Luskin Forum Winter 2013

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luskinforum Winter 2013


A Global Perspective International Programs at UCLA Luskin


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Board members key in bringing Endeavour to L.A. New faculty in Social Welfare and Urban Planning Social Welfare lecturer leads commission on L.A. County jails Urban Planning student launches Motor Avenue Farmers Market Complete Streets Initiative launches “parklet” in L.A. COVER FEATURE: UCLA Luskin’s International Initiative Alumni achievements New members join Board of Advisors

A publication of Dean Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr. EditorS

Alex Boekelheide, Matt Hurst

Contributors Alex Boekelheide, Ruby Bolaria, Chris Clarke, Matt Hurst, Ramin Rajaii Photography Ben Alkaly, Todd Cheney, Gonzalo Fuentes, Matt Hurst, Michael Moriatis, Gus Ruelas Design Escott Associates © Copyright 2012 UC Regents

LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013


BY Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Dean

As I write this, we are celebrating our UCLA football team’s win over USC, which was fun to see live at the Rose Bowl. The win capped off an exhilirating day that started with HomeWalk, United Way’s annual 5K run/ walk fundraiser to end homelessness in Los Angeles County. This is the second year our school has participated in HomeWalk, and this year the UCLA Luskin team had over 100 team members and was a top 5 fundraiser—raising more money than any other university or nonprofit organization. Our participation demonstrates UCLA Luskin’s collective spirit and commitment to advancing solutions to society’s most pressing problems. At this time last year, we launched “Defining Our Future: UCLA Luskin’s Critical Advantage,” a yearlong initiative to identify society’s most pressing problems, develop new opportunities for UCLA Luskin to address them, and create the knowledge base, tools, and initiatives required for more strategic interdisciplinary collaboration and innovations. Over 800 people worked on this initiative, and, as a School, we identified five strategic areas for development: n Create an “Institute on Urban Life” focusing on the opportunities and challenges confronting urban life. Issues such as service provision, poverty, inequality, economic and community development, transportation, environmental sustainability, education, and crime—to name but a few—present important challenges as our world becomes increasingly urbanized. Additionally, the Institute will build a new, robust research, teaching and service agenda around the relationship between economic development and urban poverty. n Develop UCLA Luskin’s international profile: One of the themes of this edition of LuskinForum is UCLA Luskin’s international work. I am pleased that Urban Planning professor Michael Storper will direct UCLA Luskin’s integrated approach to global and international issues—including a strong curriculum and research agenda and internship opportunities to develop students’ professional skills and networks.

dean’s message

n Train tomorrow’s leaders by enhancing the student experience through engagement and leadership activities. Our goal is to expand and promote exciting leadership programs, develop new leadership opportunities, and reposition the way we discuss and promote leadership to our students. n Develop revenue-generating programs: In this uncertain budget climate, we recognize the need to develop new revenue streams, including private philanthropy, executive education programs and emerging markets for knowledgebased products. n Coordinate and develop curricular initiatives across UCLA Luskin to take advantage of the cross-disciplinary nature of the School, providing vital training for the next generation of public service leaders. This living, breathing plan outlines the School’s vision for an innovative global public affairs program of the future. We anticipate that its impact will be enriched by a more engaged alumni and community partners; through new and expanded teaching, research, and service; and by the future leaders we graduate. The “Defining Our Future” project was made possible by the generous naming gift from Meyer & Renee Luskin, and I am reminded of their words at our naming ceremony a year and a half ago. Meyer Luskin said he gave to the School of Public Affairs because our faculty and students work toward the public good by creating a “community and world wherein equal opportunity and justice, and an active regard for our environment, is the rule.” At this important juncture in our country’s history—when our society is confronting new challenges that arise in a context that morphs and reshapes at light speed—his words hold more salience than ever. Our faculty, staff and students are proud to take up the Luskins’ charge, and approach this responsibility with diligence and passion. At our School, this is commonly known as the “Luskin Legacy.” It describes the mark all of us want to leave as we serve as change agents, committed to lead the way in creating the theories, models and practices for positive change in our city, state, nation and world.



Building a modern learning environment When students returned to campus in September they were greeted by a completely revamped study space, the UCLA Luskin Commons. With a separate room for small group meetings, a glass partition that opens to the outdoor patio and a small kitchenette, the new space inspires collaboration. Paired with updates to classroom space, the Commons renovation was the latest upgrade to take place in the Public Affairs Building, part of a series of improvements made possible by the visionary gift from Meyer and Renee Luskin. n


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013


Established in 1902, the British Academy is the U.K.’s national body for the humanities and social sciences. The group counts nearly 900 fellows globally with its past fellows including John Maynard Keynes, C.S. Lewis and Henry Moore. n

Michael Storper Named Fellow of British Academy Michael Storper, a

professor of Urban Planning at UCLA Luskin, has been elected a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. With joint appointments at Sciences Po in Paris and the London School of Economics and Political Science, Storper is a leading theorist in economic geography and the development of regional economies. His research focuses on the tensions between regional specialization and economic globalization, and the technological, sociological and political drivers of development. He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Utrecht and has been recognized as one of the most widely cited scholars of urban planning in the U.S.

evaluations of California’s First 5 Initiative and the state’s Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s performance in 12 California counties. Franke is also associate director of the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities. “In addition to being one of the most active researchers on the faculty,” Dean Gilliam said in announcing the appointment, “Todd has been a first-rate teacher and a great citizen of the department and School.” Franke is in his 20th year of service at UCLA. n

Todd Franke Appointed Chair of Social Welfare Dept. Dean Gilliam appointed professor Todd Franke chair of the Social Welfare department earlier this year. Franke’s research focuses on evaluation of social welfare methods and practices. In March a team under his direction received a $500,000, five-year grant from the California Community Foundation to evaluate a probation program targeting young black men. He also led

Richard Jackson Receives Multiple Honors Richard Jackson, a

professor of Urban Planning and Public Health, became one of the most decorated UCLA Luskin faculty

members in a short amount of time. Jackson received the Heinz Award, recognizing outstanding individuals for their contributions in the areas of Arts and Humanities, Environment, Human Condition, Public Policy, and Technology, the Economy and Employment. He has become a leading voice for reinserting health considerations into decisions about urban, suburban and transportation design programs, rallying for communities that are good for people and the planet. Jackson was also honored with the 2012 Socially Responsible Medicine Award by Los Angeles Physicians for Social Responsibility. He was recognized for his long time advocacy to protect farmworkers and children from pesticide risks and improving community health by changing the built environment. In addition, the national American Public Health Association presented Jackson the 2012 Sedgwick Memorial Medal. The medal acknowledges his dedicated service and advancement of public health in knowledge and practice. n


student profile

A Great Space to Dock Two UCLA Luskin board members play vital roles in shepherding space shuttle Endeavour on its final journey to L.A. It was one of the largest things to hit Los Angeles in a long time, and judging by the masses of people lined up on city streets, high-

mental departments along the route was paramount. Initially the plan was to cut down nearly 400 trees to make

rises and freeways waiting to catch a glimpse, the space shuttle

room for the shuttle’s 78-foot wingspan, but Mehranian’s work

Endeavour was well received.

saved almost 75 percent of those trees.

But the space shuttle’s final rounds and eventual landing in Los Angeles might not have happened without the help of two UCLA Luskin board members. Maria Mehranian UP ‘86 of Cordoba Corporation and civic leader Steve Soboroff each played a large role in getting the space shuttle to Exposition Park. Soboroff is the senior adviser for the California Science Center, where the space shuttle is housed, while Mehranian and her

“I’m very proud of that,” she said. “We made it zig-zag (in the streets) so we wouldn’t cut down as many trees.” For the trees that were cut, Mehranian and Cordoba made sure to replace the trees on a four-to-one basis and create programs for kids about tree planting. Soboroff, a longtime supporter of major civic initiatives in L.A., sees the shuttle as more than a tourist attraction. “I like to help make good things happen in Los Angeles,”

company helped coordinate the route of the shuttle’s 12-mile

said Soboroff, who has been awarded a Lifetime Achievement

journey from Los Angeles International Airport to Exposition Park.

Award by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. “What Staples

Mehranian is a managing partner and the chief financial officer for Cordoba Corporation. Her coordination between several inter-govern-


Center did for downtown is what Endeavour promises to do for the Exposition Park area, downtown and all of Southern California.” n

LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013


vantaged children will face as adults,” Leibowitz wrote. The study and editorial have been featured in numerous media outlets including ABC News, the Los Angeles Times, Nature and NPR. n

Two Students Earn Prestigious Switzer Fellowships A pair of Urban Planning students have each received the prestigious Switzer Foundation Fellowship. The Fellowship Program supports talented graduate students in New England and California who focus on improving environmental quality and demonstrate leadership in their field. John Scott-Railton (below left), a doctoral student at

Leibowitz Argues on Behalf of Circumcision Public Policy research professor Arleen Leibowitz co-authored an editorial in the journal Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine advocating that all state Medicaid plans should cover infant male circumcision. The editorial accompanies a new study showing that declining rates of male circumcision in the U.S. have led to increased public spending on the treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Medicaid funds in 18 states currently do not cover infant circumcision as a matter of routine. The editorial states the populations covered by Medicaid are those most likely to be at risk for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. “In this way, state policies are building in future health disparities that these disad-

UCLA Luskin, researched what happens when “climate change adaptation” isn’t adaptive. His current research examines the outskirts of Dakar, Senegal, where intense rains after decades of drought have led to widespread flooding. His work attempts to encourage practitioners and academics to consider how local climate change adaptation may lead to negative regional outcomes.

