DIG Annual Report 22-23
From the Board Chair & the Head of School Dear UCDS Community, It was a joy to open the 2022-23 school year; students filled the campus with excitement, enthusiasm, and an eagerness to learn. The all-school theme, DIG, provided a lens for comprehensive programming across all grade levels. Students “dug into” learning by reading literature books and looking at problems from all angles to craft the best possible solution. The year culminated in May at Theme Fair, with a backhoe on campus digging a hole to bury a time capsule filled with artifacts from each classroom. With the pandemic finally behind us, our children once again took exciting field trips to augment the curriculum, capitalizing on the opportunity to deepen and extend their learning. Our overnight trips to NatureBridge on the Olympic Peninsula also returned, to great excitement.
Each year we are inspired by our UCDS families, who volunteer their time, energy, and creativity to shape our school. Parent Guardian Association (PGA) President Abby Maletis and an amazing team of PGA volunteers led a variety of community-focused events that created a network of interpersonal connections for families. Beloved gatherings such as Grandparents and Special Friends Day and new opportunities like partnering with Whale Scout in a “land-based conservation experience” of beach clean-up in South Seattle enriched our community. A culminating end-of-school-year highlight was the return of our popular “Boogie and Glow” ShinDIG hosted by our own DJ, Facilities Director Billy Bordner. Our teachers are curriculum designers who collaborate to build creative and individualized programs. The UCDS Board recognizes that giving our teachers new ways to innovate, test theory, and share methodology makes it possible to attract teaching talent and contributes to our high faculty retention rate. Every day, our students benefit from the energy and creativity generated by this teaching/learning culture. To sustain this culture into the future, the Board directs 25% of each UCDS Fund contribution to our Endowment, growing the corpus by $109,915 last year. UCDS Fund Co-Chairs Heather Proudfoot and Breanne Fortun worked their magic by promoting this campaign to a very successful outcome–raising $439,659 with nearly 100% participation. For the first time in three years, our annual auction was held off site in a spectacular setting, the grand ballroom at the Marriott Hotel on the Seattle waterfront. “Catch the Light” auction Co-Chairs Ana Flávia Hedrick, Shweta Arora, and Tim Martino ensured a capacity crowd of enthusiastic bidders. Fifth-grade students greeted guests with opportunities to purchase raffle tickets, and entertained the audience with a stage performance. The auction brought in over $572,000 to support Tuition Assistance, Teacher Excellence, and operating and capital projects. These funds enabled UCDS to offer over $1.2 million in tuition assistance last year as part of our Board’s commitment to improve access to our school across socio-economic levels. In the Fall of 2022, the new position of DEI Curriculum Specialist was added to the UCDS faculty, and we were delighted to welcome Patrick King to this role. The DEI Curriculum Specialist works closely with teachers at all grade levels to integrate essential DEI elements into the many aspects of student learning, from book selection for Literature Circle and Read Aloud, to incorporating the
social justice standards. In keeping with our Board-generated Five-Year Strategic Plan to “elevate our programs with heightened attention to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and community/ classroom representation,” the DEI Curriculum Specialist supports “a culture of discourse, change, and innovation” for the UCDS community. The school population has grown over the past decade. Our Board has been intentional in managing this growth by adding teachers at every level in the school. For the first time, Division Heads served as floats to support and co-teach with their classroom teachers. Our long-standing Resident program added 13 early-career teachers who interned with our veteran faculty throughout the school. We also increased our Learning Support program to ensure individualized instruction at every grade level.
Our Board continued to prioritize planning for future growth and evolution of our programs. This strategic objective ensures that UCDS has the space needed to fulfill our mission to design and share our innovative education model. Over the past year, the school purchased an additional property proximate to our campus that will enable us to expand current programs and grow as an education hub. We are grateful for the significant efforts of our Board members and the early supporters who generously invested in the future of UCDS through this capital effort. In June, Paula announced that after 35 years at UCDS, she will retire at the end of the 2023-24 school year. Over the past 28 years as Head, the UCDS Board of Trustees and Paula enjoyed an inspired partnership. Throughout her final year, we celebrate the milestones of Paula’s tenure which showcase the incredible accomplishments of our Board and the UCDS Community throughout those “decades of design.” The UCDS Board of Trustees selected long-time faculty member and current Assistant Head Jennifer Vary to step into the position of Head of School in Summer 2024. As the school continues to flourish, we look forward to the leadership and experience she brings to the role. UCDS students “Move On” and create positive, impactful, and meaningful change in the world, as proven by our accomplished alums. We are so proud to be the foundation from which they launch into learning and life. Thank you for your enduring partnership.
Amy Smith, UCDS Board Chair
Paula Smith, Head of School
The Board also addressed the need for more classroom space by launching a two-year capital project. Our former Spanish classroom and the adjacent restroom in the Tower were transformed to create another large classroom and we opened school in the fall with a new “5th-grade Suite.” To begin the second phase of this project, our Business and Development Offices moved to newly renovated spaces in the Tower to create new classrooms for our Spanish program in the Labyrinth.
Diggin’ into community, collaboration & camping!
An Elementary Adventure at NatureBridge Anticipation and excitement for the annual NatureBridge trip start early in the halls of UCDS. NatureBridge is in the Olympic National Park on the stunning shores of Lake Crescent. While there, students investigate ecosystems, explore the old-growth forest, and engage in building community, independence, and stewardship of nature. While NatureBridge has traditionally been a trip for the 1-2 students, the May 2023 trip was exceptionally unique. All Elementary students attended NatureBridge for a three-day, two-night stay. The graduating class of 2023 (5s) had been once previously, in 2019, and the 1-2 and 3-4 levels had never been!
