2 minute read
Campus traditions
from Guide to UBC 2021/22
by The Ubyssey

UBC prides itself on a number of student traditions that it has upheld for years now. Here is a list of a few events to keep an eye out for.
DAY OF THE LONGBOAT One of UBC’s most popular events since 1987, this is the largest voyageur canoe race in all of North America, attracting upwards of 3,000 participants and volunteers. This event takes place in the early fall and is perfect for those who love to paddle hard. Assemble your team of runners and paddlers and head to Jericho Beach for the big event!
POLAR BEAR SWIM What better way to celebrate the end of term one than rushing into the freezing ocean with hundreds of your fellow students? The Polar Bear Swim offers a cathartic release for all of that pent up adrenaline from the past term (gotta make room for the new stress you’ll accrue during finals!). This certainly is not a tradition for everyone, but it is a fun experience. It’s even worth the trek down (and back up) the Wreck Beach stairs — and, most likely, getting a cold the day after.
CAMPUS-WIDE SNOWBALL FIGHT This one depends on the weather, but in recent years Vancouver has been blessed with enough snow to fuel the legendary event. Whatever obligations you may have, they’re worth skipping for this — trust

me. Line up along Main Mall, ready your ammunition and wait for the signal at 12 p.m. before all hell breaks loose.
STORM THE WALL Triathlon but make it *UBC*. Gather a group of friends to join you in swimming, running, biking and hoisting yourself over a 12-foot wall. It’s best to devise a team strategy to help you scale the wall, but don’t worry, UBC Rec will be there to help if you need it. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, you can attempt the
entire thing by yourself in the Iron Person challenge.
DEFACE THE CAIRN UBC’s unofficial mascot is the giant concrete E on Main Mall, proudly defended by the engineering students. The Cairn gets vandalized with countless event flyers, coats of paint, messages of solidarity, faculty rivalries and sometimes, even your local student newspaper. Follow it on Instagram @theubce to see its many faces over the years. U