon 47- Pro ___ 48- hasta ___ 51- Junior 52- aromatic herb 53- underwear 56- Egyptian goddess 57- 1963 Paul Newman film 58- greek goddess of wisdom 62- Lady’s escort 63- Night school subj. 64- Playground retort 65- Nest eggs, briefly 66- common article 67- Bicycle seat

1- young bear 2- genetic material 3- Prince Valiant’s son 4- salty Mideastern body 5- ways to the pins 6- Brio 7- Pressed 8- gravy, for one 9- actress garr 10- Exam taker 11- composer Bruckner 12- surgery souvenirs 13- Nairobi’s nation 21- Not uniform 22- River in N south america 23- In search of 24- Run in the wash 25- shouts 29- Resides 30- sherpa’s home 32- conqueror 33- Father or mother 34- Patriot allen 35- songs for two 36- wander 44- collided 45- Discharges 46- Draw idly 48- Playwright Pirandello 49- Big name at Indy 50- Minneapolis suburb 51- Partly melted snow 52- aquarium fish 54- guitarist atkins 55- Lukas of Witness 59- terminus 60- cambodia’s Lon ___ 61- consumed Oct. 31 answers

PuZZLE cOuRtEsy kRaZyDaD. usED wIth PERMIssION.

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