2 minute read
International student experience
from Guide to UBC 2021/22
by The Ubyssey
Studying away from home is tough, but enduring a pandemic while being far from home makes it even tougher.
Make sure to check if you have followed public health orders as you make your way to Vancouver. Before you arrange any travels, make sure you are eligible to enter Canada and that you have prepared the necessary documents to support essential travel. There is self-isolation support, such as the accommodations provided by UBC.
There are many resources available for you — here are just a few of them:
Get involved in AMS clubs or communities: Choose clubs or activities that interest you. You will be able to build a community of friends who will support you throughout your studies here at UBC. Don’t be afraid to try new things too. University is where you get to explore a lot of things! Who knows, you may be a chemistry major now, but maybe a stint with the school newspaper will trigger a deep love for journalistic writing that you never knew you had (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
WiFi: Make sure your parents have access to WiFi and they have downloaded apps that allow them to phone or video call you! The first few weeks of school may be tough for some, so being able to have your family communicate with you is an asset.
Yes, the campus is big, but you may feel isolated: Keep in mind that although you will be able to see a lot of students on campus, there is a good chance of feeling left out. That is okay. We all feel like that when we try to adjust to a new environment, especially now that you are an independent adult. However, know that there are people around you who will be able to give social support. Reach out to advising or the people you meet at AMS clubs.
Travel: Yes, you came all the way to Vancouver to study, but hey, BC is such a beautiful place. Going hiking or exploring around lakes can help with your mental health. You can go paddle boarding or canoeing down at Granville Island, so make sure you check it out as well!
Weather: If you are coming from a super warm country, watch out, it may be very wet and cold for you. Make sure you buy yourself good quality rain boots and raincoats because you might need them almost everyday in the fall.
Museums: Take advantage of the resources that are free for students! Access to museums and gardens, such as the Museum of Anthropology and UBC’s Botanical Garden, are free for students. If you have some spare time and want to cool off, you should make your way down to the museums and gardens. U