Location LosAngeles,CA
AthleticDept.Address 325WestwoodPlaza LosAngeles,CA90095
AthleticsPhone (310)825-8699
Women’sBeachVolleyballOfcePhone (310)204-6443
Chancellor Dr.JulioFrenki DirectorofAthletics MartinJarmond Sr.Women’sAdministrator Dr.ChristinaRivera Assoc.AthleticDirector(BVB) RicCoy FacultyAthleticRep. Dr.MichaelTeitell HomeFacility MapesBeach Enrollment 48,046 Founded 1919 Colors BlueandGold Nickname Bruins Conference MPSF ConferenceBVBContact DarrenPreston ConferencePhone (818)943-2033 NationalAfliation NCAADivisionI HeadCoach JennyJohnsonJordan(UCLA‘96) RecordatUCLA(Years) 35-7(1) AssistantCoach KellyReeves(UCLA‘15) AssistantCoach JoseLoiola(CSUDominguezHills‘23)
2nd 2024FinalNationalAVCARanking 2nd NCAAChampionships 2(2018,2019) All-TimeNCAAChampionshipAppearances 8(2016,2017, 2018,2019,2021,2022,2023,2024) All-TimeConferenceChampionships 3(2018,2021,2023) Women’sBeachVolleyballSID RyanFinney Finney’sPhone (310)206-4701 Finney’sE-mail rnney@athletics.ucla.edu WebSite www.uclabruins.com Twitter twitter.com/UCLABeachVB Facebook www.facebook.com/UCLABeachVB
BVBContact:RyanFinney Phone:310-206-4701
Address:325WestwoodPlaza LosAngeles,CA90095
Credits: The 2025 UCLAWomen’s BeachVolleyball information guide was written, edited and designed by Ryan Finney, UCLA Athletic Communications/Associate Director with special writing and layout assistance from UCLA graduate assistant Micaiah Lee. Photography by ASUCLA Campus Studio (Don Liebig), Kat Monk, USA Beach Volleyball, Clarkson Creative Photography, NCAA Photos, the late Ed Chan, and Han Duong. The cover of the 2025 UCLA Women’s Beach Volleyball information guide was designed by Eric Hurd and Summit Athletic Media. On the Cover: The 2025 UCLA women’s beach volleyball graduate students (from left): Tessa Van Winkle and Peri Brennan.
Feb.20 vs.ArizonaState1 Honolulu,Hawaii 3:30pm
Feb.21 atHawai’i1 Honolulu,Hawaii 1:00pm
Feb.21 vs.Stanfordc Honolulu,Hawaii 4:45pm
Feb.22 vs.LoyolaMarymount1 Honolulu,Hawaii 10:30am
Feb.22 vs.USC1 Honolulu,Hawaii 3:30pm
Feb.28 LongBeachState2 MapesBeach TBD
Mar.1 Pepperdine2 MapesBeach TBD
Mar.1 CSUN2 MapesBeach TBD
Mar.7 vs.Oregon3 Stanford,Calif. 2:00pm B1G+
Mar.7 atStanford3 Stanford,Calif. 6:00pm B1G+
Mar.8 vs.GrandCanyon3 Stanford,Calif. 12:00pm B1G+
Mar.8 vs.California3 Stanford,Calif. 4:00pm B1G+
Mar.11 ConcordiaUniversityIrvine MapesBeach 10:00am
Mar.11 MoreheadState MapesBeach 2:00pm
Mar.14 Texas4 ManhattanBeach 9:00am
Mar.14 LSU4 ManhattanBeach 1:00pm
Mar.15 FloridaState4 ManhattanBeach 10:30am
Mar.15 FIU4 ManhattanBeach 2:30pm
Mar.28 vs.FloridaState5 BatonRouge,La. 9:15am
Mar.28 atLSU5 BatonRouge,La. 3:30pm
Mar.29 vs.Texas5 BatonRouge,La. 8:00am
Mar.29 vs.TCU5 BatonRouge,La. 1:00pm
Apr.4 vs.CalPoly6 LagunaBeach,Calif. 1:00pm
Apr.4 vs.Washington6 LagunaBeach,Calif. 4:00pm
Apr.5 vs.Hawai’i6 LagunaBeach,Calif. 2:00pm
Apr.5 vs.LMU6 LagunaBeach,Calif. 4:00pm
Apr.11 vs.LMU7 SanLuisObispo,Calif. 1:45pm
Apr.11 vs.ArizonaState7 SanLuisObispo,Calif. 5:30pm
Apr.12 vs.TCU7 SanLuisObispo,Calif. 12:45pm
Apr.12 vs.TBD7 SanLuisObispo,Calif. TBD
Apr.17 USC8 MapesBeach 2:30pm
Apr.23-25 vs.TBD9 HuntingtonBeach,Calif. TBD B1G+
May2-4 vs.TBD10 GulfShores,Ala. TBD ESPN/ESPNU/ESPN2
KEY: 1 - Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (at Queen’s Beach) / 2 - Battle for LA (at UCLA) / 3 - MPSF Midseason Rumble (at Stanford) / 4 - East Meets West Invitational (at Manhattan Beach Pier) / 5 - East vs. West (at LSU) / 6 - Best in the West (at Laguna Beach, Calif.) / 7 - Center of Effort Challenge (at Cal Poly) / 8 - Senior Day (at UCLA) / 9 - MPSF Championship (at Huntington Beach, Calif.) / 10 - NCAA Championship (at Gulf Shores, Ala.) / Home games in bold / All times listed are Paci c
Taylor Ford R-Fr.,5-7 Danville,Calif. MonteVistaHS
Natalie Myszkowski Sr.,6-0 ManhattanBeach,Calif. MiraCostaHS
Alexa Fernandez Fr.,5-8 Friendswood,Texas LutheranSouthAcademy
Adelina Okazaki Fr.,5-7 SanDiego,Calif. PointLomaHS
Jenny Johnson Jordan HeadCoach(2ndyear) AlmaMater-UCLA‘96
Reagan Hope Sr.,6-3 Phoenix,Ariz. NorthwestChristianHS
Sally Perez Fr.,6-3 Apex,N.C. MiddleCreekHS
Harper Cooper R-Fr.,5-10 Rowlett,Texas ParishEpiscopal
Ensley Alden RS-So.,5-10 Vista,Calif. SanMarcosHS
Kelly Reeves AssistantCoach(2ndyear) AlmaMater-UCLA‘15
Peri Brennan Gr.,5-7 LagunaBeach,Calif. LagunaBeachHS
Jessie Smith Sr.,6-0 LagunaNiguel,Calif. AlisoNiguelHS
Kaley Mathews R-Fr.,5-11 MarinCounty,Calif. RedwoodHS
Hannah Fleming R-Fr.,5-11 SantaCruz,Calif. ScottsValleyHS
Maggie Boyd Jr.,5-11 FlowerMound,Texas MarcusHS
Ky Vaickus RS-So.,5-10 SanDiego,Calif. LaJollaHS
Madeline Bonanni Sr.,5-9 ManhattanBeach,Calif. MiraCostaHS
Jayla Shanks RS-So.,6-0 Corona,Calif. SantiagoHS
Cassie Dodd So.,6-2 Perth,Australia LakeGinninderra/TexasA&M -CorpusChristi
Sophie Moore Sr.,5-9 Encinitas,Calif. LaCostaCanyonHS
Brower RS-So.,6-1 Naperville,Ill. NapervilleCentralHS
Tessa Van Winkle Gr.,6-2 SanClemente,Calif. SanClementeHS
Jose Loiola AssistantCoach(2ndyear) AlmaMater-CalState DominguezHills‘23
No.Name Ht. Yr. Hometown/HighSchool/College
2 TaylorFord
5’7’’ R-Fr. Danville,Calif./MonteVistaHS
3 ReaganHope 6’3’’ Sr. Phoenix,Ariz./NorthwestChristianHS/Oregon
5 PeriBrennan 5’7’’ Gr. LagunaBeach,Calif./LagunaBeachHS
6 HannahFleming
5’11’’ R-Fr. SantaCruz,Calif./ScottsValleyHS
7 MadelineBonanni 5’9’’ Sr. ManhattanBeach,Calif./MiraCostaHS
8 SophieMoore 5’9’’ Sr. Encinitas,Calif./LaCostaCanyonHS
NatalieMyszkowski 6’0’’ Sr. ManhattanBeach,Calif./MiraCostaHS
SallyPerez 6’3’’ Fr. Apex,N.C./MiddleCreekHS
6’0’’ Sr. LagunaNiguel,Calif./AlisoNiguelHS
5’11’’ Jr. FlowerMound,Texas/MarcusHS
JaylaShanks 6’0’’ R-So. Corona,Calif./SantiagoHS
KenzieBrower 6’1’’ R-So. Naperville,Ill./NapervilleCentralHS 16 AlexaFernandez 5’8’’ Fr. Friendswood,Texas/LutheranSouthAcademy 17 HarperCooper 5’10’’ R-Fr. Rowlett,Texas/ParishEpiscopal 18 KaleyMathews 5’11’’ R-Fr. MarinCounty,Calif./RedwoodHS
KyVaickus 5’10’’ R-So. SanDiego,Calif./LaJollaHS 21 CassieDodd 6’2’’ So. Perth,Australia/LakeGinninderra/TexasA&M-CorpusChristi
TessaVanWinkle 6’2’’ Gr. SanClemente,Calif./SanClementeHS
AdelinaOkazaki 5’7’’ Fr. SanDiego,Calif./PointLomaHS 44 EnsleyAlden 5’10’’ R-So. Vista,Calif./SanMarcosHS
44 EnsleyAlden 5’10’’ R-So. Vista,Calif./SanMarcosHS
7 MadelineBonanni 5’9’’ Sr. ManhattanBeach,Calif./MiraCostaHS
12 MaggieBoyd 5’11’’ Jr. FlowerMound,Texas/MarcusHS
5 PeriBrennan 5’7’’ Gr. LagunaBeach,Calif./LagunaBeachHS
15 KenzieBrower 6’1’’ R-So. Naperville,Ill./NapervilleCentralHS
17 HarperCooper 5’10’’ R-Fr. Rowlett,Texas/ParishEpiscopal
21 CassieDodd 6’2’’ So. Perth,Australia/LakeGinninderra/TexasA&M-CorpusChristi 16 AlexaFernandez 5’8’’ Fr. Friendswood,Texas/LutheranSouthAcademy
6 HannahFleming 5’11’’ R-Fr. SantaCruz,Calif./ScottsValleyHS
2 TaylorFord 5’7’’ R-Fr. Danville,Calif./MonteVistaHS
3 ReaganHope 6’3’’ Sr. Phoenix,Ariz./NorthwestChristianHS/Oregon
18 KaleyMathews 5’11’’ R-Fr. MarinCounty,Calif./RedwoodHS
8 SophieMoore 5’9’’ Sr. Encinitas,Calif./LaCostaCanyonHS
9 NatalieMyszkowski 6’0’’ Sr. ManhattanBeach,Calif./MiraCostaHS
24 AdelinaOkazaki 5’7’’ Fr. SanDiego,Calif./PointLomaHS
10 SallyPerez
6’3’’ Fr. Apex,N.C./MiddleCreekHS
14 JaylaShanks 6’0’’ R-So. Corona,Calif./SantiagoHS
11 JessieSmith 6’0’’ Sr. LagunaNiguel,Calif./AlisoNiguelHS
20 KyVaickus 5’10’’ R-So. SanDiego,Calif./LaJollaHS
22 TessaVanWinkle 6’2’’ Gr. SanClemente,Calif./SanClementeHS
HeadCoach JennyJohnsonJordan(2ndseason)
AssistantCoach KellyReeves(2ndseason)
AssistantCoach JoseLoiola(2ndseason)
Asst.AthleticDir.,Student-AthleteDevelopment RicCoy Asst.AthleticDirector,EventOperations BrookeCaffey Assoc.Director,AthleticCommunications RyanFinney AcademicExcellence RJCole AthleticPerformance DanielRivas AthleticTraining&SportsMedicine RuthCarmona Compliance&Student-AthleteServices LeifCaesar Development&ExternalRelations LaurenLoucks EquipmentOperations NathanReft Marketing&Promotions JacobSandman PerformanceNutrition GabriellaChilders
MadelineBonanni–MAD-ill-lynnBO-non-ee ReaganHope–RAY-gun
AdelinaOkazaki–ADD-uh-lean-uhOH-kuh-zah-key KyVaickus–KEYE(rhymeswitheye)VAY-cuss
6-3 .........................................Reagan Hope, Sally Perez
6-2 .................................Cassie Dodd, Tessa Van Winkle
6-1 ..........................................................Kenzie Brower
6-0 ........Natalie Myszkowski, Jayla Shanks, Jessie Smith
5-11 ........Maggie Boyd, Hannah Fleming, Kaley Mathews
5-10 ..................Ensley Alden, Harper Cooper, Ky Vaickus
5-9 ..............................Madeline Bonnani, Sophie Moore
5-8 .......................................................Alexa Fernandez
5-7 .................Peri Brennan, Taylor Ford, Adelina Okazaki
Boyd ...............................................................Harper Cooper .............................................................Alexa Fernandez
Former Bruin standout and Olympian Jenny Johnson Jordan returned to Westwood and is in her 12th season with the UCLA beach volleyball program in 2025 and the second as the head coach. UCLA Athletics announced on June 5, 2023, that Johnson Jordan would be named just the second head coach in the program’s history,replacing Stein Metzger.She also spent seven years as an assistant coach before being elevated to associate head coach for the Bruins on July 13, 2020.
Johnson Jordan guided the Bruins to the NCAA Championship nals in her rst year, ending the 2024 campaign with a 35-7 record and a second-place nish at the Pac-12 Championship as well.
She was inducted into the UCLA Hall of Fame on Oct. 5, 2018, and has won a national title as a player and as a coach as she helped guide the Bruins to their rst-ever NCAA Beach Volleyball Championship in 2018 as UCLA went 40-4 on the year.
Johnson Jordan then helped the Bruins win back-to-back NCAA titles on May 5, 2019 (35-3) and was named the AVCA National Assistant Beach Coach of the Year on May 9, 2019.
Johnson Jordan played with the Bruins from 1991 to 1995 and was a two-time team captain for the Bruin women’s volleyball team (1994-1995). She was a member of the 1991 UCLA National Championship squad, as well as the NCAA runner-up teams from ‘92 and ‘94, earning All-Tournament Team honors in 1994.
She played in 127 matches and 406 sets in her four seasons, recording 1,212 kills and 1,214 digs, ranking as one of 12 Bruins to post at least 1,000 career kills and digs. Johnson Jordan, who sits eighth in school history in digs and 21st in kills, also had 93 service aces and 225 blocks. She led the Bruins in aces in 1993 and 1995, as well as digs in 1995.
Johnson Jordan earned a pair ofVolleyball MagazineAll-American Honorable Mention accolades in 1994 and ‘95. She was also a two-time All-Pac-10 Conference First Team honoree (‘93 and ‘95) and a two-time Pac-10 All-Academic selection.
Following her playing days at UCLA, Johnson Jordan played on the beach, competing in the sport’s grandest stage. In 2000, with partner and former Bruin Annett (Buckner) Davis, she nished fth in the Sydney Olympic Games. She also served as an alternate for the 2004 Athens Games, and during that year with Davis, became just the second team in the world to compete in 100 events together.
Elsewhere on the beach, Johnson Jordan has played on the Pro 4’s, FIVB,WPVA, BVA and AVP Tours. In 1997, she won the FIVB 4-Person World Beach Championship at UCLA. Two years later, she won a Silver medal at the FIVB World Championships. A winner of 10 professional beach titles worldwide, Johnson Jordan ranked in the Top 10 in points every year she competed on the BVA and AVP Tours and was honored in 2002 with the AVP Special Achievement Award.
Johnson Jordan has been a High Performance Coach for USA Volleyball and is also USAV Beach Cap Certi ed. In 2012, she became the rst beach volleyball coach at her alma mater, Windward High School, and that year was also the head coach for the LAVA girls club volleyball beach program.
Johnson Jordan, who graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s in communications in 1996, comes from a rich tradition of Bruins and athletic pedigree. Her father, Rafer, was an Olympic Gold medalist in the Decathlon in 1960 and a Silver medalist in that event in 1956. Her mother, Betsy, also attended UCLA, as did her brother Josh, a former javelin thrower, and uncle Jimmy, a former football player who went on to a career with the San Francisco 49ers and is a member of the NFL Hall of Fame.
Johnson Jordan is married to former UCLA All-American wide receiver Kevin Jordan (class of ‘95). The couple have two children, Jaylen and Kory.
•Helpedguidethewomen’sbeachvolleyballteamtoNCAAChampionshipsin2018&2019 •Namedthe2019AVCANationalAssistantBeachCoachoftheYear
•IsoneofUCLA’sNCAA-record16OlympianstomakeanNCAA-record21appearancesin theOlympicGames(11onthewomen’sside,10onthemen’s)
•WastiedasthetopAmericanwomen’s nisherinSydney,placing fthwithherpartner, BruinstandoutAnnett(Buckner)Davis
•Won10professionalbeachtitlesworldwide,rankingintheTop10inpointseveryyearof competitionontheAVPandBVATours
UCLA ‘15
UCLA beach volleyball standout Kelly Reeves returned to her alma mater last year and is in her second season in 2025 as an assistant coach with the UCLA Beach Volleyball team. Head Coach Jenny Johnson Jordan completed her coaching staff on July 5,2023,with the hiring of Reeves before the 2024 season.
“This is a full circle moment having Kelly join the UCLA Beach Volleyball program as an assistant coach,” said Johnson Jordan. “As a student-athlete at UCLA and a current professional beach volleyball player, Kelly has always been a erce competitor and student of the game and I am excited for the great impact I know she will have with this program.”
