UCDS 2020-2021 Annual Report

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Annual Report 20-21


The UCDS Mission

, University Child Development School designs a culture of inquiry essential to meaningful learning. We cultivate reflective, collaborative, skillful thinkers who ignite positive change in their communities. We engage diverse perspectives in an ongoing effort to shape & share our innovative education model.

FROM THE BOARD CHAIR & THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear UCDS Families, Our 2020-21 Annual Report is here! As we reflect on the past year, we are amazed at the resilience of our school community. A great deal of debt is owed to our parents, guardians, and UCDS Board of Trustees who worked tirelessly alongside our faculty and staff to creatively and dynamically help our school year unfold. We built literal and figurative bridges during the second year of the pandemic, encapsulated in the creative and dynamic curriculum inspired by our school-wide theme, BRIDGE.

The year also saw our Board, led by alum parent Will Kiefer, steadfastly launch several strategic initiatives that will elevate our teaching culture, sustain our community, and influence the quality of education beyond our walls. Below are several highlights of the important work UCDS is doing to inspire the next generation of exceptional students and educators.


From our Community Friday virtual school days when a UCDS parent-architect routinely visited and shared real-world bridge conceptions, to the Early Elementary Read Aloud Heartwood Hotel providing social-emotional support for our youngest students, our curriculum continued to shine. Our community events also adapted, from a socially-distant Moving On ceremony to our first-ever virtual Grandparents and Special Friends Day and Auction, and other Parent Guardian Association events. Our parent leaders, PGA President Alexis Rubinstein, Auction Co-Chairs Kate Gardner and Trey Powell, and the UCDS Fund Committee adapted and made the magic within our ever-changing “new normal.”

Our teaching culture remains at the heart of our success each year. Teaching teams design and redesign our hallmark programs with a fresh perspective, gained through collaboration and partnership with teachers and schools worldwide. Over the past five years, we have restructured our Teacher Education Center and launched our UCDS Institute. When schools were closed abruptly in March 2020, UCDS quickly opened a platform to share our curricula with parents and teachers around the world. As of today, over 41 thousand educators have used the lessons we posted on the online learning portion of our website. An inclusive and diverse community is essential as our children learn to see the world from the widest perspective and prepare to solve problems through discourse and collaboration. Our faculty have done deep work over the past four years, using every in-service day to elevate our understanding and commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Belonging. This work is ongoing and critical to our success, as we recruit and admit families that reflect the diverse (Continued > )


ethnicities, languages, and cultures of our city. Within the past six years, UCDS has seen a 15% growth in the ethnic diversity of our student population, and for the 2020-2021 school year, 45% of the community identified as a family of color. Our Board has also prioritized funding that provides access to our program by assigning 55% of our endowment release to Tuition Assistance. Including additional aid to families during the Covid pandemic, UCDS awarded $1.17M in 2020-2021. This level of assistance has been made possible by brilliant volunteers and generous donors who have built our endowment over the past two decades. In 2015, the UCDS Board decided to continue to grow the endowment by allocating 25% of annual UCDS Fund giving to the corpus, contributing $45OK since that time. Education quality for children requires exceptional professional support for faculty. Over the past 25 years, we have built a vibrant learning/teaching culture informed by our support of an annual cohort of Resident Teachers, who bring a diversity of lived experiences to our conversations. Our 2015 initiative to Influence Education Quality aimed to build on all that we have learned by launching a graduate program for educators. In January 2019, our UCDS College for School Culture was authorized by the Washington Student Achievement Council, and our first cohort of graduate students, who began their studies in August 2020, will graduate this June. 04 20-21 ANNUAL REPORT

The UCDS Board appreciates the exceptional time, generosity, and creativity our community has contributed to realize our success. The school has acquired property to the north, south, and east of our campus over the past five years to support the future growth of our Studio, Graduate School and main campus programs, and the addition of a new Middle School. The 2020-2021 school year built on all we have accomplished and we are grateful to the leadership of our community of families, faculty, staff, and alums who continue to make our bright vision for the future possible. This past year required learning, then re-learning again and again how to best navigate the changing dynamics of education in a pandemic. We remain so very grateful for the exceptional support of our families during this turbulent time. Our students and faculty are the real heroes of the past school year as they continued to collaborate, learn, and grow together. The flexibility, adaptability, and ingenuity required are skills our students embrace; they also serve as timely reminders that learning is never done, no matter our age or background. Will Kiefer, UCDS Board Chair

Gratefully, Paula Smith, Head of School


Will Kiefer Chair

Howard Burton Vice Chair

Amy Smith

Greg Headrick

Vice Chair


David Brannon-Cirone Secretary


05 Alexis Rubenstein Parent Guardian Association

Jennifer Vary


Paula Smith

Head of School

Faculty Representative


Darius Cayetano

Joe Gruber

Sean Holmes

Jill Larson Im

Jill Jackson

Kristen Johnson

Katie Jordan

Van Katzman

Lisa Lewis

Jeanne Nguyen

Eric Sanderson

Tony Stewart

Rebecca Stuart



Rebecca Stuart has been an inspiration to the entire UCDS community. She stepped up as Co-Chair of the 2015 UCDS Auction as a 5thgrade parent and rallied our entire community to a record level of participation that funded upgraded technology everywhere in the school. She joined the Board of Trustees later that year and helped craft our 2015 Strategic Plan. Notably, during her Board tenure, $450K was added to our Endowment from annual fundraising. She was first a member, and then Chair of the Trustees Committee, where she helped us think more strategically about our Board’s composition, training, and support. Our Board work rests on the framework she has built, and we wish her much success and happiness in her next endeavors.

