Catalyst Magazine V 8.2

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V 8.2



Fall 2013 Volume 8 • Issue 2 •


Scientific Foodies Tonny Soesanto: The king of sushi Matt Francis: From farm to fork J. Peter Clark: Food processing around the world

Catalyst COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY dean Douglas S. Clark chair, department of chemistry Daniel M. Neumark chair, department of chemical and biomolecular engineering Jeffrey A. Reimer assistant dean Mindy Rex 510/642.9506; principal editor Michael Barnes 510/642.6867;


contributing editor Karen Elliott 510/643.8054; director of corporate and annual programs Nancy Johnsen Horton 510/643.9351; director of major gifts and alumni relations Camille M. Olufson 510/643.7379;


circulation coordinator Sonya Hunter 510/643.5720; design Alissar Rayes Design printing Dome Printing




Tomatoes from the editor’s garden. With thanks to Edward Weston and Juan Sánchez Cotán.

all text by michael barnes unless otherwise noted. for online versions of our publications please see: © 2013, College of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley



c o n t e n t s

Fall 2013 Volume 8 • Issue 2

10 Scientific Foodies 12 TONNY SOESANTO


























College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

d e a n ’ s

d e s k

From the dean’s desk, then and now It is a great pleasure for me to be writing my first column for Catalyst as Dean of the College of Chemistry. Since arriving at Berkeley nearly three decades ago, I have been impressed by how the College has managed to adapt to an ever-changing environment and maintain its status as the preeminent institution of its kind.

DOUGLAS S. CLARK Dean, College of Chemistry Gilbert N. Lewis Professor

By nearly all measures, the College of Chemistry remains unparalleled in its academic standing and record of accomplishment. To be a part of this great tradition has always been invigorating; to occupy the dean’s office (along with the original desk of G.N. Lewis and notable awards of other College luminaries) is both inspiring and humbling. Indeed, as I confront new challenges in the early days of my deanship I am inspired by the vision of G.N. Lewis sitting at his desk as I ask myself, “How would Lewis have handled this?” Alas, I am humbled by not knowing the answer. Fortunately the College of Chemistry has never been short on answers. From scientific discoveries and technological advances that have changed the world, to legions of graduates who have benefited society in countless ways, the College has always answered the challenge of working to improve the quality of life. We will continue to do so, but in the process we must also answer the new challenge of greatly reduced state support and a radically redistributed support base for funding (“Dean’s Report,” Catalyst, Volume 7, Issue 1).

The College prospered recently under the stewardship of Dean Richard A. Mathies, and as dean I intend to build upon Rich’s successful legacy of improving the College’s research and teaching facilities and establishing new interdisciplinary programs and international relationships for education and research, thus expanding the impact and influence of the College on a global scale. Expect to hear more about these efforts in future columns. The chemistry of cooking is a recurring topic within this issue of Catalyst, which is very appropriate in that chemistry and chemical engineering are fields that nourish and sustain society. Moreover, solving many of the major challenges facing the world today, whether they involve energy, the environment, food or health, will require new chemical solutions. To that end, working together with the support of our friends and alumni is a proven recipe for success, of which I’m sure G.N. Lewis would have approved.

Fall 2013 Catalyst


c h e m i s t r y

n e w s

Personifying the Berkeley ideal I anticipate another very active year in the Chemistry Department, as we strive to maintain our world-leading research programs and our outstanding classroom teaching. This year, recruiting new faculty in theoretical chemistry is our top priority, but as always we will consider outstanding applicants in other areas of chemistry. Two assistant professors, Ke Xu and Evan Miller, joined the department this summer. Ke, whom I mentioned in my last Catalyst column, is an experimental physical chemist who was a graduate student with Jim Heath at Caltech and a postdoctoral fellow with Xiaowei Zhuang at Harvard. Ke plans to investigate cellular processes at the nanoscale through the development and application of novel physicochemical methods, including super-resolution microscopy, single-molecule imaging/ tracking, and microfluidics. 4

Evan, who has a 50 percent appointment with Molecular and Cell Biology, was a graduate student here with Chris Chang and a postdoctoral fellow with Nobel Laureate Roger Tsien at UC San Diego. His primary interests are in chemical biology, and he plans to use imaging methods to monitor

COMMENCEMENT 2013 (left) Chemistry student speaker Marisa Whitchurch; (center) Dow CEO Andrew N. Liveris at the podium; (right) The graduating class of CBE’s Product Development Program.

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

voltage changes in active neurons and to track neuronal networks. These two appointments are counterbalanced by the recent retirements of Joe Cerny and Rich Mathies, both of whom have had distinguished research careers at Berkeley and who also served in major administrative positions, Joe as Department Chair and Dean of the Graduate Division, and Rich as Dean of the College of Chemistry. I am pleased to report that two of our associate professors, Kristie Boering and Matt Francis, were promoted to full professor effective July 1, 2013. Kristie and Matt each personify the Berkeley ideal of outstanding research coupled with excellence in teaching and service, and I congratulate both on their well-deserved promotions. This year, four Chemistry faculty received national awards from the American Chemical Society. Don Tilley received the ACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry. Paul Alivisatos got the ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials. Evan Williams received the Field and Franklin Award for Outstanding Achievement in

DANIEL M. NEUMARK Chair, Department of Chemistry Joel B. Hildebrand Distinguished Professor

Mass Spectrometry, and Bob Bergman was awarded the George Olah Award in Hydrocarbon and Petroleum Chemistry. The four awardees each represent a different discipline in our department, and their success showcases the quality and depth of our program. Two of our junior faculty also received prestigious awards: Dave Savage received an NIH Young Innovator Award, and Felix Fischer was awarded a Packard Fellowship. Special thanks are owed to Gabor Somorjai, the chair of the Awards Committee in the chemistry department. by daniel m. neumark

c h e m i cal


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Our extraordinary alums Berkeley’s chemical engineering program (CBE) has enjoyed decades of outstanding rankings based upon reputation (e.g. #2 in US News and World Report) and analysis (see NRC Rankings of 2010). Some of you have heard that the most recent rankings from Shanghai Jiao Tong University place UC Berkeley as the #3 university in the world, with our engineering programs enjoying that same rank. Worldwide. Several factors play into these high rankings. Since its formation as a department in the 1950s, Berkeley’s chemical engineering department has leveraged its presence amidst one of the world’s best universities with renowned chemistry and physics departments and a proximate national laboratory (LBNL). These attributes attracted a faculty that launched, then built, careers of extraordinary scholarship (beginning with Charles Wilke and Charles Tobias). The reputation of the school, its faculty, and its geography led to an abundant supply of exceptional undergraduate and graduate students. Finally, and perhaps most important, our exceptional students became alumni who lead in industry, academia and national laboratories. These gifted and successful alumni change the world every day. One of the greatest pleasures and privileges of being department chair is the opportunity to engage our graduates. I recently

spent a bit of time reviewing our database of alumni—what an extraordinary group! In education, our alums lead as faculty members at universities, engage children at the Chabot Space and Science Center and teach special education at inner city schools. (Interesting fact: 13 percent of MIT and Caltech’s faculty received their Ph.D. degrees from Berkeley.) In industry, more than 25 Berkeley alums are in top-level management positions at Chevron, Intel, ExxonMobil, Applied Materials, Genentech, Bechtel, Dow, Procter and Gamble, Clorox, IBM, GE and Lam Research. Another 22 are in highlevel positions at the EPA, 18 at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the California Air Resources Board. When I review the database, I count 1,753 different employers. The contributions of our alumni to society are vast. For me, our alums are not just numbers on a spreadsheet. The faces and names of people that have enriched my life greatly come easily to mind. My first undergraduate researcher, Mandy, would be the co-author of my very first paper as a professor, a Monte Carlo computer simulation of thin film growth. Connie was the first chemistry student to work in my lab; I have a picture of her in my wedding album. She received her Ph.D. in materials science at UCSB, and is now a senior executive at Intel.

JEFFREY A. REIMER Chair, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineeering, Warren and Katharine Schlinger Distinguished Professor

Jake was a flamboyant ChemE undergrad, not averse to wearing very unusual clothes. He too went on to get a Ph.D. and is head of a medium-sized company, living in the Midwest with his wife and two children. Yvette was from a troubled neighborhood, struggling to be a good student while raising a young daughter, taking care of her elderly parents and chasing drug dealers away from her neighborhood. She is now a senior manager at Dow Chemical. How about Michelle, who loved country music? After publishing a paper with me on hydrodenitrogenation catalysis, she received her B.S. with honors and got a job working for Texaco in rural California. Anne went to NYU Law, but not before co-authoring the only joint paper I have with my colleague Enrique Iglesia. I remember small acts of kindness from these students, like when Mo took care of my Siberian Husky while my family went on a holiday. Perry had the patience to painstakingly etch a 100nm film from an 18-inch silicon wafer; small wonder that he now has a Ph.D. from the University of Washington. Just last spring Tsaiyin got the job of her dreams at Intel. Each of these alums is a small part of the extraordinary canvas of CBE@Berkeley. by jeffrey a. reimer

Fall 2013 Catalyst


O M A R YA G H I ’ S G L O B A L J O U R N E Y

From the abstract to the practical Omar Yaghi was born in Amman, Jordan, in 1965. His homeland is a quiet country of 6.5 million people bordered by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and Israel. The country, currently a humanitarian refuge for nearly a million Syrian refugees, is effectively ruled and economically prosperous. Quiet, effective, humanitarian—those words could be used to describe Yaghi as well. He says, “As one of several children in an active household, I had an independent personality, and my family left me alone from an early age to observe the world.” “When I was in ninth grade,” he continues, “my father told me I was going to study in the United States. I said no. As an alternative, I could have gone to Russia, studied medicine and earned an M.D. on a full scholarship. I had to choose. I finally decided to come to the United States. 6

“I stayed with a retired couple with an extra room in their house. It was in Troy, NY, and I was 15. An older brother who was already in the area took me to Hudson Valley Community College. The adviser asked me a few questions, which I attempted to answer in my limited English. “The school wouldn’t admit me, but I was allowed to take classes. I took mostly science and math courses, did very well, and returned to the admissions office at the end of the semester. They let me enroll. “I later transferred to SUNY Albany to finish my undergraduate degree. I have never enjoyed lectures, but I was diligent and went to class. I learned a lot on my own. For me, the chemistry lab was a safe haven. There I discovered a hidden world, and I began to investigate this world, which is quite alive.” In the fall of 1985, Yaghi arrived at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as a chemistry graduate student. There he studied inorganic chemistry with Walter Klemperer. College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Says Yaghi, “With me, Klemperer had to start with a diligent but unpolished mind. I was only 20 when I went to graduate school, and I was an explorer, a dreamer. The rigors of science did not come naturally. Klemperer taught me to make quantitative measurements. He did not settle for less than perfection. “I spent a whole year attempting to accomplish a deprotonation reaction. I finally put the results into an NMR instrument, but they were not what I expected. I thought I had failed. I was very upset. I went to Klemperer, nearly in tears. He calmly looked at the data and said it looked like I had found some interesting new compounds. He suggested I get to work purifying them and figuring out what they were. “So that’s what I did. I purified one, and the result was a brown muck. My lab mates suggested I throw it away. But I dissolved it in a solvent and left it overnight, and when I came back it had formed a beautiful crystal. This was the beginning of the study of the polyoxovanadates as the first examples of inorganic cavitands—container-shaped molecules that allow host-guest reactions.” In 1990, Ph.D. in hand, Yaghi left for a postdoc at Harvard with chemist Richard Holm. Yaghi’s grad school mentor Klemperer had taught him that “Science starts with doubt.” But according to Richard Holm, his postdoc mentor, “Science is an exercise in optimism.” “I had two mentorswith two different useful ways of approaching science. For me the contradiction was character forming. How do you produce your own way to view the world? From Klemperer I had learned to make clusters from their chemical building blocks. With Holm I learned to make extended solids and break them down to excise out clusters you couldn’t make any other way. First I learned to make things bottom up, then top down.”

Yaghi started his academic career at Arizona State in 1992, where he quickly established a successful research program that has continued to grow for 20 years. He moved on to the University of Michigan, then UCLA, and in 2012, UC Berkeley and LBNL. His work can be briefly summarized by three acronyms—MOFs, ZIFs and COFs— metal organic frameworks, zeolitic imidazolate frameworks and covalent organic frameworks. These three basic frameworks can produce almost an infinite number of structures. Although Yaghi pursued these frameworks at first purely as an intellectual enterprise, they have proven to be very useful. The structures are super-porous, with surface areas up to 11,000 square meters per gram. Due to their extremely low weight and high surface area, they can trap and hold high volumes of gases. The German chemical company BASF has developed a MOF fuel tank for natural gaspowered vehicles that allows more fuel to be stored on-board. This technology should be commercially available in the next few years. Yaghi is developing other MOFs that may allow practical on-board hydrogen storage for fuel cell vehicles. Along with chemistry department colleague Jeff Long and CBE colleagues Berend Smit and Jeff Reimer, Yaghi is working to classify and characterize molecular structures that can capture the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. Yaghi and his students are working to expand the pore size of structures so that they can accommodate proteins, creating the possibility of biological applications. The building block approach he developed has led to an explosive growth in the creation of new materials. Yaghi calls this emerging field “reticular chemistry.” He is listed among the top ten most highly cited chemists

n e w

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worldwide, and he has won several awards for the development of new materials. In addition to making new materials that the world has never seen before, Yaghi is also creating new research models to address global problems. He says, “Americans are good mentors. The unqualified passing on of knowledge is unique and makes America an innovative country. “The world now faces immense problems that don’t know borders, and yet all over the world there are so many people who don’t have the opportunity to develop their minds. As an educator, I have been asking myself how can I change this situation? How can I share America’s mentoring style with the rest of the world? Higher education, like trade and commerce, needs to become global.” For Yaghi, the solution has been to form research centers that function as satellite labs. He has created three such collaborations, at the National Institute of Materials (NIMs), in Tsukuba, Japan; the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon, Korea; and the Vietnam National University in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam.


Yaghi says, “When I was a young man, chemistry was a refuge from the world where I could study abstract problems. I have been lucky that my ideas have found practical applications in my lifetime. Now I find myself traveling around the world to work with other researchers. “I’ve learned that chemistry can be lots of fun if you’re willing to accept failure—you fail, you fail, you fail, then you succeed. How sweet it is when that happens! I’ve been a professor for over 20 years and I am constantly failing along the road to discovery. No other job has such a tolerance level for failure. Science is a special profession.”

Fall 2013 Catalyst


Reimer and Long groups publish a VIP—Very Important Paper Alumnus Molina wins Presidential Medal of Freedom

Savage wins NIH Director’s New Innovator Award

UC San Diego chemistry professor and Nobel Laureate Mario Molina, who earned his Berkeley Ph.D. with George Pimentel in 1972, has been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.

David Savage, assistant professor of chemistry, has won an NIH Director’s New Innovator Award. The Director’s New Innovator Award initiative, established in 2007, supports early-career investigators to encourage exceptionally innovative research. Savage’s laboratory is developing novel methods for engineering biosensors to probe cellular metabolism.

Tullman-Ercek engineers bacteria that pump out butanol CBE professor Danielle Tullman-Ercek has used directed evolution to develop a strain of E. coli that can pump out butanol, increasing its potential as a biofuel factory. College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley





CBE grad student Joseph Chen and co-workers have published a paper in Angewandte Chemie that has earned the distinction of being classified a “very important paper” by the reviewers. Less than five percent of Angewandte Chemie manuscripts receive such a positive recommendation. The paper describes how NMR techniques can provide initial estimates of the pore volume and surface area of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).



A. Paul Alivisatos, Omar Yaghi and Peidong Yang of the chemistry department will serve as director and co-directors, respectively, of Kavli ENSI, a newly endowed institute at Berkeley/LBNL designed to explore fundamental issues in energy science.



Berkeley, LBNL announce Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute (ENSI)

Alumna Arnold presents Lewis lecture


Science magazine touts breakthrough from Michelle Chang lab Chemistry professor Michelle Chang and co-workers have engineered E. coli bacteria to make fluorine-containing compounds that can serve as the starting point for powerful new therapeutics.


In water as in love, likes can attract A research team led by chemistry professor Richard Saykally and theorist David Prendergast, working at the Advanced Light Source (ALS), has shown that, when hydrated in water, positively charged ions (cations) can actually pair up with one another. This finding helps explain the Hofmeister series, which ranks ions on their ability to “salt-out” proteins and which became a staple of protein research even though the mechanism has never been fully understood.

