UCLA School of Public Health Newsletter - 1996 Year in Review (Special Issue)

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am pleased to announce that Joyce A. Page will serve as president of the Alumni Association of the UCLA School of Public Health. After graduating from our school with B.S. and M.S.P.H. degrees, Joyce worked several years for the California Department of Corporations in licensing and regulating prepaid health plans. Joyce then moved into the private sector, designing a PPO product and serving as CEO. After returning to Los Angeles and completing her law degree, Joyce became in-house counsel to a major national health plan, focusing on regulatory compliance issues. Joyce was a valued member of the Planning Committee of the school's successful 35th Anniversary Symposium, held Nov. 8, 1996 on the UCLA campus. Among her many contributions to the event, Joyce introduced Dr. E. Richard Brown as the Lester Breslow Distinguished Lecturer and assisted with background research regarding the luncheon's honorees. I encourage all School of Public Health alumni to give Joyce their enthusiastic assistance and support as she leads the Public Health Alumni Association forward. This issue of the UCLA School of Public Health Newsletter marks our first annual "Year in Review," in which we highlight some of the many accomplishments by our school during the course of the past calendar year. It is my hope that reading about these outstanding efforts will give you a due sense of pride in our school's great contributions to the field of public health.

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Ahdelmonem A. Afifi, Ph.D. Dean, UCLA School of Public Health



e have an important opportunity to contribute our skills and experience to the future of an exciting School of Public Health Alumni Association . The association is in a position to make important contributions to the school and to the field during this time of dramatic change. As the school's faculty, staff, and students work to improve the public's health through teaching, research and service, alumni can assist in a wide variety of ways. Exciting opportunities for involvement include mentoring students , planning lectureships and reunion events , and serving on editorial and d epartmental review committees. The Alumni Association provides a wonderful forum to voice your thoughts and ideas as to how the school may best meet the health challenges of the 21st century and the needs of its alumni. Please r eturn the attached reply envelope indicating your interests and ide a s . You may also call the school's d ev elopment office at (310) 825- 6464 or e-mail <jmiller@support.ucla.edu>. I hope to hear from you soon.

~°)u ~o?Joyce A. Page, M.S.P.H., J.D.

President, Public Health Alumni Association


Volume 17, Number 1 Winter 1997

Charles E. Young Chancellor

Ahdelmonem A. Afifi, Ph.D. Dean

EDITORIAL BOARD Ahdelmonem A. Afifi , Ph.D. Dean Judith M. Siegel, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Academic Programs Lawrence R. Ash, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Student Affairs V. Gale Winting Associate Dean for Administration John D. Millet· Director of Development Stuart Schweitzer, Ph.D. Professor, Health Services Beate Ritz , M .D. , Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Epidemiology Joyce A. Page, M.S.P.H., J.D. Alumni Association President Randal Henry President, Public Health Swdents Association Warren Robak Public Information R epresentative

Dan Gordon Editor and Writer Martha Widmann Art Director

Photography: ASUCLA and School of Public Health Archives

School ofPublic Health Home Page: www.ph.ucla.edu E-mail for Application Requeata: app-request@admin.ph. ucla.edu

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Left to right: At the school's 35th -Anniversary Symposium, Dean Abdelmonem A. Alili addresses attendees; Milton and Ruth Roemer, two senior emeriti faculty, are honored by Raymond Goodman, M.D., M. P.H. '72; students display the school ware; and attendees enjoy the mid-day luncheon.

he UCLA School of Public Health turned 35 in 1996, a milestone that culminated in a Nov. 8 symposium attended by 270 faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends. The occasion was upbeat, as attendees honored the school's charter and senior emeriti faculty and rejoiced in the bright outlook of a school that stared down adversity and has emerged with new strength. The celebration continued later in the month in New York City at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association - a meeting that concluded the year-long APHA presidency of Dr. E. Richard Brown. Brown, a professor at the school and director of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, was the third member of the school's faculty to head the professional association, following Drs. Lester Breslow and Ruth Roemer. Those who gathered at both the 35th-Anniversary Symposium and the APHA Dean's Luncheon were treated to some compelling viewing: the unveiling of an inspiring new video, "The UCLA School of Public Health: Creating a Healthy Tomorrow." Featuring interviews with many of the school's faculty, students and alumni, the video presents the case for public health and chronicles

the school's past, present and future roles in contributing to society's health through teaching, service and research. Anyone who wants to obtain a copy can contact John Miller, director of development, at (310) 825-6464, or by e-mail Gmiller@support.ucla.edu). There were many reasons to celebrate in 1996. At a time when a reduction in state funding has increased the importance of private support, the school raised $2 million in private gifts and grants in fiscal 1995-96 for the first time in its history. The number of donors to the school nearly doubled; the total amount given represented more than twice the amount raised in '94-95 (see p. 4). Those interested in keeping apprised of the school's activities have a new way of doing so. A Web site was launched (www.ph.ucla.edu), providing a new communication mechanism with appeals to every constituency. Two centers involving the school and its faculty were established. The Center for Health Services Management is cosponsored by the School of Public Health and the Anderson Graduate School of Management; its co-directors are Drs. Paul Torrens and Victor Tabbush. And the Center for Human Nutrition, based in ¡ the schools of public health and medi-

Roslyn 8. Allin-Slater Lester Breslow Anne Coulson Wilfrid j. Dixon Olive j. Dunn Carl E. Hopkins Edward 8. johns Alfred H. Katz

Edward L Rada Milton I. Roemer Ruth j. Roemer Marian E. Swendseid Daniel M. Wilner *Over the age of 80.


cine, is directed by Dr. David Heber. Dr. Gail Harrison, professor and chair of community health sciences, is the center's associate director for public health and international health programs. Also kicking off in 1996: the Public Health Career Resource Center. Under the direction of Valerie Riggs, the center offers the school's students and alumni career guidance, resources, and jobsearch assistance, and holds networking events, forums and workshops. The center sponsors an annual day-long recruitment conference that brings together students, staff, faculty, alumni and other public health professionals. (For more

