S t r at e g i c F u n d i n g P r i o r i t y U N I V E R S I T Y O F C E N T R A L F LO R I DA
The Center for Justice and Ethics F e at u r i n g a C e r e m o n i a l C o u r t r o o m
The Concept:
A Joint Partnership for Justice A shared initiative between the College of Health and Public Affairs, The Burnett Honors College and the UCF Foundation seeks to raise private funds totaling $3.5 million to create The Center for Justice and Ethics at UCF. Serving as a university and community resource, the Center will be a first-ofits-kind in providing support for justice and ethics programs in Florida at the undergraduate level. The Center’s primary goal will be to strengthen students’ experience with and understanding of the institutions, traditions, historical components and tenets of justice and ethics in American society. Through the creation of this Center, UCF seeks to make an even greater commitment to fully prepare its graduates for lives of informed and engaged citizenship. Linking theory and practice in a unique setting, this project is rooted in a new vision for our curricular and co-curricular offerings for high-achieving students and the impact they can one day have as public servants, attorneys, teachers,
journalists, social workers and in related careers. A ceremonial courtroom will be an anchor component of the envisioned center and is a top priority for the UCF Department of Legal Studies. The courtroom will provide a much-needed facility where UCF’s nationally recognized mock trial and moot court teams can study, practice cross-examinations, prepare witnesses and opening statements, and more fully engage in experiential learning opportunities and mock trail and moot court competitions. The center will also provide an important new venue for ethics bowl competitions, moot courts, quiz bowls, Student Government Association proceedings, and other student and community organizations.
Pa r t n e r s h i p : An expanded commitment to Central Florida The Center for Justice and Ethics will serve individuals and organizations beyond the UCF main campus offering trial preparation for practicing attorneys, a location for high school mock trial competitions, and an important community resource and setting for court TV.
The Design:
A Modern Facility In addition to the ceremonial courtroom, the Center for Justice and Ethics will also feature classrooms, conference rooms and additional faculty offices to support the Center’s programs. The facility will be located adjacent to The Burnett Honors College building and share use of the tropical Meditation Garden located on the south side of the building. A wireless network will connect users from anywhere in the building. The courtroom and classrooms will include a touch-screen podium for enhanced audio-visual presentations.
For more information about supporting this project, please contact:
Bridget Holt at 407-823-2877 or Bridget.Holt@ucf.edu The Burnett Honors College UCF Foundation, Inc.
The Burnett Honors College The Burnett Honors College combines the intimacy of a small liberal arts college with the benefits of a large, research university located in a metropolitan environment. The mission of the College is to provide UCF’s most academically talented and motivated students with a challenging and unique scholarly experience, creating a strong foundation for future achievements. The College strives to create a diverse learning community that fosters the pursuit of excellence, ethical, social, and civic responsibility, personal growth, and a passion for life-long learning.
The College of Health and Public Affairs The College of Health and Public Affairs educates leaders for a global and diverse society by conducting transformational research, creating partnerships, and advocating policy changes that improve the health and welfare of the community. Home to five departments and two schools, including Public Affairs, Legal Studies and Criminal Justice, the College currently serves 8,981 UCF students.
The UCF Foundation, Inc. The UCF Foundation, Inc. assists donors wishing to provide financial support for UCF. Gifts from individuals and organizations advance UCF’s vision and mission for educating our future workforce, fostering innovation and strengthening the alliances between UCF, Central Florida and beyond. Private support for students, facilities, faculty and programs has an immediate and enduring impact.
For more information about supporting this project, please contact Bridget Holt at 407-823-2877 or Bridget.Holt@ucf.edu or Elisabeth Gadd at 407-823-2723 or Elisabeth.Gadd@ucf.edu.
The UCF Foundation encourages, stewards and celebrates charitable contributions from alumni and friends to support the University of Central Florida.