UCASU Elections 24/25 President Manifestos

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Cassie de St. Croix

Fazia Rizvi

Jayanth Karuna Bhargav B T

Manasi Khare

Ruby Elder

Umehani Khan


Aaron Pathinather

Aly Pitre

Mahyar Moshiri

Mariana Gonçalves Silva

Mriganayni Navale

Rajon Voumick

Shrut Kirti Tripathi

Sidhdharth Satasiya


Charlie Skinner

Oliver Bruce

Suryansh Vashishth

Tyrese Titus-Tull


Elect Faiza Rizvi for Student Union President

Dear Fellow Students,

I am excited to announce my candidacy for Student Union President, and I am eager to serve and represent our student body with dedication and enthusiasm. As your President, I am committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus community where every student's voice is heard and valued. My platform is built on three key pledges:

1) Enhancing Academic Support and Resources:

I will work tirelessly to expand academic support services and resources available to students. This includes advocating for increased funding for tutoring programs, creating partnerships with academic departments to provide supplementary resources, and establishing mentorship programs to help students navigate their academic journey. By enhancing academic support, we can ensure that every student has the tools and assistance they need to succeed in their studies.

2) Promoting Mental Health and well-being:

Mental health is a critical issue facing many students today, and it is essential that we prioritize resources and initiatives to support well-being on campus. I will advocate for the expansion of counseling services, the implementation of mental health awareness campaigns, and the creation of safe spaces for students to discuss their challenges and seek support. By fostering a culture of openness and support, we can create a campus environment where every student feels valued and empowered to prioritize their mental health.

3) Strengthening Campus Sustainability Initiatives:

As stewards of our campus and our planet, it is our responsibility to take action to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability. I am committed to implementing initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint, increase recycling and waste reduction efforts, and promote sustainable practices across campus. Through collaboration with student organizations, faculty, and administration, we can work towards making our campus a leader in sustainability and environmental stewardship.

Together, we can build a stronger, more inclusive, and sustainable campus community. I am dedicated to listening to your concerns, advocating for your needs, and working tirelessly to make positive changes that benefit us all. With your support, we can create a brighter future for our university.

Thank you for considering me as your next Student Union President.

Sincerely, Faiza Rizvi.

I am :

About me:

I am a master’s student at the UCA Canterbury campus, pursuing Masters in Architecture Part II.

Standing For:

I am running for the President position at UCA, Canterbury Campus.


• Meeting new individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures is one of the most exciting aspects of university life for any student. As UCA is a campus full of creative subjects, the interaction becomes more lively, and I want to commit to adding more and more interactive sessions, such as talent exhibitions, cultural programs, day trips and heritage walks to the nearby towns and a few cities, various workshops and exhibitions to participate in, and one or two evenings filled with interactive games and events that will bring us together every month.

• As a student, I have a deeper understanding of how crucial it is to manage living expenses and make every effort to save money. In light of this, I would like to pledge that I will make every effort to obtain the greatest discounts for all of us at the cafeteria, xerox store, stationery store, and even for our work creating models and laser cutting. More programs to make resources widely accessible to students at low or no cost, if at all possible, are something I would like to implement. Some examples of these programs would include free evening snacks and coffee, access to numerous workshops, and more. The majority of students prefer to remain on campus and work in our studios, therefore try to gain more access to work in the studios on weekends and after 8 p.m. My objectives are to create and carry out policies, provide over 6,000 students a voice, and execute them completely.

• I would like to consider and implement a bus service that would shuttle our students to libraries, galleries, and seminars located in London or other cities and then get them back to the campus following their attendance. This will help a large number of students who are willing to go to these engaging and educational sessions, where they will have the opportunity to network with people from other backgrounds.

“I feel confident in my ability to manage the throng and take the lead. Although this position is far larger than anything I have had previously, I am certain that I will approach providing the finest facilities possible to UCA students in an ambitious yet realistic manner. As an extrovert, I would be delighted to engage with students at every level and across all course offerings in order to further support the students and develop the most beneficial plans for all of us who based here.”