UCDS students explore dioramas created by Early Elementary students as part of Theme Share, 2021’s inhouse Theme Fair. Labyrinth students constructed models of their own hotel rooms for tiny animals after reading Heartwood Hotel by Kallie George as a level-wide community.

Meet the Educators at UCDS’s College for School Culture

All of our College for School Culture faculty have extensive experience teaching in a variety of educational programs. UCDS Educators, together with external faculty partners, are working together to:


Did you know that several UCDS Faculty Members as well as other local University and Independent School Educators also teach graduate students at UCDS’s College for School Culture?


• Model communication and collaboration • Build coaching strategies for reflective teaching practice • Steward a school culture of inquiry and innovation College for School Culture faculty are extending the professional learning culture and values of the UCDS community to the graduate school. By working to create a learning community that mirrors the learning environment we create for UCDS children, our College for School Culture faculty are inspiring the first cohort of graduate students.

Everyone at UCDS shares the expectation of excellence and active engagement to create joyful and meaningful learning. At every level, faculty collaborate to build, implement, evaluate, and revise our educational programs. As we examine the design of our programs together, we challenge and inspire each other to stretch and iterate on an exceptional and personalized program for our graduate students. (Continued > )

Faculty share insights from their experiences teaching graduate students:

David Garrick

I truly enjoy working with teachers because it is in their nature to want to learn and to share that learning with others. Teaching is a creative profession. The future of teaching demands that we embody what we hope to see in our students. The UCDS College for School Culture is dedicated to bringing creative, collaborative, engaged, and compassionate critical thinkers into the field of education–teachers who see themselves as the designers of meaningful experiences and as leaders in their communities.


Katie Morrison


In designing the courses, we consider the content and practicum experiences for a big range of teaching, from early childhood through middle school. Every course has this practicum aspect, and it’s always a really interesting part of students’ growth as teachers. We ask students to apply what they are learning, and faculty think about how this can be done for a lot of different settings. When the graduate students come back and share what they observed with their own classes, we are able to see commonalities and differences that spark ideas for each student’s unique context. We also learn a lot about what action research looks like in education. The scientist in me is excited about the topics second year students have decided to explore, and I look forward to their data analysis! They’re becoming experts on those topics, and we all learn so much from their research.

Nancy Kiefer


As I reflect on teaching at the College for School Culture, I recall the excitement I felt when hearing the voices of our graduate students. I enjoyed their fresh ideas, their questioning curiosity and openness to diverse opinions. I started my teaching career at a university before I worked with children, and upon coming full circle, I felt the exhilaration that comes when the voice of the student is encouraged and honored, at any age and at any time. Teaching about creating classrooms with student agency in mind opened me to new practices that honor the voices of my own UCDS students and the importance of designing space and time for them to do that in my classes. Now when I teach, I remember to step back and listen in a deeper way.

Susan Foley


We acknowledge in the first moments of class that we are on a never ending journey to understand how students learn. For me, teaching graduate students has solidified my belief that teachers need to continue learning and trying new ways to engage, support, and challenge students. The graduate students are asked to begin collecting and organizing resources that will be most useful to them now and in the future. In order to help students find resources that are most useful to their unique needs, we ask the students to help drive the discussions and, as a result, I am learning along with them.

Melinda Deal


Having taught at UCDS for thirty years, it is like my own capstone project to teach graduate students in the College for School Culture. It has been challenging and rewarding to design courses for teachers to deeply examine school culture. The world, and therefore the field of education, is changing so quickly that as instructors we are constantly gathering new resources and revising our content–learning along the way.



I love that the graduate program is responsive to students' needs and practicum-based students bring their experience to their own classes. I know they are taking away an ability to continue to question, reflect, innovate, and collaborate.

Carmine Chickadel


With the superabundance of information about the world around us, the essence of what something truly is becomes complicated. To understand the true culture of any school is important because it reveals the active framework and basis of the real work of the institution. Learning and how we are taught to learn are marks of a common culture and reveal our true values, ethics, and goals.



UCDS Infant-Toddler Program “The Studio” Is Expanding

The COVID Pandemic made clear that quality early childhood education is essential. As parents and caregivers grappled to redefine their working norms, it became apparent that early-childhood educators, and institutions, are vital to the fabric of our society. In 2007, UCDS launched our Infant/Toddler program, striving to keep UCDS teachers and administrators in the workforce by providing a place for them to entrust their youngest children. Since its opening, the program has grown to include infants and toddlers from around our community.

