Newsforum Winter 2010

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Faculty Profile: Ten Questions on Solar Power for J.R. DeShazo


Alumni Profile: Social Worker of the Year, SW Alumna Megan Berthold S Tudents: MSW Students Participate in Lobby Day in Sacramento P eople: Faculty, Students, and Alumni in the News

Fall/Winter 2011

NASW Social Worker of the Year, Megan Berthold PhD '98 Story on page 16

Megan Berthold of the Program for Torture Victims, front, with, from left, co-founder Ana Deutsch, executive director Julie Gutman, and co-founder Jose Quiroga.


SPRING 2010.

table of contents FeatureS

2 Milestones

� Rishwain Prize Awarded to Urban Planning Doctoral Students � County Contract Helps Fund Study of Homeboy Industries � Lewis Center Opens New Facility � Faculty Retirements

6 Findings


� Making L.A. a Leader in Cleantech � Counter-Narcotics Policy in Afghanistan May Benefit Insurgents, Analysis Finds � Center for Civil Society Releases Park Mesa Heights Report � Coalition Draws on UCLA Research in Campaign for Solar Energy Program

9 media highlights

� Tweet Scene

10 Recap

� Highlights from UCLA School of Public Affairs Events

14 Features


� Faculty Profile: Ten Questions for J.R. DeShazo � Alumni Profile: Megan Berthold, NASW Social Worker of the Year � Students: Social Welfare Lobby Days

21 People

� News, Notes, and Accolades from Faculty, Students, and Alumni

24 Support

� Faces of Fellowship: Danielle DeRuiter-Williams � Philanthropist Feature: David Bohnett � Our Generous Donors

19 A publication of

Dean Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr.

Minne Hong Ho, Executive Director of Communications


Assistant Editors

Seth Odell, Mohib Qidwai


Kristine Breese, Robin Heffler, Allison Hewitt, Cynthia Lee, Seth Odell


Craig Havens (cover image), Rich Schmitt, Todd Cheney/ASUCLA Photography


Escott Associates © Copyright 2011 UC Regents

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

BY Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Dean

We have had a very auspicious beginning to the 2010-2011 academic year. Our student body continues to reflect some of the most interesting and highly talented individuals from a wide range of academic and professional backgrounds. ‘For example, members of this year’s incoming class: � volunteered at a refugee camp in Lavrio, Greece, and assisted immigrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey and Kurdistan; � taught flute to inner city high school students in Chicago for the All City Band; � spent months in Zambia, at a small village working with preschool children and youth clubs; � served two tours in Iraq in the U.S. Army; � produced radio programs for National Public Radio (NPR); and � worked as a staff member of the late Senator Ted Kennedy. We look forward to the perspectives these individuals and all their classmates will bring to discussions and projects throughout the year. Last year, you may recall that we faced an unprecedented cut to state funding at UCLA and throughout the UC system. While this year’s prognosis warrants some cautious optimism on our part, there is no doubt that we have entered a different era of public higher education, one that requires all its constituents to think more creatively about forging partnerships that enhance mutual benefit, calling upon all our strengths as a community and investing in our strongest resource—our people. We are deeply appreciative of our faculty and staff for bringing together partnership opportunities with the U.S. Department of Justice, Zócalo Public Square, the Office of the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles

dean’s message

Business Council and the Los Angeles Urban League. We commend our students for the high level of professionalism and dedication they exhibit when representing their departments in these civic spheres— whether compiling research that supports sound policy decisions, providing counsel to individual or institutional clients, or advocating for a fair and equitable distribution of public goods and services. We are grateful to our generous supporters who have stepped up to the plate to help us continue our work. This past year, our benefactors have made it possible to: � renovate some of our most frequently used lecture spaces; � continue fellowships in order to remain competitive for the most qualified graduate students; � enhance our long-standing Senior Fellows program; and � provide flexible funding for new scholarly and critical growth projects. Now we are counting on you, our many alumni and friends, as we launch a new Career Center at the UCLA School of Public Affairs. This is an eagerly awaited resource that all three of our departments have long discussed, and I know we can count on your help to build the Career Center and broaden and extend our network of contacts across the professions, the region, and across the globe.




Two Urban Planning Students Change the World from Near and Far For two UCLA urban planning doctoral students, the chance to make a difference appeared on opposite ends of the Earth. Ava Bromberg spotted her opportunity just a dozen miles away and gave a low-income community near USC a voice in a development happening in their neighborhood. In contrast, John Scott-Railton found his opportunity in Senegal, where he’s working in rural villages to help the residents counteract devastating floods. What Bromberg and Scott-Railton have in common are recent $2,500 awards from Brian Rishwain, an alumnus and Los Angeles attorney active in underserved communities. His eponymous Rishwain Social Justice Entrepreneurship award sought to recognize UCLA students who brought an innovative, entrepreneurial spirit to social justice work. Rishwain coordinated with UCLA’s Center for Community Partnerships and led a campuswide search committee that coincidentally selected two students from the same graduate department in the School of Public Affairs. “I am thrilled because the two winners are graduate students from the Department of Urban Planning—not like we rigged it,” joked Public

John scott-railton, ava bromberg

Affairs Dean Frank Gilliam, at an award ceremony on May 17. “These two UCLA students have found novel and path-breaking ways to serve the broader community … They are advocates for justice. They are

local project, Rishwain said. “She recognized the need to give a voice to the low-income

change agents, people who recognize broader systemic constraints and

residents who were in danger of being displaced by USC’s expan-

actually try to do something about it.”

sion,” he said, eliciting a surprised laugh from the UCLA audience.

Gilliam praised Rishwain not just for encouraging UCLA’s mission of civic engagement, but also for supporting graduate students with an award that will help them continue their studies in the midst of

“She gave them a cohesive and powerful voice in the process. It was simple, yet incredibly innovative.” The idea was to expand the reach of community planning, Brom-

the recession. Because of his work representing the underserved in

berg said. Her research focuses on responsible development and

his law practice, highlighting those qualities was an important goal,

sustainable property investment.

Rishwain said. “The student applicants were incredibly impressive, both grad-

“Many of the families had been living there for over 30 years,” she said. “We’re seeing affordable family housing being replaced by

uate and undergraduate students from all over campus,” he said.

unaffordable student housing … It raises serious questions about

“They’re focusing not only on Westwood and our backyard but all

what any developers’ responsibilities are to the community where

the way to Senegal, Africa.”

they build, and what role the city should play in ensuring that all

Bromberg created a mobile planning lab designed to engage low-income residents in development decisions affecting their neighborhood. The converted camper brought neighbors and city planners together to look at maps and plans, and gave the residents a say in a


neighbors can benefit from long-awaited improvements to their neighborhood.” On the other side of the world, Scott-Railton tackled flooding problems in what he described as a “hell region” of Dakar, Senegal, where

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

the changes. In Senegal, he has coordinated with politicians, climate

County Contract Will Help Further UCLA Study of Homeboy Industries

scientists, academics and the community to design a plan to protect

Homeboy Industries, the

the slums from the flooding. Without a coordinated plan or help from

L.A.-based gang interven-

the government, the community had been building micro-dams that

tion program founded and

only made the flooding worse by trapping the water.

run by Father Gregory Boyle,

cycles of monsoons and drought transformed a million-resident urban slum from a desert into a lake. Scott-Railton studies urban vulnerability to climate change and the obstacles that communities face adapting to

“One man, a student from UCLA … became a catalyst for an entire

recently received a $1.3-

country to figure out how to tackle a devastating problem,” Rishwain

million contract from Los

said. “John has been able to create detailed topographical maps of the

Angeles County supervisors

flooded areas of Senegal. Combining the maps with data he obtained

to continue their program for at-risk youth. The contract will make it

from NASA and using sophisticated modeling formulas that he devel-

possible for Homeboy to hire 20 job trainees and provide services such

oped, he was able to create a model to apply to solve this problem.”

as tattoo removal and employment counseling to over 600 individuals.

Gaining support for his solution required him to think entrepre-

Additionally, Homeboy has decided to use a portion of the funds to

neurially and reach out to political, community and religious leaders,

contract with UCLA researchers currently involved in a 5-year longitu-

Scott-Railton said.

dinal study of the organization.

“Modest cooperation would dramatically reduce the danger of

The study, being performed by UCLA School of Public Affairs faculty

flooding,” he said. “I’ve worked to show the politicians how this

Jorja Leap, adjunct associate professor of social welfare, and Todd

problem can cost them votes. In the end, you always hope that your

Franke, associate professor of social welfare, marks the first time there

conclusions will trickle down into policy.”

has ever been a longitudinal evaluation of a gang intervention program.

The goal, he said, echoing the speakers who preceded him, is tangible change. It’s a goal that Dean Gilliam also voiced.

With analytical evidence of its effectiveness, Homeboy will be better equipped to secure future program funding. �

“I’ve been told over and over again by my staff that I’m corny for saying that the goal of the school … is to change the world,” Gilliam said. “One project at a time, one action at a time, one step at a time perhaps, but changing the world is what we’re after.” � —Alison Hewitt

Lewis Center Opening The Lewis Center opened its doors to over 70 friends and colleagues who came to tour the upgraded research suites, learn about upcoming initiatives and events, and meet the new executive team and the many people who have contributed to the Lewis Center over the years. The event marked the dedication of the “Professor Paul M. Ong Visiting

“ They’re focusing not only on Westwood and our backyard but all the way to Senegal, Africa.” —brian rishwain

Professor Suite” and also recognized the accomplishments of previous directors Allen Scott and Roger Waldinger. Featured highlights included the announcement of Access magazine, the new Center for Neighborhood Knowledge spatial analysis group, and the introduction of new advisory board members and faculty fellows. �


GANGS Intervention Strategies to Break the Cycle of Violence

Confirmed speakers include: m Louis Tuthill, social science analyst specializing in reducing gang

The UCLA Department of Social Welfare in the School of Public Affairs is proud to present "GANGS: Intervention Strategies to Break the Cycle of Violence" a 2010-2011 speaker series to address gang issues—both in Los Angeles and on a national scale— with special focus on current knowledge of gang operations, intervention strategies, effective support services and policy recommendations.

activity, illicit firearms trafficking, drug trafficking, and neighborhood community violence, National Institute of Justice (NIJ). (Scheduled for 10/19/2010) m Connie Rice, co-director of the Advancement Project Los Angeles, served as counsel to the leaders of the Watts gang truce; author of A Call to Action: A Case for a Comprehensive Solution to L.A.’s Gang Violence Epidemic. (Scheduled for 11/18/2010) m James C. (Buddy) Howell, senior research associate, National Youth Gang Center, former director of research and program development, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). (Scheduled for 1/13/2011) m Greg Boyle, S.J., founder and executive director, Homeboy Industries; author of Tattoos on the Heart. (Scheduled for 2/3/2011, noon) m Lee Baca, sheriff, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. (Scheduled for 3/31/2011) m Meda Chesney-Lind, feminist criminologist, editor of "Female Gangs in America." (Scheduled for 4/14/2011) m Bernard Warner, director of prisons, Washington State Department of Corrections; former chief deputy secretary for the Division of Juvenile Justice, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. (Parsons Foundation Lecture)