By adding a touch of fluorine, chemists can fine-tune the properties of would-be drugs. In 2012, three of the Top 10 best-selling drugs, with sales of more than $20 billion, contained the element.

Alumna Frances Arnold, who earned her Ph.D. with CBE’s Harvey Blanch in 1985, presented the 2013 Gilbert Newton Lewis Memorial Lecture on Oct. 23. Arnold, a chemical engineering professor and director of the Rosen Bioengineering Center at Caltech, is a leader in the field of directed evolution. Her topic was “New Enzymes by Evolution: Expanding Nature’s Catalytic Repertoire.” Fall 2013 Catalyst


“ Cookery simulates the guise of medicine, and pretends to know what food is the best for the body; and if the physician and the cook had to enter into a competition in which children were the judges, or men who had no more sense than children, as to which of them best understands 10 the goodness or badness of food, the physician would be starved to death.” — from “Gorgias” Plato, 380 B.C.E.

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Scientific Foodies by michael barnes

At least since the time of the ancient Greeks, people have been arguing about food. For Plato and his mentor Socrates the battle was against what they considered shams, simulations and flattery, arts that created false illusions. If Socrates were alive today, he would consider cosmetics and fashion shams because they merely simulate the benefits of exercise and the underlying beauty of the human form. Likewise, he would consider the culinary arts and gourmet cooking as distractions from the good nutritional practices that lead to physical fitness and health. Of course, Socrates had bigger fish to fry. For him, fashion and culinary arts were just examples. He wanted to expose the Sophists, the rhetoricians who created arguments that prevented Athenians from seeing justice and truth. However, the question still lingers more than 2,000 years after Socrates and Plato first proposed it—how best to understand the goodness or badness of food? Today the problem is not a lack of information, but too much information, much of it of dubious value. Food is a fashionable topic, and sorting through the misinformation surrounding it can be challenging. The College of Chemistry would like to suggest that the scientific method is a good place to start. There are many food lovers in the college who enjoy cooking for much the same reasons they enjoy lab work. Both involve creative hands-on work to bring about transformations, some of them almost magical. In the college, our scientific foodies tend to fall into two groups. First are process engineers who have spent their careers in the food industries. This issue of Catalyst introduces two chemical engineering alumni, Tonny Soesanto and J. Peter Clark (Annual Report, p. 26), who have followed very different entrepreneurial paths to bring about a variety of tasty and nutritious food. The second group could be considered molecular gastronomists, chemists who are interested in the science underlying cooking. This issue of Catalyst will introduce you to a chemist, Matt Francis, who enjoys cooking and who, at the urging of his students, started teaching courses on the chemistry of cooking. In addition, we’ll introduce you to some other campus thinkers who have interesting things to say about nutrition and our food system.

Fall 2013 Catalyst



The king of sushi In 1983 Tonny Soesanto’s career appeared to be on track. He had earned his B.S. in chemical engineering from Berkeley and his M.S., also in ChemE, from Caltech. He was working in Silicon Valley for National Semiconductor, where he was part of a very large scale integration (VLSI) team that had just developed a 64-kilobyte static random access memory chip. Says Soesanto, “Today, 64 kilobytes doesn’t sound like much, but it was considered a breakthrough then. To celebrate, the company threw a big steak and lobster party for us.” Soesanto was 25 at the time. A year later, he walked away from Silicon Valley to spend his next 30 years working hard to create an Asian food empire built around the delivery and in-store production of fresh sushi. “My parents were entrepreneurs, and it must have been in my blood,” explains Soesanto. His family immigrated to Indonesia from China right after World War II and settled in the town of Malang, in eastern Java. At 1,500 feet above sea level, the small city’s relatively cool climate made it a popular respite from the heat of nearby Surabaya, Java’s second largest city. In Malang the family ran a shoe store. Soesanto, the youngest of eight children, was born in 1957 and grew up helping his mother in their shop. His upbringing shaped his culinary perspective just as it did his enterpreneurial spirit. Indonesia, like Malaysia and Singapore, is a country with a multicultural cuisine based on Malay, Chinese and Indian influences. In addition, Soesanto’s hometown of Malang is renowned for the quality of its tempeh, a cultured soybean cake that has its origins in Indonesia. But Soesanto’s primary culinary influence was the Hakka food his mother prepared at home. The Hakka, sometimes known as the “gypsies of China,” are a unique ethnic group that originated in northern China and migrated further and further south to avoid political turmoil during the centuries of dynastic rule. The Hakka strive to maintain their unique cultural identity, including their cuisine, which incorporates the regional influences of the areas of China they journeyed through during their long migration. Says Soesanto, “My dad passed away years ago, but my mom is 89 now and lives in Surabaya, with one of my older sisters. I visited her last summer, and she is still a great cook.” Education is highly valued among Hakka families, and Soesanto’s was no exception. After completing high school in Malang, he left Indonesia behind. At age 19, he traveled to California to study at Cal State Northridge. “I stayed at Cal State for a year and a half and transferred to Berkeley for my ChemE degree at the start of winter quarter in 1979. I was taking 17 units, and my adviser David Lyon told me to slow down. But it was very expensive for a foreign student, so I


College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Tonny Soesanto (seated), the founder of Kikka Sushi, eyes the feast prepared by his long-time sushi chef, Matsuo Okihara. Okihara is from the coastal city of Osaka, Japan, one of world’s great food cities.

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wanted to get my degree quickly. Once the department saw I could handle it, they let me do what I liked. I studied sugar solutions with Michael Williams and we published a paper together.” Soesanto graduated in 1980 and moved on to graduate school at Caltech in Pasadena. There he met two roommates who would later become his business partners. Upon obtaining his M.S. from Caltech in 1982, Soesanto headed north to Silicon Valley. Together with his former roommates, one of whom had married a Japanese woman, he bought a franchise in an all-you-can-eat Japanese restaurant chain called Edokko. Says Soesanto, “The restaurant was in Ontario, near Riverside in the eastern Los Angeles basin. I had never been there or seen the restaurant—at first I was a silent partner. But I took a six-month leave of absence from my job with National Semiconductor, and I jumped into running restaurants. My leave of absence turned out to be permanent. “It was the mid-1980s,” he recalls, “good years for the the big defense contractors in L.A. The city was booming. We purchased another Edokko franchise in Lawndale, just a few miles southeast of LAX. Although the restaurants were doing well, we were paying high franchise fees, and I wanted to try my hand running my own business.” He opened his own Japanese restaurant on Rodeo Drive in a small shopping mall in the heart of Beverly Hills in 1986. Soesanto called it Kikka Restaurant, after the Japanese word for the chrysanthemum flower, a symbol of Japanese royalty. “We did good business at lunch,” he says, “but the restaurant and bar couldn’t attract the upscale dinner crowd. “There was an art dealer in the mall, and he would sit down at the bar after work,” Soesanto recalls. “One night he mentioned to me that there was a Safeway supermarket in West Hollywood that sold sushi. My chef and I were intrigued, so we closed early that night to go have a look. The next morning we bought packaging. That was how my wholesale business started back in 1987.” Soesanto began selling sushi in high-end supermarkets like Vicente Foods in Brentwood, north of UCLA. He also had accounts with Ralphs supermarkets. From the beginning the concept was to provide high-quality sushi made fresh daily. “In 1988,” Soesanto continues, “I got the contract for food service in the cafeteria at Northrop University in Inglewood, near LAX. The university was established to provide training for employees of Northrop Aviation. I got out of my lease on Rodeo Drive, ran the cafeteria at Northop University during the day, and made sushi at night. We had a big commercial kitchen, about seven or eight thousand square feet.”

Although the business was growing, it was still struggling financially. In 1991, after a media scare about the danger of eating raw fish, business plummeted. Says Soesanto, “We almost gave up then. But our saving grace was that our main competitor quit, and we picked up their accounts, including UCLA. “With the new accounts we began to break even. We branched out and tried something new—we put a sushi chef in our Ralphs locations. Sushi chefs in supermarkets were a new concept, so we had to learn on-the-go how to make it work. “During those years we also began providing sushi for Mrs. Gooch, a chain of natural foods supermarkets in L.A. The chain wanted a healthier version of sushi, so we pioneered brown rice sushi, sweetened with honey instead of sugar.” In 2006, Soesanto relocated the business to his own facility, where Kikka Sushi is still located today. It is in Inglewood, near LAX, within a few blocks of the old Northop University location, which closed in the early ’90s (although Soesanto continued to rent the kitchen from the new owners). The new complex is a maze of large rooms, each at a specific temperature—a huge freezer for fish, a cold room for preparing sushi, spring rolls and other packaged foods, and a warm room for cooking rice and searing albacore. Across the street, a warehouse stores bags of rice and packaging materials. Every morning, a fleet of vans fans out across the L.A. area, delivering both packaged Asian foods and the cooked rice and other raw materials for making sushi. “In 1993,” says Soesanto, “Mrs. Gooch was bought by Whole Foods, and we began to supply sushi for most of their stores and for many other groceries and supermarkets, as well. We branched out into Northern California and opened a central kitchen in San Francisco. The business has grown every year since then, except in 2008 during the economic crisis.” Soesanto is very aware of the thousands of customers who eat his sushi, and of his obligation to them. He has not forgotten the raw fish scare that almost drove him out of business in 1991. America’s growing interest in fresh (and often raw) foods requires extra vigilance during production. He has applied his scientific and process engineering expertise to make sure his products are both tasty and safe. Fall 2013 Catalyst


Soesanto notes that each week, he buys about 17 pallets of Calrose sushi rice... a single pallet is stacked with 50 fiftypound bags of rice, that’s a total of 21.2 tons of sushi rice in a typical week.


Says Soesanto, “We are extremely careful with how we source and process our fish. All fish used for sushi and sashimi (except tuna) is required to be frozen to kill any parasites. Typically, fish is flashfrozen to -4° F and held there for seven days.” When Soesanto first set up Kikka Sushi outlets in supermarkets, the local health inspectors insisted that the rice be refrigerated. “But you can’t make sushi with cold rice,” says Soesanto, “because the texture is wrong and it won’t stick together. The health inspectors were concerned about contamination by Bacillus cereus, which can occur with improperly stored rice dishes.” However, sushi rice is marinated in rice vinegar, and the increased acidity prevents the growth of Bacillus cereus. To prove this, Soesanto paid for what is called a microbiological challenge test—in a laboratory, food samples are deliberately innoculated with pathogens and then carefully monitored to make sure that the pathogens quickly die off. Says Soesanto, “My sushi rice passed with flying colors. In the process, we discovered that if you add enough extra vinegar, sushi rice can actually remain safe for up to five days, but by then it is so hard that no one would want to eat it anyway. All Kikka sushi is made fresh, and the unsold product is discarded at the end of day. Unlike baked goods, there is no day-old option.” In addition to providing sushi from his plant in Inglewood and at his sushi outlets in supermarkets, Soesanto also bundles sushi-making ingredients, sometimes filling a shipping pallet in the process, and sends them to Whole Foods locations throughout the western United States. Through Whole Foods and other outlets, his sushi and other Asian foods are sold in 24 states, including a new location in Boston. To give an example of the scale of his operation, Soesanto notes College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

that each week, he buys about 17 pallets of Calrose sushi rice, grown in the Sacramento River delta. He quickly calculates that, since a single pallet is stacked with 50 fifty-pound bags of rice, that’s a total of 21.2 tons of sushi rice in a typical week. Adds Soesanto, “We have over 1,000 employees, with more than 300 in-store chefs at various locations and over 250 delivery outlets. We use over 250 gallons of rice vinegar per day.” Over the years, Kikka Sushi has diversified into other Asian cuisines. In that sense, Soesanto has come full circle. Growing up in Indonesia in a Hakka family, he was surrounded by a diversity of Asian food from birth. Perhaps then it is no surprise that Kikka Sushi now offers Japanese teriyaki, Chinese noodle bowls, Vietnamese spring rolls, Korean bibimbap, and of course, Indonesian satay. Soesanto remains unassuming about his success. He drives an aging Mercedes with a Berkeley College of Chemistry license plate holder on the front, and one from Caltech on the rear. The car is decorated with decals from the University of Chicago, where his daughter Charlotte graduated in 2009, and Stanford, where his son Charlton graduated in 2012. Soesanto recently acquired another outlet for his sushi — the College of Chemistry. “A few years ago, when Rich Mathies was dean, he asked for help from alums. With my central kitchen nearby in San Francisco, I volunteered to provide sushi for the college’s annual senior class dinner. I’ve always been a believer in the value of higher education, and this is just one way to help support the college and the University of California.”

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Above left: CBE alum and Asian food entrepreneur Tonny Soesanto stands in front of one day’s supply of Californiagrown sushi rice at his Inglewood warehouse. Above right: At the 2013 Senior Class Dinner, College of Chemistry students enjoy the catered sushi, courtesy of alum Tonny Soesanto of Kikka Sushi.


Below right: At the production facility in Inglewood, near the LAX airport, Christina Zelaya Romero makes fresh spring rolls for supermarkets and groceries throughout the L.A. basin.

Fall 2013 Catalyst

From farm to fork



On the morning of October 5, during UC Berkeley’s Alumni and Family Weekend, chemistry professor Matt Francis stood at the front of Pitzer Auditorium in 120 Latimer. A seasoned lecturer, he was well prepared for the talk he was about to give to parents and alums on the chemistry of cooking, titled “Food for Thought.” What he was not prepared for was the size of the audience. As the guests kept filtering in, no one there could recall ever seeing so many people jamming into the lecture hall. The seats were full, the aisles were full, the extra folding chairs were full, people were sitting on the floor in front, and there was still a crowd in the foyer waiting to get in. As Francis quipped to the audience, “I teach in this lecture hall three times a week, and I’ve never seen this many students for one of my lectures.” The skill with which he kept the audience captivated was not a surprise, considering he has not only won the college’s Departmental Teaching Award on two occasions, but also the Noyce Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and the prestigious University Distinguished Teaching Award. The science of cooking has become one of the hottest topics on campuses all across the United States. According to Caltech’s fact sheet, its most popular course is “Cooking Basics,” while MIT offers the wildly popular “Kitchen Chemistry.” Similar courses are offered at Berkeley, including a freshman seminar this semester in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CBE). Berkeley also has a student-run DeCal ( course on chemistry and cooking. As the faculty adviser and occasional lecturer for that course, Francis has honed his cooking-related lectures. “What makes our DeCal course different,” says Francis, “is that it wasn’t planned from the top down. “Back in about 2009, Eunice Lee, a chemistry major, approached me about helping out with a DeCal class on the chemistry of cooking. I love to cook and had been using cooking examples in my classes, so how could I refuse? “In addition to the lectures, labs are an integral part of the DeCal course and take place in groups of 3–4 in a classmate’s kitchen. These labs can take up to four hours, so I really encourage students to do their labs over the weekend, when they can take their time and enjoy the experience.” Born in 1971 in Troy, OH, Francis grew up on his family’s small cattle farm, where his father planted corn and soybeans. “We had a big garden,” he says, “and as a kid I helped shell peas and can tomatoes. My mom was an inventive cook who liked having guests and catering to their requests. “But while growing up on a farm taught me that food is a central part of life,” he adds, “it was studying chemistry that got me interested in cooking. With cooking, if your chemical transformations are successful, you get to eat them.” College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

As an undergraduate at Miami University in Oxford, OH, Francis subsisted on a typical student diet of fast food. It wasn’t until he started his Ph.D. research at Harvard in 1994 that cooking became part of his social life. “At Harvard,” he recounts, “a few of the grad students would get together on weekends and cook. That was when I realized that I like to cook, and that chemists were often good at it.” Francis came to Berkeley on a Miller Fellowship in 1999 and joined the chemistry faculty two years later. “When it comes to food, California has the best of everything. Compared to my Midwestern upbringing, here the availability of different ingredients and cuisines is incredible.” As for his research, Francis says, “My group focuses on new synthetic methods for constructing nanoscale materials based on biological structures. The central strategy involves the attachment of new functional components to specific locations on structural proteins and viral capsids, and the self-assembly of these nanostructures into new types of materials with useful environmental and biological functions. That’s what we do for work. For fun, we cook.” One of his favorite cooking and chemistry topics is proteins, and how cooking can modify proteins for the better. Only one amino acid, glutamic acid, has a taste. Its sodium salt is monosodium glutamate (MSG), and the flavor MSG imparts to food is called umami. Umami is now considered the fifth taste, along with sweet, sour, bitter and salty. It describes the savory flavor that glutamates add to food. Raw proteins don’t have much free glutamate, so one benefit of cooking proteins is that it liberates their glutamate components. Microbial processes, such as those in cheese-making, can do this as well. Eating food that contain proteins is essential for human health, so it seems evolution has endowed humans with a preference for the savory byproducts of cooked proteins. Says Francis, “In their folded structure, many food proteins are water-soluble. In the kitchen, you destroy that architecture by denaturing the proteins. When heated, the folded structures of proteins unravel, causing them to lose their native function. They aggregate, become insoluble, start to scatter light and your food changes from translucent to opaque. Cooked egg whites are a good example of this.” During the Alumni and Family Weekend lecture, Francis walked the audience through some classic kitchen techniques for denaturing proteins—heat, acids, mechanical force and enzymes. And he discussed some of his favorite food proteins—collagen, gluten and casein. Along the way, he shared some insights into other topics, often based on his farm background. He pointed out that humans and other mammals can’t produce amino acids with aromatic rings, like phenylalanine and tryptophan. “However,” says Francis, “plants do produce these amino acids, and the herbicide Roundup, or glyphosate, works by disrupting the action

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Another early molecular gastronomer was the physicist Nicholas Kurti (1908–1998), who hosted a television show in England called “The Physicist in the Kitchen.” Kurti is perhaps best known for his comment, “I think it is a sad reflection on our civilization that while we can and do measure the temperature in the atmosphere of Venus we do not know what goes on inside our soufflés.” Francis is doing his part to apply chemistry to the inside of soufflés. He believes organic chemists and biochemists are in a great position to understand the underlying reactions. The topic is also a great way to get more people interested in chemistry. “Does understanding kitchen chemistry make you a better cook?” asks Francis. “Probably not—but that’s not the only reason why you should learn about it. “I compare studying molecular gastronomy to taking an art history course before you go to an art museum. You’ll get much more out of cooking if you understand its underlying chemical transformations. And that can make even routine cooking chores, like fixing a quick mid-week dinner, a lot more fun.”


