2009 S C H O O L O F P U B L I C A F FA I R S
On the cover: Photo by Tiffany Huang Special thanks to Willem Henri Lucas
University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Affairs
UCLA Center for Civil Society Authors David B. Howard and Hyeon Jong Kil Managing Editor Jocelyn Guihama William B. Parent Interim Director
Resilience & Vulnerability: The State of the Nonprofit Sector in Los Angeles 2009
Copyright 2009 by the UCLA School of Public Affairs All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including a retrieval system is forbidden without the permission of the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Public Affairs, 3250 School of Public Affairs Building, Box 951656, Los Angeles, California 90095-1656. ISBN 978-0-9802388-3-9
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S p.ii
List of Figures, Tables, and Boxes
Executive Summary
The Economic Downturn and Nonprofit Organizations in Los Angeles
Revenue and Expenditures
Box 1. Update: Foundation Giving in Los Angeles County
Employment and Volunteers
Box 2. Update: Employment in the Nonprofit Sector
Collaboration and Competition
Looking Forward
p.21 p.25 p.26 p.29
The Nonprofit Sector in Los Angeles County – An Update Assesment The 2009 Policy Environment for Nonprofits Box 3. “Pounds of Cure” by Peter Manzo
L I S T O F F I G U R E S , TA B L E S & B O X E S FIGURES p . 0 3 Figure 1. Demand Change Over the Last Year
p . 1 4 F i g u re 8 . Comparison of Nonprofit/For-Profit/ Public Sector as Percentage of Total, Selected NAICS
p . 0 4 Figure 2a. Revenue Change, 2006-2007
Industries, Los Angeles County, 2008
p . 0 4 Figure 2b . Revenue Change Over the Last Year
p . 1 6 F i g u re 9 . Average Annual Wage of Nonprofit/ For-Profit/Public Sectors, Selected Industries, 2008
p . 0 6 Figure 3a. Expenditure Change, 2006-2007 p . 1 9 F i g u re 1 0 a . Expected Revenue Change Over the p . 0 6 Figure 3b . Expenditure Change Over the
Next Year
Last Year p . 1 9 F i g u re 1 0 b . Expected Expenditure Change Over p . 0 8 Figure 4a . Revenue and Expenditure Change,
the Next Year
2006-2007 p . 2 1 F i g u re 1 1 . Growth in the Number of 501(c)(3) p . 0 8 Figure 4b . Revenue and Expenditure Change
Organizations in Los Angeles County
Over the Last Year p . 2 2 F i g u re 1 2 . Nonprofit Expenditure, 5-County p . 0 9 Figure 5. Total Foundation Assets, Los Angeles
Region, 1995-2007
County, 1997-2008 p . 2 3 F i g u re 1 3 a . Nonprofit Organizations, per 10,000 p . 1 1 Figure 6a . Discontinued Programs/Services
Population, 2007
Over the Last Year p . 2 3 F i g u re 1 3 b . Nonprofit Expenditure per 10,000 p . 1 1 Figure 6b . Discontinued Programs/Services
Population, 2007
(Only NPOs with Decreased Revenue) p . 2 4 F i g u re 1 4 a . Change in the Number of p . 1 2 Figure 7a. Change of Employees/Volunteers
Nonprofits by Major Sub-field, Los Angeles County,
Over the Last Year
2001, 2004, 2007
p . 1 2 Figure 7b . Change of Volunteers Over the Last
p . 2 5 F i g u re 1 4 b . Change in Nonprofit Expenditure by
Year, by Size
Major Sub-field, Los Angeles County, 2001, 2004, 2007
p . 1 2 Figure 7c. Change of Full-time employees Over the Last Year, by Size
TA B L E S p . 1 7 Ta b l e 1 . Nonprofit Organization Activities during the Economic Downturn p . 3 4 A ppe n di x Ta b l e 1 . Response Rate of 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey, Sub-fields, Size and Age p . 3 5 A ppe n di x Ta b l e 2 . Responses to: What are the specific management and organizational strategies your organization will use to remain sustainable during the economic downturn?
BOXES p.09
B o x 1 . Update: Foundation Giving in
Los Angeles County
B o x 2 . Update: Employment in the
Nonprofit Sector
p . 2 9 Box 3. “Pounds of Cure,� by Peter Manzo
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The 2009 Report would not have been possible without the contributions and assistance of many. First and foremost, we would like to thank the anonymous nonprofit leaders in Los Angeles County who so graciously participated in our survey. We would also like to thank the executive directors who shared their wisdom and humor during our focus group. We owe tremendous thanks to a number of people who offered expertise in critical areas. For employment and wagerelated data we would like to thank John Milat and Andy Wong from the California EDD Labor Market Information Division for their help. For nonprofit data, we thank Tom Pollak and his colleagues who work on the National Center for Charitable Statistics. We deeply appreciate the written contributions of Peter Manzo. The report also benefited from the input of Torie Osborn and Sushma Raman. We are grateful to have had the assistance of Selena Rodriguez, Cheye-Ann Corona and Nichole Hemans on data collection and Tiffany Huang with the design of this report. The Center enjoys wonderful support from the UCLA School of Public Affairs. We are indebted to Dean Frank Gilliam, VC Powe and Waiyi Tse. For guidance on the survey and feedback on drafts, we thank Professor Zeke Hasenfeld, Dr. Eve Garrow and the Center’s Founding Director Professor Helmut Anheier.
FOREWORD The Center for Civil Society in the UCLA School of Public Affairs has, since 2003, worked to identify the critical challenges facing nonprofit organizations in the Los Angeles region. At no time have those challenges been greater. Nonprofit organizations are being asked to do more with less as needs and demands increase and revenue and resources are cut. Families with infants and children, the unemployed, and the working poor are bearing the worst of it. There is also a toll on the full range of interests and needs served by the sector from social justice and environmental advocacy to education and arts and culture. This report by the UCLA Center for Civil Society: Resilience and Vulnerability, based on a survey conducted over the summer of 2009, captures more than just the challenges facing the nonprofit sector; it also says a lot about strength, creativity, and commitment in these times of economic and social stress. It is our goal that the Center for Civil Society will help to mobilize this creativity and commitment to articulate the essential role that nonprofits play in every community in our diverse region. The Center for Civil Society has in the past five years advocated for stronger dialogues among nonprofit and government leaders. There is a great need to make the public and policy makers more aware of the social problems and decreasing opportunities that are emerging as a result of the current economic crisis. Indeed, as this appears to be much more than just another recessionary cycle, we need to be asking the big questions of what kind of a society we want to be; how we can pursue an agenda of social justice, opportunity and equality, access to education and health care, and continue to meet the wide range of needs served and lives enhanced through the nonprofit sector. It is our aim that this report and the dialogue we begin at the annual conference will advance coalitions of advocacy aimed at strengthening the health and well-being of the nonprofit sector and the individuals and communities they serve. The UCLA Center for Civil Society is entering a new chapter. We are grateful for the strong foundation built by Professor Helmut Anheier. In the coming months and years we aim to increase our service and work in Los Angeles, to build capacity and to be a resource for nonprofits with common missions and goals, and to bring the work of local civil society closer to our research and teaching in Public Policy, Social Welfare and Urban Planning.
William B. Parent
Franklin D. Gilliam
Interim Director
UCLA Center for Civil Society
UCLA School of Public Affairs
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This past summer, the UCLA Center for Civil Society
high (Foster et al., 2009). The steep declines in the mar-
surveyed a representative sample of Los Angeles non-
ket decreased endowments among both private founda-
profit organizations (NPOs) to determine the impact of
tions and public charities, diminishing assets used for
the economic downturn on the sector and to find out
grantmaking and for providing financial cushions to
what local nonprofits are doing to survive and fulfill
large organizations (Foundation Center, 2009; Common-
their missions.
fund Institute, 2009).
What emerged in the data portrays a sector facing condi-
The Center for Civil Society’s 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit
tions much more difficult than in years past—coupling
Survey asked questions about the strategies and tactics
increasing demand with decreasing revenues. More
upon which organizations will rely most heavily during
than a third of nonprofits reported decreased revenues
these times of cutbacks and increased demands. The most
over the past year, while only 14% of nonprofits re-
frequently mentioned high priorities included focusing
ported increases. Larger nonprofits appear to have been
on fundraising, controlling and cutting costs, and in-
hardest hit. Whereas nearly half of large nonprofits
creasing visibility. Most notably absent in these responses
reported decreased revenue in the previous year, about
were mention of efforts to improve evaluation and pro-
a third (33% and 31%, respectively) of medium and small
gram effectiveness, engage in meaningful advocacy roles,
organizations reported a decrease. While revenues have
and consider strategic collaborations or even mergers.
declined, fixed administrative costs, such as health care for employees, are continuing to rise. Organizations de-
In spite of some troubling findings, local nonprofit lead-
pendent on government and foundation revenue report
ers did reveal a degree of resiliency in their approach
major budget shortfalls. Human services organizations
to the downturn. While just 14% of survey respondents
are experiencing particularly difficult times meeting
experienced increased revenues, more than a third (37%)
demand; it’s hard to run job training programs when
reported increased expenditures in the past year, and
there is double-digit unemployment among experienced
more than half (52%) of the respondents have engaged
and skilled workers.
in strategic planning exercises in the same period. Nearly twice as many nonprofits reported adding new pro-
These findings are in line with a number of recent non-
grams than those that reported having to cut programs.
profit surveys conducted nationally. The Nonprofit Fi-
Most have been able to maintain their level of full- and
nance Fund (Greco, 2009) conducted a national survey
part-time employees and there has been an increase in
that showed only 11% of nonprofits expect to operate
volunteers. In terms of employment, it appears that the
above break-even this year; sixteen percent (16%) antici-
nonprofit sector is holding up better than the for-profit
pate being able to cover their operating expenses in both
and government sectors. Nonetheless, it should also be
2009 and 2010. A Johns Hopkins Listening Post Project
noted that these trends may very well indicate that non-
survey found that 37% of nonprofit leaders identified
profits are overextending themselves, outspending their
their level of fiscal stress as “severe” or “very severe”
revenue capabilities, and overworking staff and volun-
(Salamon et al., 2009). And surveys by the Bridgespan
teers. If expenditures continue to outweigh revenues, as
Group revealed that small nonprofits are hurting the worst;
is anticipated by the survey respondents, then further
a majority of nonprofits are experiencing funding cuts;
fiscal strain will exacerbate the current challenges to
demand for services are increasing; and staff anxiety is
meet growing demands.
