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P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc. Completes Route 18 “Lateral Slide” for MassDOT

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Readers of Construction Outlook Magazine will recall the September 2020 cover story about MassDOT’s expansive road widening project along Route 18 in Weymouth. The $56 million – 5-year project is being performed by UCANE Member P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc., from Hyde Park, Massachusetts. The project team recently achieved a critical project milestone when they successfully completed replacement of Bridge No. W-32-013 in late July.

MassDOT Route 18 Bridge in Weymouth over MBTA Commuter Rail - 70’ X 365’ Accelerated Bridge Construction by P.Gioioso & Sons, Inc., using a Lateral Slide Method

Looking South along Route 18 Pre Slide – New 70’ x 365’ bridge on left will slide 52’ to the right onto new piers via “Slide” method Looking South on Route 18 Post Slide – Full width bridge was moved 52’ west over a long weekend.

Installing Hydraulic Jacking System under new bridge Background

Bid in June of 2017, the four-mile highway project on Route 18 had many challenges along its length, but by far the most difficult part of the job was always expected to be the replacement of the large bridge that carried 40,000 cars a day over the MBTA Commuter rail. MassDOT had designated the Weymouth bridge to be replaced under the Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) Program. Designers of the project determined that conventional bridge replacement construction methods would result in extended and costly disruption to vehicular traffic, to MBTA commuter trains, and to local commercial and retail business. In order to mitigate construction impacts MassDOT and their design partner, HNTB Corp. (Boston), specified that the new 365’ long x 70’ wide bridge was to first be completely built on temporary new concrete piers to be installed adjacent to the existing bridge. Once the new bridge superstructure was fabricated in-place at this temporary location, all Route 18 traffic would then be diverted onto it. Diverting the traffic would allow the existing bridge to be demolished and new (permanent) piers to be built at that location upon which the new bridge would ultimately rest.

The contract specified that during a long weekend, the massive new bridge would be moved off its temporary piers and relocated 52 feet away to rest upon the permanent piers – essentially in the same alignment and location where the original bridge had stood. The newly fabricated bridge would be moved horizontally using a system of hydraulic jacks that would “slide” the bridge off the temporary piers and onto the permanent piers.

This was certainly an ambitious construction method and only the second “lateral slide” design specified by MassDOT. The first was a portion of the Route 44 crossing over Route 24 in Raynham, completed successfully in 2020. The physical dimensions of Gioioso’s Route 18 bridge, its required 52-feet lateral slide distance, and its weight of six million pounds made this project (by far) the largest lateral slide ever attempted by MassDOT. Since breaking ground in the Fall of 2017 various milestones were met by the contractor and in December of 2020 the traffic on Route 18 was diverted over the new bridge at its fabricated – but temporary – location. Gioioso demolished the old bridge in January, and by June 2021 the new piers were installed – all while working above and around MBTA commuter trains (typically 24 trains per day). The lateral slide was scheduled for July 2021. Setting Up the “Slide” System

The design of the temporary piers and the details of positioning the jacks and the steel beams, plates, Teflon guides, etc. to accomplish the lateral slide were the responsibility of the contractor’s consultant, Stantec (Burlington Office). Mammoet, USA, an international heavy lift expert from Rosharon, Texas, was tapped as subcontractor to supply and operate the unique and powerful hydraulic jacking system that would be required for the work.

Over 300,000 lbs of heavy steel beams were required continued on page 45

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continued from page 43 to support the bridge as it moved between the 15 concrete piers, nine temporary and six permanent. It was an elaborate design of vertical and horizontal fabricated beams, lifted into place, and welded with lateral supports in all directions. The steel beam support system was to be temporary only and would be removed after the slide.

The complicated jacking system would not only have to provide lateral thrust but vertical lift as well. This would require 32 jacks to first carefully lift the new bridge in order to remove the bridge bearings and position steel plates and Teflon glides on the piers and along the temporary steel beam support system. Mammoet also Looking South – Preparing steel beam supports along South provided nine “Pancake” jacks and six Horizon- Abutment in preparation for sliding the 6 million pound bridge tal Jacks with 48-inch throw. Setting up the steel 52 feet into final position beam support system and all the jacks and hydraulic hoses took six weeks of intricate coordination be- vals the Teflon slide shoes had to be reset and lubrication tween Gioioso, Stantec, and Mammoet. By mid-July 2021 added, slowing the operation. everything was in position to attempt the “slide.” After 14 hours of painstaking and precision work by a The “Slide“ Operation 15-person crew, the 52 foot horizontal slide was complete and the bridge was in its permanent location. It was 6 p.m.