Chemistry 98 Syllabus 3

In his laboratory on the 7th floor of Latimer Hall, chemistry professor Matt Francis demonstrates the proper use of the specialized instruments used for some of his most complex experiments.

of an enzyme that is involved in this process. Since humans can’t produce aromatic amino acids, glyphosate supposedly doesn’t affect us.” Francis also explained the difference between white and dark meat in chickens. Active muscles that are used frequently contain more of an iron-rich protein called myoglobin, which stores oxygen. Since chickens spend most of their time walking, their thighs require high amounts of oxygen-containing myoglobin, and that gives those muscles their darker color. “As for chicken breasts,” says Francis, “those are actually pectoral muscles, since chickens aren’t mammals. But the term ‘chicken pecs’ hasn’t caught on. Since chickens don’t spend much time flying, their pectoral muscles don’t require much myoglobin, so the meat is lighter in color. Compare that to a migratory bird like a duck that can fly for hours at a time. Duck muscles require lots of myglobin and oxygen, so there is no white meat on a duck.” Francis recommends the classic text, On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen, by Harold McGee for more information on cooking and chemistry. McGee is one of the founders of the study of molecular gastronomy, which started as an attempt to discover the science underlying traditional cooking techniques.

choice on LAST DAY. Details to follo


Schedule: (subject to change) Part I: Fundamentals 1/18: Course Overview and Enrollm ent 1/25: Francis I Carbohydrate Chemistry 2/1: Francis II Proteins in Cooking 2/8: Francis III The Chemistry of Fats 2/15: Heat Transfer, Materials, and Methods 2/22: The Science of Flavor Part II: Special Topics 2/29: Dairy Products 3/7: Meats & Gastronomic Source s of Protein 3/14: Sustainability: The Chemistry of the Food Chain 3/21: Desserts! 3/28: SPRING BREAK – NO CLA SS 4/4: Guest Lecture I - Fermentati on 4/11: Guest Lecture II 4/18: Molecular Gastronomy 4/25: Final Project Presentations

A Q&Golden rice, raw milk and risk:



In her recent New York Times article on golden rice, science writer Amy Harmon ignited a firestorm of controversy. Her story, “Golden Rice: Lifesaver?” (August 24, 2013), painted a sympathetic picture of this genetically modified version of rice that provides a vitamin A precursor, beta-carotene. This nutrient is lacking from the diets of many of the poor in Asia. The controversy between proponents and opponents of golden rice carried over to the NYT environmental column of Andrew C. Revkin (August 27, 2013) where it continued to rage. The task of refereeing this debate fell to Nathanael Johnson, currently a lecturer at UC Berkeley’s graduate school of journalism. A former student of food writer and Berkeley journalism professor Michael Pollan, Johnson gets high marks from thinkers on both sides of the debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Johnson interviewed both Harmon and Pollan for his column in the online magazine Grist ( He is the author of the book, All Natural, that describes his upbringing as the son of hippie parents in Nevada City, CA, and his efforts to reconcile his upbringing with more technological approaches to life. Johnson talked with Catalyst editor Michael Barnes in September.

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Michael Barnes: First, let’s consider the following situation in a hypothetical country: Many women are trying hard to take the advice of nutritionists and public health specialists to breastfeed their babies for a full six months. But there’s a problem. Nathanael Johnson: You’re talking about the United States. Q: Hey, you’re stealing my fire, but that’s OK, let’s keep going. It turns out that after about six months, if these women keep feeding their babies only breast milk and don’t supplement their diet, the babies develop vitamin D deficiencies and get rickets. This typically happens because these mothers are dark-skinned and are vitamin D deficient themselves. Their systems don’t make enough vitamin D from sunshine. For some young U.S. doctors, making a correct diagnosis of rickets is tough. The disease has become so rare that many have never encountered it. They have forgotten that we solved that problem decades ago by fortifying baby food and cow’s milk. So here’s my lead-in question: are you comfortable with fortifying infant formula, baby food and cow’s milk? Is there a problem with that in your eyes? A: Noooo, I don’t see a problem. That story just illustrates that nutrition is hard, even in a place where we have a wealth of resources like in the United States. We used to deal with it by passing down food traditions, recipes, old wives’ tales, things that were helpful along with things that weren’t true. But when nutrition science came of age, we said we can just solve the problem. Instead of having to educate people and having some of them fall through the cracks, we’ll just fortify the entire food

supply. In the U.S., it’s been amazingly successful. We have forgotten about pellagra and goiters and all the nutritional diseases we have wiped out. But it’s a complex story. Instead of nutrient deficiency, we now have a problem with nutrient supersufficiency. So there’s a tradeoff, with obesity. Q: OK, now back to golden rice. Let’s say in the process of producing and bagging and distributing rice, you could spray beta-carotene, a vitamin A precursor, onto the rice, which is absorbed into the kernel, turning it yellow. That would be a form of rice fortification, similar to what we do with staples like milk in this country. That would help get rid of many vitamin A deficiency diseases in places like the Philippines. Do you see a problem with that? A: No. Q: OK, good, here’s the last question. Let’s say you can make the rice plant do the same thing. Instead of spraying beta-carotene on the rice during some distribution process, you just add genes for beta-carotene, genes which come from innocuous sources like yellow corn. You can create a golden rice that has fortification built in at the beginning of the process, right into the genetic material of the rice plant. I spent a summer studying in Indonesia, and I have traveled in the Philippines with friends who grew up there. When people say that instead of working on golden rice you should just solve the poverty problem, my first reaction is to ask, “Have you ever lived in a developing country?” A: Solving the poverty problem is always pretty intractable. Even here in this country.

Q: Most Americans do not realize how efficient this country is. When you live in a developing country, it’s really hard to get anything done quickly. You can see that for aid groups in these countries, it would be very helpful if they could cut through the bureaucracy and the waste and the corruption that comes along with distributing vitamin A pills, and just put that intervention in the genome of the rice plant. That just makes a ton of sense to me. A: Yeah, I think so, too. The aid groups that have done a pretty good job with vitamin A distribution are the same groups that are working on golden rice. They really have made a dent with vitamin A distribution. I basically think if it ever works out, golden rice could be a real solution. You have two kinds of response available: you can have the ambulance response to rush to the emergency, or you can have the splint, which may permanently heal the problem, like a splint heals a broken bone. And that’s what golden rice has the potential to do, to be something that will perpetuate itself and integrate itself into the society. But when it comes to genetically modified foods, I think I have to say I am in the minority. Ninety percent of Americans are worried about genetically modified food. I’m no longer one of them. I’ve come to my minority position in part from looking closely at the line between what is natural and what is technological while writing my book. The closer I would look at it, the fuzzier the line got, and it made me a lot more willing to consider the risk and hazards of genetically modified food with an open mind.

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Journalist and book author Nathanael Johnson hard at work in his Berkeley home. Johnson writes about food and agricultural issues for the online magazine Grist, and is the author of the book, All Natural.

Q: In your book you also write about raw milk, and the raw milk underground. I asked one College of Chemistry alum, a food-processing expert, about raw milk. He said raw milk should be considered a toxic substance. For him, modern pasteurization is so good, it preserves flavor and nutrition so well, that there is no reason to take the risk of drinking unpasteurized milk. A: A couple of things. We’ve made all of these advances in terms of food processing, and we make sure that no microbes get to the humans. But there is a lot more we can do to make sure the humans can deal with microbes. We’ve gotten to a situation where we have created a fence, with more and more fearsome, dangerous and sometimes antibiotic-resistant microbes on one side, and humans with more fragile immune systems on the other, and that is creating a real problem. Because we are not exposed, we are more susceptible.

This is the flipside of the hygiene hypothesis, or what I prefer to call the “old friends hypothesis,” that suggests that—because we evolved immersed in a microbial soup—we’ve come to rely on our old microbial friends. Maybe an environment for young children that is too sanitary prevents their immune systems from hitting the right set point, and their immune systems get hypersensitized, leading to allergies, asthma and autoimmune disorders. There is a relatively low risk of asthma among farm children, for example. This has been welldocumented in the scientific literature. In a sense, because early in our lives our immune systems don’t encounter enough germs to learn to discriminate between good and bad invaders, our immune systems go a little crazy and end up targeting the wrong things and not learning how to target the right things.

With regards to raw milk, this is one of those cases where there is this simple food-processing solution, pasteurization, that doesn’t really change chemical makeup. I don’t have the best palate, so I can’t tell if there is a change of flavor. What it really does change is the microbes in the milk—it gets rid of them. It gets rid of the bad microbes certainly, but it also gets rid of any good microbes that might help give the milk—or the cheese made from it—flavor, might help bolster your immune system, and might add to your microbial diversity. Whether any of this is worth the risk of having the bad bacteria in there as well is an open question. For small children, for the elderly, for immune-compromised people and for pregnant women, foodrelated illnesses can be serious business. In the big picture, the issue for me is risk and how we deal with it. Where do we take risks and where

don’t we? We are willing to sacrifice thousands of people every year in car accidents. That’s just a risk we are OK with. Yet we’re not OK with the hypothetical risk around GMOs and the very small risk for healthy adults like me around soft cheeses and raw milk. In this country we have this distorted way of looking at risk, some of it on the technological side in dealing with raw milk, and some on the all-natural side in dealing with GMOs—an absolute refusal to accept any type of risk if it comes from whatever bugaboo that you happened to be inclined against. Look, uncertainty and risks are synonyms for life. The problem with grasping so hard at certainty is that you end up closing out life to some extent. It closes out possibilities for sensible policies or simply more pleasurable, equitable food systems. I’m not saying everyone should go out and have their sixyear-old quaff raw milk and totally ignore risk, but I think we are a little neurotic about this stuff. MB: OK, good, we have to stop there. Thanks very much, Nathanael. Fall 2013 Catalyst


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Foods, freezing and flavor

I was impressed enough to send an email to the author, Adam Merberg. As it turns out, I could have simply written a note, folded it into a paper airplane, and launched it from the balcony. Merberg is a Berkeley math grad student and has an office about 200 yards away in Evans Hall.

Adam Merberg editor’s note: While researching this issue of Catalyst, I came upon a very thoughtful and wellresearched article on the Haber-Bosch process and the use of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture. (See Catalyst, Vol. 5 No. 1, Spring/Summer 2010, for more on Haber-Bosch.)

Merberg grew up in Acton, MA, about 20 miles northwest of Boston. He grew tired of the poor quality of scientific thinking in the foodie movement and decided that “an evidence-based approach to sustainable agriculture was needed.” His first blog was entitled “Say what Michael Pollan?” He has completed that project and now blogs about sustainable agriculture issues at “Inexact Change.” He has also written for the campus’s Berkeley Science Review magazine. links to his writing:

(above) Adam Merberg studies a unique naturallybred corn mutant at the UC Berkeley Gill Tract research area in Albany, CA.


(left) Science of Wellness classmates Grant Lin, Alina Miller, Sheba Plamthottam and Emily Park prepare for a food event on campus.

Sheba Plamthottam editor’s note: As the staff adviser, I worked with Sheba Plamthottam on Science of Wellness, a student-produced magazine that she founded and edited. Her enthusiasm for the topic, which she characterized as the interface of chemical biology and nutritional science, was contagious.

Organized as a student-run DeCal course, Science of Wellness encourages readers to approach health and wellness from a scientific point of view. The first issue was published in the spring of 2012. The magazine features articles written by graduate and undergraduate students on topics related to the chemistry of nutrition, food science and health. It was featured in the June 3, 2013, issue of Chemical and Engineering News. Plamthottam graduated in spring 2013 with a B.S. in chemical biology and is now a chemistry Ph.D. student at UCLA. links to her writing:

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

As drivers make their way north past Berkeley on Highway 80, they cruise right by one of the best-kept research secrets in the Bay Area. Just east of the freeway, near the Buchanan Street exit in Albany, sits a group of nondescript buildings and greenhouses. The USDA’s Western Regional Research Center may not be impressive from the outside, but what has gone on inside during the past several decades has earned the recognition of the American Chemical Society (ACS). The ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark program recently awarded the research center its second historical monument designation. The center is the only site in North America to be honored twice ( The Western Regional Research Center (WRRC) was established in 1939 to improve the “production, quality, quantity, and safety of food, feed, fiber and fuel through scientific research.” In 2002, the research center earned its first National Chemical Landmark designation for its time-temperature tolerance studies on frozen foods. It was WRRC researchers that determined the proper time and temperature at which various fruits, vegetables, seafood and meats should be frozen to insure their quality and stability. “We’re extremely honored by the ACS awards, and I think it shows the significance of the work that has been done here in the past and that we continue to build on,” said Howard Q. Zhang, director of the WRRC. (See page 44 for more on the WRRC.)

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Class Notes Joel W. Rosenthal (B.S. Chem with William Dauben) works at Chevron Corporation in Richmond, CA, as a group manager in catalysts and petroleum processing. He makes his home with his wife, Susan, in El Cerrito, CA. He writes, “My new book, Warriors of the Plains, will be on sale in catalogs and book stores in mid-September. It is an illustrated discussion of the regalia of the American Plains Indian Warriors ca. 1880-1920.”


Anthony B. Estrada (B.S. ChemE) has retired as a senior engineer from Pacific Gas & Electric in San Francisco, CA, after 36 years of service working with various aspects of natural gas engineering and operations. Immediately upon retiring, he notes that he “traveled with the family to Italy and visited the sights in Rome, Assisi & Venice and the art and gastronomical wonders of Tuscany, plus chilled out in Sorrento, Capri & Positano. We can’t wait to go back and see the Amalfi Coast, Milan & Sicily. Currently busy coaching high school and youth tennis.” He and his wife, Bonnie, reside in South San Francisco, CA.


Elizabeth Ann Rauscher (Ph.D. Chem with Glenn Seaborg) writes that the UC Berkeley Bancroft Library recently honored her by archiving her papers on her fundamental science research. In 2011 she had a new patent issued, on medical devices to enhance health, and she has also published two new physics books. She lives in Apache Junction, AZ.


Ray E. Aquitania (B.S. ChemE) writes from San Diego, “I moved my medical practice a few months ago to the Alvarado Medical Center. I continue to run a private practice in neurology, with current neurology colleagues Dr. Khamishon and Dr. Kagnoff.


