2 minute read
A guide to studying effectively
from Guide to UBC 2021/22
by The Ubyssey
NOTE-TAKING Your notes are only as useful as you make them, so focus on the material that you don’t understand. Once classes start, your time becomes a precious resource. Spend more time reviewing concepts you’re struggling with.
Your notes are for you, so don’t worry about making them pretty. Now that you’re in university, don’t waste your time pulling out the white-out when you make a mistake in your notebook — just scribble over it and move on.
DON’TS Ultimately, the best study technique is the one that works best for you. However, there are a few study ‘tips’ that you should avoid at all costs. Skipping lectures to spend more time studying is a big no. Your studying should be complementary to the lectures as lecture content tends to show up on tests.
Avoid pulling all-nighters. Not only is last-minute studying not all that useful, it also messes up your sleep schedule and leaves you feeling tired and groggy the next day. Your health is as important as your education.
DOS Now that you know what not to do, let’s look at what you should do.
Set a schedule. Organizing your time is key when it comes to effective studying. To prioritize your studying, treat it like a scheduled class. If you’re having a hard time sticking to your schedule, tell a friend so you’re not the only one holding yourself accountable!
During your study sessions, one useful technique is called deep work sessions. To try this, allot a specific amount of time to focus solely on studying while eliminating all distractions, especially social media.
Another helpful technique is splitting large assignments into smaller, easier-tomanage chunks. If you have a project due in two weeks, rather than thinking of it as one huge assignment, break it into smaller tasks that can be completed in half hour increments. This way, you can work for half an hour a day and still get your project done in time.
Perhaps the most important study tip of all is to take advantage of your professor’s office hours. These are a great opportunity to ask questions and talk to your professor about assignments.
FINAL WORDS OF WISDOM Take breaks. You might be surprised at how much easier it is to focus on your studies after a quick walk outside or a phone call with a friend. U