Environments Brief

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3.0 Environment

21/01/19 - 17/05/19

3.1 Brief

3.2 Requirements

3.3 Outcomes

To design and make a spatial experience in relation to a particular site which is immersive or interactive or both, in physical or virtual space, through 1:1 testing and prototyping. For this project you are defining and refining the general theme of your research, working towards the main focus of your output for the end of year show, and you will be engaging more closely with ideas of context through your design work. You will be taking the most fruitful and interesting aspects of your work in the first term, being critical and evaluative of that work and selecting an aspect to take forward, to develop and adapt the research you have already progressed to a more defined investigation, again with a tangible outcome, of a 1:1 human scale work that relates to some aspect of the built environment in a particular site. Your work will be interactive and immersive, it must be a spatial intervention responding to your site with its own environment, be it very site specific, environmentally specific, such as changes of heat or humidity, interactive with users, or change over time. The environment can be can be created through filmic, electronic, biological, chemical or kinetic means, it can engage with issues such as sustainability and heritage, but must demonstrate some kind of very specific experience, marking it out from other work that has been progressed in your field, of which you will be more and more aware as your knowledge of your chosen field improves. Be aware of what is entirely special about your work and how it develops our perception and understanding of space. You will increase your ability to make unique and well made artifacts which address a very specific concept or design, making intuitively from the body of knowledge built up during the first semester. You might develop your skills in detailed artful fabrication, prototype and iteration development, precise computer modelling and visualisation, futurecasting, working with immersive technologies and interactive electronics through coding and circuit building, virtual reality, projection installation, film or performance. What other fields might you start to engage with to create your own specialist niche? Ecologists? Historians? Neuroscientists? Material scientists? Game designers? Farmers? Novelists? It is up to you how you develop your interest but it should be rich and engaged with the experimental outer realms of contemporary design thinking. Make this design niche your home and adapt to it. Also, start asking yourself, why am I doing this, this way?

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19


3.4 Assessment












Completion of the EnvironmentsHOLIDAYS project will contribute to the MA Interior ‘Project Development’ unit (CIND 7012) SEMESTER and 1the MA Architecture ‘Project Development’ unit SEMESTER 2 SEMESTER 3 (CARC 7003). Both units are valued at 60 credits. This brief is in conjunction with the CARC 7001 CARC 7001 30 Credits CIND 7011 CIND 7011 30 Credits Thesis and Thesis Review assesments which are History and Theory components of the Contexts and Methods unit. Please find attatched timetable for information on the dates and deadlines. Any Deliverables: Deliverables: Deliverables: 100% Final installation work 25% Extended Critical Thesis Literaturethrough Review 7011 updates to the timetable will be issued MyUCA with an announcement. 25% Theory Presentation Blog of experimentation 50% Portfolio and physical

(assessed end of the year)

80% Portfolio, ambition,

skill outputs Assessment of this brief will be carried out at the point of submission via a finaldelivery A2 paper 20% Project Report CIND 7002 30 Credits portfolio, and a digital submission.CARC 7002 30 Credits Exploratory Practice

Feedback will be verbal and written at formative stages and written at the summative stage Deliverables: Portfolio and physical output for this project. Remember feedback is a record of the advice given during the formative assessment and you should be taking your own notes as well, maybe nominate a friend?! PAVILLION The project will run from 21/01/2019 until the portfolio submission on 17/05/2019 to campus registry, between 14:00 - 15:00!!

3.5 Duration SEPT

NOV OCTStr ucture 3.6












30 Credits

CARC 7001

CIND 7011

30 Credits

CIND 7011

prototyping, testing, experimenting, making


Documentation blog

Contexts and Methods

Climates research

Deliverables: 25% Extended Critical Thesis 25% Theory Presentation 50% Portfolio and physical outputs

Deliverables: Literature Review 7011 Blog of experimentation (assessed end of the year) CIND 7002

30 Credits

CARC 7002

30 Credits

Exploratory Practice

Deliverables: 100% Final installation work Literature Review 80% Portfolio, ambition, delivery skill 20% Project Report

Thesis Review


3.7 Staff/Guests

Thesis Review




Starting points

Deliverables: Portfolio and physical output



Focussed Personal

Forward Thinking

The project will be run by Lucy Jones (MA Course Leader) and assisted by Owain Caruana-Davies, and Marguerite Tricauld, visiting design tutors. JJ Brophy is also a crucial membr of staff who can help you with technical questions regardng your project. Ben Westacott, and other departmental technicians are also avaliable for support. During the course of the unit we will be joined by key guests for crit reviews. In order to stimulate debate and discussion reviews will often be held in tandem with the BA Interior Architecture and Design Stage 2 reviews.