In addition to her playing career, Reeves has developed a coaching career in all levelsofthesport,includingjuniors,collegiate,USAVdevelopment,andamateurs. In 2022, Reeves helped the LMU Lions nish 4th at the NCAA Beach Volleyball Championship, the best nish in the program’s history.That same year, Reeves was a recipient of the Thirty Under 30 Beach coaches award from the AVCA.
Her coaching career began with a two-year stint withWAVEVolleyball (2015-17) as an assistant coach. From there, Reeves joined the University of San Diego as a volunteer assistant coach for the Torero’s Indoor Volleyball Team (2016). Following this, she served as a private indoor coach for the VIBE Volleyball Lab from 2017-20 in Los Angeles. Reeves also spent two months as a Military Sports Coach for Pro Sports MVP based in Colorado Springs, Colo., in 2021 and served as an assistant coach for three months in 2022 with the USA Beach National Training Development Program. She has also spent the last six years as the head coach at Elite Beach in Los Angeles.
Raised in San Diego, Calif., Reeves comes from a UCLA Volleyball family where her mother, Jeanne (inducted into UCLA Athletics Hall of Fame in 2000), competed and coached for the program, along with her two brothers, Connor and Jake. During her time at UCLA, Kelly helped the UCLA Indoor Team to a National Championship in 2011 and competed in the inaugural season with the UCLA Beach Program in 2013. Kelly was named the program’s rst AllAmerican in 2013.
Prior to her beach debut, Kelly played one year of professional indoor volleyball in Switzerland and trained with the USA Indoor National Team from 2014-15. She then made her debut on the AVP in 2016, nishing 5th in her rst Main Draw. She was later named Rookie of the Year in 2016 and has since competed in all AVP events. Kelly’s highest nish on the AVP tour is 3rd place, most memorably in the 2019 Manhattan Beach Open. She has also competed on the NORCECA Tour and FIVB World Tour, with her highest FIVB nish of 2nd place in Cambodia.
Along with coaching and playing, she also enjoys co-hosting the Bet on Her Podcast (founded by Dana Drambarean) with fellow AVP athlete Geena Urango, to bring a women’s sports and lifestyle focused podcast to the public with a focus on telling the stories of women across every sports discipline while pulling the layers back of how the journey for women to gain traction and success in pro sports looks from the inside out.
CSU Dominguez Hills, ‘23
New UCLA Beach Volleyball head coach Jenny Johnson Jordan announced (June 26, 2023) the return of beach volleyball Hall of Famer and current USA Beach Volleyball National Team head coach Jose Loiola as an assistant coach. Loiola was a volunteer assistant coach for the Bruins in 2021, helping guide UCLA to a Pac-12 Championship and an NCAA runner-up nish. He will be in his second season as an assistant coach in 2025.
“I am very excited to welcome Jose back to our coaching staff,” said Johnson Jordan. “Jose brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for the game from his legacy as a player, and more recently his expertise as a coach with the Beach National Team and in the pro ranks. Our team is looking forward to Jose joining us again.”
After Loiola’s previous season with the Bruins, he went on to coach 2020 Olympian Tri Bourne and also served as head coach of the USA Volleyball squad that won gold at the 2021 U19 World Championships. In 2022, he coached Miles Partain and Andy Benesh to gold at the FIVB Challenger Dubai.
Loiolabeganhisprofessionalcoachingcareerin2014,coachingCaseyJennings and UCLA alum Jeremy Casebeer. He mentored three different teams in 2015, highlighted by the duo of Theo Brunner and Nick Lucena, who placed fourth at the FIVB World Championship. Also in 2015, he coached the tandem of Irene (Hester) Pollock and Caitlin Ledoux. Pollock would later help guide the Bruins to their second-straight NCAA Championship in 2019 as the volunteer assistant coach. Loiola coached Sara Hughes and Kelley Claes in 2017 to an AVP victory in Chicago. He also coached Hughes and Summer Ross in 201819, as the pair would claim two tour stop victories in the AVP and won gold in Russia on the FIVB circuit.
He got his start in coaching in 2011 as the head coach of Team Wave (indoor volleyball club).He has also served stints as an assistant coach atWestTorrance High School in 2012 and that same year was an assistant coach for the Men’s U19 World Championship in Cypress. Also in 2012, he served as the head coach for the U17 Women’s Junior National Team. He was a head coach for the U21 Men’s and Women’s World Championships in Croatia in 2013. In 2014, he guided the U21 Women to a bronze medal at the World Championship and served as the head coach for the U21 Junior National Team in 2015. He also served as the head coach of the U21 Travel Team that went to China. He spent four years (2015-18) as a head coach for the USA Volleyball Beach Tryouts (High Performance), which is now the National Team Development Program.
Loiola recorded 55 victories over his long and legendary career. He won titles for eight straight years, from 1995 through 2002, including 13 AVP titles in 1997 and seven FIVB titles in 1999. Loiola has experienced success both on the AVP Tour as well as internationally, winning 35 domestic events plus 20 on the FIVB Tour. Among his many wins were the 1997 King of the Beach, 1999 FIVBWorld Championship (Marseille,France),2001 Goodwill Games (Australia) and twice winning the Manhattan Beach Open (1995 and 2000). He was an Olympian for Brazil in 2000 (Sydney), nishing ninth with Emanuel Rego.
He won four AVP Offensive Player of the Year awards (1995-98). Loiola was the rst player to be selected AVP Rookie of the Year (1993) and then MVP (1997). His rst title, an indoor tournament in 1995, marked the rst time an AVP event was won by foreign-born players,as he claimed the title with Eduardo Bacil. In 2001, the FIVB chose Loiola and Rego as one of the two best beach volleyball teams of the ‘90s.
Loiola, a junior national champion in Brazil, was inducted into the CBVA Beach Volleyball Hall of Fame in 2014 and the International Volleyball Hall of Fame in 2017.
UCLA Career Highlights
Vista, Calif.
• NCAA All-Tournament Team (Court Five - 2024)
• AVCA/CBVB National Pair of the Week (Apr. 1, 2024)
• Pac-12 Pair of the Week (Apr. 2, 2024)
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2024)
• 5-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
• AVCA Junior Beach All-American (2022)
Ensley Alden ended the season with an overall record of 29-6 (29-6 career) … partnered with Natalie Myszkowski for the entire season (29-5 on court ve and 0-1 on court four) … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Alden going 28-6 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of 22 duals (all with Myszkowski) which began vs. No. 5 Loyola Marymount (Feb. 23) and ended vs. No. 10 Loyola Marymount (Apr. 12) … Alden clinched 10 victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 4-1 victory over No. 1 USC on Feb. 24 to win the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic at Queen’s Beach … Alden and Myszkowski went 2-2 in postseason play (1-0 at NCAAs and 1-2 at Pac-12s) … Alden and Myszkowski also went 26-2 in two-set matches and 3-4 in three-set matches on the year.
Redshirted the season.
High School/Club
A four-year letter winner at San Marcos High School … earned AVCA High School AllRegion 2021, AVCA Best and Brightest 2021, League Player of the Year 2021, and First Team All-CIF 2021 … named First Team All-CIF 2019, Second Team All-League 2019, and was a CIF Honorable Mention in 2018 … totaled over 1,000 kills and 150 aces in her high school career … played club for Tamarack Beach Volleyball Club … earned JVA Best in Beach 2021 and awarded AVP America Athlete of the Week (March 2021) … was a member of the U19 USA NTDP Summer 2021.
Full name: Ensley Rose Alden … born in Fallon, Nev. … parents are Gwen and Joe Alden … has two older sisters, Ellie and Allyson … her mother, Gwen, played indoor at the University of Missouri, and her father, Joe, played lacrosse at Nazareth College … sister Ellie plays volleyball at the University of Chicago, and Allyson plays both indoor and beach at San Jose State … says she chose UCLA because, “The amazing coaching staff and overall appeal of the school is what drew me closer to the idea of UCLA when it came time to recruiting. I knew the campus and location in Westwood was beautiful, not to mention it’s only a few hours drive from home in Carlsbad! It still feels surreal to me that I’ll be spending the next chapter of my life at UCLA!” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as winning the CIF D1 championship alongside her sister Allyson … enjoys making pottery and sculptures along with learning about people … majoring in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics and plans to have a career in genetic counseling.
UCLA Career Highlights
5-9 / Senior Manhattan Beach, Calif. Mira Costa HS
• 8-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022,Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Madeline Bonanni ended the season with an overall record of 1-0 (1-0 career) … partnered with Reagan Hope for the season (1-0 on court ve and 3-0 in exhibition play) … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Bonanni going 0-0 against ranked teams … Bonanni clinched one victory vs. Utah on Apr. 5 in Seattle at the Pac-12 North Invitational … Bonnani and Hope went 1-0 in two-set matches and 0-0 in three-set matches on the year.
Was on the team but did not play.
Was on the team but did not play.
Earned two varsity letters at Mira Costa High School on the indoor team at setter … was a three-time letterwinner in beach volleyball as a split blocker … earned secondteam All-America honors … played club at the Elite Beach Volleyball Club … earned a third-place nish at BVCA … national team participation includes Junior Olympics, AAU Nationals, BVCA, and Cal Cup.
Full name: Madeline Joy Bonanni … born in Torrance, Calif. … parents are Pearl and Greg Bonanni … has a younger brother, Marcus … says she chose UCLA because, “of the amazing coaching staff, beautiful campus, and the academic opportunities.” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as, “when I traveled to Israel to play indoor at the International Children’s Games representing the United States.” … lists April Ross as the athlete she most admires … interested in cooking, baking, sur ng, and traveling … played six years of soccer … mother, Pearl Sinn (maiden name), golfed at Arizona State where she was a three-time All-American, winning the U.S. Women’s Amateur Public Links in 1988 and 1989 … also won the U.S. Women’s Amateur in 1988 and the State Farm Rail Classic on the LPGA Tour in 1998 … was named the Rookie of the Year for the Ladies European Tour in 1990 … majoring in sociology.
5-11 / Junior Flower Mound, Texas Marcus HS
Career Highlights • AVCA National Collegiate Beach Pairs Champion (Nov. 17, 2024)
2-time AVCA All-American (First Team 2023, 2024)
NCAA All-Tournament Team (2023)
Pac-12 Freshman of the Year (2023) • 2-time All-Pac-12 (First Team 2023, 2024)
• Pac-12 All-Freshman Team (2023)
• AVCA/CBVB National Pair of the Week (Mar. 4, 2024)
• 2-time Pac-12 Pair of the Week (Mar. 14, 2023, Mar. 5, 2024)
• 2-time UCLA Student-Athlete of the Week (Feb. 26-Mar. 3, 2024, Nov. 12-18, 2024)
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2024)
• 5-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
• U.S. Beach U20 National Team (2022)
• AVCA Junior Beach All-American (2022) Fall 2024
UCLA Beach Volleyball freshman Sally Perez and junior Maggie Boyd took down the eld of 64 to capture the Bruins’ rst-ever AVCA National Collegiate Beach Pairs Championship on Nov. 17, 2024. Boyd and Perez were seeded fth in pool play and posted two wins on Friday, Nov. 15, defeating Maya McNabney and Madeline Sigmon of Costal Carolina (60th seed), 21-14, 21-15 in the rst match and then taking down Kristin Bobay and Millie Olsson of Texas A&M - Corpus Christi (37th seed), 21-14, 21-17, to win the pool with a 2-0 record. The duo was then reseeded at No. 7 in the Champions Bracket and opened play on Saturday, Nov. 16 with a 21-18, 21-19 straight-set win over USC’s Maya Gessner and Kaileigh Truslow (26th seed). The Bruin pair then defeated Maddison Parmelly and Karin Zolnercikova of Texas (10th seed) in their second match on Saturday, 21-17, 21-16. The third match of the day saw the Bruins win a quarter nal bout against Long Beach State’s second-seeded pair of Malia Gementera and Taylor Hagenah in their only three-setter of the tournament, 21-18, 17-21, 15-12. That set up a semi nal match on Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. PT where the UCLA tandem took out 11th-seeded Cal Poly’s Piper Ferch and Erin Inskeep in identical set scores of 21-16. Ferch and Inskeep defeated the three-seed from LMU to reach the semi nals. All the Bruins had to do in the title match was take down the 10th-ranked pair in the world, TCU’s top-seeded tandem of Daniela Alvarez and Tania Moreno. The duo from Spain nished fth at the 2024 Olympic Games and has a combined collegiate career record of 88-14. The Horned Frogs pair hadn’t dropped a set in the tournament and Boyd and Perez used timely blocking and aggressive serving to post a straight-set victory in the nals, 21-16, 21-17. Playing in her rst season for the Bruins, Perez registered three blocks in the nals and was huge at the net. Boyd nished the match with four huge aces and put a lot of service pressure on the Horned Frogs.
Ended the season with an overall record of 33-7 (60-13 career) … partnered with Lexy Denaburg for the entire season (33-7 on court one) … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Boyd going 30-7 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of 15 duals (all with Denaburg) which began at No. 1 USC (Feb. 24) and ended vs. No. 10 Loyola Marymount (Apr. 12) … Boyd clinched 10 victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-0 victory over No. 3 Stanford on Apr. 25 to advance to the winner’s bracket nals of the Pac-12 Championship in Tempe, Ariz. … Boyd and Denaburg went 6-0 in postseason play (3-0 at NCAAs and 3-0 at Pac 12s) … Boyd went 27-5 in two-set matches and 6-2 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 27-6 (27-6 career) … partnered with Lexy Denaburg for most of the season going 24-6 (21-6 on court one and 3-0 on court two) … also went 2-0 with Devon Newberry on court two and 1-0 with Marlie Monserez on court two … the Bruins faced 32 ranked opponents in the 44 duals on the year with Boyd going 19-6 against ranked teams (one match was truncated at the March to May) … recorded a season-best winning streak of 17 consecutive duals to open the season (14 with Denaburg, two with Newberry, and one with Monserez) which began with the season opener against Saint Mary’s (Feb. 23) and ended vs. No. 5 LSU (Mar. 31) … Boyd clinched six victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-1 victory over No. 8 California (May 6) in the quarter nals of the NCAA Championship … Boyd and Denaburg also went 5-1 in postseason play (4-0 at NCAAs, 1-1 at Pac-12s) … Boyd went 25-2 in two-set matches and 2-4 in three-set matches on the year.
High School/Club
A four-year indoor volleyball letter winner at Marcus High School … named AVCA Texas Player of the Week, All-American Region Team and earned First Team All-District honors … earned District Hitter of the Year and AVCA Best and Brightest … played club for MadSand Beach Volleyball Club … was a seven-time National Champion … Earned JVA Best in Beach Award … was a USAV National Training and Development Team member … named P1440 Rising Star.
Full name: Maggie Marie Boyd … Born in Lewisville,Texas … parents are Mark and Donna Boyd … says she chose UCLA because, “UCLA had always been a dream of mine to play
beach volleyball as a Bruin! I fell in love with the campus and the competitive atmosphere the school has.” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as winning four national championships over the 2021 summer … the athlete she admires most is Michael Jordan because of his work ethic and winning mindset … enjoys playing volleyball, spending time with family and friends, and going out to eat at new places … majoring in psychology.
UCLA Career Highlights
• AVCA All-American (Second Team 2023)
• 2-time AVCA All-American (Second Team 2023, 2024)
• AVCA Top Flight Award (Court 2, 2023)
• 2-time All-Pac-12 (First Team 2023; Second Team 2024)
• Pac-12 Championship All-Tournament Team (2024)
• AVCA/CBVB National Pair of the Week (Mar. 20, 2023)
• 3-time Pac-12 Pair of the Week (Mar. 21, 2023, Mar. 19, 2024, Apr. 16, 2024)
• College Sports Communicators (CSC) Academic All-District At-Large Team (2024)
• 3-time Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2021, 2022, 2024)
• 12-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Peri Brennan ended the season with an overall record of 32-7 (69-12 career) … partnered with Devon Newberry for the entire season (32-7 on court two) … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Brennan going 29-7 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of 11 consecutive duals (all with Newberry) which began at No. 9 Hawaii (Feb. 22) and ended vs. No. 2 Stanford (Mar. 8) … Brennan and Newberry went 3-2 in postseason play (1-2 at NCAAs and 2-0 at Pac 12s) … Brennan and Newberry also went 25-2 in two-set matches and 7-5 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 34-5 (37-5 career) … partnered with Abby Van Winkle for the majority of the season going 29-4 (6-3 on court one and 23-1 on court two) … also went 4-1 with Tessa Van Winkle (all on court three) and 1-0 with Natalie Myszkowksi on court three … the Bruins faced 32 ranked opponents in the 44 duals on the year with Brennan going 25-5 against ranked teams (one match was truncated at the NCAA Championship) … recorded a season-best winning streak of 16 consecutive duals (14 with Abby Van Winkle and two with Tessa Van Winkle) which began with Cal Poly (Mar. 11) and ended vs. No. 13 Washington (Apr. 8) … Brennan and Abby Van Winkle also clinched three victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-0 victory over No. 4 Florida State (May 6) in the semi nals of the NCAA Championship … the tandem also went 7-1 in postseason play (2-1 at NCAAs with one truncated, and 5-0 at Pac-12s with one truncated) … Brennan went 29-2 in two-set matches and 5-3 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 3-0 … partnered with Tessa Van Winkle in all three matches going 1-0 on court four and 2-0 on court ve … the Bruins faced 34 ranked opponents in the 43 duals on the year with Brennan going 1-0 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of three consecutive duals which began with No. 12 California (Apr. 9) and is still an active streak … Brennan went 1-0 in two-set matches and 2-0 in three-set matches on the year.
Redshirted the season.
