March 27, 2013

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Volume 106 — Issue 9

March 27, 2013 Wednesday


Campus Life:


Partly Sunny

Voice: Taking time to consider important decisions necessary

Activity: Students create personalized bumper stickers in Student Center



4 page 8

4 page 5

Mostly Cloudy/ 20% Late Rain


Sports: Baseball: Conference play opens to three losses against Oral Roberts 4 page

‘Free Markets’ promotes economic freedom

4F R I DAY 50% Showers

by Stephen Reynolds


Entertainment Editor

Fountain of News Students attend national Model United Nations conference in New York Five UCA students – Willis Arnold, Ecehan Bayrak, Joseph Walsh, Juan Mayen and Logan Spurlock – traveled to New York city to participate in the annual National Model U.N. Conference March 17-21. Delegates attended the Plenary Session of the General Assembly and the Closing Ceremony at the United Nations Headquarters. The students were accompanied by UCA Model U.N. faculty adviser and political science professor Mark Mullenbach.

Professor emeritus to receive George Pimentel Award Professor Emeritus Conrad Stanitski will receive the 2013 George Pimentel Award in Chemical Education April 9. A certificate and a $5,000 award will be presented at the American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans, La. Stanitski coordinated an expansion of the chemistry department. He was also involved in the department getting ACS certification. Stanitski is nationally known for authoring or co-authoring more than 25 books. He was chemistry chair at UCA before retiring in 2005.

Nursing professor attends policy session Mary Garnica, nursing professor, attended the inaugural Faculty Policy Intensive program of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing March 1821. During the four-day event in Washington, D.C., Garnica experienced the legislative process and relationships between national nursing organizations. She serves as Health Policy Chair for the Arkansas Nurses Association and leads the “practice pillar” group in the Arkansas Action Coalition.

Provost’s office establishes student research fund UCA’s Provost Office has established a student research fund for students interested in conducting or disseminating information during the spring semester. To apply, undergraduates must have at least a 2.0 GPA and graduate students must have a 3.0 GPA. Guidelines and additional information can be found at uca. edu/urc/student-research/.

View more stories at Stories featured include articles written by Fountain writers.

The Young Americans for Liberty explained the idea behind free market economics to UCA students March 15 in the university’s free speech zone. The libertarian political group, who recently hosted the second annual Arkansas Liberty Summit at UCA, set up a “Free Markets, Free People” booth between 10 a.m. and noon in front of Ferguson Chapel to show interested students how free markets work. YAL hosted a game of “Jenga-nomics,” a play on the building block game Jenga that illustrated how governmental regulation makes an economy unstable and eventually causes it to collapse. YAL President senior Britney Logan said the game was fun to put on for attendees. “Each block represents another tax or another regulation,” she said. “When


Shuttle program caters to transportation needs

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the Heritage Foundation’s global list of economic freedom with a score of 76 out of 100. Senior Drew Tyler, YAL member, said the message of individual liberty is important to college students because they should be able to engage in any type of social or economic behavior they choose, as long as it doesn’t harm others. “I feel the event was important because a lot of college students and Americans in general tend to think the U.S. is the number one when it comes to economic freedom, when the truth is we are more like 18th after slipping over the past 10 years,” he said. “I hope our event put a spotlight on this change.” Logan said the group handed out pamphlets and sold books at the booth. She said around 30 to 40 people attended the event.

See Markets - page 3


by Spencer Griffin Campus Life Editor

The shuttle bus system runs five to six vehicles at Bear Village, the university-owned apartment complex off campus, to the circle by Main Hall. Two shuttles run from the softball parking lot to the Alumni Circle and one vehicle runs from the the Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Center to the softball parking lot. The vehicles range from small vans to large buses. Ken Schulte, shuttle bus program specialist, said the Physical Plant started with vans, but now has three 22-passenger buses, two 14-passenger buses, one 35-passenger bus and a host of vans that supplement the vehicles. He said the Physical Plant focuses less on the environmental aspect of the program and more on comfort and convenience to students. “Vans are harder to get in and out of,” he said. “The gas mileage is better than the cruisers, but the comfort for students is better with the buses.” He said he hopes to continue to cater to the students’ needs. “I would like to get another cruiser, but there’s nothing in the works,” he said. “Eventually we will replace the vehicles getting old. This type of service is hard on the vehicles.” Schulte said that with the buses idling, efficiency is obviously lacking, but would be worse if the vehicles were continually turned on and off. He said the drivers are to use their best judgment while idling, operating as an on-demand system. He said the shuttle buses do more than students think and that they have multiple programs running outside the university at times. “We have nine vehicles running at any time,” he said. “We have nine people driving full time and three part time. We have an international program every Wednesday and Thursday that takes [the international students] to Wal-Mart and Kroger. We also take requests for night and weekend use. The coach buses are also used to rent, as well as the driver. This can include band, Bear Facts Day, Admissions or any place.” UCA records show 179,199 students used the shuttle bus system from Aug. 23, 2012 through Jan. 17. The bulk of these students rode to and from Bear Village with the numbers decreasing throughout the day. He said the shuttles

See Shuttle - page 2

4 Campus Life 4 Entertainment 4 Opinion 4 Sports

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- G E N E R A L E D U C AT I O N -

Council seeks change, more representation by Marisa Hicks Associate Editor

The Faculty Senate pushed back voting on a resolution regarding the General Education Council to its March 28 meeting. Senator-at-Large Debbie Bratton said the council should include provisions for unaffiliated faculty. She said the council should include positions for nonvoting, ex-officio members that are not members of the academic colleges. College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Senator Melissa Shock proposed a resolution that would change the structure of the current General Education Council and change the name to the UCA Core Council. “In order to have equal distribution and representation of all six academic colleges, according to this resolution [the council would] have a department chair from all of the six academic colleges appointed by the faculty senate, a faculty member from each of the colleges [appointed] by the faculty senate and then a faculty member from each college appointed by the college along with two students: one from SGA and one from Alpha Chi,” Shock said. Although the resolution did include ex-officio members, Bratton said she would like to see unaffiliated faculty included as ex-officio members. Instead of rewriting a resolution on the spot, the senators decided to wait until the faculty senate’s next meeting to vote on changes to the General Education Council. College of Liberal Arts Senator Jacob Held said the university should wait before making big changes to the General Education Council. “It’s premature to change the structure, that is the General [Educational] Council we currently have is the one that crafted the new core,” he said. “To switch this in midstream is to actually lose then the institutional method. The Gen Ed Council hasn’t even crafted the metrics for evaluating the core yet and we already want to change the membership. I think that’s a bit

See Council - page 2 photo by Pham Minh

Associate Director of Cooperative Education Liz Davis gives Graduate Student Intern Courtney Dunn the “Intern of the Year” award at the seventh annual Internship Banquet March 14 in the Student Center.


Holocaust survivor describes imprisonment, encourages student activism against genocide by Brandon Riddle News Editor

Holocaust survivor Henry Greenbaum, 84, spoke to the Conway community March 13 about keeping his faith in humanity while imprisoned during World War II. Born Chuna Grynbaum, he is a survivor volunteer at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. and tells his story to students across the country. Henry Greenbaum UCA’s history, philosophy and religion departments and College of Liberal Arts hosted the event with Conway High School and the University of Arkansas

Next Issue:

Index: Around Campus

they’re placed on the economy, it gets more and more unstable and it eventually collapses in a heap.” Logan said YAL believes the U.S. economy is overburdened with taxes and governmental regulations. In a free market economy, decisions regarding investment, production and distribution are based on supply and demand. Prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system instead of by governmental regulation. In a free market economy, decisions regarding investments and the allocation of goods are made primarily through markets instead of through a government committee. Logan said one of the main reasons YAL hosted the event was to eliminate misconceptions about the U.S. economy. “Most people think the U.S. is the freest economy in the world, when we’re actually way down on the list,” she said. The United States sits in 10th place on


Symposium provides professional development for faculty, staff

Community College at Morrilton. Phillip Spivey, philosophy and religion professor, said the lecture was probably the best he has witnessed since UCA has been involved with hosting Holocaust speakers. “It’s amazing how much a human being can endure at [such] an early age,” he said. Spivey said students’ complaints about midterms and finals pale in comparison to the horrific conditions Greenbaum experienced. Greenbaum spoke about his family being forced to leave Poland during Jewish persecution from Nazi influence in territories dominated by Germany. He is the youngest of his Polish family and has six sisters and two brothers. He said he wanted to keep the promise he made during death marches in a slave labor camp to tell his story.

See Survivor - page 3

Wi-Fi access project improves availability by Brandon Riddle News Editor

Improvements to UCA’s wireless Internet infrastructure were discussed at the March 12 Campus Talk in the Ida Waldran Auditorium. President Tom Courtway said the university’s Wi-Fi access is under constant review to ensure users have the most efficient Internet availability in campus buildings and in open-air spaces at UCA. “Regardless of whether you are faculty, staff or a student, this is a fairly common question,” he said. The Information Technology Department is overseeing the project, with guidance from UCA’s Student Government Association. Torreyson Library is scheduled to have upgrades to its Wi-Fi access with completion by the end of the spring semester that will lessen connectivity problems. Chief Information Officer Jonathan Glenn said the project will be in four

See Wi-Fi - page 3


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© 2013 The Echo, Printed by the Log Cabin Democrat, Conway, Ark.

Troubling fraternity actions Sig Ep must learn from past before Greek organization can move forward

page 8

2 / March 27, 2013


Police Beat


The following reports and arrests are from the UCAPD docket. UCAPD reports any tickets issued as arrests, according to

Nonstudent yells at UCAPD, charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication Nonstudent Reginald Gibbs, 30, was charged with possession of a controlled substance, disorderly conduct and public intoxication at 2:11 a.m. March 23. UCAPD was traveling east down Bruce Street when they noticed Gibbs sitting on the brick flower bed located south of the south entrance to the Farris Center. UCAPD parked their car and made contact with Gibbs. When Gibbs saw UCAPD he pulled the hood of his jacket over his face. UCAPD got within five feet of Gibbs and Gibbs didn’t notice UCAPD standing to his left. Gibbs’ shoes were off and two feet away from him. Gibbs was rocking back and forth pulling his jacket up and down. Gibbs smelled of alcohol when he spoke to UCAPD. UCAPD asked Gibbs where he was going and where he was coming from. His speech was slurred and UCAPD could not understand what he was saying. UCAPD asked Gibbs to repeat himself several times and Gibbs became frustrated. As UCAPD spoke to Gibbs, he calmed down and attempted to answer the questions. A second officer arrived and Gibbs became frustrated again and asked, “Why did you call the police on me.” UCAPD told Gibbs the second officer was there to assist. Gibbs gave UCAPD his ID. While UCAPD was checking Gibb’s informatio, Gibbs yelled, “Go ahead and arrest me.” UCAPD told Gibbs to sit back down. UCAPD asked Gibbs if he drank any alcohol during the evening or if he had taken any drugs. Gibbs said he had not. Gibbs told UCAPD he was walking to his home on Martin Street from Virco. While Gibbs was talking to UCAPD, Gibbs took off his jacket. UCAPD asked why Gibbs took his jacket off and he said because it is cold outside. UCAPD repeated the question and Gibbs said it was cold outside. UCAPD asked Gibbs if they could search his jacket

and Gibbs gave his permission but they did not find anything. Gibbs continued curse at UCAPD. UCAPD tried to calm Gibbs down but he said only his mother could talk to him like that. Gibbs yelled at UCAPD to arrest him again. UCAPD told Gibbs to stand because he was under arrest. Gibbs said he did not want to be arrested. Gibbs was placed in handcuffs without incident. When UCAPD searched Gibbs upon his arrest, they found a small plastic bag containing a green leafy matter suspected to be marijuana. Gibbs was transported to the police department and was handcuffed to the bench in the booking room. After being told what he was being charged of, Gibbs repeatedly asked what he was being charged with. He was given a court date of June 24.