Please reserve your seat in advance by e-mailing or calling (310) 206-8034. To watch the live webcast or sign up for series information, visit


NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

milestones Faculty Retirements soon as she set foot in the door.

with a special tribute video to

the way issues of class, race,

Further, as it turned out, she was

Professor Robin Liggett on her

gender and sexuality intersect

twice department chair, while

retirement. By Professor Donald

with what he calls the spatiality

also maintaining a stellar record

Shoup’s calculations, Liggett

of social life and with the new

of research and teaching … I am

has taught the most planning

cultural politics of difference and

sure that others today will speak

students of any professor in the

identity that this generates.

of Arleen’s research and publica-

country. She teaches the two

In addition to his work

tions record—as well as her public

required quantitative courses

on urban restructuring in Los

and professional service—in

in the program, which consist

Angeles, Soja continues to write

detail. Obviously, her contribu-

of almost the entire incoming

on how social scientists and

tions to the literature and field

class of students each year. Even

philosophers think about space

of health economics are top of

though Liggett is retiring from

and geography, especially in

Professor Arleen Leibowitz, Public Policy

the line. What has always struck

the department, she plans to

relation to how they think about

me about Arleen’s contributions

continue to teach her classes for

time and history. He is author of

is that they are all “sensible.” By

years to come. �

Seeking Spatial Justice, (Univer-

Professor of public policy

that I mean that they deal with

sity of Minnesota Press, 2010)

Arleen Leibowitz celebrated

important questions and then

Postmetropolis: Critical Studies

her retirement at a reception

take you to a focus on what to do

of Cities and Regions (Oxford:

this past May that included

and/or on how to think. Arleen is

Basil Blackwell, 2000), Third-

remarks from her colleagues

part of the Blue Sky Group, as you

space: Journeys to Los Angeles

and friends throughout UCLA.

know—but she is not part of the

and Other Real-and-Imagined

Many shared fond remembrances

Pie in the Sky Group.” �

Places (Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

of Leibowitz’s scholarship, her

1996), The City: Los Angeles and

generosity with colleagues, and

Urban Theory at the End of the

her accomplishments during her

Twentieth Century (editor with

years as chair of the Department

Allen Scott) (Berkeley: University

of Public Policy, including Prof.

of California Press, 1996), and

Daniel Mitchell, who could not

Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical

written comments to be read.

Professor Ed Soja, Urban Planning

The following is an excerpt from

Professor Edward J. Soja, a

Press, 1989). �

his remarks:

Distinguished Professor at UCLA,

attend in person but sent his

“Arleen looked like a prime

has focused his research and

candidate (for chair of the Public

writing on urban restructuring

Policy Dept.) … indeed, Arleen did

in Los Angeles and more broadly on the critical study of cities

that role meant—although she

Professor Robin Liggett, Urban Planning

had some prior connections with

On the occasion of the Urban

studies of Los Angeles bring

UCLA—that she had to master the

Planning Department’s 40th

together traditional political

internal workings of the univer-

anniversary, the faculty, alumni,

economy approaches and recent

sity’s personnel system and its

students and friends of the

trends in critical cultural studies.

administrative vagaries almost as

department closed the evening

Of particular interest to him is

become a great chair. Taking on

Social Theory (London: Verso

and regions. His wide-ranging



Making L.A. a Leader In Cleantech

Counter-Narcotics Policy in Afghanistan May Benefit Insurgents, Analysis Finds

Despite efforts by City officials, Los Angeles is not yet perceived as a leader in cleantech. In hopes of better understanding why, a recent report supported by the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation

Could the counter-narcotics efforts of U.S. forces and their allies in Afghanistan actually make the insurgency worse? That’s the argument Mark A.R. Kleiman, UCLA professor of public policy, Jonathan Caulkins, a Carnegie Mellon University professor of operations research and public policy,

set out to understand the incentives offered to cleantech firms in competing cities, how Los Angeles’ incentives compare, and what, if any, new incentives the city should offer in order to increase its competitiveness as a site for cleantech firms. “Clean Technology in Los Angeles: Improving the City’s Competitiveness,” authored by UCLA School of Public Affairs students Kristina Bedrossian, Sarah Locher, Frank Lopez and Matthew O’Keefe (under the supervision of Professor Mark Peterson), uncovered strong potential for cleantech growth in Los Angeles, as the city offers strengths in manufacturing, industrial space and a large, skilled workforce. The report’s authors suggest the immediate implementation of several programs, including cleantech industry skill panels, a cleantech incubator, an enhanced website, partnerships with regional cleantech networks and demonstration projects. While these suggestions address particular weaknesses in Los Angeles, the report stresses that in order to increase the city’s overall competitiveness these programs must be combined strategically with other incentives. While the city is continually facing greater competition to become the hub of clean technology in the U.S., the report offers hope that by promoting development, aggressively targeting cleantech and working closely with firm leaders, Los Angeles may still be able to raise its profile among cleantech business owners. The report may be downloaded at �

and researcher Jonathan Kulick put forth in a recent report, “Drug Production and Trafficking, Counterdrug Policies, and Security and Governance in Afghanistan.” In their study, released by New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, the authors provide an applied economic analysis of the effect of the counter-narcotics policies, which challenge the current view that these initiatives benefit counterinsurgency efforts by cutting off revenue to insurgents. The researchers found that, contrary to much of what has been written on the subject, the counter-narcotics strategy is likely to aggravate the Afghan insurgency and to exacerbate corruption and criminal violence. The authors utilized microeconomic analysis of the likely consequences of various counter-narcotics strategies on both drug-market outcomes and the security and governance situation in Afghanistan. “Afghanistan supplies 90 percent of the illicit opium in the world. Nothing done in Afghanistan is likely to change that much or to shrink world demand,” Kleiman said. “When counter-narcotics efforts in Afghanistan succeed, the result is higher prices and the movement of the drug trade to insurgentheld areas. Why should we enrich our enemies?” The complete report can be downloaded at KleimanReport. �

Contrary to much of what has been written on the subject, the counter-narcotics strategy is likely to aggravate the Afghan insurgency and to exacerbate corruption and criminal violence.


NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

Center for Civil Society Releases Park Mesa Heights Report

BRINGING SOLAR ENERGY TO LOS ANGELES: An Assessment of the Feasibility and Impacts of an In-basin Solar Feed-in Tariff Program

In 2007, the Los Angeles Urban League (LAUL) announced the “Neighborhoods@Work” Initiative, a 5-year strategic plan designed to address issues related to education, employment, health, housing and safety in neighborhoods throughout South Los Angeles. The ultimate goal of LAUL’s initiative is to create a best practices model for sustainable neighborhood change that can be replicated in other urban communities across the nation. LAUL’s initial effort focuses on a 70-block area in the predominantly African American community of Park Mesa Heights. At the request of LAUL, the UCLA School of Public Affairs agreed to assist LAUL by assessing neighborhood level changes associated with the quality of life for stakeholders in Park Mesa Heights, as defined by LAUL. The project is critical to understanding the nature and magnitude of the problems facing stakeholders in Park Mesa Heights and to identify potential effective interventions. In addition, the project aligns with the UCLA School of Public Affairs’ goal to create greater capacity in monitoring changes and evaluating neighborhood progress by developing a framework for future neighborhood assessments. The analytical brief “Neighborhood Assessment of Park Mesa Heights” examines civic engagement, education, employment, housing and public safety in the Park Mesa Heights project area. Professor Paul Ong and School of Public Affairs students Linda Hui, Silvia Jimenez and Karissa Yee authored the assessment.

Coalition Draws on Ucla Research in Campaign for Solar Energy Program

A coalition of business, environmental and nonprofit organizations led by the Los Angeles Business Council (LABC) partnered with the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation to study the potential benefits of a solar “feed-in tariff” program in Los Los Angeles Business Council Study UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation Angeles. School of Public Affairs The Luskin Center’s first study on the subject, “Designing an Effective Feed-In Tariff for Greater Los Angeles,” was released in April and validated an ambitious feed-in tariff as one of the smartest investments Los Angeles can make to create a cost-effective, locally generated source of solar energy and grow the region’s green economy. Under the feed-in tariff system, homeowners, farmers, cooperatives and businesses in Los Angeles that install solar panels on homes or other properties could sell solar energy to public utility suppliers. The price paid for this renewable energy would be set at an above-market level that covers the cost of the electricity produced, plus a reasonable profit. “A feed-in tariff initiated in this city has the potential to change the landscape of Los Angeles,” said J.R. DeShazo, associate professor of public policy at the UCLA School of Public Affairs and director of the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation. “If incentivized appropriately, the program could prompt individual property owners and businesses to install solar panels on unused spaces, including commercial and industrial rooftops, parking lots, and residential buildings. Our projections show that the end result would be more jobs and a significant move to renewable energy with no net cost burden to the city.” Releasing a second study on the subject in July, “Bringing Solar Energy to Los Angeles: An Assessment of the Feasibility and Impacts on an In-Basin Solar Feed-In Tariff Program,” the Luskin Center conducted an in-depth survey of major local energy users, countywide mapping analysis of potential solar resources, and economic modeling. The report concludes that a feed-in tariff in Los Angeles could produce energy at a lower cost than the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s other potential sources over a 10-year period, while at the same time in partnership with the

providing program participants with a 5 to 7 percent return on their investment. Both studies are available for download at �

You can read the brief online at http://bit. ly/parkmesa. �


findings Faculty Books Social Services and the Ethnic Community by Alfreda Iglehart and Rosina Becerra As communities become more diverse, they want their own agencies to serve their people. Has this always been the case? How do existing service systems fit with ethnic service systems? Do these systems ever converge? Social welfare faculty Alfreda Iglehart and Rosina Becerra have updated the original 2000 edition that examined the history, evolution and current state of social services to ethnic communities in the United States. The newly available second edition of this volume provides updated sources and expanded discussions of ethnic and racial-group history in the United States. Revealing vital pieces to the puzzle of ethnic-sensitive practice and multicultural service delivery, this synthesis of existing empirical and theoretical literature, case studies and interviews with key informants is designed to empower social service providers to respond effectively to the needs of ethnic communities. �

Climatopolis: How Our Cities Will Thrive in the Hotter Future by Matthew Kahn Matthew Kahn, a UCLA Institute of the Environment professor with joint appointments in economics and public policy, is the author of a new book about adapting to global climate change. Climatopolis: How our Cities Will Thrive in the Hotter Future describes the transformations that will be caused by climate change and how humans and societies will adapt to and mitigate those changes. In the book, Kahn takes the optimistic view that while global warming could be catastrophic, “a small cadre of forward-looking entrepreneurs will be ready to get rich selling the next generation of products that will help us all to adapt,” and that “the story will have a happy ending.” The question, according to Kahn, is not how we’re going to avoid a hotter future, but how we’re going to adapt to it. �

Seeking Spatial Justice by Edward Soja Justice has a geography, argues Edward Soja, UCLA distinguished professor emeritus of urban planning, in his latest book Seeking Spatial Justice. Building on current concerns in critical geography and the new spatial consciousness, Soja explains that the equitable distribution of resources, services and access is a basic human right. Tracing the evolution of spatial Justice, which is the study of how fairly the world’s resources are spread geographically and what can be done to make that distribution more fair, Soja demonstrates how these ideas are now being applied through a series of case studies in Los Angeles, the city at the forefront of this movement. He focuses on such innovative labor–community coalitions as Justice for Janitors, the Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy and the Right to the City Alliance; on struggles for rent control and environmental justice; and on the role that faculty and students in the UCLA Department of Urban Planning have played in both developing the theory of spatial justice and putting it into practice. �


NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

tweet scene

Expert media commentary by faculty. Follow us at for the latest.

