August 28, 2014

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August 28, 2014 | VoLuME XcVI| IssuE II #DICKLOSSPREVENTIONV since 1918





What’s on Tue 1229


This week, may we suggest...





Ultimate Frisbee on the Mall: 12-2 p.m. @ the Library Garden (in front of Irving)

UBC Campus and Community Planning and UBC Rec are teaming up to host a game of Ultimate Frisbee. Show up in front of Irving K. Barber library for two hours of summer sport fun. Free. Tue 1230

Tue 1230




Move-in Day for new students @ UBC Residences. August 30 is the official move-in day for new UBC students living in residence. Thousands of new students will be on campus, friendships will be formed, ambulance calls for alcohol poisoning will be made. Free

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movie night


AMS Firstweek Flix @ Totem & Vanier fields from 8:45-11:30 p.m. Bring a blanket and watch a movie with your resmates only a few steps from home. Free Tue 122

Toga Party

Sigma Chi Toga Party @ Sigma Chi Frat House How many chances in life do you get to wear nothing but a bedsheet, stand in a hot building crowded with hundreds of first-years and drink lots of beers? Several times per year, at UBC. Probably the biggest and most important toga party of the year. Free (bring your UBC ID)

Imagine Day


Imagine Day @ UBC Campus from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Classes are cancelled for this day of tours, pep rallies, and school spirit. Make the most of the last day before school starts by checking out some of the hundreds of club booths, reconnecting with friends and getting some free stuff. Free

Got an event you’d like to see on this page? Send your event and your best pitch to

ON THE COVER Thanks to Coach Shawn and the O Line for being the pretty faces for this issues cover. Have a great season guys! - Mackenzie Walker

U The Ubyssey editorial


AUGUST 28, 2014 | Volume XCVI| Issue II BUSINESS

CONTACT Editorial Office: SUB 24 604.822.2301

Coordinating Editor Will McDonald

Distribution Coordinator Your name here! Lily Cai

Business Manager Fernie Pereira

Design Editor Nick Adams

Web Developer Peter Siemens

News Editors Jovana Vranic + Veronika Bondarenko

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Sports + Rec Editor Jack Hauen

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Photo Editor Mackenzie Walker

Opinions + Blog Editor Austen Erhardt

Write/shoot/contribute to The Ubyssey and attend our staff meetings and you too can see your name in the glorious tones of black that only offset printing can produce. We meet every week in our office, SUB 24 — in the basement, squirreled away in the back, there. Yeah, we know. You’ll get used to it.

Ad Sales Geoff Lister

Business Office: SUB 23 Advertising 604.822.1654 Inquiries 604.822.6681 Student Union Building 6138 SUB Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 Online: Twitter: @ubyssey

LEGAL The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Monday and Thursday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organization, and all students are encouraged to participate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University of British Columbia. All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein

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photo jessica irwin

Armaan Malhotra Contributor

The question, “what is the next step after I graduate?” is often on the minds of students. Darren Irwin is a UBC professor of evolutionary ecology and statistics in the Department of Zoology who was faced with this very question after the completion of his undergraduate degree. In his second year at Stanford, he wanted to become involved in research. He soon found himself studying population variation in butterflies. Once he had completed his honours degree, Irwin found himself confused about his future. “Between my undergraduate degree and graduate school, I was really uncertain of what I wanted to do. I was all over the map.” At this stage in his life, Irwin drew on his passions. “I loved the outdoors; I had grown up visiting the Yosemite National Park in California with my parents at least twice a year since I was five years old.” When considering his options, Irwin looked into wildlife photography, outdoor tour guide training, conservationism and even medical school. While taking time to think about his career, he travelled to Baja, California to climb mountains, worked for the nature

and was particularly keen on a position at the University of California, San Diego. When he was offered the job, Irwin was in a situation where he had I had never actually put to take a leap of faith. met the professor “I had never actually met the with whom I would be professor with whom I would be because he was on sabworking because he working batical in India.... The summer was on sabbatical in after I accepted the position, I India.... The summer flew across the world to Delhi, I took a bus ride into the after I accepted the where Himalayas to study birds with a position, I flew across professor that I was meeting for the world to Delhi, the first time.” From this point onwards, where I took a bus ride Irwin found himself living his into the Himalayas dream: travelling around Asia, to study birds with a working in Sweden and eventuprofessor that I was ally settling at UBC. “We certainly have to work meeting for the first hard as professors, but I am altime.” lowed to decide what I am going to study ... and that is why I love my job.” Irwin urges undecided stuDarren Irwin UBC professor of evolutionary dents to be patient. “Don’t look ecology and statistics at [professors] and assume that we always had our acts togeth“Through these experiences, er. Many of us have faced the I realized that I was frustrated exact uncertainty that students [about] being told what to do,” feel after their degrees and most Irwin said. of our paths were not linear. After “coming to [his] senses” “Students have to accept that about his brief medical school uneasy feeling and continue to plan, Irwin found the perfect actively put themselves in situapplication for his love of the ations that test their passions. outdoors, passion for evoluEventually, the time will come where you just have to jump tion and desire to seek out an into something wholeheartedindependent career. He applied to several graduate schools ly.” U

conservancy in Oklahoma as well as for a biotechnology company in the heart of the Silicon Valley.


