UCalgary Medicine

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A UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Faculty of Medicine Publication





Peas in a Pod: Podcasting and education go hand in hand at UCalgary

The link between pollution and appendicitis

Bridging the gap: Twinning clinics in China and Canada

UCalgary Medicine Vol 1 Issue 1 | The Dean’s Edition UCalgary Medicine is published four times a year by the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine, providing news and information for and about our faculty, staff, alumni, students, friends and community. For more information contact: Managing Editor Laurie Wang T 403.210.6161 E laurie.wang@ucalgary.ca Copy Editor Kyle Glennie T 403.210.6577 E kglennie@ucalgary.ca Dean Dr. Thomas E. Feasby Vice Dean Dr. R. Brent Scott Senior Associate Deans Dr. Richard Hawkes, Research Dr. Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Education Associate Deans Dr. Ronald Bridges, Clinical Affairs Dr. Anthony Schryvers, Undergraduate Science Education Dr. Bruce Wright, Undergraduate Medical Education Dr. Taj Jadavji, International Health Dr. Doug L. Myhre, Distributed Learning & Rural Initiatives Dr. Joanne M. Todesco, Postgraduate Medical Education Dr. Fran A. van der Hoorn, Graduate Science Education Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer, Continuing Medical Education Dr. Samuel Wiebe (Interim), Health Research Dr. John Reynolds, Research Dr. Janet de Groot, Equity & Teacher-Learner Relations Design and Production Imagine Creative

PM AGREEMENT NO. 41095528 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Communications & Fund Development Health Sciences Centre 3330 Hospital Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T2N 4N1


Photo by Laurie Wang

Vol 1 Issue 1 | The Dean’s Edition

04 UCalgary Medicine: The Dean’s Edition | Message from the Dean 06 Meet Our Team 08 Always growing | Going Places 10 accreditation and EXPANSION | Education 12 Translational and transformational | Research 14 A socially responsive Faculty | Service to Society 16 Many stars at the Faculty of Medicine | Awards and Recognition 18 A generous community | Philanthropy 20 2007/08 Financial Report 22 A message to our donors

ON THE COVER Photos by Charles Hope, Trudie Lee, Terry Roden and Calvin Sun PHOTO ABOVE 12 New research by Dr. Gil Kaplan suggests high levels of air pollution may increase the risk of appendicitis. Faculty of Medicine | University of Calgary | 3

Message from the Dean

UCalgary Medicine: The Dean’s Edition

Photo by Trudie lee


Calgary Medicine. This new name for our quarterly magazine (formerly called Your Faculty) reflects exactly what the publication is all about: the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine. We are Calgary—innovative, up and coming. We are striving to find solutions for health care through education, research and service to society. We are creating the future of health. This inaugural issue is a special one. The Dean’s Edition will be published once a year— it’s a special edition from me, highlighting the many great things I’d like to share with you. We are now well into the 2008-09 academic year and my second year as dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Needless to say, it’s been busy but extremely rewarding. I’m constantly reminded of how incredible our people are and the hard work and talent each person brings to the Faculty. I’m pleased to let you know that our Undergraduate Medical Education program received a highly successful accreditation report (p. 10) this past summer. Continuing

Medical Education also received an equally positive report. Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) will be participating in their accreditation review this coming February. We are now moving forward with the final work on a strategic plan for the Faculty. This plan was discussed at the fall leadership retreat in October and will be completed over the next few months. Two strong themes that came through were the necessity to raise our standards, including using stronger performance management approaches, and the importance of service to society. We’ve also revised our budget process, remaining accountable to our stakeholders, donors and the community in what are very challenging economic times. We have completed recruitment of several key leadership positions and department heads (p. 6). We have built our two new buildings, the Health Research Innovation Centre and the Teaching Research and Wellness (TRW) building, moving faculty and staff into new spaces long anticipated (p. 8). The Faculty of Medicine hosted the Gairdner Award Lectures in October, featuring our very own Sam Weiss, PhD, who won a prestigious Gairdner

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International Award this past spring (p. 12). This event attracted more than 400 faculty and staff and 275 students. Congratulations to Dr. Lanice Jones (MD ’85), this year’s University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Distinguished Alumna. Dr. Wee Yong is leading the newly created Awards and Recognition Committee, already increasing the number of applications in many categories of awards from the Faculty (p. 16). I am pleased to tell you that Reach!, the joint fundraising initiative of the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services, is now at 97 per cent of its overall goal. To date, more than $292 million has been committed. I am proud to be part of Canada’s most innovative Facutly of Medicine, and I’m excited for what’s to come. As you read this magazine, I hope you are too.

Dr. Tom Feasby Dean, Faculty of Medicine University of Calgary

Message from the Dean

Your Faculty Survey Results This past spring, we conducted a survey to find out what you, our reader, thought of the Faculty of Medicine’s magazine (known as Your Faculty at the time). More than 165 of you responded and here’s what you had to say. Age 17% 40% 33% 10%

18-28 years old 29-45 years old 46-65 years old 65+ years old

Gender 54% 46%

female male

Association with the Faculty of Medicine 45% 20%

alumni staff

front of the computer all the time, I doubt if I would read an electronic version BUT I am concerned about my comment because of the environment and the cost.” Note from the editor: In an effort to be environmentally conscious, we are now printing the publication on recycled paper. The publication is available online in PDF format and as separate web pages at www. medicine.ucalgary.ca. We hope to improve the online version in the future and make it even more user-friendly. Reputation 35% 32% 29% 21% 11%

use “Leader in Health Research” to describe the Faculty of Medicine use “Innovative” to describe the Faculty of Medicine use “Excellence in Education” to describe the Faculty of Medicine use “A partner in meeting the community’s needs” to describe the Faculty of Medicine use “Average” to describe the Faculty of Medicine

Comments: “Too many words to describe...I always seem to be impressed by the variety of leaders and interesting initiatives that I would not have otherwise known about.” “Competitive.” Name 41% choose UCalgary Medicine 36% choose UCalgary Faculty of Medicine 11% choose uCalgary Medicine 5% choose Pinnacle 4% choose Benchmarks 3% choose Leap Comments: “So long as you kept it obvious what it was about with a byline.” “It’s important to keep medicine and UCalgary in the name, otherwise it does not connect with the group that you want connections made with. When I first got the journal the name made me think that it was a Faculty of Nursing journal or CHAPS.”

Donors, faculty and students make up approximately 15% each. Other readers include residents, research chairs, research participants, former staff, prospective students and nursing staff. Content 63% 52% 49% 44% 41% 38% 21% 8.5%

read Research read Education read the Alumni Profile read the Message from the Dean read Initiatives read Service to Society read Philanthropy read Terminus

Comments: “I read the cover and then if any of the articles on it grab me I read them. I might skim from there.” “I like to read about what U of C medicine grads are doing now.” Format 48% 22%

say they would like to receive the magazine in PRINT, as is would like it online, in addition to print

Comments: “Would be nice to assist in environmental efforts by going paperless.” “But I wouldn’t like to see yet another password I have to remember.” “I get so much in email and because I am in

Faculty of Medicine | University of Calgary | 5

Our Team

Meet our new team


ur faculty, staff and students are the reason the Faculty of Medicine continues to be a leader in medical education, health research and clinical care. We are very pleased with the recruitment of highly qualified new department

A Powerhouse Joins UCalgary Team By Sheelagh Matthews A ray of sunshine arrived in Alberta on an unseasonably cold and bleak Labour Day weekend last September. Now calling Calgary her new home is Dr. Glenda MacQueen, UCalgary Faculty of Medicine’s new head and professor, Department of Psychiatry. Despite her small frame, MacQueen packs a hefty sense of determination as well as several weighty academic titles, including MD, FRCPC, and PhD. This Cape Breton native’s professional career all started with an undergraduate science degree, specializing in biology and psychology, from Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick (1982 – 1986). From there MacQueen headed to Hamilton, Ontario, where she became part of the medical community at McMaster University and its associated academic hospital, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, for the next 20 some years. In addition to her administrative responsibilities involving the day-to-day running of an academic department, MacQueen also takes on an important clinical role as the Regional Clinical Department Head of Psychiatry for Alberta Health Services. According to MacQueen, it was Alberta’s integrated and regional approach to health care and medical training that attracted her.

heads: Dr. Doug Wilson (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Dr. Glenda MacQueen (Psychiatry), Dr. Jim Kellner (Paediatrics) and Dr. Gerald Zamponi (Physiology and Biophysics). We also welcomed Dr. Doug Myhre as Associate Dean, Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives; Dr. Janet de Groot, Associate Dean, Equity and

Teacher-Learner Relations; and Dr. Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Senior Associate Dean, Education. Most recently, Rita Neogy has been appointed Executive Director of the Faculty.

