MARCH 12, 2014 Volume 107 — Issue 8 4 TODAY’S FORECAST CONWAY
Campus Life:
Harsh punishment for hazing shows commitment
Author dresses up as historical Arkansas figure during book signing 4 page 4
4 page 3
Russ Pennell introduced as new men’s coach 4 page 7
Student charged with second-degree felony battery, hazing
Partly Cloudy
Four members involved with incident arrested, face four misdemeanor counts each; Kappa Alpha Psi on university cease order by Austin DuVall News Editor
Students represent STEM at Capitol Students displayed 50 posters about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research from 10 a.m.- noon at the Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda in Little Rock. Stephen Addison, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics interim dean, managed the event. Students showed their work to state lawmakers, high school students, and media who attended.
‘Piano Puzzler’ Bruce Adolphe to visit campus Composer Bruce Adolphe will visit UCA as an Artist in Residence on March 19-21. Adolphe is holding an open rehearsal 4 - 5 p.m. March 19 for faculty and students at the Snow Fines Arts Recital Hall. A lecture demonstration and meet and greet is scheduled at 1:40 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. March 20 in the Snow Fines Arts Center. A free public concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. March 20 in Snow Fine Arts Recital Hall.
Sara Sharos awarded at Theatre Festival Theater major Sara Sharos earned the Society of Properties, Artisans and Managers Award. The award recognized her work in properties design for UCA production, “A Lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur”, which was shown at the Region VI Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in Shreveport, La. “Caucasian Chalk Circle” was also honored by being asked to perform the final scene.
International club hosts Honduras event UCA’s International Students Club will hold a Hondurasthemed spring cultural event. The event will be held at 5:30 p.m. March 13 in the Student Center Ballroom. It will feature tasting, souvenir seeing and cultural merchants. The event is recommended for anyone who is curious about the Central American culture and wants to experience Hondurean life.
Online at
University takes precautions when severe winter weather hits
Student Isaiah Christopher Ozuna, 22, was arrested March 6 and charged with seconddegree felony battery, as well as four counts of misdemeanor h a z i n g concerning an alleged fraternity i n c i d e n t Isaiah Ozuna involving the Iota Gamma chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi. UCAPD filed affidavits March 7 calling for the arrest of four of the individuals involved, who have since been arrested. Each has been charged with four counts of misdemeanor hazing. The men charged were: Blake Battles, 20, of Conway; Deven J. Dyer, 21, of Jacksonville; Kevin M. Nguyen, 20, of Maumelle; and
Rico D. Spears, 21, of Conway. Each is a member of the fraternity. Ozuna declined to comment on his arrest or the charges against him, as did Iota Gamma chapter president Charles Carter. According to the affidavit, the alleged incident occurred late March 4 into the following morning at a residence located on Krystal Kreek Drive in Conway. The police report lists four victims, but their names have been redacted. UCAPD Project Manager Arch Jones said the department fears that releasing the victim’s names could potentially compromise the ongoing investigation. Officers made contact with the original victim March 5. He said he was struck with a paddle numerous times, slapped in the face and made to kneel on uncooked rice while being pelted with raw eggs. The victim said he felt like he was bruised on his back side.
by Laura Landers Assistant News Editor
UCA will release Degree Works, the new program featuring several options that allow students to closely follow their degree, March 17. Degree Works will be accessible to all undergraduate students. Students can access Degree Works through MyUCA, by clicking on “Student and Financial Aid” and clicking “Records”. Degree Works project manager Jane Andis said, “It’s like a road map and if [students] follow this, [they] can graduate from this university.” Students can access Degree Works On the program, students will find their GPA, any academic advising holds and a list of all degree requirements for a particular major or minor. On the top of the page is a progress bar that shows students what percent of their degree they have
Strong-arm robbery reported on campus
completed thus far. “There really is a big need for this [program]. It has all the information [students] need,” Andis said. For the first time, students will be able to view their major and minor GPAs, as well as view the class catalog and plan upcoming semesters directly from the program. Students can also email their advisers through Degree Works and write notes within the program. Andis said the program is partially designed to help students stay away from classes they don’t need. Another feature included in Degree Works is the calculator and “What if” audit. The calculator can estimate a student’s prospective GPA for the semester as well as by graduation. The “What if” audit will allow students to hypothetically change their major and see what classes they would need to take in order
3 4
According to the affidavit, the victim said he was paddled four times by Ozuna because Ozuna was pissed off at him “for not going to set on the previous Thursday because he had to go to work, for going to the Ms. Esquire pageant, and because his shoes didn’t match the others.” The victim also said Ozuna was mad at him for getting in a verbal altercation with another member. After the paddling, the victim said he was made to kneel on uncooked rice and had raw eggs thrown at him. He was paddled a few more times, but was then made to get in the “plank position” and slapped in the face twice. The victim said after being slapped, the Conway Police Department arrived about a noise complaint. The hazing ended and all of the line brothers were allowed to leave. The victim also stated that during the interest meeting, they were told victims of hazing who reported it could be punished by
to graduate. “Instead of having to sit down with their adviser, students can come on here any time and see what the change would look like,” Andis said. The Degree Works program is offered at only two universities in Arkansas: UCA and Arkansas State University – Jonesboro. Assistant Academic Advising Director Jenny Ruud said, “We are really excited about this. It is so much better than anything we had prior to this.” Upperclassmen in the old general education program have the option to change to the new UCA Core program as part of general education changes. Degree Works allows students to can look at what their class requirements would look like before making the decision to switch.
by Brandon Riddle Editor
KATV Channel 7 anchor Christina Madsen, a familiar face for many Arkansans, will soon be a prominent university relations figure on UCA’s campus. Madsen was hired Feb. 27 as the u n i v e r s i t y ’s Christina Madsen associate vice president for communications, public relations and marketing. Madsen will report to Executive Assistant to the President Gilbert Baker for her responsibilities that include “planning, development and implementation of all of the media and marketing strategies,
See Degree - page 2
5 6 7
marketing communications, and public relations activities, both external and internal for the University of Central Arkansas.” She is known on air by her maiden name, Munoz, and has been at the Little Rock ABC affiliate since April 2003. The press release announcing her hire made no mention of which news station she anchored, only stating that she worked for an Emmy awardwinning newscast at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. Madsen will make $125,000 annually and her salary is funded through salary savings in the President’s office as a result of unfilled positions. Baker said Madsen is likely to start working at UCA in mid-March. He added that the university would like Madsen
See Hire - page 2 COURT
Gillean trial begins; key witness testifies by Brandon Riddle Editor
News Editor
4Campus Life 4Entertainment 4Sports
See Hazing - page 2
KATV anchor hire to relations job initiates communications changes
by Austin DuVall UCAPD received a 911 call at approximately 1:44 a.m. reporting a strong-arm robbery between Bruce Street and Stadium Park apartments. UCAPD notified the campus community via a crime alert. The victim, a student, told officers no weapon was used, but he was physically attacked by the suspects. The suspects are three black males. UCAPD Project Manager Arch Jones said March 10 that there are no new updates regarding the incident and that the inviestigation is ongoing. Jones said the department has increased patrols in that specific area. Those with any information about the incident are encouraged to contact UCAPD immediately at (501) 450-3111.
“Kappa law.” Reports collected from the other victims confirmed the story to varying degrees. According to the affidavits filed against the four additional members, officers returned to talk with the original victim March 6 concerning their involvement. The victim was shown pictures of the individuals, whom he identified by name. “This is Blake, this is Deven, this is Kevin, and this is Rico,” the victim said, adding that none of the four members hit him, but were there when the incident occurred. The victim was then asked to write the members’ names beside their respective photograph, which he did. The victim explained again that the meetings were called “set” and that Battles, Dyer and Nguyen were at every “set”. Spears
Degree Works program helps stay on academic path
Former UCA Chief of Staff Jack Gillean, 57, is on trial this week, facing six commercial burglary counts, one felony count of fraudulent i n s u r a n c e acts and one misdemeanor count of issuing a false financial Jack Gillean statement. His trial in Van Buren County Circuit Court in Clinton began Monday with former student Cameron Stark testifying that he gained access to keys from Gillean after the two became close friends in 2010. In court, Stark said he frequently went to Gillean’s apartment and drank with the former UCA employee, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Stark was the second witness called on during the trial’s first day photo courtesy of Kimberlyn Fitts
Freshman Spencer Reeves relaxes between trees inside of a hammock behind Harding Plaza on March 10. After last week’s ice storm, many students took advantage of the returning sunshine.
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Officers inspected the victim, discovering whelps and redand-purple discoloration on the victim’s buttocks. “I shouldn’t have been done this way,” the victim said. “They should get what is coming to them.” The victim, who police noticed had difficulty walking from the hazing, said he and his pledge brothers were called by Ozuna late March 4 to come to the “set house”, the residence on Krystal Kreek Drive. The victim described the address as the “place where you get paddled.” Ozuna is the current “dean of pledges”, according to the victim’s statement. After receiving the call, the victim said he and the other pledges were told Ozuna was “pissed off” and wanted them to be “set immediately.” Once there, Ozuna told the victim to “get in the cut”, which implies the position to be paddled in.
Index: 4 Police Beat 4 Opinion 4 Around Campus
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See Gillean - page 2
Adopting better lifestyle @ucaecho
The Echo
© 2014 The Echo, Printed by the Log Cabin Democrat, Conway, Ark.
