The Cost of Christianity 1.
Christianity cost GOD His Son
n John 3:16 n Romans 5:8
2. Christianity cost CHRIST His Life
n John 3:16 n Romans 5:8
3. Christianity will cost YOU . . . . . . n A life of FORSAKING ALL .................................................................. Luke 14:26 n A life of SELF-DENIAL ................................................................. Matthew 16:24 n A life of SACRIFICE......................................................................... Romans 12:1 n A life of WORK ......................................................................... Philippians 2:12 n A life of TEACHING ........................................................................2 Timothy 2:2 n A life of SUFFERING .................................................................... 2 Timothy 3:12 n A life of SEEKING THE KINGDOM FIRST ..........................................Matthew 6:33
It costs more NOT to be a Christian than it does to be a Christian! Barnes’ Bible Charts
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