Jorja Leap: One of L.A.’s Top 50 Women Social Welfare adjunct professor Jorja Leap, who authored the critically acclaimed book Jumped In about Los Angeles street gangs, is in the city’s spotlight. In the October 2012 issue of Los Angeles Magazine, Leap was named one of the city’s “Game Changers”—an annual look at some of LA’s most influential women. The honor is bestowed on just 50 Angeleno women. “UCLA adjunct professor Leap is out listening in the projects, identifying what works and who’s making a difference. Her memoir, Jumped In, is a bible of L.A. race relations,” the magazine said. n

Miriam Torres, a master’s candidate in Urban Planning, recently founded Alcanza, a planning practice with the mission to develop sustainable projects that promote resilient, healthy and vibrant communities. Currently, Miriam is planning projects that create open space and improve water quality in the Los Angeles area. Prior to graduate school, Miriam worked for The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water. She emigrated from Mexico in her teens and now lives in Los Angeles with her four-year old son Louka. n



Since the school year began, UCLA Luskin has been a hub of activity: A new board (top) was announced early in October (see page 32); the latest Senior Fellows (left) were announced and introduced to their student partners whom they will be mentoring over the next year; women’s activist Gloria Steinem, seen above at right with board chair Susan F. Rice, spoke to a packed house; California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom addressed an intimate, invite-only crowd of Dean’s Associates on the state’s educational future; and Dean Gilliam led a panel discussion with (from left) Mark Barabak of the Los Angeles Times, Val Zavala of KCET, Adam Nagourney from The New York Times and USC political analyst Dan Schnur about the November election during the first Luskin Lecture Series event of the year.


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013


Andrew Sabl: New Perspective on a Political Monument David Hume, the 18th century Scottish historian and economist, addressed political disequilibrium throughout the undoubtedly volatile trajectory of England in his extensive book, The History of England. Ranging from Julius Caesar’s invasion to the Revolution of 1688, Hume’s work was seen as the authoritative history of England for nearly a century. Public Policy professor Andrew Sabl’s latest book, Hume’s Politics: Coordination and Crisis in the “History of England,” sees it as something more: a lesson on the shifts in conventions of authority during periods of political upheaval. By reading Hume’s History as a dynamic treatment of “coordination problems,” in which different actors would benefit from all doing the same thing but have trouble figuring out what that thing should be, Sabl reveals that Hume’s work lays foundations of understanding complex processes that were not explicitly described until centuries later. Sabl’s new perspective on Hume’s monumental work offers political scientists and political theorists alike a new way to approach questions of authority, liberty, equality and justice. n

Laura Abrams: Insight into Juvenile Corrections

Mark Kleiman: Straight Dope About Dope Public Policy professor Mark Kleiman’s latest book provides straightforward information about the real-life impacts of marijuana legalization—from public health implications to the expected price of the drug. Marijuana Legalization: What Everyone Needs to Know uses a Q&A format to guide readers through the practicalities of marijuana policy in the U.S. and abroad, beginning with “What is marijuana?” and touching on the risks and benefits of marijuana use. Kleiman and his co-authors—Jonathan P. Caulkins, Angela Hawken and Beau Kilmer—delve into the economic and social landscape that would follow marijuana legalization. If one state were to treat marijuana like alcohol, how would that impact prices and usage beyond that state’s borders? How would widely available marijuana influence the consumption of other intoxicants? Kleiman, an expert on crime and drug policy, is also the author of When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment. n

For one reason or another, young men across the country fall into juvenile incarceration. But do we currently have a system designed to encourage self-improvement while offering vital guidance regarding “gender identity and masculinity” for young men? For Social Welfare professor Laura Abrams, the answer is a resounding “No.” After conducting extensive research at a boys’ residential facility, her latest book, Compassionate Confinement: A Year in the Life of Unit C, provides insight into the complexities inherent in the U.S. process of juvenile confinement. Rather than providing a third-person narrative, Abrams follows the lives of boys who are navigating this system. Why do some “seize opportunities for self-transformation” while others slyly scheme their way to freedom without true reform? Abrams and her co-author, Ben Anderson-Nathe, provide recommendations for a deficient system that could unlock the potential of young men at risk of ongoing criminal activity. n


new faculty


Paavo Monkkonen– Back Where It All Began

Paavo Monkkonen MPP ‘05 returns to the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs as an assistant professor in the Department of Urban Planning. Monkkonen, who earned his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, previously taught at Hong Kong University, and his dissertation, “The Housing Transition in Mexico: Local Impacts on National Policy,” won the 2010 Aareal Award for Excellence in Real Estate Research.

A lot of pride! It is wonderful to return as a faculty member to UCLA Luskin. I had a great experience as a student here so when the possibility of a job here came up I was very excited about it.

Policy. His primary position was in the Department of History but he was very fond of the Luskin community and spent a lot of his time at his office in the Public Affairs Building. I know he truly enjoyed teaching students from the school because of their commitment to public service.

Your father also was involved at

What experiences did you have

UCLA Luskin—what was his role

as a student at UCLA Luskin

here? Were his experiences here

and how can they help you

so great that it was an easy

now that you’re teaching here?

decision for you to study here?

For one thing, I am fortunate to have an idea of the wide range of knowledge and expertise that can be found at UCLA Luskin through the classes I took and projects I

You have an MPP from UCLA Luskin—how much pride do you have coming back and being able to teach here?

My father was a founding faculty member of the Department of Policy Studies and helped start the undergraduate minor in Public


was involved in while I was here. Also, my experience as a student helps me know what is possible after graduation. I keep in touch with classmates who work in a very wide variety of places and positions.

globalization. Teaching about cities in Hong Kong was also a great experience because it helped me realize more deeply how many assumptions are implicit in concepts and terms we use frequently in the field, often without consideration of how place dependent they are. The implications of basic ideas like urban, density, or planning are very different in East Asia. How much do public policy and urban planning intersect?

There tend to be differences in methodological approaches between the fields, but most professors of urban planning deal with policy and most topics studied by professors of public policy are relevant to cities and urban life. What drew you to your field of expertise?

How is teaching in Hong Kong different than in the US?

The students there are quite good and Hong Kong University has been shifting towards a more U.S.-style of education in recent years. While I was there I even got to participate in the big change from a three-year to a four-year undergraduate degree by developing a general education course on cities and

I first became interested in international development while living in Mexico City and my original intention when I started the Master of Public Policy Program was to work in the field in the area of microfinance. However, through the classes at UCLA Luskin, my summer internship, and a research position with professor Vinit Mukhija, I became much more inter-

LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

ested in the possibilities of a career doing research and studying issues connected to housing policy and economics, property rights, and the spatial structure of cities. Being a professor in a professional school is a great opportunity to combine research and practice.

Ian Holloway: The Social Network Approach Ian Holloway joined the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs this year as an assistant professor in Social Welfare. An expert in social network analysis and the application of social network methods to substance abuse and HIV prevention, he is affiliated with the UCLA Center for HIV Intervention, Prevention, and Treatment Services. Your research focuses on HIV and substance use among young people. What drew you to these areas of inquiry and this population? HIV is one of the most pressing public health issues faced by our society. Many people don’t realize it but there are certain subpopulations within

How has your experience

the United States that have HIV prevalence rates that rival those in sub-

prepared you for this

Saharan Africa, the region of the world most affected by HIV. HIV and


In retrospect, it seems many of my life’s experiences have prepared me for my current job. After my undergraduate degree, I worked in a nonprofit advocating for housing for people with disabilities. I then taught English as a foreign language in Spain and Mexico, which taught me a lot about learning and gave me experience in the classroom as well as in an international setting. Afterwards, during my many years of graduate education, in addition to classes, I was fortunate to work as a research assistant and collaborator with many great scholars in my area, starting here at UCLA Luskin. n

substance abuse prevention programs that are developmentally appropriate and tailored for young people are needed in order to prevent the spread of HIV among young people in these age groups. You have an expertise in social network analysis. How do you use this technique to understand HIV risk? HIV is transmitted through sexual and drug using networks, so using social network analysis to understand HIV transmission is incredibly valuable to determining how HIV prevention programs might be disseminated through networks. In my most recent work, I have used social network analysis at the community level to understand how venues attended by young men who have sex with men are interconnected. This approach enabled me to identify the venues that were most popular among this group and the levels of substance use and sexual risk behavior present among the men attending those venues. This information can be useful in formulating structural interventions to prevent HIV in these communities. n

Doreen Klee: Improving Senior Care New to the UCLA Luskin team this year is Doreen Klee, who is working in field education for the Department of Social Welfare specializing in macro practice in health and aging. Klee has been honored with a Presidential Leadership Fellowship from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the University of Southern California’s Leadership Institute. She has experience working in a multipurpose senior center, as the director of private case management programs and as a consultant with the Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium. Klee earned her MSW and a master’s in Jewish Communal Service from USC and studied dance and psychology as an undergraduate at UCLA. n



L.A. County Jail Reforms Have UCLA Luskin’s Fingerprints All Over Them Numerous members of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs contributed to a report that could result in extensive changes throughout Los Angeles County jails. Social Welfare lecturer Miriam Krinsky, who teaches Public Policy for Children and Youth in the spring quarter at UCLA Luskin, was the executive director of the Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence, leading a panel appointed by the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors to investigate the use of excessive force in jails. The report, which was delivered in September, filled 193 pages with more than 60 recommendations to address problems in the system. The group spoke with over 150 witnesses and experts and received more than 35,000 pages of documents. Shortly after it was unveiled, L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca agreed with all of the commission’s findings and began working to improve the problems through the commission’s recommendations. Krinsky, who has led other projects overseeing law enforcement, acted quickly to involve current and former Public Policy students in the summer-long process. “We needed some thinkers who were not law school graduates,” she said. Krinsky ultimately had six Public Policy students working on this project, including two who served as project managers, “although the reality is that they were my right and left hands,”


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

Krinsky said of Julie Quinn MPP ’09 and Katherine Williams MPP ’09. “They are graduates who exemplify the best of what an MPP graduate can do with his or her degree,” she said. Two former students of Krinsky’s, Alicia Castro MPP ’12 and Public Policy student Erica Quintana, each worked on various policy analyses for the report. “It was very relevant to what I’m focusing on for my master’s,” said Quintana, who heard of the report in Krinsky’s Children and Youth Policy course in the spring. “We were able to practically apply what we do. And to see the success of previous alumni, it was neat for me to see everybody’s work ethic. I thought it was wonderful. I wouldn’t have traded it for any other internships.” The group, which also included Teresa Magula MPP ’04, worked in various shifts from the time Krinsky was named executive director in January all the way through the final

hours before the report was published. “The students I had were absolutely amazing,” Krinsky said. “It was a wonderful blending of the positions on the team. It was a wonderful group. It gave them a chance to see what they had learned in a classroom put into play.” The final report, in Krinsky’s words, reflected that “there certainly are many wonderful public servants who work in jails, but among others there is a mindset and a culture that led to a persistent pattern of unreasonable force, and we learned that had been going on for years.…Some of the concerns were identified as long as two decades ago.” Baca’s public statements further confirmed how detailed and accurate the report was. “I couldn’t have written them better myself. ... We will be a stronger and safer jail,” Baca said at a news conference at the Men’s Central Jail. Quintana, a Phoenix native, echoed the feelings that all the UCLA Luskin representatives felt once the report was completed and accepted by the sheriff. “Every step of the way we had to keep in mind that this has real effects, not only on the inmates, but on the deputies, too,” said Quintana, who also works in an internship at the United Way in housing stability. “It’s always rewarding to see something you do actually matter but it’s also rewarding to see what (Baca) actually had to say. The whole experience was rewarding. The work we did was rewarding in itself. Baca’s willingness to do it is the icing on the cake.” n

Social Welfare lecturer Miriam Krinsky (center) with Alicia Castro MPP ‘12 (left) and Public Policy student Erica Quintana. As Executive Director of the Citizens’ Commission on Jail Violence, Krinsky enlisted the help of numerous UCLA Luskin students and alumni to produce a groundbreaking report on conditions in L.A. County jails.