Students should focus on being healthy with exercise, good diet
page 7
2/ March 12, 2014
Police Beat
The following reports and arrests are from the UCAPD docket. UCAPD reports any tickets issued as arrests, according to
Five shots fired near Erbach apartments, Conway Police leading investigation At approximately 10:43 p.m. March 8, UCAPD heard five gunshots near Erbach apartments. UCAPD Project Manager Arch Jones said one of the officers heard the shots, but thought it was coming from off campus. “There is an ongoing investigation happening at this time, but no updates have been reported,” Jones said. According to the official report, an officer heard two original shots followed by three rapid-fire shots. The officer quickly performed a sweep of the south side of the apartment complex to ensure no one had been shot and that no property had been damaged. He finished the sweep and arrived at Baridon Street, coming across a man walking toward the patrol car from Torreyson Avenue. The man, later identified as Stephen Ardeneaux, said he saw a white car leave the area of the shooting and head west on Erbach Street. The officer saw a white car traveling west toward
Donaghey Avenue as he was completing the sweep of Erbach Apartments. UCAPD found broken glass and a car jack near the eastbound lane of Erbach Street, just past Baridon Street. The officer then made contact with two women who said it was a white car and silver car shooting. At that point, the white car came back, prompting the officer to run toward the vehicle after the two female witnesses identified it as the car involved. Gary Walker, Christopher Holmes, Quince Shannon, Deanna Ester and Orenthal Walker II, the five people inside the car, jumped out. The officer raised his pistol at them, ordering the individuals to show their hands and get on the ground. The individuals were frisked, but no firearm was found. Shell casings were later found alongside the eastbound lane of Erbach Street. Later investigation concluded that the five people in the white car had been the ones shot at by suspects driving a late model gold Nissan Maxima with no license plate. No further action was taken by UCAPD. Jones said the case was been handed over to the Conway Police Department.
Battles, Spears deny involvement in reported incident,
according to affidavits
4 Continued from page 1 had only been to one previeous meeting, he said. He added that Dyer and Nguyen left when Conway PD arrived at the house, but Spears asked him if he was okay. The victim said Spears did not do anything to stop the hazing. The victim also wrote that the four members did not touch him. According to the affidavit, Battles and Spears were contacted by police after the victim’s statement. Battles wrote a statement saying he and Dyer were playing video games at the time of the incident. Spears told officers he was with a girl and was not present at all. According to an article published in The Log Cabin Democrat, UCA spokeswoman Fredricka Sharkey announced that the fraternity has been suspended, adding that the university will investigate the incident and decide later if the group will be allowed back on campus. The university has ordered all of the fraternity’s activity to cease until the investigation is complete. Sharkey said March 10 that Dean of Students Gary Roberts looked into the fraternity’s records collected over an extensive period of time and that
he found no instance of reported hazing. Roberts, Fraternity Life Director Scott Isenga and National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Adviser Wendy Holbrook referred all questions to Sharkey. UCA Greeks held a Greek Convocation on Sept. 9 which required 80 percent of each Greek organization to be in attendence. The event focused on the dangers of hazing. The Iota Gamma chapter participated in the convocation and attend the NPHC Spring 2013 retreat, Sharkey said. Tish Norman, the guest speaker from Campusspeak, focused her presentation at the retreat on anthazing. Resulting from a joint effort from UCAPD, Student Services and Wellness and Development, a Hazing Prevention Awareness Walk was held Sep. 26 last semester where approximately 200 students participated. The event was related to National Campus Safety Awareness Month. That night, the documentary “Haze” was shown in the College of Business. About 65 students attended. Jones provided the records for that day. The UCA Student Handbook states that hazing, or participation in hazing, is an offense subject to
disciplinary action. According to the handbook, “hazing is defined as any intentional action taken or situation created, whether on or off univeristy property, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.” The policy then lists several activities that fall under the definition of hazing, though these activities are not limited to the definition. The handbook also states “no fraternity or sorority shall employ a program of education which includes hazing.” Kappa Alpha Psi’s Membership Intake Policy Statement, found on the organization’s national website, states the goal of the fraternity as a whole is to make sure all members who participate or initiate hazing are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the “fraternity, college and criminal law.” The policy also states that “the Fraternity’s anti-hazing ban is a fundamental precept not to be waived or dishonored by any individual or group of individuals.” Hazing was deemed illegal in any form upon the fraternity’s founding in 1949.
Graduate student program being designed; summer
release expected
4 Continued from page 1 Faculty members, residential college mentors and students assisting in the tutoring center receive training on how to operate Degree Works. When the program is released, Andis said she hopes to hold training sessions for
students who wish to learn more about the program. While Degree Works is only available for undergraduates, there is a graduate student program under development. It is set for release this summer.
A student should contact the Help Desk if they encounter a login problem. If the student has problems with their program requirements, they should see their advisor or department chair for assistance.
Defense attorney Tim Dudley concerned defendant’s sexual orientation will be used to negatively impact trial 4 Continued from page 1 of testimony. He described his experience passing Lewis Science Center while driving around campus during a snow day. In his testimony, Stark said the two stopped at Lewis Science Center and Gillean opened cell biology professor Bhupinder Vorha’s office. While in the office, Stark said he found an upcoming exam on Vorha’s computer. He printed it and asked for the keys on multiple occasions following the initial incident. Tim Dudley, Gillean’s defense attorney, told jurors that Stark knew where Gillean kept the master keys in his apartment and said Stark took the keys without Gillean’s knowledge or permission. “[Stark] made a deal,” Dudley said in court. “He basically told the police if you don’t charge me, if you leave me alone, I’ll give you Jack Gillean… And the police bought his story.” UCAPD Lt. Preston Grumbles found Gillean’s “grand master” key in Stark’s pocket. When asked by police where he got keys, Stark said, “Jack [Gillean] game them to me.” Stark said he used the keys about 20 times to steal tests from UCA science and history professors’ offices. He has immunity from prosecution as a result of his cooperation in the
case. Student James Santiago and former students Jared Santiago and Stephanie Paladino were also granted immunity. Other top UCA administrators have been subpoenaed in the case, including President Tom Courtway, UCAPD Chief Larry James, Transfer Services Director Jeff Pitchford and Physical Plant Director Larry Lawrence. Gillean resigned from his chief of staff position June 15, 2012 after Courtway questioned him about a lost “grand master” key. His resignation was a week after UCAPD discovered that Stark broke into the financial aid office and stole four prescription pills from Andrew Linn, assistant director of scholarships. According to the DemocratGazette, Dudley told potential jurors his largest concern was that Gillean would be convicted “because of his sexual orientation” instead of solely focusing on the charges. The prosecution said in a March 7 written response to Gillean’s attorneys, “The State has no intention of making the Defendant’s sexual orientation an issue in this case. However, the State does intend on introducing evidence of a sexual relationship between the Defendant and Ryan Scott. The distinction
between homosexual and heterosexual relationships is of no consequence. The relevance lies in the existence of an intimate relationship between the Defendant and Mr. Scott.” Scott was subpoenaed in the case. He and Gillean lived together. Deputy Prosecutor Troy Braswell said during the March 7 jury selection process that there is evidence to suggest the two engaged in an intimate relationship. He added that Scott “saw and heard evidence which is critical to the State’s case” during this time. Jury selection was rescheduled as a result of winter weather earlier in the week that made roads hazardous in Clinton. After potential jurors were asked about their religious views on homosexuality, several raised their hands. According to the Democrat-Gazette, an older man discussed “God’s law” relating to homosexuality and was among those in the jury pool excused. Seven men, five women and two alternates, a man and a woman, are on the jury. Court recessed early Monday for lunch after a waterline problem cut off water to the courthouse, according to the Democrat-Gazette. The Echo will have a full report on Gillean’s trial in next week’s issue.
photo courtesy of UCA’s Student Government Association
Senior Blake Brizzolara, Student Government Association legislative affairs committee chair, speaks to a crowd of students and legislators on the importance of increased funding for higher education March 6 at the Capitol.
Senators discuss university funding with state legislators by Laura Landers Assistant News Editor
Representatives from Student Government Associations across the state met at 9 a.m. March 6 at the Capitol Rotunda to discuss the need for funding in higher education and the preservation of the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship. The event was the first of its kind in the state and proved successful, with representatives from five universities in attendance. Sophomore representative Stephanie Daigle said, “the SGAs that attended represented thousands of students across the state, making their voices heard to our state legislature.” Represented universities include UCA, University of Arkansas - Fayetteville, Arkansas State University - Jonesboro, University of Arkansas – Little Rock, and Harding University. UCA SGA passed a resolution that expressed an
interest in maintaining “the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship at its current amount with attempts to restore the scholarship to previous amounts,” Daigle said. The representatives gave the resolution to the Arkansas House of Represenatives for review. Representatives from each university present spoke at the event about higher education funding as well as the Academic Challenge Scholarship greatly affects their university’s students. Director of Higher Education Shane Broadway spoke at the event in support of their efforts to increase funding. Ultimately, SGA hopes to form an association known as the Arkansas Students Association, which would be formed from representatives of each university that could meet several times throughout the year to discuss important events that affect all campuses. Senior Representative Blake Brizzolara said, “a good example of this would have been the concealed carry law that was discussed last year.”
SGA senators hope to watch this event grow more in the future. Brizzolara said there was a genuine interest in people attending the event next year and it was really positive to see that kind of support. “Next year will be an important year because it is going to be a legislative session in Arkansas,” Brizzolara said, “It will be an important year to host an event like this one because they can actually write bills that can change the Academic Challenge Scholarship.” Brizzolara said he hopes every four-year university and even two-year universities can take part in the event in the future. Other topics discussed in the meeting include an update on Operation Safe Walk 2013 that UCA Project Manager Arch Jones presented, updates on the “Big Event” that will be April 11-12, and a presentation about COSGA, the Committee on Student Government Associations event that was attended by SGA representatives.
Executive Assistant to the President Gilbert Baker says Madsen will likely begin work mid-March 4 Continued from page 1 to start in her new position by March 17, but said she is working with KATV to select her last day at the broadcast station. The press release does not provide specifics on when she will begin her work at UCA, but does state that Madsen, her husband and children will “transition” to Conway this spring. “My career has given me the opportunity to tell stories to Arkansans for more than a decade,” Madsen said in the press release. “That experience was an opportunity that I will cherish forever.” Her work in broadcast began in Minnesota, where she received a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities. During her career, Madsen has been a reporter, fill-in anchor and anchor on KDLH Channel 3 News in Duluth, Minn. and KATV. Prior to her on-air jobs, she worked off camera at Minneapolis, Minn. CBS affiliate WCCO. Madsen cites her family as one reason she found the move to Conway enticing. Her two daughters, Sydney and Reagan, were born in 2008 and 2011, respectively. “I am so excited about this new chapter in my life and so thankful for the opportunity to join UCA,” Madsen said in the press release. “This position will allow me to fulfill my role as a mother to my two daughters while still providing
for my family.” Apart from her work in communications, Madsen is a member of the Arkansas Climbers Coalition and an honorary League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) board member. The job listing for Madsen’s position states that she will act as the UCA spokesperson, provide advice to internal sectors on university matters and develop a comprehensive social media campaign. Five advisory search committee members were part of the process for choosing Madsen. Members were Conway dentist James Flanagin III, True Holiness Church pastor Cornell Maltbia, UCA history professor Don Jones, UCA Public Appearances Director Amanda Horton and UCA Athletics Director Brad Teague. While former Vice President of University and Government Relations Jeff Pitchford held similar job duties representing UCA, Baker said Madsen’s new position is not an “apples to apples” comparison. Pitchford was set at a $103,000 salary in his previous media relations position, according to the UCA 2013-2014 operating budget. He now works on campus as director of transfer services. “Jeff’s full responsibilities, some of those have fallen to me at this time and some of those responsibilities will fall to Christina,” Baker said. Madsen’s UCA position is part of a broad communications restructuring at the university that President Tom Courtway outlined in his “Framework for the Future.”
