UCLA Public Policy MPP Program

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Master of Public Policy (m.p.p.)

Imagine if you could LEAD CHANGE on major policy issues.

|Public Policy


Welcome to Public Policy at UCLA.

Work with leaders

in national security,

crime, health, education, labor, and the environment. | Create new approaches on issues of politics, race, and social movements. Influence decision-making

at the highest

policy levels.

Opportunity and possibility?


Public Advancing Knowledge in the Public Interest Health, education, environment, poverty, economic development, crime, social disparities—these and other key societal issues are inevitably front and center on the agendas of lawmakers and other thought leaders.

Policy: In order to make informed decisions and create effective responses to problems that affect society, decision makers at all levels of government rely on the research of public policy experts to provide evidence-based analysis of the best practices that will benefit society, and the best allocations of public resources. Graduates of the Master of Public Policy (MPP) degree program are positioned to create widespread change on international, national, and local levels; to become effective leaders in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors; and to improve the lives of entire communities with well-researched responses to critical situations.

The UCLA Advantage The UCLA Public Policy program combines rigorous professional training in analysis, a focus on the policy making process, and advanced case study experience to prepare students to become informed leaders and decision makers. Under the guidance of the Department of Public Policy faculty—a roster of internationally recognized experts known for its influential research, policy experience, and high quality teaching—MPP students participate in a wide range of research activities that advance positive change on regional and national issues. UCLA provides a unique opportunity for MPP students to take the core competencies taught in the required courses and apply them to substantive areas through elective and concentration courses taught throughout the campus. The MPP program is a multidisciplinary gateway that incorporates coursework from UCLA’s top-tiered programs in Law, Management, Public Health, Economics, Education, Urban Planning, Social Welfare, and other disciplines. The intimate scale of the UCLA Public Policy program, in comparison to peer institutions, promotes greater interaction with faculty and creates a highly collegial environment.

Master of Public Policy (MPP) Program The Master of Public Policy is a two-year professional degree program. The curriculum consists of core courses that provide students with general analytic tools that are applicable in all policy areas, and culminates in an advanced, team-based final project that prepares students for real-world client interactions. For this final project, which is called the Applied Policy Project (APP), students work together and apply key skills in negotiation, analysis, research, presentation, and persuasion to advocate a “best� answer for a given policy problem. Additionally, elective and concentration courses provide content expertise in specific areas of public policy including the following: crime and drugs, education, employment and labor, environmental, health, international, nonprofit, regional development, social welfare, transportation, and urban poverty.

Change Agents and Leaders: MPP Students UCLA attracts an intellectually outstanding and ethnically diverse group of students from all over the world. Collectively, MPP students bring a wealth of experience to the department from wide-ranging professions including: teachers, politcal lobbyists, engineers, community organizers, police officers, government officials, television producers, physicians, news足 paper reporters, legislative aides, and military helicopter pilots, among many other professions. They all share in common a passion to make lasting and effective change in areas that range from local community levels to the international stage. UCLA students in the MPP program are committed to remedying social injustices and improving the performance of our governing institutions.

Public Policy Faculty The Department of Public Policy’s faculty members contribute significant, often award-winning, policy-relevant scholarship in their areas of expertise and have served in a variety of policy positions at all levels of government. Faculty members also bring a broad range of disciplinary perspectives to the MPP curriculum including economics, health, environmental studies, political science, geography, sociology, law, public policy, and urban planning. Joel D. Aberbach, Professor of Public Policy and Political Science; Director, Center for American Politics and Public Policy; Ph.D., Political Science, Yale University. Consequences of the growth of the administrative state; the role of toplevel federal executives in the policy process; implementation and effects of Congressional oversight. Helmut Anheier, Professor of Public Policy and Social Welfare; Director, Center for Civil Society; Ph.D. Sociology, Yale University. Civil society, nonprofit organization, philanthropic foundations, NGOs, globalization and civil society, comparative social and cultural policy, research methodology, social movements and networks. Albert Carnesale, Professor of Public Policy and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; UCLA Chancellor Emeritus; Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University. International security and arms control, with emphasis on nuclear weapons and strategy; nuclear energy; impact of technological change on defense and arms control policy.