UCLA Luskin Center Reports Analyze Electric Vehicle Charging in Los Angeles Take a look at L.A.’s busy streets and you’ll see more plug-in electric cars than ever before. That’s because drivers can now save money on gas, take the carpool lane and help improve air quality without worrying about getting stranded with a depleted battery. A growing body of research at the Luskin Center looks at ways to remake L.A.’s vehicle charging amenities so that drivers can take advantage of the latest innovations in electric cars. More than 15 years after the first modern mass-produced electric car was introduced, the vision of electric driving is finally becoming a reality. That’s thanks to plug-in electric cars that can drive hundreds of miles between charge-ups with the help of more powerful batteries or gas-fueled components that kick in when additional range is needed. With a wide variety of all-battery and plug-in hybrid models coming on the market in Southern California, the Luskin Center is exploring ways to expand charging options at homes, stores and workplaces. There are plenty of places where Los Angeles could sensibly


install vehicle chargers. Homeowners with electric cars can usually handle their own charger installation, but it gets more complicated when talking about public spaces. The Luskin Center report “Financial Viability Of Non-Residential Electric Vehicle Charging Stations,” written under the direction of UCLA Anderson professor Jason Snyder, analyzes the costs and benefits of charging installations at commercial and business locations, and discusses different economic strategies for charger installation, operation, and maintenance. The study’s authors call for continued subsidies for businesses that install chargers,

LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

header impact

Car-centric Los Angeles is uniquely positioned to become the center of the electric vehicle move-

Policy Analyst Leads Luskin Center EV Team

ment, with most auto commutes well within the electric range of available EVs. while encouraging retail outlets to consider the promotional benefits of charger availability. They also caution that as improved battery technology increases electric vehicle range, the need for chargers per car will drop—though that seems a less crucial concern given electrics’ very low percentage of private autos. There are 2.5 million private cars in Los Angeles, and even if the city gains tens of thousands of electric cars, that’s still a small fraction of the total. A second report addresses the non-homeowner side of the residential charging picture. More than half of Angelenos live in multi-unit dwellings (MUDs). MUDs present their own unique obstacles to installing vehicle chargers, from tenantlandlord negotiations to building upgrades to HOA politics to even just getting tenants to agree on swapping parking spaces. The authors of “Increasing Electric Vehicle Charging Access in Multi-Unit Dwellings in Los Angeles”—Judith Balmin MPP ’12, Greg Bonett MPP ’12 and Megan Kirkeby MPP ’12—offer a set of recommendations to make things easier for tenants, landlords, and HOAs to install chargers, from immediate measures such as enacting subsidies to longer-term solutions like reworking building codes to encourage charging stations. The report had its genesis as the three students’ capstone project in the Master of Public Policy program at UCLA Luskin. Car-centric Los Angeles is uniquely positioned to become the center of the electric vehicle movement, both reports’ authors maintain, with most auto commutes well within the electric range of available EVs. The Luskin Center is building on these studies and others to create plug-in electric vehicle readiness plans for the Southern California Association of Governments and the South Coast Air Quality Management District, with funding from the California Energy Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy. These plans provide a way forward for building an electric vehicle charging infrastructure to serve Southern California’s growing demand. n

Brett Williams has joined the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation as program director of electric vehicles and alternative fuels and as an assistant adjunct professor of Public Policy. Williams has more than 15 years of experience investigating alternative fuels, electric vehicles (PEVs) and green power systems in collaboration with companies and academic researchers throughout the U.S. and Europe. He worked as a senior analyst at the Rocky Mountain Institute, where he consulted for automotive and energy firms and helped create Hypercar, Inc. (now Fiberforge). In addition to a B.A. in physics and public policy analysis from Pomona College, Williams holds an M.Phil in environment and development from Cambridge University and a Ph.D. in transportation technology and policy from UC Davis. While at UC Davis, he taught graduate and undergraduate courses, earned a business-development certificate from the Graduate School of Management, and worked as a vehicle and fuel analyst for Ford, where he assisted with fuel cell vehicle demonstrations and early commercialization planning. Williams has received fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, the UC Transportation Center and the Eno Foundation. His most recent accomplishments include his research at the UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center, where he analyzed electric fuel implementation, Toyota plug-in hybrid and fuel cell vehicles, and the secondary use of batteries for grid energy storage. n



Teens Replacing Travel with Social Media …Or Are They? A recent study by the UC Transportation Center authored by Urban Planning professors Evelyn Blumenberg and Brian D. Taylor outlines key factors that contribute to surprising changes in the travel behavior of teens and young adults. In the wake of one of the largest economic downturns of the past century, financial limitations such as “employment status and household income” greatly impede travel opportunities for youth. According to the study, when it comes down to withdrawing from the ever-valuable savings account, traveling apparently does not rank as a priority for many, even when it allows “opportunities to do, acquire, or sell.” Results regarding other influences on travel, such as living with their parents at home, widespread communication technology use and strict driver’s licensing requirements, are mixed at best. Increased daily Web use correlates with more travel— more trips in the carpool lane, more public transportation usage and a preference for taking the wheel. And to discredit a reasonable assumption: Increasingly stringent driver’s license requirements have led to driving at

an older age, the study says, but all-told, teens end up “moving [around] about as much as earlier generations.” According to the study: “Perhaps the most significant overall finding from this analysis is how little youth travel behavior is deviating from that of adults, despite the enormous economic, social, technological, and policy changes over the past two decades.” A more definitive finding in the article, though, is a generational deviation when it pertains to miles traveled by young adults compared to that of their parents. Teens “(a) travel fewer miles and (b) make fewer total trips” as well as driving solo on the way to work instead of the inclination to carpool. All in all, despite the advancement of social media bringing people together in a virtual setting, the study found that it seems like a comparatively lonely and reclusive lifestyle of traveling by teens and young adults. Yet the question remains: Does the widespread advent of technology adequately fill in this newly created social gap? n

We face an age in which teenagers and young adults compulsively text, surf the web, and ‘FaceTime’ their friends, in effect, simultaneously living two lives—one real, one virtual. In an era of both technological supremacy and financial difficulty, does instant access to a world of information replace traveling around the world?


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

Urban Planning Student Makes Her Market There’s no book, no guide, no smartphone app. Among the plethora

years and there had never been someone there long enough,” she said. “I

of “For Dummies” books, and amid the thousands of apps, including

was passionate about it and interested in those issues.”

one that allows you to grow a chia pet on your computer’s dash-

The market, which runs on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is

board, there was still a void. And that left Urban Planning student

located at the corner of National and Motor Avenues, just south of the 10

Diana Ionescu without a road map. Her only option was the old-

freeway—and stretches a block to Mentone Avenue—has been successful

school standby: “trial and error.”

enough in its early going that vendors travel from places like Fresno,

So a process two years in the making has finally come to life. All

Oxnard and Riverside to set up shop.

she had to do was learn by observing, ask all the right—and sometimes

Now as a civic leader, she has larger plans for the area. The market

wrong—questions and then deal with rigid governmental red tape that

has attracted a good amount of traffic despite its infancy—“it’s been well

made her wonder if it was all worth it.

received,” she said—and it has given the local businesses along the street

And when the Motor Avenue Famers Market opened in September,

more customers. So it figures that an Urban Planning student would focus

Ionescu knew that it had been. At just 25 years old and with two

on larger things despite having competition from nearby Mar Vista, Culver

calendar years of trying to breathe life into this project, she is now

City, Hollywood and, of course, Los Angeles.

the Motor Avenue Farmers Market’s first Market Manager. “You would think that because farmers markets are so popular and

“It’s a cute little stretch of National—fun shops, restaurants,” she said. It’s a process, no doubt, as Ionescu has learned. At first the market

that they’re a one-stop shop there would be a good guide to starting

was shoehorned into a private parking lot. Adding parking requirements

one,” said Ionescu, who has lived in Palms since 2007. “It definitely

forced her to move. She’s had to organize with public transportation

taught me a lot about city government and bureaucracy.”

officials so that the bus that runs nearby can adjust its route slightly.

Which was a blessing and a curse for the native of Romania who came to UCLA as an undergrad via Houston. Ionescu’s journey was one that helped her understand what lies ahead after she completes her graduate degree, while also applying some of the things she’s learned in class outside the walls of the Public Affairs Building. Active throughout her undergraduate studies at UCLA in things like “Food Not Bombs,” fair-trade coffee and sweatshop-free clothing, Ionescu didn’t stop where others did. She shrugged her shoulders, thought “Why not?” and went to work.

Then, maneuvering between what the city does—street closures—to what the county controls—health permits—added to the simple task of just creating the market. Oh, yes, and there’s the cost. “Each week it costs over $1,000,” Ionescu said. “We’re in debt with what we’ve spent. There are a lot of start-up costs. The idea is to make a profit and put it back into the market or the Motor Avenue Improvement Association. We’re looking at setting up sponsorships.” Knowing what Ionescu has accomplished already, that shouldn’t be a problem. n

“The idea of a farmers market had been kicking around for several

For more information on the Motor Avenue Farmers Market, visit


impact STARTING SMALL The first parklet was built in 2005 in San Francisco, when an art and design studio fed a parking meter, laid down sod in a parking space and opened it up to the public for a day. The idea caught on, and now officially sanctioned one-day micro-parks are springing up all over— on “PARK(ing) Day” in November 2011, individuals and community groups put up 975 temporary parklets in 162 cities around the world. As the trend has grown, parklets have become more permanent.

