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Single Copy Paid For by Student Publication Fee
Volume 108 — Issue 9
October 31, 2012 Wednesday
Campus Life:
Young Americans for Liberty: Express themselves on a free speech wall
Voice: Corruption in administration also hurts students Mostly Sunny
Football: Bears can earn conference championship, playoff berth 4 page 9
4 page 6
4 page 3
Student surprised by husband’s early homecoming from Afghanistan by Courtney Lee
Staff Writer
Partly Cloudy
Around Campus: Octubaween The music department will host Octubaween, a Halloween event featuring tuba music, at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Snow Fine Arts Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.
Maverick CEO Lecture Steve Williams, Chairman and CEO of Maverick USA, Inc., will speak at 1:40 p.m. tomorrow in the College of Business Auditorium. The lecture is sponsored by the Milton & Claudia and Granger & Jan Davis Lecture Series. William’s lecture is titled, “Trucking’s Transformation: The Next Chapter.”
Gary Puckett & The Union Gap Gary Puckett and The Union Gap will perform at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Reynolds Performance Hall. The band had six consecutive gold records and sold more records in 1968 than any other recording act, including The Beatles. Tickets are $10 for students and $30-$40 for the general public. The event is presented by KARN 102.9 FM.
Special Edition Paper The Echo will put out a special edition paper on Nov. 8 covering the elections on campus and in Conway.
Homecoming Shirts The Association of Future Alumni will sell homecoming T-shirts from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. until Friday in the Student Center lobby. T-shirts are on sale for $10.
Saxopalooza The UCA saxophone studio, under the direction of Jackie Lamar, will present Saxopalooza at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6 in the Snow Fine Arts Recital Hall. The event is open to the public and will feature performances by the saxophone choir and quartets.
Humanities Fair The UCA Humanities and World Cultures Institute will host the 2012 Humanities Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 8 in the Brewer-Hegeman Conference Center. The fair is supported by a grant from the Arkansas Humanities Council and National Endowment for the Humanities. The event is open to high school students and teachers. Students will attend sessions conducted by UCA professors. For more information, visit the Humanities Fair website at uca.edu/hwci/ humanities-fair.
photo by Sean Shrewsbury
Senior Chrissie Havens is greeted and surprised by her husband Thomas’ early arrival from Afghanistan on Oct. 17 at a faculty reception in the president’s house.
Senior Chrissie Havens was surprised by her husband’s early arrival from Afghanistan, Oct. 17 at a reception for a UCA staff member hosted at the president’s house. President Tom Courtway was giving tours of his home while Chrissie was socializing with the rest of the visiting students when her husband, senior Airman Thomas Havens, walked in the room and greeted her with flowers. Thomas was accompanied by his mother and father. He had been in Arkansas two hours before arriving in Conway to surprise his wife. Thomas traveled to Conway from the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. “I just enjoyed the trees,” Thomas said about his ride home. Before arriving in Fort Smith, Thomas said he visited a few countries on his way home, including Sicily, Qatar and six other countries.
“It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” Thomas said. “It was hot the whole time though.” Thomas had been at Bagram Air Base since mid-June of this year. Spending the whole summer there, he said the weather was “a different kind of heat.” “When I left it was hot in the day and chilly at night,” Thomas said. “It would be 60 degrees in the evening and 105 the next day. I just call it an experience.” To make the surprise a success, Thomas said he had to tell his wife he would return home on a later date. “I actually lied to her last night and told her I wasn’t coming home until tomorrow,” he said. “I wanted to tell her, but we decided to keep it a secret. We didn’t know all this was going to happen. I thought I was just going to storm off in here.” Chrissie, a kinesiology and physical therapy major, said she attended the
See Surprise - page 2
Torreyson now open 24 hours with Overnight Operation 24/5 Project by Zachary O’Neal and Ari Sumpter
Assistant Campus Life Editor and Staff Writer Students have the opportunity to further academic study later than before on campus with the Torreyson Library’s next step from the Night Owl to the
Overnight Operation 24/5 Project. “I try to talk to students and faculty a lot,” Torreyson Director Art Lichtenstein said. Students expressed the need for a place to study during the day and at night on campus, he said. The 24/5 Project is a one-year pilot
Fourth alleged rape reported this year by Marisa Hicks News Editor
An 18-year-old student reported she was raped by nonstudent Zachary Thomas Kever, 19, on Oct. 11, which marks the fourth alleged campus rape this year. She reported to UCAPD at 2:01 p.m. Oct. 11 that she had been raped in her dorm room in Conway Hall at 6 a.m. The victim and Kever were friends, she said. They attended Hall High School in Little Rock before she attended UCA. The victim said Kever visited her with a friend the day before and left without incident. When he returned at 6 a.m. Oct. 11 to pick up some personal items he left in the victim’s room, she answered the door “wrapped in a blanket” and “was not wearing any clothes underneath it,” according to a police report. She said she and Kever had not had a sexual relationship in the past.
Students in remedial math classes are learning in a way never taught at UCA prior to this semester. UCA was one of nine schools chosen in the state to redesign its beginning and intermediate algebra courses curriculum, by combining the courses into one modular course. $1 million was divided among the nine schools for the redesign. University College math faculty members Jo Karen Hudson and Lisa Christman were chosen to redesign the courses at UCA. Hudson and Christman have worked more than 1,000 hours in developing modules, writing the workbooks and creating videos for the new modular course. The class is taught in a computer lab in Harrin Hall. The lab contains 40 new computers for the course. Hudson said the class “insists on mastery.” Each student is required to do
4 Opinion 4 Campus Life 4 Entertainment 4 Sports
orientation at the beginning of the course. The course, called “Progressive Math,” is divided into 15 modules. There is a pretest at the beginning of each of the module. Students who score 80 percent on the pretest can skip the module. Each module contains workbook sections with a video and homework. “The workbook matches [the video] exactly,” Hudson said. “So it’s a way for them to keep their notes.” Each section of the individual module has a quiz at the end. Students must score an 80 percent to move on to the next section. Those who do not score 80 percent finish a practice exercise, generated with five problems like the ones missed on the quiz. After completing the practice, students are allowed a second try at the quiz. If 80 percent is still not reached, a teacher works one-on-one with the student on the section, before resetting the quiz to
3 6 8 9
Seniors Phibe Huynh and Helena Van and sophomore Tim Nguyen competed to make the besttasting Ramen noodles at 5:30 p.m. at the Iron Chef Ramen Noodle Challenge Oct. 18.
Pillow visits campus; talks about success by Ariana Sumpter Staff Writer UCA alumnus Terry Rhea Pillow, who is now the Chief Executive Officer of top clothing company Tommy Bahama, discussed leadership and the fashion business while visiting campus Oct. 18. Pillow who lived in Corning, Ark. until graduating high school in 1971, received a marketing degree from UCA. He said he has been interested in fashion since the sixth grade. “Some people choose their fate and others’ fates are chosen for them,” he said. Pillow’s fashion career began at Neiman Marcus. He has held several executive leadership positions with A/X Armani
See Algebra - page 2
Next Issue:
See Library - page 2
photo by Pham Minh
UCA revamps algebra courses Sports Editor
“My students tell me dorms aren’t suitable for studying because it’s too noisy and whatever,” Lichtenstein said. “The Student Center doesn’t stay open all night. The HPER Center doesn’t stay open all
“These are all unrelated incidents and there is no need for the campus community to be alarmed,” UCAPD Project Manager Arch Jones said. “Based on the circumstances in each of these reported incidents it was determined there was no immediate threat to our campus.” Each girl who reported an alleged rape to UCAPD reported the suspect as a friend or aquaintence. In an attempt to promote campus safety, a sexual assault awareness video was screened each week in September, which was National Campus Safety Awareness month. The victim reported that Kever had also raped her one year ago. Kever was arrested on drunk or insane charges Oct. 16. He told officers he “tried to kill himself by taking 30 Adderall pills and running into traffic.” He was taken to the Faulkner County Detention Center. The victim said she did not want to press charges.
by Lee Hogan
project with the possibility of extension. The new hours of operation for the library are from 2-5 p.m. Sunday. Instead of having just one room available, the whole first floor will be available after midnight until 7 a.m. Sunday through Thursday. Starbucks hours have not changed since the new hours of operation.
College Republicans, Young Democrats battle it out in a campus debate
Election Coverage Presidential Issue Stances Congressional Debates Local Election Coverage page 4
See Pillow - page 2
Contact Us: Phone: 450-3446 E-mail: ucaechoeditor@gmail.com @ucaecho facebook.com/ucaecho
© 2012 The Echo, Printed by the Log Cabin Democrat, Conway, Ark.
Be available Administration, UCA officials should be ready, willing to talk at any time
page 5
2 / October 31, 2012
Police Beat
Committee builds relationship with city, state
The following reports and arrests are from the UCAPD docket. UCAPD reports any tickets issued as arrests, according to ucapd.com.
Student intimidates professor Student Courtney Whitehead, 19, was accused of intimidating Psychology Professor Bill Lammers at 9 a.m. Oct. 23. Lammers said Whitehead was caught cheating on a test in class. He spoke to Lammers after class after the other students left the classroom in Mashburn Hall 117. During their conversation, Lammers said Whitehead called him “retarded” and a “fucking bitch.” Lammers told UCAPD that he spoke with Whitehead in his office for 20 minutes. During that time, he said Whitehead called him a
liar and said “you are going to wish you hadn’t done this.” Psychology Professor Elson Bihm, 59, witnessed the incident. Bihm told UCAPD that Whitehead’s tone was the most threatening tone he had ever heard someone use on campus with another person. UCAPD spoke with Whitehead about the incident. Whitehead said he did not cheat and that the accusation made him mad. He said the reported statements he made toward Lammers were accurate Whitehead said he wanted to intimidate Lammers into changing his grade. He said he was stressed because of football, relationship problems and grades.
Husband arrives home in time for anniversary,
wife’s graduation 4 Continued from page 1
Pillow: 4 Continued
being home,” she said. “I’m very glad and thankful he made it back home. I’m upset my family kept a secret from me, a good secret though.” Oct. 25 marked the couple’s fourth wedding anniversary. Chrissie said she viewed her husband’s early arrival as an anniversary gift. “I’m generally happy, excited
Assistant News Editor
The Student Government Association announced plans for its newest committee at SGA’s weekly open-forum meeting Oct. 29. Senior senator-at-large Blake Brizzolara chairs the legislative affairs committee, which has SGA senate members representing university interests, but stressed that the committee will not be lobbying
on UCA’s behalf. “The committee’s purpose is making our interests known to state and local government about the importance of UCA and the university on the budget,” he said. Brizzolara said the committee will look into spending a day at the state capitol. Committee members would sit in on legislative sessions and provide opinions on legislation affecting UCA. He said the committee will work with nearby universities
Algebra: 4 Continued
In the Oct. 17 issue of The Echo, a “Health Care” section of a story titled “Honors college enlists renowned thinkers in Challenge Week series,” misquoted Clay Arnold, professor and political science chairman. The language used in the quote suggested bias by Arnold. The intent of the speech was to inform people about the Affordable Healthcare Act without bias.
reception in honor of one of the other attendees. “I don’t like surprises; I didn’t know how to react,” Chrissie said. She said she was baffled by the surprise. She said she had a lot on going on, concentrating mostly on school because she’s expecting to graduate in December. “I’m speechless about him
by Brandon Riddle
and colleges to show a “united front” for the importance of higher education. In other business, SGA: • Receieved approximately 30 applications for nonSGA positions on the diversity committee. Applicants will be interviewed tomorrow during x-period in the SGA office. • Said the annual holiday lights will be hung around campus from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 5.