Local Health Officers (CCLHO), this coming after the CCLHO and the deans of the state's four schools of public health signed a statement of collaboration meant to enhance the link between academia and practice. The Public Health Improvement Project, a partnership among the four public health schools, county health officers, and the state health department with funding from Blue Cross of California, will assess the state's public health systems, identify needs and develop an action plan. The enhanced relationship with public health practice took on international proportions. In November, at the



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information, call 310/825-7449 or e-mail riggs@admin.ph. ucla.edu.) The year was marked by a strengthening of the school's ties to the area's public health practice community. Mark Finucane, who was appointed director of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services at the beginning of the year, was welcomed at a luncheon co-sponsored by the school and went on to deliver the keynote address at the school's 1996 commencement ceremony. For the first time, the school hosted the semi-annual meeting of the California Conference of

request of Dr. Yuji Kawaguchi, director of interagency affairs for WHO, the school hosted a meeting to initiate collaborative activities among national governments in African and Asian countries, WHO, the school, and other academic institutions and private foundations. Specifically, the meeting was

intended to establish a joint WHO/ UCLA collaborative framework with other partners in support of health development in countries in Africa and Asia-Pacific; identify priority health needs of these countries; review priority areas for technical cooperation; and establish a mechanism to mobilize the community, private sector, national, international and university resources to strengthen health development programs in these countries. Finally, in a year in which the school continued to build on its foundation of excellence, there was news of buildings and foundations of other sorts. With a $432 million award from the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the wake of the 1994 Northridge earthquake, UCLA's Center for Health Sciences (CHS) facility will be rebuilt through a multiphased program that will include the relocation of the School of Public Health into a larger facility. While the renovation will continue through much of the first decade of the 21st century, there was a development on the transportation front with more immediate impact: 1996 Among the participants at saw the installa- a meeting that established tion of new, a WHO/ UCLA School of digital eleva- Public Health collaborative tors ... elevators framework with other partners in support of health that consistently development in African and work. For any- Asia-Pacific countries (I. to r.): one who spent WHO's Dr. Ata Amini; Dr. any time at the Ismael Sallam, Egypt's minschool's CHS ister of health and population; Dean Abdelmonem A. home prior to Afifi of the UCLA School of 1996, this is Public Health; Dr. Yuji uplifting news Kawaguchi of the WHO; and Dr. Osman Galal, proindeed. fessor of community health sciences at the school.

RESEARCH Thanks to UCLA School of Public Health faculty, we learned in 1996 that 2 million American children rely on hospital emergency rooms for routine medical care, that back supports can reduce the number of low-back workplace injuries by approximately one-third, and that socioeconomic stratification and ethnic segregation of neighborhoods has an even greater influence on the mental health of adolescents than family socioeconomic status and ethnicity. The latter finding, published by Dr. Carol Aneshensel, was from a communitybased survey in Los Angeles. Dr. Susan Sorenson found that California's immigrants are significantly more likely to be victims of homicide than their U.S.-born counterparts, challenging the notion that the United States is a safe haven for immigrants. Sorenson was also one of three faculty members from the Department of Community Health Sciences who contributed to National Academy of Sciences publications. Sorenson was a member of the National Research Council Panel on Research on Violence Against Women, which released "Understanding Violence Against Women" to huge sales figures. Dr. Gail Harrison contributed to "WIC Nutrition Risk Criteria: A Scientific Assessment," and Dr. Joanne Leslie to "In Her Lifetime: Female Morbidity and Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa." Meanwhile, Dr. Dean Jamison chaired the committee that produced the report "Ad Hoc Committee on Health Research Relating to Future Intervention Options: Investing in Health Research and Development," published by the World Health Organization. The aforementioned back-support study, the first to show positive effects from the devices, documented the workplace-injury history of 36,000 workers of the Home Depot chain over a six-year period, and found that low-back injuries fell by about one-third after the company imposed a consistent policy on back support use. The study's lead author was Dr. Jess Kraus, director of the UCLA School of Public Health-based Southern California Injury Prevention Research


Center. Kraus and colleagues at the center also completed a study that sought to understand the magnitude and identify the determinants of assault injuries in selected high-risk occupations in California. Training of employees on issues of safety and violence prevention was found to be important, as were environmental factors such as lighting and visibility, hours of operation and number of employees on duty. Faculty in the Center for Health Policy Research examined a number of issues related to access, quality, and cost of health services among populations that included women, children, minorities, the elderly, immigrants, substance abusers and the homeless. The center's researchers also put the system itself under the magnifying glass, documenting the uninsured population in both number and profile; many, for example, are fulltime, full-year workers. A new study on which Dr. Tom Rice , chair of the Department of Health Services, is principal investigator will seek to understand factors that have affected the recent decline in employer-sponsored health insurance coverage in the United States. While some at the school focus on access to care, others are examining the quality of life of the individuals who are receiving care. Dr. Mark Litwin, for example, is continuing a study of quality of life of men who undergo prostatectomies, while Dr. William Cunningham examines the quality of life of men with AIDS. Both researchers are members of the school's Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. •

GRANTS AND CONTRACTS While space limits preclude a complete listing, the following list of research and training grants and contracts of $100,000 or more awarded in 1996 is designed to illustrate the variety of grant and contract activity at the school. AFIFI, ABDELMONEM A.- "Public Health Leadership Inst (1995-96)," "Public Health Leadership Inst (199697)." PHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Public Health Traineeship. " PHS/Health Resources and Services Admin.

ANDERSEN, RONALD M.- "UCLA/ RAND Health Services Research Training Program." PHS/Agency for Health Care Policy & Res.

BASTANI, ROSHAN-"Adherence to Follow-Up of Breast Abnormalities." PHS/Nat'I Cancer Inst. "Upbeat Program Evaluation Center." VA Medical Center.

BERKANOVIC, EMIL- "Three Immunization Projects." Calif. Dept. of Health Services.

BERMAN, BARBARA-"Underserved Children with Asthma: Reducing Passive Smoking. " PHS/Nat'I Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst.