Micro LOW BARRIERS TO ENTRY This demonstration parklet is the result of a collaboration between the UCLA Luskin team and the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council, along with support from local businesses and the City. “These projects allow citizens to be engaged in improving their communities in a new way,” said project manager Madeline Brozen.

IT TAKES A VILLAGE The parklets project was made possible by a grant from the Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation. UCLA Luskin’s Complete Streets Initiative, a joint program of UCLA Luskin, the Lewis Center and the Luskin Center for Innovation, partnered with the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council on the project.

If you’ve walked the streets of New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco or Vancouver lately, you may have found yourself in a mini oasis in the urban jungle. In cities around the country where space is at a premium, communities

PULSE-POUNDING PARKLET The UCLA Luskin parklet in downtown L.A. is the first of its kind to feature public exercise equipment, so passersby have an easy way to elevate their heart rate. “There’s definitely much more interest in walking, biking and exercising in the city,” said Urban Planning professor Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, who leads the project team.

have taken to installing “parklets”—small parks created from the conversion of parking spots, alleyways and other underutilized spaces for cars into places for people. We take a closer look at what goes into making a parklet. To learn more, visit


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

o-Park, Maximum Benefit PART OF THE LANDSCAPE When done right, a parklet can enhance the streetscape for pedestrians and cyclists. Bike lanes, wide sidewalks, walkable streets and dense ground-level retail ensure the urban respite will have a respectable home.

GETTING THE WHOLE PICTURE UCLA Luskin’s parklets project has three parts: a parklets “toolkit,” drawing together best practices for planners and innovative citizens in other cities to use as a model, which was released in September; a demonstration parklet in downtown L.A., pictured here, with places to rest or get active; and a follow-up survey of how the pilot micro-park serves the needs of its neighborhood.

Complete Streets report recognized by U.S. Dept. of Transportation The Federal Highway Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation has selected the Model Design Manual for Living Streets as one of only twelve recipients for the 2012 Exemplary Human Environment Initiative award. The award recognizes the comprehensive street design manual, which includes extensive guidance for active transportation and environmentally sustainable design practices. Supported by the UCLA Luskin Center and Lewis Center, this manual has generated high visibility from national media outlets and cities across the globe. The manual’s website, managed by UCLA Complete Streets Initiative program director Madeline Brozen MURP ’11, has received over 15,000 hits, serving as a resource for hundreds of communities. Colleen Callahan MA UP ’10, deputy director of the Luskin Center, managed the chapter that focuses on tips and tools for creating streetscape ecosystems that are lively, economically vibrant and environmentally sustainable. n



Marijuana PolicyÂ

With voters in Washington and Colorado deciding to legalize the recreational use of cannabis, America’s drug policy is evolving like never before. Public Policy professor Mark Kleiman and Social Welfare professor Bridget Freisthler have tracked our changing relationship with marijuana from two different angles.

Mark Kleiman

Bridget Freisthler

Kleiman is an expert on drug and crime policy whose books, such as When Brute Force Fails: How to Have Less Crime and Less Punishment and Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know, provide clear-headed, no-nonsense analysis and policy solutions that work. After spending much of her career looking at the ways liquor stores and bars affect the children and families that live near them, Freisthler is pursuing a five-year study funded by the National Institute of Drug Abuse to track similar information for medical marijuana dispensaries. We asked them to use their unique perspectives to shed light on the issue.


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013


It seems like there’s a growing consensus that it’s time to rethink how our nation approaches marijuana use. What has happened in the last decade to bring about this kind of change? Mark Kleiman: There have

been big changes in attitudes; not as fast as on gay rights, for example, but very fast. The simplest explanation is that marijuana is more familiar than it used to be, and therefore less scary. Support for marijuana legalization grew from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s, went down through 1990, and has since rebounded to an all-time high. The latest polling shows the country just about evenly split on the question “Do you think the use of marijuana should be made legal or not?” (The polls don’t generally ask about production and sale as opposed to use.) How has the widespread development of medical marijuana operations across the country affected the ways growers manufacture and sell pot?

increasing. I have seen cannabis energy drinks being advertised, cannabis in pill form, and cannabis in mouth strips—similar to breath-freshening strips—in addition to your traditional buds and edibles. This all speaks to a need to attract a wide variety of clientele who may have different needs. For example, patients who use air travel frequently may need different products than someone who can smoke regularly at home. Mark Kleiman: Even in places where retailing “medical” marijuana is legal under state law, growing is still clandestine, which makes it very expensive. Full-scale national legalization would change that: the sheer production cost could fall to as little as one percent of current wholesale prices. A joint could cost as little as the packet of sugar that restaurants now put out, and some might indeed give it away to encourage food sales. That would surely lead to substantial increases in heavy marijuana use.

Bridget Freisthler: In my

Bridget, how might your

conversations with dispensary owners I’ve learned that the number and types of products available is

research help predict the effects

on the ground of these policy decisions? You’ve shown that there’s no link between medical

marijuana dispensaries and community crime rates, but the opposite is true for liquor stores and bars. How could widespread availability of marijuana—medically or otherwise— impact these trends?

of dispensaries on communities and be able to provide sound recommendations on how to minimize any negative effects of dispensaries on local communities. Do you think the U.S. has a


sensible approach to how we

reality is we don’t know how the widespread availability of marijuana will affect crime and other problems. In addition to crime, my team continues to hear that community members and political officials are concerned about increase in youth access to marijuana, reductions in property values near the dispensaries, and increased marijuana use due to the proliferation of dispensaries. The research literature on this topic is quite thin and we are just now starting to examine what the long-term impacts of these policy decisions will be. In contrast, the literature on the effects of alcohol outlets (e.g., bars, liquor stores) has been around for almost two decades now and has shown consistent relationships of higher crime, violence, and child abuse in areas with greater densities of alcohol outlets. In general, I think it will probably be a few years before we have really good information about the effects

use—or abuse—marijuana? What can policy makers do to improve the situation? Mark Kleiman: I think we

should let users grow their own pot or form co-ops. I’m much less enthusiastic about commercial legalization on the alcohol model; there are just too many unknowns. Bridget Freisthler: Drug

policy is complicated. Alcohol is legal, yet we know there are a variety of negative aspects to the easy access of alcohol and long-term alcohol use. Prescription drugs are legal for medicinal use, but that hasn’t stopped the misuse of those products. We also know that drug use in adolescents and young adults negatively affects their brain development. I prefer to wait until we know more about the effects of current policies and practices on communities before advocating any one recommendation. n


cover story

By Matt Hurst

Beyond Borders:

UCLA Luskin’s International Initiative The quickest route from Thailand to Tokyo is not by sea. A highway is unnecessary to go from Armenia to Iran. Traveling from China to Mexico can be done on foot. ¶ Los Angeles has long been known as a “world city,” and various parts of the world can be found on routes like Highway 101, Santa Monica Boulevard and Spring Street. ¶ There’s no need for a passport when trying to experience the authenticity of L.A. ¶ And that is truly one of the benefits for students and faculty at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. Navigating through the “world” is as simple as maneuvering through the city, where nearly 250 languages are spoken daily. ¶ Sure, L.A. is one of the greatest living laboratories to study, with its accessibility to different cultures, ethnic backgrounds, beliefs and systems. Yet although it is considered a “world city,” it is not the world. Last year the School began to rethink and redefine its future and the ways public universities respond to society’s greatest challenges. Five strategic initiatives emerged from the process, and developing the School’s international profile was second on the list. It’s not hard to see why. UCLA Luskin’s distinct composition, with departments of Public Policy, Social Welfare and Urban Planning, gives it many lenses through which to view the world. And with a curriculum built on lessons learned around the globe—and backed up by practical internships and international career services—the School nurtures its students’ desire to think of global solutions to the world’s problems. As Dean Gilliam told National Public Radio in July, “It’s a sea change in orientation. They understand this idea of a shared fate, or a linked fate. That somehow, what happens to somebody in Mumbai may have an effect on me in Los Angeles.” To continue to lead, the school had to do what it had been asking its students to do. It had to plan for a global impact. CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE >>>


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013


Director of International Initiatives Michael Storper has identified several goals to be accomplished in the first year of the School’s international push:

n Bring together faculty across UCLA Luskin—and across UCLA—to develop an international curriculum focused on health, the environment, urbanization and development, and international political economy n Enhance the opportunities for international study, including summer internships, exchange programs and career placement n Working with globally oriented local leaders, activate the School’s alumni network around the world to address global affairs in Southern California n Create and develop branding and identification tools to better showcase UCLA Luskin’s international presence


Initial Internationals

The initial goals weren’t simple but they were attainable. And with direction, UCLA Luskin could begin making its presence felt beyond California and beyond the United States. “I kind of feel we were punching below our weight in this realm, so what I really want to do in this job is raise our profile.” Those are the words of Michael Storper, who has taught at UCLA since 1992, and who seemed an obvious choice to fill the newly created position of director of international initiatives. After all, Storper has spent his time teaching at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, known as Sciences Po. Although it wasn’t solely his work in three of the planet’s largest and most recognizable cities that made him a fit—he spent six years co-directing the Paris school’s Master of Global Public Affairs, which included setting up and managing its development. In essence, he had already been creating his own international impression and networks. “I got this experience and basically I was offshore all year and [Dean Gilliam] felt—and I hope he’s right—that I have a skill in doing this,” Storper said.

UCLA Luskin has often strived to venture outside the confines of Los Angeles. The school has alums working and living in over 30 countries around the world. The Urban Planning department has a pair of partnerships in China, sending students from UCLA Luskin to the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design and the Chengdu Institute of Planning and Design. In 2011, the department added another exchange program, sending up to five UCLA Luskin students to the Center for Environmental Planning and Technology University in Ahmedabad, India. “To me, it really presented a great opportunity to practice planning in a different context,” said Justin Resnick, who studied in India over the summer and will earn his master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning in 2013, “and take some of the lessons we’ve learned in the U.S. and adapt them in places—especially in places where the conditions don’t match (the US)—and try to conceptualize these problems.” Literally illustrating his point, Resnick shows a picture of a camel lying in an Indian street to a group of Urban Planning students interested in studying abroad. The irony of it all is that Resnick and his peers were in India to study parking.