Student, nonstudents wrestle at apartment, receive citations Student Jonathan Apple, 20, and nonstudents Ibrahim Rachid, 22 and Nathaniel Waldrip, 21, were issued citations for public intoxication and disorderly conduct at 9:24 p.m. March 19. UCAPD was driving past the Bear Village apartment complex when they saw Apple, Rachid and Waldrip in an agitated state. When UCAPD made contact with Apple, Rachid and Waldrip, they were taking aggressive postures and yelling obscenities at one another. UCAPD was able to calm them down long enough for them to tell UCAPD that they had been drinking at a friend’s apartment and they were going to stay with another friend at Bear Village. All three smelled of alcohol and constantly dropped or fumbled their possessions. They said they were not fighting and they were only going to be wrestling on the asphalt for fun. UCAPD informed the three that they would not be allowed to stay at Bear Village for the night. They were allowed to call someone to give them a ride home.


Assistant maintenance assistant says drivers must pass drug test, calls bus system efficient 4 Continued

from page 1

run until 8 p.m. because of a request from the Student Government Association. He said that from 5 to 8 p.m. one 22-passenger vehicle runs to and from Bear Village. Kay Lynn McFall, landscape specialist for the Physical Plant, former driver and current substitute driver, said the work put in by the drivers is an aspect that often goes unnoticed. She said the drivers first have to pass tests to get hired. “The shuttle drivers have to go through rigorous drug testing,” she said. “They take the test the minute they come in with no warning.” McFall’s assistant, maintenance assistant and substitute driver Pamela Dougherty, said the drivers pass more than a drug test. “They have to pass a safety driving test, too, where somebody comes in and teaches them what to do,” she said. Other than the facilities fee, which is $9 per hour and $135 for every 15 hours in the 2012-2013 school year, McFall said she doesn’t think UCA students pay for the system. The Physical Plant got $424,543 for the 2012-2013 fiscal year – which is no change from the past fiscal year – for salaries, fringes, extra help, equipment, supplies and services for the shuttle bus system. The shuttle bus program also receives $35,000 per year for repairs and maintenance. The $35,000 is the same amount the program received for repairs and maintenance the past fiscal year. McFall said that although the system may seem inefficient at times, it is wokring. “I think it’s real efficient,” she said. “I know sometimes you see a shuttle with only two people, but if you want to get someone there on time, that’s the goal.” Dougherty said that although a survey of students has not been taken, it might show that some things about the efficiency of the system

could be changed. She said some students might question the purpose of the shuttle from the softball field to the HPER Center because it is not that far and not many students ride it. She said some students might suggest there should be a stop behind the baseball field because of its distance. The routes for the shuttle system are determined based on the students’ needs and where the most transportation is needed. The drivers work a lot over the summer. McFall said the drivers have other duties while driving some of the vans, such as picking up litter. She said they also have to work on the campus doing maintenance and landscaping during the summer.

“It’s not something we’re entitled to and not something that has to be there. It’s much appreciated. I might complain that I want a shuttle instantaneously, but at the end of the day I appreciate it.” ­— Junior Joshua Ross

“The bottom line here, it comes to down to the students. We have a meeting before school every semester to make sure all the drivers know to be ready and safe. We wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for [the students],” she said. While the system of shuttle buses is not set up to make money, Schulte said it seems as if it is doing its job to provide a convenient service for students. Dougherty said that while the system “could be tweaked,” many students love the availability of the buses. Junior Joshua Ross, who lives in Bear Village and said he uses the buses daily, said he enjoys the

luxury of the system. “It’s a nice privilege to have,” he said. “It’s not something we’re entitled to and not something that has to be there. It’s much appreciated. I might complain that I want a shuttle instantaneously, but at the end of the day I appreciate it.” He said one thing that could be changed about the program could be the differences in frequency of the buses. “I would try to cut down on the excess number of buses earlier in the day,” he said. “I feel like they could be more evenly dispersed in the evening. I do like having the option of getting to class on time, but sometimes it’s a little too much. Sometimes there are four buses running outside at once. I think more vans and fewer buses can be beneficial in some way, but then again, I do love the buses.” Senior Bianca Byles, a commuter who uses the system occasionally, said she appreciates the shuttle. “I think that the shuttle is a perfect way for college students to save gas,” she said. “Since there aren’t many parking spots, it helps out tremendously.” She said some days provide a hindrance for her to be unable to ride the bus and that she has an issue with being patient with the buses at times. “I live off campus and it takes me a long time to get ready in the morning and I don’t feel like getting up,” she said. “The wait that is involved in riding the shuttle [could be improved]. There should always be two shuttles waiting because the weather is very inconsistent.” She said that, compared with regular public transit, the shuttle system is smaller and she does not have to be worried about sitting next to unknown or terrifying people. Schulte, who has worked on the project since 2005, said he has almost gotten the program down to a fine art. He said it seems as if the things the students want and the features that he wants them to have line up. The shuttle bus system may not make the university money and may not be environmentally efficient, but because it provides students with a much-needed service, officials say it meets its goal.

Correction photo by Daniel Becker

Allison Wallace, assistant American Studies professor, speaks to a crowd about Farm2Work, UCA’s online farmers market, March 25 in the College of Business Auditorium. The lecture was part of the the week-long campus event celebrating “green” initiatives. More on Green Week will follow in the April 3 issue of The Echo.

In the March 13 issue of The Echo, an article titled “UCAPD investigating alleged assault, video voyeurism” incorrectly stated that three suspects are charged in the investigation.


Senators discuss general education representation from university colleges; Courtway says he is confident Runge was right pick for provost position despite criticism of decision process 4 Continued

from page 1

premature. I think we should see how the new core functions before we restructure the council.” College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Senator-atLarge Ben Rowley said the faculty senate’s unanimous vote to promote Steven Runge to provost and vice president of academic affairs should be changed to a numerical vote. “[Some] of us had left,” Rowley said. “I don’t think it’s appropriate to say [the faculty senate] unanimously approved [Runge’s appointment].” The senate unanimously approved the change. Chairman Kevin Browne, of the College of Fine Arts and Communication, said faculty

members across campus are upset that there wasn’t a national search for the provost position. College of Liberal Arts Senator Clayton Crockett said Runge is not the problem. “This is not about the provost; it’s certainly not about Steven,” he said. “Nobody that I’ve talked to has any personal problems with Steve Runge in provost. I don’t think that faculty feel like it’s a serious problem to have an appointment without a national search. The worry is the president, the presidential position and the presidential search because of what’s happened in the past and what may or may not happen in the future.” He said faculty members are worried that the way Runge

was appointed will become a precedent for the way people are appointed and that people are worried that may happen with the next presidential search. President Tom Courtway said he would make it a priority to make sure faculty members

receive a cost of living increase in creating the 2013-14 budget, even though he said he predicts the university will not receive additional funding from the Arkansas General Assembly. “I’m proceeding ahead in creating next year’s budget

that the money we get from the general assembly is flat,” Courtway said. Courtway said he is monitoring legislative activity that could affect the university, such as Act 226, which will allow university faculty members who

have concealed carry licenses to carry concealed weapons on campus. The faculty senate unanimously supported Courtway’s recommendation to the board of trustees to opt out of the law.


3 / March 27, 2013



Technology plan increases productivity of campus wireless Internet access in buildings, residence halls; final stage of project allows students to track degree completion 4 Continued

YAL member says personal liberty enables economic freedom

from page 1

stages. The first relates to “saturating” the first and second floors of Torreyson Library with enhanced wireless Internet access. “We’ve started working on that [project],” he said. “The assessments are being made of the wired infrastructure there [in the library].” Despite the multi-level space in the library, Glenn said both floors will receive adequate speed and accessibility to the wireless Internet. “It doesn’t’ matter where you are,” he said. “You will get an appropriate, useful signal.” Glenn said Internet access in residence halls will also receive updates. “That is going to be planned in specific detail in collaboration between Housing and Residence Life and the Department of Information Technology,” he said. “The complicated issue is the use of those spaces and prioritization of the 11 residence halls that we are going to bring online with wireless.” Freshman Class President Kaitlyn Thompson said at a March 4 SGA meeting that the residence hall Wi-Fi upgrades will cost about $290,000 and are scheduled to begin this summer when the dorms are mostly empty. Outdoor open-air spaces on campus will receive greater Wi-Fi signal during the third stage of the project.

4 Continued

Glenn said he attended a March 11 SGA meeting to ask for help in identifying trouble spots for Internet access. “We don’t expect significant enhancements in outdoor connectivity to be particularly expensive or particularly difficult or to take long,” he said. Glenn said the IT department will work on “tuning” Wi-Fi access at UCA through a network access controller. “[The network access controllers] will do more than any of these other projects to increase the goodness of the experience of using wireless at UCA,” he said. Glenn said the network access controller allows the university’s Internet system to remember a user for an extended period of time. “I can register [a device] at the beginning of the semester and not have to log in again until the next point in which that has to happen,” he said. “It’s been a long time coming.” Degree Works, the final stage of the IT project, will allow students to track their degree completion standing at UCA and monitor academic information. Glenn said the system will allow advisers to advise students more confidently in a way that will create more successful students. “It’s going to be a set of computer applications that work with our banner system [myUCA] to allow a couple of things,” he

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“For a Friday before spring break, I was surprised by how many people showed up,” she said. “The ones that were here were really interested and wanted to talk.” Logan said she thinks more students are interested in having a free market and interested in libertarianism than most people think and

that they haven’t been exposed to the ideas much. “What we try to do as Young Americans for Liberty is try to get the word out as much as we can, in whatever way we can,” she said. Logan said the group will set up the booth again after spring break and that she expects the student turnout to be stronger.