The bridge slide weekend commenced at 11 p.m. on on Saturday and cheers went up. But there was still a lotThursday night July 22, 2021 after the final MBTA train left to do and only 34 hours left on the clock.passed through the site. The weekend commuter train schedule was cancelled and ridership diverted via MBTA Restoring Commuter Traffic buses. All traffic (both directions) on Route 18 was de- Although the new bridge was in position, there was toured. Gioioso was charged with getting the new bridge still extensive work to get done before traffic could resume into position, traffic rolling over the new bridge, and trains over or under the bridge. The same Jack Up/Jack Down rolling under the new bridge, by 4 a.m. Monday morning, operation needed to be completed again, this time in reJuly 26 – an ambitious 77 hour window. Mammoet had verse in order to remove all the slide hardware and to retwo 10-man crews and Gioioso had two 12-man crews install the bridge bearings. Crews using five scissors jacks committed to the continuous weekend operation. Each and five manlifts maneuvered around the railroad tracks crew would work 12-hour shifts. for the next 24 hours to dismantle all of the jacks, hydraulic The first order of business was to disconnect the at- hoses, and temporary falsework and cleanup along 200 tachments to Route 18 at both ends of the bridge. Then feet of railroad track. the entire bridge needed to be lifted to remove the bridge While crews worked below the bridge, more crews bearings, install the steel plates, guides, and other hard- and heavy equipment worked on top of the bridge to ware, and then lowered back down onto the steel beam re-connect the bridge to the Route 18 roadway. Twosupport system. With crews working around-the-clock, inch-thick temporary roadway plates installed between the Jack-Up/Jack-Down took 29 hours, using 32 jacks the approach slabs and the bridge, in its new position. positioned perfectly to lift and lower the 6-million-pound Trucks and front-end loaders were busy relocating jersey bridge. By 4 a.m. on Saturday, July 23 the crews were barriers and installing guard rails, curbs, and sidewalks. ready to start the “slide”. Hot mix asphalt was placed on the bridge approaches

The sliding system utilized all the jacks in unison. and sidewalk areas in order to make the new roadway Gioioso hired Leica Geo-Systems to install and operate alignment safe for vehicles and pedestrians. an automated survey system, with multiple instruments to Bridge W32-013 was opened to Route 18 traffic at constantly check for deflection at multiple locations on the 9 p.m. Sunday night – seven hours ahead of schedule. bridge deck and the foundations below. Individual jacks were adjusted accordingly to compensate as needed. A TEAM EFFORT Some Pancake jacks carried as much as 500,000 lbs. According to Joe Gioioso, president of P. Gioioso & each during the slide. Horizontal jacks were moved and Sons, Inc. and also the hands-on project manager for the reset every 48 inches of advancement. At several inter- continued on page 47

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P. Gioioso & Sons, Inc. continued from page 45 entire job, much of the success of the lateral slide operation is credited to choosing great partners back in 2018. “We had worked several prior jobs with Stantec,” said Gioioso. “I had great respect for their capabilities and they didn’t let me down. Peter Moser led the Stantec team and his designs of the temporary support piers, the slide system, and the jacking forces required were all dead-on.” Gioioso added, “Although not familiar with Mammoet, we knew about some of their accomplishments and knew they had a warehouse full of jacking equipment unrivaled in the industry. They were a great choice and worked seamlessly with our crews from the first day on site to get the job done.” Gioioso was high on praise for his own crews as well, and especially his bridge Superintendent, Chris McRae. “Chris has been with the company Pre Slide Looking South – New piers with steel beam support system. Bridge will slide laterally 52 feet east over the MBTA tracks and onto the new piers. for 30 years – that’s longer than me!” mused Joe. “He has run this entire bridge project since day one. For sure things are done right, but at the same time he wants the slide weekend Chris wouldn’t leave the site. He sur- the job to always move forward. Whenever we hit a snag vived on coffee and some short naps in his truck. I can’t over the long weekend, Ed rolled up his sleeves with us to say enough about Chris’s dedication and loyalty.” help get things back on track.”

Chris, in turn, was quick to credit his tradesmen. “Our UCANE congratulates P. Gioioso & guys gave up their entire weekend without a single complaint. It was a hectic and stressful weekend for everyone. Sons, Inc. on their record-breaking I asked a lot from our crews and they all came through.” and successful “lateral slide” for

Chris and Joe also credited MassDOT Resident En- MassDOT. We are proud to count gineer Ed Moschella for his assistance throughout the long weekend. “After four years working with Ed, we know them as members of our Association each other pretty well, “says Chris. “Ed is always making and wish them continued success. n Post Slide Looking South – Bridge resting on the permanent piers.

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