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UCA is seeking to fill three vacant positions in writing, graphic design and videography as the next phase. While the positions were previously in place, Baker said job duties are not certain at this time. The full-time writer/editor will report to Madsen. Applications will be accepted until March 26. Salary will be determined on a competitive basis depending on experience and education. “The successful candidate will plan, research, write, edit, and proofread a variety of university publications for both internal and external audiences,” the online job listing states. Baker said the restructuring’s first step was to hire Madsen, followed by filling vacant openings such as the writer position. “We felt that the top priority was to hire a full-time writing position who would help with UCA Magazine, with everything from communications across campus,” he said. The “Framework” document states that centralization of university communications will be finished by summer 2014. Baker said he hopes consolidation and streamlining of campus communications will have a “more official dissemination” by mid-April, with new hires being announced to fill the three vacancies. “I can’t say when we’ll completely be finished, but I think with the [associate vice president] position, going out with the writing position… we’re well on the way,” he said.
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March 21, 2014 BuffAlo Alumni HAll For more info, call 501-852-7463 or email
The Voice
March 12, 2014
Fraternity hazing arrests show university rejects violent initiation rituals
Students should focus on being healthy with exercise, good diet
The Echo Staff
The “freshman 15” is a real problem encountered by first-year students. When college students leave their parents’ houses and begin feeding themselves, they often find they don’t know how to sustain healthy, nutritious diets. Food on campus runs the gambit from healthy to unhealthy. When students eat at the cafeteria, there is no parent telling them to stop eating cereal every morning and pizza every afternoon and evening. Students’ diets are their own responsibilities. Eating healthy is as simple as choosing healthy foods instead of junk food, but this isn’t easy. Temptation is everywhere and students have to make the conscious decision to go for a salad and water with their meals instead of pizza and a soft drink. A healthy diet increases students’ health and energy level astronomically. It’s not always an easy thing to do, but it is worth it when you are healthy several years down the line. Another part of a healthy lifestyle students struggle with is exercise. It is often incredibly difficult to gather enough energy to go to the gym, but being fit will make students feel better about themselves, besides all the obvious benefits of exercise.
Brandon Riddle Editor
Logan Miller Online Editor
Brittany Harris
Associate Online Editor
Brad Smith Opinion Editor
Austin DuVall News Editor
Laura Landers
Assistant News Editor
Misti Hollenbaugh Campus Life Editor
Ashley Thomas
Assistant Campus Life Editor
Andy Robertson Sports Editor
Many people hate going to the gym because they feel self-conscious or like they will be made fun of, but not everyone who goes to the gym can be in perfect shape immediately. Everyone has to start at a lower level of fitness to work themselves up to a better state of fitness. Do exercises you enjoy. Unenjoyable exercise leads to excuses to skip the gym. If cardio is fun, do that. An obsession with protein shakes and creatine is not required to be healthy. A gym is also not required. Many people don’t want to pay to do by Brad things they can do outside Smith for free. There are plenty Opinion Editor of exercises to do outside a gym. Running, biking and even calisthenics such as push-ups can be done safely outside. A good workout is an enjoyable one that makes students feel healthy while staying safe and free of injuries. Always be sure to learn proper technique for exercises. This will save a lot of pain and injury over decades of exercise. Avoiding unhealthy weight gain is simple, but not easy. All it takes is putting aside a little time to exercise and avoiding eating too much unhealthy food, but students must find their own tools to help them stay healthy and keep the extra weight off.
Cadet overcomes difficulties, matures during storied college career
Mason Addison
Assistant Sports Editor
Tyler Riley
Entertainment Editor
Jared Holt Photo Editor
Stacee Gallina Editorial Cartoonist
Got Letters? Comments or complaints about content of The Echo or in reference to anything on campus should be registered with the newspaper by letters or e-mail to the editors. All letters must be limited to 300 words and include the author’s name and phone number. All letters may be published unless they are marked private. Letters may be edited for style, clarity and length. Editorials written in The Voice express the opinion of the newspaper and the editorial staff. Individual staff opinions are expressed in individual columns.
The Echo office is located in Stanley Russ Hall 124 Newsroom: 501-450-3446 David Keith, Adviser
Advertising Advertising: 499-9UCA (822) Spencer Griffin, Business Manager
Muhammad Ali once said “Champions are made from something they have deep inside them. A desire, a dream and a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skills and the will, but the will must be stronger than the skill.” According to a 2010 article, a 50-state report by the Schott Foundation for Public Education revealed that only 47 percent of black male students graduated high school nationwide, and even fewer made it to college. The same organization released a report stating that while more than half of the young black men who graduated high school in 2010 earned their college diplomas in four years, it would still take nearly 50 years for black men to graduate at the same rate as their white male counterparts. “For many black men, talent and high school success are not the only things they need to succeed when they attend a predominantly white university. The third factor is grit,” Terrell Strayhorn, associate education studies professor professor at Ohio State University, said. “Grit” is a dedication to pursuing and achieving a goal, whatever the obstacles and failures along the way. “The ability to persevere in the face of obstacles is a key to college success for black men,” Strayhorn said. A man once told me, “You are a parachute holding the battalion back, Worsham.” When you show signs of distress, it is an attitude. When you are fatigued from three hour nights, PT sessions, weekend flights for the international level of your fraternity, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps senior-level events and handling your most important priorities your last semester of school, they say they fear for you when you commission. The hardest part of the transition from college to the work force are the trials and tribulations faced up to this point. Imagine balancing little and promised income agreed through a contract in return for your obligations. Balancing limited means or resources is difficult when you want to attempt 100 perent but you can only give 40 percent. The biggest war you face is the war with yourself, wanting to reach your fullest potential every day but only struggling. I could be a lot of places, but college is where I reside. Exceeding most of my peers, I manage the district level of Omega Psi Phi fraternity, which is one of the most influential African American fraternities. I am the top undergraduate leadership of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Oklahoma, and a
Have an opinion?
candidate for the position of International 2nd VicePresident, held by former undergraduates such as Rev. Jessie Jackson. I have overcome being raised in Stuttgart, Arkansas, where most of my friends were gang members who were raised in poverty, or children of single-mother households. This has given me an appreciation of my blessings, because I too have endured. It is hard to balance accepting your past and preparing for your future. You can appreciate those who uplift you and your own deficiencies while realizing you are not like your peers. According to a report by the Sentencing Project, a Washington, D.C.-based group that advocates for prison reform, one in every three black men born today can expect to go to prison at some point in their lives. “The reasons for this discrepancy are widely debated, but the report discourages readers from blaming either the higher-than-average crime rate among blacks and Latinos in the U.S. or the presence of deliberate racism in the criminal justice system,” Huffington Post staff writer Saki Knafo said. by Malcolm Knafo also said “Blacks Worsham are also far more likely than Staff Writer whites to be stopped by the police while driving. The Sentencing Project report largely attributes the racial disparities in both traffic and drug arrests to ‘implicit racial bias’ on the part of the police.” Last week, Isaiah Christopher Ozuna, 22, of Conway was charged Thursday in Faulkner County Circuit Court with felony second-degree battery, and four counts of misdemeanor hazing. Ozuna is a good friend and colleague of mine and we were rivals in every Recognized Student Organization, helping each other develop leadership and teamwork. The adversity an African American man can face in just a short amount of time can change your life, while you still compete with your peers to graduate from a predominantly white university. A year ago, I was reinstated into the ROTC, after losing a scholarship due to a knee injury. I faced adversity coming back and exceeding my peers with a PT score average of 275, surviving Leadership Development Assessment Course (LDAC) and still maintaining a 2.95 GPA, not to mention being named Who’s Who among American College Students. They may never understand my story but I know the odds I have faced. In order to be a champion, you have to have last-minute stamina, you have to be a little faster and you have to have the skills and the will; but the will must be stronger than the skill.
Everyone does.
Write a letter to the editor at Letters to the editor don’t just have to be about Echo content. If you’ve noticed something on campus that’s positive or negative, we want to hear about it.
The recent hazing arrests are not the first time UCA has had problems with hazing and most likely won’t be the last. However, every instance of hazing at UCA should be punished harshly to dissuade others from doing the same. Within the past week, five Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity members were arrested in connection with a hazing incident that required the pledge member to receive medical attention. Several UCA organizations have been busted for hazing in the past. Last April, the UCA Cheerleading squad was caught hazing one of its younger members by chaining her to a pole in near-freezing conditions. When this was discovered, the perpetrators were taken to the police station and handed over to their faculty adviser. No legal action was taken, but disciplinary action was supposedly pursued. Because this was handled internally, the girls’ names were not released. Hopefully the university has learned its lesson and will treat all future hazing incidents as harshly as it did this one. Dangerous and cruel hazing rituals deserve harsh punishment. UCA should continue to treat abuse of pledge members as the crimes they are. Most UCA organizations have followed the anti-hazing policies. Several fraternities take the policy very seriously and teach all members about the policies in an attempt to set a good example for future pledge classes. However, according to a story on, some students believe hazing is still just another part of the fraternity initiation process. Hazing looks fun and normal in college movies, but in real life it is dangerous. In extreme cases, fraternity pledges have died. Last December, fraternity members killed a pledge member in a hazing ritual in Pennsylvania. Another incident in Russellville in 2012 left a student in a medically induced coma for six days with severe liver damage. Hazing is a potentially deadly act and every time a fraternity is busted for it at UCA, the entire university suffers. Some students are attracted to the violent aspects of fraternity life popularized by television and film, but these are not the people the campus needs representing it. The university should continue to treat all hazing incidents as crimes, but it is not the best defense against a culture of hazing. Members of student organizations that have hazing issues should speak out against it. Understandably, most students have reservations about turning over fellow organization members to authorities. However, there are several levels of authority who can deal with these incidents before they become criminal. Group leaders, such as fraternity presidents, older team members, coaches or even faculty advisors should all be consulted on hazing problems before they get out of hand. Traditions are important for organizations with storied histories. College fraternities have existed for a long time and have as many traditions as any type of campus organization. However, not all traditions should continue. Dangerous traditions such as hazing should be left in the past and have no business being part of UCA’s future.