Among this year’s significant findings: The Economic Downturn and NPOs in Los Angeles
ing in numbers and expenditures, but that growth
• More than half (57%) of surveyed nonprofit organi-
has slowed in recent years. The nonprofit sector is not
zations responded that demands for their programs or
shrinking, although growth in the number of organiza-
services increased during the economic downturn.
tions continues to outweigh growth in expenditures. This equates to a reduction in the median and average
• More nonprofit organizations have experienced de-
size of LA nonprofits.
clines in revenues and expenditures than before the downturn. But at the same time, many have managed to
• The nonprofit sector employs close to 238,000 in LA
maintain or increase expenditures, presumably to keep
County (or about 6% of the county’s workforce) and ac-
up with demand for services.
counts for about 6% of the county’s total wages.
• The majority of nonprofit organizations respond-
• Nonprofits experienced a 1.3% decline in total employ-
ed that their staffing and volunteer levels stayed the
ment between October 2007 and September 2008 (fairing
same during the downturn. Twenty-five percent (25%)
slightly better than for-profit firms’ 1.8% decline), while
reported a decrease in full-time employees, while 26%
public sector employment experienced a 4.6% decline.
reported an increase in the number of volunteers. Recommendations • Respondents appear to be slightly more optimistic about
The severity of this economic downturn, which has deeply
the year ahead. Fewer respondents anticipate decreased
affected the ability of government and foundations to
revenue compared to the percentage of respondents who
support human services, arts, the environment, health,
reported decreased revenues in the previous year.
and education programs, has nevertheless put the spotlight on the nonprofit sector and civil society more
The LA Nonprofit Sector: A Statistical Update
generally as vital and necessary resources in helping
• About 41,500 registered nonprofit organizations exist
to provide opportunity, social justice, environmental
in Los Angeles County - the highest number among all
protection, and public health. This report demonstrates
U.S. counties. Of these, 84% are 501(c)(3) public charities
that civil society in Los Angeles faces severe challenges
and 16% are various kinds of member-serving organiza-
under the strain, albeit not without evidence of resilience
tions registered under sections 501(c)(4-26).
and a sense of ‘cautious optimism.’
• Twenty-nine percent (29%) of all registered 501(c)(3)s
In light of what we have learned in the past, the Center
– 9,641 organizations – filed an IRS Form 990 in 2007. Of
posits the following recommendations to members of
the filers, 42% (4,031) had revenues under $100,000, 39%
the nonprofit, private and public sectors. These three
(3,796) had revenues between $100,000 and $1 million,
recommendations—inter-related in many ways—stem
15% (1,430) had revenues between $1 million and $10 mil-
from what we heard from local nonprofits and also gen-
lion, and 4% (384) had revenues in excess of $10 million.
eral observations of the sector. We offer these recommendations knowing that many organizations are already
• In general, both the nonprofit major sub-fields and
revisiting their strategic and fundraising plans and cal-
nonprofit sector overall in Los Angeles have been grow-
culating ways to curb and control costs. We are calling for:
• Renewed focus on program evaluation. It is not
• New modes of strategic collaboration and con-
enough for organizations to revisit their missions and
solidation. Efficiency should play a more prominent
engage in planning activities around core competen-
role in collaborative activities. This is to say that many
cies and initiatives without an evaluation framework.
collaborative efforts do not address the issues of
Nonprofits need to develop capacity to measure their
duplication of services and administrative inefficiencies.
progress toward stated outcomes and measure the
Collaborative efforts should decrease costs and increase
effectiveness of their programs and activities. Quality
efficiencies for involved parties—not the other way
program evaluation matters more than ever—for non-
around. Collaborative models can also address the urgent
profits, funders and those who receive services. Diffi-
need for knowledge-sharing and empirically-based
cult decisions about scarce resource allocation should
research on how nonprofit organizations are coping
be made based on sound data and results that can be
with the crisis; how they are responding to rising service
reported clearly to staff, funders, and other stakehold-
demands; what alternative funding options they are
ers and shared with similar nonprofits and govern-
pursuing; what changes they are making internally and
ment agencies. Program evaluation does not have to be
externally, as well as the social, health, environmental,
a costly third-party option. With adequate support from
educational, and cultural costs flowing from decreased
the public and private funding community, including
nonprofit capacity and budget cuts. Nearly half of
capacity building to improve evaluation methodologies,
survey respondents reported engaging in some type of
nonprofits can become better equipped to measure the
collaborative effort in the past year, but the quality and
quality of their respective programs and services.
effectiveness of these efforts remain unknown. And with respect to the most extreme examples of collaboration—
• More widespread advocacy efforts among non-
consolidation and mergers—it appears as if these
profits. Nonprofits must move beyond the mispercep-
strategies are extremely rare among local nonprofits.
tions around advocacy and the legal rules that limit
This economic downturn may very well require more
lobbying activities. All nonprofits can engage in
widespread consolidation—voluntary and otherwise—
advocacy without penalty, although the scope and extent
of local nonprofits, and the sector needs informa-
of activities vary according to the tax exempt status
tion and guidance on how to most effectively pursue
of the organization. In recent years, many nonprofit
such avenues.
organizations report they have become more effective in joining forces with other nonprofits for specific purposes, e.g. serving foster children, pushing for environmental regulations, etc., but what is also needed is a wider shared commitment to higher visibility and understanding of civil society and the nonprofit sector as a whole toward increasing civic engagement for the common good. Depleted public coffers should not dissuade
officials and other lawmakers. Nonprofit voices need to infiltrate the debates around health care reform, economic recovery and other social issues.
INTRODUCTION For each of the past six years, the UCLA Center for Civil Society has released its State of the Nonprofit Sector in Los Angeles report, offering an annual statistical update on the scale and scope of nonprofit and philanthropic activities in the region. To readers of the Center’s previous reports, this year’s installment may look different. Rather than immediately introduce the traditional sector updates (e.g., total number of nonprofits, total expenditures, etc.), this year’s report starts with the results of a survey the Center conducted this past summer to gauge how local nonprofits are experiencing and attempting to weather the economic downturn. The report still includes updates on the scale and scope of the sector, but the survey responses provide the crux of this year’s focus.
THE ECONOMIC DOWNTURN AND N O N P R O F I T O R G A N I Z AT I O N S I N L A Nonprofit organizations across the country have felt the
In the summer of 2009, the Center conducted a brief tele-
effects of the recession and LA County organizations
phone survey with nonprofit executives throughout LA
are no exception. Economic crises present a two-fold di-
County (see Appendix for detailed methodology). The
lemma to nonprofit organizations: increased demands
purpose of the survey was to gauge how local nonprof-
for services coupled with reduced resources. As is the
its are faring during the economic downturn and learn
case in LA County, preexisting conditions of steady an-
about the ways in which organizations are facing the
nual growth in the numbers of nonprofits coupled with
challenges and looking toward strategies that will help
stagnant expenditure growth means that, on the whole,
them remain sustainable. The survey was administered
local nonprofits must ‘do more with less.’ This contention
to a representative sample of LA nonprofits in the follow-
may in fact understate the severity of the current situa-
ing sub-fields: human services, health, arts and culture,
tion. For some organizations, ‘doing more’ may not be
education and environment. Furthermore, the sample in-
a feasible option. For organizations that lost large portions
cluded organizations with annual revenues greater than
of their annual revenue due to budget cuts at all levels of
$50,000 and less than $10 million. Survey results were
government and reduced private giving, just staying
shared with a focus group made up of eight nonprofit
afloat might take precedence over maintaining programs
executives from a cross-section of sub-fields.
and services. Throughout the recent economic downturn, numerous For these reasons and more, this year’s report explores
national and regional studies and surveys have been
the impact of the economic crisis on nonprofit organiza-
conducted across the country to explore the economy’s
tions in LA County, examining changes in the following:
impact on the nonprofit sector. This report will reference
demand for services, revenues and expenditures, staffing
these findings to make relevant comparisons between
and volunteers, organizational activities, and competi-
nonprofits in LA and their counterparts in other parts of
tion and collaboration.
the country.
DEMAND Figure 1. Demand Change Over the Last Year
A l l O rg a n i z a t i on s
S ub- f i el d s
A r t s , Cult u re , a n d H u m a n i t i e s
E d u ca t i on
H u m a n S e r vi ce s
I n c rea sed Mo d er a t e l y
S t a ye d t h e S a m e
D e cre a s e d M o de r a t e l y
10% 0%
E n vi ron m e n t
I ncreased S u bsta n tia lly
D e cre a s e d S ubst ant i al l y
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
In order to explore one half of the dual dilemma de-
When comparing the five sub-fields, human service or-
scribed above, the survey included a question about
ganizations reported the highest proportion of demand
how demands for programs and services have changed
increases (65%) and the lowest proportion (9%) of organi-
during this economic downturn. As Figure 1 shows, the
zations that experienced decreases in demand. This find-
majority of nonprofit organizations (57%) responded that
ing seems intuitive as job loss, foreclosures, cuts in public
demands for their programs and services increased over
benefits and other effects of the economic downturn have
the last year. In contrast, only 12% of respondents re-
increased demands for basic needs and other human
ported a decrease in demand over the past year. A 2009
services (e.g., workforce development, counseling, etc.).
Bridgespan survey of U.S. nonprofit leaders yielded very
Our analysis also showed that changes in demand were
similar results, with 56% of respondents reporting an
experienced similarly across different organizational age
increase in demands (Foster et al., 2009). A 2009 Guidestar
groups and budget sizes.
survey found that 58% of U.S. nonprofits experienced demand increases in the past year (Mclean & Brouwer, 2009).
REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Figure 2a. Revenue Change, 2006-2007
A ll Organiza t i on s
S ub- f i el d s
Ar ts, Cult u re , and H uma n i t i e s
Edu ca t i on
En v iro n m e n t
H uman S e r vi ce s
In cre a s e d
S t a ye d t h e S a m e
D e cre a s e d
Source: NCCS IRS CORE Files, 2006, 2007. N o t e : To m i r r o r t h e 2 0 0 9 s a m p l e f o r t h i s c o m p a r a t i v e a n a l y s i s , w e e x t r a c t e d a l l 5 s u b - f i e l d s o f n o n p r o f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n s w h i c h h a v e b o t h 2 0 0 6 a n d 2 0 0 7 r e v e n u e r e c o r d s f r o m 2 0 0 6 a n d 2 0 0 7 C O R E f i l e s . A f t e r d r o p p i n g v e r y l a rg e a n d v e r y s m a l l n o n p r o f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n s , w e c a l c u l a t e d t h e i n c r e a s e a n d d e c r e a s e i n r e v e n u e . W e d e f i n e 1 0 percent increase/decrease as “stayed the same.”