National News

Elections and Politics

CBS News consults Professor Michael Stoll regarding the increase of

NPR talks about the California Senate race and AB32 climate legislation with

poverty in the U.S. Albert Carnesale: “If deterrence doesn’t work and a nuclear device is detonated, how might the United States respond?” Pres. commissions, Amy Zegart on NPR: “almost worthless in terms of policy impact, but have tremendous political value” Could the counter-narcotics efforts by the U.S. in Afghanistan make the insurgency worse? Mark Kleiman reports findings.

Health “Alarming” lack of health insurance in San Joaquin Valley, as noted by UCLA Center for Health Policy Research: UCLA Center for Health Policy Research on uninsured amid Orange County suburban changes: Neal Halfon: “...changes in children’s metabolism tend to be compounded over time and become big changes in adults.” Neal Halfon shares thoughts on relationship between excessive weight gain during pregnancy and childhood obesity. Center for Health Policy Research reveals a Californian army of the uninsured: Mark Peterson talks to ABC News about a new comparison feature on

reference to Matthew Kahn. Dean Gilliam speaks to UCLA News Week about Shirley Sherrod, the Obama Administration, and the role of race. Paul Ong remarks the rising Indian Americans, including Public Policy Alumni Manan Trivedi, who are running for office: F. Gilliam in AZ Times: GOP hasn’t recovered from Prop 187. Immigration could trigger politicization of Latinos Can California legalize marijuana? Professor Mark Kleiman looks at legal obstacles in the Los Angeles Times. See what Matthew Kahn means when you add a “Prius factor” & “Obama factor” to the Red vs. Blue war on greenhouse gases. http://nyti. ms/9JECiJ

Labor and Employment Prof. Daniel J.B. Mitchell on California labor workers: “The unions are rolling the dice by not signing something now” Paul Ong comments to LA Times about why unemployment lasts longer for Asian Americans. Dan J.B. Mitchell writes (in the LA Business Journal): “What really matters to Californians is jobs.” Public Employee Unions: Are they out of line to roll back pensions? Daniel J.B. Mitchell provides prospective on KQED. Urban Planning professor & IRLE director Chris Tilly speaks to Air Talk’s


Larry Mantle regarding jobs of the future.

“If it [transportation] was all about the bottom line and the bottom line only, it would all be privately operated.” Brian Taylor remarks on planning and development challenges surrounding BART expansion towards San Jose: Parking Guru Donald Shoup featured in the LA Times: Cash-Out(s) at the University of Buffalo.


recap “ We are gutting out that middle class, partially because of housing prices, partially because of our education system and partially because we are encouraging businesses that do have those middle-class jobs to locate someplace else.”

Eric Garcetti:

Making City Business-Friendly Will Aid Its Economic Recovery by Cynthia Lee

An attitude of negativism

of our education system and

also prevails, he said. While

partially because we are encour-

The City of Los Angeles is

many people are eager to say

aging businesses that do have

facing its most difficult fiscal

“no” to an idea or a proposed

those middle-class jobs to locate

challenge in 80 years, said Los

building project, Garcetti said,

someplace else,” he said.

Angeles City Council President

“we have lost our way to saying

Eric Garcetti. Crippled by a

‘yes,’ to saying what we stand

ness in L.A., for example, entre-

$450 million deficit this fiscal year

for and learning how to compro-

preneurs must navigate their

and facing a $500 million deficit

mise to move things forward.”

way through a tangle of govern-

Garcetti, who attended

ment red tape. It’s a bureaucracy

next year, the city faces the pros-

In order to start a new busi-

pect of eliminating 4,000 posi-

Corinne A. Seeds University

that is “not user-friendly, not

tions—the equivalent to one in

Elementary School (now UCLA

inviting and not customer-

every three civilian employees.

Lab School) as well as law school

focused,” he said.

In an April 15 talk before an

here, is serving his third term as

To help the city attract and

ERic Garcetti

overflow audience in a School

a councilmember representing

retain businesses that generate

of Public Affairs classroom,

the 13th Council District, which

jobs, Garcetti cited his fight to

taxing businesses in Los Angeles,

Garcetti laid out some of the

includes Hollywood, Atwater

reduce the city’s gross receipts

whether or not they made

most pernicious problems that

Village, the Wilshire Center,

tax and his push for a new tax

money. It wasn’t an income

are undermining L.A.’s efforts

Silver Lake and Echo Park. A

classification for Internet compa-

tax.” This has put an additional

to recover from the Great Reces-

former Rhodes Scholar at Oxford

nies as two key efforts.

burden on entrepreneurs and

sion and highlighted some strat-

University, he has been elected

egies to address them.

and reelected president of the

ment take advantage of a little-

for cities with more generous

city council three times.

used law, Garcetti was able to

terms. A few years ago, he led a

get the gross receipts tax waived

fight that resulted in the council

“Right now, I feel that Los Angeles is having a crisis of

To regain its economic

By helping Nielsen Entertain-

motivated them to leave L.A.

confidence,” said Garcetti,

footing, he said, the city

for the firm for a few years,

exempting the city’s smallest

whose talk was sponsored by

needs to do two things: Los

providing it with the key break

businesses from paying the tax.

the school and by the UCLA

Angeles needs to become a

it needed to make a move to

Burkle Center for International

more welcoming place for busi-

Hollywood financially feasible.

legislation that was passed last

Relations. “We don’t know

nesses and a friendlier place

As a result, Nielsen brought to

month by the City Council that

who we are anymore. This used

for workers. Currently, the city

the city 500 jobs that average

cut business taxes for Internet-

to be a place where we never

sustains a “barbell” economy,

$70,000 a year. It’s brought new

based firms after some compa-

questioned that we could do

where the 300 wealthiest indi-

housing and new businesses to

nies threatened to leave the city.

anything.” In fact, many Ange-

viduals have the combined

the neighborhood, including

“They said, ‘We’re an Internet

lenos believe traffic congestion,

wealth of the 3 million poorest.

restaurants, a bookstore and a

company. We can be anywhere.

Trader Joe’s.

We don’t need to be in L.A.,’ ”

dirty air and still-high housing

“We are gutting out that

costs are intractable problems

middle class, partially because of

that the city can’t solve.

housing prices, partially because


By imposing a gross receipts tax, he explained, “we were

Garcetti also authored

he said. “So we created a new tax category that will keep more

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

of them here in Los Angeles.” Garcetti said the city needs to do more to train a workforce to fill jobs that are in growing areas. At one time, Kaiser and other health-care companies had stopped advertising for nurses and nurse assistants in Los Angeles “because we were producing so few people with those skills. We weren’t providing a career path for people to enter those areas.” So the city set up a program that trained people to occupy entry-level positions in health

Clockwise from top left: 2009 Regents lecturer Cecilia Estolano MA ’91; Professor Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris; Alumni Stan Hoffman BA ’66, MA graduate of the inaugural class of 1971, and Norman Wong BS ’02; and Reggie Chappel MA ’92.

care. Once they were employed, the program helped them advance along a career ladder.

40 Years of Urban Planning at UCLA

Fueled by a $3.6 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, this program will now become a model to train people for other industries where job growth is expected. There is still much for the city to do in terms of controlling pension costs, health-care costs and employee perks, he said. “Will we be able to say not only what we want, but what we will give up to get there? If we do, this city will be unmatched in the world. This will be the Los Angeles to come if we can make those decisions,” he said. �

The Department of Urban Planning at UCLA hosted a day-long event celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding of the program. On May 1, 2010, hundreds of alumni, friends, faculty and current students gathered on campus to enjoy scholarly and social activities. The student planning organization, BruinPlanners, reported on the event: “The day started off with a panel discussion on the history of the program. Panelists included professors and distinguished students from all decades of the program (see the full list below). Professor John Friedmann (the first chair of the program) and Stanley Hoffman (from the first graduating class in 1971) were there. Mr. Hoffman pointed out that there were only 17 students in the graduating class of '72; now we have over 60 each year. In total, 2,500 students have graduated from the program over the years. “The day continued with a great speech and discussion from distinguished graduate Cecilia Estolano. She outlined a plan for progressive economic development that includes higher paying green jobs. “After closing remarks from Professor Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, the event moved on to the reception and dinner. Activities included a funny and well done musical performance by current students Dan Caroselli, Lindsey Hilde and Madeline Brozen; with lyrics from D. Gregg Doyle. A game show spin on the Price is Right, complete with a showcase showdown, was hosted by current students Jeremy Cogan, Caroline Park and Michele Go.” The occasion also celebrated the career of Professor Robin Liggett, who retired from the department at the end of the 2009-2010 academic year. �



Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) Brings Transportation Finance Solutions to Sacramento Legislative Community by Robin Heffler

Responding to the state crisis in financing transportation systems in California, the Institute of Transportation Studies delivered three educational workshops in Sacramento to legislative staff and aides, to promote understanding and evaluation of transportation finance options for the state. Speakers included government leaders, experts in transportation and finance from academic and research institutions, and senior level administrators from state agencies. This three-part series of workshops, “Financing California’s Transportation System: Strategies for Moving from Crisis to Stability,” explored the current state of transportation finance, offered and evaluated various options, and set a roadmap for responding to and leading the way out of our state’s current fiscal crisis. “The key to the success of this series was that it was the right mix of academics and real-world practitioners,” said Carrie Cornwell, chief consultant for the California Senate’s Transportation and Housing Committee. “Having them all in the same room at the same time talking about the same topic created a lot of opportunity for insight.” Allison Yoh, associate director of the Lewis Center and the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies, said the series was needed because “For decades, traditional sources of revenue, like the gasoline tax have been falling woefully short, and there has been no political will to raise them. Instead, we have resorted to an ad hoc system of borrowing, bonding and relying on local sales tax options to make up for the shortfall.” These stop-gap public funding measures, she said, are not keeping up with needs that include construction and maintenance of highways, improvements in the efficient and safe transport of goods, and the expansion of mass transit operations and infrastructure. “We’ve resorted to a series of Band-Aids that haven’t addressed the underlying issue, which is the need for a stable system of finance,” said Yoh, who moderated a discussion during the introductory session. “And, these problems have become more evident in an economic downturn.”


