Competition and Value in the Digital Age: Why veering off-center can land some firms in a performance sweet spot by Aurora Abt
A recent study in Information Systems 5HVHDUFK asserts that a non-conformist approach in IT strategy gives family-owned companies a competitive edge in building value. The study UHYHDOV WKH SRWHQWLDO IRU VLJQLÀFDQW JURZWK LQ VWRFN valuation for risk takers who dare to outspend competitors, as well as those who underplay digital investments. 5HVLVWLQJ WKH XUJH WR EX\ WKH ODWHVW WHFKQRORJ\ can be challenging. For consumers, purchases simply are either technology we need or UHJUHWWDEOH LPSXOVH EX\V +RZHYHU IRU ÀUPV a misstep in purchasing strategy can result in considerable consequences. While smart ,7 LQYHVWPHQWV DUH VXUH WR EXLOG D FRPSDQ\·V competitive position, can these same choices EXLOG YDOXH DV ZHOO"