Studio Director, Katie Walters-Krohn, has been with the program since its inception, witnessing and cultivating its purpose and growth. In the last five years, demand for the program has outpaced available spots by tenfold. The Studio’s success is the result of value-driven design and a strong culture of reflective practice, inspired by the Reggio-Emilia Approach. The Studio sees children as active participants and co-constructors of knowledge who seek meaning and build understanding through relationship and connection with others and the world around them. These values guide teachers as they develop individualized curriculum and create intentional environments and experiences for students.

THE UCDS PROGRAM: Treats our youngest learners as capable and contributing members of their communities Values children’s voices, interests, and choices as an essential part of their day at school Entrusts and elevates educators to create dynamic curriculum that reflects the culture of children, teachers, and families in our community.

Opportunities to expand the Studio cannot come soon enough as demand in Seattle and surrounding neighborhoods drives exceptional interest in our program. We look forward to offering more spots for our community as our spaces grow.




In addition to what we provide for students and their families, UCDS has long sought to elevate the early-childhood profession. The Studio carves out time for professional development and collaborative planning time for teaching teams, an opportunity that is often lacking in other early childhood programs. These essential opportunities for dialogue are where teachers design educational experiences inspired by children’s interests and where the culture of inquiry-based learning is shaped. What Studio teachers are always holding at the forefront of their minds is the belief that even very young students have interests and ideas that are worth exploring. Our role as teachers is to reflect children’s ideas back to them through the curriculum we design. In doing so we communicate to children that their ideas are valued, they have ownership over their educational experiences, and they are the drivers of their own learning.

Did You Know? The UCDS Studio’s vision was brought to life with a generous gift from a family in the early 2000s. The family purchased a neighborhood home for our program to operate. When it opened, the Studio had only a few children. Today, more than 30 students attend the program. Our vision for expansion is to provide a vibrant learning community full of joy and exploration that nurtures and sparks exceptional development for UCDS’s youngest community members. With the expansion, we will create a permanent home for the Studio while also responding to the increased demand for quality early-childhood education in our community. We hope our new home will serve as a hub for collaboration and conversation between early childhood educators around the city. For more information on this expansion, please contact Studio Director Katie Walters-Krohn katiew@ucds.org or Development Director Elise Ricci eliser@ucds.org.


The 2020-21 school year was full of firsts! September -Outgoing Kindergartners painted the Rainbow Road on the EE playground just in time for the first day of school (right)! -EE Students returned to campus four days a week, with one day of virtual instruction (left). -Elementary Students began remote learning five days a week.



November -Stone Soup went virtual with 5th grade students creating a video to give thanks for our community, and Drew and Skúli serenaded everyone with our famous song! -Binder Exchanges continued to be the BRIDGE between home and school; families visited weekly to exchange curricular materials for home learning. E UCDS ELEBR ATE TH STUDENTS C : ON SIGNING CONSTITUTI Y/ 3AF8EEF HT TPS://BIT.L

January -3-4-5 students joined everyone at school on campus in a hybrid model! (left) - EE Students created intricate dioramas based off of their Read Aloud book, Heartwood Hotel (far right).

Amid a global pandemic, students, teachers and administrators built bridges to connect, learn, and grow in ways we could have never imagined! Follow along the timeline below for highlights

October - 1-2 students began attending school in a hybrid model with two days of in-person and two days of virtual instruction.


December -UCDS’s Pop-Up Holiday Shop put on by the Development Office brightened the spirits of parents and teachers. -1-2 students continued the Nikkei Manor partnership and Community Connections on Zoom.


- Community Fridays continued, where students across all levels attended special virtual programming and events-- even Milk and Cookies!

February: -Community Friday continued to explore BRIDGE building with parent and architect Stephen Van Dyck (left).

April: -On April 27th, all students returned to campus four days a week! Wahoo!


-Parents enjoyed a Spring Pop-In event to visit student classrooms and see their student’s work. (left)


-UCDS’s first ever virtual Night to Unite Auction took place, raising over $320,000! CREATE LABYRINTH STUDENTS RAMA S: HE ARTWOOD HOTEL DIO HT TPS://BIT.LY/3AKLQPB

June: -We celebrated our incredible 5th Graders with a masked, outdoors Moving On Ceremony. -5th Graders also had the opportunity to create a bright and vibrant mural on the Labyrinth playground.

March: -We brought back UCDS’s Pop-Up Shop on the Tower Playground, this time with flowers to welcome the start to spring! -We welcomed internationally acclaimed and local Northwest author Renée Watson for a virtual talk (right). 1-2 STUDENTS DESIG N GR AVIT YDEFYING EGG DROP VEHICLES: HT TPS://BIT.LY/35F YZ QP

-Another first-of-its kind, socially-distant, Theme Fair (“Theme Share”) took place as students visited classroom exhibits by levels. -EE students had a pizza pie day where some amazing math vitamins, art projects, costumes, and pure student joy dominated the day. (right, below)




FUNDRAISING & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AUCTION We are immensely grateful to everyone who helps fuel UCDS programs with their contributions to the

UCDS Fund. Every gift, no matter the size, impacts our students and your generosity lifted our community in a particularly challenging year.