“Calgary provided an interesting opportunity to work in a place where both the clinical and academic elements of care overlapped with each other.” Although the province has moved to a different, centralized model of health care, MacQueen is up to the challenge. “It’s easy to buy into the new Alberta Health Services mission of equitable access, quality service and sustainability in the face of a growing population.” Following in Dr. Don Addington’s footsteps, MacQueen intends to build upon his legacy of expansion.

Photo by Trudie lee

“There are strong opportunities for growth within UCalgary’s Department of Psychiatry. I would like to reinforce connections with the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, the Mental Health Commission of Canada and UCalgary’s Department of Psychology, to name a few.” Internally, MacQueen would like to see research activities strengthened. “We already have a couple of research stars here. If we could leverage these successes, we could help address a worldwide shortage

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of researchers in the field of psychiatry while enhancing the reputation of the University of Calgary by contributing to the body of knowledge in mental health.” Maintaining clinical and educational excellence along with expanding clinical services to meet the needs of a growing population is on MacQueen’s to do list. While those tasks may seem like a tall order, MacQueen’s leadership will ensure that any changes required are sustainable, durable, and resilient.

Our Team

Dr. Doug Wilson, Department Head of Obstetrics and Gynaecology From the University of Pennsylvania as a professor in the Department of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Wilson was recognized by the BC Research Institute for Children and Women’s Health for his work in design and implementation of multi-centre clinical trials in the area of prenatal diagnosis.

Dr. Glenda MacQueen, Department Head of Psychiatry

Dr. Jim Kellner, Department Head of Paediatrics

Dr. MacQueen joins us from McMaster University. She is a founding member of the Brain Body Institute and an associate member of the Intestinal Diseases Research Program. She will be the interim leader of our new program in mental health research. (See sidebar)

Dr. Gerald Zamponi, Department Head of Physiology and Biophysics

Dr. Doug Myhre, Associate Dean, Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives

Dr. Zamponi joined UCalgary in 1997 and is an internationally recognized expert on the biophysics, molecular biology, modulation, and pharmacology of calcium channels and their role in neurological disorders. He is currently a professor in the Departments of Physiology and Biophysics, and Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Dr. Zamponi is a new Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

The newly created position of Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives reflects the Faculty’s desire to promote rural medicine and engage in distributed models of medical education. Dr. Myhre was appointed Associate Dean, Rural/Regional Affairs in 2004 and co-established the Alberta Rural Family Medicine Network, a rural-based family medicine residency training program. He recently established the Rural Integrated Community Clerkship program.

Dr. Anthony Schryvers, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Science Education Dr. Schryvers didn’t have to travel far to assume his new role, as he comes to us from UCalgary’s Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in the Faculty of Medicine. He has spent the past 18 years studying bacterial infections and developing vaccines to prevent them, and is also the team leader of a group recently awarded an Alberta Heritage Foundation Interdisciplinary Team Grant for vaccine design and implementation.

Dr. Benedikt Hallgrímsson, Senior Associate Dean, Education

Dr. Kellner was the Head of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; Deputy Head (Research and Administration), Department of Paediatrics, University of Calgary; and Associate Director of the Institute of Maternal and Child Health. He received his MD from the University of Calgary and is currently a professor in the Departments of Paediatrics; Microbiology and Infectious Diseases; and Community Health Sciences.

Dr. Janet de Groot, Associate Dean, Equity and Teacher-Learner Relations Dr. de Groot has been at the University of Calgary since 2006 and is an associate professor in psychiatry in the Departments of Psychiatry and Oncology. She represented UCalgary on the Association of Faculties of Medicine Equity, Diversity and Gender Committee. As the new Associate Dean, Equity and Teacher-Learner Relations, Dr. de Groot will address teacher-learner/residentsupervisor issues as well as promote and facilitate equity at the Faculty of Medicine.

Rita Neogy, MBA, Executive Director

Dr. Hallgrímsson was an associate professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Anatomy, University of Calgary, before he became Assistant Dean and Director of the Bachelor of Health Sciences program in 2001, and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Science Education in 2004. He teaches anatomy and organismal biology. He was named one of the University of Calgary’s Great Teachers.

Ms. Neogy served as Director of Research Accounting since June 2006 and was Manager, Partnership Programs in Research Services, from 1999 to 2003. In her role as Director of Research Accounting, Ms. Neogy showed tremendous leadership in launching a major restructuring and rebuilding of the Research Accounting team. This resulted in the hiring of many new key resources, including proactive decentralized roles to support the research mission.

All photos on this page provided, except: Zamponi, Schryvers and MacQueen: by Trudie Lee; Myhre: by Glenna Lee; and Kellner: by Calvin Sun Faculty of Medicine | University of Calgary | 7

Going places

Always growing


he Faculty of Medicine is continually growing, not only in our accomplishments and advancements, but also in space. We have built the Health Research Innovation Centre (HRIC) and the Teaching, Research and Wellness (TRW) building; together, these buildings double our space for clinics and triple our space for research. This past year, we have moved the bulk of our research institutes into the new complex. Both the HRIC and TRW physically and functionally connect to the existing Health Sciences Centre and Heritage Medical Research Building at the Faculty of Medicine.

The Health Research Innovation Centre

The Teaching, Research and Wellness building

The HRIC is a five-story research facility with sufficient office and support space. Wet labs will occupy the majority of the research area, and each of the five floors have been designed to accommodate full interstitial space between them, allowing for easier access to, and the development of, mechanical and electrical infrastructure. The HRIC is the new home to the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute and the Calvin, Phoebe and Joan Snyder Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation. The Institute of Maternal and Child Health will be located in the Health Sciences Centre and Heritage Medical Research Building.

The TRW is a seven-story facility with patient care clinics, a fitness facility, offices and dry lab research components. The first five floors of the TRW will connect directly to the HRIC, demonstrating the translation of research from our laboratory benches to patient bedsides. The TRW is home to various clinics and offices including Kinetix Fitness and Wellness Centre (see sidebar), Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute, EFW Radiology Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Forzani and MacPhail Colon Cancer Screening Centre and the Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Office.

Photo by terry roden

8 | UCalgary Medicine | The Dean’s Edition 2008

Our Team Going Places

Meet our new Team

Photos by Chris gordon

Healthy bodies, fitter minds By Sheelagh Matthews Huffing, puffing, sweat-glistened bodies at Kinetix Fitness and Wellness Centre enjoy one of the most dramatic views in all of Calgary. A massive wall of windows overlooking both the foothills and the majestic Rocky Mountains let you experience spectacular vistas, all while working on your cardio fitness on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical machine. One of the best things about Kinetix is that it provides a chance for those working, researching or studying in the medical field to practice what they preach. As a healthy lifestyle includes an element of fitness, Kinetix makes it easy for people to fit exercise into their daily lives, with affordable annual rates for members. UCalgary’s newest fitness centre offers extended hours and is located in the new TRW building.

The view of the Rockies is just one of the many perks that doctors, nurses, researchers, students, medical administration staff and other support workers at the Foothills Medical Centre complex and Faculty of Medicine receive when they train at Kinetix. Both day passes and membership programs are available for those looking to increase or maintain their fitness levels. Equipment includes 18 top-of-the-line treadmills, bikes, rowers, and elliptical machines, nine state-of-the art weight machines, as well as free weights and core, stability and balance equipment. Programs range from calm yoga classes to rigorous fitness boot camps. For a more individualized approach, Kinetics also provides opportunities for personal fitness training by qualified instructors.

