Portfolio Project Progress The Alternate Saint Mary & Saint Eansywthe Church - Folkestone The Project term is a development of the previous studio work that has been developed through the spatial language of the Saint Mary and Saint Eansywthe church. The spatial language has brought the study of the alternate and alternative architectural language through the being and existence of the Saint of the church, Saint Eanswythe has brought about her presence through the urban fabric, the language has been brought to be re-formed through science-fiction to which fabrications have been portrayed into existence to manifest a spatial being that is to be an alternate space of imitation towards a persona of person. The project brings itself into context of the technical analytic of space and allows development through precedents that inspired the language of making and design. This ultimately portrays the alternate spatial existence of an alternate being, ultimately a saint of time.
Project Development - Progress
Saint Eanswythe
Saint Eanswythe relics in church
Skeletal Anatomy
Through context study of the church a language of design was created from studying the Saint of Folkstone. The language was used to re-portray her existence through skeletal growths as a research based progress of inhabitation of the church to portray her spiritual being within the priory. This language gave a base to a contextual study and research progress of project that gave regard and learning of site itself. Importance has been given to the language of learning of Saint Eansywthe . Saint Mary and Saint Eansywthe Folkestone Church. Skeletal Anatomy - Conceptual design langauge.
Site Documentation
Nave Saint Mary and Saint Eansywthe Folkestone Church.
Site Documentation
Crossing Saint Mary and Saint Eansywthe Folkestone Church.
Site Documentation
Chancel Saint Mary and Saint Eansywthe Folkestone Church.
Site Documentation
Cut Through Saint Mary and Saint Eansywthe Folkestone Church.
Site Documentation - Content
Folkestone Church.
The Chancel Aspects of Space
The Quinn Qunx Aspects of Space
The Nave Aspects of Space Technical laser scans of contextual site
Through research of the context of the folkestone church, a techincal analysis was made through practice and progress of studio to understand the architectural langauge and the manifest of ideology of space.
Spatial presence of chancel / Rod Screens of the Space (Point of Enlightenment)
Vaulted Arch ways and the religious motifs of the pathway
Arch Shapes of the Nave
Technical Analysis - Content - Concept
Direct correlation to Saint’s life an context.
As the technical study brought a conceptual research configuration, a langauge that had a regard towards a doctrine of essence was created. The ideology was to protray the saint’s being through manfest of context. The Saint’s life responds back to the context of play. The Saint refelcts his/her existance through fabric of context. The idea is to understand that the fabric point out a initiative of being for that which we may percive to a better understanding through other consortive means.
The Chancel
The Quinn Qunx
The Nave
The chancel carries an attitude of worship a space of growing, power and enlightenment.
The vaulted Quinn Qunx represents a point of initiation a point of new occurrence, the Archs themselves represent a new gate to a new consort.
The Nave acts as a place of abundance, a space of dwelling, a place that takes into action of occurrence. The mass space, columns and roof, represent the confines of the conception
Open windows Confined space of worship The reliquary
Arch shape Gate like representation Point of new open
Columns Mass space Vast roof construction
Technical Analysis - Content - Concept- Research
Technical study inspired the extraction of scene visuals and persona towards the fabrication.
Spatial Precedents of movies / Inspirations towards progress research
Early Spatial Precedents of movies / Inspirations towards progress research
Saint Mary & Saint Eanswythe church of Folkestone
Technical studies of Folkestone church lead progress of inspiration towards the culmination of visual spatial precedents that came to be from inspirational movies. Scenes have been used to start depicting an analogy for language of final preparation of spatial ideal/ creation. Previous research of H.R. Giger inspired project to come for a spatial ideal atmosphere. The representations regard themselves towards a new alternate reality of the personification of main character within the confines of religious portrayal, visuals made the analogical language working towards creating alternate space of main character, meaning the person of the personified language. Resident Evil Spatial precedents to create a persona.
The Arrivals
H.R. Giger Nemicron
Concept - Research - Progress
Alien vs Predator
H.R. Giger Nemicron
Conceptual Language
Tutorial Conversation: a tutorial conversation brought about the speculative research of the ideologies of Gaudi and Alberti. Architects that regard their architectures into the delving of the divine. This brought a progress and reflection within research to re-portay the divine within a conceptual language of studio progress.
Promethues Body of Engineer
Skeletal Anatomy
Persona H.R. GIger
Abnormal Crystal growth
The progression of the conceptual language was used to make a new typologies as part of research.
Florical manifest
Conservatives of Studio work : the work of H.R. Giger and Philip Beesley developed the repulsive and provocative attitude to reform a sci-fi alien motive into the church. The inspirations reflective inhabitation of thought brought the recreation of spatial placement of new typologies of the development of conceptual language.