Show us how you’re spending your last days before class. Post your photo to Instagram with #ubysseycontest by September 2nd for a chance to be published.


First Week >>


Wreck Beach patrols more friendly than expected

Photo Mackenzie Walker/ The Ubyssey

Scott Jacobsen Contributor


This year’s AMS First Week wrap-up event will be half the size of last year’s.

AMS to replace Welcome Back BBQ with smaller event Jovana Vranic News Editor

The AMS is holding a new event to welcome students back to school this year — the Backyard BBQ. Previous Welcome Back BBQs were held on MacInnes field, but due to construction on the new UBC Aquatic Centre, the AMS had to find a new location for this year’s event. “We knew that we were going to have to change somehow,” said

AMS Programming and Events Manager Anna Hilliar. “But we wanted to keep the barbecue feel.” The AMS worked with UBC to find an alternate location. “UBC couldn’t find us the outdoor space, so they offered us the [Thunderbird] arena,” said Hilliar. “But it would have been to costly to run it [there].” Hilliar said she wanted the event to be held outdoors like previous years.

“What I see the students experiencing is like they’re stoked it’s a concert but […] the Welcome Back BBQ is reconvening and also meeting all of these new people,” said Hilliar. “I think it’s important to celebrate those things outside.” The final location has been confirmed as the wooded area between the old SUB and Brock Hall. “Obviously we wanted to have a huge, massive party, but I think this is a good substitute,” said Hilliar.

Around 6,300 students attended the Welcome Back BBQ in previous years, but the Backyard BBQ will only accommodate 3,200. “In short, it’s going to be a concentrated version of what we usually do,” said Hilliar. “We’re going to maintain that spirit, it’s just going to be half the size.” The AMS will release the concert line-up in the next couple of days. Tickets will be sold at $12 to $20. The event is scheduled for Friday, Sept. 5 at 3 p.m. U </em>


Sauder FROSH sparks first year orientation changes

Lawrence Neal Garcia Contributor

There is no FROSH at Sauder this year. Following last year’s rape cheer scandal, the Commerce Undergraduate Society (CUS) is no longer running first year orientations, which are now being facilitated by the university, through the Sauder Undergraduate Office. The new initiative, now called “The Spark,” is headed by Shannon Sterling, UBC’s Associate Director for Student Engagement and Development. Sterling worked with a committee of Sauder students faculty and staff members, as well as some alumni, to plan the upcoming event. With the CUS executives no longer directly participating in the planning and implementation stages, “The Spark” presents a near-complete reworking of what was known previously as Sauder FROSH. According to Sterling, the new program is mainly built around social and educational programming. “I think that’s a different place than FROSH, where it was really focused on a lot of fun and a lot of community,” said Sterling. The two-day event will include a networking lunch and booths for clubs and organizations, as well as a closing gala dinner. “There’s opportunities for all different types of personalities to shine, and for students to self-select into experiences that mean something to them,” said Sterling. “We’re kind of a hybrid model between an orientation, where you follow your group and you spend time with the same group of people … versus a conference where you get to self-select into experiences

The Commerce Undergraduate Society is no longer in charge of first-year orientations.

that are interesting and that resonate with you.” But, as with FROSH in previous years, the event itself is still largely student-led, with four student directors and seven student coordinators involved in all stages of the project, only now with the direction of the university through Sterling and the Sauder Undergraduate Office. Following last year’s cheer scandal, every member of the CUS Executive Council, Board of Directors as well as orientation leaders went through various forms of training, including Anti-violence Ally Training with the Sexual Assault Support Centre and Active Bystander training through UBC Access and Diversity. “We took the issues last year very seriously and we’ve tried to take all reasonable steps to ensure

orientation this year will be more successful and appropriate for the incoming students,” said Sauder dean Robert Helsley. Helsley also emphasized the educational approach to the issue and pointed to the resulting changes across the university. In addition to general guidelines on what first year orientation should accomplish, a new training program from the Centre for Student Involvement and Careers, known as “Building Respectful and Inclusive Communities” or BRIC training, is being mandated across the board. This training consists of a 30-minute online module and a three-hour in-person training that applies not only to student leaders involved in “The Spark,” but to all student leaders in various programs from Imagine Day to Jump Start to

File Photo Geoff Lister / THE UBYSSEY

each faculty’s first year orientation. “[First year orientation is] not called FROSH anywhere else now,” said Sterling. “That’s all changed too.” While there are no restrictions on who is able to get involved with “The Spark,” there are no 2013 Frosh leaders at the planning committee level, although some have applied and been offered orientation leader positions. Although the CUS is not involved at the planning and organization level, CUS president Niloufar Keshmiri acts as a liaison between the CUS and Sterling’s committee and stressed that the executive committee will still have a presence during the event aside from the other first year programs and support that they offer. U