Figure 2b. Revenue Change Over the Last Year
A ll Organiza t i on s
S ub- fie ld s
Ar ts, Cult u re , and H uma n i t i e s
Edu ca t i on
En v iro n m e n t
In cre a s e d
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
H uman S e r vi ce s
S t a ye d t h e S a m e
D e cre a s e d
The survey also included questions about changes in
Our analysis looked at revenue changes in relation to
revenues and expenditures over the past year. Figures 2a
organizational reliance on various forms of revenue (e.g.,
and 2b compare county-level aggregate revenue chang-
government, donative, fees, etc.)1 and the survey results
es across two different periods: before the economic
showed that those organizations that receive 50% or more
downturn (2006-2007) and during the economic down-
of their revenue from government sources were the most
turn (2008-2009). Before the economic crisis (Figure 2a),
likely to report decreased revenue (46%). This trend is
almost twice as many nonprofit organizations experi-
likely due in large part to continued State-level fiscal un-
enced increased revenue (41%) than those organizations
certainty, a byproduct of the economic downturn, hous-
that experienced decreased revenue (22%). In contrast,
ing market declines and subsequent decreases in tax rev-
during the economic downturn (Figure 2b), 36% of non-
enues. The uncertainty not only leads to cuts in services
profit organizations experienced decreased revenue—
but also costly delays in payment. Indeed, the Nonprofit
more than twice as many organizations that experienced
Finance Fund (2009) found that California nonprofits
increased revenue (14%—compared to 22% in 2006-2007).
experience significantly longer delays in government
This distinct difference suggests more nonprofit organi-
funding than organizations nationally. These results are
zations struggled to secure sufficient resources during the
consistent with the findings from other recent studies.
economic downturn as compared to the previous period. The Bridgespan survey also found that funding cuts were As one focus group participant pointed out, those organi-
most severe among organizations that rely on the govern-
zations that reported that revenues stayed the same – 50%
ment as their primary funder (Foster et al., 2009).
of the sample – might very well have been forced to make cuts (e.g., staff, programs, etc.) if they had budgeted for
Organizations that received 50% or more of their reve-
more than they ended up raising. In addition, organiza-
nue from fees, dues, sales and other income reported the
tions for which revenues stayed the same in the previous
lowest instances of reduced revenues (26%). These orga-
year are likely to have fixed costs (e.g., health care costs
nizations also reported the highest percentage (22%) of
for employees) that continually rise on an annual basis.
increased revenue in the past year.
Larger nonprofits appear to have been harder hit by the
Examining differences in sub-fields, a higher percentage
downturn in terms of declines in revenue. Whereas 46%
of environment nonprofits (57%), arts, culture and hu-
of large nonprofits reported decreased revenue in the
manities (43%), and human services (38%) experienced
previous year, about a third (33% and 31%, respectively)
revenue decreases than the other sub-fields and non-
of medium and small organizations reported a decrease.
profit sector overall in Los Angeles County2. Only 24%
This trend might be explained in part by the heavier reli-
of educational groups reported decreased revenue in the
ance on government income among large organizations.
past year.
1. Government revenue includes grants, contracts and/or reimbursements. Donative revenue includes gifts from individuals, private and community foundations, United Way, corporate donors, and special events. Fees include charges, sales, dues and other earned income. 2. As seen in Appendix Table 1, only 21 Environment nonprofit organizations responded to the survey. The small number of responses may indicate biased results.
Figure 3a. Expenditure Change, 2006-2007
A ll Organiza t i on s
S ub- f i el d s
Ar ts, Cult u re , and H uma n i t i e s
Edu ca t i on
En v iro n m e n t
H uman S e r vi ce s
In cre a s e d
S t a ye d t h e S a m e
D e cre a s e d
Source: NCCS IRS CORE Files, 2006, 2007. N o t e : W e e x t r a c t e d a l l 5 s u b - f i e l d s ‘ n o n p r o f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n s w h i c h h a v e b o t h 2 0 0 6 a n d 2 0 0 7 e x p e n d i t u r e r e c o r d s f r o m 2 0 0 6 a n d 2 0 0 7 C O R E f i l e s . A f t e r d r o p p i n g v e r y l a rg e a n d v e r y s m a l l n o n p r o f i t o rg a n i z a t i o n s , w e c a l c u l a t e d t h e i n c r e a s e / d e c r e a s e o f t h e e x p e n d i t u r e . W e d e f i n e 1 0 p e r c e n t i n c r e a s e / d e c r e a s e a s “ s t a y e d t h e s a m e . ”
Figure 3b. Expenditure Change Over the Last Year
A ll Organiza t i on s
S ub- fie ld s
Ar ts, Cult u re , and H uma n i t i e s
Edu ca t i on
En v iro n m e n t
In cre a s e d
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
H uman S e r vi ce s
S t a ye d t h e S a m e
D e cre a s e d
The survey included questions on how the economy has impacted the total expenditures of LA County nonprofits. Figures 3a and 3b compare expenditures before and after the economic downturn. In 2006-2007 (Figure 3a), data reveal that 42% of nonprofit organizations experienced an increase in expenditures while only 17% experienced a decrease. Our survey results show that during the economic downturn (Figure 3b), even though 37% of nonprofit organizations’ expenditures increased, a comparable number of nonprofit organizations’ expenditures (30%) decreased. That is, as compared to the previous period, more nonprofit organizations decreased expenditures during this economic downturn. Of the organizations that reported decreased expenditures over the past year, 38% reported a decrease in full-time staff, 21% reported a decrease in part-time employees, and 32% reported having discontinued an existing program or service. Arts, Culture and Humanities organizations reported the highest percentage (43%) of expenditure decreases and the lowest percentage of expenditure increases (26%). Education nonprofit organizations reported the lowest percentage (20%) of decreased expenditures and the highest percentage of increased expenditures (45%).
Figure 4a.
Figure 4b.
Revenue and Expenditure Change, 2006-2007
Revenue and Expenditure Change Over the Last Year
60% 50%
41% 38%
37% 33%
36% 30%
30% 22%
17% 14%
I n c re a s e d
Stayed the Same
D e c re a s e d
C h a n ge in R ev e n u e
Stayed the Same
C h a n g e i n E x pe n di t u re
Source: NCCS IRS CORE Files, 2006, 2007; 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
Despite the challenges many nonprofit organizations
decreased their expenditures when their revenue either
faced over the last year, our survey results suggest that
stayed the same or decreased (‘doing less with less.’)
nonprofits made an effort to continue their activities and meet demands for their programs and services. As seen
Survey respondents also answered questions about
in Figure 4a, changes in revenue and expenditure from
how various revenue types shifted in the past year.
2006-2007 largely mirrored each other. In contrast, Figure
Thirty-eight percent (38%) of respondents indicated that
4b shows more drastic differences in the changes in rev-
revenue from donations decreased in the past year—
enue and expenditure during the economic downturn.
a higher percentage than all other revenue sources. Arts
In fact, the survey reveals that during this period, 37%
organizations reported the sharpest decrease in donations
of nonprofit organizations increased expenditures while
(48%). At the same time, 14% of respondents reported an
only 14% had increases in revenue.
increase in donations over the past year—tied with fees, sales and dues for the highest percentage. These results
Furthermore, 28% of nonprofit organizations reported
indicate that donative income experienced the most
increased expenditures when their revenue either stayed
fluctuation among grantees over the past year. Indeed,
the same or decreased over the last year (‘doing more with
less than half (49%) reported that donative income stayed
less’). In addition, 8% of organizations responded that
the same. Government income appears to have been the
their expenditures stayed the same despite a decrease in
most stagnant source of revenue in the past year. Only 8%
revenue. Hence, over a third of nonprofit organizations
of respondents indicated that revenue from government
increased or maintained their expenditures with less
sources increased in the past year – the lowest percentage
funding. In contrast, only 13% of nonprofit organizations
of all other revenue sources – and 72% of respondents reported no change in government income.
B OX 1. U P D AT E: FO U N D AT I O N G I V I N G I N L A C O U N T Y Despite the beginnings of a recession, foundation giving
compared to foundation income, survey data show
in the United States rose an estimated 2.8% to a record
that government, earned income and other sources
$45 billion between 2007 and 2008 (Foundation Center,
decreased among fewer organizations. And organiza-
2009). At the same time, however, the Foundation Cen-
tions do not appear to be very optimistic about prospects
ter estimates that foundation assets dropped 21.9% in
for foundation funding in the next year. One-quarter
2008 and that foundation giving in 2009 will decrease
of respondents stated that they expected foundation
by 8 to 13%.
funding to decrease.
Survey respondents indicated that revenue from foun-
In terms of the scope of institutional philanthropy in
dations (including private foundations, community
LA, the number of private foundations in the County
foundations, and United Ways) was an unstable rev-
has grown fairly consistently. This constant increase is
enue source. Thirty-one percent (31%) of respondents
similar to the growth of private foundations in Cali-
stated that revenue from foundations decreased in the
fornia and the U.S. as a whole. Between 1995 and 2009,
past year. And while individual donations were re-
the number of private foundations more than doubled,
ported to have decreased among more respondents
growing from 2,214 to 4,546.
Figure 5. Total Foundation Assets, Los Angeles County, 1997-2008
B il li ons (A dj ust ed t o 20 07 D o l l a r s )
$32.1 $29.5
$30.7 $27.5 (est.)
Source: NCCS IRS CORE files, 1997-2008. N o t e : E s t i m a t e d d r o p i n a s s e t s b e t w e e n 2 0 0 7 a n d 2 0 0 8 i s d e r i v e d f r o m F o u n d a t i o n C e n t e r ’s p r e d i c t i o n s f o r t h e 2 0 0 9 s u r v e y.
In terms of foundation assets in LA County, local foun-
In 2006, LA County-based foundations distributed nearly
dations grew their assets by a modest 0.72% between
$637 million and almost the same amount of grants were
2006 and 2007—considerably slower growth than Cali-
awarded to Los Angeles recipients and non-Los Angeles
fornia (7.53%) and the U.S. (10.55%). Despite the small
recipients (50% in each). When comparing sub-fields,
growth however, total assets reached an all time high for
Los Angeles recipients were awarded more grants than
LA County—$35.2 billion. Figure 5 shows total founda-
non-LA recipients in Art and Culture (77%), Human Ser-
tion assets for LA County foundations from 1997 to 2007.
vices (64%) and Religion (70%) sub-fields while non-Los
This chart is particularly relevant because one notices
Angeles recipients received more grants in Environment
a sizeable reduction in assets following the recession of
and Animals (63%), Science and Technology (86%) and
2001. Between 2000 and 2002, foundation assets in LA
Social Science (81%) in 20063.
County dropped 14% before steadily rebounding between 2002 and 2006.