High School/Club
Was a two-year varsity letterwinner at Laguna Beach High School as a freshman and sophomore (2016 and 2017) on the indoor team (setter) … was a four-year varsity
letterwinner on the beach (2017-20) … earned First-Team All-League honors for the indoor squad … played club beach volleyball for Wave Beach Volleyball where she served as captain … won the State Pairs Tournament as a sophomore and junior (2018-19) … earned a third-place nish at BVCA’s … won the P1440 Huntington Beach January Championship in 2020 … earned a fth-place nish with now-teammate Devon Newberry at the 2019 AAU Girls’ Junior National Beach Volleyball Championships in the U18 division … won gold at the 2018 West Coast AAU Junior Olympic Games in the U16 division … won the 2016 USAV High Performance National Championships in the U15 division … won the 2016 West Coast AAU Junior Olympic Games in the U14 division, and then moved up to the U16 division in the same tournament and captured bronze … was honored by both the CBVA Hall of Fame and USA Volleyball for having the highest points for Women’s AAA … crowned Interscholastic Beach Volleyball League Queen of the Beach in 2018 and 2019 … was the No. 1-ranked AAA women’s player in the CBVA in 2019 … won Interscholastic BeachVolleyball League in 2018 and 2019 … was the IBVL Pairs Champion in 2017-18 and 2018-19 … selected VolleyballMag.com Girls Beach Fab 30 in 2020 … placed fourth at the FIVB Norceca event in La Paz, Mexico.
Full name: Peri Avalon Brennan … born in Laguna Hills, Calif. … her parents are Kelly and Mike Brennan … has an older sister, Kendyl … her grandfather, Steve Drummy, was a USVBA All-American on the UCLA men’s volleyball team in 1963 … greatest athletic thrill was nishing fourth at a Norceca event in La Paz, Mexico … admires Heather Bansley, Brooke Sweat, Serena Williams and the late Kobe Bryant … lists making jewelry, painting, paddle boarding, hiking, traveling, and taking her dogs to the beach as interests outside of volleyball … chose UCLA because, “I immediately fell in love with the campus and the environment around it. The players and coaches were also very welcoming and had good energy.” … majoring in sociology.
UCLA Career Highlights
6-1 / Redshirt Sophomore
Naperville, Ill.
Naperville Central HS
Kenzie Brower ended the season with an overall record of 26-15 (26-15 career) … partnered with Jessie Smith for most of the season (16-6 on court three and 8-7 on court four) … also went 0-1 with Sophie Moore on court three and 2-1 with Rileigh Powers on court three … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Brower going 23-15 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of four consecutive duals (all with Jessie Smith) which began against No. 4 Florida State (Mar. 16) and ended vs. No. 17 Florida Atlantic (Mar. 30) … Brower clinched eight victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 4-1 win over No. 4 Florida State on Mar. 16 at the East Meets West Invitational at Manhattan Beach, Calif., and in another 4-1 win over No. 5 Florida State on Mar. 29 at the Death Volley Invitational in Baton Rouge, La. … Brower and Smith also went 4-3 in postseason play (3-1 at NCAAs and 1-2 at Pac-12s) … Brower went 19-3 in two-set matches and 7-12 in three-set matches on the year.
Redshirted the season.
High School/Club
Was a three-year letter winner at Naperville Central High School as an outside hitter and middle blocker … played club with One Team.
Full name: Kenzie Lyn Brower … born in Naperville, Ill. … parents are Jami and Scott Brower … has two older sisters, Rylee and Bailey … says she chose UCLA because, “It has always been my dream to go to California and be able to play beach volleyball, and UCLA has great academics as well as a great beach volleyball team.” … lists her greatest
athletic thrill as winning regionals her sophomore year of high school … the athlete she admires most is Molly Turner … enjoys longboarding, reading, and math … majoring in psychobiology.
UCLA Career Highlights
5-10 / Redshirt Freshman Rowlett, Texas Parish Episcopal HS
• 3-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Harper Cooper redshirted the season.
High School/Club
AttendedParishEpiscopalHighSchoolofTexasforfouryears…wasafour-yearletterwinner in indoor volleyball playing as a setter or outside hitter … named District Offensive Player of the Year, District Setter of the Year, First-Team All-District four times, First-Team All-State four times, Team Offensive MVP three times, and All-Academic four times … placed third in TAPPS 6-A Division 1 … played club volleyball for MadSand … placed rst in BVCA Club Challenge in 2022, second at BVCA in 16U in 2021, third at AVP in 18U in 2022, and fth at BVCA in 18U in 2022 … named to P1440 Fab50 and to Club of the Year for MadSand during the 2021-22 season.
Full name is Harper Noel Cooper … born in Dallas, Texas to parents Leslie and Reggie Cooper … has an older sister Reagan (22) … father, Reggie, played professional football for the Dallas Cowboys and Reagan, sister, plays volleyball at Texas Tech … chose UCLA because “it has the perfect balance of competitive athletics and superior academics, along with an elite coaching staff and strong team morals” … describes greatest athletic thrill as “unexpectedly getting third in state for indoor high school volleyball with some of my closest friends” … admires Kristen Nuss and the late Kobe Bryant… enjoys listening to music, spending time with my parents, watching movies, and reading in her free time … a fun fact is she “likes cats more than dogs by a landslide” … major is Financial Actuarial.
UCLA Career Highlights
6-2 / Sophomore
Perth, Australia
Lake Ginninderra
Texas A&M - Corpus Christi
• UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2024)
Career Highlights (Texas A&M - Corpus Christi)
• Southland Conference (SLC) Freshman of the Year (2024)
• Southland Conference Championship Pair of the Tournament (2024)
• All-Conference First Team (2024)
• AVCA/CBVB National Pair of the Week (April 22, 2024)
• Islander Beach Volleyball Most Outstanding Offensive Player (2024)
• Two-Time SLC Pair of the Week (Feb. 27, 2024 and April 1, 2024)
2024 (Freshamn at Texas A&M - Corpus Christi)
Cassie Dodd primarily competed on courts one and two and posted a 28-6 overall record (breaking the program record for individual wins in a single-season), including going 6-1 in the Southland Conference (SLC) … helped the Islanders repeat as both SLC Regular Season and Tournament champions … clinched the deciding point at the Southland Conference Tournament to three-peat the title and advance to the NCAA Tournament … named SLC Tournament Pair of the Tournament following the victory and was nationally recognized as the AVCA/CBVB Pair of the Week … defeated No. 16 FAU 14-21, 21-19, 15-7 at court two to help the Islanders secure its highest ranked victory in program history … part of a historical team that was nationally ranked in the AVCA Top-20 for six weeks, the rst team in conference history to be ranked.
High School/Club
Garnered a national ranking of 13th inAustralia ...was a member of theAustralianVolleyball Academy since 2021 and the Australian Senior Indoor Team since 2022 ... saw two rstplace nishes at the Australian U19 (2022) and U21 (2023) Junior Beach Volleyball Tours ... also placed rst at the West Australian Beach Volleyball Tour Elite Division in 2023 ... nished fth at the U19 Asian Beach Volleyball Championships in Roi Et, Thailand in 2022 ... had another top-10 nish in 2022 after placing ninth at the U19 World Beach Volleyball Championships in Dikili, Turkey ... attended Penrhos College from 2016-20 and UCSSC Lake Ginninderra in 2021.
Full name: Cassandra Jane Dodd, prefers Cassie … born in Subiaco, Australia … her parents are Sarah and Peter Dodd … has an older sister, Samantha … greatest athletic thrill was,“Being the pair to clinch the Southland Conference title for Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi in the 2024 season. We lost the rst set but then managed to come back and win in three sets.” … lists Australian former professional tennis player and cricketer, Ashleigh Barty as the athlete she admires most … lists reading and painting by numbers as things she likes to do in her spare time … chose UCLA, “Because of the connection I made with the coaches initially whilst on call was a big factor, with all of us seemingly having the same drive and aspirations. They have developed a top level beach volleyball program which I believe will help me be able to achieve my goal of becoming an Olympian. UCLA also offers a highly competitive political science degree which is the career eld I am interested in pursuing.” … majoring in political science.
UCLA Career Highlights
5-8 / Freshman Friendswood, Texas Lutheran South Academy
• UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2024) Fall 2024
UCLA Beach Volleyball freshman Alexa Fernandez and senior Reagan Hope reached the nals of the 17th bracket before of cials decided not to play it out to completion. The duo had an impressive 5-1 record with a lot of hard-fought victories that went the distance. Fernandez and Hope, originally seeded 10th, won their pool with a 2-0 record.They opened with a three-set thriller over FIU’s (55th seed) Aleksandra Chudzik and Arianna Franklin, 17-21, 21-15, 15-9 on Friday and closed the day with another three-setter, this time defeating Florida Atlantic’s (23rd seed) Julie Honzovicova and Kate McLaughlin, rallying for a 14-21, 21-19, 21-19 win. They were reseeded 16th in the Champions Bracket and fell to the 17th-seeded duo from Stanford, Avery Jackson and Taylor Wilson, 21-14, 21-19. That relegated them to the 17th Bracket, where their grit and toughness was put on display again winning three more matches, all in three sets, to reach the nals of the 17th Bracket. Seeded rst in the 17th Bracket, the Bruin duo opened with a 21-18, 32-34, 15-11 win on Saturday over GCU’s (16th seed) Becca Drake and Jessica Drake. Then on Sunday, they took down the eighth seed from LSU, Gabi Bailey and Parker Bracken, 16-21, 21-14, 15-13, and the fourth-seeded pair from Florida State, Gella Andrew and Myriah Massey, 21-15, 15-21, 15-12. They were expected to take on the 15 seed, Texas A&M - Corpus Christi’s Madison Morrow and Tess Spaansen. The Islanders’ duo posted upsets of No.
2 Washington, No. 10 USC, and No. 3 Hawai’i en route to the nals of the 17th Bracket.
Attended Lutheran SouthernAcademy all four years … lettered her freshman year in indoor volleyball as an outside hitter and setter before switching to beach volleyball … notched 266 kills, 190 digs, and 21 blocks during her high school career and was named TAPPS 5A First Team All-State … played club beach volleyball for MadSand (2022) and Future Beach Volleyball (2023-24) … was a U19 USA Volleyball Beach National Team Alternate in 2022 … received JVA Best in Beach honors (2023) … competed in the 2023 U21 Beach World Championships in Thailand.
Full name is Alexa Aurora Fernandez … born in Houston to parents Karla and Sergio … has an older brother Sergio Jr. and two older sisters Felicia and So a … decided to attend UCLA because “It checked all the boxes for me. The opportunities to be challenged academically, learn from the program’s incredible coaching staff, and be on the most beautiful campus were everything I ever wanted!” … athletes she admires most include Sydney McLaughlin,Kristen Nuss,and Misty May-Treanor … describes her greatest athletic thrill as “Competing in the 2023 U21 Beach World Championships in Thailand where I fell deeper in love with the sport.” … hobbies include Bible studies, watching movies, lifting weights, trying new food, and traveling with family … interesting facts about her are that she is uent in Spanish and enjoys juggling … majoring in physiological science.
UCLA Career Highlights
5-11 / Redshirt Freshman
Santa Cruz, Calif. Scotts Valley HS
•4-timeUCLAAthleticDirector’sHonorRoll(Fall2023,Winter2024,Spring2024,Fall2024) 2024
Hannah Fleming redshirted the season.
High School/Club
Attended Scotts Valley High School where she was a varsity letterwinner all four years as an outside hitter … was named First-Team All-Santa Cruz Coast League and MVP her senior year … competed club with Santa Cruz Beach Volleyball … also part of USA NationalTeam Development Program (NTDP) U18 in 2021 … won four Santa Cruz Opens and placed third in AVP First National Championship U18 … played up and placed fth in BVCA U18 in 2021 … also placed third at AAU National Championship and Junior Olympics U14.
Full name is Hannah Katherine Fleming … born in Huntington Beach, Calif., to parents Kim and Matt Fleming … both of her parents played indoor collegiate volleyball, mother at Cal Poly and father at Long Beach state … says she chose UCLA, “Because of the athletic rigor, amazing coaching staff, and competitive athletic and academic environment.” … lists April Ross as the athlete she most admires … enjoys going to the beach, spending time with friends and family, going for hikes, and working out in her free time … has yet to declare a major, but looks to have a career in marketing.
UCLA Career Highlights
• 3-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024) 2024
Taylor Ford redshirted the season.
High School/Club
Attended Monte Vista High School for all four years … lettered one year in indoor volleyball as an outside hitter, then started the beach volleyball team at MVHS and was captain for two years … competed on USA High Performance U17 in summer of 2021 … also part of USA NationalTeam Development Program (NTDP) U19 in winter, spring, and summer of 2022 and spring 2023 and the NTDP U20 in summer of 2023 … placed rst at AAU Nationals in 2021 and rst at AVP Nationals in 2021 … played club volleyball for Kleos and Golden Gate Beach Volleyball Club (for beach) … won an AAU National Championship with partner Kaley Mathews (who also attends UCLA).
Full name is Taylor Alison Ford … born in Walnut Creek, Calif., to parents Krista and Evan Ford … has a younger brother, Kellan (16) … mother, Krista, played soccer at Washington while father, Evan, played football at Washington State … her aunt, Ali Loper, was a middle blocker at Colorado … chose UCLA because “The campus reminds me of home in Northern California, it has an amazing computer science program, and we have the best coaching staff and team ever!” … describes greatest athletic thrill as “was winning back-to-back nationals in U16 with my amazing partner, Kaley Mathews who also attends UCLA with me!” … athletes she most admires includes Kristen Nuss, Sarah Sponcil, and Rachel Scott … enjoys trying new restaurants, watching football and basketball, listening to EDM/house music, spending time with friends and family, baking cookies and pies, and playing with her two cats, Kleo and Fia, in her free time … an interesting fact about her is she played ECNL soccer for most of her life for Mustang Soccer as an offensive mid elder … majoring in Computer Science and Linguistics.
6-3 / Senior Phoenix, Ariz.
Northwest Christian HS Oregon
• Pac-12 All-Freshman Team (at Oregon BVB 2022)
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2024)
• Pac-12 Fall All-Academic Team (2022)
• 6-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023,Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
UCLA Beach Volleyball freshman Alexa Fernandez and senior Reagan Hope reached the nals of the 17th bracket before of cials decided not to play it out to completion. The duo had an impressive 5-1 record with a lot of hard-fought victories that went the distance. Fernandez and Hope, originally seeded 10th, won their pool with a 2-0 record.They opened
with a three-set thriller over FIU’s (55th seed) Aleksandra Chudzik and Arianna Franklin, 17-21, 21-15, 15-9 on Friday and closed the day with another three-setter, this time defeating Florida Atlantic’s (23rd seed) Julie Honzovicova and Kate McLaughlin, rallying for a 14-21, 21-19, 21-19 win. They were reseeded 16th in the Champions Bracket and fell to the 17th-seeded duo from Stanford, Avery Jackson and Taylor Wilson, 21-14, 21-19. That relegated them to the 17th Bracket, where their grit and toughness was put on display again winning three more matches, all in three sets, to reach the nals of the 17th Bracket. Seeded rst in the 17th Bracket, the Bruin duo opened with a 21-18, 32-34, 15-11 win on Saturday over GCU’s (16th seed) Becca Drake and Jessica Drake. Then on Sunday, they took down the eighth seed from LSU, Gabi Bailey and Parker Bracken, 16-21, 21-14, 15-13, and the fourth-seeded pair from Florida State, Gella Andrew and Myriah Massey, 21-15, 15-21, 15-12. They were expected to take on the 15 seed, Texas A&M - Corpus Christi’s Madison Morrow and Tess Spaansen. The Islanders’ duo posted upsets of No. 2 Washington, No. 10 USC, and No. 3 Hawai’i en route to the nals of the 17th Bracket.
Reagan Hope ended the season with an overall record of 2-0 (21-12 career) … went 1-0 with Madeline Bonnani on court ve and 3-0 in exhibition play … also went 1-0 with Sophie Moore on court ve and 2-0 in exhibition play … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Hope going 0-0 against ranked teams … Hope clinched two victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins, in a 5-0 win over her former school, Oregon, on Mar. 9 at the Pac-12 South Invitational in Tempe, Ariz., and in a 5-0 win over Utah on Apr. 5 at the Pac-12 North Invitational in Seattle … Hope went 2-0 in two-set matches and 0-0 in three-set matches on the year.
Redshirted the season.
Appeared in six matches making one start (13 sets) … registered 16 kills, ve errors, 32 total attempts (.344), one dig, eight blocks (one solo), and two service aces on the year as the Ducks went 26-6 overall and 17-3 in the Pac-12 Conference … recorded a career-high seven kills in a 3-1 win at Oregon State (Sep. 21) along with a .500 hitting percentage (7K, 1E, 12TA) … also had an ace and a career-high four blocks against the Beavers … had ve kills, two blocks, and an ace in a 3-2 loss against Penn State (Sep. 10) in Minneapolis, Minn., at the Big Ten/Pac-12 Challenge.
Went 19-12 overall on the year … partnered with Brooke Nuneviller (16-11 at No. 1), and /Madelyn LaFollette (3-1, 2-1 at No. 1 and 1-0 at No. 2) … won six straight matches with Nuneviller (four from Feb. 25-26) and LaFollette (two from March 8-12).
Utilized redshirt season as a true freshman.
Member of Team USA that competed at the 2021 FIVB U20 World Championship … highest-placing non-European team ( fth) in the competition … had 12 points ( ve kills, six blocks, one ace) in opener vs Russia … scored nine points ( ve kills, three blocks, one ace) in 3-0 win over the Dominican Republic … tallied ve points (three kills, one block, one ace) in 3-2 win over Poland in fth-place match.