Modular Math courses now offered for beginning
and intermediate classes
and tickled,” she said. Along with arriving to Conway in time for their anniversary, Thomas has arrived in time to attend Chrissie’s graduation. The couple said they did not have anniversary plans because they were not expecting to spend the day together. However, Thomas said he had a few ideas.
from page 1
be retaken. The end of each module has a posttest. An 80 percent is required to move on to the next module. Just like with section quizzes, if an 80 percent is not met on the posttest, students work a practice exercise with five problems like the ones missed on the posttest. The students then retake the posttest. “[The course] encourages progress and requires mastery,” Hudson said. Students are allowed up to three semesters to finish the course. Those who do not finish re-enroll each semester and pay again for the course. Unlike the traditional way, which requires students to retake the entire course if failed or dropped, students in the new modular course pick up where they left off in the previous semester. The course is being taught
in addition to the traditional way of breaking up the course into beginning and intermediate algebra. Christman said 30 to 35 percent of freshmen go through remedial math. She said the courses house around 650 students this semester. Hudson and Christman are teaching the new course exclusively this semester. Three other teachers are teaching the new course and the traditional course. The math department has provided five graduate assistants to help with the course. Christman said there are at least two teachers in every class, and a graduate assistant is present in most, as well. The new course seems to be working, Christman and Hudson said. “I think they love it,” Hudson
said. Christman said she has had only two students tell her they want to go back to a traditional course. Christman and Hudson have had a few students finish the entire course already this semester. “I think they’re going to know algebra better than they’ve ever known it, because they’ve never been forced to have 80 percent mastery,” Hudson said. “A lot of them [in the traditional course] never learn how to graph a line, and then you go on to the next chapter, ‘Oh well.’” Christman and Hudson both said they would like to see all remedial math courses be taught with the new modular course, but only time will tell if the math department decides to go that direction.
Alumnus talks about CEO career with Tommy Bahama clothing store, looks back to where fashion career began
from page 1
Exchange, Coach and Polo Ralph Lauren. Pillow said he helped the businesses prosper because of his work and dedication. Pillow said he spent 30 years in New York working with these companies. He currently lives in Seattle, Wash. with his wife Kelley and their 6-year-old son. Including Tommy Bahama, Pillow said he has managed and
helped the success of 105 stores and 35 restaurants. Pillow said the brand Tommy Bahama is more than just clothing and apparel. “Tommy Bahama is a lifestyle brand,” he said. “We are selling our customers a lifestyle.” Inside the stores both men and women apparel is sold as well as decorative home products, handbags, jewelry and
accessories. There are currently 13 Tommy Bahama stores. Pillow said each store has a restaurant attached so that shoppers can eat and shop in the same location. The stores are located in several states including Florida, Texas, Hawaii and South Carolina. Pillow said his job keeps him on the move.
“I’ve been back and forth from Seattle to New York a lot this year,” he said. Pillow said he has been to the Far East four times this year and that there will be a store and restaurant opening in Tokyo, Japan. He said there is no such thing as a typical day in his profession. “One day you can be focusing
on business, the next you can be headed to another location,” Pillow said. He said at times it’s difficult to maintain his business and his home life. “I spend as much time with my wife and son as I can, but in this business there is a lot of work and traveling involved,” he said.
He said he doesn’t visit Arkansas as much as he’d like to. “If I could, I would come to Arkansas more often,” he said. “My mom still lives in Corning and Arkansas still is a beautiful place.” Pillow said he is expecting the opening of the next Tommy Bahama Store and Restaurant on Nov. 15.
First floor of Torreyson available 24 hours, five days a week; staff salaries amount to highest cost in Overnight Operation project 4 Continued from page 1
night. It just seems to me that I have a place, so we started out small.” One of the big concerns with this project is safety, he said, because UCA has an open campus. Security cameras have been installed around the library. Before getting hired, applicants must undergo a thorough criminal background check. Some other requirements were an attention to detail and being alert for things out of the ordinary. Only one set of the front will be unlocked. Students will not be able to pass through the front without presenting a valid UCA ID. Night Owl Director Steve Lunk said he wanted to stress this policy. In the first week, students were turned away for not having their IDs. During the day, the library is open to the public. After midnight, it is open only to students. A nonstudent can stay past midnight if they are not causing any trouble, he said. However, the staff does have the right to check anyone’s ID at any time. The private study carrels are off limits after midnight. Graduate student Vance Baronowski, senior Caleb Stovall and ASU graduate Christopher Whitfield work to promote a safe environment, promote software packages and help answer questions from students who need assistance. Whitfield said ASU already had the program. He said he applied for a position for a change of environment. “To facilitate a 24-hour program, it’s better to have a smaller place because you can have more control as opposed to six floors of students being everywhere for 24 hours,” he said. Baronowski said he braced himself for the worst. “I talked with Art and Steve and they told me they’ve been planning [in case] anything goes wrong,” he said. “When I was told that, I needed to get into the mentality something
will probably go wrong. I have to be ready for it and watch out for people. Luckily, none of that happened. Everything’s been going smooth and people treat it just like they do during the day.” Lichtenstein said after talking things over for a year or so, the staff decided it would keep the first floor open. “It’s what I call the service area of the building,” he said. “The second floor is bookshelf space and some seating. Almost all the computer work is downstairs. I felt if we just had the down [stairs] open and we have four staff minimally, and they were the right people that I would feel comfortable that it is a safe, secure place.” The Night Owl room is currently being remodeled into a computer lab. This process has taken five years. “In the Night Owl, we were really limited by space. Here’s
we’re not,” Lunk said. “We can fit an awful lot more people. In the Night Owl, you can’t have that with only 20 desks.” Lunk said a lot of students are “overwhelmingly” pleased with having access to the Night Owl room. “It seemed popular and students and staff kept telling me it was getting crowded at times,” Lichtenstein said. “Plus, it’s just one room. It didn’t have enough computer work stations, didn’t have enough space, didn’t provide for group work … it was very small. I did some checking around to see how other places do things. I talked to the student government leadership quite a bit and got the support of some of the people I talked to.” Lichtenstein said there used to be problems during finals week because people would steal books. Recently, he said, students have been stealing laptops.
“You can imagine how upset you’re going to be if you have a term paper you’ve almost finished writing and someone walks off with your laptop,” he said. “That was a chronic problem, and it was in most libraries. The police would even send in undercover people, young-looking cops in civilian clothes. Logically, you can’t prove the absence of something. I can never prove that all the fuss I made about safety was necessary, but you still have to do these things in good faith and be as careful as you possibly can be.” With the glass case added to the stairwell, it will help prevent students from going to the second floor after midnight, he said. The doors to the second floor lock people from getting in; however, if a student is upstairs after the door is locked, they will still be able to get out. This project is funded
primarily by the student library fee. Lichtenstein said he worked with an advisory group made up of students and faculty. The group is supposed to check frequently how they feel about how that fee money is being spent. “Years past, there were some issues on this campus with people paying fees for things that those fees were not really going to,” Lichtenstein said. A resolution was given, saying the money will be used for library concerns only. Salaries are the project’s biggest cost. “In any organization whether it’s public or private, salary chews up a lot of your money,” Lichtenstein said. “These people are not paid a lot, but you have to calculate approximately 30
percent on top of the salary for benefits.” Along with benefits, the workers get an 80 percent tuition discount. The library technician staff for this project is paid $21,827 with a grade C109 of 5.5 percent. The library supervisor is paid $29,251 with a grade C115 of 5.5 percent. Baronowski said the tuition break was one of his motivations for getting this job. “Cheaper school is always good for everyone,” he said. “I’m willing to work the hours to get the discount. I think all the students really enjoy it. I hope everyone does. It seems to me like a lot of people have been asking for this for a long time.”
by George Farquhar Bawdy humor and spirited dialogue highlight this rollicking romp as two gentlemen search to find wealthy heiresses to regain their fortunes. Madcap comedy ensues when true love gets in the way and their plans go awry.
November 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 2012 7:30 pm Bridges/Larson Theatre Snow Fine Arts Center
Get 2 tickets free with a current UCA I.D. Reservations are highly encouraged and can be made by calling UCA Ticket Central at 501-450-3265 or visiting the Reynolds box office or the Student Center information desk.
The Voice
October 31, 2012
Administrative woes also affect students, campus staff, faculty
The Echo Staff Openness important to campus media w
Mary DeLoney Editor
Jeanette Anderton Associate Editor
Marisa Hicks News Editor
Brandon Riddle Assistant News Editor
Christina Huynh Campus Life Editor
Zachary O’Neal Assistant Campus Life Editor
Brad Smith Opinion Editor
Lee Hogan Sports Editor
Spencer Griffin Assistant Sports Editor
Stephen Reynolds Entertainment Editor
Photo Editor
Chase Blasingame Web Editor
James Johnson Editorial & Feature Cartoonist
or explanation the following Monday. The Echo published this photo in its Oct. 10 issue. According to a letter from a student, this picture had “no relevance” to the story. The photo’s significance was a reaction to the lack of transparency on James’ side. By not making himself available he let not only myself down, but the university as well. He let me down by not making himself available to explain his presence in the photo, which turned out not to be a big deal. However, I had received mixed signals as to whether or not James was on campus that day, which was a big deal. When I called UCAPD to talk to James, I was told he was not on campus. I had also been told, in my by Marisa efforts to reach James, that Hicks he left campus at 12 p.m. News Editor Different individuals I spoke to had varying statements as to whether or not James was or had been on campus at all that day. James let the university down in not making himself available as well because as Police Chief it is his responsibility to speak and act on behalf of himself, faculty and staff, students and the university as a whole. University officials should be a phone call away to students and faculty. There is no reason why I should have unanswered voice-messages to James’ home phone. There is no reason to explain why Courtway refused to comment when I asked him about the effects of Meadors’ charge to the university earlier this semester. There is no harm in giving your opinion on the matter. It is time for the administration to step up and start talking to the ones who are paying their salaries. I would have liked to address these concerns during the Campus Talk, however, with its inconvenient time, I was unable to make it because I was in class.
Christmas season promising for game releases
Daniel Becker
This campus is in serious need of a transparency face lift—again. We all thought President Tom Courtway would drown out these issues when he took the position. However, I am beginning to understand why he was initially so reluctant to step up. Before Courtway agreed to take on the responsibility of overseeing and controlling the university, he expressed he had no interest in the president’s position even though he had been interim president of the university twice. When he served as interim president after former President Allen Meadors’ resignation, he initiated Campus Talk, an open forum where students and faculty could express issues they had or had observed at the university. So much has changed, however, from the Courtway we knew then. The last Campus Talk was held at 12 p.m. Oct. 17, which is not a convenient time for most students and faculty. Courtway’s initiative to better UCA’s transparency issues has declined at a time when we need it most. So far this semester Meadors has been charged in the Aramark scandal, three rapes have been reported, former Chief of Staff Jack Gillean was charged and issues over the university’s partnership with the Oxford American have risen. With so much going on, students and faculty need to be reminded that the administration is willing and open to talk about all issues. The night Gillean was charged, Cameron Stark posted a picture of himself drinking with UCA Police Chief Larry James. It seemed very suspicious that this photo was posted on that night, especially when James made himself unavailable for comment
Got Letters? Comments or complaints about content of The Echo or in reference to anything on campus should be registered with the newspaper by letters or e-mail to the editors. All letters must be limited to 300 words and include the author’s name and phone number. All letters may be published unless they are marked private. Letters may be edited for style, clarity and length. Editorials written in The Voice express the opinion of the newspaper and the editorial staff. Individual staff opinions are expressed in individual columns.
