Alumni Newsletter July 2014

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Welcome Meet New Staff


International Corner Alumni Survey


Luskin Forum Alumni Thanks


Career Services Get Involved


Career Tip




Alumni Highlights

Alumni Relations » Career Services »

Your newsletter has a new look! You can now look forward to monthly updates from the UCLA Luskin Offices of Alumni Relations and Career Services. We hope you find the content informative, engaging and fun! Here you can find career resources, tips and tools, what your colleagues are up to, and opportunities for you to be more involved with your departments and the School. Let us know what you think and what you want to see in future editions!

Yadira Younse, Alumni Relations • Michelle Anderson, Career Services


Michelle Anderson Career Services

MA: Every time students or alumni come to me with news that they have landed a job! That’s what motivates me and why my work is so fulfilling. YY: It’s hard to pick just one! I love that I’m back on campus. I have so many great memories as a student and I love being involved as an alumna. It doesn’t get better than connecting with our alumni to learn about the amazing work they’re doing in communities all over the world and gushing about it. It’s pretty awesome, I know!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

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MA: Marine biologist. YY: According to my elders, at three I said I wanted to be a nun. But all I remember is wanting to advocate for kids since I was seven.

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What are three things you can’t live without? MA: Family, chocolate and wine. YY: My shoe collection, community service activities and music.

LUSKIN.UCLA.EDU Yadi Younse Alumni Relations

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.



ANNOUNCING GLOBAL PUBLIC AFFAIRS AT UCLA In 2013, the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs launched the Global Public Affairs initiative. This teaching program focuses on the international and cross-border dimensions of public affairs, and offers study abroad and internship opportunities for graduate students. Students can earn a certificate in Global Public Affairs, complementing their graduate degrees through one of four interdisciplinary teaching clusters. In our inaugural year, we are pleased to announce that 13 graduating students have received a certificate in Global Public Affairs, and 22 continuing first-year students are currently enrolled in the program. International Practice Pathway fellowship recipients will be interning this summer at: • • • • • • •

Association of Relief Volunteers (Andhra Pradesh, India) Shanghai Children’s Medical Center (Shanghai, China) The Planning Authority (Lusaka, Zambia) Environmental Science for Social Change (Manila, The Phillipines) Shakti Vahini (Delhi, India) ActionAid International (Yangon, Myanmar) SaciWATERs (Hyderabad, India)

You can follow students abroad via their blogs at As we increase our global presence and activities, we will organize faculty and dean visits, along with alumni receptions in different regions of the world. To learn more, please visit


Public Policy Survey Urban Planning Survey Social Welfare Survey

WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! As alumni of the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs your assessment of our programs is extremely valuable and necessary to our continuous efforts to improve and excel. The information collected in our survey will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a range of UCLA Luskin programs, gather information on the overall experience of alumni postgraduation, and assess current and new opportunities to better meet your needs. By participating in this survey, you will be entered for a drawing to receive a gift card in the amount of $75 to be distributed on or before September 30, 2014. If you would like a copy of this survey mailed to you, please call the Alumni Relations office at 310-819-0534 or email




NEW ISSUE OF LUSKIN FORUM MAGAZINE! The Luskin Forum is UCLA Luskin’s semi-annual magazine that showcases the School and highlights the many faculty, students and alumni who are making a difference.

Get in touch with fellow alumni, get real time updates from UCLA Luskin and share with the community what you’ve been up to! Visit the alumni facebook page at:

To read, click on the magazine image.


Jennifer Huang

Jeanalee Obergfeel

Colleen Callahan

Herbie Huff

Barbara Parr

Jeff Carpenter

Becca Kalauskas

Elsa Rodriguez

Darren Conly

Joan Ling

Ryan Snyder

Reuben Duarte

Sirinya Matute

Emmanuel Soriano

Kevin Finkle

Juan Matute

Auston Sos

Taylor Fitz-Gibbon

Henry McCann

Vera de Vera

Richard France

Teresa Mitchell

Andy Yan


CAREER RESOURCES DON’T FORGET CAREERVIEW! The Office of Career Services supports alumni in various career stages, from our recent graduates who are searching for opportunities to alumni seeking a career change, a promotion, and those looking for ways to contribute after retiring from their career. We encourage alumni to take advantage of resources available and may make individual appointments for career guidance, job search assistance, resume critiques or mock interviews. Summer career advising hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm or by appointment. Please contact Michelle Anderson, Director of Career Services, at to schedule an appointment.