The bag chain is a right of passage. Students line up through the halls of the Tower, through the courtyard, and down to the Tower playground. Every student carries every bag, handing it off from student to student until all of the bags are on the bus.
Cross-Level Collaboration UCDS faculty recognized the opportunity this combined NatureBridge trip created for multiage curriculum. “Students who have been before are so excited to return to NatureBridge, and they share their enthusiasm with students who haven’t been,” Melissa Holbert, Division Head of the 1-2s, recounts. In the months leading up to NatureBridge, students meet with their hiking groups. In preparation meetings, 1-2 students name their hiking groups after the local flora or fauna, ask questions about the trip, indulge in a hiking-group-bandana fashion show, and begin visualizing themselves at camp. Given this year’s unique opportunity, 5th-grade students met with the 1-2 hiking groups to share their excitement for the trip. “The 5s had last been to NatureBridge as 1st graders, so it had been four years, and they were so excited to return,” shared 5th-Grade Division Head Sarah Donahue. Once at NatureBridge, the 1-2 hiking groups met with their 5th-grade mentors to welcome them as honorary hiking group members and gifted them a special hiking-group bandana! ENJOY SOME VIDEOS FROM OUR NATUREBRIDGE TRIP!
Science, Art & Bonding in Nature
In addition to mentoring younger students, the 5th-grade Moving On Class of 2023 had plenty of time to explore and investigate as a cohort. As a continuation of their classroom work with artist, educator, and naturalist Maria Coryell Martin, students practiced observing and recording the landscape using watercolor skills. Using various scientific equipment, students tracked and recorded the speed of the current in the river as well as the organisms living within its ecosystem. On a beautiful afternoon, students paddled a traditional Salish-style canoe on sparkling Lake Crescent. “Getting to go back on an overnight trip as a cohort was a great chance to bond [for the 5th graders] before they headed off to middle school,” states Donahue. “It was joyful.”
Bringing NatureBridge Back to UCDS The 3-4s returned to UCDS first, giving them time and space to reflect and share their experiences. In one post-NatureBridge activity, students wrote about a memorable moment and used math manipulatives to create a model of that memory. “Seeing the students reflect on their trip through Math Vitamin’s Build, Draw, Record process was neat. Their work was impressive and helped to highlight moments they will remember for a long time!” recounted Deb Chickadel, Division Head of the 3-4s. Food on the trip was a clear highlight, as many students chose to re-create their meals, such as biscuits, pancakes, and more. The 3-4 students also brought NatureBridge to UCDS by recreating some of the highlights of their trip as Theme Fair activities. From a guided “Walk Through The Woods” to a photo-op in a replicated canoe, the 3-4s shared the magic of NatureBridge with the entire UCDS community. The music of NatureBridge also had a lasting impact on students. Following the Campfire Show hosted by NatureBridge’s Naturalists, the “Banana Slug” song could be heard throughout the Tower. “[The ‘Banana Slug’ song] echoes throughout the halls forevermore. It is the ‘Banana Slug’ song all spring long,” Holbert shares, smiling.
Best Wishes for a Happy Retirement! Nancy Kiefer, our beloved librarian and storyteller dedicated 26
years to putting stories and books into the minds of our readers. Nancy’s playfulness and imagination, combined with her ability to connect with children, has made her an exceptional educator in the UCDS community. Throughout her tenure Nancy was a source of inspiration for generations of students. Her storytime sessions, often featuring a wide cast of puppets, including much-loved Shy Monkey and his tiny, deep-voiced monkey friend, Lavender, enchanted students each year. With her animated storytelling and creative flair, Nancy makes books come alive, transporting children into magical worlds and sparking their imaginations.
But Nancy’s impact extended far beyond the realm of storytime. She is a dedicated educator who instills a love for learning and exploring passions through books. With her guidance over the years, she introduced students to the intricacies of the Dewey Decimal System, unlocking the treasures hidden within the library’s vast collection. She encouraged them to explore various topics and genres, igniting a curiosity that will stay with them throughout their lives. And Nancy’s love for spontaneously and dramatically reciting poems at any time of the day, which she dubs “poements,” will forever live on here at UCDS.
Rick Kirst dedicated 29 years of his life to teaching and mentoring at
UCDS. Rick is an outstanding educator who has touched the lives of countless students and families. Throughout his time at UCDS, Rick’s passion for teaching and his love for mathematics have shone brightly. He is known for his exceptional ability to make mathematical thinking visual, allowing students and fellow colleagues to grasp complex concepts with ease. When his birthday was celebrated on the UCDS Alum Instagram page, many former students wrote tributes including, “...to the guy who taught me why a division symbol looks like a fraction!” and “...Thank you for being the only one able to teach me my 7s multiplication tables through your song!” Beyond the classroom, Rick has shared his enthusiasm for LEGO with both adults and students, incorporating this beloved toy into his teaching methods to foster creativity and problem-solving skills. His dedication to making learning engaging and fun has left a lasting impression on his students through the years. Rick’s commitment to education is only matched by his love for his family and the great outdoors. As a new grandfather, he cherishes the joy that comes from spending time with his loved ones. Outside of school, you can often find him hiking, immersing himself in nature, and in more recent years, becoming “Ranger Rick” for the National Park Service at Mt. Rainier every week. Additionally, Rick has been an avid volleyball player, enjoying friendly matches with friends and family for many years.