$403,613 raised 72% current community participation


Thank you to the members of our Board Development Committee for leading this important initiative: Jill Im, Committee Chair Crystal Aspen Irene Basloe Saraf David Brannon-Cirone Steven Chao Kathleen Colleran Natasha Debons

UCDS Night to Unite 2021: Here Comes the Sun! Auction co-chairs Kate Gardner and Trey Powell, along with Crystal Aspen and Ana Hedrick, led a team of amazing volunteers whose creativity and positive energy inspired a unique virtual evening. The team collaborated on uplifting ways for our community to connect during the pandemic; from the rays of ribbon ‘sunshine’ with community wishes strung up over the playground, to take-home sun catcher kits for every student, to the fun grab and go dinner options on event night. Proceeds from the event supported our greatest asset-- our teachers! Thank you to everyone who shared their time and participated in our event!

$320,618 raised in total $88,775 raised for Teacher Excellence $88,490 raised for Tuition Assistance

Kate Gardner Natasha Greyber Jill Jackson Fabi Kirst Lisa Lewis Mara Lippa Shabs Neilson Jeff Pelletier Trey Powell Shanthi Rajagopalan Alexis Rubenstein Sarah Taubman Erika Gudmundsson Washburn



Volunteers hosted our very first “PopUp Flower Shop,” spreading spring cheer!

Our Parent Guardian Association rose to the challenge of creating fun family events for our community in a virtual year! From the comfort of their homes, families participated in a cooking class, were entertained by a magician, and took in the informative presenters in the Speaker Series. UCDServes had our families reflecting on how their at-home habits affect Orcas with the Orca Challenge! Thank you to our 2020-21 PGA Officers! Alexis Rubenstein, President Fabi Kirst, Vice President Steven Chao, Secretary Kristen Boekmann, Treasurer Ellen Chang, Event Co-Coordinator Carli Jones, Event Co-Coordinator Elspeth Payton Martin, Event Co-Coordinator Kirstin Haugen, UCDServes Abby Maletis, New Family Liaison

Grandparents and Special Friends Day Went Virtual (and International!) We were still able to have a special morning with Grandparents and Special Friends-- even if it looked a little different! It was amazing to see people logging in from locations around the U.S. and the world!




B r i d g i n g


C o n n e c t i o n s

The 2020-2021 school year marked a new way to BRIDGE connections with our alums near and far. In February of 2021, we created a new alum Instagram account, @ucds_alum, and quickly made connections with over 900 former students, parents, and teachers. The site is overseen by Ellen Cottrell, a teacher at UCDS since 2000 who has worked with the vast majority of the alums and parents following the profile. In a year when we weren’t able to have our regular in-person get-togethers because of COVID protocols, this new means of communication rekindled some welcome familiar connections.

We invite current parents and guardians to follow our Instagram Alum account where you’ll find relevant news, alum updates, and flashbacks from our extensive photo archive. We hope to see you there! Here are some exciting alum updates from 20-21 as seen on the ‘gram!


Congratulations to the Moving On Class of 2021!



Our 5th graders Moved On in a one-of-a-kind outdoor ceremony! We can’t wait to see the amazing things they go on to do in Middle School.


A group of 12th Grade parents, led by Jane Kaplan, Catherine Allchin, and Sarah Strachan, planned a COVID-safe event offsite for our 12th Grade Alum Community. The event was festive, fun, and reinforced the amazing connection our alum, teachers, and alum parents continue to have with one another long after Moving-On.



1+7+1379D 3+8+2168D 35+65+D 15+16+2148D 55+45+D Camps, Clubs and Student Activities 1%

Endowment and Restricted Funds Release 6.8%

Tuition & Fees 79.7%

Tuition Assistance 8.2%

Fundraising and PPP Funding 12.6%




Development 2.8%

Program 68.1%

EXPENSES $14,388,426

Management & General 20.9%

Corpus 65%


Earnings 35%

ENDOWMENT $13,767,392

Teacher Excellence 45%

Teacher Excellence 14.8%

Tuition Assistance 55%

Capital Campaign Contribution 48%


To Endowment 16.1%



Tuition Assistance 21.1%

*Restricted contributions are reported outside of our operating budget.

Your Gifts Fuel Innovation at UCDS. Thank you!

The UCDS community plays a vital role in the growth and sustainability of our school. Your generosity fuels our innovative programs, supports our design-led approach, and opens up access and opportunity for children. Families with an (*) indicate they are a Friend of UCDS.