This is exactly the type of thing that Chris Gordon, certified Personal Fitness and Lifestyle Consultant (PFLC) and Certified Exercise Physiologist (CEP), wants to hear. Involved with Kinetix since its earliest beginnings in an advisory role, Gordon now serves as the facility’s supervisor. Since opening in June 2007, Kinetix has received an above average grade from those who use it. “A survey in May 2008 indicates more than 90 per cent of users are very pleased with UCalgary’s new fitness centre,” says Gordon. Future plans include increasing membership, facility expansion, and increasing the priority of fitness in people’s minds. Besides, in addition to the great view out of the windows at Kinetix, you’ll probably like what you see in the mirror too!

“I would recommend Kinetix because it’s so close; there’s no excuse for not making physical activity part of your day,” says Rachel Maser, second-year MD student.

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Accreditation and expansion

Photo by Calvin Sun

Successful accreditation The University of Calgary has been accredited for another eight-year term as a medical school. Highlights from the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) accreditation report include: our students’ high satisfaction with their medical school experience; resources for the UME program have expanded quickly to meet the needs of students and faculty; and the high level of comfort and interaction among students, faculty and administration. The staffs of the Offices of UME and of Student Affairs were frequently commended for their responsiveness to student issues and concerns. Enormous preparation went into this accreditation process, led by Dr. Cy Frank, Dr. Allan Jones and Dr. Hans van de Sande. Major responsibility also fell to Dr. Bruce Wright, our Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education.

We’ve also recently received an equally positive accreditation report on our Continuing Medical Education program, under the leadership of Dr. Jocelyn Lockyer.

Class expansion and distributed learning This year’s MD class of 2011 has increased from last year’s 135 to 150 funded student positions. With the expansion of the class come new methods of teaching our clinical presentation curriculum. Dr. Bruce Wright, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education and Dr. Doug Myhre, Associate Dean, Distributed Learning and Rural Initiatives, are working on introducing equivalent learning situations elsewhere. We are designing the UCalgary curriculum to be the same high quality education for our students, delivered anywhere.

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Rural Integrated Community Clerkship We’ve introduced a new model of teaching to our third-year students: the Rural Integrated Community Clerkship (RICC) program, a nine-month clerkship that places students in Alberta’s rural communities. The RICC program promotes rural medicine and gives students the opportunity to be exposed to generalist medicine as they spend nine months in Sundre, Drumheller, Pincher Creek, Taber or High River. This program, planned and delivered in conjunction with the University of Alberta, is an expression of our commitment to rural Albertans and their health needs.

Our Team Education

Learning on the go – podcasting comes to UCalgary

a little thought to what I wanted to say about them and presto, I had done my first podcast.”

Meet our new Team By Teresa Scarlett What do you listen to on your drive home? Talk radio? Your favorite CD? Ask second year medical student Houman Khosravani that question and his answer might surprise you. “One time it was a lecture on anatomy,” says Houman. The audio flooding his car that day was a podcast of a lecture he’d attended earlier. Podcasts are essentially a taped version of the lecture—both the Powerpoint

Houman says that before podcasting, students worried their note-taking couldn’t keep up with the instructor and they might have skipped over something important.

UCalgary is one of just six schools worldwide—along with schools like Berkeley and Australian National University—to have been part of a project trial to test Apple’s Podcast Producer software in an educational setting. The Faculty of Medicine’s alumni qualified UCalgary for the project in 2007 by funding the purchase of two Apple web servers, which allow podcasting to take place from Theatre 1 and Clara Christie Theatre.

“Now, there’s comfort in knowing that you can listen to the same lecture two or three times and you can revise your notes. The way I look at it is someday someone’s life may depend on you knowing a particular topic really well. In medicine, perhaps more than in any other field, you have to know your stuff and this gives us the chance to make sure we’ve got it right.”

Since piloting the technology last year, podcasting has taken off in the Faculty.

So, does this mean students will stop coming to class? Does having lectures

Dr. lauren zanussi | Photo by charles hope

slides used and the audio—that can be downloaded onto the student’s computer or even their iPod. Students can then replay the lecture as many times as they want, wherever they are—while they work out at the gym, on their laptops at a coffee shop and yes, even in the car. The use of podcasting in the Faculty was pioneered by Dr. Lauren Zanussi, who got the idea after listening to CBC radio podcasts. “It really started with me just playing with the technology to see what I could do,” Zanussi says. “I was surprised how easy it was—I just pulled up my slides and gave

Over 70 per cent of students now review lectures using podcasts and more than twothirds of faculty members have consented to allow their lectures to be podcast. One of its key selling features has been its simplicity. “From the start we had a ‘no-load’ policy about this technology—it couldn’t require any additional work from faculty,” explains Mike Paget, education design specialist. “We’ve had great feedback from faculty who use it. They don’t need to do anything differently—they basically just walk in, do their lecture, walk out and leave the rest to us.”

available on podcast mean some students will stop showing up for the “live” lectures? “No way,” says Houman. “The podcasts definitely enhance the lectures but they don’t replace them. We still want and need to be there in person.” That definitely seems to be the case. Attendance hasn’t dropped at all since podcasting was introduced.

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Translational and transformational


ur research structure is built around six institutes: Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Institute of Maternal and Child Health, Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, Southern Alberta Cancer Research Institute and Calvin, Phoebe and Joan Snyder Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation; three centres: Centre for Health and Policy Studies, Centre for Advanced Technologies and Calgary Centre for Clinical Research; and more than a dozen core research facilities. This structure helps our scientists to rapidly translate basic biomedical findings from their laboratories over to clinics and hospitals where physicians apply that new knowledge in clinical trials and improved patient care. What we learn from the bedside then flows back into labs where scientists and physicians work together to impact the treatment of cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, heart ailments, hip replacements and much more.

2008 Research highlights Calgary cardiac team performs first HeartNetTM procedure in Canada January 18, 2008: Led by Dr. Debra Isaac, associate professor of medicine at UCalgary, the HeartNetTM is an elastic nickel titanium net placed around the heart and designed to stop or control enlargement of the heart and alleviate symptoms of advanced heart failure. Host DNA can trigger inflammation according to UCalgary study February 21, 2008: Dr. Daniel Muruve, associate professor of medicine, published a study in Nature revealing how the immune system triggers inflammation. The findings are a huge step forward in basic research into inflammation and could enhance treatments for people with lupus, kidney failure, heart disease, arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Western Canada Regeneration Initiative enables nerve cells on a computer chip to heal and regrow damaged nerves March 6, 2008: Naweed Syed, PhD, professor and head, Cell Biology &

Anatomy, and research director, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, together with Dr. Doug Zochodne, professor, Neurosciences, led a team in developing new technology aimed at repairing and regenerating peripheral nerves that connect to the brain, spinal cord and body.

say Kraft Dinner® is not comforting or nourishing when you cannot afford basics like milk and butter, according to a study by Melanie Rock, PhD, assistant professor. “The ultimate goal of this research is to spark policy reforms that will bring an end to income insecurity in Canada,” she says.

Doctors can now directly see amount and location of recovered tissue after an acute heart attack April 14, 2008: Led by Dr. Matthias Friedrich, associate professor of medicine in the Departments of Cardiac Sciences, and director, Stephenson Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Centre at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, the new technique shows how much heart muscle can be salvaged by interventions such as a balloon angioplasty or the implanting of a stent, in response to a blocked coronary artery.

High levels of air pollution may increase the risk of appendicitis October 6, 2008: Led by Dr. Gilaad G. Kaplan, researchers identified more than 5,000 adults who were hospitalized for appendicitis in Calgary between 1999 and 2006 and studied the relationship between air pollutants and the development of appendicitis (see sidebar).

neuroArm: revolutionary procedure a world first May 16, 2008: Led by Dr. Garnette Sutherland, neurosurgeon, a surgical team successfully removed a tumour from a Calgary mom’s brain using a MRI-guided robot.

UCalgary announces plans for national biomedical engineering centre October 15, 2008: UCalgary will expand its internationally recognized work in the rapidly growing field of biomedical engineering with the creation of the National Biomedical Engineering Innovation Centre. International leaders at the Faculty of Medicine include Dr. Garnette Sutherland (neuroArm), Dr. Cy Frank (Alberta Bone and Joint Health Institute) and Samuel Weiss, PhD (Gairdner International Award).