The RCMP has developed a somewhat friendlier relationship than many anticipated with the frequenters of Wreck Beach. Judy Williams, Chairperson of the Wreck Beach Preservation Society, wasn’t pleased when she heard about plans for a police tent on the beach, which she says is the safest beach in B.C. “I have spent the last 45 years advocating for Wreck Beach as accepting, tolerant and loving,” said Williams. “We did not need that kind of negative publicity from an officer new to the beach intent on cleaning it up.” Sgt. Drew Grainger of the UBC RCMP said the police tent was put in place mainly to have officers on hand in case they were needed on the beach. “UBC is a small detachment,” said Grainger. “We only have two or three members patrolling at any given time of the day.” “The tent was essentially a thing of shade for our officers,” said Grainger. “Our strategy down here was to enhance public safety, mitigate the need for call service for some of our officers up top.” According to Grainger, this was a strategy to foster mutual understanding about what is responsible and respectful behaviour. Williams, however, compared the frequent visitors of Wreck Beach to a family that can get by without the additional police presence. “Like all families, we have our squabbles, but when push comes to shove, we are there for one another,” said Williams. Williams further described the more relaxed stance of the police, even joining in some of the beach activities activities such as the Bare Buns Run on Aug. 10. “At some point, I would imagine we will have a more tolerant attitude,” said Williams. Still, Grainger said that the RCMP will continue to focus on preventing the overconsumption of alcohol and selling of illegal drugs on the beach. U

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4 | News |


Okanagan >>

Student union evicts The Phoenix

The editors of the student paper at UBC-O are packing up their campus office Dave Nixon Contributor

The Phoenix , UBCO’s 25 yearold campus newspaper, is being removed from campus. The move is part of the student union’s re-allocation of space in the University Centre, which will see Resource Centres merged and new businesses added. “It just comes down to the utilization of space,” said Rocky Kim, president of the UBC-O student union (UBCSUO). “We have to maximize opportunity with what we have, and the problem is The Phoenix being there is not the best utilization of space as of right now.” The student union is self-imposing a space audit; to prepare for it, all the spaces used in the UNC are being reviewed. Kim said the paper has historically been a financial drain, running yearly deficits that eat up additional UBCSUO funds. “Our main concern was we’ve set aside x number of dollars that students agreed to through a referendum to pay for media on campus … but what’s happened [is] The Phoenix has been running deficits, so not only are they getting that money but they’re dipping into SU funds and we’re carrying that liability.” Kim said The Phoenix was approximately $16,000 over-budget at the start of the 2014 summer. A large portion consisted of uncollected advertising revenue, however, and by the end of July the sum sat around $10,000. Alex Eastman, who was recently hired by The Phoenix as their first full-time non-student staff member, was also the Managing Editor in 2013-2014. “We’re negotiating a way to deal with that now in a way that doesn’t hamstring us financially,” said Eastman. He noted that they were not alerted to these problems until mid-July, though Kim said the discussions to remove The Phoenix had been going on for five months. Eastman admits the paper had an onus to recognize these financial problems earlier on as well, though. The UBCSUO runs all of The Phoenix ’s financials out of their accounting office since they are a part of the union. “We’ve been working directly with Bob [Drunkemolle],the General Manager, and we’re having this consultation more as a business than a student club or association,” said Eastman. Part of the reasoning he was given by the UBCSUO was that the SU wanted to charge more rent for the space, and if they charged The Phoenix commercial prices then the paper wouldn’t have been able to afford it. To put that in perspective, The Phoenix had been expected to pay $8,000 per year for their office space each year, while The UBCSUO will be charging $70,000 to Koi Sushi and a brand new Taco Del Mar outlet, which will replace the old Valley First office. Other space re-allocations include the Pride Centre and the Women’s Centre joining to share the old Phoenix office, while their old spaces will be used for business storage and for Student Union Productions, a new service that will offer Student Associations a one-stop-shop for everything needed to run events. </em>












Photo Courtesy David nixon

The student paper at UBC-O no longer has an office on campus.

A full-service RBC will also be added on next to the Taco-DelMar. The Peer-Support-Network is now an official UBCSUO service, and it will also be run alongside both Resource Centers in the old Phoenix space. Eastman will now run The Phoenix out of his apartment in Rutland, while trying to book as much space on campus as possible on an ongoing basis for meetings. Another complication for The Phoenix is the media fee. The total amount (over $40k) has always gone to The Phoenix, but it is now likely to be divided between them and the promising radio club startup Heat Radio. The Phoenix ran a referendum in 2014 in an attempt to increase and separate The Phoenix ’s fee from the media fee, but it failed. “To put it bluntly, not having an office and having less money … is a pretty big blow to our operations,” said Eastman. “It will be harder to recruit and maintain contributors, and we won’t have an office for staff to go.” Eastman said event coverage will be more difficult, since their photographers used to use the office as a base. They would store their equipment and they would return to use the paper’s software to do post-production. Now that office is a drive or a bus-ride away. Eastman said the UBCSUO, especially their General Manager Bob Drunkemolle, is assisting in locating a new space on campus, though no details are available at this time as to when or where that may be. Kim said it relied upon Eastman coming back in a couple months with a stronger business plan and budget, and then they would then look at new space options. Computers and server data were all given to Eastman to use in the relocated office. The financial impact on The Phoenix is significant. Their budget is expected to drop 27 per cent to $58,000 from $81,000. They have cut seven paid staff positions, combined other positions, and have switched some <em>


pay models for more volunteer-focused or contractual-focused positions. The budget for wages at The Phoenix is cut by one-third in total. They have gone from 16 issues to 14 issues, and those will be maximum 24 pages with less colour. The volume of papers distributed each issue will not change from 2,000. “It’s going to take everything I have just to keep the trains running and our heads above water

while we try to sort all of this out,” said Eastman, “It’s great that we have the support of the SU to stay functional and operational.” Eastman is now doing his full-time job at the paper for free, and getting $300/month for the space taken in his apartment to contribute to his rent. He is also working another 40 hours a week elsewhere to be able to pay his own expenses. His only direct income from the paper is $150 per issue to

distribute the 2,000 copies around university and town. “Last year we took so many steps forward with the paper … at our national conference we were considered a rising star,” said Eastman. “That’s the disheartening thing about this, the development of our staff and our paper will probably, though I hope not, take a back seat to ‘how much money did we make this issue’.” U