These new typologies carry inspiration of the above precedents and portray a manifestation of alien-ism. It was used for the research progression of space installation.
New Developed typologies
New typolgies portrayed within context to recreat spatial ensemble.
Progress of architectural typologies into the context of church re-portay a divine of alien language.
Conceptual Research - Progress context/compositoin development
Alien Neoplasmatic Limb
Flowered Neoplasmatic Limb
Research lead model (fabrication of space dwelling) Orchestra
As a progressive form of research, the model of the church build (nave) took on the aspect of re-portarying the alien manifest into action as form of research progress of spatial analysing and reformation towards an architectural design protocol. The design has helped and shaped the final composition through proposal of initiation towards the portray of an alternate world.
provoking flower
Technical Sections 1:10 Section/ Elevation frontal
Neoplasmatic Limb
Formed through rigirous development of precedent films. The research was brought about from the ideology of creating a heart beat into motion. This was used to be implemented into site as a metaphor of people’s attitude within site space. This brought a recognition to project that developed the language of design the projection of heart to motion was used as analogy to the existing fabric being responsive to nature of human within place.
Wooden Strucutre
New Formations of orchestra Scale !:5 Scale 1:5 Model Orchestra Glass (view Angel)
Research - Progress Context/Compositoin- Development
Connection of saint to context brought the study of other charecters of other narrative.
Saint Eansywthe connection to the existing fabric of church as well as her reappearance through the complex osseous re-growth within context.
Spatial precedents of movies / Inspirations towards recreating an alien intervention in the chancel as progressive research of conceptual language and composition
Initial interventions of osseous growth experimentation of her existence in the church.
Section of Chancel Scale 1:200
Visuals represent the unseen, the rather metaphoric metaphysical (the meta-existence), a place that is beyond or physical world. Portrayal of the alien and vulgar into the chancel as a means of representation and connection of the metaphysical abnormal into the physical. Nave interventions of osseous growth through her remit espirit soul in the church.
The space of enlightenment becomes an experience in the real world.
Model of Chancel [Compart worship space] Space of intervention
Chancel - Alternate Reality | The Meeting through the metaphysical
Section of Chancel Scale 1:100
The Arrivals Movie : Visual of the meeting of the (abnormal, the metaphysical realm)
The image portrays the meeting between the other metaphysical side, the human meets that which we do not perceive through our own consort, It depicts a natural occurrence between the physical and metaphysical. The architectural design portrays the meeting between the enlightenment of a different spatial world. A physical perception that is the re-portrayal into the re-existing of the saint’s remit spirit and interference of alien into the physical. The alien manifests itself through the metaphysical through her spirit into the physical church.
Perspectives of progressed build.
Inspirational precedents working towards the design development.
Chancel - Alternate Reality | The Meeting through the metaphysical
Scale 1:500 Plan of Saint Mary & Saint Eansythwe Folkestone church
Elevation of Chancel Scale 1:50
Chancel - Alternate Reality | The Meeting through the metaphysical
-Scope of initiation -
Sunlight intern Enlightenment through stained glass
Scale 1:500
Point of meeting the metaphysical
Alien Growth Neoplasmatic limbs [Skeletal manifest]
-Scope of initiation -
Saint Worship Point of Initiation
Growing totem pillars Through remit spirit
Section of Chancel Scale 1:50
Plan of Saint Mary & Saint Eansythwe Folkestone church
Concept - Composition Development- Alternate
Using the Analogy of how a Saint is complementary to the space he/she inhabits. Through research it became apparent to use the spatial build as a form of representative manifest towards composition. The Saint and church came to bring attribute towards a new persona
Spatial build/ Chancel of Folkestone Church. Site
The Design langauge has developed through term work and re-expolitation of the movies as a precedent towards the design terminology. The movies inspired the design
As the Church and Saint analogy was brought the research of Resident evil, brought an idea of looking deeper at the persona of the main character. The development of the first movie to the final one gave the project a spatial attitude of development and usage of material langauge
Resident Evil/ Spatial Language.
The Arrivals, Design Language
Concept - Composition Development- Alternate - Progress
Church Technical Analytics reconstructed into the space of intervention The Arrivals / Resident Evil
Conceptual Language progressed into installation
Render of design of Chancel inspired by alien manifest
H.R. Giger, Philip beesley’s work used within context of spatial organization and design.
As the progress work of designing an alternate space through the maniefest of precedents of science fictio. This brought about the fabrication to reportray a spatial awarness of the alternate using the design work as precedent.
Chancel of church portrayal into space as a subjective recreation of void.
Through spatial analysis of church the precedents have come to recompose into the composition.
