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International student resources
from Guide to UBC 2021/22
by The Ubyssey
Being a new student in a foreign country and living on your own can be an overwhelming experience. But thankfully, UBC has a bunch of resources for international students to help them adjust to university and life in Canada.
Here is a quick rundown of some great resources available to you.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ADVISING International Student Advising is the go-to place for resources and support for international students. The International Student Guide is full of helpful information, ranging from topics like visa/permit applications to health insurance to planning for life after UBC.
If the guide doesn’t have an answer to your question, the office offers drop-in advising sessions on Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. These sessions are held over Zoom, but with the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, they may return to in-person, located in Room 1200 in the Life Building. You can also always email the office at isa@students.ubc.ca with your student number in the subject line.
INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY UPDATE The International Community Update is a newsletter sent by the International Student Development team every Friday with a list of workshops specifically for international students, along with events around UBC and Vancouver. The community updates can help inform students about things like signing up to receive your SIN (Social Insurance Number) in first year, and also a bunch of cool events, like the Richmond Night Market.
You can sign up for the newsletter on the International Student Advising website.
IMMIGRATION, REFUGEES, CITIZENSHIP CANADA (IRCC) IRCC is the place to go for all questions around visas and study permits. Need to get a work visa for co-op? Head to IRCC. Need to renew a study permit? IRCC has you covered. Curious about the most recent COVID-19 travel restrictions? IRCC has the answer.
CLUBS Joining a club related to your home country can really help for when you get homesick. Whether it be UBC Kababayan or the UBC Indian Student Association, clubs are a great place to make friends with people of similar backgrounds and to connect with where you are from. Plus, they’re a great place to go for a study break. U