UC Humanities Research Institute - 2011-12 Annual Report

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2010-11, we enjoyed a period of significant growth and putting in place the structures and staffing to handle our broadened range of commitments and activities. 2011-12 has been a year of consolidation and ensuring our programs are thriving. UCHRI makes significant administrative, fiscal, and programmatic contributions to research in the humanities across the University of California. The Institute administers a wide range of programs for the UC Humanities Initiative, there remains widespread interest in UCHRI’s own competitive programs, we maintain a robust series of working groups, workshops, seminars, and public programs across the University of California and internationally, and once again we have experienced significant success in grant fundraising. The Digital Media and Learning Research Hub exhibits considerable ongoing strength and financial support. In short, in the face of significant challenges, UCHRI continues to lead in intellectual agenda setting across the state, nationally, and internationally as well as in contributions to maintaining UC’s research strengths across the humanities. UCHRI funds and administers competitive programs ranging from the individual Presidential Faculty Fellowships and the White Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships in Medicine and the Humanities to collaborative research programs through workshops, working groups, seminars, conferences, residence research groups, and other formations. As in the past, we hosted a residence research group in each of the Fall and Spring quarters. In the Fall 2011, the group in residence was “Vocal Matters: Technologies of the Self and the Materiality of Voice.” The research group sought new analytical frameworks for taking account of the ways in which voices impact and destabilize nature, culture and society. Taking off from an interdisciplinary critique of videocentrism in Western thinking, the group focused on a consideration of the voice on its own aural and multi-sensory terms, and the implications for paradigms of knowledge production in the humanities. They continue to meet, and have secured additional funding to continue their work together and to expand the network to include others interested in vocal matters. The research group in residence in the spring was “Between Life and Death: Necropolitics in the Era of Capitalism.” The lively and engaged group examined the politics of producing life and death, existence and oblivion, with particular attention to issues of race, gender, and sexuality. In Fall 2010, the Critical Disabilities Studies group was in residence at the Institute. The group will be returning to UCHRI for ten days in residence together in late June 2012 to complete preparation of a special journal issue that developed out of the group’s work. We continue to experiment with different formats for residency in the interests of supporting different kinds of creative research work. UCHRI’s competitive calls have funded conferences, seminars, workshops, working groups, and lecture series on each campus across the system. We also continue the UCHRI workshops, working groups, and occasional public events on “The University We are For” and on “Epistemologies of Deception,” and have just initiated a new group on “Composition” to address the changing multi-media modes of critical argumentation, rhetorical articulation, and their assessment in the humanities. In the series on “The University We are For” we have expanded the focus to include considerations of new technology and their impacts on the academy. We held a very successful panel, The (Technological) University We Could be For, that included some central contributors to the debates. Following on from January 2011’s notable public program on Haiti, we are continuing a sometime partnership with the Fowler Museum for hosting public programs. We are now in process of organizing a large public forum and film screening set for early June at the Fowler on “Making Waves: Surf Culture and Critical Theory in the Postcolonial Era.” The event will include screening two major award winning surf films, “Sea of Darkness” and “Bustin’ Down the Door,” together with a series of panels including former world surf champion, industry icon, and film producer, Shaun Tomson, along with other notable surfing journalists, historians, and critical theorists.


Funded in part by the Mellon Foundation, the international workshop program around the theme of “living in a critical condition” pairs UC faculty with faculty in different global sites, including Hong Kong, Beijing, Mexico City, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Beirut. Last August, the Seminar in Experimental Critical Theory addressed themes related to science and technology studies in Asia and the trans-Pacific, bringing into conversation science and technology studies, the knowledge industry, and area studies. The seminar was held in partnership with the University of Hawai’i’s Center for Chinese Studies. Out of the events we produced both a promotional video for SECT generally and videos of all the instructional presentations. We are very excited that SECT 2012 will be held in Beirut in partnership with the Department of Architecture at the American University of Beirut, and will address “Spaces of Resistance.” We have attracted participation and a broad range of interest from all continents, as well as from the Middle East. UCHRI administers the UC Humanities Network for the systemwide UC Humanities Initiative. This includes managing selection of the UC Presidential Faculty Fellowships, a program that supports individual faculty research fellows for six months to a year. There continues to be vigorous interest in this competition (90 applicants for 12 awards, half of which are scholarships for untenured faculty). In addition, applications to the White Dissertation Scholarship for Medicine and the Humanities have doubled this year (to 43). Two awards will be made. We also administer the Multi-campus Research Group competition, the Mellon-funded Working Groups on Work, and the various programs for the California Studies initiative. Prompted by the UCHRI Board meeting last May, we had vigorous discussion about establishing a working group on the role, conception and challenges of higher education in shaping the future of California. I am happy to report that the working group is up and running under the joint leadership of Chris Newfield (UCSB), Colleen Lye (UCB), and Michael Meranze (UCLA). The California Scholars program across the Humanities that we initiated last year continues to grow. Here each campus nominates up to three graduate students to engage in a system-wide network of young scholars self-organizing an online forum for engaging issues across the Humanities that graduate students find compelling. Each awardee is provided a modest honorarium ($300) for which they post blogs, run webinars, and engage virtually on the Humanities Forum site. These young scholars are now networked with the UC Society of Fellows and campus-based Humanities Centers (the second annual meeting of the Society of Fellows met in Santa Cruz on April 21, 2012). At the Society of Fellows meeting, the Presidential Faculty Fellows and Graduate Student Fellows for 201112 were brought together in a public program at the Museum of Art and History in downtown Santa Cruz. The program focused on “What Are We Doing When We Do the Humanities?” The MacArthur-sponsored Digital Media and Learning Research Hub is run out of UCHRI. The Hub sponsors working groups and a digital working platform for collaborative engagement, a research network on “connected learning,” an offsite research network (separately funded but related to the Hub) on youth, citizenship and participatory politics, and a research project on digitally transforming learning ecologies. We also run the annual Digital Media and Learning conference. The conference this year, held in early March in San Francisco, focused on learning innovations and attracted 1200 participants (doubling in size from the previous year’s conference). (View John Seely Brown’s conference keynote here). We also administer the international Digital Media and Learning Competition. This year’s competition (DML Competition 4) partnered with a range of US government departments (Energy, Education, NASA, the Veteran’s Administration), non-profits (the American Library Association, the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Writing Project, Peer to Peer University) as well as corporations (Intell, Microsoft, Motorola, Disney) to produce digitally based assessment systems for learning and work activities. The Competition finals were hosted at the California Academy of Sciences.

