UCL Brainfood Sep–Dec 2017

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BRAIN FOOD Public events at UCL: September–December 2017


01 Talks 06  Lunch Hour Lectures 11 Family 14  Activities & performances 20 Exhibitions Watch or listen online youtube.com/UCLTV soundcloud.com/uclsound Read our blog blogs.ucl.ac.uk/events Read our features medium.com/ucl-antenna Subscribe to our newsletter events@ucl.ac.uk Follow on Twitter @UCLEvents


The events listed here are just a selection of what’s on offer, and are correct at time of going to press. For more information on each event and the most up-to-date listings, please visit our online events calendar: events.ucl.ac.uk

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Please note: all events are free unless otherwise stated.


events.ucl.ac.uk 01

The good bohemian Tue 10 Oct 1–2pm PB UCL Art Museum

Artist Rebecca John talks about her grandmother Ida John’s letters and her marriage to Augustus John. college.art@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3549 5738 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17003

Unexpected utility: sequencing the head of Jeremy Bentham Wed 11 Oct 1:15–1:50pm Octagon Gallery

This talk explores what ancient DNA is and how an attempt was made to sequence the genome of the philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Lucy van Dorp (UCL Genetics, Evolution & Environment) will explain why we analyse ancient DNA and the impact it has had on modern understanding of diseases and human activity. culture@ucl.ac.uk bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

02  events.ucl.ac.uk

The Galloway (2014) Hoard: Vikings (and Anglo-Saxons) in south-west Scotland Wed 18 Oct 6–8pm Room G6 LT, UCL Institute of Archaeology

Professor James Graham-Campbell presents the ninth annual Sir David Wilson Lecture in Medieval Studies on the Galloway (2014) Viking Hoard, a collection of more than 100 gold and silver objects, buried in the late 9th/early 10th century, apparently inside a timber building within a large enclosure. s.brookes@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 7495

Writings through time – the power of words: a black perspective Thur 19 Oct 6–8pm PB UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Using Timbuktu as a starting point, we’ll take you on a literary journey back through time, dipping in and out of history. We’ll stop off to examine the impact of the written word: texts and letters from the past that continue to enrich intellectual thought from an African perspective. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17015

Papyrus Tales: Westcar Thur 26 Oct 6–8pm PB 18+ UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Discovered in mysterious circumstances by British explorer Henry Westcar in 1823, this papyrus relates a number of short tales of sorcery, lust, revenge and divinity. This reading by Egyptologist John J Johnston is an ideal starting point for those encountering Egyptian literature for the first time. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17017

What if… we really wanted to further social mobility through education? Tue 31 Oct 5:30–6:45pm PB Clarke Hall, UCL Institute of Education

Challenge our panel and find out more about the latest ideas on boosting social mobility through education. Join us in the debate and let your voice be heard. Free to attend, although booking is required. ioe.events@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7612 6056 ucl.ac.uk/ioe/news-events/events

PB = Prebook

In conversation: conserving the contemporary Tue 7 Nov 1–2pm PB UCL Art Museum

As part of their residency at UCL Art Museum, artists Cyrus Hung and Amanda Richardson have invited conservators and artists to discuss the challenges of curating contemporary art created to have a short life-span. college.art@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3549 5738 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17007

The problem of education and development in Sub-Saharan Africa Wed 8 Nov 5:45–7pm PB Jeffery Hall, UCL Institute of Education

African governments and donor partners have long regarded investment in education as being central to economic growth in the region – but this investment is yet to achieve rapid economic improvement. Why is that? And what should be done to better realise that goal? ioe.events@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7612 6056 ucl.ac.uk/ioe/news-events/events