The Echo office is located in Bernard Hall 003
This year’s Christmas season promises several big video game titles. No matter what kind of games you enjoy playing, there will be something for you. With the Oct. 30 release of “Assassin’s Creed 3,” “WWE ‘13,” “Need for Speed: Most Wanted” and “Lego Lord of the Rings,” the Holiday Season starts with a bang. Only a week later, “Halo 4” will be released. The game has been highly anticipated since its announcement last June and will most likely be one of this year’s bigger sellers. However, only one game can be considered this year’s most anticipated game. “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” will undoubtedly be this year’s bestselling game and, like its predecessors, will most likely set several sales records. Developer Treyarch continues the tried-andtrue formula for their well-received shooter series, which is set several years in the future instead of during the Vietnam War. Further down the line, into late November and early December, adventure game “Rise of the Guardians,” stealth shooter “Hitman Absolution,” and open-world shooter “Farcry 3” will round out some of the major releases this year. This season isn’t just about hardcore gamers, though. “Angry Birds Star Wars” will continue the francise that helped bring many people who have never played games into gaming. While the “Angry
Birds” games aren’t generally different from one another, they are fun games to waste time with. However, even with all these big releases over the next couple months, Nintendo also plans to release a new console to compete with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The Wii-u will be released Nov. 18 and will have technology on par with the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, but with a larger focus on motion controls. The system’s controller will have a touch screen and motion controls. The console will be backwards-compatible with all Wii games and accessories. The Wii-u will have high definition graphics on par by Brad with current generation Smith systems. “ZombiU” is Opinion Editor one of the more exciting games for the Wii-u and is scheduled to be released Nov. 18 as an exclusive to the system. Several games that have already been released on other systems will be re-released on the Wii-u with a focus on the touch screen and motion controls. The Wii-u promises to be more than just the casual party games and badly executed remakes that dominated the landscape of the Wii. With the improved graphics, motion controls and game diversity, the Wii-u will hopefully be a new beginning for Nintendo. Whatever kind of games you are into, this Christmas season promises to be a big one for games. No matter what you like to play, there is something for you this season.
Newsroom: 501-450-3446 ucaechoeditor@gmail.com http://www.ucaecho.net
Have an opinion? Everyone does.
David Keith, Adviser
Write a letter to the editor at
Advertising: 499-9UCA (822) echonewspaperads@gmail.com Scott Paul, Business Manager Matt Williams, Ad Director
Letters to the editor don’t just have to be about Echo content. If you’ve noticed something on campus that’s positive or negative, we want to hear about it. (Follow the guidelines in the Got Letters? column to the left)
This campus is no stranger to corruption and controversy. While the vast majority of UCA administration is honest and just doing their jobs, the corrupt few are making it difficult for students. The general view of UCA around the state is getting worse, as evidenced by a comment on a recent online version of an Arkansas DemocratGazette story. The commenter said that as an employer, applicants with a degree from UCA may not be considered any longer. This was just an anonymous comment from a reader, but it shows that there is a negative view of UCA by many around the state. While this It is not fair to makes for an exciting couple judge someof years for one based on journalism people they students, many have probaalumni may suffer because bly never met of the stigma or circumof going to a stances they college seen as can’t control. corrupt. Whatever the outcome of former Chief of Staff Jack Gillean’s trial, he has made it harder for the average student on this campus. As paying students, we have the right to attend a university that can focus most of its time on how to teach students, not how to deal with the latest arrest of a former administrator. It’s naive to think that President Tom Courtway can control everything his administration does or that the crimes of a few are the fault of anyone else around them. However, this university has had serious problems the past four years, beginning with former President Lu Hardin resigning after it was discovered he forged documentts to get a bonus to pay for gambling debts. He was eventually convicted for his crimes. The problems didn’t end there, though. Hardin’ successor, former President Allen Meadors, also resigned amid a scandal caused by his failure to disclose that money from the company Aramark to renovate the President’s house was in exchange for a seven-year extension of Aramark’s university contract. Meadors has been charged with soliciation of tampering with a public record, a misdemeanor. With the charges filed against Gillean, it is again UCA students, faculty and staff who take the beating. While the administration may be seen as unorganized or corrupt around the state, recent graduates who are trying to enter the work force are the ones who suffer. While there is no basis for discriminating against a student due to something out of his control, it’s part of the administration’s job to make sure students are attending a university employers don’t scoff at. While there is no controlling what a few bad employees will do, if UCA administrators want to participate in illegal activities in the future, they should resign before they do it, instead of immediately before they get caught. Save students, faculty, staff and other administration the trouble of being dragged into another long, drawn out scandal or trial. As for employers who look down on UCA applicants, it is not fair to judge someone based on people they probably have never met or on circumstances they have no control over. A corrupt administrator has no bearing on a student’s ability to do a job. Basing your hiring on their university’s administration is an overreaction on an employer’s part. If you are hiring someone, you should be able to make a logical distinction between things that matter and things that do not matter. No one should ever have to answer for another person’s actions.
The Echo is printed weekly at the Log Cabin Democrat in Conway, Ark. Decisions about content are made by the student editors. The views published are not necessarily those of the University of Central Arkansas. All material is subject to respective copyrights.
Election October 31, 2012
ELECTION 2012 vote Nov. 6
Mitt Romney Barack Obama Republican Massachusetts Governor Age: 65 Born: Detroit, Michigan Graduated: Brigham Young University 1971, Harvard Law School 1975
Democrat President Age: 51 Born: Honolulu, Hawaii Graduated: Columbia University 1983, Harvard Law School 1991
Joe Biden
Paul Ryan
Obama's VP pick
Romney's VP pick
Vice President (D) Age: 69 Born: Scranton, Pennsylvania Graduated: University of Delaware 1965, Syracuse University College of Law 1968
Wisconsin Congressman (R) Age: 42 Born: Janesville, Wisconsin Graduated: Miami University in Ohio 1992
Romney's stand on issues
Obama's stand on issues
STUDENT LOANS AND GRANTS Governor Mitt Romney supports private bank lending for students loans instead of public ones. That could result in higher interest rates for students. Romney’s Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan has a budget plan, aimed at lowering the national deficit, which would cut more than $15 billion in Pell Grant funding beginning in 2013. That is a 42 percent cut in Pell Grants.
President Barack Obama has worked to lower student loan interest rates since taking office. Obama doubled the funding for Pell Grants during his first term. He also switched from privately funded loan providers to public ones. That freed up billions to be put towards Pell and other grant programs. He capped federal student loan repayments at 10 percent of the person’s monthly income as part of his “Pay As You Earn” program.
JOB CREATION Governor Mitt Romney’s stance on job creation is based on his time working in the private sector with large amounts of money. He plans to reduce taxes, spending, regulation and government. He does not give any specific cuts on his website. Romney said the number of unemployed in the U.S. is 23 million people. This number has been proven to be false. Romney, as a conservative, will try to cut back on interference from the government on businesses.
During his term, President Barack Obama has focused on getting manufacturing jobs into the U.S. The auto industry has been the most touted among Obama’s supporters. Obama is trying to help the private sector by investing in the nation’s infrastructure. This includes roads, bridges and airports. The possible infrastructure jobs have been estimated at 400,000. He is also spending to increase job-training programs and incentives to hire certain types of people.
MILITARY BUDGET President Barack Obama plans to reduce military spending. In his latest proposed budget, he suggested reducing the Pentagon’s base budget to $5.7 trillion over the next decade, which means defense spending would decrease from 20 percent to 11 percent of total federal spending by 2022. Obama said in January, “Our military will be leaner, but the world must know the United States is going to maintain our military superiority.”
Governor Mitt Romney will increase the Pentagon’s base budget (which excludes war funding) by $2 trillion over the next decade by reserving four percent of the Gross Domestic Product for it. He will not increase total defense spending, but will shift war funding to the Pentagon’s base budget. On his campaign website, Romney wrote, "This will not be a cost-free process. We cannot rebuild our military strength without paying for it."
HEALTH CARE Governor Mitt Romney is a supporter of state-by-state health care reform. Romney says on his first day in office, he will repeal the full legislation of Obamacare. His vision for health care is to help promote free markets and fair competition, restore state leadership and flexibility and empower consumer choice. Romney’s website says he will “pursue policies that give each state the power to craft a health care reform plan that is best for its own citizens.”
President Barack Obama’s universal health care plan, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was a monumental legislation. Obama’s website says the plan expands access to free preventative services and gave 3.1 million young Americans health insurance. Obama’s website says he wants to “put an end to the health insurance company practice of charging women more than men for the same coverage.”
FOREIGN POLICY Governor Mitt Romney’s foreign policy plan is to build and modernize military capabilities, as stated on his website, mittromney.com. Romney said he will speak with commanders in the field in Afghanistan and work with the goal of trying to get American troops out of the country in 2014. He plans to build economic-based relationships with countries in Asia and Latin America.
President Barack Obama's foreign policy plan is to draw down American troops in Afghanistan and responsibly end the war there in 2014, according to barackobama.com. He has been working internationally to help secure all vulnerable nuclear materials. He has worked to keep these nuclear weapons out of Iran and North Korea. He has also formed alliances and coalitions with Israel, Asia and Latin America, as well as NATO.
IMMIGRATION Governor Mitt Romney says he will build a fence along the entire southern border of the United States. He favors deporting all illegal immigrants, though he says the solution is selfdeportation, which means the immigrants go home themselves because they can't find work in America. Romney has been pretty vague on what he would replace Obama's policy with, or if he would even replace it, but favors comprehensive reform on illegal immigration.
President Barack Obama passed the Dream Act in his first term, which allows many illegal immigrants brough to America as children to have a chance to get citizenship. Obama has prioritized deporting dangerous immigrants over the average illegal immigrant. Obama has given Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents new guidelines when dealing with illegal immigrants that give many immigrants some protection from deportation.
HOMELAND SECURITY Governor Mitt Romney said fighting terrorism will be one of his top priorities. He has said other than global jihad by radical violent Islam, domestic issues such as immigration is the biggest threat to America. He wants to secure our borders and have an employment verification system. Romney believes we should stop runaway spending and devote more money to stopping the next terrorist plot through additional funding for the FBI and CIA.
President Barack Obama wants to strengthen the country's biological and nuclear security by strengthening and enhancing the nuclear detection architecture. Obama wants to improve intelligence capacity and information sharing to promote resiliency of the physical and social infrastructure. Obama believes we must take a comprehensive approach to securing our borders, including working with international partners.
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Candidates differ at congressional debates by Mary DeLoney and Lee Hogan Editor and Sports Editor
District one and two candidates vying for congressman talked about their differences on a variety of subjects Oct. 22. The debate was hosted by Arkansas Education Television Network at its studio in Conway. District one congressman candidates Scott Ellington, Democrat, Jacob Holloway, Green Party, and Jessica Paxton, Libertarian, answered questions about the federal farm bill, food stamps, gridlock in congress, the Affordable Health Care Act, campaign reform and insurance when it comes to faithbased employers. Incumbent Rick Crawford, Republican, declined to participate in the debate. During the debate, each candidate pointed out their differences when it comes to their views on the federal farm bill. Ellington criticized Crawford for not getting the farm bill signed before the election. Holloway said the farm bill does not focus on nutritional foods and government needs to stop setting commodity prices and Paxton said the bill should fall under states rights. When it comes to the vast amount of people receiving food stamps, Ellington said there should be tighter qualifications for the program and that more people just need jobs. Holloway said people in the program do not have adequate access to good food and people need to learn how to grow their own food. Paxton said government should lower taxes and decrease regulations on businesses so they can provide jobs and people will not have to use the program. Each candidate said they are willing to work across party lines to get things done in congress. However, Paxton said she would not veer from personal beliefs of smaller government and personal freedom when it comes to voting on issues. On the Affordable Health Care Act, Ellington said he supports and opposes different parts of it. He said he is concerned about how it will affect small businesses. Holloway said he does not believe the government should control insurance and more doctors and nurses need to be trained. Paxton said she favors a free market health care system. Each candidate agreed there is need for campaign reform, but each was unable to give specific changes that need to be made. When it comes to faith-based employers providing insurance for employees, Ellington said he struggles with the idea because a small church daycare and a faith-based hospital provide insurance for a very different number of people. Holloway said contraceptives are affordable without insurance and Paxton said she believes the faith-based employers have a right to run their businesses as they see fit. Ellington, 49, is the 2nd Judicial District prosecutor from Jonesboro. Holloway, 24, is a masters student working to complete his degree in agriculture science at Arkansas State University from Jonesboro. Paxton, 28, is a stay-at-home mother who runs a small sales business out of her home in Marion. Candidates running in Arkansas’ Congressional District 2 offered their ideas and solutions with media members from the district and the audience Tuesday afternoon. The debate drew all four candidates on the Nov. 6 ballot. The candidates are: Tim Griffin, the Republican incumbent seeking a second term, Chris Hayes, the Libertarian nominee, Herb Rule, the Democratic nominee and Barbara Ward, the Green Party nominee. The candidates fielded questions from panelists Malcolm Glover of KUAR, Jacob Brower of The Daily Citizen in Searcy and Lance Turner of Arkansas Business. The questions ranged from issues on this year’s ballot, economic problems and solutions, Obamacare and possible cuts to PBS. Herb Rule, while fielding a question on whether sexual orientation should be added to the list of things that cannot be discriminated against during job interviews, said that Arkansans got it wrong when voting against same-sex marriage in 2004. The vote, which received 75 percent support in 2004, made a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in Arkansas. “The question of same-sex marriage has been decided by the voters in Arkansas, but I believe that it was decided wrongly,” Rule said. “I think I join Ms. Ward in supporting human rights. Human rights to choose their own partner.” In a press conference following the debate, Rule was asked to clarify his stance on Arkansas’ banning of same-sex marriage. Rule said he did not say voters were wrong and that “you’ll have to look at the tape” to see his answer. “I don’t have a problem with the voters. This is a democracy,” Rule said. “You’ll have to take it up with the voters.” Rule was also asked during the debate about his DWI arrest on August 9 in Fayetteville. Rule is fighting the charge and maintains his innocence.