- David Theo Goldberg, Director, University of California Humanities Research Institute



are administered by UCHRI and the campus humanities centers, and enable the University of California to support excellence among its humanities researchers while encouraging them to exercise leadership in the humanities both within the University and in the public sphere.

2011-12 FACULTY FELLOWS Dorian Bell, Literature, UCSC: Frontiers of Hate: Anti-Semitism and Empire in Nineteenth-Century France Anna Maria Busse Berger, Music, UC Davis: Between Orality and Literacy: Music in the Moravian Missions: 1732-2009 Lara Buchak, Philosophy, UC Berkeley: Risk and Rationality Shane Butler, Classics, UCLA: The Roman Voice Jacob Dalton, East Asian Languages & Cultures, South & Southeast Asian Studies, UC Berkeley: On the Origins and Early Development of Tantra: Buddhist Ritual Manuals from Dunhuang Dana Frank, History, UC Santa Cruz: Labor’s Own Empire: The AFL-CIO’s Cold War in Honduras, 1954-1980 Lisa Lowe, Literature, UC San Diego: The Intimacies of Four Continents Maria Mavroudi, History and Classics, UC Berkeley: Bilingualism in Greek and Arabic in the Middle Ages and Beyond: Evidence from the Manuscripts Elisabeth Rose Middleton, Native American Studies, UC Davis: Mountain Maidu Allotments: Spaces of Representation and Resistance Patrick Hyder Patterson, History, UC San Diego: From the Gates of Vienna to the Gates at Heathrow: Christian Soldiers and the Islamic ‘Invasions’ of the New Europe Nicholas Tackett, History, UC Berkeley: The Emergence of a National Consciousness in the Northern Song Mayfair Yang, Religious Studies, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies, UCSB: Re-enchanting Modernity: Sovereignty, Ritual Economy, and Indigenous Civil Society in Coastal China


2011-12 GRADUATE FELLOWS Vivian Yoonhyong Choi, Anthropology, UC Davis: After Disasters: The Persistence of Insecurity and Violence in Sri Lanka Kelly Feinstein-Johnson, European History, UCSC: An Account of Notorious Robbers, Murders, and Sporting Ladies: Representations of Crime and Criminality in English Broadside Ballads, 1660-1800 Jenna Gray-Hildenbrand, Religious Studies, UCSB: Negotiating Authority: The Criminalization of Religious Practice and the Influence of Law on Religion in the United States Bradford Johnston, World Cultures, UCM: Technological Evangelism and Providential Destiny: Ronald Reagan, SDI, and American Arms Control Policy vis-à-vis the Soviet Union Rebecca Kaplan, UCSF: Cows, Cattlemen, and the USDA: Brucellosis Policy in the United States in the 20th Century Samantha Matherne, Philosophy, UCR: Art in Perception: Making perception aesthetic again Tarun Menon, Philosophy, UCSD: An Anthropic Approach to the Second Law Asymmetry Julia Lehua Panko, English, UCSB: Reading the Interface: Information Storage and the Experimental Novel, 1910/2010 Erin Pearson, English, UCI: Savage Hunger: U.S. Slavery and Metaphors of Eating Daniel Quirós, Literature, UCSD: Culture, Politics, and Neoliberalism: New Subjectivities and Representation in Argentina and Central America, 1990s-2000s Josephine Richstad, English, UCLA: Fashionable Form: A Theory of Silver-Fork Fiction Jan Roselle, English, UCR: Bodies Under Empire: Recovering Gender in the American Narrative, Responding to the Nationalist Fantasy, and Reterritorializing the Feminine Body Politic Annette Rubado, Comparative Literature, UCI: Mapping Dispossession and Modernization in Latin American Fiction from 1950-1975 Matt Russell, Spanish, UCD: Postmemory, the Holocaust, and the Re-moralization of the Spanish Civil War in Contemporary Spanish Cultural Production Emily Selove, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA: The Imitation of Abu al-Qasim: Who Invited the Microcosm?



UCHRI awards scholarships to UC graduate students whose research involves the humanities and medicine or theoretical social sciences and medicine. The scholarship, of up to $20,000, may be used for a mix of fees, living expenses, and research expenses for one academic year.

UCHRI grantees

Imaging Truth: Negotiating Expertise and Trust in Radiology Allison Tillack, Anthropology, History, and Social Medicine, UCSF Tillack’s research explores some of the unexpected consequences of the widespread adoption of PACS (picture archiving and communication systems), a technology for storing and displaying medical images. While PACS was initially designed to enable radiologists to become more efficient at acquiring and interpreting medical images, this showed how it has also altered the patterns of circulation of medical knowledge in the hospital and beyond, thus transforming the jurisdictions of expertise, authority, and responsibility among different groups of physicians, the act and production of medical diagnosis, and patient care. Defining the Soldier’s Wounds: U.S. Shell shock in International Perspective Annessa C. Stagner, History, UC Irvine Stagner’s research looks at the interests of government officials, doctors, and civilians as they debated how to treat shellshocked soldiers and examines the effectiveness of their policies. It draws on these discussions in medicine as well as those in popular culture to reveal the ambiguity that characterizes medical definitions of shell shock and the ways in which discussions of shell shock speaks to larger debates over the medical treatment of veterans, the meaning of physical and mental illness, and the government’s social responsibility to care for its citizens’ health.

By supporting projects such as mine, the White Scholarship contributes to gaining a broader understanding of the ways that the social sciences, such as anthropology, provide crucial information about the ways that medicine and medical technologies both shape and are shaped by broader social issues. — Allison Tillack

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research groups

seminars/ conferences UCHN grantees

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Creative research and teaching increasingly occur at the junction between traditional disciplines. As a result, UCHRI and the UC Humanities Network have committed to fostering interdisciplinary scholarship and collaborative research. These grants fund interdisciplinary Residential Research Groups (“RRGs”), Working Groups, Multi-campus Research Groups (“MRGs”), and the new research initiative on the Humanities and Changing Conceptions of Work (“HCCW”).