EDITOR Jenica Montgomery

CAmpus arts >>

Creating culture on campus


film >>

As the school year approaches, now is the time to get out and see all things arts and culture that UBC has to offer. Vancouver’s art and culture scene is expansive and continuously changing. It comes as no surprise then that UBC also has a vibrant art and culture community. Not only are students afforded a chance to attend art gallery showings or watch a cult classic film on campus, but there are also many opportunities for students to have their own works showcased. We’ve listed some of the highlights below.

PHOTO Courtesy Scammerhead

Scammerhead is one of the films competing in this year’s Montreal World Film Festival.

UBC alumni premier film at Montreal World Film Festival Jenica Montgomery Culture Editor

Outside of the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery.

An orchestra playing inside of the Chan Centre.

The Norm theatre is the best place on campus to watch a good movie.

Relaxing with some coffee on campus.





UBC has two art galleries: The Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, and the AMS Art Gallery. These two galleries have featured UBC student art installations and pieces, as well as shows by well known artists. Both Koerner Library and Irving K. Barber Library also house their own art installations. UBC’s art community is thriving and always pushes the boundaries of contemporary art. If you’re looking for new and experimental art that challenges norms, UBC is a good place to start.

UBC’s Theatre and Opera program puts on grand performances throughout the year. They recently released their 2014/2015 lineup which includes Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, Euripides’ The Bacchae 2.1, and Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. The merging of UBC’s department of theatre and film and the School of Music’s Opera program allows opportunities to enjoy live opera and theatre events. If you’re looking to enjoy more live theatre and opera, as well as support your peers, make sure to check out this year’s season.

UBC has been used as a set in many films and T.V. shows such as Supernatural and the upcoming Fifty Shades of Grey movie, but the university also has a film production community of its own. From UBC’s Film department to the Videomatica collection housed in Koerner Library, UBC has everything most cinephiles could ask for. And for when you simply need a good movie on campus, the Norm, located in the SUB, is a prime place to catch a flick after an afternoon of studying.

UBC has much more to offer than just art, theatre and film. UBC also has a growing music scene and campus radio station CiTR covers all things music across Vancouver and Canada. There is also nothing better than drinking a cup of coffee and reading a good book or writing your screenplay and UBC has more than enough places around campus to do just that. The Great Dane, The Boulevard and the army of Starbucks are all available on campus to satisfy your coffee needs. U

culture vulture Queer Arts Festival

This year’s Queer Arts festival came to a close earlier this month. This event, held annually, is an opportunity for LGBTQ art to be exhibited across Vancouver. This year’s theme ReGeneration celebrated queer history. They encouraged audiences and viewers to challenge themselves and to be open to new ways of being and thinking. Though this year’s Queer Arts festival has already ended, LGBTQ art and performance is still prevalent in Vancouver’s art, theatre and film communities. que up for clubs days

Imagine Day’s main event and Clubs Days are around the corner and nothing is more exciting than the promise of joining new clubs and meeting new people. UBC has over 300 clubs for students to chose from, including the UBC Brewing club, Anime club and Sci-Fi and Fantasy club. Clubs are an opportunity for students to participate in something other than academics, to branch out into new hobbies and to explore new and uncharted experiences. Clubs Days are held the third week of September, so keep an eye out for new club opportunities.U

New low budget feature length film Scammerhead will be one of the Canadian entries to the Montreal World Film Festival.

Scammerhead, written and directed by Dan Zukovic, is a dark comedy that follows con artist Silas Breece as he travels the world to gain capital from eclectic investors for a series of projects. Described as a Global Film Noir, Scammerhead seeks to entice audiences with its dark comic elements and expansive repertoire of locations. The film features Alex Rocco, who is most known for his role as Moe Greene in The Godfather. “The film … is a little nod to cinephiles,” said Jeremy Dyson, one of Scammerhead’s producers. Scammerhead was produced by a handful of people, including Dyson, a UBC alum. Dyson studied geography but was an active member in UBC’s Film Society. Dyson and Zukovic have worked together on projects including the film Dark Arc. The film took seven years to produce and has a small cast and crew in comparison to other feature length films. This, however, did not deter the production of the film. In fact, the seven years of production were important to the overall feel and pacing of the film. “In a lot of ways it gave Dan [Zukovic] a ton of time to continuously refine his script,” said Dyson. “[Shooting] over seven years and sometimes you get opportunities for casting that just weren’t available when you started,” said Dyson. Rather than setting aside a couple of months to complete a full production, the Scammerhead crew shot over weekends and long weekends. “It’s those opportunities to jump out and shoot a couple of scenes here a couple of scenes there,” said Dyson. For them, this lengthy production cycle meant not being confined or restricted by their production cycle and limited locations. They were able to film in over 34 locations across the globe, from Tokyo to Berlin to Los Angeles. They were able to take advantage of the location for specific events, such as shooting in front of a casino that is being torn down. Though, it’s a sad reality that “some years you miss an opportunity for a certain shot,” said Dyson. U


EDITOR Jack Hauen


Intramurals are perfect for casual and elite athletes alike


explore >>

Places to be: Skaha

Climbing in British Columbia’s interior Ailsa Naismith Contributor

file PHOTO carter Brundage / The Ubyssey

The Day of the Longboat is a UBC tradition.