All events are free unless otherwise stated

events.ucl.ac.uk 03

Fake news: the heads of Jeremy Bentham and Flinders Petrie

Recovering the past

Wed 22 Nov 1:10–1:50pm Octagon Gallery

UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Everyone knows that the philosopher Jeremy Bentham’s head was used as a football and that the widow of the Egyptian archaeologist Flinders Petrie brought his head to England in her hatbox. Yet neither is true! Find out how this exhibition is debunking examples of ‘fake news’. culture@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 7495 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17011

Curating heads: human remains in museums round table Wed 22 Nov 4–5:30pm PB UCL Institute of Archaeology

Chaired by Dr Alice Stevenson (UCL Institute of Archaeology), this panel of museum professionals, who have curated human remains and material culture around death and dying, will give provocations for discussion. alice.stevenson@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4935

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Wed 22 Nov 5:30–9:30pm PB

As part of the Being Human Festival, join researchers from UCL Greek & Latin as they discuss topics including the recovery of papyri from Egypt; the decipherment of hieroglyphs; Freud’s Moses & Monotheism; and the representation of the goddess Isis in films about Pompeii. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

21st Annual Grant Lecture Thur 23 Nov 6:30–9pm Buildings around the UCL Bloomsbury campus, guides available from all UCL museums and the UCL Culture website.

Presenting the 21st Annual Grant Lecture is Professor Kate Jones. Join Kate as she shares her passion for bats and her research into how technology can help us make our cities nature smart. There will be a free wine reception afterwards at the Grant Museum of Zoology. zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

What if… we really wanted to overcome the academic-vocational divide?

PB = Prebook

Tue 28 Nov 5:30–6:45pm PB Clarke Hall, UCL Institute of Education

It’s time to address the latest issues surrounding the stubborn academic-vocational divide. Come along and join us in the debate. In association with TES. ioe.events@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7612 6056 ucl.ac.uk/ioe/news-events/events

What if… we wanted to transform teaching as a career choice? Tue 5 Dec 5:30–6:45pm PB Clarke Hall, UCL Institute of Education

How can we combat the continuous challenge surrounding teacher retention? Let’s explore how technology and best practice from other professions can be used to transform teaching. Join us in the debate. Free to attend, although booking is required. ioe.events@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7612 6056 ucl.ac.uk/ioe/news-events/events

All events are free unless otherwise stated

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Lunch Hour Lectures 1:10–1:55pm Tuesdays & Thursdays Darwin Lecture Theatre

Watch live ucl.ac.uk/lhl/streamed Watch online youtube.com/ucllhl Twitter @ucllhl

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NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

Encore! They raised the roof the first time around. For this mini-series, we’ve invited our most popular LHL speakers back for a curtain call. Opposites Attract This mini-series showcases groundbreaking research that bridges the gap between two seemingly unrelated fields. Taboo From sex and sexuality to the seven deadly sins, this mini-series will challenge societal taboos by daring to speak the unspoken. To Infinity and Beyond! Take a giant leap in to another galaxy, exploring all things space. It’s going to be out of this world… #trending Hot off the press! This mini-series invites comment on current affairs and headline hitting topics.

All events are free unless otherwise stated

events.ucl.ac.uk 07

Provost’s Lunch Hour Lecture Thur 12 Oct PB

UCL’s President & Provost, Professor Michael Arthur, will give a summary of our progress to date with our ambitious strategy, UCL 2034. This will be set against the background of his personal analysis of the ever-changing external funding and political environment for higher education in the UK and globally. Professor Michael Arthur UCL President & Provost bit.ly/2xbEzEg

Taboo – The ethics of abortion Thur 19 Oct PB

Despite its legalisation in most western nations, a significant minority of people are still deeply morally opposed to abortion. Dr Greasley will explore exactly why the abortion problem has remained so morally intractable and how moral philosophers argue about the threshold of meaningful human life. Dr Kate Greasley, UCL Laws


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Encore! Non-human personhood? Demanding legal rights for our next of kin Tue 24 Oct PB

