September 18, 2014

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September 18, 2014 | VoLuME XcVI | IssuE VIII being boring since 1918

FROSH Leaders

interactive zombie play

Off the chain

UBC expert weighs in on why FROSH remains a minefield of inappropriate behaviour.

Use your phone to change the course of the play and determine the outcome.

A cross-Canada cycling Odyssey with a former Ubyssey editor and her girlfriend.




places to be: sentinel pass Hiking and climbing and bears, oh my! A first hand experience near Banff.

AMS Primer


Thursday, September 18, 2014 |




this week, check out...



All week 15-19 Club Days

all week 10-3 @ the sub

Dozens of clubs will have booths set up in the SUB, displaying everything they have to offer to prospective members. Grab some brochures and free food, or sign up for mail lists. Free.

Friday 19 UBC Debate Society Open house 5:30 p.m. @ IKB 182

The UBC Debate Society is hosting an “opening of the house,” featuring the topic of “is ecoterrorism justified?” The event will be catered and is open to all. Free flickr photo | Shayan




8:00 p.m. @ Koerner’s pub

The Calendar is hosting a good ol’ fashioned hoedown at Koerner’s Pub. Bring your plaid, cowboy boots, hat and jeans and your best Wild West attitude (but no six-shooters!) Tickets range from $5-$12 photo william selviz

ON THE COVER They “couldn’t make it” until I told them this was the photo shoot for the next season of Degrassi. Mackenzie Walker

Want to see your events listed here? Email your events listings to

U The Ubyssey editorial

September 18, 2014 | Volume XCVI | Issue VIII




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LEGAL The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Monday and Thursday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organization, and all students are encouraged to participate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University of British Columbia. All editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the property of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein

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Michael Kingsmill is one of the principal architects behind the new AMS Student Nest.


AMS architect Michael Kingsmill

The man behind the new Student Union building Reyhana Heatherington Contributor

“The visual environment would be rather dull if everything was just a box.” Fortunately for AMS designer Michael Kingsmill, curves are aplenty in his latest major project: the futuristic and iconic New SUB [officially the AMS Student Nest]. This design has proven challenging and the building will undergo four months of post construction after opening in January, but few people are better equipped than Kingsmill to take on such a venture. After graduating from UBC’s School of Architecture in 1983 and working for several architecture firms in Vancouver, Kingsmill was commissioned by the AMS to extend the SUB’s south side lower level. “That went very well so they asked me if I’d do another [project],” Kingsmill recalled. “So I stayed on for that and then there was another one, and 28 years later I’m doing their new Student Union Building.” The AMS design job is less traditional than what most architects do on a daily basis, and this is just fine with Kingsmill. He works on everything from leases to design and mentoring work-learn students in his office. John Metras, the managing director of infrastructure development at UBC, has known Kingsmill for 15 years and describes the designer as “a gentleman” who doesn’t back down from pushing for the right decisions. And persistence is only part of what makes Kingsmill successful. Metras believes the designer’s longevity is connected

to his passion for working with students. “For Michael it’s really about creating a great place for students,” Metras said. “His involvement in the new Student Union Building has been instrumental in terms of contribution to the design and ongoing construction. He’s been invaluable.” Part of the reason Kingsmill is fond of his job is the fresh outlook on life that university students tend to possess. “I really enjoy working with students,” he said. “They’ve got a good healthy perspective which I enjoy to share in. I have my own little acronym for the AMS called ‘Always Mention Students.’” One project that stands out for Kingsmill was the Strategic Plan 2000. The three-year project included moving The Ubyssey to its current basement location as part of a realignment of student services. “That one was a very rewarding [project] for me because it deeply affected the organization of the Society itself in making it more effective in its delivery,” Kingsmill said. But before he was one of the people deciding how the university campus would serve thousands of people, Kingsmill was “one of the beavers” at his first junior architect position. “We would have drafting tables and parallel rulers or drafting machines, and we would prepare drawings by using pen and ink,” the designer recalled. “You’d essentially be given a sketch by someone who was more senior [who would] say ‘Draw this up.’” While Kingsmill is proud of being part of the new SUB team, he is adamant that no single project has been most enjoyable. <em>


If you know someone on campus you think people should know about, let us know. You could even interview them and write an article yourself. Email us at

Unlike architects who move among job sites, the results of his work surrounds him day after day. “I have the opportunity to do post-occupancy evaluations,” he said. “Did it achieve what we wanted it to achieve? Has it held up in durability? Were the materials good choices? So this becomes my living lab.” Like many dedicated scientists who immerse themselves in the consequences of their work, the minutiae of the job used to get to Kingsmill. “Everything has a personal signature to me,” he said. “I used to be quite defensive about things. If people would leave litter on a table or something, I’d come quickly to pick it up. I had almost obsessive behaviour with respect to the renos.” Today, Kingsmill is less bothered about such day-to-day issues, and for this self-described “curious fellow,” the university workplace is ideal. “I’m an avid reader and learn a little more everyday. That’s one of the good things about this environment: the openness and exchange of ideas,” Kingsmill said. “I think this environment suits me very well. And the scenery is nice too.” As Kingsmill and the team feverishly prepare for the opening of the new SUB, there are days where there can be as many 350 people on the site at a time. The goal is to have a building that makes a strong statement and meets expectations. And then it’s on to the Arts Students Centre. “Each work stands on it’s own and the eye is the ultimate judge,” Kingsmill said. “I think we’ve been very successful in creating a series of projects that have always been well-received.” U



Thursday, September 18, 2014 |

EDITORS Jovana Vranic + Veronika Bondarenko

students >>

First Vantage College students begin studies at UBC

PHOTO cherihan Hassun/THE UBYSSEY

Kelley Lin Contributor

The first batch of international students to get accepted into UBC’s Vantage College are starting their transition into UBC. This year prompted the arrival of 190 new students from different countries all over the world, including China, Russia, Poland, Hong Kong and Serbia, among others. Unlike the usual collection of international students entering UBC, this group will be taking part in an 11-month customized academic curriculum. “There’s representation from all over,” said Joanne Fox, academic director and senior instructor of Vantage College. “The faculty who have been working on this program for a year are all very excited to finally be teaching classes with the students here.” Applicants whose test scores don’t meet UBC’s initial English language requirement, but do meet UBC’s academic standards and Vantage College’s alternative minimum language requirements continue through the program’s application process. The students who are admitted into Vantage College are then offered the choice to study either Arts or Science, with both branches offering additional academic support and English reinforcement for students. “These are students who normally wouldn’t have gotten into UBC,” said Kamil Khan, secondyear commerce student and Vantage College residence advisor in Place Vanier residence. “They’re making sure to use the most out of this opportunity, and I see that they’re very hardworking, smart and competitive.” The incoming batch of first years includes 86 Arts and 104 Science students. According to Fox, the students are settling into the program well. Fox also said that they are planning to expand the program to include students who are looking to go into the Applied Science or Management faculties. When asked about the goals of this new college, Fox shares the faculty’s intended purpose “to deliver a great first-year experience for students so that when they enter second year, they thrive at UBC, [and perhaps] come back as peer mentors or be involved in next year’s program.” While some factions of the program are still in the experimental stage, there are also plans for the construction of Orchard Commons, a residence building set aside specifically for the program. These changes are expected to accommodate a growing number of Vantage students in the near future. U


