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$431 Million Offered for Drinking Water SRF in 2023
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is pleased to present the Final Calendar Year 2023 Intended Use Plan (IUP), which lists the projects, borrowers, and amounts that are being offered financing through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) loan program. The DWSRF is a joint federal-state financing program that provides subsidized loans to protect public health by improving water supply infrastructure systems and protect drinking water in the Commonwealth.
Massachusetts is offering approximately $431 million to finance drinking water projects across the
Commonwealth. As noted in Table 1, approximately $311 million is being offered to finance 39 new construction projects, and $69 million towards financing 11 previously approved multiyear projects. An additional $5 million has been allocated to the emergency set-aside account, and $35 million are set-aside to finance new Lead Service Line Replacement projects. An additional $10 million has been set-aside to finance planning projects and PFAS design projects; MassDEP is accepting loan applications for planning projects, PFAS design projects, and LSL replacement projects, on a rolling basis, while funding is available.
Table 1
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund CY2023 Intended Use Plan
DEP/SRF continued from page 33
*- Small System
(BG) - Base Capitalization Grant
(D)- Dropped by A
(EC) - BIL DWSRF Emerging Contaminants Grant

(H)- Housing Choice Communities
(L)- W
(LR) - BIL DWSRF Lead Service Line Replacement Grant

(PF) - Disadvantaged Community
(RE) - Potential Renewable Energy Projects
(SG) - BIL DWSRF Supplemental Grant
(W )- Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
# - Projects contains Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and/or meets EPA's definition of a Green Project (https://www.epa.gov/greeningepa/energy-and-emissions-epa) continued on page 37

DEP/SRF continued from page 35


*- Small System
(BG) - Base Capitalization Grant
(D)- Dropped by Applicant
*- Small System
(EC) - BIL DWSRF Emerging Contaminants Grant
(BG) - Base Capitalization Grant
(H)- Housing Choice Communities
(D)- Dropped by Applicant
(L)- W ater Infrastructure Funding Transfer Act (WIFTA) Projects
(EC) - BIL DWSRF Emerging Contaminants Grant
(LR) - BIL DWSRF Lead Service Line Replacement Grant
(H)- Housing Choice Communities
(PF) - Disadvantaged Community
(L)- W ater Infrastructure Funding Transfer Act (WIFTA) Projects
(RE) - Potential Renewable Energy Projects
(LR) - BIL DWSRF Lead Service Line Replacement Grant
(SG) - BIL DWSRF Supplemental Grant
(PF) - Disadvantaged Community
(W )- Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
(RE) - Potential Renewable Energy Projects
# - Projects contains Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and/or meets EPA's definition of a Green Project (https://www.epa.gov/greeningepa/energy-and-emissions-epa)
(SG) - BIL DWSRF Supplemental Grant
(W )- Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
# - Projects contains Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and/or meets EPA's definition of a Green Project (https://www.epa.gov/greeningepa/energy-and-emissions-epa)

DEP/SRF continued from page 37 continued on page 41