New research shows overheating newborns can increase the risk of SIDS May 30, 2008: Dr. Shabih Hasan, professor, Department of Paediatrics, led a study that showed smoking while pregnant, as well as thermal stress, can lead to an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Research teams with industry to improve health care diagnostics: New software brings 3D medical images to your doctor’s iPhone July 30, 2008: Ross Mitchell, PhD, iCORE/ Calgary Scientific Inc. Industry Chair in Medical Imaging Informatics at UCalgary, and a team of researchers developed a related software application for the new iPhone 3G, allowing doctors to remotely receive medical images on their iPhones and manipulate the images in three dimensions. Kraft Dinner® not a comfort food for people obliged to eat it August 27, 2008: Low-income Canadians

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neuroarm | Photo by calvin sun

Ross mitchell, phD | Photo by calvin sun

Our Team Research

Meet our new Team

UCalgary scientist wins prestigious Gairdner International award April 15, 2008: Samuel Weiss, PhD, director, Hotchkiss Brain Institute, is recognized for his discovery of neural stem cells in the adult brain. It is anticipated that Weiss’ groundbreaking discovery will lead to new treatments for people with devastating brain disease and spinal cord injuries.

Photo by weiyang liu

another case for clean air By Marta Cyperling New research from the University of Calgary suggests high levels of air pollution may increase the risk of appendicitis. The findings were presented at the annual scientific meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology in Orlando. Researchers identified more than 5,000 adults who were hospitalized for appendicitis in Calgary between 1999 and 2006, and studied the relationship between air pollutants and the development of appendicitis. For the study, researchers used data from Environment Canada that collects hourly levels of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter of varying sizes. The findings showed that higher concentrations of air pollutants were associated with the occurrence of appendicitis in the population. The effect of air pollution was strongest during the summer months when people were more likely to be outside. “In developing countries appendicitis rarely occurs; however, as these nations become industrialized the incidence of appendicitis increases,” says Dr. Gilaad G. Kaplan, the principal investigator from UCalgary and member of the Calvin, Phoebe and Joan Snyder Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation. “Our paper provides epidemiologic evidence that some cases of appendicitis may be triggered by exposures to air pollutants. This relationship may explain the

drop in the incidence of appendicitis in North America and Europe in the latter part of the twentieth century.” Previous studies have shown air pollution can promote other disease states through inflammation, and this may be the mechanism by which air pollution increases the risk of appendicitis. Adult appendicitis is a common condition whose onset is unclear and almost universally requires surgery. Dr. Elijah Dixon, a Calgary surgeon who has operated on many appendicitis patients, says this new research is extremely important. “It represents a possible paradigm shift in our understanding of disease processes of the GI tract, and in this case appendicitis. It raises very interesting questions about disease pathophysiology, and possibly disease prevention for the future.”

dr. gilaad kaplan | Photo by laurie wang

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Service to Society

A socially responsive Faculty


n addition to quality education and impacting research, the Faculty of Medicine is committed to service to society. It is part of our mission to be socially responsive to society’s needs. We will set our standards high and measure our performance to achieve great results, improving clinical care and health as a whole.

Direct patient care The Faculty of Medicine is thankful for its partnership with Alberta Health Services. Many of our faculty members are active clinicians who serve as physicians in various regions including Calgary. When our faculty members spend time in hospitals and clinics, they see the needs of patients. They then go back to the laboratory bench and find solutions, responding to these needs. The Forzani and MacPhail Colon Cancer Screening Centre, the largest centre for colon cancer screening in Canada, is in our Teaching, Research and Wellness building, providing excellent clinical care with integrated training and clinical research.

students interested in rural medicine and promoting it to their classmates. There is a growing need for rural physicians. The RMIG organizes events such as Rural Skills Day, allowing students to go to a rural hospital and learn practical skills. Sponsored by the Alberta Rural Physician Action Plan, this year’s RMIG has 145 members. Discovery Day was on October 17, attracting more than 260 high school students from the Calgary area. They spent the day sampling career options in health care in the hopes they will consider entering the profession. Keynote speaker Dr. Tom Noseworthy started the day by addressing the students with his lecture, “Wazup with Public Health.”

International health This past summer, a group of Sudanese physicians graduated after completing their residencies in Kenya, concluding their medical training at UCalgary. They had their initial medical education in Cuba. The Faculty of Medicine developed a nine-month curriculum for the Sudanese Physician

Reintegration Program. Led by Dr. Rod Crutcher, the program allowed these doctors to upgrade their skills in Calgary and receive postgraduate medical training in Africa. This group is now practicing medicine in the Sudanese villages of Malakal, Juba, Werkok and Duk. UCalgary is in partnership with the National University of Laos. Our faculty members donate their time and spend months in Laos every year helping the government of Laos work toward improving health in rural communities. The Faculty of Medicine’s focus is on human resource training and helping the Lao medical school develop its curriculum, especially in family medicine, to meet the medical needs of the country. Medicine is without borders and many of our members are engaged in helping the international community in some way. Dr. Man-Chiu Poon is one of a plethora of examples. His work in establishing twinning centres in China has received international recognition from the World Federation of Hemophilia (see sidebar).

Dean’s Advisory board The Dean’s Advisory Board is a distinguished group of Calgary’s business and community leaders. These committed people donate their time and advise the Faculty on many matters, including what the needs of the community are and how we can be socially responsive to these needs. The Dean’s Advisory Board is currently supporting the Faculty of Medicine in our strategic plan and budget revisions.

Student activity From Manuary to the Rural Medicine Interest Group (RMIG), our students are engaged in supporting the community. In February 2008, MD students let their facial hair go unattended for the month of January (unofficially renamed “Manuary”) to raise funds for testicular cancer research at the Alberta Cancer Foundation. One student, Brandon Bernard, raised $886 and received special recognition for giving the greatest “mantribution.” The RMIG is a group of

lending a hand in laos | Photo provided by dr. jane lemaire

14 | UCalgary Medicine | The Dean’s Edition 2008

Our Team Service to Society

Meet our new Team

Joining Forces to fight Hemophilia By Ian Weetman If you ask hematology professor Dr. ManChiu Poon if he always wanted to be a doctor, you will most likely get a laugh. “Growing up in Hong Kong, I more or less had a one-track mind,” admits the 25-year UCalgary Faculty of Medicine veteran. “I made the decision in high school, and that was that.” So it should come as no surprise that his steadfast dedication to his work has paid off not only for himself, but also for a countless number of people across the globe afflicted by hemophilia. It all started 15 years ago, following a workshop he attended in Tianjin, China, when representatives from the Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS) approached him to help launch the first in a series of twinning programs between the two nations. These programs allow staff in one country to help their colleagues in another promote and advance hemophilia care through staff training, patient education and planning. Since the first link was successfully established between a treatment centre in Tianjin and Calgary’s Southern Alberta Hemophiliac Clinic in 1997, Poon and his Canadian colleagues have been working with five other Chinese clinics. That’s brought improved treatment to patients who might not otherwise receive care. “Even though our network is becoming quite mature and well recognized, there is still much work to be done,” says Poon. “The next steps are to develop outreach programs to other cities, to develop more hemophilia care centres and to ensure more people can afford treatment through medical insurance.” Because China does not have universal health care like Canada, Poon says patients usually have to finance their own medical needs and few can afford adequate treatment. To put things in perspective, Poon says it costs the Canadian medicare system approximately

Photo by charles hope

$100,000 each year to treat the average hemophilia patient. And even though China uses a slightly more affordable process, the cost is still prohibitive for all but the nation’s wealthier citizens. But there are positive signs of change on the horizon. A number of Chinese cities are beginning to provide government medical insurance to hemophilia patients, and Poon is hopeful provision of medical insurance will eventually become a Chinese national mandate. As a result of his commitment to the greater good, Poon was recently named the 2008

recipient of the prestigious World Federation of Hemophilia International Healthcare Volunteer award. Poon has seldom spoken of the honour, and is even quicker to acknowledge others who helped him earn the incredible achievement. “The award is also a testimony to the UCalgary Faculty of Medicine’s unique environment for encouraging and supporting international health care activities. Its long history of supporting medical education and medical schools in a number of developing countries is well known and respected.”