Leo Soh Contributor

With events and tournaments throughout the year and a league for nearly every sport, there’s something for everyone in UBC Rec’s intramural program. Although the cost for joining an intramural team is not covered in student fees, it is a fraction of joining an equivalent league off-campus, and, after dividing the team registration fee, rarely comes to more than $15 per person. You can also join the program as a “free agent” to join up with a group of other free agents, or land yourself on an existing team. You can also join the program as a “free agent” to join up with a group of other free agents, or land yourself on an existing team. There are 10 leagues in total, divided into tiers based on competitiveness. Some of the most popular leagues are Handley Cup Soccer, Bodin Ball Hockey, Nitobe Basketball and the Ultimate League. Games take place once a week at facilities including the Rec Centre, UBC Thunderbird Playing Fields and the Osborne Centre, depending on the sport. The rules are also specific to each league. For example, there are an unlimited number of substitutions allowed in Handley Cup Soccer. “The Rec intramurals was a great place to learn and grow,” said Olamide Olaniyan, who played elite tier Handley Cup Soccer last year. “I got to meet several people from upper years as we had a common love which was soccer. In the end, we didn’t win too many matches. However, when we did win, the joy was unbounded. I would recommend the Elite rec, especially for people who want to stay very skilled and fit.” One-day events and tournaments include the UBC Badminton Open, the self-proclaimed “most competitive tournament in the Lower Mainland;” Howl at the Moon Volleyball, a four-on-four coed tournament that plays on through the night; and UBC’s very own iconic Storm the Wall, a race composed of swimming, biking and running, reaching a climax at a towering wall that requires teamwork and sweat to get over. Upcoming events include the Fall Softball Classic on September 12, which pits teams against each other in friendly competition at the UBC Thunderbird Playing Fields, and the Fall Tennis Open, which offers both competitive and recreational play at the UBC Tennis Centre. The Day of the Longboat will be held on September 27 and 28 at Jericho Beach. Registration is open until mid-September for all leagues, and some of the best events of the year are coming up soon, so make sure to sign up quickly if you’re looking to get involved. U

To climb at Skaha, you should go for a long weekend. The area has so many activities that to visit for one night would be like going to see the Canucks play and leaving after the first period. Several weeks ago, my sister Iona and I planned to visit the Rockies. We would need a layover, and Skaha it was! We had no choice but to enjoy B.C.’s interior in a single day. On the agenda was climbing, exploring caves and finally, a dip in Skaha Lake that should clear the day’s sweat and mud from our brows. We had arrived at our campsite late the night before. Somehow we rose at 7 a.m.; either a result of self-discipline, or the 37 degree sun roasting our tent. We were feeling sufficiently unselfconscious to attempt some morning yoga on the dock. Nirvana was not achieved, however, due to our impatience for the day ahead. Roaring past the wineries, we said a quick “FYTP” to the scowling locals who didn’t like the look of our scruffy outfits and clunky gear. The road to the parking lot wound steeply, and finished with a stunning view — a taste of the climbs to come. Although we were early to the bluffs, there were several other dust-blasted Jeeps letting us know that we had found our soul brothers. We began our day under a mini-typhoon, surely the only summer day in Skaha that wasn’t under perfect, cloudless sky. The journey into the cliffs began by trudging up to the “Fortress,” a tower of rock topped by a sickly pine standing as a twisted sentinel. We were fuelled by oodles of Saskatoon berries, hastily and furtively stripped from the trees in fear of ursine competition — although the berry bounty was a sign that the bears were still snoozing, or perhaps taking a dip in the lake. The first stop was Lower Red Tail wall, which was almost entirely deserted. No one who has ever been to Skaha on a busy bluebird weekend would have believed us. The combination of excellent rock, fun routes and the famed Canadian politeness means that climbers of Red Tail form orderly queues for their favourites. My sister and I soon had the strange but pleasant experience of exhausting the lot and having to move elsewhere for more climbs. Where to go when you can go anywhere uninterrupted? The Go Anywhere wall, of course. This is a contender for most enjoyable wall in the Bluffs: the Great White cliffs loom behind and the waters of Skaha Lake glitter below, not to mention a nearby outhouse on top of the cliff — known to the Brits as “the loo with a view.” The grand panorama is not quite matched by the routes on the wall, which, though numerous, are all short, fiddly and classic Skaha. This means that they are a bugger to stand on, and a hair-raiser to take your feet off. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. Next on the list: the cave to the north. Exploring it had been an ambition of mine for several months. A single page in our guidebook testified to the good times to be had: equivalent to slotting yourself into a dark, whiffy granite cupboard for 45 minutes. Choice phrases included, “a little tricky” and “a tight

I was a million miles away from campus.”