Grants to nonprofits in the field of health (totaling over $248 million) made up the largest share (39%) of grant
Figure 5 also includes an estimated drop in total assets
dollars from LA County private foundations. Education
based on Foundation Center’s nationwide 2008 predic-
(23%), Human Services (14%), and Arts and Culture
tion. If LA foundations experienced a similar drop in
(13%) had the next highest grant dollar shares.
assets, total dollars would be approximately $27.5 billion (or slightly above the 2003 totals). Actual local foun-
When foundation giving dipped following the 2001 re-
dation data is not yet available for 2008, so questions
cession, recovery took close to four years. Because the
remain about the extent to which LA foundations will
severity of the most recent drop in foundation assets, the
experience reduced assets and possible subsequent re-
recovery time may be longer, forcing nonprofits to pur-
ductions in giving as well.
sue other forms of revenue to make up for the potential decreases in giving.
3. Source: The Foundation Center. The flow of the foundation grants changes every year by various factors such as an extremely large special grant in a year. Therefore, the result in the analysis is a snapshot of a year and cannot be generalized as a trend across years.
PROGRAMS Figure 6a. Discontinued Programs/Services
Our survey also looked at whether nonprofit organiza-
Over the Last Year
tions have discontinued programs or services. We see that slightly over 20% of nonprofit organizations discon-
Al l O rg a n i z a t i on s
S ub- f i el d s
A r t s , Cu lt u re , a n d H u m a n i t i e s E d u ca t i on
tinued programs (Figure 6a). If we focus on only those 79%
When we analyze organizations by the type of revenue rely most heavily on government revenue reported having discontinued programs in the past year. In contrast,
they are most reliant upon, 40% of those groups that
H u m a n S e r vi ce s
40% discontinued programs or services (Figure 6b).
E n vi ron m e n t Health
organizations experiencing decreased revenue, nearly
only 16% of organizations that rely most heavily on fees,
dues, sales and other earned income and 17% of groups that rely most on donations discontinued programs.
It should be noted, however, that 80% of all respondents and over 60% of nonprofit organizations whose revenue decreased did not discontinue any programs or services at all over the last year. Taken with the fact that expendiFigure 6b. Discontinued Programs/Services (Only NPOs
ture growth appears to be outpacing revenue increases,
with Decreased Revenue)
a majority of nonprofit organizations appear to be putting forth a concerted effort to maintain program levels despite funding cuts.
Al l O rg a n i z a t i on s
S ub- fi e lds
A r t s , Cu lt u re , a n d H u m a n i t i e s E d u ca t i on
E n vi ron m e n t
play. For one, the practice of overspending is highly un-
not reveal the extent to which programs may have been pared down, even if not discontinued all together. In sum,
sustainable in the long-term. Furthermore, the data does
H u m a n S e r vi ce s
among nonprofits, more problematic factors may be at
Although this trend illustrates a degree of resilience
there are important questions left unanswered by these
data about the health of these nonprofits.
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
EMPLOYMENT AND VOLUNTEERS Figure 7a. Change of Employees/Volunteers
Figures 7a-c show the percent change in the number of
Over the Last Year
employees and volunteers of the nonprofit organizations in LA County during the economic downturn. As seen
Full- T ime Empl oy e e s P ar t - T ime Empl oy e e s
in Figure 7a, the majority of nonprofit organizations 9%
Vo lu n t e e r
responded that the number of full- and part-time employ-
ees and volunteers stayed the same during the economic downturn. Sixty-five percent (65%) of nonprofit organi-
zations answered that they did not change their number
of full-time employees; 72% of nonprofit organizations answered that they did not change their number of part-time employees; and 68% of nonprofit organizations
Figure 7b. Change of Volunteers
answered that they did not change the number of volun-
Over the Last Year, by Size
teers. However, 25% of nonprofit organizations reported
Org a n i z a t i o n S i z e
a decrease in full-time employees, while 26% of nonprofit Small
Medium L a rg e
the economic downturn.
organizations indicated an increase of volunteers during
In a comparison of organizational size, a higher percentage of large nonprofit organizations experienced changes in full-time employees than either medium or small nonprofit organizations. What is more, a higher percentage
Figure 7c. Change of Full-time Employees
of small nonprofit organizations experienced changes
Over the Last Year, by Size
in volunteers. Specifically, 41% of large nonprofit orga-
O rgan iz a tio n S i z e
nizations reported a decrease in the number of full-time Small Medium L a rg e
tions reported an increase in the number of volunteers4. As one focus group participant pointed out, however, an increased volunteer pool may not fully compensate
employees, while 31% of small size nonprofit organiza-
for lost employees. Although volunteers appear to be increasing, volunteer labor may not be suitable for some types of services (e.g, clinical positions in mental health
Sta y ed th e Sa me
D ec rea sed
and substance abuse).
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
4. The size of nonprofit organization is defined as follows: Small ($50,000- $100,000 in expenditure), Medium ($100,000 - $1,000,000 in expenditure), and Large ($1,000,000 – 10,000,000 in expenditure).
Of organizations that reported decreased revenues over
When comparing organizations by reliance on various
the past year, 44% reported a decrease in full-time employ-
revenue streams, we found that 38% of organizations
ees and 21% reported a decrease in part-time employees.
that rely most heavily on government sources decreased
Of organizations that reported increased revenues over
full-time employment in the last year. In contrast, 23% of
the past year, still 18% and 12% reported decreases in full-
organizations that rely mostly on donations and 26%
time and part-time employees, respectively.
of groups that rely most heavily on fees, sales, dues and other earned income reported decreases in fulltime employees.
B OX 2 . U P D AT E: E M P LOY M E N T I N T H E N O N P RO F I T S EC TO R The economic downturn has had severe impacts on the
organizations made up just 4% of employment and 3%
LA County labor force. In March 2009, the county un-
of total wages. Organizations with staff sizes larger than
employment rate surpassed 11% for the first time since
1,000 employees made up less than 1% of reporting non-
1983. This update examines the state of nonprofit sector
profits, but 43% of employment and over half (54%) of
employment in LA County. The nonprofit sector employs
total wages.
approximately 238,000 workers in the county, nearly 6% of the county’s overall workforce. Forprofit employment
Figure 8 compares the percentage of establishments,
makes up 81% of LA County employment and govern-
wages, and employment for the nonprofit, forprofit, and
ment employees make up the remaining 14%. In terms
public sectors for the second quarter of 2008 for selected
of wages, nonprofit employment represents 6% of the
industries5. Nonprofit sector employment is most domi-
county’s total wages ($2.84 billion in the third quarter of
nant in the fields of emergency and other relief services
2008), with forprofit firms making up 79% and govern-
(67%) and social advocacy (62%). Nonprofits also hold
ment 16%. The LA nonprofit workforce represents 28% of
a strong share of individual and family service organiza-
the state’s nonprofit employment and 28% of the state’s
tions (53%) and vocational rehabilitation services (44%).
total nonprofit wages. Hospitals represent the largest share of the nonprofit sector workforce (33%) and total
In terms of total wages, nonprofits account for more than
wages (42%). Educational services ranks second in both
half in six of the selected industries, with Emergency
categories (25% and 23%, respectively).
Relief (71%), Social Advocacy (65%) and Vocational Rehabilitation Services (65%) having the highest shares. In
Data provided by the California Employment Develop-
terms of total employment, emergency relief (74%), social
ment Department reveal that, of the LA-based nonprofits
advocacy (72%) and vocational rehabilitation (66%) pos-
covered by California’s unemployment insurance (UI)
sess the dominant shares of their respective sub-fields.
laws, 58% employed staffs of less than 10 people. These
5. The industries selected for this analysis contain at least a minimal presence of nonprofit organizations.
Figure 8. Comparison of Nonprofit/For-Profit/Public Sectors as Percentage of Total, Selected NAICS Industries, Los Angeles County, 2008
E s t a bl i s hm ent s
Ar t s, E n t e r t a i n m e n t , a n d R e crea tio n 2.4%
C h i l d D a y C a re S e r v ices 26.4%
C i vi c a n d S oci a l O rg a n i z a tio n s 29.6%
E d u ca t i on a l S e r v ices 13.0%
E m e rg e n cy a n d O t h e r R e l i e f S e r v ices 67.2%
H os p ita ls 24.9%
I n d i vi d u a l a n d F a m i l y S e r v ices 53.4%
Nu r si n g a n d R e si d e n t i a l C a re F a cilities 20.5%
S ci e n t i f i c R e se a rch a n d D e ve l op m e nt S v c 15.7%
S oci a l Ad voca cy O rg a n i z a tio n s 62.4%
Voca t i on a l R e h a b i l i t a t i on S e r v ices 44.2%
Wa g e s
E m pl o y m ent
S o u r c e : C a l i f o r n i a E m p l o y m e n t D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t , 2 n d Q u a r t e r, 2 0 0 8
Figure 9 compares average annual salaries for nonprofit
particularly vexing considering the increased demand for
organizations across select industries. Scientific Research
services. How do you retain a skilled and motivated work-
and Development ($87,649), Hospitals ($63,012), Edu-
force when salaries are shrinking in these subsectors?
cational Services ($44,320) have the highest average annual salaries among nonprofits, while Civic and Social
When comparing salaries among the three sectors, one
Organizations ($18,241), Child Day Care ($25,890), and
notices that nonprofit average annual salaries are higher
Vocational Rehabilitation ($27,765) have the lowest aver-
than their forprofit and public counterparts in Hospitals,
age annual salaries.
Individual and Family Services, Nursing Care and Residential Services, Child Day Care Centers and Civic and
In terms of annual salary growth among nonprofits, the
Social Organizations. The biggest gaps between forprofit
top five industries experienced modest growth (between
and nonprofit annual salaries exist in Arts and Culture
1%—5%) between 2007 and 2008. Five of the seven indus-
groups, Social Advocacy Organizations, and Civic and
tries with the lowest annual salaries experienced a decline
Social Organizations. In Educational Services, nonprofit
in average salaries. Most notably, average salaries for
annual salaries are approximately 21% higher than for-
Child Day Care and Vocational Rehabilitation dropped by
profit salaries, although government salaries are 11%
15% and 9%, respectively. These reductions in salary seem
higher than nonprofits.