SGA opens senator applications by Andy Robertson Assistant News Editor

photo by Pham Minh

President Tom Courtway speaks about university affairs at the March 12 Campus Talk in the Ida Waldran Auditorium. said. “For students, the benefits are that you can go see exactly the same thing your adviser sees about progress made toward your degree.” Other topics at the Campus Talk included: • Students’ experiences from Presidential Inauguration Washington, D.C. trip in January. Courtway and Pitchford introduced the 15 students who attended and students shared what they learned from the trip. • Final plans for the HPER

The Student Government Association met March 25 to discuss the elections for senate positions. Senior and SGA Executive Vice President Jovana Ilic said applications are available for executive and class president positions. She said there are GPA and hour requirements to apply. She said every year they have people who are more than qualified that get overlooked because of hours. To run for executive positions one has to be on senate for at least one year. Two separate committees on SGA oversee elections.

Center expansion. Courtway said the prints will be available to the public as soon as they are finalized. Construction on the project is scheduled to begin in July with completion by October 2014. SGA Student Activity Fee Allocation (SAFA) funding. SGA President senior Spencer Sims said 66 Recognized Student Organizations requested money, totaling about $320,000.

Applications for executive and class positions are available on the SGA website, Applications are due by 3 p.m. April 5 and elections will start at 4 p.m. the same day. All applicants are required to attend a candidate’s meeting where the campaign and rules will be explained. If someone applies and doesn’t attend these meetings, he will not be eligable to run for any office. In other business, SGA passed a motion to approve new members to the two committees that oversee the elections. The motion was unanimously approved.


Greenbaum endures severe shortage of basic necessities, illness during time in slave labor camps; historical testimony includes details of family members killed, creating new life in U.S. 4 Continued

from page 1

“I wanted to talk when I got to the United States, but no one wanted to listen [at the time],” he said. Memories of the Nazi camps remain permanently on his mind, which was evident through the concentration camp number – A188991 – tattooed on his left forearm. In 1939, Greenbaum’s life changed when impending rumors of German invasion in Poland became a reality. “We heard from other towns that if you had a job in the factory, it might be better for you,” he said. “They didn’t care if you were a tailor, shoemaker or carpenter.” Greenbaum said his father made arrangements with local business owners for jobs, because his dad felt the work might offer protection for his children. He lived in a Jewish neighborhood and was forced to wear the yellow badge, the Star of David. Greenbaum said he had a curfew and couldn’t use public transportation. “When I went to school with my yellow star on, the teacher sent me home,” he said. “She said no Jews [were] allowed anymore in the public schools.” Greenbaum’s father died two months before the war began, one of his sisters immigrated to the United States in 1937 and one of his brothers joined the Polish army. “I could not believe it,” Greenbaum said. “My hero brother left me and my little brother by [ourselves]. My father had already passed away.” In 1944, Greenbaum was deported to Auschwitz and put

in the Buna-Monowitz subcamp. As the Soviet army approached the subcamp, he was sent to Flossenbürg, a concentration camp near the border of Czechoslovakia. He was sent to five camps in five years before American soldiers liberated him in 1945. Greenbaum said he was kept in the Starachowice ghetto in his hometown for two years. During his time in the ghetto, he said he could hear bombardment from about 10 miles away, resulting in broken windows and fallen shrapnel. Greenbaum said the prisoners were kept in one area, with filthy conditions and minimal food rations. The food situation got worse each week, he said. “Some of the women were able to bribe the Ukrainian soldiers with either a watch or a ring or a necklace,” he said. “You could not do that with the Nazi guys.” In October 1942, his time at the ghetto ended and the fate of his family members took a terrible turn, he said. Greenbaum said women with children including his 54-yearold mother were separated from other groups within the camp. “After the war ended, we learned that those people went to a place called ‘Treblinka,’ nothing but a killing center,” he said. Greenbaum said the people were lied to, separated by gender and innocently entered a shower filled with Cyclone B gas, never to come out alive. Six-foot barbed wire fences and soldiers in guard towers surrounded Greenbaum’s new

camp location. “When we arrived at the destination, we were all surprised,” he said. “We had to leave everything in the ghetto area. You couldn’t take anything with you, so everything in the ghetto area stayed in the ghetto area.” Greenbaum was eventually ordered out of area to a slave labor camp, where he helped manufacture springs. At the camp, slave laborers were told to fill up bunks with three people per bunk, only receiving a small rolled out blanket for warmth and comfort. “It was just a wooden shelf,” he said. “That’s all it was.” Greenbaum said prisoners wore the same clothes for two years, had no showers and did not receive haircuts. “In the summer we were able to wash a little bit,” he said. “They wouldn’t give us any soap so we had to use the dirt from the ground just like a mud bath.” Greenbaum said winter was the worst time for the prisoners as they became increasingly lice infested. “We kept going to work every day and the ration was a slice of bread in the morning, a little black imitation coffee and then you had to go a whole day of working the factories,” he said. “When you come back, they give you cabbage soup. You couldn’t find even a leaf of cabbage in there.” Greenbaum said, although the slave labor camp workers were not given spoons to eat the soup, the utensil was not necessary because it was “plain ole water.”

A typhoid epidemic broke out with three levels of fever: low, medium and high. “I had low fever,” he said. “I went to work every day even though I was sick.” Greenbaum said one of his sisters complained of too many bed sores and he smuggled clean cloth into the barrack for her to use. “One day I walked in ... and she was not there anymore,” he said. “I couldn’t understand. If they wanted to kill her, why didn’t they take her where they took all my other sisters and people away that were sick?” Jewish police told him she died in the middle of the night and was buried in the bottom of the stone quarry. “I think they probably shot her, but I’m not sure,” he said. “I don’t know what happened to her.” The “Germany killing unit” would pick people every day from their barrack and place them in a pickup truck, sending them to the outskirts of town to handle increasing cases of typhoid. “Instead of giving you medication, they would just kill you,” he said. “That’s the only medication you would get.” Tailors in the slave labor camp organized an escape from the double barbed wire fencing and tower security. “There’s no way a whole camp could disappear in thin air,” he said. “Impossible. So, [the escapees looked for] whoever they could trust ... brother, sister, cousin, uncle or friend. Not everyone knew about the escape.” People in the camp ran in

darkness with an air raid in the area. “I was like 10 feet away from freedom to be out of there and heck broke lose,” he said. “The lights came back ... the dogs were barking.” Shootings took place and some of the escapees were immediately killed. A bullet struck Greenbaum, grazed him and knocked him out, leaving a three-inch gash in the back of his head. At the time, he had only one sister remaining in the camp to help him. “[My sister] was the only one that was left for me,” he said. “She became like a mom to me and all of a sudden I couldn’t see where she was.” Greenbaum said he didn’t think his sister would leave him. He asked people in the women’s barrack if they knew where she was. “All of a sudden three or four bullets came into the building,” he said. During his imprisonment in the camp and pronouncement of his sister’s death, Greenbaum said he had hope that is sister who immigrated to America was still alive. “That was the only hope I had,” he said. By 1945, Greenbaum said he relied heavily on faith and questioned why it took so long at the end for him to be liberated. He traveled to different areas including Czechoslovakia, heard low-flying planes while in a silo and noticed the disappearance of guards before he obtained

freedom. He said the greatest moment of his life occurred when American forces arrived at Flossenbürg after years of death marches and forced labor. “Luckily, God sent us down an American tank,” Greenbaum said. “The hatch opened up about five feet from us and he [one of the soldiers] put his hands over his mouth [and said] ‘We are Americans and all of you are free.’ We still get goosebumps from that day. Best time of our lives. We were skeletons.” After liberation in 1945, Greenbaum searched for his family members. He found the cousin who helped him following his injury in Bergen-Belsen and eventually found his brother. A telegram was sent to the United States to his sister, telling her that the two brothers survived their imprisonment. He later saw his sister when he traveled to United States. Greenbaum married his late wife Shirley and became a U.S. citizen, living in Maryland. He and his wife have four children, 12 grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Conway High School Principal Joel Linn said the event encourages people to listen to powerful historical testimony to prevent acts of genocide in the future. “We will become the last generation of people to actually encounter a survivor of the Holocaust,” he said. “In the next 20 years, how will the Holocaust be remembered? Will it be remembered at all?”


2012-2013 the Seventh Annual Internship Banquet 14

Campus Life March 27, 2013


UCAPD displays important safety tips

Around Campus:

Musical guests Guest artists Taiana Roitman on the piano and Jeff Zehngut on the violin will perform at 7:30 p.m. March 28 in Snow Fine Arts. The event is free to everyone.

Students making movies The Digital Filmmaking graduate film screening will be held at 7:30 p.m. March 30 in Reynolds Performance Hall. The films are by students seeking to get their master’s degrees in fine arts. If the students are able to successfully defend their films at the screening, they will receive their MFA. Films that will be screened include “December 1982” by Lyle Arnett and “The Wheel and the Moon” by Chris Paradis.

Gun control forum The staff senate is hosting an open forum about gun control during x-period April 2 in the Ida Waldran Auditorium and from 3 to 5 p.m. April 3 in the McCastlain Ballroom.

Fight Night round 34 The Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity hosts the 34th annual Fight Night at 6:30 p.m. April 3-4 at the Conway Expo Center. The event includes students volunteering to get in the ring to box an opponent. Both men and women are welcome to fight in the event.

by Marisa Hicks Associate Editor

UCAPD, Student Wellness and Development, the Student Government Association and the Counseling Center sponsored several events March 11 through 14 to raise awareness and promote safety for spring break. The Third Annual Safe Spring Break featured “AWARE TXT,” which was a distracted driving simulator, a Fatal Vision Pedal Cart Course, which featured “drunk goggles,” a Safe Spring Break fair and the screenings of a safe passage and sexual assault videos. “During Safe Spring Break we are focusing on several relevant issues to raise awareness and promote safety during spring break,” UCAPD Project Manager Arch Jones said. “The bottom line is we want our students to choose responsibly and make good decisions, not just during spring break but always.” Jones said the most important event students could attend was the distracted driving simulator. “Texting while driving is the most significant issue that all of us need to be aware of,” he said. “This is a serious, life-

threatening practice that must stop.” The distracted driving simulator showed students the dangers of texting while driving as well as the consequences of their actions. SGA sponsored the simulator and it was held in the Short/ Denney Hall Block from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 11. Students could sign a “Distracted Driving Pledge,” promising they would not text and drive. Students who participated in the simulator climbed into a silver Toyota Yaris, wearing goggles that created the path on which they “drove.” PEER Awareness Representative Scott Dybdahl told students “as soon as you see the road in front of you, just go ahead and drive” as they got into the car. Once the students were on their path, they would text PEER Awareness back and forth. The car had pods under each of the tires to track the driver’s traffic infringements. The simulator tracked the traffic infringements such as driving above the speed limit, driving over the center line, hitting pedestrians, missing stop signs, collisions and other traffic