Is an orangutan an item of property or a being with legal rights? Around the globe, lawyers, philosophers and scientists have begun arguing such questions. While some say that only humans can hold rights, others want to grant entitlements to nonhumans, too. Primatologist Professor Sommer examines this controversy. Professor Volker Sommer UCL Anthropology bit.ly/2f98jYP

Taboo – Speaking my mind or being myself? How should European law treat religious expression at work? Thur 26 Oct PB

Religious symbols in work raise key issues about the future relationship between religion, law and state in Europe. Dr McCrea will ask whether courts should see religion as a form of identity like race or as a series of beliefs akin to political opinion or indeed if it should be courts that decide? Dr Ronan McCrea, UCL Laws bit.ly/2f8GMXl

#trending – Is Euroscepticism unethical?

Encore! Who likes working in open-plan?

Thur 2 Nov PB

Tue 21 Nov PB

Both left-wing and right-wing voters judge the EU’s merits in terms of cost and benefits to the national interest. Professor Letsas will ask whether there are reasons of justice to support supranational institutions, such as the EU, whether or not there is an overall benefit to the country.

Why do some insist that they need the privacy of a cellular office while others insist that an open office landscape is better? Professor Penn will review what we know about the way that the places in which we work affect the ways that we work.

Professor George Letsas UCL Laws bit.ly/2gO679d

Taboo – The death of others: suicide in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) Thur 16 Nov PB

The movie The Lives of Others features suicide in the GDR in an impressive, but somewhat misleading way. The communist regime was not responsible for the high suicide rate. Dr Grashoff will provide a critical discussion of this politicised interpretation of suicide and highlight long-term cultural and social factors. Dr Udo Grashoff UCL SSEES bit.ly/2eT8dHH

PB = Prebook

Professor Alan Penn UCL Bartlett School of Architecture bit.ly/2j8Qtta

Opposites Attract – Facsimile cities: should architects now be making video game worlds? Thur 23 Nov PB

For centuries, architects have dreamed up new cities and societies. Today, the widespread influence of contemporary video game technologies challenges the architect’s hold on speculative worlds. Luke Caspar Pearson will discuss the links between these two fields, before exploring research projects that test how they may combine to construct new worlds together. Luke Caspar Pearson UCL Bartlett School of Architecture bit.ly/2gOWMOg

All events are free unless otherwise stated

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To Infinity and Beyond! Life in our solar system: redefining the habitable zone Tue 28 Nov PB

Traditionally, the search for life beyond Earth has been in the ‘habitable zone’, where water may be, or may have been, present on a planetary surface. Professor Coates will examine the key role that UCL has played in the ExoMars, Cassini and JUICE missions, which have broadened the search to include Mars and the ocean worlds of Enceladus, Titan and Europa. Professor Andrew Coates UCL Space & Climate Physics bit.ly/2f8D7su

#trending – Language brokers, not stock brokers: young people as traders of culture Thur 30 Nov PB

When young people migrate to a new country, they often learn the local language rapidly and inevitably begin to translate on behalf of their family. These ‘child language brokers’ translate far more than words. In Dr Iqbal’s lecture, we enter their worlds and explore how they navigate different cultural and social systems. Dr Humera Iqbal UCL Institute of Education bit.ly/2xiDbkn

Taboo – Lesbians as a metaphorical threat to the heteronormative national order? History of sexualities, politics and cinema under communism in Eastern Europe Tue 5 Dec PB

Is there a history of lesbian life under communism? Following a screening of the 1982 film The Other Way, Dr Chowaniec will analyse the attitude to homosexuality in Eastern European communist settings and discuss the history of same-sex female desire, relationships and activity as threatening the dominating heterosexual lenses. Dr Urszula Chowaniec UCL School of Slavonic & East European Studies bit.ly/2wNJewz


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Creature creations

Hungry hungry herbivores

Sat 16 Sep Sat 7 Oct Sat 18 Nov Sat 16 Dec 1:30–4:30pm UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

Wed 25 Oct–Sat 28 Oct 1–4:30pm UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