Figure 9. Average Annual Wage of Nonprofit/For-Profit/Public Sectors, Selected Industries, 2008
H osp i t a l s
Edu ca t i on a l S e r vi ce s
A mbulat o r y H e a l t h C a re S e r vi ce s
Ar t s , Ent e r t ain me n t , a n d R e cre a t i on
S o c ial A dv o ca cy O rg a n i z a t i on s
Eme rge nc y and Ot h e r R e l i e f S e r vi ce s
I n div idual an d F a m i l y S e r vi ce s
N urs in g an d Re s ide n t i a l C a re F a ci l i t i e s
Child Da y C a re S e r vi ce s
Sci ent if ic Re s e arc h an d D e ve l op m e n t S vc
Vo c at io n al Re h ab i l i t a t i on S e r vi ce s
$ 1 8,241
S o u r c e : C a l i f o r n i a E m p l o y m e n t D e v e l o p m e n t D e p a r t m e n t , 2 n d Q u a r t e r, 2 0 0 8
From October 2007 to September 2008, the nonprofit sec-
In terms of fluctuations in nonprofit employment from
tor workforce decreased by 1.3% (or approximately 3,100
October 2007 to September 2008, certain sub-fields fared
jobs), compared to a 1.8% decline in forprofit employment.
better than others. Employment in Ambulatory Health
Public sector jobs decreased during that time by 4.6%. If
Care Services rose 8.9%, Nursing and Residential Care
we examine forprofit and public employment only with-
Facilities rose 7.3%, and Social Advocacy Organizations
in select industries populated by nonprofit organizations,
rose 4.9%. Nonprofit sub-fields that experienced the
the former experienced a decline of 0.79% in total em-
sharpest employment declines were Religious Organiza-
ployment (fairing slightly better than the nonprofit firms)
tions (-8.2%), Educational Services (-6.2%), and Vocational
while the latter experienced a precipitous 9% decline.
Rehabilitation Services (-5.0%). Hospitals, which account
The dramatic drop in government employment is largely
for a third of nonprofit employment in the County, expe-
explained by severe cuts in educational services employ-
rienced a 1.5% drop in employment.
Civ ic an d S o c i a l O rg a n i z a t i on s
ment at the county level during the summer of 2008. Local government jobs in educational services experienced a 13% decline between October 2007 and September 2008.
S T R AT E G I E S Table 1. Nonprofit Organization Activities During The Economic Downturn
D ev eloped a st r a te gi c p l a n ?
R eorg a nized y o u r a d m i n i s tr a ti v e o r m a n a ge m e n t s tr u ct ure ?
I m plem ent ed a n e w f i s c a l o r c o s t c o n tro l s y s te m ?
A dded new prog r a m s ?
I m plem ent ed a p ro gr a m e v a l u a ti o n s y s te m ?
Cont ra c t ed out i n te r n a l o p e r a ti o n s ?
S t a r t ed a joint re v e n u e ge n e r a ti n g a c ti v i ty w i th o th e r org ani zat i ons?
E xpa nded or sta r te d a p ro f i t-m a k i n g v e n tu re ?
M erg ed wit h a no th e r o rga n i z a ti o n ?
So u rce: 2009 Los Angel es Nonprofi t Surv ey
We also asked a variety of questions about management
The low percentage of organizations that reported having
activities and strategies undertaken over the last year.
merged with another agency is consistent with national
The top three activities were development of a strategic
studies that show that just 5% of organizations nation-
plan (52%), reorganization of administrative or manage-
ally had merged or intended to merge in 2008 (Nonprofit
ment structure (44%) and implementation of a new fis-
Finance Fund, 2009). These results appear to suggest that
cal or cost control system (37%). Interestingly, during this
the sector has not in fact entered a new era of consoli-
period 37% of nonprofit organizations continued to add
dation and mergers. One explanation for this might be
new programs. Thirty-five percent (35%) of organizations
the high cost of mergers (up to $250,000 depending on
reported having implemented a program evaluation sys-
the size of the nonprofit and what’s involved) (Le Beau,
tem in the past year. Only a small percentage of nonprofit
2009). Despite these data, there is some evidence that
organizations contracted out internal operations (19%),
nonprofits are still intrigued by the merger option. Ac-
participated in a profit-making venture (16%) or merged
cording to Bridgespan, about 20% of nonprofit leaders
with another organization (2%).
were considering mergers or acquisitions to weather the recession (Foster et al., 2009).
C O L L A B O R AT I O N A N D C O M P E T I T I O N The survey also asked a series of questions about the
culture nonprofits were the most likely to report competi-
extent to which organizations have engaged in collabo-
tion, Furthermore, organizations that rely most heavily
ration or experienced competition over the past year.
on government funding reported the highest frequen-
Nearly 50% or more of respondents reported having been
cies of competition for financial resources (73%), while
involved with a collaborative effort to develop programs
organizations relying most heavily on fees, sales, dues
or services (49%), coordinate services for clients (55%)
and other earned income reported the lowest competition
and advocate on behalf of clients (51%). A lower percent-
frequency (43%).
age (35%) reported collaborative efforts to obtain funding for programs More than half of respondents also reported
So while collaborative efforts appear to be increasing dur-
that the level of collaboration in these areas increased
ing the downturn, competitive forces—especially with
over the past year.
regards to obtaining financial resources—remain at play.
Questions remain, however, about the extent to which With respect to competition, nearly 60% of respondents
levels of collaboration and competition will change as the
reported having experienced competition with other or-
down economy continues to impact the sector. As resourc-
ganizations (mostly nonprofits, but also including for-
es become more scarce or remain stagnant, competition
profit and government entities) for obtaining financial
figures to increase. But the current economic conditions
resources. Less than 40% of respondents reported compe-
punctuate the need for collaboration as funders—both
tition around attracting clients/members (37%), recruit-
public and private—increasingly call upon nonprofits to
ing staff/volunteers (24%), delivering programs/services
demonstrate efficient partnerships.
(24%), and recruiting board members (19%). Arts and
6. The report does not include comparable data about reported increases in competition among survey respondents due to a considerable amount of missing data (about half of respondents did not indicate whether their level of competition over the past year reflected an increase or a decrease). The low response rate to these questions may indicate poor survey methodology or a lack of awareness around respondents’ respective competitive arenas.
LOOKING FORWARD Figure 10a. Expected Revenue Change Over the Next Year
A l l O rg a n i z a t i on s
S ub- f i el d s
A r t s , Cult u re , a n d H u m a n i t i e s
E d u ca t i on
E n vi ron m e n t
H u m a n S e r vi ce s
In cre a s e
Stay the Same
D e cre a s e
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
Figure 10b. Expected Expenditure Change Over the Next Year
A l l O rg a n i z a t i on s
S ub- fie ld s
A r t s , Cult u re , a n d H u m a n i t i e s
E d u ca t i on
E n vi ron m e n t
H u m a n S e r vi ce s
In cre a s e
Stay the Same
D e cre a s e
Source: 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey
We were also interested in learning about the types of
When we revisited our comparison across organizations
changes in revenues and expenditures that nonprofit or-
by revenue stream reliance, we found that only 6% of
ganizations are anticipating in the next year. When asked
organizations that rely mostly on government funding
about the coming year’s revenue and expenditures, sur-
expected an increase in revenue (from all sources) in the
vey respondents relayed a slightly positive outlook or—
coming year. This was in stark contrast to the percent-
as one focus group participant described it—’cautious
age of organizations that rely most heavily on fees, dues,
optimism’. Whereas only 14% of respondents reported an
sales and other earned income (30%) and donations (21%)
increase in revenues in the previous year, 20% of organi-
that expect revenue increases.
zations anticipate an increase in revenue in the coming year. And where 36% of respondents reported revenue
So while optimism was not consistent across all organi-
decreases in the previous year, only 27% predict revenue
zations, many survey respondents suggested a slightly
decreases in the coming year.
better outlook for the coming year. When asked about the specific management and organizational strategies
One third of Arts and Culture organizations expect an
that organizations will use to remain sustainable during
increase in revenue in the next year, while just 18% of
the economic downturn, the most common response was
Education groups expect a decrease in revenue. These two
fundraising. Other common responses included cutting
sub-fields rely more heavily on fees, dues, sales and other
costs (e.g., laying off staff, discontinuing programs, etc.),
earned income as compared to Human Services, Health,
general cost control strategies (e.g., tighter fiscal monitor-
and the Environment. This reliance on earned income might
ing), expanding services, and increasing visibility (e.g.,
help explain disproportionate optimism, however slight.
marketing, improving/building a website, etc.) Respondents were less likely to mention collaboration, program
In terms of expenditures, 37% of organizations reported
evaluation and advocacy – key strategies identified in this
increased expenditures in the previous year, and only 28%
report as needing more development in the local nonprof-
expect expenditures to increase in the coming year. And
it sector (see Recommendations in Executive Summary).
while 29% of organizations reported decreased expenditures in the previous year, only 22% expect to decrease
The fact that nonprofits anticipate another year of over-
expenditures in the coming year. Health nonprofits,
spending—expenditures that outweigh revenues—is
which reported relatively high fluctuation in expendi-
troubling. On one hand, the apparent willingness among
ture change over the past year, expect the least fluctua-
nonprofits to maintain expenditures in spite of continued
tion going forward. Because health organizations tend to
fiscal uncertainty displays a commendable degree of re-
be larger groups, this may account for better cost control
silience. However, another year of overspending will only
functioning and fiscal management.
add more financial strain to nonprofits and in turn add to the collective vulnerability of the sector.
7. The figure 41,486 we estimate is based on the NCCS IRS Business Master File (BMF) for July 2009. (See Appendix 1 for more information on the data used.)
THE NONPROFIT SECTOR IN L O S A N G E L E S C O U N T Y — A N U P D AT E Los Angeles County contains the largest nonprofit sec-
In 2007, the latest year for which data on nonprofit or-
tor in the country, both in terms of the total number of
ganizations that are required to file an annual IRS Form
organizations and total nonprofit expenditures. In July
990 is available, 9,641 nonprofits filed the annual returns.
of 2009, there were 41,486 registered nonprofit organiza-
This number represents about 29% of all registered 501(c)
tions in LA County . Of these, nearly 84% (or 34,674) are
(3) organizations in LA County. Furthermore, this num-
registered as 501(c)(3) public charities, including 7,162
ber represents those organizations with annual revenues
religious congregations and 4,546 private foundations.
that exceed $25,000 (and are therefore required by the
In addition to these public-serving organizations, vari-
IRS to file a Form 990). Of the 9,641 filers in 2007, 42%
ous kinds of member-serving nonprofit organizations
(4,031) had revenues under $100,000, 39% (3,796) had
registered as 501(c)(4-26) make up the remaining 16%
revenues between $100,000 and $1 million, 15% (1,430)
(or 6,812) of the total number of nonprofit organizations.
had revenues between $1 million and $10 million, and
As in previous reports, the primary focus of this edition
4% (384) had revenues in excess of $10 million.
is the public-serving nonprofit organizations registered as 501(c)(3) public charities.