The Echo is printed weekly at the Log Cabin Democrat in Conway, Ark. Decisions about content are made by the student editors. The views published are not necessarily those of the University of Central Arkansas. All material is subject to respective copyrights.
The university should continue to treat all hazing incidents as crimes, but it is not the best defense against a culture of hazing.
Campus Life
March 12, 2014
Around Campus: Leadership session The Center for Leadership Development will host an interactive “Ethics & Leadership” session from 5-6 today in Student Center 223.
Vagina monologues UCA’s Feminist Union will present the Vagina Monologues at 7 p.m. March 12-14 in Burdick Hall 205. Tickets will be sold in the Student Center and at the door for $5. Proceeds will go to the Conway Women’s Shelter and the Eve Ensler Foundation.
License plate Student Activities Board will host a “Make Your Own License Plate” event at 11 a.m. March 13 in the Student Center Lounge 103. The event is free and students are limited to one license plate each.
Official rings Rings can be ordered in the Student Center lobby from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. March 13. Students who have completed 60 credit hours are eligible to order an official ring. For more information, contact UCA Alumni Services at (501) 852-7463.
Comedian The Office of Diversity and Community, Pride, Raising awareness, Involvement, Support, and Mentoring (PRISM) Alliance and SGA present “Comedy and Education with Alison Grillo” as part of Women’s History Month at 6 p.m. March 13 in Ida Waldran Auditorium.
Children’s concert The Conway Symphony Orchestra will present its annual children’s concert “Peter and the Wolf” at 2 p.m. March 15 in Reynolds Performance Hall.
Safe Spring Break Safe Spring Break events will be held March 17-20 around campus. For complete details, go to Orgsync Events Calendar.
‘Hattie’ appears on campus for first time in 80 years by Julia Kramer Staff Writer
Writer Nancy Hendricks appeared in the same building her historical character once did, portraying former U.S. Sen. Hattie Caraway in character, when she spoke March 7 in the McAlister Hall Mirror Room. Archive Director Jimmy Bryant said Hendricks did an outstanding job of portraying Sen. Caraway and touched on many important issues of the time. “She was able to blend in historical facts about an extraordinary woman and also made her presentation very entertaining,” he said. After the presentation, Hendricks held a book signing, “Senator Hattie Caraway: An Arkansas Legacy.” Caraway, an Arkansas native and the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate, has been the focus of Hendricks’ studies for years. “Hattie” returned to the McAlister Hall Mirror Room after more than 80 years. Caraway gave a speech in McAlister Hall — the same location where Hendricks gave her book signing — on May 24,1934, as a dedication to the then new building. McAlister Hall was intended to be a women’s dorm on campus. “Some of us wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for Hattie
Caraway,” Hendricks said. While she told a story about her parents meeting thanks to Caraway, Hendricks also pointed out the massive impact Caraway had on education both then and now. Bryant said Senator Caraway was a true friend to UCA, especially during the Great Depression. “On many occasions [she] helped President [Heber] McAlister cut through the red tape to get the PWA funds he needed to construct buildings on this campus,” he said. “Through her influence UCA grew from only five buildings in 1929 to 15 buildings by the start of World War II.” Seven of those buildings are still in use today. During World War II, many colleges struggled with keeping their doors open due to a lack of revenue caused by military enlistment. Caraway devised a plan to the Department of War, now called Department of Defense, and established a program in which young men and women in the military could come onto college campuses and undergo different types of training. Due to all the building that took place via the Public Works Administration, UCA was able to play an important role during World War II. “During World War II, UCA was the temporary home of
photo by Anastassiya Khvan
Writer Nancy Hendricks signs copies of her book, “Senator Hattie Caraway: An Arkansas Legacy” on March 7 in McAlister Hall Mirror Room. 1,800 women who were in the Women’s Army Corps,” he said. “More than 600 Navy Air Cadets took their training at UCA, Army Air Forces Cadets also were trained at UCA, the Marine Reserve and Navy Reserve were stationed at UCA during the war and for a short time UCA was home of the Arkansas National Guard.” Arkansas State University
— Jonesboro was the first Arkansas university to establish the training program and UCA quickly followed, influenced by Caraway and her passion for making education as accessible as possible. When working for former Texas Governor Anne Richards in the 1990s, Hendricks said she thought about the life Caraway must have had in politics
compared to Richards. She said though Richards was “everything you’d want in a politician or public servant,” it still wasn’t an easy role to be a woman in public service. Caraway didn’t have any mentors or guides to help her and she was still able to enter
See Hattie- page 5
Alpha Sigma Phi recruits founding father class for fraternity by Misti Hollenbaugh Campus Life Editor
Alpha Sigma Phi Expansion and Growth Coordinator Beau Loendorf said the fraternity is looking for UCA’s top 40-50 men to become founding fathers of its newest colony. The colony is the first in Arkansas. “We challenge our men to help define what a fraternity gentleman is and also to be the leading organization in service hours and philanthropic support,” he said. “I believe Alpha Sig will join the amazing Greek life here and give more men the opportunity to get a better experience out of their
time at UCA.” Loendorf said he is interviewing and looking for guys who want to join. “The men who join will go through a pledge ceremony, followed by three-four weeks of founding father education, and then new member education before they get initiated in April,” he said. Loendorf said the fraternity has about 20 men thus far and that they will have close to 30 by the end of this week. After completing all requirements, the colony will become a chapter. Freshman pledge Jace Evans said he saw an opportunity in Alpha Sigma Phi that he hadn’t
seen before. “An opportunity to be a founding father of a fraternity isn’t something that comes around every day, and the chance that this gives to leave a legacy on campus is amazing,” he said. Freshman pledge Brent Sims said he joined to be a part of something new on campus instead of being another number in another fraternity. “Being a founding father of ASP here on campus is something special and not everyone [has] that opportunity,” he said. Sophomore pledge Drew Smith said he was excited about the fraternity. “This was a unique way for us to leave our mark on UCA,” he
said. “I wanted to join because I’ve always wanted to be in a fraternity and this looked like an awesome opportunity.” Evans said Alpha Sigma Phi differs from other fraternities because it is a blank canvas. “[It’s] something that can be formed by the guys that are willing to take the steps,” he said. “It is full of creative opportunity that only lacks the people to put it to use.” Smith said the members are not typical fraternity boys. “We’re more about quality than quantity,” he said. Loendorf said the fraternity members live by the values of silence, charity, purity, honor and patriotism.
Sophomore pledge Jordan McKay said he probably wouldn’t have joined a fraternity if Alpha Sigma Phi hadn’t come to UCA. “I’m excited about the opportunity to experience brotherhood in a way I never have before,” he said. Loendorf said the fraternity is looking for men and he would love to meet with anyone who is interested this week. “This is the last opportunity to be part of the first founding father class,” he said. Prospective members can contact Loendorf at (303) 9056521. Other information can be found on its national website:
Musical duo perform to packed recital hall by Tanner Smith and Jasmyne Daniels Staff Writers
photo courtesy of Taylor Drain
National Adviser Jordan Difani, National Director Jason Hoyt, Alpha Gamma Chapter Founding President alumnus Kane Moix and Alpha Gamma President junior Michael Lukacs review UCA’s Beta Upsilon Chi’s national chartership request at a ceremony March 4 at New Life Church in Conway.
Beta Upsilon Chi receives national charter by Misti Hollenbaugh Campus Life Editor
UCA’s Alpha Gamma Chapter of Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX) received its national charter March 4 at New Life Church in Conway. UCA BYX’s chapter founding President alumnus Kane Moix said he could not be more proud of the chapter and members for earning partnership. “It is truly humbling to see how God has blessed our fraternity and allowed it to grow exponentially the past 4 years at UCA,” he said. “To know that I had a small part in establishing BYX is extremely fulfilling.”
UCA BYX President junior Michael Lukacs said the charter means the fraternity is officially established on campus. “We have made it a strong effort the last four years to grow into a fraternity of focused, driven leaders who keep God at the center of our lives,” he said. “This charter is a physical evidence of these efforts.” Chaplain Daniel Curry, sophomore, said it was definitely a special time for the BYX chapter here at UCA. “Current members, as well as recent alumni, had been working on this for quite some time and it was great to see their hard work come to life,”
he said. “Our membership was definitely excited to be a part of this special day.” Moix said BYX members have blown away his expectations for where he thought they would be at this stage. “Our chapter is better than any vision I had when we first set out on our journey,” he said. BYX National President and Chief Operating Officer Jason Hoyt and National Adviser Jordan Difani were both in attendance, along with a strong alumni and founding father representation.