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

cover story

The adjustment isn’t solely a one-way street, camels or not. Even though Los Angeles holds so much diversity, it can be easy to feel lost—even for longtime Angelenos. Coming to the nation’s second-most populated city with little more than the bubble of your peers and the hallways of the Public Affairs Building is exactly what Amani Joas of Berlin’s Hertie School of Governance did in the fall quarter. “To be honest, looking at L.A. from the perspective of a European and a Public Policy student, the place often looks like a mess,” said Joas, who was born in Tanzania and has previously studied in London, throughout Germany and in Salt Lake City before coming to UCLA. “On the plus side—which far outweighs—I have met lovely people, and UCLA Luskin’s program offers a good chance to build future networks.” Furthermore, this past summer numerous other UCLA Luskin students broadened their education beyond the U.S. borders. “It would be great to be able to solidify that pathway of other interns coming,” said Sara Pilgreen, a master’s candidate and Ph.D. student in Social Welfare who interned in Johannesburg. “You have students who are master’s and doctoral students who can compete on an international level with professors that are leading the field.”

Building A Network Paving that passageway is part of Steve Commins’ charge as associate director of international initiatives. Commins hopes to develop and strengthen the International Practice Pathway, now in its second year at the School. Along with Sherry Dodge, UCLA Luskin’s director of career services, Commins is seeking to further this program into “a two-year framework for students interested in international careers,” he said. The idea behind the program is to identify UCLA Luskin alums already living and working globally and utilize them to enhance networks for future graduates. “This is how almost every single student got an internship abroad,” Dodge said. “They’ve been connecting with alumni, which is a tribute to the network. The idea is to create a pipeline.” Commins and Dodge were a half-step ahead of the momentum building behind UCLA Luskin’s international push. The two worked on a proposal for the International Practice Pathway and delivered it to Dean Gilliam not long

before he had laid out the strategic plan, which included the international initiative. It speaks to the importance that many associated with UCLA Luskin have placed on the worldwide visibility of the school, its faculty and students, and it shows that “international initiative” is more than just a buzzword. Consider a snowglobe as the earth and the particles inside of it as all of UCLA Luskin’s representatives: confined, so to speak, in a larger environment but with enough room to bounce around freely, every once in awhile running into someone or something familiar. The task in front of Commins and Dodge is to gather the snow particles, keeping them inside the globe, but guiding them rather than leaving sporadic run-ins to happenstance. “Universities are structured around departments and schools, not themes or research topics,” Commins said. “Bringing together faculty across departments and schools is a challenge in any academic setting because of the silos that our systems CONTINUED ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE >>>

International Practice Pathways Goals The creation of UCLA Luskin’s International Practitioner Professional Pathway has the following goals: (1) To prepare students to work with local and global underserved populations by providing cross-disciplinary education in such international issues as urban planning, social welfare, public policy, economics, administration, public health and environmental sciences. (2) To train practitioners who are qualified to work in diverse settings by providing hands-on experience in research and practice in international resource-poor settings. (3) To attract and enroll the world’s top prospective students and to train them to be leaders in their chosen fields.


cover story


create. We will need to be focused on a few priorities based on the task force recommendations and on our own capacity for delivery, and thus not become spread too thin in our efforts, especially in the first couple of years of this work.”

Ronald Wandel UP ’83

A Smaller World, A Bigger Plan There are several steps to making the international program a finely tuned machine, and it may take a few turns of the calendar to do so. However, having Storper and Commins in place—with their extensive international backgrounds—has allowed UCLA Luskin the opportunity to begin its program outside of the starting gates. “The bottom line is that nobody on the West Coast is doing this kind of stuff,” Storper said. “It’s been totally commandeered by our East Coast sisters and brothers. They’ve got really well developed international links and programs. Look on the West Coast. It’s us and Berkeley. We’re good, but we’re much more provincial than the East Coasters are. That doesn’t seem to me to be right. There is stuff we are able to do. It’s an intrinsic interest that we’re in California.” UCLA Luskin students who have interned across the globe point to this fact. California, Los Angeles and UCLA are very well known brands—“Being abroad anywhere, UCLA is recognized,” said Pilgreen, who has been to every continent, save for Antartica. Pushing the Luskin name into that discussion is the next step. Storper has already begun that phase. As he established the Sciences Po international program he made invaluable connections. In fact he was like one of those snowglobe particles, running into Helmut Anheier, a former professor of Social Welfare and Public Policy at UCLA Luskin, who also happens to be dean of the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. Storper reached out to Anheier, whom he also worked with in London and Paris, and began his pitch. As part of his early work as UCLA Luskin’s director of international initiatives, Storper engineered three students to come to the School via the Hertie School and one from Sciences Po. Likewise, three UCLA Luskin students spent the fall term at the Hertie School and

Elodina Guerra-Davila MPP ’00

Mitchell Carlson UP ’78

Gustavo Lepage UP ’82

Henrique Rzezinski UP ’76

Carlos Wobbe-Lema UP ‘83

Albina Lara UP ’88

Influence Felt Around the World UCLA Luskin alumni live and work on every continent except Antarctica, helping bring the Luskin Legacy to every corner of the globe.



LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

Michael Rodell UP ’71

Esther Uyehara UP ’72 Babak Hedjazi UP ’07

Jonathan Beutler MPP ’09

Alexander Nino Ruiz UP ’06

Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin UP ’94

Roberta Mahoney UP ’76

Luca Martinazzoli UP ’07

Tevfik Ulgen UP ’79

Eunrhan Ahn MPP ’10

Kinda Mohamadieh MPP ’03

Costis Hadjimichalis UP ’76 Jolie Grieff MSW ’82

Wei-Jer Hsu UP ’85

Alejandro Krell UP ’91

Mandy Brauer MSW ’70

Gamal Hamid UP ’92

Abisola George UP ’80

Chi-Kwong Law MSW ’88 Ramon Sevilla UP ’92 Paula Compton UP ’76

Stephen Wallace UP ’79

John Taylor UP ’83

Hripriya Rangan UP ’87 Jane Prinsloo UP ’78

Mark Hendrickson MSW ’96

Eunrhan Ahn MPP ’10, South Korea Research Institute of Public Health & Environment Jonathan Beutler MPP ’09, Japan Embassy of the United States Mandy Brauer MSW ’70, Egypt Consultant, Giza Mental Health Association Mitchell Carlson UP ’78, Haiti Emergency Response Coordinator, United Nations Paula Compton UP ’76, Singapore Director, Regional Procurement Office, Department of State Abisola George UP ’80, Nigeria Federal Capital Development Auth. Cynthia Ghorra-Gobin UP ’94, France Directeur, Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientific Jolie Greiff MSW ’82, Israel Jerusalem Dateline Elodina Guerra-Davila MPP ’00, Mexico General Director of Evaluation, Ministry of Economy

Costis Hadjimichalis UP ’76, Greece Laboratory of Geography & Local Dev, Harokopio University Gamal Hamid UP ’92, Saudi Arabia Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Arab Urban Development Institute Babak Hedjazi UP ’07, Switzerland Senior Lecturer, University of Geneva Mark Henrickson MSW ’96, New Zealand Senior Lecturer, Massey University Wei-Jer Hsu UP ’85, Taiwan VP Corporate Realty Service, Citigroup Alejandro Krell UP ’91, United Arab Emirates Director, TDIC Albina Lara UP ’88, Argentina Superior Consultant, Hagler Bailly

Chi-Kwong Law MSW ’88, Hong Kong Associate Professor, University of Hong Kong GUSTAVO LEPAGE UP ’82, Venezuela Independent Contractor, Civil Engineering Roberta Mahoney UP ’76, Albania Mission Director, US Embassy in Tirana Luca Martinazzoli UP ’07, Italy Energy Marketing Manager, Nike Kinda Mohamadieh MPP ’03, Lebanon Arab NGO Network for Development Jane Prinsloo UP ’78, South Africa Cape Metropolitan Council Administration Haripriya Rangan UP ’87, Australia Associate Professor, Monash University Michael Rodell UP ’71, Netherlands Bouwcentrum Alexander Nino Ruiz UP ’06, Slovenia Project Architect, Ravnikar Potokar

Henrique Rzezinski UP ’76, Brazil VP External Affairs, Embraer Ramon Sevilla UP ’92, Thailand Institute for Population & Social Research John Taylor UP ’83, Indonesia Development Alternatives Tevfik Ulgen UP ’79, Turkey Esther Uyehara UP ’72, Belgium Senior Standards Specialist, SWIFT Sc Stephen Wallace UP ’79, Rwanda C.A.R.E. Ronald Wandel UP ’83, Canada Investment Services Mgr, City of Toronto Carlos Wobbe-Lema, UP ’83 Chile


cover story


three others were in Paris at Sciences Po. Aside from making an international footprint, having UCLA Luskin represented throughout the world only furthers what everyone has known for years: the globe is becoming smaller. “If I were to read an article about something we talked about,” said Courtney Bleecher, a Master of Social Welfare candidate who spent part of her summer in Switzerland with Social Welfare students from around the world, “I could easily email someone in India or China or Africa or Switzerland. With Skype and FaceTime and Facebook, it’s so much easier now to keep in touch with people.” And that has been Resnick’s message upon hitting the ground back in Los Angeles after his journey in India. “It’s a fantastic opportunity to think outside the box and experience the things you wouldn’t otherwise,” said the Elkins Park, Pa., native. “It’s an opportunity to work with another group of very renowned faculty.” The plan goes beyond setting up networks and full-fledged exchange programs. There is a five-year blueprint to this strategic plan that includes more than just a group of Neil Armstrongs planting UCLA Luskin flags in their respective parts of the world. With the three-pronged advantage—Public Policy, Social Welfare, Urban Planning—that many other public affairs programs can’t claim, Storper is looking to further build upon UCLA Luskin’s interdisciplinary approach and, therefore, its reputation. “I want to start having global public events,” he said. “By that, I mean we want to become a place where we get major speakers on global public affairs and expose our students, faculty and the campus community to these people. You’re going to be seeing us getting rolling on that.” Storper also plans to make the most of UCLA Luskin’s surroundings. “There’s an intrinsic interest that we’re in California,” he said. “People learn more interesting things by being in California than if they were in New York.” If all the world’s a stage, then UCLA Luskin is ready for the spotlight. n


Pioneers in a

Maybe they won’t be as celebrated as Christopher Columbus upon returning to Europe, but in a way, three students from Berlin are taking a slightly similar course—discovering a new world and reporting on it to their counterparts across the pond. Christina Dankmeyer, Amani Joas and Adriana Lopez are the first three students to come to Los Angeles from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin as part of professor Michael Storper’s new exchange plan to expand UCLA Luskin’s international footprint.

LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

Brave New World A trio of Public Policy students were chosen out of 25 Hertie School applicants to become the charter members of this new program in an endeavor to have UCLA Luskin better represented globally by current students. The near future will include exchange programs with other international schools similar to UCLA Luskin to create a true global network. “I think it’s a great start,” said Joas, who is a native of Tanzania. “On the one hand you are inviting international scholars such as myself to take part in an American university experience, while at the same time, I am hoping to give other people in my classes more European perspectives on some issues. Additionally, we will be ambassadors for UCLA when we return and eventually build our careers.” The final part of Joas’ thought is a key part of UCLA Luskin’s international expansion. A larger, more streamlined exchange program of people coming

to UCLA and Luskin students going overseas will raise the profile of the school and consequently strengthen the worldwide network. “For the institution in Paris, we started it from scratch and built it into program that is pretty much flourishing,” Storper said of his role in building Science Po’s international program. “And that program takes in 40 to 50 master’s students a year from different countries, so it’s really global. It got me focused on what it looks like to do a public affairs program where we’re not oriented on the home country. There’s maybe three, four, five French people and everyone is from everywhere else.” UCLA Luskin has 500 or so students annually enrolled in Public Policy, Social Welfare and Urban Planning, so to bring in 40-50 international students—or about 10 percent—makes everyone’s experience that much greater. Getting the three Germanbased students to UCLA for the first time was hardly a

problem despite the fact that this year was considered a maiden voyage. “UCLA is the only West Coast university that people have heard of” in Germany, said Dankmeyer, who has also spent time studying and working in France, Asia and Washington, D.C. “I didn’t want to go to USC because nobody knows USC in Europe.” Add that to the specializations UCLA Luskin offers— unlike the Hertie School, which “has very general classes,” according to Dankmeyer—and getting applications wasn’t a challenge. “I’m really attracted to urban planning,” said Lopez, a native of Mexico who has also studied in Paris and cities in Germany. “I know [UCLA Luskin’s Department of Urban Planning] is one of the best and that is not part of our courses in Hertie. I like it because it offers some courses that bring together policy and transportation. “I like the fact that it offers a lot of courses you can take, you can go to whatever faculty is good for you

to understand things better. Hertie is only focused on public policy.” One thing is certain, though, the Hertie students will be doing exactly what the international exchange plan is intended to do— spreading the word, the name and the brand of UCLA Luskin. Not just upon their return to Berlin. But throughout their lives. “I will talk about Luskin a lot because this is the area I am really interested in,” Lopez said. “I would like to write my master’s thesis on the knowledge I acquired here.” Or, looking past a thesis, as Joas has done. “I hope that I can help to strengthen Luskin’s international profile by becoming chancellor of Germany in 2037. However, if I fail and only become minister of foreign affairs, I hope that Luskin’s profile has by then developed its own prominence through its various— and, hopefully, fruitful— exchange programs.” n


alumni news

Notes n Steve Callaghan MPP ’98

n Celeste Drake JD/MPP

was interviewed by the Holly-

’09 published her first article

wood Reporter for his work on

in the ABA Journal of Labor

the TV Show Family Guy.

and Employment Law, entitled “U.S. Trade and Economic Policy:

UCLA Luskin Alums Have Strong Showing at Polls

n Herschel Knapp, Ph.D. SW

American Workers Need More

Three UCLA Luskin alums were victorious in the November

’01 was awarded a contract to

Than Strong Labor Chapters.”

election as William “Rusty” Bailey MPP ’99, Michael Stajura MPP ’05 and Raul Bocanegra MA UP ’97 all won

author his third textbook with Sage Publications.

n Julie Munjack MPP ’09 is now Executive Director at

n Felicity Wood MA UP ’01

University Synagogue.

published a 42 page audit report

their campaigns. Bailey was elected the new mayor of Riverside, the 12th most-populous city in California. Bocanegra was elected assemblyman for California’s 39th District, which encompasses the

of the City Of Sacramento’s Fire

n Seth Boots MURP ’12 is

San Fernando Valley and parts of Los Angeles. Stajura, who is

Prevention Program.

now a Project Manager in

now working towards his Ph.D. in public health, was elected

Campus Construction and Plan-

to serve on the 19-seat Westwood Neighborhood Council. n

n Louise McCarthy MPP ’04

ning at Pepperdine University.

was the featured speaker at a Capitol Briefing entitled: “Evolu-

n Renia Ehrenfeucht,

tion of the Health Care Safety

Ph.D. UP ’12 is now Associate

Net: Innovations for the Future.”

Professor and Department Chair, MSUS & Ph.D. Program Coordi-

n Ashley Tindall MPP ’04

nator at the University of New

produced a documentary film


project highlighting Peace Corp volunteers entitled 27 months.

n Andrea Lovano MPP ’12

See clips at

is now Rent Information Coor-


dinator for the City of West Hollywood.

n Josh Low MPP ’12 is now the Senior Manager for Special Projects at CFY.

Make a New Year’s Resolution: Update your alumni contact information! Visit today! Your Alumni ID is on the mailing label of this magazine.


Best in Class: UCLA Luskin Alum Teaches One of L.A.’s Elite Courses Nurit Katz MPP ’09 had

already achieved something great in her profession, serving the campus as the Chief Sustainability Officer. Now she has achieved something even greater. Katz’s class “Principles of Sustainability I: Environmental Dimension” was named one of LA Weekly’s best classes in the city. Only a handful of classes were so honored in the “Best Of” issue. “A perfect blend of theory, empirical evidence, sobering conclusions and inspiring optimism, this course pushes beyond the boundaries of ‘going green’ and forces students to reconsider some of their most fundamental beliefs about humanity’s role in the world,” student Ian Kenny told the magazine. “This course set the stage for a variety of courses that I would go on to take over the next year and a half, allowing me to view new and exciting course material through a critical and vibrant new lens.” n

LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

King of Thailand Honors Martorell Chancee Martorell UP ’93 was inducted into the Most Admi-

rable Order of the Direkgunabhorn, an honor bestowed by the King of Thailand upon those who have demonstrated exceptional service to the kingdom. Martorell is the founder and executive director of the Thai Community Development Center, which since 1994 has advocated for the Thai immigrant community in Los Angeles. Along with establishing and revitalizing East Hollywood’s Thai Town district, the Thai CDC provides social services, promotes economic development, and advocates for education and affordable housing for 80,000 Thai immigrants across Southern California. Martorell and the Thai CDC have also been recognized for their work to combat illegal trafficking operations that victimize Thai nationals. “I am honored to receive this royal decoration,” Martorell said. “I am especially overwhelmed by the fact that our work in the United States has been recognized by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej and the Thai government. “This prestigious award serves as a reminder that Thai CDC’s work has an impact on Thais in Los Angeles as well as Thais living in our native country,” she added. n

Yee Part of $50 Million Grant Winning Team Karissa Yee MPP ’11

wasted little time in making a big splash at her new job. Yee helped the Los Angeles Unified School District receive a grant that could total $50 million over the next five years. The San Francisco native, who is a program and policy development specialist at LAUSD, helped write the proposal for the grant which will help provide support and development opportunities for teachers at high-need schools. Yee’s work ensured that LAUSD is one of just 35 districts nationwide to receive the grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The Teacher Incentive Fund grant helps “incentivize great teaching,” said Yee, who noted that LAUSD is looking at “improving human capital in the school system. “When the opportunity came about,” Yee continued, “the talent management division took a lead on writing this particular grant about improving human capital and teaching and learning. LAUSD has a large number of highneed schools and we’re definitely meeting that need.” Yee was one of three Bohnett Fellows at UCLA Luskin in 2011 and served in the Mayor’s Office of Education, giving her “exposure to the topics and issues in the LAUSD, which led me to pursuing this work now,” she said. The district will receive $16 million in the first two years under the terms of the grant, but that number could swell to $50 million over five years. “It’s going to accelerate our work on education effectiveness,” Yee said. “We’re excited about the way we’re thinking of using the teacher incentive piece of it. We’re taking advantage of new opportunities in the grant to build career ladders. And, we’re providing professional development to (teachers).” n


In Gratitude UCLA Luskin Visionaries $100,000 and above Anonymous § The California Wellness Foundation The Ford Foundation David A. Leveton ’59, JD ‘62, Director of the Ann C. Rosenfield Fund Ann C. Rosenfield Estate $50,000 and above Anonymous § The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation John S. Long ‘69 and Marilyn Long Long Family Foundation Meyer Luskin ‘49 and Renee Luskin ‘53 § Kellogg Foundation § Urban Institute* Weingart Foundation $25,000 and above The California Endowment Edmund D. Edelman ‘54, LLB ‘58 and Mari Edelman ‘64 § Calvin B. Gross and Marilyn B. Gross § $10,000 and above Archstone Foundation* Corday Family Foundation § Jeffrey Glassman ’69 and Cecilia Glassman JD ’88 § John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation § Roger A. and Joanne C. Kozberg § Brian A. Rishwain ’87 and Erin Rishwain Lois M. Takahashi Martin P. Wachs and Helen P. Wachs § Wallis Foundation § Michael R. Darby and Lynne G. Zucker §

Dean’s Associates $5,000 and above American Planning Association Los Angeles Section Richard C. Atkinson and Rita L. Atkinson* Michael Goldstein and Susan N. Bales ‘72* The Bales Family Foundation* Mark Benjamin and Pat Benjamin Philip E. Hill MD ‘82 and Cynthia D. Mc Clain-Hill ‘78, JD ‘81* Maria Mehranian MA ’86 § Timothy N. Papandreou MA ’04 *

The Meyer and Renee Luskin School of Public Affairs gratefully acknowledges the following alumni, friends, students, faculty and staff, and foundation and corporate partners for their donations made during the 2011-12 fiscal year.