Create works of art inspired by some of the weird and wonderful animals that call the Grant Museum home or invent your very own brand new animal, give it a name and add it to our collection in our family art day with our museum artist. zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

Gibbon Fest Tue 24 Oct 11am–4pm UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

Gibbons are the singing, swinging primates and some of our closest living relatives. For one day only, the Grant Museum is celebrating the world’s most endangered apes with Gibbon Fest 2017. Celebrate International Gibbon Day by helping us create a giant rainforest or by talking to a gibbon expert! zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

12  events.ucl.ac.uk

From dugongs to hippos and camels to snails, join us this half-term holiday as we investigate some huge herbivores and some marvellous munchers. Take part in our fun, specimen-based activities and discover which animal is the hungriest herbivore. zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

Tales from papyri Thu 26 Oct 2–4pm PB UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

The tale of ‘The Shipwrecked Sailor’ hails from the papyrus collection of the Imperial Museum of St Petersburg and dates from Egypt’s Middle Kingdom (c. 2055 BC–c. 1650 BC). Filled with adventure, magic and a monstrous serpent, this reading by Egyptologist John J Johnston is ideal for families. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17016

Explore zoology Sat 4 Nov Sat 9 Dec 1–4pm UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

PB = Prebook

Ever wondered how heavy an elephant tusk is or how many teeth a dolphin has? Bring along your budding zoologists and be inspired by the natural world. Drop in between 1pm and 4pm, this event is free and there’s no need to book. d.veall@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

All events are free unless otherwise stated

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Activities & performances

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PB = Prebook

Petrie Film Club presents: Letters from Baghdad

In performance: Eloise Lawson

Wed 20 Sep 6–8:30pm PB UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Tue 17 Oct Thur 16 Nov 1–2pm UCL Art Museum

Amara Thornton (UCL Archaeology) introduces the documentary Letters from Baghdad, starring Tilda Swinton as the voice of Gertrude Bell, as part of ‘Different Perspectives: Archaeology and the Middle East in World War One.’

Slade artist Eloise Lawson performs the work that she developed during her residency as part of ‘The composition has been reversed’ exhibition. Part of the UCL Art Museum/ Slade collaboration programmes.

events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17014

UCL Chamber Music Club concert series Mon 9 Oct 5:30–6:30pm Haldane Room

The opening concert of the 66th season will present a varied repertoire, including Jacques Ibert’s Jeux for flute and piano. Refreshments will be served after the concert. j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

college.art@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 35495738 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17010

UCL Chamber Music Club concert series Tue 17 Oct 7–9:30pm Haldane Room

Presented jointly by the UCL Chamber Music Club and the Oxford and Cambridge Musical Club, this wide-ranging concert will include songs by Henry Purcell, accompanied by baroque ’cello and harpsichord and Carl Vine’s Five Bagatelles for piano. Refreshments will be served. j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

All events are free unless otherwise stated

events.ucl.ac.uk 15

Bloomsbury Festival Sat 21 Oct 2–4pm Various venues, check the website

In performance: Anthropocene screen Tue 24 Oct 6:30–8:30pm PB UCL Art Museum

UCL once again is hosting the Bloomsbury Festival and, this year, a range of UCL researchers will show work related to the theme of independence. There’ll be food, music, workshops and dance! 2017 is the biggest and boldest year to date, bringing together global and local ideas of independence.