“I would urge anybody who is interested to take a look at the video of the stop, which is on the web now, and judge for themselves,” Rule said. “Others have done that and I think it speaks for itself. I wasn’t drunk and I’m not guilty.” The other candidates refused to go into detail on Rule’s arrest, citing that Rule will have his day in court to fight the charges. “I have not commented on [Rule’s] recent arrest or the one before that,” Tim Griffin said. Griffin was referring to Rule’s previous drunk driving arrest in 2010 in Rogers, which was later acquitted. Rule said in the press conference after the debate that the arrest has not hurt his campaign. Candidates were also asked their stances on Issue Five of the Nov. 6 ballot, which deals with the legalization of medical marijuana use in Arkansas. Griffin was the only candidate to oppose the act. “If you look at what’s happened in other states, there’s a problem, in terms of youth getting their hands on [medical marijuana],” Griffin said. “I would also say that we have to remember marijuana is illegal under federal law. It’s a federal crime to market in marijuana, and to grow and transact with marijuana.” Barbara Ward said she supports the act, because of people she knows that have been helped by the use of medical marijuana with various illnesses. Ward said regulation would be key if the act passes on the ballot. “As long as it is a controlled environment, I do believe that it will do a lot of good,” Ward said. “Therefore, I would be in favor of voting for that.” Chris Hayes said he supported the act to legalize medical marijuana use, but brought up different reasons in addition to helping those with painful illnesses. “Let’s face it, prohibition doesn’t work.” Hayes said. “It didn’t work in the ‘30s, it hasn’t worked all this time. All we’re doing is creating larger jails, putting more people in jail for petty little crimes in a lot of cases.” Hayes said the end of prohibition and “bootleggers” led to the creation of NASCAR in the U.S. “I’d say everybody would agree [NASCAR] has been a very profitable adventure,” Hayes said. “To continue to put people in jail for petty crimes, such as marijuana to me, is a waste of tax payers’ money.” Rule said he supports the use of medical marijuana, with a doctor’s prescription, for people suffering from a painful illness such as cancer. He would not say definitively during the debate whether he supported the act. Rule was asked in the press conference afterward if he would be in support of the act, but would only say he was “leaning towards supporting [the act],” but did not know enough of the specifics of the act to give a definitive answer. The candidates were asked what industries they saw as the future of job growth in the U.S. All of the candidates’ answers pertained to either small businesses or the technology industry. Hayes said the government should be helping small businesses. He said that helping farmers in the state, or encouraging residents to begin farming, should be looked at. Ward said she would like to see more money be given to small businesses and for people to “shop America,” and try to buy items made in the country. She said she would like to see jobs created in the wind, solar and other alternative energy fields to create job growth and cut down on fossil fuel dependency. Rule and Griffin said they saw job growth coming from the technology industry in the future. Griffin said he would like to continue to see exploration in energy sources in Arkansas to create more jobs. Ward said she would like to see cuts made to the military funding. “I think enough is enough,” she said. “I do want to be safe, I do think the military is important. My father was a 30-year military man, so I know about the military, but I think we need to look at that and see about taking the money from that, putting it towards the deficit, that’s growing all the time.” Rule said using the Bowles-Simpson plan, authored by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson who are co-chairs of President Barack Obama’s Deficit Commission, is the best plan for the country. Rule said the plan would make cuts in many government funded programs. It would also make major cuts to defense funding, according to Rule. “It also calls for tax increases for the middle class and the super rich,” Rule said. Rule said this plan in effect, after 10 years, would lead the country back to the “zero deficit” of former President Bill Clinton’s administration. Hayes said he would like to see cuts in taxes and military, specifically military bases around the world. Early voting began Oct. 22. Election Day polls will be open Nov. 6, from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Tab Townsell
Randy Herrold
Mark Elsinger
October 31, 2012/5
Expenditures District 35 State Senate candidate expenditure reports for September by Mary DeLoney
PAC. Tyler received two $2,000 donations during the month. One was from Mark Pryor for U.S. Senate and the other was from Stephen Brighton of Arnold, Md. Both candidates received several $1,000 donations. Rapert received $1,000 donations from Cotton for Congress of Dardanelle, Koch Industries, Inc. of Wichita, Kan., Scott Coffey of Conway, Charles Cella of St. Louis and the McDonald’s Local Owner Operators of AR PAC. Tyler received $1,000 donations
In September, State Senate District 35 candidates, Jason Rapert (Republican) and Linda Tyler (Democrat) raised a combined total of $37,536, according to their campaign contribution and expenditure reports. Rapert raised $15,101, and Tyler raised $22,435. Rapert received one $2,000 donation during the month from the AHC-SPAC (Arkansas Health Care Senate Public Affairs Committee)
District 70 House Representative candiates by Lee Hogan
a proposed budget that increased spending by $80 million, which passed. Meeks said on his website that he would continue to fight against Obamacare coming to Arkansas. Cody Bassham said he has different ideas for District 70. “My focus is on state issues and not on federal issues, because we’re not running for Congress,” he said. “We’re running for state representative and the last thing we need is more Washington in Arkansas. We just need to take care of our business.” Bassham said his platform centers on education and infrastructure, ranging from roads to Internet and whatever the future holds. “If we have a trained workforce in fields that are desperately needed, that will help equal economic success,” he said. Meeks grew up in Springhill. He attended Greenbrier High School until his junior year when his father took a job in Florida. Meeks finished high school there, and joined the Army, where he served for five years. After receiving an honorable discharge, Meeks graduated college
Sports Editor
Republican incumbent David Meeks and Democrat Cody Bassham are running for District 70 state representative in the Nov. 6 election. The district covers the west side of Conway and extends farther west into Perry County. Meeks has served one term as a state representative, but not for the newly drawn District 70, which was drawn as a result of the 2010 census numbers. Bassham has worked on various campaigns, but this is his first run at political office. Bassham worked on campaign staffs for Dustin McDaniel, Robbie Wills and Joe White. One of Meek’s top priorities is creating jobs by cutting taxes and regulations. “The private sector is where jobs are created,” Meeks said, on his website. “We must look for ways to decrease their tax burden and regulations so they can hire more people and put more of their money back into their business.” Meeks has been against an increased state budget, voting against
by Clark Johnson
business degree from the University of Texas, Lawrence began working as an explosives salesman. Lawrence left his sales job and began “dabbling in the medical field.” His wife, Debra, is co-owner of Cosmetic Laser Solutions and the Conway Women’s Health Center. The couple have two children attending Conway Christian School, Carly and Wyatt. They are members of Second Baptist Church in Conway. Lawrence is a National Rifle Association member, a Life Choices sponsor and has an Arkansas Real Estate License and appraising license. A Republican, Lawrence says he opposes government intervention in the private sector and recently, healthcare. Lawrence has vowed
Staff Writer
The position of state representative in District 72 of the Arkansas House of Representatives will be decided between Republican candidate Rocky Lawrence and Democratic candidate Steve Magie. The campaign won’t be the first time Lawrence has run for public office. Lawrence unsuccessfully ran a campaign for Faulkner County Sheriff in 2011 after serving for three years with the Sheriff’s Department. Magie has never run for public office. Lawrence, a Texas native, served as a local businessmen for years before going to work for the Sheriff’s department. After obtaining a
Local Candidates
Tax Collector
Steve Simon (D)
Melinda Reynolds (D)
Josh Hooten (R)
Marvin Lessmann (R)
Tommy Earnhart (D)
Aaron Knight
Theodore Jones
Bill Milburn
Andy Hawkins
Mark Vaught (R)
County Judge
Preston Scroggin (D)
to work in opposition to universal healthcare, and wants to help establish a reformed free market for competition. Magie has been an ophthalmologist for over 30 years. He is the owner of Magie-Mabrey Eye Clinic in downtown Conway. Magie began his education at UCA, then obtaining a degree in medicine from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Magie finished his ophthalmology studies at Louisiana State University. Magie is a member of the Conway Chamber of Commerce and is secretary for the Faulkner County Medical Society. Magie and his wife, Becky, have four children. They attend St. Joseph’s Catholic Church.
County Clerk
Darren Roland
Craig Cloud
with a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministries from Trinity Baptist in Jacksonville, Fla. Bassham grew up north of Salem. He graduated high school at the Arkansas School for Mathematics and Sciences in 2003. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. He is a part-time law student at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Meeks worked as an associate pastor and at an inner-city charter school in Jacksonville after college. In 2003, Meeks took a job as a customer service agent with Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Florida. He moved to Conway in 2008. He and his wife, Naomi, of three years live in Conway and attend Bible Baptist Church. Bassham has worked in the Pulaski County Circuit Clerk’s office. He is now a consultant for online advertising. Bassham and his wife of three years, Marlys, live in Conway and attend Second Baptist Church. Both have volunteered with the college and children’s ministries there.
District 72 House Representative candiates
City Council Ward Two
City Council Ward Four
from The Stephens Group LLC, Lisa M. Allen/Cox Communications of Wichita, Kan, Joan Klassmeyer of Conway, The Cranford Coalition, Inc. of Little Rock, the AHC (Arkansas Health Care) PAC and Southwestern Energy Company PAC. Both candidates received many smaller contributions from around the state, but mostly from Faulkner County residents. State Senate District 35 includes part of Perry County and almost all of Faulkner County except Greenbrier. To find your voting place, visit the secretary of state’s website at voterview.ar-nova.org/.
Candidate Biographies
City Council Ward One
City Council Ward Three
Mark Ledbetter
James Quinn
Andy Shock (R)
Wes Pruitt
Polls open at 7:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m. in Conway. Early voting will continue through Nov. 5. Election day is Nov. 6. Students who registered to vote on campus will be able to vote on campus.