Figure 11. Growth in the Number of 501(c)(3) Organizations in Los Angeles County
20. 0%
27,761 24,730
25,000 20,000
19,640 20,071
21,009 21,661
29,865 29,888
15. 0% 12. 5% 10. 0% 7. 5%
6.5% 5.3%
4.9% 3.7%
17. 5%
15,000 10,000
% Growth
N um ber of O rg an iz a t i o n s
5. 0% 2. 5%
0. 0% 1995
501(c )(3) O rga n iz a tio n s
1 9 99
% A n n u a l G ro w t h
Source: NCCS IRS Business Master Files, August 1995 - July 2009. Note : The growth between years is not an exact 12-month period. Data for each year was extracted from the following NCCS IRS BMF files: August 1995; June 1996; October 1997; September 1998; December 1999; May 2000; July 2001; July 2002; July 2003; April 2004; July 2005; May 2006; September 2007; June 2008; July 2009.
As seen in Figure 11, the number of registered nonprofit organizations in LA County has grown steadily between
profit organizations increased 3.7%, which is also lower than the average annual rate of growth8.
1995 and 2009. As a result, the number of nonprofit organizations has increased nearly 77% during that time.
Similarly, nonprofit expenditures in LA County have
However, in general, the growth rate has slowed in re-
also grown continuously since 1995 with total expendi-
cent years. With the exception of a steep increase from
tures increasing 58% between 1995 and 2007. But while
2006 to 2007, annual growth rates since 2003 have been
the growth trend overall since 1995 has been positive,
lower than the annual growth average (4.2%) between
growth rates for nonprofit expenditures have slowed in
1995 and 2009. From 2008 to 2009, the number of non-
recent years. As Figure 12 illustrates, nonprofit expen-
Figure 12. Nonprofit Expenditure, 5-County Region, 1995-2007
$3 6 , 0 0 0 $34,216 $33,841
$3 4 , 0 0 0 $3 2 , 0 0 0
$3 0 , 0 0 0 $28,664
$2 8 , 0 0 0
$27,291 $26,365
$2 6 , 0 0 0
Mi ll ions (A dj u s t e d t o 2 0 0 7 D o l l a r s )
$24,458 $23,809
$2 4 , 0 0 0 $2 2 , 0 0 0
$2 0 , 0 0 0
$6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 1995
LA C o u n ty
S o u rc e: NCCS IRS Co re F ile s, 1 9 9 5 - 2 0 0 7
O r a n ge C o u n ty
S a n B e r n a rdi n o
R i v e r s i de
Ve n t u r a
Figure 13a. Nonprofit Organizations
ditures have experienced flat growth since 2003, follow-
per 10,000 Population, 2007
ing a period of persistent increases between 1995 and 2003. Between 2006 and 2007, nonprofit expenditures
C a l i f or n i a
5- Co u n t y R e g i on
Lo s A n ge les C ou n t y
Ve n t ur a C ou n t y
increased just 1.1% in LA County, which is lower than the average annual growth rate (3.9%) between 1995 and 2007. Compared to neighboring counties, total nonprofit expenditures in LA County is by far the largest. But the expenditure growth rate from 2006 to 2007 was the lowest of all counties in the 5-county region9.
Or ang e C ou n t y
S an B e r nardin o C ou n t y
6.71% of the Gross Metropolitan Product (GMP) in 2007. This percentage represents the lowest share of GMP
Riv e r s id e C ou n t y
Nonprofit expenditures in LA County accounted for
since 2003, but is just 0.16% lower than the 2003 share.
Nonprofit share of GMP is also 0.84% higher than the
Source: NCCS IRS Business Master Files, June 2007; U.S. C e n s u s P o p u l a t i o n E s t im at es (h t t p: / / / popest/ datasets.html )
1998 share (5.87%) The relative capacity of the nonprofit sector in LA County in terms of organizations per 10,000 population,
Figure 13b. Nonprofit Expenditure
outpaces the four surrounding counties, but lags behind
per 10,000 Population, 2007
the state and the country. As Figures 13a and 13b indicate,
C a l i f or n i a
5- Co u n t y R e g i on
$ 2 6 ,2 25,325
Lo s A n ge les C ou n t y Ve n t ur a C ou n t y Or ang e C ou n t y S an B e r nardin o C ou n t y Riv e r s id e C ou n t y
$ 34,888.642 $ 1 2 ,4 8 3 ,1 0 5 $ 1 9 ,8 7 7 ,928 $ 1 7 ,6 3 4 ,7 51
the number of nonprofit organizations per 10,000 population (33) as well as the nonprofit expenditure per capita ($3,489 or approximately $34,890,000 per 10,000 people) in LA County are higher than the other four counties in the 5-county region but lower than the U.S. in both number and expenditure. Compared to California, Los Angeles nonprofit capacity is higher in number but lower in expenditure, suggesting that on average a Los Angeles County nonprofit organization spends less than the average California nonprofit organization.
$ 7 ,8 2 5 ,5 3 0
So u rce: NCCS IRS COR E Fi l es, 2 0 0 7 ; U.S. Census Popul ati on Es t i ma t e s (h t t p: //w w w. cen / popest/ datasets.html )
8. The criteria month measuring annual growth was changed from January to June in this year ’s report. Therefore, to derive more precise 12-month growth rates each year, we used different months’ BMF data for five years (2002, 2003, 2006, 2007 and 2008) from the previous reports. This modification results in figures for these five years that do not match data from previous reports. 9. The four counties’ annual growth rates in expenditure during 2006-2007 are as follows: 7.9% for Orange County, 5.4% for San Bernardino County, 3.5% for Ventura County and 4.3% for Riverside County.
Figure 14a. Change in the Number of Nonprofits by Major Sub-field, Los Angeles County, 2001, 2004, 2007 7,072
7,000 6,167
N um ber o f O rg ani z at i o ns
5,000 4,566 4,081
4,000 3,608
2,493 2,206
0 A r ts , C u l tu re , a n d H u m a n i ti e s
Ed ucat i on
H e al t h
H uman Se rvi ce s
2001-2 0 0 4 Growt h
2004-2 0 0 7 Growt h
S ourc e : N CCS I RS Bus i ne s s Ma s t e r F i l e s , Jul y 2001; A p r i l 2004; S e p t e mbe r 2007
The size of the four major nonprofit sub-fields in LA
experienced the largest growth in expenditures (29%) be-
County—Human Services, Education, Arts and Cul-
tween 2001 and 2007, and Health organizations showed
ture, and Health—also increased both in the number
the smallest growth during the same period (8%), most-
of organizations and in expenditures between 2001 and
ly because of the expenditure decrease between 2004
2007. Figure 14a shows that the number of nonprofit or-
and 2007.
ganizations in all major sub-fields experienced steady growth in 2001, 2004 and 2007. Human Services orga-
In general, when comparing the growth rates between
nizations demonstrated the largest growth (43%) in
the two different 3-year periods (2001 to 2004 and 2004
number while education organizations experienced the
to 2007), the 2001-2004 growth rates are higher than
smallest growth (26%) between 2001 and 2007. Simi-
2004-2007 rates (see tables in Figures 14a and 14b). That
larly, in Figure 14b, the total nonprofit expenditures in
is, except for the expenditure growth trend among Arts,
all the major sub-fields increased in 2001, 2004 and 2007
Culture and Humanities organizations, growth rates
except for a decrease between 2004 and 2007 among health
have slowed in terms of both numbers and expenditures
nonprofit organizations. Human services organizations
in recent years.
Figure 14b. Change in Nonprofit Expenditure by Major Sub-field, Los Angeles County, 2001, 2004, 2007 $13,928 $13,533
M i l i o ns ( A d j ust ed t o 2 0 0 7 Do l l ars)
$10,000 $8,936 $8,250
$5,226 $5,396 $4,182
$2,000 $1,010 $934
0 A r ts , C u l tu re , a n d H u m a n i ti e s
Ed ucat i on
H e al t h
H uman Se rvi ce s
2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 4 Gro w th
8 %
2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 7 Gro w th
S ourc e : N CCS I RS Core F i l e s , 2001, 2004, 2007.
ASSESMENT The above show that all major nonprofit sub-fields (with
zation expenditures between 2004 and 2007 predict par-
the exception of health) and the nonprofit sector over-
ticular challenges for the types of agencies that would
all in LA County experienced consistent, albeit slow,
presumably try to meet the basic and healthcare needs
growth in terms of both numbers and expenditures.
of a population with growing needs. Furthermore, as
Considering the recent economic downturn and the
the growth in number of organizations continues to out-
state’s continuing state fiscal crisis, this slowdown is not
pace growth in aggregate total expenditures, the median
expected to reverse in the short-term. The slow growth
and average size of LA County nonprofits continues to
trend could also prove problematic for a sector that is
erode. This begs the question as to whether more organi-
experiencing increased demands for services. Consider-
zations, smaller in size and continuing to further ‘divide
ably slow growth among human service organizations
up the pie,’ will be able to adequately address growing
in terms of expenditures and a decline in health organi-
social problems at the local level.
THE 2009 POLICY ENVIRONMENT FOR NONPROFITS The policy environment at all levels of government
Budget Project, 2009):
weighs heavily on the work of nonprofit organizations and the communities that rely on nonprofit services. For
• Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary
this reason, the State of the Nonprofit Sector report each
Payment (SSI/SSP) monthly grants for individuals and
year examines the relevant policy updates that could po-
couples were reduced by 7% and 11%, respectively.
tentially impact nonprofit organizations. • CalWORKs grants were cut by 4%—the maximum The economic downturn is likely to exacerbate preexisting
monthly grant for a family of three now stands at $694,
fiscal pressures on the nonprofit sector by way of budget
the same amount as in 1989.
shortfalls at the State and local levels. The state’s budget crisis looms large over the dual challenges faced by local
• Reduced funding to counties for employment services
nonprofits: increased demands and decreased resources.
and child care.
But unlike in recent years, there are new commitments at the Federal level to increase social spending and pro-
• Drastic reductions in funding for child welfare services,
mote new service and volunteer initiatives. The Obama
the Healthy Families Program, In-home Supportive Ser-
Administration has introduced new strategies to invest
vices (IHSS), community clinics, adult dental services,
in nonprofit infrastructure and provide opportunities for
Developmental Centers and Regional Centers, AIDS/
local organizations to access new funding streams and
HIV programs, and domestic violence shelter programs.
volunteer pools. Similar initiatives at the state and local level have also created opportunities, at least with respect
In addition, the state’s budget calls for borrowing $2 bil-
to service and volunteerism. But first the challenges:
lion from cities and counties, and takes another $1.7 billion from local redevelopment agencies this fiscal year.