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Awards and Events

Many stars at the Faculty of Medicine


ere at the Faculty of Medicine, our people are our greatest assets. Some of the world’s leading scientists and clinicians are here, contributing to the wealth of expertise and innovation that makes us who we are. To celebrate our many stars and their recent awards, an inaugural recognition event will be held this coming February.

Awards and Recognition Committee Aimed at making recognition a priority on the agenda, the Awards and Recognition Committee was formed this past year (see sidebar). The committee is led by Dr. Wee Yong and has already increased the number of applications in many categories of national and international awards from the Faculty.

Founders Luncheon We have a short but rich history. This past January, the Faculty paid tribute to its founders—faculty members who worked behind the scenes in the late 60s to establish a new medical school on a bald prairie. Prior to accepting our first class of 32 medical students in 1970, approximately 40 founding faculty members spent three years establishing the medical school. These members represent our history and are the reason we are here today, creating the future of health. It was great to have our founding dean, Dr. Bill Cochrane, as our special guest and speaker.

Order of Canada Celebration It’s the highest civilian honour in Canada, and throughout the short history of the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Medicine, nine of its faculty have received the Order of Canada.

order of canada event | Photo by jonathan tam

individuals from the Faculty who’ve been recognized for a lifetime of outstanding achievement. The Order of Canada recipients are: Robert B. Church, William A. Cochrane, Gordon H. Dixon, the late T. Douglas Kinsella, D. Gregory Powell, Eldon R. Smith, Mamoru Watanabe and most recently, Robert H.A. Haslam and Thomas W. Noseworthy.

Alumnus of Distinction and MD Alumni Dinner The Annual MD Alumni Dinner was launched in 2007. The Alumnus of Distinction Award is given at the dinner to recognize an alumnus for their contributions to the community. Nominated by his peers, Dr. Les Cunning (’74) was the Alumnus of Distinction in 2007. This year’s winner is Dr. Lanice Jones (’85) who received her award in October (see sidebar).

The Faculty of Medicine hosted a celebration in April to commemorate the nine

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Our Team Awards and Events

Meet our new Team 2008 Alumnus of Distinction Award – Dr. Lanice Jones By Teresa Scarlett


or Dr. Lanice Jones (’85), a day at work in the Calgary Refugee Health Clinic involves things you might expect—like screening new arrivals for tropical diseases. But it also involves many things that go well beyond what any of us expect from our family doctor.

“Last year she went to the top at City Hall when one of her patients was hit by a city transit bus and he needed compensation to replace his only mode of transportation—a bicycle,” says Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt, who nominated Jones for the 2008 Faculty of Medicine Alumnus of Distinction Award. In fact, when it comes to making the case for better health care for refugees, Jones has been known to write, phone and talk to just about anyone who will listen. It’s that lifelong commitment to advocating for marginalized and vulnerable populations that was recognized when Jones was presented with the Alumnus of Distinction award on October 3. This year’s focus of the annual award was to recognize alumni who have demonstrated distinguished community or volunteer service at home or abroad, which has made a difference to the well being of others.

obstetrical skills to ensure prenatal patients at the Refugee Clinic would have a doctor to deliver their babies. Her dedication to helping new immigrants also extends to those in her own profession. She finds time to volunteer with the Alberta International Medical Graduate Association to mentor and coach physicians from other countries so they can have the opportunity to practice in Alberta. “She is simply an amazing physician,” says Mannerfeldt. “She works from a philosophy of generosity and that means she will help with whatever crosses her office and life’s doors. To me, she embodies what it means to be a physician—a compassionate teacher of patients and colleagues.”

Part of finding those solutions has been to continually upgrade her skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the community she is serving. In 2004, she travelled to Lima, Peru, to attend the Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine. She also recently spent time refreshing her

Formed in 2008, the Awards and Recognition Committee has been busy developing tools and processes to support its work. A database of medical awards and recognition opportunities was developed, and a system to link appropriate faculty members as nominees for these awards— including a nomination process—was put in place. Committee members also offer advice and strategy to help the nominees send out the most competitive application package possible. Having won numerous awards, committee faculty members are all stars themselves. They know what it takes to be competitive and win recognition for their work. Chairing the committee is V. Wee Yong, PhD, a scientist and professor in the Departments of Clinical Neurosciences and Oncology. Yong is best known for his multiple sclerosis research, and his brilliance has won him both international and local renown. Along with being named one of the 20 “Compelling Calgarians” by the Calgary Herald, Yong is the recipient of the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada’s National Certificate of Merit (2007, 2000), and serves as a Canada Research Chair (Tier I) in Neuroimmunology.

Dr. lanice jones | Photo by terry roden

Also serving on the committee are Marvin Fritzler, MD, PhD, (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), Benedikt Hallgrimsson, PhD, (Cell Biology and Anatomy), Brenda Hemmelgarn, MD, PhD, (Community Health Sciences), Jocelyn Lockyer, PhD, (Community Health Sciences), and Eldon Shaffer, MD, (Medicine). Judy Aitken, communications consultant, and Lorna Very, manager of UCalgary’s Prizes and Awards office, add their expertise and support as committee members, too.

For Jones, who started her career as a nurse and went back to study medicine at age 27, family medicine has always meant looking beyond the four walls of her practice to the larger global community. From volunteering in Nepal on a leprosy mission to setting up a youth clinic and a Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Response Team as a family physician in Duncan, B.C., Jones ensures that no one is left behind in any community that she is part of. That philosophy is one she learned by example. “I grew up watching my parents volunteering —it was just part of life at my house, to do what needed to be done in your community,” says Jones. “I think because of that I tend to see solutions rather than problems.”

Committee, is largely the reason behind this. The committee uses a strategic and systematic approach to help win recognition for the Faculty of Medicine’s best.

“It’s been a lot of work, but it’s time well spent,” Yong adds. “We have already significantly increased the number of applications in many categories over last year. We’re also seeing an increase in awards received and we believe this trend will continue.”

v. wee yong, phD | Photo by yan fan

In Search of New Stars By Sheelagh Matthews


ust as shining stars brighten the night sky, the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Medicine has been shining a bit brighter on the world stage this past year.

Yong says the more awards faculty members win, the easier it will be to recruit talented individuals and attract more funding. Star light, star bright, may the award go to UCalgary tonight!

A new program, stewarded by the Faculty’s Awards and Recognition

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A generous community


each! is an unprecedented partnership between the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services. Together with philanthropic community leaders, Reach! is building upon existing excellence in the health system. Reach! brings people together who share a vision to advance excellence in medical research, education, patient care, and public heath to create a new world standard of health. Interest and support for Reach! continues to grow. As of this writing, more than 500 generous donors have stepped forward with a commitment of more than $292 million towards our overall goal of $300 million. The proceeds from Reach! are already having a direct impact on the health-care community and the people of southern Alberta. Through strong community leadership and support, and by combining medical innovation and philanthropy, we are creating a lasting legacy for the health and well-being of the community.

2008 Reach! Highlights Joan Snyder As an avid supporter of health care and research, Joan Snyder donated $9 million to the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at the University of Calgary. Roy and Vi Baay Long-time kidney health supporters Roy and Vi Baay donated $1 million to create the Roy and Vi Baay Chair in Kidney Research. Once fully funded through a unique partnership between The Kidney Foundation of Canada and Reach!, the $7.2 million total will be the largest research chair in the history of the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine.

