In 1997, the school looked ahead. From left to right, starting with the top row: key players in the strengthening ties between the school and the L.A. County Deportment of Health Services deportment director Mork Finucane, Dr. Jonathon Fielding, professor at the school and newly appointed director of public health for the county, and the school's Dr. lester Breslow; M.P.H. slu· dents Perlee Tobias, Kristi Buluron and Jennifer Chon, port of a group that exemplifies the school's diverse student body; new chancellor Albert Cornesole, who come to UCLA in 1997 and voiced strong support for the school; L.A. County Supervisor Zev Yoroslovsky, among severol prominent leaders who spoke here lost year; Robert Drobkin, who continued to fund exciting field internships for students; the refurbished Department of Biostatistics Library and Conference Room, resulting from more than $50,000 raised in honor of the late Dr. Fronk J. Mossey (in portrait behind his wile Mildred); the WHO's Y. Kawaguchi (with Deon Abdelmonem A. Afifi), who come to announce a partnership with the school; and Corolbeth G. Korn cuttting the ribbon on the Coralbeth Korn Meeting Room, named in her honor ofter she gave the largest unrestricted gilt in the school's history.
s we reflect on the calendar year 1997 in this, our second annual "Year in Review" issue, it is clear that the high expectations we have set for our school in the areas of research, education and community service are being met - and surpassed. Our research efforts continue to flourish, as evidenced by the school's growing number of extramural contracts and grants. This is a tribute both to the talents of our faculty and student scholars, and to the increasing societal relevance of the problems we study and the population-based, prevention-oriented approach that is public health. Some of the research highlights from last year, along with 1997's contracts and grants of $100,000 or more, are listed beginning on the next page. In education, the 1997 launch of our second M.P.H. for Health Professionals (p. 6), this one in health education and health promotion, is part of our increasing commitment to meeting the needs of full-time public health workers, 85 percent of whom, nationwide, have not had academic training in the field. And on the other side of that equation, our initiatives to widen the field internship opportunities available for our fulltime students are paying off, as the article on the same page attests. In community service, our leadership continues to be on display, whether it's global, as in the World Health Organization collaborative agreement we signed in 1997 (p. 5); local, as in the review conducted by our faculty of Los Angeles County's public health programs (p. 4); or in between. Some of the myriad activities we are involved in throughout the region, across the nation, and around the world are highlighted throughout this issue. But just as important as the activities described above is the phenomenal support we have received from our alumni and friends, who helped to produce a second consecutive record-breaking year in private fund-raising. With Campaign UCLA now in full swing (p. 9), we are off and running toward our goal of raising $15 million for a new building, student and faculty support, key programs, and other worthy activities. To enhance this effort, I have appointed John D. Miller as the school's first assistant dean for external affairs. In this capacity, John will oversee the school's programs and personnel pertaining to private fund raising and public and alumni relations. I wish to thank all of our supporters, and look forward to your ongoing assistance as we continue to dedicate ourselves to a healthier tomorrow.
Ahdelmonem A. Afifi, Ph.D.
Volume 18, Number 1 Winter 1998
Albert Carnesale , Ph.D. Chancellor
Abdelmonem A. Afifi, Ph.D. Dean
EDITORIAL BOARD Abdelmonem A. Afifi, Ph.D. Dean Judith M. Siegel, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Academic Programs Lawren ce R. Ash, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Student Affairs
V. Gale Winting Associate Dean for Administration John D. Miller Assistant Dean for External Affairs Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, R.N., Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Community Health Sciences Corinne Peek-Asa, Ph .D. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Epidemiology Joyce A. Page, M.S.P.H. , J.D. Alnmni Association President Anna Dorman President, Public Health Students Association Wan-en Robak Public Information Representative
Dan Gordon Editor and Writer Martha Widmann Art Director
Photography: AS UCLA (cover and pp. 4, 5) Yvette Roman (cover and pp. 5, 7, 9)
School of Public Hea.lth Home Page: www.ph.ucla.edu E-mail for Application Requests: app-request@admin.ph.ucla .edu UCl.A Public Health is pulJlislae<l by tht• UCLA Sd1ool of Publit· lft·uhh for the alumni. ful'uh). studtnls, Jitaff and frit•ruls of thf' i!rhou l. Copyright 1998 IJy The Regent s of tht' UniHrsit) of California. Pt•rmission 10 reprint any 1•ortion of UCLA P1ibli<' He<1lth must lw obtaint>1I from tht> t•tlitor. Contact Editor. UCLA PublU· Health , Box 951772. Lo• Angeles, CA 90095-1772. (310) 825-6381.
pidemiologists from the school made headlines in 1997 with their finding that workers who received long-term radiation exposure at Rocketdyne's Los Angeles-area nuclear research facility were at increased risk of dying from certain cancers. A research team h eaded by Drs. Beale Ritz and Hal Morgenstern analyzed company records on approximately 4,600 Rocketdyne workers who were routinely monitored for radiation between 1950 and 1993, tracking each worker to d e termine who had di e d, when the death occurred and what was the cause of death. Previous research had shown a link between moderate doses of radiation exposure and cancers of the blood and lymph system. But the UCLA study found higher-than-average death rates from such cancers even for workers exposed to relatively low doses, well within the socalled "safe" range . In addition, they were the first to report links between radiation exposure and cancers of the lung and upper aerodigestive tract (oral cavity, phmynx, esophagus and stomach). "Our findings had been suggested by other studies," says Ritz. "What's surprising was that our study was very small, and we still found these effects." Given that approximately 80 percent of the cohmts are still alive, and given the relatively low cost of follow-up , Ritz hopes to be able to continue monitoring the population. "The longer you follow these cohorts, the more likely you are to see certain effects," she says.
Other highlights... Dr. Steven Wallace completed a project for the L.A. County Depa1tment of Health Se rvices on the potential impact of welfare reform on the county's health care system. He estimated that as many as 25,000 additional county resi-
dents would be uninsured if all federal provisions were adopted by the state, with a substantial impact on the segment of the health care system that provides Medi-Cal services to immigrants. Dr. Dawn U p church received an award from the Bixby Foundation to d eve l op a focus in population and women's health that will provide training to students through hands-on research experience. Upchurch continued her own research on how neighborhood factors influence teen sexual activity. Dr. Snehendu Kar received a grant to develop and evaluate a strategy for empowering women and mothers to promote childhood immunization among Latino women in economically distressed Los Angeles areas. As a WHO consultant, he conducted a workshop in Beijing on Measurement of Quality of Life for public health researchers in China. A study of the causes and consequences of fa tal and sever e injuries from the 1994 Northridge earthquake found that the number of p eople who were seriously injured was significantly lower than initially thought. The study was conducted by Dr. Corinne PeekAs a and other researc h ers a t the school's Southern Californi a Injury Prevention Research Center. One of that center's doctoral candidates, Dr. Demetrios Kyriacou, headed a study examining homicide records in 18 Los Angeles commun ities and seeking to correlate them with factors
such as income levels, employment, education, gender, age, race, and proportion of single-family households. Unemployment and per-capita income were most predictive of a community's gang-related homicide rate. D r . Climis A. Davos completed a three-year, four-nation study based on his theoretical contributions to participatory environmental valuation, conflict management, and cooperative policy formation. He spoke about his findings at two international conferences. Dr. Marjorie Kagawa-Singer completed a study of cancer screening rates in low-income Asian-American women in five community health clinics. Dr. Linda Bourque reported on survey research in mass emergencies and disasters. A new edition of Atlas of Human Parasitology (Chicago: ASCP Press), edited by Dr. Lawrence Ash, was published. Dr. Nathaniel Schenker participated on th e Panel on Alternati ve Census Methodologies, which issued a report that was distributed to Congress. Dr. Jeremy Taylor was awarded a grant to develop statistical methods to analyze prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and clinical endpoint data in prostate cancer. â&#x20AC;˘
GRANTS AND CONTRACTS While space limits preclude a complete listing, the following list of research and training grants and contracts of $100,000 or more awarded in 1997 illustrates the variety of grant and contract activity at the school. AFIFI,
ABDELMONEM A.- "Public Health Traineeship," "Public Health Leadership Institute."