Was a four-year letterwinner in volleyball at Northwest Christian School (Phoenix,Ariz.) and helped lead the Crusaders to three-consecutive 3A State titles, a run that began in 2018 ... ranked the No. 21 national recruit in the PrepVolleyball Top 150 … fourth among middle blockers in the country and second overall in the state of Arizona by PrepVolleyball … named the 2020-21 USA Today Arizona State Female Volleyball Player of the Year as the Crusaders went undefeated and won the 3A State Championship … nished high school career with 1,568 career kills and .363 hitting percentage while averaging 4.3 kills per set … also served up 209 career aces to go along with 761 total digs … received rstteam all-state honors following each of her nal three prep seasons ... nalist for Arizona State Player of the Year after sophomore campaign … started playing beach volleyball her junior year … played club ball for the Arizona Storm Elite VBC.
Full name: Reagan Kay Hope … born in Phoenix, Ariz. … parents are Zach and Jenna Hope … has a younger brother, Micah … says she chose UCLA because, “I wanted to win a National Championship. I had seen this program from an outsider’s perspective, and I wanted to be a part of it. I love the sport of beach volleyball so when I had an opportunity to live in Southern California and play for the greatest team in the country, I took it.” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as, “Training under Karch Kiraly and playing with my idols growing up.” … says she is ambidextrous (writes and eats left-handed but
plays volleyball right-handed) … majoring in sociology and wants to pursue playing beach volleyball professionally.
5-11 / Redshirt Freshman Marin County, Calif. Redwood HS
• 3-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024) 2024
Kaley Mathews redshirted the season.
High School/Club
Attended Redwood High School for all four years … was a four-year letterwinner in indoor volleyball as a setter … received the State Championship MVP, First-Team All-CIF, State Champion MVP,All-League,Outstanding Student-AthleteAward and Scholarship… played club volleyball for Golden Gate BeachVolleyball Club … won anAAU National Championship with partner Taylor Ford (who also attends UCLA) ... attended U.S. National Team Training Camp in the offseason.
Full name is Kaley Patricia Mathews … born in Marin County to parents Grier and Thomas Mathews … has an older brother Jake (23) and an older sister Grace (21) … chose UCLA because “it is not only very competitive academically, but it is regarded as one of the best beach volleyball schools as well. Also, it has been my dream school for a while.” … describes greatest athletic thrill as “winning the AAU National Championship with my partner Taylor Ford who also attends UCLA. It was an amazing and energetic scene and solidi ed all the work I had put into the game.” … athletes she most admires includes Brandie Wilkerson, Draymond Green, and Venus Williams … enjoys hanging out with her friends, going to the beach, reading, doing math, and spending time with her family and pets in her free time … an interesting fact about her is she was a nationally ranked setter … a fun fact is that she owns a parrot named Sunny who “is the sweetest bird” … majoring in Environmental Science.
• Pac-12 All-Freshman Team (2022)
5-9 / Senior Encinitas, Calif. La Costa Canyon HS
• Pac-12 Pair of the Week (Mar. 22, 2022)
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2024)
• UCLA Athletic Director’s Academic Excellence Award (2024)
• 10-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Sophie Moore ended the season with an overall record of 2-1 (43-12 career) … went 1-0 with Tessa Van Winkle on court three, went 1-0 with Reagan Hope on court ve and 2-0 in exhibition play, and 0-1 with Kenzie Brower on court three … also went 1-2 in
exhibition play with Rileigh Powers … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Moore going 1-1 against ranked teams … Moore clinched one victory in dual matches on the year for the Bruins, in a 5-0 win over Oregon on Mar. 9 at the Pac-12 South Invitational in Tempe, Ariz. … Moore also went 2-0 in two-set matches and 0-1 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 13-4 (41-11 career) … partnered with Tessa Van Winkle for most of the season going 11-4 (11-3 on court three, 0-1 on court four, and 1-0 in exhibition play on court six) … also went 1-0 with Lexy Denaburg on court two, 1-0 with Haley Hallgren on court three, and 1-0 in exhibition play on court six with Natalie Myszkowski … the Bruins faced 32 ranked opponents in the 44 duals on the year with Moore going 6-3 against ranked teams (one match was truncated at the March to May Tournament) … recorded a season-best winning streak of nine consecutive duals to open the season (all with Van Winkle) which began with the season opener against Saint Mary’s (Feb. 23) and ended vs. No. 8 Hawai’i (Mar. 29) … Moore clinched two victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-2 victory over No. 9 Stanford (Feb. 24) in pool play at the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic … Moore was an alternate during postseason play … Moore went 11-3 in two-set matches and 2-1 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 28-7 … partnered with Natalie Myszkowski for the entire season, going 2-0 on court three, 22-5 on court four, and 4-2 on court ve … the Bruins faced 34 ranked opponents in the 43 duals on the year with Moore going 21-7 against ranked teams (two matches were truncated at the Pac-12 Championship, and two more at the NCAA Championship) … recorded a season-best winning streak of 17 consecutive duals which began with the season-opening win over No. 7 Stanford (Feb. 25) and ended against No. 2 TCU (Mar. 31) … Moore also clinched four victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-2 victory over No. 4 Florida State in the March to May event (Mar. 18) … the tandem also went 4-2 in postseason play (1-2 at NCAAs, 3-0 at Pac-12s) … Moore was 19-6 in two-set matches and 9-1 in three-set matches on the year.
Graduated from La Costa Canyon High School and played club volleyball with WAVE Beach … won the 2019 (Dec.) and the 2021 Women’s Open as well as the 18U Tour Stop … also won the 2019 AVP First SoCal Zonal Championship and the 2018 AVP First in Huntington Beach … had second-place nishes at the 2018 (Nov.) Women’s Open, the 2018 AVP First in Austin,Texas, the 2018 U16 AAU National Championship, the 2019 (Mar.) Women’s Open, and at the 2019 U16 BVCA’s (180 teams) … recorded third-place nishes at the 2019 U16 Junior Olympics, the 2019 U18 Cal Cup, and the 2019 (Dec.) Women’s Open … 2020 member of the U19 USA Volleyball A1 National Team … 2021 member of the U19 U.S. National Training Development Program.
Full name:SophieAmber Moore … born in La Jolla,Calif.… parents are Sean and Jennifer Moore … has a younger sister,Anya … lists Sara Sponcil and Kristen Nuss as the athletes she admires most … says she chose UCLA because, “of its top-tier academics, amazing coaching staff, and championship winning volleyball program along with the positive team environment created by Jenny and Stein.” … says her greatest athletic trill was,“Winning my rst women’s open when I was 15. Earning my rst AAA rating was such an honor because I’d worked so many hours for it and all that work paid off.” … lists playing guitar, reading, watching movies and going to the beach as things she enjoys in her spare time … spent a year living in Paris, France … hopes to work in the lm industry ,… majoring in business and management of entertainment.
Mira Costa HS
• NCAA All-Tournament Team (Court Five - 2024)
• Pac-12 All-Freshman Team (2022)
• AVCA/CBVB National Pair of the Week (Apr. 1, 2024)
• 2-time Pac-12 Pair of the Week (Mar. 22, 2022, Apr. 2, 2024)
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2024)
• 8-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Natalie Myszkowski ended the season with an overall record of 30-6 (69-15 career) … partnered with Ensley Alden for most of the season (29-5 on court ve and 0-1 on court four) … also went 1-0 with Rileigh Powers on court ve … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Myszkowski going 29-6 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of 23 duals (22 withAlden and one with Powers) which began vs.No.5 Loyola Marymount (Feb.23) and ended vs.No.10 Loyola Marymount (Apr. 12) … Myszkowski clinched 10 victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 4-1 victory over No. 1 USC on Feb. 24 to win the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic at Queen’s Beach … Myszkowski and Alden went 2-2 in postseason play (1-0 at NCAAs and 1-2 at Pac-12s) … Myszkowski also went 26-2 in two-set matches and 4-4 in three set matches on the year. 2023
Ended the season with an overall record of 11-2 (39-9 career) … partnered with Kelli Greene-Agnew for most of the season going 8-2 (1-1 on court four and 7-1 on court ve) … also went 1-0 with Peri Brennan on court three, 1-0 with Rileigh Powers on court ve, 1-0 with Jaden Whitmarsh on court ve, and 1-0 with Sophie Moore in exhibition play on court six … the Bruins faced 32 ranked opponents in the 44 duals on the year with Myszkowski going 5-2 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of ve consecutive duals during the season that began with a win over No. 10 Hawai’i (Feb. 24) and ended to No. 4 Florida State (Mar. 17) … Myszkowski clinched six victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 5-0 victory over No. 6 Grand Canyon (Mar. 11) on court ve with Greene-Agnew and in a 3-0 win over No. 6 LSU (Mar. 17), also in a win on court ve with Greene-Agnew … Myszkowksi was an alternate during the postseason … Myszkowski went 9-1 in two-set matches and 2-1 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 28-7 … partnered with Sophie Moore for the entire season, going 2-0 on court three, 22-5 on court four, and 4-2 on court ve … the Bruins faced 34 ranked opponents in the 43 duals on the year with Myszkowski going 21-7 against ranked teams (two matches were truncated at the Pac-12 Championship, and two more at the NCAA Championship) … recorded a season-best winning streak of 17 consecutive duals which began with the season-opening win over No. 7 Stanford (Feb. 25) and ended against No. 2 TCU (Mar. 31) … Myszkowski also clinched four victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-2 victory over No. 4 Florida State in the March to May event (Mar. 18) … the tandem also went 4-2 in postseason play (1-2 at NCAAs, 3-0 at Pac-12s) … Myszkowski was 19-6 in two-set matches and 9-1 in three-set matches on the year.
USA Volleyball national team selection.
Full name: Natalie Nicole Myszkowski … born in Naperville, Ill. … parents are Ken and Kat Myszkowski … has two older brothers, Max and Nick, and an older sister, Karina … Karina played two seasons (2019 and 2020) on the USC beach volleyball team … says she chose UCLA because, “of the culture on the team and the environment, the courts, and the school’s impeccable reputation.” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as,“competing in the AVP First Junior Championships alongside the Hermosa Open. The championship match was played on center court which meant that I got to play in the stadium lled with AVP fans.” … enjoys the outdoors, snowboarding, skateboarding, swimming, hiking, camping, and spending time with friends … majored in sociology and working towards her Master of Education (M.Ed.).
5-7 / Freshman
San Diego, Calif.
Point Loma HS
• UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2024)
High School/Club
Attended Point Loma High School all four years … played club beach volleyball for Wave Beach Volleyball Club … named to the JVA Beach Watch List from 2019-24 … earned 2024AVCA Junior Beach SecondTeamAll-America honors … captured theAVP 18U Junior National Championship in 2024 … has a AAA rating in the California Beach Volleyball Association (CBVA) … named fth on the 2024 VolleyballMag Girls Beach Volleyball Fab 50 List … received JVA Best in Beach honors (2023).
Full name is Adelina Marie Okazaki … born in San Diego, Calif. … her parents are Cary and Chris … has two older brothers Wilson and Ethan … her aunt, Gail Okazaki, attended UCLA … father Cary played water polo at UC Santa Barbara … chose UCLA “Because of its tradition of academic and athletic excellence, the amazing team culture, and the beautiful campus.” … describes greatest athletic thrill as “Rallying to a comeback win at the 2024 AVP Jr. Nationals after dropping the rst set.” … hobbies include spending time with family and friends, going to the beach, baking, hiking, and sports psychology … athletes she admires most include Kristen Nuss and the late Kobe Bryant … major is undeclared ... has a career objective in sports psychology.
6-3 / Freshman
Apex, N.C.
Middle Creek HS
Was a four-year letterwinner on the beach team as a blocker and earned one varsity letter on the indoor team as an outside hitter at Mira Costa High School … also played two years in soccer at goalkeeper … beach volleyball team captain … state champions in 2018, 2019, and 2021 and the team’s record over that span was 100-0 … two-time AAU Junior Olympics champion (2018 and 2019) … two-time AVP rst championship silver medalist … P1440 silver medalist in 18U gold division … CVBA Cal Cup champion … Volleyball Magazine 20 underclassmen to watch … four-year CVBA AAA-rated player … four-time
• AVCA National Collegiate Beach Pairs Champion (Nov. 17, 2024)
• UCLA Student-Athlete of the Week (Nov. 12-18, 2024)
• UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2024)
Fall 2024
UCLA Beach Volleyball freshman Sally Perez and junior Maggie Boyd took down the eld
of 64 to capture the Bruins’ rst-ever AVCA National Collegiate Beach Pairs Championship on Nov. 17, 2024. Boyd and Perez were seeded fth in pool play and posted two wins on Friday, Nov. 15, defeating Maya McNabney and Madeline Sigmon of Costal Carolina (60th seed), 21-14, 21-15 in the rst match and then taking down Kristin Bobay and Millie Olsson of Texas A&M - Corpus Christi (37th seed), 21-14, 21-17, to win the pool with a 2-0 record. The duo was then reseeded at No. 7 in the Champions Bracket and opened play on Saturday, Nov. 16 with a 21-18, 21-19 straight-set win over USC’s Maya Gessner and Kaileigh Truslow (26th seed). The Bruin pair then defeated Maddison Parmelly and Karin Zolnercikova of Texas (10th seed) in their second match on Saturday, 21-17, 21-16. The third match of the day saw the Bruins win a quarter nal bout against Long Beach State’s second-seeded pair of Malia Gementera and Taylor Hagenah in their only three-setter of the tournament, 21-18, 17-21, 15-12. That set up a semi nal match on Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. PT where the UCLA tandem took out 11th-seeded Cal Poly’s Piper Ferch and Erin Inskeep in identical set scores of 21-16. Ferch and Inskeep defeated the three-seed from LMU to reach the semi nals. All the Bruins had to do in the title match was take down the 10th-ranked pair in the world, TCU’s top-seeded tandem of Daniela Alvarez and Tania Moreno. The duo from Spain nished fth at the 2024 Olympic Games and has a combined collegiate career record of 88-14. The Horned Frogs pair hadn’t dropped a set in the tournament and Boyd and Perez used timely blocking and aggressive serving to post a straight-set victory in the nals, 21-16, 21-17. Playing in her rst season for the Bruins, Perez registered three blocks in the nals and was huge at the net. Boyd nished the match with four huge aces and put a lot of service pressure on the Horned Frogs.
High School/Club
Attended Middle Creek High School all four years … lettered three years in indoor volleyball as an outside hitter … notched 1,311 kills, 423 digs, and 122 service aces during her high school career … played club beach volleyball for Sinjin Beach Volleyball Club … won a bronze medal at the U19 Beach World Championships in China in Sept. of 2024 … won the 2024 USA Volleyball U19 Trials with her partner Sarah Wood … won the U18 AAU Girls Junior National Championship in 2023 …is a two-time member of the U19 USA Beach Volleyball Girl’s National Team.
Full name is Sally Marie Perez … born Oct. 11, 2006 in Raleigh, N.C. ... her parents are Patrick and Edi Perez … has an older brother, Samuel … decided to attend UCLA because, “I want to win national championships! It was also always my dream school and I loved the culture. The coaches and campus can also not be beaten!” … athletes she admires most include Aryna Sabalenka and Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone … describes her greatest athletic thrill as “Competing in the U21 USA Team trials over the summer of 2023 with current Bruin Alexa Fernandez.” … hobbies include playing cards, going to the movies, traveling, and going out to eat … an interesting fact about her is that she is a quarter Cuban … major is undeclared.
6-0 / Redshirt Sophomore Corona, Calif.
Santiago HS
Jayla Shanks was on the team but didn’t see any action. 2023
Redshirted the season.
A four-year letter winner in indoor volleyball at Santiago High School … named Citrus Belt Female Athlete of the Year and Offensive Player of the Year … earned First-Team All-CIF and Most Valuable play of the year honors … two-time Inland Empire Player of the Week … named Big 8 First-Team All-League … played club with Elite beach Volleyball.
Full name: Jayla Lynn Shanks … born in Laguna Hills, Calif. … parents are Wendy and Sal Shanks … has two older brothers, Jacob and Sean, and one older sister, Sasha … says she chose UCLA because, “Ever since I was little UCLA has always been my dream to attend UCLA, but what really made the decision easy for me was seeing the positive environment and dedication that the players and coaches have put into the program.” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as beating her rival school in three sets senior year where she earned a hitting percentage of .727 with zero errors … the athletes she admires most include the late Kobe Bryant and Misty May-Treanor … enjoys playing the ukulele and reading … major is biology and she intends to pursue a career in the medical eld.