Tine Haworth Community philanthropist Tine Haworth gave $1 million to the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta to support basic research in cardiovascular disease and prevention. Husky Energy Husky Energy donated $1 million to establish the Husky Energy Research Program for the Early Detection of Cardiovascular Risk at the Stephenson Cardiovascular MR Centre at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta. TD Bank Financial Group Through the TD Grants in Medical Excellence Program, TD Bank Financial Group made a $1 million contribution to provide financial support for medical students at the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine and financial support for the ongoing training of health care professionals. T. Boone Pickens T. Boone Pickens made the largest commitment received to date within the Reach! campaign with a bequest of $25 million to the American Friends of the University of Calgary. This bequest follows an earlier $2.25 million gift he made two years ago which was used for a dedicated research centre in the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

PHOTO ABOVE Roy and Vi Baay, Philanthropists Photo by Trudie Lee

18 | UCalgary Medicine | The Dean’s Edition 2008

Our Team Philanthropy

Fighting the Debt sentence By Sheelagh Matthews

In an effort to fight the massive debt sentence that so often burdens medical students, UCalgary Faculty of Medicine’s Class of 1982 (Locusts) came up with a thoughtful anniversary approach to the problem. Swarming together in philanthropic pursuit, the Locusts started a bursary fund on the occasion of their 25th class reunion. Reunion co-chairs, Dr. Debbie Meronek (family medicine) and Dr. Eric Wasylenko (palliative care physician and director of clinical ethics for Alberta Health Services), worked with classmate Dr. Janet Wright (assistant registrar for the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta) to poll their fellow classmates

regarding how to mark their reunion with a stamp of generosity. The general consensus was to set up a bursary fund that could benefit a couple of future medical students each year. According to Wasylenko there were several motivators for starting a bursary fund. “Many physicians regularly donate to the medical school’s general fundraising campaigns, but a focused purpose might help leverage those donations effectively. Many of us teach students and see how financially tough it can be for them today and we wanted to help make medical education available to all students, regardless of their means. The rich mix of students from all backgrounds promotes better understanding of the needs of patients and of society.” With a goal to raise $50,000, the Class of ’82 has already raised nearly $20,000 from the initial approach made in conjunction with the reunion. Plans include leveraging the

money raised through matching government grants and creating an endowment fund to preserve the capital, the latter translating into funding the annual bursaries using the interest earned on the fund. The Class of ‘82 would be thrilled to see other graduating classes develop a similar endowment. “Endowments can be established once the $20,000 threshold is reached. With further growth, eventually we would like to provide one or two yearly bursaries of $2,500 through the endowment fund that the faculty development office will help us set up,” says Wasylenko. The eligibility criteria for receiving the bursaries have been broadly defined by the Class of ‘82. Pledges and cheques are welcomed on an ongoing basis, and gentle reminders to support the next generation of medical practitioners and researchers will be sent to classmates periodically.

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Financial Report 2007/2008 revenue 2007

revenue + expendetures 2007 University of Calgary Medical Group Exp revenue + expendetures 2007

Faculty of Medicine Revenue 2007/2008 revenue 2007






Clinical Salary Recoveries



Operating Funds

Clinical Salary Recoveries



Operating Funds

Paid t


Statement of Revenue (unaudited)

Statement of Revenue and Expenditures

as at March 31, 2008 2006-07






Trust (Operating) Revenue Research1

Medical Billings

Federal Overhead Funds in Support of Indirect Research Costs Subtotal Operating Funds2

Other Professional Revenue







Operating Expenses (OE)


Members Infrastructure Support (MIS)



University of Calgary Medical Group Levy

Foundations 11,595,784



Non-Profit 9,786,837Organizations

Foundations 13,998,387


Other Medical Revenue Total Revenue

Clinical Salary Recoveries (AHS, CLS, TBCC)3



$85,208,316 Business $214,774,442

Other Governments

$100,369,970 Non-Profit Organizations $232,312,044


Alberta Health Services (AHS) Other Governments Provincial Research EnvelopesAlberta Health Services (AHS)

Paid to Members

Clinical Departments (CD) Professional Development Fund (PDF) Faculty Support (FS) Dean’s Fund (DF) Medical Trainee Fund (MTF) Total Expenditures

Alberta Provincial GovernmentProvincial Research Envelopes AHFMR

Alberta Provincial Government

Federal Government

AHFMR Federal Government

1 Does not include any funding for Health Research Innovation Centre. 2 Represents operating funds received from the University exclusive of support services provided by the University to the faculty including infrastructure, payroll, library, finance, information technology and other support services. 3 AHS denotes Alberta Health Services-Calgary Health Region; CLS denotes Calgary Laboratory Services; TBCC denotes Tom Baker Cancer Centre

4 Includes non-research (i.e.: Rural Physician Action Plan, Continuing Medical Education, Post Graduate Medical Education, Foreign Tuition etc) trust accounts and donated capital and operating funds.

20 | UCalgary Medicine | The Dean’s Edition 2008


7penditures 2007

Faculty of Medicine Research Revenue 2007/2008






Non-Profit Organizations




Other Governments


Alberta Health Services (AHS)


Provincial Research Envelopes

Paid to Members

Alberta Provincial Government AHFMR Federal Government

Research Revenue (unaudited)

xpenditures as at December 31, 2007 2006


Sources of Revenue


Federal Government $34,938,275












Other Alberta Provincial Government




Provincial Research Envelopes




Alberta Health Services (AHS)




Total Provincial Government










Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) Other Federal Government

$33,777,844 1,345,026

Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Total Federal Government

1,247,235 $36,370,105

Alberta Provincial Government AHFMR


Other Governments U.S. Federal Government


Foreign Governments


Other Canadian Governments


Total Other Governments




Non-Profit Organizations




Other Revenue Endowments/Interest/Investment Income Sales & Conference Fees Individuals Total Other Revenue Total Revenue

$1,519,849 4,462,748 1,056,914 $7,039,511 $131,942,074

Faculty of Medicine | University of Calgary | 21


Our heartfelt thanks


reating the future of health is our goal at the Faculty of Medicine, and we continue to work towards this by educating our next generation of doctors, continuing our vast research programs and serving the

needs of society. But a lot of what we have already accomplished – and hope to accomplish in the future – wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of those who have donated their time and money to help better the UCalgary Faculty of Medicine. To all of you, we pass on our heartfelt thanks.

Medicine Fund Development (unaudited) STATEMENT OF REVENUE Donation Revenue Faculty of Medicine 2006-07




Fund Development 1 Annual & Alumni Giving Planned Giving/Bequests











Major Gifts (Cash only) 2,3 General Giving, Honours & Memorials Total Revenue Reach! Major Gifts (Cash only) 4 1

Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary only (does not include gifts to Reach!). 2 Gifts over $5,000 made to the University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine, excluding Reach! gifts. 3 In 2005/2006 the Faculty of Medicine joined Reach!, the joint fundraising initiative of the University of Calgary and Alberta Health Services-Calgary Health Region, and the majority of major gift activities for the Faculty were included within Reach!. Gifts recorded in this line were therefore generally to support non-Reach! related ongoing Faculty of Medicine projects and programs. 4 Gifts to Reach! include new cash gifts as well as pledge payments on pledges made in prior years to the University of Calgary and to the Calgary Health Trust. This figure does not include outstanding commitments.

Statement of Endowment Valuation (unaudited) AS AT MARCH 31, 2008 Closing Balance 2006/2007 Funding

Changes 2007/2008

Closing Balance 2007/2008

Sources1 Donor Contributions




Province of Alberta Matching Grants




Capitalized Income







Total Endowment Account (Book Value) Total Faculty of Medicine Expenditure Allocations2


Investment Information Faculty of Medicine endowments are invested in the university’s long-term investment pool. Each endowment has units in the pool. Number of units held by the Faculty of Medicine Market Value of units at March 31 Market Value of Faculty of Medicine at March 31 add: Market Value for endowment not part of pool3 Total Market Value of Faculty of Medicine at March 31 1 Total of 109 endowments for 2007/2008 and 105 endowments for 2006/2007 2 Based on 5% of the four year rolling market average 3 The Faculty of Medicine has one endowment that is not part of the University’s investment pool

22 | UCalgary Medicine | The Dean’s Edition 2008

957,744 $103.82 $99,433,345 3,838,390 $103,271,735

Our Team

Thank you to all of our donors to the Faculty of Medicine for fiscal year 2007-2008 The Executive Committee Ltd

John & Ann Brownlee

John & Pauline Dawson

Geo Homes & Design Ltd

Beverly Adams

Erma & John Burrell

Beth Day

Michael & Elizabeth Germain Caterina Giancarlo

Carl Adrian

Joan & Dale Butler

Susan Deering

Pauline Alakija & Richard Kasper

Susan Byers

Franca & William Dejong

David Gibbs

Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation

Cadmus Foundation

Neal denHollander

Cheryl Gibson

Alberta College of Family Physicians

John Caine

Marion & Allan Deschamps

Richard Gibson

Alberta Medical Association

Greg Cairncross

Michelle & Ronald Deyholos

Haviva Goldhagen & Karol Gildiner

The Alberta Paraplegic Foundation

Joe & Sharon Caldarelli

Diabetes Association (Foothills)