AMBROSE, RICHARD F.-"Lower Malibu Creek and Malibu Lagoon Resource Enhancement and Management."
ANDERSEN, RONALD M.- "UCLA/RAND Health Services Research Training Program. "
BASTANI, ROSHAN- "Adherence to Follow-Up of Breast Abnormalities," "Upbeat Program Evaluation Center. "
BERKANOVIC, EMIL- "lmmunization Promotion and Evaluation."
BERMAN, BARBARA- "Anti-Tobacco Programming: Reaching the Deaf and Hard of Hearing," "Underserved Children with Asthma: Reducing Passive Smoking."
BOURQUE, LINDA B. -"Evaluation and Assessment of Los Angeles County Residents' Post-Earthquake Needs and Service Utilization."
continued on next page
continued from previous page BROWN, E. RICHARD-"California Health Information Survey, " "Ethnicity, Health Insurance & Access to Health Services," "Market Factors, Managed Care and Access to Health Services for the Uninsured," "Health Insurance for Mid-Sized Businesses Program. "
DETELS, ROGER-"lnternational Training Grant in Epidemiology Related to AIDS," "Natural History of AIDS in Homosexual Men," "Interdisciplinary Training in HIV/AIDS Epidemiology."
FIELDING, JONATHAN E.- "Development of an Effective Community Report Card," "Los Angeles Immunization Registry. "
FROINES, JOHN R.-"Occupational and Consumer
Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Spray Paints/Primers," "UCLA-Mexico Collaborative Training and Research Program," "Hazard Surveillance in the Defense Nuclear Industry."
GANZ, PATRICIA A.- "Sexuality and Intimacy in Breast Cancer Survivors, " "Breast Cancer Prevention and Control in Older Women," "Adjuvant Tamoxifen Therapy in Old Age: Determinants and Consequences. "
HALFON, NEAL- "Maternal & Child Health Economic Analysis Supplement. " HARRISON, GAIL G.-"Training for Leadership in Public Health Nutrition."
HINDS, WILLIAM (.-"Industrial Hygiene Training Program," "Industrial Hygiene Training Program Supplemental Research Training Funds."
KAR, SNEHENDU B.- "A Partnership for Public Health Practice Training. "
KRAUS, JESS F.-"Community Intervention of Falls in the East L.A. Elderly, " "Case-Control Study of Older Adult Pedestrian Injury Sites," "Media and Injury Prevention Program (MIPP)," "Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center," "Work-Site Intervention to Reduce Work-Related Assault Injury. "
MAXWELL, ANNETTE- "Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening Among Filipino Women. "
MORGENSTERN, HAL-"Chiropractic vs. Medical Care for Low-Back Pain."
MORISKY, DONALD E.-"Behavioral Sciences/ Health Education AIDS Prevention," "Behavioral Research in Support of AIDS Prevention," "Behavioral Interventions for Control of Tuberculosis. "
NEUMANN, CHARLOTTE G.-"Role of Animal Source Foods to Improve Diet Quality & Growth."
QUE HEE, SHANE S.- "Carbonyl Compounds Air Sampling Method."
ROTTMAN, STEVEN- "Curriculum Development in Disaster Preparedness and Public Health. "
SORENSON, SUSAN B.- "Domestic Violence Evaluation Project."
SUFFET, IRWIN H.-"Tastes and Odors Generated in the Distribution System."
TAYLOR, JEREMY M.- "Statistical Methods in AIDS Research," "Biostatistics Training for AIDS Research."
WEISS, ROBERT- "Diagnostics and Graphics for Random Effects Models. "
WONG, WENG KEE- "Efficient Design Strategies in Arthritis Research."
WYN, ROBERTA- "Health Services Research on STD Prevention Within Managed Care Settings. "
YANCEY, ANTRONETTE K.- "African-American Women Fight Cancer with Fitness (FCF). "
t was only fitting that in early 1998 Dr. Jonathan Fielding, professor of health services at the school, was appointed director of public health for the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. For in 1997, the working relationship between the school and the county health department reached new heights. Perhaps most notable was the school's review of the county's public health programs, undertaken by more than a dozen faculty and students at the request of Mark Finucane, director of the department. The review, conducted under the auspices of the school's Technical Assistance Group, has been well received by the department and the County Board of Supervisors.
Other highlights... Dr. Lester Breslow received the coveted Gustav 0. Lienhard Award from the Institute of Medicine in recognition of his life-long contributions to the field of personal health services and health promotion. Dr. Milton Roemer received the ·WORKSHOP OH POLICY HIV Lifetime Achievement Award for c Excellence in International Health, given by the APHA's International Health Section. Drs. Roger Detels and Ralph Frerichs each received recognition in September from the Thailand Ministry of Public Health for their contributions toward the country's HIVI AIDS Drs. Roger Detels ond Ralph Frerichs were honored. prevention efforts. An alumnus, Dr. Zrmyou Wu, organized an international workshop on control of HIV/AIDS in China, attended by health professionals from each of the country's provinces. Dr. Marjorie Kagawa-Singer was appointed to the first National Cancer Institute research panel on Asian and Pacific Islander health issues. She participated in th e first consensus conference on minority research for the Depaitment of Defense cancer research program. Dr. Roshan Bastani was appointed to the NIH's Community Prevention and Control Study Section, Center for Scientific Review. Dr. Paul Torrens received the 1997 Harvard School of Public Health Award of Merit, that school's highest honor. He also received the Public Health Students Association's Distinguished Teaching Award for the Department of Health Services. Dr. Nathaniel Schenker received the award for the Department of Biostatistics. Fielding, serving as president of the American College of Preventive Medicine, was among the school's faculty who played an active role in talks involving the tobacco settlement and development of a national tobacco control policy. With funding from The California Endowment, the school's Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities agreed to evaluate the Santa Monica/ Malibu Unified School District Infant and Family Support Program, a child-parentschool-community partnership that promotes the healthy development of young children. Two students in the Department of Health Services' M.P.H. for Health Professionals Program received honorable mention in the 1997 Tenth Annual California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems/PHI Management Excellence competition. Dr. Wesley Bradford and Harvey Ito's summer project was entitled "Pharmaceutical Cost-Recovery Proposal for Harbor-UCLA Indigent Patients." Dr. Steven Wallace was appointed to the APHA Task Force on Managed Cai·e. Dr. Dean Jamison was appointed to serve on the Institute of Medicine's Committee on Summary Measures of Population Health Status. Long-time faculty member Ruth Richards was elected to a two-year term as president of APHA's Conference of Emeritus Members. •
Dr. Osman Galal's global focus
Left to right: Drs. Gang Li (Biostatistics), ZuoFeng Zhang (Epidemiology), and Wendie Robbins (Environmental Health Sciences) joined the school's faculty in 1997.