frosh >>

UBC expert weighs in on T-shirt controversy Joshua Azizi Contributor

Freshman orientation leaders at Carleton University have apologized for wearing tank tops that read “Fuck Safe Space” at an off-campus party earlier this month. News of the T-shirts spread widely once a woman posted a picture of two students wearing the shirts on Twitter. The shirts mock Carleton University’s long-running Safe Space policy, which intends to create a campus environment free of discrimination and harassment. “While our intentions were not to harm or disrespect anyone, the T-shirts in question were without a doubt inappropriate, inconsiderate, offensive and disgraceful,” read an online apology from the orientation team leaders. “Intent is not an excuse for impact and we take full responsibility for the seriousness of our actions.” The controversy surrounding the T-shirts occurred just over a year after orientation leaders from UBC’s Sauder Frosh program came under heavy national criticism for leading first-year students in a cheer promoting non-consensual sex. “We really believe that all these behaviours are connected,” said UBC acting director and advisor for access and diversity, C.J. Rowe. “These behaviours are rooted in a lot of systemic issues, so it’s no wonder that we see them coming to light in these forms of activities because they’re happening in other places all the time in our culture.” Michael Beuckert, VP Academic of the Carleton Grad Students Association (GSA) expressed his concern about the nature of the T-shirts. “The statement made by the Frosh leaders was completely unacceptable and really offensive,” said Beuckert. “I think a lot of people are really shocked. I’m hearing only outrage.” Beuckert also questioned the

Photo courtesy Leslie Robertson/Twitter

Carleton orientation leaders were seen wearing the T-shirts earlier this month.

validity of the apology. “The apology itself is kind of disappointing: it doesn’t appear to have been written by the students themselves, and it is not signed by any particular individuals,” said Beuckert. “It just says ‘Your “Join the Conspiracy” team leaders’. There is no individual responsibility.” Some of the orientation leaders claim the shirts were meant to protest a “No-Swearing” policy during orientation week. Still, Carleton GSA President Christina Muelbeuger doesn’t excuse the behaviour. “It still reflects the fact that students think it’s appropriate to put that on a T-shirt”, said Muelbeuger. “That had so much meaning beyond that policy, and it delegitimized a policy that was trying to make campus a safer space.” Rowe also said that this type

of material is repeatedly used in attempts to ease newcomers into campus life. “We find folks who, when questioned about these activities, say ‘it’s just a tradition, we told them not to tell … no one was harmed, and you’re just overreacting,” said Rowe. “To me this really talks about this intention to have fun and build group norms without realizing the deeper social implications of their actions.” Rowe was recently involved in the newly-implemented BRIC (Building Respectful and Inclusive Communities) training for various orientation programs throughout UBC, including The Spark, a reworked Sauder orientation program. “The BRIC training is intended to educate students on the expectations and skills that are required to meet their roles as student leaders on campus,” said

Rowe. “We’re asking our student leaders to really hold a very specific role in building welcoming and inclusive communities.” When it comes to the recurring nature of orientation leaders coming under fire for endorsing offensive material, Beuckert points at their level of influence first. “What they say and what they do is more influential because they’re in a position of leadership,” said Beuckert. Despite the T-shirts, both Beuckert and Muelbeuger still believe that Carleton makes a strong effort to respect campus equality and respectfulness. “I think there are a lot of progressive spaces on campus and a lot of progressive campaigns taking place that are really actively working to make Carleton a safer space,” said Muelbeuger. “I don’t think one incident can speak for all of Carleton students.” U

UBC >>

Pierre Ouillet no longer UBC VP Finance Jovana Vranic News Editor

Pierre Ouillet left his position as UBC’s Vice President Finance, Resources and Operations on September 5. Ouillet has overseen the management of the university’s $2 billion operating budget since 2009. UBC spokesperson Randy Schmidt said UBC is making changes to its executive structure to better focus on academic priorities. “The university community is thankful for his many contributions to our academic mission and we wish him well,” said Schmidt in an email. Ouillet also worked on campus infrastructure, spearheading plans for student hospitality services, security, parking and the UBC Bookstore. According to Schmidt, Ouillet “introduced a more transparent


and integrated budget system and financial support model.” The Vancouver Provost’s office will be prioritizing their budget in line with academic objectives, and the finance office will restructure to focus on the writing and oversight of UBC’s budget, according to Schmidt. “With this new approach, it was time to move on,” said Schmidt. According to Schmidt, the university is working to streamline the way it sets its academic priorities, budget and capital planning, as well as how it tracks performance. Schmidt expressed that this will help UBC “plan, allocate resources and evaluate mission more effectively.” UBC will start searching for a replacement VP Finance soon, said Schmidt. Until then, there are no more changes to be expected in the makeup of UBC’s executive team. U




You can make a difference Use recycling stations to sort your food scraps and recyclables into the proper bins.


4 | News |


AMS Primer The Alma Mater Society. You pay a reasonably-sized portion of your student fees into it (and are thus automatically enlisted as a member of the society), but how many of you actually know what their role is at UBC? At its most basic level, the AMS is in charge of representing the interests of the approximately 50,000 students that are currently enrolled at UBC. This can mean anything from providing services such as the Health and Dental Plan to throwing events like the year-end Block Party to voting on policies that will affect the future of UBC for generations. Want to know who’s responsible for the food outlets in the SUB? Your U-Pass? The new student union building? The fate of the Whistler Lodge? Lobbying the provincial government on your behalf? All the AMS. The society has five executives as well as elected student representatives from various faculties and departments, all of whom make up a council. While AMS Council has the final say on whether a specific motion will pass or not, individual students are also welcome to speak at meetings. The society’s executives are in charge of everything from the new SUB to the clubs and businesses within it to how your student money is spent. Read the profiles of each of these executives to get a better understanding of who they are, what they do and how they spend your student fees. Don’t like what they have to say? Make sure to vote in next year’s elections, or even launch your own campaign.

President Tanner Bokor Jasmine Cheng Contributor

Photos mackenziie walker/THE UBYSSEY

AMS President Tanner Bokor is at the helm of your student society. As president, Bokor is the public face of the AMS and is responsible for the overall direction of the society. “My role this year is finding what’s our long term vision, what [we are] going to be looking like in the next 100 years,” said Bokor. Bokor will be at the reins as the AMS prepares to move into its new home in the new SUB and also deals with plans to sell the Whistler Lodge and forge relationships with new UBC president Arvind Gupta. After last year’s bylaw changes, this executive will preside for 15 months — a bit longer than traditional term. “We have to recognize that this is a bit more of a challenging year than normal with the [new] SUB coming online, but I’m hopeful I’m going to leave by the end of my term with a package that future councils [and] executives and students will be able to follow up on and hopefully implement,” said Bokor. Through their Performance Accountability Incentive (PAI), the AMS offers up to $5,000 in bonus money to each executive. Bokor forfeited his entire bonus money last year out of discontent with the process.

