1 minute read
1 Clean Water State Revolving Fund CY2023 Intended Use Plan
The Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA) amended the Clean Water Act resulting in important changes to the CWSRF Program that will affect most borrowers. The primary changes to the program are the requirements for borrowers to develop and maintain a Fiscal Sustainability Plan, which is similar to an asset management plan and a certification that the cost and effectiveness of the project has been evaluated and that the project maximizes water efficiency and energy conservation. The body of the IUP discusses these new WRRDA requirements in greater detail.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not yet determined the exact 2016 SRF grant allocations to the states. Based on the overall federal appropriation, MassDEP expects to receive an estimated $44 million federal grant to subsidize the CWSRF program. Under the Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus Appropriations Bill, Congress is requiring that at least 10% of the federal grant be used to fund “green infrastructure”. The 2016 Final IUP lists 16 new “green infrastructure” construction projects. The exact monetary value of the green portion of these projects will be determined when project applications are submitted but are expected to be well in excess of 10% of the federal grant.
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General Contractor

Supplemental Grant
(W) - Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) # - Projects contains Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and/or meets EPA's definition of a Green Project (https://www.epa.gov/greeningepa/energy-and-emissions-epa)


DEP/SRF continued from page 29

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