As part of her residency at UCL Art Museum, Amanda Rice has curated a programme of artists’ film dealing with themes of mining. See works by Caroline Doolin (Ireland), Louis Jack Horton Stephens (UK), Sasha Litventseva (UK/Russia) and Graeme Arnfield (UK), along with a live script reading by Alex Culshaw (UK).

culture@ucl.ac.uk bit.ly/UCLBloomsburyFestival

college.art@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3549 5738 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17004

Sensational ways of seeing: visual impairment hackathon Sat 21 Oct 2–4pm UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

As part of Bloomsbury Festival 2017, join us as we bring together groups of people with visual impairments and UCL researchers to hack technologies to create more accessible, inclusive, independent and empowering museum experiences. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 bit.ly/UCLBloomsburyFestival

16  events.ucl.ac.uk

(Ordinary) Animal show-off Thu 26 Oct 6:30–9:30pm, £8 UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

Forget leviathans hanging from ceilings or long extinct dinosaurs as, for one night, we celebrate the over-looked! With Steve Cross as your host, join us to find the funny side of the boring beasts that changed our world. zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17005

Petrie Film Club Halloween Special

UCL Chamber Music Club: Around 1917

Tue 31 Oct 6–8:30pm PB UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Fri 3 Nov 1:10–1:55pm Haldane Room

For the ancient Egyptians, papyrus scrolls provided a portable writing medium. More recently, they’ve held arcane and sometimes terrifying potency in modern worlds of art, literature and film. Join John J Johnston as he considers the importance of inscribed papyrus in our modern perceptions of ancient Egypt. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17018

Witches and lizards: Halloween at the Grant Museum of Zoology Tue 31 Oct 6:30–9pm, £6 UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

Where better to spend Halloween than in a room of skeletons? Whether it’s eye of newt or toe of frog, we’ve got all you’d want for cooking up toil and trouble. Discover the museum after dark, enjoy a drink and uncover some ghoulish animal facts.

PB = Prebook

Marking the centenary of the Russian Revolution, we present a programme of music by modernist and avant-garde Russian composers from both pre- and post-revolutionary years, featuring instrumental and vocal works by Mosolov, Lurye, Deshevov and others. j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

Muso Thur 9 Nov 6:30–9pm, £8 PB UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

Experience the Grant Museum through song. Immerse yourself with the insects, fish and birds on display and enjoy performance made up on the spot by the world’s only improvising opera troupe, Impropera. What’s performed is up to you, join us for an evening of singing specimens to life. d.veall@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17009

d.veall@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents All events are free unless otherwise stated

events.ucl.ac.uk 17

UCL Chamber Music Club: landscape & music – Swedish song in focus Thur 16 Nov 5:30–6:30pm Haldane Room

This concert is part of a project sponsored by the Swedish Women’s Educational Association to explore the roles of landscape in Swedish song settings. The programme will also include music that connects with landscape from other traditions.

UCL Chamber Music Club concert series Mon 20 Nov 1:10–1:55pm Haldane Room

A concert of ‘Op.1’ pieces focusing on the first or early works of various composers. j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

UCL Chamber Music Club concert series

j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

Fri 24 Nov 1:10–1:55pm Haldane Room

Petrie Late: Curses Night Special

Performers at this lunchtime concert will include guests from the UCLU Music Society.

Fri 17 Nov 6–9pm PB UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Join us for our Autumn Petrie Late: Curses Night, exploring the nature of curses. Special guests Bompas & Parr will be unveiling their special brand of immersive experience in a month-long installation at the Petrie. We’ll have live music, themed cocktails, talks and interactive curse experiences. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/event-ticketing/ booking?ev=17019 18  events.ucl.ac.uk

j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

UCL Chamber Music Club concert series Thur 30 Nov 5:30–6:30pm Haldane Room

A concert featuring ensembles made up from current and former students and staff at UCL. j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

UCL Chamber Music Club: Christmas concert

PB = Prebook

Tue 12 Dec 6–7pm North Cloisters, Wilkins Building, UCL main campus

Come and join us in the North Cloisters for a celebration of seasonal music, both choral and instrumental, including the first performance of Puer Natus est Nobis by Roger Beeson. Refreshments will be served after the concert. j.house@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104764

All events are free unless otherwise stated

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20  events.ucl.ac.uk

East Side Stories: Londoners in transition Mon 30 Jan–Fri 15 Dec 9:30am–5pm UCL Main Library, Wilkins Building