Bokor’s PAI goals for his year as president include recommending bylaw changes to the AMS, developing a code of conduct for the AMS, and increasing partnership with the student society at the Okanagan campus. A fourth-year Arts student from Connecticut, Bokor has been involved with the AMS since his first year. He served as the VP External last year, where he focused the U-Pass contract and the Alliance of B.C. Students. Bokor also urges students to get involved with the AMS Council or committees, as well as the numerous AMS clubs. “If you don’t see something out there that’s for you, [we] really encourage students to go out and create new avenues to express their passions and to get involved,” said Bokor. “This society is built and driven by students and it goes back to our founding in 1915.” In his free time, Bokor plays several instruments — primarily the saxophone, but also the flute, clarinet, piano, drums and guitar. “I like dabbling in different projects, so I tend to try a lot of new things that are outside my comfort zone,” Bokor said last year. — With files from Will McDonald



| News | 5

Anne Kessler | VP Academic and University Affairs Olivia Law Contributor

VP Academic Anne Kessler is the middle ground between students and the university. A fifth year human geography student from Vancouver, Kessler has has lived in rez, at home, and in her own place off-campus during her time at UBC. As such, she feels that this breadth of experience allows her to represent all divisions of the student body something very important to her in her work. “In simplest terms, my role is to be the main point of contact between the AMS and the university on all sorts of issues,” said Kessler. “I’m the main point of contact for what seems like

everything — not just academic issues, but other university issues: housing, land use, mental health, student services.” Kessler has held this position for over a year and has grown with her role as VP Academic. “It’s always pretty busy,’ said Kessler. “I sit into a lot of meetings with the university about everything, and advocate for student interest that way, making policy about what the university is doing and how it will affect us.” While creating policy is a major part of Kessler’s role, she also takes on projects relating to specific topics of student interest. Currently she has five goals she aims to achieve before her

term in the AMS ends. From surveys to housing, classes to community, representation to orientation, Kessler is managing it all. There’s also a certain amount of power stemming from this role. Through hiring an Aboriginal Student Representative, Kessler hopes to extend and further develop relationships within the entire UBC population. “Typically there hasn’t been much direct involvement between us, but I want to engage with what issues they are finding, and learn how we can support them,” said Kessler. Part of Kessler’s job involves figuring out what is the most urgent and most important

issue at UBC. As such, Kessler is also looking to reduce stress in regards to mental health amongst the university population. “My office kind of lives in this place where everything has to do with it, so I have a strong team around me, all working for the same thing,” said Kessler. Aside from being passionate about the student body, Kessler is a keen camper, traveller and true map aficionado. Kessler is also accomplished in balancing her studying, executive duties and downtime, which is good news for the AMS. U

for bridging the gaps between UBC communities. She’s working on establishing an ‘inter-campus cultural committee,’ a meeting point for presidents and coordinators of some of UBC’s diverse extracurriculars and student clubs. According to Nasiri, her goal for the new project is “to bring everyone together and see what everyone brings to the table and go from there.” Nasiri’s most prominent project this year is the oversight of the new SUB, for which she acts as the student voice under a committee of professionals. She collaborates with the project’s management, contruction and business groups to help deliver the features students wish to see

in the new building. Nasiri’s aim with the AMS Student Nest is to encourage involvement and input from all the student communities of UBC. “With opening the new SUB one of my major goals is to have it as open as possible,” said Nasiri. “We want to open the doors to other student groups who are not the AMS.” Nasiri also expressed an intention to prioritize inclusivity and co-operation between all the student communities across campus, so that all groups have a say in society ventures. “If we’re not doing our job representing the best that we can, really we’re nothing,” said Nasiri. U

Ava Nasiri | VP Administration Mateo Ospina Contributor

Ava Nasiri is the person behind the new SUB this year. Many students often see the AMS as a governing body that tells students what to do with little regard to the students themselves. As the current VP Administration, Nasiri is actively trying to defeat this idea with plans that focus on inclusion. Nasiri is a third-year Arts student, majoring in Political Science and International Relations. She also has a penchant for afternoon tea and cookies. As part of her role, Nasiri is in charge of seeing through Shinerama, the AMS charity campaign fundraising for cystic fibrosis.

Additionally, she is the executive in charge of issues surrounding the AMS Whistler Lodge and AMS Art Gallery, as well as supervising AMS businesses and ensuring they comply with their Ethical Purchasing Policy. However, most students will know her a lot better from her work with the Student Administrative Commission (SAC), the management team that oversees AMS clubs. “SAC can be seen as hoops you have to jump through when really it’s just a support system,” said Nasiri. The SAC acts as the liason between the AMS and its clubs, and is in charge of all functions held in the SUB. Nasiri also has some new ideas

Bahareh Jokar | VP External Scott Jacobsen Contributor

Bahareh Jokar is working to make transportation easier and more accessible to students. As the current VP External, Jokar’s job includes dealing with the political aspects and outreach of the AMS. When asked about her new duties and responsibilities, Jokar said the the majority of her work will focus on thematic issues that the AMS will continue to focus on throughout the year. “Those issues include addressing student needs on a provincial level, public transportation, and the U-Pass program,” said Jokar. Jokar also manages aspects of

government relations to post-secondary students. Some of these services include childcare, education, immigration, financial aid and transportation. Other initiatives include the OutreachAMS, Alliance of BC Students and the Financial Aid/ Student Debt Advocacy. But in what is perhaps her biggest project of the year, Jokar will continue working towards making the transition from the Upass to the Compass Card. “For me, specifically this term, I am focusing on the upcoming municipal election, the potential public transit referendum,” said Jokar. Jokar said that she will be

looking at the Broadway corridor and the mayor’s council proposal to have a Broadway busline that extends beyond Arbutus and out to UBC. According to Jokar, this will include “working with UBC administration and the City of Vancouver to push to have the line extend out to UBC.” During her term, Jokar hopes to divide her time efficiently between all these different commitments. A few of these commitments include chairing Get-On-Board BC, a coalition of stakeholders advocating for greater funding for public transit, and the Alliance of BC Students. Through her participation in many different initiatives, Jokar

hopes to address some of the overarching concerns of UBC students. “I see large trends, which seep into various issues that we are trying to address like public transportation, like student issue reform around accessibility and affordability,” said Jokar. At the same time, Jokar feels that addressing these concerns comes down to learning more about the core issues of civic process and student engagement. “If we put in more today, future AMS members will be able to reap the benefits of uniting and engaging in the process to push for student issues, and making our communities a better place,” said Jokar. U

Mateusz Miadlikowski | VP Finance Milica Palinic Contributor

As an involved political science and economics student and the current VP Finance, Mateusz Miadlikowski has a lot on his plate this year. As the society’s principal money man, Miadlikowski’s most important task involves putting together the budget for the 2014/2015 fiscal year. The project requires communication across different departments and the budget committee before it is approved by the AMS Council. “It was a long process this year but with the budget committee we achieved — I would say — success,” said Miadlikowski. “It was

presented pretty fairly well and it was passed unanimously.” On top of the budget, Miadlikowski handles students and student groups who are opting in and out fees such as the UPass and UBC’s Health and Dental Plan. He is the chair of the Finance Commission and the Health and Dental Committee. Miadlikowski also oversees the sustainability office with the AMS, manages numerous businesses and sits on several other committees including the Walter Gage Fund Committee, which is administered by UBC and the Business Administration Governance Board and the Brewery Committee. Miadlikowski’s plans for the year include four main goals. The

first goal is to conduct a fixed assets assessment which was last done back in 2010. “It was going to be done every single year so it hasn’t been done in a long time and is very tedious and there’s actually no process in place so I’m trying to develop a process to do this every year,” said Miadlikowski. The purpose of the fixed assets assessment is to clearly document what the AMS and every single club and constituency has in fixed assets. Miadlikowksi’s second goal is to review all the transfers and funds that they have in the AMS. “There are quite a few of [the funds] as well so that is a very, very broad project,” said Miadlikowksi.