he school's international ties, which were already considerable, have been further strengthened in the aftermath of a new partnership with the World H e alth Organization designed to support health programs in developing countries. Under the partnership, the school is responsible for spearheading educationa l programs and other projects to address priority health needs in selected nations, and WHO will seek funding for the activities. Egypt, Indonesia, and South Africa have been chosen as the first targets of the UCLA-WHO effort, with the hope that ini tiatives in those nations will become springboards to assist neighboring countries. Already, distance learning programs are being coordinated with schools of public health overseas to provide continuing education (see Technology, next column). "Through this bridge, we will give our school greater visibility in developing countries, and will promote more exchanges and collaborations for students and faculty," says Dr. Osman Galal, director of the school's International Health Program. "It will ultimately enrich the knowledge of our faculty at UCLA, which will reflect in the curriculum for the students." â&#x20AC;˘
iming to improve public health efforts in rural parts of California, the school has received a federal grant to create a video conferencing network that will enable the school to provide continuing education and consulting services to health officials in underserved parts of the state. T h e UCLA Rural Videoconferencing Project creates a Southern California video-conferencing network that will complement an existing network in Northern California. "This network will give health officials in isolated rural areas the tools they need to keep their professional skills current and to use our faculty as consultants to help address local problems," says V. Gale Winting, the school's associate dean for administration. The effort is the latest in a series of initiatives that have made the school a leader in distance education, with programs geared toward private industry, the public health workforce and university students.
Other highlights .. . In collaboration with the deans of the state's other three schools of public health, the school has worked with the California D epartment of Health Services to promote distance-based public health training to health and public health organizations throughout the state. The school is working with the California Conference of Local Health Officers and its affiliate groups to help facilitate the use of telecommunications technology for meetings and focus groups involving participants in multiple locations. As part of its collaboration with the World Health Organization (see International, this page), the school is offering distance-based public health education to health professionals in Egypt, Indonesia, and South Africa using satellite and computer technologies. The school is working with other UC campuses to share courses in occupational health via videoconferencing. â&#x20AC;˘
Dor UCLA School of Public Health _r students, opportunities for field exper-
iences continue to expand. A sampling of 1997 internships illustrates the point. A number of students spent the summer out of state. Cathy Pascual worked at the Cross Cultural Affairs Office of the New York City Department of Health's H e alth Research Training Program. While there, she developed a guide to the health and cultural beliefs of the various linguistic groups in the metropolitan area. Burt Cowgill was a fellow in the congressional Subcommittee on Health, where he worked on the Children's Health Insurance Program, managed care reform, FDA reform, and other issues. Kristi Buluran completed the National Cancer lnstitute's six-month graduate internship program in health
Top: Jonni Kinsler (center) in Belize, where her focus wos HIV/ AIDS prevention for tee ns. Below : Burt Cowgill (left) lobbying for the tobocco tax to help fund the Children's Health Insurance Program.
H I p
communications. Other students went abroad. Janni Kinsler spent last summer in Belize, where her focus was in HIVI AIDS prevention for teens. Her project, currently being implemented, involved designing a peer education program in HIVI AIDS prevention for Belizean youths. Sharon Klier conducted a needs and feasibility assessment of a women's cardiology center in Ashkelon, Israel. Liana Soll was an intern and consultant at the POLICY project in Bucharest, Romania. Of course, plenty of students found opportunities closer to home. Jennifer Musick evaluated a pilot program at the Venice Family Clinic, a pharmacy clinic for patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes . Ahn Tran was a project coordinator for the Hotel Intervention Project conducted by the L.A. County STD program. Students in the school's Environmental Science and Engineering program also continued to gain valuable field experie nces : Ana Corado-Aguilar with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board; Timothy Downs with the lnstituto Nacional De Salud Publica; Katharine Gabor with the Lawren ce Livermore National Laboratory and Escuela de Salud Publica de Mexico; John Karlik with UC Cooperative Extension; Molly Kihara with Belt Collins, Hawaii Ltd.; Spencer MacNeil with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and Al exander Whitman Miller with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Ten students' internships were supported by gifts from Robert J. Drabkin and the Drabkin Family Foundation: Ramona Ellerbe (who went to the Philippines for her experience); Christina Heinz (Ecuador); Janni Kinsler (Belize); Leda Nemer (Nicaragua); Tamara Oyola (Puerto Rico); Catherine Pascual (New York City); Melanie Pena (Brazil); Liana Soll (Romania); Hoa Su (San Francisco); and Farzin Talebdoost (Egypt). â&#x20AC;˘
EDUCATING PROFESSIONALS The M.P.H. for Health Professionals Program in Health Education and Health Promotion was established and enrolled its first entering class (pictured below). The program gives health professionals the essential knowledge and expertise to assume leadership positions or achieve better status within their current organizations. Offered through the Department of Community Health Sciences, the executive-style program is the school's second aimed at working public health professionals. The M.P.H. for Health Professionals Program has been offered in the Department of Health Services since 1995; the first full class from the two-year pro¡ gram graduated last June.
GENDER: Female Male
50 50
DEPARTMENTS: Community Health Sciences Health Services
fter countless hours over six months of working together on an intensive group project, five UCLA School of Public Health students could teach their own course on the benefits of diversity. They are Perlee Tobias and Kristi Buluran, both born in the Philippines and raised in California; Jennifer Chan, a Taiwanese American who was born and raised in Iowa; Claudia Arias, who spent the first part of her life in Colombia; and Candace Jones, an African American who grew up in California. They came together for a twoquarter Department of Community Health Sciences course in program planning, development and evaluation. Their assignment was to develop a program that, if given the opportunity, th ey would implement in the community. After conducting a needs assessment, the students chose to focus on breas t-fe ed in g promotion among African American women in the hospital setting. At first, they would meet once a week. Then two to three times a week, and ultimately more than that. What started as two-hour meetings became gradually longer. Toward the end there were marathon sessions. And when it was all over, the group members agreed that they learned as much from each other as from the lesson at hand. They talked about their roots, about their upbringing. Chan's experience as an Asian American growing up in Iowa, where few shared her heritage, distinguished her from the other group members. "A lot of people who have lived in Los Angeles all of their lives
Left to right: Claudia Arias, Jennifer Chan, Kristi Buluran, Candace Jones, Perlee Tabios.
