MON 13 MAR | 9 AM - FRI 17 MAR | 3 PM
Be sure to read all the candidate manifestos and be a part of the biggest student voice activity of the year. Cast your vote at: UCASU.COM/ELECTIONS
MON 13 MAR | 9 AM - FRI 17 MAR | 3 PM
Be sure to read all the candidate manifestos and be a part of the biggest student voice activity of the year. Cast your vote at: UCASU.COM/ELECTIONS
Adrian/ April Lee
Cassie De St. Croix
MD Asadujaman
Rajon Voumick
Rebeca Acsinia
Sayba Salam Ridita
No Manifestos were received from the following candidates
Aleena Rose
Anjan Sodari
Jagdeep Singh
Mohammed Morbiwala
Prachi Dhavalkumar Parekh
Mynamesare Adrian (he/him)and April (she/her)Leeandthisismy manifestoforrunningaspresident for2023/24.
CurrentlyIaminmyfinalyearofBAphotography atRochester.I’vebeena Courserepresentative sinceSeptember tocontinuesupportingthestudentsofUCAandIwishtousethisexperience AspresidentIwouldfocuson3keythings:
1.Warmwelcomesandadjustments makingsuretheunionsupportsfirstyearstudents andpreviousRochesterstudentsastheydevelopin thenewenvironmentoftheircoursewiththeUCA
2.Socialexperienceandcollaborationopportunities ensuringthatallstudentsinallcampusescanget themostoutoftheiruniversitylifenotonlywithin theircoursebutalsothroughsocialand collaborativeconnections
Establishmoreefficientmethodsofgainingstudent feedbacksothatimprovementsorcomplaintsraised bystudentscanberespondedtoquicker.
If elected I would aim to:
-Reform the relationship between the University and students.
-Reform the UCA UNION Presidency so that it is accountable.
-Reform the system of personal tutors and expand student welfare provision.
-Reform the referendum and petition mechanism, allowing students to have a greater say in the running of their own union.
Put simply, I want to make the Students’ Union a Students’ Union again- empowering students with the tools they need to enact reform. If you feel similarly then I urge you to trust in me, MD
ASADUJAMAN , to be your next UCA President. I want a new Students’ Union, led by students, for students.
Thank you for reading my manifesto and feel free to get in contact with me to ask my any questions about my ideas by contacting me Contact number-07522186686
The newcomer students get easily addicted to the drug that hampers their study and damages their future
My team will run an antidrug campaign to make them aware of the negative side of drug addiction. I will also try to rehabilitate the students who have already become drug addicted and will bring them to the normal flow of society to develop a better future for them.
About Me:
Name: Rajon Voumick
University -UCA, Epsom.
Course -MBA.
Candidate for: President post.
In the preliminary, the students who come from different countries face difficulties in adopting the new culture and environment. It makes them isolated and subsequently increases their depression which forces them to stop studying I will organise different social programs to accumulate the diverse cultures of students to increase their communication so they can share their opinion and problems with their friends. I will also focus on individual students by communicating with them individually and helping them to reduce their mental stress Me and my team will try to prevent the cases of students quitting due to stress and will organise counselling sessions for them
In this college, various students come from different parts of the world that share different cultures and habits. This creates major issues regarding the cultural difference. I will highlight these issues among the students and will try to reduce this cultural barrier that hampers the mental stability of the students.
I will create awareness among the students that will increase cultural respect among the students that will increase cross-cultural communication and promote a positive atmosphere in the university.
I will help the students who are coming from different countries and help them to provide overall support so they do not face major difficulties in the new country and University.
The students face issues in finding accommodation in the new area. I will focus on that area and help them in finding suitable accommodation.
I will also help them to find a suitable part-time job in their respective area which will make them independent so they do not face any financial challenges.
The university authority follows the local food culture canteens which creates issues for the diversely cultured students. I will raise my voice against this and communicate with the council regarding this food-related issue that students have faced for a long time Different students habituated to different food cultures In this scenario, face difficulties in adapting to the new food culture focus on changing this culture and highlight the importance of different foods in the college canteen for the survival the students.
About me:
3rd year Fashion design student in Epsom. Run Hellcats, the cheerleading club, at UCA in Epsom and Farnham.
I'm an easy going person and love exploring my curiosities There are so many thing I wished I had during my studies so I want to make sure students don't look back at their years at university and feel the same
When complaints or queries have been brought up by students it may feel like like they have not been resolved as expected I will be your voice and the support you can relay to get results you are happy with and make a difference to your studies
Students should have the opportunity to make the most of their skills and not worry about being limited with materials due to costs I would like to look into and discus setting up an allowance, or something similar, for students to use on materials or facilities for their projects.
From my personal experience I know it can be hard to get something started I want make it easier for students on each campus to make their own events, and be there to give you help and advice from the perspective of a student who's set up activities before Socialising helps view university as more than somewhere you come to study
Hi I'm Rebeca, I'm running to be your President in the Student Union.