“I actually didn’t realize how big it is until I actually got there.” Miadlikowski’s third goal is to continue the project of putting in an automated payment and point of sales systems for clubs. As it currently stands, the system is expected to be finalized by the end of 2015. Along with his work in sustainability, Miadlikowski’s final goal includes financing all the projects that are going on with the new SUB. “Of course the new SUB is the priority, so we are trying to finance all the projects that are going on,” said Miadlikowski. “There’s plenty of them. We are working hard to make sure that it will all be done on time.” U


EDITOR jenica montgomery


clubs >>

Getting involved is easy if you know what clubs to join Joining clubs is the best and easiest way to make lifelong friends at university Connie McKimm Contributor

“We are for fun,” said UBC A Cappella President Rachel Levy-McLaughlin. UBC’s A Capella Club, which holds auditions this coming weekend, offers students the chance to combine musical ambition with plenty of socializing. A cappella is a type of music that is made up of group vocals unaccompanied by instrumental sound. UBC’s A Cappella Club performs a variety of songs: classical rock, pop hits, holiday favourites and 60s and 70s classics all make up the club’s repertoire. The club has four groups in total, each with different levels of commitment and varying levels of ability. This means that any UBC student can sing with the club. “We try and make a spot for everyone who is interested,” said Vice President Brian

Hayes. Some groups meet every week for several hours, whereas another meets once a fortnight. This means that anyone can get involved — even the busiest UBC student. Besides these regular practices, the club performs concerts at the end of each semester. Hayes, who organizes external events, said that the club is often invited to gigs two or three times per month. The club not only performs at campus and alumni events, but travels across Vancouver to showcase its talents. “A couple of years ago we got invited to perform by the Vancouver Whitecaps,” said Levy-McLaughlin. “We do a nice mishmash of things all over the area.” For the A Cappella Club, singing and performing together is a great way to meet people. “Through practices we become a lot closer because we build chemistry through our songs,”

Blank vinyl project

mackenzie walker / the ubyssey

Si Jia Wen Contributor

The University Fashion Club isn’t merely a channel for shopping and fashion design. “That’s what usually surprises people,” said Alyssa Rodrigues, director of operations for the club. Established only three years ago, the club was founded with the intention of connecting UBC students with industry professionals in Vancouver. Rather than being a handson, artistic club, they build a bridge between aspiring fashion devotees and provide advice on being employed in the competitive field. Their biggest and most popular event of the year is Fashion Talks, a one-day conference featuring four to five of the top local professionals from various departments of the fashion industry. Fashion Talks is comprised of two parts. The former is focused on the guest speakers and their career path. Each speaker gives a brief presentation on the topic of choice of that year.

“The first year, we had ‘How to Get Hired in the Vancouver Fashion Industry,’” said Rodrigues. “It was really valuable to our members because each professional told their success story and how they got into the fashion industry.” The presentation is followed by a lengthier Q&A period, in which guests have the chance to ask the panel questions to gain a greater comprehension on their specialization, experience and know-how. The second and final portion of Fashion Talks is a networking session, where members have one-on-one interactions with industry professionals. In the past, members have been lucky enough to collaborate with the marketing manager at Herschel’s, the manager of Holt Renfrew, Beauty Editor at Kenton Magazine, Model Manager at Wilhelmina Models, and other prominent Vancouver bloggers and designers. In addition to Fashion Talks, the club also organizes smaller events,

said Rader Lie, one of the club’s musical directors. The club hosts events to help cement these friendships formed during practices. “On Saturday, we had an Aca-mazing race where everyone raced around UBC Campus. It was a really fun scavenger hunt,” said Levy-McLaughlin. After most practices, the club will get together to share a few beers or even perform at an open-mic night. The ‘Exec-apella’ is keen to welcome new members. “If you like music, enjoy singing and having fun, there’s not a better place to try it,” said Levy-McLaughlin. No doubt the club’s new members will soon be singing the same tune. Interested students can sign up for the club’s auditions, which will be held on the 19 and 20 of September. There is also a workshop on September 18 which will provide an insight into what the club has to offer. U

Kate MacDonald Contributor

Everyone loves music, and everyone should love the Blank Vinyl Project, a student-run organization which last year was awarded Club of the Year by the Alma Mater Society. The three-year-old club founded in 2011 by Ben Chen, the Blank Vinyl Project was originally conceived as a record label dedicated to getting unknown student artists off the ground. “When Ben [Chen] started it, the idea was finding the abundance of talent and musicians on campus that don’t really get represented. You go and see that amazing artist at an open mic, but then they’re in their dorm room the rest of the year. [The Blank Vinyl Project] capitalizes on that talent, and makes musicians more represented across campus so you could be going to that guy’s show,” said last year’s president Dimitri Kanaris. Over the years, however, the club has evolved dramatically. Kanaris said they shortly saw a need for a greater emphasis on community. Blank Vinyl Project’s current president and third-year English major Rebekka Kristian-

including a do-it-yourself session in the fall. “We provide all the materials — studs, leather patches, sewing materials, buttons, all those types of things — and anyone can just bring whatever clothing they want to DIY, and make it their own,” said Rodrigues. They also have a monthly member feature on their Facebeook page. “We’ll choose the most active member per month and do a photo shoot with whatever style they want. They design it.” Even with their growing popularity, the University Fashion Club is looking for new recruits. “We love having a diverse number of people, anyone who’s interested in fashion, becoming friends with those interested in fashion, and wants opportunities to meet professionals on a one-on-one basis,” said Rodrigues. “It’s a lot easier than going out into the fashion industry by yourself — we bring it to you instead.” U

A cappella

mackenzie walker / the ubyssey

sen said she now considers the club to be something that’s much more focused on every musician on campus. “There’s something for everyone,” Kristiansen said. “You don’t even have to play an instrument. I don’t play, and I’m the president! Students that are musicians, that play music on a regular basis just for fun, they’d obviously feel very much at home in the club. But honestly, if you just enjoy music, if you enjoy putting on shows, going to shows, or just anything within the arts, we can accommodate you.” So if you do play an instrument, how can you take advantage of what the Blank Vinyl Project has to offer? “We have between four and six events a week,” Kristiansen said. “Open mics, jam sessions, music nights and concerts on the weekends.” The Blank Vinyl Project deals in the music community off campus as well as on. In the past, they’ve worked directly with music producers who’ve helped students create entire EPs, for free. The competitive types can take part in the upcoming inaugural Battle of the