Michael R. Darby, Professor of Public Policy and Warren C. Cordner Professor of Money and Financial Markets; Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago. Money and banking; macroeconomics; international finance; innovation; how ideas become products. J.R. DeShazo, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Institute of the Environment; Director, Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies; Director, Canadian Studies Program; Ph.D., Urban Planning and Economics, Harvard University. Environmental economics and policy; local public finance, with applications to urban infrastructure and protected areas; political economy; financial management of public services. Michael Dukakis, Visiting Professor of Public Policy (Winter Quarter Only); J.D., Harvard Law School. National health care policy reform and the lessons that national policy makers can learn from state reform efforts. Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Dean, Professor of Public Policy and Political Science Ph.D., Political Science, University of Iowa. Political attitudes and behavior; public policy issues in minority communities; institutional politics; how television news shapes public debate on criminal justice policy. Neal Halfon, Professor of Pediatrics, Community Health Services and Public Policy; Director of the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities; M.D., University of California, Davis. Poverty and children’s health; access to care; child health policy; coordination of services for highrisk children; special concerns of children with multiple health care needs, including children in foster care and drug exposed infants. Joel Handler, Richard C. Maxwell Professor of Law; Professor of Public Policy; J.D., Harvard Law School. Poverty issues in law and administration; the structure and operation of welfare programs; client-agency relationships in education, health care, and other areas; welfare reform. continued on following page

Public Policy Faculty continued FROM PREVIOUS page

Sanford M. Jacoby, Professor of Management, History and Public Policy; Ph.D., Economics, University of California, Berkeley. Employment, workplace, and labor policy; social welfare policy; the international political economy of business-government relationships. Robert T. Jensen, Professor of Public Policy; Ph.D., Economics, Princeton. Economic development, issues of poverty, health, fertility, aging and gender. Matthew Kahn, Professor Institute of the Environment, Public Policy and Economics; Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago. Environment and urban economics; econometrics; social networks; climate change; energy. Mark A.R. Kleiman, Professor of Public Policy; Director, Drug Policy Analysis Program; Ph.D., Public Policy, Harvard University. Drug abuse control policy; crime control policy; methods of policy analysis; policies toward imperfectly rational behavior. Arleen A. Leibowitz, Professor of Public Policy; Ph.D., Economics, Columbia University. Health care and health care reform; labor economics; employee benefits; cost and financing of HIV care; cost and financing of mental health care for children. Susanne Lohmann, Professor of Political Science and Public Policy; Director, Center for Governance; Ph.D, Economics and Political Economy, Carnegie Mellon University. Collective action; political economy of central banking; German politics; international political economy; formal theory; experimental political economy; and computational models of ethical reasoning.

Barbara J. Nelson, Professor of Public Policy, Social Welfare, Urban Planning, and Political Science; Ph.D., Political Science, Ohio State University. Women, politics and public policy; social and economic policies in industrialized nations; state and society; organizational theory and behavior; public management; conflict resolution. Aaron Panofsky, Assistant Professor of Public Policy; and Center for Society and Genetics; Ph.D., Sociology, New York University. Theory and sociology of knowledge production in science with special reference to genetics. Mark A. Peterson, Professor of Public Policy and Political Science; Ph.D., Political Science, University of Michigan. Health care policy; American national institutions (presidency, Congress, interest groups); presidential-congressional interactions and policy making; policy development and decision-making. Meredith Phillips, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Sociology; Ph.D., Sociology, Northwestern University. Education policy; social inequality; sociology of education; causes and consequences of differences in academic achievement; effectiveness of educational interventions. Sarah J. Reber, Assistant Professor of Public Policy; Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University Public and labor economics, focusing in particular on both health policy and education policy. Andrew Sabl, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Political Science; Ph.D., Political Science, Harvard University Political ethics; democratic theory; theory and ethics of social movements; normative analysis of racial and ethnic categories. continued on following page

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Allen J. Scott, Professor Public Policy and Geography; Director, Center for Globalization and Policy Research; Ph.D., Geography, Northwestern University. Industrialization; urbanization; regional development; relationships between industrial organization, technology, local labor markets, and location. Michael K. Stenstrom, Professor of Engineering and Applied Science and Public Policy; Ph.D., Environmental Systems, Clemson University. Environmental engineering, with an emphasis on computer applications; stormwater pollution control; institutional barriers to implementing new environmental technologies. Michael A. Stoll, Professor of Public Policy and Urban Planning; Department Chair, Public Policy; Ph.D., Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Interplay of race/ethnicity, urban poverty and labor markets, and urban economic development strategies. Fernando M. Torres-Gil, Professor of Social Welfare and Public Policy; Associate Dean, Academic Affairs; Director, Center for Policy Research on Aging; Ph.D., Social Policy, Planning and Research, Brandeis University. Gerontology; the politics of aging; long-term care and services to the elderly; social policy; health care, Social Security and welfare reform; urban planning issues. Amy B. Zegart, Associate Professor of Public Policy; Ph.D., Political Science, Stanford University. U.S. foreign policy (national security); presidential power; organizational effectiveness; international relations theory; American bureaucracy. Lynne Zucker, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy; Director, Center for International Science, Technology and Cultural Policy; Ph.D., Sociology, Stanford University. Institutional theory; economic sociology and organizations; science and technology; art and culture; conformity and trust.