UCDS FUND: Current Community


Anonymous (16), Kaili Alexander, Heather Alhadeff, Stewart & Mariska Allen, Miguel Almeida & Fabi Kirst*, Angelo & Kathy Ambion, Andina & Dennis Anderson, Leah Anderson, Harry & Alicia Arsene, Crystal Aspen & Alex Berezhnoy*, Chris & Kirsten Backus, Chancy & Betty Benson, Sarah Bird, Gaurav & Jessica Bora, Billy & Isis Bordner, Bo Borgerson & Nan Shao, Jim Breitenbucher & Tara Herrick, Jonathan Bricker & Maika D'Ambrosi, Daniel & Cindy Burdick, Reid Burkland & Megan Othus*, Theresa Cardamone, James Carothers & Lara Rose, Nick Carter & Denise Noyes, Joseph Chang & Silvia He*, Steven Chao*, Evan Chen & Alice Wong, Marlene Chen, Jenny Chen, Ben & Karin Chickadel, Deb & Chris Chickadel*, Diane & Carmine Chickadel, Jeff Chin & Maki Arakawa, David Cho & Ellen Chang*, Stephanie Cisakowski, Erin & Greg Coomer, John & Tiffany Corwin, Ellen Cottrell & Jack Forman, Alex & Matthew Cramer, Shane Cramer & Kirstin Haugen, Douglas Davis & Michelle Wilson, Melinda Deal, Joseph & Natasha Debons*, Allie Deitel, Andrew & Leslie Dervan, Alex Dixon, Muge & Ozgur Dogan*, Sarah Donahue, Jill Eagle, Ivone & Oren Etzioni, Erin Fahey Sainsbury & Jon Sainsbury, Ali Farhadi & Hanna Hajishirzi, Ana Flavia Hedrick & Robert Hedrick*, Susan Foley & Michael Doherty, Matt Francis & Erin Hachlinski*, Joseph & Stephanie Frazee, Kris & Todd Frossmo, James & Valarie Gamez, James & Catherine Gannon, Glenn & Kate Gardner, Jessica & David Garrick, Dwight & Catherine Gaston, Christian & Amanda Geismann, Andrew Glass & Zequn Ma, Will & Christa Glenn, Danny Godbout & Stephanie Heinrich, Peter Godman & Munira Rahemtulla, John Goldmark & Anna Pepper, Ian Gore & Hana Choi, Matthew Grabowski & Erin West, Justin & Diane Graham, Natasha & Rob Greyber, Jane Griffin-Joseph & Tearon Joseph, Kristi & Ryan Grouws, Joe Gruber & Kelsey Beck, Sam Haffey & Erin Abraham*, Stephen & Joelle Harrison, Courtney & Jeremy Hartman, Matt Hawrilenko & Emily Kroshus-Havril, Eric Hayashi & Kristen Boeckmann, Greg & Jen Headrick, Kerrie & Brett Hecko, Ken Hillyer & Erin O'Connell, Julia Hohn, Dave Holloway & Leah Davis, Connie Huang, Nick Isles, Charlie Jackson & Yau Wong, Nathan & Kate Jackson, Claire Jencks, Eric Ji & Kristi Li*, Brian & Carli Jones, David & Kristi Joneschild, Jennifer & Courtney Jones-Vanderleest*, Brad & Erin Kahn, Jonathan Karpoff & Chrystell Flota, Dean Kawamoto & Mary Fan, Cesar & Mariana Keller*, Garrett & Amy Kephart, Greg Kicska & Kat Lin, Nancy Kiefer, Brian Kilgore & Mariel Young, Jared & Laura Klein, Jonathan & Catherine Kling, Kevin Ko & Laura Matsen Ko, Sarah Krochmalny, Jim & Molly Lamb, Bindi & Timothy Lassige, Chris & Sonja Lavin, Ronan Le Bras & Lea Stern, Josh & Jenny Leahy, Jason LeeKeenan & Leshya Wig, Krystal Levering, Johan Lieu & Katherine Duncan, Ray Liu & Xiaoyu Wang, Jason Lombard & Jamie Asaka, Brian Lonergan, Waid & Otway Louie*, Tyler & Noelle Luiten, Zhaoqing Ma & JingJing Li, Ava Maas, Brianna & Bill Mahoney, Abigail & Bryan Maletis*, Rahul Mandiga & Varsha Manjunath, Lisa & Nick Manheim, Jill & TJ Marlow, Jake Martin & Elspeth Payton Martin, Tim & Sarah Martino*, Desiree Mas y Rubi & Michael Johnson, Grace McElhone, Tryg McInerny & Sara Raab McInerny, Mei Mei & Kojo Gambrah-Sampaney, Onur Mete & Ozge Sade Mete, Tami Milles-Atterberry & Tony Atterberry, Paul & Whitney Murphy, Quynh Nguyen, Aaron Nicholls, Grace Nicholson, Alanna & Morten Nielsen, Cooper & Lauren Offenbecher*, Jeremy Paley & Ann Dornfeld, Christopher Pasco & Jeffrey Pelletier*, David & Melissa Pearlstein, Ryan & Carolyn Petersen*, Amin Pezeshk, Michael Place & Amanda Hilson, Teresa & Doug Polonis, Kevin & Christy Pope, Selene Poulsen, Trey Powell, Scott & Ingrid Pultz, Jovi Qi & Sara Zhu, Ravi & Shanthi Rajagopalan, Anand Raman & Anju Rao, Elise Ricci & Patrick McAuliffe, Andy & Sara Rigel, Ben Robinson & Kelly Dang, Natasha Rodgers, Corey & Lauren Roussel, Alexis & Grant Rubenstein, Abby Sandberg, Tal & Irene Saraf*, Joe Schmitt & Jae Sim, Mark & Angela Schofield, Matt Schreiber & Mara Lippa*, Peter & JoAnn Schwabland*, Martha Schwarz & Edgar O'Hara, Kabir & Noreen Shahani, Dave & Sara Sharkey, Kai & Ingrid Shih, David & Marnie Silver, Abhishek Sinha & Neha Srivastava, Katharine Sjoberg, Colin & Elaine Smith, P.J. & Amy Smith*, Nicholas Smith, Paula & Ted Smith*, Michael & Sarah Soung, Tony & Jean Stewart, Karl & Tara Stillner, Derek & Diana Streat, Wyn Strodtbeck & Sarah Ringold, Cliff & Kirsty Su, Fang Sun & Zeran Wang, David Sun & Paris Fang, Mark Suzman & Katherine Switz, Lisa Tagal, Mark & Aki Tameling, Evan Tan & Jue Wang, Christian & Sarah Taubman, Kai Toh, Cinthya Tu, Shawn & Sheila Turner, Jay & Jennifer Vary, Trevor & Meg Vernon, Rudi & Aliya Virani, Jesse Vohs, Joel Vukelic & Melissa Holbert, Thor & Bradaigh Wagner, Katie Walters-Krohn, Robert & Susan Waugh, Hope Wechkin & Christopher Shainin, Karl & Elizabeth Wehden, Lily Wei, Matt Witcher & Rebecca Engelberg, Andrew Wright, Youjiang Wu & Li Qiao*, Yuqin Wu & Jin Ye, Yan Xia & Ping Lu, James Xing & Jess Zhang, Xiaodong Xu & Ying Zheng, Rachel Yang & Tom Drabas, Lelia Yerxa & Calvin Garner, Chao Zhang & Zhuping Zhao, Eric & Xiaoxiao Zhang, Conrad Ziesler & Carole Lee*