BRESLOW, LESTER-"Development of an Elder Health Risk Appraisal." John A. Hartford Foundation.

BROWN, E. RICHARD--"tmmigration, Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Health Services. " The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

DETELS, ROGER-"/nt'I Training Grant in Epidemiology Related to AIDS." PHS/Fogarty Int'/ Center. "Cancer Epidemiology Training Program. " PHS/Nat'I Cancer Inst. "Natural History of AIDS in Homosexual Men." PHS/Nat'I Inst of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. "Reducing the Incidence of HIV in Yunnan, China." World AIDS Foundation.

DUKE, DONALD- "tndustria/ Storm Water Non-Fliers Identification and Communication." Calif. State Water Resources Control Board.

FIELDING, JONATHAN E.- "Los Angeles Immunization Registry. " Calif. Dept. of Health Services.

continued on next page

continued from previous page


FROINES, JOHN R.- "Worker Exposure Assessment & Hazard & Medical Surveillance." PHS/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "UCLA-Mexico Collaborative Training and Research Program." PHS/Fogarty Int'/ Center. GALAL, OSMAN- "Minority International Research Training-MIRT. " PHS/Fogarty International Center. GANZ, PATRICIA A.- "Sexuality and Intimacy in Breast Cancer Survivors. " PHS/Nat'I Cancer Inst. "Breast Cancer Prevention and Control in Older Women. " PHS/Nat'l Inst on Aging. HALFON, NEAL- "Jnterdisciplinary Maternal and Child Health Training." PHS/Maternal and Child Health Bureau.


HARRISON, GAIL G.- "Training for Leadership in Public Health Nutrition." PHS/Maternal and Child Health Bureau. HINDS, WILLIAM C.- "lndustrial Hygiene Training Program. " University of Southern California. KAR, SNEHENDU 8.- "A Partnership for Public Health Practice Training." PHS!Health Resources and Services Admin. KOMINSKI, GERALD F.-"Evaluation of California's 24-Hour Coverage Pilot Demonstration." Calif. Dept. of Industrial Relations. "Evaluation of California's 24Hour Coverage Pilot Demonstration." The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


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MORISKY, DONALD E.- "Behavioral Interventions for Control of Tuberculosis." PHS/Nat'I Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst. "Behavioral Research in Support of AIDS Prevention." PHS/Nat'/ Inst of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. QUE HEE, SHANE S.- "Carbonyl Compounds Air Sampling Method. " PHS/Nat'l Inst for Occup Safety & Health. RICE, THOMAS H.- "Changing Employment-Based Health Insurance in the 1990s." Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. SAN DERS-PHILLIPS, KATHY- "Evaluating Diet Interventions in Black and Hispanic Women. " PHS/Nat'I Cancer Inst. TAYLOR, JEREMY M.- "Biostatistics Training for AIDS Research." PHS/Nat'I Inst of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. UPCHURCH, DAWN- "The Effects of Neighborhood, Family Structure, and Parent-Youth Relationship on the Delay of Sexual Activity." Calif. Wellness Foundation. WEISS, ROBERT- "Diagnostics and Graphics for Random Effects Models." PHS/Nat'I Inst of General Medical Science. WINER, ARTHUR M.- "Biogenic Hydrocarbon Inventories for California: Generation of Essential Databases." Calif. EPA Air Resources Board. WOOD, DAVID l.- "Los Angeles Immunization Registry. " Calif. Dept. of Health Services. YANCEY, ANTRONETTE K.- "African-American Women Fight Cancer with Fitness (FCF)." PHS/Nat'I Cancer Inst.



most comprehensive and

up-to-date compilation of the broad range of issues that comprise the

American health care system...an important source for strulents, practitioners,

and seasoned policy anal.ysts." STEVEN A . ScllROEDE!l,

KRAUS, JESS F.- "Community Intervention of Falls in the East L.A. Elderly. " Association of Schools of Public Health. "Northridge Earthquake Casualty Database Study. " Calif. Dept. of Health Services. "Work-Site Intervention to Reduce Work-Related Assault Injury, " "Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center." PHS/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

With the arrival of its second class of students, the school's M.P.H. for Health Profession al s P rogram reac he d full capacity with two cohorts of students, totaling approximately 50. As depicted in the Spring 1996 issue of this newsletter, the program's students are mostly mid- caree r, s uccessful health profess ionals who have returned for an intensive weekend curriculum designed to provide the management skills and public health knowledge that will help them thrive in a rapidly changing health care system. Like the first class, which will complete the program in June, the second group of students is an eclectic mix that includes physicians and nurses, a d e ntist , a pharmac i s t and a n optometrist, and fi ve M.B.A.'s. More than three-fourths come in with at least one graduate degree. The application process has begun for the third class; for information, call (310) 206-3435. And as one new program prepares to graduate its first class of leaders for 21st-century health care, a more established one continues to produce leaders in the environmental field and publish influential research. The 24-year-old Environmental Science and Engineerin g Pro gram , based in th e s c hool , graduated 10 more students with the prestigious D.Env. degree, a degree that results from a broad, interdisciplinary education in which policy implications are emphasized. •



The reviews are in on Changing the U.S. Health Care System: Key Issues in Health Services, Policy, and Management, and they overwhelmingly echo the sentiments of Schroeder. The book, edited by Drs . Ronald Ande rse n , Thomas Rice and Ge rald Kominski from the school's Department of Health Services , was c ommissioned by a generous gift from the late Samuel J. Tibbitts (B.S. '49, M.S.) and his wife, Aud rey. More tha n a doze n fac ulty me mbe rs contributed peer-reviewed chapters to the book, which addresses issues of access, quality, and cost of care, the problems facing vulnerable populations, and potential approaches to reformin g the sys te m. The book is published by Jossey-Bass (415/4331740). Also on the shelves : D r. R oger D e tels, professor of epidemiology, was the senior editor of the 3rd Edition of the three-volume Oxford Textbook of Public Health, published in 1996. In addition to Detels, who authored several chapters, other contributors to the latest volume include D rs. Leste r Breslow, R alph Freri ch s , Milto n Roe m e r , and Ruth Roem er, all members of the school's faculty. •

Dr. Roshon Bostoni (r.) is a mong the professors teach· ing in the M.P.H. for Health Professionols Program.