“Financing California’s Transportation System: Strategies for Moving from Crisis to Stability,” explored the current state of transportation finance, offered and evaluated various options, and set a roadmap for responding to and leading the way out of our state’s current fiscal crisis. Brian Taylor, director of the UCLA Institute of Transportation and associate director of the Lewis Center, was a featured speaker in the second session of the series, which concentrated on obstacles and opportunities for sustainable financing. He gave an overview of the pros and cons of the four primary transportation options: raising fuel taxes, increasing subsidies (particularly localoption sales taxes), seeking bonds, and instituting user fees and tolls. Included was whether the methods had been successful and reliable in the past, the level of difficulty and speed in implementation, the impact on the public’s transportation choices and the environment, and previous public reaction. “A good transportation-finance system would be simple to implement and administer, widely perceived as fair, encourage growth and sustainability, and reflect and positively influence travel behavior,” Taylor said. “Deciding which system to choose, however, is not so simple. Yet doing nothing may be the worst option of all.” The third session focused on the path forward. Susan J. Binder, former majority senior policy advisor for the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and former senior policy official for the U.S. Department of Transportation, discussed federal transportation funding: the likelihood of it continuing, what form it should take, and how extensive it should be, given the federal government’s own fiscal difficulties. She stressed the need for a bipartisan solution, and that there is now “an historic opportunity to revolutionize” federal transportation programs. To view recorded video of the workshops and access other related material, visit �

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson Delivers Commencement Address With a personal anecdote from UCLA legend John Wooden, Mayor Kevin Johnson delivered remarks to the MPP, MSW, MA and PhD students of the UCLA School of Public Affairs, "When I think about social

The Reunion of Davis and Simon

welfare, urban planning and

On April 22, 2010, former political rivals Bill Simon and Gray Davis took

language," remarked the Sacra-

part in a unique public conversation about the current political and

mento mayor, philanthropist, and

economic climate of California. The discussion was moderated by Jim

former NBA star-turned-entrepre-

Newton of the Los Angeles Times. All three participants are fellows of

neur. "What you are doing and what

the School of Public Affairs. �

you have decided to do with your life is so purposeful already, and I am

public policy, we speak the same

one to say that it is going to get better." Johnson, who is the 55th mayor of Sacramento, is also the first native Sacramentan and the first African American to be elected to the office. His vision is for Sacramento to become “a city that works for everyone.” Johnson’s dedication to public service began long before he started his tenure as mayor. Upon retiring from the NBA after 12 seasons with the Phoenix Suns in 2000, he returned to his Oak Park neighborhood in Sacramento to serve as the CEO of St. HOPE, a nonprofit community development organization he founded in 1989 to revitalize inner-city communities through public education, economic development, civic leadership and the arts. Johnson, who earned his undergraduate degree in political science from UC Berkeley, was a John Wooden Achievement Award winner and closed the 2010 ceremonies with a story about the legendary

Artists and Athletes Alliance and UCLA Collaborate on Game Change

Bruins coach that brought the audience in Royce Hall to its feet. "The last time I was in L.A. talking to John Wooden, I asked him for words to live by, and for the first time ever I had him stumped. So

On March 11, 2010, Dean Frank Gilliam (center) moderated a discussion

he thought about it, and then he turned to me and said 'Kevin, if you

with the authors of the nonfiction bestseller, Game Change, hosted

really want to do something significant, if you really want to do all the

by the organization Artists and Athletes Alliance. Political journalists

things you're talking about doing, here's all you need to know.' And

and authors Mark Halperin (left) and John Heilemann (right) provided

he paused: 'Help others.'"

insight into the politics and personalities on the trail of the 2008 presidential campaign. �

The full commencement video can be downloaded from iTunes U at �


faculty profile

Ten Questions for Professor J.R. DeShazo:

The Unused Capacity of Solar Power J.R. DeShazo, the director of UCLA’s Luskin Center for Innovation and an associate professor of public policy, describes himself as an environmental economist. Most recently, he turned his focus to how Los Angeles can create policies that will encourage Angelenos to turn their rooftops into a glittering sea of solar panels. His research formed the basis of L.A.’s new solar plan. DeShazo sat down with UCLA Today writer Alison Hewitt to explain how solar could save L.A.


J.r. Deshazo

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

BY Alison Hewitt, UCLA today

Environmental economist J.R. DeShazo’s recent research is the basis of Los Angeles’ new solar power policy. DeShazo explains how solar can provide up to a third of L.A.’s energy, without costing a bundle. Why bother with solar energy? Solar power is completely underutilized in Los Angeles. All the unused capacity—on business rooftops, on top of parking lots, in fields—adds up to 5.5 gigawatts, which could meet about a third of L.A.’s energy needs. California is a leader in solar, thanks to state and federal subsidies, but Los Angeles’ Department of Water and Power still gets 44 percent of its energy from coal. That’s a lot for California.

So why haven’t more rooftops begun sprouting solar panels already? The biggest obstacle to increasing the availability of solar energy right now is the cost of solar panels. They’re still really expensive. The price is beginning to fall, but for now, government incentives are vital to make the cost of solar panels pan out.

Your solution is a program called feed-in tariffs, which would raise utility rates a little bit so the city could create a solar fund. The fund would help volunteers afford solar panels and actually hook them up to the grid so that we could all use the power they generate. Is this a new program?

Why would companies want to enter the solar power business and sell clean energy to the city? Because the feed-in tariff system would provide a “reasonable rate of return”—a small profit. Solar power is still too expensive to pan out economically for most people, but if we buy it from feed-in tariff providers the same way we buy it from utility companies, they can make their money back. The city would buy the solar power for a slightly above-market rate using its solar fund.

Why would residents agree to pay a little more for power just so their neighbors or local companies could earn a profit selling them solar power? Solar is the only renewable energy program that produces jobs in L.A. Wind farms will be elsewhere. Geothermal energy sources are far away. But we have a massive amount of unused solar capacity right here in Los Angeles. We’re also known as the nation’s most polluted city. A solar power program can change the way we’re perceived and how Los Angeles thinks about itself. Los Angeles has very ambitious renewable energy targets, but we’re struggling to meet them. This plan was designed to help Los Angeles meet its renewable energy goals with the lowest possible impact to ratepayers.

Variations on feed-in tariffs are being used around the world, from Japan and Spain to Florida and Vermont. Germany’s feed-in tariff program is the best known. But when I studied these other programs, it was discouraging. No one else’s policy was right for Los Angeles. They were all too expensive.

The details are still being negotiated at City Hall, but the mayor is using our research as the basis for his solar policy.

How did you design a solar feed-in tariff program that would be affordable?

How could the energy landscape change if solar becomes as widespread as you hope?

One big change from other programs is that we have to target commercial customers, not residential customers.

This could change everything. So many people will have solar that we won’t need the Department of Water and Power—well, except on rainy days. There will be a big shift from energy delivery to energy reliability. Actually, it threatens power utilities’ business model, which is centered on production and transmission, not on distribution from sources all over the city. Power generation would become a public-private partnership.

What makes commercial buildings better? Businesses have larger rooftops and parking lots where you can install large banks of solar panels. Existing feed-in tariff programs have focused on residential rooftops, but you miss all the economies of scale that way. Federal tax subsidies can help reduce the cost, but only if you’re already paying a lot of taxes, as a company would. We want to include homeowners, nonprofits, schools and hospitals, but commercial properties have to be the main target.

How is your research being used by Los Angeles?

What made you decide to research solar power policy? The Luskin Center’s focus for our first three years is on environmental sustainability. Our mission is solving regional problems, local problems where we can have the biggest impact. We identify problems that need to be solved and look for a partner, like the City of Los Angeles, who can benefit from our research.


alumni profile

by minne hong ho

Social Worker of the Year Megan Berthold and the

Program for Torture Victims As a UCLA doctoral student in social welfare in the 1990s, Megan Berthold made a series of connections in Los Angeles that literally changed the course of her life’s work. “I was in the doctoral program at UCLA and was doing my dissertation with Cambodian refugees,” she recalls, “and doing a study on the impact of torture and a whole host of traumas on Cambodian adolescents refugees and their parents, when I was invited by a colleague to the home of Ana Deutsch, who we had heard was doing a lot of work with survivors of torture.” Ana Deutsch, a psychoanalyst from Argentina who had escaped during the country’s “dirty war,” and colleague Jose Quiroga, a physician who survived the brutal Pinochet regime in his native Chile, had both fled their homelands during state-sponsored torture and had worked with other survivors of torture in their home countries. After immigrating to the U.S., they had continued their counseling work, started a volunteer network, and eventually were asked by Amnesty International to document the evidence of torture of the survivor population. That single night of introductions was the starting point for an enormously successful collaboration, leading to Berthold’s long-term involvement with the Program for Torture Victims (PTV), a Los Angeles-based nonprofit that provides services to more than 300 survivors from over 65 countries annually. >>

Megan Berthold is the director of research for the Program for Torture Victims, and the co-chair of the research and data committee of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment. In recognition for her longstanding dedication and accomplishments, Berthold was named as the 2009 Social Worker of the Year by the National Association of Social Workers.

“After that night, I called Ana up and said, ‘I’ve been so intrigued since I met you and would really like to volunteer,” she recalls. “At that point, we were a completely volunteer network when I started seeing clients—doing the forensic work, providing expert witness testimony, and providing psychotherapy. Then I helped write our first federal grant that enabled us to actually get our very first office as the Program for Torture Victims (PTV) and hire staff.” Twelve years later, Berthold is now the director of research for PTV, and the co-chair of the research and data committee of the National Consortium of Torture Treatment Programs. In recognition for her longstanding dedication and accomplishments, Berthold

was named as the 2009 Social Worker of the Year by the National Association of Social Workers and honored during a national ceremony this past spring in Washington, D.C.

From Vermont to Nepal to Los Angeles Originally from Vermont, Berthold first developed an interest in working with survivors of traumatic experiences right out of college. When she finished her undergraduate degree at Harvard, she followed an older sibling’s footsteps and went to Nepal to work with Tibetan refugees. She continued her work with refugees while earning her MSW degree from the University of Utah, and in her second year completed her field work with the Indo-Chinese Psychiatry Clinic in Boston (now the

Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma.) After completing her MSW, Megan returned to Asia for three years, continuing to work with refugees and displaced persons in Southeast Asia. Over the course of her work with PTV, Berthold has seen the dynamics of working with refugee populations change over the years. “When the organization first started, many of the clients were from Latin America,” says Berthold, “and then in the 80s and 90s we saw a wave of clients from Africa. Right now, we are seeing more of a mix. Now we serve sizable numbers of clients from different countries in Asia, the Middle East, a lot of folks from the former Soviet Union, and many are also continuing to come from Mexico, Central America and South America.”

“And post-9/11, the process of going through the asylum process takes a lot longer than it used to,” Berthold remarks. “When I first started doing work with PTV, on average, you’d get things resolved within a year. Now it takes that long if you’re lucky, but now it could take anywhere from three to five years, and in some cases, as long as 12 or 15 years or longer.”