RESIDENTIAL RESEARCH GROUPS are at the heart of UCHRI’s activities, convening key scholars to work in collaboration on interdisciplinary topics of special significance. UCHRI promotes new scholarship in the humanities by fostering collaborative inquiry outside institutional and disciplinary structures. RRGs are in essence teams of researchers, often unknown to each other before residency, and assembled to work on a commonly defined research agenda. FALL 2011 Vocal Matters: Technologies of Self and the Materiality of Voice Conveners: Annette Schlichter, UCI, and Nina Eidsheim, UCLA Participants: Carole-Anne Tyler, UCR; David Kasunic, Occidental College; Katherine Kinney, UCR; Jonathan Alexander, UCI; Caitlin Marshall, Performance Studies, UC Berkeley SPRING 2012 Between Life and Death: Necropolitics in the Era of Late Capitalism Conveners: Grace Kyuongwon Hong, UCLA; Jodi Kim, UCR Participants: Curtis Marez, UCSD; Thu-Huong Nguyen-vo, UCLA; Christine Hong, UCSC; Andrea Smith, UCR; Sara Clarke Kaplan, UCSD; Alexander Hirsch, UCSC Graduate Student; Lindsay Smith, UCLA Post-doctoral fellow SUMMER 2012 | Critical Disabilities Studies Georgina Kleege, English, UCB; Susan Schweik, UCB; Catherine Kudlick, UCD; Darrin Martin, UCD; Victoria Marks, UCLA; Patrick Anderson, UCSD; Michelle Stuckey, UCSD; Mara Mills, UCSB; Heather Love, University of Pennsylvania. This group was the RRG in residence in Fall 2010. With additional support from a grant from the UC Institute for Research in the Arts, they returned for a 10 day residency in June 2012 to continue their collaboration.

Through this group, my co-organizer Jodi Kim and I aimed to sustain a sophisticated conversation about race, necropolitics, and social death amongst scholars who were already seriously engaged in this work but who had not had the opportunity to come together to advance our individual thoughts further. In this regard, the group succeeded beyond my wildest expectations. — Grace Hong, Spring 2012 RRG Co-Convener 8

UCHRI WORKING GROUPS are designed to catalyze collaboration between individuals from different disciplines, locations, and campuses around a specific problem, theme, object, or topic over one academic year to address a clearly defined timely issue or early stage of research on an emergent topic in the humanities. COMPARATIVE IBERIAN STUDIES | http://uciberianists.wordpress.com PI: Robert Newcomb, Spanish and Portuguese, UC Davis Participants: Marta Altisent (UCD), Emilie Bergmann (UCB), Silvia Bermudez (UCSB), Cristina Gonzalez (UCD), Adrienne Martin (UCD), Cristina Martinez-Carazo (UCD), Viola Miglio (UCSB), Gonzalo Navajas (UCI), Cristian Ricci (UCM), Joao Camilo dos Santos (UCSB), Harvey Sharrer (UCSB) CULTURES OF MILITARIZATION PI: Caren Kaplan, American Studies, UC Davis | Participants: Paul Amar (UCSB), Toby Beauchamp (UCSD), Kelly Gates (UCSD), Peter Limbrick (UCSC), Colin Milburn (UCD), Minoo Moallem (UCB), Jennifer Terry (UCI) FLASHPOINTS BOOK SERIES PI: Edward Dimendberg, Film & Media Studies, UC Irvine| Participants: Ali Behdad (UCLA), Judith Butler (UC Berkeley), Catherine Gallagher (UC Berkeley), Jody Greene (UC Santa Cruz), Susan Gillman (UC Santa Cruz), Richard Terdiman (UC Santa Cruz)

UCHN MRGS 2011/12

Multicampus research groups (MRGs) are extended research collaborations by faculty and graduate students from two or more UC campuses around a broadly interdisciplinary topic of compelling or emergent interest within the humanities. MRGs are selected by the faculty directors of the Consortium of Humanities Centers. The selection process is administered by UCHRI.

THE MATERIAL CULTURES OF KNOWLEDGE 1500-1830 http://materialcultures.ucr.edu

Adriana Craciun (PI), UC Riverside; Ian Duncan, UC Berkeley; Randolph Starn, UC Berkeley; David Bates, UC Berkeley; Mario Biagioli, UC Davis; Patricia Seed, UCI; Mary Terrall, UCLA; Felicity Nussbaum, UCLA; Randolph Head, UC Riverside; Heidi Brayman Hackel, UC Riverside; Patricia Fumerton, UCSB; Alan Liu, UCSB; Ann Bermingham, UCSB

UC LATINO CULTURES NETWORK Kirsten Silva Gruesz (CoPI), UC Santa Cruz; Marissa K. López (Co-PI), UCLA; Manuel Martín-Rodriguez, UC Merced; Juan Poblete, UC Santa Cruz; Catherine Ramírez, UC Santa Cruz THE PLACES BETWEEN: ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN BORDERLANDS Elizabeth DePalma Digeser (PI), UC Santa Barbara; Ra’anan Boustan, UCLA; Touraj Daryaee, UC Irvine; Dayna Kalleres, UCSD; Lynn Roller, UC Davis; Michele Salzman, UCR


Christina Cogdell (PI), James Housefield, Simon Sadler, Mark Kessler, Heghnar Watenpaugh, Michael Rios, Sarah McCullough, UC Davis; Andrew Shanken, Marc Treib, Margaret Crawford, Waverly Lowell, UC Berkeley; Daniela Sandler, UC Santa Cruz; Volker Welter, UCSB; Dell Upton, Kavior Moon, UCLA; Jason Weems, Patricia Morton, Catherine Gudis, UC Riverside; Stuart Kendall, California College of the Arts 9

2011-12 WORKING GROUPS CHANGING WORK, CHANGING WORKFORCE: IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE MEANINGS OF WORK PI: Steven McKay, Sociology, UCSC; Director of the UC Santa Cruz Center for Labor Studies Participants: Eva Bertram, David Brundage, Catherine Ceniza Choy, Dana Frank, Gilbert G. Gonzalez, Evelyn Nakano Glenn, L.S. Kim, Shannon Marie Gleeson, Mario Sifuentez; Graduate Participant: Megan McNamara Abed