Spatial Visuals from the movies that have been used for the development of the spatial composition.
Inspiration form the composed model
Visuals are used to reconstrucut a space of instalative alien and but at the same time bring an alternate space to realtity precedent developed a langauge to create a spatial ideal through a metaphoric linkage of precedents into a real alternate space.
Scale 1:100 Proposed site. Crit room at UCA Canterbury Campus
Concept - Composition Development- Fabrication research
Precedent studies inspirations towards the design of componant, initialy inspired by conceptual langauge. Skeletal body [Spine] representation.
Fabrication progress. Prototype.
Conceptual langauge progress towards new typologies of fabrications.
Philip Beesly’s work has inspired the in recreating a formation of neoplasmatic limbs and prgression towards a fabrication of alien existance.
Fabricatiing prtotype with design precedent influence [Limbs].
New typology progress using precedents of previous term work
Alien vs Predator
H.R. Giger Nemicron
H.R. Giger inspired the project to reform a vulgar atttiude of representation towards the recreation of the componants.
Recreating the precedent influnce in terms of conceptual language.
Fabrication - Spine Pine
6 3
Component diagrammatics
Isometric Drawing of Neoplasmatic Spine Pine Scale 1:3
1. Plexi Glass design formation (each x2) 2. 780 mm steel rod 3. Neoplasmatic formations 4. Arduino board (Intelligence Source) 5. Servo x 3 6. 56 bolts
Fabrication - Neoplasmatic Chandel
Component diagrammatics
Isometric Drawing of Neoplasmatic Chandel Scale 1:2
1. Plexi Glass design formation (each x2) 2. Plexi Glass connection components 3. Neoplasmatic Limb formations 4.Plexi Glass design formation x3 5. 320 mm Steel bolt rod 6. Arduino board (Intelligence Source) 7. Servo’s x 3 8. 34 bolts 9. Bio-plastic Sheet
Fabrication - Neoplasmatic Candel
Component diagrammatics
Isometric Drawing of Neoplasmatic Candle Scale 1:24
1. Plexi Glass design formation (each x2) 2. Neoplasmatic formations 3. Neoplasmatic Limb formations 4. Plexi Glass design formation x3 5. 100 mm and 150mm Steel bolt rod 6. Arduino board (Intelligence Source) 7. Servo’s x 3 8. 9 bolts
Conceptual Proposal - Composition Build
Crossing entrance Arch.
Crossing and Arch .
Scale : 1:20
Through the study of the church, a close up of the Arch in the crossing was used as a means of re- portrayal as part of urban fabric. Grid system was created that follows the arch was made to re-form the alien into a formal and proportional exhibit as a re-portrayal of the church’s fabric. This as a depiction through an Arch representing a new form of religious approach of the alien language created through fabrication and composition.
Technical Drawing of Rod Screen
1 4
List of Objects 1.Wire Thread 2mm 2.Componant 1 3.Componant 2 4.Componant 3 Scale 1:20 Scale 1:100 Proposed site. Crit room at UCA Canterbury Campus
Proposed site. Crit room at UCA Canterbury Campus
Conceptual Proposal - Composition Build
Rood Screens in Church.
Close Up view
Grid System applied as a form of screen work.
Scale : 1:20 Technical Drawing of Rod Screen
Through the study of the church, a close up of the rood screens in the chancel was used as a means of re- portrayal as part of urban fabric. A grid system was created to re-form the alien into a formal and proportional exhibit as a re-portayal of the church’s fabric.
2 5 4
List of Objects 1.Tube and Clump Holdings 2.Wire Thread 2mm 3.Componant 1 4.Componant 2 5.Componant 3 6.Reliqaury Scale 1:20 Proposed site. Crit room at UCA Canterbury Campus
Conceptual Proposal - Composition Build
Crossing of the Church a resemblance of focal point of being point. This has been linked with the orchestra to re-create a focal point approach a space of spiritaul being.
Scale 1:3 Model Orchestra Scale 1:5 Model Orchestra
Perspective view of proposal in spatial part of composition.
Conceptual Proposal - Composition Build
Grid Work re-portrayed from structure
Elevation of Chancel Scale 1:100
Using the Structural skeleton of the roof of the chancel, the basic angular basic tangent to recreate the typologies. The angular ideology was used as to reform the alien into formal basics
Axial Points | Propositions for re-portray of compositional typology Scale 1:50 Possible outcomes of re-portray of typology.
Conceptual Proposal - Composition Build
Church Model
Using the colum as an informative typology of church fabric to re-exploit into the fabric of site as an analogy of spatial inhabitance
Church Fabric Scan
Scale 1:20 Possible outcomes of re-portray of typology.