Annette F. Shapiro and Leonard Shapiro § Steve Soboroff and Patti Soboroff § $2,500 and above Astrid Beigel MA ’67, PhD ’69 § Cecilia V. Estolano MA ‘91 Gadi Kaufmann ‘79 and Karen Malmuth Kaufmann ‘81, MBA ‘85, MA ‘93, PhD ‘98 § Tai-Kuo Liu MA’80 § Cynthia A. Miscikowski ’70* Donald B. Rice and Susan F. Rice MPA ‘76 § Jeffrey A. Seymour ‘73, MPA ‘77 and Valerie J. Seymour ‘73 William E. Simon, Jr. and Cindy Simon Bryan G. Stockton and Maureen E. Stockton* Ruth S. Sugerman MSW ‘67 Henry L. Taylor, Jr. and Claudette L. Taylor § Mary Jane Varley and Joan C. Sherman §

Dean’s Circle $1,000 and above The Marilyn S. Broad Foundation, Inc. § Stephen Curtiss Collett* John F. Cooke and Diane F. Cooke Gray Davis and Sharon R. Davis* Robert T. De Forest ‘99, MA ‘06, MBA ‘06 § John Dingley MA ‘75, PhD ‘83 and Vanessa M. Dingley § John B. Emerson and Kimberly K. Marteau ‘81 Wendy G. Garen MA ‘78 An-Chi Lee and Shirley Hsiao MA ‘79 § The J2 Foundation Jeffrey S. Levine and Jill Stein § Joan C. Ling MA ’82 Michele Prichard MA ‘89 and Rodney J. Lane Robert F. Schilling and Sheryl L. Miller § Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J Shapiro & Family § Donald C. Shoup and Patricia Shoup Brian D. Taylor ‘83, PhD ‘92 and Evelyn A. Blumenberg MA ‘90, PhD ‘95 § Antonia P. Tu MSW ‘73 and Norman K. Tu §

Friends of UCLA Luskin $500 and above Albert E. Benjamin, Jr. and Ruth E. Matthias PhD ‘80 § The Bosco Foundation* Greyson L. Bryan, Jr. * W. Gary Ernst and Charlotte P. Ernst* John Fairbank ‘75 and Cynthia Audino Fairbank §

Scott D. Ferguson ‘99, MSW ‘01 Timothy M. Foy MA ‘90 Tsuann Kuo ‘91, MSW ‘97, PhD ‘08 and Chansyun D. Yang* Scott D. Kutner ‘81, MA ‘85 and Linda F. Kutner ‘84, MSW ‘88 § Janette R. Lawrence and Russell G. Worden* Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris and Athanasios Sideris § Mark J. Stull ‘71 and Jill D. Stull ‘71, MED ‘74 Danilo Sapinoso Torres, Jr. ’92, MA ’96 § $250 and above Kyle B. Arndt MA ‘91, JD ‘94 and Christina B. Arndt JD ‘94 John S. Bragin ’65 § James Ralph Brueggemann ‘68, MS ‘71, JD ‘75 and Diana Hissey Brueggemann ‘70 § Stephen K. Commins ‘71, PhD ‘88 and Sharon M. Commins ‘72 § Gwendolyn E. Davis MSW ‘03 Ian Eddleston and Laurie M. Eddleston MSW ‘04 § James A. Gilbert MA ‘93 and Susan Orbuch § Gail Goldberg* Jocelyn A. Guihama MPP ‘03 and David E. Olson § Fujihiko Hayashi* Ma’Ayn Sokol Johnson MA ‘05 and Christopher M. Sellers ‘06 Cynthia Lim PhD ‘98 Robert L. Looper MSW ‘71 and Alcene O. Looper § Victoria Manshardt-Sta Romana ‘09* Ryan Matulka MA ‘09, MBA ‘09 § James L. Meltzer and Rose L. Jacobs-Meltzer MSW ‘91 § Ailee Moon § Richard B. Nahas and Caroline W. Nahas ‘70 Lara E. Regus MA ‘06 and Justin P. Regus § Lawrence R. Sauve ‘70, MA ‘78 § Gabriel Sermeno ‘95, MPP ‘06* Jason K. Spivak ‘91 and Laurie P. Spivak ‘92, MPP ‘98 § Louis Strike* Claude A. Townsend ‘49, MSW ‘51 § UCLA Association of Masters of Public Policy* Joseph A. Wapner and Mickey Wapner* LESS THAN $250 Anonymous § Laura E. Aldrete MA ‘96 Elizabeth A. Anderson MSW ‘10, MPH ‘10 § Parker C. Anderson MA ‘71 Jo Anne Hewitt Aplet MA ‘76 and Lowell J. Aplet Lawrence R. Apodaca MSW ‘78 § Jimmy R. Aycart MPA ‘74 § Joo Eun Bae MSW ‘03 and Seong Sik Jeon Gary G. Bagley* Meina Banh ‘04, MPP ‘09*

Christopher F. Barnes ‘04* Joyce M. Baron MPP ‘00 and Joseph P. Pennella Roslyn P. Barouch MSW ‘58 § Kevin P. Barry MPP ‘09 § Hugh Bartlett MA ‘81 and Maret I. Bartlett MA ‘80* Leisle M. Bartley MSW ‘04* Alison L. Becker MA ‘94 Kristina A. Bedrossian MPP ‘10* Danielle Beigel-Berne Alan P. Bell MA ‘81 Melissa Bersofsky Rodgers and Greg A. Rodgers ‘02 § Amanda M. Bielonko MSW ‘09 Robert W. Blaney ‘53, MPA ‘58 and Laurel H. Blaney* Stefano E. Bloch MA ‘05* Harriet A. Bonn ’57* Elreen T. Bower MSW ’87 and Paul G. Bower* Gladys Branic DSW ‘76 Thomas E. Brauner MA ‘89, MSW ‘92 and Melonia L. Musser-Brauner § Thomas W. Brock PhD ‘92 § Hye Young H. Brown MA ‘05 § Stuart Bussell and Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell PhD ‘99* Jill S. Cannon ‘91, MPP ‘98 and Mykel D. Lefkowitz MBA ‘98 § Roxanne M. Carrillo MSW ‘93 Vanessa B. Carter ‘06, MA ‘08* David C. Castle MPP ‘10, MBA ‘10* Lourdes M. Castro Ramirez ‘94, MA ‘03 and Jorge Ramirez § Paula Castro Rosenfeld MA ‘03 § Ann E. Chaney MA ‘78 Cecilia Chang MSW ‘92 § Lottie O. Chase MSW ‘98* Melissa P. Chow MA ‘02 Anamaria D. Clemons MSW ‘94 § Joan D. Cohen MPH ‘06* Tracy M. Colunga MSW ‘01* Valerie Corcoran MSW ‘00 § Carolyn J. Cosentino MPP ‘07* Thomas M. Coyne MA ‘07* Stephen R. Crosley MA ‘06 § Irma W. Darmali ‘09* Ian B. Dodd and Margaret J. Page Sheridan H. Dodge ‘03, EDM ‘04* Falicia J. Donald MSW ‘96 § Celeste E. Drake ‘89, MPP ‘02, JD ‘02 § James J. Duckman MPP ‘05 and Emily K. Linnemeier § Maia E. Eaglin ‘05* Eric B. Eidlin MA ‘04 § Ralph D. Fertig JD ‘79 Fertig Freedom Foundation Inc. * Chester A. Ford MPP ‘06 Elizabeth C. Fowler MA ‘03 Jared Benjamin Fox MS ‘05, MPP ‘09, PhD ‘09*

§ denotes Renewing donors who have sustained their support over the last two consecutive fiscal years. * denotes NEW donors


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

support We deeply appreciate the generosity of all supporters of UCLA Luskin, as well as those who have lent their time and talents to enhance the educational experiences of our students.

Jasmine M. Fox MPP ‘06* Bridget J. Freisthler* Rachel C. Freitas MPP ‘04 and Jason Cohen § John E. Gahbauer MPP ‘10, MBA ‘10 § Gerardo C. Gambirazzio MA ‘03* Cecilia Garcia MA ‘10* Geraldine I. Gardner MA ‘03 Prestene S. Garnenez MA ‘10* Kristen J. Gates MA ‘09 Sabrina M. Gates Schaffer ‘88, MA ‘92 § Cynthia Marie Francoise Ghorra-Gobin PhD ‘94* Steven A. Gitlin ‘90* Junko Goto PhD ‘93 § Bill B. Gould MSW ‘92 Lurana L. Graham MSW ‘67 Carol M. Greenough MSW ‘66 § Gerald D. Grey MSW ‘69 § Monica Gudino MPP ‘10* Ninnette Gutierrez ‘99, MSW ‘02 § Linda M. Gutierrez ‘79, MSW ‘83 and Miguel G. Caballero ‘79, JD ‘82 § Gretchen Holmblad Hardison MA ‘89 Kara Heffernan MA ‘00 § Janet Heinritz-Canterbury MSW ‘02 Nichole S. Hemans MSW ‘10* Susan McKay Herre MA ‘03 § Robert F. and Carol J. Hicks * Stephen K. Higa MA ‘89 Lois J. Hinck Harlan H. Hobgood MPA ‘65* Carol A. Holben MSW ‘85 Mimi Holt MA ‘01 Kristen N. Huff MA ‘11* Niall H. Huffman MA ‘10* Brent R. Hurwitz MA ‘89 § Claudia B. Isaac PhD ‘93 Kazumaro Ishid, MSW ‘71 and Sachiyo Ishida § Derek K. Ishikawa MPP ‘09, JD ‘09 and Jaynie Ishikawa § Kelley A. Jackson MA ‘06 § Claretha Jackson MSW ‘73 § Sanford M. Jacoby and Susan Bartholomew MA ‘81, PhD ‘87 § Gregory G. Jamero ‘11 and Amanda Jamero Woodrow Jefferson, Jr. MSW ‘79 § Patricia E. Johnson Celina A. Kamler MPP ‘06 and Josh Kamler* Susan R. Kane MA ‘84* Dominique M. Kaschak MA ‘11* Rob Kaufman MSW ‘86 and Linda Dach-Kaufman ‘68 § Douglas Keiller MBA ‘97, MA ‘98 and Christina Heitz § Sara K. Kenney MSW ‘97* Eunie L. Kim MPP ‘08 § Gilbert H. Kim MPP ‘06 § Roseanne S. King MSW ‘94* Stuart A. Kirk §