Anonymous (7), Alaska Airlines, Kaili Alexander, Robert Alford & Tara Moss, Heather Alhadeff, Stewart & Mariska Allen, Miguel Almeida & Fabi Kirst, Angelo & Kathy Ambion, Harry & Alicia Arsene, Crystal Aspen & Alex Berezhnoy, Ariana Atwater, Chris & Kirsten Backus, Barbara Banner, Wenjie Bao & Shuang Li, Steve & Angelia Barbeaux, Andrew Barton, Taya Beattie, Chancy & Betty Benson, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sarah Bird, Board & Vellum LLC, Boeing Company, Kylie Booher, Rebecca Bootes, Billy & Isis Bordner, Bo Borgerson & Nan Shao, Nicki Bowen, David BrannonCirone & John Cirone, Jim Breitenbucher & Tara Herrick, Jonathan Bricker & Maika D'Ambrosi, Elisse Buhmann, Bumbershoots by Nana, Daniel & Cindy Burdick, Reid Burkland & Megan Othus, Kelly Campbell, Theresa Cardamone, James Carothers & Lara Rose, Nick Carter & Denise Noyes, Joseph Chang & Silvia He, Steven Chao, Marlene Chen, Jenny Chen, Ben & Karin Chickadel, Deb & Chris Chickadel, Diane & Carmine Chickadel, Jeff Chin & Maki Arakawa, David Cho & Ellen Chang, Stephanie Cisakowski, Deirdre Cleere, Nic Compton & Michi Shinohara, Eric Conte, Louise Conway, Erin & Greg Coomer, Larry Coppenrath & Laura Nason, Ellen Cottrell & Jack Forman, Alex & Matthew Cramer, Shane Cramer & Kirstin Haugen, Dany Daher & Dina Hilal, Douglas Davis & Michelle Wilson, Melinda Deal, Greg Dean & Jennifer Otten, Allie Deitel, Andrew & Leslie Dervan, Alex Dixon, Muge & Ozgur Dogan, Sarah Donahue, Raina Doughty, Jenn Drake, Jill Eagle, Ivone & Oren Etzioni, Erin Fahey Sainsbury & Jon Sainsbury, Ali Farhadi & Hanna Hajishirzi, Marisa Ferche, Alysha Findley, Matt Findley, Peter Finkelman & Carly Kaufman, Ana Flavia Hedrick & Robert Hedrick, Kathleen Fleming, Susan Foley & Michael Doherty, Matt Francis & Erin Hachlinski, Joseph & Stephanie Frazee, Kris & Todd Frossmo, Lupe Galarza, James & Valarie Gamez, James & Catherine Gannon, Glenn & Kate Gardner, Jessica & David Garrick, Dwight & Catherine Gaston, Christian & Amanda Geismann, Skúli Gestsson & Anna Jónsdóttir, Andrew Glass & Zequn Ma, Will & Christa Glenn, Danny Godbout & Stephanie Heinrich, Peter Godman & Munira Rahemtulla, John Goldmark & Anna Pepper, Eugene & Marina Goodrich, Google, Inc., Ian Gore & Hana Choi, Susan Grabowski, Matthew Grabowski & Erin West, Adam Graunke & Tina Neogi, Natasha & Rob Greyber, Jane Griffin-Joseph & Tearon Joseph, Kristi & Ryan Grouws, Shelley & Prashant Grover, Joe Gruber & Kelsey Beck, Martha Haffey, Sam Haffey & Erin Abraham, Christopher Hanson & Leticia Salazar, Stephen & Joelle Harrison, Courtney & Jeremy Hartman, Mackenzie Hasenauer, Matt Hawrilenko & Emily Kroshus-Havril, Eric Hayashi & Kristen Boeckmann, Kerrie Hecko, Anders & Liz Hejlsberg, Kim & Jon Hemingway, Ken Hillyer & Erin O'Connell, Julia Hohn, Dave Holloway & Leah Davis, Drew & Jessica Holloway, Connie Huang, Lynn Hyde, Yoojin & Relja Ivanovic, Charlie Jackson & Yau Wong, Nathan & Kate Jackson, Claire Jencks, Eric Ji & Kristi Li, Aimee & Wil Johnson, Brian & Carli Jones, David & Kristi Joneschild, Jennifer & Courtney Jones-Vanderleest, Brad & Erin Kahn, Jonathan Karpoff & Chrystell Flota, Cesar & Mariana Keller, Garrett & Amy Kephart, Nancy Kiefer, Brian Kilgore & Mariel Young, Stacey King & Philip Bagley, Patrick King, Rick Kirst & Patti