Wind Shelter

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Wind Shelter

by Thammatat Kongthong


Generative Folly


CSA Research Report

Project Details Project Lead:

Thammatat Kongthong

Design Participants:

Lucy Jones


Wind Shelter


Individual constructively build and public architectural installation


White Cliff of Dover - 0.3 mile from visitor centre

Project Dates:

6 August - 17 Ausgust Structure installed on site. 20 August - 24 August Show build 27 August Structure open to public

Design Period:

31 June - 16 July 2018




2.0m x 5.0m x 2.0m


The University for the Creative Arts


Generative Folly

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Generative Folly

Research Statement

Research Agenda and Process Overview

Significance and Contribution

A shelter for walkers rising on the path of the white cliff of Dover. The project explored a formal response to the wind and form inspired by wind-erosed geology. A highly specific form fitted precisely to the existing landscape.

The challenge of the project is the creation of curving, organic form by using the CNC machine to produce a high standard of construction geometry potentially. Due to the shape of the object is unstable in term of precise resulting in there is a specific factor to realize, especially the ways to design it correctly.

The research aims mainly focus on environmental context with a temporary architecture which is designed to response the human behaviour. Likewise, stimulate the formation of an apparent natural environment on a particular location in form of the usable object. Also, encourage the user to feel and perceive the artistic form of wind in the interesting area. Another purpose is the engagement of design with the material and specific tool to create an extraordinary shape developed by the logical notion and reasonable design. The collaboration of design with wooden cutting machine development has been researched and performed since the beginning of the year. They are a particular area of study having been selected to ascertain continu-

The means to make it fit perfectly to landscape is usability of 3D scanning technology to check up the surface of the installation area. Then, create the form of the object according to the specific surface which is able to settle down precisely towards the ground. To engage with an environment, it is supposed to design regard with context and surrounding otherwise the design shall have any relation with a background in order to create a relationship between architecture and environment. In term of future development, the project encourages the design with a futuristic form and contribute to the trend to strengthen an independentform architectural development. Also, it is going to confirm of design feasibility regarding design without geometry limitation.

Research Questions



What is the best way to accomplish fabrication technology with CNC machine according to the restriction of tool?


Survey and measure the existing site to enable to design a proper.



How can the project create a shelter in the landscape and elements for sitting human habitation?

Utilize all of information to define steps of design process which is based on existing data.



How can the shelter fit exactly into the landscape?

Develop the various design sequences for each steps according to functionality and suitable possibility of tectonic practice.


Plan the order of construction method ,gathering all of construction simulation, list of the matterial and then start proceeding the technical practice.

Fig.01 (previous page) Installation on site at White Cliff of Dover.


Wind Shelter Generative Folly


Design Proposal Finally, the design outcome will emerge in the form of the small wooden pavilion in shape of dynamic according to the conceptual surrounding and context in order to create a function for a traveller at attraction point in the white cliff of Dover. Moreover, the design practice will create a sensation for users to grasp the concept of environmental design and nature behaviour via design result and process which appear in the form of temporary architecture.

The scale of architecture shall relate to the human range and enable people to utilise effectively. In the section of material, it will come out as a wooden structure with thickness18mm. For each part of a partition. In the process of proceeding, it will be cut according to the size of the object by dividing to be separate pieces in order to assemble later on. The appearance of the project will come out as the wooden ribs shelter with the exterior material finishing, overall in size of 2m.x2m.x6m. approximately.

Key technological outcomes of proposal 1.

Due to the limitation of time and machine ability, there must be the solution to handle the practical time and decent working procedure.


Size and space are supposed to be compatible in particular location. The ways to carry all of the pieces should be considered carefully.


Skin material must be identified and needed to perform the actual shape of architecture.


Site survey needs to be incoperated exactly into final form.

Fig.02 (right) Rest Hole in the University of Seoul by UTAA Fig.03 (right) Metropol Parasol in Seville


Proposal & Context

Design Research Context Field of Work

Work by others

The field of the project is one kind of vector work and fabrication. All of the processes need to be calculated on software before taking to make in pieces. As the same as design procedure, it will be constructively designed on specific software and then generate to be technical drawing to practically make further. Rest Hole in the University of Seoul by UTAA is one of an interesting case study in similar architectural scale.

Basically, it is though base on the free-form structures as independent figurative object nevertheless it is still realised according to a logic of environment. One kind of similar project is Metropol Parasol in Seville which is designed on computeraided and then carries out to progress in fabrication system and assemble afterwards. The characteristic point of this design procedure is freedom of shape. In other words, the limitation of the architectural body could be limitless as long as the space and size of the object are correctly fit. Also, there must be no problem with the fabrication process or budget.

Wind Shelter Generative Folly


Design Methodologies Mainly, the design methodology will base on data analysis of site location particularly. As a relation between design and context, the most crucial element is a connection of logic between formation development and surrounding area investigation. The influenced factors of design significantly comprise wind direction, velocity and density. Due to the extreme environment and extraordinary landscape, it is apparently noticed and readily regarding the potentiality of sea breeze since it settles on the high ground above from sea level and also closes by the cliff with no enclosed space.

as the digital 3 dimension object file and then import to Rhinoceros to proceed further. Next step, the surface is needed to smooth in order to be compatible with the design process by making a primitive imitation surface from scanning file with the software command. After that, use a NURBS in order to make the structure fit with the geometry of the surface. Then, divide the entire of the formation to be sectioned and compound again with the new appearance which looks like ribs and skeletons.