Across a year of DIG, UCDS dug deep into our own diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices. With our community now over 50% students of color, UCDS continues to reflect on ways to foster an even more welcoming and inclusive environment for our families to feel a sense of belonging. As part of this effort, we’ve launched our biannual Families of Color Socials as an opportunity for families to connect and dig into shared stories and experiences. These affinity events underscore UCDS’s commitment to ensuring every family feels a part of our community. Bringing folks together who have shared identities was also echoed in the launch of affinity groups for our faculty and staff this year! These spaces provide opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and mutual support across our faculty and staff. To further support this effort, UCDS sent five staff and faculty of color to the National Association of Independent Schools People of Color Conference (PoCC) in San Antonio, Texas. While there, Patrick King, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Curriculum Specialist, brought his enthusiasm for DEI work by co-presenting to 100+ educators about different strategies to incorporate DEI curriculum into schools. From a Duwamish River history project to captivating field trips to the Northwest African American History Museum, our curriculum continued to reflect our commitment to Learning for Justice’s Social Justice Standards. Students dug into the curricular opportunities teachers planned around the standards’ four domains: identity, diversity, justice, and action.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
UCDS INSTITUTE The Institute is designed to advance our innovative educational model. We’re dedicated to transforming the face of education through a range of professional development programs and partnerships. We’re committed to helping educators grow in their careers and to inspire future teacher leaders.
UCDS GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION The UCDS Graduate School of Education developed out of the learning community and culture central to the UCDS Mission and is designed to transform teacher preparation. Its first postsecondary program, the Master of Education program, features a collaborative cohort design, practicum-driven learning, and the sustaining professional practice of action research. In their final year of the program, each student designs an action research-based project to study their own practices, take action, and affect change in their classroom or school. The Capstone project gives Master’s candidates an in-depth experience in reflective practice, educational research, and teacher leadership, essential tools for leaders in education. (Read more about Capstone projects on the next page.) We celebrated our second graduating class of Master’s Degree candidates on June 9th, 2023. We are incredibly proud of our students who are already making a positive impact on their schools!
Digging Into Development Across a year of DIG, UCDS Institute delved deep into development, offering meaningful learning to UCDS faculty, partner schools, and passionate educators across the region. Our annual Math Workshop for educators expanded its reach as UCDS funded its first Public Educator Grant, reflecting on our commitment to inclusive, collaborative professional learning. Our continued partnership with Ascend International School in Mumbai, India welcomed back in-person workshops with experienced UCDS teachers designing meaningful learning and connecting with passionate educators on the other side of the world. Furthering our growth as a community, here, in Seattle, the UCDS Institute facilitated professional learning for teachers on our own campus, connecting with vibrant thought leaders in diversity, equity and inclusion practices; Lauryn Mascareñaz from Rise DEI and Debbie LeeKeenan of Anti-Bias Leaders ECE.
Kylie Booher explored the phenomenon of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students writing letters in mirror image. She tested whether targeted practice through lessons centering on directionality, fine motor strength, and rote handwriting practice could reduce the number of letter reversals. Kylie’s project developed a curriculum that could lead to improved instructional practices and inform curricular development for handwriting in early childhood.
Capstone Projects: Improving Practice & Impacting School Culture
Emma Garcia investigated problem solving at recess for her first and second graders at
Brighton School. She collected data through surveys and observations to learn more about the types of conflicts occurring at recess and how students approached them. Emma designed interventions to help facilitate student recognition of emotions and independent problem-solving strategies. Her action research showed that problems on the playground provide opportunities for students to practice social emotional techniques and problem solving.
Jenny Gruenberg examined proactive classroom management strategies with her reading
group at The Little School. She measured the impact of behavior-specific praise statements on her management approach and students’ ability to meet expectations. She also used Classroom Agreements and student surveys to infuse student voice and self-reflection into her project. Jenny’s project provided a model for other educators to examine their own classroom management approach. We could not be more impressed by our graduates’ commitment to their practice as educators, and we look forward to following their careers as they continue to create value in their communities. Congratulations, Emma, Kylie, and Jenny!
Today, Tomorrow, Together Thank you to everyone who supported the UCDS Fund in 2022-23! Your support is foundational in igniting the magic that happens in the classroom and building our endowment. A special thank you to our cochairs, Breanne Fortun and Heather Proudfoot, who created a community-focused campaign and brought whimsy and fun by introducing the kids to “Diggy,” the UCDS Fund 2022-23 mascot! 10
Thank you for sustaining our school!
$455,185 raised 75% of funds raised support operations 25% of funds raised support the Endowment 87% Current Family Participation
$589,847 raised in total
raised for Teacher Excellence
raised for Tuition Assistance
Thank you to our 2022-23 Parent Guardian Association Officers! Abby Maletis, President Kristin Haugen, Vice President Kristen Boeckmann, Treasurer & Secretary Katie Chan, New Family Liaison & Community Engagement Ellen Chang, New Family Liaison & Community Engagement Steven Chao, New Family Liaison & Community Engagement Waid Louie, UCDServes Anu Vijay, UCDServes Breanne Fortun, Events Elspeth Payton, Events Heather Proudfoot, PGA Speaker Series Sarah Ringold, PGA Speaker Series
The year was full of incredible opportunities for our community to connect and give back thanks to our Parent Guardian Association. Family events included a movie night and an end-of-year ShinDIG. UCDServes hosted volunteer events supporting Whale Scout, The Sophia Way, and a Winter Warmth Drive supporting Treehouse. Thank you, PGA Officers, for creating so many special moments!
The Seattle Marriott Waterfront was aglow with the spirit and generosity of our UCDS community. Over 370 attendees came together in support of a brand-new Spanish classroom and expanded Science classroom in the Labyrinth building. Congratulations, and thank you to co-chairs Ana Flávia Hedrick, Shweta Arora, Tim Martino, and their team of volunteers for creating such a memorable evening! It was a true celebration of our community, and we want to thank everyone who volunteered, donated, or participated in one of our many auction-related activities. Your support made the classroom enhancements possible. Thank you! CHECK OUT THE AUCTION IMPACT VIDEO!