My 11th triathlon was completed in Long Beach, CA, two months ago. In the past, I have competed in four duathlons and finished thirteen marathons. I published my first book three years ago, entitled Jock-Docs: World-Class Athletes Wearing White Coats. In that work, I chronicle the lives of some of the few Olympic champions who went on to become successful physicians in various fields. In the last month, my second book was released. It is called Taking the Bull by the Horns and describes various challenging adventures I have been through over the years outside the office setting.” Ray makes his home in San Diego with Lisa Moresca. Chemistry professor Christian Alexander Wilisch (Ph.D. Chem with William H. Armstrong) tells us he has been appointed director of the newly created plastics technology campus in Weißenburg, Germany, run jointly by the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and the University of Applied Sciences, Ansbach. He lives in Ansbach, Germany, with his wife Catherine. They have five children.


Sophia Lacramioara Drugan (B.S. ChemE) works at Kleinfelder in Oakland, CA as a senior engineer/project manager. She and Claude Drugan live in Walnut Creek, CA.


Indu Kheterpal Gilman (Ph.D. Chem with Richard A. Mathies) writes, “Dear Friends, I guess ‘better late than never’ applies here. Last year, I decided to leave academia for industry and started working at Albemarle Corp. in Baton Rouge. Albemarle is a specialty chemical company headquartered in Baton Rouge with sites all over the world. So far, I am really enjoying my industrial experience. I was promoted last month and am now managing the chromatography and mass spectrometry group. I am in R&D and get to work with scientists with a


variety of backgrounds. Hope all of you are doing well. “ Indu and her husband, Samuel Douglass Gilman, live in Baton Rouge. Sara Pauline Gaucher (Ph.D. Chem with Julie Leary) has worked at Amyris in Emeryville, CA, for the past six years. She is currently associate director of screening and analytics. Her team interfaces across research, development and manufacturing to enable production of bio-based chemicals and fuels. She tells us that she recently received a California Assembly District 15 “Women of the Year” award, which recognizes women leaders in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) who mentor and promote other women and girls in STEM. She lives in Oakland, CA, with Jeff Morrow.


Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Ph.D. Chem with Martin Head-Gordon and William Lester, Jr.) has been recently awarded tenure and promoted to the rank of professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University. Alán began as assistant professor at Harvard in 2006. Alán notes that he has had the “pleasure of working with talented Cal chemistry graduates such as Jarrod McClean (B.S. ’10, Chem with William Lester), Joseph (Joey) Goodknight (B.S. ’11, Chem with Richard Saykally), John Parkhill (Ph.D. ’10, Chem with Martin Head-Gordon) and Dmitry Zubarev (PDoc with William Lester).” He makes his home in Cambridge with Dori Kiyomi Aspuru-Takata.


Bunyada Kwong (B.S. ChemE) not only joined Genentech in July as an engineer in the Science and Engineering department— she also gave birth to her first child, a son, in September!


Fall 2013 Catalyst


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Nutchapol Charkarutpahu (B.S. ChemBio) writes, “I am going to get to go back and live in my country after spending 9 years for education in the USA.” Jessica Dakotah Douglas (Ph.D. Chem with Jean Fréchet) has begun her first job as a chemist at The Dow Chemical Company. Jingyang Guan (B.S. ChemE) has been accepted into the Ph.D. program in chemical engineering at Columbia University.


Kevin Richard Haas (Ph.D. ChemE with Jhih-Wei Chu) works at Counsyl in South San Francisco, CA, as a software engineer.

Morrison Chun (B.S. Chem ’43, M.S. ’48.) In the Spring/Summer 2011 issue of Catalyst, we chronicled the World War II experiences of alum Morrie Chun in China. Several months ago, while cleaning house, he found his old uniform. He wore it to the Memorial Day celebration at the National World War II Memorial in Washington, DC, on May 27. Chun joked that he was surprised it still fit 70 years later.


Cari Suzanne Dutcher (Ph.D. ChemE with Susan Muller) has joined the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, MN, as an assistant professor of mechanical engineering. She and her husband, Dan, live in Minneapolis.


John Anthony Parkhill (Ph.D. Chem with Martin Head-Gordon) took an assistant professor position at The University of Notre Dame this year and lives in Buffalo Grove, IL.


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College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley


Daniel Thomas Cohen (B.S. ChemBio) entered the Harvard chemical biology Ph.D. program

this fall. Daniel Jenn-Shing Tsai (B.S. ChemE) is currently working as an engineering intern for a company that is doing research on low energy nuclear reactions. He makes his home in Fullerton, CA.


Emily Christine Chang (B.S. ChemBio) is going to pharmacy school.

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Jianfeng Liu (B.S. ChemE) is attending Carnegie Mellon for his Ph.D. Nicole Ann Lorenz (M.S. ChemE) has started as a production engineer with The Dow Chemical Company in Pittsburg, CA. In May, Sandia Nguyen Orbon (B.S. ChemE) told us she was deciding between potential job opportunities in chemical engineering—and going to Paris and Croatia in the summer. Sophia L. Shevick (B.S. ChemBio) noted, “After graduation, I am hoping to travel around Turkey and Eastern Europe with some friends for a couple of weeks. When I return, I will be working at Genentech in South San Francisco in its Discovery Chemistry department for the summer.” Xuan Wang (B.S. ChemE), who as a senior did research with Zheng Zhai in Alex Bell’s laboratory on the multicomponent metal oxide catalyst used in selective oxidation reaction, was thinking about going to graduate school. Following commencement, Sarah Anne Whiteside (B.S. ChemBio) noted that her immediate future consisted of “going to Europe after graduation!”

In Memoriam Friends of the college

and attended UCSF to earn his doctorate in dental surgery in 1958, beginning a 28-year dental practice. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Carol Burton.


Rodney J. Pence (B.S. ChemE), who made his career with General Electric, passed away on May 1, 2013. He and his wife, Imogene, made their home in Oro Valley, AZ.

Edward S. Dutto (B.A. ’55, L&S), a valued staff member of more than thirty years who led the facilities unit in the College of Chemistry, passed away on May 25, 2013. A native of the Bay Area, he loved traveling and spending time with his family. He especially enjoyed following his grandchildren’s activities, eating good food and studying opera. He is survived by his wife, Vittorina, with whom he made his home in Moraga, CA.

Alumni ’36 Norbert C. Brady (B.S. Chem), a

generous and loyal supporter of the college, passed away on July 10, 2013, at the age of 98, in Riverside, CA. A modest man, he spent his career in the Navy. In 2004, he and his wife, Florence, established a substantial unitrust to benefit the College of Chemistry. In addition, his estate has left the college a significant bequest. We are deeply grateful for these two gifts of philanthropy. Florence passed away in July 2009.

’41 We have learned that Berkeley emeritus professor Paul L. Chambré (B.S. Chem), who was born in 1918 in Kassel, Germany, passed away peacefully on April 13, 2013. He was a professor of nuclear engineering whose primary research area was applied mathematics. He was predeceased by his wife, Jane, with whom he made his home in Moraga, CA. ’47 Clark R. Burton (B.S. Chem), a

native of the Bay Area, died on March 2, 2013. His chemistry studies at UC Berkeley were interrupted by service in WWII in the Army Air Corps. Initially employed at Shell Chemical after graduation, he changed careers after seven years


’54 William P. “Bill” Cox (Ph.D. Chem

with William Giauque) passed away in Morgan Hill, CA, on April 20, 2013, at the age of 87. Bill worked as an engineer at various companies, mainly in Silicon Valley, including Advanced Micro Devices for 20 years. He was a long-time member of several environmental organizations, including the Sierra Club. His wife of 54 years, Alice, predeceased him in 2007.

’65 We have learned from her mother

that Joyce A. Edgar (B.S. Chem), who lived in Mogadore, OH, passed away on April 3, 2011.

’69 Richard Q. “RQ” Williams (B.S.

Chem) passed away August 9, 2013, at the age of 67. He delighted in alumni events at Berkeley as well as at UC Davis, where he began his college career. He continued his academic pursuits as a doctoral candidate at Brown University in the 1970s. With a strong background in chemistry, he became a winemaker—a skill that brought him to the Napa Valley. He transitioned to working as a real estate broker in 1980, a career that he enjoyed tremendously. His wife, Roberta, predeceased him.

’02 Jason D. McCargar (B.S. ChemE),

a childhood computer whiz who established an IT consulting business, Redstar Computers, died suddenly on March 18, 2013. He was a prolific artist, horticulturist, handyman and chef, both professionally and at home. He is survived by his wife of 16 years, Stephanie, with whom he lived in San Rafael, CA. compiled by karen elliott


It is with tremendous sadness that we announce that Swetha Akella, who earned her chemistry B.S. in May 2013, passed away from a rare and aggressive form of cancer.


Swetha was born in Fremont, CA on Sept. 18, 1991, and graduated from Foothill High School in Pleasanton in 2009, where she was one of four valedictorians. During her years at the college, she worked in the Keasling lab at the Joint Bioenergy Institute for three years. She also was a student research assistant at the Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry, a 2012 summer intern at Genentech in their Green BioPharma program, and a 2013 intern at Silver Creek Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco. According to Undergraduate Dean Marcin Majda, “Swetha was a very serious and driven student, yet soft-spoken and gentle. She loved science and dedicated many hours to research. I was always very impressed with her progress and had big hopes for her future as a scientist.” Swetha is survived by her father, Ram; her mother, Sita; and her brother, Abishek. The family lives in Pleasanton, CA. The college has established a fund in Swetha’s memory that will provide support to undergraduate students. To make a gift to the Swetha Akella Memorial Fund, please visit and enter “Swetha” in the search field. Fall 2013 Catalyst

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r e p o r t

of private giving


In my previous roles as CBE chair and executive associate dean, I was mindful that private support was enabling many great things to happen in the college. All around me, I saw students receiving prizes, awards, scholarships and fellowships; colleagues receiving distinguished chairs, professorships and research support; new faculty being recruited (along with others dissuaded from going elsewhere); and, most recently, labs and teaching space being renovated and refreshed. Now, as I step into my new role as dean and take an even closer look, I understand more fully the absolutely critical role you play in the college’s success. The College of Chemistry is the most highly recognized chemical sciences unit in the world. Moreover, it is part of a unique institution: the only university with a public mission that can compete academically with the most renowned educational institutions of the world.

$3.41 M


$1.38 M Private Foundations/ Nonprofit Organizations


Corporations/ Corporate Foundations

$1.09 M



$5.88 M






A L L O C A TIO N O F E N D O WE D FU ND S Student Support

$0.96 M



$0.02 M



$0.01 M



$0.02 M



$1.01 M


Our exceptional level of excellence and our dedication to serving the public trust could not be sustained without you, our alumni, students, parents and friends.


Thank you for the impact you have made. I am filled with a great sense of gratitude and a deep appreciation for all that you do.





College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley


$1.91 M



$1.31 M



$1.08 M


Student Support

$0.61 M



$4.91 M


donors to the college

The first three donor clubs listed—the California Benefactors, the Blue and Gold Society and the 1868 Society—are cumulative clubs. Donors’ lifetime giving to the College of Chemistry determines their club level. The remaining clubs are annual—the club level shows each donor’s giving during the 2012–13 fiscal year.

Cumulative Clubs

Cumulative Clubs include each donor’s total giving through June 30, 2013

California Benefactors $1,000,000 and more Anonymous (2) Norbert C. Brady Nirmal and Ellen L. Chatterjee Chen Yu-How T. Z. and Irmgard Chu Aldo DeBenedictis Estate Melvin J. Heger-Horst Trust Gene S. Howe and the late Hubbard C. Howe Gunawan Jusuf Ross McCollum Trust Pitzer Family Foundation Jean Mosher Pitzer Estate Warren G. and Katharine S. Schlinger Ann E. Shiffler Estate David H. Templeton Estate James R. and Neeltje J. Tretter Robert Tsao

Blue and Gold Society $500,000 to $999,999 Anonymous (2) Chen He Tung James O. Clayton Estate Warren E. Clifford Gus D. Dorough Henry F. Frahm Estate David Gee and Caryn Lum Lillian Lessler and the late Richard M. Lessler Irma McCollum Trust Reid T. Milner Trust Joon and Zaiga Moon

Elizabeth B. Polansky Estate Beatrice Thomas Estate Marie W. Woodward Estate

1868 Society $100,000 to $499,999 Anonymous (2) Mary Arnett Usman Atmadjaja Paul A. Bartlett and Yumi Nakagawa Leo A. Berti Estate Bud Blue Estate Thelma Buchanan Estate Sunney I. Chan Chng Heng Tiu Fannie L. Chong and the late Antonio T. Chong Chester W. Clark Estate Robin D. Clark and Mary Mackiernan Joyce E. Davis Frank G. Delfino Thomas J. and Laura J. Dietsche Dean and Becky Draemel Sam H. Eletr Naji O. Fansah William and Janet Gerhardt Suhargo Gondokusumo G. Douglas Gould and Regina Anderson Gould Vic and Faye Gunther John E. and Jean Hearst Clayton H. Heathcock and Cheri R. Hadley Darleane C. and Marvin M. Hoffman Yasuko Ikeda and the late Robert M. Ikeda Stephen T. Isaacs and Kathryn Macbride Harold S. and Mary Ella Johnston David G. Karraker David E. Kepler Ed S. Kim Kiong Yo Kian

Joseph L. and Helen C. Koo Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Estate Dorothy K. Kunkel and the late Joseph M. Kunkel Lee Sheng Peng Estate Annie L. Li Estate Liem Sioe Liong David and Diana Lieu Wesley and Elizabeth Lindsay Estate Tony and Louisa Ling Catherine and Ray Long Estate Lie Shiong Tai Bruce H. Mahan Estate Alan C. and Agnes B. Mendelson Albert Narath Robert N. Noyce Estate S. M. “Jack” Olsen Estate William C. and Nancy L. Orr Estate Marjorie Pape Crandall Pearce Darwin R. and Donna C. Poulos Jonathan S. Powell Estate Mochtar Riady Milton H. and Ethel M. Ritchie Gene Roberts Ann Hollins Sadler Klaus A. and Mary Ann D. Saegebarth James A. Sanford Chester Sausaman Estate Patricia M. Schreter Jane N. Scott and the late John W. Scott William H. Shiffler Estate Louise M. Simone Charles E. and Dorothy H. Stehr Tan Keong Choon Henry K. Tom James Y. Tong James A. Trainham and Linda D. Waters Mary Dee Vermeulen Estate Doris H. Welles Estate Eka Tjipta Widjaja Charles R. Wilke Estate Eugene T. C. Wu

Annual Giving Clubs Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013

Lewis Associates $50,000 and more Anonymous Nirmal and Ellen L. Chatterjee Joyce E. Davis David Gee and Caryn Lum G. Douglas Gould and Regina Anderson Gould David and Diana Lieu Tony and Louisa Ling Pitzer Family Foundation Elizabeth B. Polansky Estate Eugene and June Roberts Warren G. and Katharine S. Schlinger James Y. Tong Keith R. Westcott

Latimer Associates $10,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (3) Paul A. Bartlett and Yumi Nakagawa Robert and Wendy Bergman Norman Bonner Christian and Anne Boussert Ruth and Mike Cheng T. Z. and Irmgard Chu Robin D. Clark and Mary Mackiernan Ronald L. Clendenen William A. Daniels Thomas J. and Laura J. Dietsche Dean and Becky Draemel Arthur K. Dunlop Marjorie W. Evans Caroline M. Gee and Henry A. Blauvelt Bertha Gee-Lew and Wilbur Lew William and Janet Gerhardt annual report, ’13


Clayton H. Heathcock and Cheri R. Hadley Herbert and Leila Hooper Gene I. Iwamoto David G. Karraker Ed S. Kim Lillian Lessler Gary M. and Irene R. Masada Sunil A. Patel Terry J. and Victoria C. Rosen James A. Sanford Charles and Heather Shank Ronald E. Silva Charles E. and Dorothy H. Stehr Lillian Tong James A. Trainham and Linda D. Waters Kathleen Welsh and William Plautz Stephen Worland

Giauque Associates $5,000 to $9,999 Samuel D. Bader Ronald and Sue Banducci Edwin D. Becker Ardra C. Brodale Thomas and Martha De Jonghe Pete Dragovich and Pei-Pei Kung Michael E. and Mary K. Flaugh Theodore H. and Frances K. Geballe Margaret Gwinn Benjamin Haile The Halloran Family John Jost, Jr. Andrew and Sandra Kaldor Samuel Sheung Woo Kam C. Judson and Jeanne King Jan and Maria Leeman Amy F. Lumeng Curtis Lee Munson and Hazel C. Olbrich Albert Narath