don't realize how diverse it is," she says. There was the food. Like the night when Arias took the group for empafiadas, an Argentinean staple that, she explained, was similar to a dish served in Colombia. Or the night they ordered Chinese food and Chan talked about how the dishes tied in to the culture, and Jones related the kinds of meals she had been raised on, which the others hadn't experienced. There were the different approaches to conflict. "When you work so closely together for so long, there are bound to be differences," says Buluran. "And we all had different ways of dealing with that. Some of us wanted to just go home; others, like me, wanted to hash it out right there. I had to realize that there were some people who needed the time." Adds Tobias: "Going into the field of public h ealth, I knew it was important to learn how to work closely with others. This experience taught me a lot about communication and compromise." " My first day, at orientation, I was really surprised to see so many different types of people," says Buluran. "That's so important, because diversity is the essence of public health. It's about going out into the community, working with others and knowing your population. You can't do that if you haven't been exposed to people from different groups, with different backgrounds." â&#x20AC;˘
F enlllle
31 % 83 37
DEPARTMENT: % Biostatistics 8 Community HeaHh Sciences 34 Environmental HeaHh Sciences 20 Epidemiology 20 HeaHh Services 19 DEGREE PROGRAM: M.P.H. M.S. Ph.D. ' D.Env. Dr.P.H.
% 52 13 23 7 4
*Based on 1997 Fall Quarter enrollment. Numbers may not add up to 100 due to rounding.
Slltlefled with prepmatlon
Ngayee Jacqueline Law-Biostatistics
received at SPH:
CUnently residing in California: 64
Raymond P. Chavira-Environmental Health Sciences Vilma Enriquez-Haass-Community Health Sciences THE SCHOLARSHIP FOR CHINESE STUDENTS
Mei Leng-Biostatistics
Wenzhi Li-Biostatistics Peng-Cheng Sung-Environmental Health Sciences PUBLIC HEALTH STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP
Above: Beverlee A. Myers Memorial Scholarship Award winners Loe Nguyen and Diana Marie Tisnado.
Christian Shinaberger-Epidemiology GORDON HEIN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP
Charissa Renee Jones-Environmental Health Sciences
Lene Levy-Storms-Community Health Sciences Jennifer Levin-Community Health Sciences
Christy Beaudin- Health Services Maridel Borja- Epidemiology Timothy Johnson- Biostatistics Virginie Leenknecht- Environmental Health Sciences Darcy Richardes-Community Health Sciences l.S. GOERKE MEMORIAL AWARD
Yu-Wen Lin-Environmental Health Sciences DISSERTATION YEAR FELLOWSHIP
Meehyung Cho- Biostatistics
Working for health-related organization:
TYPE OF ORGANIZATION*: Gov't Heatth AgencyJMllitary College or University Elementary or Secondary School Managed Care Organization Health Care Delivery Org. Industry/Business Other Than Health Independent Research Organization Private Practice/SelfEmployment/COnsulting International Agency Volunteer/Nonprofit Agency Other
o/o 15 19 2
9 19 5 2
10 3 6
*Percents do not add up to 100 due to rounding.
Nancy Hikoyeda-Community Health Sciences r----------------------------------------------~~-~--~------~
Please let us know if you have a new adch-ess. Also, please jot down any professional or personal updates yo u'd 1.i ke to see included in a future issue. Comments and inquir ies are also welcome. Please indicate:
ell Change of Address ell Add to Mailing List ell Alumni Information Update
Catherine Crespi Chun-Biostatistics
Name _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Year of Graduation _ _ _ _ _ Degree(s )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Sonia Minassian-Biostatistics
Address _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ State_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ __
Home Phone( _ _ )_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Loe Nguyen-Community Health Sciences
Business Phone (_ _ )_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
Comm ents/Updates: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Loe Nguyen- Community Health Sciences Diana Marie Tisnado- Health Services AUPHA/M cGAW SCHOLARS IN HEALTH SERVICES
Nancy K. Hays Bradley Huntington Irene Leung Elizabeth Major Brian Zack
Please send the completed form to: Editor, UCLA Public Health, Box 951772, Los Angeles, CA 90095 -1772 (for on-ca mpus mai l., Campus Code: 177220) or fax (3 10) 825 -8440. For your convenience, you may a lso e- mail any informa tion to jrniller@s upport.ucla.edu
~ --------------------------------- - ---- --- ------ - --------------- ~
FUND-RAISERS T~oebuss~hf~:~~
CAMPAIGN UCLA Aiming to raise $1 .2 billion by Jone 30, 2002, Campaign UCLA was launched in Moy 1997 as the most ambitious private fund-raising effort in the history of public higher education. As port of the campaign, the School of Public Health hos set o goal of raising Sl 5 million. By the close of the 1997 calendar year, thanks to the tremendous response of alumni and friends, the school was nearly holfwoy there. By Dec. 31, 1997, the school hod olreody raised more money thon it ever hod in o single yeor - ond there were still six months remaining in fiscol 1997-98.
ra1smg campaign received a boost when Dr. Lester Breslow , professor emeritus, former dean of the school and an internationDr. Lester Breslow ally recognized public health leader, agreed to serve as chair of the Dean's Advisory Board and co-chair of the campaign. Breslow will help to spearhead the school's continuing effort to raise $15 million for a new building and other critical needs. Meanwhile, two new members have j oined the Dean's Advisory Board. Car olyn K atzin, M.S.P.H . '88, C.N.S. , is a nutritionist and health educator working in private practice in Santa Monica and specializing in nutrition and cancer. Constance Whitney , Ph.D., is West Coast Coordinator for the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management. â&#x20AC;˘
FY 95-96 $2,002,000 YEAR TWO
FY 96-97 $2,244,000 YEAR THREE
FY 97-98* $3,030,000 *through 12/3 l/97
Dr. Abdelmonem A. Afifi Andrew Allocco, Jr. (M.P.H. '69) Ira R. Alpert (M.S. '66) Dr. Diana Banta (M.P.H. '75, Dr.P.H. '92) Dr. lester Breslow Robert ]. Drabkin Robert W. Gillespie Roger F. Greaves Terry 0. Hartshorn (M.P.H. '69) Dr. Stephen W. Kahane (M.P.H. '74, D.Env. '78) Carolyn Katzin (M.S.P.H. '88) Carolbeth G. Korn (B.S. '59) lester A. Meis (B.S. '47) Dr. Edward]. O'Neill (M.P.H. '69) Audrey Tibbitts Dr. Fred Wasserman (M.P.H. '72, Dr.P.H. '76) Dr. Constance C. Whitney
s Campaign UCLA shifts into high gear, the school's alumni and friends continue to do their part to support public health at UCLA. The latest major gift to be made came from Aldo DeBenedictis, and the beneficiary was the school's nutrition program. DeBenedictis gave more than $1 million - the largest gift in the school's history - to establish and endow the Eleanor J. DeBenedictis Fellowship fund, which will provide financial support for nutritionists or dietitians pursuing graduate degrees in any of th e school's departments. The generous donation was made in memory of DeBenedictis's late wife, Eleanor, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from UCLA in 1939 with a degree in home economics, and enjoyed many years of work as a registered dietitian. "Nutrition is one of th e primary determinants of health," says Dr. Ahdelmonem A. Afifi, the school's dean. "Generations of students yet to come will join us in expressing their thanks. "
Other highlights ... . The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research received a $754,000, threeyear grant from The California Endowment to conduct health policy workshops and provide technical assistance to community-based organizations. UCLA supporters Rob ert and Marion Wilson donated $300,000 to the School of Public Health to provide internship stipends for students who are working in community-based health improvement efforts, particularly among Southern California's poor and underserved. Carolbeth G. Korn (B.S. '59), one of the founding members of the Dean's Advisory Board and the recipient of the 1990 Neil H. Jacoby Award from the International Student Center, made the largest unrestricted gift in the school's history - a donation of $100,000. In recognition of her gift, the school renamed the Dean's Meeting Room the Carolbeth Korn Meeting Room. â&#x20AC;˘
The following report acknowledges gifts
made from 7/1196 to 12/31197. The UCLA S chool of Public Health thanks all of its donors for their financial support. Although space limitations allow only the listing of Dean's Council donations of $100 or more and special gifts of $1,000 or more, contributions of every amount are of great importance to the school
and are deeply appreciated. It is important to us that we acknowledge you properly. We would appreciate your informing us of any errors or omissions in listing your name or gift. You may contac t Jeanette Bre nnan, Development Office, UCLA School of Public Health, Box 951772, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772, (310) 825-6464.