See Charter- page 5
Mezzo sopranist Susanne Mentzer’s voice combined with collaborative pianist Louis Menendez’s music in a performance March 6. The audience packed the Snow Fine Arts Recital Hall awaiting the show. UCA’s College of Fine Arts and Communication sponsored the event. Junior Derrick Vanderwall said Mentzer was lively. “She was something I’d never even seen before,” Vanderwall said. Mentzer is a mezzo soprano who, for more than 20 years, has sung in leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera and has appeared in many opera houses and orchestras on four continents. Her current and recent appearances include Berlioz’s “L’enfance du Christ” in Madrid, Beethoven’s “Missa solemnis” in Tucson, the role of the Beggar Woman in “Sweeney Todd” with Opera Theatre St. Louis, Mahley’s “Das Lied von der Erde” with the Houston Ballet, among many others. She currently maintains a studio in the San Francisco Bay area. From 2000 to 2006 she was an associate professor at the DePaul University School of Music in Chicago, where she served as vocal department coordinator in music and vocalism. Mentzer has worked at the Aspen Music Festival and School, San Francisco Opera Merola
program, Songfest (2013), the Castleton Festival, with Chicago Opera Theater and as a repertoire coach with Houston Opera Studio. She serves on The George London Foundation and The W.M. Sullivan Foundation boards as a mentor to young singers. She also writes a blog for the Huffington Post as an arts advocate. Mentzer received the Thelen Award from the Alexian Brothers raising over one million dollars for Bonaventure House in Chicago, a residence for homeless people with AIDS. Her piano accompanist was Louis Menendez, who is a highly regarded New York collaborative artist, conductor, pianist, educator and composer. Menedez is known for his ability to coach the best singers, as well as help musicians with musical notes, rhythms and entrances. He has worked with artists such as cellist Yo Yo Ma and flautist James Galway. Menendez has conducted more than one hundred and forty opera productions throughout the United States; collaborating with other musicians around the states. He is also an operatic coach to others who are on the same path of expressing their skills of art music. Menendez currently lives in Arkansas but is from Philadelphia. Menendez was a faculty member of the Curtis Institute of Music and the Academy of Vocal Arts in Philadelphia before relocating to New York to continue to spread more of
his work of art music in front of others. Menendez joined the faculty of Curtis Institute of Music immediately upon obtaining his Master of Music degree from Temple University. Menendez also joined the staff of Philadelphia’s Academy of Vocal Arts; holding both positions down. Mentzer sang three collections for the first half of the concert. Each was an arrangement of five songs. The first was originally by Clara Schumann, the second by Alma Mahler and the third by Lili Boulanger. Then came intermission, which lasted about 10 minutes. The concert continued with three songs originally written by Rebecca Clarke and a series of half-minute songs by Carrie Jacobs Bond. The final pieces were “Love after 1950” and a series of five songs by Libby Larsen. Menendez composed all of the show’s piano music. The concert was met with applause, as well as a final standing ovation, from the audience. Junior Caitlin Neil said her favorite part of the performance was Mentzer singing the “Halfminute Songs.” “[Mentzer] used a lot of gestures too, so that made it better,” she said. Neil said she enjoyed the concert, particularly Mentzer’s personality and Menendez’s piano playing. Vanderwall said the “Halfminute Songs” were funny and that Mentzer was a good singer.
Students explore future opportunities at fair by Anastassiya Khvan Staff Writer
Companies joined a waiting list for a second time to attend UCA’s Spring Job Fair, where students explored future job and internship possibilities March 5. Attendees met with representatives from graduate schools, internship programs and different companies looking for employees. UCA Career Services hosted the event in the Student Center Ballroom, which was open to the public. Preparation for the career fair started in December 2013. Holding the career fair for more than 25 years has helped UCA build relationships with different companies. Seventy-nine companies signed up for the event, with five or six on the waiting list. However, only 69 companies showed up due to poor weather conditions. Tiffany Johnson, Career Service Department Associate
Director, said the department would start looking for new companies as it always does and it will begin planning its marketing campaign. Johnson said in general everything during the fair went smoothly. Amy Strathman, Cleveland Chiropractic College of Kansas City admission adviser, said the fair was well attended. “There has been a lot of traffic and it seems to be a lot of students participated in it,” she said. Area Recruiter Aja Peterson said she liked the career fair. “I actually liked that you got to pick a table,” she said. “We got some people who stopped by our booth looking for career management and sales. Whoever was here was very nice and helpful, so I have enjoyed that.” Alumnus Christopher Banks said the fair was not that helpful to him because he did not see many employers for his major, management information systems.
International figures discussed crossing country boundaries and building connections at the Leaders of the World conference March 3-7 in Wingo Hall. Keynote speaker Christina Alvarez Rodriguez, Buenos Aires Minister of Government and Executive of Museo Evita Research Center, spoke about her great aunt, former Argentinian First Lady Eva “Evita” Peron. Rodriguez said Peron inspired her to speak and be the person she is today. “Evita was the sister of my grandmother and so I’m her niece,” Rodriquez said. “However, Evita is much more than that. Evita was the heart of the political struggle and its history has inspired thousands with her example of dedication.” Rodriguez said she wanted to share her aunt’s legacy with the women of the world. “Evita is the story of a passion that we relive every time we fight for justice; a woman who dared to live in a man’s world and left her footprint in social rights,” she said. “This is the Evita that I
remember.” Rodriguez met with President Tom Courtway to discuss the comprehensive plan, “Women for Peace-Abuse Zero.” Buenos Aires Province Governor Daniel Scioli presented a program to help eliminate gender violence. Rodriguez also exchanged views on this issue and invited Courtway to work with the students. Other keynote speakers included Huang Minsheng, Professor of School of Resources and Environmental Sciences and East China Normal University; Nadia Schaefer, President and Autonomous University of Encarnacion co-founder, and Buenos Aires International Relations and Legislature Director Carolina Barone gave presentations about global education, public utilities, transport, the environment and local to global economic development. Assistant Provost and International Engagement Director Jane Anne Williams said the biggest learning moment from the other leaders was that while UCA may come from different
Businesses set up booths to inform students about their job openings at UCA’s Spring Job Fair on March 5 in the Student Center Ballroom. “I am not going to say it wasn’t [helpful] but I get somewhere in between,” he said. “Overall
parts of the globe, speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds, UCA faces the same challenges for the future. “We must work together in order to solve issues of the environment, gender equality, income and education disparity, and endeavor to create a better 21st century for all of us,” Williams said. UCA also signed memorandums of understanding with the attending leaders and their respective countries. Williams said these MOUs will lead to increased international diversity on campus, greater opportunities for study abroad and the opportunity to be educated as truly global citizens. During the “Leaders of the World” program, the MOU signing started with University of Encarnation President Nadia Schaefer of Paraguay. National University of La Matanza President Daniel Martize and Water Company of Buenos Aires President Guillermo Scarcella followed in signing the memorandums. For more information on the conference “Leaders of the World,” visit
book will inspire others to go into public service 4 Continued from page 4 “When I was researching for the book, [Bryant] was so helpful and so willing to go above and beyond his work load to be able to hunt down some of the archival articles about Hattie and the work she had done along with her being here at McAlister Hall for her speech in 1934 and to really show the depth of her commitment to education in Arkansas,” Hendricks said. In her portrayals, Hendrick used information from Bryant’s book, “The Centennial History of the University of Central Arkansas,” which includes sections about Senator Caraway and Great Depression-era construction at UCA.
photo by Anastassiya Khvan
Hendricks draws information from Bryant’s book, hopes her
the senate at 54 years old. Hendricks said that even without an elite education or vast experience in politics, she was was able to advocate changes to the student federal aid and the GI Bill. “[It’s] such an inspirational story that the rest of us, regardless of our age, young or old, regardless of gender, male or female, [can] look at Hattie and think how we can publically serve,” Hendricks said. “I believe that public service is the rent that we pay to live in a democracy.” Hendricks continuously described how much help Bryant has been during her research for her book and promotions.
What is your favorite springtime activity?
story by Ashley Thomas photos by Minh Pham
World leaders sign memorandums at conference to increase diversity
Staff Writer
March 12,2014 /5
by Elise Woods
Other information on the same topic came from articles by Bryant published in the Log Cabin Democrat. She described her book as “fact-filled, entertaining, an easy read and hopefully informative”. Hendricks said she hopes her book will show the true impact Caraway had on American education and her thanks for Caraway and inspire someone to go into public service. “Maybe one person might be inspired to help the community. We shall see what we shall see,” Hendricks said. “It’s Women’s History Month and I think this is a great way to spotlight women’s history.”
everything on the fair was good, but I wish to see more companies for MIS graduates.”
Freshman Angelica Fulton
Sophomore Joshua Harley
Freshman Daneisha McKnight
Freshman Lauren Steadman
Sophomore Sheikh Faal
Sophomore Tyra Williams
Sophomore Ethan Lee
Freshman Austin Embry
Sophomore Quante Williams
Freshman Gilberto Del Toro
“Playing soccer.”
“Practicing drums.”
Charter: BYX looks forward to future
4 Continued from page 4
Sophomore Andrew Brown said the charter solidifies UCA’s BYX chapter. “The charter basically means that BYX nationals recognizes the Alpha Gamma Chapter at UCA as an established chapter that has upheld the core values of BYX and will be in existence indefinitely,” he said. “BYX at UCA will be around for many years to come.” Sophomore Matt Scheuter said it was a big day for him and his fellow BYX brothers. “It’s something we’ve wanted for a long time,” he said. “It’s exciting to see where our fraternity has come from, and how much it’s grown in such a short period of time.” Lukacs said he was incredibly proud of all of BYX’s members. “BYX means the world to me and our chapter being chartered can be completely credited to them,” he said. UCA BYX’s website describes Beta Upsilon Chi as a National Christian Fraternity that “exists for the purpose of establishing brotherhood and unity among college men based on the common bond of Jesus Christ.” BYX’s Web page describes the fraternity as “a lifelong brotherhood of committed Christian men seeking the bonds of brotherhood and unity in Christ through the avenue of a social fraternity on a college campus.” The fraternity was formed at The University of Texas at Austin in spring 1985 by a group of Christian men who desired an alternative to the present fraternal lifestyle. According to the BYX national website, there are chapters on 34 other campuses in 14 states.
“Climbing Mountain.”
“Playing soccer.”
“I like to watch the birds.”
“I like to play softball.”
“Sitting outside.”