Joyce R. Kitchen MSW ‘99 § Parissh A. Knox MA ‘06, JD ‘06* Patricia L. Kruger MSW ‘72 Kathleen A. Kubo ‘76 MSW ‘78 Kathleen T. Kubota ‘68, MSW ‘82 and Stephen M. Fox Cynthia Kunisaki MSW ‘82 and Dennis M. Kunisaki Craig W. Larimer, Jr. and Irene D. Larimer* Sandra C. Lau MA ‘98 Elaine L. Leader ‘68, MSW ‘70 § Tuey J. Lee ‘66, MSW ‘74 § Carol M. Lee MSW ‘78* Ryan P. Lehman MA ‘95 and Amy Alfon Patricia Lepe-Smith MSW ‘88 and Christopher A. Smith Randall W. Lewis and E. Janell Thornton-Lewis Richard A. Lieboff § Elisa V. Lima MSW ‘05 and Sergio E. Lima MA ‘07 Judith L. Liss-Thorpe MA ‘84* Marilyn E. Little § Sarah K. Locher MPP ‘10* Anthony O. Lopeman MPP ‘09 § Joshua H. Low MPP ‘12* Steven M. Lowenstein MSW ‘10* Kelly D. Main PhD ‘07* Michael Maisterra MSW ‘70 and Jo Ann Maisterra Peter and Frances Marcuse* Nicholas P. Maricich MA ‘06 George E. Marr ‘48, MPA ‘58 Farahnaz Masoumisharif MSW ‘04* Kim Massey ‘80, MA ‘82* Kathleen E. Matchett MA ‘09 and Kevin Matchett § Esther C. Mc Coy MSW ‘92* Selena Mc Curdy MSW ‘73 Gregory F. McGinity MBA ‘02 and Julia J. McGinity* Aaron R. McGregor MA ‘10* Rosario H. Medrano MSW ‘84* Nisha L. Mehling MPP ‘09* Tanya A. Mercado ‘04, MSW ‘06* Michael S. Metcalfe MAR ‘70 and Eloise L. Metcalfe ‘64, MA ‘83, PhD ‘92 Metcalfe Associates Margaret Micchelli MSW ‘81 Nicolas J. Mihojevich ‘09* J. Stuart Boone MA ‘88 and Deborah Miller MSW ‘94* Renee K. Moilanen MPP ‘05 and Leigh Sorgen § Eric A. Morris MA ‘06, PhD ‘11 § Wayne Morrow ‘81, JD ‘88 and Eva Vera-Morrow* Sumiyah S. Mshaka MSW ‘04* Peter T. Murnane MA ‘75 and Carol M. Murnane Susan Jean Nakaoka ‘91, MSW ‘99 and Manuel Lares Michael Nash ‘70 and Patricia C. Nash* Todd R. Nelson MA ‘04 § April Ambas Phungrasa Newman MPP ‘07 § Alfred Nichols, Jr. MSW ‘72 § Jessica L. Nierenberg MPP ‘04* Charles Arthur Norris ‘50, MPA ‘52 and Carol L. Norris §

Kate O’Neal* Allison J. Ober PhD ‘09* Carole R. Oken ‘81, MA ‘83 § H. Pike Oliver MA ‘74 and Rosemarie S. Oliver Marilyn A. Ortner § LaVera Hamilton Otoyo MSW ‘58 Miranda J. Ow MSW ‘86 and Gilman Jung § Peter Panagopoulos MA ‘76 Stanislav A. Parfenov ‘06, MA ‘08* Eric Pawlowsky MPP ‘06 Pennella Productions Deborah Gail Perlman MPP ‘06 § Mark A. Peterson and Jane S. Margolis § John P. Petrilla MPP ‘09 § William C. Pitkin MA ‘97, PhD ‘04 and Anaite O. Caceres § Raquel B. Pizano-Hazama MSW ‘89 § Deborah S. Potter MA ‘82 § Spencer D. Presler MSW ‘06* Sarah K. Price MA ‘10, MBA ‘10 § Valerie L. Pryor ‘89, MA ‘90 and Rod T. Bennet MFA ‘89 § Jeremy N. Rempel MPP ‘05 § Valvincent A. Reyes MSW ‘82 and Marissa Reyes MN ‘83 § Allyn D. Rifkin ‘72, MAR ‘79* Rifkin Transportation Planning Group* Georgiana L. Rivera MSW ‘74 Robert J. Rodino PhD ‘03 and Elaine Rodino § Kenneth H. Roehrs and Sara McGah § Jose C. Romero-Navarro MA’89 Martin G. Rosen MA ‘91 Cheryl T. Rosenthal MSW ‘82 and James N. Rosenthal Harriet L. Ross MA ‘04 and Geoffrey M. Ross ‘02 § D. Rzepinski MA ‘89 § Jennifer L. Salcedo* Rev. Morris V. Samuel, Jr. MSW ‘69 and Cynthia S. Samuel Salvador Sanchez MPP ‘02 § Elva E. Sandoval ‘00, MSW ‘04* Catherine B. Sapiro MPP ‘05 § Ravindra V. Sastry MPP ‘06 and Amber L. Sastry David A. Scatterday ‘04* Ethan Scherer MPP ‘07 § Phyllis P. Schoen MSW ‘52 and Fred Schoen Christian Schrimpf MSW ‘10* Eric D. Shaw ‘98 § Sarah Shoff MPP ‘09 § Herb Shon MSW ‘91, PhD ‘01 and Elizabeth K. Shon § Gilbert Simons ‘54, MSW ‘68 Diana C. Simpson MPP ‘04* Thomas E. Smith, Jr. MA ‘76 and Lorraine C. Smith § Jordan Snedcof MPP ‘04 and Lauren Godsil § Anson C. Snyder MA ‘90 § Jorge Soriano* Carlos M. Sosa MSW ‘72 and Margarita Sosa

Janis Spire* Cosette P. Stark ‘87, MA ‘89 § Ana M. Suarez MSW ‘82 Laura R. Telles MSW ‘04 § Edward E. Telles MA ‘84* Lewis Thompson MSW ‘74* Faye P. Tolmach MSW ‘59 § Gregory P. Torgersen MPP ‘00* Lindsay R. Torrico MPP ‘10 § Waiyi Tse JD ‘02 § Ben E. Uminsky ‘03, MA ‘05 Cara Underwood MPP ‘11* Peter Valk MA ‘79 and Barbara G. Valk § Leslie J. Valmonte MPP ‘03* Rebecca Vande Hey MSW ‘84 Kathya V. Vega ‘01, MSW ‘03* Tony C. and Erica L. Vickers * Sylvia P. Villasenor MSW ‘06* Steve Wachs and Shirley Tse-Wachs § Arthur Waldinger and Gloria L. Waldinger MSW ‘67, DSW ‘79 Regina L. Wallace-Jones, MPP ‘67 Heather K. Ward MPP ‘04* Peter N. and Janet P. Wardwell* Bill Watanabe MSW ‘72 and Ruth Watanabe* Marian C. West LCSW MSW ‘86* Tom C. Whitney PhD ‘82* Joshua H. Widmann MA ‘06* Emily Carrie Williams ‘91, MPP ‘98 and Randall A. Scharlach MD ‘95 § Nell F. Wilson MSW ‘72 Elaine Wittert ‘09 and Alan Wittert § Andrew H. Wong ‘94 § Daniel T. Wong ‘00, MA ‘07* Marguerite S. Wood MSW ‘78* Pansy Yee MA ‘75 Mei-Yee Yick MA ‘81 and Alexander K. Woo* Celia Yniguez ’88, MA ’90 § Grace J. Yun ‘95* Limor Zimskind MA ‘98, MPP ‘02 and Lyle D. Zimskind JD ‘07 §

This listing reflects gifts, grants and new pledges made between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2012. If you have any corrections or questions, or would like to make a gift, please contact the School of Public Affairs Development Office at 310-206-4612 or


the board


Board Members

Board Members

Board Members

Dr. Susan F. Rice, MPA ’76 Senior Consulting Associate, Brakeley Briscoe

Michael S. Dukakis Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Northeastern University; Visiting Professor of Public Policy, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs

Randall Lewis Executive Vice President and Director of Marketing, Lewis Operating Corp.

Vicki Reynolds, BA ’58 Former Mayor, City of Beverly Hills

Vice Chairs Cynthia McClain-Hill, BA ‘78, JD ‘81 Managing Director, Strategic Counsel PLC Michael F. Fleming Executive Director, David Bohnett Foundation

David I. Fisher Chairman Emeritus, Capital Guardian Trust Company Jeffrey L. Glassman, BA ’69 Chief Executive Officer, Covington Capital Management Joanne Kozberg Partner, California Strategies, LLC; Former Regent, University of California David A. Leveton Director, Ann C. Rosenfield Fund

Meyer Luskin, BA ’49 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Scope Industries

Jeffrey Seymour, BA ‘73, MPA ‘77 President, Seymour Consulting Group

Michael Mahdesian, MA ‘83 Chairman, Servicon Systems

Annette Familian Shapiro President of the Board, Beit T’Shuvah

Noel Massie Vice President, Central California District, UPS

Steve Soboroff Managing Partner, Soboroff Partners

Maria Mehranian, MA ’86 Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer, Cordoba Corporation

Maureen Stockton Civic Leader

Byron K. Reed Senior Vice President, Los Angeles Community Development, Wells Fargo


LUSKIN Forum | WINTER 2013

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405 Hilgard Avenue


Los Angeles, CA 90095

events UCLA Luskin Lecture Series Presents

n Wednesday, January 23, 2013 UCLA Covel Commons 6:00 p.m. reception. 7:00 p.m. program

A Conversation with the Honorable

HOWARD DEAN Howard Dean is the former Governor of Vermont and the founder of Democracy for America

n Thursday, February 28, 2013

JANETTE SADIK-KHAN Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation UCLA Complete Streets for California 2013 Conference

Learn more at: Call (310) 206-8034 or email for further information


Lecture Series

The UCLA Luskin Lecture Series enhances public discourse on topics relevant to today’s societal needs. The Series features renowned thought leaders and brings together scholars alongside national and local leaders who are involved with issues that are changing the way our country addresses its most pressing problems. Lectures encourage interactive, lively discourse across traditional divides between the research, policy, and practitioner worlds. UCLA Luskin is committed to encouraging innovative breakthroughs in approaching the most formidable public policy challenges facing the nation.

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