LEADERSHIP Many UCLA School of Public Health faculty and alumni undertook leadership roles in 1996. On the national scene, Dr. E. Richard Brown crisscrossed the country as president of the American Public Health Association, working with public health professionals and policy-makers in an effort to advance the field. At the same time, another faculty member returned from a two-year stint in Washington, D.C. While on a leave of absence from the school, Dr. Robert Valdez served as deputy assistant secretary for health in the Public Health Service and director of interagency health policy for the Health Care Financing Administration. Dr. Jonathan Fielding was appointed interim health officer for Los Angeles County. Fielding, professor of In its first full year, the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and health services, thus became a senior Communities (logo above) received a $1.25 million grant from the federal Maternal advisor to Mark Finucane, director of and Child Health Bureau to establish the National Center for Infancy and Early health services for the county, who is Childhood Health Policy, which will provide support for maternal/child health prooverseeing a major overhaul of the grams and policy development for infants and young children; promote strategies to county's ailing hospital and health serenhance the health status of infants and young children by improving available health vices system. Fielding is also president services and increasing accountability for those services within managed care; and of the American College of Preventive address specific health problems, practices, delivery programs, and policies that are Medicine and vice chair of the Partnerof paiticular relevance to infants and young children. The center, co-directed by Drs. ship for Prevention. Neal Halfon and Jonathan Fielding, has assembled a multidisciplinary group of Among alumni, faculty experts in public health, pediatrics, education, mental health, economics, Diana Bonta communications, law, nursing, social work and public policy. (M.P.H. '75, Dr.P.H. The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, which was established in 1994, '92), director of continues to meet the needs of an expanding group of communities and policyHealth and Human makers. Among the projects that were launched in 1996: studies focusing on the Services for the City impact of managed care on mental health services and on women's health; an evaluaof Long Beach, Dr. Diana Bont6 tion of California's eff01t to control costs of worker's compensation; an examination Calif., was elected to of policy options for the growing problems of health insurance and lack thereof the Executive Comin California; studies of immigrants' access to care; and research on outcomes of mittee of the APHA. hospital care. And a trio of promo(News of the school's other centers are interspersed throughout this issue.) • tions left three graduates at the helm of major health care Dr. Jonathan Fielding organizations locally. Arthur Southam (M.D., M.P.H. '84, M.B.A.) became president and CEO of The two new members of the fullHealth Net. Walter W. "Bill" Noce time faculty in 1996 helped to expand (M.P.H. '69) became president and CEO the scope of the school's teaching and of Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. research expertise. Dr. Susan Cochran's And James Barber (M.P.H. '79) became focus is on epidemiology related to psypresident and CEO of the Healthcare chological and behavioral issues; along Association of Southern California. with Dr. Beate Ritz, who joined the And in case you weren't counting, Department of Epidemiology the previDr. Susan Cochran the Los Angeles Business Journal 's ous year and has developed new courses annual "Who's Who in Health Care" for in occupational and environmental 1996, which offers the 100 "most influepidemiology, Cochran is expanding a ential people working in the health care field that has traditionally focused on the industry in Los Angeles County," spread of disease. Dr. Jeff Luck, the included a whopping 16 graduates of most recent addition to the Department the school's Department of Health of Health Services, is an M.B.A./Ph.D. Services, three from the department's who specializes in health-care organizaadvisory committee, and two faculty tion and management, information sysDr. Jeff Luck members. • tems, and quality control. •




















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Hey, students: Can't find that elective course you really wanted to take? Soon it won't matter; you'll be able to "attend" courses offered on other campuses. A handful of students from the school got their first taste of distance learning last year, when they were part of a class taught at UC Berkeley. With the aid of audio and video technology, students could sit in a UCLA classroom, see and hear the Berkeley professor and students, and be seen and heard by their Berkeley counterparts. "This gives students more choices," says Dr. Deborah Glik, associate professor of community health sciences. Glik facilitated the UCLA end of the distancelearning course, which focused on media advocacy as a way of advancing public health initiatives. "Public health is such a broad discipline that no school can capture all of the expertise," adds Dr. Lawrence Wallack, the UC Berkeley professor who taught the course. "This is a way of spreading it around, a way to enhance the intellectual and learning environment of the students." •


CARRI LYNN HARTMAN-Epidemiology DENA HERMAN-Community Health Sciences WAI TUNG HO-Biostatistics




COMMUN If you watch "ER," you may have come across content masterminded in part by the UCLA School of Public Health. No, the school hasn't gone Hollywood; it's only looking to promote the inclusion of material on prime-time entertainment TV that reinforces the importance of immunizations. It is but one example of the community-based work faculty are conducting through the Technical Assistance Group. TAG, which was established in 1995 under the leadership of D r . Em il Berkanovi c, offers faculty services for the planning, implementation and evaluation of public health programs. In the above-mentioned case, the school, under contract from the state immunization branch, is collaborating with UCLA's Department of Film and Television to offer real-life stories that can be incorporated into TV scripts. In addition to "ER," a half-dozen other programs have committed to the idea. The same contract has TAG working on two other immunization-related projects. The group is helping to produce an educational video in Cambodian, Hmong, Lao, and Mien, with distribution in those communities. And a curriculum module and video for sixth-graders on the same subject has been developed in English. Other collaborative activities in 1996: evaluation of several training programs, including one for disadvantaged youth and another for battered women's shelters throughout the state; a tobacco control evaluation; and a computer-assisted health education program for gestational diabetes . In addition, a coalition was formed and a statement of collaboration signed by California's four schools of public health and the California Conference of Local Health Officers. •

s PEAKERS The school's own Dr. E. Rich ard B r own (b elow l eft ), who served as president of the American Public Health Association in 1996, was also the Lester Breslow Distinguished Lecturer at the school's 35th Anniversary Symposium in November. Other distinguished speakers in 1996 included Dr. H ar old R . Hunter , who gave the 1996 Ralph R. Sachs Memorial Lecture, and Breslow himself (b elow right), who gave the Sanville/Delta Omega Lecture. •