Skaha Bluffs offers beautiful and challenging climbs in the heart of B.C.’s interior.

squeeze.” Would we come to resent these innocuous warnings? Well, of course we would, but not immediately. The path in was spectacular, taking in the view and supplying us with more Saskatoon berries and tiny, tart raspberries. Near the entrance, a discarded and patriotic red-and-white mitten waved us on our way. My thirst for adventure was fuelled by the wonderful feeling of being in the dark, exploring an avenue that not many had before. Iona led us into the entrance, a narrow slot canyon. With the late afternoon sunlight filtering in, and only the sound of our feet clanking on the rocks, I was a million miles away from campus. We could have been anywhere at all in the world. Within five minutes we had climbed out of the slot, overtaken a series of boulders and entered the first main chasm, hauling ourselves down a 10-foot rope. This was when I found out that it is possible

to swagger when no one else is looking. My smugness was shortlived, however, when we hit the first real hard part. The guidebook mentioned edging along beside an eight-metre drop, then finding a horizontal crack through which you’d “post” yourself. There is little more amusing than seeing your sister, legs flailing, stuck by her bum through a stone mailbox. There is little less amusing than getting stuck yourself, heaving yourself through, and landing face-first into the cavern beyond that is both furry with dust and redolent with the fumes of recent rat droppings. Yet still adventure called us onwards, and, in this case, downwards. We mastered the over-andunder fun of the Photocopier. We shuffled past shelves and wedged ourselves below chockstones. We scuffed the empty beer cans of some previous revellers — and knocked one into our next target, an eight-metre well. We couldn’t see to the bottom, and we couldn’t find

PHOTO courtesy iona naismith

our handholds. At this point we decided to call it a day. We weren’t prepared, and having to turn back from the most enticing part, the yawning gap, really hurt. Once out of the cave, we were stunned by the time: 6 p.m. Our return to the parking lot was delightful. It was a picturesque meadow standing in vivid contrast with the dingy cave: a tawny owl crouched stoic in a pine, waiting for us to pass under, then swooped silently for some unseen prey. A slight rustle in the bushes to our lefts: a young buck appeared, smooth and golden and proud. He showed no fear as we passed by, but stood and watched with liquid dark eyes. My prose may have been a little purple there; I was certainly overheated at that point in the evening, so we took some time to ourselves before the next journey called. Skaha town beckoned, and jumping in the lake proved a refreshing end to our adventure. U


| SPORTS | 7

Football >>

Thunderbirds underdogs no more

The UBC football team looks to leave their signature on the Vanier Cup in 2015 CJ Pentland Staff writer

The UBC Thunderbirds know there are plenty of eyes on them heading into the 2014 Canada West football campaign. Last season they were expected to finish fifth in the six-team conference, but instead turned heads, grinding out a 4-4 regular season record and nearly knocking off undefeated Calgary in the first round of the playoffs. But this year, they won’t benefit from the element of surprise. Fresh off a secured varsity status that provides them increased support and resources, this year’s squad not only returns 19 of 24 starters, but also brings in one of the top recruiting classes in recent memory. That’s why the ‘Birds have made this year’s motto “Leave Your Signature” with the hopes of making their mark as one of the top teams in Canada. “Every day, every single person in the world, whether we like it or not, is being judged and watched and evaluated, and opinions are being made,” said head coach Shawn Olson. “We want to make sure that the signature we leave [is] the legacy that we want people to remember us by, and that comes down to individuals buying into that concept — that if you want to be known as lazy, late and disrespectful … that’s what people are going to know you as. “If you want to be diligent, hard-working, intelligent and thoughtful, and all those other things that we stand for, then you have to put some thought into how you deal with situations and apply those character traits to each aspect of your life. And as a team we feel that if we do a lot of those things, we’ll leave a very positive signature on the 2014 season.” Olson enters his fifth season at the helm of the T-Birds and believes that this is one of the most talented UBC rosters in around a decade. Along with defensive coordinator Jerry Friesen, recruiting coordinator Paul Orazietti and the rest of the coaching staff, Olson is now reaping the benefits from several years of top-notch recruiting, especially with only a handful of

PHOTO Mackenzie Walker / the ubyssey

The Thunderbirds took the CIS by surprise last season, but expectations are high this time.

this year’s starters in their fifth and final year. One such recruit donning the blue and gold this season is running back Terrell Davis, the 2011 BC AAA High School Football Player of the Year who comes to UBC after spending time with NCAA Division 1 Arizona State. He joins a backfield already occupied by one of the top rushers in Canada, Brandon Deschamps, a fourth-year who averaged 143.9 yards per game on the ground last year behind an offensive line that featured Second Team All-Canadian Alec Pennell. Described by Olson as a “hard-charging, slashing-style power runner,” the man known as “Banger” will once again be expected to lead UBC’s potent ground attack, but will be complemented by Davis who, despite weighing in at 230 pounds, has nimble feet and sticky fingers. Top high school recruits AJ Blackwell and Marcus Davis — BC Player of the Year in 2012 and 2013 — will also feature prominently on the ground.