Campus Life
October 31, 2012
Students express themselves on free speech wall
by Brandon Riddle Assistant News Editor
The Young Americans for Liberty provided a free speech wall Oct. 18 to students interested in writing their thoughts on a variety of controversial topics. The free speech wall was located in the campus designated free speech zone south of Ferguson Chapel. YAL President senior Zak Kubin said the event was designed for students interested in voicing their opinions without feeling pressured to censor themselves. “Our purpose is to raise awareness of UCA’s poor policy on free speech,” he said. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education gave UCA a “red light” rating for its free speech policy. Flyers were handed out that explained portions of UCA’s handbook limiting free speech on campus. FIRE’s “red light” rating means the university has at least one policy clearly and
substantially restricting free speech. The only “green light” rating for UCA regarded the university’s “advertised commitments to free expression.” UCA’s handbook states the area adjacent to the southwest corner of Ferguson Chapel in a 50-foot radius is designated as a “limited public forum.” The free speech zone was created in 2003 as a way for students to speak freely without facing penalties from campus officials. Students wrote comments related to equal rights for minorities, criticism of government and support for marijuana on the wall. By 3 p.m., the board was covered on the front and back with statements. Freshman Taylor Brady wrote Harvey Milk’s quote, “Hope will never be silent,” on the free speech wall. “Without free speech, you don’t have hope,” she said. Brady said it is important for people to exercise their right to speak about issues they feel are
influential. Kubin said there were good intentions behind the campus free speech policy. “Everyone has some kind of free speech policy,” he said. “They [UCA] exaggerated their power.” Kubin said he was disappointed by people asking if it was okay to write certain things on the wall that might be viewed as offensive. “It’s important to be offended while you’re at school,” he said. When one teacher asked to write on the wall, Kubin said she was reluctant and afraid of losing her job. YAL Vice President senior Britney Logan said she was encouraged by students replying to comments from other students who wrote on the wall. Students were asking other students why they held a position on an issue and others voiced support for groups of people under criticism, she said. Kubin said the wall visualizes issues that people are concerned about. “I think it’s a work of art,” he said. “I was pleased that people
Photo courtesy of Facebook
Senior Brandi Starnes exercises her freedom of speech Oct. 18 by writing on the Young Americans for Liberty free speech wall south of Ferguson Chapel. UCA’s free speech zone, or “limited public forum,” is the area adjacent to the southwest corner of the chapel in a 50-foot radius. voiced what they were really thinking.” Kubin said freedom of speech is about protecting minorities and not just used for talking about general topics such as the weather. He said the goal of
YAL is to protect personal liberty and not to promote increased government control. “Our position is that we would only have a one party system,” he said. The Young Americans for
Liberty will host an appearance by Walter Block, Austrian economist and economics professor at Loyola University in New Orleans, at 4 p.m. Nov. 9 in the College of Business Auditorium.
Octubafest crowd responds well by
Courtney Lee
Staff Writer
Photo by Robin Sparks
UCA alumna and Leadership Foundations Project Coordinator Austin Hall instructed students on good decision making skills on Oct. 17 in Student Center 223. The next Leadership Foundations Workshop is scheduled for 5 p.m. Nov. 7 in the same room at and will focus on communication skills.
Fraternity serenades with classics
Photo by Lisa Ference
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia Fraternity members Ben Hill (left), Clay Sanders and Blaine Hill cover “Creep” by Radiohead at their fraternity’s outdoor concert during x-period Oct. 16 at the amphitheater.
by Carissa Gan Staff Writer
The men of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia fraternity serenaded the audience with their musical renditions of classical and popular songs during x-period Oct. 16 at the amphitheater. Sinfornia stands for harmony and brotherhood. The fraternity aims to advance music in America. “Our fraternity’s philosophy is building brotherhood and spreading music in America,” junior Jeremy Hopper, music director of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia, said. “We’ve been practicing for about a month for today’s show.” The show opened with five members playing trumpets, the French horn, the tuba and the trombone to “Brass Quintet No. 3” by Russian composer Victor Ewald. Following their performance, a four-student choir performed a melodious a capella version of the 1997 gospel hymn, “What If God Is Unhappy” by Christopher Brinson and The Ensemble, while snapping their fingers and tapping their feet to the beat. Senior Ben Hill and sophomore Clay Sanders performed next as a duo, playing two cover songs, “Creep” by Radiohead and “Fix You” by
Coldplay. Sanders strummed the ukulele and Hill’s soulful voice carried a strong, unwavering note that earned applause and whistles from the crowd. The Singing Valentines of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia followed with a group a capella of Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” and “In the Still of the Night” by Five Satins. They simultaneously created melodious harmonization using their tenor voices. “I am so proud of these guys,” Louis Young, assistant professor of general music, said. “They have put a lot of personal time and effort into this. It’s great that they’re giving back music to the public.” Sanders later sang and strummed his guitar to “Into the Music” by Van Morrison, a Northern Irish singer-songwriter. The song was about a sailor at sea, wishing to return to his lover who was on land. Sanders was accompanied by a saxophonist. The duo romanced the audience with the mild, mediumpaced tempo of the song and the saxophone’s deep, silky tone. Despite the absence of microphones, the crowd was able to hear the performers’ rich vocals. “The show was great,”
junior Dolan Ellias said. “I really enjoyed it. I know some of these guys personally, and they are extremely passionate about their music. It definitely shows.” Hopper said Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia fraternity is open to all men who are interested in music. “You don’t actually need to be a music major to join the fraternity,” he said. “We have a wide variety of members, and not all of them are music majors. Some of them are in art and digital filmmaking.” He said he provides voice training to members. Hopper said the fraternity tries to hold shows two to three times each semester. “We really just want to give back music to the campus,” Hooper said. “That’s our main objective. And we’re so glad that we could.”
Freshman Dalton Shaffer and senior Mary Cowperthwait performed Oct. 18 in “Octubafest II,” the second of a three-part series of tuba performances in Snow Fine Arts Recital Hall. UCA piano instructor Terrie Shires accompanied both students, with Shaffer playing the euphonium and Cowperthwait playing the tuba. Shaffer performed “Fantasie Brilliante” by Jean-Baptiste Arban, “Cello Suite: Minuet I and II” by Johann Sebastian Bach and “Harlequin” by Philip Sparke. Cowperthwait played “Nocturne Op. 7” by Franz Strauss and “Sonata No. 2 in E minor” by Benedetto Marcello. Both students said they had to pick their own concert music and spent many hours preparing for the performance. “It was a long process,” Shaffer said. “I spent about 15 to 25 hours practicing per week. I chose music that would be challenging and fun.” Shaffer and Cowperthwait are from the Professor Christian Carichner’s studio class. The concert helped prepare Shaffer and Cowperthwait for the Music Teacher National Association competition, where participants compete against other musicians in their age group. The MTNA competition consists of three rounds: regional, state and national. The first round is Nov. 3, the second round will be in early January and the third round will be in mid-March. The competition is for soloists, brass, woodwinds, vocalists and string players. Contestants must be 18 to 26 years old. Several UCA students will compete in the MTNA competition for the French horn, saxophone, flute and tuba.
Photo by Pham Minh
Piano instructor Terrie Shires harmonizes with senior Mary Cowperthwait on piano for Cowperthwait’s performance Oct. 18 in Octubafest II, the second of a three-part series of tuba performances. This will be Shaffer’s second year competing in the event. Last year, he won state and placed second in his age division. Cowperthwait said she began preparing for Octubafest and the MTNA competition about a month ago. “This was the first competition I heard about,” she said. “I was looking for something to enter. I just wanted to get involved.” Cowperthwait said this year was her seventh time performing in Octubafest. She said she has played the tuba since the eighth grade and the flute for four years. For the MTNA competition, Cowperthwait said she will be playing two pieces from the Octubafest concert, plus one more selection of her choice. “My favorite song was the first one, because it’s pretty,” she said.
After the concert, audience members questioned Shaffer about his frequent wardrobe changes. One listener said she thought it was part of the performance. Shaffer began his first performance, Harlequin, in a full suit: coat, shirt, tie and slacks. Each time he left the stage, he returned missing an item of clothing. When Shaffer came to the stage to perform Cello Suite, his jacket was gone. By the end of Octubafest, he had on only a dress shirt, slacks and dress shoes. “It was so hot up there, with the lights and all,” he said. “If I could’ve, I would’ve taken off more.” “Octubaween” will be the last of the three-part series of tuba performances and it will be at 7 p.m. on Oct. 31 at the amphitheater stage.
Applications for spring editor of
are available at Stanley Russ 220 and are due by 5 p.m. Tuesday, November 13, at the same location.
Interviews will be during x-period Thursday, November 15.
October 31, 2012 /7 BY JAMES JOHNSON
Wainwright confuses some audience members, delights fanbase familiar with his personality by Andrew McClain Staff Writer
Photo by Pham Minh
Freshman Sunny Lin (left) and Mavis Chen share a laugh with graduate student Merrick Fagan while discussing cultural stereotypes at the International Engagement Culture Talk Oct. 18 in the McAlister Mirror Room.
Combatting cultural stereotypes by Christina Huynh Campus Life Editor
You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but that’s what students were asked to do Oct. 18 at UCA’s International Engagement open forum, Culture Talk. Culture Talk is a discussionoriented program where students can share their perspectives about important issues. This seminar in the McAlister Mirror Room focused on stereotypes and analyzing where biases come from. Students divided into groups of five to seven people and were given a slip of paper with characteristics including: “Went to college,” “Does not speak English,” “Is Catholic,” “Is Muslim,” “Is lazy” and “Has been sent to jail.” Working in their groups, students assigned these traits to pictures displayed on a PowerPoint presentation that featured six individuals ranging in race, gender and age. One of the pictures from the presentation was of a young white female named Joan. The majority of the discussion groups labeled Joan as “spoiled,” “rich,” “lazy,” “racist” and “went to college.” After students shared their designations for Joan, Sara Parrott, coordinator of international student services, showed Joan’s mug shot. Parrott spoke about how Joan was arrested for protesting to illustrate that stereotypes are not accurate reflections upon a person’s character. “The reason why we should do this is because it’s in your head,” Parrot said.
She said the idea of the activity is to not concentrate on which of the individuals are “lazy” or “poor,” but rather to help students become more aware of the “unconscious things” they may think about a person. Junior Kevin Phelps said he enjoyed participating in the Culture Talk and meeting other students. He said that while he and his group felt uncomfortable assigning the list of characteristics to individuals shown on the screen, the discussions helped him become more aware of stereotypes he did not know he held. Sophomore Ziyang Wu followed the discussion about judging individuals based on their appearance with his presentation about Asian stereotypes. “The best way to get rid of stereotypes is to hang out with [people from different cultures],” he said. Wu said some of the stereotypes usually associated with Asians are: “strict parents,” “studious,” “doesn’t drive well” and “most girls in their childhood had a Hello Kitty obsession.” “Not all stereotypes are bad,” he said, such as asians being “studious.” However, he said making assumptions based on someone’s ethnicity is never a good idea. “I think [the program] went well,” Parrott said. “I hope students realize [some] stereotypes they may have held.” The next Culture Talk will be about global citizenship and how nations should address issues such as poverty and the environment. It is scheduled for Nov. 15 in the McCastlain Fireplace Room.
Junior Daron Watson “[I’m going to watch] ‘Practice Greenhouse effect.’ ”
Singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright, best known for his cover of “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen, performed old and new songs Oct. 18 at Reynolds Performance Hall. The show began with Wainwright singing “Candles” a capella on stage, which was dimly lit by candles. He sang by himself until lights flooded the stage and his band appeared on stage to accompany him. “Candles” is from Wainwright’s latest album, “Out of the Game” and was written during the time of his mother’s death. Wainwright’s touring band consists of a drummer, bassist, two guitarists, a keyboardist and
a backup singer. He played guitar and piano during parts of his performance, but sang without playing an instrument for most of his show. The variety in Wainwright’s music style was expansive, from folk, theatrical rock, to jazzy Judy Garland showtunes. He dedicated Garland’s “The Man That Got Away” to her daughter, Liza Minnelli, who said she disapproved of Wainwright playing her mother’s songs in recent interviews. Wainwright was clearly playing to an audience full of fans, but there were several audience member walkouts who may not have been familiar with Wainwright and his material. Wainwright, who is openly gay and married, said “I’ve got a kid and a husband, so I thought I’d move to Arkansas!” which prompted several older audience
members to head for the door. Wainwright’s friend, Teddy Thompson, usually opens for Wainwright when they tour together, however Wainwright insisted that Thompson perform a few solo songs. The first Thompson played was “Saratoga Summer Song” by Wainwright’s mother, and he played it on the piano. “That song was maybe my favorite part of the show,” junior Schafer Bourne said. “His vocal range by itself was stunning, and perfect for that melody.” Wainwright, Thompson and backup vocalist Charysse Blackman performed “One Man Guy” by Wainwright’s father, with Thompson’s guitar as an accompaniment. Their three-part harmony effectively filled the auditorium, with Wainwright’s low tenor sounding almost like a cello.
