H&HS Mentoring Program Application form
Application Deadline: August 6, 2010
Your application should include this completed form and your current résumé, if you have one. Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Department: _________________________________________________________ Location: ______________________ Current Classification/Position: __________________________________________________________________________ Work Phone: _____________________ Home Phone: ______________________ E-mail: _________________________ How did you hear about the Mentoring Program? ___________________________________________________________ Supervisor’s Name: ____________________________________________ Supervisor’s Phone: _____________________ Supervisor’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ (Supervisor: You will be receiving a Supervisor Assessment Form via e-mail to complete for this applicant.)
Please choose one of the following areas in which you would like to be mentored: □ □ □ □ □
Accounting Administrative Services Dining, Catering & Advanced Culinary Skills Guest Relations & Building Operations Housekeeping Services
□ □ □ □
Human Resources Maintenance Services Residential Life Sales, Marketing & Customer Service
Please answer the following questions as completely and thoroughly as possible. If necessary, use additional sheets to complete your answers. 1) What are your career goals within Housing & Hospitality Services?
2) How do you think the Mentoring Program can help you reach your goals?
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ (continued on reverse side)