Goldman, Jared & Laura Klein, Jonathan & Catherine Kling, Glenn Klute & Katie Jordan, Kevin Ko & Laura Matsen Ko, Ozgur Koc & Melike Yucel- Koc, John & Laura Kvasnosky, Jim & Molly Lamb, Bindi & Timothy Lassige, Chris & Sonja Lavin, Ronan Le Bras & Lea Stern, Josh & Jenny Leahy, Susan Leaverton, Jason LeeKeenan & Leshya Wig, Krystal Levering, Johan Lieu & Katherine Duncan, Brent Lindell & Samantha Agee, Travis Lindsey & Elisa Alessi, Jason Lombard & Jamie Asaka, Brian Lonergan, Waid & Otway Louie, Tyler & Noelle Luiten, Zhaoqing Ma & JingJing Li, Ava Maas, Greg & Zoe Maddox, Brianna & Bill Mahoney, Abigail & Bryan Maletis, Rahul Mandiga & Varsha Manjunath, Lisa & Nick Manheim, Angie Manning-Goodwill, Jill & TJ Marlow, Jake Martin & Elspeth Payton Martin, Tim & Sarah Martino, Desiree Mas y Rubi & Michael Johnson, Tryg McInerny & Sara Raab McInerny, Maria McKinley, Nicole & Bill McNichols, Madison Mele, Barbara Mendoza, Berto & Rachel Mendoza, Onur Mete & Ozge Sade Mete, Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Tami Milles-Atterberry & Tony Atterberry, Shannon Mitchell, Chaitanya Moghe & Dhanashree Kale, Katie & Michael Morrison, Paul & Whitney Murphy, Helena Myler, Jonathan Neilson & Shabs Neilson, Lauren & Phil Neiswender, Quynh Nguyen, Aaron Nicholls, Grace Nicholson, Alanna & Morten Nielsen, Cooper & Lauren Offenbecher, Anne Marie Olsen, Pat O'Neil & Olivia Belletti, Carissa Osborne, Jeremy Paley & Ann Dornfeld, Paracle Advisors, Christopher Pasco & Jeffrey Pelletier, John Patton & Jenny Zenner, Rodney & Sandra Payton, David & Melissa Pearlstein, Jocelyn & Clive Peers, Ryan & Carolyn Petersen, Michael Place & Amanda Hilson, Teresa & Doug Polonis, Kevin & Christy Pope, Selene Poulsen, Trey Powell, Cameron & Heather Proudfoot, Scott & Ingrid Pultz, Doug Pyle, Jovi Qi & Sara Zhu, RAFN, Guru Raj & Sophia Kuziel, Ravi & Shanthi Rajagopalan, Anand Raman & Anju Rao, Casey Rettenmier, Elise Ricci & Patrick McAuliffe, Jerry Riener & Jennifer Sullivan, Andy & Sara Rigel, Johnny Rios & Kristen Cortez, Ben Robinson & Kelly Dang, Natasha Rodgers, Alex Romero & Karina Juarez Romero, Carol & Donald Rose, Corey & Lauren Roussel, Alexis & Grant Rubenstein, Chuck & Jessica Rullman, Abby Sandberg, Abigail Sanderson, Tal & Irene Saraf, Marianne & Andrew Sardelich, Joe Schmitt & Jae Sim, Mark & Angela Schofield, Matt Schreiber & Mara Lippa, Peter & JoAnn Schwabland, Martha Schwarz & Edgar O'Hara, Dave & Heather Scott, Kabir & Noreen Shahani, Dave & Sara Sharkey, Emma Shaul, Kai & Ingrid Shih, David & Marnie Silver, Abhishek Sinha & Neha Srivastava, Katharine Sjoberg, Leah Smith & Somnath Mookherjee, P.J. & Amy Smith, Nicholas Smith, Paula & Ted Smith, Brooke & Shannon Stabbert, Darlene & Jerry Stanton, Cyrena Stefano & Reilly Donovan, Derek & Diana Streat, Wyn Strodtbeck & Sarah Ringold, Cliff & Kirsty Su, Fang Sun & Zeran Wang, David Sun & Paris Fang, Mark Suzman & Katherine Switz, Eric & Lindsay Swanson, Lisa Tagal, Mark & Aki Tameling, Evan Tan & Jue Wang, Christian & Sarah Taubman, Andrew Templeton, Vehro Titcomb & Diane Garvey, John Titcomb & Linde Behringer, Marcus & Amy Trione, Cinthya Tu, Josh & Ryan Turner, Shawn & Sheila Turner, Eric Vadon & Marie Casey, Brooke & Garett Vail, Stephen Van Dyck & Kristen Johnson, John Vander Sluis & Anu