HONORS The honors bestowed on faculty in 1996 are too numerous to name, but here are a few. Dr. Patricia Ganz was among 10 individuals to receive an Avon Breast Cancer Leadership Award, which, in collaboration with the National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations, gave $100,000 each to the award winners for leading a program that has made a major contribution to the breast cancer cause. Ganz is well known for her work in breast cancer and quality of life. Dr. Ronald Andersen won the award for Distinguished Investigator from the Association for Health Se1vices - an award


given to only one individual in the nation each year. Dr. Steven Wallace was honored as the first-ever Borun Scholar by the Harry and Anna Borun Center for Gerontological Research. The award will support the expansion of Wallace's research on health policy as it affects the elderly. Dr. Jeremy Taylor, professor of biostatistics, was the recipient of the Spiegelman Award for 1996; the award, given annually by the statistics section of the American Public Health Association,

honors the outstanding biostatistician under age 40. Dr. William Hinds received the Sou them California American Industrial H ygiene Association Technical Achievement Award. Dr. Charlotte Neumann (pictured above left) was honored by the March of Dimes and received the Agnes Higgins Award for her work in maternal-fetal nutrition. Dr. Roslyn Alfin-Slater was recognized by the California Avocado Commission for her work in nutritional education. •

In a record-setting year for private support, 1996 was notable for the fruition of one campaign, the launching of two others, and the dramatic increase in gifts to the school (see page 4). The six-year campaign to create a $500,000 endowment for the Environmental Science and Engineering Program was successfully completed, thanks to gifts from the Save the Earth Foundation and Hughes Environmental Systems. (The endowment was seeded by a $250,000 challenge grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.) The school's Health Policy and Management Alumni Association began a five-year campaign to raise $100,000 in support of an annual fellowship in health services. The kick-off event, a dinner honoring Dr. Paul Torrens, professor of health services and director of the M.P.H.

for Health Professionals Program, drew 250 attendees and raised $25,000. (This spring's event will honor Dr. Arthur Southam.) A $50,000 campaign for a Biostatistics Library was launched; more than $40,000 has already been raised. For the second consecutive year, Los Angeles businessman Robert Drabkin (pictured above with the students he supported) made a generous contribution in support of field training fellowships, enabling selected students to conduct overseas internships. And 1996 was marked by the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Student Resource Center. Made possible by a generous donation from Terry Hartshorn (M.P.H. '69) and his wife, Sharon, the Student Resource Center consists of an office for the Public Health Students Association, a conference room, and a lounge where students can congregate. •


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COUNTRIES OF CITIZENSHI DEPARTMENT: Biostatistics Community Health Sciences Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Health Services DEGREE PROGRAM: M.P.H. M.S. Ph.D. D.Env. Dr.P.H. *Based on 1996 Fall Quarter enrollment.

4 15

40 010

9 32 19 22 18 O/o

53 12 23 7 6


~RlfNDS The following report acknowledges gifts made from 7/1194 to 6/30/96. The UCLA School of Public Health thanks all of its donors for their fmancial support. Although space limitations only allow the listing of individual gifts of $100 or more and corporate and foundation gifts of $5,000 or more, gifts of every amount are of great importance to the school and are

tO deeply appreciated. It is important to us that we acknowledge you properly. If an error has been made in the listing of

Dean's Council Honor Roll Benefactors: Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Meis Mrs. Audrey Tibbitts

Patrons: Dr. and Mrs. Abdelmonem A. Afifi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Allocco, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Alpert Dr. and Mrs. Lester Breslow Mrs. Carolbeth G. Korn Mr. and Mrs. Lester J. Mantell Mr. John D. Miller Ms. Marvis J. Oehm

Sponsors: Ors. Roslyn B. Allin-Slater and Grant G. Slater Anne H. Coulson Mr. Peter G. Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie Stephen W. Kahane, D.Env. Clifford J. Smith, Dr.P.H.

your name or gift, please contact Jeanette Brennan

Sustaining Members:

or John Miller at (310) 825-6464.

Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Hauret Ors. Barbara R. Visscher and Fredrick H. Kahn Maureen Mangotich, M.D. Ors. Diana M. Banta and Frank P. Matricardi Mr. Charles E. Cable Climis A. Davos, Ph.D. James E. Enstrom, Ph.D. Jonathan E. Fielding, M.D. Ors. Tomas and Patricia Ganz Mrs. Susan R. Goodgame Dr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. James B. Jacobson Mr. Herman E. Kattlove Mr. Ned Laubacher, Jr. Dr. Deborah A. Levy Charles N. Moss, M.D., Dr.P.H. Ors. Alfred and Charlotte Neumann Dr. Lester C. Reams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sinaiko Ms. Marti S. Slawson Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ziontz

MEMBER -$180-$499 • Acknowledgment in School of Public Health publications • Receive UCLA School of Public Health Newsletter

PONSOR - $500-$999 • The above benefits, plus... • Invitation to selected school lectureships and other special events, including Dean's Council receptions

PATRON - $1,000-$2,499 • All of the above, plus... • Eligibility for courtesy campus parking permit • Personalized plaque with year plates for home or office • Invitation to annual Dean's Dinner • Membership in UCLA's Women & Philanthropy program, with additional benefits, for women donors of $1 ,500 or more

BENEFACTOR - $2,500-$4,999 • All of the above benefits, plus... • Invitation to attend special invitation-only events at UCLA and the School of Public Health as the Dean's guest

ASSOCIATE - $5,000 AND ABOVE •All of the above benefits, plus... •One-year student fellowship named in honor of donor •Circle Membership in UCLA's Women & Philanthropy program for women donors