Toward the end of his show, Wainwright said that he wanted to “christen” a song that is new to the band’s repertoire – a cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Everybody Knows.” Every member of the band (except the drummer) sang a verse. Wainwright’s most famous song is his cover of Cohen’s “Hallelujah,” and his newborn daughter, Viva, is Cohen’s granddaughter. The next musical act in the pop series is Gary Puckett and The Union Gap 7:30 p.m. Nov. 1 at Reynolds Performance Hall. They have had six consecutive gold records and sold more records in 1968 than any other recording act, including The Beatles. Tickets are available at the UCA box office and at www.uca. edu/publicappearances.
Orchestra opens season PLANTING PEACE with Chopin, Beethoven -SYMPHONY-
by Andy Robertson Staff Writer
The Conway Symphony Orchestra opened its 28th season Oct. 23, performing music from famous composers Frederic Chopin and Ludwig van Beethoven at Reynolds Performance Hall. Israel Getzov, who is in his seventh season directing the CSO, conducted the orchestra. He has directed orchestras across the United States and has appeared regularly in China since his debut there in 2005 at the International Fuzhou Music Festival. Getzov is the principal conductor for the Fujian Symphony Orchestra and East China Normal University Symphony in Shanghai. The first piece was “Piano Concerto No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 11” by Chopin. The piece featured three movements: Allegro maestoso, Romanze: Larghetto and Rondo: Vivace. The composition featured guest pianist, Jue Wang, who performed the music entirely from memory. He was the gold medal winner of the 16th Santander “Paloma O’Shea” International Piano Competition in 2008. After
the piece was finished Wang was given flowers and a standing ovation. Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67” was the next piece played. It featured four movements: Allegro con brio, Andante con moto, Allegro and Allegro. Before the orchestra played the piece, Getzov explained sections of the movements and told how the piece was structured. “This piece has the four most clichéd notes in classical music but it also tells a story,” Getzov said. “It was the first time a rhythm rather than a melody became the main subject of a symphonic movement.” After Beethoven’s piece was finished the audience gave the orchestra another standing ovation. The concert lasted close to two hours and the audience appeared to enjoy it. “It took about two months to prepare for the music,” freshman bass trombonist Brooks Nusser said. “The style of the music was the most difficult thing to learn.” The Conway Symphony Orchestra’s next performance will be on Dec. 1. The title of the performance is called “Tutus and Tinsel.”
Students Say
Photo by Robin Sparks
Junior Robert Kay (left), senior Travis Gibbs, and Professor Cliff Beacham plant a Gingko tree, which is considered a symbol of hope and peace in Asia, near Harrin Hall to commemorate International Peace Day Oct 16. The Sociology Club raised $300 through a donation drive to purchase the Gingko tree.
Junior Tim Kelly “I’m going to my friend’s house and getting plastered.”
story by Zachary O’Neal photos by Darlecia Williams
“What are your plans for Halloween?” Senior Kordevis Davis “I really don’t celebrate Halloween. Chill at the house, study, play basketball, work and bring my little brother and cousin here to experience a football game.”
Junior Victoria Bennett “I will be at work. I would go trick or treating if it was not for work.”
Sophomore Maddie Smith “Just doing a lot of crafts with my roommate and dressing up and having fun with it.”
Freshman Mycah Roberts “I’m going to a costume party.”
w w w. UCAE cho .n e t / c ampu slife
Junior Michael Wilson “I’ll be in the Student Center. I would like to go to Fall Fest at my church.”
Senior Elizabeth Gough “I’m going to see ‘Big Gigantic’ at the Rev Room.”
October 31, 2012
photo courtesy of www.paranormalmovie.com/
“Paranormal Activity 4” is the fourth film in the series of low-budget “foundfootage” films made popular by the first, “Paranormal Activity.”
‘Paranormal’ a fan-only film by Stephen Reynolds Entertainment Editor
photo courtesy of perks-of-being-a-wallflower.com/
“The Perks of Being a Wallflower” is a comedy-drama based on a novel written by Stephen Chbosky in 1999. The film stars Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller and was directed by the novel’s author.
‘Perks’ a memorable movie, plays on emotions by Brandon Riddle Assistant News Editor
“And in that moment, I swear we were infinite” is just one of many quotes from “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” that will be memorable for years to come. For some, the words are reminiscent of Stephen Chbosky’s 1999 novel that presents the story of a freshman in high school and his friends dealing with an abundance of personal struggles while growing up. Chbosky wrote the screenplay and directed “Perks,” avoiding much of the usual frustrations readers have with film adaptations. The highest of highs and the lowest of lows are found throughout the entire film adaptation. Each moment is filled with emotional uncertainty for all of the three main characters. Charlie, played by Logan Lerman, has faced so much in his life and the distress of his past leads him to feel uneasy about his future. He is a shy high school student who tells his life story to a “friend.” His parents are played by Dylan McDermott and Kate Walsh. Charlie keeps troubling memories of his Aunt Helen hidden from his parents,
blaming himself for her death. Aunt Helen is played by Melanie Lynskey. Charlie is protective of his sister and who she dates. He wants to shield her from experiencing the physical and emotional abuse that he experienced in his past. Charlie’s sister is played by Nina Dobrev. Charlie’s first day of high school begins with a book discussion between himself and his English teacher, Mr. Anderson, played by Paul Rudd. After meeting a group of students, Charlie learns that he is noticed and befriends seniors Sam and her stepbrother Patrick. He develops a crush on Sam and discovers that love is more complex than he could have ever imagined. Sam, played by Emma Watson, struggles to realize her worth at the beginning of the film. With Charlie’s help and support, she accomplishes her goals. Watson’s role is a nice transition from her work in the “Harry Potter” series. She is able to portray a completely different character with the attention to emotion needed to help “Perks” deliver its message. Set in the early 1990s, the film introduces controversial social themes. Some of the film’s divisive moments continue to exist in real-life scenarios. Patrick dates a football player in
secret and is berated by classmates who continuously refer to him as “nothing.” Patrick is played by Ezra Miller. His character faces the reality that his relationship is unlikely to continue after Brad’s father shows his disapproval of their actions by beating Brad. Brad is played by Johnny Simmons. Charlie’s mind flashes back to uncomfortable memories with his Aunt Helen. As “Perks” progresses, Charlie becomes more disturbed by his past and feels he is responsible for much of the unhappiness that surrounds him. Lerman gives one of his best performances in the film. By the end of “Perks,” you are left wondering what is next for Charlie because he is finally beginning to cope with memories of his aunt that continue to haunt him. While “Perks” has failed to have mainstream success, I have no doubt the film will become a classic, much like “The Breakfast Club” for the 1980s generation. The film will make you laugh and cry. It is hard to leave the theater without feeling moved by the raw emotion presented by the three main actors. “Perks” received a limited release in four cities Sept. 21 and went nationwide Oct. 12. The film is playing at Rave Motion Pictures in Little Rock.
Aldean’s latest a country favorite, relates to many by Lee Hogan Sports Editor
Georgia native Jason Aldean released his fifth hard-hitting, highly anticipated album, “Night Train” Oct. 16. The album was the most downloaded album on iTunes the day after its release. Aldean’s first single off the album, “Take a Little Ride,” released July 16 and set the tone for the album which mirrors the style of his previous album, “My Kinda Party.” The songs are rough, fast hitting country on the edge of rock that Aldean fans have grown accustomed to. Many that try their hands at multiple albums of the same style run into the problem of being redundant and dull, but Aldean has a knack for finding new ways to push the limits while still giving his fans the sound they love. “Take a Little Ride,” is a prime example of this. The single, which became Aldean’s eighth number one, brings the same sound of a song like “My Kinda Party,” but still provides something new. Just like the previous four Aldean albums, a party anthem is sure to be found. This album’s edition is collaboration with fellow country artists Luke Bryan and Eric Church titled, “The Only Way I Know.” The track isn’t one of the stronger songs on the album, but it’s sure to be a single and one that Aldean fans flock to. Along with great party anthems, Aldean is known for great country ballads and there is no shortage of those on “Night Train,” including the
title track. The best ballad, and overall song, on the album is “Talk.” The track tells the story of a guy who has met a girl that he’s beginning to like and wants to take things to the next level with. The first verse describes how the couple has learned a lot about each other, but he’s ready for less talk. “We could go on all night if we wanted to / But I don’t want to / I don’t wanna talk anymore.” The chorus goes on to say, “I don’t wanna waste that moon / Or the heat on the hood of this Ford / I don’t wanna talk anymore.” The track is so relatable, it’s sure to be another number one hit for Aldean. The album is full of possible hits. It depends on how Aldean decides to play his cards. Other ballads on the album that could be hits are “Feel That Again,” “Staring at the Sun,” “I Don’t Do Lonely Well,” “Wheels Rollin’,” “Walking Away” and “Water Tower.” “Staring at the Sun,” has the most potent lyrics on the album. The song tells the story of a girl who is a saving grace for the man in the song. The telling lyric of the song says, “She gets on you / Under your skin like a tattoo / She ain’t going nowhere.” The song has the potential to be an instant classic and become a signature Aldean track. “Water Tower” and “Walking Away” rival “Talk” as the best track on the album. “Water Tower” tells the story of a man who has gone on to bigger and better things away from his hometown. He’s come back and the first thing he sees is the water tower, which makes him reminisce on the times he’s had, and reminds him he’s back home.
1.) Law and Order 1990-present
Top Five Opening Theme Songs for a Drama Series List compiled by Courtney Lee
This series is about detectives solving fictional but realistic crimes. Steven Zirnkilton gives the famous intro that says: “In the Criminal Justice System the people are represented by two separate, yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories.” Following the intro is the dramatic music that will never get old.
One line of the chorus says, “I’ve been away way too long / Water tower like a lighthouse in a storm / You help me find my way back home.” “Walking Away” is another ballad, that tells the story of a new romance a man finds, but because of his constant mistakes he thinks the girl should leave before she gets hurt. Like “Talk,” it’s one of those real-life songs that Aldean is able to bring to life. The first verse has a line that says, “You could be the angel that could make me change.” It leads into the chorus with, “But all I see is a storm that you’ll get lost in / Cause if it feels this good when we’re just talkin’ / You should be walking away, walking away / As far as you can go, as fast as you can.” If Aldean chooses to release the song, it’s a definite hit. Aldean has become known for stepping out on limbs with his music, like with the country rap song, “Dirt Road Anthem” on his previous album. Aldean’s risky side is back with “1994” on this album. It’s more of a rap song than “Dirt Road Anthem,” which is sure to make some grimace. Those who are Colt Ford fans should love the song. Whether you like it or not, the song’s catchy beat will get you. You’re sure to be singing, “Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie,” after listening a few times. Aldean announced on Oct. 18 three dates for his “Night Train” tour. Aldean will play at Sanford Stadium in Athens, Ga. on April 13, Fenway Park in Boston, Mass. on July 13 and Wrigley Field in Chicago, Ill. on July 20. The other tour dates were not released. The album can be found anywhere music is sold or purchased on iTunes.
2.) Nip/Tuck 2003-2010 Before viewers go into the lives of the two plastic surgeons, the mysterious introduction credits for Nip/Tuck roll. The intro for this show features many white mannequins being marked with red to prepare for surgery. Also, during this time, the show’s theme music plays; “A Perfect Lie” by The Engine Room. As the intro comes to a conclusion, the song says “a perfect lie” and the white manikin turns into a human being.