UCDS ALUMS Our Alums are up to amazing things!
Check out our Instagram for the latest updates on Alums, events, and UCDS going-ons.
Join our Alum Advisory Board
Collaborate on UCDS Alum events, communications, and community building! 12 22-23 ANNUAL REPORT
Email alum@ucds.org to visit, volunteer, or get the latest updates & newsletters.
Alum Reunions We enjoyed celebrating with the Classes of 2016 and 2020 at our 8th- and 12th-grade reunions! MOVING ON CLASS OF 2016
Congratulations to the Moving On Class of 2023!
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Follow us on Instagram & join the UCDS Alum LinkedIn Group.
Amy Smith Chair
David Brannon-Cirone Howard Burton
Greg Headrick Treasurer
Vice Chair
Vice Chair
Joe Gruber Secretary
14 Paula Smith
Head of School
Abby Maletis
Parent Guardian Association
Sarah Donahue Faculty Representative
Darius Cayetano
Sean Holmes
Katie Jordan
Jeff Pelletier
Jill Larson Im
Van Katzman
Shanthi Rajagopalan
Jill Jackson
Lisa Lewis
Eric Sanderson
Kristen Johnson
Jeanne Nguyen
Kai Shih
Tony Stewart
Strategic, grounded, and able to generate a creative vision and the action steps necessary to make it a reality, Jill Im stood at the center of our fundraising and community-building initiatives for many years. Jill joined the UCDS Board of Trustees in 2018 after serving as Chair of the Development Committee, a role she also filled on the Trustees Committee and the Campaign Cabinet. Her input into our 2020 Strategic Plan was invaluable and helped us create a blueprint for the future that cements her legacy at UCDS. She also spearheaded the successful campaign for the KidsQuest Children’s Museum in Bellevue. We wish Jill and her family the very best and look forward to a continuing connection in the future.
Lisa Lewis
Van Katzman
Van Katzman joined the Board in the fall of 2015 after serving on our Audit Committee. At the time, we were pondering how to sustain our teachers as the cost of living in Seattle continued to rise. When city planners rezoned the University District, greater height, density, and further development guaranteed transformation of the neighborhood. Van helped us to work through the idea of creating a “land bank” of properties necessary for any UCDS campus expansion, framing crucial questions regarding land acquisition, banking, establishing an LLC structure, and fielding the ever-changing regulations of the city, county, and state. We are forever thankful to Van for all he did for UCDS and for agreeing to pick up the phone should we call him for advice in the future!
Tony Stewart
Tony Stewart joined the UCDS Board of Trustees in 2017 after working on the Capital Assets Subcommittee. His quiet demeanor and many years of experience dealing with urban growth helped ground us in establishing a long list of possibilities based on practical considerations. He asked salient questions, gave us confidence that we were on the right track, helped us analyze complex problems and navigate bureaucracy, and engaged in spirited conversations with the rest of the Board. He was instrumental in keeping us focused on the big picture while navigating roadblocks. As a result, Tony moved the needle a great distance in our purchase of properties that will secure the future of UCDS. For that, we are forever grateful. We wish Tony and his family the best in their new adventures in Oregon.
Lisa Lewis’ nine years of service to UCDS culminated with the Board meeting in May 2023. In her time at the school, she led with compassionate skill, genuine warmth, and a lovely sense of humor. Her uplifting influence as Co-Chair of the UCDS Fund and Grandparents and Special Friends Day ensured remarkably successful events. The mother of two sons who attended UCDS, Lisa joined the Board as a Trustee in 2018, making good use of her work experience garnered at Amazon and Edmark. Lisa never failed to bring a fresh perspective and quietly insightful observations to the table at Development, Graduate School, and Finance Committee meetings. Late last summer, Lisa lost her battle with cancer. Our hearts go out to her family as we all adjust to a world without her.
Your Gifts Fuel Innovation at UCDS. Thank you! The UCDS community plays a vital role in the growth and sustainability of our school. Your generosity fuels our innovative programs, supports our design-led approach, and opens up access and opportunity for children. Families with an (*) indicate they are a Friend of UCDS and have pledged to support UCDS for three consecutive years.