For LA County, this could equate to nearly $450 million of borrowed or taken dollars from the county, City of Los Angeles and Community Redevelopment Agency of Los
When the final revisions were signed for the state’s 2009-
Angeles (CRA/LA) (Reese, 2009). This reduction in local
2010 budget by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, over
funding may also reduce services to low-income popula-
$16 billion in cuts were proposed in order to address
tions and other groups in need. At the time of this report,
a $23 billion shortfall that severely hampered legislation
the city is facing a $405 million budget shortfall. Negotia-
for months. These budget cuts came on the heels of $14
tions among the mayor’s office, city council and other key
billion in cuts enacted in February to address what was
stakeholders are ongoing and the strategies to help make
then a $36 billion budget shortfall. Many of the cuts were
up the deficit are still being formulated.
made to safety net programs that aim to protect vulnerable populations like low-income children and older adults. Here are some examples of cuts that will create more service demands in local communities (California
service a way of life for all Americans.” The initiative also created as a resource to help people find
The new presidential administration has brought new-
local volunteer opportunities.
found focus on the work of nonprofit organizations and financial resources are starting to move through the pipe-
The volunteer Generation Fund was created to help non-
line to help local organizations. President Barack Obama
profits recruit, manage, and train volunteers. The Fund
created the Office of Social Innovation to help support in-
will require grantees to submit annual reports on the
novative nonprofits and encourage social entrepreneurs
size and performance of their volunteer programs to the
to tackle pressing problems. The nonprofit sector has al-
CNCS which will distribute the funds.
ready responded to these opportunities by engaging in unprecedented advocacy activities in Washington. The
The Nonprofit Capacity Building Program is a public-
implications for the LA nonprofit sector have yet to be
private matching grant program (the limited federal
determined, but the following highlights opportunities at
dollars would be matched dollar-for-dollar by other
each level of government.
sources) that will help small and midsize nonprofits access nonprofit capacity building services, starting with
the $5 million that Congress previously reserved as part of the FY 2010 budget of the Corporation for National & Community Service.
When President Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act in April 2009, he authorized the cre-
In July, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved
ation of a Social Innovation Fund (SIF), which is housed
a FY 2010 appropriations bill that includes $1.157 bil-
within the Corporation for National and Community Ser-
lion for the CNCS, which is a $267 million increase from
vice (CNCS). The SIF proposes to work with local funding
FY 2009. The legislation includes $50 million for the
partners to support nonprofits that have proven to be ef-
Social Innovation Fund, $8 million for the Volunteer
fective. The fund is designed to channel most (85%) of the
Generation Fund, and $2 million for the Nonprofit Ca-
support dollars through local grant-making institutions,
pacity Building program.
leaving another 10% that would go directly to community groups and 5% to support research and evaluation.
In addition, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)—commonly known as the stimulus pack-
The CNCS will provide grants to local funders between
age – also provides support for nonprofits and volun-
$1 million and $10 million and will require the local foun-
teerism. Through the Strengthening Communities Fund
dations to provide a 100% match. In addition, nonprofits
(SCF) and the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program,
who receive ‘subgrants’ from the foundations will be re-
the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) will
quired to match grants dollar-for-dollar.
award approximately $34 million this fall to organizations across the country to provide trainings, technical
The Serve America Act also officially recognizes Septem-
assistance, and financial support to small and midsized
ber 11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance,
organizations working in underserved communities.
with the goal of promoting the new administration’s United We Serve initiative. Launched by President Obama
While new initiatives are being proposed at the Federal
and the First Lady, and in partnership with the CNCS,
level, nonprofit organizations are taking unprecedented
this initiative seeks “to create a sustained, collaborative,
steps to have their voices heard in Washington. In July
and focused effort to meet community needs and make
2009, a delegation of 80 members of the National Coun-
cil of Nonprofits met at the White House and on Capitol Hill. Meetings were held with a senior adviser in the new
California ranks 42nd in the nation in volunteer rate (23.8%) and 35th in volunteer hours per resident (32.7)10.
Office of Social Innovation and with over 100 U.S. representatives and senators. The delegation focused on two main issues: (1) protecting funding for the Nonprofit Ca-
pacity Building Program and (2) ensuring that nonprofits are not forgotten in health care reforms (National Council
At the local level, too, there are initiatives to increase vol-
on Nonprofits, 2009).
unteerism and support service-related activities. In 2009, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa along with 16
other U.S. mayors announced a new coalition to promote volunteerism as a way to help cities combat their most pressing problems. As part of this effort, and with sup-
In 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger established
port of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Cities of Service
a new Cabinet-level position of Secretary of Service
coalition will support full-time chief Service officers in
and Volunteering—the first such position in the nation.
select cities to support mayoral initiatives. The Entertain-
According to CaliforniaVolunteers (2009)—the state office
ment Industry Foundation announced a separate multi-
that manages volunteer programs and initiatives—this
year campaign to enlist television networks and the
move intends to raise the profile of service in the state,
wider entertainment industry in an effort to promote vol-
improve state and local volunteer coordination, and en-
unteerism (Cities of Service, 2009). Since being elected in
courage more volunteerism across the state.
2005, Mayor Villaraigosa has also organized 13 Mayor’s Days of Service, involving thousands of local volunteers
CaliforniaVolunteers administers the AmeriCorps port-
in projects around the city.
folio in California, Citizen Corps, Green Jobs Corps (in partnership with the Labor and Workforce Development
Despite these new measures to encourage service, LA
Agency), and the Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learn-
appears to lag behind other major cities with respect to
ing. It also developed and maintains the California Vol-
volunteerism. According to CNCS (2009), 2.1 million LA
unteer Matching Network on,
residents volunteered in 2008 – the same number as in
is developing the nation’s first statewide Disaster Corps
2004. The CNCS report shows that Los Angeles ranks 45th
to fully integrate volunteers into the state’s emergency
among the 51 largest U.S. cities in volunteer rate (20.5%;
management system, and guides policy development
rankings based on three-year averages). Compared to
to support the nonprofit and service fields (Office of the
other California cities, LA ranks behind San Francisco
Governor, 2008).
(15th; 29.5%), San Jose (23rd; 27.8%), San Diego (28th; 26.1%) and Sacramento (33rd; 25.3%). The 2008 volunteer
According to data compiled by the CNCS (2009), Califor-
rate was 21%, 5.4% lower than the state average and 0.6%
nia had the largest number of volunteers of any U.S. state
lower than the city rate in 2004. LA ranks slightly higher
in 2008 (nearly 7.1 million – almost 12% of all the vol-
(38%) among the 51 largest U.S. cities in volunteer hours
unteers in the U.S.) However, according to CNCS (2009),
per resident (28.9).
10. Volunteer rate is the percentage of individuals who responded on the Current Population Survey’s Volunteer Supplement that they had performed unpaid volunteer activities at any point during the 12-month period that preceded the survey for or through an organization (numbers are based on three-year moving averages). Volunteer hours per resident are calculated as the total volunteer hours served divided by the population aged 16 and over, as estimated from the CPS, for that specific area.
For those who follow philanthropy, it’s hard to miss
next year, and we can only watch to see how quickly $100
a $100 million initiative. Here’s one, however, that you’re
million in private philanthropic achievements—in ex-
unlikely to read about in the Chronicle of Philanthropy or
panding enrollment, pushing for reauthorization of the
in the legion of blogs and Web sites devoted to giving.
federal Children’s Health Insurance Program, promoting county-level insurance programs to cover kids not eligi-
First 5 California, an independent foundation dedicated
ble for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families, and more – disap-
to the needs of children from birth to five-years-old, re-
pears as more foundation money is needed to bail out the
cently approved a contribution of up to $81.4 million to
state yet.
the state-run Healthy Families Program to cover health care costs for more than 200,000 infants and children at
This situation dramatically makes a point we’ve known
risk of losing coverage due to California’s budget deficit.
about philanthropy all along – that there is no way private philanthropy can pick up the slack when govern-
The Healthy Families Program, administered by the
ment, which was designed to be our common commit-
state’s Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board (MRMIB),
ment, retreats. And we are only left to ask, where were we
provides low-cost medical insurance to more than 1.1 mil-
when the state fiscal crisis began? And what are we doing
lion low-income children. Budget cuts have left it with
now that there is no end in sight?
a $190 million shortfall. Since voters passed Proposition 10 in 1998, First 5 California has spent millions on chil-
This is not at all to diminish the leadership and commit-
dren’s health insurance – placing it among the largest
ment shown by First 5 California. It should, however,
and most stable funding sources of health coverage for
drive home for all foundations and nonprofits the need to
children up to age 5 in California.
pay close attention to what state governments are doing, and try to influence it where possible.
The First 5 California contribution will now cover health care costs for more than 200,000 infants and children at
Declining to participate in the scrum may be the cautious
risk of losing coverage, through 2010. This was First 5
approach legally, and it even may be the right one for
California’s second round of emergency funding for the
a particular foundation or nonprofit philosophically, but
program in nine months. In December they put up an-
there should be no doubt about the risks that we run by
other $17 million.
staying on the sidelines.
Now here’s the kicker: this extraordinary grant still
Indeed, foundations and nonprofits should carefully con-
might not have prevented up to 800,000 more children
sider the merits of pushing for longer term change in the
from low-income working families from being kicked off
policy environment in which programs like health insur-
health coverage. The legislature, however, followed First
ance for children get the first and deepest cuts in a reces-
5’s lead and passed AB 1422, a bill to provide approxi-
sion. When a foundation thinks about how to advance
mately $97 million in fee revenue to fill the gap, which
a particular issue, such as health for infants and children,
the governor signed in September.
for example, concerns about governance reform—such as the two-thirds requirement in the legislature for a tax in-
This is a one-time fix, however, and it’s very likely pro-
crease—can seem far afield from that strategic focus. The
grams like Healthy Families will face another big gap
current California budget debacle shows how closely the
fates of low-income children are tied to the messy world
two years to try to address the larger governance reform
of state politics.
questions, through California Forward (in my view, the best hope for lasting solutions to these problems).
To their credit, funders like The James Irvine Foundation,
The change is coming—I’m an optimist—but we all need
The California Endowment, The David and Lucile Pack-
to get in into the scrum with them to the extent that we
ard Foundation and others have been working the past
are able.
