2 minute read
Dorm essentials
from Guide to UBC 2021/22
by The Ubyssey
University is often the first time we move away from home. Suddenly mom’s not there to make sure you’re eating and you can’t bribe one of your siblings to clean your room for you. Here are some essentials you might not have thought of.
SHOWER CADDY/SHOES You will learn this very quickly, but trying to schlep all of your toiletries into the washroom whenever you need them isn’t the most efficient technique. Having a shower caddy full of essentials is a must. You will also definitely need shower slippers or flip-flops. Believe me, you don’t want to go barefoot when you see all of the interesting specimens hanging out on the shower floor.
KETTLE Whether it’s to make tea, instant coffee or to boil eggs because you don’t trust the dining hall breakfast, a kettle is a must. To facilitate your main character moments, have a selection of calming teas, because you will definitely need something to sip on as you overlook your gorgeous view of a brick wall.
POSTERS/PICTURES Listen, this year is the year of maximalism. Go to one of the poster fairs or order some online, but make sure you get something to cover those bland walls — if the walls could talk, you wouldn’t want to listen. Those dorm walls have been around for a long time, and have seen just as much. Posters are also a great conversation starter when you have people over.
CLOSET ORGANIZERS/SHOE RACK Having closet organizers or baskets will save your life. Unfortunately, overconsumption dictates our lives in a capitalist society, and you probably have four pairs of white sneakers that all look kind of the same but couldn’t be left behind. Closet organizers will also save you a ton of time when you wake up five minutes late to a class across campus.
FAN In the Lower Mainland, air conditioners are few and far between. Vancouver often has an agreeable climate, but that also means that your little matchbox of a dorm room will heat up like an oven at night. Fans are also great for some white noise while you sleep or study.
PLANT(S) Now, this isn’t technically an ‘essential’ but having some plants in your room can add so much character to the holey walls and cracked furniture. Plus, you can make them your emotional support objects and have something to nurture over the year. Now, if you can’t keep a plant alive if your life depended on it, a fake plant can add the same amount of greenery to your room. U