• The 61st Annual National Association of Students of Architecture [NASA] Convention was held in Bangalore, India, in 2019 and was arranged by the events team that I led. Students from over 180 colleges in the country were present at the convention and were engaged in a range of stimulating workshops, seminars, and contests on this platform, which were followed by presentations and panel discussions. Organizing the best arrangements for the students to arrive at the event and ensure they could make the most of it, cultural programming, and communication with visitors and the architects who would be taking part in panel discussions were all tasks I was involved in. Despite only being a 5-day event, planning began roughly six months beforehand. My teammates and I did our best to comprehend the students and provide them with the greatest care possible. It was crucial to assign sub-heads to different events, divide up the duties, have a systematic communication system, comprehend the needs of the visiting students, make the best use of the hosts’ resources, and most of all, be enthusiastic and dedicated to our work.

“Any role, in my opinion, demands a unique perspective, patience, the ability to solve problems in creative ways, and the patience to see things through to completion.”

• I was the head of the dance team at my college for two consecutive years. We have performed as a team in several shows, taking first prize in four of them. I was in charge of putting together the practice sessions, selecting the team members, designing the costumes, having them sewn, and taking part in the dance. And currently a dance club instructor and coordinator at the Canterbury campus of UCA.

Havemoreentertainmentevents!WeneedmorelifeinthislittleEpsom campus.I

Dear Fellow Students,

I'm Rajon Voumick, and I'm asking for your support to keep doing the good work we've started together. As your Student Union President, I've been listening to you, and I promise to keep listening to your ideas and concerns. Your voice matters.

Continuing Ongoing Initiatives

Talking Together: I've been listening to your ideas and experiences, and I'll keep doing that. Let's keep talking so we can make our campus better.

Building Community: Building Community Engagement: Lots of you have joined clubs and societies, and that's great! Let's keep it up.

Supporting Career Development: Supporting students through career planning by Using our resources for part-time employment and job opportunities. I am committed to expanding these initiatives to further enhance your professional journey.

Your vote is not just for me—it's for our collective vision of a thriving, inclusive campus community.
Together, let's continue the journey of progress while embracing the promise of change.

Introducing New Initiatives

Creating Social Sanctuaries: Recognizing the importance of mental well-being, I propose the establishment of dedicated social spaces on campus. These areas will fostering a healthier campus environment for all.

Celebrating Diversity: Our campus is a mix of cultures, and that's awesome! Let's have more events that celebrate our different backgrounds and bring us closer together.

Empowering International Students: I envision a comprehensive support center tailored to the unique needs of our international peers. This resource hub will provide invaluable assistance with academic, social, and cultural integration, ensuring that every student feels at home in our community.

Name:Rajon Voumick

MBA Graduated From Epsom Business School.

Candidate For: President Post(Epsom)

Oliver Bruce

Farnham President


1. Priority access to studios, library facilities and classrooms during peak coursework and study periods. This includes longer opening times and additional staffing for student support.

2. Benches in green spaces Opening up more green spaces on campus to students with new benching and seating. The aim of which is to improve student’s mental wellbeing and mindfulness.

3. Continued cheaper meals for students, to support with the cost-of-living crisis.


Includemoreregularcreativeactivitiesfor studentstounleashtheirinnercreativity

AddresschallengesforUKandinternational students,especiallyencouraging sustainabilitymethods

Fostercommunitythrougheventsbridging UKandinternationalstudents,promoting mutualunderstandingandcollaboration. Fosteringacampuscultureofcelebration.

ImprovecareersupportservicesforUK andinternationalstudents,offering tailoredguidanceandopportunities.

Prioritizestudents'physicalandmental well-beingbyhostingannualevents featuringdiversesportsactivitiesto cultivateahealthyandsupportive campuscommunity.

Empowering EveryStudent Voice
SURYANSH VASHISHTH UCAStudentUnionPresident | MAFilmakingCourse EveryVoice EMPOWER ENRICHEVERY EXPERIENCE TogetherWeThrive: WED6MAR-FRI8MAR (from10amtill3pm)

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