Are you a job seeker or an employer wishing to fill a job vacancy? Access CareerView by registering for a new account. As a job seeker you have access to over 200 job postings with opportunities specific to the fields of Urban Planning, Public Policy and Social Welfare. CareerView users can also access positions that have been posted at over 700 other career centers in the U.S. As an employer, you can post jobs directly on CareerView or send them to Michelle Anderson at

GET INVOLVED ALUMNI LEADERS ACADEMY Are you interested in helping current graduate students with career development, expanding your network and staying engaged with the School? We are launching the Alumni Leaders Academy in fall 2014 for alumni who are leaders in their fields that want to share their expertise and career experiences with second- year UCLA Luskin students. If you wish to participate locally or remotely, please complete the registration form (click here) by July 18th, 2014. Email Yadi Younse at for more information.

APPLIED PLANNING RESEARCH PROJECT Submit a proposal for an Applied Planning Research Project for the Urban Planning capstone requirement. Your organization will benefit from having a committed, disciplined team of student researchers who collaborate on a topic of relevance to your organization at no cost! If you would like to submit a proposal, please email a description of the project, including the proposed research question and the scope of services, to Michelle Anderson at no later than August 15, 2014. For additional information, please visit the Career Services page to view a sample proposal, samples of two completed student projects and the complete list of past projects.

EVEN MORE OPPORTUNITIES Intersted in more activities and volunteer opportunities?



ASSOCIATIONS: PERKS AND BENEFITS JOINING PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS AT ANY CAREER STAGE PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT Associations offer an array of continuing education opportunities that can lead to career advancement. As a member, you will develop professional relationships with others in your industry or cause and broaden your leadership skills by serving on committees and taskforces, writing articles for newsletters, becoming a regional representative, and serving on the board of directors. Associations often provide their members with online job listings. This is a great way to find targeted job postings in your specific field. Additionally, many associations have career resources such as effective resume or cover letter tips, job searching strategies, and negotiating techniques. Some associations even have panels of experts who you can contact for specific questions on career issues. Other member benefits include information about seminars, training or certification classes, and webinars. By listing your association membership on your resume, you are demonstrating that you are connected in your profession and well-versed on resources and contacts in the field. NETWORKING Professional associations offer a multitude of networking opportunities that allow members to build and nurture relationships. You can share ideas, ask for advice, volunteer to be a speaker or become a member of a committee. Since most associations have national or local conferences, you can participate and have the opportunity to learn about breaking news in your career, learn “best practices� or new ideas, hear about key achievers in your field, and also meet and network with others who are also looking to exchange and learn new information. Another benefit of enhancing your network is that you may find a mentor to help you with your professional needs or you may be in a position to become a mentor to someone else. Participating in forums, chat groups or discussion boards sponsored by the association is also a great way to grow your network and distinguish yourself. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Most associations provide access to resources such as case studies, articles and books written by experts in your field. As a member you will also have access to major journals, magazines and newsletters. Additionally, associations provide a source for scholarship information, links to publications and awards for those who excel in their field. In conclusion, whether you are looking to learn about job postings in your field, network in your professional community, gain access to current events, or simply enjoy conversations with like-minded individuals, joining an association is an important step in advancing your career. and enhancing your professional and personal circles. Here are a few organizations you may be interested in joining: National Association of Social Workers, American Planning Association, and the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.

For more resources, visit the Career Services section of



EVENTS & OPPORTUNITIES HIGHLIGHT: COMMENCEMENT 2014 Congratulations and welcome to the newest members of the UCLA Luskin alumni community! UCLA Luskin’s alumni community is over 7,000 strong and we look forward to helping you build strong connections with fellow alumni and the School. From community service projects to career development, we hope you stay involved with UCLA Luskin. Want to relive the special moment? You can view the video by clicking on the image. Commencement 2014 pictures are also available on the UCLA Luskin photo page. Don’t forget to set up your forwarding address and keep us up to date with your latest achievements. Contact us at or stop by our office on the third floor. Congratulations!