Combining Research and Practice The work of PTV encompasses a range of support services for survivors of torture, ranging from writing assessments on the psychological and physical conditions of clients in support of their asylum cases, to training lawyers and mental health professionals. For example, Berthold recently conducted a training session for a branch of the Department of Homeland Security about adjudicating individuals who, because of significant health or mental health disability are not able to complete their naturalization exams. In addition to counseling clients, Berthold’s focus includes research and policy, trainings, and teaching. continued on the following page


alumni profile

Megan Berthold

“Our clients are highly resilient people in general,

continued FROM THE PREVIOUS page

and I continually feel very inspired by the clients

“I’m glad I have the chance to span the different levels of social work,” she says, “which I really enjoy because each part informs the other.” Working in a national consortium of 30 freestanding organizations in a project housed at the Oregon Health Sciences University, Berthold is working with colleagues to collect data on torture survivors, a hard-to-reach population with origins in more than 150 countries. “The data is really important because it informs and supports policy, and in our case, specific legislation, like the Refugee Protection Act that has recently been introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy,” says Berthold. “There are some significant reforms proposed to the refugee law that also covers asylum. And one thing that fits in specifically with our work is the elimination of an existing rule that one has to apply for

that I work with—the creativity, the problem-solving skills, the perspective on life, when they seem to have lost everything.”

asylum within your first year in the U.S.” A time frame that many torture survivors, for trauma-related reasons, let slip by. “We have clients who may have been tortured repeatedly over a long period of time, in many cases sexually-related torture, and they get here and they’re in shock. They’re profoundly depressed. They may be grappling with suicide. They don’t even want to know if they want to be alive and so, starting the asylum process, especially if the application itself asks you to revisit the experience in quite a bit of detail, that can be a very retraumatizing process,” explains Berthold.

Remaining Resilient

program for torture victims


The gravity of the experiences of PTV clients are difficult to recount and often difficult to listen to, even for experienced social workers. When asked how she finds and keeps her balance in

her work, Berthold recounts how every professional who enters this work confronts issues of vicarious trauma, which can be triggered by even reading a written record of mock executions, multiple serious traumas, and murders of loved ones. “If you want to stay in this type of work, as I’ve chosen to do,” she advises, “you need to build a self-care plan and revisit that periodically. Although,” she adds, “this kind of work isn’t for everyone.” At the same time, the flip side of the vicarious trauma experience can be “vicarious resilience.” As she describes it, “Our clients are highly resilient people in general, and I continually feel very inspired by the clients that I work with—the creativity, the problem-solving skills, the perspective on life— when they seem to have lost everything.” “It helps to put one’s own day-to-day challenges in perspective and makes you say, ‘Well, I can get through

this.’ And so it can rub off in a positive way.” Over the course of her 23 years working with survivors of torture and other state-sponsored terror, Megan Berthold has found ways to keep this work deeply enriching in many ways, all while supporting survivors of torture to rebuild their lives and safely reunite with their families, and she contributes to research that supports sound, humane public policy. �

“[This type of work] helps to put one’s own day-to-day challenges in perspective and makes you say, ‘Well, I can get through this.’ And so it can rub off in a positive way.”

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

by Kristine Breese


There’s a reason it’s called

“social work.” That’s what a few dozen master of social welfare (MSW) students from UCLA’s School of Public Affairs learned during a recent trip to Sacramento. They headed north to participate in the annual Lobby Days effort organized and supported by the state and local chapters of the National Association of Social Workers. continued on the following page>>

“It could rain or snow on us social workers, but our passion and commitment to social justice will help us stand together and fight until the end.” —Carlos Amador

MSW Students Advocate for Clients in Sacramento


students “ While walking to lunch after the rally, an older man stopped and read the sign I was holding: ‘Value our Seniors!’ He asked, ‘How much am I worth?’ I paused for a second and said, ‘Do you really want me to put a price on you?’ He laughed. ‘Priceless!’ I yelled while we continued on our respective ways.” —Alice Xiao

MSW Students Advocate for Clients in Sacramento continued FROM THE PREVIOUS page

“It was fun,” says MSW candidate Ahmanise Sanati, “but it was also a lot of work. We prepared for months, “We have to speak up on behalf studied up on the issues and of our clients and our future laws that we wanted to advoclients. Not only do we need to cate for, figured out which help them when we’re working legislators we wanted to talk with them one-on-one, we have to, and then had to rehearse to help change and impact the and practice to make our best larger system so that it’s not impression.” Sanati was the stacked against those who are 2010 student coordinator for most vulnerable. Lobbying is the trip and also helped orgasimply telling the people we nize fundraising projects to elected what we think.” cover costs, such as transporta—Ahmanise Sanati tion, snacks, paint and poster board. “We had bake sales, sold t-shirts, you name it.” It’s a far cry from the tony, wing-tipped world of “K Street,” the thoroughfare in the nation’s capital that is home to many high-priced lobbying firms. “The official name of the project has changed to Legislative Days,” Sanati reports. “I guess lobbying got a bad name.” She says she thinks people shy away from the word “lobby” because it has gotten a bad rap as a way that people horse-trade for votes, but she’s seen firsthand that lobbying is, in fact, the very stuff of democracy. “We have to speak up on behalf of our clients and our future clients. Not only do we need to help them when we’re working with them one-on-one, we have to help change and impact the larger system so that it’s not stacked against those who are most vulnerable. Lobbying is simply telling the people we elected what we think.” Sanati’s classmate and colleague, Sheila Modir, a first-year MSW student agrees. “Whether you’re in interested in ‘micro’ or


‘macro’ social work, all of us must be advocates.” Modir explains that ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ are distinct and important terms in their field of study and that students declare whether they’re going to be pursuing work with individual clients (micro) or policymaking (macro) as early as when they apply for admission. “But either way, we all need to know how to do this. Really, all Americans should know how to do this.” Modir says she heard about the opportunity early in the year and was further convinced to participate after a course on the history of social work. “It got me thinking, ‘who were the people that worked on some of our most important laws, who were the ones that fought for funding for our most important programs?’ I realized it was probably someone just like me.” In fact, the Legislative Days crew can already point to the success of their efforts. Less than a month after their trip to Sacramento, all three bills that they advocated for in meetings with lawmakers had moved successfully forward. Says Renee Garett, another student and lobbyist, “It was amazing and extremely inspiring that they (the lawmakers) actually listened to us, but they did and it felt great.” Garett will be assuming the lead coordinating role for Legislative Days next year, following in Sanati’s footprints. She says the experience has already changed the way she views her studies—and the work she plans to do after graduation. “I think a lot of us came to school thinking this job, the work of lobbying and policymaking, was someone else’s responsibility. But now we know it is ours. Not only do we speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, we also speak up for ourselves and our profession.” �

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011


infighting the speaker of Parlia-

MEGAN HOLMES (who entered

documentary on nuclear

ment was ousted and the prime

MSW/PhD program in the fall of

nonproliferation and the

minister was fired (though he

2006) reports that she has been

ever-present threat of nuclear

has refused to step down), and

awarded a two-year disserta-

weapons. According to the

soon afterward the minister of

tion fellowship from the Quality

film, the danger stems from

defense resigned, accusing the

Improvement Center on Early

the changing balance of power

government not only of incompe-

Childhood. Megan received

and the ability of terrorists and

tence but also of trying to assas-

her BA in psychology from San

rogue nations to acquire or

sinate him.”

Diego State University in 2004.

manufacture weapons. Inter-

Before entering the combined

views inluded 100 international

MSW/PhD program in 2006,

nuclear experts and policy

she coordinated a National

leaders such as Jimmy Carter,


Institutes of Health / National

Tony Blair, James Baker and

term as president of the Cali-

Institute on Alcohol Abuse

Mikhail Gorbachev.

fornia Chapter of the National

and Alcoholism–funded study

Carnesale, who has a PhD

Association of Social Workers.

examining environmental risk

in nuclear engineering, holds

In a written address to her

and protective factors related to

professorial appointments in

constituency group, Oliveri

college students’ heavy drinking,

UCLA's School of Public Affairs

encouraged social workers to

intoxication and alcohol related

and Henry Samueli School

vote in the November 2010 elec-

problems. Her current research

of Engineering and Applied

tions, “study the issues that we

interests include focusing on

Science. Earlier in his career,

face, considering social work

the identification of the role of

he represented the United

values, ethics and constitu-

MICHAEL STOLL, professor and

alcohol in the etiology of child

States in high-level negotia-

ents as you make decisions …

chair of public policy at the UCLA

maltreatment and neglect.

tions on defense and energy

and become involved in some

School of Public Affairs, spoke

issues, including the Strategic

action, small or large, around

with the CBS Evening News

Arms Limitation Talks, SALT I.

one of the issues in this election

regarding new U.S. census data

He has been increasingly called

cycle that really concerns you.”

on an increase in the poverty

upon by the government for his

rate—from 13.2 percent to 15.0

expertise on public policy issues


percent—which was released

that have scientific and tech-

a former international affairs

just weeks before the midterm

nological dimensions. He also

fellow at the Council on Foreign

elections. Stoll took a closer look

serves on President Obama's

Relations, recently published an

at the record jump, the highest

Blue Ribbon Commission on

editorial on preventing the rise of

single-year increase since the

America’s Nuclear Future to

terrorist groups in Somalia in The

government began calculating

conduct a comprehensive

New York Times (July 24, 2010):

poverty figures in 1959. View a

review of policies for managing

“Nobody, from the White

the country’s current and future

video interview with Prof. Stoll

House to the African Union,

on the subject at

CNN's Brooke Anderson spoke

stockpile of nuclear waste. View

can believe that the ineffectual


with professor and former

the video at

transitional government has

UCLA Chancellor ALBERT


any hope of governing Somalia.

