1 minute read
In Memoriam
In MeMorIaM angelo D. “ChICk” PaolInI PaoLini CorP.
UCANE is deeply sad- was the dear brother of Joseph dened to announce J. Paolini of Newton and the late the passing of Angelo Louise and Carolina Paolini. He “Chick” Paolini on October 5 is also survived by many nieces 2020 who, was a lifetime New- and nephews, and was a Veteran ton resident. He was the beloved of the Korean War, U.S. Army. husband of the late Patricia Chick founded Paolini Corp. "Nana Pat" L. (Merrill) Paolini, in 1953. His sons went on to and the devoted father of Louise start their own companies, A.D. Paolini, Angelo "Danny" Paolini and his wife Paolini, LLC (Dan) and Pao Corp. (Joe). Paula, and Joseph T. Paolini. He was also Chick was a highly respected member of the loving grandfather of Crystal, Sharon, UCANE and our industry. Bobby, Joey, Danielle, Alex, Charlene, Chel- The Officers, Board of Directors, Memsea, Angelo, and Aryel, and great-grand- bers, and Staff of UCANE extend their father of Anthony, Ava, Vanessa, Kierra, deepest sympathies and sincerest condoMason, J.T., Braylon, Weston, and Leo. He lences to the entire Paolini Family. n