Individual Members: Mr. Michael R. Galper Ms. Dora N. James Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Laughlin Atsuko Shibata, Ph.D. Paul R. Torrens, M.D. Ms. Jane M. Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Andersen Dr. and Mrs. Lancetord M. Chong Mr. Dennis E. Coleman Bertell W. Ferguson, D.D.S. Ms. Susan Hum Ms. Gwendolyn L. Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Snehendu B. Kar Ms. Ingrid E. Lamirault Judith M. Siegel, Ph.D. Walter A. Thistlewaite, Ph.D. Ms. Jeanne C. Waite Ms. Cathleen S. Reems Mrs. Debra M. Barnhart Dr. and Mrs. M. Christopher Barnhart Dr. Allan R. Barr Michael L. Boehnke, Ph.D. Ms. Felicia A. Flores-Workman Betsy Foxman, Ph.D. Mrs. Ellen R. Krasnosselski Ms. Margaret S. Patricelli Patricia A. English, Dr. P.H. Ms. Jennifer L. Abbott Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Z. Abedin Ms. Laurel A. Abrams Monica Abrew, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Acosta Mr. and Mrs. Alexander M. Adeleke Mr. James P. Agronick

Mrs. Barbara J. Aitken-Heinzel Leslie M. Alexandre, Dr.P.H. Delores G. Alleyne, M.D. Reginald H. Alleyne, Jr., Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Almeida Carlos A. Alvarado, M.D. Richard F. Ambrose, Ph.D. Mrs. Dixie L. Arneal Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ash Alicestine D. Ashford, Ph.D. Victor M. Badner, D.M.D. Teri D. Bartholetti, M.P.H. Stephen B. Baruch, D.Env. Mr. Henry Battle Ms. Janet J. Bell Mrs. Stella C. Bellin Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Bellin Dr. and Mrs. Warren L. Bennett Ms. Patti J. Benson Emil Berkanovic, Ph.D. Gerald S. Berke, M.D. Richard J. Berquist, M.D. Ms. Karen L. Berry Ms. Janice S. Bigler Dr. and Mrs. Rus B. Billimoria Dr. Wladyslaw A. Binek Ms. Dolores M. Blanco Mrs. Arlene G. Block Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Blomquist, Jr. Stewart N. Blumenfeld, Ph.D. Mr. Paul E. Boog Mr. William P. Boone Ms. Barbara J. Bradford Ms. Kimberly J. Bradley Ms. Hazel P. Braxton-Owens Dr. and Mrs. E. Richard Brown Gretchen A. Brown, M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown Mrs. Marie E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Brown Mr. Rodney C. Bruce Dr. and Mrs. Wayne 0. Buck Ms. Carol W. Buitrago Marc G. Bulterys, Ph.D. Mr. Michael R. Burns Theresa L. Byrd, M.P.H. Dr. and Mrs. Shelton X. Cai Mrs. Dennice L. Calihan Ms. Kathleen C. Caparoso Ms. Paula A. Carabelli Mr. Lawrence E. Carlson Mrs. Teresa B. Carlson Dr. and Mrs. Martin F. Carr Mrs. Mary E. Carr Suzanne M. Cecconi, M.D. Ms. Jan L. Channon Edwin H. Chen, Ph.D. Dr. Yuling Chen Portia S. Choi, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Hung B. Chu Nadia Chugal, D.D.S. Allen T. Chun, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Clarkson Barbara L. Cohn, M.P.H. Ms. Victoria F. Corbell Dr. Carolyn M. Cravero Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Cravero Ms. Carolyn Critchlow-Miner Dr. Olivia A. Crookes Mr. Andrew C. Dagis Jing L. Dai, M.P.H. Ms. Le Andrea E. Dames Dr. and Mrs. Peter C. Damiano Ms. Teresa K. David Bruce N. Davidson, Ph.D. Allyson R. Davies, Ph.D. Ms. Cynthia C. Davis Mr. Jean De Traversay Deane C. Detontes, Jr., M.D. Mr. Ernest A. Diaz Ms. Daryl V. Dichek Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Dolan Mr. Rene C. Drachenberg Ms. Bonnie L. Drury Dah-Weih Duan, Ph.D. L. Donald Duke, Ph.D. Olive J. Dunn, Ph.D. Karen Duvall, M.D. Dr. Lori C. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elrod

Ms. Virginia K. Essink Antonio L. Estrada, Ph.D. Mrs. Agnes K. Eubanks Dr. and Mrs. Garold L. Faber Janet L. Fahey, D.Env. Mr. Randolph N. Farber Dr. Jean S. Felton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery E. Flocken Andrew J. Forster, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Fowler Ms. Elizabeth D. Fowler Vardith L. Fox, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Frerichs Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Friedman Mr. Robert A. Fullmer Mr. Christopher C. Fulton Ms. Lei-Chun Fung Ms. Ann-Michelle Gillis-Harry Mr. David M. Gittelman Deborah C. Glik, Sc.D. Ms. Nallini Gnanadesigan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Goetz Alisa M. Goldstein, Ph.D. Mrs. Andrea F. Gordon-Vodounon Mark E. Granoff, M.D. Ms. Rochelle S. Green Melvin A. Greenspan, D.D.S. Daniel P. Groszkruger, Esq. Ms. Phyllis L. Guinn Mr. and Mrs. Jama Gulaid Ms. Laurie A. Gulaid Mr. Joseph M. Haley Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey I. Hananel Dr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Hansen Ms. Sarah H. Harlan Dr. and Mrs. Saul H. Heiting Mr. Richard C. Heriza Mrs. Rosalyn A. Hewertson Mr. and Mrs. James 0. Higgins Mrs. Sharon G. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Hinkston Ms. Susan D. Hollander Ms. Elise M. Holloway Gordon D. Honda, M.D. Dr. Calvin Y. Hong Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hopkins Ms. Deborah A. Howard Ms. Hsiang-Yun Hsieh Mrs. Nancy L. Hsieh Mrs. Jennifer C. Huddleston Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Hudes Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Iida Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Jasper Ms. Sharon Jefferson-Glazer Ms. Katherine Jew Ms. Lisa A. Jewett Mrs. Jennie S. Jing Kenneth E. Joslyn, M.P.H. Mrs. Marlene P. Kamienny Ms. Carolyn F. Katzin Neal D. Kaufman, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey D. Kern Diana L. Kiel, M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Kiel Mrs. Annette W. Kleeman Ms. Nina R. Kleinert Barbara J. Kamas, M.D. James J. Korelitz, Ph.D. Mr. Robert J. Korman Barry L. Kotler, Esq. Pamela L. Kotler, Ph.D. Joel W. Kovner, Dr.P.H. Dr. Richard L. Kozlenko Dorine G. Kramer, M.D. Ms. Yvonne C. Kriens Pamela C. Krochalk, Dr.P.H. Calman Kurtzman, D.D.S. Jean P. La Gour, Dr. P.H. Barbara M. Langland-Orban, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Larson Dr. and Mrs. Isaiah C. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Ju H. Lee Limin Lee, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Leone Ms. Jodi A. Leslie Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Lewis Mr. Chit-Kam Li Violet J. Lim, Dr. P.H.