CARNESALE about the release

During the latest round of

of Countdown to Zero, a

continued on following page >>



Scholar, is an assistant professor

book was completed under the

social work services and to the

at the University of Minnesota

auspices of the Center for Civil

career development of young

School of Social Work, where she

Society in the School of Public

social workers and particularly

conducts research on efforts to

Affairs. This volume, the product

to those who will work in Asian

improve quality of life, increase

of a three-year project supported

mental health settings.” SSG has

health literacy, and reduce cancer

by the Aspen Institute’s program

been a leading AANHPI mental

care disparities among elderly

on the Nonprofit Sector and

health provider in Los Angeles

Asian American immigrants and

Philanthropy, provides the most

since 1987 and includes the Asian

other elderly populations.

thorough effort ever to assess

Pacific Counseling and Treatment

the impact and significance of

Centers, a network of API outpa-

The endowed chair funds researchers and scholars who

the nation’s large foundations.

tient clinics serving over 2,500 API

want to pursue projects that

In it, leading researchers explore

consumers annually.


will further knowledge and

how foundations have shaped—

the UCLA Department of Social

understanding about aging and

or failed to shape—each of the

Welfare, was ranked among

its effects on people. Dr. Lee has

key fields of foundation work.

the top five scholars in terms of

been studying aging for more

American Foundations takes the

the number of HIV/AIDS-related

than 20 years, focusing on the

reader on a wide-ranging tour,

publications (39) and number

quality of life and care among

evaluating foundation efforts in

one in the number of citations

elderly immigrants and refu-

education, scientific and medical

(1,177), as reported in the

gees. Holding the chair will give

research, health care, social

article “HIV/AIDS Scholarship:

her the opportunity to pursue

welfare, international relations,

An Analysis of Groundbreaking

a community-based participa-

arts and culture, religion, and

Programs and Individuals”

tory research project that will

social change.

in the journal Social Work in

examine health literacy—specifi-

Health Care.

cally cancer literacy and pertinent


screening behaviors—among

’92 executive director of Special


more than 300 times since 1994.

elders in the Hmong commu-

Service for Groups, was recently

ciate professor and vice chair

The authors Anthony P. Natale

nity in the Twin Cities area. The

awarded the Joseph Nunn

of the Department of Social

and Donald Baker noted that

long-term goal of the project

Alumnus of the Year Award

Welfare, has been appointed to

Schilling had collaborated with

is to create effective, culturally

by the Department of Social

the newly created Los Angeles

other influential HIV researchers

competent and community-based

Welfare. He is described by faculty

Commission for Community and

and found that UCLA was

interventions that increase cancer

member Mary Kay Oliveri as “a

Family Services. The commis-

fourth among schools of social

screening and ultimately improve

major player in the Mental Health

sion represents a consolidation

work in publications and second

the health and well-being of

Contractors Association, the DMH,

of the former commission on

in citation counts.

elder Hmong refugees.

and in innovation and expansion

Children, Youth and Their Fami-

of mental health services across

lies and the Citizens' Unit for

One of his papers was cited

HEE YUN LEE MSW ’99, PhD ’06

HELMUT K. ANHEIER, professor

the Southern California area. He

Participation board, and it serves

has been named Fesler-Lampert

of public policy and social

is well respected and sought after

in an advisory capacity to the

Chair in Aging Studies by the

welfare, co-edited the new book

for consultation, teaching, super-

Mayor, City Council and General

University of Minnesota Center

American Foundations: Roles

vision, mentoring and support

Manager of the Community

on Aging. Dr. Lee, a former Hart-

and Contributions,” published

by many. He has remained dedi-

Development Department of the

ford Geriatric Social Work Faculty

by the Brookings Institution. The

cated to the advancement of

City of Los Angeles. Specifically,


NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

STAY IN TOUCH! Drop us a line at and let us know what you, your classmates, and colleagues are up to. the commission provides advice

cipal gatekeeper for advancing

about crime prevention and law

on how the City of Los Angeles

training and guidance, I couldn't

“Without your former

theoretical and empirical work

enforcement for criminals who

should use four entitlement

have become who I am today.

in planning. For more than 70

deal in human trafficking and

grants to address the needs

More importantly, thank you for

years, the quarterly journal has

labor bondage. While on the West

of low- to moderate-income

believing in me and letting me

published research, commen-

Coast leg of their visit, the delega-

people. These grants, totaling

stay at UCLA ‘forever’ to finish

taries and book reviews useful to

tion was hosted in Los Angeles

more than $100 million, are:

my PhD. Gerontology is a rapidly

practicing planners, policymakers,

by Professor Abel Valenzuela and

Community Development Block

developing field in Taiwan

scholars, students and citizens of

Professor Fernando Torres-Gil.

Grant (CDBG) funding for Public

because Taiwan has the fastest

urban, suburban and rural areas.

Services (including Community

aging population rate in the

With a subscriber base of nearly

Based Development Organiza-

world (equal to Korea). Now I

10,000, JAPA publishes only peer-

tions), Economic Development,

feel a great deal of responsibility

reviewed, original research and

Housing and Related Programs,

to help shape gerontological

analysis, and it is the primary

and Neighborhood Improve-

education in Taiwan.”

research outlet of the American

ments; HOME Investment Part-

Planning Association.

nerships Program (HOME), the


largest federal block grant to

currently a PhD student at the


state and local governments to

UCLA School of Public Health,

just completed the “Good Food

generate affordable housing for

was elected to the first West-

for All” report for Los Angeles

low-income families; Emergency

wood Neighborhood Council.

Food Policy Task Force. The

Shelter Grant (ESG) for shelter

report was officially unveiled

and services to homeless individ-

by Mayor Villaraigosa and more

uals and families; and Housing

than 35 chefs during the October

LARA received the 2010 Chancel-

for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)

6th"Good Food For All" event

lor's Excellence in Service Award

for community housing and

at Vibiana Cathedral (the future

for Civic Engagement. She was

support services for individuals

home of Neil Fraser's reopening

nominated for her continuous

with HIV/AIDS.

Grace). Organized by Roots of

effort and dedication in working

Change, the public event explored

with Los Angeles nonprofit and

After graduating from UCLA

how L.A. plans to address access

civic partners. Her work at UCLA

two years ago and returning to

to sustainable, affordable, healthy

has spanned Government Rela-

Taiwan (after living in the States

food, while offering tastings

tions (Local and Community

for 25 years), TSUANN KUO BS

from a long list of the city's most

Relations) and the Center for

’91, MSW ’97, PhD ’08 started

conscientious chefs.

Community Partnerships, where

The Luskin Center’s TERESA

an academic job while providing

Urban Planning Professor

guidance to two orphanages

RANDY CRANE has been


brand of note around the commu-

that her grandfather founded in

selected as the Editor of the

foreign service officer stationed

nity. Teresa Lara now manages

the 1960's. On Sept. 1, 2010, she

Journal of the American Planning

with the U.S. Embassy in Islam-

External Affairs for the Luskin

was named chair of the Depart-

Association (JAPA). The journal

abad, recently arranged for a

Center for Innovation, where she

ment of Eldercare at the Central

will be housed at UCLA for five

delegation of police officers

further promotes civic engage-

Taiwan University of Science

years beginning October 1, 2010.

from Pakistan to visit the United

ment at this new interdisciplinary

and Technology. She writes from

As the flagship scholarly journal

States to meet with law enforce-

research center on campus.

Taiwan that:

in urban studies, it is the prin-

ment representatives to learn

continued on following page >>

she established UCLA in LA as a




U.S. State Department officer Gary G. Bagley joins the School as diplomat-in-residence; Colleen Callahan is the deputy director of the Luskin Center; Amy Wilson Drizhal, director of development, joins the school after holding executive fundraising positions with USC Thornton School of Music and the School of Social Work at the University of Texas, Associate professor Andrew

Austin; Teresa Lara, manages

Sabl of the Public Policy Depart-

external relations for the Luskin

ment was invited to deliver the

Center; James Liu joins computing

annual political theory lecture at

services as a programmer analyst;

Northwestern University in June

Hien Mcknight joins the busi-

of 2010. The subject of the talk

ness office as a fund manager;

was based on his well-received

Loc Nguyen is the director of

journal article, “The Last Artificial

the UCLA-based Inter-University

Virtue: Hume on Toleration and

Consortium associated with the

Its Lessons” in the August 2009

Department of Social Welfare; Seth

edition of Political Theory.

Odell, formerly of the UCLA Office of Media Relations, joins the school

Professor Yeheskel “Zeke”

as the communications associate;

Hasenfeld was named by

Dan Oyenoki is the administra-

the Society for Social Work and

tive specialist in the Department of

Research as the recipient of the

Public Policy; Gwen Payne is now

Distinguished Career Achievement

with the school’s human resources

Award. The award is formally given

office; Michelle Pervaiz is the

during the organization’s annual

operations manager for the Luskin

conference; the 15th annual confer-

Center; Paul Phootrakul is

ence takes place from January 12-16

the new alumni relations and

in Tampa, Florida. Hasenfeld also

events coordinator; Brittany

recently revised the second edition

Walker is the new administrative

of his book, Human Services as

specialist for the Departments of

Complex Organizations, published

Social Welfare and Urban Plan-

by Sage Publications.

ning; Tanya Youssephzadeh is the new graduate advisor for the

The UCLA School of Public Affairs

Department of Social Welfare. Read

is pleased to welcome the newest

additional biographical information

colleagues who have joined us

about our newest colleagues at

recently and within the past year:


Faces of Fellowship

Danielle DeRuiter-Williams, MA UP ’11 A recipient of the David and Marianna Fisher Fellowship, Danielle DeRuiter-Williams, MA UP ’11, is certainly keeping busy during her time at UCLA. Originally from Kalamazoo, Michigan, DeRuiter-Williams has entered the final year of a self-articulated dual degree program, which will see her earning degrees from both the UCLA Department of Urban Planning and UCLA’s Afro-American Studies program. Outside the classroom, DeRuiter-Williams is interning as Food Justice Coordinator at the Inglewood-based Social Justice Learning Institute. The role has her working to support the creation of local, sustainable food options, such as community, school and home gardens. She is also involved in an applied research project with Green For All in Oakland, California, where she is examining interracial coalition and movement building in the food justice sector. With her dual degree program coming to a close, DeRuiterWilliams is grateful for the opportunities she has had at UCLA and recognizes the role the David and Marianna Fisher Fellowship has played in her experience. “If there’s any way that you can pay it forward with the success that you might gain … then it’s absolutely essential to do so,” DeRuiter-Williams said. “It really just helps offset the stress of being a poor graduate student, which is one of the main sources of stress that you have outside of class.” � —Seth Odell

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

“ One of my core beliefs is that those of us who have the ability to help others have a responsibility to do so. And that through helping others succeed

Philanthropist Feature

you help society overall.”

David Bohnett: Improving Society Through Hands-On Student Fellowships While growing up in Chicago, David Bohnett’s parents stressed the importance of education and lived the value of community involvement. Both of them were engaged in PTA and other parental activities. His father served on the city’s planning commission, and his mother volunteered at a children’s social service agency. As a result, says the philanthropist and technology entrepreneur, “One of my core beliefs is that those of us who have the ability to help others have a responsibility to do so. And that through helping others succeed you help society overall. That’s how I was brought up.” The co-founder of GeoCities, who has played a significant role in a number of other technology businesses, he serves as chairman of the David Bohnett Foundation. With a stated goal of “improving society through social activism,” the nonprofit, grantmaking organization’s awards have included more than $660,000 to the School of Public Affairs since 2006. The largest of these awards has been for the The David Bohnett Fellowship Program. It gives exceptionally promising public policy, social welfare and urban planning graduate students opportunities to collaborate on hands-on projects with UCLA faculty and senior executives in the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s office. Fellows receive school fee remissions and paid, full-time summer positions in the Mayor’s office. “Most gratifying is the work the students have done on projects that tackle real-world problems,” Bohnett says. “For example, one intern is working on mitigating the environmental impact of all the traffic at Los Angeles Harbor. Another worked for Urban Habitiat, a nonprofit group that provides links between government social-service providers and local community centers. And, a third fellow ended up landing a full-time position working on performance management—evaluating the performances of various city departments.” Partnering with UCLA and other universities, including the University of Michigan, New York University and Harvard, Bohnett says, helps to advance his philanthropic goals.

