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Pandemic Highlights the Importance of UCANE Members’ Work
Six months into the COVID-19 Virus pandemic and the nation is still grappling with the effects of social distancing, quarantining, wearing masks, the closing of company offices, and the work-from-home options. While all of these measures are being followed, there is one industry that must continue “business as usual” while following some major safety and health regulations to keep the virus from spreading. The underground clean water and drinking water construction companies, which comprise the UCANE family, are just such companies. While it has been a unique and challenging situation to say the least, it has also highlighted the perseverance and dedication of UCANE members, as well as the essential nature of the work our member company’s perform.
Water, wastewater, and utility infrastructure have been uncertainty, local town meetings from Cape Cod to the critical throughout the pandemic, as people are reBerkshires continue to approve multi-million dollar water quired or encouraged to stay at home. That is why infrastructure projects. Details on two Cape projects, in many projects continued throughout the crisis as the GoverOrleans and in Bourne, can be found in this issue beginnor deemed utility infrastructure projects essential. Not only ning on page 55. And at the federal level, despite the lack does this infrastructure allow people to stay at home, but of agreement on a large scale infrastructure bill, there is access to clean water and utilities is also crucial to the comconsensus that investment in water infrastructure needs panies researching to find treatments and (hopefully soon) to be a part of any future legislation. So, while we do not a vaccine for COVID-19. We often refer to our underground know what effect the COVID-19 virus will have on our infrastructure as “out of sight and out of mind,” but the crisis State and our nation during the upcoming weeks and has emphasized the importance of our industry. months, it is certain that UCANE members will continue
Not only has Massachusetts confirmed that our to do the vital work necessary to keep our citizens safe state’s underground infrastructure is critical and essenand our economy moving forward. tial, but our nations’ citizens have also expressed a very On a separate note, I want to congratulate UCANE similar opinion. members who participated in the 2020 Trench Safety
A recent survey conducted by the U.S. Water AlliStand Down Week (TSSD). Despite the pandemic, there ance done in early March BEFORE the crisis became fullwas a tremendous response as members continue to blown, showed that voters continue to support investing in prioritize employee safety. More information on the 2020 improvements to our water infrastructure. Voters prioritize TSSD can be found on page 23. rebuilding America’s infrastructure over most competing Lastly, on behalf of the UCANE Officers, Board of federal priorities. Three-quarters say that investing in waDirectors, and staff, I would like to once again thank our ter infrastructure is very important and more than four in members for their steadfast support of UCANE and its misfive back a proposal for further federal investments. Votsion during these trying times. Whether it be through magers also continue to express a preference for making inazine advertising or sponsorship in our Golf Tournament, vestments in the short-term rather than deferring them. your unwavering commitment has allowed the important These views cut across all major demographic groups, work of UCANE to continue, and for that we are extremely including partisan lines. grateful. I hope you and your families are having a great
It is also very encouraging that despite the economic summer, and please continue to stay safe and healthy! n