Dean's Council Honor Roll Associates Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Andersen Dr. David and Carolyn Katzin Mrs. Carolbeth G. Korn Mr. and Mrs. Lester A. Meis
Benefactors: Dr. and Mrs. Abdelmonem A. Afifi Dr. and Mrs. Garold L. Faber
Patrons: Ors. Roslyn B. Alfin·Slater and Grant G. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Allocco, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Alpert Dr. and Mrs. Lester Breslow Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Lee Mr. John D. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Ed ward J. O'Neill
Sponsors: Stephen R. Bickel, M.D. Lester E. Boston , Jr. Ms. Katy K. Chuang Dr. and Mrs. John E. Coulson Bruce N. Davidson, Ph.D. Mr. Peter G. Fitzpatrick James M. Hubbard Ill , D.D.S. Mrs. Jennie S. Jing Stephen W. Kahane, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs . Gerald Kominski Dr. Deborah A. Levy Dr. Joanne E. and Lester J. Mantell Hal Morgenstern , Ph.D. Ors. Charlotte G. and Alfred K. Neumann Mr. David M. Souleles Arthur M. Southam , M.D. , M.P.H.
SPONSOR - $500-$999 • The above benefits, plus... • Invitation to selected school lectureships and other special events, including Dean's Council receptions PATRON - $1,000-$2,499 •All of the above, plus... • Eligibility for courtesy campus parking permit • Personalized plaque with year plates for home or office • Invitation to annual Dean's Dinner • Membership in UCLA's Women & Philanthropy program, with additional benefits, for women donors of $1 ,500 or more BENEFACTOR - $2,500-$4,999 • All of the above benefits, plus... • Invitation to attend special invitation-only events at UCLA and the School of Public Health as the Dean's guest ASSOCIATE - $5,000 AND ABOVE •All of the above benefits, plus... • One-year student fellowship named in honor of donor •Circle Membership in UCLA's Women & Philanthropy program for women donors
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Acosta Ms. Helen H. Adachi Mrs. Barbara J. Aitken·Heinzel Leslie M. Alexandre, Dr.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Almeida Carlos A. Alvarado, M.D. Richard F. Ambrose, Ph.D. Sandra Aronberg , M.D. Henry M. Arrighi, Ph.D. Mrs. Johanna Asarian·Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Ash Ms. Mary E. Ashley Nancy Auestad, Ph.D . Stanley P. Azen, Ph.D. Victor M. Badner, D.M.D. Samuel H. Barboo, Jr., Dr.P.H. Mr. Robert Barile Ms. Sylvia Barr Patricia Batin, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Bean Mrs. Marlene 0. Belstock Ms. Patti J. Benson Mr. Brian S. Bentley Emil Berkanovic, Ph.D. Mr. Michael K. Berry Robert M. Bersin, M.D . Mr. Roy P. Betancourt Ms. Janice S. Bigler Dr. and Mrs. Rus B. Billimoria Dr. Wladyslaw A. Binek Mrs. Susan K. Blackwell Stewart N. Blumenfeld , Ph.D. James R. Bock, Ph .D. Ors. Diana M. Bonta and Frank P. Matricardi Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Borok Mr. and Mrs. Leslie W. Breckenridge Mrs. Constance B. Brehm Ms. Dorothy K. Breininger and Mr. Robert S. Fenster Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Brennan Ms. Barbara L. Broide Clyde P. Brown, Jr., Dr.PH. Or. and Mrs. E. Richard Brown Gretchen A. Brown, M.P.H. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne 0. Buck Ms. Carol W. Buitrago Ms. Michelle R. Burton Theresa L. Byrd , M.P.H. Mr. Charles E. Cable Mrs. Dennice L. Calihan Mr. and Mrs. William S. Calvert Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Canchola Mrs. Lisa L. Caplan Lynne J. Cardinal, Ph.D.
Mrs. Mary E. Carr Dr. Lori Carter-Edwards Ms. Lorraine J. Carter Dr. and Mrs. Dikran L. Chamlian Ors. Eva M. Smith and Emmett Chase Mrs. Jungchi Chen Mrs. Leslie I. Chew Dr. and Mrs. Lanceford M. Chong Joan M. Chow, Dr.P.H. Alein T. Chun , Ph.D . Virginia A. Clark, Ph.D. Barbara Cohn, M.P.H. Mr. Steven S. Cohn Ms. Deborah M. Collier Sharon E. Conrow, Dr.P.H. Ms. Victoria F. Corbell Mr. and Mrs. Will iam H. Craig Ms. Carolyn Critchlow-Miner Dr. Olivia A. Crookes Mrs. Anne R. Oachs Ms. Nancy A. Damiani Allyson R. Davies, Ph.D . Climis A. Davos, Ph.D. Ms. Daryl V. Dichek Omar B. Dickerson, M.D. Ms. Laurie S. Dodson Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Dolan Ms. Bonnie L. Drury L. Donald Duke, Ph.D. Olive J. Dunn , Ph.D. Karen Duvall , M.D. Mrs. Callisha A. Eldridge-Bell Nabil M. Elsayed, Ph.D. Ms. Lynne A. Emma Patricia A. English, Dr. P.H . James E. Enstrom , Ph.D. Ms. Virgin ia K. Essink Mrs. Agnes K. Eubanks Janet L. Fahey, D.Env. David Farabee, Esq. Gail C. Farmer, Dr.P.H. Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Fielding Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Fisher Paul M. Fleiss, M.D. Ms. Felicia A. Flores-Workman Vardith L. Fox, M.D. Betsy Foxman, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Freedman Dr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Frerichs Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Friedman Ms. Lei·Chun Fung Ors. Patricia and Tomas Ganz Mrs. Joyce B. Garcia Ms. Linda R. Gardner Ms. Pamela J. Garrison Mr. David M. Gittelman Dr. Deborah C. Glik Eli Glogow, Dr.P. H. Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Goldman Alisa M. Goldstein, Ph.D. Frank C. Gomez, Dr.PH. Mr. and Mrs. Hilario D. Gonzales Mrs. Susan R. GOodgame Dr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Goodman Mark E. Granoff, M.D. Ms. Rochelle S. Green Daniel P. Groszkruger, Esq. Mr. Joseph M. Hafey Ms. Lynn 0. Hagerman Ms. Janna 0. Halverson Ann S. Hamilton, Ph.D. Nancy D. Harada, Ph.D. Ms. Sarah H. Harlan Dr. and Mrs. James A. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Hauret Dr. and Mrs. Saul H. Heiting Mrs. Rosalyn A. Hewertson Mr. and Mrs. Horace W. Hinkston Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hoffman Ms. Susan D. Hollander Ms. Elise M. Holloway Gordon 0. Honda, M.D. Dr. Calvin Y. Hong Mr. James 0. Hook Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hopkins Dr. and Mrs. Der C. Hsieh Mrs. Jennifer C. Huddleston Ms. Susan Hum Dr. and Mrs. Larry H. Iida Dr. and Mrs. Martin T. Ivers Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jackson Ms. Katherine Jew Ms. Lisa A. Jewett Ms. Susan R. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Joslyn Ms. Kristin A. Kalla Mrs. Marlene P. Kamienny Ms. Julie L. Kantrowitz Mr. Herman E. Kattlove Neal 0. Kaufman, M.D. Erin M. Kenney, Ph.D.