WORKING AT LIVING: THE SOCIAL RELATIONS OF PRECARITY PI: Eileen Boris, Director of the Center of Research on Women and Social Justice, UCSB Participants: Lalaie Ameeriar, Maurizia Boscagli, Piya Chatterjee, Fatima El-Tayeb, Aisha Finch, Noah Zatz, Christopher Newfield, Kalindi Vora, Tiffany Willoughby-Herard; Graduate Participant: Leigh Dodson

SANTA CRUZ COMMONS: ACTIVIST RESEARCH AND THE PUBLIC HUMANITIES PI: Nancy Chen, Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz Participants: Sharon Daniel, George Lipsitz, Helene Moglen, Michael J. Montoya; Graduate Participant: Jason Alley 10

The nature and conditions of work have shifted profoundly over the past few decades as a result of global changes in technological, economic, and cultural conditions. We are witnessing the impacts of these changes playing out in the political arena both in the US and more broadly. The work supported by this grant couldn’t be more timely. It will help us to map and understand these changes and their impacts on human life, and to support more productive policy responses. — David Theo Goldberg Director, UCHRI The Humanities and the Changing Conceptions of Work is a three-year research initiative funded by a grant from the Andrew Mellon Foundation to explore and assess the historical and contemporary transformations in the meaning and experience of work. A collaboration between UCHRI and the UC Humanities Network, the initiative seeks to comprehend and illuminate the changing conceptions and experience of work in the face of recent global economic, technological, and social developments, and to address the implications for the Humanities. The diverse projects of this initiative will take place on campuses across the University of California, drawing on and promoting the networking and research strengths of faculty and graduate students examining specific issues around the humanities and changing conceptions of work in workshops, seminars, and working groups. The initiative kicked off in Fall 2011 with the selection of three working groups, which worked together throughout the 2012 calendar year. “With the support of UCHRI and the UC Humanities Network, Santa Cruz Commons intends to continue facilitating the kinds of dialogue and projects that foreground the relevance of the humanities (and affiliated fields) to the challenges facing our collective present.” — Jason Alley, Doctoral Candidate, Anthropology, UC Santa Cruz

PUBLIC HUMANITIES ANNUAL MEETING OF THE UC PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY OF FELLOWS IN THE HUMANITIES: WHAT ARE WE DOING WHEN WE ‘DO THE HUMANITIES’? Hosted in April 2012 by the UC Santa Cruz Institute for Humanities Research at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH). Sponsored by the UC Humanities Network, UCSC Division of Humanities, and local Santa Cruz businesses. The event featured a series of panels and poster presentations at the MAH to answer questions about the Humanities, and to showcase the research of the Faculty and Graduate Fellows in the Humanities from across the University of California. Panel topics include the power of language, religion and modernity, and empire and nation. Poster presentations cover research on the ethnography of disasters, feminist art, slavery and cannibalism, the criminalization of religious practice, partycrashing in Arabic medieval literature, and the inevitable fate of the novel.

2011-12 UCHRI EXTRAMURAL EXPLORATIONS The Extramural Explorations grant program promotes collaborative public programming projects between UC humanities initiatives and community organizations. The program supports vigorous partnerships between any UC-campus field or organization with significant humanities focus and offcampus community organizations with considerable record of public service commitments. UC entities partner with community organizations, museums, or NGOs to bring to off-campus audiences high quality humanities programming such as exhibitions and innovative multi-media events.

OPERA IN MERCED’S SCHOOLS PI: Katherine Steele Brokaw, School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, UCSC This project staged the children’s opera “Ugh the Duck” for elementary school audiences in Merced County. A retelling of “The Ugly Duckling” story, “Ugh” was set to the melodies of Mozart and Arthur Sullivan. This project is a collaboration between UC-Merced faculty, staff, and students, as well as educators and artists in the local community. In addition to several school performances, a public performance was followed by a panel discussion bringing together UCM scholars, graduate students, and Merced educators to discuss the role that opera—with its alternative presentation of familiar narrative, its music, and its formal structures—may have in Central Valley education. The hope is that the children’s opera will become an annual event, one which exposes Merced school children to operatic form, live performance, and the opportunities provided by a university, while also giving UCM faculty and graduate students a hands-on case for the study of, for example, experiential education, narrative form comprehension, performance and youth development, and the social and economic dynamics of collaborations between universities and local schools. 11

The UC California Studies Consortium (UCCSC) supports collaborative research in California Studies by UC faculty, graduate students, and their colleagues at other institutions. It builds on the work of past Kevin Starr Fellowships as part of a new University-wide research initiative for the humanities, arts and social sciences. The UCCSC is administered by UCHRI, with direction from two faculty representatives, Mariam Lam, Comparative Literature, UC Riverside, and Jan Goggans, Literature, UC Merced. UCCSC offers competitive grants totaling $65,000 annually through four main funding programs: Graduate Student Research Travel Grants, Systemwide Workshops, Regional Seminars and Research Workgroups, and Community Outreach and Teaching Grants. 12

Given the place of California in the cultural imaginary (as utopic, as artificial, as potential promised land, as Disneyfied dystopia), we were not surprised that California often figures in much science fiction of the past 100 years. Convening a range of scholars to discuss this figuration proved both stimulating and productive. — Jonathan Alexander, UC Irvine Narrative and Report for California Studies Grant, “CA in/and SF”


The University of California, Irvine has been at the forefront of critical theory for decades. The Critical Theory Institute has had notable members such as Jacques Derrida, Wolfgang Iser, Gayatri Spivak, and J. Hillis Miller. The CTI-sponsored Wellek Library Lectures have featured internationally recognized scholars like Jean-François Lyotard, Edward Said, Fredric Jameson, Judith Butler, Donna Haraway, and Étienne Balibar. The Critical Theory Emphasis hosts a wealth of intellectual talent, with many affiliated faculty across UC Irvine, and it also provides an advanced graduate curriculum to encourage interdisciplinary theoretical conversations. The coming together of this diverse community enabled us to discuss the scholarly aspects of critical theory: What is critical theory? How do we, as scholars from different disciplines, engage with critical theory? In what ways does critical theory allow different disciplines to speak with each other? What is included and excluded from critical theory? What has been the history of critical theory? What is its future? What is it at the present moment?


