GAMEDAY EXCITEMENT Thanks to thousands of loyal fans, the Knights enjoy a special homefield advantage at Bright House Networks Stadium. Whether they are tailga�ng on the Memory Mall or watching the team march inside the stadium, UCF fans come out in force on gamedays to support their team. Dressed in black and gold, UCF fans have helped make Bright House Networks Stadium an in�mida�ng place to play for the Knights’ opponents. UCF’s student sec�on is quickly becoming one of the best in the southeast. The students stand the en�re game, chan�ng, cheering and stomping for the full 60 minutes. Home contests also include the Marching Knights, the KnightMoves dance squad and the school’s na�onally-ranked cheerleading team.
PRE-GAME FUN Fans coming to a game expec�ng just football are definitely in for a surprise as UCF gameday has now turned into a day-long fes�val of events culmina�ng with that day’s kickoff.
FAN SUPPORT In the two years since the venue opened, 545,705 fans have a�ended UCF home games at Bright House Networks Stadium. UCF led C-USA in average home a�endance in 2007 and was second in 2008.