Synod 2023 all you need to know

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What is a Synod meeting? Where and when? Can I attend? What to expect Community building Typical Agena Wondering how to juggle family life? Accommodation for regional members Further details CONTENTS 4 4 4 6 7 8 11 11 12


Synod meetings, which occur about every 18 months, are opportunities for members to discern the big-picture matters which make us the Uniting Church. Chaired by our Moderator, it is a chance to share stories, gain new perspectives, and discover new ways of supporting one another in faithful witness.

Meetings include:

• Receiving and questioning reports.

• Elections.

• Tributes Service.

• Worship, bible study and theological reflections.

• Making decisions which affect our Church.

Synod meetings can be faced with difficult, challenging and sometimes momentous decisions. Such decisions are best made when we gather together to hear the varied voices that make up our Synod as we discern God’s direction for our Church.


Box Hill Town Hall, Saturday 18 to Tuesday 21 November. Box Hill Town Hall is a disability-friendly venue with easy access by car or public transport, and with reasonably priced accommodation nearby.


If you are interested in attending Synod, speak to your Minister or Presbytery. Each Presbytery nominates their attending Synod members. Any confirmed UCA member can be nominated and there must always be at least as many lay people from a Presbytery as there are ordained ministers. Adults of all ages, cultural backgrounds, gender, ability or sexuality are encouraged to attend.



Before each meeting, you will have the opportunity to read reports, which may prompt questions during the event. All reports and proposals are posted on the Synod Meeting App, which is downloadable to your smart phone, tablet or laptop. There will also be online orientation.

This year’s meeting will begin with Opening Worship on the morning of Saturday November 18. Led by our Moderator, Rev David Fotheringham, it will feature guest preacher Brooke Prentis, a First Peoples Christian Leader, international speaker, writer, educator and poet.

Daily highlights over the next four days include:

• Time for discussion on issues in table and working groups.

• Morning and afternoon tea breaks with opportunities for meeting people from different agencies and various committees.

• Bible Study sessions. This year’s will be led by Rev Assoc Professor Robyn Whitaker, Senior Lecturer in New Testament at Pilgrim Theological College.

• Theological reflection.


David Fotheringham Brooke Prentis Robyn Whitaker

Community Building

You will be allocated a table and are asked to remain at that table each day. During business sessions, the Moderator might ask table groups to discuss a proposal, which will enable you to voice concerns, ask questions, or seek clarification.

You will also be placed in a designated working group. These groups, which are about 15 people, meet for up to two hours several times to work through significant business matters. A facilitation team receives the feedback from all working groups and will often reframe proposals to better represent the will of the meeting. All decisions are made by a consensus vote.


Typical agenda items

Reports from governance committees, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Congresses, our institutions (eg, Uniting, AgeWell and U-Ethical), task groups, senior leadership including the Moderator and General Secretary, and Assembly.

Proposals from our committees and from some of our working units will be put to the meeting seeking guidance on the future of their work. Previous examples include our response to Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation, establishing the Money for Mission Fund, and our Social Justice priorities. Elections, which may include:

• Synod Standing Committee.

• Moderator-elect.

• Members of our Governance Committees (eg, Ministry and Mission).

• Assembly representatives. You will be asked to consider nominating other members for election to the Standing Committee. Please consider whether there are people you believe have the skill set and a willingness to serve the Church in positions that require prayerful discernment, preparation and time, as well as the satisfaction that comes from service.

Box Hill Train Station Tram 109, Stop 58 Box Hill Town Hall
Tudor Hotel and Apartments


The Synod meeting will assist with the costs of child care, but is unable to offer crèche facilities.


There is hotel and apartment-style accommodation close to the Town Hall. We recommend the Tudor Hotel and Apartments. Accommodation and meal costs are at your own expense. A travel allowance is provided for all interstate members and Victorian members who live more than 60km from the venue.

Contact Sarah Manase, Synod Logistics Coordinator, at, or Kathryn D’Alessandro, Synod Project Manager, at Kathryn.D’
Further details

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