May 3, 2012 | Undergraduate Conference in Critical Theory | Sponsored by: Critical Theory Emphasis, UCHRI, The International Center for Writing & Translation, The Center for Law Culture and Society, Comparative Literature, Spanish & Portuguese, Philosophy, Political Science, English, Studio Art, French, German, Jewish Studies, and Postmodern Culture.

CONVERSATIONS WITH ÉTIENNE BALIBAR February 16, 2012 | UC Irvine | This event, coordinated in collaboration with UCI’s Critical Theory Institute, featured graduate students and faculty engaging with the work and contributions of Étienne Balibar, a distinguished Professor of French, Italian and Comparative Literature whose work at UC Irvine brought prestige to the Critical Theory Institute. Four panels took place, each with three speakers who presented papers, which were products of Professor Balibar’s scholastic and pedagogical influence. The concluding panel was an open discussion lead by Professor Balibar.

Étienne Balibar has become an international voice in recent decades, participating in contemporary debates on global events for which he has become well known and respected. — Diane Enns, McMaster University 13


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SEMINAR IN EXPERIMENTAL CRITICAL THEORY VIII The eighth Seminar in Experimental Critical Theory (“SECT VIII”), held in Beirut, Lebanon July - August 2012, explored the spatialities and speeds of resistance to dominant and exclusionary power structures, how spaces are shaped by and produced through various forms and temporalities of resistance, and how they can enable or impede resistance. Focusing on the current practices of resistance in Arab cities and reaching relationally and comparatively beyond, SECT participants investigated forms of resistance, inscriptions of resistance, and the impact of commemorative sites and spatial imaginaries as resistance. Beirut offered a compelling site from which to think critically about subjugation and resistance, given its long history of contested urban space as well as its central location both geographically and politically in the Middle East. - CONVENERS Howayda al-Harithy, American University of Beirut Mona Fawaz, American University of Beirut David Theo Goldberg, UC Humanities Research Institute Saree Makdisi, UCLA View a series of essays on Spaces of Resistance: http://issuu.com/uchri/docs/spaces-of-resistance

The seminar not only offered me a chance to refresh my mind on the critical theory approach to understanding the processes and effects of domination and their resistances but also offered me an opportunity to think about how the two approaches might be employed together to fruitful purposes. The opportunity provided by the seminar’s discussions and debates, particularly from the viewpoint of the many anthropologists, refined my understanding of how to apply critical theory to research on refugees, minorities, and the marginalized.

— Maysa Ayoub, Center for Migration & Refugee Studies American University in Cairo



The Humanities and Changing Conceptions of Work is a three-year multicampus research initiative devoted to exploring and assessing the critical historical and contemporary transformations in the meaning and experience of work. This three-year multicampus research initiative, funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, seeks to comprehend and illuminate the changing conceptions and experience of work in the face of recent global economic, technological, and social developments, and to address the implications for the Humanities. It will explore also how humanities practitioners can prepare students for the work that awaits them in 21st-century global society. 16

This series of three-day workshops, funded in part by the Mellon Foundation, centers around the theme of “living in a critical condition” and pairs UC faculty with faculty in different global sites, including Hong Kong, Beijing, Mexico City, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Beirut. Together these faculty and researchers focus on the comparative and relational considerations regarding changing conceptions and practices of work in different global sites and the impacts of work and working conditions in these different sites on each other. This series takes up the question of what it means to live in a critical condition, in both senses of the term. What would a “humanities without conditions” amount to, a critical humanities, by way of response? And how would such a humanities shape a critical public reason that addresses pressing social and cultural terms at this juncture? Workshop topics are chosen in relation to a set of interests and engagements defined by the global partners. The workshops hosted this year were:

THE FUTURE OF THE HUMANITIES & CHINA: FROM CRITICAL TO POOR THEORY Hong Kong | October 31-November 1, 2011 Partner Institution: The University of Hong Kong Through a lens of critical theory this workshop addressed ideas about the role of the humanities in rapidly growing and transforming China and what sort of humanities we, globally and locally, should commit to today. Additionally workshop participants discussed the “Poor Theory ”; an open source set of suggestions, a disposition, about how critical thinking might proceed through appropriations and improvizations, mixtures and mashups, distillarions and compositions, settling on how Poor Theory might be mobilized for the humanities in China, in Asia, globally to face down the perceived impasse of conventional critical theory and of the humanities in our time.

FUTURES OF NATURE Johannesburg | February 2-6, 2012 Partner Institution: The Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism (JWTC) The Futures of Nature workshop contributed to a drive within the humanities to reframe the disciplines and critical theory in light of the environmental emergency that is said to endanger most species on the planet, including our own. The workshop reflected broadly on some of the major challenges relating to the contemporary conditions and the long-term sustainability of life on Earth. Ours is an age characterized by the indelible imprint of human activity — particularly the impact of work and labor, new technologies and changing modes of production and extraction — on the Earth’s climate, its geology, its conditions — a process which may lead to the planet’s becoming inhospitable to human life. It is also an era that blurs the distinction between human history and culture and the Earth’s natural history and material composition.


Over the past few decades, globalization and immigration have dramatically changed the religious landscape of the United States overall, and California in particular. — David Theo Goldberg UCHRI Director



Living in a Critical Condition: Religions in Diaspora and Global Affairs is a three-year initiative exploring the complex cultural and political relations between diasporic religious communities and their self-identified homelands. This initiative is supported by the Henry R. Luce Foundation’s Initiative on Religion and International Affairs, which seeks to deepen understanding of religion as a critical but often neglected dimension of national and international policies and politics. This research initiative explores the complex cultural and political relations between diasporic religious communities and their self-identified homelands. The grant will also support collaborations between UC and international scholars, journalists, policy makers and religious and community organizations. This initiative supports the The initiative is funded by the Henry Luce Foundation’s Initiative on Religion and International Affairs, a grant program that seeks to deepen understanding of religion as a critical but often neglected dimension of national and international policies and politics.

kind of nitty gritty research that humanities scholars do so well but also pushes participants to connect the dots and translate that research in a way that is meaningful for scholars but also for broader publics and policy makers. — Jennifer Langdon, UCHRI Associate Director


We are seeing a growing gap between in-school and outof-school learning as more and more of young people’s learning, attention, and access to information is happening outside of classrooms and through online networks and exchanges.