Bands, something the executive team is thrilled to finally be putting together. This term, the project everyone’s excited about is Build-aBand, beginning next week. “It’s essentially just us giving musicians on campus the place and the resources to put together their own bands,” said Kristiansen. The idea is that solo musicians will come to Blank Vinyl Project, and the club will match them with other musicians to create a natural, cohesive team. “I want BVP to be like a music-specific calendar on campus. I want our club to be a place that people go to see what they can get in terms live music on campus for the rest of the month. I just want BVP to be a club that people recognize as providers of live music as well as opportunities for musicians just for jamming,” said Kristiansen. Three years ago, the Blank Vinyl Project was founded with a clear mission in mind. It was simply a record label, but it has grown from that, and will likely continue to do so. Kristiansen, just beginning her term as president, has a clear vision in mind. U

UBC Fashion

mackenzie walker / the ubyssey



zombies >>

Interactive zombie theatre uses audience participation

Photo Courtesy the virtual stage

Get your smartphone and your wits ready for this interactive zombie performance.

Olivia Law Contributor

You receive a phone call with a location and a time, 24 hours from now. You’re expected to be there, armed with your smartphone and your smartest wits. No, this isn’t a crazy scam or cult engagement — this is theatre. Andy Thompson — founder, artistic director, creator, producer, actor and writer of The Virtual Stage’s production of On Death’s Door: Plague of the Zombie Syndrome was a self-confessed

‘science nerd’ for most of his teenage life. It wasn’t until completing an Arts program at the age of 18 that he discovered the “theatre way of life.” Hailing from the Fraser Valley region, Thompson started his career as a performer, starring in Vancouver-based Hollywood films, short movies and student productions, after professional theatre training at Studio 58. Now, however, his work definitely reflects his science and technology interests.

The main premise of Zombie Syndrome is a real-world, smartphone-enabled quest to rid Vancouver streets of the undead. The current interest in zombie culture inspired Thompson back in 2012, when the first installment of the Zombie Syndrome series began in the city. “Around 2000 I started this company, The Virtual Stage, which was appropriated as a non-profit society, and produced our first ever big production, which did really well,” said Thompson. “It’s been a

yoga? slack lines? storm the wall? how would you use outdoor space around the SUB?

Ideas Fair - October 2

journey of 14 or so years with this company being a vehicle in which I really get to have a creative say in what I do, which is the reason I started the company.” Interactive theatre, while not necessarily new, is still uncharted territory for some theatre goers. “I imagined a situation in the future, where I was with a company that has mandate X, and I thought ‘what kind of mandate could sustain my interest for a long time?’ Being the science-nerd technogeek that I am, I thought what is better and longer lasting than technology? That’s how I came up with the ideas of integrating cinematic and live elements to the show,” said Thompson. The idea of using your smartphone as part of a theatrical experience is new to everyone — aren’t we all used to the

announcement to turn off our phones? Thompson, however, has turned this around. “Computers are getting smaller and smaller, and more and more powerful, and more affordable, so why not use these tools in making theatre all about the experience? I want to investigate the application of emerging technologies in theatre.” There are, of course, difficulties and limitations associated with this moving, interactive theatre. “With my actors, I was looking for someone who can not only handle the text, but can also improvise,” said Thompson. “The audience is different every performance, so the challenge of writing such a piece is a whole other topic. I needed actors who can not only perform what is on the page, but who can wing it, and make the difference unintelligible.” Even in the script, there are sections marked ‘improv,’ or different options depending on the audience response. “There’s this whole element of the audience being these geniuses, so we want to have some fun around playing with the audience.” The audience becomes a team who is scored or graded, much like a video game — a throwback to Thompson’s geeky past and love of science and technology. Initially, Thompson said he did not have a target audience, but as the shows and company have progressed over the years, inevitably Zombie Syndrome has become a mecca for young, smartphone-savvy adults and teenagers — perfect for the engaged UBC student. “What really inspires me for the company in general is that I have the opportunity to really get people inspired about theatre, to perhaps push the boundary of what it is, and challenge people’s preconceived notions about what live theatre is or should be.” Zombie Syndrome provides and opportunity for performance art to become interactive, and this will be a piece of performance art like no one has seen before. U

UBC is in the process of redesigning the outdoor areas around and including MacInnes Field, the new pool, the existing SUB, Alumni Centre and the new SUB. See the schematic below for a view of the area under redesign.

Culture Mulcher

We’d like to hear from students on how you would like to use these outdoor areas. Those who submit their ideas in person or online will be entered into a Prize Draw. The outcomes from the Ideas Fair will inform the programming for this area.

Mr. Peanut Campaign for

September 26,28, 28 2014

This exhibit is presented

Culture Days are a part of a

Can’t make it October 2? Visit by October 10 to submit your ideas.

at Koerner Library. For a

country wide prject to get

performance art project, artist

people more involved with arts

Vincent Trasov dressed as

and culture. Events range from

For additional information on the project, contact Aviva Savelson, Senior Manager, Consultation, Campus + Community Planning at or 604-822-9984.

the famed Mr. Peanut, the

Ballet classes to the Candle

Planters product mascot, and

and Butter making. There are

walked around Vancouver

events across the city — and

and performed on stage in

country — for people to get

the 70s. This exhibit runs at

involved in and experience the

the same time as Vancouver’s

world of arts and culture.

University Commons

July 2010

This notice contains important information which may affect you. Please ask someone to translate it for you. aaplace placeofofmind mind



Mayor 1974 Sept. 5 - Jan. 4

Date: Thursday, Oct 2, 2014 Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm Place: Bookstore Plaza (Northside Patio)

Library Commons - Landscape Concept

BC Culture Days

municipal elections and consists of photographs and other memerobilia from Mr. Peanut’s most notable public project: when Mr. Peanut ran for Mayor in 1974.




The AMS does not have a “feminism quota” Ava Nasiri Letter

ILLUSTRATION julian yu / the ubyssey

LAST WORDS The ams is pretty important You should care about what the AMS is doing. The AMS is made up mostly of elected students who deal with millions of dollars of your money. Your U-Pass, the new SUB, Pit Nights — the AMS is behind all of it. Despite everything the AMS handles, a lot of students don’t even know what AMS stands for, never mind who the executives are or what they do. Which is why we took two pages to try and lay out some of the basics for people. While the AMS does a lot of good stuff, sometimes they get things wrong. If you don’t even know what your student society is up to, it’s hard to hold them accountable. Too many students criticize the lack of student life on campus, the food in the SUB, or the way the AMS spends their money, but never do anything to actually improve any of those things. The AMS is made up of students just like you. So vote in the AMS elections, show up to speak at council meetings, run for office — do something to make life on campus better.

major league bubble soccer Whether you call it football or soccer there should always, always be a bubble in front of it. No matter from which angle you approach it — profit, athletics, or entertainment — bubble soccer is blowing up. From a marketing standpoint, soccer is the one of the cheapest sports in the world to play. The introduction of plastic bubbles at varying costs allows for the market to roll away with higher profit margins. Through the lens of athletics, bubbles provide the solution to the perennial complaint of diving. Run-