March 12, 2014
New This Week Movies
March 14 — Need For Speed, directed by Scott Waugh, starring Aaron Paul, Chillie Mo, Dakota Johnson, Dominic Cooper, Harrison Gilbertson, Imogen Poots, Kid Cudi, Michael Keaton, Rami Malek, Ramon Rodriguez March 14 — Tyler Perry’s Single Moms Club, directed by Tyler Perry, starring Amy Smart, Cocoa Brown, Nia Long, Tyler Perry, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Zulay Henao
Music March 17 — Symphonica - George Michael March 18 — Underneath The Rainbow - Black Lips March 18 — Both - Both March 18 — Chills On Glass - Dead Rider March 18 — The Nocturne Diaries Eliza Gilkyson
Big Gigantic gives incredible performance at sold out concert by Jared Holt Photo Editor
In between 16 curved LED panels running beat-synced animations and a sold out crowd at George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville, saxophonist Dominic Lalli and drummer Jeremy Salken performed the closing show for their “The Night is Young” tour March 5. The duo’s livetronica band, Big Gigantic, has gained mass popularity in the electronic dance music community over the past two years after the release of its album, “Nocturnal.” Lalli’s live saxophone and Salken’s live drums combine with electronic beats to produce unforgettable live performances. The band’s “The Night is Young” tour began after the release in 2014 of its fifth album also named “The Night is Young, Big Gigantic’s most recent album since “Nocturnal” in 2012. Big Gigantic’s two-hour performance featured a tasteful balance between tracks off the band’s new album, and throwbacks to older albums and remixes such as a Kanye West “Get Em High” remix. During the chorus of the title track from the duo’s latest album, “The Night is Young,” two air-canons blasted an irrational
March 18 — Sex And Love - Enrique Iglesias
photo by Jared Holt
Audience members jump, dance and throw their hands up in anticipation as they see Big Gigantic’s impressive visual show begin just before the band arrives on stage March 5. amount of confetti over the band’s subwoofers and into to the crowd. The subwoofers the act brought along in their semi trailer could be heard from blocks away before shutting down, in accordance with the Fayetteville Police Department’s 2 a.m. sound ordinance. Big Gigantic’s mass popularity in the electronic music scene and the relatively small capacity of
George’s Majestic Lounge resulted in the concert selling out before the date of the show. The show’s audience was committed and passionate, the atmosphere testifying to this. Audience members brought a variety of costumes, signs and light-up toys, further enhancing the atmosphere. Two audience members wore masks, a lion and an owl, and one individual
brought a large U-turn sign made of cardboard and covered in neon paint that he held upside down, sending the message “Turn up.” Within the party atmosphere the show attracted, the inebriation of audience members was obvious. Security at George’s Majestic Lounge had to remove a few people who became too belligerent in the crowd, but otherwise stayed calm and did a
respectable job keeping everyone safe while the sax-fueled party raged on. LED panel animations that composed Big Gigantic’s light show ran a variety of well-synced and often hilarious graphics. One song’s animations included a large cat head shooting laser beams and making screens near Lallic and Salken display explosions. CAKEDUP, a duo comprised of electronic artists Oscar Wylde and Vegas Banger, opened for Big Gigantic with an hour-long set. The combination of trap beats and the duo’s high energy was successful in getting the crowd fired up. The DJ set from CAKEDUP featured a mix of its original songs and other popular songs in their genre. The beats were easy to dance to, but began to feel repetitive and uncreative 30 minutes into the band’s performance. Fayetteville was one of the first towns the duo performed in after leaving their Boulder, Colo. hometown. Almost two years later, they returned to the town Lalli said was fundamental to their uprising. Big Gigantic will begin touring for music festival season soon, beginning with Coachella and making appearances at Counterpoint, Spring Awakening and Sasquatch festivals this summer.
March 18 — Supermodel - Foster the People March 18 — I Am The Fire - Gus G. March 18 — Abandoned City Hauschka March 18 — Wolverines - I Am the Avalanche March 18 — Field Medicine - JT Woodruff photo courtesy of
March 18 — Darlings - Kevin Drew March 18 — Happiness Is - Taking Back Sunday March 18 — Going To Hell - The Pretty Reckless March 18 — Lost In The Dream - The War on Drugs March 18 — Awake - Tycho
Video Games March 13 — Cube Tactics on 3DS March 14 — Yoshi’s New Island on 3DS
March 14 — Citizens of Earth on Wii U March 18 — Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes on PS4, Xbox One, PS3 Xbox 360 March 18 — Yalba: Ninja Gaiden Z on PS3, Xbox 360, PC
March 18 — Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster on PS Vita
Matt Kallman (from left), Martin Courtney, Alex Bleeker, Jackson Pollis and Matt Mondanile compose the band Real Estate.
Best Sports Films
List compiled by Tanner Smith
Kyle Profeta (from left), Jeremy Hiebert, Andrew Neufeld, Stu Ross and Matthew Keil bear the cold in order to participate in a promotional photo shoot for their band Comeback Kid.
Real Estate reveals emotional development in newest songs Comeback Kid makes passionate music by Austin French Staff Writer
After a series of successful mild pop-rock albums, Real Estate moved in a more mature artistic direction on “Atlas,” released March 4 through Domino Record Company. The album was announced Jan. 14 following the band’s posting a series of photos on Instagram. The first single off the album, “Talking Backwards,” was released shortly after on the band’s website. On the surface, the guitar is similar, the singer’s tenor’s the same, but the emotion has changed. I liked the band’s earlier work because in it embodied the embrace of relaxation and escape from the inevitable anxiety and tension of college life. Compared to its previous albums, the changes are subtle and felt emotionally more than noticed technically. The past two albums dealt with the carefree bliss of summer, while “Atlas” moves on to the calm of autumn, looking back and asking what comes next. Real Estate’s recent release has a feeling of growing up and moving forward, and the uncertainty associated with that. In an interview on, lead songwriter
1. “Raging Bull” (1980)
The Top Five
photo courtesy of
This is definitely one of the more serious sports films ever made. “Raging Bull” isn’t necessarily about sports but about human nature. Lead character Jake La Motta, played by Robert De Niro, can’t control the fighting force that remains within him. In the ring, La Motta may be a winner, but in reality he’s a pure loser. The film makes for a brilliant character study about the man, and De Niro does an excellent job portraying La Motta. It may not be cheerful, but it’s not forgettable.
Martin Courtney said “there’s definitely more mellow than upbeat during this album.” About his marriage he said, “once that happened, I found myself thinking more about where my life was going and where it was at, thinking about plans and kids. That definitely comes into the lyrics.” The album’s style is soft and minimalistic, focusing on the importance of discretion in making music. It never feels overdone, or that Real Estate is trying too hard to make you feel a certain way. Band members are not telling you their emotions, but rather showing them. It’s not an album you play on your spring break road trip, like their previous two, but something you listen to through your headphones on a late night writing an essay. This is when the majority of my existential crises take place, and it is at these times that this album swoops in to save me from my frustration. Though mellow at times, “Atlas” isn’t without an upbeat track. “Primitive” is wistful and dreamy, a song about contentment in not knowing where you’re headed and enjoying the present. “Atlas” is available on iTunes for $9.99, for $12 and the vinyl LP edition is $20.
2. “Rocky” (1976) Behind the scenes, the making of “Rocky” is truly a great underdog story, which allowed Sylvester Stallone to make the movie and earn many prospects from it. The movie does a great job of making us feel for the character and ultimately root for him in the final match when he goes up against a well-known boxer. It’s a fantastic story that gets better with each viewing, and you can’t listen to its great music score many people are familiar with and not feel excitement each time.
by Andy Robertson Sports Editor
Canadian hardcore band Comeback Kid has released its heaviest album yet, “Die Knowing,” on March 4 through Victory Records. It is its first album in four years. “Die Knowing” is the band’s fifth studio album and is everything one would expect from Comeback Kid. It’s fast, aggressive and heavy. Figure Four vocalist Andrew Neufeld and guitarist Jeremy Hiebert formed Comeback Kid in 2002 as a side project. Friends Scott Wade and Kyle Profeta joined the two members. The band’s growing popularity caused Figure Four to go on hiatus. Over the course of the 10 years the band has been together, it has become one of the more recognizable bands within the genre. Between the band’s release of their second and third albums, Wade left the band and Neufeld switched from playing guitar to become the new vocalist. Though I hadn’t listened to Comeback Kid in a while before hearing the new album, I was
3. “Hoosiers” (1986) This is easily the best basketball movie ever made. There’s a reason why many basketball coaches like to show their teams clips from this movie before big games. It’s the classic story of the underdog standing against overwhelming odds. It’s based on the true story of a small-town Indiana high school basketball team that surprised everyone by progressing to the Indiana State Championship and winning. The game sequences are as exciting as watching a real high school basketball game.
excited about the release of the band’s new material. “Should Know Better” was the album’s only single and was released Feb. 11. When I first heard this song, I had a feeling this album would not disappoint. Like the other songs on “Die Knowing,” this song kept me energized. “Sink In,” the album’s last track, was the second song I found myself listening to over and over. This song is a bit slower than other songs on the album, but it feels almost like an anthem. Neufled’s yells on the song mesh well with the gang vocals and other instruments. This is my favorite song on the album. Other highlights of “Die Knowing” include Wade filling in on vocals for the 11th track on the album, taking fans back before the ban’s third album “Broadcasting…” The fourth track on the album “Losing Sleep” is the heaviest song on the album. It may be the heaviest song Comeback Kid has ever written. The sixth song on the album “I Depend, I Control” has one of the best breakdowns I have heard in a
4. “Bull Durham” (1988) This could be taken as both a romantic comedy and a baseball movie, but the truth is it knows more about baseball than it does about love. It’s probably one of the better baseball movies I’ve seen. “Bull Durham” doesn’t merely have clear intelligence for the game, but also understands the players’ mindset. We even get into the inner thoughts of some of the players. And it makes sense why this is the case – the movie was written and directed by former minor league baseball player Ron Shelton. His experience shows.
while. If this album didn’t get me up before, “I Depend, I Control” did. This song is too good to skip when I listen back through the album. I don’t really stick to one genre of music, so this is one of the more recent hardcore albums I’ve listened to in a while. This album has gotten me back into listening to bands such as Champion, Have Heart, Hundredth, Foxfires and The Ghost Inside. This genre may not be as attractive as radio music, but it has a lot of passion and heart. Like other hardcore bands, Comeback Kid has strong messages in its songs. Once this album starts with the title track “Die Knowing,” it doesn’t let up and keeps the listener engaged throughout. While I really enjoy this album, I don’t think it is better than the band’s 2005 release “Wake the Dead.” Though I heard first heard “Wake the Dead” in 2009, it remains one of my favorite hardcore albums. “Die Knowing” is 32 minutes and 45 seconds long and can be purchased in the Google Play store for $9.49 and iTunes for $9.99.