prototyping, testing, experimenting, making

Documentation blog Climates research

Literature Review

Anthony McAll ,Between You and I , 2006

Thesis Review


Thesis Review


Carsten Holler, 2000, Upsidedown Mushroom Room

Japanese bathroom and snow

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19 Starting points



3.8 Deliverables

The following are minimum deliverable requirements for completion of the project. A good portfolio would be a least 25 detailed A2 sheets. Drawing is an important aspect of the development of this unit, please pay attention to these deliverables. 1. Site documentation, drawings, history, analysis, photography, notes. 2. Drawings of the chosen site, detailed survey in plan section and elevation, using appropriate drawing convention. 3. Precedent information presenting and analysing appropriate projects and practitioners. 4. Evidence of engagement with research into the field you are exploring through diagramming, photographs and case studies. 5. Diagrams and presntation information from Thesis Review process 7. Design development drawings, with notes and appropriate level of detail. 8. Documentation and analysis of all physical fabrication tests & prototype pieces 9. Appropriate forms of documentation of the experience of the created environment. 10. Drawing and render communication of the experience of the environment in situ/ responding to site, presenting the use and interaction of the spatial intervention. Digital submission: Composed film of final experience outcome. This needs to be maximally 2-3 minutes unless there is a particular reason why it should be longer. Take some care over this. pdf of portfolio sheets NAME_UNIT_18/19 Online digital blog of work done, as a continuation of the previous project. This is an important assessed component of the project!! You should have set this up at the beginning of the year and update with documentaion of your activities and research.

Good luck with this process which should start to feel more self determined and directional, with support from us.


David Spriggs, Vision, 2017

Random International, Rain Room , 2012

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19

3.9 Site work

We will be working with the Eastbridge Hostpital, Greyfriars Chapel and Greyfriars Gardens for this project. It is a facinating space with nearly 1000 years of history. We will be visiting at 3pm on Monday 21st of Januaury, and we will be able to arrange other access as we require. Please see the the site notes document for further information. It is up to you how much your site infiltrates your work, but context is of course of utmost importance in both Architecture and Interior Design. We cannot work without it. Think carefully about how you might like to document your site, through film, photography, drawing, are there other means of recording you might progress to help you? In what way would you like to work contextually? If you are developing an interest in an alternative site, do discuss this with your tutor. Bear in mind you are producing a site specific, dynamic, human scale experience. The site might inform your work in a different way, through colouration, lighting, materiality, form or movement. But be a little adventurous, ask a few questions and see where you get to. You will be able to develop this in co-ordination with your tutor over the first few weeks of the project. This might be a really good opportunity for you to augment your made work with more 2d representational information through studying the existing fabric of the site, working with scans, archive information, photography, mapping, representations of sound and intangiable information.

Blurring spatial boundries

Komal Mittal, VR and 3d Scan

Mamarou Handa, 2017

Tony Oursler

Shu-Min Shen, site work

Seasonal change and space

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19

24/01/19 Please bring Oyster cards if you have them Please wear sensible shoes and bring jacket Stay hydrated Don’t bring too heavy a bag Bring packed lunch if you like Call Lucy if there is a problem/ lost: 07980021527. If emergency, meet outside St Pancras International, entrance on St Pancras Road

3.10 Site visit Start/Finish

Station: St Pancras Inter national Wellcome Collection

Design Museum

Provisional Itinerary: timings DURING the day may alter, please see sheet issued on the day.

9:15 Meeting Canterbury West Station (before if you are collecting tickets) 9:23 Train to London St Pancras (first off peak)

Projects 03: CIAD5001 18/09/17- 13/12/17

10:21 Train arrives London St Pancras 10:30 Travel by tube High Street Kensington

11:00 London Design Museum for House Future exhibition £10.75 1pm meet Foyer of Design museum, travel by tube to Euston Road 2:00 pm Wellcome Collection: House and Home Exhibition and Reading Room Free 3pm Walk to Building Centre, Digital Turn Exhibition 4pm Travel by tube/overground to Stratford 4:30 Walk though Olympic Park and visit Zaha Hadid Olympic Pool £2 5:45 Here East Bartlett School of Architecture tour

Please bring Oyster cards if you have them Please wear sensible shoes and bring jacket Stay hydrated Don’t bring too heavy a bag Bring packed lunch if you like Call Lucy if there is a problem/ lost: 07980021527. If emergency, meet outside St Pancras International, entrance on St Pancras Road

18:30 - 20:00 Constructing Realities Lecture, Here East Train from Stratford to Canterbury

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design //2018-19

Shadow Vault, UCA, Folkestone, 2015.