“Paranormal Activity 4” hit theaters Oct. 18 to the dismay of many. The fourth installment in the series of “found-footage” films which are arguably the best in the genre left a lot to be desired. Set in 2011, the story picks up five years after the events of the second film, which ends with Katie Featherston killing her sister Kristi and her husband and abducting their baby, Hunter. The film begins innocently enough with Alex, played by Kathryn Newton, filming her younger adopted brother Wyatt and his new friend who lives across the street, Robbie, talking to Robbie’s invisible friend in the treehouse. That night, while Wyatt plays the Xbox Kinect by himself and Robbie sits on the sofa, Alex’s boyfriend Ben, played by Matt Shively, turns off the lights to show the kids how the infared tracking dot system in the console works. They notice a figure moving on the sofa next to Robbie via the tracking dots. The next day, Ben installs laptop webcams all over the house after noticing Robbie sneaking into Alex’s room and sleeping with her the previous night (recorded by her webcam.) Later the computer records events around the house, including Robbie waking up late to talk to the TV and Robbie and Wyatt chasing the figure of a small child throughout the house (similar to Kristi in the third film). Robbie draws a symbol on Wyatt’s back, which Alex later finds to be part of the
same cult discovered in the third film. As in the other films, the paranormal activity progressively gets worse including a falling chandelier that almost kills Alex, mysterious people dressed in black showing up at Katie and Robbie’s house and the same entity that possessed Katie in the first film pulling Wyatt underwater and possessing him. He refers to himself as Hunter afterwards, revealing he is the baby from the second film. This film was very plot-heavy as opposed to the others which focused more heavily on the paranormal activity. Fans of the series will love this installment, but newcomers be wary, you may be confused if you haven’t seen the other films. Most of the scares were repeated from the previous films as well, sticking with similar set-ups (figures, swinging chandeliers, footsteps) although because we’re supposed to be dealing with the same ghost all along, I guess it makes sense. The Kinect camera (like the fan camera from the third film) was the “gimmick” that the series introduced for a fresh look at the ghost. It fell flat, because things were just too hard to see. There was a lot to complain about in this movie, but overall, I enjoyed it. I love the (thin) story of the “Paranormal Activity” series and I hope that we eventually see what the demon ghost looks like. While the series could have ended with this film (or the third one,) two more sequels are scheduled for next year. “Paranormal Activity 4” runs at 94 minutes, is rated R and is playing at the Cinemark Towne Center in Conway.
- F O OT B A L L-
BCS rankings cause controversy by Spencer Griffin Assistant Sports Editor
The Bowl Championship Series rankings have been a controversial issue among college football fans for years and have caused outcries of a playoff system to be born, which is in the works for 2014. This year is no different with the system having fans thinking their team deserves a higher rank. The BCS ranking system uses a series of algorithms and formulas to compile statistics and rank the highest 25 teams in college football. Week one of the BCS rankings, which came out Oct. 14, had some accuracy, but of course still stirred up controversy. One accurate position that the system produced was number one Alabama. It is difficult to make an argument against Alabama being in the top spot. The reigning national champions look the same if not better than the year before and continue to blow out other teams. One argument that could be made is the fact that they have played some lackluster schools. This argument, while somewhat valid, still denies taking into account the fact that the Crimson Tide has basically blown out every team they have played no matter the talent, including a preseason powerhouse in Michigan. The main issue people have with the rankings in week one is Florida ranked at the number two spot and Oregon at third. Oregon has put up high numbers the entire season against solid teams from the Pac-12 while Florida who, until Saturday was without a loss, has played relatively average. This causes fans to think the system could perhaps favor the Southeastern Conference because of its dominance
3.) One Tree Hill 2003-2012 The dramatic opening theme song compliments the show’s in depth look at a group of teenagers’ lives. Gavin Degraw’s “I Don’t Wanna Be” plays as various scenes from the show play. Each character of the show gets a clip of them in action, some more dramatic, as their name scrolls across the screen. Every season changes clips, but they always feature the main character walking across a bridge bouncing a basketball.
the past decade in college football. This can be seen with six SEC teams in the top 25 for week one. This is still accurate considering the tough schedules in the SEC and the quality of teams seeming to be above all other conferences. Week two of the BCS rankings have teams shifting due to upsets and performances throughout the week. Fans can also now see how accurate the week one rankings were by seeing which of the top teams fell. Fans felt South Carolina was ranked too high at number seven in week one and saw that they were correct when the team was crushed by Florida and moved to 13 in the rankings the next week. This also solidified Florida’s position in the number two spot for that week. A couple of the more surprising higher ranked teams of the season is Kansas State and Notre Dame. The two teams have shown great strength in most of their wins throughout the year and have proved to stand firm against tough opponents. Kansas State was ranked three in the BCS rankings for week two and deservedly so. They jumped Oregon for that spot, which is now ranked fourth. Notre Dame was ranked five in both week one and two which took people by surprise considering the sub-par seasons leading up to the current year. The team has shown great quickness and determination under head coach Brian Kelly this season which is why they deserve to be in the top five of the BCS rankings. While the system is always under much scrutiny, the BCS rankings have done a sufficient job so far in picking out the best teams in college football. Fans will have to see if the system correctly decided the teams to play for the championship come bowl season.
4.) CSI: Miami 2002-2012 “CSI: Miami” has the most interesting introduction of the three “CSI” shows in the franchise. Just like the rest of the “CSI” opening themes, “CSI: Miami” features “Won’t Get Fooled Again” by The Who. As the song plays, each character’s name is displayed in a formula that includes and number/letter combination. Horatio’s name is displayed as “0y-1=3b[Nh]” and turns into “David Caruso.” This applies to all main characters.
5.) Rescue Me 2004-2011 This comedic drama series about a firefighter, his family and his crew has an opening theme to prepare viewers for the unexpected. The show’s theme song “C’mon C’mon” by The Von Bondies, starts off softly while shots of New York apartment buildings are shown in various forms. A flock of birds scatter across the screen when the lead singer begins. The rest of the introduction is just clips of firemen preparing for duty.
October 31, 2012
Week at a glance
- F O OT B A L L-
Playoffs chance for football With a victory over the Northwestern State Demons on Saturday, the UCA Bears can clinch a berth in the NCAA Football Championship Subdivision playoffs for the second straight season.
Time to dig in for volleyball The Sugar Bears have only four games left in the season to earn the top spot in the Southland Conference tournament. With a loss Saturday , UCA fell to second in the rankings. They will play Lamar and McNeese State away this week.
photo by Lisa Ference
Women’s soccer season over
Sophomore midfielder and forward Brooke Ballard fights for an attempt to win the ball against the Oral Roberts.
Oral Roberts emerged victorious over the UCA women’s soccer team Friday to end the Bears’ season. The Bears finished 10-7-1 overall on the season with a 2-5-1 conference record.
Men’s soccer looks to score The Bears look to end its regular season with a victory over Bradley in Illinois on Saturday. UCA recently earned its spot in the Missouri Valley Conference tournament.
UCA Results Football UCA 34, Southeastern Louisiana 14 (Oct. 27)
Men’s Soccer UCA 1, Missouri State 0 (Oct. 17) Evansville 1, UCA 0 (Oct. 20) SIU Edwardsville 1, UCA 0 (Oct. 27)
Volleyball UCA 3, Nicholls State 0 (Oct. 18) UCA 3, Southeastern Louisiana 1 (Oct. 20) Oral Roberts 3, UCA 2 (Oct. 23) UCA 3, Texas A&M Corpus Christi 1 (Oct. 25) Sam Houston State 3, UCA 1 (Oct. 27)
Women’s Soccer UCA 1, Missouri State 0 (Oct. 17) UCA 1, Nicholls State 0 (Oct. 19) Oral Roberts 2, UCA 1 (Oct. 26)
photo by Daniel Becker
Coach Clint Conque stands in front of the banner outside Estes Stadium for the Bears’ 2008 Southland Conference championship. The league does not recognize the championship, because UCA was in transition to Division I. The Bears have a chance to win their first league recognized conference championship Saturday with a win against the Northwestern State Demons at Estes Stadium.
Bears play for conference championship Saturday by Lee Hogan Sports Editor
A win Saturday will give the No.14-ranked Bears (7-2, 5-1 SLC) their first Southland Conference championship in football, but as far as Coach Clint Conque, his staff and players are concerned, it will be UCA’s second. The Bears finished 2008 with the best record in the Southland at 6-1, but were not recognized as the conference champions because they were still in transition to Division I. However, a banner flies outside Estes Stadium that says, “2008 Southland Champions.” “It’s about tradition,” Conque said. “When you start talking about winning seasons, conference championships, postseason appearances and
high Academic Progress Rate scores, that’s part of tradition. It helps your future recruiting and certainly the interest in your program.” Conque said he tells his players that’s why they chose to come to UCA, to have those opportunities. “So that you can be apart of winning rings, of playing in the postseason, to have the chance to get that piece of paper in four or five years and to graduate and go on to be productive. These are all things that further solidify, not only the current success, but future recruiting and lending to our tradition.” Standing in the way of their “second” conference championship and second straight trip to the Football Championship Subdivision playoffs is conference foe
Northwestern State ( 4-4, 2-2 SLC). The Demons enter Saturday off a 27-26 win at home against Nicholls State. “All conference games are big games, but there’s a lot at stake,” Conque said. “We’re undefeated at home on ‘The Stripes,’ we control our own destiny. We can punch our ticket to the NCAA championships for the second consecutive year, and another conference title.” Conque said the team cannot get caught up in the hype surrounding the game. “Hype didn’t get us here,” he said. “Good blocking, tackling good execution and good preparation is what got us to this point.” The Demons are without their main offensive weapon, senior receiver Phillip Harvey, who suffered a knee injury Oct. 13 at Southeastern Louisiana. Harvey was a versatile player for the Demons, hauling in 23 receptions for 314 yards and two touchdowns to go with 703 return yards and a kickoff return for a touchdown. Harvey also had 101 yards rushing with a rushing touchdown. Most of the offensive load will fall on the shoulders of senior quarterback Brad Henderson, who on top of
1,388 passing yards and 11 touchdowns, leads the team with 254 yards rushing. The Demons are in the bottom half of most offensive categories including: scoring offense (5th), total offense (6th) and pass offense (6th). They are third in rushing offense, averaging 137.5 yards a game. “They’re going to come here and try to pound the ball on us,” Conque said. “They’ve had some success doing that over the last couple of years.” Senior linebacker Derek Rose leads the Demons on defense. Rose has 70 tackles, 39 solos, including 4.5 tackles for loss. While the Demons’ total defense is struggling, their pass defense is near the top in the conference, giving up 194 yards through the air per game.
Game Preview Record & Season Averages
5-1 (1st)
SLC Record
2-2 (4th)
Total Yards
Pass Yards
Rush Yards
Oral Roberts defeats women on senior day in 2-1, 2OT game by Clark Johnson Staff writer
After coming back from an early deficit, the Bears women’s soccer team saw their season come to an end as they fell 2-1 in double overtime Friday against Oral Roberts at the Bill Stephens Soccer Complex. Needing a win to secure the sixth and final spot in the Southland Conference standings to qualify for the conference tournament, UCA ended their season on senior day in dramatic fashion. Oral Roberts (11-6-2, 5-3-0) applied pressure to the Bears from the opening whistle. In the sixth minute, Golden Eagles freshman forward Kayla Keller put her team on the board with her team-leading sixth goal of the season. Keller received a pass inside the box from sophomore forward Megan Giles and slid her shot past Bears senior goalkeeper Kelsey Gochnauer to nod Oral Roberts ahead 1-0. Neither team was able to make anything of their chances for the remainder of the half as the game went into halftime 1-0 in favor of the Golden Eagles. Knowing a tie would do his team no good, UCA head coach Jeremy Bishop had more of an
See Senior - page 10
10 / October 31, 2012
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Bears win big with help of Smothers, Grandy by Lee Hogan Sports Editor
photo by Lisa Ference
Sophomore forward Cassie Lange fights for a ball against Oral Roberts trying to get in position to score during the Bears’ home loss on Friday. Lange recorded one shot during the senior day. This season marks the UCA women’s soccer team’s first winning season since 2006.