Alexander and Ditsa Pines Virginia and William Schultz Steven Sciamanna and Sandy Roadcap Tonny and Fay Soesanto Dwight N. and Elizabeth K. Tozer George K. and Stephanie D. Tyson Willard M. Welch Steven and Mary Young

Seaborg Associates $2,500 to $4,999 Anonymous Carl and Janice Beitelshees Timothy M. and Valerie S. Bruemmer Michael J. Buckley Robert A. Chinn Michael J. Coggiola Robert S. Crowder Clesson H. Harvey

John F. Heil Victor Huang Mark J. and Alice H. Isaacson Paul J. and Deborah K. Jansen Kiyoshi and Irene Katsumoto William A. Kleschick LaRoc and Linda Kovar Frederick W. Lam Virginia and Frank Lew Chi-Chang and Margaret Lu Jay Luly and Kazumi Shiosaki Timothy and Roberta Montgomery Herb H. Nelson Daniel M. and Ellen B. Neumark Miles Okino Kenneth M. and Sheila M. Otteson Rodney M. and Jeanne V. Panos William R. Parrish Richard and Helen Phillips Darwin R. and Donna C. Poulos Robert G. Reynolds Richard R. Rosin Ferenc E. Rosztoczy


a l u m n u s

p r o f i l e J. PETER CLARK

Food processing around the world

CBE alum J. Peter Clark (2nd from left), an international food consultant, stands in a mustard field in Moldova, a small former Soviet republic nestled between Ukraine and Romania. College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

donors to the college Klaus A. and Mary Ann D. Saegebarth Georgieanna L. Scheuerman Donna R. Sterling Michael Joseph Sullivan and Ellie Yi-Li Yieh Kong-Heong Tan Anne Friend and Anson B. Thacher Curtis M. Tong Harvey S. Trop Raymond C. Chiu and Stephanie K. W. Wang Mark M. Wegner and Mary J. Korn Frank X. Woolard Yue Dorothy Yang

Wilke Associates $1,000 to $2,499 John H. Abeles Juana V. and Andreas Acrivos Anonymous (2) Kenneth and Felicia Aron

Karen Bailey Bowman Richard and Catherine Behrens M. Robert Blum Michelle Marie Brodale Richard Brodzinsky Marilee M. Brooks David S. and Donna M. Brown David E. Burge John B. Bush Jr. Joseph and Susan Cerny Edmund Chambers David C. K. Chan Rupa Chandra Michelle and Jeffrey Chang Andrew Y. Cheng J. Peter and Nancy Lapin Clark Michael W. Clark Holger and Kerstin Claus Morgan P. Conrad Lisa and Brian Davis Richard and Terri Deaner Frank G. Delfino Walter and Eleanor Dong Michelle C. Douskey and Scott Olson

Clelland R. Downs Daisy Joe and Justin Du Bois John G. and Carol H. Ekerdt Walton P. Ellis Tarric M. El-Sayed June S. Ewing Steven and Terri Fantazia Nicholas A. Fedrick George A. Fisk Reyes M. Fragoso Jennifer Fujii Man K. Go Wataru Goishi Charles and Karen Goss Elaine and Arnold Grossberg Vic and Faye Gunther Eric B. Haas Steve Hansen David and Pamela Hemker Jessie J. Herr Frank Hershkowitz Duane Heyman Robert and Barbara Hickman Joel Hill Robert P. Hohmann

William and Hoi-Ying Holman David V. Horak and Lois M. Shiozawa Sarah E. House Judy C. Huang and Ken A. Nishimura Richard W. Hyman Yasuko Ikeda David W. Jentz David R. and Karen W. Johnson Stephen and Elizabeth Johnson Max J. Kalm John T. Kao and Yoko Tsuchiya Wayne Kao and ChaoLien Lu Jack Kelly Chung Pai and San Oak Kim Sung-Hou and Rosalind Kim Fred B. and Marcia A. Kirby James A. and Annearle M. Klein Kevin A. and Bree L. Klotter Laura L. Knipmeyer Janell K. Kobayashi Henry F. Koopmann P. G. Kosky James and Barbara Lago


In a conversation with alumnus J. Peter Clark, (Ph.D. ’68, ChemE), the number 40 keeps popping up. He has been working on improving a diverse array of food-processing technologies for 40 years, has written 40 papers, and during that time he has visited 40 countries (although he admits that some of those have been for vacation). Clark’s resume lists professional and volunteer work in Albania, China, Egypt, Germany, Haiti, India, Malawi, Moldova and Uzbekistan. “But I’ve probably left some off the list,” he says, “let’s see — Israel, Kenya, Honduras, Canada and maybe a few more.” About his work in Haiti, Clark says, “After the earthquake that devastated the country in 2010, relief organizations worked with farmers to produce dried mangos. The idea was to convince farmers that mango trees are more valuable for producing fruit than as firewood. Most of Haiti’s trees have been cut for fuel, leading to soil erosion. Only about

30 percent of the mangos are acceptable for export as fresh fruit, so we worked to improve productivity in drying and processing mangos to increase farmer income.” Food processing typically is not a field that progresses in leaps and bounds via dramatic technology breakthroughs (although Clark has played a role in a few of those). It is incremental in nature, a field where practitioners strive for decades and, at the end of long careers, can look back with some satisfaction on a steady stream of improvements. For example, here is Clark on improving commercial baby food: “The convention was to cook fruits or vegetables whole, then puree them to the desired consistency. It turns out a better approach is to chop or puree the food first, then cook it. That reduces cooking time, saves energy, and maintains flavor and nutritional value.” In his long career, in addition to the 40 papers, Clark has been the author or editor of eight books and one patent. The continued next page

annual report, ’13

Julian I. Landau Peter W. and Reiko N. Lee Soo-Ying Lee Howard K. H. Leung Mark T. Lewellyn Jeanne Ley Kai Liang David A. Lightner Nelson and Yanhong Lin Robert and June N. Lindquist Scott and Annette Lynn Jane L. and Michael J. MacDonald Ron and Christine MacDonald Bruce H. Mahan Estate Jon L. Maienschein and Lisa K. Cline Thomas A. Massaro Donald S. McClure Janet K. McCormick Michael J. McCormick James W. McFarland Robert C. McIntosh Peter M. McKinney Thomas J. Meyers

Michael J. and Maria L. Miller Walter H. Moos and Susan M. Miller Donald H. Mohr Lingfung Mok Roberta N. Mulford Richard D. Newman Thomas W. Newton Allen Ng Long H. Nguyen Kent Opheim Charles J. and Michelle Ordonia Punit J. and Anuradha P. Pandya Garry Iain George Parton Chin-Tzu Peng David B. Phillips Llad Phillips Jeanne Pimentel Rene J. Prestwood Raymond F. Quan and Mildred J. Quan David Rabuka Franklin and Annette Rahn

Andy Ramelmeier Mark Reichmann Patrick J. Reilly and Ashley E. Wolfe Jeffrey A. and Karen B. Reimer John L. and Diane Robbins The Marsha and Richard Sable Family Laura J. Sanborn Henry F. and Karen F. Schaefer Michael and Lucille Schloemer Bill Schriver Gary P. Schwartz Daniel and Ximena Sessler Maneshchandra J. Shah Kevan Shokat Henry B. Sinclair Sher G. Singh Joseph P. Smith Laura A. Smoliar Clinton D. and Sharon Snyder Michael J. Solomon and Ellen C. Lee Gabor A. and Judith K. Somorjai Linda H. Specht

Thomas M. Stachelek Bruce E. and Susan J. Stangeland Ivan T. Stinson Mark and Nancy Stoyer Herbert L. Strauss and Carolyn North Andrew Streitwieser and Joyce C. Hessel Jack D. Swanburg Rex and Linda A. Tam Raymond S. Tang Rodney E. and Suzanne M. Thompson Huijun Tian T. Don and Rosemary Tilley Han and Hera Tunggal Ravindra S. and Aruna R. Upadhye Alejandro Valdes-Curiel James P. Vokac and Stacey T. Baba Timothy P. Walker and Catherine Robinson-Walker David A. Wallack


a l u m n u s

p r o f i l e : j. peter clark

...continued patent came first, and it takes him all the way back to his days as a chemical engineering graduate student at Berkeley. Born in 1942, in Philadelphia, PA, Clark graduated from La Salle College High School and attended the University of Notre Dame, where he graduated with a B.S. in chemical engineering in 1964. That fall he arrived at UC Berkeley, where he began working with a new ChemE professor, Jud King. Says Clark, “I was Jud’s fourth Ph.D. student. It was a wonderful experience working with him. “We had an initial grant from the USDA to study freezedrying technology. I was interested in processing, but not in foods in particular. Jud and I agreed that my research should focus on developing a new freeze-drying process, with the goal of a patent. We succeeded—it was the first patent obtained by Jud. The patent number is 3,453,741 and was issued in July 1969.

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

After graduating with his Ph.D. from Berkeley in 1968, Clark went to work for the USDA, first at the Western Regional Research Center in Albany, CA, just a few miles from campus, and later in Washington, DC. Says Clark, “The job at the research center was my first job after grad school, and I was young and enthusiastic. Without realizing it, I created what these days we would call a green chemistry process. “At that time, a commercial artificial sweetener, cyclamate, had been declared unsafe. I was exploring a potential alternative, a by-product of citrus processing called dihydrochalcone. The existing processes involved organic solvents and could only make small quantities. I figured out how to do the chemistry with water, scaled up the process and created more than 200 kilos for testing. “I was proud of this accomplishment, but alas, dihydrochalcone sweeteners were never approved for use in the U.S.,

donors to the college Leslie N. Watson and Gary W. Beers David E. and Joanne T. Wemmer Ronald B. and Lucy D. Wetzel Robert S. Wilhelm and Sun Hee Lee Roger G. and Molly W. Williams Derek R. and Anne M. Witty Gar Lok Woo Richard F. Wormsbecher William J. Wright Sachio Yamamoto Nolan L. Yee Sheila W. Yeh

Calvin Club $500 to $999 Frances H. Abramson Carlo and Barbara Alesandrini Keith and Elaine Alexander Daniel R. and Shelley A. Arenson Richard M. Azocar

Karen K. Jernstedt and Anthony J. Barkovich Anonymous (6) John G. and Zuzana Bauman William E. and Clara W. Bondinell Brian and Cathy Brady Leo D. Brown William H. Calkins Raul A. Cardenas Herrera Michael F. Carolan Barbara Brandon and Philip M. Carpenter Vincent C. Chan Jeanne C. Chang Marina M. Chin Daniel Chinn Delano P. and Helen C. Chong Yong-Hwee Chua Ronald N. Clazie John E. Crider Matthew S. Croughan Jed E. Davidow and Marnie Harker Ron Dickenson

Rochelle C. and Robert M. Dreyfuss William E. Dunn Rudy H. Dyck Mark R. Etzel John Fabera Milton Finger Dennis and Joan Flaherty Howard L. and Mina M. Fong Stanley W. Fong Philip R. Friedel Doug T. Fung Shun C. Fung Frank P. Gay Lara A. Gundel Margaret Guo Andrew A. Guzelian David R. Hansen Marlin D. Harmony Scott J. Hecker Jason Y. Ho Erwin W. Hornung H. Ted Hou and Sophie X. Wang Michael R. Hull

John T. Hunt Gary and Patricia J. Kaiser Te Piao King Ernest J. Kirschke Paul and Tracy Klein Kamala R. and Ashok S. Krishna Bart Larrenaga Richard and Anne Lawton Marc and Tsun-Tsun Levin Christopher A. Lipinski Glenn Lipscomb Dick and Myra Lynch Mary M. Mader and Jerome L. Debrosse Kevin and Corinne Mansfield Matthew A. Marx Eugene D. McCarthy James A. McHugh C. Alison McLean Marcia A. Middleton Michael J. Milos David W. Moreland Robert T. Mullen Louie A. and Karen L. Nady Soon Ng


although they are widely used in Europe as a sweetener and flavor enhancer in citrus products. That’s when I first learned that hard work and good process chemistry don’t always lead to market success.” Clark worked for the USDA until 1972, when he joined the chemical engineering faculty at Virginia Tech, where he spent six years. In 1978 he was recruited to join industry and went to work for ITT Continental Baking Company. “Going into industry was a huge change, but it was worth the risk. It’s important to keep yourself fresh,” he says. ITT Continental then was best known for iconic baked goods like Wonder Bread and Hostess Twinkies. But Clark worked on a new technology, the retort pouch. Says Clark, “The retort pouch was first developed by the Department of Defense labs in Natick, MA. The concept was to use a sealed, flexible polymer package that would be low-weight and would not injure soldiers who fell on the continued next page Clark (left) in a processing plant in Moldova, where the workers are processing corn for a snack food. annual report, ’13

Kenneth T. Ngo Heino Nitsche and Martha Boccalini Laura A. Oliphant Edward J. and Deborah L. Palkot Jinhee Park Winfield B. Perry Joan and Rich Phillips Bava Pillay David Plouffe and Olivia Morgan Justin and Sandra Plouffe Roland Quong Ronald W. Ratcliffe Elmer J. and Helen E. Reist Mindy Rex and John Dischinger Joel W. Rosenthal Wayne E. Sackett Ryan Y. and Janice K. Saiki Harry N. and Jane L. Scheiber Arnold J. and Janice E. Seidule Priya S. Shah Stephen and Lila Shain Jerry R. Shuper Hugh C. Silcox

Stephen A. and Mary Skaggs John R. and Ella Jane Skinner Randall Q. Snurr Jeffrey P. Solar and Rosalyn Furukawa Drew V. Speer David F. Starks James S. Symanski Sugihiko Tada Rebecca C. Tong Lindy Vejar Bruce Vickroy Min-Chi Von Trentini Deane Stefan Walker Alexander K. C. Wang Lisa Wang Karen M. Webster Michael E. Wenninger Phillip A. Wilmarth and Janis Shampay Kar Wai and Acheng Ester Wong Roger K. and Evelyn C. Wong Ronald R. Wright Fonda B. Wu Katsumi and Elby G. Yamamoto

Shuwu Yang and Ping Wang Shan J. Yeh Jane Yieh Cecilia L. Yu and Timothy K. Yu The Yu Family Kevin Zhou

Tobias Club $250 to $499 Irshad Ahmad Anonymous (12) Robert A. and Nancy H. Antonoplis Edward I. and Florence M. Aoyagi John D. Arenivar Jose L. and Dorothy M. Arnaud Don W. Arnold Charles E. and Marianne Auerbach Carole and Burke Baker Hugh D. Barnett Michael L. Barry

James R. Beck Patrick Bengtsson and Erin Bydalek Sabine and Johannes A. Bernbeck Ryan Bise Marshall Blann and Carolyn F. Parrish Marie T. Borin Lawrence J. Bowerman Robert J. Breuer David Brossard Sandra M. Brown Edward Bruggemann Barbara L. Bryan Gina Buccellato James D. Burke Frederick L. Burnett III C. Hackett Bushweller Wayne M. Camirand Halbert H. Carmichael Ronald M. Carn Allan R. Champion S. Kumar and Uma Chandrasekaran


a l u m n u s

p r o f i l e : j. peter clark

...continued pouches in the pockets of their uniforms. The thin profile would make reheating faster and more even. The existing canned military rations were notoriously overprocessed to provide long shelf life at the expense of flavor and texture.” The Meals Ready to Eat (MREs) were a big success in the military, but commercialization was not as successful in the U.S. market. Ironically enough, although food lovers consider Europe and Japan to be places where traditional, unprocessed foods are more revered than in the United States, those are the countries where retort pouches have been successful. That has to do with smaller living spaces and smaller refrigerators. “High-quality, shelf-stable foods are more attractive there,” says Clark. Clark left ITT Continental Baking Company and began consulting, first for firms in the Chicago area, and then as an independent consultant. In the last several years he has been a columnist for Food Technology magazine. Clark’s consulting has spanned a wide range not only geographi-