Diana L. Kiel, M.P.H. Ors. Kyung H. Choi and Jin Y. Kim Ms. Nancy J. King ston Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kinni son Mrs. Annette W. Kleeman Mr. and Mrs. Masao Koketsu Barbara J. Komas, M.D. Joel W. Kovner, Dr.P.H. Dorine G. Kramer, M.D. Mrs. Ellen R. Krasno sselski Ms. Yvonne C. Kriens Dara R. Kurtz, M.P.H. Calman Kurtzman, 0.0.S. Ms. Marie M. La Fargue Barbara M. Langland-Orban, Ph.D. Mrs. Gail C. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Laughlin Dr. and Mrs. Isaiah C. Lee Jacqueline 0. Lee, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Ju H. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Lee Pierrette Lefebvre, M.D. , M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Leone Ms. Meghan E. Lepper Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Lewis Mrs. Catherine J. Li-Sherman Bonnie L. Loedel, Esq. Mrs. Ruth S. Lohr Ms. Laura R. Lowther-Snyder Bryan R. Luce , Ph .D. Dr. and Mrs. Kung J. Lui Ms. Deborah L. Maddis Roberta E. Madison , Dr.P.H. Ms. Ann G. Mahony Maureen Mangotich, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Marantz Ms. Ana M. Marin Ms. Karen Markus Mr. Edmund J. Maroney Mrs. Maria C. Martell Mrs. Diana Matsushima Ms. Ruth Ann Mohr Thurma G. Mc Cann, M.D. William A. Mc Gann, M.D. Mrs. Judith A. Mc Ginley Mrs. Wendy B. Mc Grail Mrs. Joyce K. Meissinger·Arnon Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Merwin Gary M. Meunier, D.Env. James H. Meyer, M.D. Ms. Marysia Meylan Jean L. Mickey, Ph.D. Ruth M. Mickey, Ph .D. Gabriella M. Miotto, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Modecki Ruth A. Mohr, Ph.D . Dr. and Mrs. James L. Monahan Ms. Nancy J. Monk and Mr. Allan E. Gordon Ms. Linda L. Moraga Mr. and Mrs. Marc 0. Moser Ms. Kyle A. Murphy Robert A. Murray, Dr.P.H. Ms. Denise Myers Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Nassie! Harvey L. Negoro, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. John F. Newport Mrs. Wilma P. Nicholson Ms. Nelly A. Nigro Parivash Nourjah, Ph.D. Robert P. Nugent, Ph.D. Ms. Judith O'Connell Etsuji Okamoto, M.D. Sora Park, Dr.P.H. Ernesto 0. Parra, M.D. Ms. Margaret S. Patricelli Maxine I. Patrick, Dr.P.H. Ms. Dorothy M. Paynes Corinne L. Peek-Asa, Ph.D. Mrs. Catherine G. Percy Mr. Michael J. Perlin Carl E. Pierchala, Ph .D. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Plourde Ed ward M. Postleth wait, Ph .D. Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Potuck Shane S. Que Hee, Ph.D. Mrs. Irene Realyvasquez Mr. Timothy G. Reard on Mr. Joshua A. Reilly Shirley W. Ri ch, M. P.H. Mrs. Rosalyn R. Rigui s·Trapp David L. Rimoin, M.D. Ms. Alicia E. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Howard L. Rosenfeld Ms. Dolores B. Ross Mrs. Nancy R. Ross H. Jeffrey Rostami , Ph. D. Ms. Randi S. Rubensten Mary T. Rushka, Dr.P.H. Ms. Barbara E. Rydgren Jaime G. Salazar, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Samuels Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Satin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Schiff Miriam Schocken, Ph.D. Ms. Susan A. Schoenrock Stuart 0. Schweitzer, Ph.D. Dr. Robert Scofield , Jr. Ms. Kathryn D. Scott Mrs. Winona R. Sears Ms. Deborah T. Shapiro Dr. and Mrs. Brian T. Sherrington Atsuko Shibata, Ph.D. Ms. Jill L. Shoemaker William Shonick, Ph.D. Judith M. Siegel, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Jerald F. Sigala Mr. James B. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sinaiko Mr. Gurdeep I. Singh Ms. Marti S. Slawson Clifford J. Smith, Dr. P.H. Daniel F. Smith, Dr.P.H. Dr. and Mrs. William E. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Smokier Ms. Nandini Sodhi Dr. and Mrs. Howard M. Staniloff Dr. and Mrs. Kimberley C. Stewart Mr. Lawrence L. Sthreshley Elaine J. Stone, Ph.D. Mrs. Marsha P. Stone Dennis W. Strum, Ph.D. Joseph H. Sugerman , M.D. Dr. and Mrs. Eugene I. Sugita Mr. James B. Tehan Ms. Aster Teshome Ms. Kristine I. McCoy and Dr. Walter A. Thistlewaite Ms. Linda A. Thomas Jesse E. Thompson, Jr. , M.D. Paul R. Torrens, M.D. , M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Marco L. Torres Mr. and Mrs. Citron Toy Mr. Dan F. Trammell Ms. Jyoti M. Trueman Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Urrea Suebelle S. Verity, Dr. P.H. Ors. Barbara R. Visscher and Fredrick H. Kahn Ms. Jeanne C. Waite Steven P. Wallace, Ph.D. Nancy B. Wallis, Dr.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Wang Mr. Cordell R. Welcome Ms. Joanne Wellman-Benson Kenneth B. Wells, M.D. Irene V. Wesley, Dr. P.H. Dr. and Mrs. Graeme A. Williams Thomas R. Wilmot, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Winer Mr. and Mrs. V. Gale Winting Mrs. Judith S. Wolstan Dr. and Mrs. Danny Y. Wong Mrs. Dayle K. Wright Dr. and Mrs. John A. Yacenda Dr. and Mrs. Paul Y. Yahiku Ms. Eleanor D. Young Mrs. Jane E. Young Michael A. Zablocki, M.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Zack Michael A. Zapf, D.P.M. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Zukin Mr. and Mrs. Lee Zusman
Matching Gift Companies: Alliedsignal Foundation Inc. Avery Dennison Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Foundation Coopers & Lybrand Foundation Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Goldman Sachs Fund Johnson and Johnson Company Pfizer Foundation Inc. Tenet Healthcare Corporation The Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation The Times Mirror Foundation Wells Fargo Bank
ESE Program Donors Individuals: Michael T. Benjamin, D.Env. Eric M. Fujita, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gerding Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Ghirelli Jerry Ho, D.Env. Ors. Carolyn T. and Donald B. Hunsaker, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Kahane