UCDS FUND: Current Community
Anonymous (26), Heather Alhadeff, Cameron Allen & Morgen Maroney-Allen, Angelo & Kathy Ambion*, Leah Anderson, Marlene Anderson, James Anthony & Francesca Mazzola, Harry & Alicia Arsene, Crystal Aspen & Alex Berezhnoy*, Bryan Balmadrid & Melissa Hayes Balmadrid, Drew & Marianne Bamford, Wenjie Bao & Shuang Li, Jason Barnwell & Sara Smucker Barnwell, Alyssa & Drew Barr, Miles Bennington McKay, Lilly Berg, Tia Berg, Sarah Bird, Billy & Isis Bordner, Bo Borgerson & Nan Shao, Nicki Bowen, Jonathan Bricker & Maika D’Ambrosi, Jianjian Bu & Rochelle Yin, Daniel & Cindy Burdick, Reid Burkland & Megan Othus*, Howard & Kay Burton, Theresa Cardamone, James Carothers & Lara Rose, Jon & Katie Chan, Joseph Chang & Silvia He, Steven Chao, Chris Chen & Chenchen Wu*, Marlene Chen, Ben & Karin Chickadel, Deb & Chris Chickadel, Jeff Chin & Maki Arakawa, David Cho & Ellen Chang*, Su Choi, Kimseam Chou, Stephanie Cisakowski, Larry Coppenrath & Laura Nason, John & Tiffany Corwin, Ellen Cottrell & Jack Forman, Alex & Matthew Cramer*, Shane Cramer & Kirstin Haugen, Chris & Erin Davis, Ian & Chandan Davis, Jasmine Davis, Melinda Deal, Allie Deitel, Andrew & Leslie Dervan, Gaurav Dhawan & Shweta Arora, Allison Dick & Andrea Hanson, Sarah Donahue & Chris Eggert, Yan Dong & Beibei Chen, Raina Doughty, Danny & Kristin Duran*, Jill Eagle, David Engelberg & Remi Specter*, Erin Fahey Sainsbury & Jon Sainsbury, Ali Farhadi & Hanna Hajishirzi, Wei Feng & Lu Pang, Marisa Ferche, Breaunah & Jordan Flowers, Susan Foley & Michael Doherty, Matt Francis & Erin Hachlinski, Joseph & Stephanie Frazee, Zach & Emma Freeman, James & Catherine Gannon, Rajiv Garg & Meghna Singla, Jessica & David Garrick, Christian & Amanda Geismann, Skúli Gestsson & Anna Jónsdóttir, Vishal Ghotge & Neha Tembey, Andrew Glass & ZQ Ma, Will & Christa Glenn, Danny Godbout & Stephanie Heinrich, Peter Godman & Munira Rahemtulla, John Goldmark & Anna Pepper, Ian Gore & Hana Choi, Matthew Grabowski & Erin West, Justin & Diane Graham*, Natasha & Rob Greyber, Jane Griffin-Joseph & Tearon Joseph, Kristi & Ryan Grouws, Shelley & Prashant Grover, Vin Gupta & Nisha Ahir, Sam Haffey & Erin Abraham, Courtney & Jeremy Hartman, Trey & Miryam Harvey, Eric Hayashi & Kristen Boeckmann, Yuheng He & Han Mei, Greg & Jen Headrick, Kerrie & Brett Hecko, Ana Flávia Hedrick & Robert Hedrick, Ken Hillyer & Erin O’Connell, Orion & Jackie Hindawi, Julia Hohn, Dave Holloway & Leah Davis, Drew & Jessica Holloway, Greg & Sam Holloway, Andy Homer & Lauren Whiteside, Megumi Hosaka, Tony & Jessie Hu, Albert & Romelynn Hwang, Lynn Hyde, Nelly Irwin, Nick Isles, Charlie Jackson & Yau Wong, Nathan & Kate Jackson, Eric Ji & Kristi Li, Xuemin & Aji John, Jonathon & Jean Johns, Chris & Mimi Johnson, David & Kristi Joneschild, Jennifer & Courtney Jones-Vanderleest*, Brad & Erin Kahn, Burak Karacik & Ahu Erenoglu Karacik, Dean Kawamoto & Mary Fan, Nancy Kiefer, Brian Kilgore & Mariel Young, Patrick King, Rick Kirst & Patti Goldman, Erin Kiuttu, Jared & Laura Klein, Kevin Ko & Laura Matsen Ko, Daniel Kore & Sally Wubeshet, Alex Kurakin & Kavitha Lingamoorthy, Sanjuna Lama, Bindi & Timothy Lassige, Ronan Le Bras & Lea Stern, Josh & Jenny Leahy, Jason LeeKeenan & Leshya Wig, Justin Lent & Sarah Sled, Hua Li & Vicki Zeng, Johan Lieu & Katherine Duncan, JJ Lin & Janice Liu, Wu Lin & Fei Xie*, Derek Little & Kimiko Domoto-Reilly, Ray Liu & Taro Wang*, Jason Lombard & Jamie Asaka, Brian Lonergan, Chris Longenecker & Allison Webel*, Waid & Otway Louie, Tyler & Noelle Luiten, David Luo & Celina Yang*, Zhaoqing Ma & JingJing Li, Ava Maas, Abigail & Bryan Maletis*, Rahul Mandiga & Varsha Manjunath, Lisa & Nick Manheim, Sean Marley & Jennifer Wilkes, Jill & TJ Marlow, Jake Martin & Elspeth Payton Martin, Tim & Sarah Martino*, Melaney Mayne, Tryg McInerny & Sara Raab McInerny, Nicole & Bill McNichols, Onur Mete & Ozge Sade Mete, Tami MillesAtterberry & Tony Atterberry, Chester Millisock & Sara Chesnin*, Chaitanya Moghe & Dhanashree Kale, Katie & Michael Morrison, Aroon Nataraj & Aarthi Subramani, Quynh Nguyen & Ted Virdone, Aaron Nicholls, Grace Nicholson, Alanna & Morten Nielsen, Julia Noble, Alex Novotney, Cooper & Lauren Offenbecher*, Pat O’Neil & Olivia Belletti, Omer Bilal Orhan & Rosa Enciso, Carissa Osborne, Dan Osias & Katie Gunderson*, Carlos Otero & Breanne Fortun*, Jeremy Paley & Ann Dornfeld, Jerry Pan & Lili Fang*, Christopher Pasco & Jeffrey Pelletier*, Ryan & Carolyn Petersen*, Michael Place & Amanda Hilson, Selene Poulsen, Carl Prater, Colin Pritchard & Heather Cheng, Tibs Proctor, Cameron & Heather Proudfoot*, Jovi Qi & Sara Zhu, Ravi & Shanthi Rajagopalan*, Preethi Ramani, David Ramenofsky & Becky Taylor, Sandeap Reddy & Neha Nariya*, Casey Rettenmier, Elise Ricci, Mychal & Sunita Richardson, Andy & Sara Rigel, Harlan & Christina Robins, Natasha Rodgers, Alex Romero & Karina Juarez Romero, Corey & Lauren Roussel, Maggie Ruisi, Anirudh Rusia & Namrata Sethi, Kaili Ryan, Abby Sandberg, Eric Schmidt & Rebecca Campeau, Mark & Angela Schofield, Matt Schreiber & Mara Lippa*, Peter & Jo Schwabland, Dave & Heather Scott, Dave & Sara Sharkey, Kent Shea & Ava Zhou, Kai Shih & Ingrid Chiang, David & Marnie Silver*, Abhishek Sinha & Neha Srivastava, Katharine Sjoberg, Elaine Smith & Colin Smith, Nicholas Smith, P.J. & Amy Smith*, Paula & Ted Smith, Charles Soliman & Yuko Soliman, Eric & Kyoung Sorenson, Michael & Sarah Soung, Alistair & Lilian Speirs, Shashwat Srivastava & Ruchika Rawat, BJ & Leah Stein, Derek & Diana Streat, Wyn Strodtbeck & Sarah Ringold, David Sun & Paris Fang, Fang Sun & Zeran Wang, Mark Suzman & Katherine Switz, Evan Tan & Jue Wang, Yong Tao & Jiali Shen,
Current Community (continued) Christian & Sarah Taubman, Vehro Titcomb & Diane Garvey, Marcus & Amy Trione, Cinthya Tu, Naomi Turner, Stephen Van Dyck & Kristen Johnson, Jeffrey Van Gogh & Yuan Zheng, Maddie Van Houten, Omar Vandal & Bryanna Jordan, Jay & Jennifer Vary, Piragash Velummylum & Natasha De Sousa, Thor & Bradaigh Wagner, Katie Walters-Krohn, Peter & Tingting Wang, Robert & Susan Waugh, Karl & Elizabeth Wehden, Lily Wei, Charles & Lindsay White, Marc & Liz Williams, David Wright, Youjiang Wu & Li Qiao, Yuqin Wu & Jin Ye, Yan Xia & Ping Lu, James Xing & Jess Zhang, Feng Xiong & Shoko Oono, Mingsen Xu & Chui Ying Law, Xiaodong Xu & Ying Zheng*, Arden & Gloria Yang, Lelia Yerxa & Calvin Garner, Roy Yong & Hui Zhai, Baosen Zhang & Yutong Chen, Chao Zhang & Zhuping Zhao, Eric & Xiaoxiao Zhang, Liyuan Zhang & Jia Yan, Lichao Zhao & Autumn Zhong, Simon Zhu & Sunny Zhou*, Conrad Ziesler & Carole Lee
Alum & Alum Families
Anonymous (1), Christopher & Kirsten Backus, Andrew Benjamin & Shelley Saunders, David Brannon-Cirone & John Cirone, Rod Cameron & Heather Howard, Joseph & Natasha Debons, Hadley Delahunty, Reed Delahunty, Nick & Julie Eitel, Charles Gust & Lisa Lewis, Dean Holmes & Kelly Larkin, Matthew Horvat & Susan Fine, Paul Hughes, Edward & Jill Im*, Van & Wendy Katzman, Cesar & Mariana Keller, Robert Lipson & Sharon Kean, Christopher Loeffler, Tom & Julie Lombardo, Hans & Nikki Lundin, Ruth Mynar, Roger D & Penny C Percy, Joel & Chris Pothering, Steve Price & Suze Woolf, Doug Pyle*, Jeff & Tricia Raikes, David Ralph & Susan Ott, Bob & Peggy Rinne*, Alan Rothblatt & Sima Kahn, Alexis & Grant Rubenstein, Kevin Ruddell & Heather Kroll, Tal & Irene Saraf*, Deborah Stamm, Gary & Barbara Tolman, Christiane Tsoungui
Grandparents & Friends 18 22-23 ANNUAL REPORT
Marvin H. Albert, Lowell & Julianna Alford, Sandra Bergman, Steve & Ruth Engelberg, Elizabeth Flett, Bruce & Joanne Harrell, Barbara Hewins-Maroney & Michael Maroney, Elaine & Jack Hillyer, Carol Joneschild, Jane & Richard Levin, Sharon Maeda, Steve & Kim Oberto, Tom & Barbara O’Connell*, Mari & Peter Offenbecher*, Rodney & Sandra Payton*, Andrée Place, Ellen Richardson, Giorgio Sardo & Belinda Ban, Myra & Michael Silver, Ellen Smucker & Val Rouse, Darlene & Jerry Stanton, John & Imelda Tiernan, Eric Vadon & Marie Casey, Henry & Stephanie Vanderleest, Theodore & Iris Wagner, Carolyn Weimar, Quentin Yerxa & Karen Freisem, Vicki Young
Corporate & Foundations
A.W.G. Dewar Inc, Alaska Airlines, AmazonSmile Foundation, Apple Computer Inc, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Boeing Company, Cascade Management, Expedia Gives Matching Gifts Programs, Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program, Google, Inc., Hillis, Clark, Martin & Peterson PS, IBM, Indeed, Lucky Seven, Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Nike, Inc., Nordstrom, Norman Raab Foundation, PayPal Giving Fund, Salesforce, SnoCo Team Sales LLC, The Russell Family Foundation, T-Mobile, Unity Technologies