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

cally, but also technically—from plant design, processing technology and spray drying, to principles of refrigeration and separation processes, just to name a few. As the interest in fresh fruits and vegetables has grown in the United States, so has the need to deliver them safely from field to consumers. Says Clark, “Unfortunately, there seems to be an increase in food safety events associated with fresh produce.” An outbreak of an unusually virulent E. coli strain in fenugreek sprouts in Germany killed 53 people. In the United States, an outbreak of Listeria in cantaloupes from a Colorado farm killed 33 people. An additional 10 associated deaths were suspected but could not be confirmed, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Although eating fruits and vegetables seems simple and natural, the processing of fresh fruits and vegetables is technically complex. The problem is that some of the standard

donors to the college Chu-An Chang and Kai-Ling Hwang Michelle Claffey and Stephane Caron Fred F. Coons Harold and Judy Cota Tucker Coughlen Theodore W. Craig Richard Cummings Christopher E. and Mary B. Dateo Raymond L. Dod Doug Edwards Bruce A. Ellsworth Edward C. Fan Bruce A. Firestone Randall A. Fischback George and Cherry Fitzgerald Robert A. and Frida V. Flath Bruce M. Foreman George and Cindy Fosselius Milton S. Frank Leif G. and Janet L. Fredin Friends of Eric Abramson Scholarship Fund

Ellen K. Fujikawa Pete Fullerton Kent K. Fung Alvin S. and Karen C. Fuse Kevin and Rebecca Gaab Ethan C. Galloway Hubert Gasteiger Peter Gates Michael B. Gentzler Kevin R. Geurts and Angela R. Smith Marcella A. Gilmore and Edward Ruehl Alexander P. and Jeannette Golitzin Gail L. Gray Joseph M. Greendorfer Laura Greenfield William J. Guilford Paul H. Gusciora Robert N. Hanson David J. Hart Jennifer A. Hart Bin He L. Louis Hegedus

Mark A. Henderson Ann and William Hetherington Donald L. Hildenbrand Megan L. Hoarfrost Donna and Elvin Hoel Richard and Patricia Hoff Stephen M. Holton David Holtz Chris Hovde Limin Hsueh Ronald Jensen John A. and Heidi S. Jensvold Jack Jew Daniel H. Jones Roy T. Kamimura Joshua J. Kennedy-Smith Kim Kinoshita Jean M. Kitchens Edward F. Kleinman Robert Knott Anthony R. Kovscek and Rebecca E. Taylor

Kenneth W. Kraus Michael A. and Gretchen V.T. Kriss Felix S. C. Lai Stephen M. Lambert Charlotte F. Lee and Paul Gillespie Jennifer C. Lee Stephen R. Leone and Mary K. Gilles David J. Leu Catherine and Tzu-mu Lin Mingjun Liu Mark Logan John W. Lorimer Ka Lum Gregory S. Girolami and Vera V. Mainz Ceayee Mak Douglas K. Mandel Mary A. Manumpil Andrew P. and Kimberly K. Marcus


tools of food safety—particularly using heat and sanitizing washes—destroy flavor and texture along with germs. The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law by President Obama in January 2011. It shifts the emphasis of federal regulations from responding to contamination to preventing it. Says Clark, “FSMA poses new challenges for the fresh produce industry. It is based on the reality that testing alone is not adequate to ensure safety. Food manufacturers must have a food safety plan that is essentially what is called a hazard analysis critical control point plan. “Rigid sanitation of the environment is the best precaution,” says Clark. “This means the boundary between agricultural processing and food processing has to be pushed all the way back onto the farm. Some traditional practices, like using opensided packing sheds that allow birds and rodents to enter, need to upgraded. Now some packing areas for ready-to-eat foods continued next page Clark examines an antique food press. annual report, ’13

Samuel and Lydia Markowitz Richard L. and Susan C. Martin Paul Martin John M. and Lara M. McDonald Kenneth E. Meeker Howard C. and Nancy S. Mel Navin R. and Monica R. Melville John G. Mengshol Larry Merson Roger A. and Helen G. Metzler Paul Miao Arthur I. Morgan James B. Murdoch Jennifer G. Murphy Stamatios G. Mylonakis John Barry Nash David R. Nethaway Felix G. Ngan and Lily M. Lee Stephen V. ONeil Robert J. Ouellette Henry and Mary Elizabeth Padgett James S. Papanu Axel Helmut Paul Beverly A. Pawson

Alfred W. Petersen Tarik Peterson Richard C. Pilger, Jr. Derek J. and Jane E. Polley John M. and Susan Prausnitz William D. Provine and Annette Woolard-Provine Alice C. and Rudolph J. Rico Mark Roebuck and Ching-Yuan Linda Hsing Paul A. Roethle Mark E. and Cheryl L. Rosen Albert J. Rothman David S. Rumschitzki Szymon Sabala Cleo Salisbury and Anthony Lobay Francis J. and Phoebe C. Schmitz Erika Schneider Frederic T. Selleck John L. Shafer Anita J. Shaw Yaoming Shi Namkyu and Heejeong Shin

John A. Smegal John E. Sohn Julie Stewart Jeffrey Tane Lila W. Tang Jerome H. and Selma E. Targovnik Marc E. Tarrasch Christopher H. and Julie A. Taylor David G. Taylor Jack F. Thomas Ken Tokunaga Paul Tong Baylor B. and Linda M. Triplett Michael W. Tsiang Ronald K. Tuttle Ernesto Valdes-Krieg Jack Van Den Bogaerde Loren Vanderbeek Bennet M. Wang Francis T. and Julia L. Wang Myron M. Warshaw Robert B. Welch Gregory T. and Marjorie S. Went

James M. and Mary L. White Richard J. Wilcox Jack Wong Aram Yang Eric Pao Yan Yang Leo and Barbara A. Zafonte Jack Zakarian William T. Zimmerman Paul F. Zittel Hans-Conrad zur Loye

Hildebrand Club $100 to $249 Kent D. and Mary B. Abrahamson Raul E. Acosta and Selma Gluck-Acosta Umar Akbar Lawrence C. Akers Harrison B. Albert and Sandra B. Albert Ilana S. Aldor Rudolph T. and Mary Ann Allemann


a l u m n u s

p r o f i l e : j. peter clark

...continued almost resemble clean rooms, with HEPA filters on the ventilation system, garbing of workers and positive air pressure. “Improving sanitation requires creativity and a holistic approach. This is especially critical now that almost twothirds of our fruits and vegetables are imported. In Mexico, an importer I respect noticed that farmworkers were mostly peasant women who kept their children with them in the fields. As any parent of a toddler can tell you, the little ones are not the most sanitary of creatures. The importer’s intervention was to provide on-site childcare, to keep the children near their mothers but out of the fields.” Clark’s long history of working in often-difficult conditions in many countries has made him open-minded, patient and respectful of cultural differences. About America’s food culture wars, he remains a polite and worldly agnostic. His goal has been to help deliver all sorts of foods to customers safely, while preserving flavor and nutrition.

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Clark recalls with fondness his early years with ITT Continental Baking Company. The company was among the first to add nutrients beyond those required by government standards and to use more nutritionally available—and more expensive—forms of iron than were technically required. Adds Clark, “Hostess Cupcakes and Twinkies required developing assembly-line processes to inject cream filling inside a cake shell with just enough pressure to fill the interior without bursting the cake structure. That’s harder than it sounds.” As for food, “I believe there’s a place in life for small indulgences,” he says. “There are not many bad foods, but there are foods that are abused. As in most aspects of life, moderation is called for. We need to take care of ourselves. I’ve worked with hundreds of companies. I don’t know of any that set out to harm their customers—if anything, they are obsessed with safety.”

donors to the college Saeed K. Alzghari Emmanuel and Virginia Anasco Anonymous (30) Jesse Ante Gustav Apai Evan H. and Mary G. Appelman Morris D. and Stephanie Argyle Frances Arnold Frank and Lucille Asaro Lucienne Ash Fred A. Aslan David Atkins-Maters Steven C. Avanzino Matthew B. Avery Reha Bafrali Edward R. Ballister Douglas J. Bamford Minqiang Bao and Jinfeng He Kevin W. Barnese Edward M. Barrish Robert J. Baseman Craig P. Baskin Bruce N. and Miriam B. Bastian George H. Batchelder Carolyn and Russell Batt

Salmaan H. Baxamusa and Andrea Schmidt David and Roxana Beach Norman P. and Eva S. Belle Janet E. Bercovitz and Garth A. Gersten Samil Beret Klaas Bergmann Ronald S. Besser and Cheryl D. Besser Rolf W. Biernath Paul E. Bigeleisen John H. Birely Paul D. Bisio Sarah Schofield Bittner Gregory S. Blackman Uldis Blukis Richard Boden Philip Bonasia Jerome V. Boots Richard W. Borry George A. and Syble F. Boswell Melissa J. Bovee Paul H. and Lisa A. Bowers Dale C. Bowyer

Dane R. Boyington John I. and Sharon L. Brauman Timothy, Susan and Thor Breece Marilyn Brite William K. Browne William H. Buchan Lucinda F. Buhse and Steven A. Kinsley Patrick and Barbara Burke Elizabeth R. Burkhardt Joel D. Burley Carol J. and Michael J. Burns Sylvia Buse Mark Camenzind Hans K. Carlson Jonathan O. and Linda Carlson William W. Carlson Chris J. Carvalho Raymond Chan Wai-Yin Stephen Chan Johnny and Yan-Tyng Chang Karen Chang James L. Chao Chuck Chatlynne Gregory L. Chee

Bill Chen and Yang Wang Kaidong Chen Wing and Helen Cheng Donald and Linchuan Cheung Ruby and Frank Chew Shirley L. Chew Thomas J. C. and Shirley H. Y. Chew Grant Chin Chinese American Institute of Engineers & Scientists Judith and Leonard S. Chong Grace F. Chou Helen Chu Mary E. Clifford Leigh Cloven David Cohen James L. Cole John B. Collins F. Warren Colvin Anthony and Angela Contreras Mary M. Conway David N. and Abbey R. Cook Hal B. Cooper John F. Cooper


Adds Clark, “I’m so grateful to Berkeley and Jud King. He was a good role model and over the years has become a good friend.” Clark has been a loyal supporter of the college. For many years he has helped to organize alumni receptions in the Midwest and was a key volunteer in the successful fundraising efforts to establish the C. Judson King Endowed Chair in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Clark is a Fellow of AIChE and the Institute of Food Technologists. “After 40 years, I am still not ready to retire,” he says. “I still enjoy working, and I think I still have something to contribute. Food processing involves so much that is fun. Early in their careers, process engineers tend to think of some foods as poorly behaved chemicals. I remind them that at the end of the day, these are things we put in our mouths.”

“I believe there’s a place in life for small indulgences. There are not many bad foods, but there are foods that are abused. As in most aspects of life, moderation is called for. We need to take care of ourselves.”

annual report, ’13

donors to the college


Marshall J. and Kathie Coopersmith Jeffrey S. Cooter Paul A. Cornelius Douglas H. Cortez Henricus Cox and Arely Castellon Ewen C. Coxworth Evangeline G. Cruz David L. Cullen Bostick U. Curry Calvin J. and Margaret A. Curtis Joyce Olsen Custer Judith A. Cutino Tom C. S. Dao Chollada Darakananda David C. Darwin Sankar and Kakali Das Cameron and Jean Dasch Pravin K. Dattani Howard E. Davis Jr. Paul E. and Jane M. Davis Kenneth E. De Bruin Ulrich and Sue de la Camp Diana M. DeGregorio Ron D’Ercole Phuong Nhu Sy Dong Denis Drapeau Armando Durazo Lois J. Durham William M. and Judith A. Ebenhahn Richard U. Edgehill Edward T. and April Ellebracht David J. Ellis Paul A. Ellison Chris M. Erickson Kristopher J. Erickson Maria Fardis Watson Fearing Erika Feller J. Leonard Fick Dwight A. Fine Richard C. Fitzgerald Warren W. Flack David D. Ford David Forsyth Elizabeth G. Francois Loyd D. and Anne E. Frashier Janice D. Frazier and Daniel J. Dawson Sabrina S. Fu and Philip J. Rous

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Penny and Richard Fukatsu Terry R. Galloway Don and Donelle Gartner Craig Gates Juris P. Germanas Peter Giannousis Jack T. Gilmore David J. Godbey and Ellice Y. Luh Karen I. Goldberg Gary M. Goncher Daniel M. Gorecki Alexander Goretsky Norman E. Grabstein Harold E. and Margaret W. Granquist Ronald W. Grant Beth M. and Timothy G. Grasel William H. and Amanda C. Green Ruth Grimes David Grossman George E. Grossmann William H. Grover John Q. Gulley Robert and Anita Gupta Tan Ha Syed I. Haider Ivan Haller Gordon T. and Amy N. Hamachi Andrew Harautuneian John W. and Angela K. Harder George L. Hardgrove Jr. J. Ronald Hargreaves Edwin R. Harris Everette Harris Ian Harris Nina Hartman Mark A. Hartney Michal and Timothy Hawk Sue Heinemann Ray and Cathy Heller Stephen T. Heller Barry A. and Suzanne J. Hench Frank and Melanie Hernandez Louis and Nellie Herrington William T. Hicks Amy E. Hiestand and Michael Casendino David M. and Christine R. Higashi Eric J. Hintsa

Frederick W. and Kristine M. Hipwell Dennis O. and Dale C. Hirotsu Lucas R. Hoffman Mark R. Hoffman Robert B. and Lisa S. Holden Marianne L. Hollier Mei Hong Michael H. Howard and Karin S. Akerfeldt Lewis Hsu Gladys K. Humphreys Peter E. Hurlimann Richard B. and Weiqian Q. Hyland Busaraporn and Vichien Iamranond Anthony T. Iavarone Michael K. Ishii Dennis and Amelia Iwamoto Bryan L. and Tuangporn Jackson David Y. Jackson Thomas C. James Simona Jankowski Thomas and Mottlene Jarvis Mack A. Johansen Charles R. Johnson Russell D. Johnson Jr. Brian Johnston Patricia A. Jones Patricia W. and Russell L. Jones John C. and Kristin M. C. Jurchen Andreas V. Kadavanich Anita E. Kalathil Yohji Kameoka James S. Kane Susan Kao Tim Karpishin Dmitry Karshtedt Benjamin Keh Esayas Kelkile Ping and Angela Kho Sandeep and Lucia Khurana Richard L. and Sharon E. Kiefer Beata Kilos Christina Kim Clara K. Kim Jongsook Kim and Byron Kemper Sharon H. Kim

Tae-Jin Kim Gene Kimura Andrew and Joanne Kindler Edward L. and Joy K. King Ned Kittiudom Judith P. Klinman and Mordechai Mitnick Peter Knappe William M. Knight Roland J. Koestner Scott M. Koshland Peter E. Koszalka Mark H. Krackov Marvelle E. Krenz Shailaja Krishnamurthy James H. Krueger Paul J. Krusic Douglas S. Kuramoto Paula T. Kwong Howard Lacheen John R. Lai William C. Langworthy Julie K. Lanselle Lee H. Latimer Sharon and Ken Lau William J. Lawrence Adam L. Meadows and Christina J. Lee Edward Lee and Frances Kan Randall Y. and Jung M. Lee Nicholas A. Leefer Allen and Phyllis Lefohn Theodore J. Leitereg Charles B. and Tonya L. Lemmon Cissy and Dennis Leung Keith K. Leung Daniel Leva Alan Levy Albert Lew Guangtao Li Jennifer and John Li Bernard J. Lilly, Jr. Megan M. Lim Chun K. Lin Joseph and Cathy Lin Xiong Z. Lin Yue-Herng Lin and Jessica Lee Manfred Lindner David A. Lindsay Cindy T. Liu George C. Liu and Shirley Chao

benefits of

private giving

THE GLENN T. SEABORG MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT was established in 2002 through donor gifts to support nuclear and radiochemistry in the college, in memory of professor and Nobel laureate Glenn Seaborg (1912-1999), one of the great nuclear chemists of the 20th century. The payout is used to fund an annual student travel award; the recipient is selected by chemistry emerita professor Darleane Hoffman.