5. “The Natural” (1984) This baseball film is presented as a fable in how a heroic figure and would-be baseball player loses his way midway through life and then gets a second chance at playing the game he loves. Robert Redford owns his role as the main character; he looks like he is ready to play baseball and would even hit some balls out in his backyard. “The Natural” doesn’t just work as a baseball film. It is also an allegory for American life and how we can choose to live it. The film has a great music score from Randy Newman as well.
March 12, 2014
Week at a glance
Softball wins two of three UCA’s softball team won two of three games at home against Texas A&M — Corpus Christi last weekend. The first game of Friday’s double header saw the Bears (1015, 2-1 SLC) lose 2-1 to the Islanders. TAMUCC got seven hits during the game, led by freshman pitcher Liz Carter who had two hits in two at bats. The second game of Friday’s double header saw UCA win 8-5. The Bears finished the game with eight hits and three errors. The Islanders had four errors during the game. The weekend’s final game saw UCA win 8-3 Saturday. Junior pitcher Kylee Studioso picked up her sixth win of the season after winning her fifth game Friday night. Errors were prevalent in this game with both teams combining for four errors. UCA sophomore third baseman Sam Forrest went three for three with an RBI and two runs scored.
Tennis splits games UCA’s tennis team split last weekend’s matches with a 4-3 win over the Southwest Baptist Universty Bearcats (5-2) on Friday and a 6-1 loss to Northwestern State University (9-3, 1-0 SLC) on Sunday. The Bears (7-4, 0-1 SLC) won two of three matches in doubles play to take a 1-0 lead against SBU. Both teams split singles play, winning three matches each. NSU took two of three matches in doubles play. In singles play, UCA won one match, while NSU won five.
Russ Pennell introduced as new men’s basketball coach by Andy Robertson Sports Editor
Former UCA Bears basketball guard Russ Pennell was introduced March 7 as the new men’s basketball coach. Athletic Director Brad Teague said Pennell was the best of many candidates. “We wanted someone who has been successful in coaching, showed the ability to recruit and demonstrated a concern for academics,” he said. “He fit UCA’s profile and embodies all of those characteristics.” Over his five seasons as a head coach at the NCAA level, he compiled a 93-58 (.676) record and made it to the NCAA Tournament three times. Pennell has been an assistant coach at Pittsburg State University, Oklahoma State University, Ole Miss and Arizona State University. Pennell received his first head coaching job as the interim coach at the University of Arizona for the 2008-2009 season, taking over for Hall of Famer Lute Olson, who
photo by Jared Holt
Men’s basketball coach Russ Pennell addresses the media at a press conference March 7 in the Board of Trustees Conference Room in Wingo Hall. announced his retirement on Oct. 24, 2008 due to medical reasons. Pennell coached the Wildcats to a 9-9 Pacific-12 Conference, 21-14 overall and a Sweet 16 appearance. After being defeated by the No. 1 seed in the region, Arizona hired Xavier University men’s basketball
Friday vs. McNeese State University or Texas A&M — Corpus Christi 1:30 p.m. Baseball
Friday at Texas A&M — Corpus Christi. 7:30 p.m.
Assistant Sports Editor
Saturday at Texas A&M — Corpus Christi. 4 p.m. Sunday at Texas A&M — Corpus Christi. Noon Softball
Thrusday vs. University of Memphis. 5 p.m. Saturday vs. Stephen F. Austin University. 11 a.m. Saturday vs. Stephen F. Austin University. 1 p.m. Sunday vs. Stephen F. Austin University. Noon Men and Women’s Track and Field
Saturday at Rhodes College. 10 a.m. Tennis
Saturday at Southeastern Louisiana University. 11 a.m. Sunday at University of New Orleans. 10 a.m. Men’s Golf
Friday-Saturday vs. Border Olympics in Laredo, Texas
photo by Stacee Gallina
UCA junior Kelsey Williams returns the ball during Sunday’s 6-1 loss to Northwestern State University.
Men end regular season with losses at NSU, SFA Staff Writer
The UCA men’s basketball team lost two straight games against Northwestern State University 129-102 March 6 and Stephen F. Austin State University 85-61 March 8 to finish the season. Senior guard LaQuentin Miles scored a career-high 34 points and added 12 rebounds for the Bears (8-21, 5-13 SLC) during Thursday night’s basketball game against the Demons (15-13, 1160). Miles’ efforts weren’t enough, however, as NSU pulled away in the second half and ended UCA’s two-game winning streak. It marked the second game in a row in which Miles scored a new career high. He had 30 points in the 76-69 win over Lamar on March 1 and is the reigning SLC Player of the Week. Thursday’s high-scoring game saw four different players score in double figures for UCA. Freshman forward Ethan Lee had 16 points and six rebounds, freshman forward Jalen Jackson had 13 points and junior guard Aubrey Ball had 10. Senior guard DeShone McClure was held to nine points on 4-11 shooting. He came into the game averaging 12.9 points per game. One hundred two points is the most UCA has scored since beating Hendrix College 10959 in the opening game of the season Nov. 12, 2013. NSU sophomore guard Jalan West led the Demons with 26 points and five assists. Freshman guard Zikiteran Woodley had 24 points and seven rebounds while senior forward DeQuan Hicks added 12 points. The Bears took a 52-47 lead into the half, but the Demons got a pair of free throws from senior forward Patrick Robinson to make it 53-52 early in the second half, and never trailed the rest of the game. NSU shot a better percentage than the Bears from the field, three-pointers and free throws. The Demons out-rebounded UCA by two rebounds, with a 3836 advantage.
See Pennell - page 8
Women lose three straight in SLC, qualify for tourney as third seed by Mason Addison
by Justin Freeman
Pacific West Conference. In his four seasons with the Antelopes, Pennell compiled a 72-44 overall record and a 46-22 record in the PWC. His final two seasons at GCU, the team made the NCAA Tournament, but were eliminated in the first round both times.
Upcoming games Women’s Basketball
coach Sean Miller to a five-year contract April 7, 2009, thus ending Pennell’s tenure with the Wildcats. Two days later, Pennell was hired as the head coach of the Grand Canyon University Antelopes men’s basketball team. At the time of his hiring, GCU was a Division II school in the
GCU was transitioning to Division I and becoming a Western Atlantic Conference member. On what would be the final night, Pennell was head coach of the Antelopes in 2013, he learned he would not be retained for the next season. Two days later, Pennell resigned and was replaced by former NBA Phoenix Suns player Dan Marjele. Pennell then became the interim head coach of the Women’s National Basketball Association’s Phoenix Mercury replacing Corey Gaines, who was fired. With the Mercury, Pennell coached former college stars guard Diana Taurasi and center Brittney Griner and guided the team to the Western Conference finals. On March 5, Pennell was announced to replace UCA interim men’s basketball coach Clarence Finley. Finley coached the Bears to an 8-21 overall record and 5-13 record in the Southland Conference.
The Demons had two more steals than the Bears, and each team had four blocks. UCA committed more turnovers with 18 compared to 15 for Northwestern State Southland Conference champion Stephen F. Austin (292, 18-0 SLC) had to win one more game to finish an undefeated regular season in the SLC, and they did just that with an 85-61 win over the Bears Saturday in Nacogdoches, Texas. Heading into the game, SFA was riding a 25-game winning streak. McClure and Miles played in their final game for UCA and will no longer be able to call the Farris Center home. McClure had 21 points against the Lumberjacks, while Miles had 18 points and seven rebounds. Miles is the more highly regarded of the two, and he talked about what his experience at UCA meant to him along with his future plans. “It was a blessing the entire time, no matter if things were up or down I’m thankful for everything,” he said. “My next step is the NBA.” SFA led by 12 at the half, 42-30, and increased their lead throughout the second half, making it was 73-44 game with eight minutes left. The 29-point lead would be its largest of the game, however, as they would hang on to win by 24. Sophomore guard Thomas Walkup led the Lumberjacks with 24 points and eight rebounds. Senior guard Desmond Haymon had 20 points and eight rebounds, while senior guard Deshaunt Walker had 16 points and junior forward Jacob Parker had 12. SFA held only a one percent advantage in field goals, but they had more rebounds and assists with fewer turnovers than UCA. They out-rebounded the Bears by 19 and had 10 more assists. The Lumberjacks will be the No. 1 seed in the Southland Conference tournament, which begins March 12. UCA failed to qualify for the tournament after finishing 11th out of 14 teams in the conference.