violations. Senior Shana Brown, who hit a dog, drove over the center line twice and had three road, edge excursions said the simulator helped him to realize he needed to stop texting and driving. “I’ll definitely try to cut back,” he said. He said it was difficult to text and drive on the path because it was set up in a residential area. The Fatal Vision Pedal Cart Course was held from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. March 12 in the Alumni Circle. Students could wear “drunk goggles,” which featured blood alcohol content levels between .07 to .10 to provide “a realistic simulation of impairment,” Student Wellness and Development Assistant Director Jenna Davidson said. Davidson, Jones, UCAPD Sgt. Brad Moore and student volunteers helped run the pedal cart event. There were two pedal carts available and Davidson said students drove the pedal carts around the Alumni Circle wearing the “drunk goggles.” “The students were surprised by the impairment effects, which included balance, vision, reaction time and judgement,”

she said. “They enjoyed the experience and gained an understanding of the impact of alcohol on their ability to function.” Students could sign a “Know Your Limits” pledge by signing a “Red Solo Cup” banner at the Alumni Circle to pledge to be responsible when drinking over spring break. The Safe Spring Break Fair was held from 12 to 2 p.m. in the Student Center Lounge on March 13. Student Wellness and Development and UCAPD spoke with students at the fair about their spring break plans and how to stay safe. “Students learned about drinking responsibly, sun safety, road safety and STD prevention,” Davidson said. “The best part of this event was the Spring Break Survival Kit.” The survival kits included a Frisbee with safety tips written on it, a “Know Your Limits” stadium cup, a “Pass Me to Someone Sober” floating keychain and a tip sheet. The Safe Passage video was screened at 11 a.m. in Student Center 223 and 224. The video featured travel tips such as hotel security, how

to avoid scams and how to be diligent about personal safety. Jones said students can view the video anytime at UCAPD upon request. The Sexual Assault Awareness video was screened during x-period March 14 in the Student Health Center 307. The video featured testimonials on acquaintance rape and included safety tips. Counselor and Coordinator of Outreach Programming Reesa Ramsahai said the video presented what conditions might amount to and the role of alcohol on acquaintance rapes on college campuses. “We have only just begun to educate the UCA community about acquaintance rape and the role of alcohol in acquaintance rape,” she said. “Alcohol is the number one date rape drug. The video addresses the role of bystanders in the reduction of rape. If we see someone who may be in a potentially dangerous situation, as a bystander, we can act and possibly prevent a sexual assault from occurring.” She said it’s important to tell people where you are going and to take a friend to a party with you.


Walk a Mile in Her Shoes In order to help highlight Sexual Assault Month, the Interfraternity Council, UCAPD, UCA Athletics and Division of University and Government relations will host the second annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” during x-period April 4 at the Alumni Pavilion. The event is a men’s march around the nation to stop rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Some men will be walking in high heels to support the cause. The march is open to everyone.

Caring for cancer The UCA soccer field complex will host Relay for Life from 6 p.m. April 5 to 6 a.m April 6. The fundraiser is by the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research. The all-night event includes games, entertainment and food. The minimum donation for the event is one dollar and everyone is welcome.

Submissions Please submit events for Around Campus in 50 words or fewer to Include basic who, what, when and where information as well as contact information.

photo by Sean Shrewsbury

Junior Michael Parrish and nonstudent Aaron Killingworth of Chi Alpha, an on-campus Christian organization, prepares to perform March 25 for its weekly worship service in Ida Waldran. The group plays music for half of the performance and gives a sermon during the other half.

Senior Colton Duffy “My bracket is just a list of the teams that lost. It’s madness, man.”

Freshman James McKay “I love March Madness and my bracket is busted for sure. It’s bleeding actually.”

Junior Julian Broner “My bracket isn’t looking good. I [have] about three teams left. I didn’t think the tournament would go like this. Florida Gulf Coast messed me up.”

Students Say story by Spencer Griffin photos by Sean Shrewsbury

Freshman Grayson Owens “I didn’t do a bracket. [March Madness] is fine, but it’s a little blown out of proportion.”

“What are your thoughts on March Madness and how does your bracket look?” Freshman RJ Williams

“I didn’t do a bracket this year, but it’s a real exciting tournament. Florida Gulf Coast came out of nowhere.”

Freshman William Edwards “I didn’t do a bracket, but I feel like the tournament is going good. That’s why I watch college sports, because it’s all about heart.”

w w w. UCAE cho .n e t / c ampu slife

Junior Mary Gaiden “All I know is that my freshman year it was a big deal and someone borrowed my TV to watch it.”

Junior Byron Miller “My bracket has exploded and deflated in many ways. The only good bracket I have is the women’s bracket. I’ve officially given up on the men’s tournament”


March 27, 2013 /5 BY JENNIFER HICKS



photo by Sean Shrewsbury

Construction to Ida Waldran’s second floor foyer and bathrooms has begun. The poster shows what the result will look like once the consturction is complete. This project is a continuation of the restoration of the auditorium that began last semester.

- N O V E LT Y -

Students make free personalized bumper stickers

photo by Robin Sparks

Senior Michael Tatum shows off a bumber sticker he made at the SAB-sponsored “Make Your Own Bumper Sticker” event during x-period March 14 in the Student Center Lounge.

by Stephen Reynolds Entertainment Editor

UCA students expressed themselves by creating their own bumper stickers March 14 in the Student Center Lounge. Artist Agata Nogalska, from Everything Bites a Mint talent

agency, used an Apple MacBook and a special printer to print custom stickers and magnets. Students filled out slips of paper choosing from six available fonts, deciding on a sticker or magnet style and picking out up to two images from more than 50 options. Students also

had the option of adding up to 70 characters of text to their creations. The Make Your Own Bumper Sticker event was backed by a Learning Outcome Certificate, which meant it was intended for college campuses. An LOC is approved if a project meets qualifications such as inspiring communication, creative thinking, information literacy and global, historical and cultural identity. The Student Activities Board approved the event at the National Association of Campus Activities that SAB attends every semester. “We go to a regional and national convention every semester,” Comedy Chair junior Patrick Moore said. “We look at about 100 different booths to see which ones fit UCA [that] students will like best.” The SAB Board travels to the regional convention and the general adviser, president, vice president and comedy chair travel to the national convention in Nashville, Tenn. Novelty Chair freshman Haley Younker said there was a steady flow of students participating in the event, which lasted from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. “We’ve had over 100 people come in the first two hours,” she said. It took about three minutes per person, from filling out the form to creating the custom piece. Younker said a wide range of

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students participated in the event and that the students seemed excited about other people’s creations, as well as their own. Nogalska said she had seen many different messages including political, sports related, campus related and personal messages to significant others. The group estimated that

over 300 people would attend the event by the end of the day. Some of the bumper stickers included: “I only have 70 spaces to come up with something for this,” “It’s pretty fun to do the impossible” and “Hockey is a real man’s sport; we don’t play around with balls.” The bumper stickers included

funny quotes, bible verses, meaningful words and more. SAB will host one more novelty event, which be the Spring Fling April 2 in the HPER Center parking lot. Spring Fling is an event in which a carnival is set up for a day and students are treateed to rides, games and free food.



Identity theft seminar teaches students safety by Andy Robertson Assistant News Editor

Stephen Svetz, investigator with the Arkansas Attorney General’s office, told students about his identity being stolen to help drive home his message of preventing identity theft. Svetz spoke to a crowd March 12 in the College of Business Auditorium. “About seven years ago, I used my credit card to reserve a hotel room with a guy over a telephone in Branson,” he said. “A month after the trip, I get my credit card bill and this guy put a semester’s worth of tuition on my credit card.” Svetz said the man who stole his identity was not hard to find because he used his own name to charge the card. Svetz said identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in the United States and has been for the past 10 years. He discussed the legal troubles Todd Davis, LifeLock chief executive officer, has caused. Svetz said Davis claimed anyone who purchased LifeLock would never be a victim of identity theft. Svetz said LifeLock has made a lot of money, but that it doesn’t protect consumers. The Federal Trade Commission sued LifeLock after an investigation of the identity theft prevention company

found false claims were used to promote protection services. LifeLock agreed to pay $11 million to the FTC and $1 million to 35 state attorneys general. Svetz said the company is back in business with a new business plan that looks beyond the legal troubles. He told the story of David Lynn Jones, songwriter for Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings. Janis Rae Wallace worked for Jones and racked up $350,000 in credit card debt on his account. Jones lost his home and was a victim of identity theft for seven years. Svetz said this was the worst case of identity theft he has seen because Jones lost his driver’s license. Another story Svetz told to illustrate the dangers of identity theft involved Little Rock resident Deldrick Withers. Withers was pulled over for a broken license plate light during a family visit to Hampton, Ark. Police ran his name and found that he had five arrest warrants for hot check violations. Withers was placed in handcuffs and spent 29 days in jail because he lost his driver’s license. Svetz ended the lecture with a story about a woman he referred to as Nancy. He said Nancy was a retired military woman who became ill and hired a company employee to take care of her.

One caregiver lived with Nancy full-time and stole $450,000 from Nancy. Svetz said the caregiver got Nancy’s house and kept it until dying of a drug overdose a few years ago. Svetz said if Nancy dies before the trial is settled, the caregiver’s family will get the house. Svetz shared advice on social security numbers. He said to never put a social security number on a job application, and told the audience to get a new driver’s license number after losing the previous license. He said to be wary of writing out children’s social security numbers when signing them up for sports, dance classes or other activities. Svetz said social security cards are the most dangerous pieces of paper in the country, with checks being a close second. Svetz said to be wary of email accounts because they are vulnerable to hacking. Mark McMurtrey, Management Information Systems associate professor, said he was glad to have Svetz speak to UCA students. “Mr. Svetz always brings his real world experience concerning identity theft,” McMurtrey said. “His anecdotes and real-life stories make the rest of us realize how harrowing identity theft must be.”


March 27, 2013 /6


photo by Sean Shrewsbury

Junior Taylor Knox gets back to studying in the Torreyson Library March 25 after enjoying a week off for spring break.