Benjamin Goldstein

Alberta Women’s Science Network

Calgary Filipino Lions Club

James Dinning & Evelyn Main

Joel & Wendy Gore

Alm Events Canada Inc

Calgary Fort Calgary Lions Club

Robert Dinning

James C. Gough

The Alvin and Mona Libin Foundation

The Calgary Foundation

D-Jakk Oilfield Services Ltd

James F. Gough

AMA Section of Internal Medicine

Calgary Health Region

Oliver Dold

Cathleen & Mark Gow

Amadala Professional Corporation

Calgary Health Trust

Andrea & Don Downey-Franchuk

John Graham

Allan & Mary Amey

Calgary Heritage Lions Club

Alison MacTavish

Dan Gray & Theresa McCallum

AMGEN Canada Inc

Calgary North Hill Lions Club

Dr. Barry H. Hunt Professional Corporation

Yolanda Groenewoud & Doron Sagman

Terry Amiel

Calgary SouthWest Lions Club

Dr. Barry Irish Inc

Sheryl & Rodney Gussman

Amil B. Shapka Professional Corporation

Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies

Dr. George Sing Inc

Judith & Arthur Hagen

Bonnie Anderson

in Health

Dr. R.B. Farnalls Professional Corporation

Claudia Hanevy

Douglas & T.J. Anderson

Canadian Superior Energy Inc

Dr. Stephen Noble Ltd

Peter Harasym

Heather & Keith Anderson

Canden Resources Ltd

Dr. Steven L. Turner Prof Corp

Sandra & Richard Harrison

Stacey Anderson-Redick & Leslie Redick

Cardiology Consultants (Calgary)

Dr. Theresa van der Goes Inc

Richard & Lois Haskayne


Frances Cargo

Dr. Walid Abawi Medicine Professional

Robert Haslam

Anne & Christopher Armstrong

Martha Carlyle


Walter Hatfield

Arrowwood Lions Club

Jordan Carr

Dr. Andrew James Louie Inc

Anne & Keith Hatlelid

Janet Ashburner


Brenda & Alan Driver

Janice Heard & Bruce McFarlane

Mary & David Ashford

Champion Lions Club

Daniel Dufour

Larry Henderson


David & Jennifer Chang

Keltie Duggan

Amos Hercz

ATCO I-Tek Inc

Vivien Chang-Poon & Man-Chiu Poon

Charlene Dunn & Patrick Mclellan

Elaine Herer & Stephen Holzapfel

Carla & B.M. Atkinson

Cheadle Lions Club

Marc & Viviana Dupre

John Hickie

Miles Atkinson

Judy & Mendy Chernos

Gary & Karen Durbeniuk

Alexandra & Gus Hildebrandt

Iwona Auer

Ali & Kathryne Choucair

Ian & Linda Duthie

Diana Hildenbrand

Toby & Heather Austin

Kwai-Shan Chow

Peter Duthie

Ernest & Verna Hilderman

Caroline & Olindo Baffa

Leonard & Betsy Chuck

Barbara Dyble

Hoffmann-La Roche Limited

Lori & Kent Baher

Roanna Chui

Richard & Gillian Earl

Linda Hohol

Garry & Shannon Banks

Linda Chynoweth

Educational Support Services Social Fund

Jana Holden

Barbecues Galore

The City of Calgary

Sherif El-Defrawy & Laurel Bates

Gwendolyn Hollaar

Ruth Barker

Class of 1987 Reunion

Nady El-Guebaly

Stephen & Karen Holland Holly A. Brown Professional Corporation

David & Beulah Barss

Graham Cleghorn

Christine & Bruce Elzinga

Mark Baumgartner & Judith Gibson

Hazel & Gordon Coates

Enbridge Inc

Robert Hooper

Hussam-UI Bawa

Murray & Connie Cobbe

EnCana Cares Foundation

Shelley & David Horn

Cecilia Baxter

William & Phyllis Cochrane

EnerMark Inc

Shahid & Natasha Hosain

BDO Dunwoody Limited

Jordan Cohen & Yvette Leung

Lesley & Gordon Engbloom

Harley & Rebecca Hotchkiss

Bearspaw Lions Club

Arthur Cohn & Mary DeVries Cohn

Joan & Alwon Engman

Pamela & James Houck

Cindy Beck

Robert Colborne

EOG Resources

Maxim Howard

Paul Beck

Paul Collins & Paulette Col

Wendelin Ezzat

William Hughson

Franca & Peter Belusci

John Conly

Vincent & Pamela Falck

Penelope Hume

Larry & Karen Benke

Alana Cook

Jerry Farrell

Brian & Deborah Hunt

Beverly Adams Professional Corporation

Florence Cooper

Donald Ferris & Jeanne Keith-Ferris

The Hunter Family Foundation

Nadeem Bhanji

Mary Corkill

Margaret Field

Ian B. Hurdle & E.W. Dodd Professional

Frederick Biddle & Brenda Eales

Cosmopolitan International Club of Calgary

Maria Filyk & R .T. Stuebing


Leanne Birkett

Jim Coughlin

Charles Fischer & Joanne Cuthbertson

J.D. deVries Professional Corporation J.G. Shea Professional Corporation

BKDI Architects

Kathryn Creaser

Kathryn Fitch

Kenneth & Margaret Blair

David Crockford

W. Fitzgerald

Wesley & Annalisa Jackson

Fidele Blais

Patricia Culham

Christine Fletcher

James M Cohen Professional Corporation James Nelson Powell Professional

Nancy Blaney

Timothy Culver

Robert & Amy Folberg

Jeff Bloom

Ronald & Frances Cusano

Christoper & Mary Fong


Elizabeth & Keith Bowering

Robert Cusimano

Linda & James Fong

Terrance & Joan James

Bowness Lions Club

D. Addington Professional Corporation

Gregory Forrest & Margo Helper

James Jarvis

Nancy Brager & John Reid

D. Jill Konkin Prof Corp

Norman & Marjorie Fox

Frances Jensen

Braun Valentine Professional Corporation

Paul & Monica Daeninck

Louis & Linda Francescutti

Kabir & Munira Jivraj

Brenda Brennan

Carolyn Dahl

Cy Frank

Alan & Debbi Joffe

Patrick & Tracy Brennan

Donna Dahl

Fraternal Order Of Eagles

John B. Kortbeek Professional Corporation John W. Cutbill Professional Corporation

Ron & Yvonne Bridges

Gail Dangoor & Alexander Gotovsky

Fred H. Janke Professional Corporation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc

Nora & Richard Danielson

Margaret French & Bill Tomm

Ed Johnston

George & Marjie Brookman

Danube Farming Ltd

G.A.J. Gelfand Inc

Douglas Jones

Alexander Brothers

David L. Roth Professional Corporation

Grant & Laurie Gall

Robert Jost

Leon & Sandra Browder

Janine Davies

Barry Gallagher

David Jourd’Heuil

Shannon Brown & Murray Quibell

Jack Davis

Peter Gant

Walter Kawiecki

Faculty of Medicine | University of Calgary | 23

Our Team Brian & Dee Keating

Nancy McCain

Laurent & Sandrine Pelissier

Marcella Szel

Dorcas Kennedy

Stephen McCain

Bessie Persson

T.W. Noseworthy Professional Corporation

Meet our new Team Gregory Keough & Jacqueline Hebert

Ann McCain-Evans

Peter A. Forsyth Professional Corp

Glendon Tait

Kids Cancer Care Foundation of Alberta

David & Jenny McDermid

Nancy Peters

Talecris Biotherapeutics Limited

Vivan Kilvert

Daniel McDonald


David & Monica Tano

Alvin & Rosemary Kimmel

Dorothy & Donald McDonald

Christine Pezarro & Todd Wilson

Mark & Patricia Terrill

Bev & William Kirker

Daniel & Louise McGillivray

Pfizer Canada Inc

Mark Tetz

Vanessa & Scott Kish

Colm & Jane McGrath

Ross Phillips

The Colt Companies Margaret Thomas

Gloria & Lloyd Kissack

Shannon & Scott McGregor

Marilyn & Barry Pollock

Laura Knebel & Robert Comey

Stewart McGregor

Privatbanken Holdings Inc

Angela Thompson

Joan & Keith Knox

John McGurran

Christopher Prusinkiewicz

David & Lisa Thompson

Vera Kohut

Joann McIlwrick & Cory Toth

Quality Response

Mary Thompson

Jay Kormish

Vanessa McKiel

R.S. Sheldon Professional Corporation

Michael & Renae Tims

Melissa Kotkas-Price & Glenn Price

Sommer McLauchlin-Benwood & Daniel

Emily Radtke

Wendy & Robert Tink

Laura Kowalsky


Thomas Raedler

Judith Todd & Juda Habot

Lois & Al Krakowski

Joanne McLaws

Rajamannar & Sangeetha Ramasubbu

Bernard Tompkins & Virginia Hemsworth

Kevin Krause

Laura McLeod & John Humphrey

Sonya & Trevor Regehr

E. Tonogai

Ben & K.M. Kromand

Sarah McPherson

Jean & Jack Reid

Darren Topham & Catherine Bullard

Stephanie & Dan Kubik

Mary McQuitty

Respironics Sleep & Respitatory Research

TransCanada Pipelines Ltd

Andrzej Kulaga

Shaun Medlicott & Lynne Searles


Cynthia Trevenen

K.W.C. Consulting

Lucja & Janusz Meier

Barry & Eleanor Rewcastle

Michael & Julie Trew

Cynthia & Jason Landy

Merck Frosst Canada Ltd

David & Joanne Richardson

Ken & Brenda Trost

Julie Larsen

David & Melanie Merry

Badri & Anne Rickhi

Martin Trotter

Vynka Lash

Jenny Mew

Bob & Nola Rintoul

Kiril & Biljana Trpkov

Sharna Laven

Maxwell Meyer

Christopher & Phyllis Robb

Katherine Tsang

Norman Lea

Arnold Meyers

Rose Robillard

Linda & R.P. Tulving

Anna & Robert Lee

Adele Meyers

Brendan Robinson & Jennifer Wong

Roy Turner & Barbara Kondo

Carmen Lehmann

Michael O’Connor Professional Corporation

Sue Roff

U.T.I. Limited Partnership

Lisa Leland & Timothy Yee

Wanda Millard

Mary Romaniuk & Ian Aukema

V.F. Boras Professional Corporation

Leo Pharma Inc

Gerald & Laura Miller

Joel Rose

Johan van de Sande & Sharon Sullivan

Gary Leong & Jean McClennon Leong

Elizabeth Millham

Thomas & Margaret Rosenal

Frans Van Der Hoorn & Blanka Kuhnel

Jamesina Leong-Huxley

David Miyauchi

Joan Ross

Antonie & Kathleen Vandenbrink

Alice Lever

Christopher Mody

Vera Ross

Andrew Verag

Raymond & Beryl Lewis

Ken Moen

Margaret Roy

Sujata Verma

Kevin & Jill Librach

Mohamad A. Zibdawi Professional

Larry Ruskin

Vulcan Lions Club Veronica Wadey

Brian & Gail Liggett


R.V. Johnston and I.M.O. Vicas Professional

Lions Club of Bearspaw

Martin Molyneaux & Deborah Yedlin


Brandie Walker

Lions Club Of Calgary

Shirley Moore

Dorothy & John Ryznar

Ian Walker & Lara Cooke

Michele Lipp

Paul Morgan & Nancy Price

S.M. Blair Family Foundation

Elizabeth Wallace

Jeffrey Lipton

Barbara Morris & Terry Ritchie

S. Mark Heard Professional Corporation

Sidney & Beverly Wallace

Judith Littleford

Richard & Tara Moulton

San Antonio Oil & Gas Inc

Arlene Ward

Sheryl Livergant & Mark Shalling

Gerard Moyes

Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc

Richard Ward

Arthur Livingstone

John & Bev Mozell

John & Odile Sargeant

Eric Wasylenko

Tony Lo

Rod & Sally Munro

Monica Sargious

William Waters

Keith & Kathryn Losie

Allen Murray & Laurie Galloway

Katherine Savoia & Scott Russell

Arlene Weidner & Merril Knudtson Sam Weiss

Edgar Love

Terry & M.A. Myles

Sergio & Nora Scarabello

Terri Luvisotto & Eli Judah

Julianna Nagy

Scott Land & Lease Ltd

Alan West

Lou & Hilda MacEachern

Stephen Nantel

Connie Scott

Westgate Elementary

Louise Mackellar Poelzer & Ronald Poelzer

Muhammed Naseer

Brent & Beverley Scott

Yolande Westra

Andrew Mackie

Harry & Erma Nash


William White

James & Brenda Mackie

The Nat Christie Foundation

Toshimi & Bill Sembo

Bill & Jennifer Whitelaw

Jeffrey Mackie

John & Shanda Naylor

Robert Sevick

Sharon Wiens

David & Wendy Mann

Gregory Nelson & Danielle Huggard-Nelson

Shahid I. Hosain Professional Corporation

Christopher Wilkes

Pamella Manning

Thomas Noseworthy & Avril Fitzgerald

Dilip & Nancy Shamanna

Thomas Wilkes

Lawrence & Oluyinka Marcus

Novartis Pharma Canada Inc

Lisa Shea

Dorothy Wilson Ken & Stephanie Wilson

Margaret Markle

David Nykanen

Shell Canada Limited

Marquardt Transit Mix

David & Gail O’Brien

Lisa Shilolo

Brett Wilson

Steven Martin & Mireille Lemay

Oriole O’Dwyer

Gerald Shockey

Joyce & Frederick Wiskar

Mary J. Donlevy M.D. Inc

Robert Ogilvie

Leslie Shulman

Robert Wittmeier

Masimo Corporation

Donald & Lydia Olafson

A.M. Sikora

Keith Wolstenholme

Alicia Mason

Teresa & Gabriel Ollivier

Kyra & Colin Simmons

Flora Wong

Christine & Vaughn Mason

Calvin Olmstead

Brian Sinclair

Norman & Tracy Wong

David & Marlene Mason

Ronald & H.A. Olson

Susan Skidmore

Dennis & Suzanne Woolner

Charles Matouk

Samuel & Regina Oluwadairo

Eldon & Sheila Smith

Douglas & Janice Woolner

Miklos Matyas

Daniel Omura

Jane Smith

James Wortman

Maunders McNeil Foundation Inc

Stephen & Janice O’Neill

Robert & Donna Smyth

James Wright

Evelyne Mauro

Ortho-McNeil Inc

Floyd & Barbara Snyder

Janet Wright

Katalin Mayer

Betty Osing

Joan Snyder

Alice & Duanne Wyatt

Sandra & Gerald McAndrews

John & Diana Osler

Soderglen Ranches Ltd

Wyeth Canada

Robert McArthur

P.J. Mitchell Inc

Gladys Soulier

Richard Wyman

M.C.C. Fund Management Inc

Marie Paladeau

Heather & Gordon Spielman

C. K. Yates

M. Ann McCaig

James & Barbara Palmer

Mitchell & Ruth Spivak

Marc Ydenberg Bruce & Margaret Young

Allison McCain

Janice & James Parker

Kenneth Stephenson

Eleanor McCain

Robin Parker & John McRory

Steven Edworthy Professional Corporation

Marjorie Younger

Wallace McCain

Parkinson’s Society of Southern Alberta

M.Y. & B.M. Stewart

Ihor & Sandra Zakaluzny Lauren & Ursula Zanussi

Scott & Patricia McCain

Tara Pasveer

James Stone

Kathyrn McCain

Marie & Wayne Patton

Stuart B. Sanders Prof Corp

Yun Zhan

Linda McCain

James & Clair Paulson

Oksana Suchowersky & Christopher Eagle

Harry & Heather Zirk

Martha McCain

Robert & Alvina Peddie

Sundre & District Lions Club

The Faculty of Medicine also gratefully acknowledges those who chose to make their gift anonymously or support us through gifts of their time. Every effort has made to ensure the accuracy on this list. 24 | UCalgarybeen Medicine | The Dean’s Edition 2008

Please contact us at 403.210.3694 to notify us of any errors or omissions.

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