The Sugar Bears lost both games on the road this week against Northwestern State University (18-12, 11-7 SLC) and Stephen F. Austin University (1911, 13-5) dropping to the No. 3 seed in the Southland Conference. UCA (18-11, 12-6 SLC) lost to the Lady Demons 77-45 on March 6 at Prather Coliseum in Natchitoches, La. The Sugar Bears started out giving up a 6-0 run to NSU before answering with their own 6-0 run. Freshman guard Maggie Proffitt hit one 3-pointer during that run. Proffitt shot 50 percent for the rest of the half. UCA Senior center Courtney Duever and Lady Demon freshman forward Kourtney Pennywell lead all scorers with eight points in the half. Duever and junior foreword Teri Sadler lead the Sugar Bears with four rebounds. The beginning of the first half was well contested and the Lady Demons stretched their lead to double figures. UCA fought back but it wasn’t enough to bring the NSU lead down. The score at the end of the first half was 31-18. The game’s second half was all about the Lady Demons. They started out the second half up 13 points and with 38 seconds left in the game they lead by 35 points. NSU shot 61.3 percent from the field knocking down 19 of
their 31 shots. The Sugar Bears shot 34.5 percent from the field. The Lady Demons outscored UCA 46-27 in the second half. NSU also had a major advantage in points in the paint in the second half with 26 compared to the Sugar Bears eight points in the paint. d The Lady Demons won the game by a 32-point margin, this was the worst loss UCA has had all season. Proffitt said the team’s offense was stagnant. “We were not able to execute on the offensive end because our offense became stagnant against their zone defense.” she said. The Sugar Bears had a chance for a share of the conference title with the loss. The Sugar Bears also lost to the Stephen F. Austin University Ladyjacks, 61-41. SFA started out on a 7-0 run that was halted by a layup from Duever, then the Ladyjacks went on 6-0 run. UCA wasn’t able to get anything going and SFA kept building their lead. Duever made two of her five shots in the first half. The Sugar Bears also missed all seven of their 3-point attempts in the first half. SFA hit all 10 of their free throws in the first half. UCA shot 22.2 percent in the first half making six of their 22 shots. The first half concluded with the Ladyjacks up by 16 points, 3115. The second half wasn’t much
different with the Sugar Bears missing shots and free throws. SFA didn’t shoot the ball very well but they made their free throws. UCA was 7 of 17 from the free throw line, 41.2 percent, while the Ladyjacks were 16 of 19, 84.2 percent. The Sugar Bears missed all eight of their field goals between 18:42 and 13:29 left in the first half. UCA was never able to pull the game within single digits in the second half. The Sugar Bears were able to get the lead down to 11 points with a free throw by Duever. That was as close as the game got. The Ladyjacks last bucket came with 1:16 left in the first half to make the score 61-38. UCA scored three more points to make the final score 61-41. The Sugar Bears shot 28.3 from the field for the game. They missed all 15 of their 3-pointers. SFA won the rebounding battle with 49 rebounds compared to 41 reobunds pulled down by UCA. This loss dropped the Sugar Bears to the No. 3 seed in the Southland Conference tournament with Lamar University and SFA being the No 1. and No. 2 seeds, respectively. The Sugar Bears have a first round bye and play again March 14 in Katy, Texas. UCA will play the winner of game two of the SLC tournamment, which features
See Women - page 8
Baseball goes 40 total innings in Memphis; Bears take series, record improves to 8-5 by Andy Robertson Sports Editor
The UCA baseball team won two of three games against the University of Memphis last weekend in a combined 40 innings. The weekend’s first game saw the Bears (8-5) beat the Tigers (113) 4-2 in Memphis in 17 innings Friday. UCA jumped to a 1-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning on a pop up to shallow right field. Memphis tied the game in the bottom of the third inning on a single by sophomore outfielder Jake Little to bring freshman outfielder Darien Tubbs home. Neither team scored for 13 innings until the Bears scored three runs in the top of the seventeenth inning. Sophomore outfielder Tyler Langley was hit by a pitch as the first batter up for UCA in the top half of the inning. He reached third on a sacrifice bunt by sophomore infielder Matt Anderson and a groundout by
junior outfielder Wesley Hoover. Junior catcher Charles Deckard walked to put a runner on first and third with two outs for the Bears. Senior infielder Justin Treece singled to left field to bring Langley home and Deckard advanced to second. Junior infielder Brad Dillenberger reached on a throwing error by Tigers junior catcher Carter White to bring Deckard home from second and Treece advanced to third. The next pitch resulted in a passed ball, which allowed Treece to score and Dillenberger advanced to third. Senior infielder/outfielder Doug Votolato grounded out to end the inning. Memphis scored one run in the bottom of the inning on a sacrifice fly to center field by junior designated hitter Bryce Beeler to score Little. Senior pitcher Bryce Biggerstaff pitched a third consecutive quality start for UCA, but didn’t factor in the decision. He struck out three batters, gave
up one run on four hits in eight innings of work. Junior pitcher Connor McClain (1-1) got the win for the Bears, striking out three batters, giving up three hits and one earned run in four innings of work. The weekend’s second game saw the Tigers win 2-1 in 14 innings Saturday. Memphis took the 1-0 lead in the bottom of the fourth inning on a passed ball to allow junior infielder Tucker Tubbs to score. UCA tied the game in the top of the fifth inning on a triple to right center by Hoover to score Dillenberger. Neither team surrendered the lead until the bottom of the 14th inning when the Tigers scored on a single to center field by Little to get the walk-off win. The Bears took the series on a 8-5 win in nine innings Sunday, the weekends final game. UCA scored two runs in the
See Baseball- page 8
8/ March 12, 2014
New basketball coach brings fresh attitude, determined to win first SLC Championship by Andy Robertson Sports Editor
In the Jan. 29 issue of The Echo, I voiced my support for interim Men’s Basketball Coach Clarence Finley being retained to see what he could do with UCA’s program. In that article, I talked about the struggles Finley had to deal with while coaching this year’s team. Size, free throws and classroom grades have been a big issue for the team. Despite this, Finley was able to coach this team to eight wins on the season. While that may not look good on paper, Sacramento Kings Assistant Coach Corliss Williamson, whom Finley replaced, won five games in his first season as the men’s basketball coach and eight wins his second year. I had all the confidence in the world that Finley could have turned this program into a Southland Conference contender within the next few years. My confidence in Finley came to an end March 5 when it was announced he would not be returning and new Head Basketball Coach Russ Pennell took his position. While Finley may have been told earlier in the season that he would not be retained, the official announcement came with two games left in the schedule March 7. If the team had won both
Off the Glass games, it would have had a chance to make the Southland Conference for the second consecutive year. If I were in Finley’s shoes, I also would have had trouble getting the team motivated to win the last two games. It was almost like he was set up for failure, but he was given the interim label, which means it was tough to keep his job. Pennell’s hiring should have been delayed until Monday but I realize these kinds of things are just business. In fact, this has happened to Pennell last year. He coached Grand Canyon University to a 23-8 overall record and 14-4 in the Pacific West Conference. Despite this record and making the Division II NCAA tournament, he was told he would no longer be the coach after this season. GCU made a transition to Division I and wanted a more marketable name to the area, so
they hired former Phoenix Suns player Dan Marjele two days after Pennell learned he wouldn’t be back. The men’s basketball team now has the best coach it has had since it has moved to Division I in 2006. The men’s baskeball program has not had a winning season since moving to Division I. Pennell is the coach the program needs. He hasn’t coached a game at UCA yet, but he has a great mentality on how to run a basketball team. Pennell said he runs his basketball teams like he runs his family. For me, this says a lot about a coach because it shows his teams will be close, but he will play the disciplinary role when he needs to. Pennell knows what it takes to win games. He holds a 93-58 record as a head coach at the collegiate level. For comparison, Williamson had a 26-62 record in three seasons as UCA’s men’s basketball team. Much like the hiring of Head Football Coach Steve Campbell, Athletic Director Brad Teague has done a great job with this hire. I am excited about the chance to see a successful team in the near future. Pennell admitted this will be a tough transition period, and said fans and students shouldn’t expect a great season next year as it is hard to turn a program around in one year.
Sugar Bears head into Southland Conference Tournament as No. 3 seed after three straight losses 4 Continued from page 7 McNeese State University and Texas A&M — Corpus Christi. Senior guard Micah Rice said that they will prepare but it comes down to playing hard. “We will prepare as best we can but it all comes down to going out and playing hard,” she said. “We will get some rest and get up some shots. We will also work on things defensively that hurt us last weekend.” If UCA wins its first game the team will have a rematch of the regular season closer against the SFA Ladyjacks. The Sugar Bears split the season series with TAMUCC and won the game against McNeese by 15 points. McNeese and TAMUCC also split their season series at one game each. SFA has the most SLC tournament wins of any SLC team with 15 conference championships. McNeese has the second most among active SLC teams with two championships. UCA is the only team in the
top four seeds that has not won a conference championship. Lamar and NSU each have one conference championship. The Sugar Bears split the season series with Oral Roberts
University, the No. 8 seed and reigning SLC tournament champion. The SLC tournament begins March 13, with the bottom four teams playing separate games.
Men’s basketball coach introduced March 7 as interim coach Clarence Finley’s replacement 4 Continued from page 7 Pennell played alongside NBA legend Scottie Pippen during their days at UCA. As a senior, Pennell led the now-defunct Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference in assists per game with 8.2. Pennell will bring his seven principles of success to UCA, which include commitment, loyalty, unselfishness, discipline, love, perspective and dream. He said he will endure a difficult transition period but that everyone is excited.
“The reality is, we have a lot of work to do but we are excited to be here and get things started,” he said. At the press conference, Pennell was asked about potential recruits, but couldn’t reveal any names because of NCAA recruitment rules. Pennell said he and his coaching staff members have eight players they are looking at and at least two are guards. As of March 7, Pennell has named one assistant coach,
Anthony Boone, who played for Pennell at Ole Miss and coached with Pennell at GCU and with the Mercury. Pennell is a defensive-minded coach, which means the team will slow down the pace of the way they play. Prior to the press conference the same day, the UCA Board of Trustees approved his four-year, $135,000 annual salary. Pennell’s contract starts April 1 and will expire March 31, 2018.
Bears, Tigers combine for 40 innings in three-game
series in Memphis
4 Continued from page 7 top of the first on a two-out hit by Hoover that scored two runs. The Bears added to their lead in the top of the second inning on a sacrifice fly by Langley after Deckard singled to right to begin the inning. UCA added an additional four hits and two runs in the top of the third inning to bring the score to 5-0. The Bears scored one run in the top of the fifth on a single through the right side of the infield by junior outfielder Nick Rougeau to bring the score to 6-0. Memphis scored its first run in the game in the bottom of the fifth on a sacrifice fly by senior
infielder Zach Willis to bring senior infielder Ethan Gross home. The Tigers added to their run total in the bottom of the sixth inning on a single up the middle by White to bring senior infielder Drew Griffin home to bring the score to 6-2. UCA scored its final runs in the top of the eighth inning on a two-out single up the middle by junior infielder Nate Ferrell to score two runs and increase the Bears’ lead to 8-2. Memphis got its final two runs in the bottom of the eighth on four hits.
UCA junior pitcher Chris Caudle (3-1) got the win for the Bears. He pitched a complete game, giving up four runs on 13 hits, and struck out four batters. Biggerstaff said Caudle’s complete game helped the pitching staff after the marathon games Friday and Saturday. “It was great for Caudle to get that complete game win,” he said. “He’s a great pitcher. It’s always nice to save the bullpen when you can.” The Bears will travel to Corpus Christi, Texas to play the Texas A&M – Corpus Christi Islanders for a three game series starting at 7:30 p.m. Friday.
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