Student Activities Board to host previously successful Spring Fling Contemporary Christian musician Amy Grant to perform at Reynolds - CONCERT-

by Hunter Brooks Assistant Sports Editor

UCA’s annual Spring Fling, sponsored by the Student Activities Board, will be held April 2 in the parking lot east of the HPER Center. Spring Fling brings a carnival-like atmosphere to UCA, including amusement park rides, food and entertainment. In the past, the event has featured live music, a car bash and other activities for all ages. SAB director Kendra Regehr said the event continues to grow every year. “Spring Fling has been going on for about 20 years,” Regehr said. “This is my 14th year to bring it to campus and each year it gets bigger. Other than the big carnival rides and games, Spring Fling will have booths such as henna body art, caricature trucker hats, wax hands and a photo booth. Frisbee, balloons and body art will be available as well.” There will also be traditional carnival food at no charge while supplies last, including snow cones, funnel cakes, cotton candy and more. Sophomore Lance Nail said he recommends the event to anyone who has never been. “Spring Fling is one of my favorite events of the year,”

Nail said. “I heard about it my freshman year and didn’t think it would be as big as it was. I found it to be a huge stress relief with school winding down. I definitely recommend anyone who has never attended to check it out. It’s very unique and I don’t know of any other school that brings an amusement park on campus.” Regehr said Spring Fling is paid for completely through SAB fees that are included in students’ tuition. “All SAB events are covered through the Student Activities Board Fee that students pay each semester,” Regehr said. “Spring Fling is included in this. The fee paid by the students covers the cost of all the vendors, the food and rides that will be there.” The budget for the event is $35,000. Regehr said she believes Spring Fling is one of the most anticipated events of the year and that it is the biggest event SAB sponsors. “Spring Fling continues to be one of the highlights for students,” Regehr said. “We have people ask us each year when it will be and what we will be bringing. I think students really look forward to it. It kind of signifies the end of school year and a last bit of fun before students take finals and leave for summer break.” Junior Jacob Walton-Connor

said he attended the event last year and that he hopes this year’s event will be just as exciting. “Spring Fling last year rocked,” he said. “I was most excited that it was free. This year’s carnival has a lot to live up to, but I’m excited to see how it goes.” He said his favorite part of the event was the games. “I love to play the basketball shooting game and things like that where you can win prizes,” he said. “And again, everything is free so I have nothing to lose when I’m playing the games. Another part [of the event] I loved was the food and the rides. I guess you can say I liked all of it.” Walton-Connor said Spring Fling is his favorite event on campus and that he wishes there were more events like it. He said he hopes to see this year be a success and hopes the weather permits. “I’m always scared that the rain, or with Arkansas’ random weather, the snow, will mess up my plans to eat free cotton candy and funnel cakes,” he said. “I just hope we get some real spring weather rather than having this windy mess we’ve been having lately.” Walton-Connor said he has been to two Spring Flings so far and that he hopes to keep the streak alive. The event is free and open to the UCA Community.


Interviews will be conducted during x-period Tuesday, April 9, and Thursday, April 11.

by Jeanette Anderton Editor

Amy Grant will perform her award-winning pop and contemporary Christian music as part of Public Appearances’ Pop Series. The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. April 2 in Reynolds Performance Hall. Jerry Biebesheimer, director of Public Appearances, said the concert provides a rare opportunity to be close to a performer with a “high quality voice.” “To get to hear her in a space as intimate as Reynolds is unusual,” he said. “She has a oneof-a-kind voice.” Grant popularized contemporary Christian music in the late 1980s and was the first artist in that genre to have a platinum record. Grant became one of the first crossover stars with the release of her 1985 pop album, “Unguarded.” “Unguarded” reached Top 30 Pop and Top 10 Adult Contemporary charts and the music video appeared on MTV. Ashley Love, Public Appearances’ director of finance and marketing, said Grant could attract a wide variety of ages. “Her music is still very relevant today,” Love said. “The performance will be nostalgic for people who grew up in the 80s

photo courtesy of Ashley Love

Contemporary Christian artist Amy Grant is set to perform April 2 in Reynolds. Grant is an award-winning artist with a pop voice. and 90s.” Love said she has been posting music videos of some of Grant’s more popular songs, such as “That’s What Love is For” and “I Will Remember You,” from YouTube on the Public Appearances’ Facebook page to get fans excited about the show. Love said she was pleased to see such a talented artist come to Reynolds. “We’re lucky to have her come here,” she said. “She’s been around almost 30 years. She’s a Grammy award-winning artist. It has been two years since she’s performed in Arkansas.” Senior Kat Mason said she hopes to attend the concert. “She has a beautiful voice,”

she said. “I can only think of about three of her songs, but I’m sure I know more. Since we [students] get two free tickets, I will probably bring my mom. She loves Amy Grant.” Grant continues to write and record music for the pop and contemporary Christian genres. Her songs continue to be relatable to audiences and cover topics such as love, heartbreak, faith and healing. Tickets are available at the UCA Ticket Central Box Office and range from $30-$40 for adults, $10 for children. UCA students with a current student ID can get two free tickets. For tickets, call 450-3265 or visit uca. edu/publicappearances.



March 27, 2013

New This Week Books

April 2 — Life after Life by Kate Atkinson April 2 — Light: A Gone Novel by Michael Grant April 2 —Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal by Mary Roach

photo courtesy of

“20/20 Experience,” the third studio album by Justin Timberlake, was released March 15.

Timberlake’s third is terrific

April 2 ­— Widow’s Tears by Susan Wittig Albert April 2 — Starting Now by Debbie Macomber April 2 — It’s All Good: Delicious, Easy Recipes that Will Make You Look Good and Feel Great by Gwyneth Paltrow

photo courtesy of

“Oz: The Great and Powerful” is a film directed by Sam Raimi and written by David Lindsay-Abaire and Mitchell Kapner. It stars James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz and Michelle Williams.

‘Oz’ film is family fun for fans of Franco by Hunter Brooks


Assistant Sports Editor

March 29 ­— Tyler Perry’s Temptation, directed by Tyler Perry, starring Kim Kardashian March 29 — The Host, directed by Andrew Niccol Anderson, starring Saoirse Ronan, Diane Kruger

March 29 — G.I. Joe: Retaliation, directed by Jon M. Chu, starring Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis

Music April 2 — 10 - New Kids on the Block April 2 — Sempiternal - Bring Me the Horizon April 2 — Caveman - Caveman April 2 — Pioneer - The Band Perry April 2 — Out Of Touch In The Wild - Dutch Uncles April 2 — Indigo Meadow - The Black Angels April 2 — Dear Miss Lonelyhearts - Cold War Kids April 2 ­— Victim Of Love - Charles Bradley April 2 ­— My Shame Is True Alkaline Trio April 2 — snakes/vultures/ sulfate - EmptyMansions April 2 — For Now I Am Winter Olafur Arnalds April 2 — Here’s Willy Moon Willy Moon April 2 — Goosebumps - Heavy Hawaii

Video Games March 26 ­—BioShock Infinite, Xbox 360, PlayStation, PC April 2 — Defiance, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, as well as special editions for all three consoles April 2­— Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,

“Oz the Great and Powerful” serves as a prequel which takes place 20 years before the iconic 1939 film, “The Wizard of Oz.” The prequel stars James Franco as Oscar Diggs. Diggs is a low-end carnival magician in Kansas who goes by the name of Oz. Diggs, questioning his career as a magician, is caught in a tornado and taken to the Land of Oz. Once there, Diggs meets Theodora, played by Mila Kunis. Theodora tells Diggs of a prophecy that claims a wizard will come to overthrow the Wicked Witch who killed the King of Oz, believing herself that Diggs is the prophesized wizard. The two make their way to the Emerald City where Theodora introduces Diggs to her sister, Evanora, played by Rachel Weisz. Both of the sisters claim to be good witches, while the Wicked Witch was banished after killing the king. The sisters tell Diggs he must prove himself as the Wizard of Oz and kill the Wicked Witch. Diggs, intrigued by the

Horror-Comedy Films

List compiled by Tanner Smith

Even more underlying is the man who proposed to Glenda’s nameless Kansas character is called “John Gale.” Gale is Dorothy’s last name in the original film and could be a hint that this nameless woman is her future mother. The lion Diggs scares away with magic is thought to be the Cowardly Lion. When attempting to take back the Emerald City, Diggs and his allies make scarecrows in an attempt of diversion. One of these allies is the Master Tinker, who is implied to have built a Tin Woodman. These subtle but needed bits of information make the film enjoyable for anyone who likes the original film. I also appreciated how the film starts off in black and white, and then is brought to life with color in Oz. Oz fills any plot holes from the original and wows with CGI and visual effects. The film does not live up to the original but delivers when it comes to being a true prequel. “Oz the Great and Powerful” is rated PG, runs at 127 minutes and is showing at the Conway Cinemark Town Centre.

Staff Writer

Justin Timberlake isn’t required to keep making music. In fact, he already quit music once to pursue acting and flipping low-rent Internet properties in lieu of the craft that made him famous. This means, in some respect, that the masses demanded Timberlake’s third studio album, “The 20/20 Experience.” Like the relaunching of MySpace, “The 20/20 Experience” is also a carefully-crafted lifestyle brand and I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. Timberlake makes music that sounds expensive. In the first single, the already-ubiquitous “Suit & Tie,” Jay-Z drops a guest verse with the line “This is truffle season / Tom Ford tuxedos for no reason,” but the line is probably meant to be heard as “time for tuxedos for no reason,” which would be an appropriate subtitle for the album itself, which plays out as a luxury fantasy – it’s “lifestyle porn” the same way “Mad Men” is. The album opens with the eight-minute “Pusher Love Girl,” which announces its arrival by way of a cinematic Gershwin string-section flourish. Every song on the album clears four minutes, but most top six, bucking the restrictions of pop music. And while creating these miniature rhapsodies seems a little lofty and ambitious, Timberlake usually pulls it off


by Spencer Griffin Campus Life Editor

“Olympus has Fallen” could not have come out at a better time in the wake of North Korea threatening nuclear warfare. The director of this film, Antoine Fuqua, cast the perfect group of actors for this movie. Some of the big-name actors include the main character, played by Gerard Butler, the president in the movie, played by Aaron Eckhard as well as Dylan McDermott, Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd. One is foolish to think this is strictly a war movie. There are subtle storylines going on while North Korea is invading the White House. “Olympus has Fallen” did a terrific job of incorporating many countries in the film and making it seem as realistic as possible. America is no stranger to terrorist attacks, and this film highlights possible scenarios of North Korea successfully invading the White House. The movie will bring out the patriot in many viewers as they will sit, anxiously waiting and hoping the United States can emerge victorious. Thankfully the production showed a realistic amount of gore and violence. Viewers know

This is an affectionate parody of the classical horror film genre, directed by Mel Brooks. The film features a great deal of insanity, a manic performance by Gene Wilder and the best kind of jokes Brooks could write. This movie makes me laugh every time I watch it. And remember, the warning “Do Not Use This Brain! Abnormal” does not mean the brain belonged to someone named Abby Normal. Brooks shot the film in black and white.

there will be killing in this movie, but they may not know how much blood is actually involved. The amount of graphic violence shown in the film is necessary in order to capture the reality of the situation. The blood, and some language, is the main reason the film is rated R. One extremely subtle aspect of the film that viewers should appreciate is the difference in political parties. It is never said in the movie which government member belongs to which party, but early in the movie, Morgan Freeman, the speaker of the house, attempts to tell the president to make a certain decision, but everyone else in the room tells him otherwise and he is dismissed from the meeting. The importance of that meeting comes into effect later in the movie when Freeman must take on the role of acting president when the president and vice president are held hostage in the White House. As acting president, Freeman must make all the decisions and at one point he tells the admiral to quit trying to influence his decisions. The film shows that in a situation like this, no matter what political party one is affiliated

2. Zombieland (2009) “Zombieland” is a film directed by Ruben Fleischer. The film stars Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin in a postapocalyptic road trip to an amusement park. It is one of many comedies featuring quirky characters fighting off a zombie invasion and the film does it in a realistic, but still funny way. The film’s most defining moments come from Harrelson’s quest for the last Hostess Twinkie.

with the help of co-executive producer Timbaland, the veteran beatmaker. Timbaland puts his fingerprints all over the album with tastefully sparse arrangements and samples from Indian music on “Don’t Hold The Wall.” The album uses everything from a marimba roll to a guttural synth as a hook, which gives it the most varied palette of sounds I’ve ever heard on a mainstream pop record. It’s pop music the way it should be: without limitations. It goes in every direction, while holding its center in blue-eyed R&B. This is where “The 20/20 Experience” succeeds. Where it fails, of course, is in its lyricism, which is so bad that it could legitimately be a dealbreaker for some listeners. I don’t mind them, because they’re easy to laugh off as goofy, but this is the truth: Timberlake just married actress Jessica Biel, and is obviously smitten, but as far as finding an emotional center to write music from, he’s having a hard time. Timberlake, good for him, is romantically satisfied, and that means that listening to “The 20/20 Experience” is a little like hanging out with a gross couple who keeps kissing in public and calling each other pet names. The sheer number of unique directions the album swerves in completely cancels out the silly lyricism, so people who love pop music should pick it up, and those who have been ignoring Timberlake since ‘N Sync should give him another shot.