“I want to give students the opportunity to apply the knowledge they’ve learned in practical ways to help solve various urban problems,” explains the 2005-2006 Regent’s lecturer at UCLA, who taught marketing and entrepreneurship. “This includes socially responsible transportation—making it easier for people to get to work affordably and reliably, affordable housing, and redevelopment and urban planning.” While earning a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Southern California and an MBA in finance from the University of Michigan, Bohnett saw and experienced firsthand how universities can help to address the problems of civil society. At USC, which is surrounded by underserved, poor communities, he was exposed to community service through a fraternity, getting involved in youth programs that featured sports and mentoring. In Michigan, he witnessed community outreach efforts in Ann Arbor and Detroit. It’s important for people to invest locally in the public sector, he says, because “It helps to strengthen the local economic base. Also, strong and efficient public sector leadership leads to smart economics decisions, which leads to opportunities to invest in new startups that attract creative people who want to live in the area.” For those considering a career in the public sector, Bohnett points out that “It’s a great learning opportunity. There are real challenges that require creative thinking and engagement across a number of sectors—including business constituencies and public-interest groups. It provides tremendous experience in communications, analysis and policy development. And it’s very rewarding because you can see the results of your efforts.” � —Robin Heffler



In Gratitude

Recognizing gifts made between July 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010.

The School of Public Affairs gratefully acknowledges the following alumni, friends, students, faculty and staff, and foundation and corporate partners for their donations.

Dean’s Leadership Council $100,000 and above David Bohnett Foundation John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation * Kellogg Foundation * Ralph M. Parsons Foundation The Ford Foundation

$50,000 and above Compagnia di San Paolo * Jeffrey L. Glassman, BA ’69 and Cecilia A. Glassman, JD ’88 * National Academy of Education The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation Wallis Foundation *

$25,000 and above Calvin B. Gross and Marilyn B. Gross * David A. Leventon, Director of the Ann C. Rosenfield Fund * New York Academy of Medicine * Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation

$10,000 and above Institusjonen Fritt Ord Torang Jahan, BA ‘95 and Michael Vincent * Mark Kleiman * Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Randall W. Lewis and E. Janell Thornton-Lewis Kasey K. Li, DDS ‘86 and Carolyn Li, BA ‘82 Meyer Luskin, BA ‘49 and Doreen Luskin, BA ‘53 * Donald B. Rice and Susan F. Rice, MPA ‘76

Monica Salinas Sasakawa Peace Foundation * Steve Soboroff and Patti Soboroff The J. Paul Getty Trust Weingart Foundation

$5,000 and above Anonymous Corday Family Foundation * Deloitte & Touche Foundation Joanne C. Kozberg and Roger A. Kozberg * Kaiser Foundation Health Plan Inc. Marshall Bruce Grossman and Marlene B. Grossman, BA ‘64, MA ‘91 * Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development * The Skirball Foundation

$2,500 and above Seth A. Aronson and Valerie Aronson Chang Family Charitable Foundation Gregory S. Baer MA ‘89 and Sindhu Baer Astrid Beigel, MA ‘67, PhD ‘69 * Broadway Federal Bank Gareth C.C. Chang and Nancy Chang John F. Cooke and Diane F. Cooke * Stanley Ray Hoffman, BS ‘66, MA ‘72 and Linda Johnson Hoffman, BA ‘71 * Paul C. Hudson and Brenda Hudson Gadi Kaufmann BA ‘79 and Karen Malmuth Kaufmann BA ‘81, MBA ‘85, MA ‘93, PhD ‘98 Loma Linda University Steven S. Myers Steven S. Myers Fund Gregg W. Perloff, BA ‘74 and Laura Perloff, BA ‘73 * Robert F. Schilling and Sheryl L. Miller * Michael I. Schneider, BS ‘70, MA ‘72 and Sharon M. Greene George G. Short, BA ‘71 Ryan Thomas Snyder, BA ‘79, MA ‘85 * Jennifer L. Perry and Andy Spahn

Henry L. Taylor, Jr. and Claudette L. Taylor * Martin Wachs and Helen Wachs *

$1,000 and above Accenture Foundation, Inc * Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund John Dingley MA ‘75, PhD ‘83 and Vanessa M. Dingley Laurie Marie Eddleston, MSW ‘04 and Ian Eddleston * Ernst & Young LLP Ernesto R. Flores, MA ‘80 and Barbara Renteria, MA ‘81 An-Chi Lee and Shirley Hsiao, MA ‘79 * Joan C. Ling, MA ‘82 * Michele Louise Mc Grath, MA ‘90 * Jeffrey A. Seymour, BA ‘73, MPA ‘77 and Valerie J. Seymour, BA ‘73 Donald C. Shoup and Patricia Shoup Brian D. Taylor, BA ‘83, PhD ‘92 and Evelyn Ann Blumenberg, MA ‘90, PhD ‘95 * The Marilyn S. Broad Foundation, Inc. * Robert D. Tyre, BA ‘71, MA ‘73 and Caryn K. Tyre, BA ‘73 United Way of Greater Los Angeles * Mary Jane Varley, CERT ‘93 and Jo C. Sherman * Jaron I. Waldman, MA ‘03 and Matha J. Mitchell Phillip H. Warren, JD ‘79 and Elaine C. Warren, MA ‘78 *

Friends and Supporters $500 and above American Planning Association Goldman Firth Rossi Architects Ronald E. Goldman and Barbara J. Goldman, BA ‘75 Monica Harris, MSW ‘88 and Mark W. Harris * Tuey Jean Lee, BA ‘66, MSW ‘74 * Arthur P. Lombardi MPA ‘67 and Lindsey D. Lombardi * Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Danilo S. Torres, BA ‘92, MA ‘96, CERT ‘07

Timothy B. Yip and Pauline Louie, BA ‘92, MA ‘95 John P. Petrilla, MPP ‘09 Maureen Soja and Edward Soja Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris and Athanasios Sideris * Antonia P. Tu, MSW ‘73 and Norman Tu

$250 and above Laura Elena Aldrete, MA ‘96 and John G. Plakorus * Kyle B. Arndt, MA ’91, JD ‘94 and Christins B. Arndt, JD ‘94 Paul G. Bower and Elreen T. Bower, MSW ‘87 John S. Bragin, BA ‘65 Kurt E. Christiansen, MA ‘91 Richard T. Clampitt and Rachel A. Hurst, MA ‘83 Kimberly Jo Clary, BA ‘84, MSW ‘86 and David Morena * Jannah Dacanay Maresh, BA ‘03 * Marisa B. Espinosa, MA ‘05 Leobardo F. Estrada and Evelisse Estrada Timothy M. Foy, MA ‘90 Sharon F. Grigsby, CERT ‘91 and J. Eugene Grigsby, MA ‘69, PhD ‘71 Douglas D. Holthaus Nancy Jean Kingston, MPH ‘74 * George Kinney and Susan M. Kinney Linda F. Kutner, BA ‘84, MSW ‘88 and Scott David Kutner, BA ‘81, MA ‘85 * Marian Z. Lawrence, MA ‘80 and Damon Lawrence * Patricia Lepe-Smith, MSW ‘88 and Christopher A. Smith Robin S. Liggett, MS ‘71, PhD ‘78 and David A. Liggett * Kathleen E. Matchett, MA ‘09 Ryan David Matulka, MA ‘09, MBA ‘09 Juan M. Matute, MA ‘09, MBA ‘09 and Sirinya Tritipeskul, MA ‘09 Nicole D. McAllister Vermeer, MA ‘96 James L. Meltzer and Rose L. Meltzer MSW ‘91 * Vinit Mukhija * Davis Ho Park, MA ‘02 and Allison C. Yoh, MA ‘02, PhD ‘08 Avani A. Patel, MA ‘07 Michele L. Prichard, MA ‘89 and Rodney J. Lane * Sally K. Richman, MA ‘81 and Neal T. Richman, MA ‘82 Lawrence Raymond Sauve, BA ‘70, MA ‘78 *

* denotes Renewing donors who have sustained their support over the last two consecutive fiscal years.


NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011

Phoebe J. Sharaf, BA ‘70, MSW ‘73 * Lois M. Takahashi and David G. White Chris Tilly and Marie Kennedy Claude A. Townsend, BA ‘49, MSW ‘51 * United Technologies Corporation * George H. Vine MA ‘79 and Judith K. Trumbo MA ‘79 Jerry L. Watkins, MSW ‘91

$100 and above Christine A. Abeltin, MSW ‘82 and James Bruce Abeltin, Esq. Lori Diane Achman, MPP ‘00 * Lauren Ahkiam Warren T. Allen, II, BA ‘99, MPP ‘03 and Chandra Keller-Allen, MPP ‘03 Karen B. Amarawansa and Attala L. Amarawansa * Rosalia Arellano, MA ‘06 Magaret B. Ballonoff and Larry B. Ballonoff Victor Becerra, MA ‘81 Vivien Benjamin, MSW ‘84 Carol Rosemary Bley, MSW ‘65 Walter Charles Boice and Carol Boice Thomas Edwin Brauner, MA ‘89, MSW ‘92 and Melonia L. Musser-Brauner Janis Marie Breidenbach, MA ‘87 and Daniel L. Stormer Thomas Wayne Brock, PhD ‘92 * Marsha R. Brown, BA ‘70 and Jeffrey S. Lemler, MAR ‘76 Leland S. Burns, BS ‘55, MBA ‘57, PhD ‘61 Henry Caroselli and Katherine L. Baker Jeffry P. Carpenter, MA ‘71 and Masako H. Carpenter, MA ‘75, MBA ‘77 * Maria P. Carvajal-Paez, BA ‘97, MA ‘00 and Humberto Paez Paula Castro Cecilia Chang, MSW ‘92 Tommy S. Chin and Iris Chi, DSW ‘86 Vivian Clecak, MSW ‘69 W.D. Coggins, MSW ‘55 and June Constance Coggins * Valerie Corcoran, MSW ‘00 and Robert Anthony Corcoran Catherine Staugas Cordoba, MSW ‘62 Carolyn Maxey Crawford, MSW ‘74 * Stephen Risdon Crosley, MA ‘06 * Cummings Care Management, Inc. Linda Dach-Kaufman, BA ‘68 and Rob Kaufman, MSW ‘86 * Herman L. DeBose, PhD ‘92 and Maureen O. DeBose Lautaro R. Diaz, MA ‘88