• NCAA All-Tournament Team (2022)
• Pac-12 All-Freshman Team (2022)
• Pac-12 Freshman of the Year (2022)
6-0 / Senior
Laguna Niguel, Calif. Aliso Niguel HS
• Pac-12 Pair of the Week (Apr. 18, 2023)
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2024)
• College Sports Communicators (CSC) Academic All-District At-Large Team (2024)
• UCLA All-Academic Team (2024)
• 8-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2021,Winter 2022, Spring 2022,Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Jessie Smith ended the season with an overall record of 24-13 (77-30 career) … partnered with Kenzie Brower for the entire season going 24-13 (16-6 on court three and 8-7 on court four) … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Smith going 23-13 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of eight consecutive duals (all with Brower) which began against No. 4 Florida State (Mar. 16) and ended vs. No. 4 Florida State (Apr. 12) … Smith clinched seven victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 4-1 win over No. 4 Florida State on Mar. 16 at the East Meets West Invitational at Manhattan Beach, Calif., and in another 4-1 win over No. 5 Florida State on Mar. 29 at the Death Volley Invitational in Baton Rouge, La. … Smith and Brower also went 4-3 in postseason play (3-1 at NCAAs and 1-2 at Pac12s) … Smith went 18-3 in two-set matches and 6-10 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 26-6 (53-17 career) … had four different partners on the year … went 3-2 (all on court two) with Abby Van Winkle on court two and then went 5-2 with Tessa Van Winkle (4-2 on court three and 1-0 on court four) … also went 3-0 on court two with Lexy Denaburg before ending the year with Marlie Monserez, going 15-2 (12-2 on court four and 3-0 on court ve) … the Bruins faced 32 ranked opponents in the 44 duals on the year with Smith going 21-6 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of 10 consecutive duals (two with Tessa Van Winkle and eight with Monserez) which began with No. 9 California (Apr. 7) and ended vs. No. 8 Stanford (Apr. 27) … Smith clinched three victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-0 victory over No. 20 South Carolina (Mar. 17) … Smith also went 7-2 in postseason play (3-1 at NCAAs, 4-1 at Pac-12s) with one match being truncated at the Pac-12 Championship … Smith went 24-3 in two-set matches and 2-3 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 27-11 … began the season with Tessa Van Winkle going 3-1 on court ve and then went 10-6 with Marlie Monserez (3-0 on court four and 7-6 on court ve) … ended the year with Lea Monkhouse going 14-4 (all on court three) … the Bruins faced 34 ranked opponents in the 43 duals on the year with Smith going 19-11 against ranked teams (one match was truncated at the March to May event
and one more at the NCAA Championship) … recorded a season-best winning streak of ve consecutive duals ( rst one with Monserez and then four with Monkhouse) which began with No. 12 California (Apr. 9) and ended vs. No. 6 Loyola Marymount (Apr. 15) … Smith also clinched six victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins (three with Van Winkle, two with Monserez, and one with Monkhouse) with the biggest coming in a 3-2 home victory over No. 1 USC (Mar. 5) … Smith and Monkhouse went 7-2 in postseason play (4-0 at NCAAs, 3-2 at Pac-12s) … Smith went 22-7 in two-set matches and 5-4 in three-set matches on the year.
Was a four-year letterwinner as an outside hitter for Aliso Niguel High School … 2020 California State Gatorade Player of the Year … 2019 Division I All-CIF, South Coast Volleyball League First-Team, and MVP … 2018 Division 2 All-CIF, South Coast Volleyball League First-Team … 2017 South Coast Volleyball League Second-Team … played club for Tstreet indoors and MBSand on the beach … 2021 JVA All-America First-Team … rst place at the U18 USA Volleyball High Performance Championships … placed second at the AAU National Championships … third place at the BVCA National Championships … in 2020, named AAU National Beach Player of the Year … also won the AAU National Championships…2019BVCANationalChampionships rstplace…alsowonAAUNational Championships and AAU Junior Olympics … won the 2017 AAU National Championships and AVP National Championships … 2016 AAU National Champion … member of the USA Volleyball High Performance beach team for the past ve years … current member of the U19 NDTP …has earned and maintained a Women’s AAA rating since age 14.
Full name: Jessica Lynn Smith, prefers Jessie … born in Mission Viejo, Calif. … parents are Scott and Christie Smith … has an older brother, Ethan who plays indoor volleyball at Harvard, and her twin sister, Katelyn, plays indoor volleyball at USC … father, Scott, played college volleyball at the University of Waterloo (Canada) with his identical twin brother Steve … uncle, Steve Smith also played on the Canadian National Team from 1991-94, and played professionally for 10 years in Belgium and Germany, including one with UCLA head women’s volleyball coach Mike Sealy in Belgium … says she chose UCLA because, “UCLA is the best of both worlds with strong academics and strong athletics, and the campus is beautiful. I also love the team atmosphere here and the coaches are not only amazing coaches, but also amazing people off of the court and I know I will learn a lot from them.” … lists her greatest athletic thrill as “ nishing my last youth tournament by winning the U19 USAV High Performance Championships in Florida.” … the athletes she admires most include Aprli Ross, Laura Ludwig, Anders Mol, and Tri Bourne … is a dual citizen (USA and Canada) … hobbies include sur ng, going to the beach with friends, and going out for ice cream … is a communication major.
5-10 / Redshirt Sophomore San Diego, Calif. La Jolla HS
• AVCA Junior Beach All-American (2022)
Ky Vaickus was on the team but didn’t see any action. 2023
Redshirted the season.
A four-year indoor volleyball letter winner at La Jolla High School … team Captain in the 2021-22 season … named San Diego County’s 2022 Senior All-Star and MVP of LJHS Volleyball team … named First Team All-Western League (2021, 2022), JVA Indoor Watch List (2021), CIF All-Academic Team, (2021, 2022) … named to the 2020 AVCA Phenom Watch List … Earned CIF Region All-Academic Award … also earned Western League
Honorable Mention honors in 2019 … played club for Wave Volleyball Club … earned a 2022 AVCA All-American nomination and 2022 CBVA AA tournament MVP honors … earned a AAA rating in the 2022 beach season and was on the AVCA Phenom Watch List … placed third in CBVA Women’s Open (2022) … in 2021, she earned BVCA Best Offensive Player Award, JVA Best in Beach Award, and was a 692 National Team Captain … had a third-place nish at AAU Nationals in 2021 and 2022 and was AA Ranked in both seasons … was on the JVA Beach Watch List, (2020, 2021, 2022) … team member for Beach Volleyball AAU, BVCA, AVP, and USAV Junior Olympics participant (2019-2022).
Full name: Ky Nicloe Vaickus … born in San Diego, Calif. … parents are Julie and Greg Vaickus … has two older brothers, Ryan and Austin … brother Austin played volleyball at UC Irvine … says she chose UCLA because, “it has been my dream school, not only for volleyball, but for academics as well.” … hobbies include snowboarding and sur ng … major is cognitive science.
6-2 / Graduate Student
San Clemente, Calif.
San Clemente HS
• Pac-12 Spring Academic Honor Roll (2021)
• 10-time UCLA Athletic Director’s Honor Roll (Fall 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023,Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024)
Tessa Van Winkle ended the season with an overall record of 26-13 (56-24 career) … partnered with Jaden Whitmarsh for most of the season going 25-13 (15-8 on court four, 9-5 on court three, and 1-0 on court ve) … also went 1-0 with Sophie Moore on court three … the Bruins faced 39 ranked opponents in the 42 duals on the year with Van Winkle going 23-13 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of eight consecutive duals (seven with Whitmarsh and one with Moore) … Van Winkle clinched ve victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-2 win over No. 2 USC on Apr. 13 to win the Center of Effort Challenge in San Luis Obispo, Calif., and in a win over No. 1 USC on Apr. 26in the winner’s bracket nal of the Pac-12 Championship in Tempe, Ariz. … Van Winkle and Whitmarsh went 3-2 in postseason play (1-1 at NCAAs and 2-1 at Pac-12s) … Van Winkle went 18-10 in two-set matches and 8-3 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 21-9 (30-11 career) … partnered with Sophie Moore for most of the season going 11-4 (11-3 on court three, 0-1 on court four, and 1-0 in exhibition play on court six) … also went 1-0 with Jaden Whitmarsh on court four, 4-1 with Peri Brennan on court three, 5-2 with Jessie Smith (4-2 on court three and 1-0 on court four), and 0-2 with Kelli Greene-Agnew on court four … the Bruins faced 32 ranked opponents in the 44 duals on the year with Van Winkle going 13-7 against ranked teams (one match was truncated at the March to May Tournament) … recorded a season-best winning streak of nine consecutive duals to open the season (all with Moore) which began with the season opener against Saint Mary’s (Feb. 23) and ended vs. No. 8 Hawai’i (Mar. 29) … Van Winkle clinched two victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins with the biggest coming in a 3-2 victory over No. 9 Stanford (Feb. 24) in pool play at the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic … Van Winkle was an alternate during postseason play … Van Winkle went 19-5 in two-set matches and 2-4 in three-set matches on the year.
Ended the season with an overall record of 9-2 … began the season with Jessie Smith going 3-1 on court ve and then went 3-1 with Pani Napoleon on court ve … ended the year with Peri Brennan going 3-0 (1-0 on court four and 2-0 on court ve) … the Bruins faced 34 ranked opponents in the 43 duals on the year with Van Winkle going 3-2 against ranked teams … recorded a season-best winning streak of three consecutive duals three
times, once each with all three partners … Van Winkle also went 8-2 on the year in exhibition play, going 7-2 on court six with Pani Napoleon and 1-0 with Maggie Walters … Van Winkle also clinched two victories in dual matches on the year for the Bruins (both with Smith) with the biggest coming in a 4-1 season-opening victory over No. 7 Stanford (Feb. 25) … Van Winkle went 6-0 in two-set matches and 3-2 in three-set matches on the year.
Redshirted the season.
Lettered as an outside hitter at Santa Margarita Catholic High School in 2017 before transferring to San Clemente High School … two-time letterwinner for both beach and indoor volleyball at San Clemente HS … helped Santa Margarita Catholic to a league championship, a CIF-SS Division I title and runner-up nish at CIF State Championships … led San Clemente to a Sea View League championship for both indoor and beach … played club for WAVE Beach Volleyball … was an AVP First champion and has two rstplace nishes in the CBVA Women’s AAA … earned second place in the CBVA Laguna Beach Open … was a three-time USA Volleyball High Performance A1 athlete … was ranked No. 7 in the AAA women’s player in the CBVA.
Full name: Tessa Rose Van Winkle … born in Mission Viejo, Calif. … parents are Laurie and Dave Van Winkle … has an older sister, Abby, and a younger sister, Audrey … Abby is a junior on the Bruins’ beach volleyball team and secured UCLA’s NCAA Championship in 2019 with a block on court three against USC on title point … mother, Laurie, played indoor volleyball for the Bruins and won two national championships … great uncle, Bob Ramsey, swam and played water polo for UCLA and also won two national championships … greatest athletic thrill was competing in the AVP Hawaii Invitational alongside current Bruin teammate Peri Brennan where the pair fell two points short in the third set of making it to the main draw … admires Bruin beach volleyball standout Sarah Sponcil and Jake Gibb … lists drawing, painting, going to the beach and baking as interests outside of volleyball … chose UCLA because of its championship program, strong academics, beautiful campus and amazing food … major is sociology.
1 - Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (Queen’s Beach, hosted by Hawai’i); 2 - Battle for LA (Mapes Beach, hosted by UCLA); 3 - Pac-12 South Invitational (Sun Devil Beach Volleyball Facility, hosted by Arizona State); 4 - East Meets West Invitational (Manhattan Beach Pier, hosted by UCLA); 5 - Death Volley Invitational (LSU Beach Volleyball Stadium, hosted by LSU): 6 - Pac-12 North Invitational (Alki Beach, hosted by Washington); 7 - Center of Effort Challenge (Mustang Beach Volleyball Complex, hosted by Cal Poly); 8 - Pac-12 Championship (Sun Devil Beach Volleyball Facility, hosted by Arizona State); 9 - NCAA Championship (Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala., hosted by UAB).
Feb.22 vs.No.1USC1 L Boyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Feb.22 atNo.9Hawai’i1 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Feb.23 vs.No.7Stanford1 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith L Alden/Myszkowski
Feb.23 vs.No.5LMU1 L Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Feb.24 atNo.9Hawai’i1 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Feb.24 vs.No.7Stanford1 L Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Feb.24 vs.No.1USC1 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski Mar.1 No.8CALIFORNIA2 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.1 No.18CALPOLY2 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Myszkowski/Powers
Mar.2 No.13WASHINGTON2 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Moore/VanWinkle W Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.2 No.9LONGBEACHSTATE2 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.8 atNo.10ArizonaState3 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.8 vs.No.2Stanford3 L Boyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.9 vs.Oregon3 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Hope/Moore
Mar.9 vs.No.14Washington3 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Brower/Smith W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.15 No.17GRANDCANYON4 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.15 No.8LSU4 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.16 No.4FLORIDASTATE4 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.16 No.15GEORGIASTATE4 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.29 vs.No.5FloridaState5 W Boyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.29 vs.No.4TCU5 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.30 vs.No.17FloridaAtlantic5 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Moore W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Mar.30 atNo.10LSU5 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.5 vs.No.7California6 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.5 vs.Utah6 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Powers W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Bonanni/Hope
Apr.6 vs.No.18Arizona6 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Powers W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.9 No.9LONGBEACHSTATE7 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.9 CSUN7 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Powers W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.12 vs.No.10LMU8 L Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.12 vs.No.4FloridaState8 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski Apr.13 atNo.6CalPoly8 W Boyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.13 vs.No.2USC8 L Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith L Alden/Myszkowski W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh Apr.18 vs.No.9LMU W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Alden/Myszkowski Apr.18 atNo.2USC L Boyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski
Apr.24 vs.No.18Arizona9 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry DNFBrower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh DNFAlden/Myszkowski Apr.25 vs.No.3Stanford9 W Boyd/Denaburg DNFBrennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith DNFVanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski Apr.26 vs.No.1USC9 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Alden/Myszkowski Apr.26 vs.No.1USC9 DNFBoyd/Denaburg DNFBrennan/Newberry L Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh L Alden/Myszkowski May3 vs.No.20TexasA&M-CorpusChristi10 W Boyd/Denaburg DNFBrennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith DNFVanWinkle/Whitmarsh W Alden/Myszkowski May4 vs.No.8California10 W Boyd/Denaburg W Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith DNFVanWinkle/Whitmarsh DNFAlden/Myszkowski May4 vs.No.11LSU10 W Boyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry W Brower/Smith W VanWinkle/Whitmarsh DNFAlden/Myszkowski May5 vs.No.1USC10 DNFBoyd/Denaburg L Brennan/Newberry L Brower/Smith L VanWinkle/Whitmarsh DNFAlden/Myszkowski
KEY: 1 - Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (Queen’s Beach, hosted by Hawai’i); 2 - Battle for LA (Mapes Beach, hosted by UCLA); 3 - Pac-12 South Invitational (Sun Devil Beach Volleyball Facility, hosted by Arizona State); 4 - East Meets West Invitational (Manhattan Beach Pier, hosted by UCLA); 5 - Death Volley Invitational (LSU Beach Volleyball Stadium, hosted by LSU); 6 - Pac-12 North Invitational (Alki Beach, hosted by Washington); 7 - Senior Day (Mapes Beach, hosted by UCLA); 8 - Center of Effort Challenge (Mustang Beach Volleyball Complex, hosted by Cal Poly); 9 - Pac-12 Championship (Sun Devil Beach Volleyball Facility, hosted by Arizona State); 10 - NCAA Championship (Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala., hosted by UAB).
: Indicates clinching team dual match point DNF indicates a match that was truncated or did not nish
Alden,Ensley 2024
Anderson,Jordan 2016-17
Aquino,Mariana 2013
Bonanni,Madeline 2024
Boyd,Maggie 2023-24
Brennan,Peri 2022-24
Brower,Kenzie 2024 Buechler,Reily 2016
Carey,Izzy 2016-19 Consani,Julie 2014-16
Denaburg,Lexy 2020-24
Drolson,Karly 2013-16 Dykstra,Skylar 2014
Fincher,Phelix 2013 Formico,Taylor 2014 Frager,Jennie 2014
Geiser,KellyAnna 2016 Greene-Agnew,Kelli 2023
Hallgren,Haley 2023
Hashman,Katie 2022
Hettick,Kendahl 2015
Hogan,Jasmine 2017
Holroyd,Chanti 2017-18 Hope,Reagan 2024
Inouye,Rachel 2013-16
J Jasper-Baylin,Lexi 2015-16 Justine,Lily 2017-20
Klineman,Maddy 2013 Kunz,Anastasia 2015
Lowe,Karsta 2013-14
Moenoa,Megan 2013
Monkhouse,Lea 2019-22
Monserez,Marlie 2022-23
Moore,Sophie 2022-24
Myszkowski,Natalie 2022-24
Muno,Zana 2016,2018-19
Muret,Megan 2018-21
Napoleon,Pani 2022
Newberry,Devon 2020-24
Ngauamo,Jessyka 2014,2016
Nigthingale, Zoë 2013-15
Norton,Meg 2013
PPhair,Hannah 2020-21
Phillipp,Kristen 2015
Powers,Rileigh 2020-24
Quade,Jacqueline 2020-21
Reeves,Kelly 2013
Sanchez,Cami 2020-21
Schmitt,Ivey 2015-16
Simo,Savvy 2017-21
Smith,Madie 2014-15
Smith,Jessie 2022-24
Sparks,Lindsey 2019-21
Sponcil,Sarah 2018-19
Strehlow,Becca 2013
T Tan,Kamila 2014-17 Todorovic,Bojana 2013
VanWinden,Torrey 2017 VanWinkle,Abby 2019-23 VanWinkle,Tessa 2022-24 W Walters,Maggie 2021-22 Weaver,Laurel 2015-16 Whitmarsh,Jaden 2020-24 Wilson,Remy 2017
MaceyButler 2023
MacMay 2018-20
IveySchmitt 2015-16
SkylarDykstra 2014 2
TaylorFord 2024-25
KelliGreene-Agnew 2023
SophieSwett 2021-22
LilyJustine 2017-20
NatalieMiller 2015
KellyReeves 2013
ReaganHope 2023-25
CaitlynKyle 2021-22
RemyWilson 2017-18
KendahlHettick 2015
JordanRobbins 2014
RileighPowers 2020-24
SarahSponcil 2018-19
KellyAnnaGeiser 2016
HaleyLawless 2013-14
PeriBrennan 2021-25
ZanaMuno 2016-19
TaylorFormico 2014
BeccaStrehlow 2013 6
HannahFleming 2024-25
HaleyHallgren 2023
BonnieDavis 2022
MadelineBonanni 2022-25 8
SophieMoore 2022-25 9
NatalieMyszkowski 2022-25 10
SallyPerez 2025
JadenWhitmarsh 2019-24
TorreyVanWinden 2017
JennieFrager 2014
BojanaTodorovic 2013 11
JessieSmith 2022-25
SavvySimo 2017-21
KristenPhillipp 2015-16
MaddyKlineman 2013 12
MaggieBoyd 2023-25
PiperMonk-Heidrich 2019-20
KamilaTan 2014-17
MarianaAquino 2013
DevonNewberry 2020-24
NicoleMcNamara 2016-19
ZoëNightingale 2013-15
JaylaShanks 2023-25
MadiYeomans 2017-20
KarlyDrolson 2013-16
KenzieBrower 2023-25
MeganMuret 2018-21
HarperCooper 2024-25 18
KaleyMathews 2024-25 20
KyVaickus 2023-25
USMC/AVCA National Coach of the Year
AVCA National Assistant Coach of the Year
2019 JennyJohnsonJordan
NCAA Today’s Top 10 Award 2020
NCAA All-Tournament Team
AVCA National Pairs
2024 MaggieBoyd/SallyPerez
AVCA All-Americans
*Only pair in NCAA named four-time All-American
AVCA Top Flight Award
Introducedin2018,thisawardsprogramwas designedtorecognizeexcellenceincollegiatebeach volleyballfromalloverthecountryandacrossall ights. In order for a pair to be eligible for the award, the two student-athletes must compete in at least 15 matches together and at a speci c ight number. Should that pair win at least 75% of their matches – regardless of the overall result of the dual – those athletes will achieve “Top Flight” status.