Mrs. Elaine T. Lips Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lips Mrs. Ann A. Lorimer Walter L. Lorimer, Esq. Bryan R. Luce, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Kung J. Lui Roberta E. Madison, Dr.P.H. Ms. Cherie L. Maier Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Maier Ms. Barbara L. Mallery Ms. Yvette M. Manard Mr. Michael R. Manuel Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Marantz Mrs. Maria C. Martell Mrs. Diana Matsushima James M. Mendlein, Ph.D. Gary M. Meunier, D.Env. Jean L. Mickey, Ph.D. Ruth M. Mickey, Ph.D. Gabriella M. Miotto, M.D. Ruth A. Mohr, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. James L. Monahan Ms. Barbara J. Moore Hal Morgenstern, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Moscati Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Moser Ms. Kyle A. Murphy Robert A. Murray, Dr.P.H. Ms. Denise Myers Dr. and Mrs. John F. Newport Ms. Sharon L. Nichols Mrs. Wilma P. Nicholson Ms. Nelly A. Nigro Dr. and Mrs. Ismael N. Nuno Mrs. Judith S. Nuno Ms. Judith O'Connell Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. O'Neill Etsuji Okamoto, M.P.H. David J. Orban, M.D. Joan Otomo-Corgel, D.D.S. Mr. Harold L. Owens, Jr. Sidney F. Paige, D.Env. Ernesto 0. Parra, M.D. Corinne L. Peek-Asa, Ph.D. Ms. Christine C. Peng Ms. Ella Pennington Mrs. Catherine G. Percy Carl E. Pierchala, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Neill F. Piland Robert S. Plourde, Ph.D. Michael S. Policar, M.D. Clydette L. Powell, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Prohaska Shane S. Que Hee, Ph.D. Ms. Caroline R. Rao Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Rasmussen Kristiana Raube, Ph.D. Myat H. Razak, Ph.D. Mrs. Irene Realyvasquez Shirley W. Rich , M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Ecleamus L. Ricks Mrs. Rosalyn R. Rigu is-Trapp David L. Rimoin, M.D. Mr. Richard B. Robison Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Rosenfeld H. Jeffrey Rostami, Ph.D. Ms. Eve R. Rubell Dr. Ralph R. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Alan Samuels Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Satin Cynthia C. Scalzi, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Schiff Miriam Schocken, Ph.D. Ors. Stuart and Suzanne Schweitzer Dr. Robert Scofield, Jr. Leslie Z. Shaffer, Phrm.D. Mr. John M. Shahan Julie Shaperman, M.P.H. Dr. and Mrs. Martin Shaperman Dr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sherrington William Shonick, Ph.D. Lee E. Shoop, M.D. Donald E. Shriber, Esq. Ms. Yih-Jen Shy Dr. and Mrs. Jerald F. Sigala Mr. Alan W. Smith Daniel F. Smith, Dr.P.H. Dr. and Mrs. William E. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Smokier

Ms. Margo A. Snyder Ms. Ruth H. Souza Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Staniloff Ms. Karen L. Starleaf Mrs. Cynthia H. Stern Dr. and Mrs. George A. Stern Elaine J. Stone, Ph.D. Dennis W. Strum, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Suffet Joseph H. Sugerman, M.D. Mr. James B. Tehan Zoe A. Tilton, M.D. Ms. Kathleen M. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Citron Toy Constance M. Vadheim , Ph.D. Diane D. Valdez, D.D.S. Ms. Nina B. Vassilian Suebelle S. Verity, Dr.P.H . Mr. and Mrs. Erik L. Vold Ms. Irene N. Vold Steven P. Wallace, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Weiss Kenneth B. Wells, M.D. Irene V. Wesley, Dr. P.H. Ronald D. Wesley, Ph.D. G. Darryl Wieland , Ph .D. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Winer Mr. V. Gale Winting Dr. and Mrs. Barry J. Wolstan Mrs. Judith S. Wolstan Dr. and Mrs. Danny Y. Wong Ms. Gretchen L. Wooden Mrs. Dayle K. Wright Dr. and Mrs. Paul Y. Yahiku Antronette K. Yancey, M.D. Ms. Janis Yao Michael A. Zablocki, M.P.H. Michael A. Zapf, D.P.M. Dr. and Mrs. Wei Zhang Dr. and Mrs. Zhihua Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zusman

Matching Gift Companies: TRW Foundation Bonneville Intl Corp AlliedSignal Foundation Inc. Amgen Foundation Inc. Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Matching Grants Program Cigna Foundation Citibank Foundation Coopers & Lybrand Foundation The Upjohn Company Foundation

HPMAA Individuals: Galileo Acosta Ira Alpert Teri Bartholetti, M.P.H. Daniel Barzman Louis Bersin Lester Breslow, M.D. Robert Brook, M.D. Kenneth Clark Judith Connell Victoria Corbell Julie Croner, M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Culotta Janet Cunningham Sabbir Dadabhai Bruce Davidson, Ph.D. Damon De Crow Mr. and Mrs. Michael De Kovner Mr. Henk Dekkers Kathleen Dinsmore Keith Emmons Ernest Espinoza, Jr. Rosalind Essner Dawn Evans Jay Evans Connie Evashwick Ryan Faden Daniel Fink Jonathan Freedman Flavius George, Ill Stuart Gilman, M.D. Gail Grant, M.D.