The design methodologies have been started from physical 3D scanning. In order to take out an appearance of a specific surface, it needs to know how the rough surface exactly looks like. With the 3D scanning tool, it will come out


Process & Methods

Prototyping and testing After all of the data collection and digitally design has been done, the physical formation will be starting in the form of practical draft models in a different dimension in order to see the feasibility of further development. There are 2 ways of creating physical models via experimentation in order to see how the consequence will be. Firstly, the digital file has been printed by the 3D printing machine. In this case, the result will display as figurative solid according to the design yet only to check how the formation is going to be as overall. The other way is cutting pieces by laser cutting machine and assemble together later on. This way of making the model will be pretty similar to the method of 1:1 build which will be

the technique going to be used in term of making pieces of the final stage. All of these methodologies are utilized to analyse the feasibility of constructing 1:1 practically. It must be calculated according to the proper size and possible to actually carry out to the installation site before performing the bigger scale. Moreover, it must be invented the means of joining the pieces such as the junction between the main pieces and substructures. These important matters will be simultaneously considered between the process of making prototypes and tests.

Critical Design Elements 1.

Making it in pieces for easy transportation


Relation of skin + structure to create geometry from wind blow

Fig.04 (left) Small-scale formation testing model


Generative Folly


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Fig.05 (left) The prototype development and physical formation testing 05e


Fig.06 (right) Testing of material behaviour against the weather condition.


Generative Folly



Wind Shelter Generative Folly

Process & Methods


18 Fig.08 Typical form proposal drawing

Wind Shelter Generative Folly

Process & Methods



Generative Folly

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Wind Shelter Generative Folly


Process & Methods

Fabrication Techniques In the section of fabrication technique, each partition of construction components needs to be cut separately and then take it to combine afterwards in order to be easy for transportation and control. As well as a connector between each significant structures, it will be coordinated by the small junction being braced with metal hexagon bolts and nuts. Basically, the main technique of assembling shall be bracing, squeezing and dowel system according to the size of each partition. It significantly needs to be strong enough to be able to hold the

weight of heavy wooden structures. The overall main structures will be cut and divided to be 90 pieces approximately yet the number of small pieces(connector) will be about 200 pieces.

Wind Shelter Generative Folly



Process & Methods

Control Systems







To avoid having problems while the process is going through the stages, there must be an appropriate methodology to prepare proper drawing before starting the process. According to the working system of the CNC machine, all type of lines in the drawing must be connected perfectly in order to run the cutting process smoothly.

the framework of cutting pad is only able to work on 2440x1220 mm. The preparation of the cutting process must be done precisely.

Likewise, there will be a large number of both main structures and sub-connector which will be produced out to be physical pieces thus there must be indicated number on the surface of cutting Also, the drilling system of the pieces completely to reduce time to machine will be able to work identify the priority of pieces which correctly only when the drawing is is going to be built respectively. right. To illustrate, the minimum size of holes that the engine is able to drill through is 6mm. according to the limitation of tools. Additionally,

Fig.07 (left) The process of making physical construction components.

Wind Shelter Generative Folly


Review of Outcomes

Occupation and Interaction Due to a large number of people travelling along the tourist route of White Cliff of Dover, the contribution of design towards context would provide support to users fully. Also, it hardly affects an environment since the capitalised material is from the natural material which is similar to the surrounding context.

The shelter would perform as a breakpoint in between the long journey from Dover harbour to the last checkpoint of the national park. Meanwhile, it would display the figure of nature in the form of a beautiful temporary architecture. Additionally, it is installed down the local landscape perfectly and finely.

Fig.08 (left) Site plan Figs.09 (right) The final prototype of design and physical testing in 1:10 scale.

Dissemination and Future Work The potentiality in the future of free-form design development could be led into more feasibility both in term of design philosophy and physical design. This project is one of the implement in order to confirm regarding the exotic design possibility with technological participation both fabrication technique and cutting. It has been emphasized regarding various knowledge broadening both materials condition and dynamic design implement. The challenge of the project was to build massive structures with existing tools. Likewise, the calculating concerning the limited budget and space as well as the climate condition and sustainability of temporary structures are utmost important. Moreover, the algorithm of design and the constructive process must be significantly considered in order to achieve success in practical production. All of these matters are critical factors of design challenge.



Generative Folly

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Wind Shelter Generative Folly

Site location Section title


Fig.10 The white cliff of Dover, view from observation point

Wind Shelter Generative Folly


Materials and Suppliers List



Image Credits All figures are copyright the author unless noted as follows:

Timber (from B&Q, Canterbury, 01227 865500) MDF 2440x1220mm. 14 sheets Hexagon bolts (from Accu Limited, M8 X 70mm Plain Hexagon Bolts (DIN 931) - 10.9 Hardened Steel Hexagon nuts (from Accu Limited, M8 Hexagon Nuts (DIN 934) - A2 Stainless Steel Timber care liquid - waterproof (from B&Q, Canterbury, 01227 865500) 1 bucket (oak colour)

Figure 02 : Figure 03 : 72cf94fb4cb0.jpg

Wind Shelter Generative Folly


Credits MA Architecture Course Leader: Lucy Jones MA Architecture Design Tutor: Lucy Jones UCA Wood workshop technician: Rob UCA Digital technician: John Joe Brophy

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Generative Folly

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