Emeriti Faculty Michael D. Intriligator, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy; Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Economic theory; econometrics; health economics; health care reform; strategy and arms control; global security; the transition to a market economy in Russia. Archie Kleingartner, Emeritus Professor of Public Policy and Management; Founding Dean, School of Public Affairs; Ph.D., Industrial Relations, University of Wisconsin. U.S. and international human resource management, including the management of creative professionals; industrial relations; arts and entertainment industry; worker productivity. Daniel J.B. Mitchell, Emeritus Professor of Management and Public Policy; Ph.D., Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Human resource management; labor unions; bargaining; wage controls; the labor market and labor market statistics; the impact of international trade on wages; effects of profit-sharing and mandated benefits. Richard Rosecrance, Emeritus Professor of Political Science and Public Policy; Ph.D., Political Science, Harvard University. International and comparative politics; arms control; international security; American foreign policy; international economic policy; diplomacy. Charles E. Young, Emeritus Professor of Public Policy, Political Science, and Management UCLA Chancellor Emeritus; Ph.D., Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles. Public management; fiscal policy; higher education policy.

Skills for Leadership in the Public and Private Sectors UCLA graduates of the MPP degree program have skills that are highly valued by all levels of government, as well as by nonprofit organizations and private industry. Many hold influential posts in all sectors of the public sphere, including positions with: Local and State Government: The City of Los Angeles, City of New York, Washington, DC, City of Long Beach, City of Palo Alto, City of Oakland, the CA Department of Finance, the Bureau of State Audits, Legislative Analyst’s Office, San Mateo County, Texas Legislature. Federal Government: Office of Management and Budget, Departments of Justice, Education, Transportation, State, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development. Nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations: California Association of Public Hospitals, Relief International, East Bay Alliance for A Sustainable Economy, World Bank, International Labour Organization, World Vision International, Education Pioneers, United Way, Alliance for a Better Community, Liberty Hill Foundation. Private Sector: McKinsey & Company, Boston Consulting, Maximus, Booz Allen Hamilton, HealthNet, Cerrell Associates, Imperial Investment and Development, Inc., Nike, Inc., Accenture, BizRate.com.

Contact Us Department Information: (310) 825-7667 | Admissions Information: (310) 825-0448 Maciek Kolodziejczak, Director of Student Services | Nancy Huynh, Assistant Director of Student Services | Kyna Williams, Administrative Specialist, Admissions Assistant | Michael A. Stoll, Department Chair mppinfo@spa.ucla.edu

Costs and Financial Support Student support funds at UCLA are provided to graduate students in the form of grants, fellowships, traineeships, teaching assistantships, and graduate student researcher appointments. Support based solely on need is also provided, in the form of work-study and loans, through the Financial Aid Office. A student may receive both a departmental or Graduate Division award and an award based solely on financial need if the need-based criteria are met. The Financial Aid Office administers financial support based on need to domestic, full-time students. To apply for financial aid, submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the FAFSA Renewal Application by March 2. Completion of the FAFSA/FAFSA Renewal Application is required for all financial aid programs. Financial aid awards include long-term low interest loans and work study funds. Students may also apply for Federal Stafford Student Loans, which are long-term loans made by banks and other institutions. For further information on Graduate Financial support, visit www.gdnet.ucla.edu/asis/entsup/finsup.htm For information on Financial Aid, visit www.fao.ucla.edu Current fee information may be accessED online at www.registrar.ucla.edu/fees The cost of attending for 2009-2010 is $15,515.50 for CA residents, $28,102.50 for nonresidents.

Information and Deadlines MPP information sessions are held in the fall and spring. For complete information, please visit www.publicaffairs.ucla.edu/mppinfo. MPP Application Deadline: January 10 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Deadline: March 2

About Public Policy at The UCLA School of Public Affairs “Our goal is to change the world. Students who graduate from the public policy, social welfare, and urban planning programs have the power to provide leadership, to effect remarkable changes for people across economic and geographical boundaries, and to bring about long-term solutions for the problems we face in our local and global communities. We’re here to create a better world—one project, one job, one action at a time.” —Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr., Dean, UCLA School of Public Affairs. The Department of Public Policy combines the best of traditional policy education with a flexibility and responsiveness that enables graduates to remain relevant and influential in a rapidly changing world. The Department, offering the Master of Public Policy (MPP) degree as well as joint degrees in law, management, public health, and social welfare—is one of the three departments of the School of Public Affairs. Together with the Departments of Social Welfare and Urban Planning, this academic intersection that is the UCLA School of Public Affairs allows for academic cross-collaboration and a graduate education that values perspectives at the macro- and microorganizational levels. Graduates of the master’s degree and doctoral programs are well prepared to take leadership roles and effect change as practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in the public, private, and nongovernmental sectors.

Department of Public Policy 3250 School of Public Affairs Building, Box 951656, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656 www.publicaffairs.ucla.edu/pp

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