Nissen Richards, Electricity Exhibition, 2017

Detailed Sections UCL , Bartlett School of Architecure

Diller And Scofidio, Surveilllance, 1989

2001 Space Odessey, Stanley Kubrick, 1969

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19

3.11 Learning Aims

The aims of this unit are: A1. To develop a critical and contextual understanding of the agreed project proposal. A2. To achieve conceptual clarity through experimental practice and research methods. A4. To utilise and gain further competency in the skills and processes required for the development of the project. A4. To research and develop the project proposal towards an interim outcome. A5. To develop as an independent researcher and practitioner. A6. To develop an understanding of theoretical concepts in relation to the project.

3.12 Learning Outcomes

On satisfactory completion of the unit you will have: LO1. Engaged in experimental and exploratory processes in the development of your MA project, both practically and theoretically and critically reflecting on that process. LO2. Developed an advanced knowledge and use of materials, processes and techniques appropriate to the project proposal. LO4. Gained a clear understanding of the critical context of relevant contemporary practices and the particular significance within this of the individual research proposal. LO4. Developed writing and reading skills in the formulation and understanding of ideas. LO5. Presented your research in writing in a structured form, showing a clear and coherent series of arguments and themes. LO6. Demonstrated the ability to work independently, set goals, manage workloads and meet deadlines.

1. Visitors' activity tracks in exhibition space.

The Night Train, 2016, RTU Summer School

2. Different players' activity tracks in the game.

Jingyan He: Site Specific VR installation, Dungeness

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19 Explanatory Drawings

3.14 Reading list

Anon, Interactive Architecture Lab. Vimeo. Available at: https://vimeo.com/ialab [Accessed January 20, 2019]. Bird, R. (2010) Andrei Tarkovsky: elements of cinema. (Reprinted ed.) London: Reaktion Books. Brooks, Rodney. A. (1999) Cambrian Intelligence: the early history of the new AI. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Brown, Kathryn. Interactive Contemporary Art. 1st ed. Gibson, J.J. (2011) The ecological approach to visual perception. (17th pr ed.) New York: Psychology Press. Haque, Usman. (2007) ‘Distinguishing Concepts: Lexicons of Interactive Art and Architecture’ In: Architectural Design 77 (4) pp.24–31. Hays, K.M., 1998. Oppositions reader : selected readings from A journal for ideas and criticism in architecture 1973-1984, Princeton Architectural Press. pp. 621-254 (heritage!) Koolhaas, R. (2002) ‘Junkspace’ In: October 100 pp.175–190. Kubrick, S., & Clarke, A.C. (1968). 2001: a space odyssey. United States, Metro-GoldwynMayer Corp. Mauss, Marcel. (2011) The gift: forms and functions of exchange in archaic societies. Mansfield Centre, Conn.: Martino. Morton, T. (2013) Hyperobjects: philosophy and ecology after the end of the world. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Nitschke, G. (1993) From Shinto to Ando: studies in architectural anthropology in Japan. London : New York: Academy Editions ; Distributed to the trade in the United States of America by St. Martin’s Press. Pask, Gordon. (1971) ‘A Comment, a case history, a plan’ In: Reichardt, Jasia. (ed.) Cybernetics, art and ideas. Greenwich, Conn.: New York Graphic Society. pp.76–99. PALLASMAA, J. (2005). The eyes of the skin: architecture and the senses. Chichester, Wiley-Academy. Serres, M. 1995. Chapter- ‘The Natural Contract’ in The Natural Contract. Translated by Elizabeth MacArthur and William Paulson. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press. Pp. 27-50 Simanowski, R. Digital art and meaning: reading kinetic poetry, text machines, mapping art, and interactive installations Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2011. Pallasmaa, Juhani. The Architecture Of Image. 1st ed. Helsinki: Rakennustieto, 2001. Todd, J. and Todd, N.J. (1993) From Eco-Cities to Living Machines: Principles of Ecological Design. (2nd edition edition ed.) Berkeley, Calif: North Atlantic Books,U.S. Yiannoudes, S. (2016) Architecture and adaptation: from cybernetics to tangible computing. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

3.15 Useful web-links

The following are a first primer for useful materials and know-how resources: Kobakant - http://www.kobakant.at/DIY/ Arduino - http://www.arduino.cc/

- Tutorials and more relating to textiles and interaction.

- Popular cheap open source microcontroller.

Freeduino - http://www.freeduino.org/ - Knowledge base for the Arduino. Cool Components - http://www.coolcomponents.co.uk/ - UK Store for component supplies. Rapid - http://www.rapidonline.com/ - Key online supplier of basic kits including gear and electronics.

Sarah Wigglesworth, Dining Table During Meal,

Zigiant El Sarkaoui, Proposal and 3d scan, Folkestone

UCA Canterbury School of Architecture // MA Architecture // MA Interior Design // 2018-19

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