2018 MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara(CT1)
2019 MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara(CT1)
LilyJustine/SarahSponcil(CT2) ZanaMuno/AbbyVanWinkle(CT3)
2021 LexyDenaburg/SavvySimo(CT1) DevonNewberry/LindseySparks(CT2)
MeganMuret/JacquelineQuade(CT4) RileighPowers/JadenWhitmarsh(CT5) 2023 PeriBrennan/AbbyVanWinkle(CT2) HaleyHallgren/RileighPowers(CT4)
VolleyMob All-Americans
VolleyMob Pair of the Year
VolleyMob Pair of the Week 4/3/18
DiG Magazine All-Americans
MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara 4/6/21
PeriBrennan/AbbyVanWinkle 4/1/24
3/4/24 MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg
U.S. Beach Collegiate National Team
2020 JacquelineQuade
2020 LindseySparks
2020 AbbyVanWinkle
2021 SavvySimo
2021 LexyDenaburg
2021 AbbyVanWinkle
2022 LexyDenaburg
AbbyVanWinkle 2023 PeriBrennan
2024 NatalieMyszkowski
Volleyball Magazine Coach of the Year
Volleyball Magazine Freshman of the Year 2019
Volleyball Magazine AllAmericans
2017 MeganMcNamara(1st)
NicoleMcNamara(1st) 2018
SarahSponcil(2nd) 2019 LilyJustine(1st)
Volleyball Magazine
Preseason All-Americans
KamilaTan(2nd) 2017
NicoleMcNamara(1st) 2018
EliseZappia(3rd) 2019
DiG Magazine Freshmen of the Year 2016
DiG Magazine Pair of the Week
IzzyCarey/MeganMuret 4/2/18 MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara
College Sports Communicators (CSC) Academic All-America® Women’s At-Large Team 2023
CSC Academic All-District Women’s At-Large Team 2024
Pac-12 Pair of the Year
Pac-12 Player of the Year
Pac-12 Freshman of the Year
2017 TorreyVanWinden(1st)
2018 MacMay(1st)
JessieSmith 2023
Pac-12 Coach of the Year
SteinMetzger 2023
Pac-12 All-Conference
2018 MeganMcNamara(1st)
Pac-12 All-Tournament
2018 SavvySimo/MadiYeomans
2019 IzzyCarey/LindseySparks
2021 AbbyVanWinkle/LindseySparks
2022 LexyDenaburg/AbbyVanWinkle
2023 PeriBrennan/AbbyVanWinkle
2024 MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg PeriBrennan/DevonNewberry
Pac-12 Pair of the Week
4/4/16 MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara
3/08/22 LexyDenaburg/AbbyVanWinkle 3/22/22SophieMoore/NatalieMyszkowski 3/14/23 MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg
3/21/23 PeriBrennan/AbbyVanWinkle 4/18/23 MarlieMonserez/JessieSmith
3/5/24 MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg
3/19/24 PeriBrennan/DevonNewberry 4/2/24 EnsleyAlden/NatalieMyszkowski
Pac-12 All-Academic
3/13/18 IzzyCarey/MeganMuret
JadenWhitmarsh 2024
*In 2020-21 the Pac-12 eliminated All-Academic teams and just lumped everyone into a group. They also didn’t do All-Pac-12 Awards due to COVID-shortened seasons.
LeaMonkhouse(2nd) 2023
2/26/19 LilyJustine/SarahSponcil
4/2/19 MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara
4/9/19 LeaMonkhouse/SavvySimo
Pac-12 Scholar Athlete of the Year 2019
IzzyCarey 2022
LeaMonkhouse 2023
2/25/20 AbbyVanWinkle/SavvySimo
AbbyVanWinkle(1st) 2024
3/10/20 AbbyVanWinkle/SavvySimo
3/31/21 LexyDenaburg/SavvySimo
4/09/21 DevonNewberry/LindseySparks
AbbyVanWinkle 2021*
Pac-12 Tom Hansen Conference Medal 2019
Pac-12 Postgraduate Scholarship 2017 KamilaTan
Atlanta, 1996 ( rst year)
KarchKiraly(gold medalist) BjornMassaide
KentSteffes(gold medalist)
Sydney, 2000
Annett(Buckner)Davis Jenny(Johnson)Jordan BjornMassaide
Athens, 2004
LizMasakayan (coach of Holly McPeak/Elaine Youngs) BjornMassaide
HollyMcPeak(bronze medalist) SteinMetzger
ElaineYoungs(bronze medalist)
Annett(Buckner)Davis (alternate) Jenny(Johnson)Jordan (alternate)
Beijing, 2008
LizMasakayan (coach
London, 2012
Rio, 2016
Tokyo, 2020
Tokyo, 2024
1. IzzyCarey(2019) 36
2. AbbyVanWinkle(2023) 35
MeganMcNamara(2018) 35
NicoleMcNamara(2018) 35 5. PeriBrennan(2023) 34
IzzyCarey(2018) 34
MeganMuret(2018) 34
8. MaggieBoyd(2024) 33
LexyDenaburg(2024) 33
LindseySparks(2019) 33
LilyJustine(2018) 33
SavvySimo(2018) 33
SarahSponcil(2018) 33 14. PeriBrennan(2024) 32
DevonNewberry(2024) 32
LexyDenaburg(2023) 32
HaleyHallgren(2023) 32
EliseZappia(2017) 32
IzzyCarey(2017) 32 20. RileighPowers(2023) 31
EliseZappia(2018) 31
22. NatalieMyszkowski(2024) 30
LexyDenaburg(2022) 30
AbbyVanWinkle(2022) 30
MeganMcNamara(2019) 30
NicoleMcNamara(2019) 30
SavvySimo(2019) 30
28. EnsleyAlden(2024) 29
LeaMonkhouse(2022) 29
JadenWhitmarsh(2022) 29
JadenWhitmarsh(2021) 29
AbbyVanWinkle(2019) 29
JordanAnderson(2017) 29 ^ Bold indicates current player
1. LexyDenaburg(2020-24) 133
2. AbbyVanWinkle(2019-23) 128
3. IzzyCarey(2016-19) 123
4. SavvySimo(2017-21) 119
5. LeaMonkhouse(2019-22) 117
6. MeganMcNamara(2016-19) 111
7. JadenWhitmarsh(2019-24) 110
8. NicoleMcNamara(2016-19) 109 9. DevonNewberry(2019-24) 103
10. EliseZappia(2015-18) 102
11. RileighPowers(2020-24) 95
12. LilyJustine(2017-20) 87
13. MeganMuret(2018-21) 79
14. JessieSmith(2022-24) 77
15. ZanaMuno(2016-19) 73
16. KamilaTan(2014-17) 71
17. PeriBrennan(2021-24) 69 NatalieMyszkowski(2022-24) 69 LindseySparks(2019-23) 69
20. SarahSponcil(2018-19) 61
21. MaggieBoyd(2023-24) 60
22. TessaVanWinkle(2021-24) 56
23. MarlieMonserez(2022-23) 48
24. MadiYeomans(2017-20) 47
25. SophieMoore(2022-24) 43
BEST PAIRS RECORD BY PCT. - SEASON (Must have played in 50% of duals)
1.IzzyCarey/LindseySparks(2019) 27-2(.931)
2. HaleyHallgren/RileighPowers(2023) 30-4(.882) MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara(2019)30-4(.882)
4. AbbyVanWinkle/PeriBrennan(2023) 29-4(.879)
5.JordanAnderson/IzzyCarey(2017) 21-3(.875)
6.SavvySimo/AbbyVanWinkle(2020) 13-2(.867)^
7. SophieMoore/NatalieMyszkowski(2022) 27-5(.844)
8.TorreyVanWinden/EliseZappia(2017) 21-4(.840)
9.SarahSponcil/LilyJustine(2019) 26-5(.839)
10.MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara(2018)35-7(.833) 11.ZanaMuno/AbbyVanWinkle(2019) 25-5(.833) ZanaMuno/SavvySimo(2018) 25-5(.833)
13. EnsleyAlden/NatalieMyszkowski(2024)29-6(.829)
14. MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg (2024) 33-7(.825)
15. PeriBrennan/DevonNewberry (2024) 32-7(.821)
16.RileighPowers/JadenWhitmarsh(2021) 27-6(.818)
17.LeaMonkhouse/SavvySimo(2019) 22-5(.815)
18.IzzyCarey/MeganMuret(2018) 34-8(.810)
19.DevonNewberry/LindseySparks(2021) 17-4(.810)
20.DevonNewberry/JadenWhitmarsh(2022) 25-6(.807)
21.SarahSponcil/LilyJustine(2018) 33-8(.805)
22. SophieMoore/NatalieMyszkowski(2022)28-7(.800) DevonNewberry/JadenWhitmarsh(2022) 28-7(.800) MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara(2017)28-7(.800)
25. MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg (2023) 24-6(.800)
^ denotes COVID-shortened season
1.MeganMcNamara/NicoleMcNamara(2016-19) 109
2.SarahSponcil/LilyJustine(2018-19) 59
3. MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg (2023-24) 57
4.IzzyCarey/MeganMuret(2018-19) 43
5.DevonNewberry/JadenWhitmarsh(2022-23) 39
6.KarlyDrolson/RachelInouye(2013-16) 37
7. PeriBrennan/DevonNewberry (2024) 32 IzzyCarey/EliseZappia(2016-17) 32
9.HaleyHallgren/RileighPowers(2023) 30
10. EnsleyAlden/NatalieMyszkowski(2024) 29 PeriBrennan/AbbyVanWinkle (2023) 29 JulieConsani/LaurelWeaver(2015-16) 29
13.LexyDenaburg/AbbyVanWinkle(2022-23) 28 SophieMoore/NatalieMyszkowski(2022) 28 LexyDenaburg/SavvySimo(2021) 28
16.RileighPowers/JadenWhitmarsh(2021) 27 IzzyCarey/LindseySparks(2019) 27
18. JessieSmith/MarlieMonserez (2022-23) 25 TessaVanWinkle/JadenWhitmarsh (2024) 25 ZanaMuno/AbbyVanWinkle(2019) 25 ZanaMuno/SavvySimo(2018) 25
22. KenzieBrower/JessieSmith(2024) 24
23.MeganMuret/JacquelineQuade(2021) 23 24.LeaMonkhouse/SavvySimo(2019) 22 MacMay/EliseZappia(2018) 22 KamilaTan/MadiYeomans(2017) 22
BEST PAIRS RECORD BY PCT. - CAREER (Must have played in at least 10 duals) RKPAIR RECORD(PCT.)
1.IzzyCarey/LindseySparks(2019) 27-2(.931)
2.HaleyHallgren/RileighPowers(2023) 30-4(.882)
3. PeriBrennan/AbbyVanWinkle (2023) 29-4(.879)
4.JordanAnderson/IzzyCarey(2017) 21-3(.875)
5.SavvySimo/AbbyVanWinkle(2020) 13-2(.867)
6.ReilyBuechler/ZanaMuno(2016) 12-2(.857)
8.IzzyCarey/MeganMuret(2018-19) 43-8(.843)
9.TorreyVanWinden/EliseZappia(2017) 21-4(.840)
10.ZanaMuno/AbbyVanWinkle(2019) 25-5(.833) ZanaMuno/SavvySimo(2018) 25-5(.833)
12. EnsleyAlden/NatalieMyszkowski(2024) 29-6(.829)
13. PeriBrennan/DevonNewberry (2024) 32-7(.821)
14.SarahSponcil/LilyJustine(2018-19) 59-13(.819)
15.RileighPowers/JadenWhitmarsh(2021) 27-6(.818)
16.LeaMonkhouse/SavvySimo(2019) 22-5(.815)
17. MaggieBoyd/LexyDenaburg (2023) 57-13(.814)
18.DevonNewberry/LindseySparks(2021) 17-4(.810)
19. SophieMoore/NatalieMyszkowski(2022)28-7(.800)
20.MarlieMonserez/JadenWhitmarsh(2022-23) 12-3(.800)
21.MacMay/EliseZappia(2018) 22-6(.786)
23.LexyDenaburg/SavvySimo(2021) 28-8(.778)
24.LexyDenaburg/LindseySparks(2020) 10-3(.769)
25.MeganMuret/JacquelinQuade(2021) 23-8(.742)
26. SophieMoore/TessaVanWinkle(2023)11-4(.733)
General Team Records
MostWins(season) 40*(40-4,.909in2018and2023)
BestW-LPercentage(season) .921(35-3in2019)
MostLosses(season) 9(2022)
WorstW-LPercentage(season) .300(3-7in2013)
Most5-0Sweeps(season) 17(2018,2019)
MostSweeps(includes3-0)(season) 26(2023)
LongestWinningStreaks 31(2018) 25(2019) 24(2017) 20(2024)
LongestLosingStreak 6(2014) *also a Pac-12 and NCAA record
Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
3/11 (6/4) vs.FloridaState(@LBSU) L,0-5
3/16 (6/NR) vs.LoyolaMarymount(@USC) W,4-1
3/16 (6/3) atUSC L,0-5
3/21 (7/9) NEBRASKA L,2-3
4/10 (6/2) vs.LongBeachState(@Pepperdine) L,1-4
4/10 (6/1) atPepperdine L,0-5
4/20 (6/NR) vs.SantaClara1 W,5-0
4/20 (6/1) vs.Pepperdine1 L,0-5
4/20 (6/5) vs.Hawai’i1 L,2-3
1 at USAV Beach Collegiate Challenge (Hermosa Beach, Calif.)
FinalAVCAnationalranking:6th Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:6th
Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
3/6 (6/NR) CSUN W,3-2
3/8 (6/NR) atIrvineValleyCollege W,4-1
3/8 (6/NR) vs. CSUBakerseld(@IrvineValley) W,3-2
3/14 (6/4) vs.FloridaState(@USC) L,0-5
3/27 (6/3) vs.Hawai’i1 L,0-5
3/27 (6/NR) atSanFrancisco1 W,3-2
3/29 (6/NR) vs.SantaClara(@Stanford) W,4-1
3/29 (6/NR) atStanford W,5-0
3/29 (6/3) vs.Hawai’i(@Stanford) L,0-5
4/3 (6/NR) vs.LoyolaMarymount(@USC) L,1-4
4/3 (6/1) atUSC L,0-5
4/8 (6/5) atLongBeachState L,1-4
4/12 (6/NR) vs.LoyolaMarymount2 L,2-3
4/12 (6/1) vs.USC2 L,0-5
4/12 (6/NR) vs.SantaClara2 W,3-2
1 at USF Invitational (San Francisco, Calif.)
2 at USAV Beach Collegiate Challenge (Hermosa Beach, Calif.)
FinalAVCAnationalranking:NR Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:7th Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
3/5 (7/NR) atCSUN W,4-1
3/11 (9/6) atLoyolaMarymount W,4-1
3/28 (8/18) SAINTMARY’S W,4-1
4/4 (8/3) vs.CSUBakerseld(@LBSU) W,5-0
4/4 (8/5) atLongBeachState L,0-5
4/10 (8/NR) vs.California(@Stanford) W,4-1
4/11 (8/NR) atStanford W,4-1
4/11 (8/NR) vs.SaintMary’s(@Stanford) W,5-0
4/18 (8/10) ARIZONA1 L,2-3
4/18 (8/NR) CALIFORNIA1 W,5-0
4/18 (8/NR) ARIZONASTATE1 L,2-3
4/25 (8/2) atHawai’i2 L,1-4
4/25 (8/NR) vs.SaintMary’s2 W,4-1
1 at Pac-12 Invitational (hosted by UCLA, Ocean Park, Santa Monica, Calif.)