“ The Seaborg Travel Award provided me with the opportunity to learn about actinide chemistry from some of the top scientists in my field, and network with my peers from around the world. Attending an international summer school and conference was an invaluable experience that will certainly benefit me for many years to come.” — Jennifer Shusterman Graduate student, Nitsche research group

Xiran Liu David A. Lloyd Lisa Lobree and Cameron Abrams Doris and Aileen Lock Jack W. London Thomas J. and Sherri A. Lowery Charles N. Ludvik Kui-Lung Ma and Li-Kuan Hsieh Thomas D. Mac Phee Tim A. MacMurdo Khorshed Madan Tom Maimone Nolan F. and Marian S. Mangelson David W. M. Marr Toby and Jason Massman Robert C. and Drusilla T. Mauch

William J. McBride Amy M. McCarthy Richard P. McGinnis Stephen T. McKenna Robert McKoon Rita McNeely Jayne and Drake Michno Peter W. Miller William and Anita Miller Julie A. Mobley David R. Monroe Stephen A. Monti and Susan Mynarcik Riley S. Moore Earl M. and Sharlene W. Mortensen Robert F. and Becky H. Mortlock Eugene and Ann Motte

Jim Muirhead William Murray Pradeep M. Nair Vivek Narayanan Muhammad A. Nayer Nathan R. and Erika E. B. Neale Harry T. (Tom) Nelson Jeff Nelson Madeline M. Netto Yu S. Ng Samuel S. Ngai Tuan N. Nguyen Justin M. Notestein and Cristina Pedrero-Gonzalez Wesley K. Nurss Naomi Obinata Nicholas L. Ohler and Melissa Bean

Howard K. Ono Jacqueline Orbon William H. Orttung J. Bevan Ott Cornelius S. and Sara A. Ough James Oziomek Nutan K. Pande Rudolph Pariser Christopher C. Parks John E. Parmeter Chris Parr Kirit B. Patel Charles Paul Charles M. Paulson John S. and Cheryl P. Petersen Frederick M. Peterson Leonidas Petrakis Adriana G. Petrova and Nikola P. Petrov annual report, ’13


benefits of

private giving

THE GARY BRODALE ENDOWMENT IN THE COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY was established in 1998 through donor gifts in memory of Gary Brodale, to support undergraduate scholarships in the college. The late Gary Brodale earned both a B.S. (’55) and a Ph.D. (’60) in chemistry at Berkeley and served on the college staff as a research scientist. Ardra Brodale is Dr. Brodale’s widow. Michelle Brodale is their daughter; she has a B.A. (’93) from Berkeley in applied mathematics.

“ Financial support helped me overcome momentary difficulty, but the love behind the gift is what inspired me to try harder, in the hope that one day I could pass this love to the next generation.” — Lucas Nguyen B.S. ’13, ChemBio

36 Michelle Brodale (left), Lucas Nguyen and Ardra Brodale

Paul A. Petruzzelli Sundiep Kaur Phanse Jason Ploeger Samantha M. Pochert J. Kenneth Poggenburg Max Y. Pong Molly Pong Brook Forest Porter Kristala Jones Prather Maxwell R. and Stacey H. Pray Geoffrey A. Prentice Andrew D. Presley Elisabeth M. and Jonathan G. Price Frank T. Prochaska Susan Puglia Arnold Quan

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Christina L. Quigley Donald L. Raimondi Tom and Betty Ransohoff Rekha R. Rao Solmaz Rashidi Craig L. Reeder Manfred G. Reinecke Gordon and Sharon Renkes Ines R. Renner and Andrew W. Cumming Patrick A. and Amy J. Rodgers Elena C. Rodriguez Gerry Rollefson Carlin G. Rooke Esther H. Rose Philip P. Russell

Jason A. Ryder Ola M. Saad Edna Sakai David W. Sandford and Lydia T. Tien Robert C. Scarrow Robert A. and Marilynn C. Scherrer Peter J. Schubart Walter and Phyllis Schumacher Stephen E. Schwartz Barry Schwarz William J. Scott Richard Searle Gwen E. Shafer George V. and Irene Shalimoff Yihan Shao

Matthew Sharp and Phoebe F. Shih Pi-Teh Shen Lillian R. Shepherd George S. Sheppard Albert E. Sherwood Martin D. Shetlar Franklin Shih James S. Shirk Ghanbir Singh Mary F. Singleton Wade Sisk and Avril Ussery Sisk James T. Slama and Katherine A. Wall Michael E. Smith Ferry and Melani Soendjojo Ronald E. and Maureen Soulis

donors to the college Virginia Stark Steven G. Steinsapir and Donna R. Phillips David A. Stern Frederick J. Strieter E. Thomas Strom Warren C. Stueben Joseph Subotnik Daniel and Christie Sullivan John P. Sullivan and Mohini Rawool-Sullivan Amy C. Sun Pingping Sun Weiwei Sun and Yun Xu Joseph A. Swisher Pinyuan Christiana Tai Fred M. Tanaka Clayton and Susan Tang Terre and Arthur Terzakis Chengyu Tian Colin M. Tice Johanna Todenhagen Jeffrey Y. K. Tom Ana-Sophia Tong Tram Mai Tran Richard F. Trecartin Gail A. and Gerald L. Trimble Dale and Helen Elaine Trowbridge Constantine Tsonopoulos Bin Tu David Uehling John P. Unik Ricardo and Lynne Unikel Melvin C. Vail Mehdi Varasteh Gil and Carmencita Villanueva Karen M. Vitale and Dominic J. Vitale Harold Walba Michael N. Wallman and Laura Arechiga James and Paula Walter Kai Wang and Ratna J. Oetama Teng and Shaoping Wang Robert Waterhouse Donald K. Wedegaertner Paul S. and Karen Wehner Szu Tsu Joseph Wei Robert F. Weimer Daniel J. Weix Peter H. Wendschuh William C. Wernau

Irene H. West Charles and Debra White Gina Whitney Ieda Siqueira Wiarda Hasanthi Wijesekera Hans Wijffels-van Elderen Arthur M. Winer Marvin R. Winzenread Ping Wah and Catalina Wong Eric K. Wong Sharon M. Wong Steven Wong Mabel L. Woo Benjamin R. Wood John T. Worthington Albert H. Wu Shuibo Xie Jianhua Xing and Ruiling Zhang Masaru and Kelly Yamada Nolan and Michelle Yan Frank Yang Zhen Yu Yang Jio Yao and Hongxia Huang Robert Yeh Philip and Winnie Yeung Huanien C. Yin Joseph and Patricia Yip Sharon L. and Edward E. Yoshida Adam J. Youngman Raymond K. Yu Marsha Yuan and Michael Chaisanguanthum Richard N. and Susan L. Zare Yihua Zhang Ji Zhu and Wei Zhao John and Renate Zinn Andrew M. Zweig

Honor Roll $99 and below Richard D. Abbott Jesse W. Adams Swetha Akella David G. Alberg and Gretchen E. Hofmeister Dale M. Allison Gabriela Alva Habib Amin Anonymous (16)

Sadegh Asefi Samuel M. and Bernice S. Behar Whitney N. Bernstein Kenneth H. Bisordi Russell L. Blackadar Linda Blum Boonchai Boonyaratanakornkit Magin D. and Teresa D. Borrajo H. Leon and Hattie G. Bradlow Nicholas Brady Peter J. Brewer Daniel and Karen Briggs Edward M. Brooks Richard J. Brudzynski Heinz and Lili Brunnader Diana Bunting Patrick S. Bupara Clark R. and Carol G. Burton John Bushweller Anne Cahn Kyle B. Caldwell William B. Carpenter Richard L. Castenson John W. Cave and Sarah Loomis Cave Fuat E. Celik Andrew H. Cha Robert P. Chambers Edison and Shirley L. Chan Angela Y. Chang Cathy Chang and Tommy Tang Mary Pin Chang Joan Chao and Jeffrey C. Kelterborn Nutchapol Charkarutpahu Uyen T. Chau Jun-An Chen Wesley A. Chen Alexander C. Cheung Vanessa Chew Richard H. Chin and Sandra J. Underwood Yeon S. Choi Christine S. Chong Hsien-Chih Chou and Leou-Miin Liau Hiu Yan Chow Harvey Chui Gordon W. Chun Roehl M. Cinco and Allison Tanner Daniel T. Cohen Norman Cohen

Carlos A. Colmenares John F. and Jeanne A. Cooney Virginia W. Cornish John C. Coulter Daniel Cowart Michael P. Coyle Paul D. and Luanne S. Crockett Andrew Cullen Michael A. Cunningham Kenneth R. Czerwinski Janis M. Dairiki Ritankar Das Sandip and Sharmila Dasgupta Jesse Dashe Jacob M. Davis Jefferson C. Davis Jr. Karen Dehnert William Delaney Xiaotian Deng Cal A. Depew Emily M. Desley-Bloom George S. Detre Bryan C. Dickinson Peter Dillon James R. Divine Erika Dockstader James Dombrowski Yezi Dong James R. Douglass Alexandra Draganescu Ronald P. Drucker Akshita Dutta David Eichhorn Jason R. Elangbam Adolfo T. Eleazar James L. Ellenson Suzanne D. Emberton Joyce C. Eng Chariya and Richard Ernst Aaron P. Esser-Kahn William Evans Neil P. M. Fajardo Huiting Fang Melissa A. Fardy H. G. Featherstonaugh Casey T. Finnerty Gregory R. Fisher Pam Flanagan and Steve Rawiszer Barry L. and Victoria F. Fong Trevor B. Ford Lori Frangipane

annual report, ’13


donors to the college


Jan and Maggie Freed Amanda A. Frossard Joanna M. Fuller Jean H. Futrell Jingyun Juliana Gao Christopher E. and Cynthia Gibbons Edward G. Gillan Michael D. Gillespie Craig Miller and Lora Glaser-Miller Joseph S. C. Goodknight David B. and Susan Graves Michael L. Greenfield Robert Greenhalgh Frank Greer Graham B. Griffin and Tali Paransky Griffin Leslie Hamachi Yisu Han Laurie A. Hart John F. Hartwig and Anne M. Baranger Gene and Kathleen T. Hashiguchi John P. Hecht and Stacie E. Hecht Joshua B. Heczko Bruce M. Henkin Luis Hernandez Sarah Hesse Ting W. V. Heung Adam D. Hill Carmence C. Ho Davy Ho Samuel Ho Sandra Hoh George J. Holinga Keefe Holland Allen Y. and Sarah Hong Floyd Vern Horton Erik R. Hosler Debera Hsiao Eunice L. Hsieh Davin and Kimberly Hsieh Daniel and Daphne Huang YuShan Huang Camden R. Hubbard Joan Budz Humphreys Tiffany Hwang Amber L. Janda Joseph and Rowena L. Jang

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Nare Janvelyan Janice S. Javier Jonathan N. Jaworski Matthew K. Jeung Taehoon Ji Jun Yang Jiang Franklin and Rose Jin Forrest K. Jones Stephen M. Jones Helen C. M. Jung Berardo Jurado Ronald J. Kall Austin Kao David J. Kao Leo A. Kao Kenji Kawaoka Jacob Kay Eric R. Keim William Kennedy John S. Killian Gregory H. Kim Hernan M. Kim Thomas J. Kimbrough Michael J. Klein Allen W. Ko Hermine W. Kolsby Wade M. Kornegay Yulia Kostenko Chirag M. Kothari Cynthia J. Krieger Yat-Ping R. Kwan Hou W. Lam Mark J. Landau John A. and Carolyn T. Landgrebe John F. Lathrop Christopher A. Laurel Kenneth H. Lawrence Elton K. Lee Eunice S. Lee Ivan Lee Jisoo Lee Julia T. Lee Colin W. Lees Eliza-Beth W. Lerch Suzanne Kam-Cee Leung Dana Levine Yuzhang Li Yun Liang Rachel B. Licht Eun Hee Lim

Florence J. Lin Ming-Fu Lin Yuan Lin Rachel Ling Man T. Lo Stephen J. Lombardo James Long Brian Y. Lu Ying Lu Jerome A. Lukes Matthew J. C. Lusich Richard A. MacPhail Rohit and Trusha Mair David Y. Markevitch Mark Maroncelli Barry R. and Donna J. McElmurry Kate J. McKnelly Qing Meng Anthony N. Milin George P. Miljanich Laura C. Miller Lauren C. Miller Anton N. Mlinar Miguel A. Modestino Wilson Mok Terry W. Moody Kambiz and Hom S. Moradi Julie R. Morgan Fukiko Mae Morita Ishita Mukerji Eric A. Muller Natarajan Muruganandam Nicholas R. Myllenbeck Himani S. Nadgauda Kunal Nagpal John Nakanishi Hoi H. Ng Lucas Nguyen Vu L. Nguyen Bonner C. Nishida-Chaykovsky and Mark A. Chaykovsky Jeremy T. O’Brien David Okawa Camille and Jim Olufson David Omstead Thomas D. Padrick Crystal F. Papasan Anant K. Paravastu Kun Ho Park Riley H. Peck Zhenmeng Peng

Kyle C. Perry Eric S. Peterson Joseph P. Phillips Nancy I. Phillips James S. Piety Sheba S. Plamthottam John and Judi Pohl Amanda M. Polley Elaine Polson Robert and Lorraine Pon Morgan Ponder Martin M. Poon Daniel A. Poulsen Arjun Prabhakar Patrick J. Purcell Siyu Qiu Matt Ramirez Donald A. Rau Edward E. Ray Ronald A. and Monica M. Reimer Barbara Reisner Keith W. Rickert Marina M. Rizkalla Gary L. Robison Henry D. and Marilyn B. Rodeen Joel W. Russell Eshang Saini Amanda P. Samuel Alexander P. Sassi Sidney Savitt Paras A. Savla Terry Trosper Schaeffer Tobin C. Schilke Jacob P. Schlegel Bram M. Schoeffler James F. Schooley Kurt W. Schumacher Ashley M. Scott Lynne, Steven and Eric Seaborg James D. and Carol Semelroth Lewis Semprini Vinod K. Shah Vladimir Shapovalov R.D. and Uma Sharma Carl R. Shervin Mika Shiramizu Albert S. Shon Allyson K. Sia Robert M. Siegel and Claudia M. Reilly Gerald C. Sims

benefits of

private giving

THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA (USTC) is one of China’s most prestigious universities. It is located in the city of Hefei, Anhui Province, about 250 miles west of Shanghai. Three fellowships have been funded to date by USTC as part of a growing relationship with the College of Chemistry.

“ I am enjoying my life and studies at UC Berkeley, and I am truly grateful to the USTC fellowship program for giving me such a great opportunity.”


—Dandan Zhang First-year graduate student, Chemistry

Jeffrey J. Smith Peter A. S. Smith Ferenc Somodi Gilbert A. and Felicita St. John Susan G. Stanton Elise C. Stone Michael S. Story Eric Strittmatter Bryan Stubbert Steven R. Styer Chad C. Su Andrew Sue Aichen Sung Debra M. Suzuki Shigeto Suzuki Geza Szigethy Victor K. Tam Virginia E. Teige


Nicholas E. Terzakis Douglas S. and Ann S. Thompson Shawn D. Thornton Roger C. Tim Daniel Tjandra Sandor and Magdolna Trajmar Piper L. Trelstad Paul V. Trescony Gregory J. Trigub Daniel J. Tsai Angela Tsao Yi-An Tseng Kelly P. Twu Alan Van Orden Mathias van Thiel Monali N. Varaiya Jason N. Voogt Fang Y. Wang

Xuan Wang Lucas P. Watkins David Watt Jeffrey K. Weaver Kaitlyn Weeber Robert B. Weisenmiller William Weltner, Jr. Bruce Whipperman Marisa T. Whitchurch Rhonda C. Wilson Annie C. Wong Betty K. Wong Jane and Peter Wong Nolan Wong Jeffrey Wu Xiao Z. Wu and Jiahao Huang Christina Wypych Ruihong Xiao

Dan Ning Xing Masaki R. Yamada Lin Yang Nan Ye Cheryl E. Yee Henrianne W. Yee Laura Yee Vincent J. Yeh Geibao Yin Robert S. Yolles Janet Lim and Cedric S. Young Eric Young Jae Young and Min J. Yu Geoffrey G. Zhang and Weiqi Li Johnathan W. Zhang Wan P. Zhao Zhongwei Zhu Micah S. Ziegler

annual report, ’13

donors to the college Benjamin Ide Wheeler Society The following have communicated to us their intention to include the College of Chemistry or the University of California, Berkeley in their estate plans through some form of planned gift.


