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Financial resources
from Guide to UBC 2021/22
by The Ubyssey
Pockets are tight and pennies are pinched. Knowing the available financial resources on campus will help you alleviate stress, achieve academic success and have fun on campus. Whether you need financial support or help with money management, these resources will help you navigate the post-COVID-19 economy.
Enrolment Services Advisors (ESA): They can ease your financial burden by helping you make budgets and apply for loans. Undergrad students can view the contact info for their ESA in their SSC (under “UBC Contacts’’ then “Personal Info”). Your personalized ESA is dedicated to your unique situation, and has the expertise to guide you through registration, fees and more. Moreover, the ESA often provides workshops to help achieve financial wellness and success at UBC. Whether you are having money concerns, want to learn more about your finances or maybe just chat, your ESA will be available.
Financial apps: Your phone might already be packed with games and social media apps, but adding a financial app can make financial savviness a button press away. Mint, Slice, PocketBudget or even your bank’s app are some great examples of financial apps. Instead of digging out old paper receipts from your sofa for the tax season, you can conveniently find all your bills in one location. You can also use an app to create budgets and compare your monthly spending so you can save and splurge appropriately!
Scholarships, awards and bursaries: These are great additions to supplement your finances at UBC. While many scholarships are dependent on academic performance, bursaries are awarded based on financial need. There are a variety of bursaries and scholarships to shop from; check out the Student Services website to see which ones apply to you. Even if you do not feel confident about your application, it doesn’t hurt to apply.
Other financial resources for COVID-19 relief are provided by the government, the AMS and UBC. Don’t be afraid to ask around because you are not the only one who might be struggling due to the pandemic. Moreover, there are always jobs on- and off-campus to help supplement your studies and pockets! U