East London has a long and fascinating history of regeneration and change. This exhibition provides snapshots of everyday lives as the metropolis expanded and new communities emerged over the centuries. Touching on education, trade, leisure and health, East Side Stories draws on the collections and archives in UCL Library Services. k.cheney@ucl.ac.uk +44(0)20 3108 4306 ucl.ac.uk/library/exhibitions

UCL MA Museum Studies Exhibition: Sex and Symbolism Mon 8 May 2017–Fri 27 April 2018 9:30am–5pm A.G. Leventis Gallery, UCL Institute of Archaeology

Different perspectives: Archaeology and the Middle East in World War l

PB = Prebook

Tue 16 May–Sat 30 Sep 1–5pm UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

When World War I broke out, 61-year-old Flinders Petrie tried to join up and later had to watch while his students and wife put on military uniforms. ‘Different Perspectives’ considers the use of archaeologists in campaigns in the Middle East, the archaeological legacy and the human cost of the war. Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund. events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44(0)20 7679 4138 http://bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

Organised by the MA Museum Studies students, this exhibition will use art, archaeology, and modern material culture to explore how seduction, sensuality, and sex have been represented through time. The exhibition will be displayed in the A.G. Leventis Gallery of Cypriot and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology for the next year. esme.loukota.16@ucl.ac.uk +44(0)207 679 7495 ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/calendar/articles/ 2016-17-events/sex-and-symbolism All events are free unless otherwise stated

events.ucl.ac.uk 21

Bobby and Stillman Exhibition

The composition has been reversed

Thur 27 Jul–Fri 22 Sep 9:30am–7:45pm UCL Science Library

Tue 26 Sep–Fri 15 Dec 1–5pm UCL Art Museum

An immersive art collaboration between film-maker Susi Arnott, photographer Crispin Hughes, and mathematicians from UCL’s Big Data Institute. A series of films will play with time, space, sampling and perception using Eulerian & Lagrangian approaches to fluid dynamics – and touching on the uncertainty principle.

The annual UCL Art Museum/ Slade collaboration: see new work by Slade artists Sonya Derviz, Cyrus Hung, Eloise Lawson, Amanda Rice and Grace Richardson inspired by UCL Art Museum’s collection.

m.rains@ucl.ac.uk +44(0)20 7679 7731

The museum of ordinary animals Thur 21 Sep–Sat 16 Dec 1–5pm UCL Grant Museum of Zoology

This exhibition tells stories of the boring beasts that have changed the world. Mundane creatures such as dogs, chickens and mice often get overlooked in displays for dinosaurs, dodos and giant whales. Discover the profound effects that ordinary animals have had on civilisation, the natural world and even our evolution. zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents 22  events.ucl.ac.uk

college.art@ucl.ac.uk bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

The Bartlett B-Pro Show 2017 Wed 27 Sep–Sat 7 Oct 10am–8pm (until 5pm on 1 and 7 Oct) UCL Bartlett School of Architecture

The Bartlett B-Pro Show is our annual celebration and exhibition of our B-Pro students’ work, held for the first time in our new home, 22 Gordon Street, and open to the public. The B-Pro Show features work by students across our three B-Pro postgraduate courses – MArch Architectural Design, MArch Urban Design and MSc/MRes Architectural Computation. j.ladd@ucl.ac.uk +44(0)203 108 6159

PB = Prebook

Research Cluster 6, Bartlett B-Pro Show 2016

What Does It Mean To Be Human? Tue 2 Oct 2017–Wed 28 Feb 2018 9am–7pm Octagon Gallery

For several decades, the preserved heads of Jeremy Bentham and Flinders Petrie – two intellectuals related to UCL – have been hidden from view. Following on from a project to extract their DNA, this exhibition asks: what does the scientific interrogation of dead bodies tell us about how we think about ourselves? culture@ucl.ac.uk bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

Bricks and Mortals: the history of eugenics, told through buildings Fri 13 Nov– 22 Dec 9am–5pm Buildings around the UCL Bloomsbury Campus, guides available from all UCL museums and the UCL Culture website.