‘Olympus’ features gripping performances; special effects bring reality to nuclear war

1. Young Frankenstein (1974)

The Top Five

mountain of gold he will receive if found to be the Wizard, sets out to find the Wicked Witch. Diggs, thinking he has found the Wicked Witch, meets Glenda the Good, played by Michelle Williams. Glenda claims she isn’t the Wicked Witch and that Theodora and Evanora are the evil ones. Diggs believes Glenda and must figure out a way to stop the two sisters. I was very pleased with “Oz the Great and Powerful” and the continuity the film shares with “The Wizard of Oz.” The film shows how the Wicked Witch becomes so hideous and foreshadows her weakness of water when the character is burned by her tears. Like the original film, several Oz characters make cameos in the Kansas segments. A woman in Kansas that tells Diggs she was proposed to portray Glenda the Good in Oz. Diggs’ magician assistant, played by Zach Braff, portrays Finley, a winged-monkey who pledges his debt to Diggs after Diggs saves him from a lion. Also, several characters from “The Wizard of Oz” are hinted at in the film.

by Andrew McClain

with, government officials should and will work together to try and resolve the situation at hand. Many will be proud to see the always-relatable Butler come into the situation and save the day, especially after his struggles in the beginning of the film. There are a few emotional moments in the film. One of these is Butler’s constant father-like relationship with the president’s son. It’s an emotional and nailbiting journey as Butler attempts to get the boy to safety in the midst of the White House’s destruction.Another emotional connection comes with Butler and his wife. His wife does not think he is involved with the Secret Service anymore, so she thinks he is safe doing paperwork while all of this is going on. Meanwhile, she is extremely busy working in the hospital where all the wounded victims are taken. At the end of the film she is working at the White House in the ambulance and sees Butler. The viewers will have to find out for themselves whether he’s dead or alive. The film is 120 minutes long and is showing at the Cinemark Towne Center in Conway as well as the Rave in Little Rock.

3. Ghostbusters (1984) This film was directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. The film stars Bill Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis. When there’s somethin’ strange in your neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Ernie Hudson as parapsychologists living in New York, who start a ghost-catching business. The film is a cult classic and is regarded as the most popular horrorcomedies of all time.

Walking Dead game a fan flop by Stephen Reynolds Entertainment Editor

“The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct” is the next in a line of video games that spin off from films and television shows that don’t live up to expectations. As an avid “Walking Dead” fan, I was excited about the game before I played it. The player assumes the role of Daryl Dixon, played by Norman Reedus, who is arguably the best character in the show. The loosely-based narrative follows Daryl and his brother Merle Dixon, played by Michael Rooker, as Daryl searches the South for Merle. The game is set before the show’s beginning where the brothers meet up with the rest of the initial camp. The narrative ends there for the most part. You spend most of the game looking and looking and looking. You meet up with other survivors along the way, some good and some not, who you can choose to arm. You can send them out to scavenge for supplies so you don’t have to endure the boring scavenging missions again. The combat system for the game was disappointing for a vareity of reasons. For one, there aren’t enough zombies in a game about zombies. In the show, the

4. Tremors (1990) This film was directed by Ron Underwood. It stars Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward and Finn Carter as two dim-witted handymen in a vast empty desert valley and features four gigantic underground worm-creatures that attack anything they hear above. Fun, adventurous, tense and of course amusing, “Tremors” is quite the enjoyable horror-comedy. The film spawned four more films and a television series. It has since become a cult classic.

characters constantly run into lone “walkers” and there are some milling around in the background in just about every scene. In the game, you almost never encounter lone zombies and when you find groups of them, they are impossibly easy to kill. They attack you one at a time and melee weapons are invaluable, being more effective than guns. The biggest problem with “Survival Instinct” is the awful graphics. Gameplay is affected by the game’s ridiculous amount of invisible walls. In fact, the game should win awards this year, for largest amount of invisible walls in a video game as well as most choppy gameplay, due to invisible walls. The game should have been centered around an open-world sandbox theme, which would have made it a good deal more tolerable. You can tell the game was rushed to be released before the end of season three. While the game is set as a precursor for the show, the narrative is vague and choppy. The game looks worse when compared to the other “Walking Dead” titles, which follow the comics in an episodic-like fashion. The one redeeming quality the game has is using Reedus and Rooker as voice actors for it.

5. Evil Dead 2 (1987) This film was directed by Sam Raimi and is a sequel to “The Evil Dead.” The film was written by Raimi and Scott Spiegel. It stars Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams. Using every trick in the book, this gory, skillful horror flick gets laughs just from its insanity, bizarreness and creativity. The film spawned a sequel in 1992 and the series has since been rebooted, with the first film due for release in 2013. The film has become a cult classic.



The Voice

March 13, 2013

Faculty Senate must continue taking time for crucial decisions

The Echo Staff w



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Sig Ep struggles to work through past problems UCA’s Greek Life was yet again put in a negative spotlight March 13 in an Echo article describing allegations of sexual assault and video voyeurism. The fraternity at the center of the alleged incident, Sigma Phi Epsilon, has a history of bringing troubling attention to the university’s Greek organizations. Any form of attention that portrays the fraternity, especially a fraternity seeking redemption, as vulnerable to threats of violence is not encouraging. Sig Ep needs to be closely monitored as it hangs on to any hopes it has of working past the bad press. In the UCAPD report detailing the incident, students are said to have produced and distributed a video featuring a 19-year-old female student Feb. 8. Three people were listed as suspects, including two Sig Ep members. The other suspect’s involvement with the fraternity is unclear. From information in the report, it is also not clear if the investigation will result in criminal charges. Even if no criminal charges are filed, the negative publicity is not good. Based on other claims, especially in regard to the filming of the female student, sexual acts were portrayed. If true, these allegations bring into question another threat to Sig Ep’s struggling reputation. How does Greek Life work to ensure a fraternity or sorority member’s right to privacy isn’t jeopardized? Also, if the people in the video were willing participants, what steps can be taken to enforce decency standards in the future? The early stage of the investigation and lack of information about the video leads to many questions about motive: who was aware or involved in the filming and whether an actual criminal act took place at the Sig Ep house. Clearly, Sig Ep as a whole cannot be held fully responsible for the alleged idiocy of a few members, but the practices and basic rules of the fraternity should be evaluated to prevent the Greek organization from violations or suspension.

It would be easy to tell the fraternity it is suspended again, but I can understand why some feel that would be unfair as Sig Ep tries to rebound from the past. There is no doubt that, to many students, Greek Life is an essential part of the college experience and I agree. It allows members to form lasting friendships with fellow students and feel like a family unit during their journeys. As with any Greek organization, there will always be an occasional incident that will portray a fraternity or sorority in an unflattering way. The recent allegations are just a couple of examples of problems Sig Ep has faced in a span of less than five years. In 2011, an 18-year-old female student accused a 21year-old student at a Sig Ep party of sexually assaulting by Brandon her. UCAPD findings were Riddle turned over to Faulkner News Editor County Prosecuting Attorney Cody Hiland’s office. Sig Ep appealed the suspension of its UCA chapter in 2011, which I believe was the wrong move. In order for the fraternity to grow, it should have been accountable and accepted full responsibility for not preventing multiple incidents from happening among its members. Would it be fair to equate the 2013 allegations with other controversial events of the past? Probably not. But, it is important to discuss the past and present to establish a stronger understanding of university and fraternity standards to keep Sig Ep productive into the future. At a time when Sig Ep is working on improving its image, the recent public setback brings into question whether the organization should be suspended yet again. Although the allegations are not related to the alcohol violations which led to its one-year suspension from spring 2011 to spring 2012, there are serious flaws in judgment in all cases against the fraternity. Sig Ep has worked to improve its public image since then through community service projects, but it hasn’t fully shown itself to be morally and ethically upright.

Limited rack space problem for bike riding students When I became a Purple Bear in the fall of 2011, I brought my bike with me. I have always enjoyed pedaling around the tame landscape of UCA’s campus and appreciating the beautiful weather. I have never had a problem navigating around other students on my way to class—except that one time I knocked a Sonic drink out of a girl’s hand—but I have had difficulty in finding openings at bike racks once I get there. UCA policy requires that bikes only be locked onto specified bicycle racks, which fill up quickly on sunny mornings. I work for housing and know the policy quite well, but for those of you who have yet to crack open that student handbook, check out page 125. The handbook states, “Any bicycle found secured to any object other than a bicycle rack will be confiscated by UCAPD and the owner will be ticketed. Confiscated bicycles will be stored by UCAPD for 30 days. Any unclaimed confiscated bicycle will be disposed of after 30 days.” The problem with this policy is that it is an attack on those who actually ride their bikes because space doesn’t always allow rack access. This brings me to my next point: the policy excludes removing abandoned bikes that clog the rack. During the past two years I’ve spent living on campus, I have seen a few bikes—some missing crucial parts and rusted from the elements—that continue to be locked stagnantly to the prime bike-lock real estate.