2 at Aloha Invitational (Honolulu, Hawaii)
HeadCoach:SteinMetzger NCAAChampionshpFinish:3rd Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:3rd FinalAVCAnationalranking:4th Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:3rd Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
3/5 (3/6) vs.LongBeachState1 W,3-2
3/5 (3/5) vs.Hawai’i1 W,3-2
3/6 (3/2) vs.USC1 L,0-5
3/6 (3/1) atPepperdine1 L,0-5
3/10 (3/NR) vs.CSUN(@SantaMonica,Calif.) W,5-0
3/10 (3/4) vs.FloridaState(@SantaMonica,Calif.) L,2-3
3/12 (3/7) ARIZONA W,3-2
3/23 (4/NR) vs.Tulane(@FloridaAtlantic) W,5-0
3/23 (4/NR) atFloridaAtlantic W,5-0
3/25 (4/NR) vs.FIU2 W,5-0
3/25 (4/10) vs.FloridaState2 L,1-4
3/26 (4/NR) vs.FloridaAtlantic2 W,5-0
3/26 (4/10) atStetson2 W,3-2
3/30 (5/1) PEPPERDINE W,3-2
4/2 (5/NR) vs.ArizonaState3 W,5-0
4/2 (5/4) atHawai’i3 W,3-2
4/9 (4/NR) vs.SanFrancisco4 W,5-0
4/9 (4/6) vs.LongBeachState4 W,5-0
4/13 (4/6) LONGBEACHSTATE W,5-0
4/20 (4/NR) vs.LoyolaMarymount W,4-1
4/20 (4/NR) atCSUN W,5-0
4/29 (4/NR) vs.Washington5 W,4-1
4/30 (4/6) vs.Arizona5 W,4-1
5/1 (4/1) atUSC5 L,2-3
5/1 (4/6) vs.Arizona5 L,2-3
5/6 (4/5) vs.Hawai’i6 L,0-3
5/6 (4/9) vs.Stetson6
5/7 (4/3) vs.Pepperdine6 W,3-2
5/7 (4/5) vs.Hawai’i6
5/8 (4/2) vs.FloridaState6
1 at Pepperdine Kick-Off (Zuma Beach, Malibu, Calif.)
2 at Stetson Beach Invitational (Deland, Fla.)
3 at Outrigger Beach Volleyball Challenge (Queen’s Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii)
4 at USAV Beach Collegiate Challenge (Hermosa Beach, Calif.)
5 at Pac-12 Championship (at USC, Merle Norman Stadium)
6 at NCAA Championship (Gulf Shores, Ala.)
NCAAChampionshpFinish:T-5th Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:2nd FinalAVCAnationalranking:5th Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:3rd
Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
3/2 (3/NR) vs.CSUBakerseld(@CalPoly) W,5-0
3/2 (3/NR) atCalPoly W,4-1
3/4 (3/4) atPepperdine L,2-3
3/4 (3/1) vs.USC(@Pepperdine) L,2-3
3/11 (3/10) LSU1 W,3-2
3/11 (3/12) FIU1 W,4-1
3/12 (3/7) GEORGIASTATE1 W,5-0 3/12 (3/2) FLORIDASTATE1 W,3-2
3/17 (3/NR) vs.Portland2 W,5-0
3/17 (3/NR) vs. SanJoséState2 W,5-0
3/17 (3/NR) vs.SanFrancisco2 W,5-0 3/18 (3/13) vs.GrandCanyon2 W,5-0
3/18 (3/NR) vs.SaintMary’s2 W,5-0 3/27 (3/NR) vs.California3 W,4-1
3/27 (3/6) atLongBeachState3 W,3-2 3/31 (3/12) vs.ArizonaState4 W,5-0 3/31 (3/NR) vs.NewOrleans4 W,5-0 3/31 (3/14) vs.FloridaAtlantic4 W,3-2
4/1 (3/4) vs.FloridaState4 W,4-1
4/1 (3/15) atFIU4 W,4-1
4/1 (3/NR) vs.Tulane4 W,5-0 4/5 (3/NR) CALPOLY W,4-1 4/5 (3/NR) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,5-0 4/8 (3/NR) WASHINGTON5 W,4-1 4/8 (3/NR) CONCORDIA5 W,5-0 4/9 (3/5) LONGBEACHSTATE5 W,3-2 4/9 (3/8) ARIZONA5 W,4-1 4/22 (2/NR) vs.CalPoly W,4-1 4/22 (2/1) atUSC L,1-4 4/27 (2/NR) vs.Washington6 W,4-1 4/27 (2/8) atArizona6 W,4-1 4/28 (2/1) vs.USC6 W,3-2
4/28 (2/1) vs.USC6 L,2-3
5/5 (2/7) vs.LSU7 W,3-0
5/5 (2/3) vs.Pepperdine7 L,1-3
5/6 (2/4) vs.FloridaState7 L,1-3
1 at East Meets West Invitational (hosted by UCLA, Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
2 at Monterey Invitational (hosted by San José State, Monterey, Calif.)
3 at Long Beach Mizuno Invitational (at Long Beach State, Long Beach, Calif.)
4 at FIU Surf-N-Turf Invitational (at FIU, Lummus Park Beach Courts, Miami, Fla.)
5 at Battle at the Beach (hosted by UCLA, Ocean Park, Santa Monica, Calif.)
6 at Pac-12 Championship (at Arizona, Bear Down Beach)
7 at NCAA Championship (Gulf Shores, Ala.)
NCAAChampionshpFinish:1st Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:1st
FinalAVCAnationalranking:1st Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:3rd
Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/24 (3/17) vs.Stanford1 W,5-0
2/24 (3/5) atHawai’i1 L,0-5
2/25 (3/5) atHawai’i1 W,3-2
2/25 (3/17) vs.Stanford1 W,3-2
2/28 (3/5) vs.Pepperdine(@USC) W,3-2
2/28 (3/1) atUSC W,3-2
3/3 (3/1) vs.USC(@Pepperdine) L,2-3
3/3 (3/5) atPepperdine L,1-4
3/8 (4/3) HAWAI’I W,4-1
3/8 (4/17) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,5-0 3/10 (4/9) LSU2 W,4-1
3/10 (4/13) FIU2 W,3-2 3/11 (4/5) FLORIDASTATE2 W,3-2
3/11 (4/20) TCU2 W,4-1
3/17 (2/NR) vs.MissouriState3 W,5-0
3/17 (2/NR) vs.ColoradoMesa3 W,5-0
3/17 (2/16) atLoyolaMarymount3 W,5-0
3/24 (2/NR) vs.ArizonaState4 W,5-0
3/24 (2/11) vs.Arizona4 W,5-0 3/25 (2/16) vs.California4 W,5-0
3/25 (2/19) vs.Washington4 W,4-1
3/27 (2/1) PEPPERDINE W,4-1
3/30 (2/7) vs.FloridaState5 W,4-1
3/30 (2/12) atFIU5 W,5-0
3/30 (2/18) vs.FloridaAtlantic5 W,5-0
3/31 (2/8) vs.SouthCarolina5 W,5-0
3/31 (2/11) vs.GrandCanyon5 W,5-0
4/4 (1/6) LONGBEACHSTATE W,5-0
4/4 (1/4) USC W,3-2
4/7 (1/20) vs.SaintMary’s6 W,5-0
4/7 (1/5) vs.CalPoly6 W,4-1
4/8 (1/NR) vs.Pacic6 W,5-0
4/8 (1/13) atStanford6 W,4-1
4/19 (1/6) atLongBeachState W,4-1
4/26 (1/NR) vs.Utah7 W,5-0
4/27 (1/13) atStanford7 W,5-0
4/28 (1/5) vs.USC7 W,3-2
4/28 (1/5) vs.USC7 W,3-1
5/4 (1/10) vs.FIU8 W,3-0
5/4 (1/7) vs.FloridaState8 L,1-3
5/5 (1/8) vs.LSU8 W,3-0
5/5 (1/5) vs.USC8 W,3-1
5/6 (1/3) vs.Hawai’i8 W,3-2
5/6 (1/7) vs.FloridaState8 W,3-1
1 at Rainbow Wahine Classic (hosted by Hawai’i, Honolulu, Hawaii)
2 at East Meets West Challenge (hosted by UCLA, Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
3 at LMU Invitational (hosted by LMU, Ocean Park, Santa Monica, Calif.)
4 at Pac-12 South Invitational (hosted by USC, Ocean Park, Santa Monica, Calif.)
5 at FIU Surf-N-Turf Invitational (at FIU, Miami, Fla.)
6 at Stanford West Coast Classic (at Stanford, Beach Volleyball Stadium)
7 at Pac-12 Championship (at Arizona, Bear Down Beach)
8 at NCAA Championship (Gulf Shores, Ala.)
Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:1st Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/21 (1/6) CALPOLY W,5-0
2/23 (1/11) vs.Stanford1 W,5-0
2/23 (1/RV) vs.SaintMary’s1 W,5-0
2/24 (1/5) atHawai’i1 W,5-0
2/24 (1/4) vs.Pepperdine1 W,4-1
2/27 (1/2) atUSC W,3-2
3/2 (1/RV) vs.ArizonaState2 W,5-0
3/2 (1/RV) vs.Washington2 W,5-0
3/3 (1/11) vs.California2 W,5-0
3/6 (1/3) atPepperdine W,5-0
3/9 (1/6) LSU3 W,4-1
3/9 (1/9) FIU3 W,4-1
3/10 (1/4) FLORIDASTATE3 W,4-1
3/10 (1/19) TCU3 W,5-0
3/16 (1/5) PEPPERDINE W,5-0
3/26 (1/NR) OREGON W,5-0
3/26 (1/13) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,5-0
3/29 (1/4) vs.LSU4 W,4-1
3/29 (1/10) vs.Stetson4 W,5-0
3/30 (1/3) vs.FloridaState4 W,4-1
3/30 (1/8) atFIU4 W,5-0
4/3 (1/13) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,4-1
4/3 (1/2) USC W,4-1
4/6 (1/NR) vs.Washington5 W,5-0
4/6 (1/12) vs.California5 W,4-1
4/7 (1/2) vs.USC5 L,2-3
4/7 (1/19) atStanford5 W,4-1
4/20 (1/15) GRANDCANYON W,5-0
4/20 (1/10) LONGBEACHSTATE W,5-0
4/25 (1/NR) vs.Oregon6 W,3-0
4/26 (1/13) vs.Arizona6 W,3-0
4/26 (1/2) atUSC6
4/27 (1/10) vs.California6
4/27 (1/2) atUSC6
5/3 (2/7) vs.Hawai’i7
5/4 (2/3) vs.FloridaState7
5/4 (2/4) vs.LSU7
5/5 (2/1) vs.USC7 W,3-0
1 at Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (hosted by Hawai’i, Queen’s Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii)
2 at Pac-12 South Tournament (at Arizona, Bear Down Beach)
3 at East Meets West Challenge (hosted by UCLA, Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
4 at FIU Surf-N-Turf Invitational (at FIU, Lummus Park Beach Courts, Miami, Fla.)
5 at Pac-12 North Tournament (at Stanford, Beach Volleyball Stadium)
6 at Pac-12 Championship (at USC, Merle Norman Stadium)
7 at NCAA Championship (Gulf Shores, Ala.)
HeadCoach:SteinMetzger NCAAChampionshpFinish:n/a Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:n/a FinalAVCAnationalranking:2nd Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:1st Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/22 (1/5) atHawai’i1 W,3-2
2/22 (1/3) vs.LSU1
2/22 (1/19) vs.Stanford1
2/23 (1/5) vs.Stanford1
2/23 (1/3) vs.LSU1
2/29 (1/NR) vs.TexasA&MCorpusChristi2 W,5-0
2/29 (1/NR) vs.Tulane2
2/29 (1/2) atLSU2 L,2-3
3/7 (2/19) ARIZONASTATE3
3/7 (2/5) USC3
3/8 (2/NR) OREGON3
3/11 (2/6) atUSC3 W,3-2
3/11 (2/9) vs.Pepperdine(@USC) W,3-2
1 at Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (hosted by Hawai’i, Queen’s Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii)
2 at Tiger Beach Challenge (hosted by LSU, LSU Beach Volleyball Stadium, Baton Rouge, La.)
3 at Pac-12 South Tournament (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
NCAAChampionshpFinish:2nd Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:1st FinalAVCAnationalranking:2nd Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:2nd Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/27 (2/19) STANFORD W,3-2
2/27 (2/19) STANFORD W,5-0
3/4 (4/6) vs.CalPoly(@USC) W,5-0 3/4 (4/3) atUSC L,0-5
3/6 (4/8) CALIFORNIA W,5-0 3/11 (4/8) PEPPERDINE W,4-1 3/11 (4/8) PEPPERDINE W,4-1
3/25 (4/7) atPepperdine W,4-1 3/25 (4/7) atPepperdine W,5-0
3/27 (4/11) vs.California1 W,5-0 3/27 (4/NR) vs.ArizonaState1 W,5-0
3/28 (4/NR) vs.Oregon1 W,5-0
4/3 (4/3) LSU W,4-1
4/3 (4/3) LSU W,3-2 4/4 (4/2) FLORIDASTATE W,4-1
4/4 (4/2) FLORIDASTATE W,3-2 4/10 (1/NR) vs.ArizonaState2 W,5-0 4/10 (1/7) vs.Stanford2 W,4-1 4/11 (1/NR) vs.Washington2 W,5-0 4/11 (1/12) vs.Arizona2 W,5-0 4/14 (1/5) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,3-2 4/14 (1/5) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,4-1
4/16 (1/8) vs.GrandCanyon3 W,3-2 4/16 (1/5) vs.LoyolaMarymount3 W,3-2 4/17 (1/6) atCalPoly3 W,3-2 4/17 (1/2) vs.USC3 L,2-3 4/22 (2/1) USC L,2-3 4/29 (2/NR) WASHINGTON4 W,3-0 4/30 (2/8) ARIZONA4 W,3-0 5/1 (2/1) USC4 W,3-1 5/1 (2/1) USC4 W,3-2 5/7 (1/7) vs.TCU5 W,3-0 5/7 (1/5) vs.LoyolaMarymount5 L,2-3
5/8 (1/6) vs.CalPoly5 W,3-0 5/8 (1/4) vs.LSU5 W,3-2 5/9 (1/5) vs.LoyolaMarymount5 W,3-0
5/9 (1/2) vs.USC5 L,1-3
2 at Pac-12 North Invitational (hosted by Arizona State, GCU Beach Volleyball Stadium, Phoenix, Ariz.)
3 at Center of Effort Challenge (hosted by Cal Poly, Swanson Beach Volleyball Complex)
4 Pac-12 Championship (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
5 NCAA Championship (hosted by UAB, Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala.)
NCAAChampionshpFinish:3rd Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:2nd FinalAVCAnationalranking:3rd Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:2nd Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/25 (2/7) vs.Stanford1 W,4-1
2/25 (2/RV) vs.SaintMary’s1 W,5-0
2/26 (2/10) atHawai’i1 W,3-2 2/26 (2/RV) vs.SaintMary’s1 W,5-0 2/26 (2/10) atHawai’i1 W,4-1
3/5 (2/1) USC2 W,3-2
3/5 (2/14) LONGBEACHSTATE2 W,5-0 3/6 (2/7) GRANDCANYON2 W,3-2
3/6 (2/11) CALPOLY2 W,4-1
3/18 (1/11) vs.FloridaAtlantic3 W,3-0 3/18 (1/4) vs.FloridaState3 W,3-2 3/19 (1/13) vs.GeorgiaState3 W,3-2
3/19 (1/20) vs.Tulane3 W,4-1
3/20 (1/NR) vs.UAB3 W,5-0
3/20 (1/5) vs.LSU3 W,4-1
3/26 (1/NR) vs.Utah4 W,5-0
3/26 (1/8) vs.Stanford4 W,4-1
3/27 (1/17) atArizona4 W,5-0
3/31 (1/2) TCU5 L,1-4
3/31 (1/9) HAWAI’I5 W,5-0
4/2 (1/15) vs.FIU6 W,5-0
4/2 (1/2) vs.TCU6 L,2-3
4/3 (1/6) vs.LSU6 W,3-2
4/9 (3/12) vs.California7 W,4-1
4/9 (3/NR) vs.ArizonaState7 W,5-0
4/10 (3/NR) vs.Oregon7 W,5-0
4/10 (3/NR) vs.Washington7 W,5-0
4/15 (3/4) vs.FloridaState8 W,3-2
4/15 (3/6) vs.LoyolaMarymount8 L,2-3
4/16 (3/13) atCalPoly8 W,5-0
4/16 (3/1) vs.USC8 L,1-4
4/20 (3/4) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,4-1
4/22 (3/1) atUSC L,2-3
4/27 (3/NR) vs.Washington9 W,4-0
4/28 (3/8) vs.Stanford9 W,3-0
4/28 (3/1) vs.USC9 L,1-3
4/29 (3/12) vs.California9 W,3-0
4/29 (3/1) vs.USC9 L,0-3
5/4 (2/18) vs.Stetson10 W,3-2
5/6 (2/6) vs.LSU10 W,3-0
5/7 (2/14) vs.GeorgiaState10 W,3-0
5/7 (2/1) vs.USC10 L,0-3
5/8 (2/5) vs.FloridaState10 L,2-3
1 at Heineken Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (hosted by Hawai’i, Queen’s Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii)
2 Battle for LA (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
3 at March to May (hosted by UAB, Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala.) 4atPac-12SouthInvitational(hostedbyArizona,BearDownBeach,Tucson,Ariz.)
5 Mapes Beach Invitational (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
6 UCLA Invitational (Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
7 at Pac-12 North Invitational (hosted by Stanford, Beach Volleyball Stadium, Stanford, Calif.)