Gero Leson, D.Env. Jon B. Marshack, D.Env. Gary M. Meunier, D.Env. Elizabeth T. Nash , D.Env. Francis H. Palmer, D.Env. Alireza Rabizadeh, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. A. Henry Schuyler Steven R. Sim, D.Env. Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Smokier
Matching Companies: Lockheed Martin Corporation Foundation TRW Foundation
Corporate Donors: Hughes Aircraft Company
HPMAA Donors Individuals: Dr. Emily K. Abel Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Acosta Mrs. Carol A. Adams Mr. James P. Agronick Mr. and Mrs. Ira R. Alpert Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Andersen Ms. Teri D. Bartholetti Ms. Michelle A. Bholat Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Bloom Mr. James R. Brown Ms. Paula A. Carabelli Mr. and Mrs. William B. Caswell Ms. Vanessa C. Chang Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Collins, Jr. Mr. Jeffrey M. Conklin Ms. Judith Connell Ms. Victoria F. Corbell Mr. and Mrs. Layton R. Crouch Bruce N. Davidson, Ph.D. Ms. Rosalind Essner Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Evans Mr. Ryan M. Faden Mr. Daniel J. Fink Mr. Michael R. Galper Mr. Flavius J. George Ill Ms. Carol J. Gilbert Mrs. Susan R. Goodgame Gail P. Grant, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Haden Ronald J. Hal bert, M.D. Mr. Robert R. Henrich Mrs. Diana W. Hilberman Ms. Susan D. Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Hubler Mrs. Jennifer C. Huddleston Ms. Gwendolyn L. Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. Ito Mr. John D. Ivie Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Jacobs Ms. Joy Waldron and Mr. Mark Jasper Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Joslyn Ms. Cheryl T. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Avram W. Kaplan Ms. Judith R. Katzburg Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Kiel Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Kominski Mrs. Jennifer L. Kozakowski Mr. and Mrs. James D. Laird Mr. Ned Laubacher, Jr. Ms. Laurel A. Lee Mr. Howard H. Levine Neal Lanky, M.D. Dr. Fredrick Mc Kay Olga E. Mohan, M.D. Ms. Zahra Movaghar Mr. Craig G. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Nace, Jr. Ms. Cindy Park Ms. Mary K. Payne Thomas H. Rice, Ph.D. Ms. Lori S. Richardson-Pelliccioni Ors. Ruth J. and Milton I. Roemer Ms. Karinn B. Sammann Natalie L. Sanders, M.D. Ms. Marjorie A. Santore-Kesson Stuart 0. Schweitzer, Ph.D. Ms. Dorothy M. Seleski Lisa B. Shaw, M.P.H. Mr. Stuart D. Simon Arthur M. Southam, M.D., M.P.H . Mr. Jeffrey S. Spencer Dr. and Mrs. Auri J. Spigelman Dr. Eve K. Steinberg Ms. Lori A. Teslow David B. Tillman, M.D. Paul R. Torrens, M.D ., M.P.H. Mr. Yao-Wen Tu Ms. Ayako Utsumi
Paul R. Wales, M.P.H. Mr. David S. Weinberg Dr. and Mrs. David L. Wood Mrs. Julia W Wood
Other Companies: Coopers & Lybrand Foundation
Corporate Donors: California Medical Center Los Angeles CareAmerica Southern California Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Computer Sciences Corporation Cooperative Purchasers Coopers and Lybrand LLP Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital E/B Rubinstein Associates Family Practice of Glendale Medical Corp oration First Consulting Group Harriman Jones Management Services Head Injury Rehabilitaton Services Lie Health Net Healthcare Partners Limited Healthcare Practice Enhancement Network Inc. Heidrick and Struggles Inc. Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian Huntington Hospital Integrated Healthdata Systems Inc. Korn/Ferry International Latham and Watkins Lavoila Inc. Little Company of Mary Hospital Margolis and Manning Martin Luther Hospital Medical Center Memorial Health Services Molina Medical Centers PacifiCare of California Pathology Consultants Medical Group Rskmgmt Inc. Scripps Health St. Joseph Health System St. Mary Medical Center The Hill Medical Corporation The Strum Group The Wyatt Company Uni Health Value Health Sciences Inc. Weinstock Manion Reisman Shore and Neumann WitVKieffe r
Corporations: American Oceans Campaign, Inc. Amgen, Inc. Carollo Engineers Course Reader Material Dole Food Company, Inc. Merck and Company Inc. Merck Research Labs Midwest Steel, Inc. Pharmacia and Upjohn Company Procter and Gamble Company U.S. Borax Inc.
Foundations/Associations: American Industrial Hygiene Association Foundation American Medical Group Associati on Association of Schools of Public Health California HealthCare Foundation Commonwealth Fund Drabkin Family Foundation Inc. Japanese Foundation fo r Aids Prevention John E. Fetzer Institute Inc. Joseph Drown Foundation Los Angeles College of Chiropractic State Farm Companies Foundation The Cali fornia Wellness Foundati on The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation The John Hartford Foundation Inc. The Kenneth T. and Eileen Norris Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation The Save the Earth Foundation, Inc.
Individuals: Mr. and Mrs. David G. Booth Mr. Aldo De Benedictis Mr. Robert J. Drabkin Dr. Joanne Leslie Charlotte G. Neumann, M.D. Marjorie L. Singer, Ph.D. Zhuang (Kevin) Tantiwasadakran Mr. and Mrs. Robert S, Wilson
Others: American Cancer Society Annette Blann Living Trust California Avocado Commission California Public ~ealth Foundation Com munity Visions Unlimited Egyptian Cultural and Educational Bureau Government and Embassy of Arab Republic of Egypt Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation Ralph Sachs Estate
Jeremy M. Tayl or, Ph.D. Mr. Steven G. Torres Jane L. Valentine, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Varadarajan Mr. Steven Verschoor Stein E. Vollset, Dr.P.H. John M. Weiner, Dr.P.H. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Weiss Dr. J. Fred Weston Mrs. Sylvia V. Winstein Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Wolf Weng-Kee Wong, Ph.D. Mimi C. Yu, Ph.D.