It frustrates me beyond belief to wedge my bike into a tangled pit of handlebars to ensure it won’t be stolen, or worse, confiscated before I return. I want it to end. I ride a 1965 Schwinn Collegiate that was passed down from my late-grandmother and I hate risking damaging it by scraping it on other bikes. Even if I had a newer bike, I wouldn’t want to do it. Last time I rode to the Student Center for a delicious Moo-Yah Burger, the racks were full and I noticed a bike had fallen on its side from the racks’ by Peyton over-capacity status. A bike Olsen frame with one tire caused Staff Writer the fall. I decided to risk it and lock my frame and tire, which has turned out to be a pretty good trick because this happens about once a week. Even though my personal suffering is hit-or-miss depending on the day of the week, I know this is happening to other people. Sometimes I get caught up in a race against a fellow biker for the last spot, which is more like a small space where the lock can still reach. The University of Arkansas requires its students to register their bikes. If UCA were to do this, bicycle owners could be reminded to take their bikes home at the end of the year or to donate an unwanted bike to UCA’s bike share program. Until then, I hope my fellow students help stop the clogging by refraining from bringing their bikes for no other purpose than to die a sad, rusty death on the UCA’s bike racks.

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After pushing through a resolution to approve Provost Steve Runge in less than an hour, the Faculty Senate seems to have learned its lesson. At its March 12 meeting, senators chose to push back a resolution on changes to general education requirements. This was done so the senators could bring the resolution back to their constituents and get ideas and feedback before they voted on the resolution. Even if resolutions and appointments are legitimate and necessary, they need discussion and feedback to make sure the decision is the right one. The UCA Board of Trustees and administration should take a lesson from the faculty senate. Slowing down long enough to think about decisions is the mark of mature and honest leadership. With UCA’s history of problems, that is a muchneeded attribute for the university’s leadership. The last thing the administration needs to do is rush into appointing people when there have been so many problems with administrators in the past few years. Administrators do not rush through every resolution and bill they need approved, but when they do, the image it facilitates is not a good one. Leadership should not be rushed, especially when it deals with important issues that affect thousands of students and faculty. Faculty senate has generally been a staunchly independent governing body at UCA and it is good to see them trying to take on that role again. Their leadership is important on campus and shows the general attitude of most faculty on campus. Only by talking with other faculty members can senators accomplish this. Without listening to feedback, leaders make decisions primarily based on what they want, not on the wishes of their constituents or community. All governing entities on campus should use this governing style. Whether it’s the Student Government Association or the board of trustees, anyone with governing power on campus should take the time to listen to their constituents and get ideas about how to improve things that are important to them. Being in a position of authority does not necessarily mean you have all the answers or know the best thing to do in every situation. Taking the advice and input of the people you serve or are in charge of can substantially improve results and positively affect the amount of respect given and received by all parties. This also shows the people paying attention to UCA that the campus runs not only efficiently, but with openness and honesty. This is important for any institution, but especially for one that has had problems with its image in recent years. If the UCA Faculty Senate continues to take time to think about decisions and get input from its constituents, it can continue to be a positive example for governing bodies on campus. However, if any more important issues are rushed through, it may promote an already negative perception of the university as a place that can’t get its act together.

The Echo is printed weekly at the Log Cabin Democrat in Conway, Ark. Decisions about content are made by the student editors. The views published are not necessarily those of the University of Central Arkansas. All material is subject to respective copyrights.

Without listening to feedback, leaders make decisions primarily based on what they want, not on the wishes of their constituents or community.

Sports Kuhn collects 500th victory at Houston Baptist 9

March 27, 2013

Week at a glance Baseball swept at ORU

The UCA men’s baseball team suffered it’s first major setback of the season over the weekend at Oral Roberts University. The Bears (18-6, 0-3) were swept by the Golden Eagles (8-15, 3-0) in a three-game series. Oral Roberts downed UCA 8-1 March 22, 3-2 March 23 and 4-3 March 24.

Softball goes 1-2 on road The UCA softball team fell to the Houston Baptist Huskies twice in a March 19 double-header before rallying late to defeat the Huskies 11-5 March 20. The victory was Head Coach David Kuhn’s 500th career victory for the Bears (21-11, 5-4). Houston Baptist (11-10, 5-4) claimed the first two games of the series 5-1 and 13-3.

Men fall in first round The UCA men’s basketball team fell to the Sam Houston State Bearkats 69-63 March 13 in the first round of the Southland Conference Tournament. The loss was the first appearance in the conference tournament for the Bears.

Women suffer early exit After claiming the Southland Conference Championship last season, the UCA women’s basketball team lost to the Stephen F. Austin Ladyjacks in the first round of the conference tournament March 13. The loss was the final game for three-time conference player of the year senior forward Megan Herbert.

Upcoming games Baseball

by Brandon Riddle News Editor

After a two-game loss against Houston Baptist University March 19, the Bears softball team managed a victory in the third game of the series March 20. During the game at Houston, the Bears (21-11, 5-4) defeated the Huskies 11-5, avoiding a sweep for Houston Baptist. Coach David Kuhn received his 500th career victory following the win, making it his 132nd while at UCA. Prior to coaching the Bears, Kuhn picked up his first 368 career wins during his 10 years at Delta State. Kuhn said the milestone is representative of his surroundings in his time with the Bears. “It is a nice accomplishment, but it’s all because of coaching some great women and being surrounded by good coaches and an outstanding support staff,” Kuhn said. In the first two games of the series March 19, the Huskies won 5-1 in the first game and 13-3 in second. The Bears had an early lead in the first game when freshman right fielder Sam Forrest hit her second home run of the season over the right field fence. Senior second baseman Melissa Bryant, Forrest and senior left fielder Stephanie Lasley were the only Bears to record a hit in the first game. Bryant went 2-for-3 with a pair of singles. The Huskies scored in every inning during the second game March 19, ending with a score of 13-3. Houston Baptist had an early 1-0 lead in the first inning, adding six runs in the second, five in the third and one in the fourth.

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The UCA softball team meets senior shortstop Melissa Bryant as she collects her third RBI on a home-run against Houston Baptist March 20. Bryant scored three runs and tallied three RBI’s in the 11-5 victory. The Bears had six hits in the game from five batters. Senior catcher Melanie Bryant was the only Central Arkansas player to collect multiple hits, going 2-for-2 with a double and an RBI. Bryant said the team could have done better on defense during the three games against Houston Baptist. “We had players injured and people weren’t in normal positions,” she said. Sophomore pitcher Cicely New started for the Bears, taking the loss on the back of a four-hit, five-run ball. New provided one walk and struck out one Huskie.

Sophomore pitcher Ciara Clampitt gave up six runs on four hits and three walks. On March 20, the Bears collected 10 hits between eight players. Bryant was 2-for-3 with a walk, scoring three runs and driving three more. She was hit by a pitch, hit her 10th double of the season and collected her second home run. The Bears had an early 2-0 lead, resulting from a passed ball and a throwing error from the Huskies, but Houston Baptist had four runs in the bottom of the frame with a 4-2 lead. Senior pitcher Kelsie Armstrong picked up her 17th

complete game of the year following the 11-5 win against the Huskies, having five runs on nine hits and a walk in seven innings. Central Arkansas lost against the Sam Houston State University Bearkats last week in two games March 16 and 17. On March 16, the Bears won 5-3 against Sam Houston in the first game but lost to the Bearkats 9-8 in the second game. The Bears lost again to Sam Houston 10-0 March 17 in Huntsville, Texas at the final game of the series. After going 1-2 against the Huskies, Kuhn said he felt his team hadn’t played to its full potential. “I felt like we are a better

team than we showed at Houston Baptist,” Kuhn said. “We will continue to work on the fundamentals and get better every day.” The Bears will host the University of Tulsa at 5 p.m. March 27. The team will play at home against Southland Conference opponent, the McNeese State University Cowgirls, in a double-header March 29 and will conclude the series March 30. Melanie Bryant said going against the number one Southland Conference team will be challenging, but she is confident the team will win.


Men, Sugar Bears fall in first round of tournament

Today at Oklahoma State. 6:30 p.m. Thursday vs. Lamar. 6 p.m. Friday vs. Lamar. 6 p.m. Saturday vs. Lamar. 1 p.m. Tuesday vs. ArkansasLittle Rock. 6 p.m. Softball Today vs. Tulsa. 5 p.m. Friday vs. McNeese State. 5 p.m. Friday vs. McNeese State. 7 p.m. Saturday vs. McNeese State. 11 a.m. Track & Field UCA Open. Saturday. 10:30 a.m. Tennis Friday at Lamar. 10 a.m. Saturday at McNeese State. 10 a.m. Men’s Golf Sunday at Bankcorp South Intercollegiate. Women’s Golf Monday at Houston Baptist Invitational

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(Left) UCA Head Coach Corliss Williamson rallies his team at the Farris Center. (Right) Senior forward Megan Herbert runs off the court after the first-round loss.

by Clark Johnson and Durrell Green Sports Editor and Staff Writer

After earning quality wins down the stretch, the UCA men’s basketball team saw its season come to an end March 16 in the first round of the Southland Conference Tournament. The Bears were making their first appearance in the tournament in school history. After a regular-season finale win over the Oral Roberts Golden Eagles, the Bears slid into the seventh seed in the tournament, pushing McNeese State to eighth. UCA traveled to Katy, Texas to face the Sam Houston State Bearkats in the first round of the tournament. The Bearkats won both regular-season meetings between the two teams. After holding a 29-28 lead at halftime over the Bearkats, UCA fell into an offensive slump in the second half. Sam Houston State, led by senior guard Darius Gatson’s six second-half three-pointers, trounced the Bears in the second half, outscoring UCA 41-34 en route to a 69-63 victory in the first round of the tournament. The Bears finished the season at 13-17, going 7-11 in conference play. In the 2011-2012 season, UCA finished with an 8-21 record, showing significant improvement from its previous campaign.