PArting shots and snap judgements from The ubyssey editorial board

ning full speed into another player with the intention of bouncing them farther than little Timmy did in the bouncy castle at Jimmy’s fifth birthday introduces the tipping point component that the sport needed. It’s a no-brainer that every fan would prefer to see Lionel Messi do a bicycle kick with a bubble suit on than without. It’s time to bring bubble soccer into the mainstream.

student leaders need to take responsibility Sauder rape chants, Carleton T-shirts and Greek system hazing — what do these three things have in common? Maybe it’s just us, but it seems like there’s a real trend with students given the responsibility of holding positions of mentorship who seem to love abusing their power and making everyone feel uncomfortable – students and administration alike. Really, nothing good ever comes from their antics. When you’re given the task of welcoming new students, you shouldn’t take the opportunity to execute your own sort of soapbox activism, no matter what your views are. Just imagine AMS President Tanner Bokor constantly preaching about the characters he ships in his favourite anime. We’re sure he’d have the council Chair banging his gavel like a madman. Just the same, student leaders should make their lesser-ranked peers feel welcome, safe and included. That should go without saying. We’re just glad that UBC does its best to encourage the construction of a safe and inclusive academic and community environment.

UBC Executive restructuring? As soon as we heard about the (now former) VP Finance, Resources and

Operations leaving his position at UBC, we realized that new UBC president Arvind Gupta may be wanting to switch things up. Like Stephen Toope before him, Gupta is getting right on restructuring UBC’s executive and administrative operations. In his installation address, Gupta clearly expressed his wishes to refocus just about everything at UBC, such as putting research on a pedestal high enough to brush the clouds. Ouillet’s position is being reinvented to streamline the new major prioritization of academic objectives with the more simplified VP Finance role. It seems strange that Ouillet didn’t stick around for the part. Were there disagreements between Ouillet and Gupta? We don’t know, but we sure wish we did. Right now, we’re just going to sit back and wait to see what else is going to change now that Gupta has taken the helm.

spare some time for terry fox For some of us, the Terry Fox Run is something that evokes memories of long-gone elementary school years, and hours spent watching documentaries and running around school fields. For others, who didn’t grow up in Canada, Terry Fox may be a name that was first heard only after arriving at UBC. Fox was voted the #2 “Greatest Canadian” in a massive CBC project conducted in 2004, and with good reason — he ran across Canada with one good leg, brought awareness to a disease that was still, in some ways, taboo to discuss in public, and succeeded in raising millions of dollars for cancer research. Even if you don’t go for a run, spare a thought or a dollar for Terry Fox. He earned it. U

As the VP Administration for the AMS, one of my responsibilities is to manage the Student Administrative Commission (SAC) which oversees all AMS clubs. With that in mind I’m responding to an opinion piece written by Alex Mierke-Zatwarnicki entitled “Enough with the feminism quotas.” The op-ed claim that the AMS twice voted not to constitute a feminist club because we are against “promoting women’s empowerment and organizing at UBC” could not be further from the truth.

There are no quotas; groups are approved based on application and not political or social leanings, and the same process is applied to all groups that present. A club is approved when they have unique programming, a strong budget and planning for long-term sustainability. These measures are in place to ensure that new student clubs have the planning they need in order to succeed. There are no quotas; groups are approved based on application and not political or social leanings, and the same process is applied to all groups that present. The UBC Feminism Club under the leadership of Cheneil Hale was never rejected from becoming an AMS club this year. Instead, the AMS “referred the club to talk to SASC” following their first presentation, in order to avoid overlap in programming and allow for successful collaboration in the future between the two groups. As the club was not rejected, they were welcome to come back and present again as soon as they pleased. The ability to present again was somehow misunderstood. On Hale’s behalf, Mierke-Zat-

warnicki tweeted at the AMS her frustration. Once the Communications Manager understood the situation, she connected Hale with the SAC and Hale was again informed she could re-present. Hale presented on September 10 and was told she would learn the decision of SAC within a week. SAC held an emergency meeting on September 12 to vote on three clubs (Hale’s, and two others presenting for a second time); two of which were approved. As promised, Hale received an email congratulating her on the club being constituted on September 15.

The timing of this email and the approval of the club may have appeared to be a direct result of the opinion piece, tweets, or a petition the feminism club put together. It was not; SAC has no political bias. The timing of this email and the approval of the club may have appeared to be a direct result of the opinion piece, tweets, or a petition the feminism club put together. It was not; SAC has no political bias. The club received status because of their strong, unique programming, a well-developed budget, and response to SAC feedback, which is standard practice that SAC applies equally to all. The AMS is all about empowering students to pursue their passions and contribute to the university community. While we do not agree with the way this situation was handled, we are pleased to have the UBC Feminism Club as part of the AMS and look forward to the contributions they will make to campus culture. If you are interested in having a say in the formation of new clubs or joining SAC, please get in touch with me at or stop by the SAC office. U Ava Nasiri is the AMS Vice-President, Administration, and is a third-year international relations and political science student. <em>


HACKÉDEX your UBC word of the week


(/hak/, n.)

Hack refers to an individual involved in student politics. It has a somewhat derogatory connotation. “The AMS hacks tried to shut down our party because we were serving bzzr.”

thursday, September 18, 2014 |

EDITOR Jack Hauen


Cycling >>

Off the Chain: cycling across Canada Natalie Scadden Staff Writer

photo courtesy natalie scadden / the ubyssey

Former Ubyssey Sports and Recreation Editor Natalie Scadden (left) cycled across Canada this summer.

My girlfriend and I cycled 7,510 kilometres across the country this summer. Yeah, I know, we’re crazy — just about everyone we met said that. “What for?” was always the next question. Many were surprised when we didn’t name a charity and start rattling off all the good work they do. Some even seemed upset — why is it that people assume any endurance feat must be associated with a charitable cause? It’s not like we didn’t have plenty of other good reasons to be out there biking roughly 100 kilometres a day. First off, far too often we Canadians don’t get to travel much in our own country. Cycling is a fantastic way to explore places because you get to see everything in slow motion. You can hear and smell what’s going on, notice the little things you otherwise wouldn’t in a car or plane. You feel the road curve beneath you and you sweat and grind your way up its hills. Locals all want to chat with you, so you learn about where you are and the people who live there too. And while you’re at it you can eat all the food you want, healthy or not — you’ve earned it. I should mention that shedding a few pounds was never one of our reasons. We both returned to Vancouver at almost exactly the same weight as we left, albeit a bit leaner. I’m fine with that. I mean, we made a pact to eat pou-

tine every day while in Quebec (and succeeded), and beer was a frequent source of carbohydrates, so I can’t exactly complain. While most Canadians spent their summer fuming over rising gas prices (we saw it as high as $1.60 a litre), our engines were running on kilometres per cookie (about 42.3, if I had to guess). Now, that’s not to say that spending your whole summer cycling doesn’t take its toll on your bank account. The cost of equipment, campsites and around 4,000 calories a day (each) worth of food adds up, plus we took a total of eight ferries and flew home from the east coast. The bikes had to be boxed up and shipped back as well, which actually gave us a bit of separation anxiety at first. Even though we stayed with our (friends’) friends and family whenever possible, and even some very kind strangers — the website is a fantastic network of/for touring cyclists — it was still an expensive trip. For us, it was absolutely worth it. Why? For the adventure. For the challenge. For the adrenaline. For the sense of freedom. For the outdoors. For fun. For exercise. For first-hand perspective and peace of mind. For bragging rights. For awkward tanlines. For the friends and family we got to visit. For the new friends we made. For us. For Canada. For being able to check one item off the bucket list, and for the many more it has inspired. U