Eugenics – the science of improving human populations by selective breeding – is generally associated with the Nazis, but in fact has its roots in Britain. Take a walk on this self-directed route around UCL’s campus to uncover a hidden history and the pivotal role of UCL in establishing eugenics as a science. culture@ucl.ac.uk bit.ly/UCLCultureEvents

All events are free unless otherwise stated

events.ucl.ac.uk 23


Mon 30 Jan –Fri 15 Dec Mon 8 May 2017–Fri 27 April 2018 Tue 16 May –Sat 30 Sep Thur 27 Jul –Fri 22 Sep Sat 16 Sep Wed 20 Sep Thur 21 Sep –Sat 16 Dec Tue 26 Sep –Fri 15 Dec Wed 27 Sep –Sat 7 Oct


East Side Stories: Londoners in transition



UCL MA Museum Studies Exhibition: Sex and Symbolism



Different perspectives: Archaeology and the Middle East in World War l 9:30am–7:45pm Bobby and Stillman Exhibition



Creature creations



Petrie Film Club presents: Letters from Baghdad



The museum of ordinary animals



The composition has been reversed


10am–8pm (until 5pm on 1 and 7 Oct) 9am–7pm

The Bartlett B-Pro Show 2017


What Does It Mean To Be Human?


Tue 02 Oct 2017–Wed 28 Feb 2018 1:30–4:30pm Sat 7 Oct


Creature creations



UCL Chamber Music Club concert series



The good bohemian


Wed 11 Oct



Thur 12 Oct


Unexpected utility: sequencing the head of Jeremy Bentham Lunch Hour Lecture – Provost’s Lunch Hour Lecture


In performance: Eloise Lawson



UCL Chamber Music Club concert series


Wed 18 Oct



Thur 19 Oct


The Galloway (2014) Hoard: Vikings (and Anglo-Saxons) in south-west Scotland Taboo – The ethics of abortion


Mon 09 Oct Tue 10 Oct

Tue 17 Oct Tue 17 Oct



Thur 19 Oct


Sat 21 Oct


Writings through time – The power of words: a black perspective Bloomsbury Festival


Sensational ways of seeing: visual impairment hackathon p16

11am– 4pm

Gibbon Fest

Sat 21 Oct Tue 24 Oct

24  events.ucl.ac.uk

p16 p12

Tue 24 Oct




Encore! – Non-human personhood? Demanding legal rights for our next of kin In performance: Anthropocene screen

Tue 24 Oct Wed 25 Oct –Sat 28 Oct Thur 26 Oct


Hungry hungry herbivores


1:10–1:55pm 2–4pm

Taboo – Speaking my mind or being myself? How should p08 European law treat religious expression at work? Tales from papyri p12

Thur 26 Oct


(Ordinary) Animal show-off



Papyrus Tales: Westcar


Tue 31 Oct



Tue 31 Oct


What if… we really wanted to further social mobility through education? Petrie Film Club Halloween Special


Thur 26 Oct Thur 26 Oct



Tue 31 Oct


Thur 2 Nov


Witches and lizards: Halloween at the Grant Museum of Zoology #trending – Is Euroscepticism unethical?


UCL Chamber Music Club: Around 1917



Explore zoology



In conversation: conserving the contemporary


Wed 8 Nov



Thur 9 Nov


The problem of education and development in Sub-Saharan Africa Muso

Mon 13 Nov –Wed 22 Dec Thur 16 Nov




Thur 16 Nov


Fri 17 Nov


Bricks and Mortals: the history of eugenics, told through buildings Taboo – The death of others: suicide in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) UCL Chamber Music Club: landscape & music – Swedish song in focus Petrie Late: Curses Night Special


Creature creations



UCL Chamber Music Club concert series



Encore! – Who likes working in open-plan?


