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Safety Corner
Patrick W. Saltmarsh Corporate Safety Director J. Derenzo Companies

“JHA vs. JSA, What Do They Mean?”
Ihave noticed a trend over the past two years, where general contractor Safety Managers and jobsite Superintendents have increased their requests for Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) or in some cases Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for work being performed on the job. Now some of you may debate that these two are interchangeable, similar to “toe-may-toe” while others say “toe-mah-toe,” nonetheless it has become a common request for either one of these before jobsite tasks are to be performed.
Many people believe that a JHA and a JSA are two different names, which mean the exact same thing. Regardless of which title you choose, the main benefit of a JHA/JSA is also its fundamental purpose: to prevent accidents in the workplace. While meeting the safety standards set out by OSHA is a good starting point, the standards do not necessarily address every Taking a few minutes to deliver a quick JSA potential hazard your company and its workers may encounter. And preventing accidents isn’t just good for manner. JHA’s and JSA’s should be viewed as a vital your employees, it is also good for your business. component of working towards improved safe behav
If you are up-to-date on safety trends, and plugged ior and reinforcing your company’s safety programs into your company’s safety programs, then you are and the commitment to performing work safely. aware that JHA’s and JSA’s both address the following: I am of the opinion however, that there is a dif• Selecting the job (task) to be performed ference between a JHA and a JSA. I believe a Job • Breaking the job down into a sequence of steps Hazard Analysis (JHA) should be performed early on, during the estimating stage, with your company’s estimators and project managers, prior to the start• Identifying potential hazards ing of any work. Performing the JHA early will as• Determining preventive measures/controls to sist you and your company in identifying high hazard overcome these hazards work and plans for the necessary controls needed
Training your employees on the standard operatwhile developing your site-specific safety plan. JHA’s ing procedures of your company and how to identify should also be utilized for specialty high hazard, nonthe hazards associated with their work, is a necessary traditional work, when additional safety controls and requirement for any organization. It provides employawareness are required. A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) ees with the knowledge they need to perform their on the other hand, is a guideline tool, utilized to adwork safely and to complete particular tasks in a safe continued on page 54
Safety Corner continued from page 53 dress the smaller, more frequent task, in which you are looking to raise safety awareness and communication of risks between workers and supervisors.
Either way, JHA’s and JSA’s are a great way to deliver safety concerns that outline the “Do’s and Don’ts” when it comes to performing certain tasks. With that in mind, be sure that you do not oversaturate your staff with creating a JSA for each and every task they perform (i.e. removing their lunch box from the bed of the truck) otherwise you will lose their attention each time you ask them to gather around, and dilute the safety
message you are trying to deliver. n

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