Four Bears closed out their careers at UCA on
Friday, finishing the season 10-7-1 overall and 2-5-1 in conference play 4 Continued
from page 9
attacking mindset in the second half. After a string of calls that could have resulted in penalty kicks and free kicks from close range, the Bears were able to equalize in the 82nd minute. UCA junior defender Emma Reed sent a pass through the Golden Eagles defense to junior forward Kristin Pollard as Pollard found the back of the net. Pollard’s fifth goal of the year gave the Bears hope going into the final minutes of the match. Bishop said his team knew they needed the goal to keep going. “We got behind early but kept fighting and managed to even it up late,” Bishop said. “We tried pushing a lot of numbers forward to get the game winner.” Regulation time ended with the score 1-1, sending the match into overtime. Though both teams attacked the net hard,
neither were able to get a goal to win the match. The Bears maintained their attacking mentality in the second overtime. However, two minutes into the second overtime, Giles found senior defender Allison Hall on a run at Gochnauer. Gochnauer pulled out of the net attempting to stop the shot as it left Hall’s feet, but Hall directed her shot past Gochnauer to end the game and the Bears’ season. Bishop said the result was tough to take. “It was a hard way to end the season and a difficult way for our seniors to end their careers,” Bishop said. “I told the team I was proud of their effort all season long and that they should be proud of the season.” Oral Roberts head coach Ryan Bush said his team was prepared for a tough fight. “We knew they would play one of their hardest games
all season,” Bush said. “The situation needing the win would make any team play with extreme intensity, but we were able to contain ourselves and get one clear chance on goal to seal it.” Bush applauded the Bears’ performance Friday and throughout the season. “That team is better than their record says,” Bush said. “They always have the opportunity to get behind you with their speed and we just had to limit those chances.” With the season being one of UCA’s most recent successful campaigns, Bishop said his team won’t relent. “The team has had a never quit, never give up attitude all season long. We will continue to improve and come back more determined next season.”
-V O L L E Y B A L L-
First home loss of season comes at hands of Bearkats by Spencer Griffin Assistant Sports Editor
The Sugar Bear volleyball team (23-4, 11-3 SLC) fell to the number two rank in the Southland Conference on Saturday with their first home loss this season to Sam Houston State (16-9, 11-2 SLC). UCA suffers this loss with only four games remaining in the season. The team will play Lamar and McNeese State away on Thursday and Saturday and will then play Northwestern State on Nov. 8 and Stephen F. Austin on Nov. 11, both at home. The Sugar Bears started the match strong with a 29-27 win in the first set. The Bearkats took advantage of UCA’s struggles with errors and serving winning the next three sets 25-18, 25-14 and 25-19. These wins came off of several runs, one of which was an eight-point scoring run to put the Bearkats up 18-10 in the third set. Senior middle blocker Kaylee Hawkins for Sam Houston State led the team with an impressive 18 kills and 17 digs. The Bearkats hit for .328 on the match while UCA managed a .148 hitting percentage. Senior outside hitter Jessica Hays led UCA with 15 kills. Sophomore outside hitter Scout Brooks compiled 11 kills and freshman outside hitter Heather Schnars recorded 10. Senior middle blocker Taylor Hammonds had six kills along with several blocks during the match. Hammonds said the pressure is on for the last four matches of the season. “We just need to have more focus when playing in our last four conference matches because it will affect our placing in the Southland Conference tournament,” she said. “Losing today definitely affects our momentum. Now we know we can’t lose any more games in conference if we want a shot at being in first place.” Schnars said the loss could be attributed to a few aspects of the game. “I thought we played as
photo by Pham Minh
The Bears dominated against Southeastern Louisiana, 34-14, on Saturday in Hammond, La. to move one step closer to a Southland Conference championship. After a sluggish 24-14 victory over the Lamar Cardinals at Estes Stadium on Oct. 20, Coach Clint Conque said he wasn’t happy with the team’s effort and preparation and vowed that his team would look different against the Lions on Saturday. The Bears (7-2, 5-1 SLC) did look different as they handed the Lions (3-5, 3-1 SLC) their first conference loss. Conque said he challenged the coaches and players immediately following the photo courtesy of Steve East Lamar game. He said there was a noticeable difference Bears senior running back Jackie Hinton runs by sophomore in urgency during practice Southeastern Louisiana defensive back Tyler Stoddard on his 12leading up to the game. yard touchdown run Saturday in Hammond, La. “I thought our entire organization stepped up,” needed to see a continuance of ensuing drive on a 48-yard pass he said. “We really needed from Smothers to Grandy for his good play from the seniors and to. We were playing a very second touchdown of the game. upperclassmen throughout the gifted, talented team for their Senior linebacker Seth rest of the season. homecoming.” Allison stopped two Lions’ Camara added another field Conque said he was proud of scoring opportunities in the goal, this one from 37 yards, to the way the Bears took control of second half with interceptions. put the Bears ahead 34-14. the game early. Allison’s first interception A week after giving up six of After the Lions missed a 51came in the third quarter on the 10 third-down conversions in yard field goal on their opening UCA 15, stopping a seven-play, the second half to Lamar, the drive, the Bears took over the 46-yard drive by the Lions. His Bears held the Lions to three of ball on their own 34, moving second interception came in the 12 third-down conversions. methodically down the field on a fourth quarter on the UCA 34 “I thought our plan was 12-play, 66-yard drive. after the Lions had gone 52 yards a little bit more aggressive,” Senior tailback Jackie Hinton on nine plays. Conque said. “We showed much finished off the drive with a “Our team showed a lot more movement and pressure, touchdown on a 12-yard run. of maturity wrestling back rolling coverages and so forth, Hinton led the UCA rushing the momentum of the game,” attack with 15 carries, 45 yards and I think that worked to our Conque said. “[I was] very and one touchdown. benefit.” pleased with all phases.” The Bears defense held Smothers finished the The Bears’ second half the Lions in check for the first game 21 of 33 for 261 yards, stance was helped due to the half, limiting the Lions offense play of Allison and Grandy. three touchdowns and one to 115 yards. The Lions were Allison finished the night interception. He added 20 yards one of seven on third-down with eight tackles, seven solos, on the ground on six carries. conversions in the first half, and and was named the Southland The win puts the Bears in finished the night three of 12. Conference Defensive Player of first place of the conference A 48-yard pass from junior the Week on Monday. standings with one conference quarterback Wynrick Smothers “You need your seniors game remaining Saturday to senior receiver Jesse Grandy playing big in big games,” against Northwestern State. in the first minute of the second Conque said. “Certainly, Jesse A win Saturday will give quarter helped the Bears to a has had a phenomenal last four the Bears their first league14-0 lead, which would be the or five weeks, big play after big recognized conference score at halftime. play, quality play after quality championship since moving The Bears started early in play. to Division I in 2006. The the second half, scoring on “Seth, we really hadn’t seen the second play of the half. his impact as much this year, but Bears finished with the best conference record in 2008 with Smothers and Grandy hooked certainly he’s had a solid season, a 6-1 conference record, but the up again, this time a 60-yard but it’s really encouraging to see pass. him make a bunch of tackles and league did not recognize UCA Grandy led the team with as the champion, because the a couple [of ] huge plays in the 108 yards and two touchdowns school was still in transition to second half.” on three receptions. This was Division I. Conque said the team Grandy’s third 100-yard receiving performance in the past four games. UCA vs. SELA Box Score The Lions answered on Oct. 27, 2012 their first drive of the second Hammond, La. half, driving 71 yards in six plays, scoring on a nine-yard pass from quarterback Nathan Stanley to Tony McCrea. Southeastern Louisiana scored again later in the third on a 20-yard pass from Stanley to Xavier Roberson to bring the Lions within one score 34 Score 14 at 21-14 heading into fourth quarter. 355 Total Yards 337 Sophomore kicker Eddie 261 Pass Yards 236 Camara hit a 26-yard field goal to extend the Bears’ lead to 94 Rush Yards 101 10 points at 24-14 with 11:53 9 18 Third-Down Conversion 3 - 12 remaining. After the Bears’ defense forced a three-and1 Turnovers 2 out by the Lions, the Bears 31:12 Time of Possession 28:48 scored on the first play of the
Junior setter Marissa Collins and Senior Outside hitter Taylor Hammonds attempt a block against the Islanders on Thursday. though we didn’t care. One point would go and we would brush it off, but then we would be down by five and it was harder to get momentum,” she said. “I think we just couldn’t keep our energy up throughout the match and Sam Houston kept their energy high the whole time.” She said there was pressure during the game because the team knew it was the “biggest game of the year.” She said she was disappointed they did not play their best and that now it will be tough to regain momentum from the slight slump the team is going through. Hammonds said the team seemed to be chasing the Bearkats the whole match rather than having the lead. She said the serving errors can be attributed to aggressive serving. One of the main struggles for the Sugar Bears seemed to be serving as they would have runs in which their serves would go out or straight into the net for an opposing point. “We’re aggressive when serving to try to get them out of system, so it’s a fine line to serving it in and being aggressive at the same time,” she said. She said the team was debating on whether or not to play in the Farris Center for this game to prepare for the Southland Conference tournament which will be held there. She said they decided
not to because Sam Houston is used to playing in bigger gyms. Hammonds said that although the Bearkats were a smaller team heightwise, they made it up through defense. “They were scrappy and got balls up that usually would have been kills,” she said. “We just have to keep barreling until the ball goes down on their side.” The Sugar Bears recorded a win on the Thursday before this game against Texas A&M Corpus Christi who beat UCA the first conference game of the season. UCA had a three game road trip from Oct. 18 through Oct. 23 against Nicholls State, Southeastern Louisiana and Oral Roberts. The team easily defeated Nicholls State in straight sets 3-0 and beat Southeastern Louisiana 3-1. Oral Roberts defeated the Sugar Bears 2-3 to give them their second conference loss of the season. Schnars said the loss on Saturday will not change the team’s goals or effort. “This loss does not change our perception on the future,” she said. “We know what we need to work on, but our goal is still to make it to the NCAA tournament.” The Sugar Bears hope to regain the top spot in the Southland Conference during the last four games of the season.
Men’s soccer falls to SIU Edwardsville for last home game by Brandon Riddle Assistant News Editor
The Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville Cougars defeated the Bears 1-0 at their last home game of the season on Saturday at Bill Stephens Track/ Soccer Complex. Head Coach Ross Duncan said the team stuck with their possession style to compete aggressively against the Cougars. “We played really well against a really good team,” he said. Duncan said he was disappointed in the game’s result and that he thought the Bears earned a win. He said he was especially proud of the performance of the seniors. The Cougars got the game’s only goal in the 42nd minute. Cougars senior defender Benny Jeffrey sent a free kick into the Central Arkansas box, where forward Christian Volesky was able to head it home for his ninth goal this season. Six seniors were honored prior to the game. Goalkeeper Cody Gibson was unable to take the field until this season due to major knee injuries. He has made 47 saves and had a save percentage of .758. Gibson’s five victories this season puts him in a tie for most wins since the Bears moved to Division I.
photo by Lisa Ference
Senior defender Mickey Segura dribbles past two opposing players during the loss against SIU Edwardsville on Friday at home. Defender Zac Burns has played in 61 games, the second most minutes played in school history. In his career, Burns has scored one goal and collected five assists. Defender Mickey Segura is fourth in most minutes played in 48 games. In his career, Segura has scored four goals and made three assists while attempting 36 shots. Midfielder and forward Ethan Miller is tied for sixth in career penalty kicks at 12. He is ninth in minutes played and ninth in shots attempted. Midfielder and forward Chris Deaville has played for 1,638 minutes in 32 games, netted five times and collected two assists. The Bears outshot SIUE,
taking 11 shots compared to the Cougars’ eight. SIUE led UCA in shots on goal 5-4. The Bears were led by junior midfielder Taylor Hart, who placed two of his three shots on target, while SIUE was led by Volesky, who was also accurate on two of three shots. Hart said the Bears started off slow in the first half of the game but built up momentum into the second half. In goal for the Bears, Gibson made four saves and allowed one goal. For the Cougars, goalkeeper Kent Kobernus made three saves, and SIUE collected a team save. The Bears will close out the regular season Nov. 3 against the Bradley Braves in Peoria, Ill.