“I think it’s good — always have a change up, always have a couple guys that can play the spot,” said Deschamps. “I don’t know how the reps will turn out, but we’re planning on running a pretty good offence this year where we get a lot of reps in. There’s going to be enough reps to go around, and everybody will get a chance.” The quarterback situation remained a bit of a question mark throughout last season, with both Carson Williams and Greg Bowcott battling it out to fill the shoes left by former CIS MVP Billy Greene. This year, Olson has made up his mind that Williams will be under centre come opening day, though Bowcott and first-year Trevor Casey also have the full confidence of Olson. He’ll be throwing to a deep receiving corps led by the likes of David Scott, David Mann and Alex Morrison, who set the Canada West record for most kickoff return yards last season as a rookie. “[Williams] has been very consistent, he’s been insatiable both

on the field and off the field, he’s really positioned himself within the team as the guy that people view as the leader, and he knows the offence so well,” said Olson. “He knows it sometimes better than I know it.” Yet despite all the firepower on offence, the defence might be even better. Last year showed how tough the T-Bird D can be when they stay healthy, as they allowed the fewest average yards per game in the conference and had the second-most sacks with 20. Donovan Dale was named the Canada West’s Outstanding Lineman after recording five sacks and 7.5 tackles for a loss, while Jordan Bosa and Yianni Cabylis ranked in the top seven for most tackles. Defensive end Kareem Ba also returns for his fifth year after posting five sacks, seven tackles for a loss and three forced fumbles last year. Rounding out the roster on special teams is arguably the best punter in the nation, Quinn van Gylswyk, who led the CIS in

punting average with a 43.1 mark and also executed many brilliant fake punts on third down; on field goals, the second-year went 16 for 22. As for returns, Morrison led the Canada West in punt returns with 424 yards. Every training camp brings about it a new optimism — the sun is shining, fall classes have yet to arrive — but this season appears to have an added pinch. Both Olson and Williams used the word “exciting” when talking about the season, but the way the 90 or so players toughed it out on Tuesday during the first of their three sessions of the day, you could tell that they wouldn’t quit until they’ve risen to the top. “I’m excited to see what this group can do, because there’s some really good young men — citizenship-wise, leadership-wise — it’s a really good group that way,” said Olson. “And you combine that with a lot of talent … so I’m excited to see how it all comes together.” The T-Birds’ homecoming game is Saturday, September 13. U

Travel >>

UBC geography student Mila Mezei goes north

Lawrence Neal Garcia Contributor

This summer, UBC student Mila Mezei went further north than she had ever been in her life. Mezei, a third year environment and sustainability geography major, was part of a two-week Arctic expedition to the Torngat Mountains National Park, a national reserve that comprises almost 10,000 square kilometres of the Northern Labrador Mountains. The 2014 Arctic Expedition, run through Students on Ice (SOI) — a non-profit organization that leads yearly expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic — left from Kuujjuaq, in the Nunavik region of Northern Quebec, went along the coast of Labrador to the national park in Saglek Bay, across to Greenland’s western coast, and finished in Kangerlussuaq. The trip centred on the Torngat Mountains National Park, which is home to stu-

PHOTO courtesy Mila Mezei

Mezei sailed to Greenland this summer to research the Arctic.

dents, researchers and tourists throughout the summer months. Mezei’s time there allowed her to do everything from enjoy a barbecue of fresh Arctic char and bannock to hiking up mountains and past fjords to helping geologists and oceanographers conduct their research.

“But the main point [of the expedition],” said Mezei, “was to learn as much about the Arctic region as possible, and then come back and share what we learned and encourage people to get up there at some point.” With about 140 people on the expedition, about 40 of

which were educators — scientists, historians, musicians, and even singer-songwriters — the trip was indeed an educational experience. “We would do workshops on the ship and on land every single day,” said Mezei. “Then at night we’d have a couple of lectures or presentations. So we [were] always learning different things about the Arctic.” Mezei came across the opportunity when applying to be a Youth Ambassador at Parks Canada, which currently has a three-year agreement with SOI to sponsor 13 student participants for the yearly expeditions. With her interest in geography, environmental issues and the Polar Regions, Mezei found the opportunity a perfect fit. “There’s kind of a disparity between what people think is [in the Polar Regions], which is essentially nothing … when there’s really so much out there,” said Mezei, who highlighted the

rich biodiversity and various Inuit communities of the region. “Canada has so much land in the Arctic but not many people really know anything about it.” As part of her work with Parks Canada, informing over 600 people every day at places like the Vancouver Aquarium, Science World and the Richmond Maritime Festival has been her job ever since. Another part of her work includes some shoreline cleanup. “[Canada is] not just coast to coast,” said Mezei. “We’re coast to coast to coast. We have the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic.” In the future, aside from working in the Canadian national and provincial park systems, Mezei hopes to be able to work with the nascent marine protected area system, and her experience of going to the Arctic has only increased this interest. “There is a lot up there, and we are connected to it.” U



opinions >>

Intra-UBC squabbles butcher the Welcome Back BBQ



New backyard BBQ will have lower capacity, less-than-ideal location Austen Erhardt Opinions & Blog Editor