Imagine Forever Anonymous (3), Jinai A & Qianqian Hu, David Brannon-Cirone & John Cirone, Natasha & Rob Greyber, Greg & Jen Headrick, Edward & Jill Im, Eric Ji & Kristi Li, Brian Lonergan, Abigail & Bryan Maletis, Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Christopher Pasco & Jeffrey Pelletier, Ravi & Shanthi Rajagopalan, Harlan & Christina Robins, Eric & Caroline Sanderson, Kabir & Noreen Shahani, Jay & Jennifer Vary, Allen Zeng & Emma Wang
John Titcomb & Linde Behringer
Gifts In Kind
Dhruv Agarwal & Tatyana Dolgaya, Dossier Wine, Greg & Sam Holloway, Harlan & Christina Robins
Diane Chickadel Fund Elaine Cashar
Anonymous (2) , Jinai A & Qianqian Hu, Ru Abbas, Dhruv Agarwal & Tatyana Dolgaya, Alaska Airlines, Robert Alford & Tara Moss, Heather Alhadeff, Cameron Allen & Morgen Maroney-Allen, Angelo & Kathy Ambion, Cheri Andres, James Anthony & Francesca Mazzola, Harry & Alicia Arsene, Crystal Aspen & Alex Berezhnoy, Bryan Balmadrid & Melissa Hayes Balmadrid, Drew & Marianne Bamford, Wenjie Bao & Shuang Li, Leimomi Barer, Jason Barnwell & Sara Smucker Barnwell, Alyssa & Drew Barr, Lilly Berg, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Sarah Bird, Board & Vellum LLC, Boeing Company, Billy & Isis Bordner, Paul Bordner, Bo Borgerson & Nan Shao, Jonathan Bricker & Maika D’Ambrosi, Jianjian Bu & Rochelle Yin, Reid Burkland & Megan Othus, Theresa Cardamone, James Carothers & Lara Rose, Nick Carter & Denise Noyes, Jon & Katie Chan, Joseph Chang & Silvia He, Chris Chen & Chenchen Wu, Marlene Chen, Deb & Chris Chickadel, David Cho & Ellen Chang, Larry Coppenrath & Laura Nason, John & Tiffany Corwin, Ellen Cottrell & Jack Forman, Alex & Matthew Cramer, Shane Cramer & Kirstin Haugen, Chris & Erin Davis, Ian & Chandan Davis, Greg Dean & Jennifer Otten, Andrew & Leslie Dervan, Gaurav Dhawan & Shweta Arora, Allison Dick & Andrea Hanson, Yan Dong & Beibei Chen, Victor Dumas & Dessa Dal Porto, Danny & Kristin Duran, Jill Eagle, David Engelberg & Remi Specter, Kristin Erickson, Ali Farhadi & Hanna Hajishirzi, Wei Feng & Lu Pang, Matt Findley, Peter Finkelman & Carly Kaufman, Breaunah & Jordan Flowers, Susan Foley & Michael Doherty, Matt Francis & Erin Hachlinski, Joseph & Stephanie Frazee, James & Catherine Gannon, Xiang Gao & Yaohong Xi, Glenn & Kate Gardner, Rajiv Garg & Meghna Singla, Christian & Amanda Geismann, Vishal Ghotge & Neha Tembey, Andrew Glass & ZQ Ma, Will & Christa Glenn, Danny Godbout & Stephanie Heinrich, Peter Godman & Munira Rahemtulla, John Goldmark & Anna Pepper, Google, Inc., Ian Gore & Hana Choi, Matthew Grabowski & Erin West, Natasha & Rob Greyber, Jane Griffin-Joseph & Tearon Joseph, Kristi & Ryan Grouws, Shelley & Prashant Grover, Vin Gupta & Nisha Ahir, Sam Haffey & Erin Abraham, Courtney & Jeremy Hartman, Trey & Miryam Harvey, Eric Hayashi & Kristen Boeckmann, Yuheng He & Han Mei, Kerrie & Brett Hecko, Ana Flávia Hedrick & Robert Hedrick, Jeff Heer & Daniela Rosner, Ken Hillyer & Erin O’Connell, Orion & Jackie Hindawi, Dave Holloway & Leah Davis, Drew & Jessica Holloway, Greg & Sam Holloway, Andy Homer & Lauren Whiteside, Megumi Hosaka, Tony & Jessie Hu, Albert & Romelynn Hwang, Charlie Jackson & Yau Wong, Nathan & Kate Jackson, Nelson Jay, Eric Ji & Kristi Li, Xuemin & Aji John, Jonathon & Jean Johns, David & Kristi Joneschild, Jennifer & Courtney Jones-Vanderleest, Brad & Erin Kahn, Burak Karacik & Ahu Erenoglu Karacik, Dean Kawamoto & Mary Fan, Garrett & Amy Kephart, Brian Kilgore & Mariel Young, Dori & Maurice King, Patrick King, Fabi Kirst, Rick Kirst & Patti Goldman, Jared & Laura Klein, Kevin Ko & Laura Matsen Ko, Ozgur Koc & Melike Yucel-Koc, Yigit & Sarah Kolat, Nick & Nova Komorous, Jim & Molly Lamb, Bindi & Timothy Lassige, Chris & Sonja Lavin, Ronan Le Bras & Lea Stern, Josh & Jenny Leahy, Jason LeeKeenan & Leshya Wig, Hua Li & Vicki Zeng, Max Lieblich & June Spector, Johan Lieu & Katherine Duncan, JJ Lin & Janice Liu, Wu Lin & Fei Xie, Derek Little & Kimiko DomotoReilly, Ray Liu & Taro Wang, Jason Lombard & Jamie Asaka, Brian Lonergan, Chris Longenecker & Allison Webel, Mary & Mugs Loudon, Waid & Otway Louie, Tyler & Noelle Luiten, Julie & Matt Lutton, Zhaoqing Ma & JingJing Li, Sangram Majumdar & Annelies