L. Eugene Dudley and Richard A. Lieboff * Diane N. Eckstein, MSW ‘67 and John D. Eckstein Cecilia V. Estolano, MA ‘91 Catherine H. Foltz, MA ‘75 and Karl Foltz Alysse K. Furukawa, BA ’69 James Alan Gilbert, MA ‘93 and Susan Orbuch * Leslie L. Goldenberg, MA ‘96 and David H. Goldenberg Junko Goto, PhD ‘93 * Lurana L. Graham, MSW ‘67 Amy Greenfield and Gary Weil Carol M. Greenough, MSW ‘66 Ezequiel Gutierrez, Jr., MA ‘71, JD ‘74, MAR ‘95 * Kathleen Hamilton, BA ‘79 and Gordon B. Hamilton, BA ‘78, MA ‘81 Gretchen H. Hardison, MA ‘89 and Mark L. Hardison Kathleen M. Haugh, MSW ‘80 David J. Healy, MA ‘72 and Linda B. Gray Kara M. Heffernan, MA ‘00 * David Ernest Hernandez, MSW ‘75 * Susan M. Herre, MA ‘03 Melissa R. Huggins, MA ‘92 Brent R. Hurwitz, MA ‘89 Judy M. Hutchinson, PhD ‘99 and James W. Hutchinson Mercy R. Hyde, MSW ‘85 and Thomas B. Hyde Hiroyuki Iseki, MA ‘98, PhD ‘04 Jennifer R. Ito, MA ‘00 and Rafael Almeida Garrett Claretha Jackson, MSW ‘73 Guillermo R. Jaimes, MA ‘07 Jewish Foundation of Memphis Barbara and Terry Shainberg Gabriela O. Juarez, MA ‘05 and Rodrigo Ribeiro Gilbert Kim, MPP ‘06 * Etsuro Kinoshita, MA ‘81 and Atsuko Kinoshita Florabel Kinsler, MSW ‘54 and Martin R. Kinsler * Kathleen A. Kubo, BA ‘76, MSW ‘78 Kathleen T. Kubota, BA ‘68, MSW ‘82 Katherine M. Lamont, MA ‘03 Ryan P. Lehman, MA ‘95 and Amy Alfon Tai-Kuo Liu, MA ‘80 Robert Lavelle Looper, MSW ‘71 and Alcene O. Looper * Charlene Lee Lorenzo Sarah MacPherson, BA ‘98, MA ‘07

Kelly D. Main, PhD ‘07 Michael Martin Maisterra, MSW ‘70 and Jo Ann Maisterra * Samuel Y. Manna, BA ‘71, MA ‘75, MA ‘76 Michael K. Manville, MA ‘03, PhD ‘09 and Laura D. Zahn, MA ‘08 Javier Mariscal, MA ‘89 * Alissa T. Marquez, MA ‘06, MAR ‘06 and Luis Frayre James C. McKissick, MAR ‘88 and Manuela Friedmann Anne Patricia McAulay, MA ‘06 * Jose F. Mendivil, BA ‘89, MA ‘93 and Chantel Mendivil Eric Andrew Morris, MA ‘06, GRADD ‘11 * Sharon H. Morris, MA ‘79 and John H. Morris Deborah C. Murguia, MA ‘00 and The Honorable Andre Quintero, JD ‘01, MA ‘01 Susan Jean Nakaoka, BA ‘91, MA ‘99, MSW ‘91 and Manuel Lares Barbara J. Nelson and Kathryn A. Carver * Carole Ruth Oken, BA ‘81, MA ‘83 * Patricia G. Osuna, MSW ‘84 Jonathan Pacheco-Bell, MA ‘05 Rita Varisa Patraporn, MPP ‘01, PhD ‘07 and Patrick Bautista Pennella Productions Joseph P. Pennella and Joyce M. Baron, MPP ‘00 William C. Pitkin, MA ‘97, PhD ‘04 and Anaite O. Caceres Raquel B. Pizano-Hazama, MSW ‘89 and Kenneth Hazama Serena J. Poon, MPP ‘02 Lisa Evans Powell, BA ‘93, MPP ‘01, MSW ‘01 * Jerome F. Prewoznik and Marilyn J. Prewoznik, BA ‘63, MPP ‘00 Jessica Hausman Ramakis, BA ’01, MPP ’03 and Anthony Michael Ramakis Sarah Gray Ramsey, MPP ‘03 and Jonathan David Ramsey Vivian L. Rescalvo, MA ‘84 Gary B. Rhodes, MSW ‘66 and Lynn Rhoder Robert J. Rodino, PhD ‘03 and Elaine Rodino, PhD * Ryan Snyder Associates Inc. Anita Glazer Sadun, MA ‘89 and Lorenzo A. Sadun Samuel Sale, BS ‘44 and June S. Sale, BA ‘46, MSW ‘69

Leonie Sandercock, MFA ‘89 and John R. Friedmann Catherine Bowe Sapiro, MPP ‘05 * Ravindra V. Sastry, MPP ‘06 and Amber L. Sastry, MPP ‘06 David I. Sausjord, MA ‘83 and Susan Karlins, MPH ‘84 Anthony Scott, MA ‘90 Cindy A. Shainberg, MA ‘91 Eric David Shaw, BA ‘98 * Margaret S. Simpson, MSW ‘66 Ms. Paula M. Sirola, MA ‘84 and Goetz Wolff Thomas Edgar Smith, Jr., MA ‘76 and Lorraine Cordaro Smith * Anson Clark Snyder, MA ‘90 * Paul A. Sorensen, MA ‘05 Alvin P. Sorkin, BA ‘64 and Adelina R. Sorkin, BA ‘66, MSW ‘74 Gregory J. Spotts, MPP ‘08 Cosette Polena Stark, BA ‘87, MA ‘89 and Jeffrey H. Stark Carl B. Steinberg, MA ‘79 and Ruth Steinberg Judson Stull, BA ‘71 and Jill De Wees Stull, BA ‘71, MED ‘74 * Michael T. Sturtevant and Patsy La Von Kilmer Sturtevant Nancy Tahvili, MA ‘05 * Veronica Y. Tam, MA ‘89 Thomas Brauner, LCSW, PhD, Inc. Badonna Levinson Tobin, BA ‘57, MSW ‘60 and Sheldon S. Tobin * Robin S. Toma, JD ‘88, MA ‘88 and Debra H. Suh Paul D. Travis, MA ‘06 Steffen I. Turoff, MA ‘04 Ben E. Uminsky, BA ‘03, MA ‘05 Peter J. Valk, MA ‘79 and Barbara G. Valk Diana H. Varat, JD ‘08, MA ‘08 Faye L. Wachs and Navid Ardakani Arthur Waldinger and Gloria L. Waldinger, MSW ‘67, DSW ‘79 * Donald Stanley White, BA ‘56 and Sylvia Phyllis White, PhD ‘83 * Kenneth C. White, MSW ‘79 and Amy White Catherine A. Williams, MA ‘79 Nathaniel S. Wilson, MA ‘91 and Laura J. Beck, MA ‘93 Nell F. Wilson, MSW ‘72 Celia Ume Yniguez, BA ‘88, MA ‘90 * Limor Zimskind, MA ‘98, MPP ‘02 and Lyle D. Zimskind, JD ‘07

If you have any corrections or questions, or would like to make a gift, contact us at (310) 206-4612 or


the board


Seth Aronson Partner, O’Melveny & Myers, LLP

John F. Cooke President and Chief Executive Officer, Western Territories Group, LLC

Jean-Françoys Brousseau President, Outbox Technology, Inc.

Jeffrey L. Glassman, BA ‘69 Managing Director, Covington Capital Management

Gareth C.C. Chang Founder and Executive Chairman, D5 Studio; Chairman and Managing Partner, GC3 & Associates International, LLC Michael S. Dukakis Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Northeastern University; Visiting Professor of Public Policy, UCLA School of Public Affairs Harvey A. Englander, BA ‘72 President, Englander, Knabe & Allen


Paul Hudson President and Chief Executive Officer, Broadway Federal Bank

Byron K. Reed Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank, Community Development, Los Angeles

Torang Jahan, BA ’95 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Search Center, Inc Joanne Kozberg Partner, California Strategies, LLC; Regent, University of California

Dr. Susan F. Rice, MPA ‘76 Principal Consultant, SFR Consulting Jeffrey Seymour, BA ‘73, MPA ‘77 President, Seymour Consulting Group

David A. Leveton, BA ‘59, JD ‘62 Principal, Law Offices of David A. Leveton Randall W. Lewis Executive Vice President and Director of Marketing, Lewis Operating Corp.

Annette Shapiro Co-Chair, Cedars-Sinai Hospital Board of Governors Cancer Research Center George Short, BA ‘71 Of Counsel, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck

Michael Mahdesian, MA ‘83 Chairman of the Board, Servicon Systems, Inc.

David I. Fisher Chairman, Capital Guardian Trust Company

Leonard Makowka, M.D., PhD Chairman, The drmak Group

Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr. Dean and Professor of Public Policy, UCLA School of Public Affairs

Cynthia McClain-Hill, BA ‘78, JD ‘81 Managing Director, Strategic Counsel PLC

Steve Soboroff Principal, Soboroff & Partners Andy Spahn President, Andy Spahn and Associates, Inc.

NewsForum | FALL/WINTER 2010-2011


starts with...


Career Services Center Launches


Your participation in making a gift to the UCLA School of Public Affairs Annual Fund supports fellowships, new courses, lecture series, and so much more. All alumni gifts to the school count toward its rate of alumni participation, which is a factor in annual rankings and is critical to our ability to leverage additional financial support from corporations and foundations. Every gift from a graduate of the school counts towards the alumni participation rate—whether it is $5, $25, $100 or $10,000. In addition to their impact on alumni participation rates, small gifts make a big difference in the amount of unrestricted funds available in the school. What are “unrestricted” gifts, and why are they so important? Unrestricted gifts are donations that allow the school to direct funds toward areas of greatest need. Each year, unrestricted annual gifts allow the school to:

The School of Public Affairs is pleased to announce the opening of the Career Services and Alumni Relations Center, a full-time resource to assist students and alumni in managing their professional careers and building relationships. Coinciding with the opening is the launch of CareerView, the school’s searchable online employment database and career management system. “We’re going to count on our many active alumni to help us build up the center’s programs and activities,” says Sherry Dodge, director of career services. “Alumni participation is essential in cultivating strong professional networks and providing mentorship and guidance to students.” Services offered:

n Career Development Workshops n Employer Information Sessions n On-Campus Interviews n Alumni Speaker Panels n Resume Critiques/Mock Interviews n Individual Counseling Sessions n Networking Events Visit us online:

Sherry Dodge Director of Career Services (310) 206-4613 Paul Phootrakul Alumni Relations and Event Coordinator (310) 825-3589

n Offer scholarships and fellowships to extraordinary students;

n Attract and retain world-class faculty; n Support community-based initiatives within the school’s network of governmental agencies, service providers, and nonprofit organizations;

n Maintain its computer lab, classrooms, and research facilities; and

n Develop new courses. Learn more about ways to make your gift by visiting



405 Hilgard Avenue


Los Angeles, CA 90095


Fellowship Recipients Meet Philanthropists at Annual Luncheon Students who benefited from the generosity of fellowship supporters had an opportunity to meet their benefactors at the annual spring luncheon held on campus at UCLA. Clockwise from above: board of advisors member Susan F. Rice and student Jessica Nolan; urban planning chair Brian Taylor, Astrid Beigel, and students Eric Kroskrity and Andrew Lee; Dean Frank Gilliam and Bill Simon; Calvin Gross.

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