Bubble soccer bounces onto campus Jack Hauen Sports + Rec Editor

You’ve seen the GIFs. The internet is littered with slow motion videos and all-caps comments each proclaiming in their own way how much fun you can have playing bubble soccer. Recently, two UBC brothers — Michael and Kelvin Wong — have capitalized on the sport’s online popularity by starting their own company dedicated to renting out the bubble suits and supplying soccer balls, goals, refs and even professional photographers. They see iBubble Soccer dominating birthday parties in the near future. “That’s why we started this company,” said Michael Wong. “There’s big potential in the city of Vancouver — it’s really popular in Europe, some parts of the States and Asia, and right now there’s no one in Vancouver playing it.” On Sunday, the company held free tryouts on a corner of Varsity Field. Six players at a time marched onto the field and faced off in games of what could loosely be called “soccer,” but what could more accurately be described as “repeated blindside tackles with little to no regard for any semblance of rules.” I was one of

these bubble-wrapped warriors. The first thing you need to know about bubble soccer is that those suits are actually pretty heavy. You’re not going to be sprinting around at full speed for very long without falling to your knees like an uncoordinated Michelin Man. The second thing you need to know about bubble soccer is that getting tackled is by far the best part. For extra points (and mad air) jump just as you’re about to get hit. It’s also incredibly hard to see out of the suits, as the plastic distorts your vision into something Dali might paint if he were a soccer mom. You can’t really look down to see the ball, because as soon as you do — though this depends heavily on the bloodlust of the opposing team — you’ll be flattened in a second, making a game of actual soccer rather difficult. But that’s never been the point. For its few flaws, if you can call them that, bubble soccer is incredibly fun and will strengthen bonds of friendship through cushioned blows. The Wong brothers are just waiting for their new business to fully gain traction, but in the meantime they’re having fun watching students pummel each other dressed like tiny blimps. U

photo Cherihan hassun / the ubyssey

My ragtag team of air-filled sumo wrestlers.

For Your Eyes Only PORSCHE

3049 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., V6K 2G9 Office: 604 732 0311 or 604 731 4821 Bottom of UBC Hill at Alma

10 | SPORTS |


Explore >>

Adventure in the Rockies just across the B.C. border

Ailsa Naismith Contributor

“Bears?” squeaked Iona. “Yup!” said Natalie, our Australian assistant. She seemed cheerful. “In fact, they’re all over the place here. The best we had was one that came into the bakery a couple of months ago and ate all the cakes. When he realised he’d been spotted, he got scared and ran out again. Think he was embarrassed!” We eagerly purchased the can of bear mace that she held out to us. The news of bear threats would turn out to be the first in a long line of surprises that day: we would be buffeted by wind and rain, chased by a storm of mosquitoes and meet a number of interesting people that would make our newest adventure all the more exciting. Our day had started like any other day: with homemade burritos by the side of Lake Louise. My sister, Iona, was keen to try out her new stove, and we couldn’t pass up the chance to eat in front

Coastal Mountain black bears look like teddies. She also told us of the rules for high-threat areas: we would have to team up with others to make a foursome. We retraced our steps towards Moraine Lake, with a view to picking up some hikers. The path steepened, and we started up a series of switchbacks. Would we actually be able to catch up with anyone to befriend them? Suddenly, we were accosted by a rabble. Twenty octogenarians welcomed us into their fold, and decided that we could be honorary members of their Golden Oldies Hiking Club. We were thrilled! Ahead on the path, a pair with bells on their backs made a noisy trail. However, at the very least they seemed like good fun. We learned that they were called Ingrid and Sandra, and the bells were to ward off the bears (who were clearly too shy to talk). On our way, Ingrid and Sandra regaled us with stories. It turned out they were aid workers on a break to visit home, and the pines of Paradise Valley were

The news of bear threats would turn out to be the first in a long line of surprises. of the best view in the world. We had no idea what route to climb this morning, and eating seemed like an agreeable form of procrastination while we decided. The incongruity struck us: here we were at 7:00 a.m. and 10 degrees, munching on a mound of beans, rice and cheese while cheeky early-bird tourists passed by the lake trail and provided a constant stream of banter: “Got any spares? … When do you open for business? … Need some extra fuel to get you over the mountains?” As we ate, the day stretched ahead of us. We decided to tackle Sentinel Pass beside Moraine Lake. Although we would miss the lovely friends we’d made here so far, Iona and I began to suspect for some reason that there was an ulterior motive behind their friendliness. We wound our way down the hill towards the town of Lake Louise, the view stretching out in front of us like a cat in the sun. What we hadn’t bargained on — hadn’t even really thought of — was the incredible threat of bears in the region. Natalie assured us that these grizzlies made the

quickly replaced with tales of riotous adventures in Lagos, and descriptions of the cornfields of Saskatchewan, from where Sandra hailed. We were keen to impress these two intrepid hikers, and the perfect opportunity appeared over the hill, surrounded by springy meadows of wildflowers. A lake. It was fed by glacial waters from nearby Mount Temple — surely ice swimming was the next step in our day. Once we got up to our knees and snapped a few chilly pictures, Iona and I soon changed our minds and dashed out again. The Sentinel Pass trail leads you up onto a saddle with two viewpoints: to the west, pines, lake and meadows for Julie Andrews to sing in; to the east, endless crags and fearsome glaciers. Capricious Mount Temple stood between them, with its rugged face and ice quiff standing to attention. Once we were on the saddle, we couldn’t be distracted by the wild squirrels that made their home there. We slid down the sloping scree on the other side: a surprise difference from the springy meadows of the west.