— Mimi Ito, Digital Media & Learning Research Hub

The idea is to create a single online location for information about digital humanities projects across the the University of California. ProjectDH will showcase projects in the humanities that are using digital tools or methods in interesting ways. The project will set up a cleanly designed online catalog that provides enough information about each project and the people and technologies behind them to inspire people’s curiosity, and to spur inquiry, consultation and collaboration. The goal is to make this a “living” resource that captures the growing and changing activity in this area, and demonstrates another way in which Humanities research in the UCs is thriving.

UCHRI WORKING GROUP: VIDEO INTERFACE PILOT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT FOR THE VIRTUAL TRIBUNAL PI: David Cohen, Rhetoric and Classics Department, UC Berkeley http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~warcrime/virtualtribunal.htm The core idea of the Virtual Tribunal is to expand the conventional notion of the archive for International Criminal Tribunals into a powerful educational legacy tool, accessible to local citizens, schools, and universities as well as international audiences and posterity. It brings cutting-edge information technology to bear on what has previously been conceived as a largely archival function of preserving the documentary record of ad hoc courts and tribunals. Through its unique integration of archival materials, videos of the trials, photographs, films, hundreds of hours of interviews with trial participants and ordinary citizens, newspaper accounts, expert commentary and analysis by scholars, the Virtual Tribunal will breathe life into the historical record of these international criminal justice institutions.

UCHN MULTICAMPUS RESEARCH GROUP: LATINO CULTURES NETWORK PI: Kirsten Silva Gruesz, UC Santa Cruz | The UC Latino Cultures Network brought together UC faculty across departments and fields of specialization working in Latino literary and cultural studies: an emergent field in which the object of knowledge itself is unusually subject to change, as new texts, images, films, and sound recordings are created, made available through translation, and rediscovered in the archives. Not only is the state of knowledge about Latino cultural expression dynamic, the conditions under which this knowledge is produced are more volatile than in a typical Humanities field. Scholars are continually looking to advance new ways of investigating present and past cultural productions in keeping with large-scale demographic shifts and developments in political economy.

UCHRI EVENT: THE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY WE COULD BE FOR March 7, 2012 | UC Irvine | A discussion of “the university we are for,” focusing on the impacts new technologies are having on pedagogy and institutional structure on research and engagement in and across the academy. With Geof Bowker, Informatics, UCI; Beth Coleman, Comparative Media Studies, MIT; Johanna Drucker, Information Studies, UCLA; Christopher Newfield, English, UCSB; and Nishant Shah, Centre for Internet and Society.


discover innovative sources from our site users, we will reshuffle the selection, providing users with the freshest ideas from the most influential sources. The site incorporates state of the art social sharing features to make it easy to browse and share every item.

DML RESEARCH HUB In addition to DMLcentral.net, which launched in October 2009, the DML Research Hub launched a monthly eNewsletter, RiFFs. It highlights for the digital media and learning field key scholars, researchers, and leading practitioners. The newsletter is an in-depth Q & A-style interview piece, which is tightly curated and closely integrated with the research hub’s expanding web portfolio. The first issue of RiFFs debuted in October 2011 and featured Mitch Resnick of the MIT Media Lab’s Lifelong Kindergarten Group. Other interview subjects include Elyse Eidman-Aadahl of the National Writing Project, Steve Hargadon of Classroom 2.0, Kurt Squire of the Games, Learning, & Society Initiative, Sonia Livingstone of the London School of Economics and Politics, and Amy Eshleman of YOUmedia Chicago.


At the DML2012 conference in March, we launched http://spigot.org, a news and research aggregator for the DML field that was developed and tested over the course of several months. Called Spigot.org, our goal with this site is to aggregate and curate the compelling flow of research, news, tools and analysis coming out of the digital media and learning field, and to provide a dependable, authoritative, up to date, one-stop online source for information and insight. The “Popular Today” section is the result of crowdsourced curation that is automatically created based on the links being shared by thought leaders in the DML community. The other stories on Spigot are the result of a set of curated feeds relating to digital media and learning. As we

To support our work to develop a new model of learning, connected learning, we developed a strategy and website built around weekly live webinars. This strategy allowed us to take advantage of our unique access to an uncommonly strong network of researchers and practitioners within the DML initiative and its orbit.

http://ConnectedLearning.tv also launched in March at the DML2012 conference, along with its companion site for the Connected Learning Research Network. A highly accessible entry point into connected learning for multiple audiences, both expert and non-expert, the purpose of the site is to spread awareness of and grow advocacy for connected learning. Connectedlearning. tv is one of the tools aimed at enabling a larger social movement around connected learning and reimagining learning. Besides the weekly webinars, which are automatically videotaped and archived, the site is home to several key strategic communication pieces, including a statement of the three learning principles and three design principles that comprise connected learning; an infographic; connected learner stories that show the principles at work in a concrete way; and a series of highly accessible videos that stylishly break down individual principles of connected learning, as well as illuminate and humanize the researchers and their driving aspirations. Collectively, the portfolio of six short connected learning films are intended to reach out to broader audiences, allies, stakeholders, and constituencies; to create curiosity about connected learning; and then to draw people to the other connected learning elements.


We have also developed two new microsites designed to make the work of the Hub more accessible and increase exposure and distribution opportunities. One is the Connected Learning Research Network website, http://clrn.dmlhub.net, which houses all content relevant to the research behind connected learning and the various research projects of Network members.

The Hub is also developing a new umbrella site, which will be launched in summer 2012, that integrates representation of all Hub activities, including the research networks and themes, publications and websites, the annual conference, workshops and working groups, and the junior scholars program.