8 at Center of Effort Challenge (hosted by Cal Poly, Swanson Beach Volleyball Complex)
9 Pac-12 Championship (hosted by Arizona, Bear Down Beach, Tucson, Ariz.)
10 NCAA Championship (hosted by UAB, Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala.)
NCAAChampionshpFinish:2nd Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:1st FinalAVCAnationalranking:2nd Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:1st Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/23 (1/NR) vs.SaintMary’s1 W,5-0
2/23 (1/NR) vs.StephenF.Austin1 W,5-0
2/24 (1/9) vs.Stanford1 W,3-2
2/24 (1/10) atHawai’i1 W,4-1
2/25 (1/NR) vs.SaintMary’s1 W,5-0
2/25 (1/9) vs.Stanford1 W,4-1
3/4 (1/NR) OREGON2 W,5-0
3/4 (1/RV) ARIZONASTATE2 W,5-0
3/5 (1/NR) UTAH2 W,5-0
3/5 (1/4) atUSC2 L,2-3
3/11 (3/RV) CALPOLY3 W,5-0
3/11 (3/6) GRANDCANYON3 W,5-0
3/12 (3/16) LONGBEACHSTATE3 W,5-0
3/12 (3/13) FLORIDAATLANTIC3 W,5-0
3/17 (3/20) vs.SouthCarolina3 W,3-0
3/17 (3/6) vs.LSU3 W,3-0
3/17 (3/4) vs.FloridaState4 W,3-2
3/18 (3/10) vs.GeorgiaState4 W,5-0
3/18 (3/NR) vs.UAB4 W,5-0
3/29 (2/8) HAWAI’I5 W,4-1
3/31 (2/16) vs.FIU6 W,5-0
3/31 (2/5) vs.LSU6 W,4-1
4/1 (2/4) vs.FloridaState6 L,2-3
4/1 (2/11) vs.GeorgiaState6 W,3-2
4/7 (4/9) vs.California7 W,5-0
4/7 (4/10) atStanford7 W,4-1
4/8 (4/13) vs.Washington7 W,3-2 4/8 (4/RV) vs.Arizona7 W,4-1
4/14 (3/19) vs.Pepperdine8 W,5-0
4/14 (3/1) vs.TCU8 W,3-2
4/15 (3/NR) atCalPoly8 W,4-1
4/15 (3/2) vs.USC8 W,3-2
4/20 (1/3) USC W,4-1
4/20 (1/5) LOYOLAMARYMOUNT W,5-0
4/26 (1/NR) vs.Utah9 W,3-0
4/27 (1/8) atStanford9 L,2-3
4/27 (1/20) vs.Arizona9 W,3-0
4/28 (1/3) vs.USC9 W,3-0
4/28 (1/8) atStanford9 W,3-0
4/28 (1/9) vs.California10 W,3-0
5/5 (1/NR) vs.TexasA&M-CorpusChristi10 W,3-0
5/6 (1/8) vs.California10 W,3-1
5/6 (1/4) vs.FloridaState10 W,3-0
5/7 (1/3) vs.USC10 L,2-3
1 at Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (hosted by Hawai’i, Queen’s Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii)
2 Pac-12 South Invitational (hosted by UCLA and USC, Mapes Beach and Merle Norman Stadium, Los Angeles, Calif.)
3 Battle for LA (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
4 at March to May (hosted by UAB, Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala.)
5 Mapes Beach Invitational (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
6 East Meets West Invitational (Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
7 at Pac-12 North Invitational (hosted by Stanford, Beach Volleyball Stadium, Stanford, Calif.)
8 at Center of Effort Challenge (hosted by Cal Poly, Swanson Beach Volleyball Complex)
9 Pac-12 Championship (hosted by Stanford, Beach Volleyball Stadium, Stanford, Calif.)
10 NCAA Championship (hosted by UAB, Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala.)
HeadCoach:JennyJohnsonJordan NCAAChampionshpFinish:2nd Pac-12ChampionshipFinish:2nd FinalAVCAnationalranking:2nd Pre-seasonAVCAnationalranking:2nd Date Rank* Opponent(LocationifNeutral) Result
2/22 (2/1) vs.USC1 L,1-4 2/22 (2/9) atHawai’i1 W,5-0 2/23 (2/7) vs.Stanford1 L,2-3 2/23 (2/5) vs.LoyolaMarymount1 L,2-3
2/24 (2/9) atHawai’i1 W,5-0
2/24 (2/7) vs.Stanford1 W,3-2
2/24 (2/1) vs.USC1 W,4-1
3/1 (1/8) CALIFORNIA2 W,4-1 3/1 (1/18) CALPOLY2 W,4-1
3/2 (1/13) WASHINGTON2 W,5-0
3/2 (1/9) LONGBEACHSTATE2 W,4-1
3/8 (1/10) atArizonaState3 W,5-0
3/8 (1/2) vs.Stanford3 L,2-3 3/9 (1/NR) vs.Oregon3 W,5-0
3/9 (1/14) vs.Washington3 W,5-0 3/15 (2/17) vs.GrandCanyon4 W,5-0 3/15 (2/8) vs.LSU4 W,4-1
3/16 (2/4) vs.FloridaState4 W,4-1 3/16 (2/15) vs.GeorgiaState4 W,5-0 3/29 (2/5) vs.FloridaState5 W,4-1 3/29 (2/4) vs.TCU5 W,5-0
3/30 (2/17) vs.FloridaAtlantic5 W,4-1
3/30 (2/10) atLSU5 W,5-0 4/5 (1/7) vs.California6 W,4-1 4/5 (1/NR) vs.Utah6 W,5-0 4/6 (1/18) vs.Arizona6 W,4-1 4/9 (1/7) LONGBEACHSTATE W,5-0 4/9 (1/NR) CSUN W,5-0 4/12 (1/10) vs.LMU7 W,3-2 4/12 (1/4) vs.FloridaState7 W,3-2 4/13 (1/6) atCalPoly7 W,3-2 4/13 (1/2) vs.USC7 W,3-2 4/18 (1/9) vs.LMU W,3-2 4/18 (1/2) atUSC L,1-4 4/24 (2/18) vs.Arizona8 W,3-0 4/25 (2/3) vs.Stanford8 W,3-0 4/26 (2/1) vs.USC8 W,3-2 4/26 (2/1) vs.USC8 L,0-3 5/3 (2/20) vs.TexasA&M-CorpusChristi9 W,3-0 5/4 (2/8) vs.California9 W,3-0 5/4 (2/11) vs.LSU9 W,3-1 5/5 (2/1) vs.USC9 L,0-3
1 at Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Beach Classic (hosted by Hawai’i, Queen’s Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii)
2 Battle for LA (at UCLA, Mapes Beach)
3 Pac-12 South Invitational (hosted by Arizona State, Sun Devil Beach Volleyball Facility, Tempe, Ariz.)
4 East Meets West Invitational (hosted by UCLA, Manhattan Beach Pier, Manhattan Beach, Calif.)
5 Death Volley Invitational (hosted by LSU, LSU Beach Volleyball Stadium, Baton Rouge, La.)
6 at Pac-12 North Invitational (hosted byWashington,Alki Beach,Seattle,Wash.)
7 at Center of Effort Challenge (hosted by Cal Poly, Swanson Beach Volleyball Complex)
8 Pac-12 Championship (hosted by Arizona State, Sun Devil Beach Volleyball Facility, Tempe, Ariz.)
9 NCAA Championship (hosted by UAB, Gulf Beach Place, Gulf Shores, Ala.)
2016 (3rd)
NCAA Champions: USC
2017 (T-5th)
NCAA Champions: USC
2018 (1st)
NCAA Champions: UCLA
2019 (1st)
NCAA Champions: UCLA
2020 (n/a)
2021 (2nd)
NCAA Champions: USC
Two-SetMatches 71-34(.676)
Three-SetMatches 19-15(.559)
TotalIndividualMatches 86-48(.642)
Court1Record 23-6(.793)
Court2Record 15-13(.536)
Court3Record 20-10(.667)
Court4Record 13-14(.482)
Court5Record 18-7(.720)
2022 (3rd)
NCAA Champions: USC
2023 (2nd)
NCAA Champions: USC
2024 (2nd)
NCAA Champions: USC
Note:From2012through2015,thenationalchampionship was sponsored by the AVCA.
GULFSHORES,Ala.–Thetop-seededUCLAbeach volleyballteammadehistorySunday,winningthe rst NCAAChampionshipinprogramhistory.UCLAdefeated fourth-seededFloridaState,3-1,avengingaFridayloss totheSeminolesthatputtheBruinsonelossawayfrom elimination.Theyproceededtowinfourmatchesintwo days,cappedbySunday’striumph,whichgaveUCLAits 116thoverallNCAAChampionship.
TheBruinswon35ofits nal36matchestocomplete theirhistoricseasonwitha40-4overallrecord.The40 winsrepresentasingle-seasonNCAArecord,previously setbyUSClastyear(38).TheSeminolesdroppedto 33-7.ThewinmarkedUCLA’s rstoverFloridaStatein anNCAAChampionshipsetting,withtheBruinshaving beeneliminatedbytheSeminolesin2016and2017.
Returningtothe ight format used throughout the regular season, pairs 4 and 5 took to the sand rst. In their rst action since Saturday’s semi nal, the Seminoles got off to a hot start, claiming each rst set. The Bruins would not go quietly, however, as each tandem recovered to force a rst-to-15 third set.
UCLA’s No.5 pair of Izzy Carey and Megan Muret posted a dramatic24-22second-setvictoryandrodeitsnewfound momentum to a 17-21, 24-22, 15-8 win over Madison Fitzpatrick and Francesca Goncalves to get the Bruins on the board rst.
The Florida State duo of Molly McBain-Brooke Kuhlman would soon make it a best-of-three affair,though,pulling the Seminoles even with a 21-15, 19-21, 15-12 defeat of Elise Zappia-Mac May in a battle of No. 4 pairs.
The top three courts came out determined in the second ight, sweeping the rst sets to put the Bruins on the brink of history. UCLA’s Court 3 team of Zana Muno and Savvy Simo grabbed their opportunity with a convincing
win over Macy Jerger-Sara Putt, 21-19, 21-9, to inch the Bruins one step closer.
With both Courts 1 and 2 on match point, the duo of Sarah Sponcil-Lily Justine played the part of hero. The second-court pair knocked off Katie Horton-Hailey Luke of the Seminoles, 21-18, 21-19, setting off a storming of the court in celebration.
The pairs of Nicole McNamara-Megan McNamara (Court 1) and Izzy Carey-Megan Muret (Court 5) were selected to the All-Tournament Team.
No.1UCLAdef.No.4FloridaState,3-1 GulfShoresPublicBeach•GulfShores,Ala. Sunday,May6,2018
1. Nicole McNamara/Megan McNamara (UCLA) vs. VanessaFreire/ToryParanagua(FSU),22-20,20-14,DNF
2. Sarah Sponcil/Lily Justine (UCLA) def. Katie Horton/ Hailey Luke (FSU), 21-18, 21-19
3. Zana Muno/Savvy Simo (UCLA) def. Macy Jerger/Sara Putt (FSU), 21-19, 21-9
4.Molly McBain/Brooke Kuhlman (FSU) def.Elise Zappia/ Mac May (UCLA), 21-15, 19-21, 15-12
5. Izzy Carey/Megan Muret (UCLA) def. Madison Fitzpatrick/Francesca Goncalves (FSU), 17-21, 24-22, 15-8
Orderofnish: 5, 4, 3, 2*
GULFSHORES,Ala.–Thesecond-seededUCLAbeach volleyballteamwonitssecond-consecutiveNCAAtitle onSundayafternoon(May5),takingdowntop-seeded USC3-0atGulfShoresPublicBeach.
UCLA,which nished35-3ontheseason,openedthedual instyle,winninginstraightsetsoncourtsfourand ve. JuniorsMadiYeomansandSavvySimotookdownJoy DennisandMajaKaiser,21-16,21-19,oncourtfour, whileseniorIzzyCareyandfreshmanLindseySparks mustereda21-16,21-15,triumphoverCammieDorn andMollieEbertinoncourt ve.
Thechampionship-clinchingvictorycameoncourtthree, asseniorZanaMunoandfreshmanAbbyVanWinkle defeatedUSC’sHaleyHallgrenandAlexandraPoletto, 22-20,21-13.ThewinfortheBruinpairsnappeda three-gamelosingstreaktotheTrojansasateamand forthepaironcourtthree.
TheBruinswereonpacefora5-0victoryovertheTrojans withoutdroppingasetbeforethematchesoncourtsone andtwoweretruncated.
Oncourtone,seniorsMeganandNicoleMcNamara tookthe rstsetoffofUSC’sTinaGraudinaandAbril Bustamante,21-18,andweretiedat19-19inthesecond setwhenthematchwasended.
Likewiseoncourttwo,theBruinpairofseniorSarah SponcilandjuniorLilyJustinetookthe rstsetoffof SammySlaterandTereseCannon,21-18,andhada sizeable19-10leadinthesecondsetbeforethematch wasended.
TheBruinshavenowpostedthebestrecordinthe countryfortwoconsecutiveseasons,going35-3in2019 and40-4in2018.The40winsareaUCLAandNCAA single-seasonrecord.UCLAhasacombined75-7record
indualsoverthelasttwoseasonswhichisawinning percentageof91.5percent.Ofthe75wins,65,or87 percent,havecomeagainstrankedteams,with40,or 53percent,comingagainstteamsintheTop10,and 24,or32percent,havingbeenagainstteamsintheTop ve.These numbers re ect that UCLA not only has more victories than any other team in the country over the last two years, but it has more wins over ranked teams, top 10 teams and top ve teams.
The Bruins beat the Trojans six straight times across the 2018 and 2019 seasons, going 8-4 against USC in that span.
UCLA has gone 9-1 at the NCAA Championship with back-to-back titles in the last two seasons and of UCLA’s 35 wins in 2019, 23 were sweeps, including three in the NCAA Championship, and of the 23 sweeps, 17 were against nationally ranked teams with 12 ranked in the Top 10.
UCLAwent35-3(92.1%)asateamin2019andacrossall ve ights,the Bruins were 155-23 (87.2%).Additionally, of the 155 court victories, 131 were in straight sets (84.5%). But even when UCLA was forced to a third set, the Bruins were a combined 24-12 (66.7%).
Both of the Bruins’ pairs on courts three and ve, Muno and Van Winkle and Carey and Sparks were named to the NCAA All-Tournament Team.
GulfShoresPublicBeach•GulfShores,Ala. Sunday,May5,2019
1. Nicole McNamara/Megan McNamara (UCLA) vs. Tina Graudina/Abril Bustamante (USC), 21-18, 19-19, truncated
2. Sarah Sponcil/Lily Justine (UCLA) vs. Sammy Slater/ Terese Cannon (USC), 21-18, 19-10, truncated
3.ZanaMuno/AbbyVanWinkle(UCLA)def.HaleyHallgren/ Alexandra Poletto (USC), 22-20, 21-13
4. Madi Yeomans/Savvy Simo (UCLA) def. Maja Kaiser/ Joy Dennis (USC), 21-16, 21-19
5. Izzy Carey/Lindsey Sparks (UCLA) def. Mollie Ebertin/ Cammie Dorn (USC), 21-16, 21-15
Orderofnish: 4, 5, 3*
entering its sixth season as UCLA’s home . . .
Mapes Beach,which is located at Sunset Canyon RecreationCenter,servesasthehomeoftheUCLA women’sbeachvolleyballteam.
Thebeachvolleyballcourtshaveundergoneacomplete renovationthatwascompletedintimeforthe2020 season,thankstoadonationtotaling$1,000,000from formerUCLAtennisstudent-athleteJohnMapes(BA 1990)andhiswifeCarrie(BA1990,M.Ed.1991).The donationtothebeachvolleyballprogramwasusedto endowastudent-athletescholarship,aswellastosupport theconstructionofnewbeachvolleyballcourtsatSunset CanyonRecreationCenter.
Afterrenovation,MapesBeachnowconsistsoffour courts,ofwhichthreeareregulationsizewiththefourth beingusedforwarm-uppurposesonly.
ThecourtsareopentoUCLAstaffandstudents,MondaySunday,10:00a.m.to8:00p.m.Theyarelocatedat111 EastonDrive,LosAngeles,CA90095-1370.
Anidealsettingforbeachvolleyball,SunsetCanyon islocatedoffthenorthwestsideofDeNeveDrive,just eastoftheresidencehalls.SunsetCanyonRecreation Centerisapark-likefacilitythatfeaturesa50-meter
poolwithdivingfacilities,a25-yardfamilypool,picnic andbarbecueareas,fourbeachvolleyballcourtsand largegrassareasforsunning,frisbeeandotheroutdoor activities.Inaddition,therearesixlightedregulation tenniscourts.Alsoavailableareanoutdooramphitheater, variousmeetingroomsandlounges,adjacentparking andaccessforpeoplewithdisabilities.
Professionalcamerasandcameraswithtelephotoor detachablelenseslongerthan3-1/2inchesareprohibited inUCLAAthleticvenues.Onlythosecredentialedby theUCLAAthleticCommunications Ofcewillhavethe righttousesuchequipment.Flashphotography,video cameras,monopodsandtripodsarealsoprohibited.UCLA eventmanagementreservestherighttoaskgueststo putcamerasorvideoequipmentaway.Allphoto/video requestsmustgothroughtheAthleticCommunication ofceinadvance.
Parking:Teamsandofcialsparkingislocatedat RecreationCenterStructure(RCStructure).Spectator parkingislocatedattheSunsetVillage(SV)Parking Structureorlot #11locatedoffBellagioDr.Parkingcan
bepurchasedatanhourlyrateor a at rate of $14 per day. Guests are encouraged to download the ParkMobile App. and pay for parking in advance-guests can select the athletics zone“2525”or a speci c lot/structure.More information can be found at: https://www.transportation. ucla.edu/campus-parking/visitors.
In conjunction with the Southern California Fan Code of Conduct, the following is a partial list of items, actions, and behaviors NOT PERMITTED at Mapes Beach on game day: Poor Sportsmanship, including unreasonable or disruptive behavior; Animals (except service animals trained to assist people with disabilities under Titles I & II of ADA, revised March 2011); Noisemakers including thunder sticks (PAC 12AR 3-10A);Weapons or projectiles; Alcoholic beverages; Glass containers of any size; Skates, skateboards,scooters,or bicycles (must be locked/stored outside the facility); Strollers on the grass seating areas; Portable heaters.
If you have any other questions, please contact the UCLA Game Management Of ce at (310) 206-6713.The of ce is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.