Auction (continued) Vijay, Jay & Jennifer Vary, Trevor & Meg Vernon, Rudi & Aliya Virani, Jesse Vohs, Joel Vukelic & Melissa Holbert, Thor & Bradaigh Wagner, Jocelyn Waite, Jenni Walker, Katie Walters-Krohn, Haidong Wang & Yulin Liu, Robert & Susan Waugh, Sven Weber, Karl & Elizabeth Wehden, Lily Wei, Charles & Lindsay White, Heather Willis, Matt Witcher & Rebecca Engelberg, Youjiang Wu & Li Qiao, Yuqin Wu & Jin Ye, Yan Xia & Ping Lu, James Xing & Jess Zhang, Xiaodong Xu & Ying Zheng, Rachel Yang & Tom Drabas, Lelia Yerxa & Calvin Garner, Chao Zhang & Zhuping Zhao, Eric & Xiaoxiao Zhang, Conrad Ziesler & Carole Lee

Alumni & Former Families Anonymous (2) , Naureen Ali & Shehryar Khan, Andrew Benjamin & Shelley Saunders, David Brannon-Cirone & John Cirone*, Elaine Cashar, William & Kathleen Colleran, Hadley Delahunty, Reed Delahunty, Nick & Julie Eitel, Carlos Guestrin & Emily Fox, Charles Gust & Lisa Lewis, Grant Haven & John Stanley, Julia & Scott Hitch, Dean Holmes & Kelly Larkin, Matthew Horvat & Susan Fine, Paul Hughes, Edward & Jill Im*, Van & Wendy Katzman, Steven Kaufman & Nan Holmes, Will & Meghan Kiefer*, Glenn Klute & Katie Jordan, Chris Loeffler, Ava Loop, Roger D & Penny C Percy, Steve Price & Suze Woolf, Jeff & Tricia Raikes, David Ralph & Susan Ott, Robert Raphael & Jennifer Naimy, Michael Raskin & Susie Kupferman, Bob & Peggy Rinne*, Brent Roraback & Lisa Stiffler, Alan Rothblatt & Sima Kahn, Kevin Ruddell & Heather Kroll, Deborah Stamm, Scott Stuart & Rebecca Amos-Stuart, Nina & Stowe Talbot, Raymond & Ayala Thomas

Grandparents & Friends

Corporate & Foundations AmazonSmile Foundation, Apple Computer Inc, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BMGI, Boeing Company, Goldman Sachs & Co Matching Gift Program, Google, Inc., Hillis, Clark, Martin & Peterson PS, Indeed, Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Nike, Inc., Nordstrom, Norman Raab Foundation, Salesforce, Survey Monkey, T-Mobile


Anonymous (3) , Debbie & Gill Agee, Marvin H. Albert, Lowell & Julianna Alford*, Joseph & Evalyn Basloe, Sandra Bergman, Fay Besharat, Karen & Ray Burkland, Steve & Ruth Engelberg, Elizabeth Flett, Bruce & Joanne Harrell, Elaine & Jack Hillyer, Carol Joneschild, Dori & Maurice King, Rick Koffey & Barbara Thrasher, Jo Kuberry, Jane & Richard Levin, Tom & Barbara O’Connell, Mari & Peter Offenbecher, Larry & Lucille Pasco, Rodney & Sandra Payton, Ellen Richardson, Pat & Virginia Sainsbury, Nancy Lee Smith, Darlene & Jerry Stanton, Andrea Stanton, Janet & William Sternfeld, Brad & Donna Vance, Henry & Stephanie Vanderleest, Patricia Vary, Theodore & Iris Wagner, Nancy & Lynn Walker, Carolyn Weimar, Anne Woolf, Quentin Yerxa & Karen Freisem, Vicki Young

Imagine Forever Anonymous (2) , Joe Gruber & Kelsey Beck, Greg & Jen Headrick, Eric Ji & Kristi Li, Eric & Caroline Sanderson, Emily & Zac Thorpe, Jay & Jennifer Vary

Creative Fusion Alice Cunningham

In-Kind COVID Guard Fund Courtney & Jeremy Hartman



5062 9th Avenue NW, Seattle, WA 98105

BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS Will Kiefer, Chair Howard Burton, Vice Chair Amy Smith, Vice Chair Greg Headrick, Treasurer David Brannon-Cirone, Secretary EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Paula Smith, Head of School Alexis Rubenstein, Parent Guardian Association President Jennifer Vary, Faculty Representative MEMBERS AT LARGE Darius Cayetano Joe Gruber Sean Holmes Jill Larson Im Jill Jackson Kristen Johnson Katie Jordan Van Katzman Lisa Lewis Jeanne Nguyen Eric Sanderson Tony Stewart Rebecca Stuart

206.547.8237 / UCDS.ORG



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