March 1-3, 2012 | San Francisco, CA | http://dml2012.dmlcentral.net The Digital Media and Learning Conference is an annual event supported by the MacArthur Foundation and organized by the Digital Media and Learning Research Hub at UCHRI. The conference is an inclusive, international and annual gathering of scholars and practitioners in the field, focused on fostering interdisciplinary and participatory dialog and linking theory, empirical study, policy, and practice. 21

The Digital Media & Learning Competition 4 on Badges for Lifelong Learning links designers, entrepreneurs, technologists and educators with leading business and industry organizations to build digital badge systems and explore the ways badges can be used to help people learn, demonstrate skills and knowledge, and unlock job, educational and civic opportunities. The Competition is held in collaboration with Mozilla, with support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and administered by HASTAC with teams at UCHRI and at Duke University. “The number, quality and vision of competition applicants demonstrate the potential of badges to help us reimagine learning,” said Julia Stasch, vice president of U.S. Programs at the MacArthur Foundation. “Organizations from across an array of industries see great value in developing a system that recognizes skills and competencies achieved over a lifetime. Badges are simple, easy and, if done well, can change the way people share information about themselves, businesses make hiring decisions and organizations support the acquisition of skills important to their mission or to the larger society.” The badge systems awarded were judged on their overall technical and pedagogical quality, the effectiveness of the badges’ assessment process, the system’s aesthetic and design quality and the likelihood of acceptance and adoption by learners, institutions, employers and the general public. Winners will have one year to complete their work. Throughout the year, awardees and other applicants will receive ongoing support and training and will work together to form a robust community that will focus on developing and testing a thriving badge ecosystem.






A New Era of Evaluation on Music Social Networking Sites H. Cecilia Suhr, Miami University Hamilton

Moodle as Issuer, Mahara as Displayer


Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU)

4-H/USDA Robotics Digital Badges


American Graduate: Let’s Make It Happen Badges BadgesWork for Vets BuzzMath Computer Science Student Network Badge System

supported by the Gates Foundation


Design Exchange

LevelUp @ Adams County School District 50 Lance Christmann, Jeni Gotto

Design for America: A Badge Community for Innovation Disney-Pixar Wilderness Explorers Badges

Pathways to Global Competence: A Badge System for Students @ Asia Society Jessica Kehayes, Eric Docter


Youth Digital Filmmaker Badge System @ School District of Philadelphia Simeon Schnapper, Grace Cannon, Harvey Chism, Mike Pompey

Intel and Society for Science and the Public Badges Leverage for Digital On-Ramps MOUSE Wins! Badge-based Achievement System for National Youth Technology Leadership My Girl Scout Sash is an App The National Manufacturing Badge System NatureBadges: Open Source Nature & Science Badge System Partners in Learning Network Badges Pathways for Lifelong Learning Planet Stewards: Personalized Learning in 3D GameLab Preparing Librarians to Meet the Needs of 21st Century Teens Robotics and STEM Badges Using NASA Content S2R Medals The SA&FS Learner Driven Badges Project Sweet Water AQUAPONS

TEACHER MASTERY AWARD Who Built America? Badges for Teaching Disciplinary Literacy in History

FACULTY WRITING PRIZE Eportfolios for Lifelong Learning and Assessment Darren Cambridge, American Institutes for Research

RESEARCH COMPETITION ON BADGING & BADGE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT A Qualitative Investigation into Students’ and Teachers’ Experiences with Badges Katie Davis, University of Washington A Design-based Research Project to Study the Who Built America? Teacher Mastery Badge System James Diamond, Education Development Center’s Center for Children & Technology (EDC|CCT)


Good Badges, Evil Badges? An Empirical Inquiry into the Impact of Badge Design on Goal Orientation and Learning Jan Plass, New York University

Exploring the motivational effects of badges - who do badges appeal to and why? Richard Mills, Lancaster University, Great Britain

Connecting Badges and Expertise in Interest-Driven Affinity Spaces Sean Duncan, Indiana University

Who’s Achievement? Evaluating Self-Constructed and PeerEvaluated Badge Systems in Online Classrooms Reginold A. Royston and Ashley Ferro-Murray, UC Berkeley

Evaluating Microcredentialling in Public Networked Environments Alex Halavais, Arizona State University



2011/12 SPONSORED EVENTS MAKING WAVES: A HISTORY OF MODERN SURFING AND THE CLASH OF CULTURES June 3, 2012 | Hosted by UCHRI at the Fowler Museum at UCLA | Featuring Shaun Tomson, Michael Oblowitz, Keiko Beatie et al. Panel discussions and two films: Sea of Darkness (directed by Michael Oblowitz) and Bustin’ Down the Door (directed by Jeremy Gosch and produced by former world champion, Shaun Tomson).

RACIALIZING ASSEMBLAGES: RACE, BARE LIFE, AND THE HUMAN May 15, 2012 | Hosted by UCHRI’s Spring 2012 RRG at UC Irvine | Alexander G. Weheliye contends that the concepts of bare life and biopolitics severely limit how we understand current uneven global power structures and foreclose the possibility of their abolition. Racializing assemblages, in contrast, foregrounds the centrality of race to the many ways differentiation, hierarchy, exclusion, and social death define the modern human and works toward devising new forms of human life.

OTHER IBERIAS: A SYMPOSIUM ON COMPARATIVE IBERIAN STUDIES May 4, 2012 | UC Davis | Sponsored by the UC Humanities Research Institute; UC Davis Humanities Institute; Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Davis. Website: http://uciberianists.wordpress.com

RACE & POLITICS IN FRANCE: THE CURRENT AFTERMATH OF SLAVERY & COLONIALISM IN FRANCE April 11, 2012 | UC Irvine | Françoise Vergès explored issues of race and politics from the site of Hexagonal France and the overseas territories. Presented by the UCI Department of Comparative Literature, the event was co-sponsored by Critical Theory Emphasis, the program in African American Studies, and the International Center for Writing and Translation.

URBAN SUSTAINABILITY IN THE AGE OF CLIMATE JUSTICE January 13, 2012 | UC Irvine | Talk and book presentation by Andrew Ross, Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University. Presented by the Cultures of Militarization UCHRI Working Group and co-sponsored by the UCI Center for Ethnography.

