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UCANE’s 9th Annual Trade Show

UCANE’s 9thAnnual Trade Show

Members are Happy to be Back Together Following an 18 Month Absence of in Person Events

Although the majority of UCANE Contractor and Associate members have successfully navigated COVID-19 restrictions over the past 18 months, the pandemic has impacted normal operations for most Trade Associations, and UCANE has been no exception. Getting members together at board meetings, dinner meetings, and special events such as our Annual Banquet, Golf Outings, and our Annual Trade Show is important to an association in order to maintain both familiarity and camaraderie amongst its members. Holding such social and business events has been a challenge, with distancing and masking rules changing monthly and Covid variants continuing to appear, making these gatherings uncomfortable for many.

UCANE has been resourceful throughout this pandemic and board members transitioned to ZOOM for board meetings throughout the last 18 months. The leadership has conducted business, held a few in-person meetings, and the UCANE staff has kept the membership abreast of all news and legislative and agency activity that affects their businesses. One event that our Board of Directors did not want to see postponed again was our Annual Trade Show.

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Trade Show continued from page 57

Executive Director Jeff Mahoney and the UCANE staff followed the Board’s directive and got creative in order to accomplish this year’s 9th Annual Trade Show, which was held on Wednesday, September 22, between the hours of 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. In order to alleviate concerns about social distancing and another COVID variant, the venue this year was held outside instead of indoors. Thanks to Steve Connolly from ATS Equipment, accommodations were arranged at the Irish Cultural Centre in Canton.

Our Trade Show offers an opportunity for us to thank those members and friends who advertise in our monthly publication, since it is their dedicated support that makes it possible to produce our nationally recognized magazine. Construction Outlook’s distribution and message is key in keeping the importance of infrastructure funding in front of our Legislators, City and Town Managers, and DPW Directors across the Commonwealth.

This year close to 40 companies took advantage of UCANE’s offer to provide a table and space where they could advertise their business and promote their products to UCANE members. With the amount of space provided at the Irish Cultural Centre, some Associate members were even able to bring in some heavy equipment for our contractors to try-out. continued on page 59

This year attendees of our Trade Show were treated to a barbecue lunch hot-off-the-grill featuring hamburgers/cheeseburgers, jumbo hot dogs, pulled pork sandwiches, pasta primavera, and more. Fresh baked desserts were also on the menu along with cold drinks and even Guinness on tap thanks to the generosity of ATS Equipment, Inc.

The surprise guests at this year’s event were three former New England Patriots players who attended our Trade Show and socialized with the vendors and the attendees. Former players and Super Bowl Champions Joe Andruzzi, Jarvis Green, and Patrick Pass, (all sponsored by C. N. Wood Company, Inc.) welcomed guests with photo ops and no shortage of conversation. These guys were very outgoing and were even in line to get on some of the heavy equipment. Fortunately, the equipment was unscathed and the big tent remained standing!

Although a beautiful day had been forecasted for a week prior to the event, mother nature decided to throw a brief shower at us, and some of our members had to scramble to get under cover of the large tent that the Irish Cultural Centre provided. But our Associate Members took things in stride and carried on with smiles on their faces.

Trying to promote membership camaraderie while still respecting some social distancing and COVID-19 concerns is not an easy task, but UCANE was not to be deterred. As a first-time event, our 2021 “Outdoor” Trade Show was a fun event and a success. Many of the attendees and vendors were very happy to renew acquaintances and to have an in-person event after 18 months of on and off COVID restrictions.

We once again want to sincerely thank our dedicated Associate Members who participated in our Trade Show and the contractors who supported them at this long overdue event. Our plan is to hold our 10th Annual Forecast Meeting and Trade Show in March, 2022 with our guest speakers, MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg, MWRA Executive Director Fred Laskey, and Boston Water & Sewer Commission Chief Engineer John Sullivan, all in attendance to give our members the forecast of jobs coming out to bid next Spring! continued on page 60

Thank You to All of Our Trade Show Participants

ATS EquipmEnT, inc. AmEricAn Shoring inc. B2W SofTWArE, inc. cEnTinEl finAnciAl group, llc concrETE SySTEmS, inc. corE & mAin DArmoDy, mErlino & co., llp

DESAncTiS inSurAncE AgEncy, inc. JAck DohEny compAny EJ

EASTErn STATES inSurAncE AgEncy, inc. fErguSon WATErWorkS gorillA hyDrAulic BrEAkErS iDEAl concrETE Block inDuSTriAl SAfETy & rEScuE loruSSo hEAvy EquipmEnT, llc milTon cAT monroE TrAcTor nSi conTrAcTing, inc. nATionAl TrEnch SAfETy norTh EAST Shoring EquipmEnT, llc norThlAnD JcB/AlTA Equip. compAny ocEAn STATE oil pErmA-pATch, llc piTTBoS, llc E. J. prEScoTT, inc.

rAin for rEnT – nEW EnglAnD riTchiE BroThErS AucTionEErS ScrAp-iT, inc./minichiEllo BroS., inc. ShEA concrETE proDucTS, inc. STArkWEAThEr & ShEplEy inS. BrokErAgE, inc. TAylor oil compAny TEnnA llc Tonry inSurAncE group, inc. uniTED concrETE proDucTS, inc. c. n. WooD compAny, inc.

WooDco mAchinEry, inc.

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