Walkability, Perception, and Revitalization in Altadena

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WALKABILITY, PERCEPTION, and ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION Past, present, and potential in beautiful Altadena, California an APPLIED PLANNING RESEARCH PROJECT by Justin L. Robertson, MURP Candidate // jrobertson@ucla.edu WHAT WE KNEW + “WALKABLE” NEIGHBORHOODS can be physically, socially, and economically HEALTHIER than those that aren’t “pedestrian-friendly.” [1]


+ In places, Altadena’s commercial corridors include vacant spaces, swift traffic, incomplete sidewalks, little shade, and could attract local retail spending that they currently lose to regional commercial centers like Pasadena and Burbank. [2] + Altadenans say they want improved streets and economic development [3]; walkability is critical for safe routes to schools, for Main Street revitalization, and for so much more. [4]

Intersection (Objective)

WHAT WE LEARNED + Resident perceptions of street segment walkability were generally at odds with objective measurements of pedestrian safety and aesthetics

+ A great walk is USEFUL, SAFE, COMFORTABLE, and INTERESTING. [1] + Good information helps us target limited resources to maximum effect. [5]

+ Perceptions of walkability were generally more positive than measurements of existing conditions would suggest


Segment (Perception)

WHAT WE DID In February 2014, over 50 Altadenans surveyed the condition of streets and intersections along two commercial corridors. They used the peer-reviewed Pedestrian Environmental Quality Index, which measures how SAFE and INVITING the streets actually are, and how walkable people THINK the streets are.

+ Bias from survey training is not immediately apparent in results

Lincoln Avenue

NEXT STEPS + Test for relationships between perception scores and:

Segment (Objective) Intersections

Street Segments - West Side

0 - 20

0 - 20 Unsuitable for pedestrians

21 - 40

21 - 40 Poor conditions for pedestrians exist

41 - 60

41 - 60 Basic conditions for pedestrians exist

61 - 80

61 - 80 Reasonable conditions for pedestrians exist

81 - 100

81 - 100 Ideal conditions for pedestrians exist

- proximity to sensitive uses - aesthetic conditions - safety conditions - scores of adjacent intersections

Perception Score 8 9 - 10 11 - 15

+ Utilize results of perception and objective measurements of pedestrian environmental quality to develop recommendations for improvements within commercial corridors

16 - 20 21 - 25

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Chris Tilly (Faculty Advisor), Karen Gibson and Neighbors Building a Better Altadena (Client), Leobardo Estrada REFERENCES: [1] Speck, J. (2013). Walkable city: How downtown can save America, one step at a time. Macmillan. [2] Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. (2004). Lake Avenue Market Opportunities Assessment. May 2004. [3] Altadena Community Visioning Process - Visioning Report. (2012). [4] Boarnet, M. G., Anderson, C. L., Day, K., McMillan, T., & Alfonzo, M. (2005). Evaluation of the California Safe Routes to School legislation: urban form changes and children’s active transportation to school. American journal of preventive medicine, 28(2), 134-140; Cortright, J. (2009). Walking the walk: How walkability raises home values in US cities; Litman, T. A. (2003). Economic value of walkability. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1828(1), 3-11. [5] Arrow, K. J., & Lind, R. C. (2013). Uncertainty and the evaluation of public investment decisions. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research, (ahead-of-print), 1-16. 0 0.125 [6] Giles-Corti, B., & Donovan, R. J. (2003). Relative influences of individual, social environmental, and physical environmental correlates of walking. American journal of public health, 93(9), 1583-1589.

Not Shown: Lake Avenue Study Area


0.5 Miles

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