CONCLUSION The Los Angeles nonprofit sector faces formidable challenges in light of increased demands and concurrent re-ductions in resources. The survey results in this report help us to better understand the nature and extent of the economy’s impact on local nonprofits. What is less clear, however, is how the sector will continue to cope during what could be a very slow economic recovery. Although survey respondents seemed somewhat optimistic about how they would fare in the coming year, time will dictate how well these organizations will make out in an extended fiscal crisis. Economic trends can take one to two years before peak impacts take their toll on the sector. The ‘cautious optimism’ expressed by some respondents may not be reflected in the next year. Where we find some encouragement in the sector’s willingness to maintain or sometimes even increase expenditures in the face of depleted revenue (‘doing more with less’), we also recognize that this is not a sustainable practice for organizations. If economic conditions remain stagnant and organizations continue to struggle to generate sufficient income, at some point doing ‘less with less’ becomes status quo. This then begs the question: Who will pick up the slack? Private donations from individuals or households increase only incrementally even in a good economy. Foundations have lost considerable sums of their endowments due to the market downturn and giving levels could be affected into the coming years. Corporate donors may very well deemphasize social responsibility and grant making in the face of thinning profit margins and shortfalls. Local and state budget cuts have depleted resources for public agencies and funders. So what strategies does this scenario then leave for nonprofits to increase their survivability? Will nonprofits be forced to generate new forms of earned income in order to keep their doors open? Indeed, according to our survey results, organizations that rely most heavily on fees, dues, sales and other earned income fared better than organizations that rely more on government or donative revenue. What implications does this trend have on a sector that is already becoming more professional and, in some ways, commercial? Although large nonprofits appear to be hardest hit among survey respondents, this may be a case of larger organizations having the capacity to ‘shed’ more assets and resources in order to cut costs as compared to smaller organizations. Larger, well-established organizations may indeed be better suited to survive in the longer-term. Traditional management strategies in times of crisis, strategic and contingency planning, engaging and mobilizing stakeholders and staff to focus on mission, and increased focus on efficiency – may not be enough to keep some organizations afloat. The recommendations in the Executive Summary attempt to address more pressing strategies that will require a collective effort – on the part of nonprofits, funders and the private sector – in order to be successful. Although this report leaves many questions about the fate of local nonprofits unanswered, it provides insight into the current state of the sector and what can be done to promote resiliency in the face of widespread vulnerability among both nonprofits and communities in need.
APPENDIX 1.IRS Business Master Files and CORE Files from the National Center
In terms of nonprofit employment, the exclusion of religious organiza-
for Charitable Statistics. For information on nonprofit organizations in
tions is the most significant. In the data in this report, religious orga-
the region, we used the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Business Master
nizations were mostly excluded, since most religious organizations do
Files (BMFs) and CORE files, available through the Urban Institute’s
not report to the EDD or the IRS. Only those religious organizations that
National Center for Charitable Statistics (http://nccsdataweb.urban.
choose to be UI-covered are included in the data in the report.
org). The BMFs are cumulative and contain descriptive information on all active tax-exempt organizations derived mostly from IRS Forms 1023
Employment is the number of filled jobs as reported by the employ-
and 1024. To estimate the number of member-serving nonprofit organi-
er and it includes full- and part-time workers. If a person holds two
zations, we used the “BMF Other” data set. For the remaining figures,
jobs, that person would be counted twice in these data. Wages include
we used the “BMF 501(c)(3)” data set. The CORE files, produced annu-
bonuses, stock options, the cash value of meals and lodging, tips and
ally, combine descriptive information from charities’ initial registration
other gratuities.
with annually updated financial variables from the Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF. Only organizations required to file these forms are included
To identify nonprofit organizations in EDD’s database, we provided
in the files. The CORE files used for this report include only 501(c)(3)
the EDD with Federal Employer Identification Numbers (FEINs) for all
public charities and private foundations filing Forms 990, 990-EZ or
LA County nonprofits in the IRS Nonprofit Business Master Files from
990-PF and reporting gross receipts of at least $25,000. The numbers
1995-2008. The FEINs from the BMF Files were then used to “flag” re-
of religious organizations and foundations are based on IRS FNDNCD
cords in the California ES-202 system.
codes (reason for and type of 501(c)(3) exempt status including codes for operating and grant-making foundations, and other types of
Two methods are generally used to “flag” nonprofit organizations:
public charities).
California state employer flag (Category 2) and the national Exempt Organization Master File (EOMF) flag (Category 1). The Category 1 method is based strictly on a match between the IRS files and the ES-
2. California Employment Development Dept., Labor Market In-
202 files, while the Category 2 match is based on an internal match of
formation Division. Data on employment and wages were provided
the ES-202 and another EDD database. This Category 2 match occurs
by the Labor Market Information Division of the California Employ-
because organizations that are listed as nonprofits by the IRS are not
ment Development Department (EDD). The figures are for Los Angeles
always classified as nonprofits in EDD’s databases.
County by sector for the 2001-2008 period, and for the second quarter (April-June) of each year. They constitute a “snapshot” of wage and
Moreover, there are some organizations that EDD classifies as a non-
employment data for the specific quarter presented (for these data, the
profit that did not match to the IRS files, probably because of different
June 12th pay period). The employment data are derived from private
or missing FEINs. Categories 1 and 2 provide differing sets of employ-
and public sector employers covered by California’s unemployment in-
ment numbers. Previously, EDD provided two other sets of employment
surance (UI) laws. They are a product of a Federal-State cooperative
numbers, one based on nonprofit organizations that matched in both
program known as the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages
Categories 1 and 2, and a second based on nonprofits that matched in
(or ES-202) program. The ES-202 program accounts for approximately
either Categories 1 or 2. This last matching method, which can be called
97% of all wage and salary civilian employment (the program does not
Category 3, produces the most comprehensive list of nonprofit organi-
cover self-employed and family workers). The principal exclusions
zations; but due to time and resource limitations, the EDD was not able
from ES-202 are railroad workers, employees of religious organizations,
to provide us with a Category 4 match this year. Data on employment
and students.
and wages for this report was based on the Category 1 method.
Sometimes, employers with multiple locations pose a problem when us-
tions were selected only for the environment field. In the end, a total of
ing EDD data. For this report we were able to break out most multiple
548 nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County were selected.
sites’ employment by their county locations. We would like to thank John Milat and Andy Wong from the EDD Labor Market Information
A phone survey was used as the primary method of data collection with
Division for their help.
faxed or e-mailed surveys made available upon respondents’ request. The survey was conducted over a period of seven weeks (June 23, 2009
3. Foundation Center. Information on foundation giving patterns is
- Aug 12, 2009).
provided by the Foundation Center, a national clearinghouse of data on institutional giving. The Center ’s research database includes indi-
The total response rate was 46% (252 out of 548). As seen in the below
vidual grant records of $10,000 or more awarded by a diverse set of
tables, the responses are well distributed by sub-field, size and age indi-
large independent, corporate, and community foundations. Information
cating that the responses are representative of the sample frame.
for foundations in Los Angeles County are based on the Foundation Center ’s grants sample database: The 2006 database includes all grants of $10,000 or more awarded to organizations by a sample of 1,263 larger foundations. For community foundations, only discretionary and donor-advised grants are included. Grants to individuals are not included in the file.
4. Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey, 2009. Conducted by the UCLA Center for Civil Society, the 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey was designed to gather information about the general operations of nonprofit organizations in Los Angeles County during the 2008-2009 economic downturn.
The 2007 NCCS CORE file was modified to construct a sample frame. First, because the target region for the survey is Los Angeles County, all nonprofit organizations outside the county were deleted from the file. Second, because the survey only focused on the following five subfields, a) Art, Culture and Humanities, b) Education, c) Health, d) Environment and e) Human Services, all nonprofit organizations in the other sub-fields were deleted from the file. Finally, considering the difficulty in contacting key personnel for very small and very large nonprofit organizations, those whose 2007 expenditures were less than $50,000 or more than $10,000,000 were also deleted from the file.
After this modification, the sample frame was categorized by a) subfields, b) size, and c) age. Except for the Environment field, 10% of nonprofit organizations of each categorized group were randomly selected from the sample frame. Because of the small number of Environment nonprofit organizations in the sample frame, 25% of nonprofit organiza-
Appendix Table 1. Response Rate of 2009 Los Angeles Nonprofit Survey, Sub-fields, Size and Age
S u b - f i e l d
S a m p l e
Resp o n se
Percen t
A r ts , C u l tu re , a n d H u m a n i ti e s
8 2
Ed u c a ti o n
1 1 5
En v i ro n m e n t
5 3
H e a l th
8 0
H u m a n S e r v i c e s
2 1 8
To ta l
5 4 8
La rge ( $ 1 m i l l i o n o r m o re )
1 1 9
Medium ($100k - $1 million)
2 9 4
Small ($50k - $100 k)
1 3 5
To ta l
5 4 8
O l d ( 3 0 o r m o re )
1 2 5
M e d i u m ( 1 0 -3 0 )
2 4 8
Yo u n g ( 0 -1 0 )
1 7 5
To ta l
5 4 8
S i z e ( e x p e n d i t u re s)
Ag e ( y e a r s)
Appendix Table 2. Responses to: What are the specific management and organizational strategies your organization will use to remain sustainable during the economic downturn?
R a n k
S t r a t e g y
Number of Responses
Fund r a i s i n g
Gra n tw r i ti n g ( 1 1 )
C ut t i n g C o s ts
C ut t i n g C o s ts - S ta f f / P ro gr a m s ( 2 5 )
C ost C o n tro l
No C h a n ge s
E xpa n d S e r v i c e s
I nc re a s e V i s i b i l i ty
C olla b o r a ti o n
S t ra te gi c P l a n n i n g
I nc re a s e Ea r n e d I n c o m e
Out re a c h
I nv es tm e n t S tr a te gy
B oa rd o f D i re c to r s
Volun te e r s
A c c o u n ta b i l i ty a n d Ev a l u a ti o n
I nc re a s e C o m m u n i ty P a r ti c i p a ti o n
Hire N e w S ta f f
C a pa c i ty Bu i l d i n g
D on’t K n o w
R eorga n i z a ti o n o f S ta f f
C ont I n ge n c y P l a n s
A dv o c a c y
C ont r a c ti n g O u t
I nc re a s e T h e H o u r s O f Ma n a ge m e n t
So u rce: 2009 Los Angel es Nonprofi t Surv ey
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• Foundation Center. (2009). “Highlights of Foundation Yearbook.” July 2009. Available at
• Greco, D. (2009). “Leading Your Organization Through the Economic Downturn.” Nonprofit Finance Fund. Presented at Nonprofit Day 2009. San Francisco, CA. August 27, 2009.
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• Mclean, C. & Brouwer, C. (2009). “The Effect of the Economy on the Nonprofit Sector.” March 2009 – May 2009. Guidestar USA, Inc. Available at
Contact us at: The Center for Civil Society 3250 School of Public Affairs Building Box 951656 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
ISBN 978-0-9802388-3-9