If you’ve taken a look at the AMS First Week website, or are a regular reader of The Ubyssey, you’ve seen that the AMS Welcome Back BBQ — now the ‘Backyard BBQ’ — has been butchered; and we’ve been left with the offal. Citing the lack of an appropriate venue, the Backyard BBQ will be a shadow of its former self — half the size of last year’s Welcome Back BBQ. Instead of nearly 6,500 students, attendance will be limited to 3,200 and the event will be held on the northwest side of the SUB (between the SUB and Brock Hall), though the quality and quantity of the performers and refreshments will be similar to last year. The AMS hosts two of the biggest events of the year for students. The Welcome Back BBQ gives new students an idea of what the school can be like, and gives returning students a chance to reunite with old friends. In some ways, we shouldn’t be complaining. The AMS isn’t required to host any sort of welcome back event, and even a smaller barbecue is better than nothing. But for years, the Welcome Back BBQ has been the hotspot for reunions and one of the few major instances of school spirit that UBC is host to over the course of the school year. And thanks to the AMS Council’s perseverance, it’s still going to happen — just cut in half. Credit should be given where credit is due. The AMS is holding this event at an even bigger cost than last year (a budget of $36,000 vs $20,000). It seems as though

they want to maintain the same standard of entertainment as previous years — just on a smaller scale. On the other hand, the AMS did cite cost as a concerning factor in holding the Welcome Back BBQ, during their Council meeting on July 30. The AMS is in the midst of building a roughly $100 million building and frequently faces budget strains. Spending $16,000 more for the benefit of half as many students as last year is questionable, though the AMS is certainly stuck between a rock and a hard place: to spend more money but still host a major event, or to save money and disappoint thousands of students. The AMS is often criticized for the disconnect between itself and the students of UBC. Every year at election time, student candidates propose ways to improve the relationship and communication between students and their Alma Mater Society. The downsizing of the BBQ and other decisions like it serve only to reinforce this perception, even if it is not entirely deserved. The Welcome Back BBQ has been one of the biggest events of the year since it was first held in the 1980s; and on a campus that is already, in many ways, subdued, the cutback will leave a hole in UBC’s struggling school spirit. The official reasoning for not hosting a full-size BBQ is the lack of an appropriate venue. MacInnes Field isn’t available due to the ongoing construction, and Matthews Field — one of the most obvious alternatives — is not considered suitable by UBC due to the damage that the crowds would cause to the field.

The fault, however, doesn’t lie entirely — or even primarily — with the AMS. Between the lobbying by the University Neighbourhood Association for non-student resident rights to peace and quiet, and university administrative policies, the atmosphere of the UBC campus is not particularly conducive to major, student-oriented events (that is, parties). UBC has a massive campus compared to the vast majority of other post-secondary institutions. It seems ridiculous that it’s so insurmountable a task to find a space to accommodate 6,500 students for an evening. If all goes according to plan, the AMS will regain access to a field for events like the Welcome Back BBQ and Block Party sometime in the next few years, after the construction in the region has been completed. But this event functions as a microcosm of the bigger issues that our university and its students face when it comes to developing and maintaining school spirit. Why is it that a university the size of UBC (both in terms of physical space and number of students) has only one potential venue for a large barbecue with live music? If the UBC community is going to come together, show spirit and have fun more than a couple days per year, all of the major players — the AMS , UBC, the UNA and students — will have to work together to reach a compromise that will satisfy everyone. One that will hopefully let UBC reach its full potential as a vibrant and growing campus. U


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comic >>

Across 1- Lukas of “Witness” 5- Driving hazard 10- St. crossers 14- Fiend 15- We ___ please 16- Thin stratum 17- Mediterranean port 18- Free of frost 19- Able was ___... 20- Hungarian sheep dog 22- Zit 24- Nothing, in Nice 25- Silage storage tower 26- Not malignant 29- Shelves collectively 33- Thin soup 34- Actor Keach 35- Actor Fernando 36- Architectural pier 37- Task 38- Get wind of 39- Falsehood 40- N Atlantic archipelago 41- African language group 42- Diminished 44- Fondle 45- Cornerstone abbr. 46- Firewood measure 47- Few and far between 50- Anonymous 54- Primo 55- Chew the scenery 57- It’s a thought 58- Horse of mixed color 59- Umbilicus 60- Oscar winner Patricia 61- Commedia dell’___ 62- Fearsome 63- Ultimatum word;

Down 1- Captain ___ 2- Farm prefix 3- Composer Khachaturian 4- Spanish Miss 5- Get down 6- Rest atop 7- Chieftain, usually in Africa 8- And so on 9- Footwear 10- “I, Robot” author 11- Prez’s backup 12- ____ Grey, tea type 13- Hook’s helper 21- Upon us 23- In a bad way 25- Apportion 26- Hoops 27- Bert’s buddy 28- Short letters 29- Rose 30- “Goodnight” girl 31- ___-foot oil 32- Convoluted fold of the brain 34- Cut into small pieces 37- Water-bottles 38- Uncompromising 40- Own (up) 41- Exposed 43- Tranquil 44- Attractive 46- Provide food 47- Franklin D.’s mother 48- Needy 49- Med school subj. 50- Bright star 51- Pulitzer-winning biographer Leon 52- Mariners can sail on seven of these 53- Ad word 56- Brit’s raincoat

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