James Haden Mr. and Mrs.Terry Hartshorn Diana Hilberman John Hirshleifer, M.D. Susan Hollander Cornelius Hopper Janet Howard-Espinoza John Ivie W. Mark Jasper Kenneth Joslyn, M.P.H. Cheryl Kane Dr. and Mrs. Herman Kattlove Richard Kiel, Jr., MPH Sheldon King Leonard Kleinman , M.D. Gerald Kominski, Ph.D. John Kurata James Larson Ned Laubacher, Jr. Judith Levin Richard Lipeles Frank Matricardi, Dr.P.H. Eric Mc Laughlin, Ph.D. John Miller Christine Moody, M.P.H. Laura Moody Karasik Walter Noce, Jr. Neeta Rathee Gary Ray John Relic Thomas Rice, Ph.D. Lori Richardson Pelliccio Milton Roemer, M.D. Martin Ross, Dr.P.H. Natalie Sanders, M.D. Stuart Schweitzer, Ph.D. William Shonick, Ph.D. Stuart Simon Jacque J. Sokolov Auri Spigelman, M.D. Daniel Stone Lori Teslow Paul Torrens, M.D. Arlene Towns, M.D. Ayako Utsumi Paul Wales, M.P.H. David Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams Theresa Winterbauer

Other Companies: AMI Blue Cross of California Bobrow/Thomas and Associates California Hospital Medical Center Foundation CareAmerica Southern California Cedars Sinai Medical Center Chapman Medical Center Cooperative Purchasers Coopers and Lybrand Duvall Enterprises FHP Foundation Family Health Care Medical Group Inc. Healthcare Associates of Southern California Healthcare Partners Limited Healthcare Practice Enhancement Network Inc. Healthcomp Heidrick and Struggles Inc. Huntington Hospital Integrated Healthdata Systems, Inc. Kaiser Permanente Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. Kaweah Delta Health Care District Korn/Ferry International Little Company of Mary Hospital Local Initiative Health Authority for Los Angeles County Medical Group Practice Services Meridian Health Care Consulting Inc. Musick Peeler and Garrett Northridge Hospital Medical Center PTPN Inc. RCO Consultants, Inc. Rskmgmt Inc. Scan Health Plan Southern California Digestive

Disease Consultants St. Joseph Hospital Tenet Healthcare Corporation University of California Los Angeles Medical Center Value Health Sciences Inc. Vertihealth WitVKieffer

Special Gifts Foundations: Commonwealth Fund Dermatologic Research Foundation of California Drabkin Family Foundation, Inc. Ford Foundation The John Hartford Foundation, Inc. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation Maxicare Research and Educational Foundation The Kenneth T. and Eileen Norris Foundation Donald W. Reynolds Foundation Richard M. Seigel Foundation World AIDS Foundation

Corporations: Alta Medical Health Services Corporation Amgen Inc. Bobrow/Thomas and Associates The California Wellness Foundation Crystal Promotions Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Medical Service Corporation International Merck and Company Inc. Schistosomiasis Research Project Medical Service Corporation International Unocal Corporation The Upjohn Company

Individuals: Anonymous Dr. Climis Davos Robert J. Drabkin Jonathan Fielding, M.D. Joanne Leslie Charlotte Neumann, M.D. Shane Que Hee, Ph.D. Milton Roemer, M.D. James Shinaberger, M.D. Dr. Peter Singer Michelle Wilhelm

Others: American Cancer Society, California Division, Inc. Annette Blann Living Trust Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau Friends of Soochow Office of Technology Assessment UCLA Health Policy and Management Alumni Association The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center

ESE Individuals: Joseph Along, D.Env. Dr. Richard Ambrose Marijke Bekken, D.Env. L. Donald Duke, Ph.D. Janet Fahey, D.Env. Mr. Richard Fargo Cathleen Fitzgerald, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gerding Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ghirelli Matania Ginosar, Ph.D. Mark Gold, D.Env. Harlan Hashimoto, D.Env. Dr. Donald Hunsaker Stephen Kahane, D.Env. Robert Kawaratani, D.Env.

Eugene Leong, D.Env. Gero Leson, D.Env. Chung Liu, D.Env. Michael Meltzer, D.Env. Gary Meunier, D.Env. Teresa Michelsen David Moss, D.Env. Elizabeth Nash, D.Env. Mr. William Nash Dr. and Mrs. Conrad Newberry Francis Palmer, D.Env. Diane Perry, Ph.D. Suzanne Phinney, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. Alireza Rabizadeh Karl Rodenbaugh , D. Env. Mark Saperstein, D.Env. Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker Marjorie Shovlin, D.Env. Steven Sim, D.Env. Deborah Skoller, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Smokier Todd Sostek, D.Env. Eric Stein, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Suffet Mr. Xavier Swamikannu John Tate, Jr., Esq. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Winer

Matching Companies: Arco Foundation, Inc. Gencorp Foundation, Inc. IBM International Foundation Martin Marietta Corporation Foundation TRW Foundation

Other Companies: American Oceans Campaign The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Hughes Aircraft Company ICF Kaiser International, Inc. Meredith/Boli and Associates, Inc. Radian Corporation Republic Environmental Systems, Inc. The Save the Earth Foundation, Inc. Woodward-Clyde Consultants

Charles N. Moss Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Schuster Mr. Steven Spaanbroek Mr. and Mrs. George Spaanbroek Mr. and Mrs. George Stakias Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stakias Ruth Womack

Frank J. Massey, Jr. Memorial Fund Dr. and Mrs. William Cumberland Dr. and Mrs. Peter Lachenbruch Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Stakias

Tony Norton Memorial Fund Hazel Beier Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dornbusch

Judith Blake Memorial Fund Linda Bourque, Ph .D.

Mohammad Mustafa Memorial Fund Jane Valentine, Ph.D.

Wayne SooHoo Memorial Fund Anonymous



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Winter 1997

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