Throughout the season, the Bears found themselves in lategame situations; some ending in their favor, others not. UCA was no stranger to overtime thrillers this season, including the regular-season finale against Oral Roberts and a memorable triple-overtime game win against McNeese State Jan. 24 at the Farris Center. Six of the Bears’ 17 losses were lost by five or fewer points. Freshman guard Daouda Berete said the team came together and embraced its role as the underdog. “I feel like we actually had a brotherhood,” Berete said. “We had a great year. Everyone came together and wanted to accomplish the same goal.” The Bears lose three consistent starters to graduation: forward Jarvis Garner, center Anthony Borden and guard Robert Crawford. Berete said the team will look to help carry the load the seniors held this season. “Next year we are going to try and go even further,” Berete said. “We’re going to mark our goals even higher and try to accomplish more than we did this year.” The Bears showed steady signs of improvement under Head Coach Corliss Williamson from their previous seasons. Williamson took over the program at the start of the 2010-

2011 season, signing a three-year contract. Garner finished the season as the Bears’ leading scorer and rebounder. Garner averaged 15.9 points per game and seven rebounds per game. The Bears will retain junior guard LaQuentin Miles for the 2013-2014 season. Miles averaged 15.6 points and three assists per game. He also led the team with 37 steals on the season. Crawford said that while the tournament’s result wasn’t what the team was looking for, the program made big strides this season. “The program really progressed this season with the history being made,” Crawford said. “You have to crawl before you walk, so this year was an overall success.” One of the three departing seniors, Crawford said he believes the returning players will continue to keep the program moving in the right direction. “The returning team next year will continue to get better,” he said. “They’ve had a pretty good senior class for them to learn from this year, and they will have good incoming recruits in line to continue what we’ve started.” The Sugar Bears also suffered a first-round defeat in the conference tournament. After starting the season strong, the Sugar Bears dropped

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nine of their final 11 games, including the 64-59 loss to Stephen F. Austin Ladyjacks in the tournament. Senior guard Micah Rice tore her ACL midway through the season and was unable to recover in time for the tournament. Rice said that while the Sugar Bears weren’t able to have the success of their previous season, the team did take some positives from the year. “This past season was tough for us,” Rice said. “I think we faced a lot of obstacles and situations that none of us expected to face.” After a string of conference losses, the Sugar Bears were knocked out of contention to be crowned regular-season champions of the Southland Conference. Rice said the team wasn’t expecting to have such a tough season. “Losing the number of games we did, me tearing my ACL, not being a contender for the regular season championship, I never thought any of that would happen,” Rice said. After tearing her ACL, Rice said she could see the team having a hard time without her. “I watched the majority of the season from the sidelines and it was hard to have to sit there and watch them struggle,” Rice said. Senior forward Megan

Herbert shed much-needed light on the Sugar Bears’ season when she became the second-active NCAA Divison I player to record 2,000 points and 1,000 rebounds in a career. Baylor’s senior center Brittney Griner is the only other active player to have achieved the milestone. Rice said that although the team will be depleted, she believes she will be able to lead the team to a prosperous season next year. “It will be different and a challenge, because it’ll be hard to replace a Hebert and a Rogers, but I’m a winner and even if the odds are against us next year, we will find a way to win,” Rice said. The Sugar Bears finished the season 15-15. Last season, the team finished 24-7 with a 14-2 conference record and a conference championship. The .500 season marked the first year in new Head Coach Sandra Rushing’s tenure with the Sugar Bears. Rice said the senior group for the Sugar Bears showed great leadership throughout the season, even during the tough times. “I’m very proud of them, especially the seniors that I came in with,” she said. “Although we didn’t win, they never have given up despite the tough stretches they experienced.”

10 / March 27, 2013


Herbert era ends for Sugar Bears, program faces complete rebuild, will miss forward’s consistency Under Review By clark johnson

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Senior right fielder Forrest Allday earned one of UCA’s five hits in the opening game of the three-game series at Oral Roberts University.

Baseball swept at Oral Roberts, starts conference season 0-3 By Andy Robertson Assistant News Editor

The UCA baseball team opened conference play with three losses this weekend against the Oral Roberts University Golden Eagles in Tulsa, Okla. The Bears (18-6, 0-3 SLC) entered the weekend ranked No. 23 on the Baseball America poll and No. 24 on the USA Today Poll. Game one saw the Bears take the loss to ORU (8-15, 3-0) 1-8 Friday. The Bears collected five hits and three walks. The Bears lone run was scored in the eighth inning. Senior third baseman Garrett Brown started the inning off with a single to left field. Junior shortstop Justin Treece singled to center field. Senior left fielder Ethan Harris reached on a fielder’s choice. Treece advanced to second and Brown advanced to third. Second baseman Blake Marchal walked to load the bases. Junior centerfielder Jonathan Davis drew a bases-loaded walk. Treece scored to give the Bears the first run of the game. Senior starting pitcher Caleb McClanahan (4-2) took the loss for UCA. McClanahan gave up three earned runs on six hits in six innings pitched. He walked two and struck out two. Junior starting pitcher Alex Gonzalez (2-4) got the win for the Golden Eagles. Gonzalez gave up one earned run on five hits in eight innings of work. He walked three and struck out eight. Junior third baseman Austen Colt was the main contributor for the Golden Eagles, going 2-for-2 with three RBIs. Game two saw UCA lose to the Golden Eagles 2-3 at J.L. Johnson Stadium Saturday. Eight Bears got hits and two drew walks. After falling behind by three runs, the Bears finally got on the board in the sixth inning on a double by Brown and an RBI single by senior catcher Michael Marietta. The Bears scored their last

run in the seventh inning. Senior right fielder Forrestt Allday drew a one-out walk then advanced to second on an error by sophomore catcher Jose Trevino. Davis knocked in Allday with a single to left field and advanced to second on the throw. Senior starting pitcher Jeffrey Enloe (4-1) took the loss for UCA, giving up three earned runs on nine hits in six innings of work. He walked two and struck out three. Senior Golden Eagles starting pitcher Drew Bowen (1-2) got the win, giving up one earned run on six hits in six innings pitched. The Golden Eagles completed the sweep Sunday with a 4-3 win over UCA. Harris led the Bears Sunday, going 3-5 with an RBI. Brown and Marietta also tallied an RBI in the loss. Harris said although he had been struggling recently, he had a good weekend at the plate. “Coach Gum got me in the cage and we’ve been working on some different things,” he said. “I just took what we’ve been working on in practice to the game and it helped me out this weekend.” The Bears struck first when Brown homered in the top of the second. However, the Bears left the bases loaded in the frame when Marchal grounded out to first to end the inning with Allday, Marietta and Treece stranded on base. UCA extended its lead in the top of the third. Marietta drove in Brown from second off a single to right field to give the Bears a 2-0 lead. The Golden Eagles tied the game in the bottom of the sixth. Senior infielder Nate Goro scored Oral Roberts’ first run of the game on a wild pitch. Sophomore catcher Jose Trevino added a second run in the frame when he hit in sophomore outfielder Logan Domenico. UCA claimed the lead again in the top of the seventh on a twoout rally. After reaching second on a double, Harris scored on a single to right frield from Brown.

The Golden Eagles went into the bottom of the ninth down 3-2. However, the Oral Roberts rally started when Trevino homered on the first at-bat of the inning to tie the game 3-3. Golden Eagles junior outfielder Tyler Boss advanced to third on a sacrifice bunt from senior first baseman Chris Williams. With runners on third and second, UCA elected to intentionally walk senior outfielder Kevin Cho to load the bases. Oral Roberts junior outfielder Austen Colt struck out swinging on the next at-bat to leave the bases loaded with two outs. Goro came to the plate with the game on the line. A single to right field scored Boss to give the Golden Eagles the three-game sweep of UCA. After the series, the Bears have lost four of their past five games. Allday said the team was unable to generate enough offense to get a win over the weekend. “We just couldn’t get anything going and when we did, it was either bad luck or with two outs which made things more difficult,” Allday said. The Bears have utlized big hits to get runs in mass amounts this season. Allday said the team didn’t get the bats rolling like they needed to. “We just didn’t get that big hit to get things rolling and it showed because we didn’t score very many runs,” he said. After being held to only six runs in the series, Allday said the lack of offense was self inflicted. “It wasn’t necessarily their pitchers, we were just not executing in crucial situations,” Allday said. “I know we will bounce back from this and when we’re in the face of adversity again, I know we’ll come through.” The Bears will look to get back on track with a non-conference game against the Oklahoma State Cowboys at 6:30 p.m. today in Stillwater, Okla. UCA returns to conference play with a three-game series against the Lamar Cardinals starting at 6 p.m. Thursday at Bear Field.

Senior Megan Herbert’s career ended on a down note despite being crowned Southland Conference Player of the Year for the third consecutive season. The Sugar Bears made a disappointing exit in the first round of the Southland Conference Tournament in a 6459 loss to the Stephen F. Austin Ladyjacks March 16. UCA finished the season at 15-15, after winning the conference title last season. After the loss in Katy, Texas, the Herbert Era is officially over. The senior from Rogers, Ark. played her last game in a Central Arkansas uniform at the Farris Center in a regular-season finale loss to Oral Roberts. Herbert leaves the program as one of the most highly-decorated players in Sugar Bear history. She ranks 10th in Division I history in rebounds and is the all-time leading Division I scorer in the history of programs in Arkansas. Herbert amassed 84 doubledoubles in her career, tallying 18 this season. She was selected to the Southland Conference firstteam all-conference in all four of her seasons with the Sugar Bears. She finished her career with 2,329 points and 1,446 rebounds. Only nine players have totaled 2,300 career points and 1,400 career rebounds in Division I history. In her final season, Herbert averaged 19.8 points per game and 11.7 rebounds per game. Herbert’s resume is beyond impressive. Despite her consistent

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individual output, her team struggled down the stretch in the season. After former Head Coach Matt Daniel left the Sugar Bear program to take the head coaching position at Marshall, it was known that the program would be in a transition stage. Daniel was an up-tempo coach who claimed the conference title with the Sugar Bears last season. However, I, along with many UCA fans, didn’t expect the struggle the Sugar Bears went through this season. The team dropped nine of its final 11 games. Though some of the hardships can be contributed to losing senior point guard Micah Rice to an ACL tear, that doesn’t excuse the way the team ended the season, especially when you consider the other quality players the program had. If you thought a transition period was coming after Daniel’s departure, just wait. Herbert was the absolute backbone of her team. Along with her leaving, the team loses forwards Britney Gowans and Desiree’ Rogers, guard Tracey Parsons and center Chantel Moss. Losing the seniors leaves the team with only seven returning members coming next season. I’m not seeing an easy road ahead for Head Coach Sandra Rushing and the remaining Sugar Bears. Look at how any team on nearly any level responds after losing its key player. Think about

the season the Orlando Magic have had this year after losing Dwight Howard, or how the Indianapolis Colts fared when losing Peyton Manning to injury. I believe the Sugar Bears will be going through the same sort of identity-seeking stage that these teams have had to go through. They not only lose the single greatest player in the history of the program, but they lose solid contributions from the remaining seniors. It seems as though a complete rebuild is in order for the Sugar Bears program. The team is losing a nearlyguaranteed 20 points and 10 rebounds per game with Herbert, as well as an assist leader in Rice. The loss of Rogers also poses a big challenge for the Bears. Rogers averaged 8.8 points per game and tallied 54 assists this season. Rogers became the 22nd player in Sugar Bear history to amass 1,000 career points this season. Any team that faces such losses, without a player coming in to take the roles on with experience under their belts, is guaranteed to experience some growing pains. Deuver and sophomore guard Kelcia Bufkin will return to the team as the two most experienced players for Rushing’s 2013-2014 squad. Deuver averaged 13.6 points per game and 8.8 rebounds per game this season. She was second in scoring behind Herbert. While Deuver and Bufkin have been key players for the Sugar Bears this season, the two alone will not fill the void. It’s unfortunate Herbert’s career had to end on such a downward spiral with her team, but the Sugar Bear program now is forced to move on without its leader. We will be seeing a whole new look from the Sugar Bears in the next few years. It’s not often you find a recruit with Herbert’s talent to come in and single-handedly lead a program to success in four years.

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