UPCOMING EVENTS National Council of La Raza Annual Conference Los Angeles, CA July 19-22, 2014

Urban Land Institute Building the Resilient City Conference San Francisco, CA September 4-5, 2014

NASHP 27th Annual State Health Policy Conference Atlanta, GA October 6-8, 2014

P3 Connect: Defining the Future of P3s in the U.S. Denver, CO July 28-30, 2014

UCLA Volunteer Day September 29, 2014 UCLA Luskin

NASW-California Annual Conference Burbank, CA October 24-25, 2014

Institute of Transporation Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibit Seattle, Washington August 10-13, 2014

UCLA Luskin Open House October 2, 2014 UCLA Luskin



Kenna Ackley MPP ‘04, Principal Analyst at Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office Kristina Bailey MURP ‘12, Project Designer at Relativity Architects

Hon. Rusty Bailey MPP ‘99, Appointed to SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments) Board of Directors

Nurit Katz MURP ‘08, Recipient of “Environmentalist of the Year” award by Faith2Green and Los Angeles City Council

Lauren Ledbetter (Buckland) MURP ‘05, Senior Transportation Planner at VTA Matt O’Keefe MPP ‘10, Director, Marketing Development and Regulatory Affairs at Opower Craig Pulsipher MSW ’14, State Affairs Specialist at AIDS Project Los Angeles

Jonathan Beutler MPP ‘09, Founder & Principal at PACIFIC RIM Global Advisory India Brookover MURP ‘13, Assistant Regional Planner at Southern California Association of Governments Blanca de la Cruz MURP ’03, Program Associate at CHPC Los Angeles Sustainable Housing Policy Hector Gutierrez MURP ‘13, Policy Analyst at Community Health Councils Therese Hughes MURP ‘99, Presented on “The Military Woman: WWII to The War on Terror” Project at at the Annual Red, White and Blue Ball held at The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library where she was also the recipient of “Patriotic Service Award” Giselle Jones MSW ’14, Psychiatric Social Work Intern at Kaiser Permanente


Lauren Stockly MSW ‘13, Child and Adolescent Therapist at West End Family Counseling Jahara Tinsley MSW ’14, Social Worker at Department of Children and Family Services Kristen Torres MURP ‘12, Associate Regional Planner at Southern California Association of Governments Meisha Williams MSW ’14, Nephrology Social Worker at DaVita Inc.

Andrew Yan MURP ‘02, Quoted in the Economist and New Yorker

Henna Zaidi MPP ‘12, Senior Consultant, Consulting Division at COPE Health Solutions

Have any updates to share? Send your notes to

15 Questions with Michelle Anderson, Career Services, and Yadi Younse, Alumni Relations ...continued What’s your superpower?

What would you be doing if you weren’t at your current job?

MA: I can fly! Well maybe not, but I like to travel around the world with the help of airplanes. YY: Is grit a superpower? Well, I think so, and it has helped me persevere and overcome many challenges in my life.

MA: Writing articles for a travel or food magazine. YY: Probably starting up an awesome international service program – oh, wait I am! Stay tuned…

What do you do when you aren’t working? What’s your life motto? MA: Treat everyone like you want to be treated. YY: I agree with Michelle, to treat others as you would like to be treated.

MA: Pre-baby: hiking, international travel, Zumba, reading, cooking; Post-baby: playdates, storytime, and diaper changes. YY: Volunteering, volunteering, volunteering.

What was the happiest moment of your life? If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor? MA: Sheryl Sandberg. YY: Dalai Lama.

MA: My wedding day 11 years ago and the day we welcomed our daughter this past January. YY: When I received my diploma from UCLA.

What’s your favorite place on campus?

If you ruled the world, what would you change on Day 1?

MA: The Sculpture Garden. YY: Covel Commons for the awesome food, and the spectacular view of the campus.

MA: I wouldn’t know where to start, but I’d establish a great team of advisors. YY: The world is a big place. I would get in place my advisors and book my world tour to meet all my constituents right away!

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in the last year? If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? MA: That motherhood is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs I’ve ever held. YY: The right time to do anything is now.

What is the most exotic location you have visited?

MA: Put the money in my baby’s college fund. I know…I am too practical. YY: I’m practical too. I’d call up a good lawyer and accountant and determine how to best support my favorite causes.

Any recommendations for the Dean?

MA: Kenya, Africa. YY: Cambodia’s temples.

MA: Add an omelet bar next to our deluxe coffee machine. YY: Telecommuting options. I sometimes daydream of working in the Sculpture Garden or at Kerkhoff Café.

You can contact Michelle Anderson at and Yadira Younse at



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