Just as we thought the end was in sight, we were distracted by a rustling in the bushes. “This is ridiculous!” Sandra huffed, as we saw a family of four merrily skip along the path ahead of us. But it became more so when we entered the last leg of the climb. Though we hadn’t seen a whiff of bear, the mosquitoes we then found were large enough to carry us between them, 10 apiece. Hiking and scrambling, running through the solid surf, we eventually made it through the mosquito fields and out onto the rocky trail. Our way cleared as we discovered another surprise: the glassy green of a small glacier lake. We’d left Paradise Valley far behind us, but this was a little pool of heaven

that we eagerly dipped our feet into. The cold didn’t feel so bad after nine hours of hiking. More surprises were in store. Just as we thought the end was in sight, we were distracted by a rustling in the bushes. Was our time near its end? Instead, a snuffle and a wheeze were heard. On the path in front of us, a frizz of yellow spines ambled along at a glacial pace. It was a porcupine! We heard they were naturally shy, but he must have been a little deaf as it was only well after our shrieks and delighted cries sounded that he waddled back into the bushes. Finally, we were out. Ten hours of adventure had coated us in a varnish of sweat, mosquito-repellent, sunscreen and excitement. We needed to cool off and drove our dusty car towards the border with British Columbia; we were heading for Emerald Lake, a perfect way to round off the day. We changed into our swimming costumes; the beautiful scenery — hanging baskets on a wooden bridge, lake and green pines — at odd with the dash of pure fear I felt. We had a lovely pair of tourists encourage us as we teetered on the bridge. The wife shouted: “Go on, go on! I’m ready in three … two … one!” Whoomph! The water was

photo courtesy iona naismiith

Top down: Panoramic of Sentinal Pass, view of Temple, scaling viewpoints, meadows.

freezing, an explosion of bubbles lashed my eyes and water the colour of antifreeze surrounded us. After doggie paddling to the side of the lake, we emerged, triumphant, to a smattering of applause. A

couple congratulated us in broad Liverpudlian accents. The sounds were out of place over there — it was as if we had passed the Rockies test and been rewarded by a taste of home. U


| SPORTS | 11

Skiing >>

UBC Nordic skiiers taking changes in stride

Team has lost their varsity status, but not their passion

photo kosta prodanovic / the ubyssey

The UBC Nordic skiing club is dealing with the fallout from last year’s sports review by moving forward as a team.

Natalie Morris Contributor

In the wake of last year’s sports review, some of UBC’s varsity teams are making the transition into their new competitive club status. As one of UBC’s lesser-known varsity clubs, the Nordic skiers have felt this divide before. Robert Ragotte, a fourth-year student and coach of the team, doesn’t think their loss of varsity status will change the team’s dynamics too much. One drawback is the loss of the varsity gym, but Ragotte isn’t phased — the team will use the BirdCoop like the rest of UBC.

“We’ve always operated in the form of a competitive club,” Ragotte said. “We’ve always had people in excess of the team who would be part of the club portion, so I don’t think it will be a big change for us.” The club side of Nordic skiing operates alongside the competitive team of 10. According to Ragotte, generally only experienced skiers join, but the club welcomes those new to the sport. Being student-run allows for a more flexible schedule, without a hard cut-off date for new members. Ragotte pointed out that, as a competitive team, they don’t provide training

for beginners, but “if they want a ride up [the mountain] to learn, then they’re always welcome.” Kirsten Bock, a third-year UBC Nordic skiing veteran, noted that while the team will no longer be able to use the varsity gym, they can still hold events like team runs without it. According to Bock, the group operates more “like a little family” than a competitive club. “We have the club as well as the team, so we do a lot of our training together, and we have alumni come out and join us sometimes,” she said. Bock also hoped the team could get outside sponsorship for the

season. Last season the team was unable to go to nationals, something they had never missed since the club began. “Last year was the only year we didn’t [go], because they were held in Newfoundland, so it was $3,000 per athlete. It was just not feasible in our budget,” said Ragotte, though he maintained they will definitely be sending people this year. The Ski Nationals, which are being held in Thunder Bay this season, host the Canadian College and University National Championship (CCUNC), as well as the Canadian Ski and Para-Nordic Na-

tional Championships. Laval and Lakehead Universities currently hold the men’s and women’s titles, respectively. Before nationals, the team also participates in a number of races at Cypress and Whistler throughout the winter. These races range from 1.5 kilometre sprints to 10 and 30 kilometre races. This sets the varsity team up nicely for nationals where about five races are held, including a mass start and two interval start races. “I love skiing, it’s one of my favourite sports,” Bock said. “It’s a great way I can integrate sports and university together.” U

canada >>

Terry Fox Run brings students together against cancer Koby Michaels Contributor

Terry Fox ran 5,373 kilometres across Canada after being diagnosed with metastatic osteosarcoma and having his leg amputated above the knee. On Sunday, somewhere between 150 and 200 students and Vancouverites took part in UBC’s first ever Terry Fox Run and ran a combined 750 kilometers to carry on Fox’s legacy. Runners lined up in front of the fountain in Martha Piper Plaza, the toes of their sneakers smudging the chalk starting line. Everyone counted down from three, and we were off, pre-run jitters and aches forgotten. The race followed chalk arrows pointing down Main Mall toward the mountains before veering onto the construction-riddled sidewalks of West Mall. Then came the hill on Agronomy road. It might not seem like a big hill, but after running the length of Main Mall twice, an ant hill feels like

Everest. The arrows curled back onto the Mall, and suddenly the fountain and finish were within eyesight. My trainers finally crossed the chalk finish line but I could not stop for the water that lined the table under the enticing shade of the tent. One lap down, 2.5 kilometres to go. Then it started again. The view of the mountains, the dodging of fences and potholes, the hike up Mt. Agronomy, and the final stretch back down the Mall towards the chalk that marked the end. As a Canadian who has never lived in Canada, I had no idea who Terry Fox was when I signed up, but after running a measly 0.0009 per cent of the Marathon of Hope, I hold him in a deep sense of awe. And for the first time since moving back to Canada, I feel Canadian. Thirty-four years after his marathon, people still run for Fox and continue the fight against cancer. U

12 | games |




Across 1- ___ Beach, Florida 5- Boldness 10- Bicycle 14- Hgt. 15- Central Florida city 16- Came down to earth 17- Actor Auberjonois 18- Attended 19- Actress Kedrova 20- Bewhiskered 22- Immoderately vehement 24- Actor Kilmer 25- Guadalajara gold

26- Flavorful 29- Marseille Mrs. 32- Pisa place 36- Dies ___ 37- Takes care of 39- Never, in Nuremberg 40- In spite of 43- Gangster’s gun 44- Golf club 45- Designer Cassini 46- All My Children vixen 48- Small batteries 49- Perfect places 50- Sun Devils’ sch. 52- Actor Byrnes 53- Lord’s estate

57- Spirit 61- Goddess and sister of Ares in Greek mythology 62- Modern bank card 64- Disturb 65- Capital city of Peru 66- Accustom 67- Harper’s Bazaar illustrator 68- Suggestive look 69- U-Haul competitor 70- Per ___

Down 1- Action word

2- Gen. Robert ___ 3- Actress Sofer 4- Summary 5- Speech sound 6- Mil. school 7- ___ Cruces 8- Norwegian king 9- Rate 10- Round of voting 11- Nastase of tennis 12- Brick oven 13- Coup d’___ 21- June honoree 23- Rigel’s constellation 26- Burn a bit 27- Bellowing 28- Singer LaBelle 29- Conductor Zubin 30- Hostess Perle 31- Adlai’s running mate 33- Old-womanish 34- Fabric woven from flax yarns

35- Safecrackers 37- Actor Erwin 38- Paving material 41- Bridge declaration 42- Feeble 47- Roman general 49- Begley and Bradley 51- Below 52- Aromatic compound 53- Big name in PCs 54- Buffalo’s county 55- Jester 56- Start of a counting rhyme 57- Green land 58- Me neither 59- Make reference to 60- K-6 63- Partially opened flower;59This can be guilty or not guilty 60- Haul 61- RR stop 64- Apr. addressee

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