Raul E. Acosta and Selma Gluck-Acosta David and Beverly Altman Charles and Marianne Auerbach Jeremy J. Bartlett Robert and Wendy Bergman John H. Birely Marshall Blann Robert J. Carr Sunney I. Chan Nirmal and Ellen L. Chatterjee T. Z. and Irmgard Chu Morrison Chun Robin D. Clark and Mary Mackiernan Erna P. Clifford Warren E. Clifford Frank G. Delfino Gus D. Dorough Clelland R. Downs Lois J. Durham Martha Dutro Darrell C. Feay Lucia M. Feng Dwight A. Fine Warren W. Flack George M. Fohlen Peter C. Foller Kai-Ye Fung Anna Gatti William and Janet Gerhardt Ruth Groch Susie Hahn Elizabeth S. Hall Clayton H. Heathcock and Cheri R. Hadley John F. Heil Clinton and Joji Holzwarth Richard W. Hyman William B. Innes Nissen A. Jaffe

College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Anne C. Johnson Stephen and Elizabeth Johnson William L. and Jane Jolly Fred B. and Marcia A. Kirby Paul A. and Barbara W. Kittle Kevin A. and Bree L. Klotter Thomas A. Koster Lance M. Krigbaum Silvanus S. Lau Joe B. Lavigne Lillian Lessler Tony and Louisa Ling Catherine S. Ma James R. McCabe Robert A. Micheli Heinz F. Mollet C. Bradley and Penny Moore James A. Musich Joy M. Ohara Rodney M. and Jeanne V. Panos Marjorie Pape Crandall Pearce Raymond A. Pritchard John A. Ragan Robert G. Reynolds Milton H. and Ethel M. Ritchie Glen Amos Rogers Michael S. Ross Ann Hollins Sadler Harry N. and Jane L. Scheiber J. S. Paul Schwarz Hugh C. Silcox Henry B. Sinclair John R. and Ella Jane Skinner Nora G. Smiriga Bernald S. Smith Clinton D. and Sharon Snyder Frank B. Sprow Bruce E. and Susan J. Stangeland Andrew Streitwieser and Joyce C. Hessel William Tolman James A. Trainham and Linda D. Waters Roger D. van Zee James P. Vokac and Stacey T. Baba Thomas L. Westman Rita Wieland Roger G. and Molly W. Williams

J. Michael Word and Cate Stewart Robert D. Zimmerman

Tributes Gifts have been received in honor of: Prof. Paul A. Bartlett Prof. Alexis T. Bell Prof. Robert G. Bergman Prof. Harvey W. Blanch Mr. Samuel W. Calvert Prof. Robert E. Connick Mr. Paul Gee Dr. Michael D. Grimes Dr. James Hansen Prof. Charles B. Harris Prof. Clayton H. Heathcock Prof. William L. Jolly Prof. C. Judson King Dr. Deanne C. Krenz Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee Dean Richard A. Mathies Prof. William H. Miller Prof. John M. Prausnitz Erich O. Saegebarth Prof. Gabor A. Somorjai Mr. Andrew Steinsapir Prof. Andrew Streitwieser Dr. Lawrence M. Tierney Prof. Ignacio Tinoco Prof. K. Peter C. Vollhardt

Gifts have been received in memory of: Mr. Eric B. Abramson Prof. Jacob Bigeleisen Dr. Benjamin P. C. Boussert Dr. Robert S. Bowman Dr. Gary E. Brodale Mr. Sargit S. Bupara Mr. Donald E. Buse Prof. Melvin Calvin Prof. James Cason Mr. Antonio T. Chong Prof. William G. Dauben Mr. John G. Davis Mr. Robert E. Emberton

Prof. Alan S. Foss Mrs. Chor Gee Prof. William D. Gwinn Mrs. Eva Hegedus Dr. Heinz Heinemann Dr. Robert H. Iwamoto Prof. Frederick R. Jensen Prof. Harold S. Johnston Ms. Margaret Jorgenson Dr. Arnold A. Liebman Prof. Bruce H. Mahan Prof. Donald S. Noyce Prof. Eugene E. Petersen Prof. George C. Pimentel Dr. Paul B. Plouffe Mrs. Daisy Y. Quan Prof. Henry Rapoport Prof. Glenn T. Seaborg Prof. Mitchel Shen Clayton Conner Shepherd Dr. James M. Thorne Prof. Charles W. Tobias Dr. Lee Karl Tong Mrs. Theodore Vermeulen Prof. Theodore Vermeulen Ms. Pearl Bassin Wallack

volunteers Alumni Association Steering Team Adrian J. Cheng, B.S. ’08, ChemE Gordon G. Chu, B.S. ’03, ChemE Laurie J. Dockter, B.A. ’71, Chem Dean C. Draemel, B.S. ’70, M.S. ’75, ChemE Marissa Drouillard, B.S. ’00, Chem Lara A. Gundel, Ph.D. ’75, Chem Deanne C. Krenz, B.S. ’94, Chem Lawrence B. Perry, B.S. ’56, ChemE Steven F. Sciamanna, B.S. ’79, Ph.D. ’86, ChemE Lucinda A. Vejar, B.S. ’85, Chem Krystine N. Yu, B.S. ’09, ChemE


Swetha Akella, B.S. ’13, Chem Nicholas Brady, B.S. ’13, ChemE Leanne-Jade Chan, B.S. ’13, ChemBio Ritankar Das, B.S. ’13, ChemBio/BioE Samuel Ho, B.S. ’13, Chem Nare Janvelyan, B.S. ’13, Chem Chris Laurel, B.S. ’13, ChemE Himani Nadgauda, B.S. ’13, ChemE Tsz Kin Ng, B.S. ’13, ChemE Sunnie Mao, B.S. ’13, ChemE Angela Tsao, B.S. ’13, ChemE

College Advisory Board 2012-2013 John H. Abeles, M.D. MedVest William Banholzer Dow Chemical Company Paul F. Bryan (Ph.D. ’85, ChemE) UC Berkeley Sunney I. Chan (B.S. ’57, ChemE; Ph.D. ’61 Chem) Caltech (emeritus) Nirmal Chatterjee (M.S. ’68, Ph.D. ’71, ChemE) Air Products and Chemicals, retired Wayne L. Delker Clorox Company

Fundraising Volunteers The following individuals assisted the College in fundraising efforts in 2012-2013.

Stephen P. Fodor (Post-doc ’89, Chem) Cellular Research Christopher A. Haskell Bayer HealthCare Victoria F. Haynes (B.A. ’69, Chem) RTI International, retired


David J. Hemker Lam Research

Mike K. Cheng, B.S. ’77, ChemE Thomas G. De Jonghe, M.S. ’73, ChemE Thomas J. Dietsche, Ph.D. ’72, Chem Dean C. Draemel, B.S. ’70, M.S. ‘75, ChemE David S. Gee, B.S. ’76, Chem Lara A. Gundel, Ph.D. ’75, Chem Timothy L. Montgomery, B.S. ’73, ChemE Virginia G. Schultz, B.S. ’66, Chem Steven F. Sciamanna, B.S. ’79, Ph.D. ’86, ChemE Bruce E. Stangeland, Ph.D. ’67, ChemE

Herbert H. Hooper (Ph.D. ’90, ChemE) Ampersand Capital Partners


Caleb Alexander, B.S. ’14, ChemE Akshita Dutta, B.S. ’13, ChemE Pritha Hait, B.S. ’14, ChemE Yisu Han, B.S. ’13, Chem Himani Nadgauda, B.S. ’13, ChemE Yoobin Oh, B.S. ’15, ChemE Kriti Sondhi, B.S. ’14, ChemE Angela Tsao, B.S. ’13 ChemE Brad Windsor, B.S. ’15, ChemE

F. Emil Jacobs ExxonMobil M. Ross Johnson (B.S. ’67, Post-doc ’71 Chem) Parion Sciences Yuan T. Lee (Ph.D. ’65 Chem) Academia Sinica and UC Berkeley, emeritus John H. Markels (Ph.D. ’93, ChemE) Merck & Company Gary M. Masada (B.S. ’66, Chem) Chevron, retired Alan C. Mendelson Latham & Watkins, LLP R. Andrew Ramelmeier (Ph.D. ’89, ChemE) BioMarin Pharmaceutical Terry J. Rosen (Ph.D. ’85, Chem) Amgen, retired Georgieanna Scheuerman (Ph.D. ’80, ChemE) Chevron Corporation Charles V. Shank UC Berkeley; LBNL, emeritus Darlene Solomon Agilent Technologies James A. Trainham (B.S. ’73, Ph.D. ’79 ChemE) RTI International R. Stanley Williams (M.S. ’76, Ph.D. ’78, Chem) Hewlett-Packard Steven D. Young (Ph.D. ’82, Chem) Merck, retired

College of Chemistry degrees in parentheses

annual report, ’13


Corporate, foundation and organizational gifts

It is our pleasure to acknowledge the many companies and organizations that continue to invest in the college’s future. These donations represent a major source of funding for our graduate, research and teaching programs. Contributions for 2012-2013 are listed below.

Gifts of $1,000,000 and more

Gifts of $50,000 to $99,999

Dow Chemical Company

Agilent Technologies American Heart Association Asahi Kasei JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corporation Oregon Health & Science University Robert Bosch Corporation United Negro College Fund

Gifts of $100,000 to $999,999


Academia Sinica American Chemical Society Amgen, Inc. Chevron Corporation Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Genentech Inc. Pew Charitable Trust University of Science and Technology of China

Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 American Chemical Society, Division of Organic Chemistry Hitachi King Abdulaziz University Lam Research Corporation Merck & Company

Chervron representatives Cynthia Murphy (left), Alyssa Roche (B.S.’87, ChemE) (rear) and Shariq Yosufzai (right) inspect a distillation column in the CBE unit ops lab with Dean Doug Clark. Chevron has given the college two distillation columns in the past two years. College of Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Gifts up to $24,999 3M 44 Energy Technologies Arkema Inc. BP America Bristol-Myers Squibb CooperVision, Inc. Daiichi-Sankyo Co. Ltd. ExxonMobil Fathomsensors, Inc. Hummingbird Scientific

Matching Gifts 3M Foundation, Inc. Abbott Laboratories Fund Agilent Technologies Air Products & Chemicals Inc. AkzoNobel Allstate Insurance Ameriprise Financial Amgen Foundation Apple, Inc. Automatic Data Processing BASF Corporation Baxter Healthcare Beckman Coulter Boeing Company Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund Bristol-Myers Squibb Cardinal Health Chevron Corporation Cisco Clorox Company Foundation ConAgra Foundation ConocoPhillips Directv, Inc. Dow Chemical USA Eli Lilly & Company ExxonMobil Foundation Farmers Insurance Group Genentech General Electric Foundation

GlaxoSmithKline Google Hospira IBM Corporation IFF Foundation Intel Foundation Johnson & Johnson Johnson Controls Foundation Kaiser Permanente Lam Research Lockheed Martin L’Oreal USA Medtronic Merck & Company Merck Millipore Micron Techno Millipore Foundation Monsanto Fund Neutrogena Nokia Novartis US Foundation Novellus Systems, Inc. Pacific Gas & Electric Pfizer Inc. Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation PricewaterhouseCoopers Procter & Gamble Fund Raytheon Company Sealed Air Corporation Shell Oil Company Foundation Takeda Tektronix Foundation Texas Instruments Unocal Foundation Valero Energy Corporation Wells Fargo Yahoo!

giving to the College of Chemistry college funds T H E A N N U A L F U N D provides essential monies that can be used, at the discretion of the dean or of the chairs, to meet needs that are not supported by the state budget. These unrestricted funds are particularly valuable because of their flexibility. The annual fund is vital for financing ongoing programs and special projects. E N D O W E D F U N D S provide a permanent source of income to meet the needs of faculty and students in perpetuity. M E M O R I A L F U N D S commemorate individuals, while benefiting the college and the departments of chemistry and chemical & biomolecular engineering. Donations may also be given to the annual fund in memory or in honor of an individual, and the college will notify the family that a contribution has been made.

forms of giving

benefits for the college—and for the donors Many different kinds of gifts can benefit both you and the University. Some of them can offer particular estate planning advantages, including income for life. Our professional staff would be pleased to discuss these gift vehicles with you; however, the University urges you also to consult your attorney or financial adviser. If you wish your gift to benefit the ­college, any legal documents or instructions should specify that the gift is for the College of Chemistry (or the Department of Chemistry or the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) at the University of California, Berkeley.

C A S H Checks should be made payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation, with a notation designating the name of the fund. Contributions may also be made with your credit card by phone (510/642.9506), or online at S E C U R I T I E S In most cases, gifts of appreciated securities may be deducted at full market value as of the date you make the gift, and the donor does not have to pay capital gains taxes. Gifts of appreciated stock are most easily handled by the UC Berkeley Foundation and should not be sold prior to transfer. You or your ­broker may contact Assistant Dean Mindy Rex in the college (510/642.9506; or Ms. Delores Nunnally, Securities and Special Gifts Analyst in University Relations (510/642.6791;, for further information. Stock can often be transferred electronically. If you wish to give a gift of depreciated stock, you should first sell it and give the proceeds to the Foundation. You can then use the loss to offset any gains and also claim a charitable deduction. R E A L E S T A T E Gifts of real property may be deeded to UC Berkeley for the benefit of the College of Chemistry, providing significant tax advantages to the donor in most cases. It is also possible to deed a property to the University and continue to occupy it for life.

B E Q U E S T S A fixed amount or a percentage of your estate may be designated for the benefit of the College of Chemistry in your will or living trust. M A T C H I N G G I F T S Hundreds of firms match their employees’ (and sometimes retirees’) contributions on a 1:1, 2:1 or even 3:1 basis. If your company has such a policy, forms—hard copy or electronic— to assure that your gift will be matched can be obtained from your personnel or employee relations office. Matching gifts are added to your individual gift in determining the donor club to which you belong.

ways to give O N L I N E Make a secure credit card gift or pledge payment. P H O N E To make a credit card gift over the phone, call 510/642.9506. M A I L Checks made payable to the UC Berkeley Foundation may be mailed to: UC Berkeley College of Chemistry 420 Latimer Hall #1460 Berkeley, CA 94720-1460

L I F E I N C O M E G I F T S A number of options are available by which you may transfer assets to a trust (to be managed either by the University or a trustee of your choosing) and receive income for yourself and/or a designated beneficiary for life, as well as immediate tax benefits. The college ultimately receives the trust property.

annual report, ’13



director of corporate and annual programs Nancy Johnsen Horton director of major gifts and alumni relations Camille Olufson director of special projects Karen Elliott director of development services Sonya Hunter

For further information about giving to the College of Chemistry, please contact College Relations and Development College of Chemistry #1460 University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-1460 Phone: 510/642.9506 Email:


assistant dean Mindy Rex


The preceding report acknowledges all donors to the College of Chemistry from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013. We have made every attempt to include all donors accurately. We apologize for any errors or omissions and would appreciate hearing from you with any comments or corrections regarding this publication.

The ACS established the National Historic Chemical Landmarks program in 1992 to recognize seminal events in the history of chemistry and to increase awareness of the contributions of chemistry to the well-being of society ( Last August, the USDA Western Regional Research Center was recognized for a second time by the ACS National Historic Chemical Landmark program, this time for its pioneering research in the chemistry of flavor (also see page 20). WRRC scientists began the long process of investigating flavor compounds in the 1940s, and in doing so they developed techniques that gave scientists newfound insight into the complex chemistry of flavor. The introduction of commercial gas chromatography instruments in the 1950s coincided with an avalanche of new analytical tools and techniques. The WRRC quickly emerged as one of the leading laboratories for flavor analysis in the world as the center continued to develop more sophisticated methods to evaluate flavors. Through these advances, the center’s researchers improved the taste of processed foods and introduced methods to monitor the safety of food supplies. The achievements of WRRC researchers demonstrated, for the first time, an understanding of the chemical essence of flavor. Historical photo (circa 1961): WRRC scientist Roy Teranishi (B.S. ’50, Chem) samples the headspace over fresh grapes before injecting a sample into a gas chromatograph to determine the chemical composition of the sample.


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Upcoming Spring 2014 Events Free Radicals Alumni Era Event TBA College of Chemistry alumni and friends from the attending years 1964–79 are invited to attend this annual event. Details to follow in a separate mailing.

Cupola Era Alumni Luncheon TBA This annual event is held for College of Chemistry alumni and friends from the attending years 1946–63. A separate mailing will be sent.

Cal Day April 12

College of Chemistry, Berkeley Campus his annual campus-wide open house has something for everyone! T As the date draws closer, check out for the complete list of events and programs. The college’s programs will be available online in early 2014.

Springfest Jupiter, 2181 Shattuck Avenue April 24 Celebrate with us as we congratulate our 2014 graduating undergraduate and graduate students! This is a complimentary event, and reservations are not required.

College of Chemistry Commencement May 17 Commencement speaker TBA

+ For alumni events, visit

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