Wed 22 Nov


Wed 22 Nov


Fake news: the heads of Jeremy Bentham p04 and Flinders Petrie Curating heads: human remains in museums round table p04


Recovering the past

Fri 3 Nov Sat 4 Nov Tue 7 Nov

Sat 18 Nov Mon 20 Nov Tue 21 Nov

Wed 22 Nov



p09 p18 p18


events.ucl.ac.uk 25

Thur 23 Nov




Facsimile cities: should architects now be making video game worlds? 21st Annual Grant Lecture

Thur 23 Nov


UCL Chamber Music Club concert series


Tue 28 Nov



Tue 28 Nov


Thur 30 Nov


Thur 30 Nov


To Infinity and Beyond! – Life in our solar system: redefining the habitable zone What if… we really wanted to overcome the academic-vocational divide? Taboo – Language brokers, not stock brokers: young people as traders of culture UCL Chamber Music Club concert series

Tue 5 Dec



Tue 5 Dec


Sat 9 Dec


Taboo – Lesbians as a metaphorical threat to the heteronormative national order? What if...we wanted to transform teaching as a career choice? Explore zoology


UCL Chamber Music Club: Christmas concert



Creature creations


Fri 24 Nov

Tue 12 Dec Sat 16 Dec

26  events.ucl.ac.uk


p05 p10 p18

p05 p13

Contacts 01     UCL main

campus Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT +44 (0)20 7679 2000 ucl.ac.uk

02     UCL Institute

of Archaeology 31–34 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PY Mon–Fri, 9–5pm (term time only) g.brodie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 7495 03     UCL Art

Museum South Cloisters, Wilkins Building, Gower Street London WC1E 6BT Mon–Fri, 1–5pm college.art@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 2540 ucl.ac.uk/museums/uclart 04     UCL Bartlett

School of Architecture 22 Gordon Street London WC1H 0QB

05     Darwin Lecture

Theatre Darwin Building (accessed via Malet Place) London WC1E 6BT Tuesday and Thursdays 1.15–1.55pm events@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 3840 ucl.ac.uk/lhl 06     Haldane

Room Wilkins Building Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT jhouse@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)7903 104 764 07     Institute of

Education 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

09     Octagon

Gallery Wilkins Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT sussanah.chan@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 3163 10     UCL Petrie Museum

of Egyptian Archaeology Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT Tues–Sat, 1–5pm events.petrie@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 7679 4138 ucl.ac.uk/museums/petrie 11     Science

Library DMS Watson Building, Malet Place, London

08     UCL Grant

Museum of Zoology Rockefeller Building 21 University Street London WC1E 6DE Mon–Sat, 1–5pm zoology.museum@ucl.ac.uk +44 (0)20 3108 2052 ucl.ac.uk/museums/zoology

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Warren Street


South Cloisters


Octagon 09 Gallery










28  events.ucl.ac.uk




Goodge Street

06 Wilkins





North Cloisters


Euston Square























UCL Main Library

Bloomsbury Theatre


St Pancras International

Kings Cross



events.ucl.ac.uk 29

Getting to UCL By tube

Underground stations near UCL’s main campus: Euston Square (Circle, Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City Lines) Goodge Street (Northern Line) Warren Street (Northern and Victoria Lines)


UCL aims to make all its events accessible. If you require any information about any accessibility requirements, please contact UCL Disability Services on: +44 (0)20 7679 0100 disability@ucl.ac.uk

By rail

Mainline railway stations near UCL’s main campus: Euston, King’s Cross and St Pancras International

By bus

Buses serving Gower Street: 134, 390, 10, 73, 24, 29, 14

By car

The Bloomsbury area has metered parking and visitors are strongly advised not to travel to UCL by car.

Produced by:

University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT +44 (0)20 7679 2000 For further information about any of our events, please visit our website:



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