Mast, Abigail & Bryan Maletis, Rahul Mandiga & Varsha Manjunath, Lisa & Nick Manheim, Sean Marley & Jennifer Wilkes, Jill & TJ Marlow, Jake Martin & Elspeth Payton Martin, Tim & Sarah Martino, Melaney Mayne, Grace McElhone, Tryg McInerny & Sara Raab McInerny, Maria McKinley, Nicole & Bill McNichols, Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Linda Milles & Ron Milles, Tami Milles-Atterberry & Tony Atterberry, Chaitanya Moghe & Dhanashree Kale, Katie & Michael Morrison, Paul & Whitney Murphy, Aroon Nataraj & Aarthi Subramani, Du Nguyen & Ping Xu, Quynh Nguyen & Ted Virdone, Aaron Nicholls, Dorothy Nicholls, Grace Nicholson, Alanna & Morten Nielsen, Steve & Kim Oberto, Cooper & Lauren Offenbecher, Mari & Peter Offenbecher, Pat O’Neil & Olivia Belletti, Justin & Mia O’Neill, Omer Bilal Orhan & Rosa Enciso, Dan Osias & Katie Gunderson, Carlos Otero & Breanne Fortun, Jeremy Paley & Ann Dornfeld, Jerry Pan & Lili Fang, Christopher Pasco & Jeffrey Pelletier, Tommer Peterson, Amin Pezeshk, Michael Place & Amanda Hilson, Kevin & Christy Pope, Selene Poulsen, Trey Powell, Cameron & Heather Proudfoot, Jovi Qi & Sara Zhu, RAFN, Ravi & Shanthi Rajagopalan, Preethi Ramani, David Ramenofsky & Becky Taylor, Colleen Raymond, Sandeap Reddy & Neha Nariya, Casey Rettenmier, Judy & Ross Rettenmier, Elise Ricci, Mychal & Sunita Richardson, Elena Riederer von Paar, Jerry Riener & Jennifer Sullivan, Andy & Sara Rigel, Johnny Rios & Kristen Cortez, Harlan & Christina Robins, Ben Robinson & Kelly Dang, Natasha Rodgers, Corey & Lauren Roussel, Maggie Ruisi, Kaili Ryan, Abby Sandberg, Marianne & Andrew Sardelich, Eric Schmidt & Rebecca Campeau, Rachel Schnider, Mark & Angela Schofield, Grant Schreiber, Matt Schreiber & Mara Lippa, Peter & Jo Schwabland, Dave & Heather Scott, Kabir & Noreen Shahani, Dave & Sara Sharkey, Sijing & Disheng Shen, Kai Shih & Ingrid Chiang, David & Marnie Silver, Abhishek Sinha & Neha Srivastava, SMART Technologies, Leah Smith & Somnath Mookherjee, P.J. & Amy Smith, Paula & Ted Smith, Eric & Kyoung Sorenson, Michael & Sarah Soung, Alistair & Lilian Speirs, Shashwat Srivastava & Ruchika Rawat, Cyrena Stefano & Reilly Donovan, BJ & Leah Stein, Derek & Diana Streat, Wyn Strodtbeck & Sarah Ringold, Cliff & Kirsty Su, Fang Sun & Zeran Wang, Jian Sun & Tracy Zheng, Mark Suzman & Katherine Switz, Evan Tan & Jue Wang, Tom Tang & YJ Dang, Christian & Sarah Taubman, Joe & Lea Tiernan, Vehro Titcomb & Diane Garvey, Marcus & Amy Trione, Josh & Ryan Turner, Brooke & Garett Vail, Stephen Van Dyck & Kristen Johnson, Jeffrey Van Gogh & Yuan Zheng, Omar Vandal & Bryanna Jordan, John Vander Sluis & Anu Vijay, Jay & Jennifer Vary, Piragash Velummylum & Natasha De Sousa, Rudi & Aliya Virani, Joel Vukelic & Melissa Holbert, Thor & Bradaigh Wagner, Katie Walters-Krohn, Peter & Tingting Wang, Robert & Susan Waugh, Sven Weber, Karl & Elizabeth Wehden, Marc & Liz Williams, Matt Witcher & Rebecca Engelberg, David Wright, Youjiang Wu & Li Qiao, Yuqin Wu & Jin Ye, Yan Xia & Ping Lu, James Xing & Jess Zhang, Feng Xiong & Shoko Oono, Mingsen Xu & Chui Ying Law, Xiaodong Xu & Ying Zheng, Arden & Gloria Yang, Lelia Yerxa & Calvin Garner, Roy Yong & Hui Zhai, Baosen Zhang & Yutong Chen, Chao Zhang & Zhuping Zhao, Eric & Xiaoxiao Zhang, Liyuan Zhang & Jia Yan, Simon Zhu & Sunny Zhou, Conrad Ziesler & Carole Lee
5062 9th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105
THE UCDS MISSION University Child Development School designs a culture of inquiry essential to meaningful learning. We cultivate reflective, collaborative, skillful thinkers who ignite positive change in their communities. We engage diverse perspectives in an ongoing effort to shape & share our innovative education model.
23-24 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OFFICERS Amy Smith, Board Chair Howard Burton, Vice Chair Joe Gruber, Vice Chair David Brannon-Cirone, Secretary Greg Headrick, Treasurer EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Paula Smith, Head of School Abby Maletis, Parent Guardian Association President Sarah Donahue, Faculty Representative MEMBERS AT LARGE Darius Cayetano Sean Holmes Jill Jackson Nathan Jackson Kristen Johnson Katie Jordan Jeanne Nguyen Jeff Pelletier Shanthi Rajagopalan Eric Sanderson Kai Shih
206.547.8237 / INFO@UCDS.ORG / UCDS.ORG