Matching Companies:
Frank J. Massey, Jr. Memorial Fund Individuals: Mr. Donald W. Adams, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Abdelmonem A. Afifi Dr. and Mrs. Armen A. Alchian Stanley P. Azen , Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Kirby A. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Bers James R. Bock, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Lester Breslow Dr. and Mrs. Elwood S. Buffa Linda E. Bundick, Ph.D. Edwin H. Chen, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Sung C. Choi Calvin S. Chun, Ph.D. Dr. Virginia A. Clark and Welden E. Clark Michael P. Cohen, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. John E. Coulson Dr. and Mrs. William G. Cumberland Ms. Dorota Dabrowska Dr. and Mrs. Roger Detels Paula K. Diehr, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Wilfrid J. Dixon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Farver Mrs. Cheryl L. Faucett David W. Gjertson, Ph.D. Mrs. Evelyn M. Goerke Chia-Jon Hong, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Hopkins Dr. and Mrs. Jack H. Hudes Dr. and Mrs. Robert I. Jennrich Ms. Lois B. Jessen Ms. Olive G. Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kinnison Mr. Tom T. Kurosaki Ms. Mary L. Lange Ms. Jean L. Last Ms. Chia-Ho Lee Dr. and Mrs. J. Jack Lee Martha B. Lee , Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Martin L. Lee Ms. Reiling Lee Dr. and Mrs. Sik-Yum Lee Dr. and Mrs. Stanley A. Lemeshow Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Lewis Ms. Marilyn E. Little Dr. and Mrs. Kung J. Lui Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Marks Mildred Massey, Ph.D. Ors. Janet and Timothy L. Mc Auliffe Ors. Jean L. and Max R. Mickey Ruth M. Mickey, Ph.D. Kazem Mohammad , Ph.D. Carol M. Newton, M.D. Mr. Erastus K. Njeru Mr. Norman A. Palley Mr. and Mrs. Jong-Soon Park Carl E. Pierchala, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Plourde Wai-Yin Poon, Ph.D. Dale L. Preston, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rada Mr. Richard L. Rechtschaffner Allen H. Reed , Ph.D. Mr. Kenneth J. Resser Dr. Sidney Roberts and Dr. Clara M. Szego Ors. Ruth J. and Milton I. Roemer Susan Sacks, Ph.D. Mr. Nathaniel Schenker Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Schluchter Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. Schroth Ms. Jessie S. Siau Elizabeth M. Sloss, Ph.D. Donald J. Slymen , Ph.D. Ors. Florence L. Wong and Richard Sposto Ms. Carol L. Stelman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Steinberg Hong-Lin Su , Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Sugano Dr. Marian E. Swendseid Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Taka
Baxter Foundation Johnson and Johnson Company
Foundation/Corporate Donors: Iowa Foundation for Education, Environment, & the Arts McGraw-Hill Companies
Charles N. Moss Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Schuster Mr. and Mrs. George P. Spaanbroek Mr. Steven G. Spaanbroek Mr. and Mrs. George Stakias Mrs. Ruth E. Womack
Mohammed Mustafa Memorial Fund James J. Clark, Ph .D. Ors. Irene and Climis A. Davos Ors. Shiaw-Fen Ferng and Ti-Lin Kuo Shane S. Que Hee, Ph.D. Ors. Roslyn B. Allin-Slater and Grant G. Slater Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Tierney
Tony Norton Memorial Fund Ms. Hazel S. Beier Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Dornbu sch
Richard Sanville Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Gibbs Jean Sanville, Ph.D.
Wayne SooHoo Memorial Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin Jenn Lee
Samuel J. Tibbitts Fellowship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lipeles Mr. and Mrs. John Siefker Mrs. Audrey Tibbitts
First Centu~ Socie!ÂĽ First Century Society members are alumni , faculty, staff and friends who have made provision for UCLA in Will , Trust, or other planned giving arrangements. With generosity and foresight, the following members have designated the School of Public Health as a beneficiary: Lester Breslow, M.D., M.P.H. Gerald F. Kominski , Ph.D. Lester and Geneva Meis Walter and Helga Oppenheimer Jeannette V. Orel Anne S. Reher-Livia Suebelle and David Verity
The UCLA School of Public Health Alumni Association has recruited new members and planned the 1998 Lester Breslow Distinguished Lecture for April 21 with the theme, "The Critical Role of Public Health in Resolving the Paradox of Poor U.S. Health Status." Scheduled speakers are Steven Schroeder, president of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Steven Uranga McKane, president of The California Endowment; Mark Smith, president of the California HealthCare Foundation; and Gary Yates, president of The California Wellness Foundation. 1997 -98 SPH ALUMNI ASSN. BOARD Joyce A. Page, B.S. '69, M.S.P.H. '79, J.D. (President) Stanley Azen, Ph.D. '69 (Vice President) David Berger, M.P.H. '93 Robert Ghirelli, D.Env. '83 Marianne Laouri, Ph.D. '93 Michael Prelip, M.P.H. '85 (Secretary) Michelle Rivera, M.P.H. '97 Marta Segura-Chirino, M.P.H. '91 Cheri Todoroff, M.P.H. '88
The Environmental Science and Engineering (ESE) Alumni Society elected new officers and hai'i planned a 25th Anniversary Celebration and First Annual ESE Alumni Society Dinner, May 9 at the Friars Club in Beverly Hills. The dinner will honor Dr. Arthur Winer, outgoing director of the ESE program, and will raise funds toward a $1 million endowment for the program.
The Health Policy and Management Alumni Association (HPMAA) has raised nearly 70 percent of its $100,000 goal of endowing a student scholarship fund in the Department of Health Services. An awards dinner honoring James Barber, M.P.H. '79, president and CEO of The Healthcare Association of Southern California, is scheduled for June 4.
Stephen Kahane, D.Env. '78 (President) Lynn Creelman, D.Env. '97 (Vice President) Bart Sokolow, D.Env. '77 (Treasurer) Marijke Bekken, D.Env. '95 (Secretary) Lisette Bauersachs, D.Env. '95 David Chou, D.Env. '95 Robert Ghirelli, D.Env. '83 Kenneth Green, D.Env. '94 Mark Saperstein, D.Env. '86 Paul Smokler, D.Env. '81 Michael St. Denis, D.Env. '93 Mark Sudol, D.Env. '96 Xavier Swamikannu, D.Env. '94 Jack Witz, D.Env. '80
Paul R. Wales, M.P.H. '86 (President) Michael R. Galper, M.P.H. '94, C.P.A. (Pres.-Elect) Thanh-Nghia Nguyen, M.P. H. '96 (Sec.) Lori S. R. Pelliccioni, M. P. H. '96, J.D. Marilyn W. Gold, M.P.H. '89 Laurel Abrams-Lee, M.P.H. '90 Jay W. Evans, M.P.H. '72 Teri Daly Bartholetti, M.P. H. '87 Diana Hilberman, M.P.H. '88, Dr. P.H. '98 Edward G. Laubacher, M.P.H. '90, M.B.A. Paula Carabelli, M.P.H. '82 Rosalind Essner, M.P.H. '88 Dan Groszkruger, M.P.H. '70, ].D. Ira R. Alpert, M.P.H. '66 Richard Kiel, M.P.H. '86
UCLA School of Public Health Box 951772 Los Angeles, California 90095-1772 www.ph.ucla.edu Address Correction Requested
Winter 1998