CIRCULATING STUFF: FROM MILITARY ART TO BUSINESS SCIENCE October 13, 2011 | UC Davis | Talk by Deborah Cowen, University of Toronto. Presented by the UC Davis Cultural Studies Graduate Group, with support from the Cultures of Militarization UCHRI Working Group. 24


CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE MIDDLE EAST: THE PROMISE AND PERILS OF ADVOCACY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Susan Slyomovics, Antropology/Center for Near Eastern Studies, UCLA Lisa Hajjar, UC Santa Barbara CRITICAL THEORY AT THE PRESENT TIME Undergraduate Conference and Faculty Roundtable, UC Irvine CULTURE, SPACE, VIOLENCE: THE NEOLIBERAL IMAGINARY Catherine Liu, Film and Media Studies, UC Irvine FILM, HISTORY, MEMORY: PEKING UNIVERSITY CO-SPONSORED CONFERENCE Beijing, November 2011 GAMING THE GAME: TWEAKING, CHEATING, HACKING, CREEPING Kris Ravetto, Technocultural Studies, UC Davis Colin Milburn, English & STS, UC Davis GLOBAL FORCEFIELDS: TRANSNATIONAL PERFORMANCE AND POLITICS Sue-Ellen Case, Center for Performance Studies, UCLA Daphne Pi-Wei Lei, UC Irvine HISTORY UNLIMITED: PROBING THE ETHICS OF HOLOCAUST CUTURE Claudio Fogu, French and Italian Studies, UC Santa Barbara IMPASSE: UCI COMPARATIVE LITERATURE GRADUATE CONFERENCE Ryan Ku and Sarah Kessler, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine 25

FUNDING PROGRAMS UCHRI received a grant this year from the Gates Foundation in support of Digital Media and Learning (in the amount of $1.5m and a supplemental award of $300,000). The Gates Foundation also donated $50,000 to the running of the DML Conference. UCHRI was also awarded a grant from the Luce Foundation for a systemwide project on Religion and Transnational Politics that the Luce Program Director has characterized as “very exciting”. The Mellon Foundation award on “Humanities and the Changing Conceptions of Work,” in its first year of funding, supported a wide range of activities across the University system.








Short-Term Collaborative Research Residencies [formerly Collaborative Compositions]

Collaborative Research





Events & Outreach

Ladder Rank Faculty


$5K – $10K


Collaborative Research

Ladder Rank Faculty


$1500 – $4000

UCHRI Public Humanities Grants [formerly Extramural Explorations]

Events & Outreach

Ladder Rank Faculty


Up to $20K

RRG Topic Proposal

Collaborative Research




Graduate Working Group: “The Humanities and Work: The Next Generation” (UCHRI)

Collaborative Research

Graduate Students



Faculty RRG-Working Group: The Work of the Humanities/The Humanities as Work (UC Humanities Network)

Collaborative Research

Faculty and Lecturers



RRG Fellowships

Collaborative Research




Religions in Diaspora & Global Affairs Studio Jam Letter of Intent (rigada.uchri.org)

Collaborative Research

UC Faculty and Graduate Students, journalists, others



UC President’s Faculty Research Fellowship in the Humanities (UC Humanities Network)

Individual Research




Andrew & Florence White Dissertation Scholarship

Individual Research

Graduate Students


Up to $20K

Humanities & Changing Conceptions of Work Faculty Summer Research Award (UC Humanities Network)

Individual Research



Up to $7K

UC Multicampus Research Groups in the Humanities (UC Humanities Network)

Individual Research



Up to $35K for two years

Graduate-Sponsored Events and Workshops

Events & Outreach

Graduate Students


$500 – $1000

UCCSC Working Groups in California Studies (californiastudies.org)

Collaborative Research



Up to $10K

UCCSC Public Humanities Project Grants

Events & Outreach



Up to $20K

UCCSC Graduate Research Travel Grant (californiastudies.org)

Individual Research

Graduate Students


Up to $500

UCHRI Working Groups

Collaborative Research



Up to $10K



David Theo Goldberg Professor, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine Director, UCHRI

Jennifer Langdon Associate Director, Research Development and External Relations

Mizuko Ito Research Director, Digital Media & Learning Research Hub

ADVISORY COMMITTEE Composed of faculty from each of the UC campuses, the Advisory Committee members are nominated by the humanities dean of their home campus, and selected by the UC Board of Governors to reflect the diversity and disciplinary breadth of UC faculty. The committee makes selections for UCHRI’s core funding programs (RRGs, working groups, conferences and seminars, collaborative compositions, and extramural explorations). The committee also works to communicate the mission, thematic priorities, and procedures of UCHRI to their campuses, and to help assess the effectiveness of UCHRI programs across the UC system.

UC Santa Barbara Elisabeth Weber, 2010 Chair; Professor, Germanic, Slavic and Semitic Studies

UC Irvine Arlene Keizer Associate Professor, English and African American Studies

UC Berkeley Ramona Naddaff Associate Professor, Rhetoric

UCLA Michael Cooperson Professor of Arabic

UC Davis Joseph Dumit Associate Professor, Anthropology


UC Merced Jan Goggans Associate Professor, Literature

UC Riverside Mariam Beevi Lam Associate Professor, Comparative Literature and Southeast Asian Studies UC San Diego Sara Johnson Associate Professor, Literature of the Americas

UC San Francisco Dorothy Porter Professor, School of Medicine, History of Health Sciences UC Santa Cruz Eric Porter Professor, American Studies

BOARD OF GOVERNORS The Board of Governors consists of up to eight UC faculty and up to ten persons of distinction from other universities or prominent citizens outside academia. The Board is responsible for establishing and reviewing policies and procedures of the Institute. The Board also appoints Advisory Committee members and approves the procedures by which fellowships are awarded.

Wendy Brown, 2011-13 Chair Professor, Political Science UC Berkeley

George Lipsitz Professor, Black Studies UC Santa Barbara

Mahasti Afshar Executive Director, Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans

Toby Miller Professor/Chair, Media and Cultural Studies UC Riverside

Angela Davis Professor Emerita, History of Consciousness, UC Santa Cruz

Chon Noriega Professor, Film, Theater & Television, UCLA

Page DuBois Professor, Classics & Comparative Literature, UC San Diego

Laurie Racine Senior Fellow, University of Southern California

Michael Fischer Professor, Anthropology, Science & Technology Studies, MIT

AbdouMaliq Simone Professor, Goldsmiths University of London

Shelley Fisher Fishkin Professor, English and American Studies, Stanford University

Ngugi wa Thiong’o Professor, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine

Jocelyne Guilbault Professor, Music, UC Berkeley

Siva Vaidhyanathan Professor, Media Studies University of Virginia

Ralph Lewin Executive Director, California Council for the Humanities

Bill Viola International Video Artist

George Lewis Professor, Music, Columbia University

Ex Officio: David Theo Goldberg, Professor, Comparative Literature, UC Irvine, and UCHRI Director


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